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Man of Steady Wisdom - Your Thoughts ........

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Shree Hari Ram Ram

Sadhaks, please share your thoughts / understanding on "Man of Steady Wisdom" as described in Gita - Chapter 2. Please also re-read Swamiji's post on this subject, attached below.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



State of Steady Wisdom ...State of Steady Wisdom is when the wisdom takes retirement completely ... whenthere is no need for intellectual consultation and emotional consolation ...when there cannot be any mistakes by the seeker any more ... when there cannotbe any room for any kind of miseries in terms of either excitement or depreSsion... when there cannot be any desire or fear within to motivate the person towardany gain in life ... when there is nothing left to be owned ... when therecannot be any loss any more ... when there is no owner in the first place ...It reminds me of the end of Mahabharata. KrishNa retires knowing that thepurified Pandavas are all set to march toward The Heavens. The Pandavas startclimbing Himalayas. Depending on one's strength the five fall downnot-withstanding the fatigue of climbing the Himalayas. Draupadi falls first ...then Nakula and Sahadeva ... Then Arjun falters and falls ... YudhishThiranotices with a pang of lapse ... but moves ahead. Then Bhima falls down ...YudhishThira cannot withstand the separation anymore ... He carries the corpseof his dear brother on his shoulder and continues to climb.Lord KrishNa appears, knowing the need for the counselling, watering a plantplanted upside down. YudhishThira laughs ... "What KrishNa?! You seem to havegone insane with age!! Can an uprooted plant come to life ever??!!" KrishNalaughs too and stares at YudhishThira's shoulder intently. YudhishThira realizeshis mistake. Corrects himself and marches forward. He does not need KrishNaanymore as he becomes Him.When he is welcomed by Indra, The Lord of heavens, he realizes that there is adog besides. He realizes that the dog was always with him all the time ... evenbefore his wife and brothers ... even before he had any relation in this world.He tries to take the dog with him. Indra refuses entry to the dog. YudhishThiradecides to stay with the dog instead and says that is heaven for him. YES! THATINDEED IS HEAVEN!! THE HEAVEN DESCENDS INTO HIS HEART AT ONCE.YES! THAT INDEED IS THE STATE OF STEADY WISDOM where there is no need for wisdomas nothing else can be present.Respects.Naga Narayana


Wisdom means experiencial knowledge of universal rules of life/principles of life/Human Values/spritual values/ looking at life from above/halicopter all at once...........


Wisdom empowers people for higher living....happy living......Wisdom gives the all important and necessary direction to our lives............while doing whatever we are doing or wish to do.......


Key wisdom is to be aware of "beyond everything, we are all looking for happiness/satisfaction/great joyful feeling" and if we do not get that now, in whatever we are doing, then our direction/thoughts/beliefs need correction......


Best wishes to all

Sushil Jain



aumdear sher singh jee,



the doubt that has arisen in your mind is natural ............. and rises in most minds .............


in fewest ( ???) words, the reply is this ............


DEATH ?????( Krishna's reply to narinder's longing for death )

My beloved,

you, who longs for death..... who speaks of the "longing for death"

Your longing for Death... In reality...Is your longing for Life Eternal

For, Life itself is the womb of Death

Even as.. Death itself is the womb of Life

How, then, my beloved, can you ever die ?????????

And yet, die you must

Die you must, to know

The secret of the One-ness

That is neither Life nor Death

And is both

Yes, die you must narinder

Die to narinder-ness that I am

And I will help you die !

I myself will die as narinder

And remain hereafter as Govinda that narinder today worships

I shall today stop worship of Myself

Let go the worship of the Self

To enter non-self

And just BE

Be the "self" that I am


Beyond the ears, your words of Love, O Krishna

Narinder is no more !He is no more , indeed !

Only YOU are …….. you alone are !

You, who are , and are not

Being and non-being

Existence and non-existence

Death and Life , both and neither

Not-two art thou O Krishna


Who art One without the second !

And thy Grace

This Moment Now

Evokes in narinder-ness

The true knowing

Of the One-ness of the Two

Of Death and Life


It is You, Krishna , who Knows

That narinder too now knows !

Jai Jai Jai

Jai Krishna Jai Jai Krishna


narinder bhandari

PS. Death that is longed for by the ego ......................is NOT the death of the body .........it is the death of Mind ( ego, the false body-consciousness, thinking that the body is real.... ) ..... the deatb that is extolled in the vedas as ' the ultimate suicide ' .

It is the death that all of us are doing our Sadhna for ......


narinder bhandari



Dear Sadaks,"Man of Steady Wisdom" Wisdom means discriminating good and bad. So the man after discriminating good completely avoids bad. Bagavan says in Hamsa Geetha, "Man of wisdom is compared to Hamsa bird which has the ability to drink milk leaving out water portion." Means the man of wisdom takes ONLY good acts, good Karmas Etc that are prescribed by sastras & Vedas and gives up those actions that are bad (^ bad gunas-Kama Krodha Etc) to mankind, devatas, prakruthi, cosmos and Dont` s said by bagavan. If such man remains constantly in this manner without deviating from rules of sastras is said to be "MAN OF STEADY WISDOM'' The best example is JADA BHARAT in Srimat Bagavat and King Janaka referred by Bagavan.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji was once asked about "Sthith pragynaa" during a lecture. Part of his response is included here -

"We are different from the mind and intellect. This state of being apart frombody, mind, intellect can be referred as "Sthith Pragynaa". The mind has to bemoved away from desires, and for this to happen, no effort is required. Well,then what do we have to do? We only have to realize that we are not the mind, intellect, ego. We have to realize that we are separate from the mind, intellect, ego.This is the only learning that is needed." .......

"Everything has only been received by me. That which is received will depart someday..... It is not me......"

"The Self remains (ever exists) while mind, intellect, and ego all do not remain. Realizing this state is sthith pragynaa.

Meera Das

Ram Ram

-------------------- Shri Ram Ram Hari HAri:

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self, then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Just inserting the word (Atma for the self; Lord means self = Atma). If we take the meaning as The Lord spoke:; then it is clear and lucid What lord means and we mean the same way. NO confusion at all.

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self (He stays in his SOUL, as Gynata- Drashtra) and NO-doership role), then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Jashwant Shah


Respected swamiji,


Namaskar and Jai Hind.


Ref: Narinderji's thoughts, first part is correct but why ask for death sooner than 'fated'. (which happens to many of us specially late in life) Is it because one is unable to make any progress to get rid of anger, passion and greed in spite of all the efforts and prayers, that one is looking forward to death as a 'relief'. Should one not bear with the present existence until the time for death comes in spite of all the failures and continue all our prayers and bhajan?. How to deveop equanimity and be peaceful and face happily our lot as is right now until the time of death comes. How one can achieve this? Pse advise.






hey Krishna, hey Govinda, My Lord, My Beloved,

fast falls the eventide


and nari is still unadorned ............

neither anger, nor passion, nor fear .... has he expelled from the self ........ah !


in vain, does narinder keep trying, and trying, and trying .... and fails ...........ah !


he fails , alas he fails, to eradicate the three.... and in your mansion arrive.................


totally exhausted, totally in disarray, nari now cries and whines .....................


he yearns, he cries, he pines...............................................


delay not beloved , now nari supplicates thee, invokes the Law of Grace, .....


be with me beloved , be with nari, with narinder abide


past sowings, beloved, forgive lovingly, and awaken nainder's mind from sloth and sleep



head held high, may narinder walk the Path


that is the death of pain, fear and anger


the Path that frees thy slave from lust, anger, and greed......................


O Krishna, O Krishna


at thy feet I fall, refuge in thee narinder seeks


Thy Law of Grace is invoked ............


The Law that transcends thy own immutable Law of Karma and Dharma ................


The Law that puts to sleep all passion, all anger, all greed,


Too long has been nari's life of doing and knowing, it is Time he dies..........


it is death he seeks !


Delay not beloved, fast falls the eventide.............. ah !!!!


Krishna............... kripa karo Girdhari................................................................



narinder bhandari


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

Question: "What is the mark of a man of steady wisdom, one who is stable of mind and established in equanimity?"

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self, then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Question: How does a man of steady wisdom speak?

Answer: Oh Brother, He whose speech is not of an ordinary nature and activity based, rather the speech is of special expression (bhava); he who remains unperturbed in when faced with sorrow in present relations, and who does not crave for happiness; he who is free from passion, fear and anger, that contemplative one is considered a man of steady wisdom. He who remains free from attachment in all situations and he who is neither elated when faced with favorable situations and hates unfavorable situations. He who has these qualities his intellect has become steady, that is he has made a firm determination to attain only God Realizations - he has become a siddha. (Gita 2:56-57)

Question: That man with a steady wisdom (sthith pragya) how does he sit, Oh Lord?Answer: Like a tortoise that withdraws all its six limbs from all directions, similarly this Karma Yogi (man of action), withdraws and moves away his mind and all his senses and their related sense objects. At that point he becomes man of steady and stable wisdom. (Gita 2:58)

Question: Inherently, how does one recognize the withdrawal of senses from their sense-objects?

Answer: Sense-objects cease for he who does not partake in enjoyment with the senses, but due to body consciousness, a subtle taste for enjoyment of pleasure remains. However, on attainment of God, this relish for enjoyment also comes to an end. (Gita 2:59)

Question: What can go wrong when one has a taste for sense enjoyments?Answer: So turbulent by nature are the senses, as they forcibly carry away the mind to the sense-objects, even for the wiseman, who practices self-control. (Gita 2:60)

Question: What should be done to do away with this taste, O Lord ?Lord Sri Krishna: Having controlled all the senses, one should depend on Me and depending on Me, he should be free from all worries. Thus the intellect of the person whose senses are controlled is stable. (Gita 2:61)

Question: What will happen if one does not depend on You?Lord Sri Krishna: By not depending on Me, one will dwell on the sense objects. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will happen by dwelling and brooding on the sense objects?Answer: By constant dwelling on sense objects, one will develop attachment for them. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will happen when there is attachment ?Answer: From attachment will spring forth desire to attain those objects. (Gita 2:62)

Question: When desire sprouts to attain those objects what will happen ?Answer: When there are obstacles in the fulfillment of desires, then from these unfulfilled desires, anger will sprout forth. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of anger?Answer: From anger, delusion will arise. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of delusion?Answer: From delusion, there will be loss of memory and confusion. The spiritual aspirant will forget his true Nature (Whatever the spiritual aspirant had previously thought of, he will forget. He will not remember how he should relate with the world, how he should speak etc). (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of loss of memory and confusion?Answer: From loss of memory and confusion, there will be loss of intellect i.e. inability to reason and inability to discriminate. All in all, he will lose the power of being able to reason what he should do and what he should notdo at this time. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of loss of this discrimination, this reasoning?Answer: From inability to reason, he will go to complete ruins. (Gita 2:63)

Question: You have told how the man of stable mind sits. Now tell me how he walks? Answer: O brother! His walking is not in the form of action, rather it is sentiment based. The self-controlled spiritual aspirant is free from attraction (likes) and aversion (dislikes), though moving among sense objects, his senses remain within his control, thus attaining placidity and joy within. (Gita 2/64)

Question: On attaining the inner placidity of mind, what happens? Answer: All sorrows come to an end for him who has placidity of mind and joy within. And the intellect of such a person of tranquil mind soon becomes firmly established in God (Gita 2/65)

Question: Whose intellect is not firmly established?Answer: He who has not controlled his mind and senses can have no determinate intellect. Without determinate intellect, sentiments and thoughts such as, "I have to only fulfill my duty," do not arise. Not having such sentiments, in other words, not fulfilling his duties, he does not attain peace. That man who is not at peace, how can he be happy ! (Gita 2/66)

Question: He who is worldly (indulges in sense pleasures, bhogi), his intellect becoming determinate is an impossibility, but what could be the reason for a spiritual aspirant to not have a steady intellect? Answer: Just as the wind carries away a barge on the waters, similarly, whatever the mind is attached to, that attachment takes away the man's discrimination. (Gita 2/67)

Question: Then whose intellect is stable? Answer: O mighty-armed, he whose senses are completely restrained from their objects is stable in intellect. (Gita 2/68)

Question: What is the difference between an ordinary man whose senses are uncontrolled, and a seer whose senses are under control? Answer: That which is night to all beings, in that state (of Divine Knowledge and Supreme Bliss) the God Realized seer keeps awake; that (ever changing transient worldly happiness of pleasures and prosperity) in which all beings keep awake, is night to the seer. (Gita 2/69)

Question: Does the seer not come across enjoyments?Answer: Yes, he does. As the water of different rivers enter the ocean, and the ocean though full from all sides, remains undisturbed; likewise he in whom all enjoyments merge themselves (unlike the pleasure seekers) attains the supreme peace i.e God Realization. (Gita 2/70)

Question: How can the person who hankers after pleasures attain peace? Answer: Renunciation can lead him to peace. He who gives up all desires and moves free from attachment, egoism and thirst for enjoyments, attains peace.

Question: Being free from attachment and egoism where is such a man established? Answer: Such a man is established in God. This is called the state of Brahmic Bliss. Having reached this state he overcomes delusion. Being established in the Brahmic state, a state free from attachment and egoism, even if that state is attained at the hour of death he attains oneness with Brahma, the Absolute. (Gita 2/72)

Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram

From "Gita Madhurya" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji.


www.swamiramukhdasji.org - Hindi website

www.swamiramsukhdasji.net - English website

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Shree Hari Ram Ram

Sadhaks, please share your thoughts / understanding on "Man of Steady Wisdom" as described in Gita - Chapter 2. Please also re-read Swamiji's post on this subject, attached below.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Hari Om"Steady Wisdom" ! A state of intellect that is steady / fixed ! A changeless state !! A state where you actually are !!What can be that ? Equanimity !! Situations/circumstances/body/mind all change but when you have become equanimous , you dont change, you acquire your natural changeless state. That is achieved by "discrimination" (viveka) ! You first have to realise that everything else except you yourself is changing...! When you fix your intellect on unchangeable ( viz self/God), you are said to be "stithpragya" ! Then you become automatically "equanimous"- in loss or gain; life or death; respect or disrespect; fame or ill fame; and praise or criticism etc. People talk of .... Meditation ! That is concentration of mind. They think that mind can be brought by efforts to "death" ! Wrong are they at the very roots level. "Mind" can never be brought to the state of "death" ! It can only be brought to the state of "optionlessness", in other words Equanimity ! That state is not "permanently" achieved by Meditation , that can be permanently achieved by "Equanimity" (Desirelessness results in equanimity) ! In fact above mind, there is intellect. Gita gives weightage to "concentration of intellect" that too in terms of getting "equanimous" ! Once the owner (intellect) gets into "steady/fixed" zone, the servant (mind) starts wagging the tail.... !! Hence Gita teaches open eye meditation, where you dont have to close eyes or ears and press nose etc ! Gita gives very very low weightage to "meditation"!Sadhak Sher Singhji ! We, in fact, become slaves to our mind. Stupidity causes that state. Mind always keeps the "self" bound ! It only suggests "difficulties" to "self" ! And poor "self" entrapped in the dictates of mind suffers ! Mind in fact enslaves the self completely and never suggests easy methods. If Lord Krishna even says something to be difficult still the mind persues that and confused "self" dances on its tunes. Sometimes, getting helpless, one wishes that it (mind) dies ! Sometimes it makes you call "death" as "life" and "life" as "death". Life.... Death.... Life is death... Death is life... ... What is what?... Big Cipher ! Sometimes, the same mind throws you into almost incomprehensible zone, an insane and confused zone ! Oh.. how many deluded souls lose comprehension merely because they try to kill mind. It is " mind" that consigns a soul to eternal sorrows and cycle of birth and death. It is mind that then makes "self" travel wildly between "life" and "death" ! Mind nevers lets "self" understand the difference between the two. When mind is stated to be lost/destroyed? Says Yoga Vashishtha: When states of happiness and misery, misfortune and jubilation etc do not lead to difference in nature (outlook). That is "equanimous" state and this you get it when you renounce worldly desires. Hence Gita recommends concentration of "intellect" and not of "mind" ! Gita stresses on desirelessness and not on meditation. Gita stresses on equanimity and not any death or life... Where is death existing? Where is life? Only He is playing. Fools only take stick and run after mind. Wise control the owner of mind... Intellect. "Pragya" in "stithpragya" means "intellect" !To conclude, that man is "stithapragya" (Man of Steady Wisdom) who has established himself in Equanimity (Samata) ! Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B -------------------









Priy sadhaks

gurunanakji said

evad uncha hove koi tevad uncha jaane soi


to know sthith pragya you need to be sthitpragya

Marks that are indicative of a knower have been said by God in Bhagavad Gita



Raja Gurdasani



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


To once again reiterate Swamiji's message -

The simple truth is - that which is mine, cannot be Me (Self). In fact, that which is considered to be mine, is not even mine. It was received by me. And that which is received, will depart at sometime. This is Sthith Pragyaa.

Ram Ram

Meera Das



State of Steady Wisdom ...State of Steady Wisdom is when the wisdom takes retirement completely ... whenthere is no need for intellectual consultation and emotional consolation ...when there cannot be any mistakes by the seeker any more ... when there cannotbe any room for any kind of miseries in terms of either excitement or depreSsion... when there cannot be any desire or fear within to motivate the person towardany gain in life ... when there is nothing left to be owned ... when therecannot be any loss any more ... when there is no owner in the first place ...It reminds me of the end of Mahabharata. KrishNa retires knowing that thepurified Pandavas are all set to march toward The Heavens. The Pandavas startclimbing Himalayas. Depending on one's strength the five fall downnot-withstanding the fatigue of climbing the Himalayas. Draupadi falls first ...then Nakula and Sahadeva ... Then Arjun falters and falls ... YudhishThiranotices with a pang of lapse ... but moves ahead. Then Bhima falls down ...YudhishThira cannot withstand the separation anymore ... He carries the corpseof his dear brother on his shoulder and continues to climb.Lord KrishNa appears, knowing the need for the counselling, watering a plantplanted upside down. YudhishThira laughs ... "What KrishNa?! You seem to havegone insane with age!! Can an uprooted plant come to life ever??!!" KrishNalaughs too and stares at YudhishThira's shoulder intently. YudhishThira realizeshis mistake. Corrects himself and marches forward. He does not need KrishNaanymore as he becomes Him.When he is welcomed by Indra, The Lord of heavens, he realizes that there is adog besides. He realizes that the dog was always with him all the time ... evenbefore his wife and brothers ... even before he had any relation in this world.He tries to take the dog with him. Indra refuses entry to the dog. YudhishThiradecides to stay with the dog instead and says that is heaven for him. YES! THATINDEED IS HEAVEN!! THE HEAVEN DESCENDS INTO HIS HEART AT ONCE.YES! THAT INDEED IS THE STATE OF STEADY WISDOM where there is no need for wisdomas nothing else can be present.Respects.Naga Narayana


Wisdom means experiencial knowledge of universal rules of life/principles of life/Human Values/spritual values/ looking at life from above/halicopter all at once...........


Wisdom empowers people for higher living....happy living......Wisdom gives the all important and necessary direction to our lives............while doing whatever we are doing or wish to do.......


Key wisdom is to be aware of "beyond everything, we are all looking for happiness/satisfaction/great joyful feeling" and if we do not get that now, in whatever we are doing, then our direction/thoughts/beliefs need correction......


Best wishes to all

Sushil Jain



aumdear sher singh jee,



the doubt that has arisen in your mind is natural ............. and rises in most minds .............


in fewest ( ???) words, the reply is this ............


DEATH ?????( Krishna's reply to narinder's longing for death )

My beloved,

you, who longs for death..... who speaks of the "longing for death"

Your longing for Death... In reality...Is your longing for Life Eternal

For, Life itself is the womb of Death

Even as.. Death itself is the womb of Life

How, then, my beloved, can you ever die ?????????

And yet, die you must

Die you must, to know

The secret of the One-ness

That is neither Life nor Death

And is both

Yes, die you must narinder

Die to narinder-ness that I am

And I will help you die !

I myself will die as narinder

And remain hereafter as Govinda that narinder today worships

I shall today stop worship of Myself

Let go the worship of the Self

To enter non-self

And just BE

Be the "self" that I am


Beyond the ears, your words of Love, O Krishna

Narinder is no more !He is no more , indeed !

Only YOU are …….. you alone are !

You, who are , and are not

Being and non-being

Existence and non-existence

Death and Life , both and neither

Not-two art thou O Krishna


Who art One without the second !

And thy Grace

This Moment Now

Evokes in narinder-ness

The true knowing

Of the One-ness of the Two

Of Death and Life


It is You, Krishna , who Knows

That narinder too now knows !

Jai Jai Jai

Jai Krishna Jai Jai Krishna


narinder bhandari

PS. Death that is longed for by the ego ......................is NOT the death of the body .........it is the death of Mind ( ego, the false body-consciousness, thinking that the body is real.... ) ..... the deatb that is extolled in the vedas as ' the ultimate suicide ' .

It is the death that all of us are doing our Sadhna for ......


narinder bhandari



Dear Sadaks,"Man of Steady Wisdom" Wisdom means discriminating good and bad. So the man after discriminating good completely avoids bad. Bagavan says in Hamsa Geetha, "Man of wisdom is compared to Hamsa bird which has the ability to drink milk leaving out water portion." Means the man of wisdom takes ONLY good acts, good Karmas Etc that are prescribed by sastras & Vedas and gives up those actions that are bad (^ bad gunas-Kama Krodha Etc) to mankind, devatas, prakruthi, cosmos and Dont` s said by bagavan. If such man remains constantly in this manner without deviating from rules of sastras is said to be "MAN OF STEADY WISDOM'' The best example is JADA BHARAT in Srimat Bagavat and King Janaka referred by Bagavan.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji was once asked about "Sthith pragynaa" during a lecture. Part of his response is included here -

"We are different from the mind and intellect. This state of being apart frombody, mind, intellect can be referred as "Sthith Pragynaa". The mind has to bemoved away from desires, and for this to happen, no effort is required. Well,then what do we have to do? We only have to realize that we are not the mind, intellect, ego. We have to realize that we are separate from the mind, intellect, ego.This is the only learning that is needed." .......

"Everything has only been received by me. That which is received will depart someday..... It is not me......"

"The Self remains (ever exists) while mind, intellect, and ego all do not remain. Realizing this state is sthith pragynaa.

Meera Das

Ram Ram

-------------------- Shri Ram Ram Hari HAri:

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self, then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Just inserting the word (Atma for the self; Lord means self = Atma). If we take the meaning as The Lord spoke:; then it is clear and lucid What lord means and we mean the same way. NO confusion at all.

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self (He stays in his SOUL, as Gynata- Drashtra) and NO-doership role), then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Jashwant Shah


Respected swamiji,


Namaskar and Jai Hind.


Ref: Narinderji's thoughts, first part is correct but why ask for death sooner than 'fated'. (which happens to many of us specially late in life) Is it because one is unable to make any progress to get rid of anger, passion and greed in spite of all the efforts and prayers, that one is looking forward to death as a 'relief'. Should one not bear with the present existence until the time for death comes in spite of all the failures and continue all our prayers and bhajan?. How to deveop equanimity and be peaceful and face happily our lot as is right now until the time of death comes. How one can achieve this? Pse advise.






hey Krishna, hey Govinda, My Lord, My Beloved,

fast falls the eventide


and nari is still unadorned ............

neither anger, nor passion, nor fear .... has he expelled from the self ........ah !


in vain, does narinder keep trying, and trying, and trying .... and fails ...........ah !


he fails , alas he fails, to eradicate the three.... and in your mansion arrive.................


totally exhausted, totally in disarray, nari now cries and whines .....................


he yearns, he cries, he pines...............................................


delay not beloved , now nari supplicates thee, invokes the Law of Grace, .....


be with me beloved , be with nari, with narinder abide


past sowings, beloved, forgive lovingly, and awaken nainder's mind from sloth and sleep



head held high, may narinder walk the Path


that is the death of pain, fear and anger


the Path that frees thy slave from lust, anger, and greed......................


O Krishna, O Krishna


at thy feet I fall, refuge in thee narinder seeks


Thy Law of Grace is invoked ............


The Law that transcends thy own immutable Law of Karma and Dharma ................


The Law that puts to sleep all passion, all anger, all greed,


Too long has been nari's life of doing and knowing, it is Time he dies..........


it is death he seeks !


Delay not beloved, fast falls the eventide.............. ah !!!!


Krishna............... kripa karo Girdhari................................................................



narinder bhandari


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

Question: "What is the mark of a man of steady wisdom, one who is stable of mind and established in equanimity?"

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self, then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Question: How does a man of steady wisdom speak?

Answer: Oh Brother, He whose speech is not of an ordinary nature and activity based, rather the speech is of special expression (bhava); he who remains unperturbed in when faced with sorrow in present relations, and who does not crave for happiness; he who is free from passion, fear and anger, that contemplative one is considered a man of steady wisdom. He who remains free from attachment in all situations and he who is neither elated when faced with favorable situations and hates unfavorable situations. He who has these qualities his intellect has become steady, that is he has made a firm determination to attain only God Realizations - he has become a siddha. (Gita 2:56-57)

Question: That man with a steady wisdom (sthith pragya) how does he sit, Oh Lord?Answer: Like a tortoise that withdraws all its six limbs from all directions, similarly this Karma Yogi (man of action), withdraws and moves away his mind and all his senses and their related sense objects. At that point he becomes man of steady and stable wisdom. (Gita 2:58)

Question: Inherently, how does one recognize the withdrawal of senses from their sense-objects?

Answer: Sense-objects cease for he who does not partake in enjoyment with the senses, but due to body consciousness, a subtle taste for enjoyment of pleasure remains. However, on attainment of God, this relish for enjoyment also comes to an end. (Gita 2:59)

Question: What can go wrong when one has a taste for sense enjoyments?Answer: So turbulent by nature are the senses, as they forcibly carry away the mind to the sense-objects, even for the wiseman, who practices self-control. (Gita 2:60)

Question: What should be done to do away with this taste, O Lord ?Lord Sri Krishna: Having controlled all the senses, one should depend on Me and depending on Me, he should be free from all worries. Thus the intellect of the person whose senses are controlled is stable. (Gita 2:61)

Question: What will happen if one does not depend on You?Lord Sri Krishna: By not depending on Me, one will dwell on the sense objects. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will happen by dwelling and brooding on the sense objects?Answer: By constant dwelling on sense objects, one will develop attachment for them. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will happen when there is attachment ?Answer: From attachment will spring forth desire to attain those objects. (Gita 2:62)

Question: When desire sprouts to attain those objects what will happen ?Answer: When there are obstacles in the fulfillment of desires, then from these unfulfilled desires, anger will sprout forth. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of anger?Answer: From anger, delusion will arise. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of delusion?Answer: From delusion, there will be loss of memory and confusion. The spiritual aspirant will forget his true Nature (Whatever the spiritual aspirant had previously thought of, he will forget. He will not remember how he should relate with the world, how he should speak etc). (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of loss of memory and confusion?Answer: From loss of memory and confusion, there will be loss of intellect i.e. inability to reason and inability to discriminate. All in all, he will lose the power of being able to reason what he should do and what he should notdo at this time. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of loss of this discrimination, this reasoning?Answer: From inability to reason, he will go to complete ruins. (Gita 2:63)

Question: You have told how the man of stable mind sits. Now tell me how he walks? Answer: O brother! His walking is not in the form of action, rather it is sentiment based. The self-controlled spiritual aspirant is free from attraction (likes) and aversion (dislikes), though moving among sense objects, his senses remain within his control, thus attaining placidity and joy within. (Gita 2/64)

Question: On attaining the inner placidity of mind, what happens? Answer: All sorrows come to an end for him who has placidity of mind and joy within. And the intellect of such a person of tranquil mind soon becomes firmly established in God (Gita 2/65)

Question: Whose intellect is not firmly established?Answer: He who has not controlled his mind and senses can have no determinate intellect. Without determinate intellect, sentiments and thoughts such as, "I have to only fulfill my duty," do not arise. Not having such sentiments, in other words, not fulfilling his duties, he does not attain peace. That man who is not at peace, how can he be happy ! (Gita 2/66)

Question: He who is worldly (indulges in sense pleasures, bhogi), his intellect becoming determinate is an impossibility, but what could be the reason for a spiritual aspirant to not have a steady intellect? Answer: Just as the wind carries away a barge on the waters, similarly, whatever the mind is attached to, that attachment takes away the man's discrimination. (Gita 2/67)

Question: Then whose intellect is stable? Answer: O mighty-armed, he whose senses are completely restrained from their objects is stable in intellect. (Gita 2/68)

Question: What is the difference between an ordinary man whose senses are uncontrolled, and a seer whose senses are under control? Answer: That which is night to all beings, in that state (of Divine Knowledge and Supreme Bliss) the God Realized seer keeps awake; that (ever changing transient worldly happiness of pleasures and prosperity) in which all beings keep awake, is night to the seer. (Gita 2/69)

Question: Does the seer not come across enjoyments?Answer: Yes, he does. As the water of different rivers enter the ocean, and the ocean though full from all sides, remains undisturbed; likewise he in whom all enjoyments merge themselves (unlike the pleasure seekers) attains the supreme peace i.e God Realization. (Gita 2/70)

Question: How can the person who hankers after pleasures attain peace? Answer: Renunciation can lead him to peace. He who gives up all desires and moves free from attachment, egoism and thirst for enjoyments, attains peace.

Question: Being free from attachment and egoism where is such a man established? Answer: Such a man is established in God. This is called the state of Brahmic Bliss. Having reached this state he overcomes delusion. Being established in the Brahmic state, a state free from attachment and egoism, even if that state is attained at the hour of death he attains oneness with Brahma, the Absolute. (Gita 2/72)

Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram

From "Gita Madhurya" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji.


www.swamiramukhdasji.org - Hindi website

www.swamiramsukhdasji.net - English website

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Shree Hari Ram Ram

Sadhaks, please share your thoughts / understanding on "Man of Steady Wisdom" as described in Gita - Chapter 2. Please also re-read Swamiji's post on this subject, attached below.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

From Gitaji (Sadhak Sanjivani) the sentiments (inner feelings) of a "sthith praagyaa" (not just the words itself) that has come to my understanding, is this -

"Sthith pragyaan is that whose state ever remains in "pragyaa" (light). It is that which is encompassing knowledge, discrimination and understanding. Now what are the characteristics of one who is established in wisdom? And how does he relate with the world? On explaining in words, only he can understand who is 'sthith pragyaa" (established in wisdom) himself. All others are simply using the man of wisdom's experiences, i.e. whatever they can make of it, or understand of it, they do so and they even try to explain it. So be it -

vineet sarvottam


Narinderji's teachings to Dear Nari are truely wonderful revalations comingstraight from the heart, nay, The Self. The Steady Wisdom ... The Death, THEONLY DEATH THAT IS POSSIBLE, is indeed the Steady State of Wisdom.The deaths that we are afraid of (Dasha Rudraah, many Rudras) is never the deathas they are all followed by corresponding births (many Brahmas). The ONLY DEATH(EKA RUDRA) is THAT ELEVENTH (Ekadasha Rudra), one extra death, that pushes thenumbers in the birth one less (Nava Brahmaah, many-1 Brahmas). It is THAT DEATHthat can occur while one is alive is THE ONLY DEATH THAT IS DEATH, the death ofthe ego ... where there are no traces of desires (births) and hence no fears(deaths) as well ... wherein all noises of dualities and polarities arecompletely withdrawn.The egoless state of absolute silence in all aspects is verily that state ofAbsolute Invariance, The Steady State of Wisdom, that is talked of in allscriptures and by all saints.Pray we get to dip ourselves in THAT completely.Regards.Naga Narayana.


A man of steady wisdom is one for whom death and life, happiness and misery, loss and gain are two sides of the same coin. One who is totally unaffected by what happens to him is truely wise because he knows that what ever is perishable is an illusion and that the only thing real is his soul which can never die and which we can never see. Ultimately the only reason why we have come to this world is to prepare us for merging our Self or Soul with the Parmatma so that we may be forever liberated from the painful and unending cycle of birth and death. The wise realise this and behave accordingly. Hari Shanker Deo


what could be a greater proof , dear sadhakas, than one's own being ?

the final proof is not one's intellectual understanding ..........it is you ..................

if you become one with the Truth ........... all the shastras are but a witness to that Truth ........

then you know ......you are a knower of the Truth ............

you are a knower of the self ...................you are are self realised ...............

and you shall need shastras no more ............ the shastras merely speak about you

they speak about the self .... the self as the seeker..... the self as the seeking... the self as the knower ..........

and then , they help you judge yourself asto your state of being ..........

they give you hallmarks to judge yourself ...............

and much joy shall you find in your self, as spiritual progress you make ........

and one day, some day, if you have walked the Way correctly ..............

all your doubts shall disappear ........ all fear, all pain, all angst and greed,

all doubts about 'knowing' and ' doing' and 'happenning '..........

then , you shall become Love, choiceless and compassion true ............

a sthitprajna you shall become ........ established in equanimity ............

then will you become competent to share the One-ness of all Paths...........because people are people

no two beings are alike ...... of the same mind or intellect ...........

the bhagvada geetha spells out the Way for you in 700 shalokas , ah !

the Way most suited for you .......... specially for you ....

but for that , there is a condition...... you have to be able to judge

where you presently stand .... what type your intellect is .........

and this itself is an enigma ................

meditation, is not concentration of mind ..........

it is the understanding that is the ' Nirodha' of the mental noise that eclipses understanding .......... 'yogashcha chitta vritti nirodha '

meditation is the practise , by which one is able to witness the mind and the intellect

and sift the grain from the chaff............

meditation is common to all Paths, whether , karma yoga, Bhaktiyoga, or gyanyoga it be ............

revered swami jee refers to it again and gain and again in his discourses to move into desired understanding and achievement of your spiritual Goal ............

to understand anything, the ability to focus your mind is needed ............

Meditation is this ability ..............

take up bhagvada geetha and start reading the 18 chapters and the 700 shalokas ...... and become aware .............how Meditation is extolled ............in how many shalokas .......... in how many chapters ..........ah !

Meditation is the basic tool .......... it is the basic art..... the basic science .......... that helps you to become aware of the Truth of the word ............

and walk the Path ......... a single step forward from where you are at present ............

meditation is pragya, meditation is awareness,, meditation is your own true nature ...........

that enables you to de-eclipse the mind and intellect from the noise of words .............

Meditation ..............is`the ridding of the noise that the mind presently is ...........

meditation is clarity of mind ....... meditation is the way ...... , the torch, the light...........

one , who has understood meditation .............. becomes his own Guru ....... aapo deepo bhava , as buddha says

do not neglect to understand and arrive at a contemplative mind , if you want to imbibe the word in action .......... in day to day life and living ........

one sentence, one understanding .... makes the ultimate sense ............ you are your own proof.

the proof of the eating............... the state of your mind is the proof ........... eating , verily, is the proof .........

narinder shall say again, and again and yet again ........... meditate, meditate, meditate ..............

if the mind is too much noise .................. meditate ............ but also let satsanga bring your self unto karmayoga ...........

be a karamyogi ............ do unselfish actions surrendering to the Lord the fruits of the action ..............

not able to get rid of mental vasnas, to be a karmayogi, resort to entreaty to prayer, to bhakti

finding even that difficult .......... seek to expose yourself to the sanga of saints and the sages ............

all the buddhas sing only one song .............

" we show you the Way .......... but , dear self, walk the way "

Remember ......................... you are always your own proof !!!!


narinder bhandari



Hari Om"Steady Wisdom" ! A state of intellect that is steady / fixed ! A changeless state !! A state where you actually are !!What can be that ? Equanimity !! Situations/circumstances/body/mind all change but when you have become equanimous , you dont change, you acquire your natural changeless state. That is achieved by "discrimination" (viveka) ! You first have to realise that everything else except you yourself is changing...! When you fix your intellect on unchangeable ( viz self/God), you are said to be "stithpragya" ! Then you become automatically "equanimous"- in loss or gain; life or death; respect or disrespect; fame or ill fame; and praise or criticism etc. People talk of .... Meditation ! That is concentration of mind. They think that mind can be brought by efforts to "death" ! Wrong are they at the very roots level. "Mind" can never be brought to the state of "death" ! It can only be brought to the state of "optionlessness", in other words Equanimity ! That state is not "permanently" achieved by Meditation , that can be permanently achieved by "Equanimity" (Desirelessness results in equanimity) ! In fact above mind, there is intellect. Gita gives weightage to "concentration of intellect" that too in terms of getting "equanimous" ! Once the owner (intellect) gets into "steady/fixed" zone, the servant (mind) starts wagging the tail.... !! Hence Gita teaches open eye meditation, where you dont have to close eyes or ears and press nose etc ! Gita gives very very low weightage to "meditation"!Sadhak Sher Singhji ! We, in fact, become slaves to our mind. Stupidity causes that state. Mind always keeps the "self" bound ! It only suggests "difficulties" to "self" ! And poor "self" entrapped in the dictates of mind suffers ! Mind in fact enslaves the self completely and never suggests easy methods. If Lord Krishna even says something to be difficult still the mind persues that and confused "self" dances on its tunes. Sometimes, getting helpless, one wishes that it (mind) dies ! Sometimes it makes you call "death" as "life" and "life" as "death". Life.... Death.... Life is death... Death is life... ... What is what?... Big Cipher ! Sometimes, the same mind throws you into almost incomprehensible zone, an insane and confused zone ! Oh.. how many deluded souls lose comprehension merely because they try to kill mind. It is " mind" that consigns a soul to eternal sorrows and cycle of birth and death. It is mind that then makes "self" travel wildly between "life" and "death" ! Mind nevers lets "self" understand the difference between the two. When mind is stated to be lost/destroyed? Says Yoga Vashishtha: When states of happiness and misery, misfortune and jubilation etc do not lead to difference in nature (outlook). That is "equanimous" state and this you get it when you renounce worldly desires. Hence Gita recommends concentration of "intellect" and not of "mind" ! Gita stresses on desirelessness and not on meditation. Gita stresses on equanimity and not any death or life... Where is death existing? Where is life? Only He is playing. Fools only take stick and run after mind. Wise control the owner of mind... Intellect. "Pragya" in "stithpragya" means "intellect" !To conclude, that man is "stithapragya" (Man of Steady Wisdom) who has established himself in Equanimity (Samata) ! Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B -------------------









Priy sadhaks

gurunanakji said

evad uncha hove koi tevad uncha jaane soi


to know sthith pragya you need to be sthitpragya

Marks that are indicative of a knower have been said by God in Bhagavad Gita



Raja Gurdasani



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


To once again reiterate Swamiji's message -

The simple truth is - that which is mine, cannot be Me (Self). In fact, that which is considered to be mine, is not even mine. It was received by me. And that which is received, will depart at sometime. This is Sthith Pragyaa.

Ram Ram

Meera Das



State of Steady Wisdom ...State of Steady Wisdom is when the wisdom takes retirement completely ... whenthere is no need for intellectual consultation and emotional consolation ...when there cannot be any mistakes by the seeker any more ... when there cannotbe any room for any kind of miseries in terms of either excitement or depreSsion... when there cannot be any desire or fear within to motivate the person towardany gain in life ... when there is nothing left to be owned ... when therecannot be any loss any more ... when there is no owner in the first place ...It reminds me of the end of Mahabharata. KrishNa retires knowing that thepurified Pandavas are all set to march toward The Heavens. The Pandavas startclimbing Himalayas. Depending on one's strength the five fall downnot-withstanding the fatigue of climbing the Himalayas. Draupadi falls first ...then Nakula and Sahadeva ... Then Arjun falters and falls ... YudhishThiranotices with a pang of lapse ... but moves ahead. Then Bhima falls down ...YudhishThira cannot withstand the separation anymore ... He carries the corpseof his dear brother on his shoulder and continues to climb.Lord KrishNa appears, knowing the need for the counselling, watering a plantplanted upside down. YudhishThira laughs ... "What KrishNa?! You seem to havegone insane with age!! Can an uprooted plant come to life ever??!!" KrishNalaughs too and stares at YudhishThira's shoulder intently. YudhishThira realizeshis mistake. Corrects himself and marches forward. He does not need KrishNaanymore as he becomes Him.When he is welcomed by Indra, The Lord of heavens, he realizes that there is adog besides. He realizes that the dog was always with him all the time ... evenbefore his wife and brothers ... even before he had any relation in this world.He tries to take the dog with him. Indra refuses entry to the dog. YudhishThiradecides to stay with the dog instead and says that is heaven for him. YES! THATINDEED IS HEAVEN!! THE HEAVEN DESCENDS INTO HIS HEART AT ONCE.YES! THAT INDEED IS THE STATE OF STEADY WISDOM where there is no need for wisdomas nothing else can be present.Respects.Naga Narayana


Wisdom means experiencial knowledge of universal rules of life/principles of life/Human Values/spritual values/ looking at life from above/halicopter all at once...........


Wisdom empowers people for higher living....happy living......Wisdom gives the all important and necessary direction to our lives............while doing whatever we are doing or wish to do.......


Key wisdom is to be aware of "beyond everything, we are all looking for happiness/satisfaction/great joyful feeling" and if we do not get that now, in whatever we are doing, then our direction/thoughts/beliefs need correction......


Best wishes to all

Sushil Jain



aumdear sher singh jee,



the doubt that has arisen in your mind is natural ............. and rises in most minds .............


in fewest ( ???) words, the reply is this ............


DEATH ?????( Krishna's reply to narinder's longing for death )

My beloved,

you, who longs for death..... who speaks of the "longing for death"

Your longing for Death... In reality...Is your longing for Life Eternal

For, Life itself is the womb of Death

Even as.. Death itself is the womb of Life

How, then, my beloved, can you ever die ?????????

And yet, die you must

Die you must, to know

The secret of the One-ness

That is neither Life nor Death

And is both

Yes, die you must narinder

Die to narinder-ness that I am

And I will help you die !

I myself will die as narinder

And remain hereafter as Govinda that narinder today worships

I shall today stop worship of Myself

Let go the worship of the Self

To enter non-self

And just BE

Be the "self" that I am


Beyond the ears, your words of Love, O Krishna

Narinder is no more !He is no more , indeed !

Only YOU are …….. you alone are !

You, who are , and are not

Being and non-being

Existence and non-existence

Death and Life , both and neither

Not-two art thou O Krishna


Who art One without the second !

And thy Grace

This Moment Now

Evokes in narinder-ness

The true knowing

Of the One-ness of the Two

Of Death and Life


It is You, Krishna , who Knows

That narinder too now knows !

Jai Jai Jai

Jai Krishna Jai Jai Krishna


narinder bhandari

PS. Death that is longed for by the ego ......................is NOT the death of the body .........it is the death of Mind ( ego, the false body-consciousness, thinking that the body is real.... ) ..... the deatb that is extolled in the vedas as ' the ultimate suicide ' .

It is the death that all of us are doing our Sadhna for ......


narinder bhandari



Dear Sadaks,"Man of Steady Wisdom" Wisdom means discriminating good and bad. So the man after discriminating good completely avoids bad. Bagavan says in Hamsa Geetha, "Man of wisdom is compared to Hamsa bird which has the ability to drink milk leaving out water portion." Means the man of wisdom takes ONLY good acts, good Karmas Etc that are prescribed by sastras & Vedas and gives up those actions that are bad (^ bad gunas-Kama Krodha Etc) to mankind, devatas, prakruthi, cosmos and Dont` s said by bagavan. If such man remains constantly in this manner without deviating from rules of sastras is said to be "MAN OF STEADY WISDOM'' The best example is JADA BHARAT in Srimat Bagavat and King Janaka referred by Bagavan.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji was once asked about "Sthith pragynaa" during a lecture. Part of his response is included here -

"We are different from the mind and intellect. This state of being apart frombody, mind, intellect can be referred as "Sthith Pragynaa". The mind has to bemoved away from desires, and for this to happen, no effort is required. Well,then what do we have to do? We only have to realize that we are not the mind, intellect, ego. We have to realize that we are separate from the mind, intellect, ego.This is the only learning that is needed." .......

"Everything has only been received by me. That which is received will depart someday..... It is not me......"

"The Self remains (ever exists) while mind, intellect, and ego all do not remain. Realizing this state is sthith pragynaa.

Meera Das

Ram Ram

-------------------- Shri Ram Ram Hari HAri:

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self, then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Just inserting the word (Atma for the self; Lord means self = Atma). If we take the meaning as The Lord spoke:; then it is clear and lucid What lord means and we mean the same way. NO confusion at all.

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self (He stays in his SOUL, as Gynata- Drashtra) and NO-doership role), then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Jashwant Shah


Respected swamiji,


Namaskar and Jai Hind.


Ref: Narinderji's thoughts, first part is correct but why ask for death sooner than 'fated'. (which happens to many of us specially late in life) Is it because one is unable to make any progress to get rid of anger, passion and greed in spite of all the efforts and prayers, that one is looking forward to death as a 'relief'. Should one not bear with the present existence until the time for death comes in spite of all the failures and continue all our prayers and bhajan?. How to deveop equanimity and be peaceful and face happily our lot as is right now until the time of death comes. How one can achieve this? Pse advise.






hey Krishna, hey Govinda, My Lord, My Beloved,

fast falls the eventide


and nari is still unadorned ............

neither anger, nor passion, nor fear .... has he expelled from the self ........ah !


in vain, does narinder keep trying, and trying, and trying .... and fails ...........ah !


he fails , alas he fails, to eradicate the three.... and in your mansion arrive.................


totally exhausted, totally in disarray, nari now cries and whines .....................


he yearns, he cries, he pines...............................................


delay not beloved , now nari supplicates thee, invokes the Law of Grace, .....


be with me beloved , be with nari, with narinder abide


past sowings, beloved, forgive lovingly, and awaken nainder's mind from sloth and sleep



head held high, may narinder walk the Path


that is the death of pain, fear and anger


the Path that frees thy slave from lust, anger, and greed......................


O Krishna, O Krishna


at thy feet I fall, refuge in thee narinder seeks


Thy Law of Grace is invoked ............


The Law that transcends thy own immutable Law of Karma and Dharma ................


The Law that puts to sleep all passion, all anger, all greed,


Too long has been nari's life of doing and knowing, it is Time he dies..........


it is death he seeks !


Delay not beloved, fast falls the eventide.............. ah !!!!


Krishna............... kripa karo Girdhari................................................................



narinder bhandari


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

Question: "What is the mark of a man of steady wisdom, one who is stable of mind and established in equanimity?"

The Lord spoke: When a man abandons all desires and cravings of the mind and by him self he is contented in the Self, then He is called a man of steady wisdom (sthithprajya). (Gita 2:54-55)

Question: How does a man of steady wisdom speak?

Answer: Oh Brother, He whose speech is not of an ordinary nature and activity based, rather the speech is of special expression (bhava); he who remains unperturbed in when faced with sorrow in present relations, and who does not crave for happiness; he who is free from passion, fear and anger, that contemplative one is considered a man of steady wisdom. He who remains free from attachment in all situations and he who is neither elated when faced with favorable situations and hates unfavorable situations. He who has these qualities his intellect has become steady, that is he has made a firm determination to attain only God Realizations - he has become a siddha. (Gita 2:56-57)

Question: That man with a steady wisdom (sthith pragya) how does he sit, Oh Lord?Answer: Like a tortoise that withdraws all its six limbs from all directions, similarly this Karma Yogi (man of action), withdraws and moves away his mind and all his senses and their related sense objects. At that point he becomes man of steady and stable wisdom. (Gita 2:58)

Question: Inherently, how does one recognize the withdrawal of senses from their sense-objects?

Answer: Sense-objects cease for he who does not partake in enjoyment with the senses, but due to body consciousness, a subtle taste for enjoyment of pleasure remains. However, on attainment of God, this relish for enjoyment also comes to an end. (Gita 2:59)

Question: What can go wrong when one has a taste for sense enjoyments?Answer: So turbulent by nature are the senses, as they forcibly carry away the mind to the sense-objects, even for the wiseman, who practices self-control. (Gita 2:60)

Question: What should be done to do away with this taste, O Lord ?Lord Sri Krishna: Having controlled all the senses, one should depend on Me and depending on Me, he should be free from all worries. Thus the intellect of the person whose senses are controlled is stable. (Gita 2:61)

Question: What will happen if one does not depend on You?Lord Sri Krishna: By not depending on Me, one will dwell on the sense objects. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will happen by dwelling and brooding on the sense objects?Answer: By constant dwelling on sense objects, one will develop attachment for them. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will happen when there is attachment ?Answer: From attachment will spring forth desire to attain those objects. (Gita 2:62)

Question: When desire sprouts to attain those objects what will happen ?Answer: When there are obstacles in the fulfillment of desires, then from these unfulfilled desires, anger will sprout forth. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of anger?Answer: From anger, delusion will arise. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of delusion?Answer: From delusion, there will be loss of memory and confusion. The spiritual aspirant will forget his true Nature (Whatever the spiritual aspirant had previously thought of, he will forget. He will not remember how he should relate with the world, how he should speak etc). (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of loss of memory and confusion?Answer: From loss of memory and confusion, there will be loss of intellect i.e. inability to reason and inability to discriminate. All in all, he will lose the power of being able to reason what he should do and what he should notdo at this time. (Gita 2:62)

Question: What will be the result of loss of this discrimination, this reasoning?Answer: From inability to reason, he will go to complete ruins. (Gita 2:63)

Question: You have told how the man of stable mind sits. Now tell me how he walks? Answer: O brother! His walking is not in the form of action, rather it is sentiment based. The self-controlled spiritual aspirant is free from attraction (likes) and aversion (dislikes), though moving among sense objects, his senses remain within his control, thus attaining placidity and joy within. (Gita 2/64)

Question: On attaining the inner placidity of mind, what happens? Answer: All sorrows come to an end for him who has placidity of mind and joy within. And the intellect of such a person of tranquil mind soon becomes firmly established in God (Gita 2/65)

Question: Whose intellect is not firmly established?Answer: He who has not controlled his mind and senses can have no determinate intellect. Without determinate intellect, sentiments and thoughts such as, "I have to only fulfill my duty," do not arise. Not having such sentiments, in other words, not fulfilling his duties, he does not attain peace. That man who is not at peace, how can he be happy ! (Gita 2/66)

Question: He who is worldly (indulges in sense pleasures, bhogi), his intellect becoming determinate is an impossibility, but what could be the reason for a spiritual aspirant to not have a steady intellect? Answer: Just as the wind carries away a barge on the waters, similarly, whatever the mind is attached to, that attachment takes away the man's discrimination. (Gita 2/67)

Question: Then whose intellect is stable? Answer: O mighty-armed, he whose senses are completely restrained from their objects is stable in intellect. (Gita 2/68)

Question: What is the difference between an ordinary man whose senses are uncontrolled, and a seer whose senses are under control? Answer: That which is night to all beings, in that state (of Divine Knowledge and Supreme Bliss) the God Realized seer keeps awake; that (ever changing transient worldly happiness of pleasures and prosperity) in which all beings keep awake, is night to the seer. (Gita 2/69)

Question: Does the seer not come across enjoyments?Answer: Yes, he does. As the water of different rivers enter the ocean, and the ocean though full from all sides, remains undisturbed; likewise he in whom all enjoyments merge themselves (unlike the pleasure seekers) attains the supreme peace i.e God Realization. (Gita 2/70)

Question: How can the person who hankers after pleasures attain peace? Answer: Renunciation can lead him to peace. He who gives up all desires and moves free from attachment, egoism and thirst for enjoyments, attains peace.

Question: Being free from attachment and egoism where is such a man established? Answer: Such a man is established in God. This is called the state of Brahmic Bliss. Having reached this state he overcomes delusion. Being established in the Brahmic state, a state free from attachment and egoism, even if that state is attained at the hour of death he attains oneness with Brahma, the Absolute. (Gita 2/72)

Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram

From "Gita Madhurya" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji.


www.swamiramukhdasji.org - Hindi website

www.swamiramsukhdasji.net - English website

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