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Bhagavad Gita - Daily - II CHAPTER 3-32 II

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Gita 3-32

ye tvetad abhyasooyanto, naanutishthanti me matamsarva-jnaana-vimoodhaamstaan, viddhi nastaanacetasah"But those, men who find fault with this doctrine of Mine, do not follow it, deluded of all knowledge and discrimination, know them to be doomed to destruction, rather they will take a fall." From "Gita Prabodhani" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji---





Chapter 3, Verse 32 is as follows;

Ye = those (who)

Tu = but

Etat = this

Abhya-sooyantaH = carping at My teaching / doctrine

Na = not

Anu-tiShthanti = practise

Me = my

Matam = teaching / doctrine

Sarvadnyaan-VimooDhaan = deluded in all superficial knowledge except the knowledge of the Self

Taan = them

Viddhi = know

NaShtaan = ruined / annihilated

AchetasaH = devoid of discriminating power of the intellect i.e. `Viveka Buddhi'

English translation:-

But those who carp at My teaching and choose not to act thereupon, who are deluded of knowledge and are devoid of discrimination, know them to be ruined.


Those who scorn at this doctrine of Mine and fail to conform to it are invariably deluded in respect of all forms of superficial knowledge, lacking in `Vivek Buddhi' i.e. ability to discriminate between the Real (the knowledge of the Self) and the Unreal (everything else other than the knowledge of the Self).

Fire hurts the one who mishandles it. However, the same fire cooks food for those who are vigilant of the side-effects of fire, if it is mishandled. Losers are those who ignore the laws of nature with contempt or ignorance. Moral and spiritual laws are not different from the laws of nature. Those who avail themselves of such laws, progress and prosper in life; while, those who defy and break them come to the grief and debasement.

"Cat's claws and teeth are benevolent to her kitten but malevolent to a rat. Similarly `Maayaa' the power of the Lord, is beneficial to His devotees, but harmful to the malefactors." ….. Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa

`Karma Yoga' i.e. the path of action is a way of life and we have to live it, if we want to experience the grace emanating from it. The path of action lies through a process of exhaustion and elimination of all the residual desires (Vaasanaas) in the mind of a Saadhaka. When the ego and associated ego-centric desires are completely eliminated, the work accomplished by such a Saadhaka is the true divine action, which is destined to have enduring achievements. To the extent a Saadhaka is not practising such efficient `path-of-action', to that extent he will continue to get entangled in the unending worldly sensual pleasures and material acquisitions, while deteriorating his discriminative capacity and ultimately meeting complete destruction and annihilation.

A human being is considered to be superior to other living beings, due to his divine faculty of discrimination called as `Viveka Buddhi' i.e. intrinsic capacity of human intellect to distinguish between the Real (the knowledge of the Self) and the Unreal (everything else other than the knowledge of the Self). Such a mighty instrument of `Viveka Buddhi', if unutilized for the personal development by any person, then it eventually leads to the debasement and ultimate destruction of that individual in this mortal world. By frittering away such a wonderful divine gift of the Supreme Lord, in effect the present life form of that human being is effectively wasted. Instead of reducing or effectively eliminating `Vaasanaas', that deluded person in fact accumulates additional `Vaasanaas' in the present life form and gets ready to be reborn. Such cycle of life and death continues unabated for that deluded individual.

In summary, in this verse Lord Krishna is indirectly urging Arjuna, "Every child has an implicit faith in his parents that they will take always care of him in all situations, a devout wife has implicit faith in her husband that he will take care of her in all possible circumstances. In the same manner why don't you have implicit faith in My teaching that I have genuine interest in your personal development as well as the in the peace and stability of the rule of law that based on righteous tendencies in this Kuru kingdom?"

Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi====================================To learn more -please visit Hindi website: www.swamiramsukhdasji.orgplease visit English website: www.swamiramsukhdasji.net

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