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My Experience with Gita

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Dear members,


I have been trying to practice the Gita principles and reading it regularly as well, over past few months.


It has to a considerable extent mellowed down my reaction to an undesired event / occurrence, which earlier used to be emotionally intense reaction like ecstatic or angry.


However, i am finding i am also losing interest in worldly objects and events. For example passions for wordly objects like car, watches, electronic gadgets has practically died down. I am scared that i lose interest in life itself, and then probably will become a living dead - with all natural reactions, interests subjugated.


This is happening since i am doing regular reading and practice of Gita. It appears that this is doing me more harm than good. The idea of ephemeral world and its attributes, makes one lose interest in doing anything worthwhile from human perspective.


It may be a subjective case of mine, but i would like to know experience of others.



Sundeep Gupta



Divine One!The Lord is everything and being. Be compassionately detached. See theessence. Be good and do good. "Detachment" doesn't mean running away fromthe world, rather one has to change the way of looking at the world. LordKrishna never advised Arjuna to run away. He told Arjuna to fight alwaysthinking about Him, surrendering all the actions and fruits to Him and seeHim in every thing and being.Thank you!humble regards-mManoj Panda





Your observation is for real. This is exactly what happens during start ups. This shows that you are indeed sincere in reading Gitaji. May I now suggest that you not only read but also contemplate (and contemplate deep) on the subject. Please carefully read verse 47 in Chapter 2. Also relate this to verse 7 in chapter 8. Our Lord has ordered that we have to do our duty most efficiently but should not get attached to that activity in terms of results. Additionally, at all times we should remember HIM.


I distinctly remember one case which had disturbed me and on which I was lucky to have sought clarity from Swamiji Maharaj. In the interest of business we had to thin down the man power. This lead to a lot of misery to the families of the staff who were eased out. And this pained me a lot. So I asked Maharaj ji as to what I should do. He told me in no unclear terms that I should work like a muneem. The business actually belongs to god. He has given me the opportunity to look after the same to the best of my capability and ensure that the business runs profitably. It is only then will I be appreciated by HIM. The mistake we make is that we start thinking that the business in ours, but at the same time start applying the half understood (or rather misunderstood) interpretation of Gitaji. This is where there is a desperate need for guidance from GURU.


I recollect another experience from another sadhak. He explained that he has started feeling that he is not the body. But when ever he would have this feeling, his inner voice would say if you are not the body, please put it on a railway track. He then asked his Guruji as to what he should do. The answer he got was that if he is not the body who has given him the right to put it on the railway track. Will he put any body else's body on the track.


I sincerely hope that these thoughts will give you some lead.


A. H. Dalmia





Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Pirya Sadhak, achhe prasana ke liye dhanyavad!

Congratulations for practicing Gita prionciples in life.




Based on Swamiji Maharaj's teachings, humbly submit the following comments:


For the sincere seekers while studying Gitaji coming up of vairagya is very natural. Vairagya by nature is dry, generally, it is without prema and may seem a bit harsh even though not intended to be as such. But for the seekers of Jnana path, it is a must to have vairagya from the worldly things and the worldly relationships.


Vairagya is bothersome only when we leave the relationships out of the feeling of davesha but instead when we develop the vairagya with the understanding that all the visible universe is constantly changing and the events, things & situations are only of temporary nature. As we observe our own experience, the separation with the world is a must, whether it leaves us or we leave it. Developing vairagya in this fashion is much easier to deal with.


For common folks like us, Swamiji Maharaj recommends the path of Bhakti, it is relatively easier since the requirement of vairagya is not a prerequisite. Loving relationship with God is the only requirement. A bhakta believes that everything and everyone belongs to God only and devotee serves the world as God's one grand family (Vasudev Kutumbkam) with a loving attitude. With this mind set, everything is changed, the devotee dedicates all actions to God. This also provides a natural outlet to express our true inherent nature to love all. No new actions need to be done, whatever we normally do, now are done with a loving attitude as an adoration to the Almighty.


In Gitaji, different paths have been prescribed for the single goal of achieving union with the Supreme. One has to find out which of four Yogas (Jnana, Karma, Bhakti or Rajya) is most suitable for one to start with. In the end, of course there is no difference, all paths help the seekers to achieve the same goal. The choice of which Yoga to pursue first is based on our inherent tendencies, for example, for a person with devotional tendencies, choice of pursuing Jnana yoga may not prove to be natural.


This subject is covered extensively in Gitaji, few references are:

Gita (4-24) -"Brahma arpanam brahma havir, brahmagnau brahmana hutam

brahamai eva tena gantavyam, brahmakrmasamadhina"

Meaning - The act of offering in sacrifice is Brahma, the oblation is Brahma,

the sacrificer himself is Brahma, the sacrificial fire as well is

Brahma; Brahma verily he attains who realizes the presence of

Brahma in action.

Gita (9-27) -"Yat karishi yad asnasi, yay juhosi dadasi yat

yat tapasyasi Kaunteya, tat kurusva madarpapnam"

Meaning - O son of Kunti whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you

offer as oblation to the sacred fire, whatever you bestow as a

gift; whatever you do by way of penance, offer all to me.

Gita (18-46) "Yatah pravrttir bhatanam, yena sarvam idam tatam

svakarmana tam abhyarcya, siddhim vindati manavah"

Meaning - He from Whom all beings emanate and by Whom all this

pervaded, by worshipping Him through performance of his own

duty, man attains perfection.


NOTE: The detailed explanation on this subject is contained in

"Yoga Vasishta" when Sri Rama develops a vairagya from the world.


Ram Ram


Humble pranam

A sadhak

Madan Kaura



Dear Sundeep,


It's an initial phase. Don't be scared. Others around you, who are not following the Gita, will also make you worried about such a possibility. I would say that you should ignore them and not discuss much with them.


Be with the phase. It will give some meaningful insights. There will be some initial 'harm', or rather 'loss', till you become detached-without-being-worried. Then you will reach the next plane where whatever you do will be with greater purpose and meaning, or, at least, greater clarity.


It may even take more than a year.


The worry about losing a zest for life is natural but incorrect. And, anyway, all your old friends are there to pull you back in a pre-Gita mode of life whenever you want it :-)


Ram Ram

Vinay Somani




Dear Sundeep,


Love and Love alone....


You are Sun-deep. Why are you, then, worried about the light and the heat?


Let me try to explain in my own humble way. Fire burns, sugar tastes and sweet, hurt pains, etc. etc. Like wise, Srimad Bhagavad Gita (SBG) teaches those qualities, by inculcating and imbibing which we get back to our original nature of a human being. Undoubtedly, these qualities are our original traits, but we forgot, having allowed ourselves to be allured by this glittering world. These qualities are, Vairaya, Tyaga, Unconditional Love, Complete Surrender, Nishkama Karma, etc., to quote and SBG is the repository of teachings to acquire them in this life itself. You, having started the journey, got scared like Arjuna. My dear Sundeep, drive deep in Sun ( i.e., in your Sadhana) and I am sure, all these will not trouble you anymore.


Love and Love alone....


P. Gopi Krishna



Dear Sadhaka, Namaste You may want to re-read answer given by Bharathiji, it is very appropriate. If you are feeling fully satisfied and peaceful within yourself so you need not depend on objects of the world to fulfil yourself, then it is the best thing that can happen to anyone. If you are afraid of losing interest in objects, then the message of Gita has probably not sunk in as yet. Dettachment is objectivity, love and as a result, the right perspective toward objects! It is Freedom!


Pratap Bhatt





The speaker (teacher) ,the listener (disciple) and the context has changed completely.Geeta is all about the war between the two different mindsets,one leading to happiness,joy and peace in life and other mindset leading to unhappiness ,chaos and sorrow in life.The true understanding of Geeta prepares a man to engage continuosly in this internal war.One has to perform the materialistc duties and remain alert of the mindset.




A K Jain



Dear colleagues, I have scanned through your writings and the most important point on losing interest on worldly matters and material things. Before realisation all these mundane things were our ultimate What was originally meant for selfish end takes a plunge and it dies. The person who had been toiling to earn them now realises he is only a trustee of the wealth he has been blessed by the Lord and it has to be put to the upliftment of the down trodden. Hence the very same person works harder to acquire more of wealth so that it is put to use of less fortunate. The attitude changes, The interest and work remains. The purpose and meaning of wealth changes. The selfish man dies and the spiritual man rises from the ashes like the mystical Phoenix.bird. As per Sri Ramakrishna, the most spiritually evolved person is the one who is dead even when living. This means all the base qualities go to the grave and spiritual values take birth. Is there anything better ? Regards, Sridharan







Dear Devine,


Sukh ( happiness, bliss) is eternal demand of soul and is eternal nature of living beings. Whatever we do is for this sukh only. Till now, you were considering material (wordly) happiness as only happiness , passion. For enjoying that you need trinity : 1st you have desire (kamna) , then do some work for achiving it (karma) and then fortunate enough to realize the desire (prarabdh). Then only you get that - so called "happiness" which have 3 shortcomings: that happiness will not remain forever, either enjoyer or enjoyed will cease to exist and that temporary happiness will take you away from your real happiness - self bliss (by giving wrong sanskar)......


So, be assured that you are on right path.. The real bliss (self bliss, atma-sukh) can only be experienced once these desires for outer wordly sukh will cease. That anand, atma sukh will be vilakshan , that bliss will be exclusive in nature , it will be ever increasing , peaceful , constant bliss.....


You must be already experiencing it and that drives you to continue to take shelter of Shreemad Bhagwat GITAji. You can continue on this path and in my personal opinion, try to listen to satsang from a Saint about GITAji , who has realized the knowledge of GITAji. Sadhak Sanjeeni by Swami RamSukhdasji can definitely help you .......


Shree Hari sharanam .......

-Anil Maini




Hello all, this is my humble opinion. Regarding the experience of Geeta, many people think that if we get into spirituality..we may lose interest in life etc etc..but my opinion is, once u start reading and practising Geeta, you will become more aware of everythinga nd u will start enjoying the life to the fullest since you will not worry much about the fruits of ur actions (in a way, you do not expect anything but instead take everything in your stride.).

But again, some of the verses in geeta or any other veda or upanishad, we need to understand the subtle meanings properly otherwise, if we interpret the meaning other than what it is, then it will cause different feeling in oneself.


For example: people think that leaving all the life and renouncing the family and everything is renounciation. but if u observe closely the verses of Geeta, its mental renounciation that it mentions about and not at the physical level. Once way, its ok that u lost interest in car etc etc and now that means u know that the actual happiness does not lie in there. but again, its ok to enjoy each and everything too but at the mental level, youa re seeing the object/objects as they really are.


Also, please do not stress or force yourself that you need to become spiritual etc etc..just do it as the love towards God or towards human beings or towards Spirituality and then, you will not worry much about what will happen if u lose interest in life etc etc. because you love to do whatever you are doing (either spirituality or anything..) so, why do u worry about anything what will happen in future at all. Have a nice evening.




My view is very diff from most people. This is how I believe the Geeta state freedom from obsession about the result should be: You will enjoy driving your car more (not less) as you have no stress, tension, worry, etc. However when you do not have a car, you will be detached enough that you will not get frustrated, angry, or sad. You may be uncomfortable without the AC when you go by taxi, but you will not be complaining or be pissed off. Instead you may notice something else that will give you joy (maybe you will have a conversation with the taxi driver, maybe you will instead call your friend on your cell and forget the heat...)


I know that most people will not share this view. People shun material things, but material things are also made by God! Why is that Gita-followers think they should admire a flower and have in your house, but not admire beautiful Italian marble? Everything is made by God.





It is simply great that you hav esarted losing interest in things which keep you attached to worldly pleasures, which are ephemeral. Many have been trying for years, but not able to leave the atachment. You are on the right path and keep practicing without worrying for the results . As you progress further with your pursuits for achieving Higher Values of Life, everything will become clear. Vaidyanathan-------------------------Over the last year, I went through the same thing - I had a loss of zest for life, because I felt that there was no point to anything. That life was all predetermined, that we had little control and that we should exercise faith constantly and battle what ever is given to us. I also felt that I couldn't relate to people, not that I was above them, but rather that I didn't know what to say to anyone. All of this is a passing phase. You have to get through it to get past it and know there is an amazing beauty through the process and past the process. First, your cognizant you are going through it and next put your faith in god and know that you will move forward on to the next state that is meant for you. But, as often as you can do Namsmaran, the rest will fall into place. This whole process acted as a natural filter for me for what was core and essential to my life and what wasn't. Where I should NOT spend my time on a daily basis (not worrying) and where I should concentrate my efforts (helping others, gratitude, prayer). But again, go through it, know you are being led by the divine one himself, have full faith and make observations mentally or written down (whatever works). You will come to see so much in SO little time.Hemal-------------------------Is interest in worldly possessions is being subdued forcibly or naturally weakening because of understanding the non necessity of them for life? Does worldly pleasures and acquisitions lead to life or lead one away from life? Is not the mind that is indulged in possession and accumulation of wealth so self centered that it is totally insensitive to everything, from the environment, to fellow beings, to the existence it self? Is not such self-centered isolation, death itself? Unfortunately in our commercial culture, life is measured by the money one has earned, but those who have seen the real nature of life, who have experienced the life as it is, know the beauty and joy of it, and know that there is nothing in the world, the possession of which is in any way necessary for the endless joy. The acquiring mind can never understand the beauty of natural and spontaneous renunciation which fills the life with the infinite joy and peace. Forced renunciation can be very dangerous, instead understanding the reasons why one is renouncing and understanding the mind obsessed with possessiveness and acquisition is very helpful. It comes with satsanga. Forced renunciation in order to achieve some hypothetical end, whether it is God or Moksha or liberation is not renunciation at all, but a bargain. It is also to be seen whether the ephermality of life has been seen or it is just a concept? If it has been observed, all the colours of it, all the pain and joy of it, then it is no longer idea, it will be reality and there will not be any question, there is no choice at all. However, if it is just an idea, unexamined and accepted from scriptures without understanding as it is, then it is still an idea, and subsequent problems. Yogesh Katare-



OK i have not started reading the Gita yet but i notice that since i started pranayam (breathing) and trying to do yoga and reading sadhaka e-mails, I noticed the same thing and i think that it is a good thing and a bad thing ..because i noticed that when I'm around my friends that i really don't want to talk about what they talk about ( sports ,tv ,,, shows and girls ) It is like all this stuff is crazy ....our mind is always chasing afer something, ..... so I'll just say you started it now it is time that you finish it and don't be scared to fall out of the sky .....DeChef >>>>>>>Parker>>>>>>


nice pl note gita is for duty,activity and promote svadharma and get it into devotion that your period of life would be used for action without attachment to it much.

Prabhakar C L


Jai SHri Krishna Its really nice to know that your reactions like anger have mellowed down, by practicing the teachings of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita. Please understand that following these teachings can NEVER harm you. It will for sure help you to achieve the ultimate goal of human life. ANd prorably quite quickly in your case. About your confusion and losing int. in various objects, pl. try to analyse your self how this has happened. Answer is there itself. May be you have misinterpreted some thing.



Beautiful discussion, because these are real experiences.


I too went through the same phase. In fact I was worried what is becoming of me. I used to complain that there is too much focus on vairagya in our scriptures.


But over time, I have become more effective and enthusiastic and able to enjoy the moment a little better, because the mind is not preoccupied with thoughts and worries. I think doing meditation (or asan,pranayam + meditation) in parallel is usefull because sometimes these give you experiences of peace which now motivate you to work for these higher experiences.


Also, if I feel I had too much of dose, I do go out and be a little "worldly" for sometime and that is OK too.


Wish you all the best.Suhas Kulhalli



Jai Shree Krishna Sundeep:


It's good that you are losing interest in the worldly objects. These do not bring you eternal happiness. Pay attention to the experience of your internal joy as your anger and worldly desires decrease and you will discover the true joy of human existence.


With Love Peace



In the Service of Humanity and Guruji





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