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Global Warming... Any Answers in Gitaji?

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Shree Hari Ram Ram

Sadhaks, is there any thing in Gitaji that addresses Global Warming, causes and

possible solutions? Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Dear Friends,

In the run up to the Copenhagen climate change summit, it is vital the following

information be disseminated to the public as well as to our political leaders.


A widely cited 2006 report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture

Organization, Livestock's Long Shadow, estimates that 18 percent of annual

worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are attributable to livestock, however

recent analysis by Goodland and Anhang co-authors of " Livestock and Climate

Change " in the latest issue of World Watch magazine found that livestock and

their by products actually account for at least 32.6 billion tons of carbon

dioxide per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions!


The main sources of GHGs from animal agriculture are: (1) Deforestation of the

rainforests to grow feed for livestock. (2) Methane from manure waste. Methane

is 72 times more potent as a global warming gas than CO2 (3) Refrigeration and

transport of meat around the world. (4) Raising, processing and slaughtering of

the animal.


Meat production also uses a massive amount of water and other resources which

would be better used to feed the world's hungry and provide water to those in



Based on their research, Goodland and Anhang conclude that replacing livestock

products with soy-based and other alternatives would be the best strategy for

reversing climate change. They say " This approach would have far more rapid

effects on GHG emissions and their atmospheric concentrations-and thus on the

rate the climate is warming-than actions to replace fossil fuels with renewable

energy. "


The fact is that we are being informed of the dangerous path we are on by

depending greatly on animal flesh for human consumption. We still have the

opportunity to make the most effective steps in saving ourselves and this

planet. By simply choosing a plant based diet we can reduce our carbon foot

print by a huge amount.


We are gambling with our lives and with those of our future generations to come.

It's madness to know we are fully aware of the possible consequences but yet are

failing to act.


Please make a truly environmental, healthy and compassionate choice, choose to

drastically reduce your meat intake or simply go vegetarian or vegan. This is

the single most powerful action for preventing climate change as it is the

single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.


Learn more by searching on 51percent org. Thank you for your consideration.


Yours Sincerely

Stephen Ma



The greatness of a Nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

M.K. Gandhi






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Ram Ram

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