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Art of Listening to Satsang - Insights on Why No Changes? How to Effect Change?

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Dear Sir, I have read your article on SATSUNG. I know some people [especially ladies] in our society,who attain these satsung sessions regularly,but like to inform you that these are the persons,who are rude to neighbours,non cooperative to the society where they live,bad attitude,dirty at home and unclean outside,unhygeinic to the society.Same go with their children. So I dont understand what is discoursed to these people when they attend such sessions and forget their basic behaviour once they finish the satsung.Looks like it is a kitty party weekly for them or to show others. So I wish that grownup people who attend the satsungs, should be specially told not not do things other than they hear in satsungs,or there is no sense in them attending the satsung in future. When someone comes out of a satsung ,he should be a changed person at least slightly,in himself and to society and the rest may follow , as there are still few good people on this mother earth,because of whom this world is existing. Hope my views are taken in a positive manner. Regards,






Jayant M. Bhutkar



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Shraddhey Swami Shri Ramsukhdasji has said, "The Yoga of Gita is Equanimity (samtaah) itself" To attain that equanimity, the solution is to become free of all faults. The solution to be free of all faults is

1) not to consider anyone to be bad

2) not to do anything bad to anyone

3) not to think bad about anyone

4) not to see bad in anyone

5) not to hear bad about anyone

6) not to say anything bad about anyone

[from Sadhak Sanijivani pg 399 hindi]

Brother, you are stuck on point # 1, 4 and 6. How others are and what they are doing is not a Sadhak's (aspirant's) work. First he must see himself. Whatever difficulties you have in your spiritual discipline, you may ask in Gita-talk for clarification, and many learned sadhaks can be of help. I have always received solutions and resolutions to my questions.

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Jayantji, you have raised a valid point!


Swamiji Maharaj's message below about how to listen to Satsung is very clear. When we follow this technique, the potential benefits can be enormous to a spiritual aspirant. But the amount of benefit will depend on the devotees, their value system, their attitude, degree of humility and their basic understanding of the purpose for which they go to Satsung. If they have gone to Satsung for showing off to others, they can develop a false pride. In that case, they truly have not understood the meaning of Satsung. Some may also go to Satsung gatherings for entertainment. In these cases, going to Satsung is name sake only, the real benefit cannot be achieved.


Generally people divide the daily activities into two independent categories:

A). Set time for Japa, worship, prayers and reading scriptures, Satsung etc,

B). Other time in waking hours for doing the normal business of the world.


People category in (A) above, may feel that they are much more religious than many others who do not do as much of religious activity as they do, so they may develop hypocrisy and arrogance. Their behaviour and conduct during the rest of the waking hours has nothing to do with the Satsung they attended.


For a serious spiritual aspirant there is no division of time as such. Spiritual pursuit is a

24-7 operation, full time dedication to the only worthwhile goal of human life, uniting with Supreme. In Gitaji the words Nitya (Everyday) and Satatam (Always) are used, e.g.:

ananyacetah satatam yo mam smartai nityasah ... (8-14)

"I am easily attainable, O Partha, by that eversteadfast yogi, who constantly remembers Me and thinks of Me alone."


satatam kirtayanto mam ...... nityaukta upaste ... (9-14)

"Always sing My glories, starting to attain Me, prostrating before Me with firm vows, ever united with Me, worship Me always single minded."


ananya cintayonto mam ...... tesam nityabhiyuktanam ... (9-22)

"Those devotes, however, who worship Me alone thinking of none else and ever united. I Myself attend to their wants and needs and provide them with security of what they have."

|| Ram Ram ||


Humble regards,Madan Kaura


Even in Satsang everybody has to use the power of judgement what is right and wrong and finally to act as per our conscience

S S Bhatt


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram9th December, 2009, Wednesday, Paush Krishna Ashthami



There is a question. A gentleman says, while listening to satsang (spiritual discourses) people are also writing the divine name (e.g. Ram Ram) and some are also doing japa (repetition of divine name) with beads. I wonder how they are able to do two things simultaneously. Is there greater gain in doing so or not?

Answer: If while sitting to listen to a discourse, and at the same time you are also doing japa (divine name repetition), then will you be able to listen? One cannot do two things well at the same time. Attention will only be in on one thing. There is nothing wrong if it happens automatically, i.e. on its own the divine name repetition (japa) starts. But to listen, to hear attentively where the attention is only on listening continuously with no gaps or intervals (niranter), listening single-pointedly, listening with an unbroken flow like the continuous pouring of oil (tail dharaavat) is an art. You have asked me this question and reminded me of things, therefore I am telling you. Yes there is a definite art of listening. If you listen in that manner, you will have immense gains. After studying for many years, one person said I have finally learned to study. He said look at the Teacher (Guru) with great attention, watch the eyes and listen. Doing so, the essence of what is being said will get absorbed in.


Many ask a question and you can see there is no desire to listen. At the very minimum after asking do not be stuck in your own thoughts. You will be either able to listen to satsang or do japa. Not both. Pay attention, if you pay attention, you will be only able to hear one thing. You should not be able to hear the vigor of the Gangaji's flow in the back ground or the winds blowing or anything else. Your mind will not be on anything else. If you pay attention to your breath or anything else, how can you truly listen attentively? Do you not get time to write the Divine name (Ram naam) in your homes? It seems that you are here and doing nothing else. Might as well be busy in writing the Divine name, thinking this time is useless, extra and rather dispensable (phaaltu). Deep within, you are of the impression that this time is simply being wasted. If you have this attitude how can you gain anything from satsang?

Sincere listeners even know what is going to come next in these discourses because they have been listening for many years and have been very attentive. New persons cannot grasp quickly, but listening attentively he is able to gain knowledge very quickly. Therefore whatever work you are doing, do it by engaging fully in it. If a man does a single task attentively and does that work alone, then he will acquire the same discipline in his spiritual practices (sadhana), and when he meditates then too it will be single-pointed, and his mind will very quickly become engaged in God. Whatever work you do, give attention to that alone. That way your habits will improve and whatever you do will be with perfect concentration and interest. It is pride that often makes one say – `I cannot do it.' A life time goes by and I have often seen that mothers have not even learned how to serve food, let alone cooking. They over serve and end up with over-weight children. Therefore it is my sincere request to you to be attentive to whatever you do. Any work – whether it is reading or listening, or talking, or writing, or any other task.

Many complain that we cannot do this or that. Here try this simple exercise and see for yourself how quickly you can engage your mind. Sit silently, and with only your mind (i.e. no use of beads `mala', no loud counting etc.), do japa (divine name repetition) silently "Raam Raam Raam Raam" , until you do one mala (108 times). Counting silently only within. If the mind wanders in between, stop and start all over again. Try to see if you can do just one mala. (i.e. 108 times). (to be continued)

From Vishesh Pravachan – 408 Art of Listening to Satsang in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji

To listen to this pravachan below. Go down to # 408, download and listen at:


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear Sir, I have read your article on SATSUNG. I know some people [especially ladies] in our society,who attain these satsung sessions regularly,but like to inform you that these are the persons,who are rude to neighbours,non cooperative to the society where they live,bad attitude,dirty at home and unclean outside,unhygeinic to the society.Same go with their children. So I dont understand what is discoursed to these people when they attend such sessions and forget their basic behaviour once they finish the satsung.Looks like it is a kitty party weekly for them or to show others. So I wish that grownup people who attend the satsungs, should be specially told not not do things other than they hear in satsungs,or there is no sense in them attending the satsung in future. When someone comes out of a satsung ,he should be a changed person at least slightly,in himself and to society and the rest may follow , as there are still few good people on this mother earth,because of whom this world is existing. Hope my views are taken in a positive manner. Regards,






Jayant M. Bhutkar



Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji has said -

Parikshit heard the Srimad Bhagawad for seven days and attained God Realization, so why have we not realized after listening for so very long?Pariskhit had no desire to live. He knew he had only seven days remaining in his body. We all have a desire to live. This is the main obstacle. Man is dying at every moment. At every moment this body is dying. Parikshit was very clear that his body was dying. When we have this feeling that we are living (i.e. the body is not constantly dying), that thought itself will prevent us from LISTENING TO SATSANG and have longing for God Realization.When this body is dead, there will be no relation with anyone. If the aim is clear and we become focused, then listening will happen automatically, and God Realization can happen today!

Folks, this is the last birth. Human birth is the last of all births. We have been clearly told by Bhagavan in the Gita "bahunaam janmanaam ante, Vasudeva sarvam iti" (Gita 7:19). Now it is up to us to LISTEN TO GOD'S WORDS and become firm on this point. Do not worry whether others LISTEN OR DO NOT LISTEN, you simply LISTEN AND ACCEPT and become immersed in only Bhagavan, then everything elsewill fall in place. Simply become immersed in listening to the ONE AND ONLY... His words, His Truths, His Principles, His DIvine Name, His Lila, His Devotees' life stories .........With great enthusiasm (utsaaha), let this one LISTENING ... one THOUGHT prevail and become fully engaged in only Bhagavan.... while serving the world.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Shraddhey Swami Shri Ramsukhdasji has said, "The Yoga of Gita is Equanimity (samtaah) itself" To attain that equanimity, the solution is to become free of all faults. The solution to be free of all faults is

1) not to consider anyone to be bad

2) not to do anything bad to anyone

3) not to think bad about anyone

4) not to see bad in anyone

5) not to hear bad about anyone

6) not to say anything bad about anyone

[from Sadhak Sanijivani pg 399 hindi]

Brother, you are stuck on point # 1, 4 and 6. How others are and what they are doing is not a Sadhak's (aspirant's) work. First he must see himself. Whatever difficulties you have in your spiritual discipline, you may ask in Gita-talk for clarification, and many learned sadhaks can be of help. I have always received solutions and resolutions to my questions.

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Jayantji, you have raised a valid point!


Swamiji Maharaj's message below about how to listen to Satsung is very clear. When we follow this technique, the potential benefits can be enormous to a spiritual aspirant. But the amount of benefit will depend on the devotees, their value system, their attitude, degree of humility and their basic understanding of the purpose for which they go to Satsung. If they have gone to Satsung for showing off to others, they can develop a false pride. In that case, they truly have not understood the meaning of Satsung. Some may also go to Satsung gatherings for entertainment. In these cases, going to Satsung is name sake only, the real benefit cannot be achieved.


Generally people divide the daily activities into two independent categories:

A). Set time for Japa, worship, prayers and reading scriptures, Satsung etc,

B). Other time in waking hours for doing the normal business of the world.


People category in (A) above, may feel that they are much more religious than many others who do not do as much of religious activity as they do, so they may develop hypocrisy and arrogance. Their behaviour and conduct during the rest of the waking hours has nothing to do with the Satsung they attended.


For a serious spiritual aspirant there is no division of time as such. Spiritual pursuit is a

24-7 operation, full time dedication to the only worthwhile goal of human life, uniting with Supreme. In Gitaji the words Nitya (Everyday) and Satatam (Always) are used, e.g.:

ananyacetah satatam yo mam smartai nityasah ... (8-14)

"I am easily attainable, O Partha, by that eversteadfast yogi, who constantly remembers Me and thinks of Me alone."


satatam kirtayanto mam ...... nityaukta upaste ... (9-14)

"Always sing My glories, starting to attain Me, prostrating before Me with firm vows, ever united with Me, worship Me always single minded."


ananya cintayonto mam ...... tesam nityabhiyuktanam ... (9-22)

"Those devotes, however, who worship Me alone thinking of none else and ever united. I Myself attend to their wants and needs and provide them with security of what they have."

|| Ram Ram ||


Humble regards,Madan Kaura



Dear Members and friends


Listening skill in very important Even in Bhagvat Purana there are four to five Chapters in which deep discourse is narrated in it Here is my understanding about listening skill to be developed by us. Even when we study at the school or college listening lecture of our teachcer is very important and for that purpose we as student is required to pay attention and concentrate on the works spoken at that time Listening is a great skill in this modern life.

Create listening habits Instead of speaking or intervening. Try to keep us reserved and hear what other says We learn many things by this habit. Active listening helps us to give our full attention to another person in our conversations. Active listening allows us to become attentive to another's needs in our interactions instead of thinking solely about our own. ideas and thoughts or views. By learning to listen actively today, we will gain skills that will make our interactions more successful. In life

Listening plays an important role in developing skill how to talk and converse with members of the community or the members of the meditation group. If we are successful enough to work nicely with the people then it is automatically know as to how to communicate with Almighty God who resides with us and is always noticed and felt in an atmosphere of silence and big gathering of the people in the tem0ple or any community center or place Listening touch plays an important role to hear or feel the body's story, which is the best communication tool to understand our soul and heart. To really listen to another human being and yourself, not just in words, proclaims a relationship that demands being in the present moment of life fully focused on what we are doing in present life.

We may feel thoughtful in our interactions with others today and find it easier to consider the consequences of our words before speaking. An awareness of the ways our actions affect others could help us be courteous and considerate, which could also bring an added level of cooperation into our interactions. Today would be a good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at work, or we could volunteer for important causes in our local community. To enhance this spirit of cooperation, we might also want to give more attention to our listening skills The results of cooperation can be as simple as effortlessly getting everyone in our household to their appointments to large-scale social shifts to changing minds and hearts or policies that affect the future. of our lives.

Shankerprasad Bhatt





One acts as if action is compulsion and result, outcome will give relief.

We almost always act in conflict and wait for results to take us out of conflict. We depend upon time to relieve us. We react to conflict as if we will come out of it through time.

Unless this paradigm in understood, nothing can happen.

It is to be understood by the individual himself and not raise a complaint that others are not understanding.

One's understanding is sufficient to change the whole thing.

Depending upon the outer as if outer will give relief is the fundamental error.

Y V Chawla


This is so right. The same set of people chant hymns in the trains and are rude to fellow passengers, don't give up their seats to elderly and feel that by attending satsungs they can connect with God. This what we call pseudo faith. !! I just hope that the start looking at the God in each one of us rather than off us. Well said Mr.Bhutkar cheers

Diwakar Shukla--------------------------

I always listen to bhajans and feel enlightened.




Even in Satsang everybody has to use the power of judgement what is right and wrong and finally to act as per our conscience

S S Bhatt


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram9th December, 2009, Wednesday, Paush Krishna Ashthami



There is a question. A gentleman says, while listening to satsang (spiritual discourses) people are also writing the divine name (e.g. Ram Ram) and some are also doing japa (repetition of divine name) with beads. I wonder how they are able to do two things simultaneously. Is there greater gain in doing so or not?

Answer: If while sitting to listen to a discourse, and at the same time you are also doing japa (divine name repetition), then will you be able to listen? One cannot do two things well at the same time. Attention will only be in on one thing. There is nothing wrong if it happens automatically, i.e. on its own the divine name repetition (japa) starts. But to listen, to hear attentively where the attention is only on listening continuously with no gaps or intervals (niranter), listening single-pointedly, listening with an unbroken flow like the continuous pouring of oil (tail dharaavat) is an art. You have asked me this question and reminded me of things, therefore I am telling you. Yes there is a definite art of listening. If you listen in that manner, you will have immense gains. After studying for many years, one person said I have finally learned to study. He said look at the Teacher (Guru) with great attention, watch the eyes and listen. Doing so, the essence of what is being said will get absorbed in.


Many ask a question and you can see there is no desire to listen. At the very minimum after asking do not be stuck in your own thoughts. You will be either able to listen to satsang or do japa. Not both. Pay attention, if you pay attention, you will be only able to hear one thing. You should not be able to hear the vigor of the Gangaji's flow in the back ground or the winds blowing or anything else. Your mind will not be on anything else. If you pay attention to your breath or anything else, how can you truly listen attentively? Do you not get time to write the Divine name (Ram naam) in your homes? It seems that you are here and doing nothing else. Might as well be busy in writing the Divine name, thinking this time is useless, extra and rather dispensable (phaaltu). Deep within, you are of the impression that this time is simply being wasted. If you have this attitude how can you gain anything from satsang?

Sincere listeners even know what is going to come next in these discourses because they have been listening for many years and have been very attentive. New persons cannot grasp quickly, but listening attentively he is able to gain knowledge very quickly. Therefore whatever work you are doing, do it by engaging fully in it. If a man does a single task attentively and does that work alone, then he will acquire the same discipline in his spiritual practices (sadhana), and when he meditates then too it will be single-pointed, and his mind will very quickly become engaged in God. Whatever work you do, give attention to that alone. That way your habits will improve and whatever you do will be with perfect concentration and interest. It is pride that often makes one say – `I cannot do it.' A life time goes by and I have often seen that mothers have not even learned how to serve food, let alone cooking. They over serve and end up with over-weight children. Therefore it is my sincere request to you to be attentive to whatever you do. Any work – whether it is reading or listening, or talking, or writing, or any other task.

Many complain that we cannot do this or that. Here try this simple exercise and see for yourself how quickly you can engage your mind. Sit silently, and with only your mind (i.e. no use of beads `mala', no loud counting etc.), do japa (divine name repetition) silently "Raam Raam Raam Raam" , until you do one mala (108 times). Counting silently only within. If the mind wanders in between, stop and start all over again. Try to see if you can do just one mala. (i.e. 108 times). (to be continued)

From Vishesh Pravachan – 408 Art of Listening to Satsang in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji

To listen to this pravachan below. Go down to # 408, download and listen at:


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear Sir, I have read your article on SATSUNG. I know some people [especially ladies] in our society,who attain these satsung sessions regularly,but like to inform you that these are the persons,who are rude to neighbours,non cooperative to the society where they live,bad attitude,dirty at home and unclean outside,unhygeinic to the society.Same go with their children. So I dont understand what is discoursed to these people when they attend such sessions and forget their basic behaviour once they finish the satsung.Looks like it is a kitty party weekly for them or to show others. So I wish that grownup people who attend the satsungs, should be specially told not not do things other than they hear in satsungs,or there is no sense in them attending the satsung in future. When someone comes out of a satsung ,he should be a changed person at least slightly,in himself and to society and the rest may follow , as there are still few good people on this mother earth,because of whom this world is existing. Hope my views are taken in a positive manner. Regards,






Jayant M. Bhutkar




Dear Sadaks,Gokarn history in Srimath Bagavath comes handy. He had a very bad brother who was killed. His brother soul was hanging as booth (Devil).Gokarn after advise from saints reads Bagavath to release and elevate that soul from suffering. So Bagavath Sapthagam was performed. The soul recovered from sins and got elevated. Then there was a question why the people who were listening did not elevate. Gokarn brother soul had NO body of senses and fully concentrated with Shradha (deep faith and belief). While people who were accustomed of attending Sapthgam, and listened like a story. Hope Sri Jayant M. Bhutkar caught the point.B.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji says: One who has learnt the art of swinging the "laathi" (wooden stick) from the very beginning, he alone can settle scores when faced with the enemy. But when the enemy comes in front prior to acquiring the art of twirling the stick, then he will have to take beating from the enemy! He know these things discussed in satsang (association with holy men), but when pleasures come in front of him, at that time he forgets and those talks (satsangs) are of no use.

One is learnt thing and the other is known (experienced, realized) thing. That which is known, is real, innate, which never undergoes any change (unwavering). A learnt thing remains limited to the intellect level only, it does not reach the Self within. But that which is experienced (realized) touches the core (Self). As long as a thing does not reach the "Self" level, that thing does not filter down characteristically in man's behaviour as it really should. THEREFORE NO CHANGES ! NO EFFECT !

He whose aim is Paramatma (God) realization, he is never contented by things which are merely learnt. On not being contented, his quest for Truth becomes further intensified. In due course of his search, he gains the experience of the Supreme Truth.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


It takes all sorts to make this world. Just by attending satsangs one does not benefit spirituality unless one has prepared oneself. For that good conduct, service, meditation, the counsel of a guru etc. are necessary. Nothing happens unless the time is right. Throwing seeds upon stone will not cause the seed to sprout. Hari Shanker Deo


Dear Members and friends


Listening skill in very important Even in Bhagvat Purana there are four to five Chapters in which deep discourse is narrated in it Here is my understanding about listening skill to be developed by us. Even when we study at the school or college listening lecture of our teachcer is very important and for that purpose we as student is required to pay attention and concentrate on the works spoken at that time Listening is a great skill in this modern life.

Create listening habits Instead of speaking or intervening. Try to keep us reserved and hear what other says We learn many things by this habit. Active listening helps us to give our full attention to another person in our conversations. Active listening allows us to become attentive to another's needs in our interactions instead of thinking solely about our own. ideas and thoughts or views. By learning to listen actively today, we will gain skills that will make our interactions more successful. In life

Listening plays an important role in developing skill how to talk and converse with members of the community or the members of the meditation group. If we are successful enough to work nicely with the people then it is automatically know as to how to communicate with Almighty God who resides with us and is always noticed and felt in an atmosphere of silence and big gathering of the people in the tem0ple or any community center or place Listening touch plays an important role to hear or feel the body's story, which is the best communication tool to understand our soul and heart. To really listen to another human being and yourself, not just in words, proclaims a relationship that demands being in the present moment of life fully focused on what we are doing in present life.

We may feel thoughtful in our interactions with others today and find it easier to consider the consequences of our words before speaking. An awareness of the ways our actions affect others could help us be courteous and considerate, which could also bring an added level of cooperation into our interactions. Today would be a good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at work, or we could volunteer for important causes in our local community. To enhance this spirit of cooperation, we might also want to give more attention to our listening skills The results of cooperation can be as simple as effortlessly getting everyone in our household to their appointments to large-scale social shifts to changing minds and hearts or policies that affect the future. of our lives.Shankerprasad Bhatt


I fully agree with the observations / views expressed by Jayant M Butkar with the only disagreement on the sex being criticized. They should apply to both males and females. In many cases, people participate in satsang only to show off their limited knowledge, not for transformation. Where the purpose of participation is for transformation, Satsang will bring in far reaching changes in a person's outlook, attitude and societal behavior.


V K Naageswaran


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji has said -

Parikshit heard the Srimad Bhagawad for seven days and attained God Realization, so why have we not realized after listening for so very long?Pariskhit had no desire to live. He knew he had only seven days remaining in his body. We all have a desire to live. This is the main obstacle. Man is dying at every moment. At every moment this body is dying. Parikshit was very clear that his body was dying. When we have this feeling that we are living (i.e. the body is not constantly dying), that thought itself will prevent us from LISTENING TO SATSANG and have longing for God Realization.When this body is dead, there will be no relation with anyone. If the aim is clear and we become focused, then listening will happen automatically, and God Realization can happen today!

Folks, this is the last birth. Human birth is the last of all births. We have been clearly told by Bhagavan in the Gita "bahunaam janmanaam ante, Vasudeva sarvam iti" (Gita 7:19). Now it is up to us to LISTEN TO GOD'S WORDS and become firm on this point. Do not worry whether others LISTEN OR DO NOT LISTEN, you simply LISTEN AND ACCEPT and become immersed in only Bhagavan, then everything elsewill fall in place. Simply become immersed in listening to the ONE AND ONLY... His words, His Truths, His Principles, His DIvine Name, His Lila, His Devotees' life stories .........With great enthusiasm (utsaaha), let this one LISTENING ... one THOUGHT prevail and become fully engaged in only Bhagavan.... while serving the world.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Shraddhey Swami Shri Ramsukhdasji has said, "The Yoga of Gita is Equanimity (samtaah) itself" To attain that equanimity, the solution is to become free of all faults. The solution to be free of all faults is

1) not to consider anyone to be bad

2) not to do anything bad to anyone

3) not to think bad about anyone

4) not to see bad in anyone

5) not to hear bad about anyone

6) not to say anything bad about anyone

[from Sadhak Sanijivani pg 399 hindi]

Brother, you are stuck on point # 1, 4 and 6. How others are and what they are doing is not a Sadhak's (aspirant's) work. First he must see himself. Whatever difficulties you have in your spiritual discipline, you may ask in Gita-talk for clarification, and many learned sadhaks can be of help. I have always received solutions and resolutions to my questions.

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Jayantji, you have raised a valid point!


Swamiji Maharaj's message below about how to listen to Satsung is very clear. When we follow this technique, the potential benefits can be enormous to a spiritual aspirant. But the amount of benefit will depend on the devotees, their value system, their attitude, degree of humility and their basic understanding of the purpose for which they go to Satsung. If they have gone to Satsung for showing off to others, they can develop a false pride. In that case, they truly have not understood the meaning of Satsung. Some may also go to Satsung gatherings for entertainment. In these cases, going to Satsung is name sake only, the real benefit cannot be achieved.


Generally people divide the daily activities into two independent categories:

A). Set time for Japa, worship, prayers and reading scriptures, Satsung etc,

B). Other time in waking hours for doing the normal business of the world.


People category in (A) above, may feel that they are much more religious than many others who do not do as much of religious activity as they do, so they may develop hypocrisy and arrogance. Their behaviour and conduct during the rest of the waking hours has nothing to do with the Satsung they attended.


For a serious spiritual aspirant there is no division of time as such. Spiritual pursuit is a

24-7 operation, full time dedication to the only worthwhile goal of human life, uniting with Supreme. In Gitaji the words Nitya (Everyday) and Satatam (Always) are used, e.g.:

ananyacetah satatam yo mam smartai nityasah ... (8-14)

"I am easily attainable, O Partha, by that eversteadfast yogi, who constantly remembers Me and thinks of Me alone."


satatam kirtayanto mam ...... nityaukta upaste ... (9-14)

"Always sing My glories, starting to attain Me, prostrating before Me with firm vows, ever united with Me, worship Me always single minded."


ananya cintayonto mam ...... tesam nityabhiyuktanam ... (9-22)

"Those devotes, however, who worship Me alone thinking of none else and ever united. I Myself attend to their wants and needs and provide them with security of what they have."

|| Ram Ram ||


Humble regards,Madan Kaura



Dear Members and friends


Listening skill in very important Even in Bhagvat Purana there are four to five Chapters in which deep discourse is narrated in it Here is my understanding about listening skill to be developed by us. Even when we study at the school or college listening lecture of our teachcer is very important and for that purpose we as student is required to pay attention and concentrate on the works spoken at that time Listening is a great skill in this modern life.

Create listening habits Instead of speaking or intervening. Try to keep us reserved and hear what other says We learn many things by this habit. Active listening helps us to give our full attention to another person in our conversations. Active listening allows us to become attentive to another's needs in our interactions instead of thinking solely about our own. ideas and thoughts or views. By learning to listen actively today, we will gain skills that will make our interactions more successful. In life

Listening plays an important role in developing skill how to talk and converse with members of the community or the members of the meditation group. If we are successful enough to work nicely with the people then it is automatically know as to how to communicate with Almighty God who resides with us and is always noticed and felt in an atmosphere of silence and big gathering of the people in the tem0ple or any community center or place Listening touch plays an important role to hear or feel the body's story, which is the best communication tool to understand our soul and heart. To really listen to another human being and yourself, not just in words, proclaims a relationship that demands being in the present moment of life fully focused on what we are doing in present life.

We may feel thoughtful in our interactions with others today and find it easier to consider the consequences of our words before speaking. An awareness of the ways our actions affect others could help us be courteous and considerate, which could also bring an added level of cooperation into our interactions. Today would be a good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at work, or we could volunteer for important causes in our local community. To enhance this spirit of cooperation, we might also want to give more attention to our listening skills The results of cooperation can be as simple as effortlessly getting everyone in our household to their appointments to large-scale social shifts to changing minds and hearts or policies that affect the future. of our lives.

Shankerprasad Bhatt





One acts as if action is compulsion and result, outcome will give relief.

We almost always act in conflict and wait for results to take us out of conflict. We depend upon time to relieve us. We react to conflict as if we will come out of it through time.

Unless this paradigm in understood, nothing can happen.

It is to be understood by the individual himself and not raise a complaint that others are not understanding.

One's understanding is sufficient to change the whole thing.

Depending upon the outer as if outer will give relief is the fundamental error.

Y V Chawla


This is so right. The same set of people chant hymns in the trains and are rude to fellow passengers, don't give up their seats to elderly and feel that by attending satsungs they can connect with God. This what we call pseudo faith. !! I just hope that the start looking at the God in each one of us rather than off us. Well said Mr.Bhutkar cheers

Diwakar Shukla--------------------------

I always listen to bhajans and feel enlightened.




Even in Satsang everybody has to use the power of judgement what is right and wrong and finally to act as per our conscience

S S Bhatt


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram9th December, 2009, Wednesday, Paush Krishna Ashthami



There is a question. A gentleman says, while listening to satsang (spiritual discourses) people are also writing the divine name (e.g. Ram Ram) and some are also doing japa (repetition of divine name) with beads. I wonder how they are able to do two things simultaneously. Is there greater gain in doing so or not?

Answer: If while sitting to listen to a discourse, and at the same time you are also doing japa (divine name repetition), then will you be able to listen? One cannot do two things well at the same time. Attention will only be in on one thing. There is nothing wrong if it happens automatically, i.e. on its own the divine name repetition (japa) starts. But to listen, to hear attentively where the attention is only on listening continuously with no gaps or intervals (niranter), listening single-pointedly, listening with an unbroken flow like the continuous pouring of oil (tail dharaavat) is an art. You have asked me this question and reminded me of things, therefore I am telling you. Yes there is a definite art of listening. If you listen in that manner, you will have immense gains. After studying for many years, one person said I have finally learned to study. He said look at the Teacher (Guru) with great attention, watch the eyes and listen. Doing so, the essence of what is being said will get absorbed in.


Many ask a question and you can see there is no desire to listen. At the very minimum after asking do not be stuck in your own thoughts. You will be either able to listen to satsang or do japa. Not both. Pay attention, if you pay attention, you will be only able to hear one thing. You should not be able to hear the vigor of the Gangaji's flow in the back ground or the winds blowing or anything else. Your mind will not be on anything else. If you pay attention to your breath or anything else, how can you truly listen attentively? Do you not get time to write the Divine name (Ram naam) in your homes? It seems that you are here and doing nothing else. Might as well be busy in writing the Divine name, thinking this time is useless, extra and rather dispensable (phaaltu). Deep within, you are of the impression that this time is simply being wasted. If you have this attitude how can you gain anything from satsang?

Sincere listeners even know what is going to come next in these discourses because they have been listening for many years and have been very attentive. New persons cannot grasp quickly, but listening attentively he is able to gain knowledge very quickly. Therefore whatever work you are doing, do it by engaging fully in it. If a man does a single task attentively and does that work alone, then he will acquire the same discipline in his spiritual practices (sadhana), and when he meditates then too it will be single-pointed, and his mind will very quickly become engaged in God. Whatever work you do, give attention to that alone. That way your habits will improve and whatever you do will be with perfect concentration and interest. It is pride that often makes one say – `I cannot do it.' A life time goes by and I have often seen that mothers have not even learned how to serve food, let alone cooking. They over serve and end up with over-weight children. Therefore it is my sincere request to you to be attentive to whatever you do. Any work – whether it is reading or listening, or talking, or writing, or any other task.

Many complain that we cannot do this or that. Here try this simple exercise and see for yourself how quickly you can engage your mind. Sit silently, and with only your mind (i.e. no use of beads `mala', no loud counting etc.), do japa (divine name repetition) silently "Raam Raam Raam Raam" , until you do one mala (108 times). Counting silently only within. If the mind wanders in between, stop and start all over again. Try to see if you can do just one mala. (i.e. 108 times). (to be continued)

From Vishesh Pravachan – 408 Art of Listening to Satsang in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji

To listen to this pravachan below. Go down to # 408, download and listen at:


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear Sir, I have read your article on SATSUNG. I know some people [especially ladies] in our society,who attain these satsung sessions regularly,but like to inform you that these are the persons,who are rude to neighbours,non cooperative to the society where they live,bad attitude,dirty at home and unclean outside,unhygeinic to the society.Same go with their children. So I dont understand what is discoursed to these people when they attend such sessions and forget their basic behaviour once they finish the satsung.Looks like it is a kitty party weekly for them or to show others. So I wish that grownup people who attend the satsungs, should be specially told not not do things other than they hear in satsungs,or there is no sense in them attending the satsung in future. When someone comes out of a satsung ,he should be a changed person at least slightly,in himself and to society and the rest may follow , as there are still few good people on this mother earth,because of whom this world is existing. Hope my views are taken in a positive manner. Regards,






Jayant M. Bhutkar



Dear Sadhaks, Namaste!This is in the same positive spirit Jayantji has asked his observations be taken!Should we be concerned about those attending satsang or religious discourses that do not change, or should we be concerned about listening attentively and intensely?Should we not be more concerned about us changing?Should change in one depend upon change in society or change in society depends on one"s dramatic transformation?Are changes we are concerned with here just the outward behaviors or radical transformation?Should not such observation stir myself upside down that why changes are not happening even after attending satsangs? Should not it be a lesson for me to change first? Understanding takes place beyond mind in the absence of "me". Absence of "me", the hearer, opens up mind to pave the way for "understanding" (that which stands under - Consciousness) to take place!Only Understanding changes people and not mere attendance of discourses!How can we take this message to masses? Until then, let it be mass entertainment, at least is better than so many other entertainments!Namaskar................Pratap Bhatt


Shree Hari

Ram Ram Swamiji's sayings from "Drops of Nectar" on Satsang -

Just as food is essential to sustain a body, similarly for spiritual life (parmarthic jeev), Satsang is essential.

In business both gains and losses take place, but in Satsang, there is only gains, never any losses.

In satsang (assocation with truth), even without effort one is spiritually uplifted, and by kusang (association with false, unreal), even without doing anything, one falls.

By valuing the ideas in Satsang, thoughts are significantly purified and impure feelings are wiped out.

BUT A KEY POINT SWAMIJI BRINGS UP - Without giving up the association of false, unreal (kusang), there is no obvious gain from Satsang (association with Truth).Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear Sadakas, There is no use of listening to discourses and forget the moment you come out. This is called Purana Vairagyam,some people use these lectures for self boasting and time pass. In our daily itself we can liearn so many things, How to move with our fellow humans and develop good habits to maintain our health and be good to others. If you develop these qualities of a good human being you need not have t atend such lectures. the lectures are attended by us not that we do not know .Repeated hammering of some sughashitams will din our ears ahd persuade us t follow the right path of life. with regards and good wishes jayashree sarathy----


Dear Sadaks,Gokarn history in Srimath Bagavath comes handy. He had a very bad brother who was killed. His brother soul was hanging as booth (Devil).Gokarn after advise from saints reads Bagavath to release and elevate that soul from suffering. So Bagavath Sapthagam was performed. The soul recovered from sins and got elevated. Then there was a question why the people who were listening did not elevate. Gokarn brother soul had NO body of senses and fully concentrated with Shradha (deep faith and belief). While people who were accustomed of attending Sapthgam, and listened like a story. Hope Sri Jayant M. Bhutkar caught the point.B.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji says: One who has learnt the art of swinging the "laathi" (wooden stick) from the very beginning, he alone can settle scores when faced with the enemy. But when the enemy comes in front prior to acquiring the art of twirling the stick, then he will have to take beating from the enemy! He know these things discussed in satsang (association with holy men), but when pleasures come in front of him, at that time he forgets and those talks (satsangs) are of no use.

One is learnt thing and the other is known (experienced, realized) thing. That which is known, is real, innate, which never undergoes any change (unwavering). A learnt thing remains limited to the intellect level only, it does not reach the Self within. But that which is experienced (realized) touches the core (Self). As long as a thing does not reach the "Self" level, that thing does not filter down characteristically in man's behaviour as it really should. THEREFORE NO CHANGES ! NO EFFECT !

He whose aim is Paramatma (God) realization, he is never contented by things which are merely learnt. On not being contented, his quest for Truth becomes further intensified. In due course of his search, he gains the experience of the Supreme Truth.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


It takes all sorts to make this world. Just by attending satsangs one does not benefit spirituality unless one has prepared oneself. For that good conduct, service, meditation, the counsel of a guru etc. are necessary. Nothing happens unless the time is right. Throwing seeds upon stone will not cause the seed to sprout. Hari Shanker Deo


Dear Members and friends


Listening skill in very important Even in Bhagvat Purana there are four to five Chapters in which deep discourse is narrated in it Here is my understanding about listening skill to be developed by us. Even when we study at the school or college listening lecture of our teachcer is very important and for that purpose we as student is required to pay attention and concentrate on the works spoken at that time Listening is a great skill in this modern life.

Create listening habits Instead of speaking or intervening. Try to keep us reserved and hear what other says We learn many things by this habit. Active listening helps us to give our full attention to another person in our conversations. Active listening allows us to become attentive to another's needs in our interactions instead of thinking solely about our own. ideas and thoughts or views. By learning to listen actively today, we will gain skills that will make our interactions more successful. In life

Listening plays an important role in developing skill how to talk and converse with members of the community or the members of the meditation group. If we are successful enough to work nicely with the people then it is automatically know as to how to communicate with Almighty God who resides with us and is always noticed and felt in an atmosphere of silence and big gathering of the people in the tem0ple or any community center or place Listening touch plays an important role to hear or feel the body's story, which is the best communication tool to understand our soul and heart. To really listen to another human being and yourself, not just in words, proclaims a relationship that demands being in the present moment of life fully focused on what we are doing in present life.

We may feel thoughtful in our interactions with others today and find it easier to consider the consequences of our words before speaking. An awareness of the ways our actions affect others could help us be courteous and considerate, which could also bring an added level of cooperation into our interactions. Today would be a good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at work, or we could volunteer for important causes in our local community. To enhance this spirit of cooperation, we might also want to give more attention to our listening skills The results of cooperation can be as simple as effortlessly getting everyone in our household to their appointments to large-scale social shifts to changing minds and hearts or policies that affect the future. of our lives.Shankerprasad Bhatt


I fully agree with the observations / views expressed by Jayant M Butkar with the only disagreement on the sex being criticized. They should apply to both males and females. In many cases, people participate in satsang only to show off their limited knowledge, not for transformation. Where the purpose of participation is for transformation, Satsang will bring in far reaching changes in a person's outlook, attitude and societal behavior.


V K Naageswaran


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji has said -

Parikshit heard the Srimad Bhagawad for seven days and attained God Realization, so why have we not realized after listening for so very long?Pariskhit had no desire to live. He knew he had only seven days remaining in his body. We all have a desire to live. This is the main obstacle. Man is dying at every moment. At every moment this body is dying. Parikshit was very clear that his body was dying. When we have this feeling that we are living (i.e. the body is not constantly dying), that thought itself will prevent us from LISTENING TO SATSANG and have longing for God Realization.When this body is dead, there will be no relation with anyone. If the aim is clear and we become focused, then listening will happen automatically, and God Realization can happen today!

Folks, this is the last birth. Human birth is the last of all births. We have been clearly told by Bhagavan in the Gita "bahunaam janmanaam ante, Vasudeva sarvam iti" (Gita 7:19). Now it is up to us to LISTEN TO GOD'S WORDS and become firm on this point. Do not worry whether others LISTEN OR DO NOT LISTEN, you simply LISTEN AND ACCEPT and become immersed in only Bhagavan, then everything elsewill fall in place. Simply become immersed in listening to the ONE AND ONLY... His words, His Truths, His Principles, His DIvine Name, His Lila, His Devotees' life stories .........With great enthusiasm (utsaaha), let this one LISTENING ... one THOUGHT prevail and become fully engaged in only Bhagavan.... while serving the world.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Shraddhey Swami Shri Ramsukhdasji has said, "The Yoga of Gita is Equanimity (samtaah) itself" To attain that equanimity, the solution is to become free of all faults. The solution to be free of all faults is

1) not to consider anyone to be bad

2) not to do anything bad to anyone

3) not to think bad about anyone

4) not to see bad in anyone

5) not to hear bad about anyone

6) not to say anything bad about anyone

[from Sadhak Sanijivani pg 399 hindi]

Brother, you are stuck on point # 1, 4 and 6. How others are and what they are doing is not a Sadhak's (aspirant's) work. First he must see himself. Whatever difficulties you have in your spiritual discipline, you may ask in Gita-talk for clarification, and many learned sadhaks can be of help. I have always received solutions and resolutions to my questions.

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Jayantji, you have raised a valid point!


Swamiji Maharaj's message below about how to listen to Satsung is very clear. When we follow this technique, the potential benefits can be enormous to a spiritual aspirant. But the amount of benefit will depend on the devotees, their value system, their attitude, degree of humility and their basic understanding of the purpose for which they go to Satsung. If they have gone to Satsung for showing off to others, they can develop a false pride. In that case, they truly have not understood the meaning of Satsung. Some may also go to Satsung gatherings for entertainment. In these cases, going to Satsung is name sake only, the real benefit cannot be achieved.


Generally people divide the daily activities into two independent categories:

A). Set time for Japa, worship, prayers and reading scriptures, Satsung etc,

B). Other time in waking hours for doing the normal business of the world.


People category in (A) above, may feel that they are much more religious than many others who do not do as much of religious activity as they do, so they may develop hypocrisy and arrogance. Their behaviour and conduct during the rest of the waking hours has nothing to do with the Satsung they attended.


For a serious spiritual aspirant there is no division of time as such. Spiritual pursuit is a

24-7 operation, full time dedication to the only worthwhile goal of human life, uniting with Supreme. In Gitaji the words Nitya (Everyday) and Satatam (Always) are used, e.g.:

ananyacetah satatam yo mam smartai nityasah ... (8-14)

"I am easily attainable, O Partha, by that eversteadfast yogi, who constantly remembers Me and thinks of Me alone."


satatam kirtayanto mam ...... nityaukta upaste ... (9-14)

"Always sing My glories, starting to attain Me, prostrating before Me with firm vows, ever united with Me, worship Me always single minded."


ananya cintayonto mam ...... tesam nityabhiyuktanam ... (9-22)

"Those devotes, however, who worship Me alone thinking of none else and ever united. I Myself attend to their wants and needs and provide them with security of what they have."

|| Ram Ram ||


Humble regards,Madan Kaura



Dear Members and friends


Listening skill in very important Even in Bhagvat Purana there are four to five Chapters in which deep discourse is narrated in it Here is my understanding about listening skill to be developed by us. Even when we study at the school or college listening lecture of our teachcer is very important and for that purpose we as student is required to pay attention and concentrate on the works spoken at that time Listening is a great skill in this modern life.

Create listening habits Instead of speaking or intervening. Try to keep us reserved and hear what other says We learn many things by this habit. Active listening helps us to give our full attention to another person in our conversations. Active listening allows us to become attentive to another's needs in our interactions instead of thinking solely about our own. ideas and thoughts or views. By learning to listen actively today, we will gain skills that will make our interactions more successful. In life

Listening plays an important role in developing skill how to talk and converse with members of the community or the members of the meditation group. If we are successful enough to work nicely with the people then it is automatically know as to how to communicate with Almighty God who resides with us and is always noticed and felt in an atmosphere of silence and big gathering of the people in the tem0ple or any community center or place Listening touch plays an important role to hear or feel the body's story, which is the best communication tool to understand our soul and heart. To really listen to another human being and yourself, not just in words, proclaims a relationship that demands being in the present moment of life fully focused on what we are doing in present life.

We may feel thoughtful in our interactions with others today and find it easier to consider the consequences of our words before speaking. An awareness of the ways our actions affect others could help us be courteous and considerate, which could also bring an added level of cooperation into our interactions. Today would be a good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at good day to participate in-group activities such as special projects at work, or we could volunteer for important causes in our local community. To enhance this spirit of cooperation, we might also want to give more attention to our listening skills The results of cooperation can be as simple as effortlessly getting everyone in our household to their appointments to large-scale social shifts to changing minds and hearts or policies that affect the future. of our lives.

Shankerprasad Bhatt





One acts as if action is compulsion and result, outcome will give relief.

We almost always act in conflict and wait for results to take us out of conflict. We depend upon time to relieve us. We react to conflict as if we will come out of it through time.

Unless this paradigm in understood, nothing can happen.

It is to be understood by the individual himself and not raise a complaint that others are not understanding.

One's understanding is sufficient to change the whole thing.

Depending upon the outer as if outer will give relief is the fundamental error.

Y V Chawla


This is so right. The same set of people chant hymns in the trains and are rude to fellow passengers, don't give up their seats to elderly and feel that by attending satsungs they can connect with God. This what we call pseudo faith. !! I just hope that the start looking at the God in each one of us rather than off us. Well said Mr.Bhutkar cheers

Diwakar Shukla--------------------------

I always listen to bhajans and feel enlightened.




Even in Satsang everybody has to use the power of judgement what is right and wrong and finally to act as per our conscience

S S Bhatt


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram9th December, 2009, Wednesday, Paush Krishna Ashthami



There is a question. A gentleman says, while listening to satsang (spiritual discourses) people are also writing the divine name (e.g. Ram Ram) and some are also doing japa (repetition of divine name) with beads. I wonder how they are able to do two things simultaneously. Is there greater gain in doing so or not?

Answer: If while sitting to listen to a discourse, and at the same time you are also doing japa (divine name repetition), then will you be able to listen? One cannot do two things well at the same time. Attention will only be in on one thing. There is nothing wrong if it happens automatically, i.e. on its own the divine name repetition (japa) starts. But to listen, to hear attentively where the attention is only on listening continuously with no gaps or intervals (niranter), listening single-pointedly, listening with an unbroken flow like the continuous pouring of oil (tail dharaavat) is an art. You have asked me this question and reminded me of things, therefore I am telling you. Yes there is a definite art of listening. If you listen in that manner, you will have immense gains. After studying for many years, one person said I have finally learned to study. He said look at the Teacher (Guru) with great attention, watch the eyes and listen. Doing so, the essence of what is being said will get absorbed in.


Many ask a question and you can see there is no desire to listen. At the very minimum after asking do not be stuck in your own thoughts. You will be either able to listen to satsang or do japa. Not both. Pay attention, if you pay attention, you will be only able to hear one thing. You should not be able to hear the vigor of the Gangaji's flow in the back ground or the winds blowing or anything else. Your mind will not be on anything else. If you pay attention to your breath or anything else, how can you truly listen attentively? Do you not get time to write the Divine name (Ram naam) in your homes? It seems that you are here and doing nothing else. Might as well be busy in writing the Divine name, thinking this time is useless, extra and rather dispensable (phaaltu). Deep within, you are of the impression that this time is simply being wasted. If you have this attitude how can you gain anything from satsang?

Sincere listeners even know what is going to come next in these discourses because they have been listening for many years and have been very attentive. New persons cannot grasp quickly, but listening attentively he is able to gain knowledge very quickly. Therefore whatever work you are doing, do it by engaging fully in it. If a man does a single task attentively and does that work alone, then he will acquire the same discipline in his spiritual practices (sadhana), and when he meditates then too it will be single-pointed, and his mind will very quickly become engaged in God. Whatever work you do, give attention to that alone. That way your habits will improve and whatever you do will be with perfect concentration and interest. It is pride that often makes one say – `I cannot do it.' A life time goes by and I have often seen that mothers have not even learned how to serve food, let alone cooking. They over serve and end up with over-weight children. Therefore it is my sincere request to you to be attentive to whatever you do. Any work – whether it is reading or listening, or talking, or writing, or any other task.

Many complain that we cannot do this or that. Here try this simple exercise and see for yourself how quickly you can engage your mind. Sit silently, and with only your mind (i.e. no use of beads `mala', no loud counting etc.), do japa (divine name repetition) silently "Raam Raam Raam Raam" , until you do one mala (108 times). Counting silently only within. If the mind wanders in between, stop and start all over again. Try to see if you can do just one mala. (i.e. 108 times). (to be continued)

From Vishesh Pravachan – 408 Art of Listening to Satsang in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji

To listen to this pravachan below. Go down to # 408, download and listen at:


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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