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How to keep this body healthy so that I can remain focused on God?

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Shree Hari Ram Ram

Sorry Sadhaks, we lost some of the formating in your messages and possibly some

submissions. If your submission is not posted, please resend if you can. Gita

Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Of recent, my attention has been consumed with this body with aches and pains,

BP and other health issues. How can I draw my attention back to God? How can

I keep this body healthy enough so that my attention is not drawn to that which

is going to go away, as we all know this. Please guide me !


Any references in Gitaji on keeping body healthy for a sadhak's spiritual

growth? (GT Moderators addition)







Shree Hari

Ram Ram

The moment you become entirely dependent on Ishvar (God), at that moment nor

will any diseases or states cause you sorrow, and nor will there be the

sentiments to keep this body that is leaving every single moment, that somehow I

must keep it free of all disease. If by doing somthing this body could have

been kept disease free then the doctors themselves would never have any

diseases. When Ishvar (God) Himself is digesting your food (Gita 15/14); oh

what to speak of food, He provides guarantee for this life, (Gita 9/22), then

too you are worrying? This is not good! This does not mean that you do not try

to get the necessary help/treatment for your disease. This means that that

which happens (cure etc.) will all be due to His divine will. This is from

experience. You too experience and see for yourself. So be it, Vineet





Hari Om


Please read today's Sadhak Message. You don't need body to remain focussed on

God. The one who lives in the body needs to focus on God. There is no point in

worrying about the body, but you should do your duty towards the body. You have

fear of death. Note here that this fear is not supported by truth. Read BG

Chapter 2 - first 45/50 verses. You are immortal. Body is mortal. Where is the

scope now for fear? Do you get fearful when the Sun sets? No! Why? Because you

know it certainly shall set. Similarly the body shall certainly die, You shall

certainly not die... Then where arises the Q of fear or anxiety? Sure, do your

best, take care of body, respect your body...but don't get attached to it. It is

not yours. Stop assuming it to be yours and still take care of it.


The above was regarding the body. Now come to you your 'self '. You are

immortal. Because you have assumed body to be " me " and " mine " , you are worried.

Change your acceptance level. Henceforth consider God to be " mine " , and " me " to

be of God. (Instead of body to be " me " / " mine " ). That is all you need to do. If

you do this much, and even if die immediately thereafter...you have fulfilled

the object of human life. But be firm. If body is not yours- it is not yours-

Come what may. If God is yours- He is yours- wherever/however you are !


Believe fearlessly..firmly - MERE TO GIRDHAR GOPAL, DOOSARO NA KOI.


How old are you, Sir?


Pranaams to all sadhaks.

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina





Dear Sadhakas,

Hare Krishna.

This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.

There is mention in Bhagavad Gita regarding healthy foods.

Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,

" Ayuh sattva balarogya,

Sukha priti vivardhanah,

Rasyah snigdhah hrdya,

Aharah sattvika priyah. "

(Gitaji, 17,8)

Which means ,

'Foods dear to those in mode of goodness, increase the duration of life, give

strength, purify our existence, give us health, satisfaction and pleasure. Such

foods are juicy, wholesome and pleasing to the heart. '

Milk, milk products,wheat,fruits and vegetables are some of the examples of

Sattvika foods.


' Patram pushpam phalam toyam' (Gitaji,9,26) which means,

'If one offers Me with devotion and love, a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I will

accept it'. That is what Lord Krishna says in Gitaji. Fruits and vegetables are

Lord's favourites.


Also what is very important, is to eat in moderation. This is also mentioned in

Bhagavad Gita.

" Yuktahara viharasya

Yukta cestasya karmasu,

Yukta svapnavabhodhasya,

Yogo bhavati dukha ha. "

( Gitaji, 6,17).

Which means,

'One who is regulated in his habits of eating,sleeping ,recreation can mitigate

material pains by practicing the yoga system. '


Let us eat the foods, offered to the Lord,( the sanctified foods) and advance



Thank You.

Hare Krishna.

Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D



Dear Sadaks,

1) In Geetha- Mitha Aahar (Moderate food) said. This is also said, what type of

food to consume and it`s effects regards to Gunaas. It is also said that any

food kept aside for more than 4 hours not to be taken. 2) In Ayurvedic it is

said, half stomach food and quarter stomach water and quarter stomach empty. 3)

My opinion- Sri Bala has been consuming much masala foods earlier, and stomach

full. The blood stream got salt addicted and B P developes. The complete body

has to be detoxified. There are prooven methods where Sri Bala case can be

completely cured. In fact I cured my wife of B P and Sugar that is herditory in

her family. Her youger sisters and brothers died of Sugar. The system of curing

any diseases are in 18 Siddhars (Eminent Sants of Bagavan Shiva) scripts. In

small stories attached to our puras reveal that Cancer was cured.

Balaji can contact me through this group, and he can have a good success rate in

his cure. For a sadak if Only body is sound, he can concentrate on meditation

and Poojas.




dear sadhaks, first to Balajee's query .............. devoting 30 minutes to an

hour to Pranayama, can be a great Blessing .................. begin with this

....... go on to simple Asanas for the Body ............ asanas you are able to

perform with ease ...... Swami Ramdev jee's live appearances on TV channels can

help ............. or you could purchase a CD.Do also imbibe shri Bhatt's

suggestions below regarding drinking of water in daily living . Air and water,

both free are great medicines ..............................now , if you permit

...................... to something deeper .................We have a beautifully

divine culture that teaches us the art of living ................. unfortunately

, the young of today value it not ....... they have no time ..................

but narinder tells you from experience ....................... begin looking

after your health ( correct foods , exercise, pranayama, yoga etc ) now

onwards, from whatever point you are now at .............. the younger in age ,

the better .............. your thoughts and day-to-day life are also a part of

your health ..................youth is a time , when everything negative that

one may indulge in , gets absorbed ............ one does not even notice it

...................... but .................. the effects of the neglect show up

after you cross the middle age ..................... When one is young, one

does NOT listen to the sayings of the wise elderly ( this is today's bane)

..................... but look around and see the elderly of today known to you(

those, who paid no heed to correct values , when young..... ) and what they have

to go through .................. This message is specially for the young

.................... pay heed to the Wisdom of the elders ............. and reap

the benefits , when age catches up with you ......AUM

narinder bhandari



The use of brass, copper vessels, turmeric (arisina, Haldi),

neem sticks etc., have also been subjected to tests.

BEETA AMELOID, a protein causing the incurable ALZEMEIR

disease could be controlled by the use of turmeric -

Arisina (Haldi) – see THE HINDU DATED April 20,2005.Neem leaves and sticks are

being used from times

immemorial in our Yugadi festival and we take a little

neem with jaggery on that day. Shankerprasad Bhatt


the advice on water therapy given by sadhak is worth practising because water is

the elixir of life.


Badri Narayana Miriyala




-Shree Hari-




Dear Bala,

OK you will get a lot of advice w.r.t. Bhagavad Gita, a couple of good

Shlokas are:


6 : 16 Yoga is not successful for him who eats too much, nor for one who

does not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps to much, nor too little.

6 : 17 Yoga which brings out the cessation of the travails of the world

is accomplished only by him, who is moderate in diet and recreation,

temperate in action and regulated in sleep, and wakefulness.


I ask you Bala, how up to date is that? It could be your G.P. giving

those instructions.

Do your research for variations of diet that is best for you, the web is

at your finger tips!


Now I will tell you this, it is not just such things that will re focus

you back to 'The Divine Beloved'.

I went through a very dark time, and was fortunate enough to sit before

the feet of one of the great spiritual giants in the world!

The turning point came, when he was guiding meditation, he said, " In

this country we have very good conditions........but Africa, poor

conditions, much suffering, meditate on the suffering,..... " . And for

the first time in quite a while, I turned my attention to the suffering

of others and not to my suffering!

That afternoon a seed was planted in my heart, and Dear Lord it has

never stopped growing!


Bala now that you are ready, the Master will come, do all you can to

find a group that does not want your money, only want help you. It may

simply be this Divine Forum, and the Master maybe Swamiji, I do not

know, but I believe in your heart you know!




Mike. (K)




First, attend to your body... take medicin....visit the doctor....do some

excercise, eat wisely...stop the complaints......be happy all the time....


If you are sure you have taken these steps.....then start the spiritual healing



It is all about diverting/fooling you mind / MAN.....Tell your mind/Man..


1. Your body is ok. Your body is going to be fine.

2. Mind has to help in healing the part/parts having problems.

3. Mind has the power to repair, regenerate any part of the body...

4. Mind must repair or regenerate.....

5. Thank you mind....


Do it with patience and sincerity. Have faith. See what happens in a few days...

once that starts working....start thanking God for everything...all the


Start helping others.....God is with you....


Sushil Jain


Ram Ram

In the past I used to drink room temperature water, more or less in the same way

as Sri Shankerprasad ji had said. Recently I have modified it a little, I drink

warm water (in the same way) and I have got amazing result.

Ashok Goenka



Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.

Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs


One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion


One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure


(01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack.


This is very important for our health Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt







1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to

Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up

spiritual path

2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure

and commit to daily Gita study

3. Only one question at a time.

4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim

of deeper understanding of Gita.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.

3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)


5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address

etc) or personalize message to particular person

6. All responses may not be posted.


7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit

the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram



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Of recent, my attention has been consumed with this body with aches and pains, BP and other health issues. How can I draw my attention back to God? How canI keep this body healthy enough so that my attention is not drawn to that whichis going to go away, as we all know this. Please guide me !Any references in Gitaji on keeping body healthy for a sadhak's spiritualgrowth? (GT Moderators addition)Bala----------------------


I thank you all - each and every one of you immensely for your forthright advice / suggestions / insights. Sarvottamji, Narottamji, Mikeji, Sathyanarayanaji, Meeraji, Prasadji, Sushilji, Narinderji, Ashokji, Shankerprasad Bhattji, Chunibhaiji, and Badri Narayanaji and any one that I may have missed.

In every message there was truth, SO SO VERY TRUE. Years of abuse of this body and mind. Oh ! I AM DEEPLY TOUCHED by the responses. I am committed to change and have made note of many points in a daily journal to follow through. Just to name a few - Daily Gita reading, asanas and pranayama, meditation, meditating on those suffering much more, whole-hearted acceptance of being Giridhar Gopal's and Gita 9/22, detachment, forgiveness, gratitude, being free of resentment, fruits and vegetable diet, moderation, sanctified food, only half stomach with food (sattvik), proper utensils, turmeric and neem, warm water therapy, developing a healing mind, patience, faith, sincerity and much much more... Once again, I am utterly grateful. I can already feel a difference.

Om Shanti, Bala



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji has said that - Becoming free of worldly desires (detachment, vairaagya) is the highest austerity and essential for a spiritual aspirant.

This desire that is consuming you, of wanting to keep the body healthy is a form of attachment "me and mine-ness" with the body. It is only out of attachment that we harm this body.

A patient plans to avoid unhealthy diet, and intends to take a wholesome meal, but out of attachment, eats things that worsen his disease.

One of the events causing one to become free from worldly desires (detached) is fear, which is what it seems you are experiencing.

This fear of various inflictions and sufferings in the body and of early aging from various bodydisease and weakening; begins to move one away from association of sense enjoyments. In other words, when the mind is moved away from unwholesome sense enjoyments one becomes a "vairaagi" (detached), and achieves the highest austerity that is essential for a spiritual aspirant - says Swamiji.

Can you now see His grace? His divine play? in making you detached and achieve the highest austerity!

Balaji, after all this body is His... Serve It by taking care of it, while remaining detached, as ultimately it is His Will, you do not have any "adhikaar" (rights) over it. Nothing is yours, except God. This is the Truth. Accept this right now and see for yourself.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

- Dear Bala

When body is showing signs of disease ,that means the mind is at dis-ease.You are carrying thoughts which are not in harmony with heart and soul.


It is good that you want to come out of that.The suggested actions are:-

1) Start reading Gita at earliest.Gita will show you the path.Commit strongly to read Gita

every day in morning and in night. I suggest you also read Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand Ji.

2)Consult Nutrition expert and follow food suggested food by him.Increase intake of fruits,dry fruits,sprouts,vegetables,nuts.Avoid processed and packaged food,carbonated drinks.Have food on time.

3)Practice forgiveness and gratitude.Say to yourself every night-I am willing to forgive now completely and un-conditionally.Express gratitude for what you have.Practicing forgiveness and gratitude should take care of resentment ,which you might have been carrying for so long causing BP and body ache and pain.

4) We have to take care of our emotions to take care of our body.Our emotions create the body.Unhealthy emotions will not result in healthy body.

5)You need to take care of sleep.Go to bed by 10-10.30 in night.Chant OM till you sleep.If the emotions are not good ,good sleep is not possible.

6)You can do breathing meditations for 10-15 minutes every day.


Briefly, your present state of being is reminder to turn clock back by paying attention to your food,emotions and sleep.


And start reading Gita ,may be from today itself.




Ashok Jain



It can only be done by creating concentration on almighty God and it can be done by following steps naratted in Chapter VI of Bhagvat Gita Speck affirmations pertain to God and he will be with you

This is my short reply or my under standing.


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



According to me, it is beyond doubt that Sri Ramdev yoga is most successful. i am not writing by just reading it or hearing it from others. i have regained my most dilapidated health through yoga-pranayama of shri Ramdeva through regulrity and consistency. anyone can do it and why not u? mahendra chunibhai

---------------------------PRIOR POSTING

Shree HariRam RamThe moment you become entirely dependent on Ishvar (God), at that moment norwill any diseases or states cause you sorrow, and nor will there be thesentiments to keep this body that is leaving every single moment, that somehow Imust keep it free of all disease. If by doing somthing this body could havebeen kept disease free then the doctors themselves would never have anydiseases. When Ishvar (God) Himself is digesting your food (Gita 15/14); ohwhat to speak of food, He provides guarantee for this life, (Gita 9/22), thentoo you are worrying? This is not good! This does not mean that you do not tryto get the necessary help/treatment for your disease. This means that thatwhich happens (cure etc.) will all be due to His divine will. This is fromexperience. You too experience and see for yourself. So be it, VineetSarvottam------------Hari OmPlease read today's Sadhak Message. You don't need body to remain focussed onGod. The one who lives in the body needs to focus on God. There is no point inworrying about the body, but you should do your duty towards the body. You havefear of death. Note here that this fear is not supported by truth. Read BGChapter 2 - first 45/50 verses. You are immortal. Body is mortal. Where is thescope now for fear? Do you get fearful when the Sun sets? No! Why? Because youknow it certainly shall set. Similarly the body shall certainly die, You shallcertainly not die... Then where arises the Q of fear or anxiety? Sure, do yourbest, take care of body, respect your body...but don't get attached to it. It isnot yours. Stop assuming it to be yours and still take care of it.The above was regarding the body. Now come to you your 'self '. You areimmortal. Because you have assumed body to be "me" and "mine" , you are worried.Change your acceptance level. Henceforth consider God to be "mine", and "me" tobe of God. (Instead of body to be "me"/"mine"). That is all you need to do. Ifyou do this much, and even if die immediately thereafter...you have fulfilledthe object of human life. But be firm. If body is not yours- it is not yours-Come what may. If God is yours- He is yours- wherever/however you are !Believe fearlessly..firmly - MERE TO GIRDHAR GOPAL, DOOSARO NA KOI.How old are you, Sir?Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam--------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.There is mention in Bhagavad Gita regarding healthy foods.Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Ayuh sattva balarogya,Sukha priti vivardhanah,Rasyah snigdhah hrdya,Aharah sattvika priyah. "(Gitaji, 17,8)Which means ,'Foods dear to those in mode of goodness, increase the duration of life, givestrength, purify our existence, give us health, satisfaction and pleasure. Suchfoods are juicy, wholesome and pleasing to the heart. 'Milk, milk products,wheat,fruits and vegetables are some of the examples ofSattvika foods.' Patram pushpam phalam toyam' (Gitaji,9,26) which means,'If one offers Me with devotion and love, a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I willaccept it'. That is what Lord Krishna says in Gitaji. Fruits and vegetables areLord's favourites.Also what is very important, is to eat in moderation. This is also mentioned inBhagavad Gita."Yuktahara viharasyaYukta cestasya karmasu,Yukta svapnavabhodhasya,Yogo bhavati dukha ha. "( Gitaji, 6,17).Which means,'One who is regulated in his habits of eating,sleeping ,recreation can mitigatematerial pains by practicing the yoga system. 'Let us eat the foods, offered to the Lord,( the sanctified foods) and advancespiritually.Thank You.Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D-------------Dear Sadaks,1) In Geetha- Mitha Aahar (Moderate food) said. This is also said, what type offood to consume and it`s effects regards to Gunaas. It is also said that anyfood kept aside for more than 4 hours not to be taken. 2) In Ayurvedic it issaid, half stomach food and quarter stomach water and quarter stomach empty. 3)My opinion- Sri Bala has been consuming much masala foods earlier, and stomachfull. The blood stream got salt addicted and B P developes. The complete bodyhas to be detoxified. There are prooven methods where Sri Bala case can becompletely cured. In fact I cured my wife of B P and Sugar that is herditory inher family. Her youger sisters and brothers died of Sugar. The system of curingany diseases are in 18 Siddhars (Eminent Sants of Bagavan Shiva) scripts. Insmall stories attached to our puras reveal that Cancer was cured.Balaji can contact me through this group, and he can have a good success rate inhis cure. For a sadak if Only body is sound, he can concentrate on meditationand Poojas.B.Sathyanarayan------------dear sadhaks, first to Balajee's query .............. devoting 30 minutes to anhour to Pranayama, can be a great Blessing .................. begin with this...... go on to simple Asanas for the Body ............ asanas you are able toperform with ease ...... Swami Ramdev jee's live appearances on TV channels canhelp ............. or you could purchase a CD.Do also imbibe shri Bhatt'ssuggestions below regarding drinking of water in daily living . Air and water,both free are great medicines ..............................now , if you permit..................... to something deeper .................We have a beautifullydivine culture that teaches us the art of living ................. unfortunately, the young of today value it not ....... they have no time ..................but narinder tells you from experience ....................... begin lookingafter your health ( correct foods , exercise, pranayama, yoga etc ) nowonwards, from whatever point you are now at .............. the younger in age ,the better .............. your thoughts and day-to-day life are also a part ofyour health ..................youth is a time , when everything negative thatone may indulge in , gets absorbed ............ one does not even notice it..................... but .................. the effects of the neglect show upafter you cross the middle age ..................... When one is young, onedoes NOT listen to the sayings of the wise elderly ( this is today's bane).................... but look around and see the elderly of today known to you(those, who paid no heed to correct values , when young..... ) and what they haveto go through .................. This message is specially for the young................... pay heed to the Wisdom of the elders ............. and reapthe benefits , when age catches up with you ......AUMnarinder bhandari------------------------The use of brass, copper vessels, turmeric (arisina, Haldi),neem sticks etc., have also been subjected to tests.BEETA AMELOID, a protein causing the incurable ALZEMEIRdisease could be controlled by the use of turmeric -Arisina (Haldi) – see THE HINDU DATED April 20,2005.Neem leaves and sticks arebeing used from timesimmemorial in our Yugadi festival and we take a littleneem with jaggery on that day. Shankerprasad Bhatt-----------------the advice on water therapy given by sadhak is worth practising because water isthe elixir of life.thankyouBadri Narayana Miriyala-----------Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Bala,OK you will get a lot of advice w.r.t. Bhagavad Gita, a couple of goodShlokas are:6 : 16 Yoga is not successful for him who eats too much, nor for one whodoes not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps to much, nor too little.6 : 17 Yoga which brings out the cessation of the travails of the worldis accomplished only by him, who is moderate in diet and recreation,temperate in action and regulated in sleep, and wakefulness.I ask you Bala, how up to date is that? It could be your G.P. givingthose instructions.Do your research for variations of diet that is best for you, the web isat your finger tips!Now I will tell you this, it is not just such things that will re focusyou back to 'The Divine Beloved'.I went through a very dark time, and was fortunate enough to sit beforethe feet of one of the great spiritual giants in the world!The turning point came, when he was guiding meditation, he said,"Inthis country we have very good conditions........but Africa, poorconditions, much suffering, meditate on the suffering,.....". And forthe first time in quite a while, I turned my attention to the sufferingof others and not to my suffering!That afternoon a seed was planted in my heart, and Dear Lord it hasnever stopped growing!Bala now that you are ready, the Master will come, do all you can tofind a group that does not want your money, only want help you. It maysimply be this Divine Forum, and the Master maybe Swamiji, I do notknow, but I believe in your heart you know!Om...Shant...Mike. (K)----First, attend to your body... take medicin....visit the doctor....do someexcercise, eat wisely...stop the complaints......be happy all the time....If you are sure you have taken these steps.....then start the spiritual healingprocess...It is all about diverting/fooling you mind / MAN.....Tell your mind/Man..1. Your body is ok. Your body is going to be fine.2. Mind has to help in healing the part/parts having problems.3. Mind has the power to repair, regenerate any part of the body...4. Mind must repair or regenerate.....5. Thank you mind....Do it with patience and sincerity. Have faith. See what happens in a few days...once that starts working....start thanking God for everything...all thetime.....Start helping others.....God is with you....Sushil Jain--------------------Ram RamIn the past I used to drink room temperature water, more or less in the same wayas Sri Shankerprasad ji had said. Recently I have modified it a little, I drinkwarm water (in the same way) and I have got amazing result.Ashok Goenka--------------------Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organsOne (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestionOne (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure(01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack.This is very important for our health Truly yoursShankerprasad S Bhatt---------===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Of recent, my attention has been consumed with this body with aches and pains, BP and other health issues. How can I draw my attention back to God? How canI keep this body healthy enough so that my attention is not drawn to that whichis going to go away, as we all know this. Please guide me !Any references in Gitaji on keeping body healthy for a sadhak's spiritualgrowth? (GT Moderators addition)Bala----------------------


Swamiji quoted - "Unt mein tuhi tajenge paamar". In the end all will leave, only Paramatma will remain.

This body is not for me, this body is not mine and this body is not "me". The greatness of this body is its vivek (discriminative power).

Accept this now and REJOICE and take care of what has been given to you to keep for a short time, knowing full well that you will have to return it back to the owner "prakriti" someday. Just like checking into a hotel during vacation... use the facilities there, treat all the things properly, but when you check out, leave the room without any attachment, being FREE of all worries and responsibilities. meera das, ram ram


-Shree Hari-Slow breathing meditation, very good indeed, if kept under control! Per my experience, if done alone, without the support of a loved one who has good spiritual grounding, or a genuine guide, can send a person insane,others can cause energy meridians/ nadis to become out of balance, the nervous system can become damaged etc.

May Gods peace be upon us all!Om... Shanti...Mike.


Hi,Aches and pain indicate that you are storing anger .BP indicate that you are taking lot of pressure which you are unable to handle. Disease always stars from the mind , what kind of thinking you are having , is it positive or negative even in trouble time. spiritual growth will come on its on if one works on it. One does not achieve it by doing rituals, like going to temple, giving alms, helping others etc. One achieves when one works on oneself . This means one should be aware of what one does the whole day, what is he thinking , how much aware a person is about his thought, is he aware what he is talking to others etc. Spiritual growth will come on its own when a person is aware about himself.S. R Amin


Shree Hari Ram Ram

You may want to read Sadhan, Sudhaa Sindhu in HINDI - pg 771-775 if there is tendency to become angry or there is agitation in the mind. It is available online at:


Here is summary of lecture given by Swamiji on , (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m.


The world and your body look close to you, but they are not close, only God is close to you. We have given importance to the body and to the world. They will not stay forever. Each one of us will have to leave our bodies and go. The world also keeps changing and does not stay on forever. Only God is permanent and unchanging. The Self witnesses the changes in our body -from childhood to youth, from adult to old age. It also witnesses all the insults, praise, injury etc. that the body experiences. God is the only one who is ours. God and the Self are the same. The body will never stay with us. The body which seems the closest to you is the most far. Something that always changes and something that never changes can never be together.This does not mean that we should not look after the body if it is unwell, or not give it food. The fact is that the body will not stay with you. The world and body are one - they are perishable. The desire of keeping the body healthy and always retaining it, can never be fulfilled. The attachment to the body is not easy to leave. Even if you do not understand, you should accept it. Just hold on to them and accept them. It is a fact and the truth. Thus rejoice and be happy.

From Discourse by Swamij Ramsukhdasji on (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m. Ram RamGita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji has repeated this over and over again. This body will leave you at some point in time. It will let you down some day, if you continue wanting to have it be according to your likes/wishes/desires. Serve it by taking care of it, but do not depend on it. Therefore whether this body remains healthy or not, whether we live or we die, be determined to remain firm on the one and only aim - I WANT TO ATTAIN SALVATION. In verse (Gita 9:30) it is said "samyagvyavasitohi saha" means that "Now I want to only walk this path" whereby one makes this firm commitment and determination - no matter how poor the health of the body. If the inner sentiments become determinate that - "I am only a seeker of Divinity and Truth" then focus / rememberance of God will happen on its own. i.e. poor health will not take away the focus from God. This has been time and again observed in many saints of the world, who were immersed in God inspite of very poor health or conditions.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

-----Shree Hari-


Dear Bala, I think at the outset you have comprehended the value of this Divine Forum, see the attached reflections of Swamiji:There is no bigger benefit than Satsanga. But it is difficult to get real satsanga. Instead of doing bhajan in isolation, reading books explaining real element is better. Real Satsanga is either liking only God or association with Realised souls. Satsanga gives immediate benefits. I can not explain glory of satsanga . Just as: When child has grown, one does not know similarly by sitting in satsanga what benefits one can get, cannot be known.A few words of wisdom, 'Pranayama', seems very similar to 'Chi Kung's Pi Chi/Nei Tan', something I have knowledge of, and my thoughts are reflected by a comment in 'Wikipedia', regarding 'Pranayama'. 'Cautions: Many yoga teachers recommend that pranayama techniques be practiced with care, and that advanced pranayama techniques should be practiced under the guidance of a teacher. These cautions are also made in traditional Hindu literature.' Easy does it! Be very kind to your body and mind! If you make a radical change to your diet, maybe a good idea to have a blood check after a while, specially regarding B12 levels. You may need direct support for some of your endeavors, maybe a self help group or some such organization.

There is a magic awaiting you down the road, that is, you will be able to transmute your own miseries into pure gold of 'Divine Love'! All is good Balaji!Om...Shanti...Mike. (K)


I thank you all - each and every one of you immensely for your forthright advice / suggestions / insights. Sarvottamji, Narottamji, Mikeji, Sathyanarayanaji, Meeraji, Prasadji, Sushilji, Narinderji, Ashokji, Shankerprasad Bhattji, Chunibhaiji, and Badri Narayanaji and any one that I may have missed.

In every message there was truth, SO SO VERY TRUE. Years of abuse of this body and mind. Oh ! I AM DEEPLY TOUCHED by the responses. I am committed to change and have made note of many points in a daily journal to follow through. Just to name a few - Daily Gita reading, asanas and pranayama, meditation, meditating on those suffering much more, whole-hearted acceptance of being Giridhar Gopal's and Gita 9/22, detachment, forgiveness, gratitude, being free of resentment, fruits and vegetable diet, moderation, sanctified food, only half stomach with food (sattvik), proper utensils, turmeric and neem, warm water therapy, developing a healing mind, patience, faith, sincerity and much much more... Once again, I am utterly grateful. I can already feel a difference.

Om Shanti, Bala



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji has said that - Becoming free of worldly desires (detachment, vairaagya) is the highest austerity and essential for a spiritual aspirant.

This desire that is consuming you, of wanting to keep the body healthy is a form of attachment "me and mine-ness" with the body. It is only out of attachment that we harm this body.

A patient plans to avoid unhealthy diet, and intends to take a wholesome meal, but out of attachment, eats things that worsen his disease.

One of the events causing one to become free from worldly desires (detached) is fear, which is what it seems you are experiencing.

This fear of various inflictions and sufferings in the body and of early aging from various bodydisease and weakening; begins to move one away from association of sense enjoyments. In other words, when the mind is moved away from unwholesome sense enjoyments one becomes a "vairaagi" (detached), and achieves the highest austerity that is essential for a spiritual aspirant - says Swamiji.

Can you now see His grace? His divine play? in making you detached and achieve the highest austerity!

Balaji, after all this body is His... Serve It by taking care of it, while remaining detached, as ultimately it is His Will, you do not have any "adhikaar" (rights) over it. Nothing is yours, except God. This is the Truth. Accept this right now and see for yourself.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

- Dear Bala

When body is showing signs of disease ,that means the mind is at dis-ease.You are carrying thoughts which are not in harmony with heart and soul.


It is good that you want to come out of that.The suggested actions are:-

1) Start reading Gita at earliest.Gita will show you the path.Commit strongly to read Gita

every day in morning and in night. I suggest you also read Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand Ji.

2)Consult Nutrition expert and follow food suggested food by him.Increase intake of fruits,dry fruits,sprouts,vegetables,nuts.Avoid processed and packaged food,carbonated drinks.Have food on time.

3)Practice forgiveness and gratitude.Say to yourself every night-I am willing to forgive now completely and un-conditionally.Express gratitude for what you have.Practicing forgiveness and gratitude should take care of resentment ,which you might have been carrying for so long causing BP and body ache and pain.

4) We have to take care of our emotions to take care of our body.Our emotions create the body.Unhealthy emotions will not result in healthy body.

5)You need to take care of sleep.Go to bed by 10-10.30 in night.Chant OM till you sleep.If the emotions are not good ,good sleep is not possible.

6)You can do breathing meditations for 10-15 minutes every day.


Briefly, your present state of being is reminder to turn clock back by paying attention to your food,emotions and sleep.


And start reading Gita ,may be from today itself.




Ashok Jain



It can only be done by creating concentration on almighty God and it can be done by following steps naratted in Chapter VI of Bhagvat Gita Speck affirmations pertain to God and he will be with you

This is my short reply or my under standing.


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



According to me, it is beyond doubt that Sri Ramdev yoga is most successful. i am not writing by just reading it or hearing it from others. i have regained my most dilapidated health through yoga-pranayama of shri Ramdeva through regulrity and consistency. anyone can do it and why not u? mahendra chunibhai

---------------------------PRIOR POSTING

Shree HariRam RamThe moment you become entirely dependent on Ishvar (God), at that moment norwill any diseases or states cause you sorrow, and nor will there be thesentiments to keep this body that is leaving every single moment, that somehow Imust keep it free of all disease. If by doing somthing this body could havebeen kept disease free then the doctors themselves would never have anydiseases. When Ishvar (God) Himself is digesting your food (Gita 15/14); ohwhat to speak of food, He provides guarantee for this life, (Gita 9/22), thentoo you are worrying? This is not good! This does not mean that you do not tryto get the necessary help/treatment for your disease. This means that thatwhich happens (cure etc.) will all be due to His divine will. This is fromexperience. You too experience and see for yourself. So be it, VineetSarvottam------------Hari OmPlease read today's Sadhak Message. You don't need body to remain focussed onGod. The one who lives in the body needs to focus on God. There is no point inworrying about the body, but you should do your duty towards the body. You havefear of death. Note here that this fear is not supported by truth. Read BGChapter 2 - first 45/50 verses. You are immortal. Body is mortal. Where is thescope now for fear? Do you get fearful when the Sun sets? No! Why? Because youknow it certainly shall set. Similarly the body shall certainly die, You shallcertainly not die... Then where arises the Q of fear or anxiety? Sure, do yourbest, take care of body, respect your body...but don't get attached to it. It isnot yours. Stop assuming it to be yours and still take care of it.The above was regarding the body. Now come to you your 'self '. You areimmortal. Because you have assumed body to be "me" and "mine" , you are worried.Change your acceptance level. Henceforth consider God to be "mine", and "me" tobe of God. (Instead of body to be "me"/"mine"). That is all you need to do. Ifyou do this much, and even if die immediately thereafter...you have fulfilledthe object of human life. But be firm. If body is not yours- it is not yours-Come what may. If God is yours- He is yours- wherever/however you are !Believe fearlessly..firmly - MERE TO GIRDHAR GOPAL, DOOSARO NA KOI.How old are you, Sir?Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam--------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.There is mention in Bhagavad Gita regarding healthy foods.Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Ayuh sattva balarogya,Sukha priti vivardhanah,Rasyah snigdhah hrdya,Aharah sattvika priyah. "(Gitaji, 17,8)Which means ,'Foods dear to those in mode of goodness, increase the duration of life, givestrength, purify our existence, give us health, satisfaction and pleasure. Suchfoods are juicy, wholesome and pleasing to the heart. 'Milk, milk products,wheat,fruits and vegetables are some of the examples ofSattvika foods.' Patram pushpam phalam toyam' (Gitaji,9,26) which means,'If one offers Me with devotion and love, a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I willaccept it'. That is what Lord Krishna says in Gitaji. Fruits and vegetables areLord's favourites.Also what is very important, is to eat in moderation. This is also mentioned inBhagavad Gita."Yuktahara viharasyaYukta cestasya karmasu,Yukta svapnavabhodhasya,Yogo bhavati dukha ha. "( Gitaji, 6,17).Which means,'One who is regulated in his habits of eating,sleeping ,recreation can mitigatematerial pains by practicing the yoga system. 'Let us eat the foods, offered to the Lord,( the sanctified foods) and advancespiritually.Thank You.Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D-------------Dear Sadaks,1) In Geetha- Mitha Aahar (Moderate food) said. This is also said, what type offood to consume and it`s effects regards to Gunaas. It is also said that anyfood kept aside for more than 4 hours not to be taken. 2) In Ayurvedic it issaid, half stomach food and quarter stomach water and quarter stomach empty. 3)My opinion- Sri Bala has been consuming much masala foods earlier, and stomachfull. The blood stream got salt addicted and B P developes. The complete bodyhas to be detoxified. There are prooven methods where Sri Bala case can becompletely cured. In fact I cured my wife of B P and Sugar that is herditory inher family. Her youger sisters and brothers died of Sugar. The system of curingany diseases are in 18 Siddhars (Eminent Sants of Bagavan Shiva) scripts. Insmall stories attached to our puras reveal that Cancer was cured.Balaji can contact me through this group, and he can have a good success rate inhis cure. For a sadak if Only body is sound, he can concentrate on meditationand Poojas.B.Sathyanarayan------------dear sadhaks, first to Balajee's query .............. devoting 30 minutes to anhour to Pranayama, can be a great Blessing .................. begin with this...... go on to simple Asanas for the Body ............ asanas you are able toperform with ease ...... Swami Ramdev jee's live appearances on TV channels canhelp ............. or you could purchase a CD.Do also imbibe shri Bhatt'ssuggestions below regarding drinking of water in daily living . Air and water,both free are great medicines ..............................now , if you permit..................... to something deeper .................We have a beautifullydivine culture that teaches us the art of living ................. unfortunately, the young of today value it not ....... they have no time ..................but narinder tells you from experience ....................... begin lookingafter your health ( correct foods , exercise, pranayama, yoga etc ) nowonwards, from whatever point you are now at .............. the younger in age ,the better .............. your thoughts and day-to-day life are also a part ofyour health ..................youth is a time , when everything negative thatone may indulge in , gets absorbed ............ one does not even notice it..................... but .................. the effects of the neglect show upafter you cross the middle age ..................... When one is young, onedoes NOT listen to the sayings of the wise elderly ( this is today's bane).................... but look around and see the elderly of today known to you(those, who paid no heed to correct values , when young..... ) and what they haveto go through .................. This message is specially for the young................... pay heed to the Wisdom of the elders ............. and reapthe benefits , when age catches up with you ......AUMnarinder bhandari------------------------The use of brass, copper vessels, turmeric (arisina, Haldi),neem sticks etc., have also been subjected to tests.BEETA AMELOID, a protein causing the incurable ALZEMEIRdisease could be controlled by the use of turmeric -Arisina (Haldi) – see THE HINDU DATED April 20,2005.Neem leaves and sticks arebeing used from timesimmemorial in our Yugadi festival and we take a littleneem with jaggery on that day. Shankerprasad Bhatt-----------------the advice on water therapy given by sadhak is worth practising because water isthe elixir of life.thankyouBadri Narayana Miriyala-----------Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Bala,OK you will get a lot of advice w.r.t. Bhagavad Gita, a couple of goodShlokas are:6 : 16 Yoga is not successful for him who eats too much, nor for one whodoes not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps to much, nor too little.6 : 17 Yoga which brings out the cessation of the travails of the worldis accomplished only by him, who is moderate in diet and recreation,temperate in action and regulated in sleep, and wakefulness.I ask you Bala, how up to date is that? It could be your G.P. givingthose instructions.Do your research for variations of diet that is best for you, the web isat your finger tips!Now I will tell you this, it is not just such things that will re focusyou back to 'The Divine Beloved'.I went through a very dark time, and was fortunate enough to sit beforethe feet of one of the great spiritual giants in the world!The turning point came, when he was guiding meditation, he said,"Inthis country we have very good conditions........but Africa, poorconditions, much suffering, meditate on the suffering,.....". And forthe first time in quite a while, I turned my attention to the sufferingof others and not to my suffering!That afternoon a seed was planted in my heart, and Dear Lord it hasnever stopped growing!Bala now that you are ready, the Master will come, do all you can tofind a group that does not want your money, only want help you. It maysimply be this Divine Forum, and the Master maybe Swamiji, I do notknow, but I believe in your heart you know!Om...Shant...Mike. (K)----First, attend to your body... take medicin....visit the doctor....do someexcercise, eat wisely...stop the complaints......be happy all the time....If you are sure you have taken these steps.....then start the spiritual healingprocess...It is all about diverting/fooling you mind / MAN.....Tell your mind/Man..1. Your body is ok. Your body is going to be fine.2. Mind has to help in healing the part/parts having problems.3. Mind has the power to repair, regenerate any part of the body...4. Mind must repair or regenerate.....5. Thank you mind....Do it with patience and sincerity. Have faith. See what happens in a few days...once that starts working....start thanking God for everything...all thetime.....Start helping others.....God is with you....Sushil Jain--------------------Ram RamIn the past I used to drink room temperature water, more or less in the same wayas Sri Shankerprasad ji had said. Recently I have modified it a little, I drinkwarm water (in the same way) and I have got amazing result.Ashok Goenka--------------------Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organsOne (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestionOne (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure(01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack.This is very important for our health Truly yoursShankerprasad S Bhatt---------===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Of recent, my attention has been consumed with this body with aches and pains, BP and other health issues. How can I draw my attention back to God? How canI keep this body healthy enough so that my attention is not drawn to that whichis going to go away, as we all know this. Please guide me !Any references in Gitaji on keeping body healthy for a sadhak's spiritualgrowth? (GT Moderators addition)Bala----------------------


Hari OmIn Scriptures the fear of death is described as "abhinivesh" ! This is very deeply embedded inside the body and is prevalent in all bodies ..all creatures....A prey (say mouse) is by nature fearful of predator (say Cat). In fact this is not only fear...this is desire...this is an emotion arising out of non fulfillment of desire.. this is continuing association... with which you are born and which has all along been responsible for your births and deaths...karanam gun sanyogsya.. ! Divine Sadhaks....Look at the mercy of Paramatma and the power arising in a human being upon turning towards Paramatma... The first thing which Paramatma grants suo motto...effortlessly... to a Sadhak is "Abhayam" - fearlessness ! (BG 16:1) !! In fact ...The first upadesha in Gita of Lord Krishna to Arjuna was towards making him fearless. Right from the word...Go ! Lord said: Even a little of Equanimity (being in tandem with Nature of God Himself) saves you from GREAT fears....!!As you turn towards and proceed on the way to immortality (which you actually are) ...the fear of death goes on reducing ...because there is no possibility of your death at all ! What time does it take for a change of assumption? Not even a fraction of second..KSIPRAM...BG 9:30/31 !! Dear Balaji...not even a minute.This fear is also inbuilt in you as your millions and trillions of ages and eons old "mind"is carrying this constantly in its sub-conscious zone...arising out of your constant failure to fulfill the very purpose of your "living" in human body . Human birth is very rare. Therefore, as soon as a human turns towards God...this constant fear of death...starts drastically reducing.Hence.... Balaji...Rejoice !! Feel confident ! Turn towards Him decisively ...! It is a question of just an acceptance ! What time does it take to resolve ? Just "Ksipram" ...fraction of a second !! Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam --------------------------











How to keep this body healthy so that I can remain focused on God?




Actually, body health and remaining focussed in The God have nothing to do with each other. The spiritual practice is to attain the peace amidst the apparent physical and mental commotion of living. Rather, spirituality is the appreciation of The Peace as the only reality wherein the very existence of all the disturbances fall apart being purely notional.




However, due to the body-centric existential belief we have cultivated so far, it becomes very difficult for us not to attend to the bodily difficulties. Instinctively our attention floods toward the bodily problems violating all the restraints we would have achieved in their absence. True spirituality is to seek The Peace actively in the apparent physical troubles and obstacles in life as we face them as well as in attending to the problems seeking a solution for the same. But, if one cannot help but to rush toward the solutions for the existential problems, it is better attend to the distractions and quench the same rather than geopardising the spirituality at the core. The desire for existence and fear of non-existence have to be purged encore and should never be hushed up. It is better to attend to the disturbances rather than remaining disturbed.




However, there is one vested interest to seek bodily health and longivity from spirituality point of view. We need to be alive till our notion of body-centric existential reality is completely mitigated. For that reason protection of the health of the body-mind cluster is a necessity. Also, from spiritual stand-point, there is no need to interfere with the natural interest vested in the body-mind cluster to seek its protection and health. Therefore, a realized one whould let the body-mind cluster seek solutions as it can posing no hindrances for the same.




As Swamiji correctly points out, it is impossible to arrest the bodily decay as it ages. Seeking peace in maintenance of the bodily health as well as in its natural decay with perfect equanimity is what we need to nurture in our spiritual quest. Not loosing focus on The Peace in spite being in fantastic health as well as being in disastrous disease is the essence of spirituality - The Equanimity. Therefore, I suggest to consider the pain, vulnerability and ailment that are consuming the body as opportunities to strengthen your spiritual awareness rather than panicking in the terror of the inevitable.








Naga Narayana.


The last few days since I have been sincerely following the advice of sadhaks have been nothing short of miraculous.... It is the grace of God and blessings of sadhaks - what else can it be? OH THANK YOU ALL ! more to come!








I recommend all sadaks to see the film 3-Idiots at the earliest opportunity.......

The team of 3-idiots has done a wonderful job in spreading the wisdom to all...........

Don't miss out the wisdom part while getting entertained.......some of messages in the film very impactfully delivered are given below:


List of messages from the film 3-Idiots 1. All is well - it is important to fool the mind/man by this message so that it can handle all situations without fear.2. Only grades are not important....One has to be a good human too. 3. Be excellent in whatever you do. Focus has to be on excellence.....other things come automatically.4. Be passionate about what you are doing for best results.5. Do what you like most....nothing is small....you can have recognition, power, money from any field.6. Live in the present7. Be happy all the time.8. Have a impersonal vision - a larger vision9. Don't be afraid to say what is right...be open...10. Be helpful to others11. Share the wisdom with others, enhence the consciousness levels of people around you. 12. Integrity, truthfulness, right attitude is necessary for achievements in life. 13.Don't worry about what others think. 14. Shed limiting believes, ........you can do anything...15. Don't force your kids to do something which they do not enjoy. Help them to develop what they like...16. Be a good teacher.....teaching is an art....and must be innovative....17. Learning has to be creative learning...18. Don't give up.......in life.....peacefully you can handle anything...19. Be innovative.20.Don't give importance to price tags and loose happiness...at the slightest mishap21.Don't run after success.....22. Don't worry about competition.... You may add more............. Next film could include the rest......


best wishes

Sushil Jain


Swamiji quoted - "Unt mein tuhi tajenge paamar". In the end all will leave, only Paramatma will remain.

This body is not for me, this body is not mine and this body is not "me". The greatness of this body is its vivek (discriminative power).

Accept this now and REJOICE and take care of what has been given to you to keep for a short time, knowing full well that you will have to return it back to the owner "prakriti" someday. Just like checking into a hotel during vacation... use the facilities there, treat all the things properly, but when you check out, leave the room without any attachment, being FREE of all worries and responsibilities. meera das, ram ram


-Shree Hari-Slow breathing meditation, very good indeed, if kept under control! Per my experience, if done alone, without the support of a loved one who has good spiritual grounding, or a genuine guide, can send a person insane,others can cause energy meridians/ nadis to become out of balance, the nervous system can become damaged etc.

May Gods peace be upon us all!Om... Shanti...Mike.


Hi,Aches and pain indicate that you are storing anger .BP indicate that you are taking lot of pressure which you are unable to handle. Disease always stars from the mind , what kind of thinking you are having , is it positive or negative even in trouble time. spiritual growth will come on its on if one works on it. One does not achieve it by doing rituals, like going to temple, giving alms, helping others etc. One achieves when one works on oneself . This means one should be aware of what one does the whole day, what is he thinking , how much aware a person is about his thought, is he aware what he is talking to others etc. Spiritual growth will come on its own when a person is aware about himself.S. R Amin


Shree Hari Ram Ram

You may want to read Sadhan, Sudhaa Sindhu in HINDI - pg 771-775 if there is tendency to become angry or there is agitation in the mind. It is available online at:


Here is summary of lecture given by Swamiji on , (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m.


The world and your body look close to you, but they are not close, only God is close to you. We have given importance to the body and to the world. They will not stay forever. Each one of us will have to leave our bodies and go. The world also keeps changing and does not stay on forever. Only God is permanent and unchanging. The Self witnesses the changes in our body -from childhood to youth, from adult to old age. It also witnesses all the insults, praise, injury etc. that the body experiences. God is the only one who is ours. God and the Self are the same. The body will never stay with us. The body which seems the closest to you is the most far. Something that always changes and something that never changes can never be together.This does not mean that we should not look after the body if it is unwell, or not give it food. The fact is that the body will not stay with you. The world and body are one - they are perishable. The desire of keeping the body healthy and always retaining it, can never be fulfilled. The attachment to the body is not easy to leave. Even if you do not understand, you should accept it. Just hold on to them and accept them. It is a fact and the truth. Thus rejoice and be happy.

From Discourse by Swamij Ramsukhdasji on (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m. Ram RamGita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji has repeated this over and over again. This body will leave you at some point in time. It will let you down some day, if you continue wanting to have it be according to your likes/wishes/desires. Serve it by taking care of it, but do not depend on it. Therefore whether this body remains healthy or not, whether we live or we die, be determined to remain firm on the one and only aim - I WANT TO ATTAIN SALVATION. In verse (Gita 9:30) it is said "samyagvyavasitohi saha" means that "Now I want to only walk this path" whereby one makes this firm commitment and determination - no matter how poor the health of the body. If the inner sentiments become determinate that - "I am only a seeker of Divinity and Truth" then focus / rememberance of God will happen on its own. i.e. poor health will not take away the focus from God. This has been time and again observed in many saints of the world, who were immersed in God inspite of very poor health or conditions.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

-----Shree Hari-


Dear Bala, I think at the outset you have comprehended the value of this Divine Forum, see the attached reflections of Swamiji:There is no bigger benefit than Satsanga. But it is difficult to get real satsanga. Instead of doing bhajan in isolation, reading books explaining real element is better. Real Satsanga is either liking only God or association with Realised souls. Satsanga gives immediate benefits. I can not explain glory of satsanga . Just as: When child has grown, one does not know similarly by sitting in satsanga what benefits one can get, cannot be known.A few words of wisdom, 'Pranayama', seems very similar to 'Chi Kung's Pi Chi/Nei Tan', something I have knowledge of, and my thoughts are reflected by a comment in 'Wikipedia', regarding 'Pranayama'. 'Cautions: Many yoga teachers recommend that pranayama techniques be practiced with care, and that advanced pranayama techniques should be practiced under the guidance of a teacher. These cautions are also made in traditional Hindu literature.' Easy does it! Be very kind to your body and mind! If you make a radical change to your diet, maybe a good idea to have a blood check after a while, specially regarding B12 levels. You may need direct support for some of your endeavors, maybe a self help group or some such organization.

There is a magic awaiting you down the road, that is, you will be able to transmute your own miseries into pure gold of 'Divine Love'! All is good Balaji!Om...Shanti...Mike. (K)


I thank you all - each and every one of you immensely for your forthright advice / suggestions / insights. Sarvottamji, Narottamji, Mikeji, Sathyanarayanaji, Meeraji, Prasadji, Sushilji, Narinderji, Ashokji, Shankerprasad Bhattji, Chunibhaiji, and Badri Narayanaji and any one that I may have missed.

In every message there was truth, SO SO VERY TRUE. Years of abuse of this body and mind. Oh ! I AM DEEPLY TOUCHED by the responses. I am committed to change and have made note of many points in a daily journal to follow through. Just to name a few - Daily Gita reading, asanas and pranayama, meditation, meditating on those suffering much more, whole-hearted acceptance of being Giridhar Gopal's and Gita 9/22, detachment, forgiveness, gratitude, being free of resentment, fruits and vegetable diet, moderation, sanctified food, only half stomach with food (sattvik), proper utensils, turmeric and neem, warm water therapy, developing a healing mind, patience, faith, sincerity and much much more... Once again, I am utterly grateful. I can already feel a difference.

Om Shanti, Bala



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji has said that - Becoming free of worldly desires (detachment, vairaagya) is the highest austerity and essential for a spiritual aspirant.

This desire that is consuming you, of wanting to keep the body healthy is a form of attachment "me and mine-ness" with the body. It is only out of attachment that we harm this body.

A patient plans to avoid unhealthy diet, and intends to take a wholesome meal, but out of attachment, eats things that worsen his disease.

One of the events causing one to become free from worldly desires (detached) is fear, which is what it seems you are experiencing.

This fear of various inflictions and sufferings in the body and of early aging from various bodydisease and weakening; begins to move one away from association of sense enjoyments. In other words, when the mind is moved away from unwholesome sense enjoyments one becomes a "vairaagi" (detached), and achieves the highest austerity that is essential for a spiritual aspirant - says Swamiji.

Can you now see His grace? His divine play? in making you detached and achieve the highest austerity!

Balaji, after all this body is His... Serve It by taking care of it, while remaining detached, as ultimately it is His Will, you do not have any "adhikaar" (rights) over it. Nothing is yours, except God. This is the Truth. Accept this right now and see for yourself.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

- Dear Bala

When body is showing signs of disease ,that means the mind is at dis-ease.You are carrying thoughts which are not in harmony with heart and soul.


It is good that you want to come out of that.The suggested actions are:-

1) Start reading Gita at earliest.Gita will show you the path.Commit strongly to read Gita

every day in morning and in night. I suggest you also read Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand Ji.

2)Consult Nutrition expert and follow food suggested food by him.Increase intake of fruits,dry fruits,sprouts,vegetables,nuts.Avoid processed and packaged food,carbonated drinks.Have food on time.

3)Practice forgiveness and gratitude.Say to yourself every night-I am willing to forgive now completely and un-conditionally.Express gratitude for what you have.Practicing forgiveness and gratitude should take care of resentment ,which you might have been carrying for so long causing BP and body ache and pain.

4) We have to take care of our emotions to take care of our body.Our emotions create the body.Unhealthy emotions will not result in healthy body.

5)You need to take care of sleep.Go to bed by 10-10.30 in night.Chant OM till you sleep.If the emotions are not good ,good sleep is not possible.

6)You can do breathing meditations for 10-15 minutes every day.


Briefly, your present state of being is reminder to turn clock back by paying attention to your food,emotions and sleep.


And start reading Gita ,may be from today itself.




Ashok Jain



It can only be done by creating concentration on almighty God and it can be done by following steps naratted in Chapter VI of Bhagvat Gita Speck affirmations pertain to God and he will be with you

This is my short reply or my under standing.


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



According to me, it is beyond doubt that Sri Ramdev yoga is most successful. i am not writing by just reading it or hearing it from others. i have regained my most dilapidated health through yoga-pranayama of shri Ramdeva through regulrity and consistency. anyone can do it and why not u? mahendra chunibhai

---------------------------PRIOR POSTING

Shree HariRam RamThe moment you become entirely dependent on Ishvar (God), at that moment norwill any diseases or states cause you sorrow, and nor will there be thesentiments to keep this body that is leaving every single moment, that somehow Imust keep it free of all disease. If by doing somthing this body could havebeen kept disease free then the doctors themselves would never have anydiseases. When Ishvar (God) Himself is digesting your food (Gita 15/14); ohwhat to speak of food, He provides guarantee for this life, (Gita 9/22), thentoo you are worrying? This is not good! This does not mean that you do not tryto get the necessary help/treatment for your disease. This means that thatwhich happens (cure etc.) will all be due to His divine will. This is fromexperience. You too experience and see for yourself. So be it, VineetSarvottam------------Hari OmPlease read today's Sadhak Message. You don't need body to remain focussed onGod. The one who lives in the body needs to focus on God. There is no point inworrying about the body, but you should do your duty towards the body. You havefear of death. Note here that this fear is not supported by truth. Read BGChapter 2 - first 45/50 verses. You are immortal. Body is mortal. Where is thescope now for fear? Do you get fearful when the Sun sets? No! Why? Because youknow it certainly shall set. Similarly the body shall certainly die, You shallcertainly not die... Then where arises the Q of fear or anxiety? Sure, do yourbest, take care of body, respect your body...but don't get attached to it. It isnot yours. Stop assuming it to be yours and still take care of it.The above was regarding the body. Now come to you your 'self '. You areimmortal. Because you have assumed body to be "me" and "mine" , you are worried.Change your acceptance level. Henceforth consider God to be "mine", and "me" tobe of God. (Instead of body to be "me"/"mine"). That is all you need to do. Ifyou do this much, and even if die immediately thereafter...you have fulfilledthe object of human life. But be firm. If body is not yours- it is not yours-Come what may. If God is yours- He is yours- wherever/however you are !Believe fearlessly..firmly - MERE TO GIRDHAR GOPAL, DOOSARO NA KOI.How old are you, Sir?Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam--------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.There is mention in Bhagavad Gita regarding healthy foods.Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Ayuh sattva balarogya,Sukha priti vivardhanah,Rasyah snigdhah hrdya,Aharah sattvika priyah. "(Gitaji, 17,8)Which means ,'Foods dear to those in mode of goodness, increase the duration of life, givestrength, purify our existence, give us health, satisfaction and pleasure. Suchfoods are juicy, wholesome and pleasing to the heart. 'Milk, milk products,wheat,fruits and vegetables are some of the examples ofSattvika foods.' Patram pushpam phalam toyam' (Gitaji,9,26) which means,'If one offers Me with devotion and love, a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I willaccept it'. That is what Lord Krishna says in Gitaji. Fruits and vegetables areLord's favourites.Also what is very important, is to eat in moderation. This is also mentioned inBhagavad Gita."Yuktahara viharasyaYukta cestasya karmasu,Yukta svapnavabhodhasya,Yogo bhavati dukha ha. "( Gitaji, 6,17).Which means,'One who is regulated in his habits of eating,sleeping ,recreation can mitigatematerial pains by practicing the yoga system. 'Let us eat the foods, offered to the Lord,( the sanctified foods) and advancespiritually.Thank You.Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D-------------Dear Sadaks,1) In Geetha- Mitha Aahar (Moderate food) said. This is also said, what type offood to consume and it`s effects regards to Gunaas. It is also said that anyfood kept aside for more than 4 hours not to be taken. 2) In Ayurvedic it issaid, half stomach food and quarter stomach water and quarter stomach empty. 3)My opinion- Sri Bala has been consuming much masala foods earlier, and stomachfull. The blood stream got salt addicted and B P developes. The complete bodyhas to be detoxified. There are prooven methods where Sri Bala case can becompletely cured. In fact I cured my wife of B P and Sugar that is herditory inher family. Her youger sisters and brothers died of Sugar. The system of curingany diseases are in 18 Siddhars (Eminent Sants of Bagavan Shiva) scripts. Insmall stories attached to our puras reveal that Cancer was cured.Balaji can contact me through this group, and he can have a good success rate inhis cure. For a sadak if Only body is sound, he can concentrate on meditationand Poojas.B.Sathyanarayan------------dear sadhaks, first to Balajee's query .............. devoting 30 minutes to anhour to Pranayama, can be a great Blessing .................. begin with this...... go on to simple Asanas for the Body ............ asanas you are able toperform with ease ...... Swami Ramdev jee's live appearances on TV channels canhelp ............. or you could purchase a CD.Do also imbibe shri Bhatt'ssuggestions below regarding drinking of water in daily living . Air and water,both free are great medicines ..............................now , if you permit..................... to something deeper .................We have a beautifullydivine culture that teaches us the art of living ................. unfortunately, the young of today value it not ....... they have no time ..................but narinder tells you from experience ....................... begin lookingafter your health ( correct foods , exercise, pranayama, yoga etc ) nowonwards, from whatever point you are now at .............. the younger in age ,the better .............. your thoughts and day-to-day life are also a part ofyour health ..................youth is a time , when everything negative thatone may indulge in , gets absorbed ............ one does not even notice it..................... but .................. the effects of the neglect show upafter you cross the middle age ..................... When one is young, onedoes NOT listen to the sayings of the wise elderly ( this is today's bane).................... but look around and see the elderly of today known to you(those, who paid no heed to correct values , when young..... ) and what they haveto go through .................. This message is specially for the young................... pay heed to the Wisdom of the elders ............. and reapthe benefits , when age catches up with you ......AUMnarinder bhandari------------------------The use of brass, copper vessels, turmeric (arisina, Haldi),neem sticks etc., have also been subjected to tests.BEETA AMELOID, a protein causing the incurable ALZEMEIRdisease could be controlled by the use of turmeric -Arisina (Haldi) – see THE HINDU DATED April 20,2005.Neem leaves and sticks arebeing used from timesimmemorial in our Yugadi festival and we take a littleneem with jaggery on that day. Shankerprasad Bhatt-----------------the advice on water therapy given by sadhak is worth practising because water isthe elixir of life.thankyouBadri Narayana Miriyala-----------Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Bala,OK you will get a lot of advice w.r.t. Bhagavad Gita, a couple of goodShlokas are:6 : 16 Yoga is not successful for him who eats too much, nor for one whodoes not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps to much, nor too little.6 : 17 Yoga which brings out the cessation of the travails of the worldis accomplished only by him, who is moderate in diet and recreation,temperate in action and regulated in sleep, and wakefulness.I ask you Bala, how up to date is that? It could be your G.P. givingthose instructions.Do your research for variations of diet that is best for you, the web isat your finger tips!Now I will tell you this, it is not just such things that will re focusyou back to 'The Divine Beloved'.I went through a very dark time, and was fortunate enough to sit beforethe feet of one of the great spiritual giants in the world!The turning point came, when he was guiding meditation, he said,"Inthis country we have very good conditions........but Africa, poorconditions, much suffering, meditate on the suffering,.....". And forthe first time in quite a while, I turned my attention to the sufferingof others and not to my suffering!That afternoon a seed was planted in my heart, and Dear Lord it hasnever stopped growing!Bala now that you are ready, the Master will come, do all you can tofind a group that does not want your money, only want help you. It maysimply be this Divine Forum, and the Master maybe Swamiji, I do notknow, but I believe in your heart you know!Om...Shant...Mike. (K)----First, attend to your body... take medicin....visit the doctor....do someexcercise, eat wisely...stop the complaints......be happy all the time....If you are sure you have taken these steps.....then start the spiritual healingprocess...It is all about diverting/fooling you mind / MAN.....Tell your mind/Man..1. Your body is ok. Your body is going to be fine.2. Mind has to help in healing the part/parts having problems.3. Mind has the power to repair, regenerate any part of the body...4. Mind must repair or regenerate.....5. Thank you mind....Do it with patience and sincerity. Have faith. See what happens in a few days...once that starts working....start thanking God for everything...all thetime.....Start helping others.....God is with you....Sushil Jain--------------------Ram RamIn the past I used to drink room temperature water, more or less in the same wayas Sri Shankerprasad ji had said. Recently I have modified it a little, I drinkwarm water (in the same way) and I have got amazing result.Ashok Goenka--------------------Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organsOne (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestionOne (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure(01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack.This is very important for our health Truly yoursShankerprasad S Bhatt---------===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Of recent, my attention has been consumed with this body with aches and pains, BP and other health issues. How can I draw my attention back to God? How canI keep this body healthy enough so that my attention is not drawn to that whichis going to go away, as we all know this. Please guide me !Any references in Gitaji on keeping body healthy for a sadhak's spiritualgrowth? (GT Moderators addition)Bala----------------------


Dear sir,

Whenever a miserable situation presents itself, like body pains/health problems, a devotee can reduce the misery by calling Lord's attention thereto and say: Oh Lord, you have chosen to come to me in this form. That thought may take you into transcendental happiness.

There is no end to existence even after death. As poet Jigar said; Qaide-hasti se kab nijaat Jigar; Maut ayi agar hayat gayee. (`Where is deliverance from the prison of Life?

Death arrives when life ends) The idea is that death itself is an existence, for Soul never dies – that is what Gita clearly lays down.

With best wishes for a peaceful meditation,

KN (Kamleshwar Nath)



Shree Hari Ram Ram

Bala ! When you yourself have put your attention on the body and other than Ishvar (God) many other things, then you alone by yourself will be able to remove it from there and place (engage) it on Ishvar. If someone else could do this then Bhagwaan would have moved Arjuna's attention and engaged it in performing his duty, and he would not give him a sermon on focusing on his duty. So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam




We are not the body. The only reality about us is the soul. Anything that dies is unreal and an illusion. Therefore do not get too attatched to your body which you will have to leave one day. For a sadhak what matters is the moksha or liberation from the nedless cycles of birth and death. To keep a body healthy you have to eat less, excercise, meditate because most illnesses start from the mind. If the mind is healthy, the body will also be healthy. You can also consult a doctor and take medicines.

Hari Shanker Deo


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Man is dying at every moment. Swamiji says - We have actually died the number of years that we have already lived. At every moment this body is dying. Parikshit was very clear that he was dying. When we have this feeling that we are living (the body can be kept always healthy etc), that thought itself will prevent us from focus on God and God Realization.If the aim is clear, then focus will be naturally on God (regardless of the body's condition). This is entirely up to us. Simply become immersed in this one thought and with great enthusiasm (utsaaha), become fully engaged in only Bhagavan.Meera Das, Ram Ram



Hari OmIn Scriptures the fear of death is described as "abhinivesh" ! This is very deeply embedded inside the body and is prevalent in all bodies ..all creatures....A prey (say mouse) is by nature fearful of predator (say Cat). In fact this is not only fear...this is desire...this is an emotion arising out of non fulfillment of desire.. this is continuing association... with which you are born and which has all along been responsible for your births and deaths...karanam gun sanyogsya.. ! Divine Sadhaks....Look at the mercy of Paramatma and the power arising in a human being upon turning towards Paramatma... The first thing which Paramatma grants suo motto...effortlessly... to a Sadhak is "Abhayam" - fearlessness ! (BG 16:1) !! In fact ...The first upadesha in Gita of Lord Krishna to Arjuna was towards making him fearless. Right from the word...Go ! Lord said: Even a little of Equanimity (being in tandem with Nature of God Himself) saves you from GREAT fears....!!As you turn towards and proceed on the way to immortality (which you actually are) ...the fear of death goes on reducing ...because there is no possibility of your death at all ! What time does it take for a change of assumption? Not even a fraction of second..KSIPRAM...BG 9:30/31 !! Dear Balaji...not even a minute.This fear is also inbuilt in you as your millions and trillions of ages and eons old "mind"is carrying this constantly in its sub-conscious zone...arising out of your constant failure to fulfill the very purpose of your "living" in human body . Human birth is very rare. Therefore, as soon as a human turns towards God...this constant fear of death...starts drastically reducing.Hence.... Balaji...Rejoice !! Feel confident ! Turn towards Him decisively ...! It is a question of just an acceptance ! What time does it take to resolve ? Just "Ksipram" ...fraction of a second !! Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam --------------------------











How to keep this body healthy so that I can remain focused on God?




Actually, body health and remaining focussed in The God have nothing to do with each other. The spiritual practice is to attain the peace amidst the apparent physical and mental commotion of living. Rather, spirituality is the appreciation of The Peace as the only reality wherein the very existence of all the disturbances fall apart being purely notional.




However, due to the body-centric existential belief we have cultivated so far, it becomes very difficult for us not to attend to the bodily difficulties. Instinctively our attention floods toward the bodily problems violating all the restraints we would have achieved in their absence. True spirituality is to seek The Peace actively in the apparent physical troubles and obstacles in life as we face them as well as in attending to the problems seeking a solution for the same. But, if one cannot help but to rush toward the solutions for the existential problems, it is better attend to the distractions and quench the same rather than geopardising the spirituality at the core. The desire for existence and fear of non-existence have to be purged encore and should never be hushed up. It is better to attend to the disturbances rather than remaining disturbed.




However, there is one vested interest to seek bodily health and longivity from spirituality point of view. We need to be alive till our notion of body-centric existential reality is completely mitigated. For that reason protection of the health of the body-mind cluster is a necessity. Also, from spiritual stand-point, there is no need to interfere with the natural interest vested in the body-mind cluster to seek its protection and health. Therefore, a realized one whould let the body-mind cluster seek solutions as it can posing no hindrances for the same.




As Swamiji correctly points out, it is impossible to arrest the bodily decay as it ages. Seeking peace in maintenance of the bodily health as well as in its natural decay with perfect equanimity is what we need to nurture in our spiritual quest. Not loosing focus on The Peace in spite being in fantastic health as well as being in disastrous disease is the essence of spirituality - The Equanimity. Therefore, I suggest to consider the pain, vulnerability and ailment that are consuming the body as opportunities to strengthen your spiritual awareness rather than panicking in the terror of the inevitable.








Naga Narayana.


The last few days since I have been sincerely following the advice of sadhaks have been nothing short of miraculous.... It is the grace of God and blessings of sadhaks - what else can it be? OH THANK YOU ALL ! more to come!








I recommend all sadaks to see the film 3-Idiots at the earliest opportunity.......

The team of 3-idiots has done a wonderful job in spreading the wisdom to all...........

Don't miss out the wisdom part while getting entertained.......some of messages in the film very impactfully delivered are given below:


List of messages from the film 3-Idiots 1. All is well - it is important to fool the mind/man by this message so that it can handle all situations without fear.2. Only grades are not important....One has to be a good human too. 3. Be excellent in whatever you do. Focus has to be on excellence.....other things come automatically.4. Be passionate about what you are doing for best results.5. Do what you like most....nothing is small....you can have recognition, power, money from any field.6. Live in the present7. Be happy all the time.8. Have a impersonal vision - a larger vision9. Don't be afraid to say what is right...be open...10. Be helpful to others11. Share the wisdom with others, enhence the consciousness levels of people around you. 12. Integrity, truthfulness, right attitude is necessary for achievements in life. 13.Don't worry about what others think. 14. Shed limiting believes, ........you can do anything...15. Don't force your kids to do something which they do not enjoy. Help them to develop what they like...16. Be a good teacher.....teaching is an art....and must be innovative....17. Learning has to be creative learning...18. Don't give up.......in life.....peacefully you can handle anything...19. Be innovative.20.Don't give importance to price tags and loose happiness...at the slightest mishap21.Don't run after success.....22. Don't worry about competition.... You may add more............. Next film could include the rest......


best wishes

Sushil Jain




Swamiji quoted - "Unt mein tuhi tajenge paamar". In the end all will leave, only Paramatma will remain.

This body is not for me, this body is not mine and this body is not "me". The greatness of this body is its vivek (discriminative power).

Accept this now and REJOICE and take care of what has been given to you to keep for a short time, knowing full well that you will have to return it back to the owner "prakriti" someday. Just like checking into a hotel during vacation... use the facilities there, treat all the things properly, but when you check out, leave the room without any attachment, being FREE of all worries and responsibilities. meera das, ram ram


-Shree Hari-Slow breathing meditation, very good indeed, if kept under control! Per my experience, if done alone, without the support of a loved one who has good spiritual grounding, or a genuine guide, can send a person insane,others can cause energy meridians/ nadis to become out of balance, the nervous system can become damaged etc.

May Gods peace be upon us all!Om... Shanti...Mike.


Hi,Aches and pain indicate that you are storing anger .BP indicate that you are taking lot of pressure which you are unable to handle. Disease always stars from the mind , what kind of thinking you are having , is it positive or negative even in trouble time. spiritual growth will come on its on if one works on it. One does not achieve it by doing rituals, like going to temple, giving alms, helping others etc. One achieves when one works on oneself . This means one should be aware of what one does the whole day, what is he thinking , how much aware a person is about his thought, is he aware what he is talking to others etc. Spiritual growth will come on its own when a person is aware about himself.S. R Amin


Shree Hari Ram Ram

You may want to read Sadhan, Sudhaa Sindhu in HINDI - pg 771-775 if there is tendency to become angry or there is agitation in the mind. It is available online at:


Here is summary of lecture given by Swamiji on , (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m.


The world and your body look close to you, but they are not close, only God is close to you. We have given importance to the body and to the world. They will not stay forever. Each one of us will have to leave our bodies and go. The world also keeps changing and does not stay on forever. Only God is permanent and unchanging. The Self witnesses the changes in our body -from childhood to youth, from adult to old age. It also witnesses all the insults, praise, injury etc. that the body experiences. God is the only one who is ours. God and the Self are the same. The body will never stay with us. The body which seems the closest to you is the most far. Something that always changes and something that never changes can never be together.This does not mean that we should not look after the body if it is unwell, or not give it food. The fact is that the body will not stay with you. The world and body are one - they are perishable. The desire of keeping the body healthy and always retaining it, can never be fulfilled. The attachment to the body is not easy to leave. Even if you do not understand, you should accept it. Just hold on to them and accept them. It is a fact and the truth. Thus rejoice and be happy.

From Discourse by Swamij Ramsukhdasji on (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m. Ram RamGita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji has repeated this over and over again. This body will leave you at some point in time. It will let you down some day, if you continue wanting to have it be according to your likes/wishes/desires. Serve it by taking care of it, but do not depend on it. Therefore whether this body remains healthy or not, whether we live or we die, be determined to remain firm on the one and only aim - I WANT TO ATTAIN SALVATION. In verse (Gita 9:30) it is said "samyagvyavasitohi saha" means that "Now I want to only walk this path" whereby one makes this firm commitment and determination - no matter how poor the health of the body. If the inner sentiments become determinate that - "I am only a seeker of Divinity and Truth" then focus / rememberance of God will happen on its own. i.e. poor health will not take away the focus from God. This has been time and again observed in many saints of the world, who were immersed in God inspite of very poor health or conditions.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

-----Shree Hari-


Dear Bala, I think at the outset you have comprehended the value of this Divine Forum, see the attached reflections of Swamiji:There is no bigger benefit than Satsanga. But it is difficult to get real satsanga. Instead of doing bhajan in isolation, reading books explaining real element is better. Real Satsanga is either liking only God or association with Realised souls. Satsanga gives immediate benefits. I can not explain glory of satsanga . Just as: When child has grown, one does not know similarly by sitting in satsanga what benefits one can get, cannot be known.A few words of wisdom, 'Pranayama', seems very similar to 'Chi Kung's Pi Chi/Nei Tan', something I have knowledge of, and my thoughts are reflected by a comment in 'Wikipedia', regarding 'Pranayama'. 'Cautions: Many yoga teachers recommend that pranayama techniques be practiced with care, and that advanced pranayama techniques should be practiced under the guidance of a teacher. These cautions are also made in traditional Hindu literature.' Easy does it! Be very kind to your body and mind! If you make a radical change to your diet, maybe a good idea to have a blood check after a while, specially regarding B12 levels. You may need direct support for some of your endeavors, maybe a self help group or some such organization.

There is a magic awaiting you down the road, that is, you will be able to transmute your own miseries into pure gold of 'Divine Love'! All is good Balaji!Om...Shanti...Mike. (K)


I thank you all - each and every one of you immensely for your forthright advice / suggestions / insights. Sarvottamji, Narottamji, Mikeji, Sathyanarayanaji, Meeraji, Prasadji, Sushilji, Narinderji, Ashokji, Shankerprasad Bhattji, Chunibhaiji, and Badri Narayanaji and any one that I may have missed.

In every message there was truth, SO SO VERY TRUE. Years of abuse of this body and mind. Oh ! I AM DEEPLY TOUCHED by the responses. I am committed to change and have made note of many points in a daily journal to follow through. Just to name a few - Daily Gita reading, asanas and pranayama, meditation, meditating on those suffering much more, whole-hearted acceptance of being Giridhar Gopal's and Gita 9/22, detachment, forgiveness, gratitude, being free of resentment, fruits and vegetable diet, moderation, sanctified food, only half stomach with food (sattvik), proper utensils, turmeric and neem, warm water therapy, developing a healing mind, patience, faith, sincerity and much much more... Once again, I am utterly grateful. I can already feel a difference.

Om Shanti, Bala



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji has said that - Becoming free of worldly desires (detachment, vairaagya) is the highest austerity and essential for a spiritual aspirant.

This desire that is consuming you, of wanting to keep the body healthy is a form of attachment "me and mine-ness" with the body. It is only out of attachment that we harm this body.

A patient plans to avoid unhealthy diet, and intends to take a wholesome meal, but out of attachment, eats things that worsen his disease.

One of the events causing one to become free from worldly desires (detached) is fear, which is what it seems you are experiencing.

This fear of various inflictions and sufferings in the body and of early aging from various bodydisease and weakening; begins to move one away from association of sense enjoyments. In other words, when the mind is moved away from unwholesome sense enjoyments one becomes a "vairaagi" (detached), and achieves the highest austerity that is essential for a spiritual aspirant - says Swamiji.

Can you now see His grace? His divine play? in making you detached and achieve the highest austerity!

Balaji, after all this body is His... Serve It by taking care of it, while remaining detached, as ultimately it is His Will, you do not have any "adhikaar" (rights) over it. Nothing is yours, except God. This is the Truth. Accept this right now and see for yourself.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

- Dear Bala

When body is showing signs of disease ,that means the mind is at dis-ease.You are carrying thoughts which are not in harmony with heart and soul.


It is good that you want to come out of that.The suggested actions are:-

1) Start reading Gita at earliest.Gita will show you the path.Commit strongly to read Gita

every day in morning and in night. I suggest you also read Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand Ji.

2)Consult Nutrition expert and follow food suggested food by him.Increase intake of fruits,dry fruits,sprouts,vegetables,nuts.Avoid processed and packaged food,carbonated drinks.Have food on time.

3)Practice forgiveness and gratitude.Say to yourself every night-I am willing to forgive now completely and un-conditionally.Express gratitude for what you have.Practicing forgiveness and gratitude should take care of resentment ,which you might have been carrying for so long causing BP and body ache and pain.

4) We have to take care of our emotions to take care of our body.Our emotions create the body.Unhealthy emotions will not result in healthy body.

5)You need to take care of sleep.Go to bed by 10-10.30 in night.Chant OM till you sleep.If the emotions are not good ,good sleep is not possible.

6)You can do breathing meditations for 10-15 minutes every day.


Briefly, your present state of being is reminder to turn clock back by paying attention to your food,emotions and sleep.


And start reading Gita ,may be from today itself.




Ashok Jain



It can only be done by creating concentration on almighty God and it can be done by following steps naratted in Chapter VI of Bhagvat Gita Speck affirmations pertain to God and he will be with you

This is my short reply or my under standing.


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



According to me, it is beyond doubt that Sri Ramdev yoga is most successful. i am not writing by just reading it or hearing it from others. i have regained my most dilapidated health through yoga-pranayama of shri Ramdeva through regulrity and consistency. anyone can do it and why not u? mahendra chunibhai

---------------------------PRIOR POSTING

Shree HariRam RamThe moment you become entirely dependent on Ishvar (God), at that moment norwill any diseases or states cause you sorrow, and nor will there be thesentiments to keep this body that is leaving every single moment, that somehow Imust keep it free of all disease. If by doing somthing this body could havebeen kept disease free then the doctors themselves would never have anydiseases. When Ishvar (God) Himself is digesting your food (Gita 15/14); ohwhat to speak of food, He provides guarantee for this life, (Gita 9/22), thentoo you are worrying? This is not good! This does not mean that you do not tryto get the necessary help/treatment for your disease. This means that thatwhich happens (cure etc.) will all be due to His divine will. This is fromexperience. You too experience and see for yourself. So be it, VineetSarvottam------------Hari OmPlease read today's Sadhak Message. You don't need body to remain focussed onGod. The one who lives in the body needs to focus on God. There is no point inworrying about the body, but you should do your duty towards the body. You havefear of death. Note here that this fear is not supported by truth. Read BGChapter 2 - first 45/50 verses. You are immortal. Body is mortal. Where is thescope now for fear? Do you get fearful when the Sun sets? No! Why? Because youknow it certainly shall set. Similarly the body shall certainly die, You shallcertainly not die... Then where arises the Q of fear or anxiety? Sure, do yourbest, take care of body, respect your body...but don't get attached to it. It isnot yours. Stop assuming it to be yours and still take care of it.The above was regarding the body. Now come to you your 'self '. You areimmortal. Because you have assumed body to be "me" and "mine" , you are worried.Change your acceptance level. Henceforth consider God to be "mine", and "me" tobe of God. (Instead of body to be "me"/"mine"). That is all you need to do. Ifyou do this much, and even if die immediately thereafter...you have fulfilledthe object of human life. But be firm. If body is not yours- it is not yours-Come what may. If God is yours- He is yours- wherever/however you are !Believe fearlessly..firmly - MERE TO GIRDHAR GOPAL, DOOSARO NA KOI.How old are you, Sir?Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam--------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.There is mention in Bhagavad Gita regarding healthy foods.Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Ayuh sattva balarogya,Sukha priti vivardhanah,Rasyah snigdhah hrdya,Aharah sattvika priyah. "(Gitaji, 17,8)Which means ,'Foods dear to those in mode of goodness, increase the duration of life, givestrength, purify our existence, give us health, satisfaction and pleasure. Suchfoods are juicy, wholesome and pleasing to the heart. 'Milk, milk products,wheat,fruits and vegetables are some of the examples ofSattvika foods.' Patram pushpam phalam toyam' (Gitaji,9,26) which means,'If one offers Me with devotion and love, a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I willaccept it'. That is what Lord Krishna says in Gitaji. Fruits and vegetables areLord's favourites.Also what is very important, is to eat in moderation. This is also mentioned inBhagavad Gita."Yuktahara viharasyaYukta cestasya karmasu,Yukta svapnavabhodhasya,Yogo bhavati dukha ha. "( Gitaji, 6,17).Which means,'One who is regulated in his habits of eating,sleeping ,recreation can mitigatematerial pains by practicing the yoga system. 'Let us eat the foods, offered to the Lord,( the sanctified foods) and advancespiritually.Thank You.Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D-------------Dear Sadaks,1) In Geetha- Mitha Aahar (Moderate food) said. This is also said, what type offood to consume and it`s effects regards to Gunaas. It is also said that anyfood kept aside for more than 4 hours not to be taken. 2) In Ayurvedic it issaid, half stomach food and quarter stomach water and quarter stomach empty. 3)My opinion- Sri Bala has been consuming much masala foods earlier, and stomachfull. The blood stream got salt addicted and B P developes. The complete bodyhas to be detoxified. There are prooven methods where Sri Bala case can becompletely cured. In fact I cured my wife of B P and Sugar that is herditory inher family. Her youger sisters and brothers died of Sugar. The system of curingany diseases are in 18 Siddhars (Eminent Sants of Bagavan Shiva) scripts. Insmall stories attached to our puras reveal that Cancer was cured.Balaji can contact me through this group, and he can have a good success rate inhis cure. For a sadak if Only body is sound, he can concentrate on meditationand Poojas.B.Sathyanarayan------------dear sadhaks, first to Balajee's query .............. devoting 30 minutes to anhour to Pranayama, can be a great Blessing .................. begin with this...... go on to simple Asanas for the Body ............ asanas you are able toperform with ease ...... Swami Ramdev jee's live appearances on TV channels canhelp ............. or you could purchase a CD.Do also imbibe shri Bhatt'ssuggestions below regarding drinking of water in daily living . Air and water,both free are great medicines ..............................now , if you permit..................... to something deeper .................We have a beautifullydivine culture that teaches us the art of living ................. unfortunately, the young of today value it not ....... they have no time ..................but narinder tells you from experience ....................... begin lookingafter your health ( correct foods , exercise, pranayama, yoga etc ) nowonwards, from whatever point you are now at .............. the younger in age ,the better .............. your thoughts and day-to-day life are also a part ofyour health ..................youth is a time , when everything negative thatone may indulge in , gets absorbed ............ one does not even notice it..................... but .................. the effects of the neglect show upafter you cross the middle age ..................... When one is young, onedoes NOT listen to the sayings of the wise elderly ( this is today's bane).................... but look around and see the elderly of today known to you(those, who paid no heed to correct values , when young..... ) and what they haveto go through .................. This message is specially for the young................... pay heed to the Wisdom of the elders ............. and reapthe benefits , when age catches up with you ......AUMnarinder bhandari------------------------The use of brass, copper vessels, turmeric (arisina, Haldi),neem sticks etc., have also been subjected to tests.BEETA AMELOID, a protein causing the incurable ALZEMEIRdisease could be controlled by the use of turmeric -Arisina (Haldi) – see THE HINDU DATED April 20,2005.Neem leaves and sticks arebeing used from timesimmemorial in our Yugadi festival and we take a littleneem with jaggery on that day. Shankerprasad Bhatt-----------------the advice on water therapy given by sadhak is worth practising because water isthe elixir of life.thankyouBadri Narayana Miriyala-----------Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Bala,OK you will get a lot of advice w.r.t. Bhagavad Gita, a couple of goodShlokas are:6 : 16 Yoga is not successful for him who eats too much, nor for one whodoes not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps to much, nor too little.6 : 17 Yoga which brings out the cessation of the travails of the worldis accomplished only by him, who is moderate in diet and recreation,temperate in action and regulated in sleep, and wakefulness.I ask you Bala, how up to date is that? It could be your G.P. givingthose instructions.Do your research for variations of diet that is best for you, the web isat your finger tips!Now I will tell you this, it is not just such things that will re focusyou back to 'The Divine Beloved'.I went through a very dark time, and was fortunate enough to sit beforethe feet of one of the great spiritual giants in the world!The turning point came, when he was guiding meditation, he said,"Inthis country we have very good conditions........but Africa, poorconditions, much suffering, meditate on the suffering,.....". And forthe first time in quite a while, I turned my attention to the sufferingof others and not to my suffering!That afternoon a seed was planted in my heart, and Dear Lord it hasnever stopped growing!Bala now that you are ready, the Master will come, do all you can tofind a group that does not want your money, only want help you. It maysimply be this Divine Forum, and the Master maybe Swamiji, I do notknow, but I believe in your heart you know!Om...Shant...Mike. (K)----First, attend to your body... take medicin....visit the doctor....do someexcercise, eat wisely...stop the complaints......be happy all the time....If you are sure you have taken these steps.....then start the spiritual healingprocess...It is all about diverting/fooling you mind / MAN.....Tell your mind/Man..1. Your body is ok. Your body is going to be fine.2. Mind has to help in healing the part/parts having problems.3. Mind has the power to repair, regenerate any part of the body...4. Mind must repair or regenerate.....5. Thank you mind....Do it with patience and sincerity. Have faith. See what happens in a few days...once that starts working....start thanking God for everything...all thetime.....Start helping others.....God is with you....Sushil Jain--------------------Ram RamIn the past I used to drink room temperature water, more or less in the same wayas Sri Shankerprasad ji had said. Recently I have modified it a little, I drinkwarm water (in the same way) and I have got amazing result.Ashok Goenka--------------------Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organsOne (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestionOne (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure(01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack.This is very important for our health Truly yoursShankerprasad S Bhatt---------===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Of recent, my attention has been consumed with this body with aches and pains, BP and other health issues. How can I draw my attention back to God? How canI keep this body healthy enough so that my attention is not drawn to that whichis going to go away, as we all know this. Please guide me !Any references in Gitaji on keeping body healthy for a sadhak's spiritualgrowth? (GT Moderators addition)Bala----------------------NEW POSTING Sri Krishna Arpanam.

Samasta Loka Sukino Bavanthu should be for all of us, without any expectations.

Vata is due to food taken in different timings and eating/chewing in between meals. That is if lunch is at 12 noon, it should same daily with difference of ½ hour.


Stop all foods hot that is preparation of Masala and chilly.

No one permanent here. Stop thinking failing health. Get hold of Yudhava Geetha where Sri Krishna explains about attachments.

Learn to do Surya Namaskar indoors at early mornings, all pains particularly at feet and soles will disappear. Do not eat anything grown under the earth.

Ginger Lemon therapy is for short duration of only 15 days. Then alternative days 15 times. This therapy to be avoided in rainy days.

What required Most is Good Bavana (Mind and body in line with love on God). Best Mantra or Sloka will have NO effect if said just telling looking hear and there with mind running elsewhere. The great saint Jaidev of Poori Jaganath, used tell wonderful slokas on Bagavan Jaganath. God was pleased. One day while saint performing milk abisek to Bagavan Idol, his wife Sri Padmavathi told, " Swamy kindly pour milk on Sri Krishna idol with intermediate gap, not continuously, as child Krishna may experience breathing difficult". This Bhavana made Bhagavan to appear first to Sri Padmavathi rather than Saint.


For cancer patients ... my recommendation is to stop Milk immediately. Make powder of dates SEED. The powder to the size of a penny (Not the weight of penny) mix with honey and consume on empty stomach. Milk is very harmful to any cancer patient. How it is, one can ask. IT is there in Sri Krishna Karnamurtham about milk effect on human body.

Everything is all grace of my Bagavan Sri Krishna". Without HIM no connectivity between sadhaks. I am just a tool in hands of HIM.

B.Sathyanarayan-------------------------Namaste Sri G.K. Bala and Sadhaks, 1) Human body works on 3 principles- Pitta, Kappa- & Vatta (Vadha). Besides these the gene of parent also responsible.

2) You have to test for Thyroid function, T1, T2, T3 though doctors may not recommend this blood test. This is necessary for a type of Aruvadic/Siddha treatment falling under 100% NO side effects.

3) Wear lose clothing, there should be no tight bands on wrist, under arm-pit or waist-hips.

4) If you are sleeping in your room located at North east corner with head placing towards NORTH. Change to southwest and place your head towards south while sleeping. This is because the north pole magnetic pull does not enable your blood flow. This is in Sri Ganapathy Puran.

5) Most important is that you should never interfere in anyone matters and talk in detail. Calmness is highly important.

6) Now basic medicine- Take dry ginger and powder it. Put the powder in butter paper. Cut a lemon into half. Just touch the powder from butter paper on the cut portion of lemon and rub in the centre portion of your head top just for 30 seconds, when you feel high pressure. Wait for 5/10 minutes and wash off. God will surely cure your ailment. Think of Sri Guruvayur Krishna and visit the temple anytime at your convenience. The deity there is called "Vadhleeswaran" WHO cures nervous diseases

Just do a little meditation on Sri Krishna Roop for 5 to 7 minutes.

Say this sloka; once a daySamastha Dhosa Soosanam,Samastha Loka Pooshanam,Samastha Gopa Maanasam,Namami Nandha Laalasam..The effect of saying sloka: The inhalation and exhalation of pulmonary function in breathing system, increases immunity anywhere in the body. The method of saying with Raga still improves a lot.

Dear Bala / Sadhaks you will be 100% cured shortly.

MY SERVICE IS IN THE NAME OF Geetha Chariyar Sri Krishna as it is done as "Sri Krishna Arpanam" Absolutely free.

B.Sathyanarayan --------------------------------Thank you all ! all you suggestions have been wonderful. I have been feeling far better already. All suggestions have been invaluable many that I have already tried successfully from Sathyanarayanji. Other suggestion too such as - Calling the Lord, taking charge of removing attention from the body and directing it on God, about realizing I am not this body, of keeping a healthy mind, eating/drinking less, etc.... Your responses have triggered so many more questions - How is one not to have this feeling that we are living? Are we not supposed to take care of what we are blessed with (i.e. the body)? then how can this feeling of we are living, not be there? It seems too difficult to grasp. How can my focus be naturally on God (regardless of the body's condition) ? How to get past these distractions (bodily limitation) ? How to experience no end of our existence even if body is severely sick? How to become fully immersed in only God? How to become fearless about death? This acceptance of God,,, this Kshipram... HOW ? This perfect equanimity, peace ... how?Please excuse me for this deep desire to know more. Once again thank you all and to God for this opportunity, in this forum. Bala ------------------------------- Dear sir, Whenever a miserable situation presents itself, like body pains/health problems, a devotee can reduce the misery by calling Lord's attention thereto and say: Oh Lord, you have chosen to come to me in this form. That thought may take you into transcendental happiness. There is no end to existence even after death. As poet Jigar said; Qaide-hasti se kab nijaat Jigar; Maut ayi agar hayat gayee. (`Where is deliverance from the prison of Life?Death arrives when life ends) The idea is that death itself is an existence, for Soul never dies – that is what Gita clearly lays down. With best wishes for a peaceful meditation,KN (Kamleshwar Nath)---- Shree Hari Ram RamBala ! When you yourself have put your attention on the body and other than Ishvar (God) many other things, then you alone by yourself will be able to remove it from there and place (engage) it on Ishvar. If someone else could do this then Bhagwaan would have moved Arjuna's attention and engaged it in performing his duty, and he would not give him a sermon on focusing on his duty. So be it, Vineet Sarvottam -----------------We are not the body. The only reality about us is the soul. Anything that dies is unreal and an illusion. Therefore do not get too attatched to your body which you will have to leave one day. For a sadhak what matters is the moksha or liberation from the nedless cycles of birth and death. To keep a body healthy you have to eat less, excercise, meditate because most illnesses start from the mind. If the mind is healthy, the body will also be healthy. You can also consult a doctor and take medicines.Hari Shanker Deo-----------------/Shree Hari Ram Ram Man is dying at every moment. Swamiji says - We have actually died the number of years that we have already lived. At every moment this body is dying. Parikshit was very clear that he was dying. When we have this feeling that we are living (the body can be kept always healthy etc), that thought itself will prevent us from focus on God and God Realization.If the aim is clear, then focus will be naturally on God (regardless of the body's condition). This is entirely up to us. Simply become immersed in this one thought and with great enthusiasm (utsaaha), become fully engaged in only Bhagavan.Meera Das, Ram Ram ----------------Hari OmIn Scriptures the fear of death is described as "abhinivesh" ! This is very deeply embedded inside the body and is prevalent in all bodies ..all creatures....A prey (say mouse) is by nature fearful of predator (say Cat). In fact this is not only fear...this is desire...this is an emotion arising out of non fulfillment of desire.. this is continuing association... with which you are born and which has all along been responsible for your births and deaths...karanam gun sanyogsya.. ! Divine Sadhaks....Look at the mercy of Paramatma and the power arising in a human being upon turning towards Paramatma... The first thing which Paramatma grants suo motto...effortlessly... to a Sadhak is "Abhayam" - fearlessness ! (BG 16:1) !! In fact ...The first upadesha in Gita of Lord Krishna to Arjuna was towards making him fearless. Right from the word...Go ! Lord said: Even a little of Equanimity (being in tandem with Nature of God Himself) saves you from GREAT fears....!!As you turn towards and proceed on the way to immortality (which you actually are) ...the fear of death goes on reducing ...because there is no possibility of your death at all ! What time does it take for a change of assumption? Not even a fraction of second..KSIPRAM...BG 9:30/31 !! Dear Balaji...not even a minute.This fear is also inbuilt in you as your millions and trillions of ages and eons old "mind"is carrying this constantly in its sub-conscious zone...arising out of your constant failure to fulfill the very purpose of your "living" in human body . Human birth is very rare. Therefore, as soon as a human turns towards God...this constant fear of death...starts drastically reducing.Hence.... Balaji...Rejoice !! Feel confident ! Turn towards Him decisively ...! It is a question of just an acceptance ! What time does it take to resolve ? Just "Ksipram" ...fraction of a second !! Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam --------------------------How to keep this body healthy so that I can remain focused on God?Actually, body health and remaining focussed in The God have nothing to do with each other. The spiritual practice is to attain the peace amidst the apparent physical and mental commotion of living. Rather, spirituality is the appreciation of The Peace as the only reality wherein the very existence of all the disturbances fall apart being purely notional. However, due to the body-centric existential belief we have cultivated so far, it becomes very difficult for us not to attend to the bodily difficulties. Instinctively our attention floods toward the bodily problems violating all the restraints we would have achieved in their absence. True spirituality is to seek The Peace actively in the apparent physical troubles and obstacles in life as we face them as well as in attending to the problems seeking a solution for the same. But, if one cannot help but to rush toward the solutions for the existential problems, it is better attend to the distractions and quench the same rather than geopardising the spirituality at the core. The desire for existence and fear of non-existence have to be purged encore and should never be hushed up. It is better to attend to the disturbances rather than remaining disturbed. However, there is one vested interest to seek bodily health and longivity from spirituality point of view. We need to be alive till our notion of body-centric existential reality is completely mitigated. For that reason protection of the health of the body-mind cluster is a necessity. Also, from spiritual stand-point, there is no need to interfere with the natural interest vested in the body-mind cluster to seek its protection and health. Therefore, a realized one whould let the body-mind cluster seek solutions as it can posing no hindrances for the same.As Swamiji correctly points out, it is impossible to arrest the bodily decay as it ages. Seeking peace in maintenance of the bodily health as well as in its natural decay with perfect equanimity is what we need to nurture in our spiritual quest. Not loosing focus on The Peace in spite being in fantastic health as well as being in disastrous disease is the essence of spirituality - The Equanimity. Therefore, I suggest to consider the pain, vulnerability and ailment that are consuming the body as opportunities to strengthen your spiritual awareness rather than panicking in the terror of the inevitable. Respects.Naga Narayana.------------------The last few days since I have been sincerely following the advice of sadhaks have been nothing short of miraculous.... It is the grace of God and blessings of sadhaks - what else can it be? OH THANK YOU ALL ! more to come! Bala------------------- I recommend all sadaks to see the film 3-Idiots at the earliest opportunity.......The team of 3-idiots has done a wonderful job in spreading the wisdom to all...........Don't miss out the wisdom part while getting entertained.......some of messages in the film very impactfully delivered are given below: List of messages from the film 3-Idiots 1. All is well - it is important to fool the mind/man by this message so that it can handle all situations without fear.2. Only grades are not important....One has to be a good human too. 3. Be excellent in whatever you do. Focus has to be on excellence.....other things come automatically.4. Be passionate about what you are doing for best results.5. Do what you like most....nothing is small....you can have recognition, power, money from any field.6. Live in the present7. Be happy all the time.8. Have a impersonal vision - a larger vision9. Don't be afraid to say what is right...be open...10. Be helpful to others11. Share the wisdom with others, enhence the consciousness levels of people around you. 12. Integrity, truthfulness, right attitude is necessary for achievements in life. 13.Don't worry about what others think. 14. Shed limiting believes, ........you can do anything...15. Don't force your kids to do something which they do not enjoy. Help them to develop what they like...16. Be a good teacher.....teaching is an art....and must be innovative....17. Learning has to be creative learning...18. Don't give up.......in life.....peacefully you can handle anything...19. Be innovative.20.Don't give importance to price tags and loose happiness...at the slightest mishap21.Don't run after success.....22. Don't worry about competition.... You may add more............. Next film could include the rest...... best wishesSushil Jain-------------------Swamiji quoted - "Unt mein tuhi tajenge paamar". In the end all will leave, only Paramatma will remain.This body is not for me, this body is not mine and this body is not "me". The greatness of this body is its vivek (discriminative power). Accept this now and REJOICE and take care of what has been given to you to keep for a short time, knowing full well that you will have to return it back to the owner "prakriti" someday. Just like checking into a hotel during vacation... use the facilities there, treat all the things properly, but when you check out, leave the room without any attachment, being FREE of all worries and responsibilities. meera das, ram ram ---------------Shree Hari-Slow breathing meditation, very good indeed, if kept under control! Per my experience, if done alone, without the support of a loved one who has good spiritual grounding, or a genuine guide, can send a person insane,others can cause energy meridians/ nadis to become out of balance, the nervous system can become damaged etc. May Gods peace be upon us all!Om... Shanti...Mike.-----------------------------Hi,Aches and pain indicate that you are storing anger .BP indicate that you are taking lot of pressure which you are unable to handle. Disease always stars from the mind , what kind of thinking you are having , is it positive or negative even in trouble time. spiritual growth will come on its on if one works on it. One does not achieve it by doing rituals, like going to temple, giving alms, helping others etc. One achieves when one works on oneself . This means one should be aware of what one does the whole day, what is he thinking , how much aware a person is about his thought, is he aware what he is talking to others etc. Spiritual growth will come on its own when a person is aware about himself.S. R Amin-------Shree Hari Ram RamYou may want to read Sadhan, Sudhaa Sindhu in HINDI - pg 771-775 if there is tendency to become angry or there is agitation in the mind. It is available online at: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/sadhansudhasindhu/main.html Here is summary of lecture given by Swamiji on , (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m.THE DESIRE TO KEEP THE BODY ALWAYS HEALTHY CAN NEVER BE FULFILLEDThe world and your body look close to you, but they are not close, only God is close to you. We have given importance to the body and to the world. They will not stay forever. Each one of us will have to leave our bodies and go. The world also keeps changing and does not stay on forever. Only God is permanent and unchanging. The Self witnesses the changes in our body -from childhood to youth, from adult to old age. It also witnesses all the insults, praise, injury etc. that the body experiences. God is the only one who is ours. God and the Self are the same. The body will never stay with us. The body which seems the closest to you is the most far. Something that always changes and something that never changes can never be together.This does not mean that we should not look after the body if it is unwell, or not give it food. The fact is that the body will not stay with you. The world and body are one - they are perishable. The desire of keeping the body healthy and always retaining it, can never be fulfilled. The attachment to the body is not easy to leave. Even if you do not understand, you should accept it. Just hold on to them and accept them. It is a fact and the truth. Thus rejoice and be happy.From Discourse by Swamij Ramsukhdasji on (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m. Ram RamGita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram------------Shree Hari Ram RamSwamiji has repeated this over and over again. This body will leave you at some point in time. It will let you down some day, if you continue wanting to have it be according to your likes/wishes/desires. Serve it by taking care of it, but do not depend on it. Therefore whether this body remains healthy or not, whether we live or we die, be determined to remain firm on the one and only aim - I WANT TO ATTAIN SALVATION. In verse (Gita 9:30) it is said "samyagvyavasitohi saha" means that "Now I want to only walk this path" whereby one makes this firm commitment and determination - no matter how poor the health of the body. If the inner sentiments become determinate that - "I am only a seeker of Divinity and Truth" then focus / rememberance of God will happen on its own. i.e. poor health will not take away the focus from God. This has been time and again observed in many saints of the world, who were immersed in God inspite of very poor health or conditions. Meera Das, Ram Ram -----Shree Hari-Dear Bala, I think at the outset you have comprehended the value of this Divine Forum, see the attached reflections of Swamiji:There is no bigger benefit than Satsanga. But it is difficult to get real satsanga. Instead of doing bhajan in isolation, reading books explaining real element is better. Real Satsanga is either liking only God or association with Realised souls. Satsanga gives immediate benefits. I can not explain glory of satsanga . Just as: When child has grown, one does not know similarly by sitting in satsanga what benefits one can get, cannot be known.A few words of wisdom, 'Pranayama', seems very similar to 'Chi Kung's Pi Chi/Nei Tan', something I have knowledge of, and my thoughts are reflected by a comment in 'Wikipedia', regarding 'Pranayama'. 'Cautions: Many yoga teachers recommend that pranayama techniques be practiced with care, and that advanced pranayama techniques should be practiced under the guidance of a teacher. These cautions are also made in traditional Hindu literature.'Easy does it! Be very kind to your body and mind! If you make a radical change to your diet, maybe a good idea to have a blood check after a while, specially regarding B12 levels.You may need direct support for some of your endeavors, maybe a self help group or some such organization.There is a magic awaiting you down the road, that is, you will be able to transmute your own miseries into pure gold of 'Divine Love'! All is good Balaji!Om...Shanti...Mike. (K) =================================================I thank you all - each and every one of you immensely for your forthright advice / suggestions / insights. Sarvottamji, Narottamji, Mikeji, Sathyanarayanaji, Meeraji, Prasadji, Sushilji, Narinderji, Ashokji, Shankerprasad Bhattji, Chunibhaiji, and Badri Narayanaji and any one that I may have missed. In every message there was truth, SO SO VERY TRUE. Years of abuse of this body and mind. Oh ! I AM DEEPLY TOUCHED by the responses. I am committed to change and have made note of many points in a daily journal to follow through. Just to name a few - Daily Gita reading, asanas and pranayama, meditation, meditating on those suffering much more, whole-hearted acceptance of being Giridhar Gopal's and Gita 9/22, detachment, forgiveness, gratitude, being free of resentment, fruits and vegetable diet, moderation, sanctified food, only half stomach with food (sattvik), proper utensils, turmeric and neem, warm water therapy, developing a healing mind, patience, faith, sincerity and much much more... Once again, I am utterly grateful. I can already feel a difference. Om Shanti, Bala ----------------Shree HariRam RamSwamiji has said that - Becoming free of worldly desires (detachment, vairaagya) is the highest austerity and essential for a spiritual aspirant. This desire that is consuming you, of wanting to keep the body healthy is a form of attachment "me and mine-ness" with the body. It is only out of attachment that we harm this body. A patient plans to avoid unhealthy diet, and intends to take a wholesome meal, but out of attachment, eats things that worsen his disease.One of the events causing one to become free from worldly desires (detached) is fear, which is what it seems you are experiencing. This fear of various inflictions and sufferings in the body and of early aging from various bodydisease and weakening; begins to move one away from association of sense enjoyments. In other words,when the mind is moved away from unwholesome sense enjoyments one becomes a "vairaagi" (detached), and achieves the highest austerity that is essential for a spiritual aspirant - says Swamiji. Can you now see His grace? His divine play? in making you detached and achieve the highest austerity!Balaji, after all this body is His... Serve It by taking care of it, while remaining detached, as ultimately it is His Will, you do not have any "adhikaar" (rights) over it. Nothing is yours, except God. This is the Truth. Accept this right now and see for yourself. Meera Das, Ram Ram - Dear BalaWhen body is showing signs of disease ,that means the mind is at dis-ease.You are carrying thoughts which are not in harmony with heart and soul.It is good that you want to come out of that.The suggested actions are:-1) Start reading Gita at earliest.Gita will show you the path.Commit strongly to read Gitaevery day in morning and in night. I suggest you also read Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand Ji.2)Consult Nutrition expert and follow food suggested food by him.Increase intake of fruits,dry fruits,sprouts,vegetables,nuts.Avoid processed and packaged food,carbonated drinks.Have food on time.3)Practice forgiveness and gratitude.Say to yourself every night-I am willing to forgive now completely and un-conditionally.Express gratitude for what you have.Practicing forgiveness and gratitude should take care of resentment ,which you might have been carrying for so long causing BP and body ache and pain.4) We have to take care of our emotions to take care of our body.Our emotions create the body.Unhealthy emotions will not result in healthy body.5)You need to take care of sleep.Go to bed by 10-10.30 in night.Chant OM till you sleep.If the emotions are not good ,good sleep is not possible.6)You can do breathing meditations for 10-15 minutes every day.Briefly, your present state of being is reminder to turn clock back by paying attention to your food,emotions and sleep.And start reading Gita ,may be from today itself.regardsAshok Jain---------------------------It can only be done by creating concentration on almighty God and it can be done by following steps naratted in Chapter VI of Bhagvat Gita Speck affirmations pertain to God and he will be with youThis is my short reply or my under standing. Truly yours Shankerprasad S Bhatt--------------------------- According to me, it is beyond doubt that Sri Ramdev yoga is most successful. i am not writing by just reading it or hearing it from others. i have regained my most dilapidated health through yoga-pranayama of shri Ramdeva through regulrity and consistency. anyone can do it and why not u? mahendra chunibhai---------------------------PRIOR POSTINGShree HariRam RamThe moment you become entirely dependent on Ishvar (God), at that moment norwill any diseases or states cause you sorrow, and nor will there be thesentiments to keep this body that is leaving every single moment, that somehow Imust keep it free of all disease. If by doing somthing this body could havebeen kept disease free then the doctors themselves would never have anydiseases. When Ishvar (God) Himself is digesting your food (Gita 15/14); ohwhat to speak of food, He provides guarantee for this life, (Gita 9/22), thentoo you are worrying? This is not good! This does not mean that you do not tryto get the necessary help/treatment for your disease. This means that thatwhich happens (cure etc.) will all be due to His divine will. This is fromexperience. You too experience and see for yourself. So be it, VineetSarvottam------------Hari OmPlease read today's Sadhak Message. You don't need body to remain focussed onGod. The one who lives in the body needs to focus on God. There is no point inworrying about the body, but you should do your duty towards the body. You havefear of death. Note here that this fear is not supported by truth. Read BGChapter 2 - first 45/50 verses. You are immortal. Body is mortal. Where is thescope now for fear? Do you get fearful when the Sun sets? No! Why? Because youknow it certainly shall set. Similarly the body shall certainly die, You shallcertainly not die... Then where arises the Q of fear or anxiety? Sure, do yourbest, take care of body, respect your body...but don't get attached to it. It isnot yours. Stop assuming it to be yours and still take care of it.The above was regarding the body. Now come to you your 'self '. You areimmortal. Because you have assumed body to be "me" and "mine" , you are worried.Change your acceptance level. Henceforth consider God to be "mine", and "me" tobe of God. (Instead of body to be "me"/"mine"). That is all you need to do. Ifyou do this much, and even if die immediately thereafter...you have fulfilledthe object of human life. But be firm. If body is not yours- it is not yours-Come what may. If God is yours- He is yours- wherever/however you are !Believe fearlessly..firmly - MERE TO GIRDHAR GOPAL, DOOSARO NA KOI.How old are you, Sir?Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam--------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.There is mention in Bhagavad Gita regarding healthy foods.Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Ayuh sattva balarogya,Sukha priti vivardhanah,Rasyah snigdhah hrdya,Aharah sattvika priyah. "(Gitaji, 17,8)Which means ,'Foods dear to those in mode of goodness, increase the duration of life, givestrength, purify our existence, give us health, satisfaction and pleasure. Suchfoods are juicy, wholesome and pleasing to the heart. 'Milk, milk products,wheat,fruits and vegetables are some of the examples ofSattvika foods.' Patram pushpam phalam toyam' (Gitaji,9,26) which means,'If one offers Me with devotion and love, a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I willaccept it'. That is what Lord Krishna says in Gitaji. Fruits and vegetables areLord's favourites.Also what is very important, is to eat in moderation. This is also mentioned inBhagavad Gita."Yuktahara viharasyaYukta cestasya karmasu,Yukta svapnavabhodhasya,Yogo bhavati dukha ha. "( Gitaji, 6,17).Which means,'One who is regulated in his habits of eating,sleeping ,recreation can mitigatematerial pains by practicing the yoga system. 'Let us eat the foods, offered to the Lord,( the sanctified foods) and advancespiritually.Thank You.Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D-------------Dear Sadaks,1) In Geetha- Mitha Aahar (Moderate food) said. This is also said, what type offood to consume and it`s effects regards to Gunaas. It is also said that anyfood kept aside for more than 4 hours not to be taken. 2) In Ayurvedic it issaid, half stomach food and quarter stomach water and quarter stomach empty. 3)My opinion- Sri Bala has been consuming much masala foods earlier, and stomachfull. The blood stream got salt addicted and B P developes. The complete bodyhas to be detoxified. There are prooven methods where Sri Bala case can becompletely cured. In fact I cured my wife of B P and Sugar that is herditory inher family. Her youger sisters and brothers died of Sugar. The system of curingany diseases are in 18 Siddhars (Eminent Sants of Bagavan Shiva) scripts. Insmall stories attached to our puras reveal that Cancer was cured.Balaji can contact me through this group, and he can have a good success rate inhis cure. For a sadak if Only body is sound, he can concentrate on meditationand Poojas.B.Sathyanarayan------------dear sadhaks, first to Balajee's query .............. devoting 30 minutes to anhour to Pranayama, can be a great Blessing .................. begin with this...... go on to simple Asanas for the Body ............ asanas you are able toperform with ease ...... Swami Ramdev jee's live appearances on TV channels canhelp ............. or you could purchase a CD.Do also imbibe shri Bhatt'ssuggestions below regarding drinking of water in daily living . Air and water,both free are great medicines ..............................now , if you permit..................... to something deeper .................We have a beautifullydivine culture that teaches us the art of living ................. unfortunately, the young of today value it not ....... they have no time ..................but narinder tells you from experience ....................... begin lookingafter your health ( correct foods , exercise, pranayama, yoga etc ) nowonwards, from whatever point you are now at .............. the younger in age ,the better .............. your thoughts and day-to-day life are also a part ofyour health ..................youth is a time , when everything negative thatone may indulge in , gets absorbed ............ one does not even notice it..................... but .................. the effects of the neglect show upafter you cross the middle age ..................... When one is young, onedoes NOT listen to the sayings of the wise elderly ( this is today's bane).................... but look around and see the elderly of today known to you(those, who paid no heed to correct values , when young..... ) and what they haveto go through .................. This message is specially for the young................... pay heed to the Wisdom of the elders ............. and reapthe benefits , when age catches up with you ......AUMnarinder bhandari------------------------The use of brass, copper vessels, turmeric (arisina, Haldi),neem sticks etc., have also been subjected to tests.BEETA AMELOID, a protein causing the incurable ALZEMEIRdisease could be controlled by the use of turmeric -Arisina (Haldi) – see THE HINDU DATED April 20,2005.Neem leaves and sticks arebeing used from timesimmemorial in our Yugadi festival and we take a littleneem with jaggery on that day. Shankerprasad Bhatt-----------------the advice on water therapy given by sadhak is worth practising because water isthe elixir of life.thankyouBadri Narayana Miriyala-----------Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Bala,OK you will get a lot of advice w.r.t. Bhagavad Gita, a couple of goodShlokas are:6 : 16 Yoga is not successful for him who eats too much, nor for one whodoes not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps to much, nor too little.6 : 17 Yoga which brings out the cessation of the travails of the worldis accomplished only by him, who is moderate in diet and recreation,temperate in action and regulated in sleep, and wakefulness.I ask you Bala, how up to date is that? It could be your G.P. givingthose instructions.Do your research for variations of diet that is best for you, the web isat your finger tips!Now I will tell you this, it is not just such things that will re focusyou back to 'The Divine Beloved'.I went through a very dark time, and was fortunate enough to sit beforethe feet of one of the great spiritual giants in the world!The turning point came, when he was guiding meditation, he said,"Inthis country we have very good conditions........but Africa, poorconditions, much suffering, meditate on the suffering,.....". And forthe first time in quite a while, I turned my attention to the sufferingof others and not to my suffering!That afternoon a seed was planted in my heart, and Dear Lord it hasnever stopped growing!Bala now that you are ready, the Master will come, do all you can tofind a group that does not want your money, only want help you. It maysimply be this Divine Forum, and the Master maybe Swamiji, I do notknow, but I believe in your heart you know!Om...Shant...Mike. (K)----First, attend to your body... take medicin....visit the doctor....do someexcercise, eat wisely...stop the complaints......be happy all the time....If you are sure you have taken these steps.....then start the spiritual healingprocess...It is all about diverting/fooling you mind / MAN.....Tell your mind/Man..1. Your body is ok. Your body is going to be fine.2. Mind has to help in healing the part/parts having problems.3. Mind has the power to repair, regenerate any part of the body...4. Mind must repair or regenerate.....5. Thank you mind....Do it with patience and sincerity. Have faith. See what happens in a few days...once that starts working....start thanking God for everything...all thetime.....Start helping others.....God is with you....Sushil Jain--------------------Ram RamIn the past I used to drink room temperature water, more or less in the same wayas Sri Shankerprasad ji had said. Recently I have modified it a little, I drinkwarm water (in the same way) and I have got amazing result.Ashok Goenka--------------------Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organsOne (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestionOne (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure(01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack.This is very important for our health Truly yoursShankerprasad S Bhatt---------===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Un: -

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Of recent, my attention has been consumed with this body with aches and pains, BP and other health issues. How can I draw my attention back to God? How canI keep this body healthy enough so that my attention is not drawn to that whichis going to go away, as we all know this. Please guide me !Any references in Gitaji on keeping body healthy for a sadhak's spiritualgrowth? (GT Moderators addition)Bala----------------------


Oh Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Will Do! Will Do! Will Do!




You asked for meaning:Samastha Dhosa Soosanam, (It means- All evil effects due to your wrong doing- gets rid off.)Samastha Loka Pooshanam, (To all living beings fed by Bagavan) Samastha Gopa Maanasam, (To all Gopi and Gopas Bagavan guardian)Namami Nandha Laalasam..(Namaste to THAT Nandha Gopal Leelas)Sadaks, can note, once Sri Krishna visited Drowpati in forset when Durvasa Saint was expected for Lunch, when Akshaya Pathra (The vessel blessed by Surya God to give food) was put upside down, after Panadavas completed their meals. Pandavas where in fix as the vessel once put upside down after consuming food, does not give food again. But Sri Krishna asked Drowpati to bring the vessel and took a food grain that remained in that vessel and said a mantra which filled stomach of all living things including Durvasa and his disciples to full extent. This relates to 2cd line of above slokaB.Sathyanarayan


Dear sadaks,Please note Raagas has effect on plants and living bodies. Sri Krishna flute did soothed cows, gopies. Now for health: Ahir Bhairav- Hindustani, Chakravaham- Carnatic, for Indigestion, arthiritus, hypertension leading to BP. 2) Bhairavi- Hindustani & Sindhu Bharavi for Rheumatics, sinitis. 3) Bagesshri & Sudha Bhairavi for Insomnia 4) Darbari for headache 5)Deepak for hyperacidity 5)Puriya Dhanasri & Kamavardhini for AnemiaB.Sathyanarayan






-Shree Hari-Namaste!Reflecting upon Sri Sathyanarayan, comments:'For cancer patients ... my recommendation is to stop Milk immediately' , wholly agree , in fact there was an Australian medical scientist that cured herself of terminal breast cancer by excluding all forms of dairy product from her diet, zero!But I would like to reflect upon 'Do not eat anything grown under the earth.'Now take a couple of root crops. Beetroot a source of Folate , potassium, and the tops are rich in , beta carotene calcium and iron.Carrots rich source of beta carotene and Folate.Now ex Wikipedia 'A lack of dietary folic acid leads to folate deficiency (FD). This can result in many health problems, most notably neural tube defects in developing embryos. Low folate can also lead to homocysteine accumulation as a result of one carbon metabolism mechanism being impaired.[3] DNA synthesis and repair are impaired and this could lead to cancer development'A couple of points, there is as much violence in the growing and harvesting of above ground crops as root crops, (ever witnessed crop spraying?) Also is not ginger a root crop?Beetroot and carrots are regarded as part of the apothecary of the nature path for the treatment of cancer!In my tradition root crops are generally regarded as Yin, (nurturing and cooling), think of embryos.Om... ShantiMike (K).

The proverb a sound mind in a sound body holds good for sadhakas also.A weak body always gives you weak thoughts.First of all concentrate on your food.Whether it is satwika or tamasa?. Bhagavan prescribes only satwikahara for sadhaks. Mithahara and vihara also prescribed for us. So please go through Gita .

Badri Narayana Miriyala



Sri Krishna Arpanam.


Samasta Loka Sukino Bavanthu should be for all of us, without any expectations.

Vata is due to food taken in different timings and eating/chewing in between meals. That is if lunch is at 12 noon, it should same daily with difference of ½ hour.


Stop all foods hot that is preparation of Masala and chilly.

No one permanent here. Stop thinking failing health. Get hold of Yudhava Geetha where Sri Krishna explains about attachments.

Learn to do Surya Namaskar indoors at early mornings, all pains particularly at feet and soles will disappear. Do not eat anything grown under the earth.

Ginger Lemon therapy is for short duration of only 15 days. Then alternative days 15 times. This therapy to be avoided in rainy days.

What required Most is Good Bavana (Mind and body in line with love on God). Best Mantra or Sloka will have NO effect if said just telling looking hear and there with mind running elsewhere. The great saint Jaidev of Poori Jaganath, used tell wonderful slokas on Bagavan Jaganath. God was pleased. One day while saint performing milk abisek to Bagavan Idol, his wife Sri Padmavathi told, " Swamy kindly pour milk on Sri Krishna idol with intermediate gap, not continuously, as child Krishna may experience breathing difficult". This Bhavana made Bhagavan to appear first to Sri Padmavathi rather than Saint.


For cancer patients ... my recommendation is to stop Milk immediately. Make powder of dates SEED. The powder to the size of a penny (Not the weight of penny) mix with honey and consume on empty stomach. Milk is very harmful to any cancer patient. How it is, one can ask. IT is there in Sri Krishna Karnamurtham about milk effect on human body.

Everything is all grace of my Bagavan Sri Krishna". Without HIM no connectivity between sadhaks. I am just a tool in hands of HIM.




Namaste Sri G.K. Bala and Sadhaks,


1) Human body works on 3 principles- Pitta, Kappa- & Vatta (Vadha). Besides these the gene of parent also responsible.

2) You have to test for Thyroid function, T1, T2, T3 though doctors may not recommend this blood test. This is necessary for a type of Aruvadic/Siddha treatment falling under 100% NO side effects.

3) Wear lose clothing, there should be no tight bands on wrist, under arm-pit or waist-hips.

4) If you are sleeping in your room located at North east corner with head placing towards NORTH. Change to southwest and place your head towards south while sleeping. This is because the north pole magnetic pull does not enable your blood flow. This is in Sri Ganapathy Puran.

5) Most important is that you should never interfere in anyone matters and talk in detail. Calmness is highly important.

6) Now basic medicine- Take dry ginger and powder it. Put the powder in butter paper. Cut a lemon into half. Just touch the powder from butter paper on the cut portion of lemon and rub in the centre portion of your head top just for 30 seconds, when you feel high pressure. Wait for 5/10 minutes and wash off. God will surely cure your ailment. Think of Sri Guruvayur Krishna and visit the temple anytime at your convenience. The deity there is called "Vadhleeswaran" WHO cures nervous diseases

Just do a little meditation on Sri Krishna Roop for 5 to 7 minutes.

Say this sloka; once a day

Samastha Dhosa Soosanam,Samastha Loka Pooshanam,Samastha Gopa Maanasam,Namami Nandha Laalasam..The effect of saying sloka: The inhalation and exhalation of pulmonary function in breathing system, increases immunity anywhere in the body. The method of saying with Raga still improves a lot.

Dear Bala / Sadhaks you will be 100% cured shortly.

MY SERVICE IS IN THE NAME OF Geetha Chariyar Sri Krishna as it is done as "Sri Krishna Arpanam" Absolutely free.




Thank you all ! all you suggestions have been wonderful. I have been feeling far better already. All suggestions have been invaluable many that I have already tried successfully from Sathyanarayanji. Other suggestion too such as - Calling the Lord, taking charge of removing attention from the body and directing it on God, about realizing I am not this body, of keeping a healthy mind, eating/drinking less, etc.... Your responses have triggered so many more questions - How is one not to have this feeling that we are living? Are we not supposed to take care of what we are blessed with (i.e. the body)? then how can this feeling of we are living, not be there? It seems too difficult to grasp. How can my focus be naturally on God (regardless of the body's condition) ? How to get past these distractions (bodily limitation) ? How to experience no end of our existence even if body is severely sick? How to become fully immersed in only God? How to become fearless about death? This acceptance of God,,, this Kshipram... HOW ? This perfect equanimity, peace ... how?

Please excuse me for this deep desire to know more. Once again thank you all and to God for this opportunity, in this forum.



Dear sir,

Whenever a miserable situation presents itself, like body pains/health problems, a devotee can reduce the misery by calling Lord's attention thereto and say: Oh Lord, you have chosen to come to me in this form. That thought may take you into transcendental happiness.

There is no end to existence even after death. As poet Jigar said;

Qaide-hasti se kab nijaat Jigar; Maut ayi agar hayat gayee. (`Where is deliverance from the prison of Life?

Death arrives when life ends) The idea is that death itself is an existence, for Soul never dies – that is what Gita clearly lays down.

With best wishes for a peaceful meditation,

KN (Kamleshwar Nath)



Shree Hari Ram Ram

Bala ! When you yourself have put your attention on the body and other than Ishvar (God) many other things, then you alone by yourself will be able to remove it from there and place (engage) it on Ishvar. If someone else could do this then Bhagwaan would have moved Arjuna's attention and engaged it in performing his duty, and he would not give him a sermon on focusing on his duty. So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


-----------------We are not the body. The only reality about us is the soul. Anything that dies is unreal and an illusion. Therefore do not get too attatched to your body which you will have to leave one day. For a sadhak what matters is the moksha or liberation from the nedless cycles of birth and death. To keep a body healthy you have to eat less, excercise, meditate because most illnesses start from the mind. If the mind is healthy, the body will also be healthy. You can also consult a doctor and take medicines.

Hari Shanker Deo



Shree Hari Ram Ram

Man is dying at every moment. Swamiji says - We have actually died the number of years that we have already lived. At every moment this body is dying. Parikshit was very clear that he was dying. When we have this feeling that we are living (the body can be kept always healthy etc), that thought itself will prevent us from focus on God and God Realization.If the aim is clear, then focus will be naturally on God (regardless of the body's condition). This is entirely up to us. Simply become immersed in this one thought and with great enthusiasm (utsaaha), become fully engaged in only Bhagavan.Meera Das, Ram Ram



Hari OmIn Scriptures the fear of death is described as "abhinivesh" ! This is very deeply embedded inside the body and is prevalent in all bodies ..all creatures....A prey (say mouse) is by nature fearful of predator (say Cat). In fact this is not only fear...this is desire...this is an emotion arising out of non fulfillment of desire.. this is continuing association... with which you are born and which has all along been responsible for your births and deaths...karanam gun sanyogsya.. ! Divine Sadhaks....Look at the mercy of Paramatma and the power arising in a human being upon turning towards Paramatma... The first thing which Paramatma grants suo motto...effortlessly... to a Sadhak is "Abhayam" - fearlessness ! (BG 16:1) !! In fact ...The first upadesha in Gita of Lord Krishna to Arjuna was towards making him fearless. Right from the word...Go ! Lord said: Even a little of Equanimity (being in tandem with Nature of God Himself) saves you from GREAT fears....!!As you turn towards and proceed on the way to immortality (which you actually are) ...the fear of death goes on reducing ...because there is no possibility of your death at all ! What time does it take for a change of assumption? Not even a fraction of second..KSIPRAM...BG 9:30/31 !! Dear Balaji...not even a minute.This fear is also inbuilt in you as your millions and trillions of ages and eons old "mind"is carrying this constantly in its sub-conscious zone...arising out of your constant failure to fulfill the very purpose of your "living" in human body . Human birth is very rare. Therefore, as soon as a human turns towards God...this constant fear of death...starts drastically reducing.Hence.... Balaji...Rejoice !! Feel confident ! Turn towards Him decisively ...! It is a question of just an acceptance ! What time does it take to resolve ? Just "Ksipram" ...fraction of a second !! Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam --------------------------











How to keep this body healthy so that I can remain focused on God?




Actually, body health and remaining focussed in The God have nothing to do with each other. The spiritual practice is to attain the peace amidst the apparent physical and mental commotion of living. Rather, spirituality is the appreciation of The Peace as the only reality wherein the very existence of all the disturbances fall apart being purely notional.




However, due to the body-centric existential belief we have cultivated so far, it becomes very difficult for us not to attend to the bodily difficulties. Instinctively our attention floods toward the bodily problems violating all the restraints we would have achieved in their absence. True spirituality is to seek The Peace actively in the apparent physical troubles and obstacles in life as we face them as well as in attending to the problems seeking a solution for the same. But, if one cannot help but to rush toward the solutions for the existential problems, it is better attend to the distractions and quench the same rather than geopardising the spirituality at the core. The desire for existence and fear of non-existence have to be purged encore and should never be hushed up. It is better to attend to the disturbances rather than remaining disturbed.




However, there is one vested interest to seek bodily health and longivity from spirituality point of view. We need to be alive till our notion of body-centric existential reality is completely mitigated. For that reason protection of the health of the body-mind cluster is a necessity. Also, from spiritual stand-point, there is no need to interfere with the natural interest vested in the body-mind cluster to seek its protection and health. Therefore, a realized one whould let the body-mind cluster seek solutions as it can posing no hindrances for the same.




As Swamiji correctly points out, it is impossible to arrest the bodily decay as it ages. Seeking peace in maintenance of the bodily health as well as in its natural decay with perfect equanimity is what we need to nurture in our spiritual quest. Not loosing focus on The Peace in spite being in fantastic health as well as being in disastrous disease is the essence of spirituality - The Equanimity. Therefore, I suggest to consider the pain, vulnerability and ailment that are consuming the body as opportunities to strengthen your spiritual awareness rather than panicking in the terror of the inevitable.








Naga Narayana.


The last few days since I have been sincerely following the advice of sadhaks have been nothing short of miraculous.... It is the grace of God and blessings of sadhaks - what else can it be? OH THANK YOU ALL ! more to come!








I recommend all sadaks to see the film 3-Idiots at the earliest opportunity.......

The team of 3-idiots has done a wonderful job in spreading the wisdom to all...........

Don't miss out the wisdom part while getting entertained.......some of messages in the film very impactfully delivered are given below:


List of messages from the film 3-Idiots 1. All is well - it is important to fool the mind/man by this message so that it can handle all situations without fear.2. Only grades are not important....One has to be a good human too. 3. Be excellent in whatever you do. Focus has to be on excellence.....other things come automatically.4. Be passionate about what you are doing for best results.5. Do what you like most....nothing is small....you can have recognition, power, money from any field.6. Live in the present7. Be happy all the time.8. Have a impersonal vision - a larger vision9. Don't be afraid to say what is right...be open...10. Be helpful to others11. Share the wisdom with others, enhence the consciousness levels of people around you. 12. Integrity, truthfulness, right attitude is necessary for achievements in life. 13.Don't worry about what others think. 14. Shed limiting believes, ........you can do anything...15. Don't force your kids to do something which they do not enjoy. Help them to develop what they like...16. Be a good teacher.....teaching is an art....and must be innovative....17. Learning has to be creative learning...18. Don't give up.......in life.....peacefully you can handle anything...19. Be innovative.20.Don't give importance to price tags and loose happiness...at the slightest mishap21.Don't run after success.....22. Don't worry about competition.... You may add more............. Next film could include the rest......


best wishes

Sushil Jain




Swamiji quoted - "Unt mein tuhi tajenge paamar". In the end all will leave, only Paramatma will remain.

This body is not for me, this body is not mine and this body is not "me". The greatness of this body is its vivek (discriminative power).

Accept this now and REJOICE and take care of what has been given to you to keep for a short time, knowing full well that you will have to return it back to the owner "prakriti" someday. Just like checking into a hotel during vacation... use the facilities there, treat all the things properly, but when you check out, leave the room without any attachment, being FREE of all worries and responsibilities. meera das, ram ram


-Shree Hari-Slow breathing meditation, very good indeed, if kept under control! Per my experience, if done alone, without the support of a loved one who has good spiritual grounding, or a genuine guide, can send a person insane,others can cause energy meridians/ nadis to become out of balance, the nervous system can become damaged etc.

May Gods peace be upon us all!Om... Shanti...Mike.


Hi,Aches and pain indicate that you are storing anger .BP indicate that you are taking lot of pressure which you are unable to handle. Disease always stars from the mind , what kind of thinking you are having , is it positive or negative even in trouble time. spiritual growth will come on its on if one works on it. One does not achieve it by doing rituals, like going to temple, giving alms, helping others etc. One achieves when one works on oneself . This means one should be aware of what one does the whole day, what is he thinking , how much aware a person is about his thought, is he aware what he is talking to others etc. Spiritual growth will come on its own when a person is aware about himself.S. R Amin


Shree Hari Ram Ram

You may want to read Sadhan, Sudhaa Sindhu in HINDI - pg 771-775 if there is tendency to become angry or there is agitation in the mind. It is available online at:


Here is summary of lecture given by Swamiji on , (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m.


The world and your body look close to you, but they are not close, only God is close to you. We have given importance to the body and to the world. They will not stay forever. Each one of us will have to leave our bodies and go. The world also keeps changing and does not stay on forever. Only God is permanent and unchanging. The Self witnesses the changes in our body -from childhood to youth, from adult to old age. It also witnesses all the insults, praise, injury etc. that the body experiences. God is the only one who is ours. God and the Self are the same. The body will never stay with us. The body which seems the closest to you is the most far. Something that always changes and something that never changes can never be together.This does not mean that we should not look after the body if it is unwell, or not give it food. The fact is that the body will not stay with you. The world and body are one - they are perishable. The desire of keeping the body healthy and always retaining it, can never be fulfilled. The attachment to the body is not easy to leave. Even if you do not understand, you should accept it. Just hold on to them and accept them. It is a fact and the truth. Thus rejoice and be happy.

From Discourse by Swamij Ramsukhdasji on (25th September, 2004) at 5.20 a.m. Ram RamGita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Swamiji has repeated this over and over again. This body will leave you at some point in time. It will let you down some day, if you continue wanting to have it be according to your likes/wishes/desires. Serve it by taking care of it, but do not depend on it. Therefore whether this body remains healthy or not, whether we live or we die, be determined to remain firm on the one and only aim - I WANT TO ATTAIN SALVATION. In verse (Gita 9:30) it is said "samyagvyavasitohi saha" means that "Now I want to only walk this path" whereby one makes this firm commitment and determination - no matter how poor the health of the body. If the inner sentiments become determinate that - "I am only a seeker of Divinity and Truth" then focus / rememberance of God will happen on its own. i.e. poor health will not take away the focus from God. This has been time and again observed in many saints of the world, who were immersed in God inspite of very poor health or conditions.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

-----Shree Hari-


Dear Bala, I think at the outset you have comprehended the value of this Divine Forum, see the attached reflections of Swamiji:There is no bigger benefit than Satsanga. But it is difficult to get real satsanga. Instead of doing bhajan in isolation, reading books explaining real element is better. Real Satsanga is either liking only God or association with Realised souls. Satsanga gives immediate benefits. I can not explain glory of satsanga . Just as: When child has grown, one does not know similarly by sitting in satsanga what benefits one can get, cannot be known.A few words of wisdom, 'Pranayama', seems very similar to 'Chi Kung's Pi Chi/Nei Tan', something I have knowledge of, and my thoughts are reflected by a comment in 'Wikipedia', regarding 'Pranayama'. 'Cautions: Many yoga teachers recommend that pranayama techniques be practiced with care, and that advanced pranayama techniques should be practiced under the guidance of a teacher. These cautions are also made in traditional Hindu literature.' Easy does it! Be very kind to your body and mind! If you make a radical change to your diet, maybe a good idea to have a blood check after a while, specially regarding B12 levels. You may need direct support for some of your endeavors, maybe a self help group or some such organization.

There is a magic awaiting you down the road, that is, you will be able to transmute your own miseries into pure gold of 'Divine Love'! All is good Balaji!Om...Shanti...Mike. (K)


I thank you all - each and every one of you immensely for your forthright advice / suggestions / insights. Sarvottamji, Narottamji, Mikeji, Sathyanarayanaji, Meeraji, Prasadji, Sushilji, Narinderji, Ashokji, Shankerprasad Bhattji, Chunibhaiji, and Badri Narayanaji and any one that I may have missed.

In every message there was truth, SO SO VERY TRUE. Years of abuse of this body and mind. Oh ! I AM DEEPLY TOUCHED by the responses. I am committed to change and have made note of many points in a daily journal to follow through. Just to name a few - Daily Gita reading, asanas and pranayama, meditation, meditating on those suffering much more, whole-hearted acceptance of being Giridhar Gopal's and Gita 9/22, detachment, forgiveness, gratitude, being free of resentment, fruits and vegetable diet, moderation, sanctified food, only half stomach with food (sattvik), proper utensils, turmeric and neem, warm water therapy, developing a healing mind, patience, faith, sincerity and much much more... Once again, I am utterly grateful. I can already feel a difference.

Om Shanti, Bala



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji has said that - Becoming free of worldly desires (detachment, vairaagya) is the highest austerity and essential for a spiritual aspirant.

This desire that is consuming you, of wanting to keep the body healthy is a form of attachment "me and mine-ness" with the body. It is only out of attachment that we harm this body.

A patient plans to avoid unhealthy diet, and intends to take a wholesome meal, but out of attachment, eats things that worsen his disease.

One of the events causing one to become free from worldly desires (detached) is fear, which is what it seems you are experiencing.

This fear of various inflictions and sufferings in the body and of early aging from various bodydisease and weakening; begins to move one away from association of sense enjoyments. In other words,when the mind is moved away from unwholesome sense enjoyments one becomes a "vairaagi" (detached), and achieves the highest austerity that is essential for a spiritual aspirant - says Swamiji.

Can you now see His grace? His divine play? in making you detached and achieve the highest austerity!

Balaji, after all this body is His... Serve It by taking care of it, while remaining detached, as ultimately it is His Will, you do not have any "adhikaar" (rights) over it. Nothing is yours, except God. This is the Truth. Accept this right now and see for yourself.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

- Dear Bala

When body is showing signs of disease ,that means the mind is at dis-ease.You are carrying thoughts which are not in harmony with heart and soul.


It is good that you want to come out of that.The suggested actions are:-

1) Start reading Gita at earliest.Gita will show you the path.Commit strongly to read Gita

every day in morning and in night. I suggest you also read Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand Ji.

2)Consult Nutrition expert and follow food suggested food by him.Increase intake of fruits,dry fruits,sprouts,vegetables,nuts.Avoid processed and packaged food,carbonated drinks.Have food on time.

3)Practice forgiveness and gratitude.Say to yourself every night-I am willing to forgive now completely and un-conditionally.Express gratitude for what you have.Practicing forgiveness and gratitude should take care of resentment ,which you might have been carrying for so long causing BP and body ache and pain.

4) We have to take care of our emotions to take care of our body.Our emotions create the body.Unhealthy emotions will not result in healthy body.

5)You need to take care of sleep.Go to bed by 10-10.30 in night.Chant OM till you sleep.If the emotions are not good ,good sleep is not possible.

6)You can do breathing meditations for 10-15 minutes every day.


Briefly, your present state of being is reminder to turn clock back by paying attention to your food,emotions and sleep.


And start reading Gita ,may be from today itself.




Ashok Jain



It can only be done by creating concentration on almighty God and it can be done by following steps naratted in Chapter VI of Bhagvat Gita Speck affirmations pertain to God and he will be with you

This is my short reply or my under standing.


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



According to me, it is beyond doubt that Sri Ramdev yoga is most successful. i am not writing by just reading it or hearing it from others. i have regained my most dilapidated health through yoga-pranayama of shri Ramdeva through regulrity and consistency. anyone can do it and why not u? mahendra chunibhai

---------------------------PRIOR POSTING

Shree HariRam RamThe moment you become entirely dependent on Ishvar (God), at that moment norwill any diseases or states cause you sorrow, and nor will there be thesentiments to keep this body that is leaving every single moment, that somehow Imust keep it free of all disease. If by doing somthing this body could havebeen kept disease free then the doctors themselves would never have anydiseases. When Ishvar (God) Himself is digesting your food (Gita 15/14); ohwhat to speak of food, He provides guarantee for this life, (Gita 9/22), thentoo you are worrying? This is not good! This does not mean that you do not tryto get the necessary help/treatment for your disease. This means that thatwhich happens (cure etc.) will all be due to His divine will. This is fromexperience. You too experience and see for yourself. So be it, VineetSarvottam------------Hari OmPlease read today's Sadhak Message. You don't need body to remain focussed onGod. The one who lives in the body needs to focus on God. There is no point inworrying about the body, but you should do your duty towards the body. You havefear of death. Note here that this fear is not supported by truth. Read BGChapter 2 - first 45/50 verses. You are immortal. Body is mortal. Where is thescope now for fear? Do you get fearful when the Sun sets? No! Why? Because youknow it certainly shall set. Similarly the body shall certainly die, You shallcertainly not die... Then where arises the Q of fear or anxiety? Sure, do yourbest, take care of body, respect your body...but don't get attached to it. It isnot yours. Stop assuming it to be yours and still take care of it.The above was regarding the body. Now come to you your 'self '. You areimmortal. Because you have assumed body to be "me" and "mine" , you are worried.Change your acceptance level. Henceforth consider God to be "mine", and "me" tobe of God. (Instead of body to be "me"/"mine"). That is all you need to do. Ifyou do this much, and even if die immediately thereafter...you have fulfilledthe object of human life. But be firm. If body is not yours- it is not yours-Come what may. If God is yours- He is yours- wherever/however you are !Believe fearlessly..firmly - MERE TO GIRDHAR GOPAL, DOOSARO NA KOI.How old are you, Sir?Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam--------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.There is mention in Bhagavad Gita regarding healthy foods.Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Ayuh sattva balarogya,Sukha priti vivardhanah,Rasyah snigdhah hrdya,Aharah sattvika priyah. "(Gitaji, 17,8)Which means ,'Foods dear to those in mode of goodness, increase the duration of life, givestrength, purify our existence, give us health, satisfaction and pleasure. Suchfoods are juicy, wholesome and pleasing to the heart. 'Milk, milk products,wheat,fruits and vegetables are some of the examples ofSattvika foods.' Patram pushpam phalam toyam' (Gitaji,9,26) which means,'If one offers Me with devotion and love, a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I willaccept it'. That is what Lord Krishna says in Gitaji. Fruits and vegetables areLord's favourites.Also what is very important, is to eat in moderation. This is also mentioned inBhagavad Gita."Yuktahara viharasyaYukta cestasya karmasu,Yukta svapnavabhodhasya,Yogo bhavati dukha ha. "( Gitaji, 6,17).Which means,'One who is regulated in his habits of eating,sleeping ,recreation can mitigatematerial pains by practicing the yoga system. 'Let us eat the foods, offered to the Lord,( the sanctified foods) and advancespiritually.Thank You.Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D-------------Dear Sadaks,1) In Geetha- Mitha Aahar (Moderate food) said. This is also said, what type offood to consume and it`s effects regards to Gunaas. It is also said that anyfood kept aside for more than 4 hours not to be taken. 2) In Ayurvedic it issaid, half stomach food and quarter stomach water and quarter stomach empty. 3)My opinion- Sri Bala has been consuming much masala foods earlier, and stomachfull. The blood stream got salt addicted and B P developes. The complete bodyhas to be detoxified. There are prooven methods where Sri Bala case can becompletely cured. In fact I cured my wife of B P and Sugar that is herditory inher family. Her youger sisters and brothers died of Sugar. The system of curingany diseases are in 18 Siddhars (Eminent Sants of Bagavan Shiva) scripts. Insmall stories attached to our puras reveal that Cancer was cured.Balaji can contact me through this group, and he can have a good success rate inhis cure. For a sadak if Only body is sound, he can concentrate on meditationand Poojas.B.Sathyanarayan------------dear sadhaks, first to Balajee's query .............. devoting 30 minutes to anhour to Pranayama, can be a great Blessing .................. begin with this...... go on to simple Asanas for the Body ............ asanas you are able toperform with ease ...... Swami Ramdev jee's live appearances on TV channels canhelp ............. or you could purchase a CD.Do also imbibe shri Bhatt'ssuggestions below regarding drinking of water in daily living . Air and water,both free are great medicines ..............................now , if you permit..................... to something deeper .................We have a beautifullydivine culture that teaches us the art of living ................. unfortunately, the young of today value it not ....... they have no time ..................but narinder tells you from experience ....................... begin lookingafter your health ( correct foods , exercise, pranayama, yoga etc ) nowonwards, from whatever point you are now at .............. the younger in age ,the better .............. your thoughts and day-to-day life are also a part ofyour health ..................youth is a time , when everything negative thatone may indulge in , gets absorbed ............ one does not even notice it..................... but .................. the effects of the neglect show upafter you cross the middle age ..................... When one is young, onedoes NOT listen to the sayings of the wise elderly ( this is today's bane).................... but look around and see the elderly of today known to you(those, who paid no heed to correct values , when young..... ) and what they haveto go through .................. This message is specially for the young................... pay heed to the Wisdom of the elders ............. and reapthe benefits , when age catches up with you ......AUMnarinder bhandari------------------------The use of brass, copper vessels, turmeric (arisina, Haldi),neem sticks etc., have also been subjected to tests.BEETA AMELOID, a protein causing the incurable ALZEMEIRdisease could be controlled by the use of turmeric -Arisina (Haldi) – see THE HINDU DATED April 20,2005.Neem leaves and sticks arebeing used from timesimmemorial in our Yugadi festival and we take a littleneem with jaggery on that day. Shankerprasad Bhatt-----------------the advice on water therapy given by sadhak is worth practising because water isthe elixir of life.thankyouBadri Narayana Miriyala-----------Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Bala,OK you will get a lot of advice w.r.t. Bhagavad Gita, a couple of goodShlokas are:6 : 16 Yoga is not successful for him who eats too much, nor for one whodoes not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps to much, nor too little.6 : 17 Yoga which brings out the cessation of the travails of the worldis accomplished only by him, who is moderate in diet and recreation,temperate in action and regulated in sleep, and wakefulness.I ask you Bala, how up to date is that? It could be your G.P. givingthose instructions.Do your research for variations of diet that is best for you, the web isat your finger tips!Now I will tell you this, it is not just such things that will re focusyou back to 'The Divine Beloved'.I went through a very dark time, and was fortunate enough to sit beforethe feet of one of the great spiritual giants in the world!The turning point came, when he was guiding meditation, he said,"Inthis country we have very good conditions........but Africa, poorconditions, much suffering, meditate on the suffering,.....". And forthe first time in quite a while, I turned my attention to the sufferingof others and not to my suffering!That afternoon a seed was planted in my heart, and Dear Lord it hasnever stopped growing!Bala now that you are ready, the Master will come, do all you can tofind a group that does not want your money, only want help you. It maysimply be this Divine Forum, and the Master maybe Swamiji, I do notknow, but I believe in your heart you know!Om...Shant...Mike. (K)----First, attend to your body... take medicin....visit the doctor....do someexcercise, eat wisely...stop the complaints......be happy all the time....If you are sure you have taken these steps.....then start the spiritual healingprocess...It is all about diverting/fooling you mind / MAN.....Tell your mind/Man..1. Your body is ok. Your body is going to be fine.2. Mind has to help in healing the part/parts having problems.3. Mind has the power to repair, regenerate any part of the body...4. Mind must repair or regenerate.....5. Thank you mind....Do it with patience and sincerity. Have faith. See what happens in a few days...once that starts working....start thanking God for everything...all thetime.....Start helping others.....God is with you....Sushil Jain--------------------Ram RamIn the past I used to drink room temperature water, more or less in the same wayas Sri Shankerprasad ji had said. Recently I have modified it a little, I drinkwarm water (in the same way) and I have got amazing result.Ashok Goenka--------------------Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organsOne (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestionOne (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure(01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack.This is very important for our health Truly yoursShankerprasad S Bhatt---------===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Un: -

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