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Difference between Vishwaas and Shraddha

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What is the difference between "Vishwaas" (trust, confidence, reliance, assurance, to believe) and "Shraddhaa" (implicit confidence, reverential belief, faith, devout faith). Please shed some light?



vishwas our sardha me kya farak hein kirpa es per roshni daale[Ramchandra]===============================

Shree Hari Ram Ram



GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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What is the difference between "Vishwaas" (trust, confidence, reliance, assurance, to believe) and "Shraddhaa" (implicit confidence, reverential belief, faith, devout faith). Please shed some light?



vishwas our sardha me kya farak hein kirpa es per roshni daale[Ramchandra]===============================

Ram Ram

Existence of GOD is VISHWAAS, where as going to temple and offering prasad to make HIM happy is SHRADDHA.

Shraddha may vary but not Vishwaas.

Ashok Goenka



Dear Sadhakas,

Hare Krishna.

This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding Vishwas and Sraddha.


Vishwas means faith and trust.

Sraddha means interest with devotion. For spiritual advancement, we need both. We have to have faith in the Lord that He saves us. Once we have faith then our devotion becomes intense. Faith leads to devotion. When our devotion towards the Lord, is serious and intense, that also means our faith(Vishwas) is at its best.


The following Slokam from Bhagavad Gita deals with Vishwas(Faith and Trust) and Sraddha.

Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,

"Ye tu dharmamrutam idam,

Yathoktam paryupasate,

Sraddhadhana mat parama,

Bhaktas te tiva me priyah. " (Gitaji 12,20)

Which means,

'Those who follow the path of devotional service (sraddha) engaging themselves with faith(vishwas) and making Me their goal are very dear to Me. '


Faith in the Lord and devotional service get us back to His Kingdom.

Thank You

Hare Krishna

Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D -------




Dear Sadak,A saint mislead a sadak who was scheduled caste, by saying a mantra in Sanskrit "Buffelow Head" in place of Mantra to see Sri Vishnu. The Sadak took it seriously, kept on saying and he saw God Dharshan. The saint fell ashamed. Here the Viswaas on Mantra without any doubt and he least doubted that he may fail in his attempt, and kept on saying amidst his daily plight. This Sharddhaa.B.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Where there is Vishwaas then shraddha will soon follow, both come together - hand in hand just like two sides of a coin. If you are aware of any examples whether there is only one (i.e. not the other), then please bring that to our attention. Between the two there is only the difference in terms of words and different expressions. So be it, Vineet Sarvottam










Shraddha has been mentioned in verse 39th of 4th Chapter, verses 2nd and 20th of 12 th Chapter and in some other places also.


Verse 39 th of 4th chapter says person with Shraddha ,balance(sanyam) and speed (tatpar) attains gyan (wisdom) and then he attains indestructible peace.


Only Shraddha is not enough,alongwith that balance or restrain and speedy action is also required for attaining permanent peace.


Shraddha does not exclude questioning the basis of shraddha otherwise Arjuna would not have asked so many questions.Generally, Shraddha is supposed to mean blind faith which does not help

Sadhak in any way.


A sadhak has to ask questions continuously till his doubts are fully cleared and he not only understands but experiences also.Doubt and Shraddha cannot be together and cannot co-exist.To strengthen Shradhha one must clear his doubts.


Another important point is positive direction of querry.Arjuna always asked questions in a humble way and requested Lord Krishna to explain in detail ,sought his help to understand.He went into the depth with the assistance and guidance of Lord Krishna but with a positive frame of mind of a student.Moral of the story is that you start reading Gita with Shraddha that it can clear all your doubts and it will.


The difference between Shraddha and Vishwass does not have much practical significance if you understand the route to develop Shraddha.


regards and best wishes


Ashok Jain








(Difference between) Vishwaas and Shraddha




Vishwas is the trust and confidence apparent between different elements of life while Shraddhaa is the conviction and commitment inherent in every element of life.




Vishwas is an explicit reality with which we are enabled to deal with the world around. Vishwas is the trust and confidence that are induced into the subjective experience from the objective world. Vishwas is, therefore, the reflection of the same trust and confidence in the subject toward its objects. Vishwas is the bridge between Sat (existence) and Bhaava (experience) enabling an implicit relation between an individual and the world around.




Shraddhaa is an implicit reality because of which any being is what it is. Shraddha is the inherent synergy from which a being comes out to be what it is, with which it remains to be what it is, and into which it is bound to dissolve away eventually. Shraddhaa is the absolute conviction in the very existence and the absolute commitment toward the experience thereof. In other words, Shraddhaa is the essence of Sadbhaava, the conjugation of Sat (existence) and Bhaava (experience).




Therefore, Vishwas is the basis for co-existence of various elements in this creation while Shraddhaa is the basis for the very existence. Vishwas is the basis for communication between the elements of creation while Shraddha is the source for very communion. Shraddhaa is the basis for the life while Vishwas is the basis for the living. Hence, Shraddhaa and Viswas are as different from each other as the life and the living could be.




Inconsistent appreciation of Vishwas and Shraddhaa (i.e. notional difference between Vishwas and Shraddhaa) is the root cause for ignorance, paucity and misery in one's life ... while settling into the inherent consistency between the same is Gnyaana; merging with the convergence of the two is Yoga; and dancing in unison with the union is Bhakti.




The confluence, convergence, and fusion of Shraddhaa and Vishwas is the focus of study in all our scriptures as they beautifully describe the same as five-fold to practice …




Tasyai tapo damah karmeti pratishThaa - sharp focus, undeterred restraint and relentless pro-activity are its BASIS.




Vedaah sarvaangaani - clarity of appreciation is its PRESENCE.




Satyamaayatanam - The Truth is its ESSENCE.









Naga Narayana.


According to me Vishwaas comes after the knowledge. For Shradha, one doesn't need knowledge. For example, there is sun, moon, earth it comes after knowledge of those things. This is Vishwaas. But i exist, I don't have knowledge for that. This is Shradha.

nipun ahuja



GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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What is the difference between "Vishwaas" (trust, confidence, reliance, assurance, to believe) and "Shraddhaa" (implicit confidence, reverential belief, faith, devout faith). Please shed some light?



vishwas our sardha me kya farak hein kirpa es per roshni daale[Ramchandra]===============================





Shree Hari

|| Ram Ram ||

Dear Shri Ramchandraji, thank you for a very good question! In the beginning of Ramcharitmanas, in Bal-kanda, the 2nd shaloka reads: bhavanisankarau vande sraddhavisvasarupinau yabhyam vina na pasyanti siddhah svantahmisvaram (2) "My reverence to Goddess Parvati and Her consort, Bhagavan Shankara, embodiments of sharddha (faith) and visvasa (Trust) respectively, without which even the siddhah (adept) cannot perceive God enshrined in their very heart." (2)

So what is the difference* between sharddha (faith) and visvasa (Trust)?

Visvasa (Trust) is Bhagavan Shankara, Lord Shiva is unborn, in the same way there is no birth for visvasa, visvasa is the nature of Atman. But sharddha (nature of budhi or intellect) is Parvati, who is born in the family of Maina and Himalaya. Visvasa is a natural Dharma. The child is born, he does not know who is his mother, but he has a trust that this is my mother while sharddha comes from experience. Visvasa stays the same but the sharddha increases or decreases. When we develop sharddha in someone, with our experience it may decrease or increase. Visvasa is never blind but sharddha can be blind. Goswami Tulsidasji wants to imply that if you do not have sharddha then visvasa is not of much use and in the absence of visvasa, sharddha is lost. Those who want to pursue God's devotion, then they should merry Parvati and Shiva (sharddha and visvasa), they need to be bound together. This important fact is brought out in Ramcharitmanas, until Shiva-Parvati are married, Tulsidasji did not start narration of Ram Katha. Ramayana is born after sharddha and visvasa were wed-locked. In man's life too, Ramayana will have an impact only when complete sharddha and visvasa get well established in him. Tulsdasji says in the 2nd line of the shaloka, that without sharddha and visvasa, even the yogis cannot experience the presence of God residing in their heart. * Translated from Sant Morari Bapu's Ramayana Katha in Hindi.

|| Ram Ram || Humble regards,Madan Kaura


Hari OmAs a sadhak I don't see any material difference between the two terms . Shraddha may be a word frequently used in Scriptures for Jagdish ; Vishwas for Jagat. But there are no 'basic' scriptural differences- many people may use the terms vice versa too. Both are essentially ACCEPTANCE. ('Maanana' / 'Manyata' in Hindi )In reality any belief is 'devoid of knowledge' - be that belief called as 'shraddha' (respectful trust) or 'vishwaas' (trust) ! Ultimately it is AN ACCEPTANCE.Both terms , thus, fall within the Jeeva's overall power of- "TO BELIEVE" ( in something).Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah.Narottam-----------------------------

Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding Vishwas and Sraddha. Vishwas means faith and trust. Sraddha means interest with devotion. For spiritual advancement, we need both. We have to have faith in the Lord that He saves us. Once we have faith then our devotion becomes intense. Faith leads to devotion. When our devotion towards the Lord, is serious and intense, that also means our faith(Vishwas) is at its best. The following Slokam from Bhagavad Gita deals with Vishwas(Faith and Trust) and Sraddha. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Ye tu dharmamrutam idam,Yathoktam paryupasate,Sraddhadhana mat parama,Bhaktas te tiva me priyah. "(Gitaji 12,20)Which means,'Those who follow the path of devotional service (sraddha) engaging themselves with faith(vishwas) and making Me their goal are very dear to Me. 'Faith in the Lord and devotional service get us back to His Kingdom. Thank YouHare KrishnaPrasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Well I am not well versed in Sanskrit, but know this much that we often hear about Vishwaas Khaat but never of Shradhaa Khaat. I think Vishwaas is invoked at the level of intellect and emotions where as Shradhaa is directional towards Godhood where body, mind, intellect and spirit work unidirectional without elements of questioning. Vishwaas is fragile but not Shradhaa. Fragile Shradhaa is Vishwaas. But why fight on words......dwell in the language of heart with love, meanings of both the words shall be dissolved into something which is experiential and beyond words. And may be we may bring out with another word for the dictionary....work on




Ram Ram

Existence of GOD is VISHWAAS, where as going to temple and offering prasad to make HIM happy is SHRADDHA.

Shraddha may vary but not Vishwaas.

Ashok Goenka



Dear Sadhakas, Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding Vishwas and Sraddha.

Vishwas means faith and trust. Sraddha means interest with devotion. For spiritual advancement, we need both. We have to have faith in the Lord that He saves us. Once we have faith then our devotion becomes intense. Faith leads to devotion. When our devotion towards the Lord, is serious and intense, that also means our faith(Vishwas) is at its best.

The following Slokam from Bhagavad Gita deals with Vishwas(Faith and Trust) and Sraddha. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji, "Ye tu dharmamrutam idam, Yathoktam paryupasate, Sraddhadhana mat parama, Bhaktas te tiva me priyah. " (Gitaji 12,20) Which means, 'Those who follow the path of devotional service (sraddha) engaging themselves with faith(vishwas) and making Me their goal are very dear to Me. '

Faith in the Lord and devotional service get us back to His Kingdom. Thank You Hare Krishna Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D -------





Dear Sadak,A saint mislead a sadak who was scheduled caste, by saying a mantra in Sanskrit "Buffelow Head" in place of Mantra to see Sri Vishnu. The Sadak took it seriously, kept on saying and he saw God Dharshan. The saint fell ashamed. Here the Viswaas on Mantra without any doubt and he least doubted that he may fail in his attempt, and kept on saying amidst his daily plight. This Sharddhaa.B.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Where there is Vishwaas then shraddha will soon follow, both come together - hand in hand just like two sides of a coin. If you are aware of any examples whether there is only one (i.e. not the other), then please bring that to our attention. Between the two there is only the difference in terms of words and different expressions. So be it, Vineet Sarvottam










Shraddha has been mentioned in verse 39th of 4th Chapter, verses 2nd and 20th of 12 th Chapter and in some other places also.


Verse 39 th of 4th chapter says person with Shraddha ,balance(sanyam) and speed (tatpar) attains gyan (wisdom) and then he attains indestructible peace.


Only Shraddha is not enough,alongwith that balance or restrain and speedy action is also required for attaining permanent peace.


Shraddha does not exclude questioning the basis of shraddha otherwise Arjuna would not have asked so many questions.Generally, Shraddha is supposed to mean blind faith which does not help

Sadhak in any way.


A sadhak has to ask questions continuously till his doubts are fully cleared and he not only understands but experiences also.Doubt and Shraddha cannot be together and cannot co-exist.To strengthen Shradhha one must clear his doubts.


Another important point is positive direction of querry.Arjuna always asked questions in a humble way and requested Lord Krishna to explain in detail ,sought his help to understand.He went into the depth with the assistance and guidance of Lord Krishna but with a positive frame of mind of a student.Moral of the story is that you start reading Gita with Shraddha that it can clear all your doubts and it will.


The difference between Shraddha and Vishwass does not have much practical significance if you understand the route to develop Shraddha.


regards and best wishes


Ashok Jain








(Difference between) Vishwaas and Shraddha




Vishwas is the trust and confidence apparent between different elements of life while Shraddhaa is the conviction and commitment inherent in every element of life.




Vishwas is an explicit reality with which we are enabled to deal with the world around. Vishwas is the trust and confidence that are induced into the subjective experience from the objective world. Vishwas is, therefore, the reflection of the same trust and confidence in the subject toward its objects. Vishwas is the bridge between Sat (existence) and Bhaava (experience) enabling an implicit relation between an individual and the world around.




Shraddhaa is an implicit reality because of which any being is what it is. Shraddha is the inherent synergy from which a being comes out to be what it is, with which it remains to be what it is, and into which it is bound to dissolve away eventually. Shraddhaa is the absolute conviction in the very existence and the absolute commitment toward the experience thereof. In other words, Shraddhaa is the essence of Sadbhaava, the conjugation of Sat (existence) and Bhaava (experience).




Therefore, Vishwas is the basis for co-existence of various elements in this creation while Shraddhaa is the basis for the very existence. Vishwas is the basis for communication between the elements of creation while Shraddha is the source for very communion. Shraddhaa is the basis for the life while Vishwas is the basis for the living. Hence, Shraddhaa and Viswas are as different from each other as the life and the living could be.




Inconsistent appreciation of Vishwas and Shraddhaa (i.e. notional difference between Vishwas and Shraddhaa) is the root cause for ignorance, paucity and misery in one's life ... while settling into the inherent consistency between the same is Gnyaana; merging with the convergence of the two is Yoga; and dancing in unison with the union is Bhakti.




The confluence, convergence, and fusion of Shraddhaa and Vishwas is the focus of study in all our scriptures as they beautifully describe the same as five-fold to practice …




Tasyai tapo damah karmeti pratishThaa - sharp focus, undeterred restraint and relentless pro-activity are its BASIS.




Vedaah sarvaangaani - clarity of appreciation is its PRESENCE.




Satyamaayatanam - The Truth is its ESSENCE.









Naga Narayana.


According to me Vishwaas comes after the knowledge. For Shradha, one doesn't need knowledge. For example, there is sun, moon, earth it comes after knowledge of those things. This is Vishwaas. But i exist, I don't have knowledge for that. This is Shradha.

nipun ahuja



GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)


5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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What is the difference between "Vishwaas" (trust, confidence, reliance, assurance, to believe) and "Shraddhaa" (implicit confidence, reverential belief, faith, devout faith). Please shed some light?



vishwas our sardha me kya farak hein kirpa es per roshni daale[Ramchandra]===============================


Ram Ram


The below excerpt from book Satnvaani-Part 3, page 61-62 by Swami Sharnanandji Maharaj, answers the question asked here.





At the root of every creation there is one uncreated element, there is some illuminator of the illumined object. If you accept that clairvoyant i.e. if you accept that it "IS", then this is called belief (astha). When you accept its glory then it is called trust (shradha). By belief and trust is born unflinching faith (vishwas). By faith the intimate relation (with Divine) is enlivened and by intimate relationship is born unwavering-remembrance and unwavering-affection. Remembrance and affection is only life. Because when we forget the reality that someone else is the purport of our affection, then phlegm (neerasta) is born and phlegm gives birth to many vices. Due to this someone has pointed out that life is in remembrance, life is in affection, death is in forgetfulness. This is pointed.




Samast utpatti ke mool mein ek anutpann hua tattva hota hai, prateeti ka koi prakashak hota hai. Agar aap us agochar ko sweekar lete hain, arthat yeh maan lete hai ki "HAIN", to iska naam asthaa hai. Aur uski mahima sweekar lete hain to iska naam shradha hai. Astha aur shradha se vikalp-rahit vishwas udit hota hai. Visahwas se atmeeya sambandh sajeev hota hai aur atmeeya sambandh se akhand-smriti tatha agadh-priyata udit hoti hai. Smriti aur priyata hi jeevan hai. Karan ki jab kabhi hum is vaastavikta ko bhool jaate hain ki hamari priyata ka ashray hai, tab neerasta utpann hoti hai aur neerasta se anek vikaaron ka janm hota hai. Isi baat ko lekar kisi ne sanket kiya ki smriti mein jeevan hai, priyata mein jeevan hain, vismriti mein mrityu hai. Aisa sanket diya.





Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia





Shree Hari

|| Ram Ram ||

Dear Shri Ramchandraji, thank you for a very good question! In the beginning of Ramcharitmanas, in Bal-kanda, the 2nd shaloka reads: bhavanisankarau vande sraddhavisvasarupinau yabhyam vina na pasyanti siddhah svantahmisvaram (2) "My reverence to Goddess Parvati and Her consort, Bhagavan Shankara, embodiments of sharddha (faith) and visvasa (Trust) respectively, without which even the siddhah (adept) cannot perceive God enshrined in their very heart." (2)

So what is the difference* between sharddha (faith) and visvasa (Trust)?

Visvasa (Trust) is Bhagavan Shankara, Lord Shiva is unborn, in the same way there is no birth for visvasa, visvasa is the nature of Atman. But sharddha (nature of budhi or intellect) is Parvati, who is born in the family of Maina and Himalaya. Visvasa is a natural Dharma. The child is born, he does not know who is his mother, but he has a trust that this is my mother while sharddha comes from experience. Visvasa stays the same but the sharddha increases or decreases. When we develop sharddha in someone, with our experience it may decrease or increase. Visvasa is never blind but sharddha can be blind. Goswami Tulsidasji wants to imply that if you do not have sharddha then visvasa is not of much use and in the absence of visvasa, sharddha is lost. Those who want to pursue God's devotion, then they should merry Parvati and Shiva (sharddha and visvasa), they need to be bound together. This important fact is brought out in Ramcharitmanas, until Shiva-Parvati are married, Tulsidasji did not start narration of Ram Katha. Ramayana is born after sharddha and visvasa were wed-locked. In man's life too, Ramayana will have an impact only when complete sharddha and visvasa get well established in him. Tulsdasji says in the 2nd line of the shaloka, that without sharddha and visvasa, even the yogis cannot experience the presence of God residing in their heart. * Translated from Sant Morari Bapu's Ramayana Katha in Hindi.

|| Ram Ram || Humble regards,Madan Kaura ---------------------

Hari OmAs a sadhak I don't see any material difference between the two terms . Shraddha may be a word frequently used in Scriptures for Jagdish ; Vishwas for Jagat. But there are no 'basic' scriptural differences- many people may use the terms vice versa too. Both are essentially ACCEPTANCE. ('Maanana' / 'Manyata' in Hindi )In reality any belief is 'devoid of knowledge' - be that belief called as 'shraddha' (respectful trust) or 'vishwaas' (trust) ! Ultimately it is AN ACCEPTANCE.Both terms , thus, fall within the Jeeva's overall power of- "TO BELIEVE" ( in something).Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah.Narottam-----------------------------

Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding Vishwas and Sraddha. Vishwas means faith and trust. Sraddha means interest with devotion. For spiritual advancement, we need both. We have to have faith in the Lord that He saves us. Once we have faith then our devotion becomes intense. Faith leads to devotion. When our devotion towards the Lord, is serious and intense, that also means our faith(Vishwas) is at its best. The following Slokam from Bhagavad Gita deals with Vishwas(Faith and Trust) and Sraddha. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Ye tu dharmamrutam idam,Yathoktam paryupasate,Sraddhadhana mat parama,Bhaktas te tiva me priyah. "(Gitaji 12,20)Which means,'Those who follow the path of devotional service (sraddha) engaging themselves with faith(vishwas) and making Me their goal are very dear to Me. 'Faith in the Lord and devotional service get us back to His Kingdom. Thank YouHare KrishnaPrasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Well I am not well versed in Sanskrit, but know this much that we often hear about Vishwaas Khaat but never of Shradhaa Khaat. I think Vishwaas is invoked at the level of intellect and emotions where as Shradhaa is directional towards Godhood where body, mind, intellect and spirit work unidirectional without elements of questioning. Vishwaas is fragile but not Shradhaa. Fragile Shradhaa is Vishwaas. But why fight on words......dwell in the language of heart with love, meanings of both the words shall be dissolved into something which is experiential and beyond words. And may be we may bring out with another word for the dictionary....work on




Ram Ram

Existence of GOD is VISHWAAS, where as going to temple and offering prasad to make HIM happy is SHRADDHA.

Shraddha may vary but not Vishwaas.

Ashok Goenka



Dear Sadhakas, Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding Vishwas and Sraddha.

Vishwas means faith and trust. Sraddha means interest with devotion. For spiritual advancement, we need both. We have to have faith in the Lord that He saves us. Once we have faith then our devotion becomes intense. Faith leads to devotion. When our devotion towards the Lord, is serious and intense, that also means our faith(Vishwas) is at its best.

The following Slokam from Bhagavad Gita deals with Vishwas(Faith and Trust) and Sraddha. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji, "Ye tu dharmamrutam idam, Yathoktam paryupasate, Sraddhadhana mat parama, Bhaktas te tiva me priyah. " (Gitaji 12,20) Which means, 'Those who follow the path of devotional service (sraddha) engaging themselves with faith(vishwas) and making Me their goal are very dear to Me. '

Faith in the Lord and devotional service get us back to His Kingdom. Thank You Hare Krishna Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D -------





Dear Sadak,A saint mislead a sadak who was scheduled caste, by saying a mantra in Sanskrit "Buffelow Head" in place of Mantra to see Sri Vishnu. The Sadak took it seriously, kept on saying and he saw God Dharshan. The saint fell ashamed. Here the Viswaas on Mantra without any doubt and he least doubted that he may fail in his attempt, and kept on saying amidst his daily plight. This Sharddhaa.B.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Where there is Vishwaas then shraddha will soon follow, both come together - hand in hand just like two sides of a coin. If you are aware of any examples whether there is only one (i.e. not the other), then please bring that to our attention. Between the two there is only the difference in terms of words and different expressions. So be it, Vineet Sarvottam










Shraddha has been mentioned in verse 39th of 4th Chapter, verses 2nd and 20th of 12 th Chapter and in some other places also.


Verse 39 th of 4th chapter says person with Shraddha ,balance(sanyam) and speed (tatpar) attains gyan (wisdom) and then he attains indestructible peace.


Only Shraddha is not enough,alongwith that balance or restrain and speedy action is also required for attaining permanent peace.


Shraddha does not exclude questioning the basis of shraddha otherwise Arjuna would not have asked so many questions.Generally, Shraddha is supposed to mean blind faith which does not help

Sadhak in any way.


A sadhak has to ask questions continuously till his doubts are fully cleared and he not only understands but experiences also.Doubt and Shraddha cannot be together and cannot co-exist.To strengthen Shradhha one must clear his doubts.


Another important point is positive direction of querry.Arjuna always asked questions in a humble way and requested Lord Krishna to explain in detail ,sought his help to understand.He went into the depth with the assistance and guidance of Lord Krishna but with a positive frame of mind of a student.Moral of the story is that you start reading Gita with Shraddha that it can clear all your doubts and it will.


The difference between Shraddha and Vishwass does not have much practical significance if you understand the route to develop Shraddha.


regards and best wishes


Ashok Jain








(Difference between) Vishwaas and Shraddha




Vishwas is the trust and confidence apparent between different elements of life while Shraddhaa is the conviction and commitment inherent in every element of life.




Vishwas is an explicit reality with which we are enabled to deal with the world around. Vishwas is the trust and confidence that are induced into the subjective experience from the objective world. Vishwas is, therefore, the reflection of the same trust and confidence in the subject toward its objects. Vishwas is the bridge between Sat (existence) and Bhaava (experience) enabling an implicit relation between an individual and the world around.




Shraddhaa is an implicit reality because of which any being is what it is. Shraddha is the inherent synergy from which a being comes out to be what it is, with which it remains to be what it is, and into which it is bound to dissolve away eventually. Shraddhaa is the absolute conviction in the very existence and the absolute commitment toward the experience thereof. In other words, Shraddhaa is the essence of Sadbhaava, the conjugation of Sat (existence) and Bhaava (experience).




Therefore, Vishwas is the basis for co-existence of various elements in this creation while Shraddhaa is the basis for the very existence. Vishwas is the basis for communication between the elements of creation while Shraddha is the source for very communion. Shraddhaa is the basis for the life while Vishwas is the basis for the living. Hence, Shraddhaa and Viswas are as different from each other as the life and the living could be.




Inconsistent appreciation of Vishwas and Shraddhaa (i.e. notional difference between Vishwas and Shraddhaa) is the root cause for ignorance, paucity and misery in one's life ... while settling into the inherent consistency between the same is Gnyaana; merging with the convergence of the two is Yoga; and dancing in unison with the union is Bhakti.




The confluence, convergence, and fusion of Shraddhaa and Vishwas is the focus of study in all our scriptures as they beautifully describe the same as five-fold to practice …




Tasyai tapo damah karmeti pratishThaa - sharp focus, undeterred restraint and relentless pro-activity are its BASIS.




Vedaah sarvaangaani - clarity of appreciation is its PRESENCE.




Satyamaayatanam - The Truth is its ESSENCE.









Naga Narayana.


According to me Vishwaas comes after the knowledge. For Shradha, one doesn't need knowledge. For example, there is sun, moon, earth it comes after knowledge of those things. This is Vishwaas. But i exist, I don't have knowledge for that. This is Shradha.

nipun ahuja



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