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How to Realize the Divinity Within?

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How to realize the divinity within?


Chetanpanaa ka anubhav kaise ho?

Shefali Baxi


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Shefaliji, you may want to read the following discussion topics from 2009 -

Sadhaks may also add more insights - being brief, relevant and respectful.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

We Have Forgotten Who We Are? Your Thoughts?


Conscience , It's Role, It's Awakening as per Gita


Regarding Holy Spirit and It's Attainment



On Removing Mine-ness and Dissolving into IS-ness






How to Let Go of I and I-ness ? /message/2261


Easy Means of Renouncing this Affinity for the World - Meaning / Practice





GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)


5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -


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How to realize the divinity within?


Chetanpanaa ka anubhav kaise ho?

Shefali Baxi



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Self (Consciousness, Divinity) how to realize / experience that? This intense quest itself is the path which you have asked about. As this quest / inquiry / curiousity (jigyaasaa) becomes strong and dominant, the path will become more and more right. In that do not create obstacles, what are those obstacles? The obstacles are "Possibly if this does not happen..." Oh! If this has taken place so far, then how will it not happen moving forward? (Manav Matre Kalyaan ke Liye pg 74-86) So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Everyone is divine at birth. Negative thoughts or feelings come later on. The way to prevent these negative thoughts from entering us, is by getting into Devotional Service early on. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita,"Vyavasayatmika buddhir,Ekeha kuru nandana,Bahu sakha hy anantas ca,Buddhayo vyavasayinam. "(Gitaji 2,41)Which means,'Aim is one for those who are on this path and resolute in the cause. For those who are not resolute, their intelligence is many branched. 'Here the words, vyavasayatmika buddhi, are very important. The strong faith in Lord Krishna that elevates us to the highest perfection of this life, is called. Vyavasayatmika intelligence. People who are firmly fixed into devotional service, for them there is no chance of any negative thoughts and hence they are divine. A divine person treats every life with the same respect. ( Gitaji 5,18).Lord Krishna also described 26 divine qualities in Gitaji(16,1,2,3) which elevate us to the highest intelligence, which is attaining the Lord. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------

Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Divinity means Godhood. How to Realize it, is Sefali ji's question !Realization means to BE, not be this or that but just BE!This means stop to become "someone" or "something" etc etc. We spent our lives in becoming or getting somewhere, don't we? This we have learned from everyone around us, unfortunately! We know also that all such external pursuits of grabbing world leads to frustrations, and suffering inevitably.Actually there is no such "world" and "its objects", apart from our perceptions and conceptions about them. Nothing can be grabbed or held on to because our conceptions about them are fleeting thoughts over which we have no control either.See also that "we" that we"think" we are, is non-existent as separate entity apart from our conceptions of "me"!Please realize this fact first. Go deep in contemplation of above statements!You may realize if you don't give up, that the whole world, objects, "I/me/mine" included, are experienced only as thoughts/feelings/sensations. Check your experience right now as you read these words!Body that I consider mine is just a thought based on bodily sensations! It doesn't tell me anything else, such as it is arising in "me", Pratap, so it is mine!!!! I conceptualize this sensations and say it is arising in me! So it is mine!Do you see this clearly? I hope you see this!At this point, upon satisfying yourself that, yes, everything I consider real and separate from me, is REALLY nothing but Fleeting thoughts, you may also see that only truth is the Awareness without which one cannot have any of these!So, one realizes that in Awareness, all such perceptions/conceptions take the form of thoughts/feelings called "world and its objects" out there, and here is "me", a separate entity, is not truely our experience! It is just a belief!Considering them as real attaches us to those objects, resulting in suffering! The root of our all problems may be that "False taken as truth"! False taken as False liberates us!On the road of such contemplation, We will Realize that Everything is AWARENESS, the substratum and the substance of which we all are made of! We are just ONE UNDIVIDED AWARENESS ITSELF, (CHIT!), the ONLY EXISTENCE(SAT)!We are DIVINE and COMPLETE in ourselves as we ARE! Divinity is all around us, and within and without distinction falls off!This is Realizing that Divinity, GODHOOD, is all THERE IS within which world and I as we know them to be come and go!Namaskar......Pratap Bhatt




Just to add to the excellent references provided by esteemed Moderators; btw, thank you, Moderators, for an excellent job in this Divine forum:


-- Here is a practical exercise to help develop and realize the Divinity within us. Every day, every minute, 24/7, try not to have unpleasant feelings about anyone. This is very difficult in this Dark Age, but try to do this. Whenever you falter, don't be discouraged; learn from your failings, analyze why you held ill-feelings against that specific person, and convince yourself you were wrong, and should not think bad about anyone.


This is a rigorous project, but after two or three weeks of this, you will start to develop and fully realize what Divinity means, and as you analyze and dissect your feelings about people, you will grow in spirituality -- that is the first step in realizing DIVINITY WITHIN.


Read and study GITA as you pursue this divine goal, it helps tremendously, it provides the answers.


Ram Ram

Deosaran Bisnath



At last you have come on the track.The thing is to start your journey and you need a guide to make your journey meaningful and successful.Swami vivevakananda posed the same question to rama krishna and you need a guru like SriRama krishna to get your doubt cleared.Every body has his own method to realize the divinity already existing within us.The chimney covering eternal jyothi is being darkened with smoke because it was not kept un shattered.So glass chimney is to be cleaned to have a look at the jyothi Happy journey Badri Narayana Miriyala



To realise the divinity within, you should do sewa service, satsang or keep the company of good people, meditation or dhyan and surrender or samarpan.Hari Shanker Deo





Shree Hari Ram Ram

Shefaliji, you may want to read the following discussion topics from 2009 -

Sadhaks may also add more insights - being brief, relevant and respectful.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

We Have Forgotten Who We Are? Your Thoughts?


Conscience , It's Role, It's Awakening as per Gita


Regarding Holy Spirit and It's Attainment



On Removing Mine-ness and Dissolving into IS-ness






How to Let Go of I and I-ness ? /message/2261


Easy Means of Renouncing this Affinity for the World - Meaning / Practice





GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)


5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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How to realize the divinity within?


Chetanpanaa ka anubhav kaise ho?

Shefali Baxi



-Shree Hari-Srimadbhagavadgita Ch 4 verse 11:O Partha! However, the way devotees worship Me, so do I approach them; for all men ultimately follow My path.People who understand the essence of, 'However, the way devotees worship Me, so do I approach them', could never get caught up in religious bigotry, and if one looks deeply into that simple line, there is great profundity, for instance, scientist seek with great fervor the cosmic truth, the Supreme Lord will answer their desires, leading the confused scientist step by step to understanding the supreme truth, until he/she finally understands, 'for all men ultimately follow My path'.Swamiji quote, on this very shloka, (Sadhaka-Sanjivani):'A striver himself, creates obstacles in God-realization, because he does not apply his intellect, resources, time power etc....... '[An Important Fact] ' Egoistic notions and selfishness are the main stumbling blocks to devotion for God.Don't we all strive for the truth, are we not Sadhaks? We all come from different places of the soul, but we are heading for that Divine path!So any of us may meet the Lord in a manner that is right for us, leading ultimately to the alter of 'The Most High', all who are sincere, will get a glimpse of that wonder. Do not rationalize, be humble, take the responsibility for the knowledge that 'The Divine' dwells in your heart!Om ...Shanti. ...Mike (K)






How to Realize the Divinity Within?




This is the simplest question and yet the solution seems to be beyond all vocabulary and intelligence of the whole universe put together. As a matter of fact, all questions seem the same way to me!




How to swim? The answer seems simple to start with … We would say, by steering the body in certain fashion using our limbs. But, if we really want to explain the same phenomena, the words and sentences start piling up, and yet we would not have effectively answered the question. Actually, the solution IS simple. Just jump into the water, your body will start educating itself just the same way it has done to walk and talk! The fundamental property of the water is to make everything lighter and to float! Therefore, just jump and you WILL swim. Will a child trust this simple fact? Will you trust it?? Will I trust that???




Realizing The Divinity within is the simplest - do nothing ... just be … Lo! You are THAT!!




The real question is how to "do nothing"? The inertia we have collected to stake ownership on doing, knowing and enjoying can never let us appreciate the simplest of all - "doing nothing"! Therefore, the solution for the question is in the solution we could seek in "how to do nothing? how to know nothing?? and how to enjoy nothing???".




The solution to these questions are also simple … just be the activity! be the knowledge!! be the joy!!! But, again raises the question … "how to be the activity or knowledge or the joy?" as we only know how to have them and have never dabbled on the idea of being them - Paraanchi khaani vyatriNaat swayambhooh tasmaat paraangpashyati naantaraatman ...




All the instructor can do is to fill in confidence in the learner that it is perfectly OK to jump into the water and swimming is a POSITIVE POSSIBILITY for the one who wants to learn. So are the scriptures … to a seeker, they provide the basic confidence to start with that the divinity is a positive factor within everyone and everyone is CERTAINLY capable of attaining the same. Just like the instructor cannot make you learn swimming, the scriptures also cannot make you experience The Divinity.




Just like one who wants to learn swimming SHOULD jump into the water and figure out how to swim, one has to just jump within to experience The Devine - kashchiddheerah pratyagaatmaanam aikshat aavrittachakshuh amritatvamicchhan …




You need courage to experience tha water since its dynamics seem totally different from the dynamics of earth and air that you are used to. You had screamed in pain when you were exposed to that environment from your mother's womb as well ... you can't just recall that! Same way you need courage to take a deep dive within as you are always used to jump around in the external existence. Actually, you needed the same courage to interact with the external world as well ... you can't recall that growing pain you experienced when you were a baby!!




Realizing The Divinity within is a possibility ONLY WHEN you take a deep dive within. It is possible to find The Divinity around as well … but there are too many possibilities confusing us … one who takes a dip in the Ganga within starts experiencing the same everywhere else as well ... but how to know The Ganga to say it is That ... ONLY BY TAKING A DEEP DIP WITHIN ...




How? Try it! … Again!! ... And Again!!! …









Naga Narayana.


Dear Sadhak

In short we have to follow the path of Mira Baii who pursued the name of Lord Krishna persistently then she realised divinity Similarly Queen Draupadi recited the names of lord Krishna and then Lord Krishna appeared and helped her.

Narsingh Mehta consistently son g the songs of Lord Krishna and he was so immersed that he forgot his household duties.Then Lord took care of him.

Similialarly we have to continuously offer prayers to Lord God then he will surely he will help us and embodies grace upon us. If you want to know how to prayer please read mt book on 'Prayers of all Religions of the world." I have written my own experiences in the pursuit of God. My Best wishes to all


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S bhatt





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Self (Consciousness, Divinity) how to realize / experience that? This intense quest itself is the path which you have asked about. As this quest / inquiry / curiousity (jigyaasaa) becomes strong and dominant, the path will become more and more right. In that do not create obstacles, what are those obstacles? The obstacles are "Possibly if this does not happen..." Oh! If this has taken place so far, then how will it not happen moving forward? (Manav Matre Kalyaan ke Liye pg 74-86) So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Everyone is divine at birth. Negative thoughts or feelings come later on. The way to prevent these negative thoughts from entering us, is by getting into Devotional Service early on. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita,"Vyavasayatmika buddhir,Ekeha kuru nandana,Bahu sakha hy anantas ca,Buddhayo vyavasayinam. "(Gitaji 2,41)Which means,'Aim is one for those who are on this path and resolute in the cause. For those who are not resolute, their intelligence is many branched. 'Here the words, vyavasayatmika buddhi, are very important. The strong faith in Lord Krishna that elevates us to the highest perfection of this life, is called. Vyavasayatmika intelligence. People who are firmly fixed into devotional service, for them there is no chance of any negative thoughts and hence they are divine. A divine person treats every life with the same respect. ( Gitaji 5,18).Lord Krishna also described 26 divine qualities in Gitaji(16,1,2,3) which elevate us to the highest intelligence, which is attaining the Lord. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------

Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Divinity means Godhood. How to Realize it, is Sefali ji's question !Realization means to BE, not be this or that but just BE!This means stop to become "someone" or "something" etc etc. We spent our lives in becoming or getting somewhere, don't we? This we have learned from everyone around us, unfortunately! We know also that all such external pursuits of grabbing world leads to frustrations, and suffering inevitably.Actually there is no such "world" and "its objects", apart from our perceptions and conceptions about them. Nothing can be grabbed or held on to because our conceptions about them are fleeting thoughts over which we have no control either.See also that "we" that we"think" we are, is non-existent as separate entity apart from our conceptions of "me"!Please realize this fact first. Go deep in contemplation of above statements!You may realize if you don't give up, that the whole world, objects, "I/me/mine" included, are experienced only as thoughts/feelings/sensations. Check your experience right now as you read these words!Body that I consider mine is just a thought based on bodily sensations! It doesn't tell me anything else, such as it is arising in "me", Pratap, so it is mine!!!! I conceptualize this sensations and say it is arising in me! So it is mine!Do you see this clearly? I hope you see this!At this point, upon satisfying yourself that, yes, everything I consider real and separate from me, is REALLY nothing but Fleeting thoughts, you may also see that only truth is the Awareness without which one cannot have any of these!So, one realizes that in Awareness, all such perceptions/conceptions take the form of thoughts/feelings called "world and its objects" out there, and here is "me", a separate entity, is not truely our experience! It is just a belief!Considering them as real attaches us to those objects, resulting in suffering! The root of our all problems may be that "False taken as truth"! False taken as False liberates us!On the road of such contemplation, We will Realize that Everything is AWARENESS, the substratum and the substance of which we all are made of! We are just ONE UNDIVIDED AWARENESS ITSELF, (CHIT!), the ONLY EXISTENCE(SAT)!We are DIVINE and COMPLETE in ourselves as we ARE! Divinity is all around us, and within and without distinction falls off!This is Realizing that Divinity, GODHOOD, is all THERE IS within which world and I as we know them to be come and go!Namaskar......Pratap Bhatt




Just to add to the excellent references provided by esteemed Moderators; btw, thank you, Moderators, for an excellent job in this Divine forum:


-- Here is a practical exercise to help develop and realize the Divinity within us. Every day, every minute, 24/7, try not to have unpleasant feelings about anyone. This is very difficult in this Dark Age, but try to do this. Whenever you falter, don't be discouraged; learn from your failings, analyze why you held ill-feelings against that specific person, and convince yourself you were wrong, and should not think bad about anyone.


This is a rigorous project, but after two or three weeks of this, you will start to develop and fully realize what Divinity means, and as you analyze and dissect your feelings about people, you will grow in spirituality -- that is the first step in realizing DIVINITY WITHIN.


Read and study GITA as you pursue this divine goal, it helps tremendously, it provides the answers.


Ram Ram

Deosaran Bisnath



At last you have come on the track.The thing is to start your journey and you need a guide to make your journey meaningful and successful.Swami vivevakananda posed the same question to rama krishna and you need a guru like SriRama krishna to get your doubt cleared.Every body has his own method to realize the divinity already existing within us.The chimney covering eternal jyothi is being darkened with smoke because it was not kept un shattered.So glass chimney is to be cleaned to have a look at the jyothi Happy journey Badri Narayana Miriyala



To realise the divinity within, you should do sewa service, satsang or keep the company of good people, meditation or dhyan and surrender or samarpan.Hari Shanker Deo





Shree Hari Ram Ram

Shefaliji, you may want to read the following discussion topics from 2009 -

Sadhaks may also add more insights - being brief, relevant and respectful.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

We Have Forgotten Who We Are? Your Thoughts?


Conscience , It's Role, It's Awakening as per Gita


Regarding Holy Spirit and It's Attainment



On Removing Mine-ness and Dissolving into IS-ness






How to Let Go of I and I-ness ? /message/2261


Easy Means of Renouncing this Affinity for the World - Meaning / Practice





GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)


5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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