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Mantra for Daily Recital

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Dear Sadhak mahanubhav,

To me it appears that mantras or daily prayers work as reimder to the person for

the specific cause.

I want to know some Mantra/Prayer to recite every day for the following:

1.I should see Vasudev's smiling face adopting me all the time, more

specifically at the last moment of my life

2.Respect to food (Maa Annupurna) before taking food everyday

3.Apology from god at the end of the day for any wrong done and

protecting me for not doing wrong again

Please, any of sadhak bhrata, help me in sharing any mantra or prayer, good if

in Hindi or Sanskrut, but with meaning

Om Shanti

Ashok Misra===========================================Shree Hari Ram Ram Here are some prior topics related to Mantra. Please also review these. Whose Mantra Should I Chant? I am Confused/message/3078Meaning of Beej Mantra & Mool Mantra /message/2338 Appropriate Mantras to say at Death of a Loved One/message/2863 Mantra Japa - Which one is Better?/message/2063 What is OmKar ? Chanting Mantras? /message/1137 Use of mantra: Must one be initiated? /message/1094 Sadhaks, also there was no responses received to this question on Mantras. Please kindly revisit and respond when time permits. Gita on Mantras and Archanas/message/1185 Thank you all for service to humanity at large. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram -------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear Sadhak mahanubhav,

To me it appears that mantras or daily prayers work as reimder to the person for

the specific cause.

I want to know some Mantra/Prayer to recite every day for the following:

1.I should see Vasudev's smiling face adopting me all the time, more

specifically at the last moment of my life

2.Respect to food (Maa Annupurna) before taking food everyday

3.Apology from god at the end of the day for any wrong done and

protecting me for not doing wrong again

Please, any of sadhak bhrata, help me in sharing any mantra or prayer, good if

in Hindi or Sanskrut, but with meaning

Om Shanti

Ashok Misra===========================================NEW POSTINGDear Mr. Mishra,.Mantras start a powerful vibration which corresponds to both a specific spiritual energy frequency and a state of consciousness in seed form. Over time, the mantra process begins to override all of the other smaller vibrations, which eventually become absorbed by the mantra. After a length of time which varies from individual to individual, the great wave of the mantra stills all other vibrations. Ultimately, the mantra produces a state where the organism vibrates at the rate completely in tune with the energy and spiritual state represented by and contained within the mantra.Here are some Shanti Mantras.Om sarveshaam swastir bhavatuSarveshaam shantir bhavatuSarveshaam poornam bhavatuSarveshaam mangalam bhavatuSarve bhavantu sukhinahSarve santu niraamayaahSarve bhadraani pashyantuMaakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavetMeaning:Auspiciousness (swasti) be unto all; peace (shanti) be unto all;fullness (poornam) be unto all; prosperity (mangalam) be unto all.May all be happy! (sukhinah)May all be free from disabilities! (niraamayaah)May all look (pashyantu)to the good of others!May none suffer from sorrow! (duhkha)Om asato maa satgamayaTamaso maa jyotir gamayaMrityor maa amritam gamayaMeaning:Lead us from the unreal to the RealFrom darkness to LightFrom death to ImmortalityOm poornamadah poornamidamPoornaat poornamudachyatePoornasya poornamaadayaPoornamevaavashishyateMeaning:That (pure consciousness) is full (perfect); this (the manifest universe of matter; of names and forms being maya) is full. This fullness has been projected from that fullness. When this fullness merges in that fullness, all that remains is fullness.- Peace invocation -Isa UpanishadLove,Peace n Joy,Deepti Nayyar--------Jai Sri Krishna,Love all, hate none.I don't know any other mantra with guaranteed effect, but this one has.Ram RamAshok Goenka---Dear Brother God knows every language, not only Sanskrit.Every Mantra is nothing but a statement of need of some form.So the best thing you should do is write down your requirement in very simple words of your own and repeat it. Thats the most effective mantra. And most important it should come from your heart of heart, and not merely from lips.TRY - YOUR SUCCESS IS GUARANTEED.Haridas Rao---------Jai Shri Krishna: Which mantra to recite on daily basis? - Very important question. I have found that the one of the best way to do this is "Trikaal Sandhya" inspired by Shri P. P. Pandurang Shastri. This is the best way to pay our gratitude to God at the three most important events of the day, which is in Morning, Before eating, and Before going to bed, which is rightly called Smrutidaan, Shaktidaan and Shantidaan resp. "Trikal Sandhya" is expression of Gratitude to the Lord Almighty for:The Gift of Memory at Dawn.The Gift of Energy (from meals) at noon andThe Gift of Peace at night.The good thing is that some of the slokas of Trikaal Sandhya is that that we recite them anyway on daily basis, which you will see - this helps in easy memorization . You can find all the slokas based on our holy scriptures if you google for "Trikal Sandhya". Hope this helps.Best Regards.Rajesh M. Bhatt "The Best Things in Life are Not Things." -------------Dear Misra Ji:More than all these.I am looking for a simple prayer to Thank the Supreme Paramatmafor all the blessings I don't see any prayer to say 'Thak you"All rayers appear to be demands, or crying of sufferings thatgives negetive vibration or just a praise of quality. I just want "Thank you God for the plenty that is given to us,for thhepeace and comfort and Thank s foe everythingDo you know any such Sanskrit prayers?Bala N. Aiyer-------------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Here are some prior topics related to Mantra. Please also review these. Whose Mantra Should I Chant? I am Confused/message/3078Meaning of Beej Mantra & Mool Mantra /message/2338 Appropriate Mantras to say at Death of a Loved One/message/2863 Mantra Japa - Which one is Better?/message/2063 What is OmKar ? Chanting Mantras? /message/1137 Use of mantra: Must one be initiated? /message/1094 Sadhaks, also there was no responses received to this question on Mantras. Please kindly revisit and respond when time permits. Gita on Mantras and Archanas/message/1185Thank you all for service to humanity at large. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram -------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear Sadhak mahanubhav,

To me it appears that mantras or daily prayers work as reimder to the person for

the specific cause.

I want to know some Mantra/Prayer to recite every day for the following:

1.I should see Vasudev's face adopting me all the time, more

specifically at the last moment of my life

2.Respect to food (Maa Annupurna) before taking food everyday

3.Apology from god at the end of the day for any wrong done and

protecting me for not doing wrong again

Please, any of sadhak bhrata, help me in sharing any mantra or prayer, good if

in Hindi or Sanskrut, but with meaning

Om Shanti

Ashok Misra




: Here is a prayer about the wrong things you might have done -apologies to God:


Kaaye'na Vaachaa Manasendriyair Vaa

Bhuddhyaathmanaa Vaa Prakrthe' Svabhaavaath |

Karomi Yadyat Sakalam Parasmai

Naarayanaayethi Samarpayaami ||


I dedicate to the supreme person Naarayanaa all that I do

by means of the body, words, mind, by the organs of action,

the organs of knowledge and by the impulsion of nature.

Bala N. Aiyer



Dear Sadhakas,

Hare Krishna.

This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding Mantra Recital.

In Hinduism there are plenty of Holy Mantras. .


There are two slokas to be chanted before having meals.

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita,

" Brahmarpanam brahma havir,

Brahmagnau brahmana hutam,

Brahmaiva tena gantavyam,

Brahma karma samadhina. "

( Gitaji,4,24)

Which means,

'Every component used in yagna or Homa, is a representation of God,(homa

sadhana, homa karma etc). . Who ever recognizes this attains the Lord. '

The second slokas is,

" Aham vaisvanaro bhutva,

Praninam deham asritah,

Pranapana samayuktah,

Pacchamyannam chaturvidham. "

( Gitaji 15, 14)

Which means,

'I am the the vaisvanara, in the gastric juice of all living beings and with the

air of life, I digest the four kinds of food stuffs. '


There is this Hare Krishna Maha Mantra which can be chanted at any time, any

place, any where.


" Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,

Hare Rama Hare Rama,

Rama Rama Hare Hare. "


This is simple, pure, holy,practical and the right one for this Kali yuga.

Thank you,

Hare Krishna.

Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Shree Hari. Ram Ram.


2.Respect to food (Maa Annupurna) before taking food everyday

I heard in one lecture where Swami Ramsukhdasji mentions doing --

BG 4.24 brahmarpanam brahmahavih ......................

You can get meaning of this mantra very easily as it is from Bhagavad Gita.


3. Apology from god at the end of the day for any wrong done and

protecting me for not doing wrong again.

There is very beautiful mantra with similar meaning to Lord Shiva. Hopefully,

some sadhak will

provide it in his reply.


Ram Ram.

Gaurav Mittal



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

To all it is my humble request that please share with me that Navjaat Shishu in

what language, in what words, and at what time did he pray (recite mantras) that

his sustenance (milk readied in mother's breast)

before his birth? For one who understand and is wise, simple a hint, a sign is

enough. You intend to show to him (who is Master of all) that what we like and

what we want? Tell me... Tell me. You will only attain what you give to

others. Even before wanting something if it is given, then you will receive,

that is the law of nature, which is the same for everyone. So be it,


Vineet Sarvottam





This is very important question,there are many prayers that we have to offer tO

almighty god. There are some specific mantras to be recited I did research and

compiled a book on this subject of prayers ( three volumes ) This book is

endorsed by the Director of the council of the parliament of world Religions

I researched that all religions have similar way of offering prayers Please

refer to 'Worldprayers.goglepages.com

In one chapter I wrote about my daily Hindu prayers If you want You can ask me

questions about my book


Regarding te daily prayers here is my list of ancient system of prayers


1 Prayers to lord Ganesh

2 Navagruha prayes

4 Shiva Prayers

5 Goddess two prayers Sometime the whole Chandipatha Daily reading 'Devi Sukta

5 hanuman stuti including Hanuman Chalisa

6 Rama and Krishna Prayers

7 Gita Chapter fifteen some verses chanting

8 Chanting Lord Rama's names for 15 minutes

9 Sun Prayers with offering of water to Sun God

10 Ganpati Atahrshirsha on Ganpati Chauth

11 Vishnu Sahastra names on important days of life mostly every week

12 Many more

13 Shanti Mantras many

For any inquiry every body is welcome I am old man eighty six and am a Brahmin

doing such spiritual work I help people in understanding Hindu way of life My

books are exhaustive Please refer to internet about my works


I am proud of Gita groups I am also forwarding good emails to other people


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt









Dear Mr. Mishra,


..Mantras start a powerful vibration which corresponds to both a specific

spiritual energy frequency and a state of consciousness in seed form. Over time,

the mantra process begins to override all of the other smaller vibrations, which

eventually become absorbed by the mantra. After a length of time which varies

from individual to individual, the great wave of the mantra stills all other

vibrations. Ultimately, the mantra produces a state where the organism vibrates

at the rate completely in tune with the energy and spiritual state represented

by and contained within the mantra.


Here are some Shanti Mantras.

Om sarveshaam swastir bhavatu

Sarveshaam shantir bhavatu


Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu

Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu


Sarve bhavantu sukhinah

Sarve santu niraamayaah


Sarve bhadraani pashyantu

Maakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet




Auspiciousness (swasti) be unto all; peace (shanti) be unto all;

fullness (poornam) be unto all; prosperity (mangalam) be unto all.


May all be happy! (sukhinah)

May all be free from disabilities! (niraamayaah)


May all look (pashyantu)to the good of others!

May none suffer from sorrow! (duhkha)


Om asato maa satgamaya

Tamaso maa jyotir gamaya

Mrityor maa amritam gamaya




Lead us from the unreal to the Real

From darkness to Light

From death to Immortality


Om poornamadah poornamidam

Poornaat poornamudachyate


Poornasya poornamaadaya





That (pure consciousness) is full (perfect); this (the manifest universe of

matter; of names and forms being maya) is full. This fullness has been projected

from that fullness. When this fullness merges in that fullness, all that remains

is fullness.


- Peace invocation -Isa Upanishad


Love,Peace n Joy,

Deepti Nayyar



Jai Sri Krishna,

Love all, hate none.

I don't know any other mantra with guaranteed effect, but this one has.

Ram Ram

Ashok Goenka


Dear Brother


God knows every language, not only Sanskrit.

Every Mantra is nothing but a statement of need of some form.

So the best thing you should do is write down your requirement in very simple

words of your own and repeat it. Thats the most effective mantra. And most

important it should come from your heart of heart, and not merely from lips.


Haridas Rao



Jai Shri Krishna:


Which mantra to recite on daily basis? - Very important question.


I have found that the one of the best way to do this is " Trikaal Sandhya "

inspired by Shri P. P. Pandurang Shastri. This is the best way to pay our

gratitude to God at the three most important events of the day, which is in

Morning, Before eating, and Before going to bed, which is rightly called

Smrutidaan, Shaktidaan and Shantidaan resp.

" Trikal Sandhya " is expression of Gratitude to the Lord Almighty for:


The Gift of Memory at Dawn.

The Gift of Energy (from meals) at noon and

The Gift of Peace at night.

The good thing is that some of the slokas of Trikaal Sandhya is that that we

recite them anyway on daily basis, which you will see - this helps in easy

memorization .


You can find all the slokas based on our holy scriptures if you google for

" Trikal Sandhya " .


Hope this helps.


Best Regards.

Rajesh M. Bhatt


" The Best Things in Life are Not Things. "





Dear Misra Ji:

More than all these.

I am looking for a simple prayer to Thank the Supreme Paramatma

for all the blessings I don't see any prayer to say 'Thak you "

All rayers appear to be demands, or crying of sufferings that

gives negetive vibration or just a praise of quality.


I just want " Thank you God for the plenty that is given to us,

for thhepeace and comfort and Thank s foe everything

Do you know any such Sanskrit prayers?


Bala N. Aiyer




Shree Hari Ram Ram

Here are some prior topics related to Mantra. Please also review


Whose Mantra Should I Chant? I am Confused




Meaning of Beej Mantra & Mool Mantra




Appropriate Mantras to say at Death of a Loved One




Mantra Japa - Which one is Better?




What is OmKar ? Chanting Mantras?




Use of mantra: Must one be initiated?




Sadhaks, also there was no responses received to this question on Mantras.

Please kindly revisit and respond when time permits.


Gita on Mantras and Archanas




Thank you all for service to humanity at large.


Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram







1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to

Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up

spiritual path

2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure

and commit to daily Gita study

3. Only one question at a time.

4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim

of deeper understanding of Gita.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.

3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address

etc) or personalize message to particular person

6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit

the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram


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