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Gitajis offerings on Peacemaking and Conflict resolutions by Individual/society

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Dear Sadhakas...I have greately benefited from this Forum and it gives me immense hope andsatisfaction of the doubts that is resonated by many like-mided sadhaks on thiswonderful platform.I have two related questions:How does one translate the vision of ......'yatatmanah sarva-bhuta-hite ratah(Bh.Gita, 5.25) for positive conflict resolution and peacemaking in the Worldthat we live in...What are the indicators of actions of persons or society who is practicing 'Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah' ...Shailesh Shukla


===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear Sadhakas...I have greately benefited from this Forum and it gives me immense hope andsatisfaction of the doubts that is resonated by many like-mided sadhaks on thiswonderful platform.I have two related questions:How does one translate the vision of ......'yatatmanah sarva-bhuta-hite ratah(Bh.Gita, 5.25) for positive conflict resolution and peacemaking in the Worldthat we live in...What are the indicators of actions of persons or society who is practicing 'Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah' ...Shailesh Shukla



Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Any person who cares for the welfare of others( Sarva bhuta hite ratah) exhibits the following traits. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Ahankaram balam darpam,Kamam krodham parigraham,Vimucya nirmamah santo,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gitaji 18, 53)Which means,'Any person who is free from false ego, false strength, lust,anger,false pride, false proprietorship and detached from material things, such a peaceful person is elevated to the position of self realization of Brahman. That state is called Brahma Bhuta Stage. 'We see the above qualities in a person who cares for others and deeply situated in devotional service. Even during conflicts, if we can see divinity in the other person, then there is the chance of peaceful resolution. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Sarva bhuta stham atmanam,Sarva bhutani catmani,Iksate yoga yuktatma,Sarvatra sama darsanah. "( Gitaji 6,29)Which means,'A true yogi sees Me in all beings and also sees every one in Me. This self realized person sees the Supreme Lord everywhere. 'When we see the Lord in every being , then this world will be very peaceful. . Devotional service is the key. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D------



Shree Hari

Ram ram

As far as I understand, the inner sentiments of "Sarva Bhoote hiteh rataah" is "that which is beneficial to all, in that alone is my (Self's) welfare, with certainty. Therefore understand that you are benefiting yourself, when benefiting all. So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam



Hari OmThe real 'sarva-bhoot hite rata' MUST reach to 'sarva' - to all ... All creatures, bodies, all 'bhootas' ... No exceptions...no exclusions.. Be it humans or animals, demigods or say trees ! This is key. Now this 'sarva' can not be reached by 'doing good' ! You can reach all ONLY by 'not doing bad to anyone' !! If you decide 'I will do good to all'...you can not do so because of limitations of time, resources, reach, efforts etc. No one can do that. Hence you will end up getting 'limited'. But 'sarva-bhoot' does not recognise any limitations. Hence if you decide you will not 1 Do any bad to any body 2 Understand any one to be bad 3 Talk bad about any one...by mind/speech and deeds...you are actually practicing ' Sarva-bhoot hite rata' !! That is Yoga. That is Karma Yoga. That Jnana Yogi is required to do. That is what is the goal of Bhakti Yogi also. Here you become 'universal' / 'unlimited' - which YOU ACTUALLY ARE. You can easily claim before some stranger living say in Timbaktoo - "Sir I did not do any bad to you" but you can not claim before him 'Sir I have done good to you' !!Thus by negation, You have reached entire universe. You have not harmed any body...and hence you are Sarva-bhoot hite rata.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Spirituality does not expect anything from the other (psychologically).When you do not react to conflict, that is, you do not seek satisfaction by conflict resolution-there is transformation. You become peace.Then you do not desire peace. All actions arise from this peace.You begin to understand that the world is made for noise, action.The duality between noise, conflict and peace drops.

But the understanding does not dawn through these words. These words are also to be seen as noise.

This transformation, though happens through the individual, affects the entire Universe.

Y V Chawla


The peson who through yoga has attained desire-free, ego-free and equanimitylife will have internal peace. The prson who has internal peace will be at peacewith external events. He does not have to any work / actio with the desire toenhance or establish peace in the external world. Since suc a sadhka sees noconflict or frustration in the external world however it is, there is no ego tobe a doer to serve a desire to resolve conflict and establish peace. Since hewill do things without a sense of being a doer and without any desire, hisbehavior will impact others with the thought of peace and conflict resolution.That is the way the Sadhaka practices "Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah.....". Heextends love, affection to all without discrimination as did Lord Krishna evenas the Kauravas and Pandavas were engaged in fight. He was unaffected by thefailure f his peace missions to the Kauravas. He knew that the war was inevitbleand so were its consequences. He advised Arjun to rse above all internal and external conflicts and concentrate on fighting withperfection without being perturbed about the consequeces of war. To a sadhak whohas attained liberation whatever he happens to do is only for the benefit ofeveryone as he has no ego of doing or any desire to fulfil through his actions.Thus, whenever we practice actions for the benefit of others, we must not allow todevelop in us any desire to succeed in fulfilling a desire to benefit others norshould we allow us to believe that we are performing some actions as doers. Suchpractice will help us to progress towads liberation, irrespective of whathappens to others and the society - they may or may not be bebefited andachieve peace. If I am trying to practice not to have any ego of beng a doer andnot to have any desire to fulfill to pleae myself, and to see everyone andeverything else the same as I, I happen to do things tat is consistent with the'hit" (good) of Sarbo-bhuta. I try to remain unattached to my work, to ay desreand to everything that happens in this World.Basudeb Sen



===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear Sadhakas...I have greately benefited from this Forum and it gives me immense hope andsatisfaction of the doubts that is resonated by many like-mided sadhaks on thiswonderful platform.I have two related questions:How does one translate the vision of ......'yatatmanah sarva-bhuta-hite ratah(Bh.Gita, 5.25) for positive conflict resolution and peacemaking in the Worldthat we live in...What are the indicators of actions of persons or society who is practicing 'Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah' ...Shailesh Shukla



Shree Paramatmane Namah

"Sarvabhootahiteratah" happens when there is no existence apart from "All beings" (sarvabhoot) in the "Self", in the intellect of the Self (Swayam ki buddhi). So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


-Shree Hari-Namaste!I would like to take these thoughts deeper. If you look at the Appendix on the comments by Swamiji in Sadhak-Sanjivani on Chapter 5 Verse 25 you will find:' From the viewpoint of the people a Jnanayogi is seen to be devoted to the welfare of others (sarvabhutahite ratah) but in fact he does not do good to others but good (welfare) to others is naturally done by him.'What potency here, a state can be reached where, one goes beyond deciding to do no harm to all, where it is ones nature to do the best for all one encounters. I am sure that taking the path as described by Brother Narottam of doing no bad by will take you there, but also for other reasons one can find that compassionate heart within! (People who have suffered deeply take heart).A whimsical question, if you were stung on the foot because you stood on a wasp, would you be concerned that the wasp was unharmed by the encounter?To that part of the question: 'What are the indicators of actions of persons or society who is practicing'Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah' ...'A couple of examples from the top of my head: 'Medecins Sans Frontieres; and Prof. Fred Hollows, It is estimated that a million worldwide have their sight because of his work, even when dying from cancer he worked as long as he could.His message to the world, " I believe that the basic attribute of mankind is to look after each other"!Om.... Shanti....Mike (K).


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Any person who cares for the welfare of others( Sarva bhuta hite ratah) exhibits the following traits. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Ahankaram balam darpam,Kamam krodham parigraham,Vimucya nirmamah santo,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gitaji 18, 53)Which means,'Any person who is free from false ego, false strength, lust,anger,false pride, false proprietorship and detached from material things, such a peaceful person is elevated to the position of self realization of Brahman. That state is called Brahma Bhuta Stage. 'We see the above qualities in a person who cares for others and deeply situated in devotional service. Even during conflicts, if we can see divinity in the other person, then there is the chance of peaceful resolution. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Sarva bhuta stham atmanam,Sarva bhutani catmani,Iksate yoga yuktatma,Sarvatra sama darsanah. "( Gitaji 6,29)Which means,'A true yogi sees Me in all beings and also sees every one in Me. This self realized person sees the Supreme Lord everywhere. 'When we see the Lord in every being , then this world will be very peaceful. . Devotional service is the key. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D------


Shree Hari

Ram ram

As far as I understand, the inner sentiments of "Sarva Bhoote hiteh rataah" is "that which is beneficial to all, in that alone is my (Self's) welfare, with certainty. Therefore understand that you are benefiting yourself, when benefiting all. So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam



Hari OmThe real 'sarva-bhoot hite rata' MUST reach to 'sarva' - to all ... All creatures, bodies, all 'bhootas' ... No exceptions...no exclusions.. Be it humans or animals, demigods or say trees ! This is key. Now this 'sarva' can not be reached by 'doing good' ! You can reach all ONLY by 'not doing bad to anyone' !! If you decide 'I will do good to all'...you can not do so because of limitations of time, resources, reach, efforts etc. No one can do that. Hence you will end up getting 'limited'. But 'sarva-bhoot' does not recognise any limitations. Hence if you decide you will not 1 Do any bad to any body 2 Understand any one to be bad 3 Talk bad about any one...by mind/speech and deeds...you are actually practicing ' Sarva-bhoot hite rata' !! That is Yoga. That is Karma Yoga. That Jnana Yogi is required to do. That is what is the goal of Bhakti Yogi also. Here you become 'universal' / 'unlimited' - which YOU ACTUALLY ARE. You can easily claim before some stranger living say in Timbaktoo - "Sir I did not do any bad to you" but you can not claim before him 'Sir I have done good to you' !!Thus by negation, You have reached entire universe. You have not harmed any body...and hence you are Sarva-bhoot hite rata.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Spirituality does not expect anything from the other (psychologically).When you do not react to conflict, that is, you do not seek satisfaction by conflict resolution-there is transformation. You become peace.Then you do not desire peace. All actions arise from this peace.You begin to understand that the world is made for noise, action.The duality between noise, conflict and peace drops.

But the understanding does not dawn through these words. These words are also to be seen as noise.

This transformation, though happens through the individual, affects the entire Universe.

Y V Chawla


The peson who through yoga has attained desire-free, ego-free and equanimitylife will have internal peace. The prson who has internal peace will be at peacewith external events. He does not have to any work / actio with the desire toenhance or establish peace in the external world. Since suc a sadhka sees noconflict or frustration in the external world however it is, there is no ego tobe a doer to serve a desire to resolve conflict and establish peace. Since hewill do things without a sense of being a doer and without any desire, hisbehavior will impact others with the thought of peace and conflict resolution.That is the way the Sadhaka practices "Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah.....". Heextends love, affection to all without discrimination as did Lord Krishna evenas the Kauravas and Pandavas were engaged in fight. He was unaffected by thefailure f his peace missions to the Kauravas. He knew that the war was inevitbleand so were its consequences. He advised Arjun to rse above all internal and external conflicts and concentrate on fighting withperfection without being perturbed about the consequeces of war. To a sadhak whohas attained liberation whatever he happens to do is only for the benefit ofeveryone as he has no ego of doing or any desire to fulfil through his actions.Thus, whenever we practice actions for the benefit of others, we must not allow todevelop in us any desire to succeed in fulfilling a desire to benefit others norshould we allow us to believe that we are performing some actions as doers. Suchpractice will help us to progress towads liberation, irrespective of whathappens to others and the society - they may or may not be bebefited andachieve peace. If I am trying to practice not to have any ego of beng a doer andnot to have any desire to fulfill to pleae myself, and to see everyone andeverything else the same as I, I happen to do things tat is consistent with the'hit" (good) of Sarbo-bhuta. I try to remain unattached to my work, to ay desreand to everything that happens in this World.Basudeb Sen



===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear Sadhakas...I have greately benefited from this Forum and it gives me immense hope andsatisfaction of the doubts that is resonated by many like-mided sadhaks on thiswonderful platform.I have two related questions:How does one translate the vision of ......'yatatmanah sarva-bhuta-hite ratah(Bh.Gita, 5.25) for positive conflict resolution and peacemaking in the Worldthat we live in...What are the indicators of actions of persons or society who is practicing 'Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah' ...Shailesh Shukla



Dearest Sadhakas,labhante brahma-nirvanam(ACHIEVE LIBERATION IN THE SUPREME)rsayah ksina-kalmasah(THOSE WHO ARE ACTIVE WITHIN/devoid of all sins)chinna-dvaidha yatatmanah(having torn off duality-engaged in self realization)sarva-bhuta-hite ratah(for all living entities in welfare work engaged)and in being free from all sins achieve liberation in the Supremeonly a person fully in Krsna consciousness can be said to be engaged in welfare work for all living entities. When a person is fully involved in the knowledge that Krsna is the fountainhead of everything, then when they act, they act for everyone.Krsna is the Supreme Proprietor, the Supreme enjoyer and our Supreme Friend as there is no one else for us.The goal is reviving this consciousness within the entire human society is the highest work which begins with each one of us.We have no doubt about the Supremacy of Krsna...we have no doubt as this is divine love.The real cause of ones difficulties in lifes hard struggles is when we forget our relationship with the Supreme Lord.When we are fully in our consciousness with our relationship with Krsna, we are liberated.

catherine andersen




Verses 24,25 and 26 of chapter 5 is about who achieves Brahm Nirwan or characteristics of a person who has achieved Brahm Nirwan.



1)Conflict in a person , society or country is outcome of their ego.What Gita teaches is conflict resolution in an individual.Arjuna's doubt and conflict got resolved.


If you read,understand and practice(atma-sat) Gita all your conflict will get resolved.You will have no conflict.You can live as Lotus in mud.


There no such thing as Negative conflict resolution.


The world peace will be achieved only by every one being peaceful.Let us not even think about making world peace full.The reality is parents,sons & daughters ,spouses all are trying in vain to make others peaceful without realising that all you have to do to make other peaceful is to be peaceful yourself.


So dear Sailesh, henceforth ,have single point agenda of yourself being peaceful.No matter what happens outside you remain peaceful.All your conflicts will be resolved and you will be contributing greatly to peace in family ,society and of course world peace.


How,by earmarking atleast one hour in study of Gita.Read again,again and again.Devote one hour without single day break for one year and experience the result.


2)Indicators of actions-'Sarva -Bhuta -Hiteh-Ratah'

a)Happiness-They are happy doing for others.The actions are without expectation of return and done without considering it as duty,responsibility , moral obligation or even thinking that it will benefit others.It is done because one feels happy doing it.

b)Ego less-They do not think others inferior or themselves superior ,in any way,while doing anything for others.At best they think themselves equal to others.

c)Neutral-They are not effected by others reaction to their actions.Some may praise while others criticize,but that does not impact them




Ashok Jain


Dear Sadaks,The answer to this is clear in Geetha 13-2. "Know myself to be Ksetrajna in all the Ksetras...." Gita 13-2)B.Sathyanarayan









Dear Seekers, Namaste!How to realize the vision of Sarva Bhuta hite ratah(Gita 5:25) for conflict resolution and peace in the world?Let us illustrate it with analogy of a Tree. What is a tree? A tree is some structure having root system, trunk, branches larger and smaller, leaves, buds, petals, flowers, thorns, and may be some creepers too! Now what is really a tree apart from these various names and forms? Such names and forms together constitute one single Tree! Without them there is No meaning to name Tree, right?Now suppose we cut such a tree(as the nature does eventually) and see branches, leaves, trunk, flowers, roots scattered all over the ground, are they separately called tree? Obviously no, so a tree is essentially interconnectedness of such names and forms deriving their nourishment(existence) from the source Root system. Thus, it is the interconnectedness that makes tree a tree, not independent existences of its parts, nor a tree by itself without such parts! The point to be made here is that even though constituents have different names, property, attributes, they all are ONE Existence, ONE BEING, called Tree who lands its own Being to its constituents, all manifesting a variety of aspects, living in harmony with each other as single Tree! They don't have individuality and yet are individual having no conflicts, nourishing even thorns, creepers, allowing birds to nest, providing shade to protect people, and animal! A tree is thus a label pointing to ONE Existence appearing as many existences! Similarly is the case with GOD! We are such branches and leaves on a Tree of GOD, the Existence Absolute! Of course, some of us are flowers and thorns too, but of no lesser importance to God!If we realize our oneness, interconnectedness, in spite of our seeming separations due to various conditioning of time and place we are born into over which we don't have any control, we can ever remain free of conflict and live in Peace!The Tree, to me, points to such a Vision of Conflict free World. Its a great Lesson if we care enough to see it!Society and Nation adopting such a vision of Realization of Truth through Education system as an important part of the academic curriculum will eventually bring such a vision to Reality! Gita and other scriptures, Saints and Sages of our times are of the greatest help for such Vision to be real! Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt


Hari OmOf course for all 3 principal Yogis of Holy Gita viz Jnana Yogi, Karma Yogi and Bhakti Yogi the trait of 'Sarva bhoot hite rata' is essential. Equanimity also is essential for all 3 but need not be practiced by Bhakti Yogi as God grants him Equanimity. But 'Sarva bhoot hite ratah' is compulsory for all 3.When you don't do/wish/understand vis a vis any one bad, ( negation/prohibitory and Karan Nirapeksha saadhana- Karma yoga) there will be 2 possible states- either you will do nothing or shall do good only. In both the secenarios you realize Self/ God. 'Not doing anything' gets you God Realisation and being Sarva bhoot hite rata is not a 'Karma' as per Gita, it is 'Akarma' - again 'deemed not doing' ! Hence in both possible alternatives, your emancipation is guaranteed. This is Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj for you...Divine Sadhaks.Re Brother Mike's 'whimsical question' - Sir, your concern that 'warp should remain unharmed by the encounter' is in fact the YARDSTICK for your being 'Sarva Bhoot Hite Rata'. A real, natural, logical and perfect yardstick. A perfect answer of the Question. Another yardstick is 'You don't become happy if you see sufferings of that person who hurt you in the past'. My salutations to Brother Mike for providing for benefit of us all , the best answer to the question. What a joy it imparts to all of us when he quotes Sadhak Sanjeevani . This Forum must feel proud of Sadhak Mike Keenor who has proved to all of us that 'Soul is Universal' ! Soul recognises not any limitations of caste, creed, colour, culture, country etc. He always speaks from his soul. He proves to us that messages of Param Shraddhey Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj reach souls !! What a beautiful answer ! With what a modesty !! Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam


Shree Hari. Ram Ram.It is important to understand that Gita is more focussed on internal consciousness or state instead of external actions. When internal state is correctly established, then external happens happen automatically.First of all helping others means helping yourself to be happy. All of us are looking for happiness and eternity. How can you give this to others if you don't have it yourself? You are eternal and your are not product of inert matter. Instead you are part of Paramatma who is eternal, full of bliss and knowledge. So you need to accept this, realize this and then, help others in their search.Gita states that the consciousness of such person is to always do good to others. Such person sees others as part of Paramatma and therefore, sees their service as service of Paramatma. So, there is no feeling to enviousness, competition, cheating etc. Since yogi is not attached to inert matter, he uses the products of this world in service of other living entities. (tvadiya vastu govimdam tubhyameva samarpaye) He works carefully in such a way that all pervading Paramatma is not insulted or hurt. He sees people around him as an opportunity to serve Parmatma.

"That person is ananya bhakta who never deviates from this understanding - I am servant of all living entities in whom my master Bhagavan resides." It is important to develop above consciousness and act on that level. Then, it won't matter what actions you do. You can be in war like Arjun and still, act for everyone's welfare.This is what I understand from Mike's quote -- "From the viewpoint of the people a Jnanayogi is seen to be devoted to the welfare of others (sarvabhutahite ratah) but in fact he does not do good to others but good (welfare) to others is naturally done by him."Mike, instead of getting too much focused killing a wasp, focus on developing above consciousness. See wasp and all the living entities as part of Paramatma. Develop love towards and feel that their position is so exalted due to them being part of Paramatma. Sometimes death is cycle of life and wasp getting killed by you is part of that cycle. May be pray to Paramatma to give knowledge and intelligence to wasp in its next life so that it can attain the supreme goal.Shri Hanuman prasad Poddar gives following advice. It would be great if readers can practice --Whoever you meet or talk, offer pranams to them in your mind with bhakti seeing them as your beloved Bhagavan (PRABHU). Keeping this attitude in your mind, engage with them appropriately. Start with your family, friends and people around you. Gradually, extend it to more and more people.May be you can also start doing pranams to animals and practice seeing them as part of Paramatma.Ram Ram.Gaurav Mittal


Shree Paramatmane Namah

"Sarvabhootahiteratah" happens when there is no existence apart from "All beings" (sarvabhoot) in the "Self", in the intellect of the Self (Swayam ki buddhi). So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


-Shree Hari-Namaste!I would like to take these thoughts deeper. If you look at the Appendix on the comments by Swamiji in Sadhak-Sanjivani on Chapter 5 Verse 25 you will find:' From the viewpoint of the people a Jnanayogi is seen to be devoted to the welfare of others (sarvabhutahite ratah) but in fact he does not do good to others but good (welfare) to others is naturally done by him.'What potency here, a state can be reached where, one goes beyond deciding to do no harm to all, where it is ones nature to do the best for all one encounters. I am sure that taking the path as described by Brother Narottam of doing no bad by will take you there, but also for other reasons one can find that compassionate heart within! (People who have suffered deeply take heart).A whimsical question, if you were stung on the foot because you stood on a wasp, would you be concerned that the wasp was unharmed by the encounter?To that part of the question: 'What are the indicators of actions of persons or society who is practicing'Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah' ...'A couple of examples from the top of my head: 'Medecins Sans Frontieres; and Prof. Fred Hollows, It is estimated that a million worldwide have their sight because of his work, even when dying from cancer he worked as long as he could.His message to the world, " I believe that the basic attribute of mankind is to look after each other"!Om.... Shanti....Mike (K).


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Any person who cares for the welfare of others( Sarva bhuta hite ratah) exhibits the following traits. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Ahankaram balam darpam,Kamam krodham parigraham,Vimucya nirmamah santo,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gitaji 18, 53)Which means,'Any person who is free from false ego, false strength, lust,anger,false pride, false proprietorship and detached from material things, such a peaceful person is elevated to the position of self realization of Brahman. That state is called Brahma Bhuta Stage. 'We see the above qualities in a person who cares for others and deeply situated in devotional service. Even during conflicts, if we can see divinity in the other person, then there is the chance of peaceful resolution. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Sarva bhuta stham atmanam,Sarva bhutani catmani,Iksate yoga yuktatma,Sarvatra sama darsanah. "( Gitaji 6,29)Which means,'A true yogi sees Me in all beings and also sees every one in Me. This self realized person sees the Supreme Lord everywhere. 'When we see the Lord in every being , then this world will be very peaceful. . Devotional service is the key. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D------


Shree Hari

Ram ram

As far as I understand, the inner sentiments of "Sarva Bhoote hiteh rataah" is "that which is beneficial to all, in that alone is my (Self's) welfare, with certainty. Therefore understand that you are benefiting yourself, when benefiting all. So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam



Hari OmThe real 'sarva-bhoot hite rata' MUST reach to 'sarva' - to all ... All creatures, bodies, all 'bhootas' ... No exceptions...no exclusions.. Be it humans or animals, demigods or say trees ! This is key. Now this 'sarva' can not be reached by 'doing good' ! You can reach all ONLY by 'not doing bad to anyone' !! If you decide 'I will do good to all'...you can not do so because of limitations of time, resources, reach, efforts etc. No one can do that. Hence you will end up getting 'limited'. But 'sarva-bhoot' does not recognise any limitations. Hence if you decide you will not 1 Do any bad to any body 2 Understand any one to be bad 3 Talk bad about any one...by mind/speech and deeds...you are actually practicing ' Sarva-bhoot hite rata' !! That is Yoga. That is Karma Yoga. That Jnana Yogi is required to do. That is what is the goal of Bhakti Yogi also. Here you become 'universal' / 'unlimited' - which YOU ACTUALLY ARE. You can easily claim before some stranger living say in Timbaktoo - "Sir I did not do any bad to you" but you can not claim before him 'Sir I have done good to you' !!Thus by negation, You have reached entire universe. You have not harmed any body...and hence you are Sarva-bhoot hite rata.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Spirituality does not expect anything from the other (psychologically).When you do not react to conflict, that is, you do not seek satisfaction by conflict resolution-there is transformation. You become peace.Then you do not desire peace. All actions arise from this peace.You begin to understand that the world is made for noise, action.The duality between noise, conflict and peace drops.

But the understanding does not dawn through these words. These words are also to be seen as noise.

This transformation, though happens through the individual, affects the entire Universe.

Y V Chawla


The peson who through yoga has attained desire-free, ego-free and equanimitylife will have internal peace. The prson who has internal peace will be at peacewith external events. He does not have to any work / actio with the desire toenhance or establish peace in the external world. Since suc a sadhka sees noconflict or frustration in the external world however it is, there is no ego tobe a doer to serve a desire to resolve conflict and establish peace. Since hewill do things without a sense of being a doer and without any desire, hisbehavior will impact others with the thought of peace and conflict resolution.That is the way the Sadhaka practices "Sarva-bhuta-hite ratah.....". Heextends love, affection to all without discrimination as did Lord Krishna evenas the Kauravas and Pandavas were engaged in fight. He was unaffected by thefailure f his peace missions to the Kauravas. He knew that the war was inevitbleand so were its consequences. He advised Arjun to rse above all internal and external conflicts and concentrate on fighting withperfection without being perturbed about the consequeces of war. To a sadhak whohas attained liberation whatever he happens to do is only for the benefit ofeveryone as he has no ego of doing or any desire to fulfil through his actions.Thus, whenever we practice actions for the benefit of others, we must not allow todevelop in us any desire to succeed in fulfilling a desire to benefit others norshould we allow us to believe that we are performing some actions as doers. Suchpractice will help us to progress towads liberation, irrespective of whathappens to others and the society - they may or may not be bebefited andachieve peace. If I am trying to practice not to have any ego of beng a doer andnot to have any desire to fulfill to pleae myself, and to see everyone andeverything else the same as I, I happen to do things tat is consistent with the'hit" (good) of Sarbo-bhuta. I try to remain unattached to my work, to ay desreand to everything that happens in this World.Basudeb Sen



===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

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7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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