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Share Your Favorite / Geniune Prayer...When In State of Helplessness

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Shree Hari Ram Ram Swamiji says that "Stuti" refers to singing the glories and greatness of the Lord, like in Gita - Chapter 11.Whereas "Praarthnaa", Prayer is where you put forward some want / wish (maang) in front of the Lord. Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram ============================================= Shree Hari-


When I read these wonderful words of Revered Swamiji, my eyes started to smart,

and in my heart I kept saying Amen... Amen....

Oh! My Dear Beloved! Such deep pain, such absolute surrender!

I call it the prayer from the soul, a cry from 'The dark night of the soul'.

I think this is not an intellectual thing, this is experience!

The joy comes after the surrender!

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).


SHREE HARI RAM RAMPlease forgive me as i mutter a prayer towards all sadhaks everywhere . I have learned so much of peace from you so let me share peace.the Lord is my Shepherd..i shall not want..he makes me to lie down in green pasture.He leadeth me beside the still water He refreshes my soul.He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Names sake.He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., thou preparest a table in the midst of mine enemies.thou anointest my head with oil..my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the House of my Father forever.catherine andersen ======================================

Mind is fed by comfort, solace, hope. When suddenly, the short circuit in the

momentum of thought shuts the supply of comfort, hope, solace, mind rejects with

all its force as its sustenance is coming to an end. It is shocked. This shock

causes the death of the present mind and hails a new mind.

Y V Chawla


|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram

1st February 2010, Monday, Maagh Krishna Dvitiya,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by

our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort,

till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is

because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a

feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on

one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and

once this happens, geniune prayer will take place.

Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah |

When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at

such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our

strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not

do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no

effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer

is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it

happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from

within, then immediately the work will happen.

When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position,

knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then

neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will

happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists. As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or

geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and

surrendering, the work will not happen.

When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being

without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in

the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of

helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has

turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we

are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the

slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is

feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the

mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and

single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.

From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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Shree Hari Ram Ram Swamiji says that "Stuti" refers to singing the glories and greatness of the Lord, like in Gita - Chapter 11.Whereas "Praarthnaa", Prayer is where you put forward some want / wish (maang) in front of the Lord. Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram =============================================NEW POSTINGShree Hari Ram Ram "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon NahinO' Lord ! O My Very Own Lord! Let Me Never Forget You ! Meera Das, Ram Ram -------Namaste Whether in a state of helplessness or of power, of joy or sorrow....you may approach Bhagavan with Sivananda's Universal Prayer:O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !Salutations and Prostrations Unto Thee !Thou Art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient !Thou Art Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Knowledge-Bliss) !Thou Art the Indweller of All Beings !Grant us an understanding heart,Equal vision, balanced mind,Faith, Devotion and Wisdom !Grant us Inner Spiritual strength,To resist temptations and to control the mind !Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger, jealousy and hatred !Fill our hearts with Divine Virtues !Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms !Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms !Let us ever remember Thee !Let us ever sing Thy glories !Let Thy Name be ever on our lips !Let us Abide in Thee forever and ever !- Swami SivanandaAnother suggestion is a Sharangati Mantra: Om Sri Ramah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Krishnah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Sita-Ramah Sharanam MamaYou may also recite verses from GITA, modified to address Bhagavan, e.g.Destroyed is my delusion, and I have gained my memory through Thy grace, O Achyuta. I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will do Thy word. GITA 18:73I take refuge in You with all thy heart, Bhagavan; by Your grace shalt I attain supreme peace and the eternal abode. GITA 18:62In this Holy Shivratri period you may want to recite a few verses from SVETASVATARA UPANSHAD, e.g.O Rudra! Deign to protect me forever with Thy Benevolent face.May Rudra the Creator and Supporter of the gods, the great seer, the Lord of all, who saw Hiranyagarbha being born, endow us with pure or auspicious intellect.Or, just recite the Maha mantra:Hare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareRam Ram Deosaran Bisnath --------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question regarding prayer. In Hinduism we have lots of wonderful prayers. I would like to mention a few. 'He Krishna karuna sindho,Dina bandho jagat pate,Gopesa gopika kanta,Radha kanta namo stu te. 'Which means,' O My dear Krishna, you are the friend of the distressed, creator of the universe. You are the master of the gopis and the lover of Radharani. I offer my respectful obeisances to You. 'Another one is "Jai jagadish Hare, swami jai jagadish Hare,Bhakta jano ke sankat,Das jano ke sankat,Kshan me dur ka re,OM Jai jagadish Hare. "Which means, ' O jagadish, get rid of the troubles of your devotees and servants. 'There are few more verses for this 'Jai Jagadish Hare' and if anybody is interested I can provide the whole prayer. My favourite Hare Krishna Maha Mantra which can be sung at any time , any place and any where. 'Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare. 'Any prayer or devotional service can advance us spiritually. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D----- When the moment is painful and the mind does not run to seek support of any satisfactory idea, it is in prayer mode, meditation mode.Mind rejects, adjusts with failure or any unfavourable situation by complaining, blaming others, feeling guilty, blaming fate, I will be successful in future and so on.Non-acceptance of the painful moment is to fight an illusory battle; the battle can never end because the non-acceptance causes a division within as if some one else is responsible, whereas in actuality this division does not exist. Acceptance of the present moment is the first and last step towards that oneness, which is the source of all life.The mystery starts unfolding.Y V Chawla-----Shree HariRam Ram To want something is not "prayer". On one hand we say that -Paramatma is All Knowing, and on the other hand we want to tell Him of your wants that - O All knowing One, please know from me, what I want. What ! is this right use of your vivek (discrimination)? If you desire to know something then read from Swamiji's book"Ek Sant ki Vasiyat", his final discourse. What can be beyond that to know or do? So be it. Vineet Sarvottam ------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Vineetji, please listen to Vishesh Pravachan # 401 - Nitya Stuti aur Praartha, where Swamiji indicatesStuti mein mahima hoti hai aur praarthna mein apni yaasnaa, apni kuch maang rakh denaa yeh praarthnaa hoti hai.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htm Swamiji said many different things at different points in time, but there is no conflict with anything. It is all valid. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram --Shree Hari-


When I read these wonderful words of Revered Swamiji, my eyes started to smart,

and in my heart I kept saying Amen... Amen....

Oh! My Dear Beloved! Such deep pain, such absolute surrender!

I call it the prayer from the soul, a cry from 'The dark night of the soul'.

I think this is not an intellectual thing, this is experience!

The joy comes after the surrender!

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).


SHREE HARI RAM RAMPlease forgive me as i mutter a prayer towards all sadhaks everywhere . I have learned so much of peace from you so let me share peace.the Lord is my Shepherd..i shall not want..he makes me to lie down in green pasture.He leadeth me beside the still water He refreshes my soul.He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Names sake.He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., thou preparest a table in the midst of mine enemies.thou anointest my head with oil..my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the House of my Father forever.catherine andersen ======================================


Mind is fed by comfort, solace, hope. When suddenly, the short circuit in the

momentum of thought shuts the supply of comfort, hope, solace, mind rejects with

all its force as its sustenance is coming to an end. It is shocked. This shock

causes the death of the present mind and hails a new mind.Y V Chawla

--------------|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

1st February 2010, Monday, Maagh Krishna Dvitiya,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by

our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort,

till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is

because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a

feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on

one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and

once this happens, geniune prayer will take place.

Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah |

When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at

such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our

strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not

do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no

effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer

is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it

happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from

within, then immediately the work will happen.

When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position,

knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then

neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will

happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists.

As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or

geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and

surrendering, the work will not happen.

When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being

without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in

the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of

helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has

turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we

are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the

slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is

feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the

mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and

single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.


From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


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Shree Hari Ram Ram Swamiji says that "Stuti" refers to singing the glories and greatness of the Lord, like in Gita - Chapter 11.Whereas "Praarthnaa", Prayer is where you put forward some want / wish (maang) in front of the Lord. Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram =============================================NEW POSTINGIN HINDI Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar .. Yeh mera badan, ai mere humdum, bus khaak hai, suna tau hai main ne ....khaak hai , khaak mein mil jaye gaa.... bahut suna hai main ne Ihsaas iska , ai Khuda , kyunkar ho, kuchh raham kar Roshni rooh ki zahan pe chhaa jae................ kuchh meher kar ............... Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar….. aameen narinder bhandariIN ENGLISH once again, Beloved, this moment now, the heart wails for thee, I pine , I yearn, I cry this body beautiful ... is nought but earth fire and water words keeps falling in the ears ... again , and again,and yet again, we hearSpeak now to me , Beloved , ... how indeed this realisation , blossom in the Mindhow indeed the Mind become the Light that Truth isthe Mind merge in that Light', Lord, be merciful, show me the Light , be kind, Beloved, show me the Path,show me the Way........ once again, this moment now, the heart yearns for thee I wail, , I pine, I cry ........... AUM narinder bhandari----Dear Sadaks,Sloka: Vasudevam Sutham DevamKamsa Chanura Marthanam---------------. Ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe.People who pray Shiva Bagavan: Tridalam Triguna Karam----------------------- ends with Shiva Loka Avapnothi.From Rama Prabavam: Telling "Rama Rama (2 second gap) again Rama Rama (2 seconds gap) repeating 11 times, or 37 times, or 108 times, makes the chakras energies. There by the mind slowly becomes away from desires.B.Sathyanarayan----Tvameva Maata ca Pitaa tvamevaTvameva Bandhusca sakha tvamevaTvameva Vidyaa dravinam tvamevaTvameva Sarvam mama devadevaMy dear Bhagvan Krishna! You are my mother, father, brother, sister, friend, teacher, maintainer, protector and my dear Bhagavan. You are everything for me and I am completely dependent upon You. You are mine and I am Yours! Whatever things I have are actually Yours. I want to use Your things given by in Your service.My dear Bhagvan Ram! I want to remember You all the time. May I never forget You! May I remember You all the time! Please help me remember You while I am doing my activities."Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niraamayaa.Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa kascchid Dukh bhaagbhevet" May everyone be happy and healthy! May everyone see the truth and no one suffer! Please protect everyone and protect my family.Siya Ram mai sab jag jaani; karahu pranaam jori jugpani My dear Bhagvan Ram! Seeing this world as Your form, I offer pranams with folded hands. You reside in my and everyone's heart. Please give me vision so that I can see You in every living entity and objects. With such equal vision, one sees good and bad people equally as they are all part of You. Please remove the faults of rivalry, jealousy and envy as I am supposed to see You in everyone. How can I be jealous or think bad of others if You are in them! Give me strength and ability to serve and help You in form of people around me.More sudhaaro so san bhaanti kripa nahin kripa aghaati. Dear Bhagavan! Fix all kinds of faults in me and improve me. Your mercy never tires in giving mercy.Jaahi per kripa karahi jan jaani, kavi ur ajir naachaavahi vaani. Goddess Saraswati dances on the tongue of those whom You mercifully see as Yours. That person who gets Your mercy gets all the knowledge. I am Yours. You are mine. Please give me Your mercy and accept me as Yours.Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Gaurav Mittal----------------Jai Shri Hari,A prayer is a call by the self to his own "self of self " (supreme self). Thanks for posting beautiful lines of prayers. I loved the word "KarunaSindhu"/ "Lord of Mercy" which is the real listener of the prayers.May God Bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-Shree Hari Ram Ram "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon NahinO' Lord ! O My Very Own Lord! Let Me Never Forget You ! Meera Das, Ram Ram -------Namaste Whether in a state of helplessness or of power, of joy or sorrow....you may approach Bhagavan with Sivananda's Universal Prayer:O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !Salutations and Prostrations Unto Thee !Thou Art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient !Thou Art Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Knowledge-Bliss) !Thou Art the Indweller of All Beings !Grant us an understanding heart,Equal vision, balanced mind,Faith, Devotion and Wisdom !Grant us Inner Spiritual strength,To resist temptations and to control the mind !Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger, jealousy and hatred !Fill our hearts with Divine Virtues !Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms !Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms !Let us ever remember Thee !Let us ever sing Thy glories !Let Thy Name be ever on our lips !Let us Abide in Thee forever and ever !- Swami SivanandaAnother suggestion is a Sharangati Mantra: Om Sri Ramah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Krishnah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Sita-Ramah Sharanam MamaYou may also recite verses from GITA, modified to address Bhagavan, e.g.Destroyed is my delusion, and I have gained my memory through Thy grace, O Achyuta. I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will do Thy word. GITA 18:73I take refuge in You with all thy heart, Bhagavan; by Your grace shalt I attain supreme peace and the eternal abode. GITA 18:62In this Holy Shivratri period you may want to recite a few verses from SVETASVATARA UPANSHAD, e.g.O Rudra! Deign to protect me forever with Thy Benevolent face.May Rudra the Creator and Supporter of the gods, the great seer, the Lord of all, who saw Hiranyagarbha being born, endow us with pure or auspicious intellect.Or, just recite the Maha mantra:Hare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareRam Ram Deosaran Bisnath --------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question regarding prayer. In Hinduism we have lots of wonderful prayers. I would like to mention a few. 'He Krishna karuna sindho,Dina bandho jagat pate,Gopesa gopika kanta,Radha kanta namo stu te. 'Which means,' O My dear Krishna, you are the friend of the distressed, creator of the universe. You are the master of the gopis and the lover of Radharani. I offer my respectful obeisances to You. 'Another one is "Jai jagadish Hare, swami jai jagadish Hare,Bhakta jano ke sankat,Das jano ke sankat,Kshan me dur ka re,OM Jai jagadish Hare. "Which means, ' O jagadish, get rid of the troubles of your devotees and servants. 'There are few more verses for this 'Jai Jagadish Hare' and if anybody is interested I can provide the whole prayer. My favourite Hare Krishna Maha Mantra which can be sung at any time , any place and any where. 'Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare. 'Any prayer or devotional service can advance us spiritually. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D----- When the moment is painful and the mind does not run to seek support of any satisfactory idea, it is in prayer mode, meditation mode.Mind rejects, adjusts with failure or any unfavourable situation by complaining, blaming others, feeling guilty, blaming fate, I will be successful in future and so on.Non-acceptance of the painful moment is to fight an illusory battle; the battle can never end because the non-acceptance causes a division within as if some one else is responsible, whereas in actuality this division does not exist. Acceptance of the present moment is the first and last step towards that oneness, which is the source of all life.The mystery starts unfolding.Y V Chawla-----Shree HariRam Ram To want something is not "prayer". On one hand we say that -Paramatma is All Knowing, and on the other hand we want to tell Him of your wants that - O All knowing One, please know from me, what I want. What ! is this right use of your vivek (discrimination)? If you desire to know something then read from Swamiji's book"Ek Sant ki Vasiyat", his final discourse. What can be beyond that to know or do? So be it. Vineet Sarvottam ------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Vineetji, please listen to Vishesh Pravachan # 401 - Nitya Stuti aur Praartha, where Swamiji indicatesStuti mein mahima hoti hai aur praarthna mein apni yaasnaa, apni kuch maang rakh denaa yeh praarthnaa hoti hai.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htm Swamiji said many different things at different points in time, but there is no conflict with anything. It is all valid. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram --Shree Hari-


When I read these wonderful words of Revered Swamiji, my eyes started to smart,

and in my heart I kept saying Amen... Amen....

Oh! My Dear Beloved! Such deep pain, such absolute surrender!

I call it the prayer from the soul, a cry from 'The dark night of the soul'.

I think this is not an intellectual thing, this is experience!

The joy comes after the surrender!

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).


SHREE HARI RAM RAMPlease forgive me as i mutter a prayer towards all sadhaks everywhere . I have learned so much of peace from you so let me share peace.the Lord is my Shepherd..i shall not want..he makes me to lie down in green pasture.He leadeth me beside the still water He refreshes my soul.He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Names sake.He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., thou preparest a table in the midst of mine enemies.thou anointest my head with oil..my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the House of my Father forever.catherine andersen ======================================

Mind is fed by comfort, solace, hope. When suddenly, the short circuit in the momentum of thought shuts the supply of comfort, hope, solace, mind rejects with all its force as its sustenance is coming to an end. It is shocked. This shock causes the death of the present mind and hails a new mind.Y V Chawla --------------

|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

1st February 2010, Monday, Maagh Krishna Dvitiya,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort, till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and once this happens, geniune prayer will take place. Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah | When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from within, then immediately the work will happen. When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position, knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists.

As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen. When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.

From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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Shree Hari Ram Ram Swamiji says that "Stuti" refers to singing the glories and greatness of the Lord, like in Gita - Chapter 11.Whereas "Praarthnaa", Prayer is where you put forward some want / wish (maang) in front of the Lord. Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram =============================================NEW POSTINGDear Sadhakas, Namaste!All prayers of Swamiji are sincere and potent, filled with so much humility! One of such as stated by Meeraji, "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon Nahin" So simple! Prayers are, for me, a great opportunity to express my gratitude for everything I have been given. Prayer arises spontaneously when I want to tell God how fortunate I am to just BE! We are all beads in His necklace, and as such we lose our own identity as all glory belong to Necklace!I want to also acknowledge my inability as individual in handling problems of life, so I ask for His help in taping the Intelligence that He is!

Never ever has He disappointed me!His way of answering is unique: He doesn't change people around me, He doesn't change my circumstances either, He does more powerful than these, He changes "me"!!! He removes "me" from the scene altogether! Isn't that a smart way to answer prayers? Same situation, same people who may be seeking advantage of "me", but I don't perceive them being problematic anymore! Lord has done it many times in this life! He just doesn't look after vested interest of anyone, including "me" but considers interest of all and changes those who pray!He tells me that "others" are Him including I too , so it doesn't matter who has more money, who sings better than somebody else, who is more famous, who is more healthy, who is king or who is beggar!After all, it is all Him that laughs in every victory and cries in every defeat!He does so, so that I am not left alone to cry or laugh!I sincerely thank you, my Lord for being so kind and understanding!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt------AAJ PRABHU Aaj Prabhu Kuchhh ghat jaye Kahaa sunaa eko ho jayeSuna suna sa Kahaa kahaa sa Ik sangeet kee gunjan Iktaa mein Ik prem kaa bandhan ho jaeIk Gunjan, Govinda Tera apna pyaarShabd kho jayen Ik gehree nistabdhta mein kho jaen Phir goonj uthen wohIk sulgati huee chaah kee pukarAur jhuki nazron se nari sharmayeSahmee saanson mein narinder kho jaeMiln ka dard kuchh aisa ban jaeMit jae nari, mar jaye, mit jae Aur Bus tu hee tu hoGaataa hua Suntaa hua Muskaata hua Astitva Bus tu hee ho, mere Govinda Apnee narinderta mein magan Tu hee tu ho ! Bus tum hee ! Tu Tum ! Aur Tu !!This Moment Now...... This moment Now, Beloved Lord Let Blossoms of Love flower in the Being May speech and hearing their twoness shed ! The hearing not just the hearing The entreaty not just a Prayer Their Music lovingly reverbrating In the embrace of Union ….. Just Love, just Silence ……….The Sound of No Sound caressing Thy slave as your gift of Love, Words disappearing in Silence of Being……….. With only the sound-less sound singing as AUM The Silence then choosing to flower as words Yearning for Silence again Eyes closed in ecstasy of surrender The warm Breath of yearning in nari... to Life eternal awakening And, in the Joy of Death of nariness narinder, at thy lotus feet, dancing. And Lord,be thou Nought else but Thee, Lord Be Thou the singing Minstrel… And the thirsting songbird too In blissful gratitude waltzing, in the downpour from Existence Ever and ever as narinder-ness, May thou as thy own Desire, love and be, O Krishna ! Thou Thee Thine Be the Celebration Divine !O KRISHNA OM KRISHNA O Thou, My Love. Thou art the soundless sound ...........Thou the Silence yet greater, surrounding the sound Thou the Unheard Melody ...............Ever vibrating in nari's ears. The sound itself is the light ............The Light of Love............ that vibrates in Nari’s heart And nari's heart ? Does it exist , when nari himself does not ! The existing that is Existence ..........Is your Being ...........Is your Joy of Being Is the Love of yourself ..............For your own self ! Ah, what can poor nari say !?? ! And, how !?? ! Thou art the thief That steals nari's voice Thou the robber That robs nari's being Leaving him impotent ..........Leaving him mute ..........O Krishna, Om Krishna What more to say, and how ?!!? It is Thy Grace that narinder seeks !!! AUM narinder bhandariTo be without any Ardhana or Want is the best praer. better than that is the following MAT JANMANAH PHALAM IDAM MADU KAITABHA HARE MAT PRAARTHANEEYA MAT ANUGRAHA ESHA EVA CATVAT BHRITYASYA BHRITYA PARICAARAKA BHRITYA BHRITYABHRITYASYA BHRITYA ITI MAAM SMARA LOKANAATHA tHIS IS THE 24TH Sloka of Mukunda Maalaa by Kulasekhara, as I understand, he is a king and a contemporary of Jesus in Palestine (more than 2000 yrs back). Its substance is: my prayer to you, my Lord, is that ou should remember me not as a king or as your servant; rather treat me and remember me as aservant of servant of ......slaves of your servants servant. I need not elaborate; the content is very clear to the stupidest of the stupidest of- - -of stupids. krishna samudrala.------ IN HINDI Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar .. Yeh mera badan, ai mere humdum, bus khaak hai, suna tau hai main ne ....khaak hai , khaak mein mil jaye gaa.... bahut suna hai main ne Ihsaas iska , ai Khuda , kyunkar ho, kuchh raham kar Roshni rooh ki zahan pe chhaa jae................ kuchh meher kar ............... Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar….. aameen narinder bhandariIN ENGLISH once again, Beloved, this moment now, the heart wails for thee, I pine , I yearn, I cry this body beautiful ... is nought but earth fire and water words keeps falling in the ears ... again , and again,and yet again, we hearSpeak now to me , Beloved , ... how indeed this realisation , blossom in the Mindhow indeed the Mind become the Light that Truth isthe Mind merge in that Light', Lord, be merciful, show me the Light , be kind, Beloved, show me the Path,show me the Way........ once again, this moment now, the heart yearns for thee I wail, , I pine, I cry ........... AUM narinder bhandariDear Sadaks,Sloka: Vasudevam Sutham DevamKamsa Chanura Marthanam---------------. Ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe.People who pray Shiva Bagavan: Tridalam Triguna Karam-------------------ends with Shiva Loka Avapnothi.From Rama Prabavam: Telling "Rama Rama (2 second gap) again Rama Rama (2 seconds gap) repeating 11 times, or 37 times, or 108 times, makes the chakras energies. There by the mind slowly becomes away from desires.B.Sathyanarayan----Tvameva Maata ca Pitaa tvamevaTvameva Bandhusca sakha tvamevaTvameva Vidyaa dravinam tvamevaTvameva Sarvam mama devadevaMy dear Bhagvan Krishna! You are my mother, father, brother, sister, friend, teacher, maintainer, protector and my dear Bhagavan. You are everything for me and I am completely dependent upon You. You are mine and I am Yours! Whatever things I have are actually Yours. I want to use Your things given by in Your service.My dear Bhagvan Ram! I want to remember You all the time. May I never forget You! May I remember You all the time! Please help me remember You while I am doing my activities."Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niraamayaa.Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa kascchid Dukh bhaagbhevet" May everyone be happy and healthy! May everyone see the truth and no one suffer! Please protect everyone and protect my family.Siya Ram mai sab jag jaani; karahu pranaam jori jugpani My dear Bhagvan Ram! Seeing this world as Your form, I offer pranams with folded hands. You reside in my and everyone's heart. Please give me vision so that I can see You in every living entity and objects. With such equal vision, one sees good and bad people equally as they are all part of You. Please remove the faults of rivalry, jealousy and envy as I am supposed to see You in everyone. How can I be jealous or think bad of others if You are in them! Give me strength and ability to serve and help You in form of people around me.More sudhaaro so san bhaanti kripa nahin kripa aghaati. Dear Bhagavan! Fix all kinds of faults in me and improve me. Your mercy never tires in giving mercy.Jaahi per kripa karahi jan jaani, kavi ur ajir naachaavahi vaani. Goddess Saraswati dances on the tongue of those whom You mercifully see as Yours. That person who gets Your mercy gets all the knowledge. I am Yours. You are mine. Please give me Your mercy and accept me as Yours.Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Gaurav Mittal----------------Jai Shri Hari,A prayer is a call by the self to his own "self of self " (supreme self). Thanks for posting beautiful lines of prayers. I loved the word "KarunaSindhu"/ "Lord of Mercy" which is the real listener of the prayers.May God Bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-Shree Hari Ram Ram "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon NahinO' Lord ! O My Very Own Lord! Let Me Never Forget You ! Meera Das, Ram Ram -------Namaste Whether in a state of helplessness or of power, of joy or sorrow....you may approach Bhagavan with Sivananda's Universal Prayer:O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !Salutations and Prostrations Unto Thee !Thou Art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient !Thou Art Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Knowledge-Bliss) !Thou Art the Indweller of All Beings !Grant us an understanding heart,Equal vision, balanced mind,Faith, Devotion and Wisdom !Grant us Inner Spiritual strength,To resist temptations and to control the mind !Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger, jealousy and hatred !Fill our hearts with Divine Virtues !Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms !Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms !Let us ever remember Thee !Let us ever sing Thy glories !Let Thy Name be ever on our lips !Let us Abide in Thee forever and ever !- Swami SivanandaAnother suggestion is a Sharangati Mantra: Om Sri Ramah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Krishnah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Sita-Ramah Sharanam MamaYou may also recite verses from GITA, modified to address Bhagavan, e.g.Destroyed is my delusion, and I have gained my memory through Thy grace, O Achyuta. I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will do Thy word. GITA 18:73I take refuge in You with all thy heart, Bhagavan; by Your grace shalt I attain supreme peace and the eternal abode. GITA 18:62In this Holy Shivratri period you may want to recite a few verses from SVETASVATARA UPANSHAD, e.g.O Rudra! Deign to protect me forever with Thy Benevolent face.May Rudra the Creator and Supporter of the gods, the great seer, the Lord of all, who saw Hiranyagarbha being born, endow us with pure or auspicious intellect.Or, just recite the Maha mantra:Hare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareRam Ram Deosaran Bisnath --------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question regarding prayer. In Hinduism we have lots of wonderful prayers. I would like to mention a few. 'He Krishna karuna sindho,Dina bandho jagat pate,Gopesa gopika kanta,Radha kanta namo stu te. 'Which means,' O My dear Krishna, you are the friend of the distressed, creator of the universe. You are the master of the gopis and the lover of Radharani. I offer my respectful obeisances to You. 'Another one is "Jai jagadish Hare, swami jai jagadish Hare,Bhakta jano ke sankat,Das jano ke sankat,Kshan me dur ka re,OM Jai jagadish Hare. "Which means, ' O jagadish, get rid of the troubles of your devotees and servants. 'There are few more verses for this 'Jai Jagadish Hare' and if anybody is interested I can provide the whole prayer. My favourite Hare Krishna Maha Mantra which can be sung at any time , any place and any where. 'Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare. 'Any prayer or devotional service can advance us spiritually. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D----- When the moment is painful and the mind does not run to seek support of any satisfactory idea, it is in prayer mode, meditation mode.Mind rejects, adjusts with failure or any unfavourable situation by complaining, blaming others, feeling guilty, blaming fate, I will be successful in future and so on.Non-acceptance of the painful moment is to fight an illusory battle; the battle can never end because the non-acceptance causes a division within as if some one else is responsible, whereas in actuality this division does not exist. Acceptance of the present moment is the first and last step towards that oneness, which is the source of all life.The mystery starts unfolding.Y V Chawla-----Shree HariRam Ram To want something is not "prayer". On one hand we say that -Paramatma is All Knowing, and on the other hand we want to tell Him of your wants that - O All knowing One, please know from me, what I want. What ! is this right use of your vivek (discrimination)? If you desire to know something then read from Swamiji's book"Ek Sant ki Vasiyat", his final discourse. What can be beyond that to know or do? So be it. Vineet Sarvottam ------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Vineetji, please listen to Vishesh Pravachan # 401 - Nitya Stuti aur Praartha, where Swamiji indicatesStuti mein mahima hoti hai aur praarthna mein apni yaasnaa, apni kuch maang rakh denaa yeh praarthnaa hoti hai.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htm Swamiji said many different things at different points in time, but there is no conflict with anything. It is all valid. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram Shree Hari-


When I read these wonderful words of Revered Swamiji, my eyes started to smart,

and in my heart I kept saying Amen... Amen....

Oh! My Dear Beloved! Such deep pain, such absolute surrender!

I call it the prayer from the soul, a cry from 'The dark night of the soul'.

I think this is not an intellectual thing, this is experience!

The joy comes after the surrender!

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).


SHREE HARI RAM RAMPlease forgive me as i mutter a prayer towards all sadhaks everywhere . I have learned so much of peace from you so let me share peace.the Lord is my Shepherd..i shall not want..he makes me to lie down in green pasture.He leadeth me beside the still water He refreshes my soul.He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Names sake.He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., thou preparest a table in the midst of mine enemies.thou anointest my head with oil..my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the House of my Father forever.catherine andersen ======================================

Mind is fed by comfort, solace, hope. When suddenly, the short circuit in the momentum of thought shuts the supply of comfort, hope, solace, mind rejects with all its force as its sustenance is coming to an end. It is shocked. This shock causes the death of the present mind and hails a new mind.Y V Chawla --------------

|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

1st February 2010, Monday, Maagh Krishna Dvitiya,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort, till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and once this happens, geniune prayer will take place. Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah | When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from within, then immediately the work will happen. When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position, knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists.

As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen. When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.

From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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Shree Hari Ram Ram SADHAKS PLEASE EXCUSE US, WE HAVE SOME FORMATTING PROBLEMS WITH THIS TOPIC. Swamiji says that "Stuti" refers to singing the glories and greatness of the Lord, like in Gita - Chapter 11.Whereas "Praarthnaa", Prayer is where you put forward some want / wish (maang) in front of the Lord. Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram =============================================NEW POSTING-Shree Hari-Namaste!There seems to be several general thoughts on prayer within this thread.Coming back to the words of Swamiji; 1st February 2010, Monday 'As long as there is egoism, genuine prayer or genuine surrendering to God will not happen. And without genuine prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen.' In fact it would be well worth a second reading of that post below!Some Sadhaks clearly understand, the essence of this post.When one surrenders to HIS will, to HIS mercy, then one will not need to beg not to forget HIM!To me the huge surprise was to find myself throwing myself at HIS feet, crying out for help, knowing from the soul, that 'The Divine Beloved' is my most absolute Father, under huge pressure this absolute knowing comes like a diamond from the deep.My favourite prayer is the prayer of knowing, that has no words, just the knowing of the Divine Presents.Summed up beautifully by the these lines of the twenty third psalm, as per Catherine Andersen:'He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., 'When one feels totally abandon, where absolutely nothing helps your agony, when you feel beyond all help, then! Then, one remembers the Father!Om ... Shanti...Mike (K).--------------Hari OmHey Paramatma! Hey Mahapurush ! Hey Deendayal! Hey Dinanath ! Hey Taat Shree ! You are great, Sir ! Great player, Jee, Great player. Tussi Great Ho Jee !! Real Dramabaaj, Sir ! Clown, Jee, Clown !! These GT Forum people are asking me to presume I am helpless ! With you around, Sir !!But you are capable of making us helpless ! No doubt ! Let me take the bull by the horns !!Gurudev ! What is this you have created ? This world !! Why Sir ? Just for play ? Just because you did not relish being alone ? Don't you realise - Chicken has lost its life and the eater often says ' I did not relish' !! For your fun you have created 'Dukhaalayam' ! Sir, Dukhalayam ashaashwatham ! I ask you - who prevented you from making it 'Sukhaalayam' ? You first give body, mind, intellect and world and then ask children to disconnect with them. Don't enjoy them! Don't relish them! Hey ... Why did you fun around. That right only father has, not the son ! Very good ! If they do not disconnect, you send sorrows. Why Sir ? Tussi Great ho Jee ! BUTI refuse to be sorrowful. O Father, I refuse to get sorrowful. Why I should, Sir? Being your child, why I should ? What is my fault? Did you ask my permission before you dropped me into this world? No ! I am sure for lifting also, you will damn care about me. So you decided. You decidedwho and how my parents/siblings/better half/worse half / kith and kin/ surroundings/caste/creed/colour/country/circumstances/situations would be ! And on top of that you are ever ready to disconnect with a ruthless knife whatever I connect with. Sheer ruthlessness, Sir ! Why ?To awaken me ? Why did you provide for my sleep at first instance?Illay,Sir ! No !! I am your child. Child of the King of all Kings. Never will I worry ! Never will I get sorrowful ! Never will I forget you ! I will never forget how you dealt with me. The very sorrows you meted out to me bear enough testimony that you never forgot me ! Swamiji said : When you receive sorrows , feel your Daddy , Paramatma is looking at you !! Very good, Jee, very good ! Great Father, Sir, Great Father !! You always had me and me only as your target. Never you spared me ! Hence I will also not forget you. Yaad rakhoonga ! Tujhe yaad rakhoonga !! I remember each and every bullet which you fired at me. Who else could have done that, except you ? Typical Daddy, you are ! You only send pain, you only send medicine. You only send birth and you only death ! You only loss and you only profit. You only fame and you only ill fame ! Monopoly, Jee, Monopoly ! Only you are ...nothing we are ! Very good ! In fact I have understood your play. Now come on ! Come On, I say ! Make me sorrowful, if you can. Sir, I have renounced the very desire for happiness ! Make me worry about this body, if you can, Sir ! I have understood it is not mine at all. Sir I have understood that birth, death, loss, profit, fame and ill fame are controlled by you. So I have stopped worrying about the same. I have stopped desiring about the same. But hurting others appears to be your hobby. That is play for you. Okay ! I will apply balm on the wounds of every soul that is hurt. You want that, isn't it ? First you make them suffer, then you want your other children to help them- Karma Yoga, Jee, Karma Yoga !! I am as immortal as you are. Sure, you helped me in understanding that. You also sent Saints like Swamiji who applied balm over my wounds. Who taught me ! Who told me who is behind the arrows piercing the chest of Vaali ! But why this situation arose? Why you could not have helped me without firing those bullets at me also ? Hence I will never forget you ! Never ! Never !! Only you are responsible ! How can I forget you? It is said a person beaten ruthlessly or fed compassionately remembers always the beater and feeder. You have been both to me. Understood, Jee, understood. Rest all were your agents only. You do only one thing....Sir, Only one thing...If I forget you, remind me !Remind me ... And say...O son, how can you forget me...Did not I beat you ruthlessly- absolutely mercilessly ? Did not I apply medicine also on your wounds ? Did not I send Swamiji Maharaj to guide such whimsical and insane soul as that of you ? Did I ever allow you to drown ? Did not I save you from your stupidities ? Did not I pick you up just when you were about to fall in bottomless pits of sinning? What is so important if a film is comedy or tragic, or happy ending or sad ending? 'Dukhalayam' ! Who are you to judge what is good or bad for you? Who is father? You or me ? Make it 'sukhalayam' !! Who prevented you to make it 'sukhalayam' ?? A film is after all a film ! Oye Dream, Jee, Dream! O Son... Dream ! Never a reality - Asat , Jee , Asat ! O Son ! Reality is that I am your Daddy and you are my child !!Hey Paramatma, Hey Mayapati, O Baapji, O Thakurji.. That reminder to me you don't forget ! You don't forget to remind me that I should never forget you ! Well, no chances are there of your forgetting me, because even your ancestors, father, grand father has no capacity to disown me. Ha ! But still to be on safer side , I am praying to you! Hey Naath... Main Aapko Bhooloon Nahin !! You have no capacity to disown me ! Ha ! You are weak there, Sir ! You are weak, weak, weak there ! Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj said so !! Ha! Ha !! Come on! How can you forget me and my prayer ? However I am, I am your child. Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ----------------aum Beloved KrishnaIn the game of twonessYou have smiled as One-ness.AndIn the bliss of one-nessYou have danced as two-ness! And yet, Krishna............. Loving, Beloved, is real; You and I falseYou are false, Govinda, You are falseYou do not exist, nor IOnly Love exists. When I say `I love You Govinda', why do you smile?Love is realLove alone is realAndIn its mad dance of lovingIt chooses to become for one momentYou , The Lord of LordsAnd I, Your eternal plaything, your slave, your sakhaaPining and yearning for YouEcstatically seeking oblivionIn Your lookIn Your smileIn your touch. Aum narinder bhandari-------------------Brahma nandam parama sukhadamKewalam janamutimDwanadamatitam gaganasadhrishamTatmamashyadi lakshipamEka nityam bimalam ayatamSawadhi Sakshi bhutamBhava teetam triguna rahitamSadguru tam namami. Hari Shanker Deo Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!All prayers of Swamiji are sincere and potent, filled with so much humility! One of such as stated by Meeraji, "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon Nahin" So simple! Prayers are, for me, a great opportunity to express my gratitude for everything I have been given. Prayer arises spontaneously when I want to tell God how fortunate I am to just BE! We are all beads in His necklace, and as such we lose our own identity as all glory belong to Necklace!I want to also acknowledge my inability as individual in handling problems of life, so I ask for His help in taping the Intelligence that He is!Never ever has He disappointed me!His way of answering is unique: He doesn't change people around me, He doesn't change my circumstances either, He does more powerful than these, He changes "me"!!! He removes "me" from the scene altogether! Isn't that a smart way to answer prayers? Same situation, same people who may be seeking advantage of "me", but I don't perceive them being problematic anymore! Lord has done it many times in this life! He just doesn't look after vested interest of anyone, including "me" but considers interest of all and changes those who pray!He tells me that "others" are Him including I too , so it doesn't matter who has more money, who sings better than somebody else, who is more famous, who is more healthy, who is king or who is beggar!After all, it is all Him that laughs in every victory and cries in every defeat!He does so, so that I am not left alone to cry or laugh!I sincerely thank you, my Lord for being so kind and understanding!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt------AAJ PRABHU Aaj Prabhu Kuchhh ghat jaye Kahaa sunaa eko ho jayeSuna suna sa Kahaa kahaa sa Ik sangeet kee gunjan Iktaa mein Ik prem kaa bandhan ho jaeIk Gunjan, Govinda Tera apna pyaarShabd kho jayen Ik gehree nistabdhta mein kho jaen Phir goonj uthen wohIk sulgati huee chaah kee pukarAur jhuki nazron se nari sharmayeSahmee saanson mein narinder kho jaeMiln ka dard kuchh aisa ban jaeMit jae nari, mar jaye, mit jae Aur Bus tu hee tu hoGaataa hua Suntaa hua Muskaata hua Astitva Bus tu hee ho, mere Govinda Apnee narinderta mein magan Tu hee tu ho ! Bus tum hee ! Tu Tum ! Aur Tu !!This Moment Now...... This moment Now, Beloved Lord Let Blossoms of Love flower in the Being May speech and hearing their twoness shed ! The hearing not just the hearing The entreaty not just a Prayer Their Music lovingly reverbrating In the embrace of Union ….. Just Love, just Silence ……….The Sound of No Sound caressing Thy slave as your gift of Love, Words disappearing in Silence of Being……….. With only the sound-less sound singing as AUM The Silence then choosing to flower as words Yearning for Silence again Eyes closed in ecstasy of surrender The warm Breath of yearning in nari... to Life eternal awakening And, in the Joy of Death of nariness narinder, at thy lotus feet, dancing. And Lord,be thou Nought else but Thee, Lord Be Thou the singing Minstrel… And the thirsting songbird too In blissful gratitude waltzing, in the downpour from Existence Ever and ever as narinder-ness, May thou as thy own Desire, love and be, O Krishna ! Thou Thee Thine Be the Celebration Divine !O KRISHNA OM KRISHNA O Thou, My Love. Thou art the soundless sound ...........Thou the Silence yet greater, surrounding the sound Thou the Unheard Melody ...............Ever vibrating in nari's ears. The sound itself is the light ............The Light of Love............ that vibrates in Nari’s heart And nari's heart ? Does it exist , when nari himself does not ! The existing that is Existence ..........Is your Being ...........Is your Joy of Being Is the Love of yourself ..............For your own self ! Ah, what can poor nari say !?? ! And, how !?? ! Thou art the thief That steals nari's voice Thou the robber That robs nari's being Leaving him impotent ..........Leaving him mute ..........O Krishna, Om Krishna What more to say, and how ?!!? It is Thy Grace that narinder seeks !!! AUM narinder bhandariTo be without any Ardhana or Want is the best praer. better than that is the following MAT JANMANAH PHALAM IDAM MADU KAITABHA HARE MAT PRAARTHANEEYA MAT ANUGRAHA ESHA EVA CATVAT BHRITYASYA BHRITYA PARICAARAKA BHRITYA BHRITYABHRITYASYA BHRITYA ITI MAAM SMARA LOKANAATHA tHIS IS THE 24TH Sloka of Mukunda Maalaa by Kulasekhara, as I understand, he is a king and a contemporary of Jesus in Palestine (more than 2000 yrs back). Its substance is: my prayer to you, my Lord, is that ou should remember me not as a king or as your servant; rather treat me and remember me as aservant of servant of ......slaves of your servants servant. I need not elaborate; the content is very clear to the stupidest of the stupidest of- - -of stupids. krishna samudrala.------ IN HINDI Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar .. Yeh mera badan, ai mere humdum, bus khaak hai, suna tau hai main ne ....khaak hai , khaak mein mil jaye gaa.... bahut suna hai main ne Ihsaas iska , ai Khuda , kyunkar ho, kuchh raham kar Roshni rooh ki zahan pe chhaa jae................ kuchh meher kar ............... Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar….. aameen narinder bhandariIN ENGLISH once again, Beloved, this moment now, the heart wails for thee, I pine , I yearn, I cry this body beautiful ... is nought but earth fire and water words keeps falling in the ears ... again , and again,and yet again, we hearSpeak now to me , Beloved , ... how indeed this realisation , blossom in the Mindhow indeed the Mind become the Light that Truth isthe Mind merge in that Light', Lord, be merciful, show me the Light , be kind, Beloved, show me the Path,show me the Way........ once again, this moment now, the heart yearns for thee I wail, , I pine, I cry ........... AUM narinder bhandariDear Sadaks,Sloka: Vasudevam Sutham DevamKamsa Chanura Marthanam---------------. Ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe.People who pray Shiva Bagavan: Tridalam Triguna Karam-------------------ends with Shiva Loka Avapnothi.From Rama Prabavam: Telling "Rama Rama (2 second gap) again Rama Rama (2 seconds gap) repeating 11 times, or 37 times, or 108 times, makes the chakras energies. There by the mind slowly becomes away from desires.B.Sathyanarayan----Tvameva Maata ca Pitaa tvamevaTvameva Bandhusca sakha tvamevaTvameva Vidyaa dravinam tvamevaTvameva Sarvam mama devadevaMy dear Bhagvan Krishna! You are my mother, father, brother, sister, friend, teacher, maintainer, protector and my dear Bhagavan. You are everything for me and I am completely dependent upon You. You are mine and I am Yours! Whatever things I have are actually Yours. I want to use Your things given by in Your service.My dear Bhagvan Ram! I want to remember You all the time. May I never forget You! May I remember You all the time! Please help me remember You while I am doing my activities."Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niraamayaa.Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa kascchid Dukh bhaagbhevet" May everyone be happy and healthy! May everyone see the truth and no one suffer! Please protect everyone and protect my family.Siya Ram mai sab jag jaani; karahu pranaam jori jugpani My dear Bhagvan Ram! Seeing this world as Your form, I offer pranams with folded hands. You reside in my and everyone's heart. Please give me vision so that I can see You in every living entity and objects. With such equal vision, one sees good and bad people equally as they are all part of You. Please remove the faults of rivalry, jealousy and envy as I am supposed to see You in everyone. How can I be jealous or think bad of others if You are in them! Give me strength and ability to serve and help You in form of people around me.More sudhaaro so san bhaanti kripa nahin kripa aghaati. Dear Bhagavan! Fix all kinds of faults in me and improve me. Your mercy never tires in giving mercy.Jaahi per kripa karahi jan jaani, kavi ur ajir naachaavahi vaani. Goddess Saraswati dances on the tongue of those whom You mercifully see as Yours. That person who gets Your mercy gets all the knowledge. I am Yours. You are mine. Please give me Your mercy and accept me as Yours.Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Gaurav Mittal----------------Jai Shri Hari,A prayer is a call by the self to his own "self of self " (supreme self). Thanks for posting beautiful lines of prayers. I loved the word "KarunaSindhu"/ "Lord of Mercy" which is the real listener of the prayers.May God Bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-Shree Hari Ram Ram "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon NahinO' Lord ! O My Very Own Lord! Let Me Never Forget You ! Meera Das, Ram Ram -------Namaste Whether in a state of helplessness or of power, of joy or sorrow....you may approach Bhagavan with Sivananda's Universal Prayer:O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !Salutations and Prostrations Unto Thee !Thou Art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient !Thou Art Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Knowledge-Bliss) !Thou Art the Indweller of All Beings !Grant us an understanding heart,Equal vision, balanced mind,Faith, Devotion and Wisdom !Grant us Inner Spiritual strength,To resist temptations and to control the mind !Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger, jealousy and hatred !Fill our hearts with Divine Virtues !Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms !Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms !Let us ever remember Thee !Let us ever sing Thy glories !Let Thy Name be ever on our lips !Let us Abide in Thee forever and ever !- Swami SivanandaAnother suggestion is a Sharangati Mantra: Om Sri Ramah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Krishnah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Sita-Ramah Sharanam MamaYou may also recite verses from GITA, modified to address Bhagavan, e.g.Destroyed is my delusion, and I have gained my memory through Thy grace, O Achyuta. I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will do Thy word. GITA 18:73I take refuge in You with all thy heart, Bhagavan; by Your grace shalt I attain supreme peace and the eternal abode. GITA 18:62In this Holy Shivratri period you may want to recite a few verses from SVETASVATARA UPANSHAD, e.g.O Rudra! Deign to protect me forever with Thy Benevolent face.May Rudra the Creator and Supporter of the gods, the great seer, the Lord of all, who saw Hiranyagarbha being born, endow us with pure or auspicious intellect.Or, just recite the Maha mantra:Hare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareRam Ram Deosaran Bisnath --------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question regarding prayer. In Hinduism we have lots of wonderful prayers. I would like to mention a few. 'He Krishna karuna sindho,Dina bandho jagat pate,Gopesa gopika kanta,Radha kanta namo stu te. 'Which means,' O My dear Krishna, you are the friend of the distressed, creator of the universe. You are the master of the gopis and the lover of Radharani. I offer my respectful obeisances to You. 'Another one is "Jai jagadish Hare, swami jai jagadish Hare,Bhakta jano ke sankat,Das jano ke sankat,Kshan me dur ka re,OM Jai jagadish Hare. "Which means, ' O jagadish, get rid of the troubles of your devotees and servants. 'There are few more verses for this 'Jai Jagadish Hare' and if anybody is interested I can provide the whole prayer. My favourite Hare Krishna Maha Mantra which can be sung at any time , any place and any where. 'Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare. 'Any prayer or devotional service can advance us spiritually. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D----- When the moment is painful and the mind does not run to seek support of any satisfactory idea, it is in prayer mode, meditation mode.Mind rejects, adjusts with failure or any unfavourable situation by complaining, blaming others, feeling guilty, blaming fate, I will be successful in future and so on.Non-acceptance of the painful moment is to fight an illusory battle; the battle can never end because the non-acceptance causes a division within as if some one else is responsible, whereas in actuality this division does not exist. Acceptance of the present moment is the first and last step towards that oneness, which is the source of all life.The mystery starts unfolding.Y V Chawla-----Shree HariRam Ram To want something is not "prayer". On one hand we say that -Paramatma is All Knowing, and on the other hand we want to tell Him of your wants that - O All knowing One, please know from me, what I want. What ! is this right use of your vivek (discrimination)? If you desire to know something then read from Swamiji's book"Ek Sant ki Vasiyat", his final discourse. What can be beyond that to know or do? So be it. Vineet Sarvottam ------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Vineetji, please listen to Vishesh Pravachan # 401 - Nitya Stuti aur Praartha, where Swamiji indicatesStuti mein mahima hoti hai aur praarthna mein apni yaasnaa, apni kuch maang rakh denaa yeh praarthnaa hoti hai.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htm Swamiji said many different things at different points in time, but there is no conflict with anything. It is all valid. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram Shree Hari-


When I read these wonderful words of Revered Swamiji, my eyes started to smart,

and in my heart I kept saying Amen... Amen....

Oh! My Dear Beloved! Such deep pain, such absolute surrender!

I call it the prayer from the soul, a cry from 'The dark night of the soul'.

I think this is not an intellectual thing, this is experience!

The joy comes after the surrender!

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).


SHREE HARI RAM RAMPlease forgive me as i mutter a prayer towards all sadhaks everywhere . I have learned so much of peace from you so let me share peace.the Lord is my Shepherd..i shall not want..he makes me to lie down in green pasture.He leadeth me beside the still water He refreshes my soul.He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Names sake.He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., thou preparest a table in the midst of mine enemies.thou anointest my head with oil..my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the House of my Father forever.catherine andersen ======================================

Mind is fed by comfort, solace, hope. When suddenly, the short circuit in the momentum of thought shuts the supply of comfort, hope, solace, mind rejects with all its force as its sustenance is coming to an end. It is shocked. This shock causes the death of the present mind and hails a new mind.Y V Chawla --------------

|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

1st February 2010, Monday, Maagh Krishna Dvitiya,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort, till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and once this happens, geniune prayer will take place. Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah | When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from within, then immediately the work will happen. When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position, knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists.

As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen. When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.

From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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Shree Hari Ram Ram SADHAKS PLEASE EXCUSE US, WE HAVE SOME FORMATTING PROBLEMS WITH THIS TOPIC. Swamiji says that "Stuti" refers to singing the glories and greatness of the Lord, like in Gita - Chapter 11.Whereas "Praarthnaa", Prayer is where you put forward some want / wish (maang) in front of the Lord. Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram =============================================NEW POSTINGShri Krishnah sharanam mama.I believe that the bottom line of a prayer ought be that you do not ask from God anything whatsoever of the material world. The simple reason for this is that it is a sure shot prescription to remain entangled in tormenting web of the eternal cycleof death and birth, which is not the purpose of a human birth. Thus those who only(or also) seek wealth, health, fame, pleasures,… and all such material things fromGod, will surely get the same, may be in this birth or in any of the future births, but will also be liable to commit many more such blunders of seeking God's favour in the form of worldly attributes and thus continue to suffer eternally. This goes against all the holy prescriptions and is also against the very basis of Bhakti.An ideal form of connecting with God is therefore either by Stuti (singing the glory and kindness of God) or Vinati (prarthana) by seeking (maang) only His love and your constant and continuous devotion and unconditional surrender to Him.K.N. Sharma-------------------------------Jai HanumanPrayer ! Well to my mind it is essentially MINENESS with Paramatma. Once Swamiji was asked:Which relationship I should establish with Paramatma? He answered - Any which you like. That of Daas ( slave), of Son , of Father , of Mother, of Friend, of Master, of Servant, of Guru, of Disciple, of Husband….God is eveready to reciprocate in the same manner. But it is generally stated by Saints that relationship of a friend with Him is the best. However, in most of the Shruti there relationship of Father and Son or God being Master and Jeeva being Servant is observed. God is open. WHICHEVER WAY YOU APPROACH HIM, HE IS THERE ! Mirabaai saw husband in Lord Krishna. Draupadi saw brother in Him. Yashoda…a child in Lord Krishna. All were right. In fact God is a did-interested FRIEND of every soul. We are His part and parcel. But constant sorrows and helplessness received by Jeeva during his stay with this DUKHALAYAM often makes him a slave of Paramatma. Jeeva finds it the only alternative to be His son. But actually He is ready to establish ANY relationship with you! Try any "stick to it"¦Talk with Him in silence - cry before Him - laugh before Him - what a pleasure each such emotion imparts. He heeds, Sadhaks In fact only He heeds and no one else !! You can order Him, you can challenge Him, you can fire Him, you can get angry with Him, you can love Him, you can allege Him…you can do whatever you want to do - just establish relationship "be a mosquito" Garuda will come running to you !!! Saints have said: " Keedi ke pag nupur baaje woh bhi Saheb sunata hai" ! Even a sound of some leg ornament worn by an ant is heard by God. Need is only to have MINE-NESS with Him. Key is MINE-NESS with Him. To my mind ..egolessness or purity or auspiciousness or intentions are secondary. Primary is MINE-Ness ! "He is mine" ! Just as a child believes that Mom is mine, you should have belief that God is mine. Does a child observe any disciplines/rules/regulations while dealing with Mom? No! You too neednot, Divine Sadhaks. Just out of sheer "mineness" call Him. O God ... You are mine, I am yours. Draupadi had an inauspicious desire vis-a-vis Dushashana. She said- " I will not tie my hairs , I will keep my hair open, till I wash them with the blood taken out from the chest of Dushashana." Even with such vengeance ridden mind/intellect...she was devotee and perfect devotee of Lord Krishna. She could order Him, question Him, fire Him..! How? Because of mine-ness !Hence establish mineness with Paramatma. Your EVERY deed, thought and emotion then becomes the Prayer. Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala--------------------------------Stuti and Praarthana … state of helplessness … state of self-sufficiency … Anything done in state of helplessness is out of the fear of loosing dependence, loosing grounds, loosing survival … such a state can arise only when one is not self-reliant and self-sufficient … what else can be sought in such a state but to seek to protect the ever-vulnerable state of survival in this world ... all the thoughts raising from such a state cannot be anything but self-centered, rather ego-centered. The line between the ego and the self is very thin … an assumption of the self is the ego while the awareness of the ego is the self. Assumed state of the self within an individual dominion - the ego, in other words - is the true ignorance which causes the fear of existence as the very dominion appears crumbling striving to withstand the environmental wrath of challenges and hurdles in survival. Therefore, whatever one does in such a helpless self-deficient state would only seek onething - to promote the individual existence as the ego preceives ... as the ignorance perceives. The self-awareness can never be an agenda there ... unless the ego realizes its own limitations, dificiencies and opaqueness. Just like the line between the awareness and ignorance, the line between the ego's perception on the world and itself is also very thin ... it has been relentlessly busy in looking outward ... it has to just flip its attention within ... to itself ... the thin line WILL evaporate ... Stuti is an instrument devised to cleanse the outward attention in the ego ... to divinize its outlook on the existence ... to reveal its ignorance in its object-dependence in survival and its self-omposed confinement in the resulting bondage ... to levitate its awareness of the world toward an objective appreciation acknowledging the freedom all around to appreciate the same within ... as the freedom within is revealed, it can plunge into its own abyss wherein ONLY FREEDOM resides and nothing else ... THE BLISS that presides the abyss of its very presence pervades the whole universe as the ego cannot withold its self-imposed ignorance anymore ... the thin line between the ego and the self mitigates ... THE SELF prevails as is ... and as ever ... Praarthana is an instrument devised to cleanse the inward corruption the ego has amassed over its life in terms of instincts, tendencies, attitudes and behaviors at various sublime, subtle and gross levels of its existence … to dig-in to the root causes for all its Vaasanaas which are perpetually throwing it into the pit of helplessness ... to dig-in to the root causes of all its fears and desires due to which the very helplessness seeks birth in the first place ... to seek the very cause for all helpness, fears-and-desires, instincts-tendencies-attitudes-and-behaviors, all its miseries individually as well as collectively - itself! When the ignorance seeks itself, its own reality is instantly revealed leaving no space for its existence anymore ... the ego has no room anymore ... the individual attains one's true abode, The Self leaving nothing else around. Where is this cry for help (Praarthana) is coming from and for what? If it is coming from the ego to strengthen its own existence - desire prevails, dominates and consumes the fellow. If the same ego truthfully looks at its own vulnerability, its true strength comes out - to be the self rather than pretending to be one! When THE SELF, THE COMPLETENESS, is attained from within, what can be left within to seek any attainment? ... and, how can a helplessness consume the fellow anymore?Yastvaatmaratireva syaat aatmatriptashcha maanavah |Aatmanyeva cha santushTah tasya kaaryam na vidyate ||Where is this praising (Stuti) going to and for what? If it is arising from the ego to seek alliance in the world for its own promotion - fear prevails, dominates and consumes the fellow. If the ego truthfully looks at the existential vulnerability of the world and the worldly objects it is restlessly depending upon for its own existence, its true vulnerability comes out - to be anything other than itself! When, it realizes truely and truthfully how to be ITSELF, THE FREEDOM, what is there left around to constrain and bind the fellow with? ... and, how can helplessness consume the fellow anymore??Naiva tasya kritenaartho naakriteneha kashchana |Na chaasya sarvabhooteshu kashchidarthavyapaashrayah || Let us … truly and truthfully, let us …… be the Stuti … be the Praarthana … be the Upaasana that is both … … cleanse our worldly perception … cleanse our self-ignorance … be The Clean, The Awareness, as such … Om Shaantih shaantih shaantih …Respects.Naga Narayana------------------ IF YOUR MIND IS GOOD YOU WILL FEEL THE MAGIC OF PEACEIF YOUR MIND IS BAD YOU WILL NOT BE SATISFEID WITH YOUR STATEVibiesh Chungath -----------------------------Shree Hari-Namaste!There seems to be several general thoughts on prayer within this thread.Coming back to the words of Swamiji; 1st February 2010, Monday 'As long as there is egoism, genuine prayer or genuine surrendering to God will not happen. And without genuine prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen.' In fact it would be well worth a second reading of that post below!Some Sadhaks clearly understand, the essence of this post.When one surrenders to HIS will, to HIS mercy, then one will not need to beg not to forget HIM!To me the huge surprise was to find myself throwing myself at HIS feet, crying out for help, knowing from the soul, that 'The Divine Beloved' is my most absolute Father, under huge pressure this absolute knowing comes like a diamond from the deep.My favourite prayer is the prayer of knowing, that has no words, just the knowing of the Divine Presents.Summed up beautifully by the these lines of the twenty third psalm, as per Catherine Andersen:'He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., 'When one feels totally abandon, where absolutely nothing helps your agony, when you feel beyond all help, then! Then, one remembers the Father!Om ... Shanti...Mike (K).--------------Hari OmHey Paramatma! Hey Mahapurush ! Hey Deendayal! Hey Dinanath ! Hey Taat Shree ! You are great, Sir ! Great player, Jee, Great player. Tussi Great Ho Jee !! Real Dramabaaj, Sir ! Clown, Jee, Clown !! These GT Forum people are asking me to presume I am helpless ! With you around, Sir !!But you are capable of making us helpless ! No doubt ! Let me take the bull by the horns !!Gurudev ! What is this you have created ? This world !! Why Sir ? Just for play ? Just because you did not relish being alone ? Don't you realise - Chicken has lost its life and the eater often says ' I did not relish' !! For your fun you have created 'Dukhaalayam' ! Sir, Dukhalayam ashaashwatham ! I ask you - who prevented you from making it 'Sukhaalayam' ? You first give body, mind, intellect and world and then ask children to disconnect with them. Don't enjoy them! Don't relish them! Hey ... Why did you fun around. That right only father has, not the son ! Very good ! If they do not disconnect, you send sorrows. Why Sir ? Tussi Great ho Jee ! BUTI refuse to be sorrowful. O Father, I refuse to get sorrowful. Why I should, Sir? Being your child, why I should ? What is my fault? Did you ask my permission before you dropped me into this world? No ! I am sure for lifting also, you will damn care about me. So you decided. You decidedwho and how my parents/siblings/better half/worse half / kith and kin/ surroundings/caste/creed/colour/country/circumstances/situations would be ! And on top of that you are ever ready to disconnect with a ruthless knife whatever I connect with. Sheer ruthlessness, Sir ! Why ?To awaken me ? Why did you provide for my sleep at first instance?Illay,Sir ! No !! I am your child. Child of the King of all Kings. Never will I worry ! Never will I get sorrowful ! Never will I forget you ! I will never forget how you dealt with me. The very sorrows you meted out to me bear enough testimony that you never forgot me ! Swamiji said : When you receive sorrows , feel your Daddy , Paramatma is looking at you !! Very good, Jee, very good ! Great Father, Sir, Great Father !! You always had me and me only as your target. Never you spared me ! Hence I will also not forget you. Yaad rakhoonga ! Tujhe yaad rakhoonga !! I remember each and every bullet which you fired at me. Who else could have done that, except you ? Typical Daddy, you are ! You only send pain, you only send medicine. You only send birth and you only death ! You only loss and you only profit. You only fame and you only ill fame ! Monopoly, Jee, Monopoly ! Only you are ...nothing we are ! Very good ! In fact I have understood your play. Now come on ! Come On, I say ! Make me sorrowful, if you can. Sir, I have renounced the very desire for happiness ! Make me worry about this body, if you can, Sir ! I have understood it is not mine at all. Sir I have understood that birth, death, loss, profit, fame and ill fame are controlled by you. So I have stopped worrying about the same. I have stopped desiring about the same. But hurting others appears to be your hobby. That is play for you. Okay ! I will apply balm on the wounds of every soul that is hurt. You want that, isn't it ? First you make them suffer, then you want your other children to help them- Karma Yoga, Jee, Karma Yoga !! I am as immortal as you are. Sure, you helped me in understanding that. You also sent Saints like Swamiji who applied balm over my wounds. Who taught me ! Who told me who is behind the arrows piercing the chest of Vaali ! But why this situation arose? Why you could not have helped me without firing those bullets at me also ? Hence I will never forget you ! Never ! Never !! Only you are responsible ! How can I forget you? It is said a person beaten ruthlessly or fed compassionately remembers always the beater and feeder. You have been both to me. Understood, Jee, understood. Rest all were your agents only. You do only one thing....Sir, Only one thing...If I forget you, remind me !Remind me ... And say...O son, how can you forget me...Did not I beat you ruthlessly- absolutely mercilessly ? Did not I apply medicine also on your wounds ? Did not I send Swamiji Maharaj to guide such whimsical and insane soul as that of you ? Did I ever allow you to drown ? Did not I save you from your stupidities ? Did not I pick you up just when you were about to fall in bottomless pits of sinning? What is so important if a film is comedy or tragic, or happy ending or sad ending? 'Dukhalayam' ! Who are you to judge what is good or bad for you? Who is father? You or me ? Make it 'sukhalayam' !! Who prevented you to make it 'sukhalayam' ?? A film is after all a film ! Oye Dream, Jee, Dream! O Son... Dream ! Never a reality - Asat , Jee , Asat ! O Son ! Reality is that I am your Daddy and you are my child !!Hey Paramatma, Hey Mayapati, O Baapji, O Thakurji.. That reminder to me you don't forget ! You don't forget to remind me that I should never forget you ! Well, no chances are there of your forgetting me, because even your ancestors, father, grand father has no capacity to disown me. Ha ! But still to be on safer side , I am praying to you! Hey Naath... Main Aapko Bhooloon Nahin !! You have no capacity to disown me ! Ha ! You are weak there, Sir ! You are weak, weak, weak there ! Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj said so !! Ha! Ha !! Come on! How can you forget me and my prayer ? However I am, I am your child. Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ----------------aum Beloved KrishnaIn the game of twonessYou have smiled as One-ness.AndIn the bliss of one-nessYou have danced as two-ness! And yet, Krishna............. Loving, Beloved, is real; You and I falseYou are false, Govinda, You are falseYou do not exist, nor IOnly Love exists. When I say `I love You Govinda', why do you smile?Love is realLove alone is realAndIn its mad dance of lovingIt chooses to become for one momentYou , The Lord of LordsAnd I, Your eternal plaything, your slave, your sakhaaPining and yearning for YouEcstatically seeking oblivionIn Your lookIn Your smileIn your touch. Aum narinder bhandari-------------------Brahma nandam parama sukhadamKewalam janamutimDwanadamatitam gaganasadhrishamTatmamashyadi lakshipamEka nityam bimalam ayatamSawadhi Sakshi bhutamBhava teetam triguna rahitamSadguru tam namami. Hari Shanker Deo----Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!All prayers of Swamiji are sincere and potent, filled with so much humility! One of such as stated by Meeraji, "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon Nahin" So simple! Prayers are, for me, a great opportunity to express my gratitude for everything I have been given. Prayer arises spontaneously when I want to tell God how fortunate I am to just BE! We are all beads in His necklace, and as such we lose our own identity as all glory belong to Necklace!I want to also acknowledge my inability as individual in handling problems of life, so I ask for His help in taping the Intelligence that He is!

Never ever has He disappointed me!His way of answering is unique: He doesn't change people around me, He doesn't change my circumstances either, He does more powerful than these, He changes "me"!!! He removes "me" from the scene altogether! Isn't that a smart way to answer prayers? Same situation, same people who may be seeking advantage of "me", but I don't perceive them being problematic anymore! Lord has done it many times in this life! He just doesn't look after vested interest of anyone, including "me" but considers interest of all and changes those who pray!He tells me that "others" are Him including I too , so it doesn't matter who has more money, who sings better

than somebody else, who is more famous, who is more healthy, who is king or who is beggar!After all, it is all Him that laughs in every victory and cries in every defeat!He does so, so that I am not left alone to cry or laugh!I sincerely thank you, my Lord for being so kind and understanding!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt------AAJ PRABHU Aaj Prabhu Kuchhh ghat jaye Kahaa sunaa eko ho jayeSuna suna sa Kahaa kahaa sa Ik sangeet kee gunjan Iktaa mein Ik prem kaa bandhan ho jaeIk Gunjan, Govinda Tera apna pyaarShabd kho jayen Ik gehree nistabdhta mein kho jaen Phir goonj uthen wohIk sulgati huee chaah kee pukarAur jhuki nazron se nari sharmayeSahmee saanson mein narinder kho jaeMiln ka dard kuchh aisa ban jaeMit jae nari, mar jaye, mit jae Aur Bus tu hee tu hoGaataa hua Suntaa hua Muskaata hua Astitva Bus tu hee ho, mere Govinda Apnee narinderta mein magan Tu hee tu ho ! Bus tum hee ! Tu Tum ! Aur Tu !!This Moment Now...... This moment Now, Beloved Lord Let Blossoms of Love flower in the Being May speech and hearing their twoness shed ! The hearing not just the hearing The entreaty not just a Prayer Their Music lovingly reverbrating In the embrace of Union ….. Just Love, just Silence ……….The Sound of No Sound caressing Thy slave as your gift of Love, Words disappearing in Silence of Being……….. With only the sound-less sound singing as AUM The Silence then choosing to flower as words Yearning for Silence again Eyes closed in ecstasy of surrender The warm Breath of yearning in nari... to Life eternal awakening And, in the Joy of Death of nariness narinder, at thy lotus feet, dancing. And Lord,be thou Nought else but Thee, Lord Be Thou the singing Minstrel… And the thirsting songbird too In blissful gratitude waltzing, in the downpour from Existence Ever and ever as narinder-ness, May thou as thy own Desire, love and be, O Krishna ! Thou Thee Thine Be the Celebration Divine !O KRISHNA OM KRISHNA O Thou, My Love. Thou art the soundless sound ...........Thou the Silence yet greater, surrounding the sound Thou the Unheard Melody ...............Ever vibrating in nari's ears. The sound itself is the light ............The Light of Love............ that vibrates in Nari’s heart And nari's heart ? Does it exist , when nari himself does not ! The existing that is Existence ..........Is your Being ...........Is your Joy of Being Is the Love of yourself ..............For your own self ! Ah, what can poor nari say !?? ! And, how !?? ! Thou art the thief That steals nari's voice Thou the robber That robs nari's being Leaving him impotent ..........Leaving him mute ..........O Krishna, Om Krishna What more to say, and how ?!!? It is Thy Grace that narinder seeks !!! AUM narinder bhandariTo be without any Ardhana or Want is the best praer. better than that is the following MAT JANMANAH PHALAM IDAM MADU KAITABHA HARE MAT PRAARTHANEEYA MAT ANUGRAHA ESHA EVA CATVAT BHRITYASYA BHRITYA PARICAARAKA BHRITYA BHRITYABHRITYASYA BHRITYA ITI MAAM SMARA LOKANAATHA tHIS IS THE 24TH Sloka of Mukunda Maalaa by Kulasekhara, as I understand, he is a king and a contemporary of Jesus in Palestine (more than 2000 yrs back). Its substance is: my prayer to you, my Lord, is that ou should remember me not as a king or as your servant; rather treat me and remember me as aservant of servant of ......slaves of your servants servant. I need not elaborate; the content is very clear to the stupidest of the stupidest of- - -of stupids. krishna samudrala.------IN HINDI Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar .. Yeh mera badan, ai mere humdum, bus khaak hai, suna tau hai main ne ....khaak hai , khaak mein mil jaye gaa.... bahut suna hai main ne Ihsaas iska , ai Khuda , kyunkar ho, kuchh raham kar Roshni rooh ki zahan pe chhaa jae................ kuchh meher kar ............... Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar….. aameen narinder bhandariIN ENGLISH once again, Beloved, this moment now, the heart wails for thee, I pine , I yearn, I cry this body beautiful ... is nought but earth fire and water words keeps falling in the ears ... again , and again,and yet again, we hearSpeak now to me , Beloved , ... how indeed this realisation , blossom in the Mindhow indeed the Mind become the Light that Truth isthe Mind merge in that Light', Lord, be merciful, show me the Light , be kind, Beloved, show me the Path,show me the Way........ once again, this moment now, the heart yearns for thee I wail, , I pine, I cry ........... AUM narinder bhandariDear Sadaks,Sloka: Vasudevam Sutham DevamKamsa Chanura Marthanam---------------. Ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe.People who pray Shiva Bagavan: Tridalam Triguna Karam-------------------ends with Shiva Loka Avapnothi.From Rama Prabavam: Telling "Rama Rama (2 second gap) again Rama Rama (2 seconds gap) repeating 11 times, or 37 times, or 108 times, makes the chakras energies. There by the mind slowly becomes away from desires.B.Sathyanarayan----Tvameva Maata ca Pitaa tvamevaTvameva Bandhusca sakha tvamevaTvameva Vidyaa dravinam tvamevaTvameva Sarvam mama devadevaMy dear Bhagvan Krishna! You are my mother, father, brother, sister, friend, teacher, maintainer, protector and my dear Bhagavan. You are everything for me and I am completely dependent upon You. You are mine and I am Yours! Whatever things I have are actually Yours. I want to use Your things given by in Your service.My dear Bhagvan Ram! I want to remember You all the time. May I never forget You! May I remember You all the time! Please help me remember You while I am doing my activities."Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niraamayaa.Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa kascchid Dukh bhaagbhevet" May everyone be happy and healthy! May everyone see the truth and no one suffer! Please protect everyone and protect my family.Siya Ram mai sab jag jaani; karahu pranaam jori jugpani My dear Bhagvan Ram! Seeing this world as Your form, I offer pranams with folded hands. You reside in my and everyone's heart. Please give me vision so that I can see You in every living entity and objects. With such equal vision, one sees good and bad people equally as they are all part of You. Please remove the faults of rivalry, jealousy and envy as I am supposed to see You in everyone. How can I be jealous or think bad of others if You are in them! Give me strength and ability to serve and help You in form of people around me.More sudhaaro so san bhaanti kripa nahin kripa aghaati. Dear Bhagavan! Fix all kinds of faults in me and improve me. Your mercy never tires in giving mercy.Jaahi per kripa karahi jan jaani, kavi ur ajir naachaavahi vaani. Goddess Saraswati dances on the tongue of those whom You mercifully see as Yours. That person who gets Your mercy gets all the knowledge. I am Yours. You are mine. Please give me Your mercy and accept me as Yours.Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Gaurav Mittal----------------Jai Shri Hari,A prayer is a call by the self to his own "self of self " (supreme self). Thanks for posting beautiful lines of prayers. I loved the word "KarunaSindhu"/ "Lord of Mercy" which is the real listener of the prayers.May God Bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-Shree Hari Ram Ram "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon NahinO' Lord ! O My Very Own Lord! Let Me Never Forget You ! Meera Das, Ram Ram -------Namaste Whether in a state of helplessness or of power, of joy or sorrow....you may approach Bhagavan with Sivananda's Universal Prayer:O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !Salutations and Prostrations Unto Thee !Thou Art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient !Thou Art Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Knowledge-Bliss) !Thou Art the Indweller of All Beings !Grant us an understanding heart,Equal vision, balanced mind,Faith, Devotion and Wisdom !Grant us Inner Spiritual strength,To resist temptations and to control the mind !Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger, jealousy and hatred !Fill our hearts with Divine Virtues !Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms !Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms !Let us ever remember Thee !Let us ever sing Thy glories !Let Thy Name be ever on our lips !Let us Abide in Thee forever and ever !- Swami SivanandaAnother suggestion is a Sharangati Mantra: Om Sri Ramah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Krishnah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Sita-Ramah Sharanam MamaYou may also recite verses from GITA, modified to address Bhagavan, e.g.Destroyed is my delusion, and I have gained my memory through Thy grace, O Achyuta. I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will do Thy word. GITA 18:73I take refuge in You with all thy heart, Bhagavan; by Your grace shalt I attain supreme peace and the eternal abode. GITA 18:62In this Holy Shivratri period you may want to recite a few verses from SVETASVATARA UPANSHAD, e.g.O Rudra! Deign to protect me forever with Thy Benevolent face.May Rudra the Creator and Supporter of the gods, the great seer, the Lord of all, who saw Hiranyagarbha being born, endow us with pure or auspicious intellect.Or, just recite the Maha mantra:Hare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareRam Ram Deosaran Bisnath --------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question regarding prayer. In Hinduism we have lots of wonderful prayers. I would like to mention a few. 'He Krishna karuna sindho,Dina bandho jagat pate,Gopesa gopika kanta,Radha kanta namo stu te. 'Which means,' O My dear Krishna, you are the friend of the distressed, creator of the universe. You are the master of the gopis and the lover of Radharani. I offer my respectful obeisances to You. 'Another one is "Jai jagadish Hare, swami jai jagadish Hare,Bhakta jano ke sankat,Das jano ke sankat,Kshan me dur ka re,OM Jai jagadish Hare. "Which means, ' O jagadish, get rid of the troubles of your devotees and servants. 'There are few more verses for this 'Jai Jagadish Hare' and if anybody is interested I can provide the whole prayer. My favourite Hare Krishna Maha Mantra which can be sung at any time , any place and any where. 'Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare. 'Any prayer or devotional service can advance us spiritually. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D----- When the moment is painful and the mind does not run to seek support of any satisfactory idea, it is in prayer mode, meditation mode.Mind rejects, adjusts with failure or any unfavourable situation by complaining, blaming others, feeling guilty, blaming fate, I will be successful in future and so on.Non-acceptance of the painful moment is to fight an illusory battle; the battle can never end because the non-acceptance causes a division within as if some one else is responsible, whereas in actuality this division does not exist. Acceptance of the present moment is the first and last step towards that oneness, which is the source of all life.The mystery starts unfolding.Y V Chawla-----Shree HariRam Ram To want something is not "prayer". On one hand we say that -Paramatma is All Knowing, and on the other hand we want to tell Him of your wants that - O All knowing One, please know from me, what I want. What ! is this right use of your vivek (discrimination)? If you desire to know something then read from Swamiji's book"Ek Sant ki Vasiyat", his final discourse. What can be beyond that to know or do? So be it. Vineet Sarvottam ------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Vineetji, please listen to Vishesh Pravachan # 401 - Nitya Stuti aur Praartha, where Swamiji indicatesStuti mein mahima hoti hai aur praarthna mein apni yaasnaa, apni kuch maang rakh denaa yeh praarthnaa hoti hai.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htm Swamiji said many different things at different points in time, but there is no conflict with anything. It is all valid. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram Shree Hari-


When I read these wonderful words of Revered Swamiji, my eyes started to smart,

and in my heart I kept saying Amen... Amen....

Oh! My Dear Beloved! Such deep pain, such absolute surrender!

I call it the prayer from the soul, a cry from 'The dark night of the soul'.

I think this is not an intellectual thing, this is experience!

The joy comes after the surrender!

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).


SHREE HARI RAM RAMPlease forgive me as i mutter a prayer towards all sadhaks everywhere . I have learned so much of peace from you so let me share peace.the Lord is my Shepherd..i shall not want..he makes me to lie down in green pasture.He leadeth me beside the still water He refreshes my soul.He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Names sake.He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., thou preparest a table in the midst of mine enemies.thou anointest my head with oil..my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the House of my Father forever.catherine andersen ======================================

Mind is fed by comfort, solace, hope. When suddenly, the short circuit in the momentum of thought

shuts the supply of comfort, hope, solace, mind rejects with all its force as its sustenance is coming to an

end. It is shocked. This shock causes the death of the present mind and hails a new mind.Y V Chawla


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

1st February 2010, Monday, Maagh Krishna Dvitiya,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort, till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and once this happens, geniune prayer will take place. Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah | When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from within, then immediately the work will happen. When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position, knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists.

As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen. When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.

From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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Shree Hari Ram Ram SADHAKS PLEASE EXCUSE US, WE HAVE SOME FORMATTING PROBLEMS WITH THIS TOPIC. Swamiji says that "Stuti" refers to singing the glories and greatness of the Lord, like in Gita - Chapter 11.Whereas "Praarthnaa", Prayer is where you put forward some want / wish (maang) in front of the Lord. Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram =============================================NEW POSTINGDear Sadhaks, When I raise my hands in prayer I have no words, I just know that I am a puppet dancing on Your finger tips my beloved Krishna. Whatever I am, whoever I am,however I am, its all your play. Actually the entity I called "I" does not exist, its all YOU and only YOU my dear.So what can I demand ? Do whatever You have to do with this entity(I). I only know one thing "ONLY YOU are MINE", and I am Yours. Thats it. With Love,A sadhikaSadhna Karigar --------------------------Stuti Kruishna, Kruishna .....Silently does nari sing your song Kruishna Kruishna Kruishna In Silence does nari sing of Kruishna Kruishna , the Truth of Being Kruishna , The Love of Being Kruishna, the Bliss of Being Kruishna , the Beauty of Being Kruishna, the Light of LightsKruishna, in whose embrace, Darkness becomes the womb of Light The Sun, The Moon, The Stars That shine and sing the Glory of the SelfThe Self, who is KruishnaThe Light of Lights !Krishna Krishna Silently nari sings your song Thou art Truth Thou the Light Thou, verily , the Love That You bring into nari’s Life To lead him into Your embraceKruishna, Kruishna .....Silently does nari sing your song Kruishna Kruishna Kruishna Prarthana The prayer is an arising Out of nowhere does prayer arise in the Heart,No reason for arising, this prayer ah ! The Prayer for love and peace Is nought but the Light of One-nessHis own Gift, His own Joynought but Love, nought but Silence, nought but Peace Yet He is not that, nor Thou that Neti, neti, neti, He is not this, He is not that. He is not the other, Beyond,yonder beyond is He, Beyond, beyond , beyond is the Self, the essence of all Presence Presence alone is He. The dawning of a new day breaks softly across the sky Witnessing His Love in bloomAnd, the heart prays for that Self Knowing LoveThe divine love........Where the Self rests and exists and expandsImmovable in the HERENOW the past or the future its Joy in Knowing. Tat Tvam Asi, Thou Art That, Lord. May that Wakefulness flower in the self Wakefulness that puts to sleep all sloth, all darkness of Being. Om Tat Sat ............. AUM. narinder bhandari--------Shree Hari Ram Ram HE NAATH ! Bless me such that I may never forget you. "Mein Aapko Bhooloon Nahin". I am Your very own. I am only Yours and only You are mine. You are entirely mine. And You are my everything. He Naath, He Mere Naath ! He Mere Swami, Mein bhooloon nahin. Let me never forget You. "Ek aasaro, ek bal, ek aas vishwaas…. "I depend on Only You, You are my only source of strength. You are the only one I can trust from my heart. I desire nothing else. Let me never forget You. Let me never forget You.Let me never forget You."Mein Aapko bhooloon nahin."Bless me such that I may never forget You Meera Das, Ram Ram -----------------------Shree Paramatmane Namah Jee Jee, you said you should have belief that God is mine. "Ours" is ours, how to have feeling of mineness with that? We only have a need for establishing "mine-ness" with that which is not ours, or those that we have consideredto be "paraayaa" or stranger . Did you ever have feeling of mine-ness with your "shishu" or without your doing anything he remained yours? In reality, for me to pray to Paramatma for anythingis telling that All Knowing Supreme, that He is notAll Knowing. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam Shri Krishnah sharanam mama.I believe that the bottom line of a prayer ought be that you do not ask from God anything whatsoever of the material world. The simple reason for this is that it is a sure shot prescription to remain entangled in tormenting web of the eternal cycleof death and birth, which is not the purpose of a human birth. Thus those who only(or also) seek wealth, health, fame, pleasures,… and all such material things fromGod, will surely get the same, may be in this birth or in any of the future births, but will also be liable to commit many more such blunders of seeking God's favour in the form of worldly attributes and thus continue to suffer eternally. This goes against all the holy prescriptions and is also against the very basis of Bhakti.An ideal form of connecting with God is therefore either by Stuti (singing the glory and kindness of God) or Vinati (prarthana) by seeking (maang) only His love and your constant and continuous devotion and unconditional surrender to Him.K.N. Sharma-------------------------------Jai HanumanPrayer ! Well to my mind it is essentially MINENESS with Paramatma. Once Swamiji was asked:Which relationship I should establish with Paramatma? He answered - Any which you like. That of Daas ( slave), of Son , of Father , of Mother, of Friend, of Master, of Servant, of Guru, of Disciple, of Husband….God is eveready to reciprocate in the same manner. But it is generally stated by Saints that relationship of a friend with Him is the best. However, in most of the Shruti there relationship of Father and Son or God being Master and Jeeva being Servant is observed. God is open. WHICHEVER WAY YOU APPROACH HIM, HE IS THERE ! Mirabaai saw husband in Lord Krishna. Draupadi saw brother in Him. Yashoda…a child in Lord Krishna. All were right. In fact God is a did-interested FRIEND of every soul. We are His part and parcel. But constant sorrows and helplessness received by Jeeva during his stay with this DUKHALAYAM often makes him a slave of Paramatma. Jeeva finds it the only alternative to be His son. But actually He is ready to establish ANY relationship with you! Try any "stick to it"¦Talk with Him in silence - cry before Him - laugh before Him - what a pleasure each such emotion imparts. He heeds, Sadhaks In fact only He heeds and no one else !! You can order Him, you can challenge Him, you can fire Him, you can get angry with Him, you can love Him, you can allege Him…you can do whatever you want to do - just establish relationship "be a mosquito" Garuda will come running to you !!! Saints have said: " Keedi ke pag nupur baaje woh bhi Saheb sunata hai" ! Even a sound of some leg ornament worn by an ant is heard by God. Need is only to have MINE-NESS with Him. Key is MINE-NESS with Him. To my mind ..egolessness or purity or auspiciousness or intentions are secondary. Primary is MINE-Ness ! "He is mine" ! Just as a child believes that Mom is mine, you should have belief that God is mine. Does a child observe any disciplines/rules/regulations while dealing with Mom? No! You too neednot, Divine Sadhaks. Just out of sheer "mineness" call Him. O God ... You are mine, I am yours. Draupadi had an inauspicious desire vis-a-vis Dushashana. She said- " I will not tie my hairs , I will keep my hair open, till I wash them with the blood taken out from the chest of Dushashana." Even with such vengeance ridden mind/intellect...she was devotee and perfect devotee of Lord Krishna. She could order Him, question Him, fire Him..! How? Because of mine-ness !Hence establish mineness with Paramatma. Your EVERY deed, thought and emotion then becomes the Prayer. Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala--------------------------------Stuti and Praarthana … state of helplessness … state of self-sufficiency … Anything done in state of helplessness is out of the fear of loosing dependence, loosing grounds, loosing survival … such a state can arise only when one is not self-reliant and self-sufficient … what else can be sought in such a state but to seek to protect the ever-vulnerable state of survival in this world ... all the thoughts raisingfrom such a state cannot be anything but self-centered, rather ego-centered. The line between the ego and the self is very thin … an assumption of the self is the ego while the awareness of the ego is the self. Assumed state of the self within an individual dominion - the ego, in other words - is the true ignorance which causes the fear of existence as the very dominion appears crumbling striving to withstand the environmental wrath of challenges and hurdles in survival. Therefore, whatever one does in such a helpless self-deficient state would only seek onething - to promote the individual existence as the ego preceives ... as theignorance perceives. The self-awareness can never be an agenda there ... unless the ego realizes its own limitations, dificiencies and opaqueness. Just like the line between the awareness and ignorance, the line between the ego's perception on the world and itself is also very thin ... it has been relentlessly busy in looking outward ... it has to just flip its attention within ... to itself ... the thin line WILL evaporate ... Stuti is an instrument devised to cleanse the outward attention in the ego ... to divinize its outlook on the existence... to reveal its ignorance in its object-dependence in survival and its self-omposed confinement in the resulting bondage ... to levitate its awareness of the world toward an objective appreciation acknowledging the freedom all around to appreciate the same within ... as the freedom within is revealed, it can plunge into its own abyss wherein ONLY FREEDOM resides and nothing else ... THE BLISS that presides the abyss of its verypresence pervades the whole universe as the ego cannot withold its self-imposed ignorance anymore ... the thin line between the ego and the self mitigates ... THE SELF prevails as is ... and as ever ... Praarthana is an instrument devised to cleanse the inward corruption the ego has amassed over its life in terms of instincts, tendencies, attitudes and behaviors at various sublime, subtle and gross levels of its existence … to dig-in to the root causes for all its Vaasanaas which are perpetually throwing it into the pit of helplessness ... to dig-in to the root causes of all its fears and desires due to which the very helplessness seeks birth in the first place ... to seek the very cause for all helpness, fears-and-desires, instincts-tendencies-attitudes-and-behaviors, all its miseries individually as well as collectively - itself! When the ignorance seeks itself, its own reality is instantly revealed leaving no space for its existence anymore ... the ego has no room anymore ... the individual attains one's true abode, The Self leaving nothing else around. Where is this cry for help (Praarthana) is coming from and for what? If it is coming from the ego to strengthen its own existence - desire prevails, dominates and consumes the fellow. If the same ego truthfully looks at its own vulnerability, its true strength comes out - to be the self rather than pretending to be one! When THE SELF, THE COMPLETENESS, is attained from within, what can be left within to seek any attainment? ... and, how can a helplessness consume the fellow anymore?Yastvaatmaratireva syaat aatmatriptashcha maanavah |Aatmanyeva cha santushTah tasya kaaryam na vidyate ||Where is this praising (Stuti) going to and for what? If it is arising from the ego to seek alliance in the world for its own promotion - fear prevails, dominates and consumes the fellow. If the ego truthfully looks at the existential vulnerability of the world and the worldly objects it is restlessly depending upon for its own existence, its true vulnerability comes out - to be anything other than itself! When, it realizes truely and truthfully how to be ITSELF, THE FREEDOM, what is there left around to constrain and bind the fellow with? ... and, how can helplessness consume the fellow anymore??Naiva tasya kritenaartho naakriteneha kashchana |Na chaasya sarvabhooteshu kashchidarthavyapaashrayah || Let us … truly and truthfully, let us …… be the Stuti … be the Praarthana … be the Upaasana that is both … … cleanse our worldly perception … cleanse our self-ignorance … be The Clean, The Awareness, as such … Om Shaantih shaantih shaantih …Respects.Naga Narayana------------------ IF YOUR MIND IS GOOD YOU WILL FEEL THE MAGIC OF PEACEIF YOUR MIND IS BAD YOU WILL NOT BE SATISFEID WITH YOUR STATEVibiesh Chungath -----------------------------Shree Hari-Namaste!There seems to be several general thoughts on prayer within this thread.Coming back to the words of Swamiji; 1st February 2010, Monday 'As long as there is egoism, genuine prayer or genuine surrendering to God will not happen. And without genuine prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen.' In fact it would be well worth a second reading of that post below!Some Sadhaks clearly understand, the essence of this post.When one surrenders to HIS will, to HIS mercy, then one will not need to beg not to forget HIM!To me the huge surprise was to find myself throwing myself at HIS feet, crying out for help, knowing from the soul, that 'The Divine Beloved' is my most absolute Father, under huge pressure this absolute knowing comes like a diamond from the deep.My favourite prayer is the prayer of knowing, that has no words, just the knowing of the Divine Presents.Summed up beautifully by the these lines of the twenty third psalm, as per Catherine Andersen:'He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., 'When one feels totally abandon, where absolutely nothing helps your agony, when you feel beyond all help, then! Then, one remembers the Father!Om ... Shanti...Mike (K).--------------Hari OmHey Paramatma! Hey Mahapurush ! Hey Deendayal! Hey Dinanath ! Hey Taat Shree ! You are great, Sir ! Great player, Jee, Great player. Tussi Great Ho Jee !! Real Dramabaaj, Sir ! Clown, Jee, Clown !! These GT Forum people are asking me to presume I am helpless ! With you around, Sir !!But you are capable of making us helpless ! No doubt ! Let me take the bull by the horns !!Gurudev ! What is this you have created ? This world !! Why Sir ? Just for play ? Just because you did not relish being alone ? Don't you realise - Chicken has lost its life and the eater often says ' I did not relish' !! For your fun you have created 'Dukhaalayam' ! Sir, Dukhalayam ashaashwatham ! I ask you - who prevented you from making it 'Sukhaalayam' ? You first give body, mind, intellect and world and then ask children to disconnect with them. Don't enjoy them! Don't relish them! Hey ... Why did you fun around. That right only father has, not the son ! Very good ! If they do not disconnect, you send sorrows. Why Sir ? Tussi Great ho Jee ! BUTI refuse to be sorrowful. O Father, I refuse to get sorrowful. Why I should, Sir? Being your child, why I should ? What is my fault? Did you ask my permission before you dropped me into this world? No ! I am sure for lifting also, you will damn care about me. So you decided. You decidedwho and how my parents/siblings/better half/worse half / kith and kin/ surroundings/caste/creed/colour/country/circumstances/situations would be ! And on top of that you are ever ready to disconnect with a ruthless knife whatever I connect with. Sheer ruthlessness, Sir ! Why ?To awaken me ? Why did you provide for my sleep at first instance?Illay,Sir ! No !! I am your child. Child of the King of all Kings. Never will I worry ! Never will I get sorrowful ! Never will I forget you ! I will never forget how you dealt with me. The very sorrows you meted out to me bear enough testimony that you never forgot me ! Swamiji said : When you receive sorrows , feel your Daddy , Paramatma is looking at you !! Very good, Jee, very good ! Great Father, Sir, Great Father !! You always had me and me only as your target. Never you spared me ! Hence I will also not forget you. Yaad rakhoonga ! Tujhe yaad rakhoonga !! I remember each and every bullet which you fired at me. Who else could have done that, except you ? Typical Daddy, you are ! You only send pain, you only send medicine. You only send birth and you only death ! You only loss and you only profit. You only fame and you only ill fame ! Monopoly, Jee, Monopoly ! Only you are ...nothing we are ! Very good ! In fact I have understood your play. Now come on ! Come On, I say ! Make me sorrowful, if you can. Sir, I have renounced the very desire for happiness ! Make me worry about this body, if you can, Sir ! I have understood it is not mine at all. Sir I have understood that birth, death, loss, profit, fame and ill fame are controlled by you. So I have stopped worrying about the same. I have stopped desiring about the same. But hurting others appears to be your hobby. That is play for you. Okay ! I will apply balm on the wounds of every soul that is hurt. You want that, isn't it ? First you make them suffer, then you want your other children to help them- Karma Yoga, Jee, Karma Yoga !! I am as immortal as you are. Sure, you helped me in understanding that. You also sent Saints like Swamiji who applied balm over my wounds. Who taught me ! Who told me who is behind the arrows piercing the chest of Vaali ! But why this situation arose? Why you could not have helped me without firing those bullets at me also ? Hence I will never forget you ! Never ! Never !! Only you are responsible ! How can I forget you? It is said a person beaten ruthlessly or fed compassionately remembers always the beater and feeder. You have been both to me. Understood, Jee, understood. Rest all were your agents only. You do only one thing....Sir, Only one thing...If I forget you, remind me !Remind me ... And say...O son, how can you forget me...Did not I beat you ruthlessly- absolutely mercilessly ? Did not I apply medicine also on your wounds ? Did not I send Swamiji Maharaj to guide such whimsical and insane soul as that of you ? Did I ever allow you to drown ? Did not I save you from your stupidities ? Did not I pick you up just when you were about to fall in bottomless pits of sinning? What is so important if a film is comedy or tragic, or happy ending or sad ending? 'Dukhalayam' ! Who are you to judge what is good or bad for you? Who is father? You or me ? Make it 'sukhalayam' !! Who prevented you to make it 'sukhalayam' ?? A film is after all a film ! Oye Dream, Jee, Dream! O Son... Dream ! Never a reality - Asat , Jee , Asat ! O Son ! Reality is that I am your Daddy and you are my child !!Hey Paramatma, Hey Mayapati, O Baapji, O Thakurji.. That reminder to me you don't forget ! You don't forget to remind me that I should never forget you ! Well, no chances are there of your forgetting me, because even your ancestors, father, grand father has no capacity to disown me. Ha ! But still to be on safer side , I am praying to you! Hey Naath... Main Aapko Bhooloon Nahin !! You have no capacity to disown me ! Ha ! You are weak there, Sir ! You are weak, weak, weak there ! Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj said so !! Ha! Ha !! Come on! How can you forget me and my prayer ? However I am, I am your child. Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ----------------aum Beloved KrishnaIn the game of twonessYou have smiled as One-ness.AndIn the bliss of one-nessYou have danced as two-ness! And yet, Krishna............. Loving, Beloved, is real; You and I falseYou are false, Govinda, You are falseYou do not exist, nor IOnly Love exists. When I say `I love You Govinda', why do you smile?Love is realLove alone is realAndIn its mad dance of lovingIt chooses to become for one momentYou , The Lord of LordsAnd I, Your eternal plaything, your slave, your sakhaaPining and yearning for YouEcstatically seeking oblivionIn Your lookIn Your smileIn your touch. Aum narinder bhandari-------------------Brahma nandam parama sukhadamKewalam janamutimDwanadamatitam gaganasadhrishamTatmamashyadi lakshipamEka nityam bimalam ayatamSawadhi Sakshi bhutamBhava teetam triguna rahitamSadguru tam namami. Hari Shanker Deo----Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!All prayers of Swamiji are sincere and potent, filled with so much humility! One of such as stated by Meeraji, "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon Nahin" So simple! Prayers are, for me, a great opportunity to express my gratitude for everything I have been given. Prayer arises spontaneously when I want to tell God how fortunate I am to just BE! We are all beads in His necklace, and as such we lose our own identity as all glory belong to Necklace!I want to also acknowledge my inability as individual in handling problems of life, so I ask for His help in taping the Intelligence that He is!

Never ever has He disappointed me!His way of answering is unique: He doesn't change people around me, He doesn't change my circumstances either, He does more powerful than these, He changes "me"!!! He removes "me" from the scene altogether! Isn't that a smart way to answer prayers? Same situation, same people who may be seeking advantage of "me", but I don't perceive them being problematic anymore! Lord has done it many times in this life! He just doesn't look after vested interest of anyone, including "me" but considers interest of all and changes those who pray!He tells me that "others" are Him including I too , so it doesn't matter who has more money, who sings better

than somebody else, who is more famous, who is more healthy, who is king or who is beggar!After all, it is all Him that laughs in every victory and cries in every defeat!He does so, so that I am not left alone to cry or laugh!I sincerely thank you, my Lord for being so kind and understanding!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt------AAJ PRABHU Aaj Prabhu Kuchhh ghat jaye Kahaa sunaa eko ho jayeSuna suna sa Kahaa kahaa sa Ik sangeet kee gunjan Iktaa mein Ik prem kaa bandhan ho jaeIk Gunjan, Govinda Tera apna pyaarShabd kho jayen Ik gehree nistabdhta mein kho jaen Phir goonj uthen wohIk sulgati huee chaah kee pukarAur jhuki nazron se nari sharmayeSahmee saanson mein narinder kho jaeMiln ka dard kuchh aisa ban jaeMit jae nari, mar jaye, mit jae Aur Bus tu hee tu hoGaataa hua Suntaa hua Muskaata hua Astitva Bus tu hee ho, mere Govinda Apnee narinderta mein magan Tu hee tu ho ! Bus tum hee ! Tu Tum ! Aur Tu !!This Moment Now...... This moment Now, Beloved Lord Let Blossoms of Love flower in the Being May speech and hearing their twoness shed ! The hearing not just the hearing The entreaty not just a Prayer Their Music lovingly reverbrating In the embrace of Union ….. Just Love, just Silence ……….The Sound of No Sound caressing Thy slave as your gift of Love, Words disappearing in Silence of Being……….. With only the sound-less sound singing as AUM The Silence then choosing to flower as words Yearning for Silence again Eyes closed in ecstasy of surrender The warm Breath of yearning in nari... to Life eternal awakening And, in the Joy of Death of nariness narinder, at thy lotus feet, dancing. And Lord,be thou Nought else but Thee, Lord Be Thou the singing Minstrel… And the thirsting songbird too In blissful gratitude waltzing, in the downpour from Existence Ever and ever as narinder-ness, May thou as thy own Desire, love and be, O Krishna ! Thou Thee Thine Be the Celebration Divine !O KRISHNA OM KRISHNA O Thou, My Love. Thou art the soundless sound ...........Thou the Silence yet greater, surrounding the sound Thou the Unheard Melody ...............Ever vibrating in nari's ears. The sound itself is the light ............The Light of Love............ that vibrates in Nari’s heart And nari's heart ? Does it exist , when nari himself does not ! The existing that is Existence ..........Is your Being ...........Is your Joy of Being Is the Love of yourself ..............For your own self ! Ah, what can poor nari say !?? ! And, how !?? ! Thou art the thief That steals nari's voice Thou the robber That robs nari's being Leaving him impotent ..........Leaving him mute ..........O Krishna, Om Krishna What more to say, and how ?!!? It is Thy Grace that narinder seeks !!! AUM narinder bhandariTo be without any Ardhana or Want is the best praer. better than that is the following MAT JANMANAH PHALAM IDAM MADU KAITABHA HARE MAT PRAARTHANEEYA MAT ANUGRAHA ESHA EVA CATVAT BHRITYASYA BHRITYA PARICAARAKA BHRITYA BHRITYABHRITYASYA BHRITYA ITI MAAM SMARA LOKANAATHA tHIS IS THE 24TH Sloka of Mukunda Maalaa by Kulasekhara, as I understand, he is a king and a contemporary of Jesus in Palestine (more than 2000 yrs back). Its substance is: my prayer to you, my Lord, is that ou should remember me not as a king or as your servant; rather treat me and remember me as aservant of servant of ......slaves of your servants servant. I need not elaborate; the content is very clear to the stupidest of the stupidest of- - -of stupids. krishna samudrala.------IN HINDI Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar .. Yeh mera badan, ai mere humdum, bus khaak hai, suna tau hai main ne ....khaak hai , khaak mein mil jaye gaa.... bahut suna hai main ne Ihsaas iska , ai Khuda , kyunkar ho, kuchh raham kar Roshni rooh ki zahan pe chhaa jae................ kuchh meher kar ............... Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar….. aameen narinder bhandariIN ENGLISH once again, Beloved, this moment now, the heart wails for thee, I pine , I yearn, I cry this body beautiful ... is nought but earth fire and water words keeps falling in the ears ... again , and again,and yet again, we hearSpeak now to me , Beloved , ... how indeed this realisation , blossom in the Mindhow indeed the Mind become the Light that Truth isthe Mind merge in that Light', Lord, be merciful, show me the Light , be kind, Beloved, show me the Path,show me the Way........ once again, this moment now, the heart yearns for thee I wail, , I pine, I cry ........... AUM narinder bhandariDear Sadaks,Sloka: Vasudevam Sutham DevamKamsa Chanura Marthanam---------------. Ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe.People who pray Shiva Bagavan: Tridalam Triguna Karam-------------------ends with Shiva Loka Avapnothi.From Rama Prabavam: Telling "Rama Rama (2 second gap) again Rama Rama (2 seconds gap) repeating 11 times, or 37 times, or 108 times, makes the chakras energies. There by the mind slowly becomes away from desires.B.Sathyanarayan----Tvameva Maata ca Pitaa tvamevaTvameva Bandhusca sakha tvamevaTvameva Vidyaa dravinam tvamevaTvameva Sarvam mama devadevaMy dear Bhagvan Krishna! You are my mother, father, brother, sister, friend, teacher, maintainer, protector and my dear Bhagavan. You are everything for me and I am completely dependent upon You. You are mine and I am Yours! Whatever things I have are actually Yours. I want to use Your things given by in Your service.My dear Bhagvan Ram! I want to remember You all the time. May I never forget You! May I remember You all the time! Please help me remember You while I am doing my activities."Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niraamayaa.Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa kascchid Dukh bhaagbhevet" May everyone be happy and healthy! May everyone see the truth and no one suffer! Please protect everyone and protect my family.Siya Ram mai sab jag jaani; karahu pranaam jori jugpani My dear Bhagvan Ram! Seeing this world as Your form, I offer pranams with folded hands. You reside in my and everyone's heart. Please give me vision so that I can see You in every living entity and objects. With such equal vision, one sees good and bad people equally as they are all part of You. Please remove the faults of rivalry, jealousy and envy as I am supposed to see You in everyone. How can I be jealous or think bad of others if You are in them! Give me strength and ability to serve and help You in form of people around me.More sudhaaro so san bhaanti kripa nahin kripa aghaati. Dear Bhagavan! Fix all kinds of faults in me and improve me. Your mercy never tires in giving mercy.Jaahi per kripa karahi jan jaani, kavi ur ajir naachaavahi vaani. Goddess Saraswati dances on the tongue of those whom You mercifully see as Yours. That person who gets Your mercy gets all the knowledge. I am Yours. You are mine. Please give me Your mercy and accept me as Yours.Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Gaurav Mittal----------------Jai Shri Hari,A prayer is a call by the self to his own "self of self " (supreme self). Thanks for posting beautiful lines of prayers. I loved the word "KarunaSindhu"/ "Lord of Mercy" which is the real listener of the prayers.May God Bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-Shree Hari Ram Ram "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon NahinO' Lord ! O My Very Own Lord! Let Me Never Forget You ! Meera Das, Ram Ram -------Namaste Whether in a state of helplessness or of power, of joy or sorrow....you may approach Bhagavan with Sivananda's Universal Prayer:O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !Salutations and Prostrations Unto Thee !Thou Art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient !Thou Art Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Knowledge-Bliss) !Thou Art the Indweller of All Beings !Grant us an understanding heart,Equal vision, balanced mind,Faith, Devotion and Wisdom !Grant us Inner Spiritual strength,To resist temptations and to control the mind !Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger, jealousy and hatred !Fill our hearts with Divine Virtues !Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms !Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms !Let us ever remember Thee !Let us ever sing Thy glories !Let Thy Name be ever on our lips !Let us Abide in Thee forever and ever !- Swami SivanandaAnother suggestion is a Sharangati Mantra: Om Sri Ramah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Krishnah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Sita-Ramah Sharanam MamaYou may also recite verses from GITA, modified to address Bhagavan, e.g.Destroyed is my delusion, and I have gained my memory through Thy grace, O Achyuta. I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will do Thy word. GITA 18:73I take refuge in You with all thy heart, Bhagavan; by Your grace shalt I attain supreme peace and the eternal abode. GITA 18:62In this Holy Shivratri period you may want to recite a few verses from SVETASVATARA UPANSHAD, e.g.O Rudra! Deign to protect me forever with Thy Benevolent face.May Rudra the Creator and Supporter of the gods, the great seer, the Lord of all, who saw Hiranyagarbha being born, endow us with pure or auspicious intellect.Or, just recite the Maha mantra:Hare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareRam Ram Deosaran Bisnath --------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question regarding prayer. In Hinduism we have lots of wonderful prayers. I would like to mention a few. 'He Krishna karuna sindho,Dina bandho jagat pate,Gopesa gopika kanta,Radha kanta namo stu te. 'Which means,' O My dear Krishna, you are the friend of the distressed, creator of the universe. You are the master of the gopis and the lover of Radharani. I offer my respectful obeisances to You. 'Another one is "Jai jagadish Hare, swami jai jagadish Hare,Bhakta jano ke sankat,Das jano ke sankat,Kshan me dur ka re,OM Jai jagadish Hare. "Which means, ' O jagadish, get rid of the troubles of your devotees and servants. 'There are few more verses for this 'Jai Jagadish Hare' and if anybody is interested I can provide the whole prayer. My favourite Hare Krishna Maha Mantra which can be sung at any time , any place and any where. 'Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare. 'Any prayer or devotional service can advance us spiritually. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D----- When the moment is painful and the mind does not run to seek support of any satisfactory idea, it is in prayer mode, meditation mode.Mind rejects, adjusts with failure or any unfavourable situation by complaining, blaming others, feeling guilty, blaming fate, I will be successful in future and so on.Non-acceptance of the painful moment is to fight an illusory battle; the battle can never end because the non-acceptance causes a division within as if some one else is responsible, whereas in actuality this division does not exist. Acceptance of the present moment is the first and last step towards that oneness, which is the source of all life.The mystery starts unfolding.Y V Chawla-----Shree HariRam Ram To want something is not "prayer". On one hand we say that -Paramatma is All Knowing, and on the other hand we want to tell Him of your wants that - O All knowing One, please know from me, what I want. What ! is this right use of your vivek (discrimination)? If you desire to know something then read from Swamiji's book"Ek Sant ki Vasiyat", his final discourse. What can be beyond that to know or do? So be it. Vineet Sarvottam ------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Vineetji, please listen to Vishesh Pravachan # 401 - Nitya Stuti aur Praartha, where Swamiji indicatesStuti mein mahima hoti hai aur praarthna mein apni yaasnaa, apni kuch maang rakh denaa yeh praarthnaa hoti hai.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htm Swamiji said many different things at different points in time, but there is no conflict with anything. It is all valid. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram Shree Hari-


When I read these wonderful words of Revered Swamiji, my eyes started to smart,

and in my heart I kept saying Amen... Amen....

Oh! My Dear Beloved! Such deep pain, such absolute surrender!

I call it the prayer from the soul, a cry from 'The dark night of the soul'.

I think this is not an intellectual thing, this is experience!

The joy comes after the surrender!

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).


SHREE HARI RAM RAMPlease forgive me as i mutter a prayer towards all sadhaks everywhere . I have learned so much of peace from you so let me share peace.the Lord is my Shepherd..i shall not want..he makes me to lie down in green pasture.He leadeth me beside the still water He refreshes my soul.He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Names sake.He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., thou preparest a table in the midst of mine enemies.thou anointest my head with oil..my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the House of my Father forever.catherine andersen ======================================

Mind is fed by comfort, solace, hope. When suddenly, the short circuit in the momentum of thought

shuts the supply of comfort, hope, solace, mind rejects with all its force as its sustenance is coming to an

end. It is shocked. This shock causes the death of the present mind and hails a new mind.Y V Chawla


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

1st February 2010, Monday, Maagh Krishna Dvitiya,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort, till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and once this happens, geniune prayer will take place. Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah | When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from within, then immediately the work will happen. When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position, knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists.

As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen. When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.

From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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Shree Hari Ram Ram Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram =============================================NEW POSTINGPranam, I am posting the prayer by Swamiji which was recently posted on facebook.He Naath ! It is my sincere prayer to you, that You appear sweet and loving to me. That is my only requirement, there is no other requirement. He Naath ! If I desire heavens, then you place me in hell; if I desire happiness, then shower me with endless sorrows, but may You at all times appear sweet and loving to me. He Naath ! May You create such intense longing, such distress within me that I am unable to live without You. He Naath ! May You create such a fire in my heart, that I am unable to live without Your love.He Naath ! Besides You who else is mine? Who should I tell, who will listen? O' My Protector! Where will I go? What will I do? No one is mine.Being lost, I believed many to be mine. But I was betrayed by them. Once again I am likely to be betrayed. You please save me ! O My Beloved One! The guardian of the abandoned! The refuge of those seeking shelter! The purifier of the sinful! The friend of the poor! The protector of the unprotected! The sustainer of those without any support! The savior of the afflicted! The foundation of the baseless! O' Merciful and compassionate One without any cause! The only accomplishment of those without any accomplishment! The aid of those needing help! Do you not know me, the wretched, the ungrateful, the sinner, who has turned inauspicious, a non-performer far from action. In spite of knowing the suffering and sorrows resulting from temporary sense enjoyments, yet I remain infatuated. I continue to believe something to be beneficial, even though it is not for my welfare. I have stumbled and fallen over and over again and then too I have not become alert and careful. Over and over again I have experienced suffering due to turning away from You. Who will you find besides me, that inspite of knowing, yet doesn't know, inspite of being alerted, yet does not become cautious.Prabho! Save me! Save me! Protect me! Protect me! Hey Prabho! Hey Vibho! When I look deeply with wide open eyes, I find that neither the mind-intellect-life breath-senses and body are mine, then how can things and persons be mine! I know this, I say this, but I do not believe the truth, the essence. Is this condition of mine even hidden for a single moment from You? The Beloved One! What can I say! He Naath ! He Naath !! He Mere Naath !!! O! friend of the poor! O Lord! You only take me in your shelter from your side !Enough! Now let only You appear Sweet and Loving ! Source - http://www.facebook.com/notes/he-mere-naath-o-my-lord-/prayer-by-swami-ramsukhdasji/338414697169Varun Paprunia --- Hari OmAnswer to Sarvottamji is very simple. Truth till it is accepted does not help. It is truth that you are of God but till you do not accept ...it is useless for you. The butter and ghee is there in whole body of cow but you have to extract it systematically. Hence Saints and Scriptures advice: Accept yourself to be of God. Hence Mirabaai said: Mere to Girdhar Gopal.You appear to be arguing on the basis of what you have learnt. It does not help. It is 'drukunyakarane' as stated in Bhaja Govindam. I am telling you because I have gone through rigour. About 2 decades back it occurred to me that I should make a habit of taking name of God everytime there is sneeze or cough or yawning or any bodily discomfort or any crisis or when any bad thought crosses mind etc...so that I remember God at last moment. In a year or so it became my habit. I became very happy. But in 1998 I had a sudden bathroom fall (3 stiches on eye brow) and inspite of 10 year old habit of taking God's name (Raam...Raam...Raam) , spontaneously I loudly said: O Maa ! I got stunned. I got puzzled. That was the time to utter Raam..Raam ! I remember within 3/4 days only when I put on CD of Ramsukhdasji Maharaj in the night...He narrated story of a parrot to whom the trainer teaches to say Raam... Raam....Raam. Parrot utters also that day and night. But when cat catches it, parrot forgets Raam...Raam and starts saying..Tain, tain, tain. That day I understood the difference between 'learning' and 'experiencing/accepting' !!Hope this helps you.Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---Dear Sadhaks, When I raise my hands in prayer I have no words, I just know that I am a puppet dancing on Your finger tips my beloved Krishna. Whatever I am, whoever I am,however I am, its all your play. Actually the entity I called "I" does not exist, its all YOU and only YOU my dear.So what can I demand ? Do whatever You have to do with this entity(I). I only know one thing "ONLY YOU are MINE", and I am Yours. Thats it. With Love,A sadhikaSadhna Karigar -------------------------- Jai HanumanDear Vineet Sarvottamji ! There is a difference in 'learning' and 'believing' ! Your Q mainly is:(Does God) without your doing anything he remained yours? (Why I need believe He is mine)That God is yours is truth and that you firmy believe that, is actually your option. It is not automatic. You may not believe something though that may be truth .. This is one option. You may believe that though it may be truth..This is second option. You may believe though it is false is also another option. Hence truth and belief are two different things altogether. They are NOT necessarily together or NOT automatically together. . Human has a freedom. An option. A choice. Think ! Had mine-ness with Paramatma been automatic ... why Scriptures, Saints and Sages, Gita etc are needed? Why Swamiji would say - God is yours already , you become now of God ? Why ? Why Goswami Tulsidasji Maharaj would say "Hohi Raam ko naam Japi" ( First become of God and then chant His Name) ? Why Lord Krishna time and again would regretfully say : My part , only my part Jeeva, instead of getting me tries to get inert nature and thus falls from grace and goes to hell ! Why would Lord Krishna say so ? ...Answer !!Why ? Because Jeeva 'says' even 'knows' : "I am of God" but does not 'believe' that. He 'knows' but he does not admit / accept/ believe. We know smoking is bad but we still smoke. We know but we don't accept. We know body of every one dies and that is truth also...but we start crying if some near and dear dies. We know but don't believe in that knowledge. If we believe, then why would we cry?As regards your 'shishu' query - Where the belief that 'God is mine' is firm ...the Love for God emanates automatically. Mothers' love for child appears automatic and spontaneous not because of truth but due to MINE-NESS already existing. Remove the child at the time of birth from mother's possession and present child to her say after 20 years....will there be 'automatic' love flowing? No ! Mother may not even recognise the child. Though here the truth continues to be that she is mother of the child. But since there is no 'acceptance' of 'mineness' there is no automatic love.Hence it is DUTY of Jeeva to establish mine-ness with Paramatma...to believe Paramatma is mine. Power to believe is one of three powers of Jeeva. Jeeva has freedom to use that power. Jeeva has options and freedom to accept or reject ! Truth as such and alone has no role in what one believes. In other words it is not necessary that you believe always in truth. The following has only 'learning' and even otherwise is not a correct statement. :We only have a need for establishing "mine-ness" with that which is not ours, or those that we have consideredto be "paraayaa" or stranger . Where is the need for establishing mineness with strangers ? Mineness is developed believing the worldly people to be 'actually yours'. 'Mineness' is Jeeva's prorogative. In Hindi it is called 'Mamata'. Further, You have contradicted yourself here with the following:Did you ever have feeling of mine-ness with your "shishu" or without your doing anything he remained yours? In the opening para you feel 'mineness' has to be established. Here you say it is automatic. The distinction can not arise of what is truth (God) and what is false (world). Because key here is not 'truth' but 'acceptance by Jeeva'And exactly therefore your following statement can't be stated to be a correct conclusion: In reality, for me to pray to Paramatma for anythingis telling that All Knowing Supreme, that He is not All Knowing.See how funny the conclusion is ? It means when you pray (which is always for something) ..you insult Paramatma and believe 'He is not at all "All knowing"- (sarvagya)' ! Where then is very need for prayer? It means even the prayer - "O Lord I should never forget you" ... is telling Paramatma that He is not 'sarvagya' ! Note: Here, you are praying for 'something'- You are asking God to ensure that you don't forget Him !! Had what you state been correct- Why Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj insisted on praying: Hey Naath Main Aapko Bhooloon nahin? Is it not a demand? Is it not a prayer? What is 'pukaar'? What is calling out to Him? What is surrender? What is leaving your duties to Him? There is demand- however subtle it may be. Hence I said : Beileve you are of Paramatma. Say you are of Paramatma. Pray - I am yours, you are mine. Establish mine ness with Him. Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala-----------------------I just know that I am a puppet dancing on Your finger tips my beloved Krishna. Whatever I am, whoever I am,however I am, its all your play. Actually the entity I called "I" does not exist, its all YOU and only YOU ........................Sadhna Karigar YOU, YOU, AND YOU It is You,You Beloved.You are the white dotOn a white wall.You,You are the dark speckIn the darkness of the nightAnd it is YouYou, my Love,The discerning eye That seesThe white dot on the white wallAnd discernsThe dark speckIn the darkness of the night!Narinder Bhandari GOVINDA IT is You, Govinda, who weave The seven sounds Into the soundless Sound.YouWho swing the seven colours Into the Light of lights. LightThat pulsatesInThe soundless Sound.To create and sustainAn Existence so vastThatTime and SpaceFind themselves impotentTo suppress or express! And I Pure IntelligenceConsciousness,EnergyChangeless Unmoving,Do yetCreate Sustain and DestroyThe Three WorldsOnceEvery twenty- four hours! And choose to play the GameOf the Seeker and the SoughtOf the Dancer dancingEven when the DanceCries outTo beONE with the DancerIn Repose. LIFE When I laughed, BelovedWhen I laughed,The Song and Dance in my laughterWas Your Loving Glance. When I cried, my Love,When I wept,The sorrow, sadness, love or joy in my tearsWas Your Song and Dance. Song, Dance, Love and LaughterCelebration That IS, What Life IS,AndThe tears in the eyesA part of it,AreYour Gift to me.Thank You, LordThank You for the Gift of Life. AUM narinder bhandari LORD I AM NOW TIREDAwaken in me, my Love, as the nothingness of the seedAwaken in me as the death of all that is As the nought that isAs the ought that will be.Lord, loving thee is my wont, Waking or asleepButThou art thouAnd only Thou knowest Thyself As Thy Self.I am now tiredTired of being asleepTired of being the DreamLord awaken in me as the nothingness of the seedAs the death that is. Awaken LordHarken BelovedBe awakeBe awake Be awake! AumNarinder Bhandari ------------------------ Stuti Kruishna, Kruishna .....Silently does nari sing your song Kruishna Kruishna Kruishna In Silence does nari sing of Kruishna Kruishna , the Truth of Being Kruishna , The Love of Being Kruishna, the Bliss of Being Kruishna , the Beauty of Being Kruishna, the Light of LightsKruishna, in whose embrace, Darkness becomes the womb of Light The Sun, The Moon, The Stars That shine and sing the Glory of the SelfThe Self, who is KruishnaThe Light of Lights !Krishna Krishna Silently nari sings your song Thou art Truth Thou the Light Thou, verily , the Love That You bring into nari’s Life To lead him into Your embraceKruishna, Kruishna .....Silently does nari sing your song Kruishna Kruishna Kruishna Prarthana The prayer is an arising Out of nowhere does prayer arise in the Heart,No reason for arising, this prayer ah ! The Prayer for love and peace Is nought but the Light of One-nessHis own Gift, His own Joynought but Love, nought but Silence, nought but Peace Yet He is not that, nor Thou that Neti, neti, neti, He is not this, He is not that. He is not the other, Beyond,yonder beyond is He, Beyond, beyond , beyond is the Self, the essence of all Presence Presence alone is He. The dawning of a new day breaks softly across the sky Witnessing His Love in bloomAnd, the heart prays for that Self Knowing LoveThe divine love........Where the Self rests and exists and expandsImmovable in the HERENOW the past or the future its Joy in Knowing. Tat Tvam Asi, Thou Art That, Lord. May that Wakefulness flower in the self Wakefulness that puts to sleep all sloth, all darkness of Being. Om Tat Sat ............. AUM. narinder bhandari--------Shree Hari Ram Ram HE NAATH ! Bless me such that I may never forget you. "Mein Aapko Bhooloon Nahin". I am Your very own. I am only Yours and only You are mine. You are entirely mine. And You are my everything. He Naath, He Mere Naath ! He Mere Swami, Mein bhooloon nahin. Let me never forget You. "Ek aasaro, ek bal, ek aas vishwaas…. "I depend on Only You, You are my only source of strength. You are the only one I can trust from my heart. I desire nothing else. Let me never forget You. Let me never forget You.Let me never forget You."Mein Aapko bhooloon nahin."Bless me such that I may never forget You Meera Das, Ram Ram -----------------------Shree Paramatmane Namah Jee Jee, you said you should have belief that God is mine. "Ours" is ours, how to have feeling of mineness with that? We only have a need for establishing "mine-ness" with that which is not ours, or those that we have consideredto be "paraayaa" or stranger . Did you ever have feeling of mine-ness with your "shishu" or without your doing anything he remained yours? In reality, for me to pray to Paramatma for anythingis telling that All Knowing Supreme, that He is notAll Knowing. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam Shri Krishnah sharanam mama.I believe that the bottom line of a prayer ought be that you do not ask from God anything whatsoever of the material world. The simple reason for this is that it is a sure shot prescription to remain entangled in tormenting web of the eternal cycleof death and birth, which is not the purpose of a human birth. Thus those who only(or also) seek wealth, health, fame, pleasures,… and all such material things fromGod, will surely get the same, may be in this birth or in any of the future births, but will also be liable to commit many more such blunders of seeking God's favour in the form of worldly attributes and thus continue to suffer eternally. This goes against all the holy prescriptions and is also against the very basis of Bhakti.An ideal form of connecting with God is therefore either by Stuti (singing the glory and kindness of God) or Vinati (prarthana) by seeking (maang) only His love and your constant and continuous devotion and unconditional surrender to Him.K.N. Sharma-------------------------------Jai HanumanPrayer ! Well to my mind it is essentially MINENESS with Paramatma. Once Swamiji was asked:Which relationship I should establish with Paramatma? He answered - Any which you like. That of Daas ( slave), of Son , of Father , of Mother, of Friend, of Master, of Servant, of Guru, of Disciple, of Husband….God is eveready to reciprocate in the same manner. But it is generally stated by Saints that relationship of a friend with Him is the best. However, in most of the Shruti there relationship of Father and Son or God being Master and Jeeva being Servant is observed. God is open. WHICHEVER WAY YOU APPROACH HIM, HE IS THERE ! Mirabaai saw husband in Lord Krishna. Draupadi saw brother in Him. Yashoda…a child in Lord Krishna. All were right. In fact God is a did-interested FRIEND of every soul. We are His part and parcel. But constant sorrows and helplessness received by Jeeva during his stay with this DUKHALAYAM often makes him a slave of Paramatma. Jeeva finds it the only alternative to be His son. But actually He is ready to establish ANY relationship with you! Try any "stick to it"¦Talk with Him in silence - cry before Him - laugh before Him - what a pleasure each such emotion imparts. He heeds, Sadhaks In fact only He heeds and no one else !! You can order Him, you can challenge Him, you can fire Him, you can get angry with Him, you can love Him, you can allege Him…you can do whatever you want to do - just establish relationship "be a mosquito" Garuda will come running to you !!! Saints have said: " Keedi ke pag nupur baaje woh bhi Saheb sunata hai" ! Even a sound of some leg ornament worn by an ant is heard by God. Need is only to have MINE-NESS with Him. Key is MINE-NESS with Him. To my mind ..egolessness or purity or auspiciousness or intentions are secondary. Primary is MINE-Ness ! "He is mine" ! Just as a child believes that Mom is mine, you should have belief that God is mine. Does a child observe any disciplines/rules/regulations while dealing with Mom? No! You too neednot, Divine Sadhaks. Just out of sheer "mineness" call Him. O God ... You are mine, I am yours. Draupadi had an inauspicious desire vis-a-vis Dushashana. She said- " I will not tie my hairs , I will keep my hair open, till I wash them with the blood taken out from the chest of Dushashana." Even with such vengeance ridden mind/intellect...she was devotee and perfect devotee of Lord Krishna. She could order Him, question Him, fire Him..! How? Because of mine-ness !Hence establish mineness with Paramatma. Your EVERY deed, thought and emotion then becomes the Prayer. Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala--------------------------------Stuti and Praarthana … state of helplessness … state of self-sufficiency … Anything done in state of helplessness is out of the fear of loosing dependence, loosing grounds, loosing survival … such a state can arise only when one is not self-reliant and self-sufficient … what else can be sought in such a state but to seek to protect the ever-vulnerable state of survival in this world ... all the thoughts raisingfrom such a state cannot be anything but self-centered, rather ego-centered. The line between the ego and the self is very thin … an assumption of the self is the ego while the awareness of the ego is the self. Assumed state of the self within an individual dominion - the ego, in other words - is the true ignorance which causes the fear of existence as the very dominion appears crumbling striving to withstand the environmental wrath of challenges and hurdles in survival. Therefore, whatever one does in such a helpless self-deficient state would only seek onething - to promote the individual existence as the ego preceives ... as theignorance perceives. The self-awareness can never be an agenda there ... unless the ego realizes its own limitations, dificiencies and opaqueness. Just like the line between the awareness and ignorance, the line between the ego's perception on the world and itself is also very thin ... it has been relentlessly busy in looking outward ... it has to just flip its attention within ... to itself ... the thin line WILL evaporate ... Stuti is an instrument devised to cleanse the outward attention in the ego ... to divinize its outlook on the existence... to reveal its ignorance in its object-dependence in survival and its self-omposed confinement in the resulting bondage ... to levitate its awareness of the world toward an objective appreciation acknowledging the freedom all around to appreciate the same within ... as the freedom within is revealed, it can plunge into its own abyss wherein ONLY FREEDOM resides and nothing else ... THE BLISS that presides the abyss of its verypresence pervades the whole universe as the ego cannot withold its self-imposed ignorance anymore ... the thin line between the ego and the self mitigates ... THE SELF prevails as is ... and as ever ... Praarthana is an instrument devised to cleanse the inward corruption the ego has amassed over its life in terms of instincts, tendencies, attitudes and behaviors at various sublime, subtle and gross levels of its existence … to dig-in to the root causes for all its Vaasanaas which are perpetually throwing it into the pit of helplessness ... to dig-in to the root causes of all its fears and desires due to which the very helplessness seeks birth in the first place ... to seek the very cause for all helpness, fears-and-desires, instincts-tendencies-attitudes-and-behaviors, all its miseries individually as well as collectively - itself! When the ignorance seeks itself, its own reality is instantly revealed leaving no space for its existence anymore ... the ego has no room anymore ... the individual attains one's true abode, The Self leaving nothing else around. Where is this cry for help (Praarthana) is coming from and for what? If it is coming from the ego to strengthen its own existence - desire prevails, dominates and consumes the fellow. If the same ego truthfully looks at its own vulnerability, its true strength comes out - to be the self rather than pretending to be one! When THE SELF, THE COMPLETENESS, is attained from within, what can be left within to seek any attainment? ... and, how can a helplessness consume the fellow anymore?Yastvaatmaratireva syaat aatmatriptashcha maanavah |Aatmanyeva cha santushTah tasya kaaryam na vidyate ||Where is this praising (Stuti) going to and for what? If it is arising from the ego to seek alliance in the world for its own promotion - fear prevails, dominates and consumes the fellow. If the ego truthfully looks at the existential vulnerability of the world and the worldly objects it is restlessly depending upon for its own existence, its true vulnerability comes out - to be anything other than itself! When, it realizes truely and truthfully how to be ITSELF, THE FREEDOM, what is there left around to constrain and bind the fellow with? ... and, how can helplessness consume the fellow anymore??Naiva tasya kritenaartho naakriteneha kashchana |Na chaasya sarvabhooteshu kashchidarthavyapaashrayah || Let us … truly and truthfully, let us …… be the Stuti … be the Praarthana … be the Upaasana that is both … … cleanse our worldly perception … cleanse our self-ignorance … be The Clean, The Awareness, as such … Om Shaantih shaantih shaantih …Respects.Naga Narayana------------------ IF YOUR MIND IS GOOD YOU WILL FEEL THE MAGIC OF PEACEIF YOUR MIND IS BAD YOU WILL NOT BE SATISFEID WITH YOUR STATEVibiesh Chungath -----------------------------Shree Hari-Namaste!There seems to be several general thoughts on prayer within this thread.Coming back to the words of Swamiji; 1st February 2010, Monday 'As long as there is egoism, genuine prayer or genuine surrendering to God will not happen. And without genuine prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen.' In fact it would be well worth a second reading of that post below!Some Sadhaks clearly understand, the essence of this post.When one surrenders to HIS will, to HIS mercy, then one will not need to beg not to forget HIM!To me the huge surprise was to find myself throwing myself at HIS feet, crying out for help, knowing from the soul, that 'The Divine Beloved' is my most absolute Father, under huge pressure this absolute knowing comes like a diamond from the deep.My favourite prayer is the prayer of knowing, that has no words, just the knowing of the Divine Presents.Summed up beautifully by the these lines of the twenty third psalm, as per Catherine Andersen:'He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., 'When one feels totally abandon, where absolutely nothing helps your agony, when you feel beyond all help, then! Then, one remembers the Father!Om ... Shanti...Mike (K).--------------Hari OmHey Paramatma! Hey Mahapurush ! Hey Deendayal! Hey Dinanath ! Hey Taat Shree ! You are great, Sir ! Great player, Jee, Great player. Tussi Great Ho Jee !! Real Dramabaaj, Sir ! Clown, Jee, Clown !! These GT Forum people are asking me to presume I am helpless ! With you around, Sir !!But you are capable of making us helpless ! No doubt ! Let me take the bull by the horns !!Gurudev ! What is this you have created ? This world !! Why Sir ? Just for play ? Just because you did not relish being alone ? Don't you realise - Chicken has lost its life and the eater often says ' I did not relish' !! For your fun you have created 'Dukhaalayam' ! Sir, Dukhalayam ashaashwatham ! I ask you - who prevented you from making it 'Sukhaalayam' ? You first give body, mind, intellect and world and then ask children to disconnect with them. Don't enjoy them! Don't relish them! Hey ... Why did you fun around. That right only father has, not the son ! Very good ! If they do not disconnect, you send sorrows. Why Sir ? Tussi Great ho Jee ! BUTI refuse to be sorrowful. O Father, I refuse to get sorrowful. Why I should, Sir? Being your child, why I should ? What is my fault? Did you ask my permission before you dropped me into this world? No ! I am sure for lifting also, you will damn care about me. So you decided. You decidedwho and how my parents/siblings/better half/worse half / kith and kin/ surroundings/caste/creed/colour/country/circumstances/situations would be ! And on top of that you are ever ready to disconnect with a ruthless knife whatever I connect with. Sheer ruthlessness, Sir ! Why ?To awaken me ? Why did you provide for my sleep at first instance?Illay,Sir ! No !! I am your child. Child of the King of all Kings. Never will I worry ! Never will I get sorrowful ! Never will I forget you ! I will never forget how you dealt with me. The very sorrows you meted out to me bear enough testimony that you never forgot me ! Swamiji said : When you receive sorrows , feel your Daddy , Paramatma is looking at you !! Very good, Jee, very good ! Great Father, Sir, Great Father !! You always had me and me only as your target. Never you spared me ! Hence I will also not forget you. Yaad rakhoonga ! Tujhe yaad rakhoonga !! I remember each and every bullet which you fired at me. Who else could have done that, except you ? Typical Daddy, you are ! You only send pain, you only send medicine. You only send birth and you only death ! You only loss and you only profit. You only fame and you only ill fame ! Monopoly, Jee, Monopoly ! Only you are ...nothing we are ! Very good ! In fact I have understood your play. Now come on ! Come On, I say ! Make me sorrowful, if you can. Sir, I have renounced the very desire for happiness ! Make me worry about this body, if you can, Sir ! I have understood it is not mine at all. Sir I have understood that birth, death, loss, profit, fame and ill fame are controlled by you. So I have stopped worrying about the same. I have stopped desiring about the same. But hurting others appears to be your hobby. That is play for you. Okay ! I will apply balm on the wounds of every soul that is hurt. You want that, isn't it ? First you make them suffer, then you want your other children to help them- Karma Yoga, Jee, Karma Yoga !! I am as immortal as you are. Sure, you helped me in understanding that. You also sent Saints like Swamiji who applied balm over my wounds. Who taught me ! Who told me who is behind the arrows piercing the chest of Vaali ! But why this situation arose? Why you could not have helped me without firing those bullets at me also ? Hence I will never forget you ! Never ! Never !! Only you are responsible ! How can I forget you? It is said a person beaten ruthlessly or fed compassionately remembers always the beater and feeder. You have been both to me. Understood, Jee, understood. Rest all were your agents only. You do only one thing....Sir, Only one thing...If I forget you, remind me !Remind me ... And say...O son, how can you forget me...Did not I beat you ruthlessly- absolutely mercilessly ? Did not I apply medicine also on your wounds ? Did not I send Swamiji Maharaj to guide such whimsical and insane soul as that of you ? Did I ever allow you to drown ? Did not I save you from your stupidities ? Did not I pick you up just when you were about to fall in bottomless pits of sinning? What is so important if a film is comedy or tragic, or happy ending or sad ending? 'Dukhalayam' ! Who are you to judge what is good or bad for you? Who is father? You or me ? Make it 'sukhalayam' !! Who prevented you to make it 'sukhalayam' ?? A film is after all a film ! Oye Dream, Jee, Dream! O Son... Dream ! Never a reality - Asat , Jee , Asat ! O Son ! Reality is that I am your Daddy and you are my child !!Hey Paramatma, Hey Mayapati, O Baapji, O Thakurji.. That reminder to me you don't forget ! You don't forget to remind me that I should never forget you ! Well, no chances are there of your forgetting me, because even your ancestors, father, grand father has no capacity to disown me. Ha ! But still to be on safer side , I am praying to you! Hey Naath... Main Aapko Bhooloon Nahin !! You have no capacity to disown me ! Ha ! You are weak there, Sir ! You are weak, weak, weak there ! Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj said so !! Ha! Ha !! Come on! How can you forget me and my prayer ? However I am, I am your child. Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ----------------aum Beloved KrishnaIn the game of twonessYou have smiled as One-ness.AndIn the bliss of one-nessYou have danced as two-ness! And yet, Krishna............. Loving, Beloved, is real; You and I falseYou are false, Govinda, You are falseYou do not exist, nor IOnly Love exists. When I say `I love You Govinda', why do you smile?Love is realLove alone is realAndIn its mad dance of lovingIt chooses to become for one momentYou , The Lord of LordsAnd I, Your eternal plaything, your slave, your sakhaaPining and yearning for YouEcstatically seeking oblivionIn Your lookIn Your smileIn your touch. Aum narinder bhandari-------------------Brahma nandam parama sukhadamKewalam janamutimDwanadamatitam gaganasadhrishamTatmamashyadi lakshipamEka nityam bimalam ayatamSawadhi Sakshi bhutamBhava teetam triguna rahitamSadguru tam namami. Hari Shanker Deo----Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!All prayers of Swamiji are sincere and potent, filled with so much humility! One of such as stated by Meeraji, "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon Nahin" So simple! Prayers are, for me, a great opportunity to express my gratitude for everything I have been given. Prayer arises spontaneously when I want to tell God how fortunate I am to just BE! We are all beads in His necklace, and as such we lose our own identity as all glory belong to Necklace!I want to also acknowledge my inability as individual in handling problems of life, so I ask for His help in taping the Intelligence that He is!

Never ever has He disappointed me!His way of answering is unique: He doesn't change people around me, He doesn't change my circumstances either, He does more powerful than these, He changes "me"!!! He removes "me" from the scene altogether! Isn't that a smart way to answer prayers? Same situation, same people who may be seeking advantage of "me", but I don't perceive them being problematic anymore! Lord has done it many times in this life! He just doesn't look after vested interest of anyone, including "me" but considers interest of all and changes those who pray!He tells me that "others" are Him including I too , so it doesn't matter who has more money, who sings better

than somebody else, who is more famous, who is more healthy, who is king or who is beggar!After all, it is all Him that laughs in every victory and cries in every defeat!He does so, so that I am not left alone to cry or laugh!I sincerely thank you, my Lord for being so kind and understanding!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt------AAJ PRABHU Aaj Prabhu Kuchhh ghat jaye Kahaa sunaa eko ho jayeSuna suna sa Kahaa kahaa sa Ik sangeet kee gunjan Iktaa mein Ik prem kaa bandhan ho jaeIk Gunjan, Govinda Tera apna pyaarShabd kho jayen Ik gehree nistabdhta mein kho jaen Phir goonj uthen wohIk sulgati huee chaah kee pukarAur jhuki nazron se nari sharmayeSahmee saanson mein narinder kho jaeMiln ka dard kuchh aisa ban jaeMit jae nari, mar jaye, mit jae Aur Bus tu hee tu hoGaataa hua Suntaa hua Muskaata hua Astitva Bus tu hee ho, mere Govinda Apnee narinderta mein magan Tu hee tu ho ! Bus tum hee ! Tu Tum ! Aur Tu !!This Moment Now...... This moment Now, Beloved Lord Let Blossoms of Love flower in the Being May speech and hearing their twoness shed ! The hearing not just the hearing The entreaty not just a Prayer Their Music lovingly reverbrating In the embrace of Union ….. Just Love, just Silence ……….The Sound of No Sound caressing Thy slave as your gift of Love, Words disappearing in Silence of Being……….. With only the sound-less sound singing as AUM The Silence then choosing to flower as words Yearning for Silence again Eyes closed in ecstasy of surrender The warm Breath of yearning in nari... to Life eternal awakening And, in the Joy of Death of nariness narinder, at thy lotus feet, dancing. And Lord,be thou Nought else but Thee, Lord Be Thou the singing Minstrel… And the thirsting songbird too In blissful gratitude waltzing, in the downpour from Existence Ever and ever as narinder-ness, May thou as thy own Desire, love and be, O Krishna ! Thou Thee Thine Be the Celebration Divine !O KRISHNA OM KRISHNA O Thou, My Love. Thou art the soundless sound ...........Thou the Silence yet greater, surrounding the sound Thou the Unheard Melody ...............Ever vibrating in nari's ears. The sound itself is the light ............The Light of Love............ that vibrates in Nari’s heart And nari's heart ? Does it exist , when nari himself does not ! The existing that is Existence ..........Is your Being ...........Is your Joy of Being Is the Love of yourself ..............For your own self ! Ah, what can poor nari say !?? ! And, how !?? ! Thou art the thief That steals nari's voice Thou the robber That robs nari's being Leaving him impotent ..........Leaving him mute ..........O Krishna, Om Krishna What more to say, and how ?!!? It is Thy Grace that narinder seeks !!! AUM narinder bhandariTo be without any Ardhana or Want is the best praer. better than that is the following MAT JANMANAH PHALAM IDAM MADU KAITABHA HARE MAT PRAARTHANEEYA MAT ANUGRAHA ESHA EVA CATVAT BHRITYASYA BHRITYA PARICAARAKA BHRITYA BHRITYABHRITYASYA BHRITYA ITI MAAM SMARA LOKANAATHA tHIS IS THE 24TH Sloka of Mukunda Maalaa by Kulasekhara, as I understand, he is a king and a contemporary of Jesus in Palestine (more than 2000 yrs back). Its substance is: my prayer to you, my Lord, is that ou should remember me not as a king or as your servant; rather treat me and remember me as aservant of servant of ......slaves of your servants servant. I need not elaborate; the content is very clear to the stupidest of the stupidest of- - -of stupids. krishna samudrala.------IN HINDI Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar .. Yeh mera badan, ai mere humdum, bus khaak hai, suna tau hai main ne ....khaak hai , khaak mein mil jaye gaa.... bahut suna hai main ne Ihsaas iska , ai Khuda , kyunkar ho, kuchh raham kar Roshni rooh ki zahan pe chhaa jae................ kuchh meher kar ............... Aaj phir dil ne , pukaaraa hai tumhein, Ik Yaad ban kar, Ik Pyaar ban kar, Ik Tarap ban kar….. aameen narinder bhandariIN ENGLISH once again, Beloved, this moment now, the heart wails for thee, I pine , I yearn, I cry this body beautiful ... is nought but earth fire and water words keeps falling in the ears ... again , and again,and yet again, we hearSpeak now to me , Beloved , ... how indeed this realisation , blossom in the Mindhow indeed the Mind become the Light that Truth isthe Mind merge in that Light', Lord, be merciful, show me the Light , be kind, Beloved, show me the Path,show me the Way........ once again, this moment now, the heart yearns for thee I wail, , I pine, I cry ........... AUM narinder bhandariDear Sadaks,Sloka: Vasudevam Sutham DevamKamsa Chanura Marthanam---------------. Ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe.People who pray Shiva Bagavan: Tridalam Triguna Karam-------------------ends with Shiva Loka Avapnothi.From Rama Prabavam: Telling "Rama Rama (2 second gap) again Rama Rama (2 seconds gap) repeating 11 times, or 37 times, or 108 times, makes the chakras energies. There by the mind slowly becomes away from desires.B.Sathyanarayan----Tvameva Maata ca Pitaa tvamevaTvameva Bandhusca sakha tvamevaTvameva Vidyaa dravinam tvamevaTvameva Sarvam mama devadevaMy dear Bhagvan Krishna! You are my mother, father, brother, sister, friend, teacher, maintainer, protector and my dear Bhagavan. You are everything for me and I am completely dependent upon You. You are mine and I am Yours! Whatever things I have are actually Yours. I want to use Your things given by in Your service.My dear Bhagvan Ram! I want to remember You all the time. May I never forget You! May I remember You all the time! Please help me remember You while I am doing my activities."Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niraamayaa.Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa kascchid Dukh bhaagbhevet" May everyone be happy and healthy! May everyone see the truth and no one suffer! Please protect everyone and protect my family.Siya Ram mai sab jag jaani; karahu pranaam jori jugpani My dear Bhagvan Ram! Seeing this world as Your form, I offer pranams with folded hands. You reside in my and everyone's heart. Please give me vision so that I can see You in every living entity and objects. With such equal vision, one sees good and bad people equally as they are all part of You. Please remove the faults of rivalry, jealousy and envy as I am supposed to see You in everyone. How can I be jealous or think bad of others if You are in them! Give me strength and ability to serve and help You in form of people around me.More sudhaaro so san bhaanti kripa nahin kripa aghaati. Dear Bhagavan! Fix all kinds of faults in me and improve me. Your mercy never tires in giving mercy.Jaahi per kripa karahi jan jaani, kavi ur ajir naachaavahi vaani. Goddess Saraswati dances on the tongue of those whom You mercifully see as Yours. That person who gets Your mercy gets all the knowledge. I am Yours. You are mine. Please give me Your mercy and accept me as Yours.Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Gaurav Mittal----------------Jai Shri Hari,A prayer is a call by the self to his own "self of self " (supreme self). Thanks for posting beautiful lines of prayers. I loved the word "KarunaSindhu"/ "Lord of Mercy" which is the real listener of the prayers.May God Bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-Shree Hari Ram Ram "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon NahinO' Lord ! O My Very Own Lord! Let Me Never Forget You ! Meera Das, Ram Ram -------Namaste Whether in a state of helplessness or of power, of joy or sorrow....you may approach Bhagavan with Sivananda's Universal Prayer:O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love !Salutations and Prostrations Unto Thee !Thou Art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient !Thou Art Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Knowledge-Bliss) !Thou Art the Indweller of All Beings !Grant us an understanding heart,Equal vision, balanced mind,Faith, Devotion and Wisdom !Grant us Inner Spiritual strength,To resist temptations and to control the mind !Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger, jealousy and hatred !Fill our hearts with Divine Virtues !Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms !Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms !Let us ever remember Thee !Let us ever sing Thy glories !Let Thy Name be ever on our lips !Let us Abide in Thee forever and ever !- Swami SivanandaAnother suggestion is a Sharangati Mantra: Om Sri Ramah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Krishnah Sharanam MamaOm Sri Sita-Ramah Sharanam MamaYou may also recite verses from GITA, modified to address Bhagavan, e.g.Destroyed is my delusion, and I have gained my memory through Thy grace, O Achyuta. I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will do Thy word. GITA 18:73I take refuge in You with all thy heart, Bhagavan; by Your grace shalt I attain supreme peace and the eternal abode. GITA 18:62In this Holy Shivratri period you may want to recite a few verses from SVETASVATARA UPANSHAD, e.g.O Rudra! Deign to protect me forever with Thy Benevolent face.May Rudra the Creator and Supporter of the gods, the great seer, the Lord of all, who saw Hiranyagarbha being born, endow us with pure or auspicious intellect.Or, just recite the Maha mantra:Hare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare HareHare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareRam Ram Deosaran Bisnath --------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question regarding prayer. In Hinduism we have lots of wonderful prayers. I would like to mention a few. 'He Krishna karuna sindho,Dina bandho jagat pate,Gopesa gopika kanta,Radha kanta namo stu te. 'Which means,' O My dear Krishna, you are the friend of the distressed, creator of the universe. You are the master of the gopis and the lover of Radharani. I offer my respectful obeisances to You. 'Another one is "Jai jagadish Hare, swami jai jagadish Hare,Bhakta jano ke sankat,Das jano ke sankat,Kshan me dur ka re,OM Jai jagadish Hare. "Which means, ' O jagadish, get rid of the troubles of your devotees and servants. 'There are few more verses for this 'Jai Jagadish Hare' and if anybody is interested I can provide the whole prayer. My favourite Hare Krishna Maha Mantra which can be sung at any time , any place and any where. 'Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare. 'Any prayer or devotional service can advance us spiritually. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D----- When the moment is painful and the mind does not run to seek support of any satisfactory idea, it is in prayer mode, meditation mode.Mind rejects, adjusts with failure or any unfavourable situation by complaining, blaming others, feeling guilty, blaming fate, I will be successful in future and so on.Non-acceptance of the painful moment is to fight an illusory battle; the battle can never end because the non-acceptance causes a division within as if some one else is responsible, whereas in actuality this division does not exist. Acceptance of the present moment is the first and last step towards that oneness, which is the source of all life.The mystery starts unfolding.Y V Chawla-----Shree HariRam Ram To want something is not "prayer". On one hand we say that -Paramatma is All Knowing, and on the other hand we want to tell Him of your wants that - O All knowing One, please know from me, what I want. What ! is this right use of your vivek (discrimination)? If you desire to know something then read from Swamiji's book"Ek Sant ki Vasiyat", his final discourse. What can be beyond that to know or do? So be it. Vineet Sarvottam ------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Vineetji, please listen to Vishesh Pravachan # 401 - Nitya Stuti aur Praartha, where Swamiji indicatesStuti mein mahima hoti hai aur praarthna mein apni yaasnaa, apni kuch maang rakh denaa yeh praarthnaa hoti hai.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htm Swamiji said many different things at different points in time, but there is no conflict with anything. It is all valid. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram Shree Hari-


When I read these wonderful words of Revered Swamiji, my eyes started to smart,

and in my heart I kept saying Amen... Amen....

Oh! My Dear Beloved! Such deep pain, such absolute surrender!

I call it the prayer from the soul, a cry from 'The dark night of the soul'.

I think this is not an intellectual thing, this is experience!

The joy comes after the surrender!

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).


SHREE HARI RAM RAMPlease forgive me as i mutter a prayer towards all sadhaks everywhere . I have learned so much of peace from you so let me share peace.the Lord is my Shepherd..i shall not want..he makes me to lie down in green pasture.He leadeth me beside the still water He refreshes my soul.He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Names sake.He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., thou preparest a table in the midst of mine enemies.thou anointest my head with oil..my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the House of my Father forever.catherine andersen ======================================

Mind is fed by comfort, solace, hope. When suddenly, the short circuit in the momentum of thought

shuts the supply of comfort, hope, solace, mind rejects with all its force as its sustenance is coming to an

end. It is shocked. This shock causes the death of the present mind and hails a new mind.Y V Chawla


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

1st February 2010, Monday, Maagh Krishna Dvitiya,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort, till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and once this happens, geniune prayer will take place. Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah | When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from within, then immediately the work will happen. When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position, knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists.

As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen. When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.

From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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Shree Hari Ram Ram Please share a favorite prayer that expresses a deep state of helplessness in front of God. Thank you, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram =============================================NEW POSTING-Shree Hari-


Below is an extract from the prayer of Swamiji as posted by Varun


'He Naath ! May You create such intense longing,

such distress within me that I am unable to live without You.

He Naath ! May You create such a fire in my heart,

that I am unable to live without Your love.'

If one can read these lines and understand them, not intellectually but

with a knowing of experience, (gnosis).

Those simple lines explain to one why sometimes you are touched with

such a profound agony of the body mind and spirit, that you can turn

only the Beloved!

This prayer tells you that your suffering, maybe The Grace of

Divine Love, in action! (Hard to accept I understand, but Swamiji is

talking to all of us!)

I think Brother Narottam , was being hard on himself. I remember when I

was a young man, I developed rapidly the pain of what turned out to be a

double tooth abscess. Not being well off my boss lent me some money and

dispatched me off to the dental hospital, a whole row of dental chairs,

we were done in shifts.

By the time my extraction came, the anesthetic had worn off, the pain

was intense, I gurgled 'Holy Mother', a term I never used, not part of

my native religion!

My reflex cry in sudden pain is still to, 'Holy Mother'.

I understand now that Bhagwan, is both mother and father, both the

Divine Nurturing and the Cosmic Creator.

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).---------------------Shree Paramatmane Namah Brother Shri Narottamji! To consider someone elseas merely one who has studied is an unwantedmistake. Paramatma and Prayer are not dependent on words and deliberations. Silent prayer (at the last breath when the tongue is unable to speak, senses do not function, then the prayer that takes place in that neither words are said nor written but are heard.Paramatma listens, not the world. Such prayer how can any one share? So be it. Vineet Sarvottam----Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding prayersHinduism is full of the most beautiful devotional prayers,and slokas. I would like to mention a couple of them, easy to chant. "Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare,Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. "The second one is," He Krishna Karuna Sindho,Dina Bandho Jagat Pate,Gopesa gopika kanta,Radha Kanta Namostute. "Which means,' O Lord Krishna, you are most merciful, friend of the distressed,creator of this universe, master of gopis, lover of Radharani. I offer my obeisances to You. 'Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D ---------------------------- My favorite prayer is ' Dinan Dukha Haran' written by Shrimad Suradasa. Mihir Dave --------------------------- Govinda ... You ... a spec ... What a revelation … Dance of Govida in the MaaNDuka … white dot on white wall … dark speck in dark night … You and ONLY YOU J! Govinda! It is verily You who is playing in the foreground as well as in the background … The Vishwa … The Taijasa … The Praagnya … as well as THE TUREEYAA … YOU and what else, YOU AGAIN. At your Feet Narinderji. Naga Narayana. ------------------------------- Hari OmThank You, Varun, for really posting a heart touching prayer from Swamiji to Paramatma. Your picking and sharing to all of us is in itself an example of "Akarma" within the meaning of Gitaji. Such prayers do caress souls. There is a soothing peace...goal...and direction in this prayer to sadhaks. There is MINE-NESS in it. There is helplessness in it. There is 'pukaar' ( a loud spontaneous cry from deep within) in it. Only Taat Shree can be that subtle. Words fail in prayers.Jeeva can DEMAND but only from God. Jeeva can cry but only before God.Jeeva can exult but only in front of Him. Jeeva can complain but only to Him. Jeeva can boast but only before His father. Your all emotions in fact are meant for your Father only . Vis-a-vis the world your only role is to do your DUTY in a dry, equanimous, stranger, machine like manner ! Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B ------------------------Jai HanumanIt indeed gives me pleasure in replying to Sarvottamji. I love giving detailed replies to him, for I know how near he is to the object. I have very high regard for him…for I know he is a long time devotee of Swamiji Maharaj. I hope Sadhaks never take these innocent sharing of views as some ego issue. We believe sincerely that if there is any place where one can for some time throw away strong likings and disliking, insistence, arrogance, complex….ego and put oneself into an equanimous zone…it is in Satsanga. In fact we take Satsanga as a forum where we must be as natural as we actually are. We must be equanimous and non-insistent to our own knowledge. When I decided to contribute in this Forum..the guiding principle for me was TRUTH…SAT. Another guiding principle which we always followed was to pick precisely that thing which is an obstacle to the sadhak and present as it is…point blank. The third principle we have followed is that we never write without making proper home work and confirming from Swamiji’s literature. That helps sadhak the most. It may at times appear hurting…but ultimately Truth prevails…such is TRUTH…such is SATSANGA. That truth is sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet, sometimes hurting, sometimes crushing…is another matter. We additionally add PUNCH in our expression…so that one does not forget the SAT easily.TRUTH IS ALWAYS TRUTH. In Satsanga you always associate yourself with SAT. One should therefore NEVER take Satsanga Forum as some place where one is to reflect asats like ego, pride, arrogance and insistence. Here one always should be sans likings and disliking and with EQUANIMITY. If we cant be equanimous at such a holy place…why do we call ourselves Sadhaks ? There has to be a goal behind everything we do. If we are in Satsanga…it is not for seeing your name on internet, it is for sharing the TRUTH from your personal angle. Pranaams to all sadhaks.Jee JeeShashikala ------Pranam, I am posting the prayer by Swamiji which was recently posted on facebook.He Naath ! It is my sincere prayer to you, that You appear sweet and loving to me. That is my only requirement, there is no other requirement. He Naath ! If I desire heavens, then you place me in hell; if I desire happiness, then shower me with endless sorrows, but may You at all times appear sweet and loving to me. He Naath ! May You create such intense longing, such distress within me that I am unable to live without You. He Naath ! May You create such a fire in my heart, that I am unable to live without Your love.He Naath ! Besides You who else is mine? Who should I tell, who will listen? O' My Protector! Where will I go? What will I do? No one is mine.Being lost, I believed many to be mine. But I was betrayed by them. Once again I am likely to be betrayed. You please save me ! O My Beloved One! The guardian of the abandoned! The refuge of those seeking shelter! The purifier of the sinful! The friend of the poor! The protector of the unprotected! The sustainer of those without any support! The savior of the afflicted! The foundation of the baseless! O' Merciful and compassionate One without any cause! The only accomplishment of those without any accomplishment! The aid of those needing help! Do you not know me, the wretched, the ungrateful, the sinner, who has turned inauspicious, a non-performer far from action. In spite of knowing the suffering and sorrows resulting from temporary sense enjoyments, yet I remain infatuated. I continue to believe something to be beneficial, even though it is not for my welfare. I have stumbled and fallen over and over again and then too I have not become alert and careful. Over and over again I have experienced suffering due to turning away from You. Who will you find besides me, that inspite of knowing, yet doesn't know, inspite of being alerted, yet does not become cautious.Prabho! Save me! Save me! Protect me! Protect me! Hey Prabho! Hey Vibho! When I look deeply with wide open eyes, I find that neither the mind-intellect-life breath-senses and body are mine, then how can things and persons be mine! I know this, I say this, but I do not believe the truth, the essence. Is this condition of mine even hidden for a single moment from You? The Beloved One! What can I say! He Naath ! He Naath !! He Mere Naath !!! O! friend of the poor! O Lord! You only take me in your shelter from your side !Enough! Now let only You appear Sweet and Loving ! Source - http://www.facebook.com/notes/he-mere-naath-o-my-lord-/prayer-by-swami-ramsukhdasji/338414697169Varun Paprunia --- Hari OmAnswer to Sarvottamji is very simple. Truth till it is accepted does not help. It is truth that you are of God but till you do not accept ...it is useless for you. The butter and ghee is there in whole body of cow but you have to extract it systematically. Hence Saints and Scriptures advice: Accept yourself to be of God. Hence Mirabaai said: Mere to Girdhar Gopal.You appear to be arguing on the basis of what you have learnt. It does not help. It is 'drukunyakarane' as stated in Bhaja Govindam. I am telling you because I have gone through rigour. About 2 decades back it occurred to me that I should make a habit of taking name of God everytime there is sneeze or cough or yawning or any bodily discomfort or any crisis or when any bad thought crosses mind etc...so that I remember God at last moment. In a year or so it became my habit. I became very happy. But in 1998 I had a sudden bathroom fall (3 stiches on eye brow) and inspite of 10 year old habit of taking God's name (Raam...Raam...Raam) , spontaneously I loudly said: O Maa ! I got stunned. I got puzzled. That was the time to utter Raam..Raam ! I remember within 3/4 days only when I put on CD of Ramsukhdasji Maharaj in the night...He narrated story of a parrot to whom the trainer teaches to say Raam... Raam....Raam. Parrot utters also that day and night. But when cat catches it, parrot forgets Raam...Raam and starts saying..Tain, tain, tain. That day I understood the difference between 'learning' and 'experiencing/accepting' !!Hope this helps you.Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---Dear Sadhaks, When I raise my hands in prayer I have no words, I just know that I am a puppet dancing on Your finger tips my beloved Krishna. Whatever I am, whoever I am,however I am, its all your play. Actually the entity I called "I" does not exist, its all YOU and only YOU my dear.So what can I demand ? Do whatever You have to do with this entity(I). I only know one thing "ONLY YOU are MINE", and I am Yours. Thats it. With Love,A sadhikaSadhna Karigar -------------------------- Jai HanumanDear Vineet Sarvottamji ! There is a difference in 'learning' and 'believing' ! Your Q mainly is:(Does God) without your doing anything he remained yours? (Why I need believe He is mine)That God is yours is truth and that you firmy believe that, is actually your option. It is not automatic. You may not believe something though that may be truth .. This is one option. You may believe that though it may be truth..This is second option. You may believe though it is false is also another option. Hence truth and belief are two different things altogether. They are NOT necessarily together or NOT automatically together. . Human has a freedom. An option. A choice. Think ! Had mine-ness with Paramatma been automatic ... why Scriptures, Saints and Sages, Gita etc are needed? Why Swamiji would say - God is yours already , you become now of God ? Why ? Why Goswami Tulsidasji Maharaj would say "Hohi Raam ko naam Japi" ( First become of God and then chant His Name) ? Why Lord Krishna time and again would regretfully say : My part , only my part Jeeva, instead of getting me tries to get inert nature and thus falls from grace and goes to hell ! Why would Lord Krishna say so ? ...Answer !!Why ? Because Jeeva 'says' even 'knows' : "I am of God" but does not 'believe' that. He 'knows' but he does not admit / accept/ believe. We know smoking is bad but we still smoke. We know but we don't accept. We know body of every one dies and that is truth also...but we start crying if some near and dear dies. We know but don't believe in that knowledge. If we believe, then why would we cry?As regards your 'shishu' query - Where the belief that 'God is mine' is firm ...the Love for God emanates automatically. Mothers' love for child appears automatic and spontaneous not because of truth but due to MINE-NESS already existing. Remove the child at the time of birth from mother's possession and present child to her say after 20 years....will there be 'automatic' love flowing? No ! Mother may not even recognise the child. Though here the truth continues to be that she is mother of the child. But since there is no 'acceptance' of 'mineness' there is no automatic love.Hence it is DUTY of Jeeva to establish mine-ness with Paramatma...to believe Paramatma is mine. Power to believe is one of three powers of Jeeva. Jeeva has freedom to use that power. Jeeva has options and freedom to accept or reject ! Truth as such and alone has no role in what one believes. In other words it is not necessary that you believe always in truth. The following has only 'learning' and even otherwise is not a correct statement. :We only have a need for establishing "mine-ness" with that which is not ours, or those that we have consideredto be "paraayaa" or stranger . Where is the need for establishing mineness with strangers ? Mineness is developed believing the worldly people to be 'actually yours'. 'Mineness' is Jeeva's prorogative. In Hindi it is called 'Mamata'. Further, You have contradicted yourself here with the following:Did you ever have feeling of mine-ness with your "shishu" or without your doing anything he remained yours? In the opening para you feel 'mineness' has to be established. Here you say it is automatic. The distinction can not arise of what is truth (God) and what is false (world). Because key here is not 'truth' but 'acceptance by Jeeva'And exactly therefore your following statement can't be stated to be a correct conclusion: In reality, for me to pray to Paramatma for anythingis telling that All Knowing Supreme, that He is not All Knowing.See how funny the conclusion is ? It means when you pray (which is always for something) ..you insult Paramatma and believe 'He is not at all "All knowing"- (sarvagya)' ! Where then is very need for prayer? It means even the prayer - "O Lord I should never forget you" ... is telling Paramatma that He is not 'sarvagya' ! Note: Here, you are praying for 'something'- You are asking God to ensure that you don't forget Him !! Had what you state been correct- Why Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj insisted on praying: Hey Naath Main Aapko Bhooloon nahin? Is it not a demand? Is it not a prayer? What is 'pukaar'? What is calling out to Him? What is surrender? What is leaving your duties to Him? There is demand- however subtle it may be. Hence I said : Beileve you are of Paramatma. Say you are of Paramatma. Pray - I am yours, you are mine. Establish mine ness with Him. Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala-----------------------I just know that I am a puppet dancing on Your finger tips my beloved Krishna. Whatever I am, whoever I am,however I am, its all your play. Actually the entity I called "I" does not exist, its all YOU and only YOU ........................Sadhna Karigar YOU, YOU, AND YOU It is You,You Beloved.You are the white dotOn a white wall.You,You are the dark speckIn the darkness of the nightAnd it is YouYou, my Love,The discerning eye That seesThe white dot on the white wallAnd discernsThe dark speckIn the darkness of the night!Narinder Bhandari GOVINDA IT is You, Govinda, who weave The seven sounds Into the soundless Sound.YouWho swing the seven colours Into the Light of lights. LightThat pulsatesInThe soundless Sound.To create and sustainAn Existence so vastThatTime and SpaceFind themselves impotentTo suppress or express! And I Pure IntelligenceConsciousness,EnergyChangeless Unmoving,Do yetCreate Sustain and DestroyThe Three WorldsOnceEvery twenty- four hours! And choose to play the GameOf the Seeker and the SoughtOf the Dancer dancingEven when the DanceCries outTo beONE with the DancerIn Repose. LIFE When I laughed, BelovedWhen I laughed,The Song and Dance in my laughterWas Your Loving Glance. When I cried, my Love,When I wept,The sorrow, sadness, love or joy in my tearsWas Your Song and Dance. Song, Dance, Love and LaughterCelebration That IS, What Life IS,AndThe tears in the eyesA part of it,AreYour Gift to me.Thank You, LordThank You for the Gift of Life. AUM narinder bhandari LORD I AM NOW TIREDAwaken in me, my Love, as the nothingness of the seedAwaken in me as the death of all that is As the nought that isAs the ought that will be.Lord, loving thee is my wont, Waking or asleepButThou art thouAnd only Thou knowest Thyself As Thy Self.I am now tiredTired of being asleepTired of being the DreamLord awaken in me as the nothingness of the seedAs the death that is. Awaken LordHarken BelovedBe awakeBe awake Be awake! AumNarinder Bhandari ------------------------ Stuti Kruishna, Kruishna .....Silently does nari sing your song Kruishna Kruishna Kruishna In Silence does nari sing of Kruishna Kruishna , the Truth of Being Kruishna , The Love of Being Kruishna, the Bliss of Being Kruishna , the Beauty of Being Kruishna, the Light of LightsKruishna, in whose embrace, Darkness becomes the womb of Light The Sun, The Moon, The Stars That shine and sing the Glory of the SelfThe Self, who is KruishnaThe Light of Lights !Krishna Krishna Silently nari sings your song Thou art Truth Thou the Light Thou, verily , the Love That You bring into nari’s Life To lead him into Your embraceKruishna, Kruishna .....Silently does nari sing your song Kruishna Kruishna Kruishna Prarthana The prayer is an arising Out of nowhere does prayer arise in the Heart,No reason for arising, this prayer ah ! The Prayer for love and peace Is nought but the Light of One-nessHis own Gift, His own Joynought but Love, nought but Silence, nought but Peace Yet He is not that, nor Thou that Neti, neti, neti, He is not this, He is not that. He is not the other, Beyond,yonder beyond is He, Beyond, beyond , beyond is the Self, the essence of all Presence Presence alone is He. The dawning of a new day breaks softly across the sky Witnessing His Love in bloomAnd, the heart prays for that Self Knowing LoveThe divine love........Where the Self rests and exists and expandsImmovable in the HERENOW the past or the future its Joy in Knowing. Tat Tvam Asi, Thou Art That, Lord. May that Wakefulness flower in the self Wakefulness that puts to sleep all sloth, all darkness of Being. Om Tat Sat ............. AUM. narinder bhandari--------Shree Hari Ram Ram HE NAATH ! Bless me such that I may never forget you. "Mein Aapko Bhooloon Nahin". I am Your very own. I am only Yours and only You are mine. You are entirely mine. And You are my everything. He Naath, He Mere Naath ! He Mere Swami, Mein bhooloon nahin. Let me never forget You. "Ek aasaro, ek bal, ek aas vishwaas…. "I depend on Only You, You are my only source of strength. You are the only one I can trust from my heart. I desire nothing else. Let me never forget You. Let me never forget You.Let me never forget You."Mein Aapko bhooloon nahin."Bless me such that I may never forget You Meera Das, Ram Ram -----------------------Shree Paramatmane Namah Jee Jee, you said you should have belief that God is mine. "Ours" is ours, how to have feeling of mineness with that? We only have a need for establishing "mine-ness" with that which is not ours, or those that we have consideredto be "paraayaa" or stranger . Did you ever have feeling of mine-ness with your "shishu" or without your doing anything he remained yours? In reality, for me to pray to Paramatma for anythingis telling that All Knowing Supreme, that He is notAll Knowing. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam Shri Krishnah sharanam mama.I believe that the bottom line of a prayer ought be that you do not ask from God anything whatsoever of the material world. The simple reason for this is that it is a sure shot prescription to remain entangled in tormenting web of the eternal cycleof death and birth, which is not the purpose of a human birth. Thus those who only(or also) seek wealth, health, fame, pleasures,… and all such material things fromGod, will surely get the same, may be in this birth or in any of the future births, but will also be liable to commit many more such blunders of seeking God's favour in the form of worldly attributes and thus continue to suffer eternally. This goes against all the holy prescriptions and is also against the very basis of Bhakti.An ideal form of connecting with God is therefore either by Stuti (singing the glory and kindness of God) or Vinati (prarthana) by seeking (maang) only His love and your constant and continuous devotion and unconditional surrender to Him.K.N. Sharma-------------------------------Jai HanumanPrayer ! Well to my mind it is essentially MINENESS with Paramatma. Once Swamiji was asked:Which relationship I should establish with Paramatma? He answered - Any which you like. That of Daas ( slave), of Son , of Father , of Mother, of Friend, of Master, of Servant, of Guru, of Disciple, of Husband….God is eveready to reciprocate in the same manner. But it is generally stated by Saints that relationship of a friend with Him is the best. However, in most of the Shruti there relationship of Father and Son or God being Master and Jeeva being Servant is observed. God is open. WHICHEVER WAY YOU APPROACH HIM, HE IS THERE ! Mirabaai saw husband in Lord Krishna. Draupadi saw brother in Him. Yashoda…a child in Lord Krishna. All were right. In fact God is a did-interested FRIEND of every soul. We are His part and parcel. But constant sorrows and helplessness received by Jeeva during his stay with this DUKHALAYAM often makes him a slave of Paramatma. Jeeva finds it the only alternative to be His son. But actually He is ready to establish ANY relationship with you! Try any "stick to it"¦Talk with Him in silence - cry before Him - laugh before Him - what a pleasure each such emotion imparts. He heeds, Sadhaks In fact only He heeds and no one else !! You can order Him, you can challenge Him, you can fire Him, you can get angry with Him, you can love Him, you can allege Him…you can do whatever you want to do - just establish relationship "be a mosquito" Garuda will come running to you !!! Saints have said: " Keedi ke pag nupur baaje woh bhi Saheb sunata hai" ! Even a sound of some leg ornament worn by an ant is heard by God. Need is only to have MINE-NESS with Him. Key is MINE-NESS with Him. To my mind ..egolessness or purity or auspiciousness or intentions are secondary. Primary is MINE-Ness ! "He is mine" ! Just as a child believes that Mom is mine, you should have belief that God is mine. Does a child observe any disciplines/rules/regulations while dealing with Mom? No! You too neednot, Divine Sadhaks. Just out of sheer "mineness" call Him. O God ... You are mine, I am yours. Draupadi had an inauspicious desire vis-a-vis Dushashana. She said- " I will not tie my hairs , I will keep my hair open, till I wash them with the blood taken out from the chest of Dushashana." Even with such vengeance ridden mind/intellect...she was devotee and perfect devotee of Lord Krishna. She could order Him, question Him, fire Him..! How? Because of mine-ness !Hence establish mineness with Paramatma. Your EVERY deed, thought and emotion then becomes the Prayer. Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala--------------------------------Stuti and Praarthana … state of helplessness … state of self-sufficiency … Anything done in state of helplessness is out of the fear of loosing dependence, loosing grounds, loosing survival … such a state can arise only when one is not self-reliant and self-sufficient … what else can be sought in such a state but to seek to protect the ever-vulnerable state of survival in this world ... all the thoughts raisingfrom such a state cannot be anything but self-centered, rather ego-centered. The line between the ego and the self is very thin … an assumption of the self is the ego while the awareness of the ego is the self. Assumed state of the self within an individual dominion - the ego, in other words - is the true ignorance which causes the fear of existence as the very dominion appears crumbling striving to withstand the environmental wrath of challenges and hurdles in survival. Therefore, whatever one does in such a helpless self-deficient state would only seek onething - to promote the individual existence as the ego preceives ... as theignorance perceives. The self-awareness can never be an agenda there ... unless the ego realizes its own limitations, dificiencies and opaqueness. Just like the line between the awareness and ignorance, the line between the ego's perception on the world and itself is also very thin ... it has been relentlessly busy in looking outward ... it has to just flip its attention within ... to itself ... the thin line WILL evaporate ... Stuti is an instrument devised to cleanse the outward attention in the ego ... to divinize its outlook on the existence... to reveal its ignorance in its object-dependence in survival and its self-omposed confinement in the resulting bondage ... to levitate its awareness of the world toward an objective appreciation acknowledging the freedom all around to appreciate the same within ... as the freedom within is revealed, it can plunge into its own abyss wherein ONLY FREEDOM resides and nothing else ... THE BLISS that presides the abyss of its verypresence pervades the whole universe as the ego cannot withold its self-imposed ignorance anymore ... the thin line between the ego and the self mitigates ... THE SELF prevails as is ... and as ever ... Praarthana is an instrument devised to cleanse the inward corruption the ego has amassed over its life in terms of instincts, tendencies, attitudes and behaviors at various sublime, subtle and gross levels of its existence … to dig-in to the root causes for all its Vaasanaas which are perpetually throwing it into the pit of helplessness ... to dig-in to the root causes of all its fears and desires due to which the very helplessness seeks birth in the first place ... to seek the very cause for all helpness, fears-and-desires, instincts-tendencies-attitudes-and-behaviors, all its miseries individually as well as collectively - itself! When the ignorance seeks itself, its own reality is instantly revealed leaving no space for its existence anymore ... the ego has no room anymore ... the individual attains one's true abode, The Self leaving nothing else around. Where is this cry for help (Praarthana) is coming from and for what? If it is coming from the ego to strengthen its own existence - desire prevails, dominates and consumes the fellow. If the same ego truthfully looks at its own vulnerability, its true strength comes out - to be the self rather than pretending to be one! When THE SELF, THE COMPLETENESS, is attained from within, what can be left within to seek any attainment? ... and, how can a helplessness consume the fellow anymore?Yastvaatmaratireva syaat aatmatriptashcha maanavah |Aatmanyeva cha santushTah tasya kaaryam na vidyate ||Where is this praising (Stuti) going to and for what? If it is arising from the ego to seek alliance in the world for its own promotion - fear prevails, dominates and consumes the fellow. If the ego truthfully looks at the existential vulnerability of the world and the worldly objects it is restlessly depending upon for its own existence, its true vulnerability comes out - to be anything other than itself! When, it realizes truely and truthfully how to be ITSELF, THE FREEDOM, what is there left around to constrain and bind the fellow with? ... and, how can helplessness consume the fellow anymore??Naiva tasya kritenaartho naakriteneha kashchana |Na chaasya sarvabhooteshu kashchidarthavyapaashrayah || Let us … truly and truthfully, let us …… be the Stuti … be the Praarthana … be the Upaasana that is both … … cleanse our worldly perception … cleanse our self-ignorance … be The Clean, The Awareness, as such … Om Shaantih shaantih shaantih …Respects.Naga Narayana------------------ IF YOUR MIND IS GOOD YOU WILL FEEL THE MAGIC OF PEACEIF YOUR MIND IS BAD YOU WILL NOT BE SATISFEID WITH YOUR STATEVibiesh Chungath -----------------------------Shree Hari-Namaste!There seems to be several general thoughts on prayer within this thread.Coming back to the words of Swamiji; 1st February 2010, Monday 'As long as there is egoism, genuine prayer or genuine surrendering to God will not happen. And without genuine prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen.' In fact it would be well worth a second reading of that post below!Some Sadhaks clearly understand, the essence of this post.When one surrenders to HIS will, to HIS mercy, then one will not need to beg not to forget HIM!To me the huge surprise was to find myself throwing myself at HIS feet, crying out for help, knowing from the soul, that 'The Divine Beloved' is my most absolute Father, under huge pressure this absolute knowing comes like a diamond from the deep.My favourite prayer is the prayer of knowing, that has no words, just the knowing of the Divine Presents.Summed up beautifully by the these lines of the twenty third psalm, as per Catherine Andersen:'He comforts my soul..yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil for though art with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me..., 'When one feels totally abandon, where absolutely nothing helps your agony, when you feel beyond all help, then! Then, one remembers the Father!Om ... Shanti...Mike (K).--------------Hari OmHey Paramatma! Hey Mahapurush ! Hey Deendayal! Hey Dinanath ! Hey Taat Shree ! You are great, Sir ! Great player, Jee, Great player. Tussi Great Ho Jee !! Real Dramabaaj, Sir ! Clown, Jee, Clown !! These GT Forum people are asking me to presume I am helpless ! With you around, Sir !!But you are capable of making us helpless ! No doubt ! Let me take the bull by the horns !!Gurudev ! What is this you have created ? This world !! Why Sir ? Just for play ? Just because you did not relish being alone ? Don't you realise - Chicken has lost its life and the eater often says ' I did not relish' !! For your fun you have created 'Dukhaalayam' ! Sir, Dukhalayam ashaashwatham ! I ask you - who prevented you from making it 'Sukhaalayam' ? You first give body, mind, intellect and world and then ask children to disconnect with them. Don't enjoy them! Don't relish them! Hey ... Why did you fun around. That right only father has, not the son ! Very good ! If they do not disconnect, you send sorrows. Why Sir ? Tussi Great ho Jee ! BUTI refuse to be sorrowful. O Father, I refuse to get sorrowful. Why I should, Sir? Being your child, why I should ? What is my fault? Did you ask my permission before you dropped me into this world? No ! I am sure for lifting also, you will damn care about me. So you decided. You decidedwho and how my parents/siblings/better half/worse half / kith and kin/ surroundings/caste/creed/colour/country/circumstances/situations would be ! And on top of that you are ever ready to disconnect with a ruthless knife whatever I connect with. Sheer ruthlessness, Sir ! Why ?To awaken me ? Why did you provide for my sleep at first instance?Illay,Sir ! No !! I am your child. Child of the King of all Kings. Never will I worry ! Never will I get sorrowful ! Never will I forget you ! I will never forget how you dealt with me. The very sorrows you meted out to me bear enough testimony that you never forgot me ! Swamiji said : When you receive sorrows , feel your Daddy , Paramatma is looking at you !! Very good, Jee, very good ! Great Father, Sir, Great Father !! You always had me and me only as your target. Never you spared me ! Hence I will also not forget you. Yaad rakhoonga ! Tujhe yaad rakhoonga !! I remember each and every bullet which you fired at me. Who else could have done that, except you ? Typical Daddy, you are ! You only send pain, you only send medicine. You only send birth and you only death ! You only loss and you only profit. You only fame and you only ill fame ! Monopoly, Jee, Monopoly ! Only you are ...nothing we are ! Very good ! In fact I have understood your play. Now come on ! Come On, I say ! Make me sorrowful, if you can. Sir, I have renounced the very desire for happiness ! Make me worry about this body, if you can, Sir ! I have understood it is not mine at all. Sir I have understood that birth, death, loss, profit, fame and ill fame are controlled by you. So I have stopped worrying about the same. I have stopped desiring about the same. But hurting others appears to be your hobby. That is play for you. Okay ! I will apply balm on the wounds of every soul that is hurt. You want that, isn't it ? First you make them suffer, then you want your other children to help them- Karma Yoga, Jee, Karma Yoga !! I am as immortal as you are. Sure, you helped me in understanding that. You also sent Saints like Swamiji who applied balm over my wounds. Who taught me ! Who told me who is behind the arrows piercing the chest of Vaali ! But why this situation arose? Why you could not have helped me without firing those bullets at me also ? Hence I will never forget you ! Never ! Never !! Only you are responsible ! How can I forget you? It is said a person beaten ruthlessly or fed compassionately remembers always the beater and feeder. You have been both to me. Understood, Jee, understood. Rest all were your agents only. You do only one thing....Sir, Only one thing...If I forget you, remind me !Remind me ... And say...O son, how can you forget me...Did not I beat you ruthlessly- absolutely mercilessly ? Did not I apply medicine also on your wounds ? Did not I send Swamiji Maharaj to guide such whimsical and insane soul as that of you ? Did I ever allow you to drown ? Did not I save you from your stupidities ? Did not I pick you up just when you were about to fall in bottomless pits of sinning? What is so important if a film is comedy or tragic, or happy ending or sad ending? 'Dukhalayam' ! Who are you to judge what is good or bad for you? Who is father? You or me ? Make it 'sukhalayam' !! Who prevented you to make it 'sukhalayam' ?? A film is after all a film ! Oye Dream, Jee, Dream! O Son... Dream ! Never a reality - Asat , Jee , Asat ! O Son ! Reality is that I am your Daddy and you are my child !!Hey Paramatma, Hey Mayapati, O Baapji, O Thakurji.. That reminder to me you don't forget ! You don't forget to remind me that I should never forget you ! Well, no chances are there of your forgetting me, because even your ancestors, father, grand father has no capacity to disown me. Ha ! But still to be on safer side , I am praying to you! Hey Naath... Main Aapko Bhooloon Nahin !! You have no capacity to disown me ! Ha ! You are weak there, Sir ! You are weak, weak, weak there ! Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj said so !! Ha! Ha !! Come on! How can you forget me and my prayer ? However I am, I am your child. Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ----------------aum Beloved KrishnaIn the game of twonessYou have smiled as One-ness.AndIn the bliss of one-nessYou have danced as two-ness! And yet, Krishna............. Loving, Beloved, is real; You and I falseYou are false, Govinda, You are falseYou do not exist, nor IOnly Love exists. When I say `I love You Govinda', why do you smile?Love is realLove alone is realAndIn its mad dance of lovingIt chooses to become for one momentYou , The Lord of LordsAnd I, Your eternal plaything, your slave, your sakhaaPining and yearning for YouEcstatically seeking oblivionIn Your lookIn Your smileIn your touch. Aum narinder bhandari-------------------Brahma nandam parama sukhadamKewalam janamutimDwanadamatitam gaganasadhrishamTatmamashyadi lakshipamEka nityam bimalam ayatamSawadhi Sakshi bhutamBhava teetam triguna rahitamSadguru tam namami. Hari Shanker Deo----Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!All prayers of Swamiji are sincere and potent, filled with so much humility! One of such as stated by Meeraji, "Hey Naath ! Hey Mere Naath ! Mein Aap Ko Bhooloon Nahin" So simple! Prayers are, for me, a great opportunity to express my gratitude for everything I have been given. Prayer arises spontaneously when I want to tell God how fortunate I am to just BE! We are all beads in His necklace, and as such we lose our own identity as all glory belong to Necklace!I want to also acknowledge my inability as individual in handling problems of life, so I ask for His help in taping the Intelligence that He is!

Never ever has He disappointed me!His way of answering is unique: He doesn't change people around me, He doesn't change my circumstances either, He does more powerful than these, He changes "me"!!! He removes "me" from the scene altogether! Isn't that a smart way to answer prayers? Same situation, same people who may be seeking advantage of "me", but I don't perceive them being problematic anymore! Lord has done it many times in this life! He just doesn't look after vested interest of anyone, including "me" but considers interest of all and changes those who pray!He tells me that "others" are Him including I too , so it doesn't matter who has more money, who sings better

than somebody else, who is more famous, who is more healthy, who is king or who is beggar!After all, it is all Him that laughs in every victory and cries in every defeat!He does so, so that I am not left alone to cry or laugh!I sincerely thank you, my Lord for being so kind and understanding!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt------AAJ PRABHU Aaj Prabhu Kuchhh ghat jaye Kahaa sunaa eko ho jayeSuna suna sa Kahaa kahaa sa Ik sangeet kee gunjan Iktaa mein Ik prem kaa bandhan ho jaeIk Gunjan, Govinda Tera apna pyaarShabd kho jayen Ik gehree nistabdhta mein kho jaen Phir goonj uthen wohIk sulgati huee chaah kee pukarAur jhuki nazron se nari sharmayeSahmee saanson mein narinder kho jaeMiln ka dard kuchh aisa ban jaeMit jae nari, mar jaye, mit jae Aur Bus tu hee tu hoGaataa hua Suntaa hua Muskaata hua Astitva Bus tu hee ho, mere Govinda Apnee narinderta mein magan Tu hee tu ho ! Bus tum hee ! Tu Tum ! Aur Tu !!This Moment Now...... This moment Now, Beloved Lord Let Blossoms of Love flower in the Being May speech and hearing their twoness shed ! The hearing not just the hearing The entreaty not just a Prayer Their Music lovingly reverbrating In the embrace of Union ….. Just Love, just Silence ……….The Sound of No Sound caressing Thy slave as your gift of Love, Words disappearing in Silence of Being……….. With only the sound-less sound singing as AUM The Silence then choosing to flower as words Yearning for Silence again Eyes closed in ecstasy of surrender The warm Breath of yearning in nari... to Life eternal awakening And, in the Joy of Death of nariness narinder, at thy lotus feet, dancing. And Lord,be thou Nought else but Thee, Lord Be Thou the singing Minstrel… And the thirsting songbird too In blissful gratitude waltzing, in the downpour from Existence Ever and ever as narinder-ness, May thou as thy own Desire, love and be, O Krishna ! Thou Thee Thine Be the Celebration Divine !O KRISHNA OM KRISHNA O Thou, My Love. Thou art the soundless sound ...........Thou the Silence yet greater, surrounding the sound Thou the Unheard Melody ...............Ever vibrating in nari's ears. The sound itself is the light ............The Light of Love............ that vibrates in Nari’s heart And nari's heart ? Does it exist , when nari himself does not ! The existing that is Existence ..........Is your Being ...........Is your Joy of Being Is the Love of yourself ..............For your own self ! Ah, what can poor nari say !?? ! And, how !?? ! Thou art the thief That steals nari's voice Thou the robber That robs nari's being Leaving him impotent ..........Leaving him mute ..........O Krishna, Om Krishna What more to say, and how ?!!? It is Thy Grace that narinder seeks !!! AUM narinder bhandariTo be without any Ardhana or Want is the best praer. better than that is the following MAT JANMANAH PHALAM IDAM MADU KAITABHA HARE MAT PRAARTHANEEYA MAT ANUGRAHA ESHA EVA CATVAT BHRITYASYA BHRITYA PARICAARAKA BHRITYA BHRITYABHRITYASYA BHRITYA ITI MAAM SMARA LOKANAATHA tHIS IS THE 24TH Sloka of Mukunda Maalaa by Kulasekhara, as I understand, he is a king and a contemporary of Jesus in Palestine (more than 2000 yrs back). Its substance is: my prayer to you, my Lord, is that ou should remember me not as a king or as your servant; rather treat me and remember me as aservant of servant of ......slaves of your servants servant. I need not elaborate; the content is very clear to the stupidest of the stupidest of- - -of stupids. krishna samudrala.-------------(Message over 64k, truncated.)

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