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Why Can't They Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change their Lives ?

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Shree Hari Ram Ram.Is Gitaji only to talk and discuss and preach about? I imagine that most willsay no. My question is if Gitaji is not about talking , preaching and lecturingalone why is it that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle. I mean can one be really knowledgableabout Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beattheir wives etc? Many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji aremen and many of them are living bad lives. Why can't they use the teachings ofGitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me.Thks.Ram Singh


Shree Hari Ram Ram

A similar topic was addressed in the past, however, we are unable to locate the discussion thread.

One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan (discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,

# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)


You may download and listen. Thank you for being an instrument by bringing this topic up for sharing and learning together and inturn benefiting many sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Un: -

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Shree Hari Ram Ram.Is Gitaji only to talk and discuss and preach about? I imagine that most willsay no. My question is if Gitaji is not about talking , preaching and lecturingalone why is it that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle. I mean can one be really knowledgableabout Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beattheir wives etc? Many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji aremen and many of them are living bad lives. Why can't they use the teachings ofGitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me.Thks.Ram Singh



Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Studying Bhagavad Gita is good but what is really important is how much of that knowledge is put into action for the welfare of others. Any knowledge that does not help others, is a wasted knowledge. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Advesta sarva bhutanam,Maitra karuna eva ca,Nirmamo nirahankarah,Sama dukha sukha kshami. ' ( Gitaji 12, 13)Which means,'One who hates no one, friendly and merciful to every one, has no ego,no feeling of mine ness and who is equal in happiness and sorrow, that person is very dear to Me. 'Love and compassion are the teachings of Gitaji. For spiritual advancement, we also need satsang. Once we are in the association of compassionate devotees who are deeply engaged in devotional service, then every thing falls in right place. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Brothers, to read something, hear it, relay it, study it, to spread it-lecture on it, to remember it, there is no real proof that that one has imbibed those things in their lives. In other words, he has become just as what was learned/known. If someone did not apply the messages of the Gita to their lives, than what is Gita to do about it? It is that individual's misfortune alone that such beneficial talks were not put to proper use. So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam


-Shree Hari-Namaste!A very very good question!Ego! People love to show off, "Look how clever I am, I have memorized the Gitaji", well yes that can become a sacred task, but only if one were to embrace it's message. No point in being an intellectual parrot.Satsang can re-enforce its message, I for one have been changed for the better by the ebb and flow of debate at this Divine Forum!To know and understand the Gitaji, and to deliberately go against it, means in truth, that one does not really understand it!Om...Shanti...Mike (K).----------

Dear Ram Singh.

Shree Hari. Ram Ram.


This is excellent question. Good news is that you know the answer of the question.


>I mean can one be really knowledgable

>about Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beat

>their wives etc?

You are finding it hard to accept such person as being really knowledgeable of Gita.

And you are right. They don't know Gita.


This applies to this forum also, Swamiji gives very important to the fact that our self is part of Paramatma and belong to Paramatma. Our body and its extensions are not us but part of this world. Therefore, using vivek we need to accept this fact firmly. But there will be many people who may not follow his teaching. That does not make the teachings wrong.


The knowledge of Gita is rare and confidential. Krishna Himself says it in Gita. Very few people can follow it.

Those people become even more rare in Kali-yug.


Please understand that those people don't represent Gita and use this forum to understand Gita more.

Ultimately, this process is personal. In the end what matters is that how much progress we make and it doesn't matter how bad or good others are.



Gaurav Mittal



Jai Sri Krishna,


First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to interfere?

I am sure that a person who reads Gita and understands it deeply (I am not talking about those who have just learned few verses or few chapters of Gita), cannot engage in wrong doings, at least knowingly. I know people who have just memorized it and don't have the in-depth knowledge, still I find them better than me in behaving with others.


Ram Ram


Ashok Goenka


Dear Ram Singh, Shree Hari. Ram Ram.


SB 10.2.22 – A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living, for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him. And after the death of a person in the bodily concept of life, he is undoubtedly transferred to the hell known as Andhatama.

SB 12.2.41 – Even though a person's body may now have the designation "king," in the end its name will be "worms,stool" or "ashes." What can a person who injures other living beings for the sake of his body know about his own self-interest, since his activities are simply leading him to hell?

Lord Ram says in Ram charitmanas —There is no worse sin (paap) than inflicting suffering or hurting others. There is no other pious activty (punya) better than helping others or working for their welfare.

From above slokas, the fate of those people you have mentioned is clear. Please have no doubt about it.


Gaurav Mittal


Dear Ram Singh

That is precisely the reason of unhappiness in life.So you have raised a very valid question.At the same time ,the fault is not with Gita.


You may have observed religious people are more unhappy compared to non-religious people.There appears something wrong about our understanding of religion and God.


Coming to your question,why people claiming to have knowledge of Gita are living bad lives?


My understanding is:-


1)Knowledge of Gita enhances their ego instead of reducing that.

2)Some of the actions are justified by considering that Karma or duty.

3)The knowledge of Gita is superficial since study is not daily.To transform life ,Gita study has to be made a daily routine.

4)Gita has been explained or commented by too many persons and every one has explained it from his point of view.It is difficult to find real Gita which when studied regularly will lead to good life.

5)Gita teaches the process to fight the evil traits or mindset within one.It contains all the meditations and the knowledge to come out living bad life.


Gita study will eventually will lead to see presence of God in everyone and also empower one to raise his level where doing bad deeds will not be possible.


One will recognise himself,his purpose of this life time.


So what you intend to do.




Ashok Jain



Shree Hari Ram Ram.


I don't agree that when you see someone doing something that is wrong and you point it out is faultfinding. It is trying to help that person. My husband was abusing me and had I continue to be silent he would not have been able to get help and now lead a very happy married life together.I am so satisfied with my life and I have the ppl here to thank for.If all of you here did not make my husband see that abusive behaviour is not proper he would be doing that to me today.So I now tell anyone this, that if you are being abused do not stay silent,you must seek help somewhere.Today I was talking to a woman whose husband is a Pundit and he is neglecting his wife and two baby daughters because she did not get a son.In this day and age he is still living with the ideal of not being satisfy without a son.He does not care that he is neglecting 2 daughters and his wife.Only his wants must be fulfilled.Is it finding fault to tell this Pundit to go take care of your family before you come and tell the rest of us how to live a good life? Was Lord Krishna fault finding when he told Arjun to stop behaving like a coward and fight?

Jai Shri Krishna

Preeti Singh

Shree Hari Ram Ram

A similar topic was addressed in the past, however, we are unable to locate the discussion thread.

One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan (discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,

# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)


You may download and listen. Thank you for being an instrument by bringing this topic up for sharing and learning together and inturn benefiting many sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Un: -

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Shree Hari Ram Ram.Is Gitaji only to talk and discuss and preach about? I imagine that most willsay no. My question is if Gitaji is not about talking , preaching and lecturingalone why is it that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle. I mean can one be really knowledgableabout Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beattheir wives etc? Many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji aremen and many of them are living bad lives. Why can't they use the teachings ofGitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me.Thks.Ram Singh



Dear Sadaks,GEETHA is based on Virtue of Principle of living. Everyone knows telling lies is incorrect. But there was an example to that was Harischandra. So there are example of each teaching of Geetha by lived person. All go to temple as a visit NOT with Love able Devotion. But few went to temple where Bagavan HIMSELF appeared to Baktha, ate the food he offered, lived with Baktha, protected Baktha Etc. Geetha principles are values of life existence and beyond. It is like a teacher telling student certain principle but teacher does not follow. The teacher is a preacher, NOT real teacher. But one who understood and follow Geetha normally 100% will not open his mouth that he has studied Geetha, but will be example in living style. Geetha is there open to all, but all cannot put in practice, due his/her own Karma Pala and inability to do Sadana. Like Ph.D is open to all candidates, but how may do complete Ph.D and how many get great award in reasurching Ph.D in any discipline. So is rare are the ones who get award on Geetha practice in life. In fact Arjuna asks Sri Krishna to repeat Geetha much after the war, saying he forgot. SADAKS- ONE VERY IMPORTANT GEETHA TEACHING IS; NEVER TO FIND FAULT WITH ANYONE. BECUASE, ONE WHO SEES IN OTHERS NOT FOLLOWING GEETHA, HE GETS IMPURITY BY SUCH THOUGHTS, AS HIS THOUGHTS GET ATTACHED THE ACTION (kARMA) OF SEEING DHOSA IN OTHERS AND THAT DHOSA STICKS TO HIM. Example: You see a Geetha preacher womanizing (As said by this sadak Ram Sing-Not by me), the thought of that persons revolves around you. So why see or find fault and get yourself impurity. B.Sathyanarayan.


Dear Ones, Namaste!Ram Singhji asks: "Why can't they use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me."As you say, those who boast their knowledge of Gitaji, may have an agenda to impress people, to feel their importance, to have power over others, etc etc, all to fulfill the bottomless cup of "me" who may be aching with lack of some kinds, they don't even have any clue! Another point: It is possible that this question of yours may not be really a question to others but to yourself in the sense that if such people cannot change by the study of Gita, then what is the sense (for me?) of pursuing the knowledge of Gita? Someone may also be saying "let me be sure Gita changes the life of those people before I myself undertake the study". This is placing the condition upon Gita, not unconditional Love for it! My answer: " If Gita goes through one instead of one goes through GIta, it is impossible not to change", a big difference! Generally it is not understood deeply without the help of Realized souls, like Swamiji who have digested the teaching in their own experience, not just kept it at information level Words of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then by looking into one's own inner experience, until one can put them in their own words, not repeat what is read or heard! This will bring change!.One more very important point as I see: It is not enough to understand Gita while living the same life of bad habits, such as alcohol, meat eating, smoking, obsessions with objects, attachments, etc etc. One needs to co-operate with Gita study by giving up bad habits simultaneously! People ask wrong question as to why am I not changing or why God is not helping me while I am pursuing spiritual path? God tells them through their Conscience: "Hey you are living the old ways, give up and help me to help you". Alas, those whose eyes are on the results, cannot hear God!My suggestion is, not wait another day and not worry about such people who don't change. Just jump in any spiritual pursuits by engaging in study of Gita, Satsangs with like minded people, and above all if you can see someone living Gita around you, follow him/her! You will be able to tell someone is true or not by just listening with open mind and noticing joy or satisfaction arising in you by words you hear. But this is only if one is sincere, interested in Truth for Love of it, no hidden agenda of any kind, and more than anything, even if it doesn't change Life immediately! This is Unconditional Love of God!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt!


-Shree Hari-Namaste!This post is directed to Preeti Singh :Ma'am, this is something Gandhi once said, in a time of terrible strife in India: 'A Hindu man came to him, to speak of his young boy who had been killed by Muslim mobs, and of the depth of his anger and longing for revenge. And Gandhi is said to have replied: If you really wish to overcome your pain, find a young boy, just as young as your son, a Muslim boy whose parents have been killed by Hindu mobs.Bring up that boy like you would your own son, but bring him up with the Muslim faith to which he was born. Only then will you find that you can heal your pain, your anger....'. No wonder he was called Mahatma Gandhi! Remind the good Pundit of those words, and ask him why was he blessed with two daughters?Om...Shanti...Mike (K).------------

When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to be on the wrong path.

The understanding of Truth does not make one superior in comparison to others. One becomes one with the Scheme of the Universe as it is. The transformation puts one with the mystery. One lands in the wonderland.

One conveys the Truth with one's living without imposing it on others.

Y V Chawla


If you had cerefully noticed certain verses of Gita you would not have been puzzled. According to Gita, very few persons are likely to even try following the teachings of Gita in life. Of those few who try practicing such teachings in their life,negligible percentage will stay on course as others will fall back from the path to progress. The rare will achieve certain progress and the rarest will reach liberation. Gita also says that the real sadhaka is not distracted by debates but debates and discussions may help some to progress on the path of liberation from worldly bondage of sensual pleasures and pain. Gita's teachings are simple:

1. Give up ego of being the doer, the possessor and different from others. Practice eqaunamity.

2. Give up all desires as fast as one can. Do whatever you do without ego of being the doer and without the desire to enjoy/ fear to suffer the fruits/ results/ consequences of actions.

3. Know that God almighty exists in all beings and realize / attain this God through medidation on this infinite. indestructible, God.

4. Submit all actions, thoughts, and feeings to God and remain unperturned by all external events.


But it is is the most difficult and almost impossible to practice the above four teachings continuously without break till death of the body. And, if some of us while intending to practice the above, get attached to the discussions on what different words in Gita really meant, it is only natural and most cases inevitable. For, it is difficult to give up the ego of being a sadhaka, of being knowledgable about Gita's teachings, of being learned on Gita's verses, of being smarter among the sadhakas. It is also difficult while being a sadhaka to give up the desire to know about Gita and instead submit to God and fully depend onHim for the progress on the path to liberation.


I am so attached with external events that I respond to your posting, I respond to your question as if I know better and can help you, I fail to realize that what I or you do is nothing but what He makes us do. This is the impact of Maya that we suffer from even when we are on the path of Sadhna for liberation. This is exactly what Gita predicts. The fact that we have been trying to give up ego, give up desires and keen to realize God does not automatically make us ego-less, desire-less, unattached and submerged in equanamity. We only hope to prgress even as we seemingly waste time and energy in discussion and debate. That is is the way He like us to progress. If and when I reach liberation or Mukti or Moksha, there will be no more boasting, talking , preaching and lecturing: the four teachings of Gita mentioned above will make me rest in God rather than be involved in Gita-talk discussions. But when, if at all, will that happen?

Basudeb Sen


Jai Shri Ram,Dear RamiJi, You may be correct to some/much extent. In my understanding it all depends upon how close is the knowledge of GitaJi to self. If its closeness to the self is more than that of the ego/kaam, then such person would never be the cause of the environment you have mentioned. Yes, if that knowledge resides only at the intellect/buddhi level which is driven by the ego/kaam/desire, such environments could be found.To avoid such environments, my suggestion is to "Live in GitaJi" instead of "use the knowledge of GitaJi" towards closing the gap between the self and the knowledge.May God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey





Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Studying Bhagavad Gita is good but what is really important is how much of that knowledge is put into action for the welfare of others. Any knowledge that does not help others, is a wasted knowledge. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Advesta sarva bhutanam,Maitra karuna eva ca,Nirmamo nirahankarah,Sama dukha sukha kshami. ' ( Gitaji 12, 13)Which means,'One who hates no one, friendly and merciful to every one, has no ego,no feeling of mine ness and who is equal in happiness and sorrow, that person is very dear to Me. 'Love and compassion are the teachings of Gitaji. For spiritual advancement, we also need satsang. Once we are in the association of compassionate devotees who are deeply engaged in devotional service, then every thing falls in right place. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Brothers, to read something, hear it, relay it, study it, to spread it-lecture on it, to remember it, there is no real proof that that one has imbibed those things in their lives. In other words, he has become just as what was learned/known. If someone did not apply the messages of the Gita to their lives, than what is Gita to do about it? It is that individual's misfortune alone that such beneficial talks were not put to proper use. So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam


-Shree Hari-Namaste!A very very good question!Ego! People love to show off, "Look how clever I am, I have memorized the Gitaji", well yes that can become a sacred task, but only if one were to embrace it's message. No point in being an intellectual parrot.Satsang can re-enforce its message, I for one have been changed for the better by the ebb and flow of debate at this Divine Forum!To know and understand the Gitaji, and to deliberately go against it, means in truth, that one does not really understand it!Om...Shanti...Mike (K).----------

Dear Ram Singh.

Shree Hari. Ram Ram.


This is excellent question. Good news is that you know the answer of the question.


>I mean can one be really knowledgable

>about Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beat

>their wives etc?

You are finding it hard to accept such person as being really knowledgeable of Gita.

And you are right. They don't know Gita.


This applies to this forum also, Swamiji gives very important to the fact that our self is part of Paramatma and belong to Paramatma. Our body and its extensions are not us but part of this world. Therefore, using vivek we need to accept this fact firmly. But there will be many people who may not follow his teaching. That does not make the teachings wrong.


The knowledge of Gita is rare and confidential. Krishna Himself says it in Gita. Very few people can follow it.

Those people become even more rare in Kali-yug.


Please understand that those people don't represent Gita and use this forum to understand Gita more.

Ultimately, this process is personal. In the end what matters is that how much progress we make and it doesn't matter how bad or good others are.



Gaurav Mittal



Jai Sri Krishna,


First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to interfere?

I am sure that a person who reads Gita and understands it deeply (I am not talking about those who have just learned few verses or few chapters of Gita), cannot engage in wrong doings, at least knowingly. I know people who have just memorized it and don't have the in-depth knowledge, still I find them better than me in behaving with others.


Ram Ram


Ashok Goenka


Dear Ram Singh, Shree Hari. Ram Ram.


SB 10.2.22 – A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living, for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him. And after the death of a person in the bodily concept of life, he is undoubtedly transferred to the hell known as Andhatama.

SB 12.2.41 – Even though a person's body may now have the designation "king," in the end its name will be "worms,stool" or "ashes." What can a person who injures other living beings for the sake of his body know about his own self-interest, since his activities are simply leading him to hell?

Lord Ram says in Ram charitmanas —There is no worse sin (paap) than inflicting suffering or hurting others. There is no other pious activty (punya) better than helping others or working for their welfare.

From above slokas, the fate of those people you have mentioned is clear. Please have no doubt about it.


Gaurav Mittal


Dear Ram Singh

That is precisely the reason of unhappiness in life.So you have raised a very valid question.At the same time ,the fault is not with Gita.


You may have observed religious people are more unhappy compared to non-religious people.There appears something wrong about our understanding of religion and God.


Coming to your question,why people claiming to have knowledge of Gita are living bad lives?


My understanding is:-


1)Knowledge of Gita enhances their ego instead of reducing that.

2)Some of the actions are justified by considering that Karma or duty.

3)The knowledge of Gita is superficial since study is not daily.To transform life ,Gita study has to be made a daily routine.

4)Gita has been explained or commented by too many persons and every one has explained it from his point of view.It is difficult to find real Gita which when studied regularly will lead to good life.

5)Gita teaches the process to fight the evil traits or mindset within one.It contains all the meditations and the knowledge to come out living bad life.


Gita study will eventually will lead to see presence of God in everyone and also empower one to raise his level where doing bad deeds will not be possible.


One will recognise himself,his purpose of this life time.


So what you intend to do.




Ashok Jain



Shree Hari Ram Ram.


I don't agree that when you see someone doing something that is wrong and you point it out is faultfinding. It is trying to help that person. My husband was abusing me and had I continue to be silent he would not have been able to get help and now lead a very happy married life together.I am so satisfied with my life and I have the ppl here to thank for.If all of you here did not make my husband see that abusive behaviour is not proper he would be doing that to me today.So I now tell anyone this, that if you are being abused do not stay silent,you must seek help somewhere.Today I was talking to a woman whose husband is a Pundit and he is neglecting his wife and two baby daughters because she did not get a son.In this day and age he is still living with the ideal of not being satisfy without a son.He does not care that he is neglecting 2 daughters and his wife.Only his wants must be fulfilled.Is it finding fault to tell this Pundit to go take care of your family before you come and tell the rest of us how to live a good life? Was Lord Krishna fault finding when he told Arjun to stop behaving like a coward and fight?

Jai Shri Krishna

Preeti Singh

Shree Hari Ram Ram

A similar topic was addressed in the past, however, we are unable to locate the discussion thread.

One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan (discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,

# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)


You may download and listen. Thank you for being an instrument by bringing this topic up for sharing and learning together and inturn benefiting many sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Un: -

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Shree Hari Ram Ram.

Is Gitaji only to talk and discuss and preach about? I imagine that most willsay no. My question is if Gitaji is not about talking , preaching and lecturingalone why is it that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle. I mean can one be really knowledgableabout Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beattheir wives etc? Many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji aremen and many of them are living bad lives. Why can't they use the teachings ofGitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me.Thks.Ram Singh




I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another question: "Why Can't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ?". "WE" and "OUR" instead of "THEY" and "THEIR". That's it, as soon as we change OUR lives, each of us, then the objective achieved.


GITA ji does not force anyone to do anything. GITA ji lays it out for you so that it is up to you to drink this nectar to improve your life and achieve the Ultimate objective. If you are pretentious and egoistic, or humble and spiritual, or evil and heartless, or good and devoted, the Laws of Karma take effect and you will reap what you sow.


Many err into a mode of simplistic thinking, that Bhagavan is there waiting to entrap us, keeping a close watch on us, with many clerical and data processing people entering and analyzing data about who did wrong or right, when they did it, to whom, where, etc, and waiting to confront them after they have left this body. Not so; the Laws of Karma implemented by Bhagavan automatically execute, infinitely, everywhere, eternally.


Thus, sadhaks should not be disturbed by "bad people enjoying life, being successful, apparently rewarded for bad deeds" etc, who would escape what's coming to them. No one can hide and avoid what's coming to them. Don't be fixated or obsessed about others; in any case, neither you nor I can change this Eternal Process.


Remember, all relationships - parents, siblings, spouses, friends - on Earth are temporary, transient; this world is earthly, not divine; hence, do not be worried or perturbed or distracted by troubles and problems in your life, and that of others. This is difficult for humans, but you must focus on the broader overall objective of this reincarnation, of this life in this body, rather than mundane matters. Yes, this is exceedingly hard to do, but GITA ji has the answers and the manual to help you. That is the primary purpose of GITA ji, not to show how much you know of GITA ji or impress others.


Focus on yourself first; take care of yourself; take care of business in your life; charity beings at home; as Gandhi exhorts us "Be the change you wish to see in the world"; and as GITA ji advises us:

A man should uplift himself by his own self, so let him not weaken this self. For this self is the friend of oneself, and this self is the enemy of oneself. GITA 6:5


If you can also help others, then better yet, but all the knowledge in GITA ji and our other scriptures will be of no use if YOU do not use that to progress towards Moksha. That's the bigger, more important picture, not the trivial worldly matters that tend to distract and divert us.


Don't become despondent or depressed, be consoled that even if you fall or fail - "one fallen from Yoga" - you, the "doer of good", can still continue on this Divine journey towards "perfection":



Verily, O son of Prithâ, there is destruction for him, neither here nor hereafter: for, the doer of good, O my son, never comes to grief.


Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and dwelling there for everlasting years, one fallen from Yoga reincarnates in the home of the pure and the prosperous.

Or else he is born into a family of wise Yogis only; verily, a birth such as that is very rare to obtain in this world.


There he is united with the intelligence acquired in his former body, and strives more than before, for perfection, O son of the Kurus -- GITA 6:40-43

Ram Ram,

Deosaran Bisnath



Dear Sadaks,In Geetha Bagavan says, " IF I (Bagavan) get ONE pure Baktha among a crore, I can make the whole world purified". Imagine 5000 years ago Bagavan said IF HE CAN GET ONE in core, needless to say TODAY. Sadaks please focus on Geetha teachings and put in practice, though abundant hurdles may come across. Do not see here and there. Drona Chariya asks Arjuna pointing arrow at a bird, ( Oh Arjun do you see the tree, "Arjun says NO- Then Do you see the branch- Arjun says NO- Then Do you see the leaf- Arjun say NO- Do you see the Bird- Arjun says - NO". Then asks Dronar, what do you see Arjun. Arjun say neck of a bird. What we learn from this. Practice ONLY Geetha Teaching in practical life- Not looking at the world- Dont blame the world, as it is it`s tendency to put anyone in MAYA. You see a lion, you refrain far away. You see a deer, you remain undisturbed. Do you have Krodh on Lion and attachment for deer? No. You see both alike and see Sriman Narayana in them, that is why your mind is balanced when seeing Deer or lion. Set an example of yourself, so that people like Sri Ram Singh can believe in Geetha.B.Sathyanarayan




My dandavat pranams to all in this forum....

The question of Ram Singh is very wonderful. It causes one to ponder, "how can the teachings of Gita help ME to be free from anarthas (unwanted bad habits)? To grasp the depth of this question, let us first accept that bad habits, on whatever level, are not simply the result of what we have learned/experienced in this life. Many lifetimes build in our heart to create "samskaras"....it has been explained that this word is defined as "impressions". But even better, when I heard someone explain, "if you take a stone, and begin to rub a string back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, continually.....you will get a groove in the stone.....this "impression" is the way "samskara" works." So....for so many lifetimes, our interaction in this world has been "what is there for me, how can I enjoy, where can I get more satisfaction for my senses"......and then suddenly we hear, as a dove singing in the early morning, the celestial verses of Bhagavad Gita. Instructing us to set aside our ego, our pride, our selfishness, our pursuit of wordly happiness, and to find satisfaction in the self alone. To many, this concept is vague. It sounds alluring, but how to "do it"? So, one point has been made in this discussion....."associate with sadhus, with those who are high class sadhaks". Better than just reading the writings is to find a person one can have faith in.....but the point is that it is often times such a unique experience, (either reading, or meeting in person) unlike what the conditioned jiva has been accustomed to, to begin considering, "take pleasure in the self alone, give up the pursuit of sensual pleasures, you are eternal soul, full of eternity, bliss, and knowledge". Such concepts, even though perhaps heard occasionally, take time to "materialize" into actions. One must be patient, and know that the influence of the words of the Supreme Lord, in the verses of the Bhagavad Gita, are extremely potent. To associate with the Lord, through His words, or through His bona fide representative(s) is to start the soul on his or her upward journey....even without being conscious of the journey.

I would like to share a very special realization I had, just days ago....afte listening to an individual discuss the concept of "trnad api sunicena, taror api sahisnuna".....(one should consider oneself to be lower than the blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree) This person was saying, that, as the blade of grass springs back up when stepped upon, to be lower than a blade of grass, one simply stays down, and does not lift up one's head when "stepped on". I was very dissatisfied with this presentation. It may be what some people realize, and perhaps at times, it may be exactly what I need to manifest, but I was annoyed, and I asked the Lord to help me understand what deeper meaning, to "lower than a blade of grass" there might be. After a day or so.... this is what He revealed to me....."Lower than the grass is the earth. The earth, our mother, is beneath the grass. To be lower than the grass, is to take the quality of mother earth, and give, and give, and give, regardless if there is appreciation....the earth gives forth bounty, endlessly.We could not survive without the fruits and vegetables, the wood from the trees, the flowing water, the support she is for all creatures, who walk on her continually, day and night, eternally....and then, also, we should never forget, due to the impiety of the age, earthquakes also erupt to cause suffering and grief, as a result of the jiva soul not remembering his relationship with the Supreme. But eiher way, Mother Earth is giving...just as a mother may at times be harsh with the child to teach a lesson, but generally, mother gives nourishment, love, affection, health, a stable environment, etc..

so, lower than a blade of grass does not mean that in the face of some unacceptable behavior, one simply has to walk away....or stay "stomped to the ground". GIVE SOME LOVE...concern....but carefully, with discretion. It may not be appreciated, but it may cause soemone to begin to question themselves, and how they treat others. Giving counsel, especially unasked for, is a sacrifice, for it opens one up to being condemned by others.....but if given with love, without fear that someone may reject or scorn us, and with kindness, gentleness, a loving heart.... it will purify ourselves and the world around us. Best, if poosible, to spend a little time and attempt to become the friend of whoever it may be that we may wish to help, to counsel, to correct.....and then lovingly place before them our concerns as to their behavior....and then knowing, also, that we will not have the strength to do this unless we ourselves are acting properly. Some may read this thought of mine, and say, "I think I can only go as far as the blade of grass which does not get back up." OK.....we are all where we are in life. But at least, consider, one day the strength may come in you, that you could lovingly speak up, firmly, boldly....when you see inappropriate behavior....without considering if you will be appreciated, or "slapped down". To me, this is lower than a blade of grass.

With all respects,

Maha laksmi Dasi




words, words, words ... too many words, too many questions, too many answers .............

when words cease to be words .......... when sound ceases to be sound then peace blossoms in the heart peace so joyful, so profound .............. ah, no words, no sound ............. only the unheard symphony of the soundless sound ....

the soundless sound of AUM and...............

in that Tranquility of Being only, begins the " Living in Action " of Bhagvada Geetha's words


narinder bhandari


Dear sir, I consider gita as a guide to patanjali yoga sutra .The person who wants to lead a yogic life must follow gita.All questions are answered by sri krishna,keeping arjuna before him as nimitta matra (instrument) .At last viswa roopa (Universal form) is also granted. There is no rule that every reader must follow the teachings of krishna. Ajnana (ignorance) prevails till such time jnana(knowledge) comes. Even after reciting 10 chapters it has become necessary for krishna to show viswaroopa (Universal form) to one who is none other than NARA, part of narayana. The story belongs to dwaparayuga,then what about kaliyuga? Badri Narayana Miriyala




Shree Paramatmane Namah

If within Gita Talk, one can say something about the Self, then I would like to respond to Preeti Singh in slightly different words.

To stay quiet while seeing someone do something wrong, is where the "Self is doing wrong. To point out the person's flaws, is not fault finding rather it is a means of helping free the other person from his flaws. Therefore one must point out such things. Whenever there is destruction of Dharma, then God Himself comes to improve the situation or does he simply stand by and watch what is going on? So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam



Dear Truth Lovers, Namaste!This one is in deep appreciation of the posts of Mike Ji, and Chawlaji!In so few words they have brought up the resonating truth of Gita, or for that matter, any scripture's ultimate culmination point - Truth and nothing but Truth. As they hint so marvelously, Truth, cannot but creep up into actions, unconcerned with "others" as there are none! Apparent "others and their behaviors", are Universal Scheme as Chawlaji puts it! Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,GEETHA is based on Virtue of Principle of living. Everyone knows telling lies is incorrect. But there was an example to that was Harischandra. So there are example of each teaching of Geetha by lived person. All go to temple as a visit NOT with Love able Devotion. But few went to temple where Bagavan HIMSELF appeared to Baktha, ate the food he offered, lived with Baktha, protected Baktha Etc. Geetha principles are values of life existence and beyond. It is like a teacher telling student certain principle but teacher does not follow. The teacher is a preacher, NOT real teacher. But one who understood and follow Geetha normally 100% will not open his mouth that he has studied Geetha, but will be example in living style. Geetha is there open to all, but all cannot put in practice, due his/her own Karma Pala and inability to do Sadana. Like Ph.D is open to all candidates, but how may do complete Ph.D and how many get great award in reasurching Ph.D in any discipline. So is rare are the ones who get award on Geetha practice in life. In fact Arjuna asks Sri Krishna to repeat Geetha much after the war, saying he forgot. SADAKS- ONE VERY IMPORTANT GEETHA TEACHING IS; NEVER TO FIND FAULT WITH ANYONE. BECUASE, ONE WHO SEES IN OTHERS NOT FOLLOWING GEETHA, HE GETS IMPURITY BY SUCH THOUGHTS, AS HIS THOUGHTS GET ATTACHED THE ACTION (kARMA) OF SEEING DHOSA IN OTHERS AND THAT DHOSA STICKS TO HIM. Example: You see a Geetha preacher womanizing (As said by this sadak Ram Sing-Not by me), the thought of that persons revolves around you. So why see or find fault and get yourself impurity. B.Sathyanarayan.


Dear Ones, Namaste!Ram Singhji asks: "Why can't they use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me."

As you say, those who boast their knowledge of Gitaji, may have an agenda to impress people, to feel their importance, to have power over others, etc etc, all to fulfill the bottomless cup of "me" who may be aching with lack of some kinds, they don't even have any clue! Another point: It is possible that this question of yours may not be really a question to others but to yourself in the sense that if such people cannot change by the study of Gita, then what is the sense (for me?) of pursuing the knowledge of Gita? Someone may also be saying "let me be sure Gita changes the life of those people before I myself undertake the study". This is placing the condition upon Gita, not unconditional Love for it!

My answer: " If Gita goes through one instead of one goes through GIta, it is impossible not to change", a big difference! Generally it is not understood deeply without the help of Realized souls, like Swamiji who have digested the teaching in their own experience, not just kept it at information level Words of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then by looking into one's own inner experience, until one can put them in their own words, not repeat what is read or heard! This will bring change!

One more very important point as I see: It is not enough to understand Gita while living the same life of bad habits, such as alcohol, meat eating, smoking, obsessions with objects, attachments, etc etc. One needs to co-operate with Gita study by giving up bad habits simultaneously! People ask wrong question as to why am I not changing or why God is not helping me while I am pursuing spiritual path? God tells them through their Conscience: "Hey you are living the old ways, give up and help me to help you". Alas, those whose eyes are on the results, cannot hear God!

My suggestion is, not wait another day and not worry about such people who don't change. Just jump in any spiritual pursuits by engaging in study of Gita, Satsangs with like minded people, and above all if you can see someone living Gita around you, follow him/her! You will be able to tell someone is true or not by just listening with open mind and noticing joy or satisfaction arising in you by words you hear. But this is only if one is sincere, interested in Truth for Love of it, no hidden agenda of any kind, and more than anything, even if it doesn't change Life immediately! This is Unconditional Love of God!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt!


-Shree Hari-


This post is directed to Preeti Singh :

Ma'am, this is something Gandhi once said, in a time of terrible strife in India: 'A Hindu man came to him, to speak of his young boy who had been killed by Muslim mobs, and of the depth of his anger and longing for revenge. And Gandhi is said to have replied: If you really wish to overcome your pain, find a young boy, just as young as your son, a Muslim boy whose parents have been killed by Hindu mobs.Bring up that boy like you would your own son, but bring him up with the Muslim faith to which he was born. Only then will you find that you can heal your pain, your anger....'. No wonder he was called Mahatma Gandhi! Remind the good Pundit of those words, and ask him why was he blessed with two daughters?


Mike (K).------------

When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to be on the wrong path.The understanding of Truth does not make one superior in comparison to others. One becomes one with the Scheme of the Universe as it is. The transformation puts one with the mystery. One lands in the wonderland.One conveys the Truth with one's living without imposing it on others.Y V Chawla----

If you had cerefully noticed certain verses of Gita you would not have been puzzled. According to Gita, very few persons are likely to even try following the teachings of Gita in life. Of those few who try practicing such teachings in their life,negligible percentage will stay on course as others will fall back from the path to progress. The rare will achieve certain progress and the rarest will reach liberation. Gita also says that the real sadhaka is not distracted by debates but debates and discussions may help some to progress on the path of liberation from worldly bondage of sensual pleasures and pain. Gita's teachings are simple:1. Give up ego of being the doer, the possessor and different from others. Practice eqaunamity.2. Give up all desires as fast as one can. Do whatever you do without ego of being the doer and without the desire to enjoy/ fear to suffer the fruits/ results/ consequences of actions.3. Know that God almighty exists in all beings and realize / attain this God through medidation on this infinite. indestructible, God.4. Submit all actions, thoughts, and feeings to God and remain unperturned by all external events. But it is is the most difficult and almost impossible to practice the above four teachings continuously without break till death of the body. And, if some of us while intending to practice the above, get attached to the discussions on what different words in Gita really meant, it is only natural and most cases inevitable. For, it is difficult to give up the ego of being a sadhaka, of being knowledgable about Gita's teachings, of being learned on Gita's verses, of being smarter among the sadhakas. It is also difficult while being a sadhaka to give up the desire to know about Gita and instead submit to God and fully depend onHim for the progress on the path to liberation. I am so attached with external events that I respond to your posting, I respond to your question as if I know better and can help you, I fail to realize that what I or you do is nothing but what He makes us do. This is the impact of Maya that we suffer from even when we are on the path of Sadhna for liberation. This is exactly what Gita predicts. The fact that we have been trying to give up ego, give up desires and keen to realize God does not automatically make us ego-less, desire-less, unattached and submerged in equanamity. We only hope to prgress even as we seemingly waste time and energy in discussion and debate. That is is the way He like us to progress. If and when I reach liberation or Mukti or Moksha, there will be no more boasting, talking , preaching and lecturing: the four teachings of Gita mentioned above will make me rest in God rather than be involved in Gita-talk discussions. But when, if at all, will that happen?Basudeb Sen


Jai Shri Ram,Dear RamiJi, You may be correct to some/much extent. In my understanding it all depends upon how close is the knowledge of GitaJi to self. If its closeness to the self is more than that of the ego/kaam, then such person would never be the cause of the environment you have mentioned. Yes, if that knowledge resides only at the intellect/buddhi level which is driven by the ego/kaam/desire, such environments could be found.To avoid such environments, my suggestion is to "Live in GitaJi" instead of "use the knowledge of GitaJi" towards closing the gap between the self and the knowledge.

May God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey






Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Studying Bhagavad Gita is good but what is really important is how much of that knowledge is put into action for the welfare of others. Any knowledge that does not help others, is a wasted knowledge. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Advesta sarva bhutanam,Maitra karuna eva ca,Nirmamo nirahankarah,Sama dukha sukha kshami. ' ( Gitaji 12, 13)Which means,'One who hates no one, friendly and merciful to every one, has no ego,no feeling of mine ness and who is equal in happiness and sorrow, that person is very dear to Me. 'Love and compassion are the teachings of Gitaji. For spiritual advancement, we also need satsang. Once we are in the association of compassionate devotees who are deeply engaged in devotional service, then every thing falls in right place. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Shree Hari Ram Ram Brothers, to read something, hear it, relay it, study it, to spread it-lecture on it, to remember it, there is no real proof that that one has imbibed those things in their lives. In other words, he has become just as what was learned/known. If someone did not apply the messages of the Gita to their lives, than what is Gita to do about it? It is that individual's misfortune alone that such beneficial talks were not put to proper use. So be it.Vineet Sarvottam -------------------------------Shree Hari-


A very very good question!

Ego! People love to show off, "Look how clever I am, I have memorized the Gitaji", well yes that can become a sacred task, but only if one were to embrace it's message. No point in being an intellectual parrot.

Satsang can re-enforce its message, I for one have been changed for the better by the ebb and flow of debate at this Divine Forum!

To know and understand the Gitaji, and to deliberately go against it, means in truth, that one does not really understand it!


Mike (K).----------

Dear Ram Singh. Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

This is excellent question. Good news is that you know the answer of the question.

>I mean can one be really knowledgable>about Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beat>their wives etc?

You are finding it hard to accept such person as being really knowledgeable of Gita.And you are right. They don't know Gita.

This applies to this forum also, Swamiji gives very important to the fact that our self is part of Paramatma and belong to Paramatma. Our body and its extensions are not us but part of this world. Therefore, using vivek we need to accept this fact firmly. But there will be many people who may not follow his teaching. That does not make the teachings wrong.

The knowledge of Gita is rare and confidential. Krishna Himself says it in Gita. Very few people can follow it. Those people become even more rare in Kali-yug.

Please understand that those people don't represent Gita and use this forum to understand Gita more.Ultimately, this process is personal. In the end what matters is that how much progress we make and it doesn't matter how bad or good others are.

Regards,Gaurav Mittal --Jai Sri Krishna, First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to interfere?I am sure that a person who reads Gita and understands it deeply (I am not talking about those who have just learned few verses or few chapters of Gita), cannot engage in wrong doings, at least knowingly. I know people who have just memorized it and don't have the in-depth knowledge, still I find them better than me in behaving with others. Ram Ram Ashok Goenka---------------------Dear Ram Singh, Shree Hari. Ram Ram. SB 10.2.22 – A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living, for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him. And after the death of a person in the bodily concept of life, he is undoubtedly transferred to the hell known as Andhatama.

SB 12.2.41 – Even though a person's body may now have the designation "king," in the end its name will be "worms,stool" or "ashes." What can a person who injures other living beings for the sake of his body know about his own self-interest, since his activities are simply leading him to hell?

Lord Ram says in Ram charitmanas —There is no worse sin (paap) than inflicting suffering or hurting others. There is no other pious activty (punya) better than helping others or working for their welfare.

From above slokas, the fate of those people you have mentioned is clear. Please have no doubt about it.


Gaurav Mittal


Dear Ram Singh That is precisely the reason of unhappiness in life.So you have raised a very valid question.At the same time ,the fault is not with Gita.

You may have observed religious people are more unhappy compared to non-religious people.There appears something wrong about our understanding of religion and God.

Coming to your question,why people claiming to have knowledge of Gita are living bad lives?

My understanding is:-

1)Knowledge of Gita enhances their ego instead of reducing that.2)Some of the actions are justified by considering that Karma or duty.3)The knowledge of Gita is superficial since study is not daily.To transform life ,Gita study has to be made a daily routine.4)Gita has been explained or commented by too many persons and every one has explained it from his point of view.It is difficult to find real Gita which when studied regularly will lead to good life.5)Gita teaches the process to fight the evil traits or mindset within one.It contains all the meditations and the knowledge to come out living bad life.

Gita study will eventually will lead to see presence of God in everyone and also empower one to raise his level where doing bad deeds will not be possible.

One will recognise himself,his purpose of this life time.

So what you intend to do.


Ashok Jain-------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram. I don't agree that when you see someone doing something that is wrong and you point it out is faultfinding. It is trying to help that person. My husband was abusing me and had I continue to be silent he would not have been able to get help and now lead a very happy married life together.I am so satisfied with my life and I have the ppl here to thank for.If all of you here did not make my husband see that abusive behaviour is not proper he would be doing that to me today.So I now tell anyone this, that if you are being abused do not stay silent,you must seek help somewhere.Today I was talking to a woman whose husband is a Pundit and he is neglecting his wife and two baby daughters because she did not get a son.In this day and age he is still living with the ideal of not being satisfy without a son.He does not care that he is neglecting 2 daughters and his wife.Only his wants must be fulfilled.Is it finding fault to tell this Pundit to go take care of your family before you come and tell the rest of us how to live a good life? Was Lord Krishna fault finding when he told Arjun to stop behaving like a coward and fight?Jai Shri KrishnaPreeti Singh

Shree Hari Ram Ram

A similar topic was addressed in the past, however, we are unable to locate the discussion thread.

One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan (discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,

# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)


You may download and listen. Thank you for being an instrument by bringing this topic up for sharing and learning together and inturn benefiting many sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only) 5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.


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Shree Hari Ram Ram.

Is Gitaji only to talk and discuss and preach about? I imagine that most willsay no. My question is if Gitaji is not about talking , preaching and lecturingalone why is it that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle. I mean can one be really knowledgableabout Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beattheir wives etc? Many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji aremen and many of them are living bad lives. Why can't they use the teachings ofGitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me.Thks.Ram Singh



Dear Sadhak,


Spirituality is the journey within. When "I" start searching my own "Self" , when "I" start obeserving my own behaviour, when "I" start following teaching of Gitaji, there remains no other ....


Please modify your question-Are you following Gitaji? Are you leading your life according to my Krishna's teaching ?


We all are interested in implementing what Girdhar taught us. Please share with us what do you learn from HIM ? That would help you and all of us too.


With Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar



Hari OmA good question. But why do you think so? What makes you feel that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle ? Why your eye is there on those people who according to you live a life of abuse, womanising, are a deadbeat father, beat their wives etc? Why do you look at those many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji are men and many of them are living bad lives. Why do you wish that they use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle ? Have you changed? If yes ..tell us how so that we may get benefits.Why... " This is puzzling me " ?Now think. Just As: You got focussed on 'the world' ( others) with reference to Gitaji while you should have concentrated at looking at your own self ...In other words JUST AS you used your power ' to Know Something' for knowing about others...Similarly: World at large reads Gitaji to understand or form opinions about 'others' ...in other words tries to know about others, instead of trying to know about their own selves... This is error because Gitaji means... Utilisation of power ' to know something ' .... 'knowledge' (Jnana) .. And power 'to know' should always be applied 'to know SELF' (JEEVA) and not ' to know others' viz Jagat (world) ! Rather,another power viz the power 'to do' should be applied with reference to others (JAGAT) but not for Jeeva. The third power viz the power 'to believe' should be applied with reference to Paramatma (JAGDISH) and not with reference to Jagat !!Oh ! Stupid Jeeva !! JEEVA wants to know about JAGAT while it is empowered to know about SELF; wants to do for Self while it is empowered to do for JAGAT; wants to get what is in wallet of Paramatma - JAGDISH- while it is empowered ( to believe) to get the VERY PARAMATMA !!! There are only three elements existing in universe ... Jeeva, Jagat and Jagdish ! There are only 3 powers you have: To know, To do and to believe !! There are only three goals - to know (self)/ to do (for others)/ to get (Paramatma) that after knowing (Jnana Yoga)/ doing (Karma Yoga) / getting ( Bhakti Yoga) which nothing remains to be known / done/ got. The very desire to know/ to do / to get has extinguished !!!Jeeva should use power to believe for Jagdish, power to know for Self and power to do for Jagat !!! 3 Elements, 3 Powers, 3 Desires...! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam ---------

Shree Hari Ram Ram.My heart is overjoy with the response I got to my question.I suggest that theModerators put up the guidelines on their page about the person who has thecapability to preach and teach Gitaji. Myself just read Gitaji as often aspossible and note the verses that I feel are important to mylife.I try as bestas possible to live a life of righteous,honoring my wife and being the besthusband and father I can possibly be.This is why it has bothered me a lot when Iknow ppl who are preachers are living bad lives. I used to think that theyshould not do so unless they clean up their life.Now I have gotten the answerfrom here that yes these ppl are just chasing after ego trips and are onlydestrying themself.The only sad thing is that the ones who they are making hellfor are not here to read.Thnks all.Ram Singh



One can be an expert in the Geeta but that does not mean that the expert follows its teachings in everyday life. One will find the most notorious people frequenting ashrams. So we cannot generalise about such things. Conversely there can be good people who have never read the Gita. So these things happen. There is no criteria.Hari Shanker Deo




I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another question: "Why Can't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ?". "WE" and "OUR" instead of "THEY" and "THEIR". That's it, as soon as we change OUR lives, each of us, then the objective achieved.


GITA ji does not force anyone to do anything. GITA ji lays it out for you so that it is up to you to drink this nectar to improve your life and achieve the Ultimate objective. If you are pretentious and egoistic, or humble and spiritual, or evil and heartless, or good and devoted, the Laws of Karma take effect and you will reap what you sow.


Many err into a mode of simplistic thinking, that Bhagavan is there waiting to entrap us, keeping a close watch on us, with many clerical and data processing people entering and analyzing data about who did wrong or right, when they did it, to whom, where, etc, and waiting to confront them after they have left this body. Not so; the Laws of Karma implemented by Bhagavan automatically execute, infinitely, everywhere, eternally.


Thus, sadhaks should not be disturbed by "bad people enjoying life, being successful, apparently rewarded for bad deeds" etc, who would escape what's coming to them. No one can hide and avoid what's coming to them. Don't be fixated or obsessed about others; in any case, neither you nor I can change this Eternal Process.


Remember, all relationships - parents, siblings, spouses, friends - on Earth are temporary, transient; this world is earthly, not divine; hence, do not be worried or perturbed or distracted by troubles and problems in your life, and that of others. This is difficult for humans, but you must focus on the broader overall objective of this reincarnation, of this life in this body, rather than mundane matters. Yes, this is exceedingly hard to do, but GITA ji has the answers and the manual to help you. That is the primary purpose of GITA ji, not to show how much you know of GITA ji or impress others.


Focus on yourself first; take care of yourself; take care of business in your life; charity beings at home; as Gandhi exhorts us "Be the change you wish to see in the world"; and as GITA ji advises us:

A man should uplift himself by his own self, so let him not weaken this self. For this self is the friend of oneself, and this self is the enemy of oneself. GITA 6:5


If you can also help others, then better yet, but all the knowledge in GITA ji and our other scriptures will be of no use if YOU do not use that to progress towards Moksha. That's the bigger, more important picture, not the trivial worldly matters that tend to distract and divert us.


Don't become despondent or depressed, be consoled that even if you fall or fail - "one fallen from Yoga" - you, the "doer of good", can still continue on this Divine journey towards "perfection":



Verily, O son of Prithâ, there is destruction for him, neither here nor hereafter: for, the doer of good, O my son, never comes to grief.


Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and dwelling there for everlasting years, one fallen from Yoga reincarnates in the home of the pure and the prosperous.

Or else he is born into a family of wise Yogis only; verily, a birth such as that is very rare to obtain in this world.


There he is united with the intelligence acquired in his former body, and strives more than before, for perfection, O son of the Kurus -- GITA 6:40-43

Ram Ram,

Deosaran Bisnath



Dear Sadaks,In Geetha Bagavan says, " IF I (Bagavan) get ONE pure Baktha among a crore, I can make the whole world purified". Imagine 5000 years ago Bagavan said IF HE CAN GET ONE in core, needless to say TODAY. Sadaks please focus on Geetha teachings and put in practice, though abundant hurdles may come across. Do not see here and there. Drona Chariya asks Arjuna pointing arrow at a bird, ( Oh Arjun do you see the tree, "Arjun says NO- Then Do you see the branch- Arjun says NO- Then Do you see the leaf- Arjun say NO- Do you see the Bird- Arjun says - NO". Then asks Dronar, what do you see Arjun. Arjun say neck of a bird. What we learn from this. Practice ONLY Geetha Teaching in practical life- Not looking at the world- Dont blame the world, as it is it`s tendency to put anyone in MAYA. You see a lion, you refrain far away. You see a deer, you remain undisturbed. Do you have Krodh on Lion and attachment for deer? No. You see both alike and see Sriman Narayana in them, that is why your mind is balanced when seeing Deer or lion. Set an example of yourself, so that people like Sri Ram Singh can believe in Geetha.B.Sathyanarayan




My dandavat pranams to all in this forum....

The question of Ram Singh is very wonderful. It causes one to ponder, "how can the teachings of Gita help ME to be free from anarthas (unwanted bad habits)? To grasp the depth of this question, let us first accept that bad habits, on whatever level, are not simply the result of what we have learned/experienced in this life. Many lifetimes build in our heart to create "samskaras"....it has been explained that this word is defined as "impressions". But even better, when I heard someone explain, "if you take a stone, and begin to rub a string back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, continually.....you will get a groove in the stone.....this "impression" is the way "samskara" works." So....for so many lifetimes, our interaction in this world has been "what is there for me, how can I enjoy, where can I get more satisfaction for my senses"......and then suddenly we hear, as a dove singing in the early morning, the celestial verses of Bhagavad Gita. Instructing us to set aside our ego, our pride, our selfishness, our pursuit of wordly happiness, and to find satisfaction in the self alone. To many, this concept is vague. It sounds alluring, but how to "do it"? So, one point has been made in this discussion....."associate with sadhus, with those who are high class sadhaks". Better than just reading the writings is to find a person one can have faith in.....but the point is that it is often times such a unique experience, (either reading, or meeting in person) unlike what the conditioned jiva has been accustomed to, to begin considering, "take pleasure in the self alone, give up the pursuit of sensual pleasures, you are eternal soul, full of eternity, bliss, and knowledge". Such concepts, even though perhaps heard occasionally, take time to "materialize" into actions. One must be patient, and know that the influence of the words of the Supreme Lord, in the verses of the Bhagavad Gita, are extremely potent. To associate with the Lord, through His words, or through His bona fide representative(s) is to start the soul on his or her upward journey....even without being conscious of the journey.

I would like to share a very special realization I had, just days ago....afte listening to an individual discuss the concept of "trnad api sunicena, taror api sahisnuna".....(one should consider oneself to be lower than the blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree) This person was saying, that, as the blade of grass springs back up when stepped upon, to be lower than a blade of grass, one simply stays down, and does not lift up one's head when "stepped on". I was very dissatisfied with this presentation. It may be what some people realize, and perhaps at times, it may be exactly what I need to manifest, but I was annoyed, and I asked the Lord to help me understand what deeper meaning, to "lower than a blade of grass" there might be. After a day or so.... this is what He revealed to me....."Lower than the grass is the earth. The earth, our mother, is beneath the grass. To be lower than the grass, is to take the quality of mother earth, and give, and give, and give, regardless if there is appreciation....the earth gives forth bounty, endlessly.We could not survive without the fruits and vegetables, the wood from the trees, the flowing water, the support she is for all creatures, who walk on her continually, day and night, eternally....and then, also, we should never forget, due to the impiety of the age, earthquakes also erupt to cause suffering and grief, as a result of the jiva soul not remembering his relationship with the Supreme. But eiher way, Mother Earth is giving...just as a mother may at times be harsh with the child to teach a lesson, but generally, mother gives nourishment, love, affection, health, a stable environment, etc..

so, lower than a blade of grass does not mean that in the face of some unacceptable behavior, one simply has to walk away....or stay "stomped to the ground". GIVE SOME LOVE...concern....but carefully, with discretion. It may not be appreciated, but it may cause soemone to begin to question themselves, and how they treat others. Giving counsel, especially unasked for, is a sacrifice, for it opens one up to being condemned by others.....but if given with love, without fear that someone may reject or scorn us, and with kindness, gentleness, a loving heart.... it will purify ourselves and the world around us. Best, if poosible, to spend a little time and attempt to become the friend of whoever it may be that we may wish to help, to counsel, to correct.....and then lovingly place before them our concerns as to their behavior....and then knowing, also, that we will not have the strength to do this unless we ourselves are acting properly. Some may read this thought of mine, and say, "I think I can only go as far as the blade of grass which does not get back up." OK.....we are all where we are in life. But at least, consider, one day the strength may come in you, that you could lovingly speak up, firmly, boldly....when you see inappropriate behavior....without considering if you will be appreciated, or "slapped down". To me, this is lower than a blade of grass.

With all respects,

Maha laksmi Dasi




words, words, words ... too many words, too many questions, too many answers .............

when words cease to be words .......... when sound ceases to be sound then peace blossoms in the heart peace so joyful, so profound .............. ah, no words, no sound ............. only the unheard symphony of the soundless sound ....

the soundless sound of AUM and...............

in that Tranquility of Being only, begins the " Living in Action " of Bhagvada Geetha's words


narinder bhandari


Dear sir, I consider gita as a guide to patanjali yoga sutra .The person who wants to lead a yogic life must follow gita.All questions are answered by sri krishna,keeping arjuna before him as nimitta matra (instrument) .At last viswa roopa (Universal form) is also granted. There is no rule that every reader must follow the teachings of krishna. Ajnana (ignorance) prevails till such time jnana(knowledge) comes. Even after reciting 10 chapters it has become necessary for krishna to show viswaroopa (Universal form) to one who is none other than NARA, part of narayana. The story belongs to dwaparayuga,then what about kaliyuga? Badri Narayana Miriyala




Shree Paramatmane Namah

If within Gita Talk, one can say something about the Self, then I would like to respond to Preeti Singh in slightly different words.

To stay quiet while seeing someone do something wrong, is where the "Self is doing wrong. To point out the person's flaws, is not fault finding rather it is a means of helping free the other person from his flaws. Therefore one must point out such things. Whenever there is destruction of Dharma, then God Himself comes to improve the situation or does he simply stand by and watch what is going on? So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam



Dear Truth Lovers, Namaste!This one is in deep appreciation of the posts of Mike Ji, and Chawlaji!In so few words they have brought up the resonating truth of Gita, or for that matter, any scripture's ultimate culmination point - Truth and nothing but Truth. As they hint so marvelously, Truth, cannot but creep up into actions, unconcerned with "others" as there are none! Apparent "others and their behaviors", are Universal Scheme as Chawlaji puts it! Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,GEETHA is based on Virtue of Principle of living. Everyone knows telling lies is incorrect. But there was an example to that was Harischandra. So there are example of each teaching of Geetha by lived person. All go to temple as a visit NOT with Love able Devotion. But few went to temple where Bagavan HIMSELF appeared to Baktha, ate the food he offered, lived with Baktha, protected Baktha Etc. Geetha principles are values of life existence and beyond. It is like a teacher telling student certain principle but teacher does not follow. The teacher is a preacher, NOT real teacher. But one who understood and follow Geetha normally 100% will not open his mouth that he has studied Geetha, but will be example in living style. Geetha is there open to all, but all cannot put in practice, due his/her own Karma Pala and inability to do Sadana. Like Ph.D is open to all candidates, but how may do complete Ph.D and how many get great award in reasurching Ph.D in any discipline. So is rare are the ones who get award on Geetha practice in life. In fact Arjuna asks Sri Krishna to repeat Geetha much after the war, saying he forgot. SADAKS- ONE VERY IMPORTANT GEETHA TEACHING IS; NEVER TO FIND FAULT WITH ANYONE. BECUASE, ONE WHO SEES IN OTHERS NOT FOLLOWING GEETHA, HE GETS IMPURITY BY SUCH THOUGHTS, AS HIS THOUGHTS GET ATTACHED THE ACTION (kARMA) OF SEEING DHOSA IN OTHERS AND THAT DHOSA STICKS TO HIM. Example: You see a Geetha preacher womanizing (As said by this sadak Ram Sing-Not by me), the thought of that persons revolves around you. So why see or find fault and get yourself impurity. B.Sathyanarayan.


Dear Ones, Namaste!Ram Singhji asks: "Why can't they use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me."

As you say, those who boast their knowledge of Gitaji, may have an agenda to impress people, to feel their importance, to have power over others, etc etc, all to fulfill the bottomless cup of "me" who may be aching with lack of some kinds, they don't even have any clue! Another point: It is possible that this question of yours may not be really a question to others but to yourself in the sense that if such people cannot change by the study of Gita, then what is the sense (for me?) of pursuing the knowledge of Gita? Someone may also be saying "let me be sure Gita changes the life of those people before I myself undertake the study". This is placing the condition upon Gita, not unconditional Love for it!

My answer: " If Gita goes through one instead of one goes through GIta, it is impossible not to change", a big difference! Generally it is not understood deeply without the help of Realized souls, like Swamiji who have digested the teaching in their own experience, not just kept it at information level Words of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then by looking into one's own inner experience, until one can put them in their own words, not repeat what is read or heard! This will bring change!

One more very important point as I see: It is not enough to understand Gita while living the same life of bad habits, such as alcohol, meat eating, smoking, obsessions with objects, attachments, etc etc. One needs to co-operate with Gita study by giving up bad habits simultaneously! People ask wrong question as to why am I not changing or why God is not helping me while I am pursuing spiritual path? God tells them through their Conscience: "Hey you are living the old ways, give up and help me to help you". Alas, those whose eyes are on the results, cannot hear God!

My suggestion is, not wait another day and not worry about such people who don't change. Just jump in any spiritual pursuits by engaging in study of Gita, Satsangs with like minded people, and above all if you can see someone living Gita around you, follow him/her! You will be able to tell someone is true or not by just listening with open mind and noticing joy or satisfaction arising in you by words you hear. But this is only if one is sincere, interested in Truth for Love of it, no hidden agenda of any kind, and more than anything, even if it doesn't change Life immediately! This is Unconditional Love of God!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt!


-Shree Hari-


This post is directed to Preeti Singh :

Ma'am, this is something Gandhi once said, in a time of terrible strife in India: 'A Hindu man came to him, to speak of his young boy who had been killed by Muslim mobs, and of the depth of his anger and longing for revenge. And Gandhi is said to have replied: If you really wish to overcome your pain, find a young boy, just as young as your son, a Muslim boy whose parents have been killed by Hindu mobs.Bring up that boy like you would your own son, but bring him up with the Muslim faith to which he was born. Only then will you find that you can heal your pain, your anger....'. No wonder he was called Mahatma Gandhi! Remind the good Pundit of those words, and ask him why was he blessed with two daughters?


Mike (K).------------

When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to be on the wrong path.The understanding of Truth does not make one superior in comparison to others. One becomes one with the Scheme of the Universe as it is. The transformation puts one with the mystery. One lands in the wonderland.One conveys the Truth with one's living without imposing it on others.Y V Chawla----

If you had cerefully noticed certain verses of Gita you would not have been puzzled. According to Gita, very few persons are likely to even try following the teachings of Gita in life. Of those few who try practicing such teachings in their life,negligible percentage will stay on course as others will fall back from the path to progress. The rare will achieve certain progress and the rarest will reach liberation. Gita also says that the real sadhaka is not distracted by debates but debates and discussions may help some to progress on the path of liberation from worldly bondage of sensual pleasures and pain. Gita's teachings are simple:1. Give up ego of being the doer, the possessor and different from others. Practice eqaunamity.2. Give up all desires as fast as one can. Do whatever you do without ego of being the doer and without the desire to enjoy/ fear to suffer the fruits/ results/ consequences of actions.3. Know that God almighty exists in all beings and realize / attain this God through medidation on this infinite. indestructible, God.4. Submit all actions, thoughts, and feeings to God and remain unperturned by all external events. But it is is the most difficult and almost impossible to practice the above four teachings continuously without break till death of the body. And, if some of us while intending to practice the above, get attached to the discussions on what different words in Gita really meant, it is only natural and most cases inevitable. For, it is difficult to give up the ego of being a sadhaka, of being knowledgable about Gita's teachings, of being learned on Gita's verses, of being smarter among the sadhakas. It is also difficult while being a sadhaka to give up the desire to know about Gita and instead submit to God and fully depend onHim for the progress on the path to liberation. I am so attached with external events that I respond to your posting, I respond to your question as if I know better and can help you, I fail to realize that what I or you do is nothing but what He makes us do. This is the impact of Maya that we suffer from even when we are on the path of Sadhna for liberation. This is exactly what Gita predicts. The fact that we have been trying to give up ego, give up desires and keen to realize God does not automatically make us ego-less, desire-less, unattached and submerged in equanamity. We only hope to prgress even as we seemingly waste time and energy in discussion and debate. That is is the way He like us to progress. If and when I reach liberation or Mukti or Moksha, there will be no more boasting, talking , preaching and lecturing: the four teachings of Gita mentioned above will make me rest in God rather than be involved in Gita-talk discussions. But when, if at all, will that happen?Basudeb Sen


Jai Shri Ram,Dear RamiJi, You may be correct to some/much extent. In my understanding it all depends upon how close is the knowledge of GitaJi to self. If its closeness to the self is more than that of the ego/kaam, then such person would never be the cause of the environment you have mentioned. Yes, if that knowledge resides only at the intellect/buddhi level which is driven by the ego/kaam/desire, such environments could be found.To avoid such environments, my suggestion is to "Live in GitaJi" instead of "use the knowledge of GitaJi" towards closing the gap between the self and the knowledge.

May God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey






Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Studying Bhagavad Gita is good but what is really important is how much of that knowledge is put into action for the welfare of others. Any knowledge that does not help others, is a wasted knowledge. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Advesta sarva bhutanam,Maitra karuna eva ca,Nirmamo nirahankarah,Sama dukha sukha kshami. ' ( Gitaji 12, 13)Which means,'One who hates no one, friendly and merciful to every one, has no ego,no feeling of mine ness and who is equal in happiness and sorrow, that person is very dear to Me. 'Love and compassion are the teachings of Gitaji. For spiritual advancement, we also need satsang. Once we are in the association of compassionate devotees who are deeply engaged in devotional service, then every thing falls in right place. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Shree Hari Ram Ram Brothers, to read something, hear it, relay it, study it, to spread it-lecture on it, to remember it, there is no real proof that that one has imbibed those things in their lives. In other words, he has become just as what was learned/known. If someone did not apply the messages of the Gita to their lives, than what is Gita to do about it? It is that individual's misfortune alone that such beneficial talks were not put to proper use. So be it.Vineet Sarvottam -------------------------------Shree Hari-


A very very good question!

Ego! People love to show off, "Look how clever I am, I have memorized the Gitaji", well yes that can become a sacred task, but only if one were to embrace it's message. No point in being an intellectual parrot.

Satsang can re-enforce its message, I for one have been changed for the better by the ebb and flow of debate at this Divine Forum!

To know and understand the Gitaji, and to deliberately go against it, means in truth, that one does not really understand it!


Mike (K).----------

Dear Ram Singh. Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

This is excellent question. Good news is that you know the answer of the question.

>I mean can one be really knowledgable>about Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beat>their wives etc?

You are finding it hard to accept such person as being really knowledgeable of Gita.And you are right. They don't know Gita.

This applies to this forum also, Swamiji gives very important to the fact that our self is part of Paramatma and belong to Paramatma. Our body and its extensions are not us but part of this world. Therefore, using vivek we need to accept this fact firmly. But there will be many people who may not follow his teaching. That does not make the teachings wrong.

The knowledge of Gita is rare and confidential. Krishna Himself says it in Gita. Very few people can follow it. Those people become even more rare in Kali-yug.

Please understand that those people don't represent Gita and use this forum to understand Gita more.Ultimately, this process is personal. In the end what matters is that how much progress we make and it doesn't matter how bad or good others are.

Regards,Gaurav Mittal --Jai Sri Krishna, First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to interfere?I am sure that a person who reads Gita and understands it deeply (I am not talking about those who have just learned few verses or few chapters of Gita), cannot engage in wrong doings, at least knowingly. I know people who have just memorized it and don't have the in-depth knowledge, still I find them better than me in behaving with others. Ram Ram Ashok Goenka---------------------Dear Ram Singh, Shree Hari. Ram Ram. SB 10.2.22 – A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living, for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him. And after the death of a person in the bodily concept of life, he is undoubtedly transferred to the hell known as Andhatama.

SB 12.2.41 – Even though a person's body may now have the designation "king," in the end its name will be "worms,stool" or "ashes." What can a person who injures other living beings for the sake of his body know about his own self-interest, since his activities are simply leading him to hell?

Lord Ram says in Ram charitmanas —There is no worse sin (paap) than inflicting suffering or hurting others. There is no other pious activty (punya) better than helping others or working for their welfare.

From above slokas, the fate of those people you have mentioned is clear. Please have no doubt about it.


Gaurav Mittal


Dear Ram Singh That is precisely the reason of unhappiness in life.So you have raised a very valid question.At the same time ,the fault is not with Gita.

You may have observed religious people are more unhappy compared to non-religious people.There appears something wrong about our understanding of religion and God.

Coming to your question,why people claiming to have knowledge of Gita are living bad lives?

My understanding is:-

1)Knowledge of Gita enhances their ego instead of reducing that.2)Some of the actions are justified by considering that Karma or duty.3)The knowledge of Gita is superficial since study is not daily.To transform life ,Gita study has to be made a daily routine.4)Gita has been explained or commented by too many persons and every one has explained it from his point of view.It is difficult to find real Gita which when studied regularly will lead to good life.5)Gita teaches the process to fight the evil traits or mindset within one.It contains all the meditations and the knowledge to come out living bad life.

Gita study will eventually will lead to see presence of God in everyone and also empower one to raise his level where doing bad deeds will not be possible.

One will recognise himself,his purpose of this life time.

So what you intend to do.


Ashok Jain-------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram. I don't agree that when you see someone doing something that is wrong and you point it out is faultfinding. It is trying to help that person. My husband was abusing me and had I continue to be silent he would not have been able to get help and now lead a very happy married life together.I am so satisfied with my life and I have the ppl here to thank for.If all of you here did not make my husband see that abusive behaviour is not proper he would be doing that to me today.So I now tell anyone this, that if you are being abused do not stay silent,you must seek help somewhere.Today I was talking to a woman whose husband is a Pundit and he is neglecting his wife and two baby daughters because she did not get a son.In this day and age he is still living with the ideal of not being satisfy without a son.He does not care that he is neglecting 2 daughters and his wife.Only his wants must be fulfilled.Is it finding fault to tell this Pundit to go take care of your family before you come and tell the rest of us how to live a good life? Was Lord Krishna fault finding when he told Arjun to stop behaving like a coward and fight?Jai Shri KrishnaPreeti Singh

Shree Hari Ram Ram

A similar topic was addressed in the past, however, we are unable to locate the discussion thread.

One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan (discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,

# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)


You may download and listen. Thank you for being an instrument by bringing this topic up for sharing and learning together and inturn benefiting many sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only) 5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shree Hari Ram Ram.

Is Gitaji only to talk and discuss and preach about? I imagine that most willsay no. My question is if Gitaji is not about talking , preaching and lecturingalone why is it that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle. I mean can one be really knowledgableabout Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beattheir wives etc? Many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji aremen and many of them are living bad lives. Why can't they use the teachings ofGitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me.Thks.Ram Singh



YOU SAID - Now I have gotten the answer from here that yes these ppl are just chasing after ego trips and are only destrying themself.The only sad thing is that the ones who they are making hell for are not here to read. Thnks all. Ram Singh


No Ram Singh jee, you have still not got the answer .....................please read again what Swamiji and the various worthy Sadhaks have suggested .........................

One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan (discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,

# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)

amongst all the enlightening answers, your attention is invited to the following :

1. First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to interfere. Ashok Goenka

2 Words of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then by looking into one's own inner experience, not repeat what is read or heard! This will bring change!(in oneself ) also, .. My suggestion is, not wait another day and not worry about such people who don't change. Pratap Bhatt

3. When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to be on the wrong path. ..... YV Chawla


5. I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another question: "Why Can't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ?". "WE" and "OUR" instead of "THEY" and "THEIR". That's it, as soon as we change OUR lives, each of us, then the objective achieved. ........ Deosaran Bisnath

6. .Please modify your question-Are you following Gitaji? Are you leading your life according to my Krishna's teaching ? ...... Sadhna Karigar



ah, my vey dear friend, .......................


spirituality is the search of the self for satisfaction ( joy, peace, perfection in action ) of the self , out of awareness of the pain, fear and delusion present in one's own self at the present Moment ............... and


one of the fundamentals for progress in the chosen field is NOT to focus on what others may be doing ...........


as a matter of fact , this is the True answer to your question :


while reading the scriptures, everyone focuses only on judging others .........

.......all the world's scriptures, all the Knowers of Truth , sing only for the Seeker True , for the self ..........

Got it, Ram Singh jee ?

Love, and regards, narinder bhandari








Hari OmDear Sadhak Ramsingh. I wonder if the advice from this Divine Forum if seen collectively can be construed to be - "Now I have gotten the answer from here that yes these ppl are just chasing after ego trips and are only destrying themself.One more thing from this Forum to you. Consider your following statement:The only sad thing is that the ones who they are making hell for are not here to read.What does it mean? Why are you 'sad'? You would have felt very happy had those (for whom you expressed disgust, and alleged them) people would have read these deliberations and got humiliated. Isn't it? Now your this tendency or desire of seeing the others feeling ashamed; and noting that you have knowledge of Gita ...this desire can not be said to be an auspicious one. One who reads Gita, practices it ...would believe that the evilness is merely an outer coat ; a visitor only...by substance all are good, all are children of same father, all are amal (faultless), all are 'sahaj sukhraasi' !!!Says a Saint of India:Sab Jag Eeshwar Roop Hai, Bhalo Buro Nahin Koy !Jaaki Jaisi Bhavana Vaiso Hi Phal Hoy !!Entire world is manifestation and form of God. There is no one good or bad. As is the sentiment ( bhava) of 'seer' so appears the world !!Once a listener asked Param Shraddheya Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj: Sir how is the world ? The Great Saint replied - "As you are" !!Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam


Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Ram Singhji


I am happy to learn that you have received ample good responses to your question from this Forum!


Believe that the number of Gitaji teachers and preachers, who only preach and not practice at all, are relatively few. Because Gitaji has such a magic, it cannot leave you without changing you when you are seriously contemplating on it. Those few who study to preach only, are harming themselves alone and no one else. Those who they are preaching may benefit but not themselves. Of course the only fruit they can expect to get is to be able to boost their ego which by itself is a leading trait of Asuric Sampati (demoniacal state, B.G. XVI-4), leading to a great fall.


It is a remote possibility these so called preachers are prompted by the following Gita Verses in 18th Chapter:



He, who imparts this profound knowledge to My devotees will develop the deep devotion for Me and will surely attain Me. All his doubts will be dispelled.



There is none among men who renders Me more endearing service than he, nor will there be any one dearer to Me throughout this wide world.


Relative to your recent request below:

"Moderators put up the guidelines on their page about the person who has thecapability to preach and teach Gitaji."


Swamiji Maharaj provides an exact answer for this in Gita Prabhodini in Hindi (page 550) in commentary for (Verse 18-69):


Who is right and fit aspirant to preach Gitaji:

Who has the sole aim of attaining God, who has a deep desire for true love of God, who wants to live his earthly life fully in accordance with the teachings of Gitaji. This kind of spiritual aspirant is naturally loved by God since he is performing the extremely dear service to God. By preaching His divine message among His devotees, he inspires devotees to study Gitaji. How can there be another person who can be so dear to God, because with the knowledge and practice of Gitaji, an aspirant can lift himself spiritually in any good or bad situation. Gitaji shows how one can benefit even when engaged in war (Gita: 2-38, 9-27, 18-46 etc). When one can excel even in war then all other situations are by far less grave. That is why Lord Krishna glorifies the preaching of Gitaji so much.


|| Ram Ram ||


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Jai HanumanRamsinghji ! There is a story in Mahabharata where Arjuna was asked to find out a bad person and Duryodhana was asked to find a good person. Both could not find any !! There is a famous verse in this regard:Bura jo dekhan main gaya, bura na milya koy ! Jo man dekha aapnaa to mujhse bura na koy !!I went out to search a bad person but I could not find any. But when I searched myself I found evilness was only with me ! World is stated in Scriptures as a mirror. As we are, so appears the world. Another typical thing about the world is that - World ALWAYS perceives you to be better than you actually are ( over estimates goodness in others) and World ALWAYS perceives you to not as bad as you actually are ( under estimates evilness in others) !! After all - World is created by Paramatma , our Daddy the Great !!!Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala


Shree Hari Ram RamThe answer by sadhika Sadhna Karigar is the complete answer I was searching for.What everyone should preach is how Gitaji has helped and changed our lives. Myparents are not devotees and they only goes to the temple and pay the pujari todo pooja for them.They do service to ppl and help poor and needy and they arekind and loving to me and my sister.I was embarrass when I see western pplknowledgeable of Gitaji and started reading.From my parents example I learned tobe a good human,kind and loving parent and husband. Gitaji teach me to befearless.I am kinda timid and after reading how Shree Krishna uplifted Arjuna, Ibeen teaching myself to face whatever it is that scares me in life.I am notafraid to own upto my own fears and weakness,I am ready to face them so I cancome out stronger.Thank you sadhika Sadhna Karigar.Ram Singh


Dear Sadhak,


Spirituality is the journey within. When "I" start searching my own "Self" , when "I" start obeserving my own behaviour, when "I" start following teaching of Gitaji, there remains no other ....


Please modify your question-Are you following Gitaji? Are you leading your life according to my Krishna's teaching ?


We all are interested in implementing what Girdhar taught us. Please share with us what do you learn from HIM ? That would help you and all of us too.


With Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar



Hari OmA good question. But why do you think so? What makes you feel that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle ? Why your eye is there on those people who according to you live a life of abuse, womanising, are a deadbeat father, beat their wives etc? Why do you look at those many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji are men and many of them are living bad lives. Why do you wish that they use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle ? Have you changed? If yes ..tell us how so that we may get benefits.Why... " This is puzzling me " ?Now think. Just As: You got focussed on 'the world' ( others) with reference to Gitaji while you should have concentrated at looking at your own self ...In other words JUST AS you used your power ' to Know Something' for knowing about others...Similarly: World at large reads Gitaji to understand or form opinions about 'others' ...in other words tries to know about others, instead of trying to know about their own selves... This is error because Gitaji means... Utilisation of power ' to know something ' .... 'knowledge' (Jnana) .. And power 'to know' should always be applied 'to know SELF' (JEEVA) and not ' to know others' viz Jagat (world) ! Rather,another power viz the power 'to do' should be applied with reference to others (JAGAT) but not for Jeeva. The third power viz the power 'to believe' should be applied with reference to Paramatma (JAGDISH) and not with reference to Jagat !!Oh ! Stupid Jeeva !! JEEVA wants to know about JAGAT while it is empowered to know about SELF; wants to do for Self while it is empowered to do for JAGAT; wants to get what is in wallet of Paramatma - JAGDISH- while it is empowered ( to believe) to get the VERY PARAMATMA !!! There are only three elements existing in universe ... Jeeva, Jagat and Jagdish ! There are only 3 powers you have: To know, To do and to believe !! There are only three goals - to know (self)/ to do (for others)/ to get (Paramatma) that after knowing (Jnana Yoga)/ doing (Karma Yoga) / getting ( Bhakti Yoga) which nothing remains to be known / done/ got. The very desire to know/ to do / to get has extinguished !!!Jeeva should use power to believe for Jagdish, power to know for Self and power to do for Jagat !!! 3 Elements, 3 Powers, 3 Desires...! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam ---------

Shree Hari Ram Ram.My heart is overjoy with the response I got to my question.I suggest that theModerators put up the guidelines on their page about the person who has thecapability to preach and teach Gitaji. Myself just read Gitaji as often aspossible and note the verses that I feel are important to mylife.I try as bestas possible to live a life of righteous,honoring my wife and being the besthusband and father I can possibly be.This is why it has bothered me a lot when Iknow ppl who are preachers are living bad lives. I used to think that theyshould not do so unless they clean up their life.Now I have gotten the answerfrom here that yes these ppl are just chasing after ego trips and are onlydestrying themself.The only sad thing is that the ones who they are making hellfor are not here to read.Thnks all.Ram Singh



One can be an expert in the Geeta but that does not mean that the expert follows its teachings in everyday life. One will find the most notorious people frequenting ashrams. So we cannot generalise about such things. Conversely there can be good people who have never read the Gita. So these things happen. There is no criteria.Hari Shanker Deo




I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another question: "Why Can't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ?". "WE" and "OUR" instead of "THEY" and "THEIR". That's it, as soon as we change OUR lives, each of us, then the objective achieved.


GITA ji does not force anyone to do anything. GITA ji lays it out for you so that it is up to you to drink this nectar to improve your life and achieve the Ultimate objective. If you are pretentious and egoistic, or humble and spiritual, or evil and heartless, or good and devoted, the Laws of Karma take effect and you will reap what you sow.


Many err into a mode of simplistic thinking, that Bhagavan is there waiting to entrap us, keeping a close watch on us, with many clerical and data processing people entering and analyzing data about who did wrong or right, when they did it, to whom, where, etc, and waiting to confront them after they have left this body. Not so; the Laws of Karma implemented by Bhagavan automatically execute, infinitely, everywhere, eternally.


Thus, sadhaks should not be disturbed by "bad people enjoying life, being successful, apparently rewarded for bad deeds" etc, who would escape what's coming to them. No one can hide and avoid what's coming to them. Don't be fixated or obsessed about others; in any case, neither you nor I can change this Eternal Process.


Remember, all relationships - parents, siblings, spouses, friends - on Earth are temporary, transient; this world is earthly, not divine; hence, do not be worried or perturbed or distracted by troubles and problems in your life, and that of others. This is difficult for humans, but you must focus on the broader overall objective of this reincarnation, of this life in this body, rather than mundane matters. Yes, this is exceedingly hard to do, but GITA ji has the answers and the manual to help you. That is the primary purpose of GITA ji, not to show how much you know of GITA ji or impress others.


Focus on yourself first; take care of yourself; take care of business in your life; charity beings at home; as Gandhi exhorts us "Be the change you wish to see in the world"; and as GITA ji advises us:

A man should uplift himself by his own self, so let him not weaken this self. For this self is the friend of oneself, and this self is the enemy of oneself. GITA 6:5


If you can also help others, then better yet, but all the knowledge in GITA ji and our other scriptures will be of no use if YOU do not use that to progress towards Moksha. That's the bigger, more important picture, not the trivial worldly matters that tend to distract and divert us.


Don't become despondent or depressed, be consoled that even if you fall or fail - "one fallen from Yoga" - you, the "doer of good", can still continue on this Divine journey towards "perfection":



Verily, O son of Prithâ, there is destruction for him, neither here nor hereafter: for, the doer of good, O my son, never comes to grief.


Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and dwelling there for everlasting years, one fallen from Yoga reincarnates in the home of the pure and the prosperous.

Or else he is born into a family of wise Yogis only; verily, a birth such as that is very rare to obtain in this world.


There he is united with the intelligence acquired in his former body, and strives more than before, for perfection, O son of the Kurus -- GITA 6:40-43

Ram Ram,

Deosaran Bisnath



Dear Sadaks,In Geetha Bagavan says, " IF I (Bagavan) get ONE pure Baktha among a crore, I can make the whole world purified". Imagine 5000 years ago Bagavan said IF HE CAN GET ONE in core, needless to say TODAY. Sadaks please focus on Geetha teachings and put in practice, though abundant hurdles may come across. Do not see here and there. Drona Chariya asks Arjuna pointing arrow at a bird, ( Oh Arjun do you see the tree, "Arjun says NO- Then Do you see the branch- Arjun says NO- Then Do you see the leaf- Arjun say NO- Do you see the Bird- Arjun says - NO". Then asks Dronar, what do you see Arjun. Arjun say neck of a bird. What we learn from this. Practice ONLY Geetha Teaching in practical life- Not looking at the world- Dont blame the world, as it is it`s tendency to put anyone in MAYA. You see a lion, you refrain far away. You see a deer, you remain undisturbed. Do you have Krodh on Lion and attachment for deer? No. You see both alike and see Sriman Narayana in them, that is why your mind is balanced when seeing Deer or lion. Set an example of yourself, so that people like Sri Ram Singh can believe in Geetha.B.Sathyanarayan




My dandavat pranams to all in this forum....

The question of Ram Singh is very wonderful. It causes one to ponder, "how can the teachings of Gita help ME to be free from anarthas (unwanted bad habits)? To grasp the depth of this question, let us first accept that bad habits, on whatever level, are not simply the result of what we have learned/experienced in this life. Many lifetimes build in our heart to create "samskaras"....it has been explained that this word is defined as "impressions". But even better, when I heard someone explain, "if you take a stone, and begin to rub a string back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, continually.....you will get a groove in the stone.....this "impression" is the way "samskara" works." So....for so many lifetimes, our interaction in this world has been "what is there for me, how can I enjoy, where can I get more satisfaction for my senses"......and then suddenly we hear, as a dove singing in the early morning, the celestial verses of Bhagavad Gita. Instructing us to set aside our ego, our pride, our selfishness, our pursuit of wordly happiness, and to find satisfaction in the self alone. To many, this concept is vague. It sounds alluring, but how to "do it"? So, one point has been made in this discussion....."associate with sadhus, with those who are high class sadhaks". Better than just reading the writings is to find a person one can have faith in.....but the point is that it is often times such a unique experience, (either reading, or meeting in person) unlike what the conditioned jiva has been accustomed to, to begin considering, "take pleasure in the self alone, give up the pursuit of sensual pleasures, you are eternal soul, full of eternity, bliss, and knowledge". Such concepts, even though perhaps heard occasionally, take time to "materialize" into actions. One must be patient, and know that the influence of the words of the Supreme Lord, in the verses of the Bhagavad Gita, are extremely potent. To associate with the Lord, through His words, or through His bona fide representative(s) is to start the soul on his or her upward journey....even without being conscious of the journey.

I would like to share a very special realization I had, just days ago....afte listening to an individual discuss the concept of "trnad api sunicena, taror api sahisnuna".....(one should consider oneself to be lower than the blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree) This person was saying, that, as the blade of grass springs back up when stepped upon, to be lower than a blade of grass, one simply stays down, and does not lift up one's head when "stepped on". I was very dissatisfied with this presentation. It may be what some people realize, and perhaps at times, it may be exactly what I need to manifest, but I was annoyed, and I asked the Lord to help me understand what deeper meaning, to "lower than a blade of grass" there might be. After a day or so.... this is what He revealed to me....."Lower than the grass is the earth. The earth, our mother, is beneath the grass. To be lower than the grass, is to take the quality of mother earth, and give, and give, and give, regardless if there is appreciation....the earth gives forth bounty, endlessly.We could not survive without the fruits and vegetables, the wood from the trees, the flowing water, the support she is for all creatures, who walk on her continually, day and night, eternally....and then, also, we should never forget, due to the impiety of the age, earthquakes also erupt to cause suffering and grief, as a result of the jiva soul not remembering his relationship with the Supreme. But eiher way, Mother Earth is giving...just as a mother may at times be harsh with the child to teach a lesson, but generally, mother gives nourishment, love, affection, health, a stable environment, etc..

so, lower than a blade of grass does not mean that in the face of some unacceptable behavior, one simply has to walk away....or stay "stomped to the ground". GIVE SOME LOVE...concern....but carefully, with discretion. It may not be appreciated, but it may cause soemone to begin to question themselves, and how they treat others. Giving counsel, especially unasked for, is a sacrifice, for it opens one up to being condemned by others.....but if given with love, without fear that someone may reject or scorn us, and with kindness, gentleness, a loving heart.... it will purify ourselves and the world around us. Best, if poosible, to spend a little time and attempt to become the friend of whoever it may be that we may wish to help, to counsel, to correct.....and then lovingly place before them our concerns as to their behavior....and then knowing, also, that we will not have the strength to do this unless we ourselves are acting properly. Some may read this thought of mine, and say, "I think I can only go as far as the blade of grass which does not get back up." OK.....we are all where we are in life. But at least, consider, one day the strength may come in you, that you could lovingly speak up, firmly, boldly....when you see inappropriate behavior....without considering if you will be appreciated, or "slapped down". To me, this is lower than a blade of grass.

With all respects,

Maha laksmi Dasi




words, words, words ... too many words, too many questions, too many answers .............

when words cease to be words .......... when sound ceases to be sound then peace blossoms in the heart peace so joyful, so profound .............. ah, no words, no sound ............. only the unheard symphony of the soundless sound ....

the soundless sound of AUM and...............

in that Tranquility of Being only, begins the " Living in Action " of Bhagvada Geetha's words


narinder bhandari


Dear sir, I consider gita as a guide to patanjali yoga sutra .The person who wants to lead a yogic life must follow gita.All questions are answered by sri krishna,keeping arjuna before him as nimitta matra (instrument) .At last viswa roopa (Universal form) is also granted. There is no rule that every reader must follow the teachings of krishna. Ajnana (ignorance) prevails till such time jnana(knowledge) comes. Even after reciting 10 chapters it has become necessary for krishna to show viswaroopa (Universal form) to one who is none other than NARA, part of narayana. The story belongs to dwaparayuga,then what about kaliyuga? Badri Narayana Miriyala




Shree Paramatmane Namah

If within Gita Talk, one can say something about the Self, then I would like to respond to Preeti Singh in slightly different words.

To stay quiet while seeing someone do something wrong, is where the "Self is doing wrong. To point out the person's flaws, is not fault finding rather it is a means of helping free the other person from his flaws. Therefore one must point out such things. Whenever there is destruction of Dharma, then God Himself comes to improve the situation or does he simply stand by and watch what is going on? So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam



Dear Truth Lovers, Namaste!This one is in deep appreciation of the posts of Mike Ji, and Chawlaji!In so few words they have brought up the resonating truth of Gita, or for that matter, any scripture's ultimate culmination point - Truth and nothing but Truth. As they hint so marvelously, Truth, cannot but creep up into actions, unconcerned with "others" as there are none! Apparent "others and their behaviors", are Universal Scheme as Chawlaji puts it! Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,GEETHA is based on Virtue of Principle of living. Everyone knows telling lies is incorrect. But there was an example to that was Harischandra. So there are example of each teaching of Geetha by lived person. All go to temple as a visit NOT with Love able Devotion. But few went to temple where Bagavan HIMSELF appeared to Baktha, ate the food he offered, lived with Baktha, protected Baktha Etc. Geetha principles are values of life existence and beyond. It is like a teacher telling student certain principle but teacher does not follow. The teacher is a preacher, NOT real teacher. But one who understood and follow Geetha normally 100% will not open his mouth that he has studied Geetha, but will be example in living style. Geetha is there open to all, but all cannot put in practice, due his/her own Karma Pala and inability to do Sadana. Like Ph.D is open to all candidates, but how may do complete Ph.D and how many get great award in reasurching Ph.D in any discipline. So is rare are the ones who get award on Geetha practice in life. In fact Arjuna asks Sri Krishna to repeat Geetha much after the war, saying he forgot. SADAKS- ONE VERY IMPORTANT GEETHA TEACHING IS; NEVER TO FIND FAULT WITH ANYONE. BECUASE, ONE WHO SEES IN OTHERS NOT FOLLOWING GEETHA, HE GETS IMPURITY BY SUCH THOUGHTS, AS HIS THOUGHTS GET ATTACHED THE ACTION (kARMA) OF SEEING DHOSA IN OTHERS AND THAT DHOSA STICKS TO HIM. Example: You see a Geetha preacher womanizing (As said by this sadak Ram Sing-Not by me), the thought of that persons revolves around you. So why see or find fault and get yourself impurity. B.Sathyanarayan.


Dear Ones, Namaste!Ram Singhji asks: "Why can't they use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me."

As you say, those who boast their knowledge of Gitaji, may have an agenda to impress people, to feel their importance, to have power over others, etc etc, all to fulfill the bottomless cup of "me" who may be aching with lack of some kinds, they don't even have any clue! Another point: It is possible that this question of yours may not be really a question to others but to yourself in the sense that if such people cannot change by the study of Gita, then what is the sense (for me?) of pursuing the knowledge of Gita? Someone may also be saying "let me be sure Gita changes the life of those people before I myself undertake the study". This is placing the condition upon Gita, not unconditional Love for it!

My answer: " If Gita goes through one instead of one goes through GIta, it is impossible not to change", a big difference! Generally it is not understood deeply without the help of Realized souls, like Swamiji who have digested the teaching in their own experience, not just kept it at information level Words of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then by looking into one's own inner experience, until one can put them in their own words, not repeat what is read or heard! This will bring change!

One more very important point as I see: It is not enough to understand Gita while living the same life of bad habits, such as alcohol, meat eating, smoking, obsessions with objects, attachments, etc etc. One needs to co-operate with Gita study by giving up bad habits simultaneously! People ask wrong question as to why am I not changing or why God is not helping me while I am pursuing spiritual path? God tells them through their Conscience: "Hey you are living the old ways, give up and help me to help you". Alas, those whose eyes are on the results, cannot hear God!

My suggestion is, not wait another day and not worry about such people who don't change. Just jump in any spiritual pursuits by engaging in study of Gita, Satsangs with like minded people, and above all if you can see someone living Gita around you, follow him/her! You will be able to tell someone is true or not by just listening with open mind and noticing joy or satisfaction arising in you by words you hear. But this is only if one is sincere, interested in Truth for Love of it, no hidden agenda of any kind, and more than anything, even if it doesn't change Life immediately! This is Unconditional Love of God!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt!


-Shree Hari-


This post is directed to Preeti Singh :

Ma'am, this is something Gandhi once said, in a time of terrible strife in India: 'A Hindu man came to him, to speak of his young boy who had been killed by Muslim mobs, and of the depth of his anger and longing for revenge. And Gandhi is said to have replied: If you really wish to overcome your pain, find a young boy, just as young as your son, a Muslim boy whose parents have been killed by Hindu mobs.Bring up that boy like you would your own son, but bring him up with the Muslim faith to which he was born. Only then will you find that you can heal your pain, your anger....'. No wonder he was called Mahatma Gandhi! Remind the good Pundit of those words, and ask him why was he blessed with two daughters?


Mike (K).------------

When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to be on the wrong path.The understanding of Truth does not make one superior in comparison to others. One becomes one with the Scheme of the Universe as it is. The transformation puts one with the mystery. One lands in the wonderland.One conveys the Truth with one's living without imposing it on others.Y V Chawla----

If you had cerefully noticed certain verses of Gita you would not have been puzzled. According to Gita, very few persons are likely to even try following the teachings of Gita in life. Of those few who try practicing such teachings in their life,negligible percentage will stay on course as others will fall back from the path to progress. The rare will achieve certain progress and the rarest will reach liberation. Gita also says that the real sadhaka is not distracted by debates but debates and discussions may help some to progress on the path of liberation from worldly bondage of sensual pleasures and pain. Gita's teachings are simple:1. Give up ego of being the doer, the possessor and different from others. Practice eqaunamity.2. Give up all desires as fast as one can. Do whatever you do without ego of being the doer and without the desire to enjoy/ fear to suffer the fruits/ results/ consequences of actions.3. Know that God almighty exists in all beings and realize / attain this God through medidation on this infinite. indestructible, God.4. Submit all actions, thoughts, and feeings to God and remain unperturned by all external events. But it is is the most difficult and almost impossible to practice the above four teachings continuously without break till death of the body. And, if some of us while intending to practice the above, get attached to the discussions on what different words in Gita really meant, it is only natural and most cases inevitable. For, it is difficult to give up the ego of being a sadhaka, of being knowledgable about Gita's teachings, of being learned on Gita's verses, of being smarter among the sadhakas. It is also difficult while being a sadhaka to give up the desire to know about Gita and instead submit to God and fully depend onHim for the progress on the path to liberation. I am so attached with external events that I respond to your posting, I respond to your question as if I know better and can help you, I fail to realize that what I or you do is nothing but what He makes us do. This is the impact of Maya that we suffer from even when we are on the path of Sadhna for liberation. This is exactly what Gita predicts. The fact that we have been trying to give up ego, give up desires and keen to realize God does not automatically make us ego-less, desire-less, unattached and submerged in equanamity. We only hope to prgress even as we seemingly waste time and energy in discussion and debate. That is is the way He like us to progress. If and when I reach liberation or Mukti or Moksha, there will be no more boasting, talking , preaching and lecturing: the four teachings of Gita mentioned above will make me rest in God rather than be involved in Gita-talk discussions. But when, if at all, will that happen?Basudeb Sen


Jai Shri Ram,Dear RamiJi, You may be correct to some/much extent. In my understanding it all depends upon how close is the knowledge of GitaJi to self. If its closeness to the self is more than that of the ego/kaam, then such person would never be the cause of the environment you have mentioned. Yes, if that knowledge resides only at the intellect/buddhi level which is driven by the ego/kaam/desire, such environments could be found.To avoid such environments, my suggestion is to "Live in GitaJi" instead of "use the knowledge of GitaJi" towards closing the gap between the self and the knowledge.

May God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey






Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Studying Bhagavad Gita is good but what is really important is how much of that knowledge is put into action for the welfare of others. Any knowledge that does not help others, is a wasted knowledge. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Advesta sarva bhutanam,Maitra karuna eva ca,Nirmamo nirahankarah,Sama dukha sukha kshami. ' ( Gitaji 12, 13)Which means,'One who hates no one, friendly and merciful to every one, has no ego,no feeling of mine ness and who is equal in happiness and sorrow, that person is very dear to Me. 'Love and compassion are the teachings of Gitaji. For spiritual advancement, we also need satsang. Once we are in the association of compassionate devotees who are deeply engaged in devotional service, then every thing falls in right place. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Shree Hari Ram Ram Brothers, to read something, hear it, relay it, study it, to spread it-lecture on it, to remember it, there is no real proof that that one has imbibed those things in their lives. In other words, he has become just as what was learned/known. If someone did not apply the messages of the Gita to their lives, than what is Gita to do about it? It is that individual's misfortune alone that such beneficial talks were not put to proper use. So be it.Vineet Sarvottam -------------------------------Shree Hari-


A very very good question!

Ego! People love to show off, "Look how clever I am, I have memorized the Gitaji", well yes that can become a sacred task, but only if one were to embrace it's message. No point in being an intellectual parrot.

Satsang can re-enforce its message, I for one have been changed for the better by the ebb and flow of debate at this Divine Forum!

To know and understand the Gitaji, and to deliberately go against it, means in truth, that one does not really understand it!


Mike (K).----------

Dear Ram Singh. Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

This is excellent question. Good news is that you know the answer of the question.

>I mean can one be really knowledgable>about Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beat>their wives etc?

You are finding it hard to accept such person as being really knowledgeable of Gita.And you are right. They don't know Gita.

This applies to this forum also, Swamiji gives very important to the fact that our self is part of Paramatma and belong to Paramatma. Our body and its extensions are not us but part of this world. Therefore, using vivek we need to accept this fact firmly. But there will be many people who may not follow his teaching. That does not make the teachings wrong.

The knowledge of Gita is rare and confidential. Krishna Himself says it in Gita. Very few people can follow it. Those people become even more rare in Kali-yug.

Please understand that those people don't represent Gita and use this forum to understand Gita more.Ultimately, this process is personal. In the end what matters is that how much progress we make and it doesn't matter how bad or good others are.

Regards,Gaurav Mittal --Jai Sri Krishna, First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to interfere?I am sure that a person who reads Gita and understands it deeply (I am not talking about those who have just learned few verses or few chapters of Gita), cannot engage in wrong doings, at least knowingly. I know people who have just memorized it and don't have the in-depth knowledge, still I find them better than me in behaving with others. Ram Ram Ashok Goenka---------------------Dear Ram Singh, Shree Hari. Ram Ram. SB 10.2.22 – A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living, for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him. And after the death of a person in the bodily concept of life, he is undoubtedly transferred to the hell known as Andhatama.

SB 12.2.41 – Even though a person's body may now have the designation "king," in the end its name will be "worms,stool" or "ashes." What can a person who injures other living beings for the sake of his body know about his own self-interest, since his activities are simply leading him to hell?

Lord Ram says in Ram charitmanas —There is no worse sin (paap) than inflicting suffering or hurting others. There is no other pious activty (punya) better than helping others or working for their welfare.

From above slokas, the fate of those people you have mentioned is clear. Please have no doubt about it.


Gaurav Mittal


Dear Ram Singh That is precisely the reason of unhappiness in life.So you have raised a very valid question.At the same time ,the fault is not with Gita.

You may have observed religious people are more unhappy compared to non-religious people.There appears something wrong about our understanding of religion and God.

Coming to your question,why people claiming to have knowledge of Gita are living bad lives?

My understanding is:-

1)Knowledge of Gita enhances their ego instead of reducing that.2)Some of the actions are justified by considering that Karma or duty.3)The knowledge of Gita is superficial since study is not daily.To transform life ,Gita study has to be made a daily routine.4)Gita has been explained or commented by too many persons and every one has explained it from his point of view.It is difficult to find real Gita which when studied regularly will lead to good life.5)Gita teaches the process to fight the evil traits or mindset within one.It contains all the meditations and the knowledge to come out living bad life.

Gita study will eventually will lead to see presence of God in everyone and also empower one to raise his level where doing bad deeds will not be possible.

One will recognise himself,his purpose of this life time.

So what you intend to do.


Ashok Jain-------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram. I don't agree that when you see someone doing something that is wrong and you point it out is faultfinding. It is trying to help that person. My husband was abusing me and had I continue to be silent he would not have been able to get help and now lead a very happy married life together.I am so satisfied with my life and I have the ppl here to thank for.If all of you here did not make my husband see that abusive behaviour is not proper he would be doing that to me today.So I now tell anyone this, that if you are being abused do not stay silent,you must seek help somewhere.Today I was talking to a woman whose husband is a Pundit and he is neglecting his wife and two baby daughters because she did not get a son.In this day and age he is still living with the ideal of not being satisfy without a son.He does not care that he is neglecting 2 daughters and his wife.Only his wants must be fulfilled.Is it finding fault to tell this Pundit to go take care of your family before you come and tell the rest of us how to live a good life? Was Lord Krishna fault finding when he told Arjun to stop behaving like a coward and fight?Jai Shri KrishnaPreeti Singh

Shree Hari Ram Ram

A similar topic was addressed in the past, however, we are unable to locate the discussion thread.

One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan (discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,

# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)


You may download and listen. Thank you for being an instrument by bringing this topic up for sharing and learning together and inturn benefiting many sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only) 5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shree Hari Ram Ram.


Is Gitaji only to talk and discuss and preach about? I imagine that most will

say no. My question is if Gitaji is not about talking , preaching and lecturing

alone why is it that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can't

seem to extend that to their own lifestyle. I mean can one be really


about Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beat

their wives etc? Many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji are

men and many of them are living bad lives. Why can't they use the teachings of

Gitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me.


Ram Singh






Why Can't They Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change their Lives ?


Absolutely useless question … in fact, extremely dangerous question indeed.


Why Can't I Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change my Life ?


Absolutely useful question … in fact, the most wonderful question indeed. Kash!

Your question turns to yourself one day ...


Your question, unfortunately, originates from the ego we nurture and the pride

we harvest in all our activities including the spiritual studies! Yes, this is

the most natural reaction from the ego - " Why can't everybody else behave

properly?! "

What is proper here? Of course, anything that promotes my ego!

Why this question raises in the first place? Because things around are not doing

their job - praising and boosting my ego!

What is the cause and effect of the question? Frustration and frsutration!


The question here addresses Bhagavdgita indientally … only incidentally. If we

observe our lives carefully, we may catch ourselves doing this regularly …

almost every moment. " Why can't everthing else behave properly???!!! " THIS




The focal point for Bhagavadgita (as a matter of fact, for all the spiritual

texts and seers) is this very question … why do we instantly jump to entertain

this question at the very onset of our miseries? Why?? Why???


Why can't I use the teachings of Bhagavadgita to question my quest to seek the

world to blame and myself to praise in all my activities ... knowingly … and



Why can't I seek the truth revelled in the texts to eradicate my insinct for

blaming and praising in the first place??


Why can't I seek to eradicate all the blames and praises harbored within … to

seek The Truth within and around … as guided by the texts???


Why? … Why?? ... Why???


Only then … you may start seeing Bhagavad Gita descend from its abode, The

KrishNa … Till then, I am not sure of the persons you refer to … surely, you are

not receiving the devine knowledge flowing in The Gita from The KrishNa


As the Gita trickles into your existence, you may start appreciating The KrishNa

in everything within and around …


When you start seeing The KrishNa in everything within and around … how can you

see anything wrong anywhere? ... what is there to be blamed?? … who is there to

blame or praise??? THE ONE AND ONLY KRISHNA remains … no more blames … no more

praises …


Therefore, my dear friend, turn your question inward … " Why Can't I Use the

Teachings of Gitaji to Change my Life? " Then … you will proceed toward The

KrishNa … then, nothing else would ever matter … this question alone matters …

Gita alone matters ... KrishNa alone matters …




Naga Narayana.



Ram Ram


I am writing base on my own experience and with the stories of some other ppl

who i am talkin to. I understand why Ram Singh mention about ppl not reading

this because how many hindus out there and how many here? My husband and i read

one statement and he smile because this sound just like he use to sound when he

was abusing me:I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another

question: " Why Can't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ? " .

" WE " and " OUR " instead of " THEY " and " THEIR " . That's it, as soon as we change

OUR lives, each of us, then the objective achieved. ........ Deosaran Bisnath


When a person is guilty,he turns back what he is guilty of onto the person who

is pointing it out. My husband abuse me and he accuse me of abusing him

instead.He found out in counselling about something call projecting and this is

what he and any abusive person does to their victim.For anyone who do not

remember, my husband was exactly like the person Ram Singh spoke about. He

cruelly abuse me and i was at the point of wantin to die.I am from a religious

home and my husband isn't and he pretend to be knowledgeable of Gitaji just to

impress ppl and get respect and at home he was abusing me.In the end, this forum

save me only by chance as he use to check everything that i did and while

reading the post from here he start to feel guilty. Now he only read Gitaji with

me. If you ask him what did he learn from Gitaji when he read alone,he says that

he learned how to impress people and win respect. He will say that he learned

from genuine ppl like those here how to be a better person and so he feels that

not all is qualify to preach Gitaji and that it is better to learn from the

livestyle of those who really know Gitaji. I don't know if i am explaining clear

how we feel but please know that whoever preach Gitaji become like Lord Krishna

and if they take his role then this person should be a godly person not a

demonlike one.My husband and I thank and give praise to the ppl here who live

Gitaji and save our marriage and life.

Preeti Singh








YOU SAID - Now I have gotten the answer from here that yes these ppl are just

chasing after ego trips and are only destrying themself.The only sad thing is

that the ones who they are making hell for are not here to read. Thnks all.

Ram Singh


No Ram Singh jee, you have still not got the answer

......................please read again what Swamiji and the various worthy

Sadhaks have suggested .........................

One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to

someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can

be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan

(discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,


# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)


amongst all the enlightening answers, your attention is invited to the following



1. First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to

interfere. Ashok Goenka


2 Words of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then by

looking into one's own inner experience, not repeat what is read or heard! This

will bring change!(in oneself ) also, .. My suggestion is, not wait another

day and not worry about such people who don't change. Pratap Bhatt


3. When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to be

on the wrong path. ..... YV Chawla







5. I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another question: " Why

Can't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ? " . " WE " and " OUR "

instead of " THEY " and " THEIR " . That's it, as soon as we change OUR lives, each

of us, then the objective achieved. ........ Deosaran Bisnath


6. .Please modify your question-Are you following Gitaji? Are you leading your

life according to my Krishna's teaching ? ...... Sadhna Karigar





ah, my vey dear friend, .......................


spirituality is the search of the self for satisfaction ( joy, peace,

perfection in action ) of the self , out of awareness of the pain, fear and

delusion present in one's own self at the present Moment ............... and


one of the fundamentals for progress in the chosen field is NOT to focus on what

others may be doing ...........


as a matter of fact , this is the True answer to your question :


while reading the scriptures, everyone focuses only on judging others .........

.......all the world's scriptures, all the Knowers of Truth , sing only for the

Seeker True , for the self ..........


Got it, Ram Singh jee ?


Love, and regards, narinder bhandari







Hari Om


Dear Sadhak Ramsingh. I wonder if the advice from this Divine Forum if seen

collectively can be construed to be -


" Now I have gotten the answer from here that yes these ppl are just chasing

after ego trips and are only destrying themself.


One more thing from this Forum to you. Consider your following statement:


The only sad thing is that the ones who they are making hell for are not here to



What does it mean? Why are you 'sad'? You would have felt very happy had those

(for whom you expressed disgust, and alleged them) people would have read these

deliberations and got humiliated. Isn't it? Now your this tendency or desire of

seeing the others feeling ashamed; and noting that you have knowledge of Gita

....this desire can not be said to be an auspicious one. One who reads Gita,

practices it ...would believe that the evilness is merely an outer coat ; a

visitor only...by substance all are good, all are children of same father, all

are amal (faultless), all are 'sahaj sukhraasi' !!!


Says a Saint of India:


Sab Jag Eeshwar Roop Hai, Bhalo Buro Nahin Koy !


Jaaki Jaisi Bhavana Vaiso Hi Phal Hoy !!


Entire world is manifestation and form of God. There is no one good or bad. As

is the sentiment ( bhava) of 'seer' so appears the world !!


Once a listener asked Param Shraddheya Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj: Sir how is

the world ? The Great Saint replied - " As you are " !!


Pranaams to all sadhaks

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina









Shree Hari

|| Ram Ram ||

Dear Ram Singhji

I am happy to learn that you have received ample good responses to your question

from this Forum!

Believe that the number of Gitaji teachers and preachers, who only preach and

not practice at all, are relatively few. Because Gitaji has such a magic, it

cannot leave you without changing you when you are seriously contemplating on

it. Those few who study to preach only, are harming themselves alone and no one

else. Those who they are preaching may benefit but not themselves. Of course the

only fruit they can expect to get is to be able to boost their ego which by

itself is a leading trait of Asuric Sampati (demoniacal state, B.G. XVI-4),

leading to a great fall.

It is a remote possibility these so called preachers are prompted by the

following Gita Verses in 18th Chapter:


He, who imparts this profound knowledge to My devotees will develop the deep

devotion for Me and will surely attain Me. All his doubts will be dispelled.


There is none among men who renders Me more endearing service than he, nor will

there be any one dearer to Me throughout this wide world.

Relative to your recent request below:

" Moderators put up the guidelines on their page about the person who has the

capability to preach and teach Gitaji. "

Swamiji Maharaj provides an exact answer for this in Gita Prabhodini in Hindi

(page 550) in commentary for (Verse 18-69):

Who is right and fit aspirant to preach Gitaji:

Who has the sole aim of attaining God, who has a deep desire for true love of

God, who wants to live his earthly life fully in accordance with the teachings

of Gitaji. This kind of spiritual aspirant is naturally loved by God since he

is performing the extremely dear service to God. By preaching His divine message

among His devotees, he inspires devotees to study Gitaji. How can there be

another person who can be so dear to God, because with the knowledge and

practice of Gitaji, an aspirant can lift himself spiritually in any good or bad

situation. Gitaji shows how one can benefit even when engaged in war (Gita:

2-38, 9-27, 18-46 etc). When one can excel even in war then all other situations

are by far less grave. That is why Lord Krishna glorifies the preaching of

Gitaji so much.

|| Ram Ram ||

Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Jai Hanuman


Ramsinghji ! There is a story in Mahabharata where Arjuna was asked to find out

a bad person and Duryodhana was asked to find a good person. Both could not find

any !! There is a famous verse in this regard:


Bura jo dekhan main gaya, bura na milya koy ! Jo man dekha aapnaa to mujhse bura

na koy !!


I went out to search a bad person but I could not find any. But when I searched

myself I found evilness was only with me !


World is stated in Scriptures as a mirror. As we are, so appears the world.

Another typical thing about the world is that - World ALWAYS perceives you to be

better than you actually are ( over estimates goodness in others) and World

ALWAYS perceives you to not as bad as you actually are ( under estimates

evilness in others) !! After all - World is created by Paramatma , our Daddy the

Great !!!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






Shree Hari Ram Ram


The answer by sadhika Sadhna Karigar is the complete answer I was searching for.

What everyone should preach is how Gitaji has helped and changed our lives. My

parents are not devotees and they only goes to the temple and pay the pujari to

do pooja for them.They do service to ppl and help poor and needy and they are

kind and loving to me and my sister.I was embarrass when I see western ppl

knowledgeable of Gitaji and started reading.From my parents example I learned to

be a good human,kind and loving parent and husband. Gitaji teach me to be

fearless.I am kinda timid and after reading how Shree Krishna uplifted Arjuna, I

been teaching myself to face whatever it is that scares me in life.I am not

afraid to own upto my own fears and weakness,I am ready to face them so I can

come out stronger.Thank you sadhika Sadhna Karigar.

Ram Singh





Dear Sadhak,


Spirituality is the journey within. When " I " start searching my own " Self " ,

when " I " start obeserving my own behaviour, when " I " start following teaching of

Gitaji, there remains no other ....


Please modify your question-Are you following Gitaji? Are you leading your life

according to my Krishna's teaching ?


We all are interested in implementing what Girdhar taught us. Please share with

us what do you learn from HIM ? That would help you and all of us too.


With Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar




Hari Om


A good question. But why do you think so? What makes you feel that many people

who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own

lifestyle ? Why your eye is there on those people who according to you live a

life of abuse, womanising, are a deadbeat father, beat their wives etc?


Why do you look at those many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about

Gitaji are men and many of them are living bad lives. Why do you wish that they

use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle ? Have you changed? If yes

...tell us how so that we may get benefits.


Why... " This is puzzling me " ?


Now think.


Just As: You got focussed on 'the world' ( others) with reference to Gitaji

while you should have concentrated at looking at your own self ...In other words

JUST AS you used your power ' to Know Something' for knowing about others...


Similarly: World at large reads Gitaji to understand or form opinions about

'others' ...in other words tries to know about others, instead of trying to know

about their own selves...


This is error because Gitaji means... Utilisation of power ' to know something '

..... 'knowledge' (Jnana) .. And power 'to know' should always be applied 'to

know SELF' (JEEVA) and not ' to know others' viz Jagat (world) ! Rather,another

power viz the power 'to do' should be applied with reference to others (JAGAT)

but not for Jeeva. The third power viz the power 'to believe' should be applied

with reference to Paramatma (JAGDISH) and not with reference to Jagat !!


Oh ! Stupid Jeeva !! JEEVA wants to know about JAGAT while it is empowered to

know about SELF; wants to do for Self while it is empowered to do for JAGAT;

wants to get what is in wallet of Paramatma - JAGDISH- while it is empowered (

to believe) to get the VERY PARAMATMA !!!


There are only three elements existing in universe ... Jeeva, Jagat and Jagdish

! There are only 3 powers you have: To know, To do and to believe !! There are

only three goals - to know (self)/ to do (for others)/ to get (Paramatma) that

after knowing (Jnana Yoga)/ doing (Karma Yoga) / getting ( Bhakti Yoga) which

nothing remains to be known / done/ got. The very desire to know/ to do / to get

has extinguished !!!


Jeeva should use power to believe for Jagdish, power to know for Self and power

to do for Jagat !!! 3 Elements, 3 Powers, 3 Desires...!


Pranaams to all sadhaks.

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina






Shree Hari Ram Ram.


My heart is overjoy with the response I got to my question.I suggest that the

Moderators put up the guidelines on their page about the person who has the

capability to preach and teach Gitaji. Myself just read Gitaji as often as

possible and note the verses that I feel are important to mylife.I try as best

as possible to live a life of righteous,honoring my wife and being the best

husband and father I can possibly be.This is why it has bothered me a lot when I

know ppl who are preachers are living bad lives. I used to think that they

should not do so unless they clean up their life.Now I have gotten the answer

from here that yes these ppl are just chasing after ego trips and are only

destrying themself.The only sad thing is that the ones who they are making hell

for are not here to read.

Thnks all.

Ram Singh




One can be an expert in the Geeta but that does not mean that the expert follows

its teachings in everyday life. One will find the most notorious people

frequenting ashrams. So we cannot generalise about such things. Conversely there

can be good people who have never read the Gita. So these things happen. There

is no criteria.

Hari Shanker Deo









I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another question: " Why

Can't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ? " . " WE " and " OUR "

instead of " THEY " and " THEIR " . That's it, as soon as we change OUR lives, each

of us, then the objective achieved.



GITA ji does not force anyone to do anything. GITA ji lays it out for you so

that it is up to you to drink this nectar to improve your life and achieve the

Ultimate objective. If you are pretentious and egoistic, or humble and

spiritual, or evil and heartless, or good and devoted, the Laws of Karma take

effect and you will reap what you sow.



Many err into a mode of simplistic thinking, that Bhagavan is there waiting to

entrap us, keeping a close watch on us, with many clerical and data processing

people entering and analyzing data about who did wrong or right, when they did

it, to whom, where, etc, and waiting to confront them after they have left this

body. Not so; the Laws of Karma implemented by Bhagavan automatically execute,

infinitely, everywhere, eternally.



Thus, sadhaks should not be disturbed by " bad people enjoying life, being

successful, apparently rewarded for bad deeds " etc, who would escape what's

coming to them. No one can hide and avoid what's coming to them. Don't be

fixated or obsessed about others; in any case, neither you nor I can change this

Eternal Process.



Remember, all relationships - parents, siblings, spouses, friends - on Earth are

temporary, transient; this world is earthly, not divine; hence, do not be

worried or perturbed or distracted by troubles and problems in your life, and

that of others. This is difficult for humans, but you must focus on the broader

overall objective of this reincarnation, of this life in this body, rather than

mundane matters. Yes, this is exceedingly hard to do, but GITA ji has the

answers and the manual to help you. That is the primary purpose of GITA ji, not

to show how much you know of GITA ji or impress others.



Focus on yourself first; take care of yourself; take care of business in your

life; charity beings at home; as Gandhi exhorts us " Be the change you wish to

see in the world " ; and as GITA ji advises us:

A man should uplift himself by his own self, so let him not weaken this self.

For this self is the friend of oneself, and this self is the enemy of oneself.

GITA 6:5



If you can also help others, then better yet, but all the knowledge in GITA ji

and our other scriptures will be of no use if YOU do not use that to progress

towards Moksha. That's the bigger, more important picture, not the trivial

worldly matters that tend to distract and divert us.



Don't become despondent or depressed, be consoled that even if you fall or fail

- " one fallen from Yoga " - you, the " doer of good " , can still continue on this

Divine journey towards " perfection " :


Verily, O son of Prithâ, there is destruction for him, neither here nor

hereafter: for, the doer of good, O my son, never comes to grief.



Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and dwelling there for

everlasting years, one fallen from Yoga reincarnates in the home of the pure and

the prosperous.


Or else he is born into a family of wise Yogis only; verily, a birth such as

that is very rare to obtain in this world.



There he is united with the intelligence acquired in his former body, and

strives more than before, for perfection, O son of the Kurus -- GITA 6:40-43


Ram Ram,

Deosaran Bisnath



Dear Sadaks,

In Geetha Bagavan says, " IF I (Bagavan) get ONE pure Baktha among a crore, I

can make the whole world purified " . Imagine 5000 years ago Bagavan said IF HE

CAN GET ONE in core, needless to say TODAY. Sadaks please focus on Geetha

teachings and put in practice, though abundant hurdles may come across. Do not

see here and there. Drona Chariya asks Arjuna pointing arrow at a bird, ( Oh

Arjun do you see the tree, " Arjun says NO- Then Do you see the branch- Arjun

says NO- Then Do you see the leaf- Arjun say NO- Do you see the Bird- Arjun says

- NO " . Then asks Dronar, what do you see Arjun. Arjun say neck of a bird. What

we learn from this. Practice ONLY Geetha Teaching in practical life- Not looking

at the world- Dont blame the world, as it is it`s tendency to put anyone in

MAYA. You see a lion, you refrain far away. You see a deer, you remain

undisturbed. Do you have Krodh on Lion and attachment for deer? No. You see both

alike and see Sriman Narayana in them, that is why your mind is balanced when

seeing Deer or lion. Set an example of yourself, so that people like Sri Ram

Singh can believe in Geetha.





My dandavat pranams to all in this forum....

The question of Ram Singh is very wonderful. It causes one to ponder, " how

can the teachings of Gita help ME to be free from anarthas (unwanted bad

habits)? To grasp the depth of this question, let us first accept that bad

habits, on whatever level, are not simply the result of what we have

learned/experienced in this life. Many lifetimes build in our heart to create

" samskaras " ....it has been explained that this word is defined as " impressions " .

But even better, when I heard someone explain, " if you take a stone, and begin

to rub a string back and forth, back and forth, back and forth,

continually.....you will get a groove in the stone.....this " impression " is the

way " samskara " works. " So....for so many lifetimes, our interaction in this

world has been " what is there for me, how can I enjoy, where can I get more

satisfaction for my senses " ......and then suddenly we hear, as a dove singing in

the early morning, the celestial verses of Bhagavad Gita. Instructing us to set

aside our ego, our pride, our selfishness, our pursuit of wordly happiness, and

to find satisfaction in the self alone. To many, this concept is vague. It

sounds alluring, but how to " do it " ? So, one point has been made in this

discussion..... " associate with sadhus, with those who are high class sadhaks " .

Better than just reading the writings is to find a person one can have faith

in.....but the point is that it is often times such a unique experience, (either

reading, or meeting in person) unlike what the conditioned jiva has been

accustomed to, to begin considering, " take pleasure in the self alone, give up

the pursuit of sensual pleasures, you are eternal soul, full of eternity, bliss,

and knowledge " . Such concepts, even though perhaps heard occasionally, take

time to " materialize " into actions. One must be patient, and know that the

influence of the words of the Supreme Lord, in the verses of the Bhagavad Gita,

are extremely potent. To associate with the Lord, through His words, or through

His bona fide representative(s) is to start the soul on his or her upward

journey....even without being conscious of the journey.

I would like to share a very special realization I had, just days

ago....afte listening to an individual discuss the concept of " trnad api

sunicena, taror api sahisnuna " .....(one should consider oneself to be lower than

the blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree) This person was saying, that,

as the blade of grass springs back up when stepped upon, to be lower than a

blade of grass, one simply stays down, and does not lift up one's head when

" stepped on " . I was very dissatisfied with this presentation. It may be what

some people realize, and perhaps at times, it may be exactly what I need to

manifest, but I was annoyed, and I asked the Lord to help me understand what

deeper meaning, to " lower than a blade of grass " there might be. After a day or

so.... this is what He revealed to me..... " Lower than the grass is the earth.

The earth, our mother, is beneath the grass. To be lower than the grass, is to

take the quality of mother earth, and give, and give, and give, regardless if

there is appreciation....the earth gives forth bounty, endlessly.We could not

survive without the fruits and vegetables, the wood from the trees, the flowing

water, the support she is for all creatures, who walk on her continually, day

and night, eternally....and then, also, we should never forget, due to the

impiety of the age, earthquakes also erupt to cause suffering and grief, as a

result of the jiva soul not remembering his relationship with the Supreme. But

eiher way, Mother Earth is giving...just as a mother may at times be harsh with

the child to teach a lesson, but generally, mother gives nourishment, love,

affection, health, a stable environment, etc..

so, lower than a blade of grass does not mean that in the face of some

unacceptable behavior, one simply has to walk away....or stay " stomped to the

ground " . GIVE SOME LOVE...concern....but carefully, with discretion. It may

not be appreciated, but it may cause soemone to begin to question themselves,

and how they treat others. Giving counsel, especially unasked for, is a

sacrifice, for it opens one up to being condemned by others.....but if given

with love, without fear that someone may reject or scorn us, and with kindness,

gentleness, a loving heart.... it will purify ourselves and the world around us.

Best, if poosible, to spend a little time and attempt to become the friend of

whoever it may be that we may wish to help, to counsel, to correct.....and then

lovingly place before them our concerns as to their behavior....and then

knowing, also, that we will not have the strength to do this unless we ourselves

are acting properly. Some may read this thought of mine, and say, " I think I

can only go as far as the blade of grass which does not get back up. "

OK.....we are all where we are in life. But at least, consider, one day the

strength may come in you, that you could lovingly speak up, firmly,

boldly....when you see inappropriate behavior....without considering if you will

be appreciated, or " slapped down " . To me, this is lower than a blade of grass.

With all respects,

Maha laksmi Dasi




words, words, words ... too many words, too many questions, too many answers


when words cease to be words .......... when sound ceases to be sound


peace blossoms in the heart

peace so joyful, so profound ..............

ah, no words, no sound .............

only the unheard symphony of the soundless sound ....

the soundless sound of AUM and...............


in that Tranquility of Being only, begins the " Living in Action " of Bhagvada

Geetha's words



narinder bhandari




Dear sir,

I consider gita as a guide to patanjali yoga sutra .The person who

wants to lead a yogic life must follow gita.All questions are answered by sri

krishna,keeping arjuna before him as nimitta matra (instrument) .At last viswa

roopa (Universal form) is also granted. There is no rule that every reader must

follow the teachings of krishna. Ajnana (ignorance) prevails till such time

jnana(knowledge) comes. Even after reciting 10 chapters it has become necessary

for krishna to show viswaroopa (Universal form) to one who is none other than

NARA, part of narayana. The story belongs to dwaparayuga,then what about

kaliyuga? Badri Narayana Miriyala




Shree Paramatmane Namah

If within Gita Talk, one can say something about the Self, then I would like to

respond to Preeti Singh in slightly different words.

To stay quiet while seeing someone do something wrong, is where the " Self is

doing wrong. To point out the person's flaws, is not fault finding rather it is

a means of helping free the other person from his flaws. Therefore one must

point out such things. Whenever there is destruction of Dharma, then God

Himself comes to improve the situation or does he simply stand by and watch what

is going on? So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Truth Lovers, Namaste!

This one is in deep appreciation of the posts of Mike Ji, and Chawlaji!

In so few words they have brought up the resonating truth of Gita, or for that

matter, any scripture's ultimate culmination point - Truth and nothing but

Truth. As they hint so marvelously, Truth, cannot but creep up into actions,

unconcerned with " others " as there are none!

Apparent " others and their behaviors " , are Universal Scheme as Chawlaji puts it!

Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,

GEETHA is based on Virtue of Principle of living. Everyone knows telling lies is

incorrect. But there was an example to that was Harischandra. So there are

example of each teaching of Geetha by lived person. All go to temple as a visit

NOT with Love able Devotion. But few went to temple where Bagavan HIMSELF

appeared to Baktha, ate the food he offered, lived with Baktha, protected Baktha

Etc. Geetha principles are values of life existence and beyond. It is like a

teacher telling student certain principle but teacher does not follow. The

teacher is a preacher, NOT real teacher. But one who understood and follow

Geetha normally 100% will not open his mouth that he has studied Geetha, but

will be example in living style. Geetha is there open to all, but all cannot put

in practice, due his/her own Karma Pala and inability to do Sadana. Like Ph.D is

open to all candidates, but how may do complete Ph.D and how many get great

award in reasurching Ph.D in any discipline. So is rare are the ones who get

award on Geetha practice in life. In fact Arjuna asks Sri Krishna to repeat

Geetha much after the war, saying he forgot. SADAKS- ONE VERY IMPORTANT GEETHA




HIM. Example: You see a Geetha preacher womanizing (As said by this sadak Ram

Sing-Not by me), the thought of that persons revolves around you. So why see or

find fault and get yourself impurity.





Dear Ones, Namaste!

Ram Singhji asks:

" Why can't they use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle? This is

puzzling me. "


As you say, those who boast their knowledge of Gitaji, may have an agenda to

impress people, to feel their importance, to have power over others, etc etc,

all to fulfill the bottomless cup of " me " who may be aching with lack of some

kinds, they don't even have any clue!

Another point: It is possible that this question of yours may not be really a

question to others but to yourself in the sense that if such people cannot

change by the study of Gita, then what is the sense (for me?) of pursuing the

knowledge of Gita? Someone may also be saying " let me be sure Gita changes the

life of those people before I myself undertake the study " . This is placing the

condition upon Gita, not unconditional Love for it!


My answer: " If Gita goes through one instead of one goes through GIta, it is

impossible not to change " , a big difference! Generally it is not understood

deeply without the help of Realized souls, like Swamiji who have digested the

teaching in their own experience, not just kept it at information level

Words of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then by

looking into one's own inner experience, until one can put them in their own

words, not repeat what is read or heard! This will bring change!


One more very important point as I see: It is not enough to understand Gita

while living the same life of bad habits, such as alcohol, meat eating, smoking,

obsessions with objects, attachments, etc etc. One needs to co-operate with Gita

study by giving up bad habits simultaneously! People ask wrong question as to

why am I not changing or why God is not helping me while I am pursuing spiritual

path? God tells them through their Conscience: " Hey you are living the old ways,

give up and help me to help you " . Alas, those whose eyes are on the results,

cannot hear God!


My suggestion is, not wait another day and not worry about such people who don't

change. Just jump in any spiritual pursuits by engaging in study of Gita,

Satsangs with like minded people, and above all if you can see someone living

Gita around you, follow him/her! You will be able to tell someone is true or not

by just listening with open mind and noticing joy or satisfaction arising in you

by words you hear. But this is only if one is sincere, interested in Truth for

Love of it, no hidden agenda of any kind, and more than anything, even if it

doesn't change Life immediately! This is Unconditional Love of God!

Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt!






-Shree Hari-




This post is directed to Preeti Singh :


Ma'am, this is something Gandhi once said, in a time of terrible strife in

India: 'A Hindu man came to him, to speak of his young boy who had been killed

by Muslim mobs, and of the depth of his anger and longing for revenge. And

Gandhi is said to have replied: If you really wish to overcome your pain, find a

young boy, just as young as your son, a Muslim boy whose parents have been

killed by Hindu mobs.Bring up that boy like you would your own son, but bring

him up with the Muslim faith to which he was born. Only then will you find that

you can heal your pain, your anger....'.

No wonder he was called Mahatma Gandhi! Remind the good Pundit of those words,

and ask him why was he blessed with two daughters?




Mike (K).




When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to be on

the wrong path.

The understanding of Truth does not make one superior in comparison to others.

One becomes one with the Scheme of the Universe as it is. The transformation

puts one with the mystery. One lands in the wonderland.

One conveys the Truth with one's living without imposing it on others.

Y V Chawla




If you had cerefully noticed certain verses of Gita you would not have been

puzzled. According to Gita, very few persons are likely to even try following

the teachings of Gita in life. Of those few who try practicing such teachings in

their life,negligible percentage will stay on course as others will fall back

from the path to progress. The rare will achieve certain progress and the rarest

will reach liberation. Gita also says that the real sadhaka is not distracted

by debates but debates and discussions may help some to progress on the path of

liberation from worldly bondage of sensual pleasures and pain. Gita's teachings

are simple:

1. Give up ego of being the doer, the possessor and different from others.

Practice eqaunamity.

2. Give up all desires as fast as one can. Do whatever you do without ego of

being the doer and without the desire to enjoy/ fear to suffer the fruits/

results/ consequences of actions.

3. Know that God almighty exists in all beings and realize / attain this God

through medidation on this infinite. indestructible, God.

4. Submit all actions, thoughts, and feeings to God and remain unperturned by

all external events.


But it is is the most difficult and almost impossible to practice the above four

teachings continuously without break till death of the body. And, if some of us

while intending to practice the above, get attached to the discussions on what

different words in Gita really meant, it is only natural and most cases

inevitable. For, it is difficult to give up the ego of being a sadhaka, of being

knowledgable about Gita's teachings, of being learned on Gita's verses, of being

smarter among the sadhakas. It is also difficult while being a sadhaka to give

up the desire to know about Gita and instead submit to God and fully depend

onHim for the progress on the path to liberation.


I am so attached with external events that I respond to your posting, I respond

to your question as if I know better and can help you, I fail to realize that

what I or you do is nothing but what He makes us do. This is the impact of Maya

that we suffer from even when we are on the path of Sadhna for liberation. This

is exactly what Gita predicts. The fact that we have been trying to give up ego,

give up desires and keen to realize God does not automatically make us ego-less,

desire-less, unattached and submerged in equanamity. We only hope to prgress

even as we seemingly waste time and energy in discussion and debate. That is is

the way He like us to progress. If and when I reach liberation or Mukti or

Moksha, there will be no more boasting, talking , preaching and lecturing: the

four teachings of Gita mentioned above will make me rest in God rather than be

involved in Gita-talk discussions. But when, if at all, will that happen?

Basudeb Sen




Jai Shri Ram,

Dear RamiJi,

You may be correct to some/much extent. In my understanding it all depends upon

how close is the knowledge of GitaJi to self. If its closeness to the self is

more than that of the ego/kaam, then such person would never be the cause of

the environment you have mentioned. Yes, if that knowledge resides only at the

intellect/buddhi level which is driven by the ego/kaam/desire, such

environments could be found.

To avoid such environments, my suggestion is to " Live in GitaJi " instead of " use

the knowledge of GitaJi " towards closing the gap between the self and the



May God bless us all!

Niteesh Dubey













Dear Sadhakas,

Hare Krishna.

This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.

Studying Bhagavad Gita is good but what is really important is how much of that

knowledge is put into action for the welfare of others. Any knowledge that does

not help others, is a wasted knowledge.

Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,

" Advesta sarva bhutanam,

Maitra karuna eva ca,

Nirmamo nirahankarah,

Sama dukha sukha kshami. ' ( Gitaji 12, 13)

Which means,

'One who hates no one, friendly and merciful to every one, has no ego,no feeling

of mine ness and who is equal in happiness and sorrow, that person is very dear

to Me. '

Love and compassion are the teachings of Gitaji. For spiritual advancement, we

also need satsang. Once we are in the association of compassionate devotees who

are deeply engaged in devotional service, then every thing falls in right place.

Thank You.

Hare Krishna.

Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Brothers, to read something, hear it, relay it, study it, to spread it-lecture

on it, to remember it, there is no real proof that that one has imbibed those

things in their lives. In other words, he has become just as what was

learned/known. If someone did not apply the messages of the Gita to their

lives, than what is Gita to do about it? It is that individual's misfortune

alone that such beneficial talks were not put to proper use. So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam


-Shree Hari-




A very very good question!


Ego! People love to show off, " Look how clever I am, I have memorized the

Gitaji " , well yes that can become a sacred task, but only if one were to embrace

it's message. No point in being an intellectual parrot.


Satsang can re-enforce its message, I for one have been changed for the better

by the ebb and flow of debate at this Divine Forum!


To know and understand the Gitaji, and to deliberately go against it, means in

truth, that one does not really understand it!




Mike (K).



Dear Ram Singh.

Shree Hari. Ram Ram.



This is excellent question. Good news is that you know the answer of the




>I mean can one be really knowledgable

>about Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beat

>their wives etc?


You are finding it hard to accept such person as being really knowledgeable of


And you are right. They don't know Gita.



This applies to this forum also, Swamiji gives very important to the fact that

our self is part of Paramatma and belong to Paramatma. Our body and its

extensions are not us but part of this world. Therefore, using vivek we need to

accept this fact firmly. But there will be many people who may not follow his

teaching. That does not make the teachings wrong.



The knowledge of Gita is rare and confidential. Krishna Himself says it in Gita.

Very few people can follow it.

Those people become even more rare in Kali-yug.



Please understand that those people don't represent Gita and use this forum to

understand Gita more.

Ultimately, this process is personal. In the end what matters is that how much

progress we make and it doesn't matter how bad or good others are.




Gaurav Mittal



Jai Sri Krishna,


First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to interfere?

I am sure that a person who reads Gita and understands it deeply (I am not

talking about those who have just learned few verses or few chapters of Gita),

cannot engage in wrong doings, at least knowingly. I know people who have just

memorized it and don't have the in-depth knowledge, still I find them better

than me in behaving with others.


Ram Ram


Ashok Goenka



Dear Ram Singh, Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

SB 10.2.22 – A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living,

for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him. And after the

death of a person in the bodily concept of life, he is undoubtedly transferred

to the hell known as Andhatama.


SB 12.2.41 – Even though a person's body may now have the designation " king, " in

the end its name will be " worms, " " stool " or " ashes. " What can a person who

injures other living beings for the sake of his body know about his own

self-interest, since his activities are simply leading him to hell?


Lord Ram says in Ram charitmanas —

There is no worse sin (paap) than inflicting suffering or hurting others. There

is no other pious activty (punya) better than helping others or working for

their welfare.


From above slokas, the fate of those people you have mentioned is clear. Please

have no doubt about it.




Gaurav Mittal




Dear Ram Singh

That is precisely the reason of unhappiness in life.So you have raised a very

valid question.At the same time ,the fault is not with Gita.



You may have observed religious people are more unhappy compared to

non-religious people.There appears something wrong about our understanding of

religion and God.



Coming to your question,why people claiming to have knowledge of Gita are living

bad lives?



My understanding is:-



1)Knowledge of Gita enhances their ego instead of reducing that.

2)Some of the actions are justified by considering that Karma or duty.

3)The knowledge of Gita is superficial since study is not daily.To transform

life ,Gita study has to be made a daily routine.

4)Gita has been explained or commented by too many persons and every one has

explained it from his point of view.It is difficult to find real Gita which when

studied regularly will lead to good life.

5)Gita teaches the process to fight the evil traits or mindset within one.It

contains all the meditations and the knowledge to come out living bad life.



Gita study will eventually will lead to see presence of God in everyone and also

empower one to raise his level where doing bad deeds will not be possible.



One will recognise himself,his purpose of this life time.



So what you intend to do.






Ashok Jain



Shree Hari Ram Ram.


I don't agree that when you see someone doing something that is wrong and you

point it out is faultfinding. It is trying to help that person. My husband was

abusing me and had I continue to be silent he would not have been able to get

help and now lead a very happy married life together.I am so satisfied with my

life and I have the ppl here to thank for.If all of you here did not make my

husband see that abusive behaviour is not proper he would be doing that to me

today.So I now tell anyone this, that if you are being abused do not stay

silent,you must seek help somewhere.Today I was talking to a woman whose husband

is a Pundit and he is neglecting his wife and two baby daughters because she did

not get a son.In this day and age he is still living with the ideal of not being

satisfy without a son.He does not care that he is neglecting 2 daughters and his

wife.Only his wants must be fulfilled.Is it finding fault to tell this Pundit to

go take care of your family before you come and tell the rest of us how to live

a good life? Was Lord Krishna fault finding when he told Arjun to stop behaving

like a coward and fight?

Jai Shri Krishna

Preeti Singh


Shree Hari Ram Ram


A similar topic was addressed in the past, however, we are unable to locate the

discussion thread.


One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go to

someone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement can

be universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan

(discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,


# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)




You may download and listen. Thank you for being an instrument by bringing

this topic up for sharing and learning together and inturn benefiting many



From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to

Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up

spiritual path

2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure

and commit to daily Gita study

3. Only one question at a time.

4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim

of deeper understanding of Gita.



1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.

3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address

etc) or personalize message to particular person

6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit

the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Shree Hari Ram Ram.Is Gitaji only to talk and discuss and preach about? I imagine that most willsay no. My question is if Gitaji is not about talking , preaching and lecturingalone why is it that many people who boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their own lifestyle. I mean can one be reallyknowledgableabout Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beattheir wives etc? Many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable about Gitaji aremen and many of them are living bad lives. Why can't they use the teachings ofGitaji to change their lifestyle? This is puzzling me.Thks.Ram Singh-----------------------------NEW POSTING


Esteemed sadhaks have already presented excellent information on this topic. I wish to add a few points to this informative discussion.


It is noteworthy to consider Gandhi's take on GITA ji, which addresses the skeptic and the egoistic:



"The Gita is the universal mother. She turns away nobody. Her door is wide open to anyone who knocks. A true votary of Gita does not know what disappointment is. He ever dwells in perennial joy and peace that passeth understanding. But that peace and joy come not to skeptic or to him who is proud of his intellect or learning. It is reserved only for the humble in spirit who brings to her worship a fullness of faith and an undivided singleness of mind.

There never was a man who worshipped her in that spirit and went disappointed. When disappointment stares me in the face and all alone I see not one ray of light, I go back to the Bhagavad-Gita. I find a verse here and a verse there , and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming tragedies -- and my life has been full of external tragedies -- and if they have left no visible or indelible scar on me, I owe it all to the teaching of Bhagavad-Gita."



At the end of Gitaji, Bhagavan urges us to teach and study this Divine gift:



68. He who with supreme devotion to Me will teach this deeply profound philosophy to My devotees, shall doubtless come to Me alone.



69. Nor among men is there any who does dearer service to Me, nor shall there be another on earth dearer to Me, than he.

70. And he who will study this sacred dialogue of ours, by him shall I have been worshipped by the Yajna of knowledge; such is My conviction.


71. And even that man who hears this, full of Shraddhaa and free from malice, he too, liberated, shall attain to the happy worlds of those of righteous deeds.

GITA 18:68-71

Bhagavan also warns us not to 'set aside the Shastra' but to 'let the Shaastra be the authority in ascertaining what ought to be done and what ought not to be done.' This is a clear and authoritative injunction to learn, teach, and live GITA ji:



23. He who, setting aside the ordinance of the Shaastra, acts under the impulse of desire, attains not to perfection, nor happiness, nor the Goal Supreme.



24. So let the Shaastra be thy authority in ascertaining what ought to be done and what ought not to be done. Having known what is said in the ordinance of the Shaastra, thou shouldst act here. GITA 16:23-24

In Pancha-tantra, there is a verse which says:

How can scriptures help him who has no intelligence of his own? The looking glass is of no use to the person without eyes.


GITA ji is like a mirror. But one can use a mirror only if one has eyes. To draw the analogy to GITAji so that one can harvest the treasures of GITA ji, one must transcend the mind and take refuge in Buddhi or Intelligence. The mind deals with things that are static but Buddhi provides us the gift of understanding life's dynamism so that we can read and study what is written there. The illumination of Buddhi can come only when the mind is alert and receptive - a mind that is open to find out what is indicated in GITA ji.


Open your eyes - literally and figuratively; open your mind; cast aside worldly matters; forget others; summon Buddhi; and delve into the wonders of GITA ji.


Ram Ram

Deosaran Bisnath



Shri Hari

ram ram


Attraction towards worldy pleasure due to their nature is the reason they do not use the teaching of Gitaji to change their lives.


Thanks & Regards

Pawan Kumar Singhal-----------------------------


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Brother Ram Singhji, has said - "Pothi padh - padh jag muaa, Pandit bhayaa ne koyi. Ik aakhar prem kaa, padhe so Pandit hoi."

Bhagwaan (God) has called not one with knowledge but one who is a devotee of God as loving "priya".



He who has no love for Bhagwaan the author of Gita, he may read Gita as many times, and may even spread the message of Gita, may give discourses on Gita, but nothing will happen. It is only those who knew Gitaji like Shraddey Swamiji they can have an impact, make an impression, make one understand. So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam




Jai HanumanThese sentiments coming from a pious heart of Prretiji speak volumes about the principles of Gitaji and their interpretation by our Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and the service which this GT Forum is so beautifully rendering to the world.See Divine Sadhaks ! How just an accidental reading of Satsanga deliberations by Preeti's husband changed their marital life for better !! Husband was into it just like a thief to know what his wife was doing...but where ? In SAT ! In Satsanga !! Just As: Which ever way you touch Midas, you will turn golden. Similarly: Whichever way you reach Sat / Paramatma.. By hate, by love, by force, by accident, by chance... You will benefit ! Just turn towards SAT ! Just turn towards God. Just turn towards Gita. Just listen to the advices of Saints and Sages... Your betterment is guaranteed.Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala


Before aruguing every body ought to read and understand the better conduct of life.When we read Chapter XVI good virtues and bad virtues are explained and it is clerified that everybody ought o keep and better conduct of life.


Only knowledge will not help us and it is only the actual practice of the principles of good conduct can help us.Our faith and surrender our life at the feet of God can help us in getting grace of Lord Krishna

You can have benefits of Bhagvata Gita at least one chapter of Gita.In short time you can recite some two or three verses from the Bhagvata Gita.Then Rama Dhun then watch what happens to your life This is my experience.


Truly yours


S S Bhatt------

Dear Ram Singh.Shree Hari. Ram Ram.>> What everyone should preach is how Gitaji has helped and changed our lives. I agree that we should share how Gita has helped and changed our lives. How will it help and change your life?It will change your life when you understand the slokas of Gita.Swamiji gives so much importance to understand that self is beyond inert matter and we should not give importance to inert matter.Why? Because he realizes it from his life and gives us that knowledge. We can summarize Swamiji's teachings in 5-10 concepts. Most of the lectures, articles and writings are emphasizing the same fact again and again. Why? I don't get it first time and I need to hear it again and again. My hope is one day I will realize it.>> I learned to be a good human,kind and loving parent and husband. I agree. Gitaji also tells you to be same. Gitaji tells that Bhagvan is in everyone. When you see Paramatma in everyone, then you love everyone. That love starts from family. >> They do service to ppl and help poor and needy and they are kind and loving to me and my sister.I am happy to hear about your parents. Swamiji mentions 2 mains things -- remembrance of Paramatma and Seva (service).You parents are doing seva and that is great.Krishna is in everyone. When you serve others, you serve Krishna. Only thing to add is to start seeing Krishna in others and do seva with bhav that you are serving Krishna. Then, there will be automatic remembrance. So if this small understanding is added, your parents seva will become even more wonderful. >> I was embarrass when I see western ppl knowledgeable of Gitaji and started reading.>> From my parents example I learned to>> be a good human,kind and loving parent and husband. Gitaji teach me to be>> fearless.I am kinda timid and after reading how Shree Krishna uplifted Arjuna, I>> been teaching myself to face whatever it is that scares me in life.I am not>> afraid to own upto my own fears and weakness,I am ready to face them so I can>> come out stronger.You are already observing so many benefits of Gita. Did you read Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivini?Why are you having above question? Why do you care about others if you are seeing so many wonderful effects of Gita?Look deeper and see what is your real doubt.I would like to clarify one point. We are not supposed to look at others faults. Actually from absolute perspective, there is no thing is bad. Everything is all good. But we should understand that what is wrong! It is wrong to hurt others. No one should justify hurting others based on this concept that we should not find faults. Those who silently watched someone getting abused and did nothing are also responsible.What is seva? Seva is to do things for others happiness. Now, you see child or women getting sexually or physically abused. Isn't it seva to protect that helpless person? Will you say that you don't find faults and let that happen? Sometimes, fighting evil and serving others becomes higher priority than our selfish desire to be peaceful. Now let me ask the group is it fault finding if I tell my kids that a certain spiritual group or Guru should be avoided as they do not have good practices or understanding of scriptures etc.?There is difference between fault finding and doing seva. Fault finding is just directed towards person without any outcome. Seva is to act in such a way that fault, abuse, suffering etc is reduced and happiness is spread around us. This may also appear like fault finding. Fault needs to be understood before it can be removed.Jai Sri Ram,Gaurav Mittal


Hari OmPreeti Singh's innocent and honest message reflects abundantly the service the messages of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj is rendering to humanity at large. It is glorification of Satsanga.It is glorification of the selfless service this Divine GT Forum is rendering.Your message, Madam, also clearly brings out the eternal fact that NO ONE IS PERMANENTLY BAD. Thank You from deep within.Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam



Dear Ram Singh.Shree Hari. Ram Ram.>> What everyone should preach is how Gitaji has helped and changed our lives. I agree that we should share how Gita has helped and changed our lives. How will it help and change your life?It will change your life when you understand the slokas of Gita.Swamiji gives so much importance to understand that self is beyond inert matter and we should not give importance to inert matter.Why? Because he realizes it from his life and gives us that knowledge. We can summarize Swamiji's teachings in 5-10 concepts. Most of the lectures, articles and writings are emphasizing the same fact again and again. Why? I don't get it first time and I need to hear it again and again. My hope is one day I will realize it.>> I learned to be a good human,kind and loving parent and husband. I agree. Gitaji also tells you to be same. Gitaji tells that Bhagvan is in everyone. When you see Paramatma in everyone, then you love everyone. That love starts from family. >> They do service to ppl and help poor and needy and they are kind and loving to me and my sister.I am happy to hear about your parents. Swamiji mentions 2 mains things -- remembrance of Paramatma and Seva (service).You parents are doing seva and that is great.Krishna is in everyone. When you serve others, you serve Krishna. Only thing to add is to start seeing Krishna in others and do seva with bhav that you are serving Krishna. Then, there will be automatic remembrance. So if this small understanding is added, your parents seva will become even more wonderful. >> I was embarrass when I see western ppl knowledgeable of Gitaji and started reading.>> From my parents example I learned to>> be a good human,kind and loving parent and husband. Gitaji teach me to be>> fearless.I am kinda timid and after reading how Shree Krishna uplifted Arjuna, I>> been teaching myself to face whatever it is that scares me in life.I am not>> afraid to own upto my own fears and weakness,I am ready to face them so I can>> come out stronger.You are already observing so many benefits of Gita. Did you read Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivini?Why are you having above question? Why do you care about others if you are seeing so many wonderful effects of Gita?Look deeper and see what is your real doubt.I would like to clarify one point. We are not supposed to look at others faults. Actually from absolute perspective, there is nothing bad. Everything is all good. But we should understand that what is wrong! It is wrong to hurt others. No one should justify hurting others based on this concept that we should not find faults. In Iskcon Hare Krishna Society, there was wide spread child and sexual abuse. It was so rampant that almost all the kids born in their movement in 1970 and early 80s were physically, emotionally and sexually abused. Everything was done in name of Krishna. When someone said against these wrong acts, they were criticized because finding fault of a vaishnava was considered vaishnava aparadha. It is just mind blowing how such rampant abuse can happen in a society which was established to go back to Krishna. Obviously, the perpetrators or abusers are at fault and also the parents. But there were many people who watched all this nonsense and did not do anything. Those who silently watched someone getting abused and did nothing are also responsible.What is seva? Seva is to do things for others happiness. Now, you see child or women getting sexually or physically abused. Isn't it seva to protect that helpless person? Will you say that you don't find faults and let that happen? Sometimes, fighting evil and serving others becomes higher priority than our selfish desire to be peaceful. Another example is the statement of Iskcon founder about Hanuman Prasad Poddar -- "Hanuman Prasad Poddar and company are all mundane types and they have no entrance into actual spiritual activities." I think this statement also includes Swami Ramsukh Das. Ram Charit Manas is banned in Iskcon temple and it is Iskcon law that Ram Charit Manas cannot be chanted in their temples. Being in America, I still go to Iskcon temples on major occassions. But I had to come to this philosophical conclusion that Prabhupada is wrong. It was great mental struggle. Is that fault finding if I tell my kids that Prabhupada is wrong in his comments about Tulsidas, Ram Charit Manas, Hanuman Prasad Poddar etc?There is difference between fault finding and doing seva. Fault finding is just directed towards person without any outcome. Seva is to act in such a way that fault, abuse, suffering etc is reduced and happiness is spread around us. This may also appear like fault finding. Fault needs to be understood before it can be removed.Jai Sri Ram,Gaurav MittalWhy Can't They Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change their Lives ?Absolutely useless question … in fact, extremely dangerous question indeed.Why Can't I Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change my Life ?Absolutely useful question … in fact, the most wonderful question indeed. Kash!Your question turns to yourself one day ...Your question, unfortunately, originates from the ego we nurture and the pridewe harvest in all our activities including the spiritual studies! Yes, this isthe most natural reaction from the ego - "Why can't everybody else behaveproperly?!"What is proper here? Of course, anything that promotes my ego!Why this question raises in the first place? Because things around are not doingtheir job - praising and boosting my ego!What is the cause and effect of the question? Frustration and frsutration!The question here addresses Bhagavdgita indientally … only incidentally. If weobserve our lives carefully, we may catch ourselves doing this regularly …almost every moment. "Why can't everthing else behave properly???!!!" THISQUESTION IS THE ROOT CAUSE FOR ALL THE MISERIES FELT IN THIS WORLD, MY DEARFRIEND.The focal point for Bhagavadgita (as a matter of fact, for all the spiritualtexts and seers) is this very question … why do we instantly jump to entertainthis question at the very onset of our miseries? Why?? Why???Why can't I use the teachings of Bhagavadgita to question my quest to seek theworld to blame and myself to praise in all my activities ... knowingly … andunknowingly?Why can't I seek the truth revelled in the texts to eradicate my insinct forblaming and praising in the first place??Why can't I seek to eradicate all the blames and praises harbored within … toseek The Truth within and around … as guided by the texts???Why? … Why?? ... Why???Only then … you may start seeing Bhagavad Gita descend from its abode, TheKrishNa … Till then, I am not sure of the persons you refer to … surely, you arenot receiving the devine knowledge flowing in The Gita from The KrishNaAs the Gita trickles into your existence, you may start appreciating The KrishNain everything within and around …When you start seeing The KrishNa in everything within and around … how can yousee anything wrong anywhere? ... what is there to be blamed?? … who is there toblame or praise??? THE ONE AND ONLY KRISHNA remains … no more blames … no morepraises …Therefore, my dear friend, turn your question inward … "Why Can't I Use theTeachings of Gitaji to Change my Life?" Then … you will proceed toward TheKrishNa … then, nothing else would ever matter … this question alone matters …Gita alone matters ... KrishNa alone matters …Respects.Naga Narayana.----------------Ram RamI am writing base on my own experience and with the stories of some other pplwho i am talkin to. I understand why Ram Singh mention about ppl not readingthis because how many hindus out there and how many here? My husband and i readone statement and he smile because this sound just like he use to sound when hewas abusing me:I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from anotherquestion: "Why Can't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ?". "WE" and "OUR" instead of "THEY" and "THEIR". That's it, as soon as we changeOUR lives, each of us, then the objective achieved. ........ Deosaran BisnathWhen a person is guilty,he turns back what he is guilty of onto the person whois pointing it out. My husband abuse me and he accuse me of abusing himinstead.He found out in counselling about something call projecting and this iswhat he and any abusive person does to their victim.For anyone who do notremember, my husband was exactly like the person Ram Singh spoke about. Hecruelly abuse me and i was at the point of wantin to die.I am from a religioushome and my husband isn't and he pretend to be knowledgeable of Gitaji just toimpress ppl and get respect and at home he was abusing me.In the end, this forumsave me only by chance as he use to check everything that i did and whilereading the post from here he start to feel guilty. Now he only read Gitaji withme. If you ask him what did he learn from Gitaji when he read alone,he says thathe learned how to impress people and win respect. He will say that he learnedfrom genuine ppl like those here how to be a better person and so he feels thatnot all is qualify to preach Gitaji and that it is better to learn from thelivestyle of those who really know Gitaji. I don't know if i am explaining clearhow we feel but please know that whoever preach Gitaji become like Lord Krishnaand if they take his role then this person should be a godly person not ademonlike one.My husband and I thank and give praise to the ppl here who liveGitaji and save our marriage and life.Preeti Singh--YOU SAID - Now I have gotten the answer from here that yes these ppl are justchasing after ego trips and are only destrying themself.The only sad thing isthat the ones who they are making hell for are not here to read. Thnks all. Ram SinghNo Ram Singh jee, you have still not got the answer.....................please read again what Swamiji and the various worthySadhaks have suggested .........................One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go tosomeone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement canbe universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan(discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)amongst all the enlightening answers, your attention is invited to the following:1. First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I tointerfere. Ashok Goenka2 Words of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then bylooking into one's own inner experience, not repeat what is read or heard! Thiswill bring change!(in oneself ) also, .. My suggestion is, not wait anotherday and not worry about such people who don't change. Pratap Bhatt3. When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to beon the wrong path. ..... YV Chawla4. SADAKS- ONE VERY IMPORTANT GEETHA TEACHING IS; NEVER TO FIND FAULT WITHANYONE. BECUASE, ONE WHO SEES IN OTHERS NOT FOLLOWING GEETHA, HE GETS IMPURITYBY SUCH THOUGHTS, AS HIS THOUGHTS GET ATTACHED THE ACTION (kARMA) OF SEEINGDHOSA IN OTHERS AND THAT DHOSA STICKS TO HIM. B.Sathyanarayan.5. I humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another question: "WhyCan't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ?". "WE" and "OUR"instead of "THEY" and "THEIR". That's it, as soon as we change OUR lives, eachof us, then the objective achieved. ........ Deosaran Bisnath6. .Please modify your question-Are you following Gitaji? Are you leading yourlife according to my Krishna's teaching ? ......

Sadhna Karigar____ah, my vey dear friend, .......................spirituality is the search of the self for satisfaction ( joy, peace,perfection in action ) of the self , out of awareness of the pain, fear anddelusion present in one's own self at the present Moment ............... andone of the fundamentals for progress in the chosen field is NOT to focus on whatothers may be doing ...........as a matter of fact , this is the True answer to your question :while reading the scriptures, everyone focuses only on judging others ...............all the world's scriptures, all the Knowers of Truth , sing only for theSeeker True , for the self ..........Got it, Ram Singh jee ?Love, and regards, narinder bhandariAUM--Hari OmDear Sadhak Ramsingh. I wonder if the advice from this Divine Forum if seencollectively can be construed to be -"Now I have gotten the answer from here that yes these ppl are just chasingafter ego trips and are only destrying themself.One more thing from this Forum to you. Consider your following statement:The only sad thing is that the ones who they are making hell for are not here toread.What does it mean? Why are you 'sad'? You would have felt very happy had those(for whom you expressed disgust, and alleged them) people would have read thesedeliberations and got humiliated. Isn't it? Now your this tendency or desire ofseeing the others feeling ashamed; and noting that you have knowledge of Gita...this desire can not be said to be an auspicious one. One who reads Gita,practices it ...would believe that the evilness is merely an outer coat ; avisitor only...by substance all are good, all are children of same father, allare amal (faultless), all are 'sahaj sukhraasi' !!!Says a Saint of India:Sab Jag Eeshwar Roop Hai, Bhalo Buro Nahin Koy !Jaaki Jaisi Bhavana Vaiso Hi Phal Hoy !!Entire world is manifestation and form of God. There is no one good or bad. Asis the sentiment ( bhava) of 'seer' so appears the world !!Once a listener asked Param Shraddheya Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj: Sir how isthe world ? The Great Saint replied - "As you are" !!Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam--\-------------------Shree Hari|| Ram Ram ||Dear Ram SinghjiI am happy to learn that you have received ample good responses to your questionfrom this Forum!Believe that the number of Gitaji teachers and preachers, who only preach andnot practice at all, are relatively few. Because Gitaji has such a magic, itcannot leave you without changing you when you are seriously contemplating onit. Those few who study to preach only, are harming themselves alone and no oneelse. Those who they are preaching may benefit but not themselves. Of course theonly fruit they can expect to get is to be able to boost their ego which byitself is a leading trait of Asuric Sampati (demoniacal state, B.G. XVI-4),leading to a great fall.It is a remote possibility these so called preachers are prompted by thefollowing Gita Verses in 18th Chapter:XVIII-68He, who imparts this profound knowledge to My devotees will develop the deepdevotion for Me and will surely attain Me. All his doubts will be dispelled.XVIII-69There is none among men who renders Me more endearing service than he, nor willthere be any one dearer to Me throughout this wide world.Relative to your recent request below:"Moderators put up the guidelines on their page about the person who has thecapability to preach and teach Gitaji."Swamiji Maharaj provides an exact answer for this in Gita Prabhodini in Hindi(page 550) in commentary for (Verse 18-69):Who is right and fit aspirant to preach Gitaji:Who has the sole aim of attaining God, who has a deep desire for true love ofGod, who wants to live his earthly life fully in accordance with the teachingsof Gitaji. This kind of spiritual aspirant is naturally loved by God since heis performing the extremely dear service to God. By preaching His divine messageamong His devotees, he inspires devotees to study Gitaji. How can there beanother person who can be so dear to God, because with the knowledge andpractice of Gitaji, an aspirant can lift himself spiritually in any good or badsituation. Gitaji shows how one can benefit even when engaged in war (Gita:2-38, 9-27, 18-46 etc). When one can excel even in war then all other situationsare by far less grave. That is why Lord Krishna glorifies the preaching ofGitaji so much.|| Ram Ram ||Humble regards,Madan Kaura--\--------------Jai HanumanRamsinghji ! There is a story in Mahabharata where Arjuna was asked to find outa bad person and Duryodhana was asked to find a good person. Both could not findany !! There is a famous verse in this regard:Bura jo dekhan main gaya, bura na milya koy ! Jo man dekha aapnaa to mujhse burana koy !!I went out to search a bad person but I could not find any. But when I searchedmyself I found evilness was only with me !World is stated in Scriptures as a mirror. As we are, so appears the world.Another typical thing about the world is that - World ALWAYS perceives you to bebetter than you actually are ( over estimates goodness in others) and WorldALWAYS perceives you to not as bad as you actually are ( under estimatesevilness in others) !! After all - World is created by Paramatma , our Daddy theGreat !!!Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala--\-----------Shree Hari Ram RamThe answer by sadhika Sadhna Karigar is the complete answer I was searching for.What everyone should preach is how Gitaji has helped and changed our lives. Myparents are not devotees and they only goes to the temple and pay the pujari todo pooja for them.They do service to ppl and help poor and needy and they arekind and loving to me and my sister.I was embarrass when I see western pplknowledgeable of Gitaji and started reading.From my parents example I learned tobe a good human,kind and loving parent and husband. Gitaji teach me to befearless.I am kinda timid and after reading how Shree Krishna uplifted Arjuna, Ibeen teaching myself to face whatever it is that scares me in life.I am notafraid to own upto my own fears and weakness,I am ready to face them so I cancome out stronger.Thank you sadhika Sadhna Karigar.Ram Singh--Dear Sadhak,Spirituality is the journey within. When "I" start searching my own "Self" ,when "I" start obeserving my own behaviour, when "I" start following teaching ofGitaji, there remains no other ....Please modify your question-Are you following Gitaji? Are you leading your lifeaccording to my Krishna's teaching ?We all are interested in implementing what Girdhar taught us. Please share withus what do you learn from HIM ? That would help you and all of us too.With Love,A sadhikaSadhna Karigar--\---------Hari OmA good question. But why do you think so? What makes you feel that many peoplewho boast of their knowledge of Gitaji can'tseem to extend that to their ownlifestyle ? Why your eye is there on those people who according to you live alife of abuse, womanising, are a deadbeat father, beat their wives etc?Why do you look at those many of the ppl who claim to be knowledgeable aboutGitaji are men and many of them are living bad lives. Why do you wish that theyuse the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle ? Have you changed? If yes..tell us how so that we may get benefits.Why... " This is puzzling me " ?Now think.Just As: You got focussed on 'the world' ( others) with reference to Gitajiwhile you should have concentrated at looking at your own self ...In other wordsJUST AS you used your power ' to Know Something' for knowing about others...Similarly: World at large reads Gitaji to understand or form opinions about'others' ...in other words tries to know about others, instead of trying to knowabout their own selves...This is error because Gitaji means... Utilisation of power ' to know something '.... 'knowledge' (Jnana) .. And power 'to know' should always be applied 'toknow SELF' (JEEVA) and not ' to know others' viz Jagat (world) ! Rather,anotherpower viz the power 'to do' should be applied with reference to others (JAGAT)but not for Jeeva. The third power viz the power 'to believe' should be appliedwith reference to Paramatma (JAGDISH) and not with reference to Jagat !!Oh ! Stupid Jeeva !! JEEVA wants to know about JAGAT while it is empowered toknow about SELF; wants to do for Self while it is empowered to do for JAGAT;wants to get what is in wallet of Paramatma - JAGDISH- while it is empowered (to believe) to get the VERY PARAMATMA !!!There are only three elements existing in universe ... Jeeva, Jagat and Jagdish! There are only 3 powers you have: To know, To do and to believe !! There areonly three goals - to know (self)/ to do (for others)/ to get (Paramatma) thatafter knowing (Jnana Yoga)/ doing (Karma Yoga) / getting ( Bhakti Yoga) whichnothing remains to be known / done/ got. The very desire to know/ to do / to gethas extinguished !!!Jeeva should use power to believe for Jagdish, power to know for Self and powerto do for Jagat !!! 3 Elements, 3 Powers, 3 Desires...!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam--\-------Shree Hari Ram Ram.My heart is overjoy with the response I got to my question.I suggest that theModerators put up the guidelines on their page about the person who has thecapability to preach and teach Gitaji. Myself just read Gitaji as often aspossible and note the verses that I feel are important to mylife.I try as bestas possible to live a life of righteous,honoring my wife and being the besthusband and father I can possibly be.This is why it has bothered me a lot when Iknow ppl who are preachers are living bad lives. I used to think that theyshould not do so unless they clean up their life.Now I have gotten the answerfrom here that yes these ppl are just chasing after ego trips and are onlydestrying themself.The only sad thing is that the ones who they are making hellfor are not here to read.Thnks all.Ram Singh--------One can be an expert in the Geeta but that does not mean that the expert followsits teachings in everyday life. One will find the most notorious peoplefrequenting ashrams. So we cannot generalise about such things. Conversely therecan be good people who have never read the Gita. So these things happen. Thereis no criteria.Hari Shanker Deo--\------------------NamasteI humbly submit the answer to this question comes from another question: "WhyCan't WE Use the Teachings of Gitaji to Change OUR Lives ?". "WE" and "OUR"instead of "THEY" and "THEIR". That's it, as soon as we change OUR lives, eachof us, then the objective achieved.GITA ji does not force anyone to do anything. GITA ji lays it out for you sothat it is up to you to drink this nectar to improve your life and achieve theUltimate objective. If you are pretentious and egoistic, or humble andspiritual, or evil and heartless, or good and devoted, the Laws of Karma takeeffect and you will reap what you sow.Many err into a mode of simplistic thinking, that Bhagavan is there waiting toentrap us, keeping a close watch on us, with many clerical and data processingpeople entering and analyzing data about who did wrong or right, when they didit, to whom, where, etc, and waiting to confront them after they have left thisbody. Not so; the Laws of Karma implemented by Bhagavan automatically execute,infinitely, everywhere, eternally.Thus, sadhaks should not be disturbed by "bad people enjoying life, beingsuccessful, apparently rewarded for bad deeds" etc, who would escape what'scoming to them. No one can hide and avoid what's coming to them. Don't befixated or obsessed about others; in any case, neither you nor I can change thisEternal Process.Remember, all relationships - parents, siblings, spouses, friends - on Earth aretemporary, transient; this world is earthly, not divine; hence, do not beworried or perturbed or distracted by troubles and problems in your life, andthat of others. This is difficult for humans, but you must focus on the broaderoverall objective of this reincarnation, of this life in this body, rather thanmundane matters. Yes, this is exceedingly hard to do, but GITA ji has theanswers and the manual to help you. That is the primary purpose of GITA ji, notto show how much you know of GITA ji or impress others.Focus on yourself first; take care of yourself; take care of business in yourlife; charity beings at home; as Gandhi exhorts us "Be the change you wish tosee in the world"; and as GITA ji advises us:A man should uplift himself by his own self, so let him not weaken this self.For this self is the friend of oneself, and this self is the enemy of oneself.GITA 6:5If you can also help others, then better yet, but all the knowledge in GITA jiand our other scriptures will be of no use if YOU do not use that to progresstowards Moksha. That's the bigger, more important picture, not the trivialworldly matters that tend to distract and divert us.Don't become despondent or depressed, be consoled that even if you fall or fail- "one fallen from Yoga" - you, the "doer of good", can still continue on thisDivine journey towards "perfection":Verily, O son of Prithâ, there is destruction for him, neither here norhereafter: for, the doer of good, O my son, never comes to grief.Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and dwelling there foreverlasting years, one fallen from Yoga reincarnates in the home of the pure andthe prosperous.Or else he is born into a family of wise Yogis only; verily, a birth such asthat is very rare to obtain in this world.There he is united with the intelligence acquired in his former body, andstrives more than before, for perfection, O son of the Kurus -- GITA 6:40-43Ram Ram,Deosaran Bisnath----Dear Sadaks,In Geetha Bagavan says, " IF I (Bagavan) get ONE pure Baktha among a crore, Ican make the whole world purified". Imagine 5000 years ago Bagavan said IF HECAN GET ONE in core, needless to say TODAY. Sadaks please focus on Geethateachings and put in practice, though abundant hurdles may come across. Do notsee here and there. Drona Chariya asks Arjuna pointing arrow at a bird, ( OhArjun do you see the tree, "Arjun says NO- Then Do you see the branch- Arjunsays NO- Then Do you see the leaf- Arjun say NO- Do you see the Bird- Arjun says- NO". Then asks Dronar, what do you see Arjun. Arjun say neck of a bird. Whatwe learn from this. Practice ONLY Geetha Teaching in practical life- Not lookingat the world- Dont blame the world, as it is it`s tendency to put anyone inMAYA. You see a lion, you refrain far away. You see a deer, you remainundisturbed. Do you have Krodh on Lion and attachment for deer? No. You see bothalike and see Sriman Narayana in them, that is why your mind is balanced whenseeing Deer or lion. Set an example of yourself, so that people like Sri RamSingh can believe in Geetha.B.Sathyanarayan--\---------------My dandavat pranams to all in this forum....The question of Ram Singh is very wonderful. It causes one to ponder, "howcan the teachings of Gita help ME to be free from anarthas (unwanted badhabits)? To grasp the depth of this question, let us first accept that badhabits, on whatever level, are not simply the result of what we havelearned/experienced in this life. Many lifetimes build in our heart to create"samskaras"....it has been explained that this word is defined as "impressions".But even better, when I heard someone explain, "if you take a stone, and beginto rub a string back and forth, back and forth, back and forth,continually.....you will get a groove in the stone.....this "impression" is theway "samskara" works." So....for so many lifetimes, our interaction in thisworld has been "what is there for me, how can I enjoy, where can I get moresatisfaction for my senses"......and then suddenly we hear, as a dove singing inthe early morning, the celestial verses of Bhagavad Gita. Instructing us to setaside our ego, our pride, our selfishness, our pursuit of wordly happiness, andto find satisfaction in the self alone. To many, this concept is vague. Itsounds alluring, but how to "do it"? So, one point has been made in thisdiscussion....."associate with sadhus, with those who are high class sadhaks". Better than just reading the writings is to find a person one can have faithin.....but the point is that it is often times such a unique experience, (eitherreading, or meeting in person) unlike what the conditioned jiva has beenaccustomed to, to begin considering, "take pleasure in the self alone, give upthe pursuit of sensual pleasures, you are eternal soul, full of eternity, bliss,and knowledge". Such concepts, even though perhaps heard occasionally, take time to "materialize" into actions. One must be patient, and know that theinfluence of the words of the Supreme Lord, in the verses of the Bhagavad Gita,are extremely potent. To associate with the Lord, through His words, or throughHis bona fide representative(s) is to start the soul on his or her upwardjourney....even without being conscious of the journey.I would like to share a very special realization I had, just daysago....afte listening to an individual discuss the concept of "trnad apisunicena, taror api sahisnuna".....(one should consider oneself to be lower thanthe blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree) This person was saying, that,as the blade of grass springs back up when stepped upon, to be lower than ablade of grass, one simply stays down, and does not lift up one's head when"stepped on". I was very dissatisfied with this presentation. It may be whatsome people realize, and perhaps at times, it may be exactly what I need tomanifest, but I was annoyed, and I asked the Lord to help me understand whatdeeper meaning, to "lower than a blade of grass" there might be. After a day orso.... this is what He revealed to me....."Lower than the grass is the earth. The earth, our mother, is beneath the grass. To be lower than the grass, is totake the quality of mother earth, and give, and give, and give, regardless ifthere is appreciation....the earth gives forth bounty, endlessly.We could notsurvive without the fruits and vegetables, the wood from the trees, the flowingwater, the support she is for all creatures, who walk on her continually, dayand night, eternally....and then, also, we should never forget, due to theimpiety of the age, earthquakes also erupt to cause suffering and grief, as aresult of the jiva soul not remembering his relationship with the Supreme. Buteiher way, Mother Earth is giving...just as a mother may at times be harsh withthe child to teach a lesson, but generally, mother gives nourishment, love,affection, health, a stable environment, etc..so, lower than a blade of grass does not mean that in the face of someunacceptable behavior, one simply has to walk away....or stay "stomped to theground". GIVE SOME LOVE...concern....but carefully, with discretion. It maynot be appreciated, but it may cause soemone to begin to question themselves,and how they treat others. Giving counsel, especially unasked for, is asacrifice, for it opens one up to being condemned by others.....but if givenwith love, without fear that someone may reject or scorn us, and with kindness,gentleness, a loving heart.... it will purify ourselves and the world around us.Best, if poosible, to spend a little time and attempt to become the friend ofwhoever it may be that we may wish to help, to counsel, to correct.....and thenlovingly place before them our concerns as to their behavior....and thenknowing, also, that we will not have the strength to do this unless we ourselvesare acting properly. Some may read this thought of mine, and say, "I think Ican only go as far as the blade of grass which does not get back up." OK.....we are all where we are in life. But at least, consider, one day thestrength may come in you, that you could lovingly speak up, firmly,boldly....when you see inappropriate behavior....without considering if you willbe appreciated, or "slapped down". To me, this is lower than a blade of grass.With all respects,Maha laksmi Dasi--\-----words, words, words ... too many words, too many questions, too many answers.............when words cease to be words .......... when sound ceases to be soundthenpeace blossoms in the heartpeace so joyful, so profound ..............ah, no words, no sound .............only the unheard symphony of the soundless sound ....the soundless sound of AUM and...............in that Tranquility of Being only, begins the " Living in Action " of BhagvadaGeetha's wordsAUMnarinder bhandari--------------------------------Dear sir,I consider gita as a guide to patanjali yoga sutra .The person whowants to lead a yogic life must follow gita.All questions are answered by srikrishna,keeping arjuna before him as nimitta matra (instrument) .At last viswaroopa (Universal form) is also granted. There is no rule that every reader mustfollow the teachings of krishna. Ajnana (ignorance) prevails till such timejnana(knowledge) comes. Even after reciting 10 chapters it has become necessaryfor krishna to show viswaroopa (Universal form) to one who is none other thanNARA, part of narayana. The story belongs to dwaparayuga,then what aboutkaliyuga? Badri Narayana Miriyala--\-Shree Paramatmane NamahIf within Gita Talk, one can say something about the Self, then I would like torespond to Preeti Singh in slightly different words.To stay quiet while seeing someone do something wrong, is where the "Self isdoing wrong. To point out the person's flaws, is not fault finding rather it isa means of helping free the other person from his flaws. Therefore one mustpoint out such things. Whenever there is destruction of Dharma, then GodHimself comes to improve the situation or does he simply stand by and watch whatis going on? So be it.Vineet Sarvottam--\---Dear Truth Lovers, Namaste!This one is in deep appreciation of the posts of Mike Ji, and Chawlaji!In so few words they have brought up the resonating truth of Gita, or for thatmatter, any scripture's ultimate culmination point - Truth and nothing butTruth. As they hint so marvelously, Truth, cannot but creep up into actions,unconcerned with "others" as there are none!Apparent "others and their behaviors", are Universal Scheme as Chawlaji puts it!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt--Dear Sadaks,GEETHA is based on Virtue of Principle of living. Everyone knows telling lies isincorrect. But there was an example to that was Harischandra. So there areexample of each teaching of Geetha by lived person. All go to temple as a visitNOT with Love able Devotion. But few went to temple where Bagavan HIMSELFappeared to Baktha, ate the food he offered, lived with Baktha, protected BakthaEtc. Geetha principles are values of life existence and beyond. It is like ateacher telling student certain principle but teacher does not follow. Theteacher is a preacher, NOT real teacher. But one who understood and followGeetha normally 100% will not open his mouth that he has studied Geetha, butwill be example in living style. Geetha is there open to all, but all cannot putin practice, due his/her own Karma Pala and inability to do Sadana. Like Ph.D isopen to all candidates, but how may do complete Ph.D and how many get greataward in reasurching Ph.D in any discipline. So is rare are the ones who getaward on Geetha practice in life. In fact Arjuna asks Sri Krishna to repeatGeetha much after the war, saying he forgot. SADAKS- ONE VERY IMPORTANT GEETHATEACHING IS; NEVER TO FIND FAULT WITH ANYONE. BECUASE, ONE WHO SEES IN OTHERSNOT FOLLOWING GEETHA, HE GETS IMPURITY BY SUCH THOUGHTS, AS HIS THOUGHTS GETATTACHED THE ACTION (kARMA) OF SEEING DHOSA IN OTHERS AND THAT DHOSA STICKS TOHIM. Example: You see a Geetha preacher womanizing (As said by this sadak RamSing-Not by me), the thought of that persons revolves around you. So why see orfind fault and get yourself impurity.B.Sathyanarayan.-Dear Ones, Namaste!Ram Singhji asks:"Why can't they use the teachings of Gitaji to change their lifestyle? This ispuzzling me."As you say, those who boast their knowledge of Gitaji, may have an agenda toimpress people, to feel their importance, to have power over others, etc etc,all to fulfill the bottomless cup of "me" who may be aching with lack of somekinds, they don't even have any clue!Another point: It is possible that this question of yours may not be really aquestion to others but to yourself in the sense that if such people cannotchange by the study of Gita, then what is the sense (for me?) of pursuing theknowledge of Gita? Someone may also be saying "let me be sure Gita changes thelife of those people before I myself undertake the study". This is placing thecondition upon Gita, not unconditional Love for it!My answer: " If Gita goes through one instead of one goes through GIta, it isimpossible not to change", a big difference! Generally it is not understooddeeply without the help of Realized souls, like Swamiji who have digested theteaching in their own experience, not just kept it at information levelWords of Scriptures, heard or read, must be contemplated there and then bylooking into one's own inner experience, until one can put them in their ownwords, not repeat what is read or heard! This will bring change!One more very important point as I see: It is not enough to understand Gitawhile living the same life of bad habits, such as alcohol, meat eating, smoking,obsessions with objects, attachments, etc etc. One needs to co-operate with Gitastudy by giving up bad habits simultaneously! People ask wrong question as to why am I not changing or why God is not helping me while I am pursuing spiritualpath? God tells them through their Conscience: "Hey you are living the old ways,give up and help me to help you". Alas, those whose eyes are on the results,cannot hear God!My suggestion is, not wait another day and not worry about such people who don'tchange. Just jump in any spiritual pursuits by engaging in study of Gita,Satsangs with like minded people, and above all if you can see someone livingGita around you, follow him/her! You will be able to tell someone is true or notby just listening with open mind and noticing joy or satisfaction arising in youby words you hear. But this is only if one is sincere, interested in Truth forLove of it, no hidden agenda of any kind, and more than anything, even if itdoesn't change Life immediately! This is Unconditional Love of God!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt!--\-----------------Shree Hari-Namaste!This post is directed to Preeti Singh :Ma'am, this is something Gandhi once said, in a time of terrible strife inIndia: 'A Hindu man came to him, to speak of his young boy who had been killedby Muslim mobs, and of the depth of his anger and longing for revenge. AndGandhi is said to have replied: If you really wish to overcome your pain, find ayoung boy, just as young as your son, a Muslim boy whose parents have beenkilled by Hindu mobs.Bring up that boy like you would your own son, but bringhim up with the Muslim faith to which he was born. Only then will you find thatyou can heal your pain, your anger....'.No wonder he was called Mahatma Gandhi! Remind the good Pundit of those words,and ask him why was he blessed with two daughters?Om...Shanti...Mike (K).--\----------When one knows the Truth, one is disabled to denounce others who seem to be onthe wrong path.The understanding of Truth does not make one superior in comparison to others.One becomes one with the Scheme of the Universe as it is. The transformationputs one with the mystery. One lands in the wonderland.One conveys the Truth with one's living without imposing it on others.Y V Chawla--\--If you had cerefully noticed certain verses of Gita you would not have beenpuzzled. According to Gita, very few persons are likely to even try followingthe teachings of Gita in life. Of those few who try practicing such teachings intheir life,negligible percentage will stay on course as others will fall backfrom the path to progress. The rare will achieve certain progress and the rarestwill reach liberation. Gita also says that the real sadhaka is not distractedby debates but debates and discussions may help some to progress on the path ofliberation from worldly bondage of sensual pleasures and pain. Gita's teachingsare simple:1. Give up ego of being the doer, the possessor and different from others.Practice eqaunamity.2. Give up all desires as fast as one can. Do whatever you do without ego ofbeing the doer and without the desire to enjoy/ fear to suffer the fruits/results/ consequences of actions.3. Know that God almighty exists in all beings and realize / attain this Godthrough medidation on this infinite. indestructible, God.4. Submit all actions, thoughts, and feeings to God and remain unperturned byall external events.But it is is the most difficult and almost impossible to practice the above fourteachings continuously without break till death of the body. And, if some of uswhile intending to practice the above, get attached to the discussions on whatdifferent words in Gita really meant, it is only natural and most casesinevitable. For, it is difficult to give up the ego of being a sadhaka, of beingknowledgable about Gita's teachings, of being learned on Gita's verses, of beingsmarter among the sadhakas. It is also difficult while being a sadhaka to giveup the desire to know about Gita and instead submit to God and fully dependonHim for the progress on the path to liberation.I am so attached with external events that I respond to your posting, I respondto your question as if I know better and can help you, I fail to realize thatwhat I or you do is nothing but what He makes us do. This is the impact of Mayathat we suffer from even when we are on the path of Sadhna for liberation. Thisis exactly what Gita predicts. The fact that we have been trying to give up ego,give up desires and keen to realize God does not automatically make us ego-less,desire-less, unattached and submerged in equanamity. We only hope to prgresseven as we seemingly waste time and energy in discussion and debate. That is isthe way He like us to progress. If and when I reach liberation or Mukti orMoksha, there will be no more boasting, talking , preaching and lecturing: thefour teachings of Gita mentioned above will make me rest in God rather than beinvolved in Gita-talk discussions. But when, if at all, will that happen?Basudeb Sen---------Jai Shri Ram,Dear RamiJi,You may be correct to some/much extent. In my understanding it all depends uponhow close is the knowledge of GitaJi to self. If its closeness to the self ismore than that of the ego/kaam, then such person would never be the cause ofthe environment you have mentioned. Yes, if that knowledge resides only at theintellect/buddhi level which is driven by the ego/kaam/desire, suchenvironments could be found.To avoid such environments, my suggestion is to "Live in GitaJi" instead of "usethe knowledge of GitaJi" towards closing the gap between the self and theknowledge.May God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey--\--Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.Studying Bhagavad Gita is good but what is really important is how much of thatknowledge is put into action for the welfare of others. Any knowledge that doesnot help others, is a wasted knowledge.Lord Krishna says in Gitaji,"Advesta sarva bhutanam,Maitra karuna eva ca,Nirmamo nirahankarah,Sama dukha sukha kshami. ' ( Gitaji 12, 13)Which means,'One who hates no one, friendly and merciful to every one, has no ego,no feelingof mine ness and who is equal in happiness and sorrow, that person is very dearto Me. 'Love and compassion are the teachings of Gitaji. For spiritual advancement, wealso need satsang. Once we are in the association of compassionate devotees whoare deeply engaged in devotional service, then every thing falls in right place.Thank You.Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D--\-Shree HariRam RamBrothers, to read something, hear it, relay it, study it, to spread it-lectureon it, to remember it, there is no real proof that that one has imbibed thosethings in their lives. In other words, he has become just as what waslearned/known. If someone did not apply the messages of the Gita to theirlives, than what is Gita to do about it? It is that individual's misfortunealone that such beneficial talks were not put to proper use. So be it.Vineet Sarvottam-------------------------------Shree Hari-Namaste!A very very good question!Ego! People love to show off, "Look how clever I am, I have memorized theGitaji", well yes that can become a sacred task, but only if one were to embraceit's message. No point in being an intellectual parrot.Satsang can re-enforce its message, I for one have been changed for the betterby the ebb and flow of debate at this Divine Forum!To know and understand the Gitaji, and to deliberately go against it, means intruth, that one does not really understand it!Om...Shanti...Mike (K).----------Dear Ram Singh.Shree Hari. Ram Ram.This is excellent question. Good news is that you know the answer of thequestion.>I mean can one be really knowledgable>about Gitaji and live a life of abuse, womanising, be a deadbeat father, beat>their wives etc?You are finding it hard to accept such person as being really knowledgeable ofGita.And you are right. They don't know Gita.This applies to this forum also, Swamiji gives very important to the fact thatour self is part of Paramatma and belong to Paramatma. Our body and itsextensions are not us but part of this world. Therefore, using vivek we need toaccept this fact firmly. But there will be many people who may not follow histeaching. That does not make the teachings wrong.The knowledge of Gita is rare and confidential. Krishna Himself says it in Gita.Very few people can follow it.Those people become even more rare in Kali-yug.Please understand that those people don't represent Gita and use this forum tounderstand Gita more.Ultimately, this process is personal. In the end what matters is that how muchprogress we make and it doesn't matter how bad or good others are.Regards,Gaurav Mittal--Jai Sri Krishna,First of all we are not entitled to criticize others. who am I to interfere?I am sure that a person who reads Gita and understands it deeply (I am nottalking about those who have just learned few verses or few chapters of Gita),cannot engage in wrong doings, at least knowingly. I know people who have justmemorized it and don't have the in-depth knowledge, still I find them betterthan me in behaving with others.Ram RamAshok Goenka--\-------------------Dear Ram Singh, Shree Hari. Ram Ram.SB 10.2.22 – A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living,for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him. And after thedeath of a person in the bodily concept of life, he is undoubtedly transferredto the hell known as Andhatama.SB 12.2.41 – Even though a person's body may now have the designation "king," inthe end its name will be "worms,stool" or "ashes." What can a person whoinjures other living beings for the sake of his body know about his ownself-interest, since his activities are simply leading him to hell?Lord Ram says in Ram charitmanas —There is no worse sin (paap) than inflicting suffering or hurting others. Thereis no other pious activty (punya) better than helping others or working fortheir welfare.From above slokas, the fate of those people you have mentioned is clear. Pleasehave no doubt about it.Regards,Gaurav Mittal--------------------Dear Ram SinghThat is precisely the reason of unhappiness in life.So you have raised a veryvalid question.At the same time ,the fault is not with Gita.You may have observed religious people are more unhappy compared tonon-religious people.There appears something wrong about our understanding ofreligion and God.Coming to your question,why people claiming to have knowledge of Gita are livingbad lives?My understanding is:-1)Knowledge of Gita enhances their ego instead of reducing that.2)Some of the actions are justified by considering that Karma or duty.3)The knowledge of Gita is superficial since study is not daily.To transformlife ,Gita study has to be made a daily routine.4)Gita has been explained or commented by too many persons and every one hasexplained it from his point of view.It is difficult to find real Gita which whenstudied regularly will lead to good life.5)Gita teaches the process to fight the evil traits or mindset within one.Itcontains all the meditations and the knowledge to come out living bad life.Gita study will eventually will lead to see presence of God in everyone and alsoempower one to raise his level where doing bad deeds will not be possible.One will recognise himself,his purpose of this life time.So what you intend to do.regardsAshok Jain--\-----------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram.I don't agree that when you see someone doing something that is wrong and youpoint it out is faultfinding. It is trying to help that person. My husband wasabusing me and had I continue to be silent he would not have been able to gethelp and now lead a very happy married life together.I am so satisfied with mylife and I have the ppl here to thank for.If all of you here did not make myhusband see that abusive behaviour is not proper he would be doing that to metoday.So I now tell anyone this, that if you are being abused do not staysilent,you must seek help somewhere.Today I was talking to a woman whose husbandis a Pundit and he is neglecting his wife and two baby daughters because she didnot get a son.In this day and age he is still living with the ideal of not beingsatisfy without a son.He does not care that he is neglecting 2 daughters and hiswife.Only his wants must be fulfilled.Is it finding fault to tell this Pundit togo take care of your family before you come and tell the rest of us how to livea good life? Was Lord Krishna fault finding when he told Arjun to stop behavinglike a coward and fight?Jai Shri KrishnaPreeti SinghShree Hari Ram RamA similar topic was addressed in the past, however, we are unable to locate thediscussion thread.One wonderful thing we learned from Swamiji, is that the minute our eyes go tosomeone else's duty, we are failing from doing our duty. This statement canbe universally applicable to many situations. There is an excellent pravachan(discourse) by Swamiji in Hindi,# 309 - Dosh Drishti ka Nisched (Give up Seeing Faults in Others)http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htmYou may download and listen. Thank you for being an instrument by bringingthis topic up for sharing and learning together and inturn benefiting manysadhaks.From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE - FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to feedback at end of dicussion to bring closure and commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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