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What happens to a Soul when one commits suicide?

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Conscious Existence manifests/perceives the world through senses-mind-intellect-Ego(Antahkaran) of an individual. This "individual" identifies him/her as this body-mind with a name as a part of growing up in the environment conditioned by family, society, nationality etc etc. Thus an individual is the product of environment and is bound by it.This very Conscious Existence of his/her carries the impressions(sanskaras) or conditioning and controls the thought patterns and actions of the body-mind throughout the life. Such consciousness conditioned with impressions is soul!Soul is thus Existence in ignorance of its true nature being Pure and Impersonal Existence whom impressions make no impact just as nothing ever happens to space when objects are created or destroyed!Essentially an individual is such a conditioned, limited entity, or subtle body/causal body residing as though, in that gross body. Subtle body is a body of thoughts, feelings, latent tendencies, deep rooted attachments, etc etc and causal body is subtler body of ignorance of not knowing that "I am undivided Consciousness"! Due to the Karmas done as an individual doer, Jeeva/soul is said to acquires new conditioning(karmas), strengthening its ignorance!Now when the physical body gives up for whatever reasons, natural death or suicide, the subtle and causal bodies as impressions on consciousness is said to leave and wait for reincarnation based on its sanskaras! Actually, upon Realization or removal of ignorance, it is seen that "there is only Pure Conscious-Existence, undivided, undifferentiated as various objects but giving the impressions of an individualized soul, which is not its Reality, its true identity". It is also seen that what re-incarnates is this impressions/conditioning through subtle bodies in which new physical bodies happens in a modified environments! KrishnaJi says as if soul is changing clothes and continuing as new body!Thus re-incarnation is not personal, its all an Impersonal process of recycling ignorance(Karmas)! In some birth, however, Realization happens and freedom from such limitations of body and sanskaras or conditioning is obtained! That Consciousness is never born nor can die to re-incarnate is called Jeevan Mukti or liberation! It is said that as if individual's Karmas are destroyed upon the Self-Knowledge.This is GRACE of GOD or GURU KRUPA or call it whatever names!In summary, Karmas, Sanskaras, conditioning of all mankind evolve through new generations, and yet Soul in its purity remain unborn neither coming nor going anywhere! Only bodies/objects/world come and go in IT!This is the reason Krishnaji says "I know all those births whereas you don't". He says this as Atman, Brahman, Consciousness witnessing the dance drama of Life as only THAT which continues knows the discontinuity of death!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Atma (Soul) is omnipresent (Gita 2:24) . By commiting suicide (which you are mistakenly calling it as "atmahatyaa" killing of the soul), that cannot happen. Neither the soul goes anywhere, nor does it come to some place, nor can anything happen to the soul. then why must one worry about this? So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam



Mind is always in search for a formula to be secured, certain, comfortable.


Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. Uncertainty is compounded when we do not accept uncertainty.


The compounded uncertainty gives rise to stress, anxiety.

Mind is under the illusion as if it can have or maintain a state of psychological comfortableness as

defined by it, that pleasure will cut the root of pain, that it can depend upon possessions, relations, money or the idea of God as a secured ultimate, that addition to the securities (possessions, relations) will keep the unknown at bay and so on.

Understanding the illusion is the dropping of the illusion.

One becomes one with the unending stream of Life.

Y V Chawla


Nobody really knows the answer to this question, although many will speak as though they have the answer. As explained by Swami Dayananda---


In Drig-Drishya-Viveka, written by a person no less exhalted than Shri Shankaracharya-ji himself, has said that there is an ocean ( could be a river ), in which there is a wave, in which there is a bubble. When that bubble bursts, what happens ? The water element of that bubble merges with the water element of the wave and that of the wave will merge with the water element of the ocean. The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ? This is upto speculation and debate?


We would like to either not be reborn ( moksha ), or be born as good people, and the Law of Karma keeps us straight. After that it is all a matter of speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



Hari OmWhat mistake? Calling 'suicide' to be 'atmahatya' is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. In Gita - BG 13:28 , God says..... 'Na hinashtyatmanaatmaanam' - means.... do not cause violence to your 'self' (atma)! Now does not God know that 'atma' neither kills nor gets killed? Hence One must worry. This is too funny an argument that since you are immortal hence don't worry. It means- Commit suicide...you will get new body. No....Divine Sadhaks...I heard Swamiji saying that then you don't get human body again for ages and eons. IT IS A LAW - that if you mis-use any thing given to you by God / world/ Nature...by any body....you don't get that again. Because you MIS-USED.If you don't worry regarding as ghastly a sin as 'atmahatya' (suicide) then why the very emotion 'to worry' has been given to you ? Hence you MUST worry and properly utilise whatever has been received by you in human life! One MUST pay care and attention to the unique gift of human body given so benevolently by Paramatma to His children. If 'atma' is immortal that does not mean, the body is also immortal. By that logic- why one should not throw away every thing including own cloths, kith, kin, parents, money ? Why one should at all be worrying about duty and dharma? Where is need for 'discrimination' ? The freedom which a human being has got in human birth, residing in human body is not for mis-utilisation under the garb - I am not body ! It is not some toy. It is the junction through which you can even get Paramatma. You are not body, sure ! But has it not been given to you by Paramatma? Should you torture it? Should you kill it? God has given you a ladoo (sweet) ..should you throw it in dust bin and say : It is not mine, why I should worry ?Let there be a difference between soul and body but not indifference or disrespect to body ...merely because the former is indestructible. Sure, nothing happens to soul but 'embodied soul' has no rights to kill it ! Hence let there be difference between logic and arrogance, gyaan and agyaan. One should never MIS-USE any thing ! NEVER !! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---

My dandavat pranams to all.....

As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state..

I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.


Maha laksmi dasi





it was in some scripture sometime somewhere


that narinder read the words


the words that remain etched in narinder's Mind


the words that keep him from the SIn of suicide ..............


and the words ..........................ah !!!


" Taking another's life is murder , and is punishable with Life


murdering your own Body, O Mortal ................


shall you escape Punishment ???? "


and elsewhere narinder did read .................


" Should despair seize you, should penury taunt you,


should no-one help you, should thoughts of suicide haunt you ............


commit suicide, narinder ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry............ but donot murder your body


commit Harakiri of the Mind .........Death of the Mind ................ die to the Mind, narinder ...........


and discover the Natkhat standing beside you ............


lifting you, helping you, raising you ,


freeing you, liberating you from turmoil and beggary of a myriad Lifetimes ........... "


so, my friends ............ who are thinking of suicide ..............


wait Not ............. hurry , before too late it is ..............


rush to Krishna's song and being


commit suicide of the Mind .......... die to the self ........... surrender .........


let the self raise the self by the self ............


that indeed is true suicide .............extolled by the Knowers


never shall you have to commit suicide again !!!




narinder bhandari


According to Rig Veda, human beings are tri-ani-pada i.e. three bodies in One. On the natural death or suicide only material body dies. Their subtle spiritual body containing the Jeev (Spirit) and subtlest of the subtle i.e. causal body containig Atma (soul) do not die. The energy principle Jeev (spirit) merges with the Supreme Spirit and sum total of energy continues to remain constant in the Universe.The causal body containing knowledge principle gets rebirth after on the the 13th day or later depending on the quantam of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic gunas encircling the soul. 12 days journey of the soul to remove the effect of Gunas (karma effect decides the re-birth) is explained in great details in Rig Veda. Regards,Prem Sabhlok


Hari Om. Shree Hari.Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person. What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them. As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person. Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

Ram Ram.


How do anyone know for sure what happens to the soul after death? There are many assumptions but do anyone know for sure?We say the soul is untouched and many here argue that the soul do not get touch and when you sin it do not affect the soul and God do not keep tabs on all the good and bad we do. Then how do the soul get affected? It is not the doer,the human body is the doer so the soul leaves and it is gone no matter how u die,correct?

Preeti Singh






I agree with some of the wiser counsels mentioned herein that no living being yet knows what happens to the soul after death,there are many intrepretations but never an all acceptable reasoning.

From this discussion stems another related topic. Please permit me to mention. After a death in a devout ritualistic Hindu family the eldest son is required to perform over a period of one year, many rituals to ensure that the soul reaches a better birth, commonly known as pithru karma etc. This is not done in other religions. I checked with a renowned veda pandit who is known to have analysed and deeply studied the vedas and other religious books,the relevance of this religious practise and he explains that the soul just moves on to its designated goal as per its Karma,the near kith and kin do not influence its journey ! similarly, if the body commits suicide,the soul is believed to wander about until its due death arrives and then passes on to another ordained form.


Has anybody analysed the past life regression,we can see a lot of it on TV these days?



Guru Prasad


In my opinion every body does some thing like suicide in view of your karmas in the previous life.Similarly such people gets grace according to their Karmas ( actions )in the present life


My Pranam to Swamiji


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Dear Dr.Manikkar,

you said

"The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ?"

If you happen to look towards a clear blue sky with a vacant look, after some time when your look really becomes vacant, you will find streams of bubbles appearing from nowhere and disappearing to nowhere with a tremendous speed. Do these "bubbles" have got to do anything with your "bubbles"? I am talking about reality and not speculation ! and posing this question to a professional person of your stature.Regards,

Barin Chatterjee



To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Conscious Existence manifests/perceives the world through senses-mind-intellect-Ego(Antahkaran) of an individual. This "individual" identifies him/her as this body-mind with a name as a part of growing up in the environment conditioned by family, society, nationality etc etc. Thus an individual is the product of environment and is bound by it.This very Conscious Existence of his/her carries the impressions(sanskaras) or conditioning and controls the thought patterns and actions of the body-mind throughout the life. Such consciousness conditioned with impressions is soul!Soul is thus Existence in ignorance of its true nature being Pure and Impersonal Existence whom impressions make no impact just as nothing ever happens to space when objects are created or destroyed!Essentially an individual is such a conditioned, limited entity, or subtle body/causal body residing as though, in that gross body. Subtle body is a body of thoughts, feelings, latent tendencies, deep rooted attachments, etc etc and causal body is subtler body of ignorance of not knowing that "I am undivided Consciousness"! Due to the Karmas done as an individual doer, Jeeva/soul is said to acquires new conditioning(karmas), strengthening its ignorance!Now when the physical body gives up for whatever reasons, natural death or suicide, the subtle and causal bodies as impressions on consciousness is said to leave and wait for reincarnation based on its sanskaras! Actually, upon Realization or removal of ignorance, it is seen that "there is only Pure Conscious-Existence, undivided, undifferentiated as various objects but giving the impressions of an individualized soul, which is not its Reality, its true identity". It is also seen that what re-incarnates is this impressions/conditioning through subtle bodies in which new physical bodies happens in a modified environments! KrishnaJi says as if soul is changing clothes and continuing as new body!Thus re-incarnation is not personal, its all an Impersonal process of recycling ignorance(Karmas)! In some birth, however, Realization happens and freedom from such limitations of body and sanskaras or conditioning is obtained! That Consciousness is never born nor can die to re-incarnate is called Jeevan Mukti or liberation! It is said that as if individual's Karmas are destroyed upon the Self-Knowledge.This is GRACE of GOD or GURU KRUPA or call it whatever names!In summary, Karmas, Sanskaras, conditioning of all mankind evolve through new generations, and yet Soul in its purity remain unborn neither coming nor going anywhere! Only bodies/objects/world come and go in IT!This is the reason Krishnaji says "I know all those births whereas you don't". He says this as Atman, Brahman, Consciousness witnessing the dance drama of Life as only THAT which continues knows the discontinuity of death!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Atma (Soul) is omnipresent (Gita 2:24) . By commiting suicide (which you are mistakenly calling it as "atmahatyaa" killing of the soul), that cannot happen. Neither the soul goes anywhere, nor does it come to some place, nor can anything happen to the soul. then why must one worry about this? So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Mind is always in search for a formula to be secured, certain, comfortable.


Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. Uncertainty is compounded when we do not accept uncertainty.


The compounded uncertainty gives rise to stress, anxiety.

Mind is under the illusion as if it can have or maintain a state of psychological comfortableness as

defined by it, that pleasure will cut the root of pain, that it can depend upon possessions, relations, money or the idea of God as a secured ultimate, that addition to the securities (possessions, relations) will keep the unknown at bay and so on.

Understanding the illusion is the dropping of the illusion.

One becomes one with the unending stream of Life.

Y V Chawla


Nobody really knows the answer to this question, although many will speak as though they have the answer. As explained by Swami Dayananda---


In Drig-Drishya-Viveka, written by a person no less exhalted than Shri Shankaracharya-ji himself, has said that there is an ocean ( could be a river ), in which there is a wave, in which there is a bubble. When that bubble bursts, what happens ? The water element of that bubble merges with the water element of the wave and that of the wave will merge with the water element of the ocean. The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ? This is upto speculation and debate?


We would like to either not be reborn ( moksha ), or be born as good people, and the Law of Karma keeps us straight. After that it is all a matter of speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



Shree Hari Ram Ram

Digressing a bit, but sadhaks, I thought you may find this revealing - from Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivani - (Gita 7/26 - english pg 931 - hindi pg 534-535). The Lord also declares , "By receiving this boat, in the form of a human body and favorable wind, in the form of My grace, one who does not attain salvation (cross the ocean of life), he is one who commits suicide" (Srimadbha. 11/20/17). Even in the Gita it is declared by Bhagavan, "For he who by seeing the supreme Lord present equally everywhere, in all as one, such a man does not kill (destroy) himself by the self, thereby reaching the supreme state" (Gita 13/28). From this too, it proves that the Lord has bestowed upon human beings, the rights, complete resources and understanding so that they can attain salvation. On receiving this priceless opportunity, if one does not attain salvation, one commits suicide and follows the cycle of birth and death.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


-Shree Hari-Namasre!Contemplating Mahalaksmi dasiji's post straight away put me in mind if the 'Hungry Ghosts', universally known throughout many traditions.I will past in some comments ex Wikipedea :' In HinduismIn Hindu tradition, hungry ghosts are spirit-beings driven by passion for particular things, objects of their desire. Possibly the worst thing about "Hungry Ghosts" is that they always come back for more. Very detailed information about ghosts is given in Garuda Purana.'The italics indicate why precautions were taken to protect your husband.Such demons /ghosts are powerless in the presence of 'Divine Light', a yogi remarked, "All one has to do is, is send from your heart the love of Baba to the demon, it will go in a flash". (Such things cannot stand discovery from a soul who has no fear, because of her/his trust in the Supreme Lord.)So if the outcome of suicide is to become a ghost, then a time of great anguish awaits. (Explained well in the Tibetan tradition!)People who are in the process of 'waking up from the spiritual sleep that enslaves mankind', can often have battles with demons, horrific nightmares, just as you describe, absolutely no doubt of that!A point, someone will no doubt bring this up, re. 'Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body.' Look! I don't know about you, but I understand that any desire for worldly things, will deny one Moksha. Worth contemplating upon! Om..... Shant....Mike (K).---------

Shree Paramatmane Namah


Shri Narottamji, by name I am certainly Sarvottam (name was given by father-mother) but in knowledge I am limited. Due to not knowing English by mistake I wrote that to call suicide, "atmahatya" is wrong, as only the body can be killed, not the atma (Self, Soul, Spirit). Knowing that English "atma" (soul) can also be killed, appears surprising to me. If only this would be in Hindi. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam





What happens to a Soul when one commits suicide?




This question is not different from "What happens to the soul after accidental death or natural death or any other death?" that Nachiketa asked The Death itself,




E'yam prete vichikitsaa manushye asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike |


EtadvidyaamanushishTastvayaaham varaaNaamesha varstriteeyah ||




One could definitely answer this if one could establish what happens to the soul when one is alive?! Have we ever attempted to figure that out?! We dodge from this terrifying question as to 'what I am?'or 'what is this soul?' when we are alive and push the same for a post-mortem so that we can escape from its wrath as of now. After all, living the way we do is not very different from any suicide as such as we try to hush up the very question to investigate our roots when we really can. If we cannot get a resolution to this when we have all the faculties gifted to us while alive, how can we ever imagine to 'understand' the state when we are ripped off all these faculties??!!




There was debate as to whether the soul exists or not then … as well as now … asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike … As Yama begs the young Nachiketa, even the gods cannot determine the exact nature of The Self that dwells in the creatures in this universe ... Lord Yama begs the kid not to insist for an answer to this! The Death itself confesses its inability to understand the nature of its very locus in spite of being the instrument in recycling the life as we perceive!!




Devairatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyam aNuresha dharmah |


Anyam varam nachiketo vriNeeshva maamopareetseerati maasrijainam ||




Upanishads univocally caution us who are chasing the life being chased by the fear of death at the same time with no intention as well as attention to be ourselves all our lives ... as the true suiciders. After all, one who has no clue of oneself is truly dead. Who is the hurdle for this - oneself! Therefore the upanishads call us the Aatmahanaah - the suiciders - one who never "lived" continuously being churned in the tornedo of contradictions within - crave to live and fear to die. Such suiciders have to die every moment seeking the life every moment to exist ... they exist ... but never live ...




Asuryaa naama te lokaah andhena tamasaavritaah |


Taangste pretyaani gacchhanti ye ke chaatmahano janaah ||




Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now … if so … what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...




As Lord Yama reveals frankly, nobody can teach us this … of course, all that the scriptures and the seers can do for us is to point out when we go wrong and when we draw wrong conclusions. Afterall any conclusion sounds wrong inline with Yama's revelation … therefore, the scriptures and the seers help us till we stop entertaining anymore conclusions ... till we stop entertaining any more doubt ... till we attain The Silence that is everything including itself as such.




Therefore, my dear friend, keep interrogating now and here ... question yourself and yourself ... anything else is proved a futile path beyond doubt in our scriptures and by our seers ... if you insist, you can try other paths before converging to this ... but convergence to this fundamental query is essential ... convergence to The Silence eventually is vital ...









Naga Narayana.






… contd




Can anyone commit suicide?




Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself. Even in mundane world, it makes sense … one is dead when one cannot acknowledge oneself … the true burning question here is what is this "oneself"? One can come up with zillion 'answers' to this ... the same individual treats this in variant ways circumstantially since this Self (or soul) has a unique quality of becoming anything as perceived! Therefore, an intellect is perpetually left wandering around wondering what it is!! Grossly, the identity of an individual (or soul) oscillates between the world (relations), the body (actions), the mind (emotions) and the silence. The problem is that its four legs are glued into these four apparently distinct dominions so strongly that the fellow cannot shoft into any one dominion completely. Whenever it tries to be in one, the other three legs are so stretched out to accommodate this that they pull the fellow toward different dominions not letting the fellow rest anywhere! How to understand the one who cannot stay anywhere even for a moment?!




Considering that the fellow is 'the world' … the fellow is defined in terms of the relations provided and fascilitated by the world through its objects that the fellow is blessed to perceive. Afterall that is a show … no perception can remain (if it remains, it cannot be any perception but silence!) ... no object can remain (if it remains, it cannot be anymore an object, only a void remains!!) ... no relation can, therefore, remain (if it remains, it cannot relate anything as no relation can exist between a silence and a void!!!) ... therefore, the world is retiring perpetually on its own (Refer to Swamiji's wonderful revelations on this subject in SSS on Sahaja Nivritti) ... how can we 'kill' something that is killing itself perpetually???!!! Therefore, wise one who appreciates the momentary nature of the world would cease to imagine killing the fellow in 'the world' ... no suicide is possible there ...




Vishayaanaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the body' … the fellow is defined by the matter-energy cluster that is undergoing perpetual recycling on its own to remain what it is … and, is acknowledged by the actions that are curned out perpetually in the process. No unique matter-energy-action cluster can ever exist even for a moment ... they loose their presence as soon as they take one! They are born dead in other words (Aja). How can we terminate this fellow who is born dead?! Consider the typical suicides around the world ... can anyone terminate the body without the assistance of the same. Even the ultimate dissolution of the body is in its own hand and is governed by its own terms! Who am I to say that I kill myself when the body quits the way it can and the way it is destined to??!!




Considering the fellow to be 'the mind' … being always absolutely under the spell of the senses governed by the body, it can never have its own presence anyway anytime … it is helpless but to entertain the imagery it receives from the senses. Again, a fellow defined by perpetually discharged pulses of momentary existence cannot be killed ... he is gone before you identify him! Again, a wise one would not entertain the idea of killing the fellow in dominion of thoughts that raise and fall perpetually like sunrise and sunset ...




IndriayaaNaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the silence' or 'the void' … the space that accommodates the thoughts, actions as well as relation … it permeates everything … nothing can take any fraction of that away from it … it remains as is irrespective of the presence of objects and thoughts ... objects and thoughts depend on the space for existence and not vice versa! Also, it has nothing specific that can be identified to take away to start with. It has nothing to loose as it needs nothing to gain to be what it is!! Then how can you imagine something that has nothing to loose???!!! Again, 'killing' this fellow is an impossibility!!!




Where is the question of suicide when there is no room for 'killing' in the first place?Therefore, the idea of 'killing' anybody (INCLUDING ONESELF) is a mere myth …




Na jaayate mriyate vaa vipashchit naayam kutashchinna babhoova kashchit |


Ajo nityo shaashvato'yam puraaNo na hanyate hanyamaane shareere ||




No one can demand an unnatural result from anything? Nature is beyond all the demands one could ever putforth. How anyone even with an inkling to such a fact could ever imagine to 'kill' anything including oneself ??? … !!! … I wonder.








Naga Narayana.






2 … contd.


The ONLY SUICIDE that is worth considering … that is possible … and that is needed




As any other thought or notion is ego's perception, 'killing' and 'suicide' is also a notion built in the ego. This notion is rooted deeply in its notions of birth and death. Beneath the notions of birth and death, it retains its identities with the body and mind it is provided with to operate in the game of survival. The core individual identity (soul or Jeeva) remains encapsulated in the identities with the mind and the body and their relation with their respective worlds. Whatever one thinks one is in this world is engraved in the memoirs of that identity. Till that identity remains intact, how can the individual be terminated?




If one truly wants to suicide from the body-mind-world perspective, THE ONLY WAY is to just quit from the body ... just like that ... just like one could walk away from you ... with absolutely no assistance from any external aid ...




Termination of the world, body and mind are of no consequence - one, that is irrelevant and two, one has no authority over them.One cannot manipulate anything that is not under one's authority. All the three - world, body and mind - fall in dominions completely indepndent from the ego. The nature has blessed the ego to have their cooperation in its activities just like it has bound the ego to cooperate with them in return. Therefore, the deaths perceived in association with the world, body and mind are just imaginary chronicles of the ego having no bearing with the associated entities. Again, their deaths are written by themselves and for themselves as per the laws of nature.




One can manipulate only that which is authored by oneself - the ego and its collective ignorance in terms of identities, emotions and relations. Therefore, the only possibility to terminate anything in this universe is one's very ego. Since all the notions are rooted in the ego, its termination is the only way one can really seek the death. All other deaths that are embedded in ego's notion are nothing but supersticious and mythical notions. Since the very notion of "I" also gets mitigated along with the mitigation of the ego, that alone is worthy being considered as true suicide (Aatmahatya - termination of the notion of I-ness).




If you are talking about this death … the ONLY SUICIDE possible … I can vouch that the soul (individual identity) definitely exists before and mitigates after the death. Because, the very termination of the I-ness is the gate-pass for this death. In all other conceived deaths, the I-ness laments at the loss of Mine-ness only ... mine-ness with the mind, body and world in terms of thoughts, actions and relations. Since the I-ness is retained intact, it collects the mine-ness back in some way or the other depending on its capacity and capability ...




Yonimanye prapadyante shareeratvaaya dehinah |


SthhaaNumanye'nusanyanti yathaa karma yathaa shrutam ||




In fact, we are doing that every day and every moment … loosing some identities and acquiring some other depending on our abilities within and opportunities around. Therefore, all conceived deaths are mere recycling of matter-energy-identity clusters … THE ONLY death is self-termination of the ego in totality wherein no more identity (I-ness) is retained to gain relations (mine-ness) anymore.




Therefore, THE ONLY SUICIDE is nothing but attaining eternity as such wherein there won't be any need for the notions of identity; of body, mind and world; and therefore of the birth, life and death as such …








Naga Narayana.


Hari OmWhat mistake? Calling 'suicide' to be 'atmahatya' is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. In Gita - BG 13:28 , God says..... 'Na hinashtyatmanaatmaanam' - means.... do not cause violence to your 'self' (atma)! Now does not God know that 'atma' neither kills nor gets killed? Hence One must worry. This is too funny an argument that since you are immortal hence don't worry. It means- Commit suicide...you will get new body. No....Divine Sadhaks...I heard Swamiji saying that then you don't get human body again for ages and eons. IT IS A LAW - that if you mis-use any thing given to you by God / world/ Nature...by any body....you don't get that again. Because you MIS-USED.If you don't worry regarding as ghastly a sin as 'atmahatya' (suicide) then why the very emotion 'to worry' has been given to you ? Hence you MUST worry and properly utilise whatever has been received by you in human life! One MUST pay care and attention to the unique gift of human body given so benevolently by Paramatma to His children. If 'atma' is immortal that does not mean, the body is also immortal. By that logic- why one should not throw away every thing including own cloths, kith, kin, parents, money ? Why one should at all be worrying about duty and dharma? Where is need for 'discrimination' ? The freedom which a human being has got in human birth, residing in human body is not for mis-utilisation under the garb - I am not body ! It is not some toy. It is the junction through which you can even get Paramatma. You are not body, sure ! But has it not been given to you by Paramatma? Should you torture it? Should you kill it? God has given you a ladoo (sweet) ..should you throw it in dust bin and say : It is not mine, why I should worry ?Let there be a difference between soul and body but not indifference or disrespect to body ...merely because the former is indestructible. Sure, nothing happens to soul but 'embodied soul' has no rights to kill it ! Hence let there be difference between logic and arrogance, gyaan and agyaan. One should never MIS-USE any thing ! NEVER !! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---

My dandavat pranams to all.....

As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state..

I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.


Maha laksmi dasi





it was in some scripture sometime somewhere


that narinder read the words


the words that remain etched in narinder's Mind


the words that keep him from the SIn of suicide ..............


and the words ..........................ah !!!


" Taking another's life is murder , and is punishable with Life


murdering your own Body, O Mortal ................


shall you escape Punishment ???? "


and elsewhere narinder did read .................


" Should despair seize you, should penury taunt you,


should no-one help you, should thoughts of suicide haunt you ............


commit suicide, narinder ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry............ but donot murder your body


commit Harakiri of the Mind .........Death of the Mind ................ die to the Mind, narinder ...........


and discover the Natkhat standing beside you ............


lifting you, helping you, raising you ,


freeing you, liberating you from turmoil and beggary of a myriad Lifetimes ........... "


so, my friends ............ who are thinking of suicide ..............


wait Not ............. hurry , before too late it is ..............


rush to Krishna's song and being


commit suicide of the Mind .......... die to the self ........... surrender .........


let the self raise the self by the self ............


that indeed is true suicide .............extolled by the Knowers


never shall you have to commit suicide again !!!




narinder bhandari


According to Rig Veda, human beings are tri-ani-pada i.e. three bodies in One. On the natural death or suicide only material body dies. Their subtle spiritual body containing the Jeev (Spirit) and subtlest of the subtle i.e. causal body containig Atma (soul) do not die. The energy principle Jeev (spirit) merges with the Supreme Spirit and sum total of energy continues to remain constant in the Universe.The causal body containing knowledge principle gets rebirth after on the the 13th day or later depending on the quantam of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic gunas encircling the soul. 12 days journey of the soul to remove the effect of Gunas (karma effect decides the re-birth) is explained in great details in Rig Veda. Regards,Prem Sabhlok


Hari Om. Shree Hari.Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person. What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them. As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person. Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

Ram Ram.


How do anyone know for sure what happens to the soul after death? There are many assumptions but do anyone know for sure?We say the soul is untouched and many here argue that the soul do not get touch and when you sin it do not affect the soul and God do not keep tabs on all the good and bad we do. Then how do the soul get affected? It is not the doer,the human body is the doer so the soul leaves and it is gone no matter how u die,correct?

Preeti Singh






I agree with some of the wiser counsels mentioned herein that no living being yet knows what happens to the soul after death,there are many intrepretations but never an all acceptable reasoning.

From this discussion stems another related topic. Please permit me to mention. After a death in a devout ritualistic Hindu family the eldest son is required to perform over a period of one year, many rituals to ensure that the soul reaches a better birth, commonly known as pithru karma etc. This is not done in other religions. I checked with a renowned veda pandit who is known to have analysed and deeply studied the vedas and other religious books,the relevance of this religious practise and he explains that the soul just moves on to its designated goal as per its Karma,the near kith and kin do not influence its journey ! similarly, if the body commits suicide,the soul is believed to wander about until its due death arrives and then passes on to another ordained form.


Has anybody analysed the past life regression,we can see a lot of it on TV these days?



Guru Prasad


In my opinion every body does some thing like suicide in view of your karmas in the previous life.Similarly such people gets grace according to their Karmas ( actions )in the present life


My Pranam to Swamiji


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Dear Dr.Manikkar,

you said

"The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ?"

If you happen to look towards a clear blue sky with a vacant look, after some time when your look really becomes vacant, you will find streams of bubbles appearing from nowhere and disappearing to nowhere with a tremendous speed. Do these "bubbles" have got to do anything with your "bubbles"? I am talking about reality and not speculation ! and posing this question to a professional person of your stature.Regards,

Barin Chatterjee



To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Conscious Existence manifests/perceives the world through senses-mind-intellect-Ego(Antahkaran) of an individual. This "individual" identifies him/her as this body-mind with a name as a part of growing up in the environment conditioned by family, society, nationality etc etc. Thus an individual is the product of environment and is bound by it.This very Conscious Existence of his/her carries the impressions(sanskaras) or conditioning and controls the thought patterns and actions of the body-mind throughout the life. Such consciousness conditioned with impressions is soul!Soul is thus Existence in ignorance of its true nature being Pure and Impersonal Existence whom impressions make no impact just as nothing ever happens to space when objects are created or destroyed!Essentially an individual is such a conditioned, limited entity, or subtle body/causal body residing as though, in that gross body. Subtle body is a body of thoughts, feelings, latent tendencies, deep rooted attachments, etc etc and causal body is subtler body of ignorance of not knowing that "I am undivided Consciousness"! Due to the Karmas done as an individual doer, Jeeva/soul is said to acquires new conditioning(karmas), strengthening its ignorance!Now when the physical body gives up for whatever reasons, natural death or suicide, the subtle and causal bodies as impressions on consciousness is said to leave and wait for reincarnation based on its sanskaras! Actually, upon Realization or removal of ignorance, it is seen that "there is only Pure Conscious-Existence, undivided, undifferentiated as various objects but giving the impressions of an individualized soul, which is not its Reality, its true identity". It is also seen that what re-incarnates is this impressions/conditioning through subtle bodies in which new physical bodies happens in a modified environments! KrishnaJi says as if soul is changing clothes and continuing as new body!Thus re-incarnation is not personal, its all an Impersonal process of recycling ignorance(Karmas)! In some birth, however, Realization happens and freedom from such limitations of body and sanskaras or conditioning is obtained! That Consciousness is never born nor can die to re-incarnate is called Jeevan Mukti or liberation! It is said that as if individual's Karmas are destroyed upon the Self-Knowledge.This is GRACE of GOD or GURU KRUPA or call it whatever names!In summary, Karmas, Sanskaras, conditioning of all mankind evolve through new generations, and yet Soul in its purity remain unborn neither coming nor going anywhere! Only bodies/objects/world come and go in IT!This is the reason Krishnaji says "I know all those births whereas you don't". He says this as Atman, Brahman, Consciousness witnessing the dance drama of Life as only THAT which continues knows the discontinuity of death!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Atma (Soul) is omnipresent (Gita 2:24) . By commiting suicide (which you are mistakenly calling it as "atmahatyaa" killing of the soul), that cannot happen. Neither the soul goes anywhere, nor does it come to some place, nor can anything happen to the soul. then why must one worry about this? So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Mind is always in search for a formula to be secured, certain, comfortable.


Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. Uncertainty is compounded when we do not accept uncertainty.


The compounded uncertainty gives rise to stress, anxiety.

Mind is under the illusion as if it can have or maintain a state of psychological comfortableness as

defined by it, that pleasure will cut the root of pain, that it can depend upon possessions, relations, money or the idea of God as a secured ultimate, that addition to the securities (possessions, relations) will keep the unknown at bay and so on.

Understanding the illusion is the dropping of the illusion.

One becomes one with the unending stream of Life.

Y V Chawla


Nobody really knows the answer to this question, although many will speak as though they have the answer. As explained by Swami Dayananda---


In Drig-Drishya-Viveka, written by a person no less exhalted than Shri Shankaracharya-ji himself, has said that there is an ocean ( could be a river ), in which there is a wave, in which there is a bubble. When that bubble bursts, what happens ? The water element of that bubble merges with the water element of the wave and that of the wave will merge with the water element of the ocean. The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ? This is upto speculation and debate?


We would like to either not be reborn ( moksha ), or be born as good people, and the Law of Karma keeps us straight. After that it is all a matter of speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



Dear Sadaks,The Athuman time span is decided by ones own previous birth Karmas. The Body time span is correlated to Athuman. That is why some die young with disease/accident Etc. But if one suicides, then it is crime (Sin) said in sastras for having NOT completed the mission on earth. Such Athuman hangs in Stratosphere without body but with all desires. Say hunger, that Athuman suffers hungry. Ref: Srimath Bagavath about Gokarn brother life.B.Sathyanarayan-------

Sat Nam


A most delicate subject. The Soul, as emanation from God, is constant, is perennial, is eternal. The Soul does not suffer. But what brings individuation to that Soul, and what manifests its existence in an incarnation, is the Subtle Body. The Subtle Body carries the mind and all its facets, memories, prejudices and history. It is what gives us the individuality as unique human beings. It is the mind that suffers. But we, in the Subtle Body, are responsible for carrying the Soul in each incarnation.


There is song that says, let your vestment be the protection of God.


The Soul is a constant stream to which our Subtle Bodies attach so that it can manifest the incarnations. To kill an incarnation is to go against the Soul´s current. It brakes a Universal Law of Creation. To commit suicide is as bad and probably even worse than homicide from a Karmic effect. It is worse because it halts the incarnation process of the one who commits suicide, it brings it to a stop, a dense and heavy stop, against the Naad, against the Word. It only guarantees more and more, denser and denser incarnations for that Subtle Body (us as we know us).


The Karma-Dharma balanced is broken.


We are all incarnates by Divine Grace, by Guru's Grace. We should cherish every moment of our incarnation. On every breath we take, we bring in the entire Universe and allow it to manifest through us. And that is our most precious gift.


Pray for those who have left this plane by suicide for they need all our compassion and Love. Pray for them that upon return they become aware.


Sat Nam

Adi Singh


OM SAI. Answers are only with SHRI SAI.Kash--------

Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. As I understand it, irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death. Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego's sufferring.

Basudeb Sen


Hari OmSadhak Sarvottamji. I appreciate your difficulty of expression. If you give message in Hindi , I will translate it into English religiously for benefit of all sadhaks and reply to you in Hindi only with English translation. Henceforth you may please express yourself in Hindi only. You may freely express yourself. Welcome! Other sadhaks may also converse in Hindi. It will be translated.Please don't worry or give much weightage to 'limited knowledge'. To a Bhakta - knowledge is effortlessly received from God Himself. Knowledge becomes the slave of Bhakta. You too shall receive it when and if considered appropriate by Paramatma. Have trust in Paramatma. The very fact that you have Sadhak Sanjeevani at your home is more than enough for guidance to you at all times and in all stages ! Your pious association with Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj will definitely give imperishable results to you. It can never give perishable results. Pranaams!Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam -------

Shree Hari Ram Ram

Digressing a bit, but sadhaks, I thought you may find this revealing - from Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivani - (Gita 7/26 - english pg 931 - hindi pg 534-535). The Lord also declares , "By receiving this boat, in the form of a human body and favorable wind, in the form of My grace, one who does not attain salvation (cross the ocean of life), he is one who commits suicide" (Srimadbha. 11/20/17). Even in the Gita it is declared by Bhagavan, "For he who by seeing the supreme Lord present equally everywhere, in all as one, such a man does not kill (destroy) himself by the self, thereby reaching the supreme state" (Gita 13/28). From this too, it proves that the Lord has bestowed upon human beings, the rights, complete resources and understanding so that they can attain salvation. On receiving this priceless opportunity, if one does not attain salvation, one commits suicide and follows the cycle of birth and death.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


-Shree Hari-Namasre!Contemplating Mahalaksmi dasiji's post straight away put me in mind if the 'Hungry Ghosts', universally known throughout many traditions.I will past in some comments ex Wikipedea :' In HinduismIn Hindu tradition, hungry ghosts are spirit-beings driven by passion for particular things, objects of their desire. Possibly the worst thing about "Hungry Ghosts" is that they always come back for more. Very detailed information about ghosts is given in Garuda Purana.'The italics indicate why precautions were taken to protect your husband.Such demons /ghosts are powerless in the presence of 'Divine Light', a yogi remarked, "All one has to do is, is send from your heart the love of Baba to the demon, it will go in a flash". (Such things cannot stand discovery from a soul who has no fear, because of her/his trust in the Supreme Lord.)So if the outcome of suicide is to become a ghost, then a time of great anguish awaits. (Explained well in the Tibetan tradition!)People who are in the process of 'waking up from the spiritual sleep that enslaves mankind', can often have battles with demons, horrific nightmares, just as you describe, absolutely no doubt of that!A point, someone will no doubt bring this up, re. 'Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body.' Look! I don't know about you, but I understand that any desire for worldly things, will deny one Moksha. Worth contemplating upon! Om..... Shant....Mike (K).---------

Shree Paramatmane Namah

Shri Narottamji, by name I am certainly Sarvottam (name was given by father-mother) but in knowledge I am limited. Due to not knowing English by mistake I wrote that to call suicide, "atmahatya" is wrong, as only the body can be killed, not the atma (Self, Soul, Spirit). Knowing that English "atma" (soul) can also be killed, appears surprising to me. If only this would be in Hindi. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam







What happens to a Soul when one commits suicide?




This question is not different from "What happens to the soul after accidental death or natural death or any other death?" that Nachiketa asked The Death itself,




E'yam prete vichikitsaa manushye asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike |


EtadvidyaamanushishTastvayaaham varaaNaamesha varstriteeyah ||




One could definitely answer this if one could establish what happens to the soul when one is alive?! Have we ever attempted to figure that out?! We dodge from this terrifying question as to 'what I am?'or 'what is this soul?' when we are alive and push the same for a post-mortem so that we can escape from its wrath as of now. After all, living the way we do is not very different from any suicide as such as we try to hush up the very question to investigate our roots when we really can. If we cannot get a resolution to this when we have all the faculties gifted to us while alive, how can we ever imagine to 'understand' the state when we are ripped off all these faculties??!!




There was debate as to whether the soul exists or not then … as well as now … asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike … As Yama begs the young Nachiketa, even the gods cannot determine the exact nature of The Self that dwells in the creatures in this universe ... Lord Yama begs the kid not to insist for an answer to this! The Death itself confesses its inability to understand the nature of its very locus in spite of being the instrument in recycling the life as we perceive!!




Devairatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyam aNuresha dharmah |


Anyam varam nachiketo vriNeeshva maamopareetseerati maasrijainam ||




Upanishads univocally caution us who are chasing the life being chased by the fear of death at the same time with no intention as well as attention to be ourselves all our lives ... as the true suiciders. After all, one who has no clue of oneself is truly dead. Who is the hurdle for this - oneself! Therefore the upanishads call us the Aatmahanaah - the suiciders - one who never "lived" continuously being churned in the tornedo of contradictions within - crave to live and fear to die. Such suiciders have to die every moment seeking the life every moment to exist ... they exist ... but never live ...




Asuryaa naama te lokaah andhena tamasaavritaah |


Taangste pretyaani gacchhanti ye ke chaatmahano janaah ||




Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now … if so … what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...




As Lord Yama reveals frankly, nobody can teach us this … of course, all that the scriptures and the seers can do for us is to point out when we go wrong and when we draw wrong conclusions. Afterall any conclusion sounds wrong inline with Yama's revelation … therefore, the scriptures and the seers help us till we stop entertaining anymore conclusions ... till we stop entertaining any more doubt ... till we attain The Silence that is everything including itself as such.




Therefore, my dear friend, keep interrogating now and here ... question yourself and yourself ... anything else is proved a futile path beyond doubt in our scriptures and by our seers ... if you insist, you can try other paths before converging to this ... but convergence to this fundamental query is essential ... convergence to The Silence eventually is vital ...









Naga Narayana.






… contd




Can anyone commit suicide?




Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself. Even in mundane world, it makes sense … one is dead when one cannot acknowledge oneself … the true burning question here is what is this "oneself"? One can come up with zillion 'answers' to this ... the same individual treats this in variant ways circumstantially since this Self (or soul) has a unique quality of becoming anything as perceived! Therefore, an intellect is perpetually left wandering around wondering what it is!! Grossly, the identity of an individual (or soul) oscillates between the world (relations), the body (actions), the mind (emotions) and the silence. The problem is that its four legs are glued into these four apparently distinct dominions so strongly that the fellow cannot shoft into any one dominion completely. Whenever it tries to be in one, the other three legs are so stretched out to accommodate this that they pull the fellow toward different dominions not letting the fellow rest anywhere! How to understand the one who cannot stay anywhere even for a moment?!




Considering that the fellow is 'the world' … the fellow is defined in terms of the relations provided and fascilitated by the world through its objects that the fellow is blessed to perceive. Afterall that is a show … no perception can remain (if it remains, it cannot be any perception but silence!) ... no object can remain (if it remains, it cannot be anymore an object, only a void remains!!) ... no relation can, therefore, remain (if it remains, it cannot relate anything as no relation can exist between a silence and a void!!!) ... therefore, the world is retiring perpetually on its own (Refer to Swamiji's wonderful revelations on this subject in SSS on Sahaja Nivritti) ... how can we 'kill' something that is killing itself perpetually???!!! Therefore, wise one who appreciates the momentary nature of the world would cease to imagine killing the fellow in 'the world' ... no suicide is possible there ...




Vishayaanaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the body' … the fellow is defined by the matter-energy cluster that is undergoing perpetual recycling on its own to remain what it is … and, is acknowledged by the actions that are curned out perpetually in the process. No unique matter-energy-action cluster can ever exist even for a moment ... they loose their presence as soon as they take one! They are born dead in other words (Aja). How can we terminate this fellow who is born dead?! Consider the typical suicides around the world ... can anyone terminate the body without the assistance of the same. Even the ultimate dissolution of the body is in its own hand and is governed by its own terms! Who am I to say that I kill myself when the body quits the way it can and the way it is destined to??!!




Considering the fellow to be 'the mind' … being always absolutely under the spell of the senses governed by the body, it can never have its own presence anyway anytime … it is helpless but to entertain the imagery it receives from the senses. Again, a fellow defined by perpetually discharged pulses of momentary existence cannot be killed ... he is gone before you identify him! Again, a wise one would not entertain the idea of killing the fellow in dominion of thoughts that raise and fall perpetually like sunrise and sunset ...




IndriayaaNaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the silence' or 'the void' … the space that accommodates the thoughts, actions as well as relation … it permeates everything … nothing can take any fraction of that away from it … it remains as is irrespective of the presence of objects and thoughts ... objects and thoughts depend on the space for existence and not vice versa! Also, it has nothing specific that can be identified to take away to start with. It has nothing to loose as it needs nothing to gain to be what it is!! Then how can you imagine something that has nothing to loose???!!! Again, 'killing' this fellow is an impossibility!!!




Where is the question of suicide when there is no room for 'killing' in the first place?Therefore, the idea of 'killing' anybody (INCLUDING ONESELF) is a mere myth …




Na jaayate mriyate vaa vipashchit naayam kutashchinna babhoova kashchit |


Ajo nityo shaashvato'yam puraaNo na hanyate hanyamaane shareere ||




No one can demand an unnatural result from anything? Nature is beyond all the demands one could ever putforth. How anyone even with an inkling to such a fact could ever imagine to 'kill' anything including oneself ??? … !!! … I wonder.








Naga Narayana.







2 … contd.


The ONLY SUICIDE that is worth considering … that is possible … and that is needed




As any other thought or notion is ego's perception, 'killing' and 'suicide' is also a notion built in the ego. This notion is rooted deeply in its notions of birth and death. Beneath the notions of birth and death, it retains its identities with the body and mind it is provided with to operate in the game of survival. The core individual identity (soul or Jeeva) remains encapsulated in the identities with the mind and the body and their relation with their respective worlds. Whatever one thinks one is in this world is engraved in the memoirs of that identity. Till that identity remains intact, how can the individual be terminated?




If one truly wants to suicide from the body-mind-world perspective, THE ONLY WAY is to just quit from the body ... just like that ... just like one could walk away from you ... with absolutely no assistance from any external aid ...




Termination of the world, body and mind are of no consequence - one, that is irrelevant and two, one has no authority over them.One cannot manipulate anything that is not under one's authority. All the three - world, body and mind - fall in dominions completely indepndent from the ego. The nature has blessed the ego to have their cooperation in its activities just like it has bound the ego to cooperate with them in return. Therefore, the deaths perceived in association with the world, body and mind are just imaginary chronicles of the ego having no bearing with the associated entities. Again, their deaths are written by themselves and for themselves as per the laws of nature.




One can manipulate only that which is authored by oneself - the ego and its collective ignorance in terms of identities, emotions and relations. Therefore, the only possibility to terminate anything in this universe is one's very ego. Since all the notions are rooted in the ego, its termination is the only way one can really seek the death. All other deaths that are embedded in ego's notion are nothing but supersticious and mythical notions. Since the very notion of "I" also gets mitigated along with the mitigation of the ego, that alone is worthy being considered as true suicide (Aatmahatya - termination of the notion of I-ness).




If you are talking about this death … the ONLY SUICIDE possible … I can vouch that the soul (individual identity) definitely exists before and mitigates after the death. Because, the very termination of the I-ness is the gate-pass for this death. In all other conceived deaths, the I-ness laments at the loss of Mine-ness only ... mine-ness with the mind, body and world in terms of thoughts, actions and relations. Since the I-ness is retained intact, it collects the mine-ness back in some way or the other depending on its capacity and capability ...




Yonimanye prapadyante shareeratvaaya dehinah |


SthhaaNumanye'nusanyanti yathaa karma yathaa shrutam ||




In fact, we are doing that every day and every moment … loosing some identities and acquiring some other depending on our abilities within and opportunities around. Therefore, all conceived deaths are mere recycling of matter-energy-identity clusters … THE ONLY death is self-termination of the ego in totality wherein no more identity (I-ness) is retained to gain relations (mine-ness) anymore.




Therefore, THE ONLY SUICIDE is nothing but attaining eternity as such wherein there won't be any need for the notions of identity; of body, mind and world; and therefore of the birth, life and death as such …








Naga Narayana.




Hari OmWhat mistake? Calling 'suicide' to be 'atmahatya' is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. In Gita - BG 13:28 , God says..... 'Na hinashtyatmanaatmaanam' - means.... do not cause violence to your 'self' (atma)! Now does not God know that 'atma' neither kills nor gets killed? Hence One must worry. This is too funny an argument that since you are immortal hence don't worry. It means- Commit suicide...you will get new body. No....Divine Sadhaks...I heard Swamiji saying that then you don't get human body again for ages and eons. IT IS A LAW - that if you mis-use any thing given to you by God / world/ Nature...by any body....you don't get that again. Because you MIS-USED.If you don't worry regarding as ghastly a sin as 'atmahatya' (suicide) then why the very emotion 'to worry' has been given to you ? Hence you MUST worry and properly utilise whatever has been received by you in human life! One MUST pay care and attention to the unique gift of human body given so benevolently by Paramatma to His children. If 'atma' is immortal that does not mean, the body is also immortal. By that logic- why one should not throw away every thing including own cloths, kith, kin, parents, money ? Why one should at all be worrying about duty and dharma? Where is need for 'discrimination' ? The freedom which a human being has got in human birth, residing in human body is not for mis-utilisation under the garb - I am not body ! It is not some toy. It is the junction through which you can even get Paramatma. You are not body, sure ! But has it not been given to you by Paramatma? Should you torture it? Should you kill it? God has given you a ladoo (sweet) ..should you throw it in dust bin and say : It is not mine, why I should worry ?Let there be a difference between soul and body but not indifference or disrespect to body ...merely because the former is indestructible. Sure, nothing happens to soul but 'embodied soul' has no rights to kill it ! Hence let there be difference between logic and arrogance, gyaan and agyaan. One should never MIS-USE any thing ! NEVER !! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---

My dandavat pranams to all.....

As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state..

I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.


Maha laksmi dasi





it was in some scripture sometime somewhere


that narinder read the words


the words that remain etched in narinder's Mind


the words that keep him from the SIn of suicide ..............


and the words ..........................ah !!!


" Taking another's life is murder , and is punishable with Life


murdering your own Body, O Mortal ................


shall you escape Punishment ???? "


and elsewhere narinder did read .................


" Should despair seize you, should penury taunt you,


should no-one help you, should thoughts of suicide haunt you ............


commit suicide, narinder ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry............ but donot murder your body


commit Harakiri of the Mind .........Death of the Mind ................ die to the Mind, narinder ...........


and discover the Natkhat standing beside you ............


lifting you, helping you, raising you ,


freeing you, liberating you from turmoil and beggary of a myriad Lifetimes ........... "


so, my friends ............ who are thinking of suicide ..............


wait Not ............. hurry , before too late it is ..............


rush to Krishna's song and being


commit suicide of the Mind .......... die to the self ........... surrender .........


let the self raise the self by the self ............


that indeed is true suicide .............extolled by the Knowers


never shall you have to commit suicide again !!!




narinder bhandari


According to Rig Veda, human beings are tri-ani-pada i.e. three bodies in One. On the natural death or suicide only material body dies. Their subtle spiritual body containing the Jeev (Spirit) and subtlest of the subtle i.e. causal body containig Atma (soul) do not die. The energy principle Jeev (spirit) merges with the Supreme Spirit and sum total of energy continues to remain constant in the Universe.The causal body containing knowledge principle gets rebirth after on the the 13th day or later depending on the quantam of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic gunas encircling the soul. 12 days journey of the soul to remove the effect of Gunas (karma effect decides the re-birth) is explained in great details in Rig Veda. Regards,Prem Sabhlok


Hari Om. Shree Hari.Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person. What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them. As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person. Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

Ram Ram.


How do anyone know for sure what happens to the soul after death? There are many assumptions but do anyone know for sure?We say the soul is untouched and many here argue that the soul do not get touch and when you sin it do not affect the soul and God do not keep tabs on all the good and bad we do. Then how do the soul get affected? It is not the doer,the human body is the doer so the soul leaves and it is gone no matter how u die,correct?

Preeti Singh






I agree with some of the wiser counsels mentioned herein that no living being yet knows what happens to the soul after death,there are many intrepretations but never an all acceptable reasoning.

From this discussion stems another related topic. Please permit me to mention. After a death in a devout ritualistic Hindu family the eldest son is required to perform over a period of one year, many rituals to ensure that the soul reaches a better birth, commonly known as pithru karma etc. This is not done in other religions. I checked with a renowned veda pandit who is known to have analysed and deeply studied the vedas and other religious books,the relevance of this religious practise and he explains that the soul just moves on to its designated goal as per its Karma,the near kith and kin do not influence its journey ! similarly, if the body commits suicide,the soul is believed to wander about until its due death arrives and then passes on to another ordained form.


Has anybody analysed the past life regression,we can see a lot of it on TV these days?



Guru Prasad


In my opinion every body does some thing like suicide in view of your karmas in the previous life.Similarly such people gets grace according to their Karmas ( actions )in the present life


My Pranam to Swamiji


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Dear Dr.Manikkar,

you said

"The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ?"

If you happen to look towards a clear blue sky with a vacant look, after some time when your look really becomes vacant, you will find streams of bubbles appearing from nowhere and disappearing to nowhere with a tremendous speed. Do these "bubbles" have got to do anything with your "bubbles"? I am talking about reality and not speculation ! and posing this question to a professional person of your stature.Regards,

Barin Chatterjee



To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Conscious Existence manifests/perceives the world through senses-mind-intellect-Ego(Antahkaran) of an individual. This "individual" identifies him/her as this body-mind with a name as a part of growing up in the environment conditioned by family, society, nationality etc etc. Thus an individual is the product of environment and is bound by it.This very Conscious Existence of his/her carries the impressions(sanskaras) or conditioning and controls the thought patterns and actions of the body-mind throughout the life. Such consciousness conditioned with impressions is soul!Soul is thus Existence in ignorance of its true nature being Pure and Impersonal Existence whom impressions make no impact just as nothing ever happens to space when objects are created or destroyed!Essentially an individual is such a conditioned, limited entity, or subtle body/causal body residing as though, in that gross body. Subtle body is a body of thoughts, feelings, latent tendencies, deep rooted attachments, etc etc and causal body is subtler body of ignorance of not knowing that "I am undivided Consciousness"! Due to the Karmas done as an individual doer, Jeeva/soul is said to acquires new conditioning(karmas), strengthening its ignorance!Now when the physical body gives up for whatever reasons, natural death or suicide, the subtle and causal bodies as impressions on consciousness is said to leave and wait for reincarnation based on its sanskaras! Actually, upon Realization or removal of ignorance, it is seen that "there is only Pure Conscious-Existence, undivided, undifferentiated as various objects but giving the impressions of an individualized soul, which is not its Reality, its true identity". It is also seen that what re-incarnates is this impressions/conditioning through subtle bodies in which new physical bodies happens in a modified environments! KrishnaJi says as if soul is changing clothes and continuing as new body!Thus re-incarnation is not personal, its all an Impersonal process of recycling ignorance(Karmas)! In some birth, however, Realization happens and freedom from such limitations of body and sanskaras or conditioning is obtained! That Consciousness is never born nor can die to re-incarnate is called Jeevan Mukti or liberation! It is said that as if individual's Karmas are destroyed upon the Self-Knowledge.This is GRACE of GOD or GURU KRUPA or call it whatever names!In summary, Karmas, Sanskaras, conditioning of all mankind evolve through new generations, and yet Soul in its purity remain unborn neither coming nor going anywhere! Only bodies/objects/world come and go in IT!This is the reason Krishnaji says "I know all those births whereas you don't". He says this as Atman, Brahman, Consciousness witnessing the dance drama of Life as only THAT which continues knows the discontinuity of death!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Atma (Soul) is omnipresent (Gita 2:24) . By commiting suicide (which you are mistakenly calling it as "atmahatyaa" killing of the soul), that cannot happen. Neither the soul goes anywhere, nor does it come to some place, nor can anything happen to the soul. then why must one worry about this? So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Mind is always in search for a formula to be secured, certain, comfortable.


Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. Uncertainty is compounded when we do not accept uncertainty.


The compounded uncertainty gives rise to stress, anxiety.

Mind is under the illusion as if it can have or maintain a state of psychological comfortableness as

defined by it, that pleasure will cut the root of pain, that it can depend upon possessions, relations, money or the idea of God as a secured ultimate, that addition to the securities (possessions, relations) will keep the unknown at bay and so on.

Understanding the illusion is the dropping of the illusion.

One becomes one with the unending stream of Life.

Y V Chawla


Nobody really knows the answer to this question, although many will speak as though they have the answer. As explained by Swami Dayananda---


In Drig-Drishya-Viveka, written by a person no less exhalted than Shri Shankaracharya-ji himself, has said that there is an ocean ( could be a river ), in which there is a wave, in which there is a bubble. When that bubble bursts, what happens ? The water element of that bubble merges with the water element of the wave and that of the wave will merge with the water element of the ocean. The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ? This is upto speculation and debate?


We would like to either not be reborn ( moksha ), or be born as good people, and the Law of Karma keeps us straight. After that it is all a matter of speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



jai sitaramjiki, jai radhakrishnajiki, jai veer hanuman!


A person committing suicide, trying to reduce his pain in his/her present birth, suffers far more and more as he has nowhere to go; his soul must wander aimlessly suffering immensely until after a very very long period a womb may be found for his soul to get another birth. Aatmhatya is the biggest crime one can commit; only the one who gave you life can take it away at its ordained time; so don't meddle in his affairs.






you are in a rented house.. you would be in it till you are transfered to another place. is it, or is it not our duty to keep the house in good shape. should ou be punished and condemned or praised if you destro the house because it is not yours. What happens if you destroy the house. If it is provided by the company you work for, the company will deduct from your salary the cost of damages and put a black mark against you and your promotion etc will be adversel affected. If the house is a private property of another, the owner will sue you for damages and inform your compan of your misbehaviour whic will go against your puse and caeer. in either case you lose.


Same thing with atma and body


krishna samudrala




Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. Irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death.Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego is suffering.

Basudeb Sen





Dear Sadhak

Per my understanding, when somebody commits suicide then he goes to heaven or hell as per his or her action s committed during his or her life.


S S Bhatt


-Shree Hari-Namaste!Shri Naga Narayanaji,I took the trouble to print out you comments, and endeavor to follow your line of reasoning, not easy, but by getting a feel of the general gist, I will reflect a few thoughts.I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?I think in the most silent depth of the mind, especially if one contemplate/meditates, one understands that there is a massive illusion, that which we take for real is an illusion, the intellect takes the paints and paints a picture, thinking the picture is real, not understanding all of that which we consider as real is actually the paint, (in this analogy). Scientist probe the universe, and keep coming up with an answer, but then a new question arises from the answer, because they are trying to solve the problem with wrong tool, intellect.Knowledge as I see it, is book learning, useful in the mundane world, one can earn a good living if one is able digest and make use of what is commonly known as facts.(Even with sacred works, one must go beyond the intellect into gnosis). In the western traditions gnosis was a self knowledge, the inner mystical path, often leading a person into the occult world, where the rigid fabric of reality starts to dissolve, a place the ego does not want to go. Indeed the real death is the death of the ego self to the Self, leaving the Self awareness only, there is no I/Me.I see it this way, to kill ones self, kills nothing, but gives more strength to the ego self, thus condemning one to a longer internment in samsara.Around and around, deeper into the kaleidoscope of illusions, deeper into the hell of suicide having to face all those demons once more.Whereas suicide, is like burying gold under tones of slag, turning to 'The Beloved', even if you are suffering deeply, is like washing away the silt to reveal glistening gold. A final reflection re. 'The Essence of Yogavaasishtha', ch. 30 page 315 verse 10-11;The idea-"I am the body", is one that binds (the person) to worldly existence. This idea should never indeed be taken (or resorted to), by seekers after liberation. "I am going to kill myself", long before I came to this divine Forum, I always considered that this was a guaranty that one would not obtain enlightenment, in fact would compound the problems in the next existence.Om... Shanti...Mike (K).------


Shree Paramatmane Namah


Shri Anup Bagriji ! who has put forth this question, "where is your mind wishing to go in which there are thoughts that are coming and going. Shraddhey Swamiji has said, "the mind is not yours at all. Do not consider your mind at all as yours." Then do not worry about it. This is my appeal.

knowledgable sadhaks, from Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwaat etc., if someone can share what is stated regarding suicide, then we can know what happens to one's atma who does suicide. (by a question such as what happens, the answer cannot be complete and what will happen today. Share with me as well. Because Atma (Our Self) has be stated as been complete and perfect, unaffected and taintless in all our activities (Gita 2:24-25), then with suicide what can happen to atma and what affect it can have, then the sme affect will happen on God as well because we are a part of God (Ishvar) (Gita 15:7) . therefore becoming free of all worries, let God's will be your will. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam











Beautifully has the truth been answered by various sadhaks ............... may Blessings of the Buddhas make it our realisation .................................

yet ............................... the following :

Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now if so what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...

.............naga narayana

aum ....................

this is the Ultimate understanding ........... the shortest Way ..........that must seize all the Sadhakas' minds ............ah !

pray to God, dear Sadhakas, to bless you with the awareness and acceptance of where you stand this Moment Now ...

and, with seeing the Truth of nagajee's words above as your own 'intellectual' grasp ( for the time being ) ......

work your way, step by step ............ raising the self by the self, higher and higher, .....till the ONE Question of Questions , WHO AM I , recieves an answer from within your own being .............. till Tat Twam Asi and Aham Brahamasmi both disappear in your own Silent Being ............... the Silence Divine, or Nothingness, or Shoonyatta ........

thank you, O blessed of the sages .............. thank you naga jee ........


narinder bhandari





Dear Sadaks,The Athuman time span is decided by ones own previous birth Karmas. The Body time span is correlated to Athuman. That is why some die young with disease/accident Etc. But if one suicides, then it is crime (Sin) said in sastras for having NOT completed the mission on earth. Such Athuman hangs in Stratosphere without body but with all desires. Say hunger, that Athuman suffers hungry. Ref: Srimath Bagavath about Gokarn brother life.B.Sathyanarayan-------

Sat Nam


A most delicate subject. The Soul, as emanation from God, is constant, is perennial, is eternal. The Soul does not suffer. But what brings individuation to that Soul, and what manifests its existence in an incarnation, is the Subtle Body. The Subtle Body carries the mind and all its facets, memories, prejudices and history. It is what gives us the individuality as unique human beings. It is the mind that suffers. But we, in the Subtle Body, are responsible for carrying the Soul in each incarnation.


There is song that says, let your vestment be the protection of God.


The Soul is a constant stream to which our Subtle Bodies attach so that it can manifest the incarnations. To kill an incarnation is to go against the Soul´s current. It brakes a Universal Law of Creation. To commit suicide is as bad and probably even worse than homicide from a Karmic effect. It is worse because it halts the incarnation process of the one who commits suicide, it brings it to a stop, a dense and heavy stop, against the Naad, against the Word. It only guarantees more and more, denser and denser incarnations for that Subtle Body (us as we know us).


The Karma-Dharma balanced is broken.


We are all incarnates by Divine Grace, by Guru's Grace. We should cherish every moment of our incarnation. On every breath we take, we bring in the entire Universe and allow it to manifest through us. And that is our most precious gift.


Pray for those who have left this plane by suicide for they need all our compassion and Love. Pray for them that upon return they become aware.


Sat Nam

Adi Singh


OM SAI. Answers are only with SHRI SAI.Kash--------

Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. As I understand it, irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death. Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego's sufferring.

Basudeb Sen


Hari OmSadhak Sarvottamji. I appreciate your difficulty of expression. If you give message in Hindi , I will translate it into English religiously for benefit of all sadhaks and reply to you in Hindi only with English translation. Henceforth you may please express yourself in Hindi only. You may freely express yourself. Welcome! Other sadhaks may also converse in Hindi. It will be translated.Please don't worry or give much weightage to 'limited knowledge'. To a Bhakta - knowledge is effortlessly received from God Himself. Knowledge becomes the slave of Bhakta. You too shall receive it when and if considered appropriate by Paramatma. Have trust in Paramatma. The very fact that you have Sadhak Sanjeevani at your home is more than enough for guidance to you at all times and in all stages ! Your pious association with Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj will definitely give imperishable results to you. It can never give perishable results. Pranaams!Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam -------

Shree Hari Ram Ram

Digressing a bit, but sadhaks, I thought you may find this revealing - from Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivani - (Gita 7/26 - english pg 931 - hindi pg 534-535). The Lord also declares , "By receiving this boat, in the form of a human body and favorable wind, in the form of My grace, one who does not attain salvation (cross the ocean of life), he is one who commits suicide" (Srimadbha. 11/20/17). Even in the Gita it is declared by Bhagavan, "For he who by seeing the supreme Lord present equally everywhere, in all as one, such a man does not kill (destroy) himself by the self, thereby reaching the supreme state" (Gita 13/28). From this too, it proves that the Lord has bestowed upon human beings, the rights, complete resources and understanding so that they can attain salvation. On receiving this priceless opportunity, if one does not attain salvation, one commits suicide and follows the cycle of birth and death.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


-Shree Hari-Namasre!Contemplating Mahalaksmi dasiji's post straight away put me in mind if the 'Hungry Ghosts', universally known throughout many traditions.I will past in some comments ex Wikipedea :' In HinduismIn Hindu tradition, hungry ghosts are spirit-beings driven by passion for particular things, objects of their desire. Possibly the worst thing about "Hungry Ghosts" is that they always come back for more. Very detailed information about ghosts is given in Garuda Purana.'The italics indicate why precautions were taken to protect your husband.Such demons /ghosts are powerless in the presence of 'Divine Light', a yogi remarked, "All one has to do is, is send from your heart the love of Baba to the demon, it will go in a flash". (Such things cannot stand discovery from a soul who has no fear, because of her/his trust in the Supreme Lord.)So if the outcome of suicide is to become a ghost, then a time of great anguish awaits. (Explained well in the Tibetan tradition!)People who are in the process of 'waking up from the spiritual sleep that enslaves mankind', can often have battles with demons, horrific nightmares, just as you describe, absolutely no doubt of that!A point, someone will no doubt bring this up, re. 'Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body.' Look! I don't know about you, but I understand that any desire for worldly things, will deny one Moksha. Worth contemplating upon! Om..... Shant....Mike (K).---------

Shree Paramatmane Namah

Shri Narottamji, by name I am certainly Sarvottam (name was given by father-mother) but in knowledge I am limited. Due to not knowing English by mistake I wrote that to call suicide, "atmahatya" is wrong, as only the body can be killed, not the atma (Self, Soul, Spirit). Knowing that English "atma" (soul) can also be killed, appears surprising to me. If only this would be in Hindi. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam







What happens to a Soul when one commits suicide?




This question is not different from "What happens to the soul after accidental death or natural death or any other death?" that Nachiketa asked The Death itself,




E'yam prete vichikitsaa manushye asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike |


EtadvidyaamanushishTastvayaaham varaaNaamesha varstriteeyah ||




One could definitely answer this if one could establish what happens to the soul when one is alive?! Have we ever attempted to figure that out?! We dodge from this terrifying question as to 'what I am?'or 'what is this soul?' when we are alive and push the same for a post-mortem so that we can escape from its wrath as of now. After all, living the way we do is not very different from any suicide as such as we try to hush up the very question to investigate our roots when we really can. If we cannot get a resolution to this when we have all the faculties gifted to us while alive, how can we ever imagine to 'understand' the state when we are ripped off all these faculties??!!




There was debate as to whether the soul exists or not then … as well as now … asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike … As Yama begs the young Nachiketa, even the gods cannot determine the exact nature of The Self that dwells in the creatures in this universe ... Lord Yama begs the kid not to insist for an answer to this! The Death itself confesses its inability to understand the nature of its very locus in spite of being the instrument in recycling the life as we perceive!!




Devairatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyam aNuresha dharmah |


Anyam varam nachiketo vriNeeshva maamopareetseerati maasrijainam ||




Upanishads univocally caution us who are chasing the life being chased by the fear of death at the same time with no intention as well as attention to be ourselves all our lives ... as the true suiciders. After all, one who has no clue of oneself is truly dead. Who is the hurdle for this - oneself! Therefore the upanishads call us the Aatmahanaah - the suiciders - one who never "lived" continuously being churned in the tornedo of contradictions within - crave to live and fear to die. Such suiciders have to die every moment seeking the life every moment to exist ... they exist ... but never live ...




Asuryaa naama te lokaah andhena tamasaavritaah |


Taangste pretyaani gacchhanti ye ke chaatmahano janaah ||




Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now … if so … what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...




As Lord Yama reveals frankly, nobody can teach us this … of course, all that the scriptures and the seers can do for us is to point out when we go wrong and when we draw wrong conclusions. Afterall any conclusion sounds wrong inline with Yama's revelation … therefore, the scriptures and the seers help us till we stop entertaining anymore conclusions ... till we stop entertaining any more doubt ... till we attain The Silence that is everything including itself as such.




Therefore, my dear friend, keep interrogating now and here ... question yourself and yourself ... anything else is proved a futile path beyond doubt in our scriptures and by our seers ... if you insist, you can try other paths before converging to this ... but convergence to this fundamental query is essential ... convergence to The Silence eventually is vital ...









Naga Narayana.






… contd




Can anyone commit suicide?




Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself. Even in mundane world, it makes sense … one is dead when one cannot acknowledge oneself … the true burning question here is what is this "oneself"? One can come up with zillion 'answers' to this ... the same individual treats this in variant ways circumstantially since this Self (or soul) has a unique quality of becoming anything as perceived! Therefore, an intellect is perpetually left wandering around wondering what it is!! Grossly, the identity of an individual (or soul) oscillates between the world (relations), the body (actions), the mind (emotions) and the silence. The problem is that its four legs are glued into these four apparently distinct dominions so strongly that the fellow cannot shoft into any one dominion completely. Whenever it tries to be in one, the other three legs are so stretched out to accommodate this that they pull the fellow toward different dominions not letting the fellow rest anywhere! How to understand the one who cannot stay anywhere even for a moment?!




Considering that the fellow is 'the world' … the fellow is defined in terms of the relations provided and fascilitated by the world through its objects that the fellow is blessed to perceive. Afterall that is a show … no perception can remain (if it remains, it cannot be any perception but silence!) ... no object can remain (if it remains, it cannot be anymore an object, only a void remains!!) ... no relation can, therefore, remain (if it remains, it cannot relate anything as no relation can exist between a silence and a void!!!) ... therefore, the world is retiring perpetually on its own (Refer to Swamiji's wonderful revelations on this subject in SSS on Sahaja Nivritti) ... how can we 'kill' something that is killing itself perpetually???!!! Therefore, wise one who appreciates the momentary nature of the world would cease to imagine killing the fellow in 'the world' ... no suicide is possible there ...




Vishayaanaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the body' … the fellow is defined by the matter-energy cluster that is undergoing perpetual recycling on its own to remain what it is … and, is acknowledged by the actions that are curned out perpetually in the process. No unique matter-energy-action cluster can ever exist even for a moment ... they loose their presence as soon as they take one! They are born dead in other words (Aja). How can we terminate this fellow who is born dead?! Consider the typical suicides around the world ... can anyone terminate the body without the assistance of the same. Even the ultimate dissolution of the body is in its own hand and is governed by its own terms! Who am I to say that I kill myself when the body quits the way it can and the way it is destined to??!!




Considering the fellow to be 'the mind' … being always absolutely under the spell of the senses governed by the body, it can never have its own presence anyway anytime … it is helpless but to entertain the imagery it receives from the senses. Again, a fellow defined by perpetually discharged pulses of momentary existence cannot be killed ... he is gone before you identify him! Again, a wise one would not entertain the idea of killing the fellow in dominion of thoughts that raise and fall perpetually like sunrise and sunset ...




IndriayaaNaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the silence' or 'the void' … the space that accommodates the thoughts, actions as well as relation … it permeates everything … nothing can take any fraction of that away from it … it remains as is irrespective of the presence of objects and thoughts ... objects and thoughts depend on the space for existence and not vice versa! Also, it has nothing specific that can be identified to take away to start with. It has nothing to loose as it needs nothing to gain to be what it is!! Then how can you imagine something that has nothing to loose???!!! Again, 'killing' this fellow is an impossibility!!!




Where is the question of suicide when there is no room for 'killing' in the first place?Therefore, the idea of 'killing' anybody (INCLUDING ONESELF) is a mere myth …




Na jaayate mriyate vaa vipashchit naayam kutashchinna babhoova kashchit |


Ajo nityo shaashvato'yam puraaNo na hanyate hanyamaane shareere ||




No one can demand an unnatural result from anything? Nature is beyond all the demands one could ever putforth. How anyone even with an inkling to such a fact could ever imagine to 'kill' anything including oneself ??? … !!! … I wonder.








Naga Narayana.







2 … contd.


The ONLY SUICIDE that is worth considering … that is possible … and that is needed




As any other thought or notion is ego's perception, 'killing' and 'suicide' is also a notion built in the ego. This notion is rooted deeply in its notions of birth and death. Beneath the notions of birth and death, it retains its identities with the body and mind it is provided with to operate in the game of survival. The core individual identity (soul or Jeeva) remains encapsulated in the identities with the mind and the body and their relation with their respective worlds. Whatever one thinks one is in this world is engraved in the memoirs of that identity. Till that identity remains intact, how can the individual be terminated?




If one truly wants to suicide from the body-mind-world perspective, THE ONLY WAY is to just quit from the body ... just like that ... just like one could walk away from you ... with absolutely no assistance from any external aid ...




Termination of the world, body and mind are of no consequence - one, that is irrelevant and two, one has no authority over them.One cannot manipulate anything that is not under one's authority. All the three - world, body and mind - fall in dominions completely indepndent from the ego. The nature has blessed the ego to have their cooperation in its activities just like it has bound the ego to cooperate with them in return. Therefore, the deaths perceived in association with the world, body and mind are just imaginary chronicles of the ego having no bearing with the associated entities. Again, their deaths are written by themselves and for themselves as per the laws of nature.




One can manipulate only that which is authored by oneself - the ego and its collective ignorance in terms of identities, emotions and relations. Therefore, the only possibility to terminate anything in this universe is one's very ego. Since all the notions are rooted in the ego, its termination is the only way one can really seek the death. All other deaths that are embedded in ego's notion are nothing but supersticious and mythical notions. Since the very notion of "I" also gets mitigated along with the mitigation of the ego, that alone is worthy being considered as true suicide (Aatmahatya - termination of the notion of I-ness).




If you are talking about this death … the ONLY SUICIDE possible … I can vouch that the soul (individual identity) definitely exists before and mitigates after the death. Because, the very termination of the I-ness is the gate-pass for this death. In all other conceived deaths, the I-ness laments at the loss of Mine-ness only ... mine-ness with the mind, body and world in terms of thoughts, actions and relations. Since the I-ness is retained intact, it collects the mine-ness back in some way or the other depending on its capacity and capability ...




Yonimanye prapadyante shareeratvaaya dehinah |


SthhaaNumanye'nusanyanti yathaa karma yathaa shrutam ||




In fact, we are doing that every day and every moment … loosing some identities and acquiring some other depending on our abilities within and opportunities around. Therefore, all conceived deaths are mere recycling of matter-energy-identity clusters … THE ONLY death is self-termination of the ego in totality wherein no more identity (I-ness) is retained to gain relations (mine-ness) anymore.




Therefore, THE ONLY SUICIDE is nothing but attaining eternity as such wherein there won't be any need for the notions of identity; of body, mind and world; and therefore of the birth, life and death as such …








Naga Narayana.




Hari OmWhat mistake? Calling 'suicide' to be 'atmahatya' is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. In Gita - BG 13:28 , God says..... 'Na hinashtyatmanaatmaanam' - means.... do not cause violence to your 'self' (atma)! Now does not God know that 'atma' neither kills nor gets killed? Hence One must worry. This is too funny an argument that since you are immortal hence don't worry. It means- Commit suicide...you will get new body. No....Divine Sadhaks...I heard Swamiji saying that then you don't get human body again for ages and eons. IT IS A LAW - that if you mis-use any thing given to you by God / world/ Nature...by any body....you don't get that again. Because you MIS-USED.If you don't worry regarding as ghastly a sin as 'atmahatya' (suicide) then why the very emotion 'to worry' has been given to you ? Hence you MUST worry and properly utilise whatever has been received by you in human life! One MUST pay care and attention to the unique gift of human body given so benevolently by Paramatma to His children. If 'atma' is immortal that does not mean, the body is also immortal. By that logic- why one should not throw away every thing including own cloths, kith, kin, parents, money ? Why one should at all be worrying about duty and dharma? Where is need for 'discrimination' ? The freedom which a human being has got in human birth, residing in human body is not for mis-utilisation under the garb - I am not body ! It is not some toy. It is the junction through which you can even get Paramatma. You are not body, sure ! But has it not been given to you by Paramatma? Should you torture it? Should you kill it? God has given you a ladoo (sweet) ..should you throw it in dust bin and say : It is not mine, why I should worry ?Let there be a difference between soul and body but not indifference or disrespect to body ...merely because the former is indestructible. Sure, nothing happens to soul but 'embodied soul' has no rights to kill it ! Hence let there be difference between logic and arrogance, gyaan and agyaan. One should never MIS-USE any thing ! NEVER !! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---

My dandavat pranams to all.....

As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state..

I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.


Maha laksmi dasi





it was in some scripture sometime somewhere


that narinder read the words


the words that remain etched in narinder's Mind


the words that keep him from the SIn of suicide ..............


and the words ..........................ah !!!


" Taking another's life is murder , and is punishable with Life


murdering your own Body, O Mortal ................


shall you escape Punishment ???? "


and elsewhere narinder did read .................


" Should despair seize you, should penury taunt you,


should no-one help you, should thoughts of suicide haunt you ............


commit suicide, narinder ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry............ but donot murder your body


commit Harakiri of the Mind .........Death of the Mind ................ die to the Mind, narinder ...........


and discover the Natkhat standing beside you ............


lifting you, helping you, raising you ,


freeing you, liberating you from turmoil and beggary of a myriad Lifetimes ........... "


so, my friends ............ who are thinking of suicide ..............


wait Not ............. hurry , before too late it is ..............


rush to Krishna's song and being


commit suicide of the Mind .......... die to the self ........... surrender .........


let the self raise the self by the self ............


that indeed is true suicide .............extolled by the Knowers


never shall you have to commit suicide again !!!




narinder bhandari


According to Rig Veda, human beings are tri-ani-pada i.e. three bodies in One. On the natural death or suicide only material body dies. Their subtle spiritual body containing the Jeev (Spirit) and subtlest of the subtle i.e. causal body containig Atma (soul) do not die. The energy principle Jeev (spirit) merges with the Supreme Spirit and sum total of energy continues to remain constant in the Universe.The causal body containing knowledge principle gets rebirth after on the the 13th day or later depending on the quantam of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic gunas encircling the soul. 12 days journey of the soul to remove the effect of Gunas (karma effect decides the re-birth) is explained in great details in Rig Veda. Regards,Prem Sabhlok


Hari Om. Shree Hari.Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person. What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them. As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person. Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

Ram Ram.


How do anyone know for sure what happens to the soul after death? There are many assumptions but do anyone know for sure?We say the soul is untouched and many here argue that the soul do not get touch and when you sin it do not affect the soul and God do not keep tabs on all the good and bad we do. Then how do the soul get affected? It is not the doer,the human body is the doer so the soul leaves and it is gone no matter how u die,correct?

Preeti Singh






I agree with some of the wiser counsels mentioned herein that no living being yet knows what happens to the soul after death,there are many intrepretations but never an all acceptable reasoning.

From this discussion stems another related topic. Please permit me to mention. After a death in a devout ritualistic Hindu family the eldest son is required to perform over a period of one year, many rituals to ensure that the soul reaches a better birth, commonly known as pithru karma etc. This is not done in other religions. I checked with a renowned veda pandit who is known to have analysed and deeply studied the vedas and other religious books,the relevance of this religious practise and he explains that the soul just moves on to its designated goal as per its Karma,the near kith and kin do not influence its journey ! similarly, if the body commits suicide,the soul is believed to wander about until its due death arrives and then passes on to another ordained form.


Has anybody analysed the past life regression,we can see a lot of it on TV these days?



Guru Prasad


In my opinion every body does some thing like suicide in view of your karmas in the previous life.Similarly such people gets grace according to their Karmas ( actions )in the present life


My Pranam to Swamiji


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Dear Dr.Manikkar,

you said

"The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ?"

If you happen to look towards a clear blue sky with a vacant look, after some time when your look really becomes vacant, you will find streams of bubbles appearing from nowhere and disappearing to nowhere with a tremendous speed. Do these "bubbles" have got to do anything with your "bubbles"? I am talking about reality and not speculation ! and posing this question to a professional person of your stature.Regards,

Barin Chatterjee



To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Conscious Existence manifests/perceives the world through senses-mind-intellect-Ego(Antahkaran) of an individual. This "individual" identifies him/her as this body-mind with a name as a part of growing up in the environment conditioned by family, society, nationality etc etc. Thus an individual is the product of environment and is bound by it.This very Conscious Existence of his/her carries the impressions(sanskaras) or conditioning and controls the thought patterns and actions of the body-mind throughout the life. Such consciousness conditioned with impressions is soul!Soul is thus Existence in ignorance of its true nature being Pure and Impersonal Existence whom impressions make no impact just as nothing ever happens to space when objects are created or destroyed!Essentially an individual is such a conditioned, limited entity, or subtle body/causal body residing as though, in that gross body. Subtle body is a body of thoughts, feelings, latent tendencies, deep rooted attachments, etc etc and causal body is subtler body of ignorance of not knowing that "I am undivided Consciousness"! Due to the Karmas done as an individual doer, Jeeva/soul is said to acquires new conditioning(karmas), strengthening its ignorance!Now when the physical body gives up for whatever reasons, natural death or suicide, the subtle and causal bodies as impressions on consciousness is said to leave and wait for reincarnation based on its sanskaras! Actually, upon Realization or removal of ignorance, it is seen that "there is only Pure Conscious-Existence, undivided, undifferentiated as various objects but giving the impressions of an individualized soul, which is not its Reality, its true identity". It is also seen that what re-incarnates is this impressions/conditioning through subtle bodies in which new physical bodies happens in a modified environments! KrishnaJi says as if soul is changing clothes and continuing as new body!Thus re-incarnation is not personal, its all an Impersonal process of recycling ignorance(Karmas)! In some birth, however, Realization happens and freedom from such limitations of body and sanskaras or conditioning is obtained! That Consciousness is never born nor can die to re-incarnate is called Jeevan Mukti or liberation! It is said that as if individual's Karmas are destroyed upon the Self-Knowledge.This is GRACE of GOD or GURU KRUPA or call it whatever names!In summary, Karmas, Sanskaras, conditioning of all mankind evolve through new generations, and yet Soul in its purity remain unborn neither coming nor going anywhere! Only bodies/objects/world come and go in IT!This is the reason Krishnaji says "I know all those births whereas you don't". He says this as Atman, Brahman, Consciousness witnessing the dance drama of Life as only THAT which continues knows the discontinuity of death!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Atma (Soul) is omnipresent (Gita 2:24) . By commiting suicide (which you are mistakenly calling it as "atmahatyaa" killing of the soul), that cannot happen. Neither the soul goes anywhere, nor does it come to some place, nor can anything happen to the soul. then why must one worry about this? So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Mind is always in search for a formula to be secured, certain, comfortable.


Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. Uncertainty is compounded when we do not accept uncertainty.


The compounded uncertainty gives rise to stress, anxiety.

Mind is under the illusion as if it can have or maintain a state of psychological comfortableness as

defined by it, that pleasure will cut the root of pain, that it can depend upon possessions, relations, money or the idea of God as a secured ultimate, that addition to the securities (possessions, relations) will keep the unknown at bay and so on.

Understanding the illusion is the dropping of the illusion.

One becomes one with the unending stream of Life.

Y V Chawla


Nobody really knows the answer to this question, although many will speak as though they have the answer. As explained by Swami Dayananda---


In Drig-Drishya-Viveka, written by a person no less exhalted than Shri Shankaracharya-ji himself, has said that there is an ocean ( could be a river ), in which there is a wave, in which there is a bubble. When that bubble bursts, what happens ? The water element of that bubble merges with the water element of the wave and that of the wave will merge with the water element of the ocean. The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ? This is upto speculation and debate?


We would like to either not be reborn ( moksha ), or be born as good people, and the Law of Karma keeps us straight. After that it is all a matter of speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



Hari OmWhy as ghastly a sin as suicide ...which sin has been described as a major sin not only in all major Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma (including Gita) but in all religions across the world..is being camouflaged in the garb of - I am not body - in these deliberations ?? Why a stress is being made of the untainted ness of soul? How does it help? I am now stating few more points. YOUR SOUL (the same soul which again and again is being stated to be immortal) REMAINS BONDAGED for a very very long period if you commit suicide. How your soul then can be said to be un-affected? Sure by nature, it is 'na karoti na lipyate' ( neither does nor gets tainted) ...that is theory. Now take one step forward..come to 'embodied soul'...SELF adopting the world...the JEEVA !! Who suffers ...mind/intellect/body or Jeeva? Answer me? Who remains bondaged? Who strives for freedom? We are funny and 'learn' more than 'experience' ! There is logic behind everything. Soul is immortal hence don't worry regarding anything...childish ! It is ok that soul is immortal. But is it free as of date (free from wrong assumptions) ? Are you not born bondaged? If you commit suicide will soul attain emancipation? Who suffers ? Who consumes pleasures and pains? Merely by picking on one verse of Gitaji reg immortality of soul...you can't address sins like suicide. FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience. Sadhaks should distinguish between "learning" and "experience"....they MUST. Gita verses are very deep.

Sadhaks must understand that 'Soul/Self' although it neither 'DOES' nor gets 'TAINTED' but that pure self / part of Paramatma...remains caged/chained/ BONDAGED due to wrong exercise of powers made by it. Soul/Purusha converts into Jeeva...when it 'associates' (assumes/accepts/forms affinity/connects) with Jagat (inert/prakruti). Self has responsibilities/authorities/discretions and powers. Can any one deny that? Suicide is misuse of that power. Hence SOUL SUFFERS...SOUL ALONE SUFFERS ! Who else can suffer? In this Forum ...Jeevas are deliberating ! Who is telling Self is immortal ? Self itself? How can it? ' It neither does nor gets tainted'- is writing or speaking not 'doing' ..a deed? Then who is telling..? Sadhaks must go into deep rather than keep repeating on every Q like a parrot...Soul is immortal ! Who does not know that amongst us? Is there nothing beyond that? Is that the solution for everything? No ! It is high time we distinguish between 'learning' and 'experiencing' ! Do we not experience sorrows? What is the value there of the sermon - soul is immortal? Where then remains the difference between knowledge and insanity? Concepts like Vasudev Sarvam, Everything is done by God,Karta ahamiti manyate, disconnection by becoming Sadhu, Soul is immortal,etc ..although theoritically true but if understood in a stupid manner can cause havoc...it can even make a person insane. We see it practically happening. There is one word 'fanaticism' ..this is often associated with religion. Why? Because one does not get down to the root/substance level. At substance level soul neither does nor gets tainted. But that is not the end. Self must help Self- Gita says ! Now tell me- if soul is unaffected how can it help itself. How can that soul get bondaged? Who liberates? Body or Self? Let us move ahead with a purpose. Let us not get stuck funnily on theories. Theories have their value but not like this. Sadhaks must understand that 'acceptance' is such a powerful power that it converts inert to sentient , soul to body , wrong to right. You ASSUME connection with body and then commit suicide. To tell such a person ..don't worry...soul is immortal is a sin in itself. Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


jai sitaramjiki, jai radhakrishnajiki, jai veer hanuman!


A person committing suicide, trying to reduce his pain in his/her present birth, suffers far more and more as he has nowhere to go; his soul must wander aimlessly suffering immensely until after a very very long period a womb may be found for his soul to get another birth. Aatmhatya is the biggest crime one can commit; only the one who gave you life can take it away at its ordained time; so don't meddle in his affairs.






Dear Sadaks,The Athuman time span is decided by ones own previous birth Karmas. The Body time span is correlated to Athuman. That is why some die young with disease/accident Etc. But if one suicides, then it is crime (Sin) said in sastras for having NOT completed the mission on earth. Such Athuman hangs in Stratosphere without body but with all desires. Say hunger, that Athuman suffers hungry. Ref: Srimath Bagavath about Gokarn brother life.B.Sathyanarayan-------


To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


you are in a rented house.. you would be in it till you are transfered to another place. is it, or is it not our duty to keep the house in good shape. should ou be punished and condemned or praised if you destro the house because it is not yours. What happens if you destroy the house. If it is provided by the company you work for, the company will deduct from your salary the cost of damages and put a black mark against you and your promotion etc will be adversely affected. If the house is a private property of another, the owner will sue you for damages and inform your company of your misbehaviour which will go against your purse and career. in either case you loose.


Same thing with atma and body


krishna samudrala




Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam



-Shree Hari-Namasre!Contemplating Mahalaksmi dasiji's post straight away put me in mind if the 'Hungry Ghosts', universally known throughout many traditions.I will past in some comments ex Wikipedea :' In HinduismIn Hindu tradition, hungry ghosts are spirit-beings driven by passion for particular things, objects of their desire. Possibly the worst thing about "Hungry Ghosts" is that they always come back for more. Very detailed information about ghosts is given in Garuda Purana.'The italics indicate why precautions were taken to protect your husband.Such demons /ghosts are powerless in the presence of 'Divine Light', a yogi remarked, "All one has to do is, is send from your heart the love of Baba to the demon, it will go in a flash". (Such things cannot stand discovery from a soul who has no fear, because of her/his trust in the Supreme Lord.)So if the outcome of suicide is to become a ghost, then a time of great anguish awaits. (Explained well in the Tibetan tradition!)People who are in the process of 'waking up from the spiritual sleep that enslaves mankind', can often have battles with demons, horrific nightmares, just as you describe, absolutely no doubt of that!A point, someone will no doubt bring this up, re. 'Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body.' Look! I don't know about you, but I understand that any desire for worldly things, will deny one Moksha. Worth contemplating upon! Om..... Shant....Mike (K).---------


Hari Om. Shree Hari.Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person. What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them. As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person. Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

My dandavat pranams to all.....

As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state..

I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.


Maha laksmi dasi





As a child, I used to wonder about these "bubbles" that floated from one end of the visual field to another.


But, as you are aware, I am sure,

---Sky / ether is odorless, tasteless and "touch-less" and "Smell-less" if there are such words

---Air is the first element with touch--you feel it and can say if it is warm or cold, or fast or slow.

---Fire is the first element that you can "see" and "feel". Is it warm or hot ? Is it saffron yellow, orange, red or black or other colors of Vibgyor ?

---Water is the first element that you can taste, see and feel.

--- Earth is the only element that you can smell, taste, see and feel !!


So you cannot "see" any bubbles in the sky, or air !!


If you stare into the sky with a "concentrated or vacant" look, and bubbles appear in front of your eyes, they are from the microscopic defects in the Aqueous humor of the eye ( the fluid in the eye in front of the lens of the eye ). What you do "see" are the defects in the fluid, which are called "floaters". They are microscopic, since the fluid in the eye gets re-cycled, re-filtered, re-created and re-juvenated every second of every day of our lives.


Just as there are waves in the water, I am sure there are waves in the air, but air by definition ( and so is the sky ) is essentially colorless, and transparent, and we humans cannot visualize any waves or bubbles in either the sky or the air around us.


Whether other animals or birds see them is up to speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. Irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death.Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego is suffering. Basudeb Sen ---------------



Dear Sadhak

Per my understanding, when somebody commits suicide then he goes to heaven or hell as per his or her action s committed during his or her life.


S S Bhatt


-Shree Hari-Namaste!Shri Naga Narayanaji,I took the trouble to print out you comments, and endeavor to follow your line of reasoning, not easy, but by getting a feel of the general gist, I will reflect a few thoughts.I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?I think in the most silent depth of the mind, especially if one contemplate/meditates, one understands that there is a massive illusion, that which we take for real is an illusion, the intellect takes the paints and paints a picture, thinking the picture is real, not understanding all of that which we consider as real is actually the paint, (in this analogy). Scientist probe the universe, and keep coming up with an answer, but then a new question arises from the answer, because they are trying to solve the problem with wrong tool, intellect.Knowledge as I see it, is book learning, useful in the mundane world, one can earn a good living if one is able digest and make use of what is commonly known as facts.(Even with sacred works, one must go beyond the intellect into gnosis). In the western traditions gnosis was a self knowledge, the inner mystical path, often leading a person into the occult world, where the rigid fabric of reality starts to dissolve, a place the ego does not want to go. Indeed the real death is the death of the ego self to the Self, leaving the Self awareness only, there is no I/Me.I see it this way, to kill ones self, kills nothing, but gives more strength to the ego self, thus condemning one to a longer internment in samsara.Around and around, deeper into the kaleidoscope of illusions, deeper into the hell of suicide having to face all those demons once more.Whereas suicide, is like burying gold under tones of slag, turning to 'The Beloved', even if you are suffering deeply, is like washing away the silt to reveal glistening gold. A final reflection re. 'The Essence of Yogavaasishtha', ch. 30 page 315 verse 10-11;The idea-"I am the body", is one that binds (the person) to worldly existence. This idea should never indeed be taken (or resorted to), by seekers after liberation. "I am going to kill myself", long before I came to this divine Forum, I always considered that this was a guaranty that one would not obtain enlightenment, in fact would compound the problems in the next existence.Om... Shanti...Mike (K).------


Shree Paramatmane Namah


Shri Anup Bagriji ! who has put forth this question, "where is your mind wishing to go in which there are thoughts that are coming and going. Shraddhey Swamiji has said, "the mind is not yours at all. Do not consider your mind at all as yours." Then do not worry about it. This is my appeal.

knowledgable sadhaks, from Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwaat etc., if someone can share what is stated regarding suicide, then we can know what happens to one's atma who does suicide. (by a question such as what happens, the answer cannot be complete and what will happen today. Share with me as well. Because Atma (Our Self) has be stated as been complete and perfect, unaffected and taintless in all our activities (Gita 2:24-25), then with suicide what can happen to atma and what affect it can have, then the sme affect will happen on God as well because we are a part of God (Ishvar) (Gita 15:7) . therefore becoming free of all worries, let God's will be your will. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam











Beautifully has the truth been answered by various sadhaks ............... may Blessings of the Buddhas make it our realisation .................................

yet ............................... the following :

Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now if so what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...


.............naga narayana

aum ....................

this is the Ultimate understanding ........... the shortest Way ..........that must seize all the Sadhakas' minds ............ah !

pray to God, dear Sadhakas, to bless you with the awareness and acceptance of where you stand this Moment Now ...

and, with seeing the Truth of nagajee's words above as your own 'intellectual' grasp ( for the time being ) ......

work your way, step by step ............ raising the self by the self, higher and higher, .....till the ONE Question of Questions , WHO AM I , recieves an answer from within your own being .............. till Tat Twam Asi and Aham Brahamasmi both disappear in your own Silent Being ............... the Silence Divine, or Nothingness, or Shoonyatta ........

thank you, O blessed of the sages .............. thank you naga jee ........


narinder bhandari





Sat Nam


A most delicate subject. The Soul, as emanation from God, is constant, is perennial, is eternal. The Soul does not suffer. But what brings individuation to that Soul, and what manifests its existence in an incarnation, is the Subtle Body. The Subtle Body carries the mind and all its facets, memories, prejudices and history. It is what gives us the individuality as unique human beings. It is the mind that suffers. But we, in the Subtle Body, are responsible for carrying the Soul in each incarnation.


There is song that says, let your vestment be the protection of God.


The Soul is a constant stream to which our Subtle Bodies attach so that it can manifest the incarnations. To kill an incarnation is to go against the Soul´s current. It brakes a Universal Law of Creation. To commit suicide is as bad and probably even worse than homicide from a Karmic effect. It is worse because it halts the incarnation process of the one who commits suicide, it brings it to a stop, a dense and heavy stop, against the Naad, against the Word. It only guarantees more and more, denser and denser incarnations for that Subtle Body (us as we know us).


The Karma-Dharma balanced is broken.


We are all incarnates by Divine Grace, by Guru's Grace. We should cherish every moment of our incarnation. On every breath we take, we bring in the entire Universe and allow it to manifest through us. And that is our most precious gift.


Pray for those who have left this plane by suicide for they need all our compassion and Love. Pray for them that upon return they become aware.


Sat Nam

Adi Singh


OM SAI. Answers are only with SHRI SAI.Kash--------

Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. As I understand it, irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death. Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego's sufferring.

Basudeb Sen


Hari OmSadhak Sarvottamji. I appreciate your difficulty of expression. If you give message in Hindi , I will translate it into English religiously for benefit of all sadhaks and reply to you in Hindi only with English translation. Henceforth you may please express yourself in Hindi only. You may freely express yourself. Welcome! Other sadhaks may also converse in Hindi. It will be translated.Please don't worry or give much weightage to 'limited knowledge'. To a Bhakta - knowledge is effortlessly received from God Himself. Knowledge becomes the slave of Bhakta. You too shall receive it when and if considered appropriate by Paramatma. Have trust in Paramatma. The very fact that you have Sadhak Sanjeevani at your home is more than enough for guidance to you at all times and in all stages ! Your pious association with Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj will definitely give imperishable results to you. It can never give perishable results. Pranaams!Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam -------

Shree Hari Ram Ram

Digressing a bit, but sadhaks, I thought you may find this revealing - from Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivani - (Gita 7/26 - english pg 931 - hindi pg 534-535). The Lord also declares , "By receiving this boat, in the form of a human body and favorable wind, in the form of My grace, one who does not attain salvation (cross the ocean of life), he is one who commits suicide" (Srimadbha. 11/20/17). Even in the Gita it is declared by Bhagavan, "For he who by seeing the supreme Lord present equally everywhere, in all as one, such a man does not kill (destroy) himself by the self, thereby reaching the supreme state" (Gita 13/28). From this too, it proves that the Lord has bestowed upon human beings, the rights, complete resources and understanding so that they can attain salvation. On receiving this priceless opportunity, if one does not attain salvation, one commits suicide and follows the cycle of birth and death.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Shri Narottamji, by name I am certainly Sarvottam (name was given by father-mother) but in knowledge I am limited. Due to not knowing English by mistake I wrote that to call suicide, "atmahatya" is wrong, as only the body can be killed, not the atma (Self, Soul, Spirit). Knowing that English "atma" (soul) can also be killed, appears surprising to me. If only this would be in Hindi. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam







What happens to a Soul when one commits suicide?




This question is not different from "What happens to the soul after accidental death or natural death or any other death?" that Nachiketa asked The Death itself,




E'yam prete vichikitsaa manushye asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike |


EtadvidyaamanushishTastvayaaham varaaNaamesha varstriteeyah ||




One could definitely answer this if one could establish what happens to the soul when one is alive?! Have we ever attempted to figure that out?! We dodge from this terrifying question as to 'what I am?'or 'what is this soul?' when we are alive and push the same for a post-mortem so that we can escape from its wrath as of now. After all, living the way we do is not very different from any suicide as such as we try to hush up the very question to investigate our roots when we really can. If we cannot get a resolution to this when we have all the faculties gifted to us while alive, how can we ever imagine to 'understand' the state when we are ripped off all these faculties??!!




There was debate as to whether the soul exists or not then … as well as now … asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike … As Yama begs the young Nachiketa, even the gods cannot determine the exact nature of The Self that dwells in the creatures in this universe ... Lord Yama begs the kid not to insist for an answer to this! The Death itself confesses its inability to understand the nature of its very locus in spite of being the instrument in recycling the life as we perceive!!




Devairatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyam aNuresha dharmah |


Anyam varam nachiketo vriNeeshva maamopareetseerati maasrijainam ||




Upanishads univocally caution us who are chasing the life being chased by the fear of death at the same time with no intention as well as attention to be ourselves all our lives ... as the true suiciders. After all, one who has no clue of oneself is truly dead. Who is the hurdle for this - oneself! Therefore the upanishads call us the Aatmahanaah - the suiciders - one who never "lived" continuously being churned in the tornedo of contradictions within - crave to live and fear to die. Such suiciders have to die every moment seeking the life every moment to exist ... they exist ... but never live ...




Asuryaa naama te lokaah andhena tamasaavritaah |


Taangste pretyaani gacchhanti ye ke chaatmahano janaah ||




Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now … if so … what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...




As Lord Yama reveals frankly, nobody can teach us this … of course, all that the scriptures and the seers can do for us is to point out when we go wrong and when we draw wrong conclusions. Afterall any conclusion sounds wrong inline with Yama's revelation … therefore, the scriptures and the seers help us till we stop entertaining anymore conclusions ... till we stop entertaining any more doubt ... till we attain The Silence that is everything including itself as such.




Therefore, my dear friend, keep interrogating now and here ... question yourself and yourself ... anything else is proved a futile path beyond doubt in our scriptures and by our seers ... if you insist, you can try other paths before converging to this ... but convergence to this fundamental query is essential ... convergence to The Silence eventually is vital ...









Naga Narayana.






… contd




Can anyone commit suicide?




Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself. Even in mundane world, it makes sense … one is dead when one cannot acknowledge oneself … the true burning question here is what is this "oneself"? One can come up with zillion 'answers' to this ... the same individual treats this in variant ways circumstantially since this Self (or soul) has a unique quality of becoming anything as perceived! Therefore, an intellect is perpetually left wandering around wondering what it is!! Grossly, the identity of an individual (or soul) oscillates between the world (relations), the body (actions), the mind (emotions) and the silence. The problem is that its four legs are glued into these four apparently distinct dominions so strongly that the fellow cannot shoft into any one dominion completely. Whenever it tries to be in one, the other three legs are so stretched out to accommodate this that they pull the fellow toward different dominions not letting the fellow rest anywhere! How to understand the one who cannot stay anywhere even for a moment?!




Considering that the fellow is 'the world' … the fellow is defined in terms of the relations provided and fascilitated by the world through its objects that the fellow is blessed to perceive. Afterall that is a show … no perception can remain (if it remains, it cannot be any perception but silence!) ... no object can remain (if it remains, it cannot be anymore an object, only a void remains!!) ... no relation can, therefore, remain (if it remains, it cannot relate anything as no relation can exist between a silence and a void!!!) ... therefore, the world is retiring perpetually on its own (Refer to Swamiji's wonderful revelations on this subject in SSS on Sahaja Nivritti) ... how can we 'kill' something that is killing itself perpetually???!!! Therefore, wise one who appreciates the momentary nature of the world would cease to imagine killing the fellow in 'the world' ... no suicide is possible there ...




Vishayaanaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the body' … the fellow is defined by the matter-energy cluster that is undergoing perpetual recycling on its own to remain what it is … and, is acknowledged by the actions that are curned out perpetually in the process. No unique matter-energy-action cluster can ever exist even for a moment ... they loose their presence as soon as they take one! They are born dead in other words (Aja). How can we terminate this fellow who is born dead?! Consider the typical suicides around the world ... can anyone terminate the body without the assistance of the same. Even the ultimate dissolution of the body is in its own hand and is governed by its own terms! Who am I to say that I kill myself when the body quits the way it can and the way it is destined to??!!




Considering the fellow to be 'the mind' … being always absolutely under the spell of the senses governed by the body, it can never have its own presence anyway anytime … it is helpless but to entertain the imagery it receives from the senses. Again, a fellow defined by perpetually discharged pulses of momentary existence cannot be killed ... he is gone before you identify him! Again, a wise one would not entertain the idea of killing the fellow in dominion of thoughts that raise and fall perpetually like sunrise and sunset ...




IndriayaaNaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the silence' or 'the void' … the space that accommodates the thoughts, actions as well as relation … it permeates everything … nothing can take any fraction of that away from it … it remains as is irrespective of the presence of objects and thoughts ... objects and thoughts depend on the space for existence and not vice versa! Also, it has nothing specific that can be identified to take away to start with. It has nothing to loose as it needs nothing to gain to be what it is!! Then how can you imagine something that has nothing to loose???!!! Again, 'killing' this fellow is an impossibility!!!




Where is the question of suicide when there is no room for 'killing' in the first place?Therefore, the idea of 'killing' anybody (INCLUDING ONESELF) is a mere myth …




Na jaayate mriyate vaa vipashchit naayam kutashchinna babhoova kashchit |


Ajo nityo shaashvato'yam puraaNo na hanyate hanyamaane shareere ||




No one can demand an unnatural result from anything? Nature is beyond all the demands one could ever putforth. How anyone even with an inkling to such a fact could ever imagine to 'kill' anything including oneself ??? … !!! … I wonder.








Naga Narayana.







2 … contd.


The ONLY SUICIDE that is worth considering … that is possible … and that is needed




As any other thought or notion is ego's perception, 'killing' and 'suicide' is also a notion built in the ego. This notion is rooted deeply in its notions of birth and death. Beneath the notions of birth and death, it retains its identities with the body and mind it is provided with to operate in the game of survival. The core individual identity (soul or Jeeva) remains encapsulated in the identities with the mind and the body and their relation with their respective worlds. Whatever one thinks one is in this world is engraved in the memoirs of that identity. Till that identity remains intact, how can the individual be terminated?




If one truly wants to suicide from the body-mind-world perspective, THE ONLY WAY is to just quit from the body ... just like that ... just like one could walk away from you ... with absolutely no assistance from any external aid ...




Termination of the world, body and mind are of no consequence - one, that is irrelevant and two, one has no authority over them.One cannot manipulate anything that is not under one's authority. All the three - world, body and mind - fall in dominions completely indepndent from the ego. The nature has blessed the ego to have their cooperation in its activities just like it has bound the ego to cooperate with them in return. Therefore, the deaths perceived in association with the world, body and mind are just imaginary chronicles of the ego having no bearing with the associated entities. Again, their deaths are written by themselves and for themselves as per the laws of nature.




One can manipulate only that which is authored by oneself - the ego and its collective ignorance in terms of identities, emotions and relations. Therefore, the only possibility to terminate anything in this universe is one's very ego. Since all the notions are rooted in the ego, its termination is the only way one can really seek the death. All other deaths that are embedded in ego's notion are nothing but supersticious and mythical notions. Since the very notion of "I" also gets mitigated along with the mitigation of the ego, that alone is worthy being considered as true suicide (Aatmahatya - termination of the notion of I-ness).




If you are talking about this death … the ONLY SUICIDE possible … I can vouch that the soul (individual identity) definitely exists before and mitigates after the death. Because, the very termination of the I-ness is the gate-pass for this death. In all other conceived deaths, the I-ness laments at the loss of Mine-ness only ... mine-ness with the mind, body and world in terms of thoughts, actions and relations. Since the I-ness is retained intact, it collects the mine-ness back in some way or the other depending on its capacity and capability ...




Yonimanye prapadyante shareeratvaaya dehinah |


SthhaaNumanye'nusanyanti yathaa karma yathaa shrutam ||




In fact, we are doing that every day and every moment … loosing some identities and acquiring some other depending on our abilities within and opportunities around. Therefore, all conceived deaths are mere recycling of matter-energy-identity clusters … THE ONLY death is self-termination of the ego in totality wherein no more identity (I-ness) is retained to gain relations (mine-ness) anymore.




Therefore, THE ONLY SUICIDE is nothing but attaining eternity as such wherein there won't be any need for the notions of identity; of body, mind and world; and therefore of the birth, life and death as such …








Naga Narayana.




Hari OmWhat mistake? Calling 'suicide' to be 'atmahatya' is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. In Gita - BG 13:28 , God says..... 'Na hinashtyatmanaatmaanam' - means.... do not cause violence to your 'self' (atma)! Now does not God know that 'atma' neither kills nor gets killed? Hence One must worry. This is too funny an argument that since you are immortal hence don't worry. It means- Commit suicide...you will get new body. No....Divine Sadhaks...I heard Swamiji saying that then you don't get human body again for ages and eons. IT IS A LAW - that if you mis-use any thing given to you by God / world/ Nature...by any body....you don't get that again. Because you MIS-USED.If you don't worry regarding as ghastly a sin as 'atmahatya' (suicide) then why the very emotion 'to worry' has been given to you ? Hence you MUST worry and properly utilise whatever has been received by you in human life! One MUST pay care and attention to the unique gift of human body given so benevolently by Paramatma to His children. If 'atma' is immortal that does not mean, the body is also immortal. By that logic- why one should not throw away every thing including own cloths, kith, kin, parents, money ? Why one should at all be worrying about duty and dharma? Where is need for 'discrimination' ? The freedom which a human being has got in human birth, residing in human body is not for mis-utilisation under the garb - I am not body ! It is not some toy. It is the junction through which you can even get Paramatma. You are not body, sure ! But has it not been given to you by Paramatma? Should you torture it? Should you kill it? God has given you a ladoo (sweet) ..should you throw it in dust bin and say : It is not mine, why I should worry ?Let there be a difference between soul and body but not indifference or disrespect to body ...merely because the former is indestructible. Sure, nothing happens to soul but 'embodied soul' has no rights to kill it ! Hence let there be difference between logic and arrogance, gyaan and agyaan. One should never MIS-USE any thing ! NEVER !! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---




it was in some scripture sometime somewhere


that narinder read the words


the words that remain etched in narinder's Mind


the words that keep him from the SIn of suicide ..............


and the words ..........................ah !!!


" Taking another's life is murder , and is punishable with Life


murdering your own Body, O Mortal ................


shall you escape Punishment ???? "


and elsewhere narinder did read .................


" Should despair seize you, should penury taunt you,


should no-one help you, should thoughts of suicide haunt you ............


commit suicide, narinder ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry............ but donot murder your body


commit Harakiri of the Mind .........Death of the Mind ................ die to the Mind, narinder ...........


and discover the Natkhat standing beside you ............


lifting you, helping you, raising you ,


freeing you, liberating you from turmoil and beggary of a myriad Lifetimes ........... "


so, my friends ............ who are thinking of suicide ..............


wait Not ............. hurry , before too late it is ..............


rush to Krishna's song and being


commit suicide of the Mind .......... die to the self ........... surrender .........


let the self raise the self by the self ............


that indeed is true suicide .............extolled by the Knowers


never shall you have to commit suicide again !!!




narinder bhandari


According to Rig Veda, human beings are tri-ani-pada i.e. three bodies in One. On the natural death or suicide only material body dies. Their subtle spiritual body containing the Jeev (Spirit) and subtlest of the subtle i.e. causal body containig Atma (soul) do not die. The energy principle Jeev (spirit) merges with the Supreme Spirit and sum total of energy continues to remain constant in the Universe.The causal body containing knowledge principle gets rebirth after on the the 13th day or later depending on the quantam of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic gunas encircling the soul. 12 days journey of the soul to remove the effect of Gunas (karma effect decides the re-birth) is explained in great details in Rig Veda. Regards,Prem Sabhlok


Ram Ram.


How do anyone know for sure what happens to the soul after death? There are many assumptions but do anyone know for sure?We say the soul is untouched and many here argue that the soul do not get touch and when you sin it do not affect the soul and God do not keep tabs on all the good and bad we do. Then how do the soul get affected? It is not the doer,the human body is the doer so the soul leaves and it is gone no matter how u die,correct?

Preeti Singh






I agree with some of the wiser counsels mentioned herein that no living being yet knows what happens to the soul after death,there are many intrepretations but never an all acceptable reasoning.

From this discussion stems another related topic. Please permit me to mention. After a death in a devout ritualistic Hindu family the eldest son is required to perform over a period of one year, many rituals to ensure that the soul reaches a better birth, commonly known as pithru karma etc. This is not done in other religions. I checked with a renowned veda pandit who is known to have analysed and deeply studied the vedas and other religious books,the relevance of this religious practise and he explains that the soul just moves on to its designated goal as per its Karma,the near kith and kin do not influence its journey ! similarly, if the body commits suicide,the soul is believed to wander about until its due death arrives and then passes on to another ordained form.


Has anybody analysed the past life regression,we can see a lot of it on TV these days?



Guru Prasad


In my opinion every body does some thing like suicide in view of your karmas in the previous life.Similarly such people gets grace according to their Karmas ( actions )in the present life


My Pranam to Swamiji


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Dear Dr.Manikkar,

you said

"The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ?"

If you happen to look towards a clear blue sky with a vacant look, after some time when your look really becomes vacant, you will find streams of bubbles appearing from nowhere and disappearing to nowhere with a tremendous speed. Do these "bubbles" have got to do anything with your "bubbles"? I am talking about reality and not speculation ! and posing this question to a professional person of your stature.Regards,

Barin Chatterjee


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Conscious Existence manifests/perceives the world through senses-mind-intellect-Ego(Antahkaran) of an individual. This "individual" identifies him/her as this body-mind with a name as a part of growing up in the environment conditioned by family, society, nationality etc etc. Thus an individual is the product of environment and is bound by it.This very Conscious Existence of his/her carries the impressions(sanskaras) or conditioning and controls the thought patterns and actions of the body-mind throughout the life. Such consciousness conditioned with impressions is soul!Soul is thus Existence in ignorance of its true nature being Pure and Impersonal Existence whom impressions make no impact just as nothing ever happens to space when objects are created or destroyed!Essentially an individual is such a conditioned, limited entity, or subtle body/causal body residing as though, in that gross body. Subtle body is a body of thoughts, feelings, latent tendencies, deep rooted attachments, etc etc and causal body is subtler body of ignorance of not knowing that "I am undivided Consciousness"! Due to the Karmas done as an individual doer, Jeeva/soul is said to acquires new conditioning(karmas), strengthening its ignorance!Now when the physical body gives up for whatever reasons, natural death or suicide, the subtle and causal bodies as impressions on consciousness is said to leave and wait for reincarnation based on its sanskaras! Actually, upon Realization or removal of ignorance, it is seen that "there is only Pure Conscious-Existence, undivided, undifferentiated as various objects but giving the impressions of an individualized soul, which is not its Reality, its true identity". It is also seen that what re-incarnates is this impressions/conditioning through subtle bodies in which new physical bodies happens in a modified environments! KrishnaJi says as if soul is changing clothes and continuing as new body!Thus re-incarnation is not personal, its all an Impersonal process of recycling ignorance(Karmas)! In some birth, however, Realization happens and freedom from such limitations of body and sanskaras or conditioning is obtained! That Consciousness is never born nor can die to re-incarnate is called Jeevan Mukti or liberation! It is said that as if individual's Karmas are destroyed upon the Self-Knowledge.This is GRACE of GOD or GURU KRUPA or call it whatever names!In summary, Karmas, Sanskaras, conditioning of all mankind evolve through new generations, and yet Soul in its purity remain unborn neither coming nor going anywhere! Only bodies/objects/world come and go in IT!This is the reason Krishnaji says "I know all those births whereas you don't". He says this as Atman, Brahman, Consciousness witnessing the dance drama of Life as only THAT which continues knows the discontinuity of death!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Atma (Soul) is omnipresent (Gita 2:24) . By commiting suicide (which you are mistakenly calling it as "atmahatyaa" killing of the soul), that cannot happen. Neither the soul goes anywhere, nor does it come to some place, nor can anything happen to the soul. then why must one worry about this? So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Mind is always in search for a formula to be secured, certain, comfortable.


Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. Uncertainty is compounded when we do not accept uncertainty.


The compounded uncertainty gives rise to stress, anxiety.

Mind is under the illusion as if it can have or maintain a state of psychological comfortableness as

defined by it, that pleasure will cut the root of pain, that it can depend upon possessions, relations, money or the idea of God as a secured ultimate, that addition to the securities (possessions, relations) will keep the unknown at bay and so on.

Understanding the illusion is the dropping of the illusion.

One becomes one with the unending stream of Life.

Y V Chawla


Nobody really knows the answer to this question, although many will speak as though they have the answer. As explained by Swami Dayananda---


In Drig-Drishya-Viveka, written by a person no less exhalted than Shri Shankaracharya-ji himself, has said that there is an ocean ( could be a river ), in which there is a wave, in which there is a bubble. When that bubble bursts, what happens ? The water element of that bubble merges with the water element of the wave and that of the wave will merge with the water element of the ocean. The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ? This is upto speculation and debate?


We would like to either not be reborn ( moksha ), or be born as good people, and the Law of Karma keeps us straight. After that it is all a matter of speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



Dear Ones, Namaste!I sense apparent differences among sadhakas reg soul, Jeeva, suicide and suffering! I think it may be due to our understanding of soul being somewhat different.One who knows beyond a shadow of doubt, that there is Immortality which is referred to by words like Soul, Atma or SELF, Existence itself, will never commit suicide! For such a one knows experientially he/she is Immortality, not Immortal! SouI, as the understanding that is important, not the word Soul!Can suicide destroy THAT which IS? (Ch 2:16)!Person's suffering or suicide cannot even touch Soul if by Soul we mean Immortality! There can not be any scope of suicide here, let alone it being bad!On the other hand, if Soul is understood to be body-mind identified person in ignorance, known also as Jeeva or ego, then, it is the Ignorance on the part of soul(thus defined) and hence suffering and in some cases suicide happens! Ignorance is experienced as suffering and cause for suicide! This is prohibited by Gita because such ignorance as suffering continues life after life, even if it is not a suicide. So it is important to Realize on the part of Soul/Self "I am not the body", because body-mind cannot realize it! Such Realization cannot happen if one continues to live as if he/she is body-mind! Finally, such questions come up due to assumed ideas or beliefs about soul on the part of questioners, so, it is important to stress the fact that it is ignorance and ignorance alone that if removed, such questions get answered! Bad as suicide is, still, it is preliminary and simplification if stopping short of adding that only in ignorance suicide can happen!Namaskar....Pratap Bhatt






Dear Mr. Keenor,




Thanks for your invaluable interest in the utterings that happened to flow through "me" …




Q: I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?


Whatever comes from within would flow out as whatever flows from around would perculate within. Is that a platform of knowledge? Yes! Is that a platform of gnosis?? Yes!! Is that brewed by the pure intellect??? Yes!!! The knowledge, the intellect, the gnosis, and everything else that we can fathom are mere inseperable variants even in a variant perception while remaining in an abyss of silence in an invariant presence. Whatever is told in this universe, whatever is seen in this universe, ... whatever is sensed in this universe is nothing but that invariant silence even in its apparently variant ripples that coexist perpetually and continually with each other, in each other and around each other. Why do bother?! It flows as it comes ... let it flow as it flows ...




… or … is the answer yes?




How can an "yes" come out without leaving its shadow "no" within, and vice versa?! Why should an "yes" or a "no" come out when they cannot reachout to the object of their intent??!! What good can the "yes-s" and "no-s" blurted out could ever make any difference when their intent itself is illusive, evasive as well as delusive???!!! All the responses of acceptance as well as rejection are nothing but the wastes vomitted from an individual and are of no use to anybody else ... and are even toxic if taken in by mistake!




One is bound to hang on to an "yes" only due to the threat of a "no". One would insist for an "yes" to hang on only due to the fear of a "no". That way, "yes" and "no" are inseparable. How can one attain The Absolute that is devoid of all conflicts while nurturing the conflicts of "yes" and "no" within?




The tussle between the polarities of "yes" and "no" remains within an individual and hence should be faced by the individual oneself ... again only with an introspection ... any reference from outside would be toxic. Therefore, my suggestion is not to take "my" words for acceptance or rejection ... but to revert the vomiting of the very tendency to accept and reject from within letting them quench themselves as naturally as they can ...




When the dilemma that stirrs my core is "not to entertain polarities", how can I answer your question "yes" or "no"? I am helpless but to leave the decision to you :).




Regarding the other thoughts from you, let me ponder …









Naga Narayana.


Dear Ones, Namaste!Inspired by Narottamji's posting I have following observations! As he puts it: "FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience." However, how can suffering be real when it is entirely due to ignorance of taking whatever happens to body as happening to me? In other words how can we take ignorance to be "practical direct experience"?Suffering due to Ignorance is not practical nor is direct! such suffering is unnecessary mental obsession! Suffering is conception by mind as happening to "me"! Truth endures only! Endurance is Freedom!Of course, Soul is said to be in bondage but that is what defines ignorance, and not Reality! In reality it is ever free! If suffering was real, no one can be free ever! There is a temporary forgetfulness out of which actions are carried out until "Nashtaomoha smritirlabhdhwa....18:73! Such striving, if you call it that, is also of Truth! "Jeeva can only think he is doing, he is happy, he is suffering etc. Doesn't make any difference to Reality!If we say until such Realization, soul suffers, then I would say it is unnecessarily suffering! I am not undermining the importance of Realization and saying "I am not body" or Vasudevah sarvam" is enough to be free! I am also saying suicide is bad action but what I am adding is that it is done only in ignorance and cannot touch Soul in its purity even when suicide is committed! Vasudeva sarvam is not a theory, but is the only Reality, only Practical! Else is all bondage!Soul appears to be in Bondage and not in Reality! To a suicidal person, I would say "you are not ending suffering, by ending body, you are ending infinite possibilities of ending ignorance now!Again this is in the spirit of sharing understanding!Namaskar..........Pratap-----





Knowledge … Intellect … Gnosis … suicide … ego termination …




Dear Mr. Keenor,




Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the knowledge, intellect and gnosis shedding light on the limitations of knowledge and intellect and on the importance of gnosis in spiritual progress.




I understand your viewpoint regarding the limitations of knowledge, intellect and the world as they do not explicitly remind the perceiver openly regarding the dependence developed in the very perception while the gnosis constantly reminds the seeker in this awareness purging all possible dependence en-core. From this perspective, certain classifications and concepts help us to appreciate The Truth




However, I would say nothing can be other than gnosis on its own. Knowledge is gnosis in itself and intellect is also gnosis by itself. As a matter of fact, even the world made of matter, energy and mind (collectively body) is gnosis in itself. It is the dependence we nurture on them that draws the limitations. Again these limitations are drawn on the one who draws it … neither on the knowledge, nor on the intellect, nor on the world.




Lord KrishNa calls the knowledge, intellect and gnosis as Gnyaana, Vignyaana and Vibhooti in the Bahagavadgita. The same are referred to as Mahat, Jana, and Tapa in the Gaayatri Samhita from an individual perspective; and, as Jeeva, ViraaT and HiraNyagarbha in the BrihadaaraNyaka from a cosmic perspective. All classifications are based on personal, general and universal nature of existence whether in terms of appearance or in terms of intelligence.




But The Truth remains beyond anything that we can ever classify … be it in terms of intellect-knowledge-gnosis or Gnyaana-Vignyaana-Vibhooti or Maha-Jana-Tapa or Jeeva-ViraaT-HiraNyagarbha. The Absolute remains beyond all possible perceptions one could ever make. Yoga VaasishTha considers even the subtle or occult existence also as body only. If the seeker develops dependence on the 'gnosis', an identity is formed there as such, hence a body has taken birth, and the dependence has started spreading its roots!




Therefore, the dependence creates the limitations irresepective of what we perceive and understand … call it matter or energy or mind or intellect or knowledge or gnosis. If one is drawn into the shackles of dependence, anything and everything is no more than a body or identity or gross existence. If one is reminded of the absolute independence vested within, anything and everything is gnosis or awareness or consciousness as such.




In spite of being identified with the names, is their any real line that distinguishes them completely? Can they ever exist exclusive to each other? Are they not just figments of our variant imaginations about The Same, THE ONE?! You pointed out the massive illusion we safegaurd within. Is it not that massive illusion we safegaurd within that generates the limitations in our perception and makes us believe that the perceived entity is limited rather the very perception emanating from us?!




Therefore, I cannot answer your question whether I am coming from the platform of knowledge or intellect or gnosis as no platforms of such kind really exist in my appreciation :).




Regarding your comments on the suicide and termination of the ego-self … that is precisely what I attempted to establish … the ego is frozen beyond repair in a suicide … the ego is normally frozen in a regular death. As far as the ego exists, there was no death as such on one hand, and on the other hand, the life we live remains suicidal as such since the ego never lets us to realize our True Nature ...








Naga Narayana.


Jai HanumanSadhak Sarvottamji !

By the way...Who remains bondaged? Who liberates? Who suffers? Who enjoys? Who goes to heaven or hell? Who remains deprived of birth-right of 'sahaj sukhraasi' ? Who is that who is complete but feels deficiency. Who is that who is basically 'amal' but is thrown into heavens or hells? BODY? Who accepts? Who associates? Who rejects? Who desires? What 'chijjad granthi' is made of? Why God wants 'Self' to be friend of 'Self' and not enemy. Why Swamiji said that a Sadhak is 'unmanifest' ?What is 'EMBODIED SOUL' ? What is 'pukaar' (calling out to Lord) ? From where it emerges? If soul is unaffected through out (which actually it is) then why it is STILL EMBODIED? Who made the first error of identification with Prakruti? How? Why? How can soul 'make an error' ? Does Soul have no powers or responsibilities? Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala



In the year 1996 I was in Dhayana (Meditation) on Shirdi Sai. I asked Maharaj Sai to show me the life after death. Maharaj shown me my death and rebirth.

In front of Sai Baba my Atma left the body. Sri Sai Maharaj called the Atma. My Atma was resembling like my body without flesh and bones. Sai Maharaj was holding my left hand in his right hand and asked me to walk along with him. We both crossed a river and reached a mountain. SaiMaharaj was holding my hand and we both were climbing the hill. We reached a castle above the mountain. Sai Maharaj asked me to climb talest tower in the castle, he was holding my hand till we reched the tip of the tower. Sai Maharaj asked me to walk into the sky with faith on him. He told me that he will not accompany me further. He told me not to look down and just walk into the sky and reach God. I kept my right leg in the sky and with curiosity (MAYA) I looked down the hill. My Atma instead of walking in the sky started falling down on the earth. My Atma entered a womb of a lady andthe dream is vanished.

I came out from my dhayana (meditation) and realised the mistake I have done. Sai Maharaj helped me to climb the tower in the castle and asked me to walk with faith on him in the sky and reach the God. I was having faith on Sai but the curiosity (MAYA) made me to look down on earth and myAtma has taken rebirth. Sai Maharaj shown my past four Janmas (births and rebirths) and future Janma. (more if interested)

Ravada Rao


Hari OmWhy as ghastly a sin as suicide ...which sin has been described as a major sin not only in all major Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma (including Gita) but in all religions across the world..is being camouflaged in the garb of - I am not body - in these deliberations ?? Why a stress is being made of the untainted ness of soul? How does it help? I am now stating few more points. YOUR SOUL (the same soul which again and again is being stated to be immortal) REMAINS BONDAGED for a very very long period if you commit suicide. How your soul then can be said to be un-affected? Sure by nature, it is 'na karoti na lipyate' ( neither does nor gets tainted) ...that is theory. Now take one step forward..come to 'embodied soul'...SELF adopting the world...the JEEVA !! Who suffers ...mind/intellect/body or Jeeva? Answer me? Who remains bondaged? Who strives for freedom? We are funny and 'learn' more than 'experience' ! There is logic behind everything. Soul is immortal hence don't worry regarding anything...childish ! It is ok that soul is immortal. But is it free as of date (free from wrong assumptions) ? Are you not born bondaged? If you commit suicide will soul attain emancipation? Who suffers ? Who consumes pleasures and pains? Merely by picking on one verse of Gitaji reg immortality of soul...you can't address sins like suicide. FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience. Sadhaks should distinguish between "learning" and "experience"....they MUST. Gita verses are very deep.

Sadhaks must understand that 'Soul/Self' although it neither 'DOES' nor gets 'TAINTED' but that pure self / part of Paramatma...remains caged/chained/ BONDAGED due to wrong exercise of powers made by it. Soul/Purusha converts into Jeeva...when it 'associates' (assumes/accepts/forms affinity/connects) with Jagat (inert/prakruti). Self has responsibilities/authorities/discretions and powers. Can any one deny that? Suicide is misuse of that power. Hence SOUL SUFFERS...SOUL ALONE SUFFERS ! Who else can suffer? In this Forum ...Jeevas are deliberating ! Who is telling Self is immortal ? Self itself? How can it? ' It neither does nor gets tainted'- is writing or speaking not 'doing' ..a deed? Then who is telling..? Sadhaks must go into deep rather than keep repeating on every Q like a parrot...Soul is immortal ! Who does not know that amongst us? Is there nothing beyond that? Is that the solution for everything? No ! It is high time we distinguish between 'learning' and 'experiencing' ! Do we not experience sorrows? What is the value there of the sermon - soul is immortal? Where then remains the difference between knowledge and insanity? Concepts like Vasudev Sarvam, Everything is done by God,Karta ahamiti manyate, disconnection by becoming Sadhu, Soul is immortal,etc ..although theoritically true but if understood in a stupid manner can cause havoc...it can even make a person insane. We see it practically happening. There is one word 'fanaticism' ..this is often associated with religion. Why? Because one does not get down to the root/substance level. At substance level soul neither does nor gets tainted. But that is not the end. Self must help Self- Gita says ! Now tell me- if soul is unaffected how can it help itself. How can that soul get bondaged? Who liberates? Body or Self? Let us move ahead with a purpose. Let us not get stuck funnily on theories. Theories have their value but not like this. Sadhaks must understand that 'acceptance' is such a powerful power that it converts inert to sentient , soul to body , wrong to right. You ASSUME connection with body and then commit suicide. To tell such a person ..don't worry...soul is immortal is a sin in itself. Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


jai sitaramjiki, jai radhakrishnajiki, jai veer hanuman!


A person committing suicide, trying to reduce his pain in his/her present birth, suffers far more and more as he has nowhere to go; his soul must wander aimlessly suffering immensely until after a very very long period a womb may be found for his soul to get another birth. Aatmhatya is the biggest crime one can commit; only the one who gave you life can take it away at its ordained time; so don't meddle in his affairs.






Dear Sadaks,The Athuman time span is decided by ones own previous birth Karmas. The Body time span is correlated to Athuman. That is why some die young with disease/accident Etc. But if one suicides, then it is crime (Sin) said in sastras for having NOT completed the mission on earth. Such Athuman hangs in Stratosphere without body but with all desires. Say hunger, that Athuman suffers hungry. Ref: Srimath Bagavath about Gokarn brother life.B.Sathyanarayan-------


To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


you are in a rented house.. you would be in it till you are transfered to another place. is it, or is it not our duty to keep the house in good shape. should ou be punished and condemned or praised if you destro the house because it is not yours. What happens if you destroy the house. If it is provided by the company you work for, the company will deduct from your salary the cost of damages and put a black mark against you and your promotion etc will be adversely affected. If the house is a private property of another, the owner will sue you for damages and inform your company of your misbehaviour which will go against your purse and career. in either case you loose.


Same thing with atma and body


krishna samudrala




Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam



-Shree Hari-Namasre!Contemplating Mahalaksmi dasiji's post straight away put me in mind if the 'Hungry Ghosts', universally known throughout many traditions.I will past in some comments ex Wikipedea :' In HinduismIn Hindu tradition, hungry ghosts are spirit-beings driven by passion for particular things, objects of their desire. Possibly the worst thing about "Hungry Ghosts" is that they always come back for more. Very detailed information about ghosts is given in Garuda Purana.'The italics indicate why precautions were taken to protect your husband.Such demons /ghosts are powerless in the presence of 'Divine Light', a yogi remarked, "All one has to do is, is send from your heart the love of Baba to the demon, it will go in a flash". (Such things cannot stand discovery from a soul who has no fear, because of her/his trust in the Supreme Lord.)So if the outcome of suicide is to become a ghost, then a time of great anguish awaits. (Explained well in the Tibetan tradition!)People who are in the process of 'waking up from the spiritual sleep that enslaves mankind', can often have battles with demons, horrific nightmares, just as you describe, absolutely no doubt of that!A point, someone will no doubt bring this up, re. 'Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body.' Look! I don't know about you, but I understand that any desire for worldly things, will deny one Moksha. Worth contemplating upon! Om..... Shant....Mike (K).---------


Hari Om. Shree Hari.Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person. What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them. As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person. Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

My dandavat pranams to all.....

As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state..

I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.


Maha laksmi dasi





As a child, I used to wonder about these "bubbles" that floated from one end of the visual field to another.


But, as you are aware, I am sure,

---Sky / ether is odorless, tasteless and "touch-less" and "Smell-less" if there are such words

---Air is the first element with touch--you feel it and can say if it is warm or cold, or fast or slow.

---Fire is the first element that you can "see" and "feel". Is it warm or hot ? Is it saffron yellow, orange, red or black or other colors of Vibgyor ?

---Water is the first element that you can taste, see and feel.

--- Earth is the only element that you can smell, taste, see and feel !!


So you cannot "see" any bubbles in the sky, or air !!


If you stare into the sky with a "concentrated or vacant" look, and bubbles appear in front of your eyes, they are from the microscopic defects in the Aqueous humor of the eye ( the fluid in the eye in front of the lens of the eye ). What you do "see" are the defects in the fluid, which are called "floaters". They are microscopic, since the fluid in the eye gets re-cycled, re-filtered, re-created and re-juvenated every second of every day of our lives.


Just as there are waves in the water, I am sure there are waves in the air, but air by definition ( and so is the sky ) is essentially colorless, and transparent, and we humans cannot visualize any waves or bubbles in either the sky or the air around us.


Whether other animals or birds see them is up to speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. Irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death.Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego is suffering. Basudeb Sen ---------------



Dear Sadhak

Per my understanding, when somebody commits suicide then he goes to heaven or hell as per his or her action s committed during his or her life.


S S Bhatt


-Shree Hari-Namaste!Shri Naga Narayanaji,I took the trouble to print out you comments, and endeavor to follow your line of reasoning, not easy, but by getting a feel of the general gist, I will reflect a few thoughts.I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?I think in the most silent depth of the mind, especially if one contemplate/meditates, one understands that there is a massive illusion, that which we take for real is an illusion, the intellect takes the paints and paints a picture, thinking the picture is real, not understanding all of that which we consider as real is actually the paint, (in this analogy). Scientist probe the universe, and keep coming up with an answer, but then a new question arises from the answer, because they are trying to solve the problem with wrong tool, intellect.Knowledge as I see it, is book learning, useful in the mundane world, one can earn a good living if one is able digest and make use of what is commonly known as facts.(Even with sacred works, one must go beyond the intellect into gnosis). In the western traditions gnosis was a self knowledge, the inner mystical path, often leading a person into the occult world, where the rigid fabric of reality starts to dissolve, a place the ego does not want to go. Indeed the real death is the death of the ego self to the Self, leaving the Self awareness only, there is no I/Me.I see it this way, to kill ones self, kills nothing, but gives more strength to the ego self, thus condemning one to a longer internment in samsara.Around and around, deeper into the kaleidoscope of illusions, deeper into the hell of suicide having to face all those demons once more.Whereas suicide, is like burying gold under tones of slag, turning to 'The Beloved', even if you are suffering deeply, is like washing away the silt to reveal glistening gold. A final reflection re. 'The Essence of Yogavaasishtha', ch. 30 page 315 verse 10-11;The idea-"I am the body", is one that binds (the person) to worldly existence. This idea should never indeed be taken (or resorted to), by seekers after liberation. "I am going to kill myself", long before I came to this divine Forum, I always considered that this was a guaranty that one would not obtain enlightenment, in fact would compound the problems in the next existence.Om... Shanti...Mike (K).------


Shree Paramatmane Namah


Shri Anup Bagriji ! who has put forth this question, "where is your mind wishing to go in which there are thoughts that are coming and going. Shraddhey Swamiji has said, "the mind is not yours at all. Do not consider your mind at all as yours." Then do not worry about it. This is my appeal.

knowledgable sadhaks, from Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwaat etc., if someone can share what is stated regarding suicide, then we can know what happens to one's atma who does suicide. (by a question such as what happens, the answer cannot be complete and what will happen today. Share with me as well. Because Atma (Our Self) has be stated as been complete and perfect, unaffected and taintless in all our activities (Gita 2:24-25), then with suicide what can happen to atma and what affect it can have, then the sme affect will happen on God as well because we are a part of God (Ishvar) (Gita 15:7) . therefore becoming free of all worries, let God's will be your will. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam











Beautifully has the truth been answered by various sadhaks ............... may Blessings of the Buddhas make it our realisation .................................

yet ............................... the following :

Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now if so what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...


.............naga narayana

aum ....................

this is the Ultimate understanding ........... the shortest Way ..........that must seize all the Sadhakas' minds ............ah !

pray to God, dear Sadhakas, to bless you with the awareness and acceptance of where you stand this Moment Now ...

and, with seeing the Truth of nagajee's words above as your own 'intellectual' grasp ( for the time being ) ......

work your way, step by step ............ raising the self by the self, higher and higher, .....till the ONE Question of Questions , WHO AM I , recieves an answer from within your own being .............. till Tat Twam Asi and Aham Brahamasmi both disappear in your own Silent Being ............... the Silence Divine, or Nothingness, or Shoonyatta ........

thank you, O blessed of the sages .............. thank you naga jee ........


narinder bhandari






Sat Nam


A most delicate subject. The Soul, as emanation from God, is constant, is perennial, is eternal. The Soul does not suffer. But what brings individuation to that Soul, and what manifests its existence in an incarnation, is the Subtle Body. The Subtle Body carries the mind and all its facets, memories, prejudices and history. It is what gives us the individuality as unique human beings. It is the mind that suffers. But we, in the Subtle Body, are responsible for carrying the Soul in each incarnation.


There is song that says, let your vestment be the protection of God.


The Soul is a constant stream to which our Subtle Bodies attach so that it can manifest the incarnations. To kill an incarnation is to go against the Soul´s current. It brakes a Universal Law of Creation. To commit suicide is as bad and probably even worse than homicide from a Karmic effect. It is worse because it halts the incarnation process of the one who commits suicide, it brings it to a stop, a dense and heavy stop, against the Naad, against the Word. It only guarantees more and more, denser and denser incarnations for that Subtle Body (us as we know us).


The Karma-Dharma balanced is broken.


We are all incarnates by Divine Grace, by Guru's Grace. We should cherish every moment of our incarnation. On every breath we take, we bring in the entire Universe and allow it to manifest through us. And that is our most precious gift.


Pray for those who have left this plane by suicide for they need all our compassion and Love. Pray for them that upon return they become aware.


Sat Nam

Adi Singh


OM SAI. Answers are only with SHRI SAI.Kash--------

Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. As I understand it, irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death. Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego's sufferring.

Basudeb Sen


Hari OmSadhak Sarvottamji. I appreciate your difficulty of expression. If you give message in Hindi , I will translate it into English religiously for benefit of all sadhaks and reply to you in Hindi only with English translation. Henceforth you may please express yourself in Hindi only. You may freely express yourself. Welcome! Other sadhaks may also converse in Hindi. It will be translated.Please don't worry or give much weightage to 'limited knowledge'. To a Bhakta - knowledge is effortlessly received from God Himself. Knowledge becomes the slave of Bhakta. You too shall receive it when and if considered appropriate by Paramatma. Have trust in Paramatma. The very fact that you have Sadhak Sanjeevani at your home is more than enough for guidance to you at all times and in all stages ! Your pious association with Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj will definitely give imperishable results to you. It can never give perishable results. Pranaams!Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam -------

Shree Hari Ram Ram

Digressing a bit, but sadhaks, I thought you may find this revealing - from Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivani - (Gita 7/26 - english pg 931 - hindi pg 534-535). The Lord also declares , "By receiving this boat, in the form of a human body and favorable wind, in the form of My grace, one who does not attain salvation (cross the ocean of life), he is one who commits suicide" (Srimadbha. 11/20/17). Even in the Gita it is declared by Bhagavan, "For he who by seeing the supreme Lord present equally everywhere, in all as one, such a man does not kill (destroy) himself by the self, thereby reaching the supreme state" (Gita 13/28). From this too, it proves that the Lord has bestowed upon human beings, the rights, complete resources and understanding so that they can attain salvation. On receiving this priceless opportunity, if one does not attain salvation, one commits suicide and follows the cycle of birth and death.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Shri Narottamji, by name I am certainly Sarvottam (name was given by father-mother) but in knowledge I am limited. Due to not knowing English by mistake I wrote that to call suicide, "atmahatya" is wrong, as only the body can be killed, not the atma (Self, Soul, Spirit). Knowing that English "atma" (soul) can also be killed, appears surprising to me. If only this would be in Hindi. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam







What happens to a Soul when one commits suicide?




This question is not different from "What happens to the soul after accidental death or natural death or any other death?" that Nachiketa asked The Death itself,




E'yam prete vichikitsaa manushye asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike |


EtadvidyaamanushishTastvayaaham varaaNaamesha varstriteeyah ||




One could definitely answer this if one could establish what happens to the soul when one is alive?! Have we ever attempted to figure that out?! We dodge from this terrifying question as to 'what I am?'or 'what is this soul?' when we are alive and push the same for a post-mortem so that we can escape from its wrath as of now. After all, living the way we do is not very different from any suicide as such as we try to hush up the very question to investigate our roots when we really can. If we cannot get a resolution to this when we have all the faculties gifted to us while alive, how can we ever imagine to 'understand' the state when we are ripped off all these faculties??!!




There was debate as to whether the soul exists or not then … as well as now … asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike … As Yama begs the young Nachiketa, even the gods cannot determine the exact nature of The Self that dwells in the creatures in this universe ... Lord Yama begs the kid not to insist for an answer to this! The Death itself confesses its inability to understand the nature of its very locus in spite of being the instrument in recycling the life as we perceive!!




Devairatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyam aNuresha dharmah |


Anyam varam nachiketo vriNeeshva maamopareetseerati maasrijainam ||




Upanishads univocally caution us who are chasing the life being chased by the fear of death at the same time with no intention as well as attention to be ourselves all our lives ... as the true suiciders. After all, one who has no clue of oneself is truly dead. Who is the hurdle for this - oneself! Therefore the upanishads call us the Aatmahanaah - the suiciders - one who never "lived" continuously being churned in the tornedo of contradictions within - crave to live and fear to die. Such suiciders have to die every moment seeking the life every moment to exist ... they exist ... but never live ...




Asuryaa naama te lokaah andhena tamasaavritaah |


Taangste pretyaani gacchhanti ye ke chaatmahano janaah ||




Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now … if so … what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...




As Lord Yama reveals frankly, nobody can teach us this … of course, all that the scriptures and the seers can do for us is to point out when we go wrong and when we draw wrong conclusions. Afterall any conclusion sounds wrong inline with Yama's revelation … therefore, the scriptures and the seers help us till we stop entertaining anymore conclusions ... till we stop entertaining any more doubt ... till we attain The Silence that is everything including itself as such.




Therefore, my dear friend, keep interrogating now and here ... question yourself and yourself ... anything else is proved a futile path beyond doubt in our scriptures and by our seers ... if you insist, you can try other paths before converging to this ... but convergence to this fundamental query is essential ... convergence to The Silence eventually is vital ...









Naga Narayana.






… contd




Can anyone commit suicide?




Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself. Even in mundane world, it makes sense … one is dead when one cannot acknowledge oneself … the true burning question here is what is this "oneself"? One can come up with zillion 'answers' to this ... the same individual treats this in variant ways circumstantially since this Self (or soul) has a unique quality of becoming anything as perceived! Therefore, an intellect is perpetually left wandering around wondering what it is!! Grossly, the identity of an individual (or soul) oscillates between the world (relations), the body (actions), the mind (emotions) and the silence. The problem is that its four legs are glued into these four apparently distinct dominions so strongly that the fellow cannot shoft into any one dominion completely. Whenever it tries to be in one, the other three legs are so stretched out to accommodate this that they pull the fellow toward different dominions not letting the fellow rest anywhere! How to understand the one who cannot stay anywhere even for a moment?!




Considering that the fellow is 'the world' … the fellow is defined in terms of the relations provided and fascilitated by the world through its objects that the fellow is blessed to perceive. Afterall that is a show … no perception can remain (if it remains, it cannot be any perception but silence!) ... no object can remain (if it remains, it cannot be anymore an object, only a void remains!!) ... no relation can, therefore, remain (if it remains, it cannot relate anything as no relation can exist between a silence and a void!!!) ... therefore, the world is retiring perpetually on its own (Refer to Swamiji's wonderful revelations on this subject in SSS on Sahaja Nivritti) ... how can we 'kill' something that is killing itself perpetually???!!! Therefore, wise one who appreciates the momentary nature of the world would cease to imagine killing the fellow in 'the world' ... no suicide is possible there ...




Vishayaanaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the body' … the fellow is defined by the matter-energy cluster that is undergoing perpetual recycling on its own to remain what it is … and, is acknowledged by the actions that are curned out perpetually in the process. No unique matter-energy-action cluster can ever exist even for a moment ... they loose their presence as soon as they take one! They are born dead in other words (Aja). How can we terminate this fellow who is born dead?! Consider the typical suicides around the world ... can anyone terminate the body without the assistance of the same. Even the ultimate dissolution of the body is in its own hand and is governed by its own terms! Who am I to say that I kill myself when the body quits the way it can and the way it is destined to??!!




Considering the fellow to be 'the mind' … being always absolutely under the spell of the senses governed by the body, it can never have its own presence anyway anytime … it is helpless but to entertain the imagery it receives from the senses. Again, a fellow defined by perpetually discharged pulses of momentary existence cannot be killed ... he is gone before you identify him! Again, a wise one would not entertain the idea of killing the fellow in dominion of thoughts that raise and fall perpetually like sunrise and sunset ...




IndriayaaNaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the silence' or 'the void' … the space that accommodates the thoughts, actions as well as relation … it permeates everything … nothing can take any fraction of that away from it … it remains as is irrespective of the presence of objects and thoughts ... objects and thoughts depend on the space for existence and not vice versa! Also, it has nothing specific that can be identified to take away to start with. It has nothing to loose as it needs nothing to gain to be what it is!! Then how can you imagine something that has nothing to loose???!!! Again, 'killing' this fellow is an impossibility!!!




Where is the question of suicide when there is no room for 'killing' in the first place?Therefore, the idea of 'killing' anybody (INCLUDING ONESELF) is a mere myth …




Na jaayate mriyate vaa vipashchit naayam kutashchinna babhoova kashchit |


Ajo nityo shaashvato'yam puraaNo na hanyate hanyamaane shareere ||




No one can demand an unnatural result from anything? Nature is beyond all the demands one could ever putforth. How anyone even with an inkling to such a fact could ever imagine to 'kill' anything including oneself ??? … !!! … I wonder.








Naga Narayana.







2 … contd.


The ONLY SUICIDE that is worth considering … that is possible … and that is needed




As any other thought or notion is ego's perception, 'killing' and 'suicide' is also a notion built in the ego. This notion is rooted deeply in its notions of birth and death. Beneath the notions of birth and death, it retains its identities with the body and mind it is provided with to operate in the game of survival. The core individual identity (soul or Jeeva) remains encapsulated in the identities with the mind and the body and their relation with their respective worlds. Whatever one thinks one is in this world is engraved in the memoirs of that identity. Till that identity remains intact, how can the individual be terminated?




If one truly wants to suicide from the body-mind-world perspective, THE ONLY WAY is to just quit from the body ... just like that ... just like one could walk away from you ... with absolutely no assistance from any external aid ...




Termination of the world, body and mind are of no consequence - one, that is irrelevant and two, one has no authority over them.One cannot manipulate anything that is not under one's authority. All the three - world, body and mind - fall in dominions completely indepndent from the ego. The nature has blessed the ego to have their cooperation in its activities just like it has bound the ego to cooperate with them in return. Therefore, the deaths perceived in association with the world, body and mind are just imaginary chronicles of the ego having no bearing with the associated entities. Again, their deaths are written by themselves and for themselves as per the laws of nature.




One can manipulate only that which is authored by oneself - the ego and its collective ignorance in terms of identities, emotions and relations. Therefore, the only possibility to terminate anything in this universe is one's very ego. Since all the notions are rooted in the ego, its termination is the only way one can really seek the death. All other deaths that are embedded in ego's notion are nothing but supersticious and mythical notions. Since the very notion of "I" also gets mitigated along with the mitigation of the ego, that alone is worthy being considered as true suicide (Aatmahatya - termination of the notion of I-ness).




If you are talking about this death … the ONLY SUICIDE possible … I can vouch that the soul (individual identity) definitely exists before and mitigates after the death. Because, the very termination of the I-ness is the gate-pass for this death. In all other conceived deaths, the I-ness laments at the loss of Mine-ness only ... mine-ness with the mind, body and world in terms of thoughts, actions and relations. Since the I-ness is retained intact, it collects the mine-ness back in some way or the other depending on its capacity and capability ...




Yonimanye prapadyante shareeratvaaya dehinah |


SthhaaNumanye'nusanyanti yathaa karma yathaa shrutam ||




In fact, we are doing that every day and every moment … loosing some identities and acquiring some other depending on our abilities within and opportunities around. Therefore, all conceived deaths are mere recycling of matter-energy-identity clusters … THE ONLY death is self-termination of the ego in totality wherein no more identity (I-ness) is retained to gain relations (mine-ness) anymore.




Therefore, THE ONLY SUICIDE is nothing but attaining eternity as such wherein there won't be any need for the notions of identity; of body, mind and world; and therefore of the birth, life and death as such …








Naga Narayana.




Hari OmWhat mistake? Calling 'suicide' to be 'atmahatya' is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. In Gita - BG 13:28 , God says..... 'Na hinashtyatmanaatmaanam' - means.... do not cause violence to your 'self' (atma)! Now does not God know that 'atma' neither kills nor gets killed? Hence One must worry. This is too funny an argument that since you are immortal hence don't worry. It means- Commit suicide...you will get new body. No....Divine Sadhaks...I heard Swamiji saying that then you don't get human body again for ages and eons. IT IS A LAW - that if you mis-use any thing given to you by God / world/ Nature...by any body....you don't get that again. Because you MIS-USED.If you don't worry regarding as ghastly a sin as 'atmahatya' (suicide) then why the very emotion 'to worry' has been given to you ? Hence you MUST worry and properly utilise whatever has been received by you in human life! One MUST pay care and attention to the unique gift of human body given so benevolently by Paramatma to His children. If 'atma' is immortal that does not mean, the body is also immortal. By that logic- why one should not throw away every thing including own cloths, kith, kin, parents, money ? Why one should at all be worrying about duty and dharma? Where is need for 'discrimination' ? The freedom which a human being has got in human birth, residing in human body is not for mis-utilisation under the garb - I am not body ! It is not some toy. It is the junction through which you can even get Paramatma. You are not body, sure ! But has it not been given to you by Paramatma? Should you torture it? Should you kill it? God has given you a ladoo (sweet) ..should you throw it in dust bin and say : It is not mine, why I should worry ?Let there be a difference between soul and body but not indifference or disrespect to body ...merely because the former is indestructible. Sure, nothing happens to soul but 'embodied soul' has no rights to kill it ! Hence let there be difference between logic and arrogance, gyaan and agyaan. One should never MIS-USE any thing ! NEVER !! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---




it was in some scripture sometime somewhere


that narinder read the words


the words that remain etched in narinder's Mind


the words that keep him from the SIn of suicide ..............


and the words ..........................ah !!!


" Taking another's life is murder , and is punishable with Life


murdering your own Body, O Mortal ................


shall you escape Punishment ???? "


and elsewhere narinder did read .................


" Should despair seize you, should penury taunt you,


should no-one help you, should thoughts of suicide haunt you ............


commit suicide, narinder ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry............ but donot murder your body


commit Harakiri of the Mind .........Death of the Mind ................ die to the Mind, narinder ...........


and discover the Natkhat standing beside you ............


lifting you, helping you, raising you ,


freeing you, liberating you from turmoil and beggary of a myriad Lifetimes ........... "


so, my friends ............ who are thinking of suicide ..............


wait Not ............. hurry , before too late it is ..............


rush to Krishna's song and being


commit suicide of the Mind .......... die to the self ........... surrender .........


let the self raise the self by the self ............


that indeed is true suicide .............extolled by the Knowers


never shall you have to commit suicide again !!!




narinder bhandari


According to Rig Veda, human beings are tri-ani-pada i.e. three bodies in One. On the natural death or suicide only material body dies. Their subtle spiritual body containing the Jeev (Spirit) and subtlest of the subtle i.e. causal body containig Atma (soul) do not die. The energy principle Jeev (spirit) merges with the Supreme Spirit and sum total of energy continues to remain constant in the Universe.The causal body containing knowledge principle gets rebirth after on the the 13th day or later depending on the quantam of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic gunas encircling the soul. 12 days journey of the soul to remove the effect of Gunas (karma effect decides the re-birth) is explained in great details in Rig Veda. Regards,Prem Sabhlok


Ram Ram.


How do anyone know for sure what happens to the soul after death? There are many assumptions but do anyone know for sure?We say the soul is untouched and many here argue that the soul do not get touch and when you sin it do not affect the soul and God do not keep tabs on all the good and bad we do. Then how do the soul get affected? It is not the doer,the human body is the doer so the soul leaves and it is gone no matter how u die,correct?

Preeti Singh






I agree with some of the wiser counsels mentioned herein that no living being yet knows what happens to the soul after death,there are many intrepretations but never an all acceptable reasoning.

From this discussion stems another related topic. Please permit me to mention. After a death in a devout ritualistic Hindu family the eldest son is required to perform over a period of one year, many rituals to ensure that the soul reaches a better birth, commonly known as pithru karma etc. This is not done in other religions. I checked with a renowned veda pandit who is known to have analysed and deeply studied the vedas and other religious books,the relevance of this religious practise and he explains that the soul just moves on to its designated goal as per its Karma,the near kith and kin do not influence its journey ! similarly, if the body commits suicide,the soul is believed to wander about until its due death arrives and then passes on to another ordained form.


Has anybody analysed the past life regression,we can see a lot of it on TV these days?



Guru Prasad


In my opinion every body does some thing like suicide in view of your karmas in the previous life.Similarly such people gets grace according to their Karmas ( actions )in the present life


My Pranam to Swamiji


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Dear Dr.Manikkar,

you said

"The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ?"

If you happen to look towards a clear blue sky with a vacant look, after some time when your look really becomes vacant, you will find streams of bubbles appearing from nowhere and disappearing to nowhere with a tremendous speed. Do these "bubbles" have got to do anything with your "bubbles"? I am talking about reality and not speculation ! and posing this question to a professional person of your stature.Regards,

Barin Chatterjee


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Conscious Existence manifests/perceives the world through senses-mind-intellect-Ego(Antahkaran) of an individual. This "individual" identifies him/her as this body-mind with a name as a part of growing up in the environment conditioned by family, society, nationality etc etc. Thus an individual is the product of environment and is bound by it.This very Conscious Existence of his/her carries the impressions(sanskaras) or conditioning and controls the thought patterns and actions of the body-mind throughout the life. Such consciousness conditioned with impressions is soul!Soul is thus Existence in ignorance of its true nature being Pure and Impersonal Existence whom impressions make no impact just as nothing ever happens to space when objects are created or destroyed!Essentially an individual is such a conditioned, limited entity, or subtle body/causal body residing as though, in that gross body. Subtle body is a body of thoughts, feelings, latent tendencies, deep rooted attachments, etc etc and causal body is subtler body of ignorance of not knowing that "I am undivided Consciousness"! Due to the Karmas done as an individual doer, Jeeva/soul is said to acquires new conditioning(karmas), strengthening its ignorance!Now when the physical body gives up for whatever reasons, natural death or suicide, the subtle and causal bodies as impressions on consciousness is said to leave and wait for reincarnation based on its sanskaras! Actually, upon Realization or removal of ignorance, it is seen that "there is only Pure Conscious-Existence, undivided, undifferentiated as various objects but giving the impressions of an individualized soul, which is not its Reality, its true identity". It is also seen that what re-incarnates is this impressions/conditioning through subtle bodies in which new physical bodies happens in a modified environments! KrishnaJi says as if soul is changing clothes and continuing as new body!Thus re-incarnation is not personal, its all an Impersonal process of recycling ignorance(Karmas)! In some birth, however, Realization happens and freedom from such limitations of body and sanskaras or conditioning is obtained! That Consciousness is never born nor can die to re-incarnate is called Jeevan Mukti or liberation! It is said that as if individual's Karmas are destroyed upon the Self-Knowledge.This is GRACE of GOD or GURU KRUPA or call it whatever names!In summary, Karmas, Sanskaras, conditioning of all mankind evolve through new generations, and yet Soul in its purity remain unborn neither coming nor going anywhere! Only bodies/objects/world come and go in IT!This is the reason Krishnaji says "I know all those births whereas you don't". He says this as Atman, Brahman, Consciousness witnessing the dance drama of Life as only THAT which continues knows the discontinuity of death!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Atma (Soul) is omnipresent (Gita 2:24) . By commiting suicide (which you are mistakenly calling it as "atmahatyaa" killing of the soul), that cannot happen. Neither the soul goes anywhere, nor does it come to some place, nor can anything happen to the soul. then why must one worry about this? So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Mind is always in search for a formula to be secured, certain, comfortable.


Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. Uncertainty is compounded when we do not accept uncertainty.


The compounded uncertainty gives rise to stress, anxiety.

Mind is under the illusion as if it can have or maintain a state of psychological comfortableness as

defined by it, that pleasure will cut the root of pain, that it can depend upon possessions, relations, money or the idea of God as a secured ultimate, that addition to the securities (possessions, relations) will keep the unknown at bay and so on.

Understanding the illusion is the dropping of the illusion.

One becomes one with the unending stream of Life.

Y V Chawla


Nobody really knows the answer to this question, although many will speak as though they have the answer. As explained by Swami Dayananda---


In Drig-Drishya-Viveka, written by a person no less exhalted than Shri Shankaracharya-ji himself, has said that there is an ocean ( could be a river ), in which there is a wave, in which there is a bubble. When that bubble bursts, what happens ? The water element of that bubble merges with the water element of the wave and that of the wave will merge with the water element of the ocean. The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ? This is upto speculation and debate?


We would like to either not be reborn ( moksha ), or be born as good people, and the Law of Karma keeps us straight. After that it is all a matter of speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri




Hari OmFrankly we are un-necessarily deliberating and have totally digressed from the Q. First we stated the very word suicide is inapplicable to soul. Then we said 'don't worry .. God's will only prevails' ...as if God wants us to commit suicide. Now we are saying Soul is immortal, no sorrow can ever touch it! Wonderful ..but how does it answer ? What we are not understanding that here the substance is not the immortality of soul or whether a suicide is ever possible for a soul...not at all ! The Q is regarding 'consequences of committing suicide' ! It is a simple question. This Satsanga Forum is not merely for exhibition of hard core knowledge...it is also for advicing or providing answers to Jeevas. To my little mind..Q is not here of basic nature of soul , or how identification with body/mind creates ignorance and thereby sorrow.. the Q is about committing suicide ...about mis- use of human life, about as ghastly a sin as suicide. Is the answer here that 'soul is immortal ..don't worry' an appropriate answer ? Pratapji ! Can you let me know if Self/Soul/Atma by whatever name you call ..has some powers, discretions, prorogatives, responsibilities or not ? Or it is like a stone incapable of anything ? Answer this Q .. You will immediately grasp.Sadhaks must understand that all religions, Scriptures, Saints and Sages etc address the Jeevas ...not pure soul. Jeeva is the target of Satsanga, Gitaji, Lord Krishna and all religions. You can't whisk away every Q under the garb- I am not body or I am not mind..why I should worry? It is insanity. Nothing more than insanity. Sadhaks should note that an entire chapter is devoted in Yoga Vaashishtha on how dangerous concepts like Vasudev Sarvam if inappropriately interpreted or used can become. I myself have goal of realising Vasudev Sarvam. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj actually realised it...but did He ever answer every Q saying ... Soul is immortal, don't worry...everything is God...eat, drink and be merry?Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam------------



Once, the great Buddha was asked what he sees during meditation.

He said I am like a fish that jumped out of the water, and saw the land.

I saw the trees, and houses and I have no words to describe them.

Also, even if I use some words, you will not know the meaning of those

words. therefore, he said, just follow my instructions---

Good thoughts, good speech, good behavior, and avoid hate.


That is the story my friend about your question.

Do not worry about after life.

Worry about this life first and do the right things.


If there is no after life, are you going to be happy doing bad things ?

And if there is, your Karma will come back to haunt you !!



Durgesh Mankikar,MD




From Kathopanisad 4) 1- 2 :The self-existent Spirit worked its way out from within and thus the openings of the mind are directed outwards, viz., the sense organs. Therefore, do men’s thoughts ever tend outwards. But the few, who have true understanding, turn their mind inwards and realize the Self within.Those without understanding, who do not control themselves and pursue external pleasures fall into the widespread net of Birth and Death. Those of steady mind, realizing what is truly lasting, do not turn their thoughts to transient pleasures.

The above, and other verses from our scriptures, informs us that we will be liberated from bondage or fall into the cycle of Birth and Death. I haven't seen any specific reference to "Suicide" anywhere in GITA or elsewhere, but there could be. Thus, I can only surmise that suicide is treated as any other death. But, this is merely a hypothesis, not substantiated by any scriptures. Here is one opinion of Hinduism and suicide:


"Hinduism and suicide: Hindu view on suicide

Hinduism does not approve suicide. Hindus believe that human life is very precious, which is attained after after hundreds and thousands of births and provides an unique opportunity to each individual to make a quantum jump into higher planes of existence or attain immortality. Even gods and other celestial beings do not have this opportunity unless they come down to earth and take birth as human beings.

It would therefore be a very serious mistake on the part of an individual if he commits suicide. It would seriously hamper his spiritual progress and put him back on the evolutionary scale by a few lives behind. It would also expose him to the risk of redoing in a more arduous way what he wanted to avoid in the first place.

According to Hindu beliefs if a person commits suicide, he neither goes to the hell nor the heaven, but remains in the earth consciousness as a bad spirit and wanders aimlessly till he completes his actual and allotted life time. Thereafter he goes to hell and suffers more severely. In the end he returns to the earth again to complete his previous karma and start from there once again. Suicide puts an individual's spiritual clock in reverse . Hindu scriptures therefore aptly described it as murder of self (atmahatya)."


It could be that those who commit suicide are treated harshly, as several esteemed sadhaks seem to suggest. However, there are disturbing aspects to this - what if a sadhak has led an exemplary and divine life, but because of a momentary lapse, succumbed to suicidal tendencies and commits the ghastly deed? Bhagavan assures Arjuna, and us, in GITA 6, that "the doer of good...fallen from Yoga" does not necessarily "come to grief":


Arjuna said:

Though possessed of Shraddhâ but unable to control himself, with the mind wandering away from Yoga, what end does one, failing to gain perfection in Yoga, meet, O Krishna?

38. Does he not, fallen from both, perish, without support, like a rent cloud, O mighty-armed, deluded in the path of Brahman?


39. This doubt of mine, O Krishna, Thou shouldst completely dispel; for it is not possible for any but Thee to dispel this doubt.

40. Verily, O son of Prithâ, there is destruction for him, neither here nor hereafter: for, the doer of good, O my son, never comes to grief.


41. Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and dwelling there for everlasting years, one fallen from Yoga reincarnates in the home of the pure and the prosperous.

42. Or else he is born into a family of wise Yogis only; verily, a birth such as that is very rare to obtain in this world.


43. There he is united with the intelligence acquired in his former body, and strives more than before, for perfection, O son of the Kurus.

44. By that previous practice alone, he is borne on in spite of himself. Even the enquirer after Yoga rises superior to the performer of Vedic actions

Unlike some other religions that portray God as angry and vengeful, I want to think, and am confident, that Bhagavan is compassionate, kind, and loving, and His Laws of Karma that govern us, would not treat suicide victims as harshly as we may believe.

It is widely accepted that people of sane minds do not commit suicide; rather, most people who commit suicide are psychologically affected or mentally disturbed, i.e. they are sick, suffering from a real disease; aren't we being a bit harsh on these victims? And, how are the deaths by these suicide victims different from deaths due to other diseases? This is an extract from wikipedia:


"Suicide (Latin suicidium, from sui caedere, to kill oneself) is the intentional killing of oneself. The most common cause is an underlying mental disorder which include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism and drug abuse. Financial difficulties or other undesirable situations play a significant role.

Over one million people commit suicide every year, making it the tenth-leading cause of death worldwide. It is a leading cause of death among teenagers and adults under 35. There are an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year worldwide.

Views on suicide have been influenced by broader cultural views on existential themes such as religion, honor, and the meaning of life. The Abrahamic religions consider suicide an offense towards God due to religious belief in the sanctity of life. In the West it was often regarded as a serious crime."-

While I agree that suicide is the ultimate sin, I am sympathetic towards those sad and tortured people who kill themselves, and maybe they may not be cast away into the proverbial hell and brimstone, but, at best, reincarnate with tons of bad karma that will require additional births and deaths to work through. These are just a few thoughts from me, not supported by any scriptural references.

Ram Ram

Deosaran Bisnath



Jai HanumanOh ! How simple the world will become if every problem is answered by 'Everything is God' ? Who can rob whom? Everything is God ! Who can rape whom? Everything is God. Who can kill whom ?...soul is immortal !! What prohibitions? What Dharma? What discrimination ?...Everything is God ! Oh ! In that case how many verses will remain in Gitaji ? Where will remain any need for 'tyaag' (renunciation/disconnection) ? How can God define world as 'Dukhalayam'? Where will remain any role for Viveka? To discriminate what and where? Everything is God !!! Where is need for restraint ? Everything is God ! What is wrong in killing innocent animals? Soul is immortal...everything is God! Oh ! What a mockery we can make of pious concept/goal: Vasudev Sarvam...immortality of soul... I am not body..Mind does not belong to me.. ? Vasudev Sarvam is an individual experience..it is not a subject to be learnt. It is a subject to be understood. Everything in your home belongs to your father and therefore to you ! Should you steal, therefore, stating it is all along your property only ? Mother gives you affectionately a chocolate.. should you throw it in a gutter saying- "It is not mine- Chocolate belongs to Prakruti..I am Purusha. I am not body..I don't need anything" ? Your son has severe headache...should you advice him that ' Hey Son..Head is not yours..it belongs to Prakruti... You are Purusha.. You are not body.. You are immortal soul ...don't worry' or should you take him to a doctor? Raam! Raam!! Raam!!!Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala



Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!!


If soul is EVER FREE from where the word BONDAGE or LIBERATION have emerged? Soul is free ! Who goes to hell or heaven?


Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!!


Anirudh Joshi



-Shree Hari-Namaste!Shri Naga Narayanaji,I will get back on your other responses, but will respond if I may regarding : 'I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?'.Well firstly '..or is the answer yes? Respectfully two points, 'Yes' a whimsical remark, but allowing me the choice to to decide , I consider yes fine by me operating within the limitations of the English language.OK reflecting upon you concept explaining of the universe/ silence in an invariant presence, and so on.Let me put my humble and simple thoughts forward. During a long period of meditation, I had a realization, for want of a better word. I have come to the conclusion that the moment I speak of it, write of it, or even contemplate upon it, I create an untruth, the knowing is beyond words/intellect, why read about it? IT is, are we speaking the same language as it were? Om.... Shant.....Mike (K).


Shree Paramatmane Namah


It is my sincere request to those questioning and those responding to please share whether the is soul (all pervading atma, spirit, divinity), is it inseparable from divinity of Paramatma (Paramatmatattva) or not?

Vineet Sarvottam




Narain ! Narain!!


Definitely suicide means destruction of body. Everybody is taking suicide in that sense only.


Clearly written in shastras is that SUICIDE SHOULD NEVER BE ATTEMPTED. Your soul then suffers immensely...in a bodyless form...for a long time. YOU LOSE PRECIOUS OPPORTUNITY OF THE EMANCIPATION. One may need to ask that person who suffers and know whether there is a direct personal experience in suffering or not.This is not what Swamiji or Scriptures teach us. If VASUDEV SARVAM is an experience then HOW destruction of body is justified? Is body not Vasudev? If SOUL IS IMMORTAL then how that justifies discarding the body as in case of suicide? Clearly we are digressing and the value to deliberations is diminishing.


Narain ! Narain !!


Naarad N Maharshi



Namaste Sadhaks


I hope these deliberations will impart correct spiritual status with reference to suicide. In Christianity also the suicide has been stated to be a serious crime and sin. I am indeed interested in knowing as to how Santan Dharma views the suicide tendency and attempts. Nagaji I had difficulty understanding your earlier posting. As you sow, so shall you reap "- Recently Vineetjee has quoted this. My Q is who sows? Body or Soul? A Question to Pratapji also. You say sorrows are outcome of ignorance. My Q is who is ignorant? Soul or body?


Audrey Rodrigues



Jai Shree Krishna


The Q is regarding what happens to soul and impact of suicide over soul. An answer indicating nothing happens to soul, do not worry , let God's will prevail, can ONLY encourage suicide . Note here that suicide now-a days is increasing particularly among students. Afterall we are living in dukhalayam.


Correct Answer is that soul remains bondaged for a long long period. To say that the soul is ever free and can never remain bondaged is not PRACTICAL or relevant HERE. Utilisation or mis-utilisation is the option available to SELF/SOUL to exercise. Any mis-use of body granted by God means...You dont get body again. Logical.



Swami Rupesh Kumar ------------------


Dear Ones, Namaste!I sense apparent differences among sadhakas reg soul, Jeeva, suicide and suffering! I think it may be due to our understanding of soul being somewhat different.One who knows beyond a shadow of doubt, that there is Immortality which is referred to by words like Soul, Atma or SELF, Existence itself, will never commit suicide! For such a one knows experientially he/she is Immortality, not Immortal! SouI, as the understanding that is important, not the word Soul!Can suicide destroy THAT which IS? (Ch 2:16)!Person's suffering or suicide cannot even touch Soul if by Soul we mean Immortality! There can not be any scope of suicide here, let alone it being bad!On the other hand, if Soul is understood to be body-mind identified person in ignorance, known also as Jeeva or ego, then, it is the Ignorance on the part of soul(thus defined) and hence suffering and in some cases suicide happens! Ignorance is experienced as suffering and cause for suicide! This is prohibited by Gita because such ignorance as suffering continues life after life, even if it is not a suicide. So it is important to Realize on the part of Soul/Self "I am not the body", because body-mind cannot realize it! Such Realization cannot happen if one continues to live as if he/she is body-mind! Finally, such questions come up due to assumed ideas or beliefs about soul on the part of questioners, so, it is important to stress the fact that it is ignorance and ignorance alone that if removed, such questions get answered! Bad as suicide is, still, it is preliminary and simplification if stopping short of adding that only in ignorance suicide can happen!Namaskar....Pratap Bhatt






Dear Mr. Keenor,




Thanks for your invaluable interest in the utterings that happened to flow through "me" …




Q: I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?


Whatever comes from within would flow out as whatever flows from around would perculate within. Is that a platform of knowledge? Yes! Is that a platform of gnosis?? Yes!! Is that brewed by the pure intellect??? Yes!!! The knowledge, the intellect, the gnosis, and everything else that we can fathom are mere inseperable variants even in a variant perception while remaining in an abyss of silence in an invariant presence. Whatever is told in this universe, whatever is seen in this universe, ... whatever is sensed in this universe is nothing but that invariant silence even in its apparently variant ripples that coexist perpetually and continually with each other, in each other and around each other. Why do bother?! It flows as it comes ... let it flow as it flows ...




… or … is the answer yes?




How can an "yes" come out without leaving its shadow "no" within, and vice versa?! Why should an "yes" or a "no" come out when they cannot reachout to the object of their intent??!! What good can the "yes-s" and "no-s" blurted out could ever make any difference when their intent itself is illusive, evasive as well as delusive???!!! All the responses of acceptance as well as rejection are nothing but the wastes vomitted from an individual and are of no use to anybody else ... and are even toxic if taken in by mistake!




One is bound to hang on to an "yes" only due to the threat of a "no". One would insist for an "yes" to hang on only due to the fear of a "no". That way, "yes" and "no" are inseparable. How can one attain The Absolute that is devoid of all conflicts while nurturing the conflicts of "yes" and "no" within?




The tussle between the polarities of "yes" and "no" remains within an individual and hence should be faced by the individual oneself ... again only with an introspection ... any reference from outside would be toxic. Therefore, my suggestion is not to take "my" words for acceptance or rejection ... but to revert the vomiting of the very tendency to accept and reject from within letting them quench themselves as naturally as they can ...




When the dilemma that stirrs my core is "not to entertain polarities", how can I answer your question "yes" or "no"? I am helpless but to leave the decision to you :).




Regarding the other thoughts from you, let me ponder …









Naga Narayana.


Dear Ones, Namaste!Inspired by Narottamji's posting I have following observations! As he puts it: "FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience." However, how can suffering be real when it is entirely due to ignorance of taking whatever happens to body as happening to me? In other words how can we take ignorance to be "practical direct experience"?Suffering due to Ignorance is not practical nor is direct! such suffering is unnecessary mental obsession! Suffering is conception by mind as happening to "me"! Truth endures only! Endurance is Freedom!Of course, Soul is said to be in bondage but that is what defines ignorance, and not Reality! In reality it is ever free! If suffering was real, no one can be free ever! There is a temporary forgetfulness out of which actions are carried out until "Nashtaomoha smritirlabhdhwa....18:73! Such striving, if you call it that, is also of Truth! "Jeeva can only think he is doing, he is happy, he is suffering etc. Doesn't make any difference to Reality!If we say until such Realization, soul suffers, then I would say it is unnecessarily suffering! I am not undermining the importance of Realization and saying "I am not body" or Vasudevah sarvam" is enough to be free! I am also saying suicide is bad action but what I am adding is that it is done only in ignorance and cannot touch Soul in its purity even when suicide is committed! Vasudeva sarvam is not a theory, but is the only Reality, only Practical! Else is all bondage!Soul appears to be in Bondage and not in Reality! To a suicidal person, I would say "you are not ending suffering, by ending body, you are ending infinite possibilities of ending ignorance now!Again this is in the spirit of sharing understanding!Namaskar..........Pratap-----





Knowledge … Intellect … Gnosis … suicide … ego termination …




Dear Mr. Keenor,




Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the knowledge, intellect and gnosis shedding light on the limitations of knowledge and intellect and on the importance of gnosis in spiritual progress.




I understand your viewpoint regarding the limitations of knowledge, intellect and the world as they do not explicitly remind the perceiver openly regarding the dependence developed in the very perception while the gnosis constantly reminds the seeker in this awareness purging all possible dependence en-core. From this perspective, certain classifications and concepts help us to appreciate The Truth




However, I would say nothing can be other than gnosis on its own. Knowledge is gnosis in itself and intellect is also gnosis by itself. As a matter of fact, even the world made of matter, energy and mind (collectively body) is gnosis in itself. It is the dependence we nurture on them that draws the limitations. Again these limitations are drawn on the one who draws it … neither on the knowledge, nor on the intellect, nor on the world.




Lord KrishNa calls the knowledge, intellect and gnosis as Gnyaana, Vignyaana and Vibhooti in the Bahagavadgita. The same are referred to as Mahat, Jana, and Tapa in the Gaayatri Samhita from an individual perspective; and, as Jeeva, ViraaT and HiraNyagarbha in the BrihadaaraNyaka from a cosmic perspective. All classifications are based on personal, general and universal nature of existence whether in terms of appearance or in terms of intelligence.




But The Truth remains beyond anything that we can ever classify … be it in terms of intellect-knowledge-gnosis or Gnyaana-Vignyaana-Vibhooti or Maha-Jana-Tapa or Jeeva-ViraaT-HiraNyagarbha. The Absolute remains beyond all possible perceptions one could ever make. Yoga VaasishTha considers even the subtle or occult existence also as body only. If the seeker develops dependence on the 'gnosis', an identity is formed there as such, hence a body has taken birth, and the dependence has started spreading its roots!




Therefore, the dependence creates the limitations irresepective of what we perceive and understand … call it matter or energy or mind or intellect or knowledge or gnosis. If one is drawn into the shackles of dependence, anything and everything is no more than a body or identity or gross existence. If one is reminded of the absolute independence vested within, anything and everything is gnosis or awareness or consciousness as such.




In spite of being identified with the names, is their any real line that distinguishes them completely? Can they ever exist exclusive to each other? Are they not just figments of our variant imaginations about The Same, THE ONE?! You pointed out the massive illusion we safegaurd within. Is it not that massive illusion we safegaurd within that generates the limitations in our perception and makes us believe that the perceived entity is limited rather the very perception emanating from us?!




Therefore, I cannot answer your question whether I am coming from the platform of knowledge or intellect or gnosis as no platforms of such kind really exist in my appreciation :).




Regarding your comments on the suicide and termination of the ego-self … that is precisely what I attempted to establish … the ego is frozen beyond repair in a suicide … the ego is normally frozen in a regular death. As far as the ego exists, there was no death as such on one hand, and on the other hand, the life we live remains suicidal as such since the ego never lets us to realize our True Nature ...








Naga Narayana.




Jai HanumanSadhak Sarvottamji !

By the way...Who remains bondaged? Who liberates? Who suffers? Who enjoys? Who goes to heaven or hell? Who remains deprived of birth-right of 'sahaj sukhraasi' ? Who is that who is complete but feels deficiency. Who is that who is basically 'amal' but is thrown into heavens or hells? BODY? Who accepts? Who associates? Who rejects? Who desires? What 'chijjad granthi' is made of? Why God wants 'Self' to be friend of 'Self' and not enemy. Why Swamiji said that a Sadhak is 'unmanifest' ?What is 'EMBODIED SOUL' ? What is 'pukaar' (calling out to Lord) ? From where it emerges? If soul is unaffected through out (which actually it is) then why it is STILL EMBODIED? Who made the first error of identification with Prakruti? How? Why? How can soul 'make an error' ? Does Soul have no powers or responsibilities? Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala



In the year 1996 I was in Dhayana (Meditation) on Shirdi Sai. I asked Maharaj Sai to show me the life after death. Maharaj shown me my death and rebirth.

In front of Sai Baba my Atma left the body. Sri Sai Maharaj called the Atma. My Atma was resembling like my body without flesh and bones. Sai Maharaj was holding my left hand in his right hand and asked me to walk along with him. We both crossed a river and reached a mountain. SaiMaharaj was holding my hand and we both were climbing the hill. We reached a castle above the mountain. Sai Maharaj asked me to climb talest tower in the castle, he was holding my hand till we reched the tip of the tower. Sai Maharaj asked me to walk into the sky with faith on him. He told me that he will not accompany me further. He told me not to look down and just walk into the sky and reach God. I kept my right leg in the sky and with curiosity (MAYA) I looked down the hill. My Atma instead of walking in the sky started falling down on the earth. My Atma entered a womb of a lady andthe dream is vanished.

I came out from my dhayana (meditation) and realised the mistake I have done. Sai Maharaj helped me to climb the tower in the castle and asked me to walk with faith on him in the sky and reach the God. I was having faith on Sai but the curiosity (MAYA) made me to look down on earth and myAtma has taken rebirth. Sai Maharaj shown my past four Janmas (births and rebirths) and future Janma. (more if interested)

Ravada Rao


Hari OmWhy as ghastly a sin as suicide ...which sin has been described as a major sin not only in all major Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma (including Gita) but in all religions across the world..is being camouflaged in the garb of - I am not body - in these deliberations ?? Why a stress is being made of the untainted ness of soul? How does it help? I am now stating few more points. YOUR SOUL (the same soul which again and again is being stated to be immortal) REMAINS BONDAGED for a very very long period if you commit suicide. How your soul then can be said to be un-affected? Sure by nature, it is 'na karoti na lipyate' ( neither does nor gets tainted) ...that is theory. Now take one step forward..come to 'embodied soul'...SELF adopting the world...the JEEVA !! Who suffers ...mind/intellect/body or Jeeva? Answer me? Who remains bondaged? Who strives for freedom? We are funny and 'learn' more than 'experience' ! There is logic behind everything. Soul is immortal hence don't worry regarding anything...childish ! It is ok that soul is immortal. But is it free as of date (free from wrong assumptions) ? Are you not born bondaged? If you commit suicide will soul attain emancipation? Who suffers ? Who consumes pleasures and pains? Merely by picking on one verse of Gitaji reg immortality of soul...you can't address sins like suicide. FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience. Sadhaks should distinguish between "learning" and "experience"....they MUST. Gita verses are very deep.

Sadhaks must understand that 'Soul/Self' although it neither 'DOES' nor gets 'TAINTED' but that pure self / part of Paramatma...remains caged/chained/ BONDAGED due to wrong exercise of powers made by it. Soul/Purusha converts into Jeeva...when it 'associates' (assumes/accepts/forms affinity/connects) with Jagat (inert/prakruti). Self has responsibilities/authorities/discretions and powers. Can any one deny that? Suicide is misuse of that power. Hence SOUL SUFFERS...SOUL ALONE SUFFERS ! Who else can suffer? In this Forum ...Jeevas are deliberating ! Who is telling Self is immortal ? Self itself? How can it? ' It neither does nor gets tainted'- is writing or speaking not 'doing' ..a deed? Then who is telling..? Sadhaks must go into deep rather than keep repeating on every Q like a parrot...Soul is immortal ! Who does not know that amongst us? Is there nothing beyond that? Is that the solution for everything? No ! It is high time we distinguish between 'learning' and 'experiencing' ! Do we not experience sorrows? What is the value there of the sermon - soul is immortal? Where then remains the difference between knowledge and insanity? Concepts like Vasudev Sarvam, Everything is done by God,Karta ahamiti manyate, disconnection by becoming Sadhu, Soul is immortal,etc ..although theoritically true but if understood in a stupid manner can cause havoc...it can even make a person insane. We see it practically happening. There is one word 'fanaticism' ..this is often associated with religion. Why? Because one does not get down to the root/substance level. At substance level soul neither does nor gets tainted. But that is not the end. Self must help Self- Gita says ! Now tell me- if soul is unaffected how can it help itself. How can that soul get bondaged? Who liberates? Body or Self? Let us move ahead with a purpose. Let us not get stuck funnily on theories. Theories have their value but not like this. Sadhaks must understand that 'acceptance' is such a powerful power that it converts inert to sentient , soul to body , wrong to right. You ASSUME connection with body and then commit suicide. To tell such a person ..don't worry...soul is immortal is a sin in itself. Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


jai sitaramjiki, jai radhakrishnajiki, jai veer hanuman!


A person committing suicide, trying to reduce his pain in his/her present birth, suffers far more and more as he has nowhere to go; his soul must wander aimlessly suffering immensely until after a very very long period a womb may be found for his soul to get another birth. Aatmhatya is the biggest crime one can commit; only the one who gave you life can take it away at its ordained time; so don't meddle in his affairs.






Dear Sadaks,The Athuman time span is decided by ones own previous birth Karmas. The Body time span is correlated to Athuman. That is why some die young with disease/accident Etc. But if one suicides, then it is crime (Sin) said in sastras for having NOT completed the mission on earth. Such Athuman hangs in Stratosphere without body but with all desires. Say hunger, that Athuman suffers hungry. Ref: Srimath Bagavath about Gokarn brother life.B.Sathyanarayan-------


To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


you are in a rented house.. you would be in it till you are transfered to another place. is it, or is it not our duty to keep the house in good shape. should ou be punished and condemned or praised if you destro the house because it is not yours. What happens if you destroy the house. If it is provided by the company you work for, the company will deduct from your salary the cost of damages and put a black mark against you and your promotion etc will be adversely affected. If the house is a private property of another, the owner will sue you for damages and inform your company of your misbehaviour which will go against your purse and career. in either case you loose.


Same thing with atma and body


krishna samudrala




Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam



-Shree Hari-Namasre!Contemplating Mahalaksmi dasiji's post straight away put me in mind if the 'Hungry Ghosts', universally known throughout many traditions.I will past in some comments ex Wikipedea :' In HinduismIn Hindu tradition, hungry ghosts are spirit-beings driven by passion for particular things, objects of their desire. Possibly the worst thing about "Hungry Ghosts" is that they always come back for more. Very detailed information about ghosts is given in Garuda Purana.'The italics indicate why precautions were taken to protect your husband.Such demons /ghosts are powerless in the presence of 'Divine Light', a yogi remarked, "All one has to do is, is send from your heart the love of Baba to the demon, it will go in a flash". (Such things cannot stand discovery from a soul who has no fear, because of her/his trust in the Supreme Lord.)So if the outcome of suicide is to become a ghost, then a time of great anguish awaits. (Explained well in the Tibetan tradition!)People who are in the process of 'waking up from the spiritual sleep that enslaves mankind', can often have battles with demons, horrific nightmares, just as you describe, absolutely no doubt of that!A point, someone will no doubt bring this up, re. 'Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body.' Look! I don't know about you, but I understand that any desire for worldly things, will deny one Moksha. Worth contemplating upon! Om..... Shant....Mike (K).---------


Hari Om. Shree Hari.Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person. What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them. As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person. Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

My dandavat pranams to all.....

As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state..

I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.


Maha laksmi dasi





As a child, I used to wonder about these "bubbles" that floated from one end of the visual field to another.


But, as you are aware, I am sure,

---Sky / ether is odorless, tasteless and "touch-less" and "Smell-less" if there are such words

---Air is the first element with touch--you feel it and can say if it is warm or cold, or fast or slow.

---Fire is the first element that you can "see" and "feel". Is it warm or hot ? Is it saffron yellow, orange, red or black or other colors of Vibgyor ?

---Water is the first element that you can taste, see and feel.

--- Earth is the only element that you can smell, taste, see and feel !!


So you cannot "see" any bubbles in the sky, or air !!


If you stare into the sky with a "concentrated or vacant" look, and bubbles appear in front of your eyes, they are from the microscopic defects in the Aqueous humor of the eye ( the fluid in the eye in front of the lens of the eye ). What you do "see" are the defects in the fluid, which are called "floaters". They are microscopic, since the fluid in the eye gets re-cycled, re-filtered, re-created and re-juvenated every second of every day of our lives.


Just as there are waves in the water, I am sure there are waves in the air, but air by definition ( and so is the sky ) is essentially colorless, and transparent, and we humans cannot visualize any waves or bubbles in either the sky or the air around us.


Whether other animals or birds see them is up to speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. Irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death.Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego is suffering. Basudeb Sen ---------------



Dear Sadhak

Per my understanding, when somebody commits suicide then he goes to heaven or hell as per his or her action s committed during his or her life.


S S Bhatt


-Shree Hari-Namaste!Shri Naga Narayanaji,I took the trouble to print out you comments, and endeavor to follow your line of reasoning, not easy, but by getting a feel of the general gist, I will reflect a few thoughts.I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?I think in the most silent depth of the mind, especially if one contemplate/meditates, one understands that there is a massive illusion, that which we take for real is an illusion, the intellect takes the paints and paints a picture, thinking the picture is real, not understanding all of that which we consider as real is actually the paint, (in this analogy). Scientist probe the universe, and keep coming up with an answer, but then a new question arises from the answer, because they are trying to solve the problem with wrong tool, intellect.Knowledge as I see it, is book learning, useful in the mundane world, one can earn a good living if one is able digest and make use of what is commonly known as facts.(Even with sacred works, one must go beyond the intellect into gnosis). In the western traditions gnosis was a self knowledge, the inner mystical path, often leading a person into the occult world, where the rigid fabric of reality starts to dissolve, a place the ego does not want to go. Indeed the real death is the death of the ego self to the Self, leaving the Self awareness only, there is no I/Me.I see it this way, to kill ones self, kills nothing, but gives more strength to the ego self, thus condemning one to a longer internment in samsara.Around and around, deeper into the kaleidoscope of illusions, deeper into the hell of suicide having to face all those demons once more.Whereas suicide, is like burying gold under tones of slag, turning to 'The Beloved', even if you are suffering deeply, is like washing away the silt to reveal glistening gold. A final reflection re. 'The Essence of Yogavaasishtha', ch. 30 page 315 verse 10-11;The idea-"I am the body", is one that binds (the person) to worldly existence. This idea should never indeed be taken (or resorted to), by seekers after liberation. "I am going to kill myself", long before I came to this divine Forum, I always considered that this was a guaranty that one would not obtain enlightenment, in fact would compound the problems in the next existence.Om... Shanti...Mike (K).------


Shree Paramatmane Namah


Shri Anup Bagriji ! who has put forth this question, "where is your mind wishing to go in which there are thoughts that are coming and going. Shraddhey Swamiji has said, "the mind is not yours at all. Do not consider your mind at all as yours." Then do not worry about it. This is my appeal.

knowledgable sadhaks, from Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwaat etc., if someone can share what is stated regarding suicide, then we can know what happens to one's atma who does suicide. (by a question such as what happens, the answer cannot be complete and what will happen today. Share with me as well. Because Atma (Our Self) has be stated as been complete and perfect, unaffected and taintless in all our activities (Gita 2:24-25), then with suicide what can happen to atma and what affect it can have, then the sme affect will happen on God as well because we are a part of God (Ishvar) (Gita 15:7) . therefore becoming free of all worries, let God's will be your will. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam











Beautifully has the truth been answered by various sadhaks ............... may Blessings of the Buddhas make it our realisation .................................

yet ............................... the following :

Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now if so what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...


.............naga narayana

aum ....................

this is the Ultimate understanding ........... the shortest Way ..........that must seize all the Sadhakas' minds ............ah !

pray to God, dear Sadhakas, to bless you with the awareness and acceptance of where you stand this Moment Now ...

and, with seeing the Truth of nagajee's words above as your own 'intellectual' grasp ( for the time being ) ......

work your way, step by step ............ raising the self by the self, higher and higher, .....till the ONE Question of Questions , WHO AM I , recieves an answer from within your own being .............. till Tat Twam Asi and Aham Brahamasmi both disappear in your own Silent Being ............... the Silence Divine, or Nothingness, or Shoonyatta ........

thank you, O blessed of the sages .............. thank you naga jee ........


narinder bhandari






Sat Nam


A most delicate subject. The Soul, as emanation from God, is constant, is perennial, is eternal. The Soul does not suffer. But what brings individuation to that Soul, and what manifests its existence in an incarnation, is the Subtle Body. The Subtle Body carries the mind and all its facets, memories, prejudices and history. It is what gives us the individuality as unique human beings. It is the mind that suffers. But we, in the Subtle Body, are responsible for carrying the Soul in each incarnation.


There is song that says, let your vestment be the protection of God.


The Soul is a constant stream to which our Subtle Bodies attach so that it can manifest the incarnations. To kill an incarnation is to go against the Soul´s current. It brakes a Universal Law of Creation. To commit suicide is as bad and probably even worse than homicide from a Karmic effect. It is worse because it halts the incarnation process of the one who commits suicide, it brings it to a stop, a dense and heavy stop, against the Naad, against the Word. It only guarantees more and more, denser and denser incarnations for that Subtle Body (us as we know us).


The Karma-Dharma balanced is broken.


We are all incarnates by Divine Grace, by Guru's Grace. We should cherish every moment of our incarnation. On every breath we take, we bring in the entire Universe and allow it to manifest through us. And that is our most precious gift.


Pray for those who have left this plane by suicide for they need all our compassion and Love. Pray for them that upon return they become aware.


Sat Nam

Adi Singh


OM SAI. Answers are only with SHRI SAI.Kash--------

Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. As I understand it, irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death. Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego's sufferring.

Basudeb Sen


Hari OmSadhak Sarvottamji. I appreciate your difficulty of expression. If you give message in Hindi , I will translate it into English religiously for benefit of all sadhaks and reply to you in Hindi only with English translation. Henceforth you may please express yourself in Hindi only. You may freely express yourself. Welcome! Other sadhaks may also converse in Hindi. It will be translated.Please don't worry or give much weightage to 'limited knowledge'. To a Bhakta - knowledge is effortlessly received from God Himself. Knowledge becomes the slave of Bhakta. You too shall receive it when and if considered appropriate by Paramatma. Have trust in Paramatma. The very fact that you have Sadhak Sanjeevani at your home is more than enough for guidance to you at all times and in all stages ! Your pious association with Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj will definitely give imperishable results to you. It can never give perishable results. Pranaams!Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam -------

Shree Hari Ram Ram

Digressing a bit, but sadhaks, I thought you may find this revealing - from Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivani - (Gita 7/26 - english pg 931 - hindi pg 534-535). The Lord also declares , "By receiving this boat, in the form of a human body and favorable wind, in the form of My grace, one who does not attain salvation (cross the ocean of life), he is one who commits suicide" (Srimadbha. 11/20/17). Even in the Gita it is declared by Bhagavan, "For he who by seeing the supreme Lord present equally everywhere, in all as one, such a man does not kill (destroy) himself by the self, thereby reaching the supreme state" (Gita 13/28). From this too, it proves that the Lord has bestowed upon human beings, the rights, complete resources and understanding so that they can attain salvation. On receiving this priceless opportunity, if one does not attain salvation, one commits suicide and follows the cycle of birth and death.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Shri Narottamji, by name I am certainly Sarvottam (name was given by father-mother) but in knowledge I am limited. Due to not knowing English by mistake I wrote that to call suicide, "atmahatya" is wrong, as only the body can be killed, not the atma (Self, Soul, Spirit). Knowing that English "atma" (soul) can also be killed, appears surprising to me. If only this would be in Hindi. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam







What happens to a Soul when one commits suicide?




This question is not different from "What happens to the soul after accidental death or natural death or any other death?" that Nachiketa asked The Death itself,




E'yam prete vichikitsaa manushye asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike |


EtadvidyaamanushishTastvayaaham varaaNaamesha varstriteeyah ||




One could definitely answer this if one could establish what happens to the soul when one is alive?! Have we ever attempted to figure that out?! We dodge from this terrifying question as to 'what I am?'or 'what is this soul?' when we are alive and push the same for a post-mortem so that we can escape from its wrath as of now. After all, living the way we do is not very different from any suicide as such as we try to hush up the very question to investigate our roots when we really can. If we cannot get a resolution to this when we have all the faculties gifted to us while alive, how can we ever imagine to 'understand' the state when we are ripped off all these faculties??!!




There was debate as to whether the soul exists or not then … as well as now … asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike … As Yama begs the young Nachiketa, even the gods cannot determine the exact nature of The Self that dwells in the creatures in this universe ... Lord Yama begs the kid not to insist for an answer to this! The Death itself confesses its inability to understand the nature of its very locus in spite of being the instrument in recycling the life as we perceive!!




Devairatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyam aNuresha dharmah |


Anyam varam nachiketo vriNeeshva maamopareetseerati maasrijainam ||




Upanishads univocally caution us who are chasing the life being chased by the fear of death at the same time with no intention as well as attention to be ourselves all our lives ... as the true suiciders. After all, one who has no clue of oneself is truly dead. Who is the hurdle for this - oneself! Therefore the upanishads call us the Aatmahanaah - the suiciders - one who never "lived" continuously being churned in the tornedo of contradictions within - crave to live and fear to die. Such suiciders have to die every moment seeking the life every moment to exist ... they exist ... but never live ...




Asuryaa naama te lokaah andhena tamasaavritaah |


Taangste pretyaani gacchhanti ye ke chaatmahano janaah ||




Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now … if so … what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...




As Lord Yama reveals frankly, nobody can teach us this … of course, all that the scriptures and the seers can do for us is to point out when we go wrong and when we draw wrong conclusions. Afterall any conclusion sounds wrong inline with Yama's revelation … therefore, the scriptures and the seers help us till we stop entertaining anymore conclusions ... till we stop entertaining any more doubt ... till we attain The Silence that is everything including itself as such.




Therefore, my dear friend, keep interrogating now and here ... question yourself and yourself ... anything else is proved a futile path beyond doubt in our scriptures and by our seers ... if you insist, you can try other paths before converging to this ... but convergence to this fundamental query is essential ... convergence to The Silence eventually is vital ...









Naga Narayana.






… contd




Can anyone commit suicide?




Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself. Even in mundane world, it makes sense … one is dead when one cannot acknowledge oneself … the true burning question here is what is this "oneself"? One can come up with zillion 'answers' to this ... the same individual treats this in variant ways circumstantially since this Self (or soul) has a unique quality of becoming anything as perceived! Therefore, an intellect is perpetually left wandering around wondering what it is!! Grossly, the identity of an individual (or soul) oscillates between the world (relations), the body (actions), the mind (emotions) and the silence. The problem is that its four legs are glued into these four apparently distinct dominions so strongly that the fellow cannot shoft into any one dominion completely. Whenever it tries to be in one, the other three legs are so stretched out to accommodate this that they pull the fellow toward different dominions not letting the fellow rest anywhere! How to understand the one who cannot stay anywhere even for a moment?!




Considering that the fellow is 'the world' … the fellow is defined in terms of the relations provided and fascilitated by the world through its objects that the fellow is blessed to perceive. Afterall that is a show … no perception can remain (if it remains, it cannot be any perception but silence!) ... no object can remain (if it remains, it cannot be anymore an object, only a void remains!!) ... no relation can, therefore, remain (if it remains, it cannot relate anything as no relation can exist between a silence and a void!!!) ... therefore, the world is retiring perpetually on its own (Refer to Swamiji's wonderful revelations on this subject in SSS on Sahaja Nivritti) ... how can we 'kill' something that is killing itself perpetually???!!! Therefore, wise one who appreciates the momentary nature of the world would cease to imagine killing the fellow in 'the world' ... no suicide is possible there ...




Vishayaanaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the body' … the fellow is defined by the matter-energy cluster that is undergoing perpetual recycling on its own to remain what it is … and, is acknowledged by the actions that are curned out perpetually in the process. No unique matter-energy-action cluster can ever exist even for a moment ... they loose their presence as soon as they take one! They are born dead in other words (Aja). How can we terminate this fellow who is born dead?! Consider the typical suicides around the world ... can anyone terminate the body without the assistance of the same. Even the ultimate dissolution of the body is in its own hand and is governed by its own terms! Who am I to say that I kill myself when the body quits the way it can and the way it is destined to??!!




Considering the fellow to be 'the mind' … being always absolutely under the spell of the senses governed by the body, it can never have its own presence anyway anytime … it is helpless but to entertain the imagery it receives from the senses. Again, a fellow defined by perpetually discharged pulses of momentary existence cannot be killed ... he is gone before you identify him! Again, a wise one would not entertain the idea of killing the fellow in dominion of thoughts that raise and fall perpetually like sunrise and sunset ...




IndriayaaNaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the silence' or 'the void' … the space that accommodates the thoughts, actions as well as relation … it permeates everything … nothing can take any fraction of that away from it … it remains as is irrespective of the presence of objects and thoughts ... objects and thoughts depend on the space for existence and not vice versa! Also, it has nothing specific that can be identified to take away to start with. It has nothing to loose as it needs nothing to gain to be what it is!! Then how can you imagine something that has nothing to loose???!!! Again, 'killing' this fellow is an impossibility!!!




Where is the question of suicide when there is no room for 'killing' in the first place?Therefore, the idea of 'killing' anybody (INCLUDING ONESELF) is a mere myth …




Na jaayate mriyate vaa vipashchit naayam kutashchinna babhoova kashchit |


Ajo nityo shaashvato'yam puraaNo na hanyate hanyamaane shareere ||




No one can demand an unnatural result from anything? Nature is beyond all the demands one could ever putforth. How anyone even with an inkling to such a fact could ever imagine to 'kill' anything including oneself ??? … !!! … I wonder.








Naga Narayana.







2 … contd.


The ONLY SUICIDE that is worth considering … that is possible … and that is needed




As any other thought or notion is ego's perception, 'killing' and 'suicide' is also a notion built in the ego. This notion is rooted deeply in its notions of birth and death. Beneath the notions of birth and death, it retains its identities with the body and mind it is provided with to operate in the game of survival. The core individual identity (soul or Jeeva) remains encapsulated in the identities with the mind and the body and their relation with their respective worlds. Whatever one thinks one is in this world is engraved in the memoirs of that identity. Till that identity remains intact, how can the individual be terminated?




If one truly wants to suicide from the body-mind-world perspective, THE ONLY WAY is to just quit from the body ... just like that ... just like one could walk away from you ... with absolutely no assistance from any external aid ...




Termination of the world, body and mind are of no consequence - one, that is irrelevant and two, one has no authority over them.One cannot manipulate anything that is not under one's authority. All the three - world, body and mind - fall in dominions completely indepndent from the ego. The nature has blessed the ego to have their cooperation in its activities just like it has bound the ego to cooperate with them in return. Therefore, the deaths perceived in association with the world, body and mind are just imaginary chronicles of the ego having no bearing with the associated entities. Again, their deaths are written by themselves and for themselves as per the laws of nature.




One can manipulate only that which is authored by oneself - the ego and its collective ignorance in terms of identities, emotions and relations. Therefore, the only possibility to terminate anything in this universe is one's very ego. Since all the notions are rooted in the ego, its termination is the only way one can really seek the death. All other deaths that are embedded in ego's notion are nothing but supersticious and mythical notions. Since the very notion of "I" also gets mitigated along with the mitigation of the ego, that alone is worthy being considered as true suicide (Aatmahatya - termination of the notion of I-ness).




If you are talking about this death … the ONLY SUICIDE possible … I can vouch that the soul (individual identity) definitely exists before and mitigates after the death. Because, the very termination of the I-ness is the gate-pass for this death. In all other conceived deaths, the I-ness laments at the loss of Mine-ness only ... mine-ness with the mind, body and world in terms of thoughts, actions and relations. Since the I-ness is retained intact, it collects the mine-ness back in some way or the other depending on its capacity and capability ...




Yonimanye prapadyante shareeratvaaya dehinah |


SthhaaNumanye'nusanyanti yathaa karma yathaa shrutam ||




In fact, we are doing that every day and every moment … loosing some identities and acquiring some other depending on our abilities within and opportunities around. Therefore, all conceived deaths are mere recycling of matter-energy-identity clusters … THE ONLY death is self-termination of the ego in totality wherein no more identity (I-ness) is retained to gain relations (mine-ness) anymore.




Therefore, THE ONLY SUICIDE is nothing but attaining eternity as such wherein there won't be any need for the notions of identity; of body, mind and world; and therefore of the birth, life and death as such …








Naga Narayana.




Hari OmWhat mistake? Calling 'suicide' to be 'atmahatya' is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. In Gita - BG 13:28 , God says..... 'Na hinashtyatmanaatmaanam' - means.... do not cause violence to your 'self' (atma)! Now does not God know that 'atma' neither kills nor gets killed? Hence One must worry. This is too funny an argument that since you are immortal hence don't worry. It means- Commit suicide...you will get new body. No....Divine Sadhaks...I heard Swamiji saying that then you don't get human body again for ages and eons. IT IS A LAW - that if you mis-use any thing given to you by God / world/ Nature...by any body....you don't get that again. Because you MIS-USED.If you don't worry regarding as ghastly a sin as 'atmahatya' (suicide) then why the very emotion 'to worry' has been given to you ? Hence you MUST worry and properly utilise whatever has been received by you in human life! One MUST pay care and attention to the unique gift of human body given so benevolently by Paramatma to His children. If 'atma' is immortal that does not mean, the body is also immortal. By that logic- why one should not throw away every thing including own cloths, kith, kin, parents, money ? Why one should at all be worrying about duty and dharma? Where is need for 'discrimination' ? The freedom which a human being has got in human birth, residing in human body is not for mis-utilisation under the garb - I am not body ! It is not some toy. It is the junction through which you can even get Paramatma. You are not body, sure ! But has it not been given to you by Paramatma? Should you torture it? Should you kill it? God has given you a ladoo (sweet) ..should you throw it in dust bin and say : It is not mine, why I should worry ?Let there be a difference between soul and body but not indifference or disrespect to body ...merely because the former is indestructible. Sure, nothing happens to soul but 'embodied soul' has no rights to kill it ! Hence let there be difference between logic and arrogance, gyaan and agyaan. One should never MIS-USE any thing ! NEVER !! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---




it was in some scripture sometime somewhere


that narinder read the words


the words that remain etched in narinder's Mind


the words that keep him from the SIn of suicide ..............


and the words ..........................ah !!!


" Taking another's life is murder , and is punishable with Life


murdering your own Body, O Mortal ................


shall you escape Punishment ???? "


and elsewhere narinder did read .................


" Should despair seize you, should penury taunt you,


should no-one help you, should thoughts of suicide haunt you ............


commit suicide, narinder ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry............ but donot murder your body


commit Harakiri of the Mind .........Death of the Mind ................ die to the Mind, narinder ...........


and discover the Natkhat standing beside you ............


lifting you, helping you, raising you ,


freeing you, liberating you from turmoil and beggary of a myriad Lifetimes ........... "


so, my friends ............ who are thinking of suicide ..............


wait Not ............. hurry , before too late it is ..............


rush to Krishna's song and being


commit suicide of the Mind .......... die to the self ........... surrender .........


let the self raise the self by the self ............


that indeed is true suicide .............extolled by the Knowers


never shall you have to commit suicide again !!!




narinder bhandari


According to Rig Veda, human beings are tri-ani-pada i.e. three bodies in One. On the natural death or suicide only material body dies. Their subtle spiritual body containing the Jeev (Spirit) and subtlest of the subtle i.e. causal body containig Atma (soul) do not die. The energy principle Jeev (spirit) merges with the Supreme Spirit and sum total of energy continues to remain constant in the Universe.The causal body containing knowledge principle gets rebirth after on the the 13th day or later depending on the quantam of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic gunas encircling the soul. 12 days journey of the soul to remove the effect of Gunas (karma effect decides the re-birth) is explained in great details in Rig Veda. Regards,Prem Sabhlok


Ram Ram.


How do anyone know for sure what happens to the soul after death? There are many assumptions but do anyone know for sure?We say the soul is untouched and many here argue that the soul do not get touch and when you sin it do not affect the soul and God do not keep tabs on all the good and bad we do. Then how do the soul get affected? It is not the doer,the human body is the doer so the soul leaves and it is gone no matter how u die,correct?

Preeti Singh






I agree with some of the wiser counsels mentioned herein that no living being yet knows what happens to the soul after death,there are many intrepretations but never an all acceptable reasoning.

From this discussion stems another related topic. Please permit me to mention. After a death in a devout ritualistic Hindu family the eldest son is required to perform over a period of one year, many rituals to ensure that the soul reaches a better birth, commonly known as pithru karma etc. This is not done in other religions. I checked with a renowned veda pandit who is known to have analysed and deeply studied the vedas and other religious books,the relevance of this religious practise and he explains that the soul just moves on to its designated goal as per its Karma,the near kith and kin do not influence its journey ! similarly, if the body commits suicide,the soul is believed to wander about until its due death arrives and then passes on to another ordained form.


Has anybody analysed the past life regression,we can see a lot of it on TV these days?



Guru Prasad


In my opinion every body does some thing like suicide in view of your karmas in the previous life.Similarly such people gets grace according to their Karmas ( actions )in the present life


My Pranam to Swamiji


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Dear Dr.Manikkar,

you said

"The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ?"

If you happen to look towards a clear blue sky with a vacant look, after some time when your look really becomes vacant, you will find streams of bubbles appearing from nowhere and disappearing to nowhere with a tremendous speed. Do these "bubbles" have got to do anything with your "bubbles"? I am talking about reality and not speculation ! and posing this question to a professional person of your stature.Regards,

Barin Chatterjee


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Conscious Existence manifests/perceives the world through senses-mind-intellect-Ego(Antahkaran) of an individual. This "individual" identifies him/her as this body-mind with a name as a part of growing up in the environment conditioned by family, society, nationality etc etc. Thus an individual is the product of environment and is bound by it.This very Conscious Existence of his/her carries the impressions(sanskaras) or conditioning and controls the thought patterns and actions of the body-mind throughout the life. Such consciousness conditioned with impressions is soul!Soul is thus Existence in ignorance of its true nature being Pure and Impersonal Existence whom impressions make no impact just as nothing ever happens to space when objects are created or destroyed!Essentially an individual is such a conditioned, limited entity, or subtle body/causal body residing as though, in that gross body. Subtle body is a body of thoughts, feelings, latent tendencies, deep rooted attachments, etc etc and causal body is subtler body of ignorance of not knowing that "I am undivided Consciousness"! Due to the Karmas done as an individual doer, Jeeva/soul is said to acquires new conditioning(karmas), strengthening its ignorance!Now when the physical body gives up for whatever reasons, natural death or suicide, the subtle and causal bodies as impressions on consciousness is said to leave and wait for reincarnation based on its sanskaras! Actually, upon Realization or removal of ignorance, it is seen that "there is only Pure Conscious-Existence, undivided, undifferentiated as various objects but giving the impressions of an individualized soul, which is not its Reality, its true identity". It is also seen that what re-incarnates is this impressions/conditioning through subtle bodies in which new physical bodies happens in a modified environments! KrishnaJi says as if soul is changing clothes and continuing as new body!Thus re-incarnation is not personal, its all an Impersonal process of recycling ignorance(Karmas)! In some birth, however, Realization happens and freedom from such limitations of body and sanskaras or conditioning is obtained! That Consciousness is never born nor can die to re-incarnate is called Jeevan Mukti or liberation! It is said that as if individual's Karmas are destroyed upon the Self-Knowledge.This is GRACE of GOD or GURU KRUPA or call it whatever names!In summary, Karmas, Sanskaras, conditioning of all mankind evolve through new generations, and yet Soul in its purity remain unborn neither coming nor going anywhere! Only bodies/objects/world come and go in IT!This is the reason Krishnaji says "I know all those births whereas you don't". He says this as Atman, Brahman, Consciousness witnessing the dance drama of Life as only THAT which continues knows the discontinuity of death!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Atma (Soul) is omnipresent (Gita 2:24) . By commiting suicide (which you are mistakenly calling it as "atmahatyaa" killing of the soul), that cannot happen. Neither the soul goes anywhere, nor does it come to some place, nor can anything happen to the soul. then why must one worry about this? So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Mind is always in search for a formula to be secured, certain, comfortable.


Uncertainty is the functioning of the brain. Uncertainty is compounded when we do not accept uncertainty.


The compounded uncertainty gives rise to stress, anxiety.

Mind is under the illusion as if it can have or maintain a state of psychological comfortableness as

defined by it, that pleasure will cut the root of pain, that it can depend upon possessions, relations, money or the idea of God as a secured ultimate, that addition to the securities (possessions, relations) will keep the unknown at bay and so on.

Understanding the illusion is the dropping of the illusion.

One becomes one with the unending stream of Life.

Y V Chawla


Nobody really knows the answer to this question, although many will speak as though they have the answer. As explained by Swami Dayananda---


In Drig-Drishya-Viveka, written by a person no less exhalted than Shri Shankaracharya-ji himself, has said that there is an ocean ( could be a river ), in which there is a wave, in which there is a bubble. When that bubble bursts, what happens ? The water element of that bubble merges with the water element of the wave and that of the wave will merge with the water element of the ocean. The air element of the bubble will merge with the air element around it. Whether the "same" bubble will be reborn as another bubble ? This is upto speculation and debate?


We would like to either not be reborn ( moksha ), or be born as good people, and the Law of Karma keeps us straight. After that it is all a matter of speculation.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

When someone has asked a somewhat similar question to Swamiji, he has replied -

Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to even those that commit suicide ?Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well. But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them, they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure, if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji----------------------

This is not in the exact words of Swamiji, but we recollect somewhere in his writings that such a soul finds it difficult to get another body for being born and remains in a pending state, undergoing suffering for a very long time.

Please read, a similar discussion in the past on:

Why one must not commit suicide? at:


Please read carefully and ask any further questions. Please do not hesitate. Human Birth is a rarity and it's significance needs to be understood. Such a rare form of birth may not come again for many lifetimes to come.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram

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Shree Hari Ram Ram


Gita Talk Moderators, Thank you all for your partipation. Ram Ram


Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



Dear Friends,At the outset is said that only cowards commit suicide. God gave us this birth to live to the maximum. gain knowlege and attain salvation. Human birth is the rarest among rarest and we hvae to use it completely. Even as we know our life span of 100 years is not sufficient to realise god fully. Then why to commit suicide and miss the oppurtunity.Also its siad the even atma when liberated from body cant reach god as it wish. A person by natural death even cant reach god. A person who is about to attan salvation with fix his time of death and goes for samadi. In that case a soul which came out in prematural death will not be either able to go to hell or heaven nor be on earth till it exactly completes its stipulated time of leaving the earth. If a persons age is 60 and if he dies at 40 then for 20 years his atma will be roaming along with the wind.This is what wil happen.RegardsS.V.Aurobind---------

Hari OmI am really moved by following request. Let me be at my best. It is a special message to all sadhaks. This message answers much more to sadhaks than any question can ever ask. It is rather a long message, but it is last long message from me. If the following message can change course of even one soul, I will consider myself to be obliged and indebted to all of you, Divine Sadhaks :Quote"It is my sincere request to those questioning and those responding to please share whether the is soul (all pervading atma, spirit, divinity), is it inseparable from divinity of Paramatma (Paramatmatattva) or not?" UnquoteAnswer is: Had it not been separable...how Jeeva would have found himself in this Dukhalayam or in hell or in the bodies of animals etc ? Why would Swamiji advice: Hey Naath Main Apko Bhooloon nahin? Why Scriptures or Gita would be necessary ? Why religions would insist on 'mineness with Paramatma alone' ? Why Mirabaai would re-iterate: Mere to Girdhar Gopaal, Doosaro Na koi ? Why there would remain a difference between "learning" and "experiencing" ? Why there would remain a difference between a parrot (saying Raam..Raam..Raam) and a bhakta (saying Raam..Raam..Raam) ?Don't tell me whether God also thinks so! I am Jeeva, you are Jeeva, sadhaks are all Jeevas and we are talking on behalf of Jeevas. God may not consider Jeeva to be separate from Him, but Jeeva definitely can consider himself to be separate from Him. What is truth is altogether a different thing. This is also truth that we are loitering from ages and eons. Pure Soul / Atma/ Self when embodied, has freedom/power of 'acceptance/rejection' ( other words for same thing: Association/ disassociation, Adoption (dharyate) / Renunciation (Tyaag); Connection/disconnection etc)- POWER TO BELIEVE ! Wrong exercise of power only has made SELF bondaged....Jeeva ! A rope if believed to be a snake is as good as snake for the believer. Children run away, trembling with fear, believing a rope to be a snake. Some one may die even due to false fear and shock.( Hence, for God's sake- don't tell me, Soul is ever liberated. Ever Free. Ever un-tainted. No sorrow can ever touch it. It is all theory. Ask that person who suffers whether suffering is real or assumed . Truth has no value for YOU (Jeeva) unless you have 'accepted'... Absolutely no value- rather it becomes non-sensical at some places. False is as good as truth if you have accepted it to be true. The Truth then remains a mere "Theory" till you "accept" it ! Theory is not false as a law. But unless truth is believed / accepted it is called 'theoritical' ! )It is all a game of 'acceptance' If you accept even 'inert' starts looking 'sentient' to you and vice versa. Hence Swamiji said: "The word 'sveekruti' (acceptance) appears very special (Vilakshan) to me" !The entire creation is nothing except the outcome of 'acceptance' by Jeeva ! Precisely, therefore, AS YOU ARE (accept) , SO LOOKS THE WORLD TO YOU. Precisely, therefore, there are as many worlds as are humans. Each human has its own world. ( Brother Mike Keenor- You have referred Yoga Vaashishtha often- Do you agree? ) ! There are worlds inside worlds. World is 'Asat' but since 'Sat' Jeeva accepts it to be 'Sat', hence it appears 'Sat' !! There are as many versions of SAME WORLD as are Jeevas.'Truth' has no relevance there-except that if your 'acceptance' and 'truth' coincide - you are emancipated.Thus, Truths (such as Vasudev Sarvam; Soul is immortal ; There is no existence of Asat and no absence of Sat; Na Karoti Na Lipyate ; Jeeva is exclusive part of God, Aham Brahmasmi etc) have no value UNTIL you accept/believe them to be true. ( Learning/knowing is different than believing/ accepting ) God is not yours unless you accept Him to be yours. What is the value of that Truth- for your 'self ' -which is not accepted/believed by you ? (It may be highly valuable for those who believe that to be true) ! Hence it is the duty of Jeeva to use "Power of Belief " correctly ! Till you use that power correctly- God remains as "dis-interested friend" to you ! Light Years away and separated from you ! Precisely therefore, you often see people even calling real religious and knowledgeable people to be 'crazy' ! (Read today's Sadhak message for examples ) Even to a Mahatma like Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj- some people said: "You don't understand, Maharaj" !! Swamiji Himself would laughingly acknowledge such comments/strictures !!! Reason: Non-acceptance of Truth. Remember: Even the most obvious truth fails to impact a Jeeva unless he believes that to be truth.Hope this helps you. I would urge that Sadhaks should 'accept' more than 'learn' ! We should stress more on acceptance first, than on Truth. Hence Goswami Tulsidasji Said:HOHI RAAM KO NAAM JAPI( First become of God - Accept Him to be mine- and then chant His name).In fact I can give you a whole list of Gita verses, which are "theoritical" only- so long as you don't become of God ! They are absolutely impractical to practice, unless you have accepted God to be yours ( not "learnt" please). Gita/Swamiji/ Religions stresses maximum on 'acceptance' than on 'truth'. Gita adjusts its teachings PRESUMING bondage existing for Jeeva ( Karma Yoga/Jnana Yoga) ! Why ? Because identification with body/prakruti is TRUTHFUL for Jeeva. Jeeva is truthfully sufferring. This is world is truthfully 'dukhalayam' !It is "learning" which is responsible for same sadhak sometime telling 'Vasudev Sarvam' ( What is not God ?) and some time telling mind/body is not ours, why worry about it ? If you 'accept' such contradictions will NEVER arise. Such contradictions arise only when you learn. Obviously, if All is God then how body or mind is not yours? If body/mind is not yours then how God is yours, if there is nothing except God existing ? Pratapji ! There is no element called 'ignorance/avidya/nescience/maya' existing in the universe. When it does not exist how can that be responsible for sorrows to you ? It is all right/wrong acceptance ! It is wrong choice of Jeeva that makes him sorrowful.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Dear Ones, Namaste!

Sadhakas have answered the question and in general, no one is saying Suicide doesn't matter including myself!

We may be reading a bit too much! No one is even implying "nothing happens to soul, so eat drink and be merry".

An opportunity presented itself to say few words on Soul, Vasudeva Sarvam, and Immortality and that too after answering question asked!

I don't see anything wrong, and so this understandigng gets shared without there being a one who shares!


Narottamji has asked :Can you let me know if Self/Soul/Atma by whatever name you call ..has some powers, discretions, prorogatives, responsibilities or not ? Or it is like a stone incapable of anything ? Answer this Q .. You will immediately grasp."


Atma remains in its nature which is Awareful Being Just as Sun shines by its nature, and cannot not shine even if it doesn't want to! Power, Equanimity, Responsibility, just emanates w/o Atma doing anything, just as nature and life happens w/o sun doing anything! It is not Atma or soul that is ignorant or bound Ignorance just happens as possibility due to reflecting in and thorugh body-mind-nature as an appearance on the screen of Atma or Aawareness! Identification or affinity with what is perceived through senses and mind-intellect appear to happen to/in Soul but like scenes on the movie Screen which remains pure. Taken it real is ignorance and knowing, it is so is Realization. Ignorance and Enlightenment are concepts arising in Atma as Awareful Being!

Teaching of scripture or any sage like Swamiji is a wake up call to that aspect of Jeeva, soul who can understand its True Nature, not to body-mind aspect of Jeeva who will ignore it anyway! We know cases where people are not interested in Truth and some will die for IT!


Answer to Audreyji's question: "Who is ignorant, soul or body?"

Existence as Awareful Being carries possibility of ignorance in all its cognitions remaining Itself always as Constant Awareness!

Being Ignorant implies an entity like soul who is ignorant but soul is not an entity. What happens is ignorance or enlightenment both appear in

Awareful Being who blesses both concepts(that is why they appear)! This Awareness is what we call Pure Soul and when present with ignorance we say soul is in bondage etc etc for communications purpose!

The language has limitations, but understanding has none! Of course body is what it is, neither ignornt, nor enlightened, has intelligence belonging to no one except God as Laws! Just as movie happens to neither screen, nor to projected light, but appears for sure on screen! Just the same day and night don't happen to Sun, but due to Sun!

TO Sarvottamji, I would say as he says, Soul is Paramatmtattavam! See, nothing else has even existence apart from and as Vasudev-God just as they are in our experience! Everything else is superimposed on ONE EXISTENCE THAT IS AWARENESS!

The belief "Soul remains in Bondage for long time" keeps bondage going life after life! "We are already free" if pursued vigorously frees us!

Finally, This is what undelies the Swamiji's teaching as I read it. He often emphasises including in latest sadhaka posts, that God IS, Else is also GOD,

Vedanta tells the same, Gita's essence is also the same that only Atma(God) is! Embodied soul is not ultimate reality,

Removal of ignorance will make you see body in mind and mind in the Atman that is GOD! The reason why Krishna could say Vasudeva sarvam!



Pratap Bhatt





As narinder sees it ..............................................


Some very relevant and beautiful understanding has emerged from the discussions on this thread ................. relevant to spiritual Life and goals...............


Sadhaks must understand that all religions, Scriptures, Saints and Sages etc address the Jeevas ...not pure soul. Jeeva is the target of Satsanga, Gitaji, Lord Krishna and all religions. You can't whisk away every Q under the garb- I am not body or I am not mind..why I should worry? It is insanity. Nothing more than insanity. Sadhaks should note that an entire chapter is devoted in Yoga Vaashishtha on how dangerous concepts like Vasudev Sarvam if inappropriately interpreted or used can become.



Shashikala jee too has voiced a similar concern . Very very valid .


Yet, " I am not the body, nor the mind, nor the intellect" is an integral and important understanding ( not a worry, narottam jee , for whisking away all the questions, as you have also correctly stated ) that forms the basis of further spiritual movement inwards to free us from attachment to the gross .



Ignorance of our real nature is the Cause that leads to all the concepts and conditionings of the mind that further alienate us from our true nature . It becomes , then , a vicious cycle of cause and effect .


Whatever the nature of the questions and the answers thereto, certain fundamentals emerge as presence ....................... it is in the interest of the sadhaks to try and grasp the fundamentals so asto make speedy progress in their chosen Path.


When ever a question arises in the mind there are two aspects of tackling it ; one, the question itself ; second the root of the question. Scriptures tackle both aspects.


Intelligence would clearly indicate that the sadhak must not confine himself/ herself to the immediate answer to the question ( which, no doubt, needs to be tackled ), but also dwell on the second aspect, the deeper aspect .............. the root of the question .


At any point of time, a sadhak is what he or she is . Could not have been otherwise. let the sadhaka try to recognise his/ her own point of evolution at the Moment Now, and seek systematic guidance for step by step upward movement in the spiritual evolution. Necessarily, it will have to be from a competent guide or Guru, who has realised the source, the self .


Vivekachudamani enumerates clearly the attributes of a true sadhaka , Also it qives the two main qualifications of the guru, One, a subjective experience of the Self ( enlightenment) ; two, a deeper knowledge of scriptures ( to encompasse the knowledge gathered in the 'word' by all the realised sages, and the seers). It is important to weigh oneself. Does one qualify as a true Sadhaka ?


The Guru invariably gives more importance to the deeper aspect, the root, at the same time devotes himself to the needs of the individual sadhaka. Blessed is the Sadhaka , whom Krishna makes such a guru available.


In the absence of such a guru, satsanga serves a great purpose.BUT.................... it may still leave many questions/ uncertainties hanging in the sadhaks' minds . Perhaps, an answer to this could be a ' live satsanga' of the sadhaks belonging to the group, such as this one.


Sadhaks,( and the holy moderators too ) please consider this . Once or twice a year , live self-financed satsangas could be organised at suitable avenues. Just think, how wonderful it would be, to discuss various questions face to face. If acceptable, competent sadhaks could come forward to do the Sewa of organising. narinder is willing.




narinder bhandari


Dear Mr. Keenor, "... the moment I speak of it, write of it, or even contemplate upon it, I create an untruth, the knowing is beyond words/intellect, why read about it? IT is, are we speaking the same language as it were? "PERFECT!!!! WONDERFUL!!!!!!! YES, we are speaking the same language here. I believe I read, write, contemplate etc. only to purge the associated untruth through the respective media respectfully :). As far as it helps me to purge away the ignorance from within, so far it is useful. That is all. As Narinderji aptly points out, intellectual grasp or knowledge is only the starting point ... the end is and should be always the absence of the same ... the silence. As the end is realized, the beginning as well as the journey also starts revealing the truth of silence all along. Respects.Naga Narayana.--------------------

Whenever any Lifeform on this Planet Earth dies, every cell of the body stops functioning..that is all....may it be any form of death....it is the same...but there is slight difference....some biochemicals are formed in the brain and body, but they remain in the body without any effect. If an animal is killed by cutting the troat (Zatka), the biochemicals formed during the last few seconds are different than if the animals is given a cut in the neck and allowed to die...(Halal), the animal struggles for a few minutes, the biochemicals formed in the body are much different. Therafter the body just stops functioning...it is dead..... .. . Gee Waman


According to Christian belief the soul of the person who committed suicide will wander as a spirit (good or eil) till the final day of Judgment by Jesus.

yeshu rathenam


Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!!


Sadhak Sarvottamji has asked a Question to us all. Let me reply. :




Shri Anup Bagriji ! who has put forth this question, "where is your mind wishing to go in which there are thoughts that are coming and going. Shraddhey Swamiji has said, "the mind is not yours at all. Do not consider your mind at all as yours." Then do not worry about it. This is my appeal.

knowledgable sadhaks, from Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwaat etc., if someone can share what is stated regarding suicide, then we can know what happens to one's atma who does suicide. (by a question such as what happens, the answer cannot be complete and what will happen today. Share with me as well. Because Atma (Our Self) has be stated as been complete and perfect, unaffected and taintless in all our activities (Gita 2:24-25), then with suicide what can happen to atma and what affect it can have, then the sme affect will happen on God as well because we are a part of God (Ishvar) (Gita 15:7) . therefore becoming free of all worries, let God's will be your will. So be it.



Sir ! Swamiji said that mind is not yours, definitely. But where did Swamiji say that DONT WORRY AT ALL ABOUT THE MIND ? Gita says - Put it in Ishwar ! Gita says- Manmana Bhava !! Gita says- Use your mind for service to the world. Gita Says- Mind should be focussed on God. He certainly said _ Body is not yours. But when did He say that do not take care of it?


Commit suicide? Gita says- Donot cause violence to Self. Gita says- SELF IS THE ENEMY OF SELF and SELF IS THE FRIEND OF SELF. Gita says- USE SELF TO EMANCIPATE YOURSELF ! YOU YOURSELF SAID IN REPLY TO ANOTHER QUESTION- USE SELF recently. Sir How can you use Self if it is like a stone rock? Gita says- Body belongs to Prakruti and hence put the body into the service of others- Karma Yoga. If you do not worry about it at all, Sir, then how will you put it in the service of others? You wanted SOME ONE to state what is stated in Scriptures regarding Suicide. I am answering: It is SIN OF HIGHEST LEVEL. There CAN NOT BE a greater sin than committing suicide. You loiter body-lessly for eons and kalpas if you commit suicide. You do not get human birth again . How will you emancipate yourself if you do not get human birth? Now please let us know what happens to ATMA? Sure Atma has been stated to be perfect and complete, but are we not ACTUALLY EXPERIENCING deficiency ?


Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!!


Anirudh Joshi


Hari OmFrankly we are un-necessarily deliberating and have totally digressed from the Q. First we stated the very word suicide is inapplicable to soul. Then we said 'don't worry .. God's will only prevails' ...as if God wants us to commit suicide. Now we are saying Soul is immortal, no sorrow can ever touch it! Wonderful ..but how does it answer ? What we are not understanding that here the substance is not the immortality of soul or whether a suicide is ever possible for a soul...not at all ! The Q is regarding 'consequences of committing suicide' ! It is a simple question. This Satsanga Forum is not merely for exhibition of hard core knowledge...it is also for advicing or providing answers to Jeevas. To my little mind..Q is not here of basic nature of soul , or how identification with body/mind creates ignorance and thereby sorrow.. the Q is about committing suicide ...about mis- use of human life, about as ghastly a sin as suicide. Is the answer here that 'soul is immortal ..don't worry' an appropriate answer ? Pratapji ! Can you let me know if Self/Soul/Atma by whatever name you call ..has some powers, discretions, prorogatives, responsibilities or not ? Or it is like a stone incapable of anything ? Answer this Q .. You will immediately grasp.Sadhaks must understand that all religions, Scriptures, Saints and Sages etc address the Jeevas ...not pure soul. Jeeva is the target of Satsanga, Gitaji, Lord Krishna and all religions. You can't whisk away every Q under the garb- I am not body or I am not mind..why I should worry? It is insanity. Nothing more than insanity. Sadhaks should note that an entire chapter is devoted in Yoga Vaashishtha on how dangerous concepts like Vasudev Sarvam if inappropriately interpreted or used can become. I myself have goal of realising Vasudev Sarvam. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj actually realised it...but did He ever answer every Q saying ... Soul is immortal, don't worry...everything is God...eat, drink and be merry?Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam------------



Once, the great Buddha was asked what he sees during meditation.

He said I am like a fish that jumped out of the water, and saw the land.

I saw the trees, and houses and I have no words to describe them.

Also, even if I use some words, you will not know the meaning of those

words. therefore, he said, just follow my instructions---

Good thoughts, good speech, good behavior, and avoid hate.


That is the story my friend about your question.

Do not worry about after life.

Worry about this life first and do the right things.


If there is no after life, are you going to be happy doing bad things ?

And if there is, your Karma will come back to haunt you !!



Durgesh Mankikar,MD




From Kathopanisad 4) 1- 2 :The self-existent Spirit worked its way out from within and thus the openings of the mind are directed outwards, viz., the sense organs. Therefore, do men’s thoughts ever tend outwards. But the few, who have true understanding, turn their mind inwards and realize the Self within.Those without understanding, who do not control themselves and pursue external pleasures fall into the widespread net of Birth and Death. Those of steady mind, realizing what is truly lasting, do not turn their thoughts to transient pleasures.

The above, and other verses from our scriptures, informs us that we will be liberated from bondage or fall into the cycle of Birth and Death. I haven't seen any specific reference to "Suicide" anywhere in GITA or elsewhere, but there could be. Thus, I can only surmise that suicide is treated as any other death. But, this is merely a hypothesis, not substantiated by any scriptures. Here is one opinion of Hinduism and suicide:


"Hinduism and suicide: Hindu view on suicide

Hinduism does not approve suicide. Hindus believe that human life is very precious, which is attained after after hundreds and thousands of births and provides an unique opportunity to each individual to make a quantum jump into higher planes of existence or attain immortality. Even gods and other celestial beings do not have this opportunity unless they come down to earth and take birth as human beings.

It would therefore be a very serious mistake on the part of an individual if he commits suicide. It would seriously hamper his spiritual progress and put him back on the evolutionary scale by a few lives behind. It would also expose him to the risk of redoing in a more arduous way what he wanted to avoid in the first place.

According to Hindu beliefs if a person commits suicide, he neither goes to the hell nor the heaven, but remains in the earth consciousness as a bad spirit and wanders aimlessly till he completes his actual and allotted life time. Thereafter he goes to hell and suffers more severely. In the end he returns to the earth again to complete his previous karma and start from there once again. Suicide puts an individual's spiritual clock in reverse . Hindu scriptures therefore aptly described it as murder of self (atmahatya)."


It could be that those who commit suicide are treated harshly, as several esteemed sadhaks seem to suggest. However, there are disturbing aspects to this - what if a sadhak has led an exemplary and divine life, but because of a momentary lapse, succumbed to suicidal tendencies and commits the ghastly deed? Bhagavan assures Arjuna, and us, in GITA 6, that "the doer of good...fallen from Yoga" does not necessarily "come to grief":


Arjuna said:

Though possessed of Shraddhâ but unable to control himself, with the mind wandering away from Yoga, what end does one, failing to gain perfection in Yoga, meet, O Krishna?

38. Does he not, fallen from both, perish, without support, like a rent cloud, O mighty-armed, deluded in the path of Brahman?


39. This doubt of mine, O Krishna, Thou shouldst completely dispel; for it is not possible for any but Thee to dispel this doubt.

40. Verily, O son of Prithâ, there is destruction for him, neither here nor hereafter: for, the doer of good, O my son, never comes to grief.


41. Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and dwelling there for everlasting years, one fallen from Yoga reincarnates in the home of the pure and the prosperous.

42. Or else he is born into a family of wise Yogis only; verily, a birth such as that is very rare to obtain in this world.


43. There he is united with the intelligence acquired in his former body, and strives more than before, for perfection, O son of the Kurus.

44. By that previous practice alone, he is borne on in spite of himself. Even the enquirer after Yoga rises superior to the performer of Vedic actions

Unlike some other religions that portray God as angry and vengeful, I want to think, and am confident, that Bhagavan is compassionate, kind, and loving, and His Laws of Karma that govern us, would not treat suicide victims as harshly as we may believe.

It is widely accepted that people of sane minds do not commit suicide; rather, most people who commit suicide are psychologically affected or mentally disturbed, i.e. they are sick, suffering from a real disease; aren't we being a bit harsh on these victims? And, how are the deaths by these suicide victims different from deaths due to other diseases? This is an extract from wikipedia:


"Suicide (Latin suicidium, from sui caedere, to kill oneself) is the intentional killing of oneself. The most common cause is an underlying mental disorder which include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism and drug abuse. Financial difficulties or other undesirable situations play a significant role.

Over one million people commit suicide every year, making it the tenth-leading cause of death worldwide. It is a leading cause of death among teenagers and adults under 35. There are an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year worldwide.

Views on suicide have been influenced by broader cultural views on existential themes such as religion, honor, and the meaning of life. The Abrahamic religions consider suicide an offense towards God due to religious belief in the sanctity of life. In the West it was often regarded as a serious crime."-

While I agree that suicide is the ultimate sin, I am sympathetic towards those sad and tortured people who kill themselves, and maybe they may not be cast away into the proverbial hell and brimstone, but, at best, reincarnate with tons of bad karma that will require additional births and deaths to work through. These are just a few thoughts from me, not supported by any scriptural references.

Ram Ram

Deosaran Bisnath



Jai HanumanOh ! How simple the world will become if every problem is answered by 'Everything is God' ? Who can rob whom? Everything is God ! Who can rape whom? Everything is God. Who can kill whom ?...soul is immortal !! What prohibitions? What Dharma? What discrimination ?...Everything is God ! Oh ! In that case how many verses will remain in Gitaji ? Where will remain any need for 'tyaag' (renunciation/disconnection) ? How can God define world as 'Dukhalayam'? Where will remain any role for Viveka? To discriminate what and where? Everything is God !!! Where is need for restraint ? Everything is God ! What is wrong in killing innocent animals? Soul is immortal...everything is God! Oh ! What a mockery we can make of pious concept/goal: Vasudev Sarvam...immortality of soul... I am not body..Mind does not belong to me.. ? Vasudev Sarvam is an individual experience..it is not a subject to be learnt. It is a subject to be understood. Everything in your home belongs to your father and therefore to you ! Should you steal, therefore, stating it is all along your property only ? Mother gives you affectionately a chocolate.. should you throw it in a gutter saying- "It is not mine- Chocolate belongs to Prakruti..I am Purusha. I am not body..I don't need anything" ? Your son has severe headache...should you advice him that ' Hey Son..Head is not yours..it belongs to Prakruti... You are Purusha.. You are not body.. You are immortal soul ...don't worry' or should you take him to a doctor? Raam! Raam!! Raam!!!Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala



Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!!


If soul is EVER FREE from where the word BONDAGE or LIBERATION have emerged? Soul is free ! Who goes to hell or heaven?


Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!!


Anirudh Joshi



-Shree Hari-Namaste!Shri Naga Narayanaji,I will get back on your other responses, but will respond if I may regarding : 'I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?'.Well firstly '..or is the answer yes? Respectfully two points, 'Yes' a whimsical remark, but allowing me the choice to to decide , I consider yes fine by me operating within the limitations of the English language.OK reflecting upon you concept explaining of the universe/ silence in an invariant presence, and so on.Let me put my humble and simple thoughts forward. During a long period of meditation, I had a realization, for want of a better word. I have come to the conclusion that the moment I speak of it, write of it, or even contemplate upon it, I create an untruth, the knowing is beyond words/intellect, why read about it? IT is, are we speaking the same language as it were? Om.... Shant.....Mike (K).


Shree Paramatmane Namah


It is my sincere request to those questioning and those responding to please share whether the is soul (all pervading atma, spirit, divinity), is it inseparable from divinity of Paramatma (Paramatmatattva) or not?

Vineet Sarvottam




Narain ! Narain!!


Definitely suicide means destruction of body. Everybody is taking suicide in that sense only.


Clearly written in shastras is that SUICIDE SHOULD NEVER BE ATTEMPTED. Your soul then suffers immensely...in a bodyless form...for a long time. YOU LOSE PRECIOUS OPPORTUNITY OF THE EMANCIPATION. One may need to ask that person who suffers and know whether there is a direct personal experience in suffering or not.This is not what Swamiji or Scriptures teach us. If VASUDEV SARVAM is an experience then HOW destruction of body is justified? Is body not Vasudev? If SOUL IS IMMORTAL then how that justifies discarding the body as in case of suicide? Clearly we are digressing and the value to deliberations is diminishing.


Narain ! Narain !!


Naarad N Maharshi



Namaste Sadhaks


I hope these deliberations will impart correct spiritual status with reference to suicide. In Christianity also the suicide has been stated to be a serious crime and sin. I am indeed interested in knowing as to how Santan Dharma views the suicide tendency and attempts. Nagaji I had difficulty understanding your earlier posting. As you sow, so shall you reap "- Recently Vineetjee has quoted this. My Q is who sows? Body or Soul? A Question to Pratapji also. You say sorrows are outcome of ignorance. My Q is who is ignorant? Soul or body?


Audrey Rodrigues



Jai Shree Krishna


The Q is regarding what happens to soul and impact of suicide over soul. An answer indicating nothing happens to soul, do not worry , let God's will prevail, can ONLY encourage suicide . Note here that suicide now-a days is increasing particularly among students. Afterall we are living in dukhalayam.


Correct Answer is that soul remains bondaged for a long long period. To say that the soul is ever free and can never remain bondaged is not PRACTICAL or relevant HERE. Utilisation or mis-utilisation is the option available to SELF/SOUL to exercise. Any mis-use of body granted by God means...You dont get body again. Logical.



Swami Rupesh Kumar ------------------


Dear Ones, Namaste!I sense apparent differences among sadhakas reg soul, Jeeva, suicide and suffering! I think it may be due to our understanding of soul being somewhat different.One who knows beyond a shadow of doubt, that there is Immortality which is referred to by words like Soul, Atma or SELF, Existence itself, will never commit suicide! For such a one knows experientially he/she is Immortality, not Immortal! SouI, as the understanding that is important, not the word Soul!Can suicide destroy THAT which IS? (Ch 2:16)!Person's suffering or suicide cannot even touch Soul if by Soul we mean Immortality! There can not be any scope of suicide here, let alone it being bad!On the other hand, if Soul is understood to be body-mind identified person in ignorance, known also as Jeeva or ego, then, it is the Ignorance on the part of soul(thus defined) and hence suffering and in some cases suicide happens! Ignorance is experienced as suffering and cause for suicide! This is prohibited by Gita because such ignorance as suffering continues life after life, even if it is not a suicide. So it is important to Realize on the part of Soul/Self "I am not the body", because body-mind cannot realize it! Such Realization cannot happen if one continues to live as if he/she is body-mind! Finally, such questions come up due to assumed ideas or beliefs about soul on the part of questioners, so, it is important to stress the fact that it is ignorance and ignorance alone that if removed, such questions get answered! Bad as suicide is, still, it is preliminary and simplification if stopping short of adding that only in ignorance suicide can happen!Namaskar....Pratap Bhatt






Dear Mr. Keenor,




Thanks for your invaluable interest in the utterings that happened to flow through "me" …




Q: I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?


Whatever comes from within would flow out as whatever flows from around would perculate within. Is that a platform of knowledge? Yes! Is that a platform of gnosis?? Yes!! Is that brewed by the pure intellect??? Yes!!! The knowledge, the intellect, the gnosis, and everything else that we can fathom are mere inseperable variants even in a variant perception while remaining in an abyss of silence in an invariant presence. Whatever is told in this universe, whatever is seen in this universe, ... whatever is sensed in this universe is nothing but that invariant silence even in its apparently variant ripples that coexist perpetually and continually with each other, in each other and around each other. Why do bother?! It flows as it comes ... let it flow as it flows ...




… or … is the answer yes?




How can an "yes" come out without leaving its shadow "no" within, and vice versa?! Why should an "yes" or a "no" come out when they cannot reachout to the object of their intent??!! What good can the "yes-s" and "no-s" blurted out could ever make any difference when their intent itself is illusive, evasive as well as delusive???!!! All the responses of acceptance as well as rejection are nothing but the wastes vomitted from an individual and are of no use to anybody else ... and are even toxic if taken in by mistake!




One is bound to hang on to an "yes" only due to the threat of a "no". One would insist for an "yes" to hang on only due to the fear of a "no". That way, "yes" and "no" are inseparable. How can one attain The Absolute that is devoid of all conflicts while nurturing the conflicts of "yes" and "no" within?




The tussle between the polarities of "yes" and "no" remains within an individual and hence should be faced by the individual oneself ... again only with an introspection ... any reference from outside would be toxic. Therefore, my suggestion is not to take "my" words for acceptance or rejection ... but to revert the vomiting of the very tendency to accept and reject from within letting them quench themselves as naturally as they can ...




When the dilemma that stirrs my core is "not to entertain polarities", how can I answer your question "yes" or "no"? I am helpless but to leave the decision to you :).




Regarding the other thoughts from you, let me ponder …









Naga Narayana.


Dear Ones, Namaste!Inspired by Narottamji's posting I have following observations! As he puts it: "FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience." However, how can suffering be real when it is entirely due to ignorance of taking whatever happens to body as happening to me? In other words how can we take ignorance to be "practical direct experience"?Suffering due to Ignorance is not practical nor is direct! such suffering is unnecessary mental obsession! Suffering is conception by mind as happening to "me"! Truth endures only! Endurance is Freedom!Of course, Soul is said to be in bondage but that is what defines ignorance, and not Reality! In reality it is ever free! If suffering was real, no one can be free ever! There is a temporary forgetfulness out of which actions are carried out until "Nashtaomoha smritirlabhdhwa....18:73! Such striving, if you call it that, is also of Truth! "Jeeva can only think he is doing, he is happy, he is suffering etc. Doesn't make any difference to Reality!If we say until such Realization, soul suffers, then I would say it is unnecessarily suffering! I am not undermining the importance of Realization and saying "I am not body" or Vasudevah sarvam" is enough to be free! I am also saying suicide is bad action but what I am adding is that it is done only in ignorance and cannot touch Soul in its purity even when suicide is committed! Vasudeva sarvam is not a theory, but is the only Reality, only Practical! Else is all bondage!Soul appears to be in Bondage and not in Reality! To a suicidal person, I would say "you are not ending suffering, by ending body, you are ending infinite possibilities of ending ignorance now!Again this is in the spirit of sharing understanding!Namaskar..........Pratap-----





Knowledge … Intellect … Gnosis … suicide … ego termination …




Dear Mr. Keenor,




Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the knowledge, intellect and gnosis shedding light on the limitations of knowledge and intellect and on the importance of gnosis in spiritual progress.




I understand your viewpoint regarding the limitations of knowledge, intellect and the world as they do not explicitly remind the perceiver openly regarding the dependence developed in the very perception while the gnosis constantly reminds the seeker in this awareness purging all possible dependence en-core. From this perspective, certain classifications and concepts help us to appreciate The Truth




However, I would say nothing can be other than gnosis on its own. Knowledge is gnosis in itself and intellect is also gnosis by itself. As a matter of fact, even the world made of matter, energy and mind (collectively body) is gnosis in itself. It is the dependence we nurture on them that draws the limitations. Again these limitations are drawn on the one who draws it … neither on the knowledge, nor on the intellect, nor on the world.




Lord KrishNa calls the knowledge, intellect and gnosis as Gnyaana, Vignyaana and Vibhooti in the Bahagavadgita. The same are referred to as Mahat, Jana, and Tapa in the Gaayatri Samhita from an individual perspective; and, as Jeeva, ViraaT and HiraNyagarbha in the BrihadaaraNyaka from a cosmic perspective. All classifications are based on personal, general and universal nature of existence whether in terms of appearance or in terms of intelligence.




But The Truth remains beyond anything that we can ever classify … be it in terms of intellect-knowledge-gnosis or Gnyaana-Vignyaana-Vibhooti or Maha-Jana-Tapa or Jeeva-ViraaT-HiraNyagarbha. The Absolute remains beyond all possible perceptions one could ever make. Yoga VaasishTha considers even the subtle or occult existence also as body only. If the seeker develops dependence on the 'gnosis', an identity is formed there as such, hence a body has taken birth, and the dependence has started spreading its roots!




Therefore, the dependence creates the limitations irresepective of what we perceive and understand … call it matter or energy or mind or intellect or knowledge or gnosis. If one is drawn into the shackles of dependence, anything and everything is no more than a body or identity or gross existence. If one is reminded of the absolute independence vested within, anything and everything is gnosis or awareness or consciousness as such.




In spite of being identified with the names, is their any real line that distinguishes them completely? Can they ever exist exclusive to each other? Are they not just figments of our variant imaginations about The Same, THE ONE?! You pointed out the massive illusion we safegaurd within. Is it not that massive illusion we safegaurd within that generates the limitations in our perception and makes us believe that the perceived entity is limited rather the very perception emanating from us?!




Therefore, I cannot answer your question whether I am coming from the platform of knowledge or intellect or gnosis as no platforms of such kind really exist in my appreciation :).




Regarding your comments on the suicide and termination of the ego-self … that is precisely what I attempted to establish … the ego is frozen beyond repair in a suicide … the ego is normally frozen in a regular death. As far as the ego exists, there was no death as such on one hand, and on the other hand, the life we live remains suicidal as such since the ego never lets us to realize our True Nature ...








Naga Narayana.




Jai HanumanSadhak Sarvottamji !

By the way...Who remains bondaged? Who liberates? Who suffers? Who enjoys? Who goes to heaven or hell? Who remains deprived of birth-right of 'sahaj sukhraasi' ? Who is that who is complete but feels deficiency. Who is that who is basically 'amal' but is thrown into heavens or hells? BODY? Who accepts? Who associates? Who rejects? Who desires? What 'chijjad granthi' is made of? Why God wants 'Self' to be friend of 'Self' and not enemy. Why Swamiji said that a Sadhak is 'unmanifest' ?What is 'EMBODIED SOUL' ? What is 'pukaar' (calling out to Lord) ? From where it emerges? If soul is unaffected through out (which actually it is) then why it is STILL EMBODIED? Who made the first error of identification with Prakruti? How? Why? How can soul 'make an error' ? Does Soul have no powers or responsibilities? Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala



In the year 1996 I was in Dhayana (Meditation) on Shirdi Sai. I asked Maharaj Sai to show me the life after death. Maharaj shown me my death and rebirth.

In front of Sai Baba my Atma left the body. Sri Sai Maharaj called the Atma. My Atma was resembling like my body without flesh and bones. Sai Maharaj was holding my left hand in his right hand and asked me to walk along with him. We both crossed a river and reached a mountain. SaiMaharaj was holding my hand and we both were climbing the hill. We reached a castle above the mountain. Sai Maharaj asked me to climb talest tower in the castle, he was holding my hand till we reched the tip of the tower. Sai Maharaj asked me to walk into the sky with faith on him. He told me that he will not accompany me further. He told me not to look down and just walk into the sky and reach God. I kept my right leg in the sky and with curiosity (MAYA) I looked down the hill. My Atma instead of walking in the sky started falling down on the earth. My Atma entered a womb of a lady andthe dream is vanished.

I came out from my dhayana (meditation) and realised the mistake I have done. Sai Maharaj helped me to climb the tower in the castle and asked me to walk with faith on him in the sky and reach the God. I was having faith on Sai but the curiosity (MAYA) made me to look down on earth and myAtma has taken rebirth. Sai Maharaj shown my past four Janmas (births and rebirths) and future Janma. (more if interested)

Ravada Rao


Hari OmWhy as ghastly a sin as suicide ...which sin has been described as a major sin not only in all major Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma (including Gita) but in all religions across the world..is being camouflaged in the garb of - I am not body - in these deliberations ?? Why a stress is being made of the untainted ness of soul? How does it help? I am now stating few more points. YOUR SOUL (the same soul which again and again is being stated to be immortal) REMAINS BONDAGED for a very very long period if you commit suicide. How your soul then can be said to be un-affected? Sure by nature, it is 'na karoti na lipyate' ( neither does nor gets tainted) ...that is theory. Now take one step forward..come to 'embodied soul'...SELF adopting the world...the JEEVA !! Who suffers ...mind/intellect/body or Jeeva? Answer me? Who remains bondaged? Who strives for freedom? We are funny and 'learn' more than 'experience' ! There is logic behind everything. Soul is immortal hence don't worry regarding anything...childish ! It is ok that soul is immortal. But is it free as of date (free from wrong assumptions) ? Are you not born bondaged? If you commit suicide will soul attain emancipation? Who suffers ? Who consumes pleasures and pains? Merely by picking on one verse of Gitaji reg immortality of soul...you can't address sins like suicide. FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience. Sadhaks should distinguish between "learning" and "experience"....they MUST. Gita verses are very deep.

Sadhaks must understand that 'Soul/Self' although it neither 'DOES' nor gets 'TAINTED' but that pure self / part of Paramatma...remains caged/chained/ BONDAGED due to wrong exercise of powers made by it. Soul/Purusha converts into Jeeva...when it 'associates' (assumes/accepts/forms affinity/connects) with Jagat (inert/prakruti). Self has responsibilities/authorities/discretions and powers. Can any one deny that? Suicide is misuse of that power. Hence SOUL SUFFERS...SOUL ALONE SUFFERS ! Who else can suffer? In this Forum ...Jeevas are deliberating ! Who is telling Self is immortal ? Self itself? How can it? ' It neither does nor gets tainted'- is writing or speaking not 'doing' ..a deed? Then who is telling..? Sadhaks must go into deep rather than keep repeating on every Q like a parrot...Soul is immortal ! Who does not know that amongst us? Is there nothing beyond that? Is that the solution for everything? No ! It is high time we distinguish between 'learning' and 'experiencing' ! Do we not experience sorrows? What is the value there of the sermon - soul is immortal? Where then remains the difference between knowledge and insanity? Concepts like Vasudev Sarvam, Everything is done by God,Karta ahamiti manyate, disconnection by becoming Sadhu, Soul is immortal,etc ..although theoritically true but if understood in a stupid manner can cause havoc...it can even make a person insane. We see it practically happening. There is one word 'fanaticism' ..this is often associated with religion. Why? Because one does not get down to the root/substance level. At substance level soul neither does nor gets tainted. But that is not the end. Self must help Self- Gita says ! Now tell me- if soul is unaffected how can it help itself. How can that soul get bondaged? Who liberates? Body or Self? Let us move ahead with a purpose. Let us not get stuck funnily on theories. Theories have their value but not like this. Sadhaks must understand that 'acceptance' is such a powerful power that it converts inert to sentient , soul to body , wrong to right. You ASSUME connection with body and then commit suicide. To tell such a person ..don't worry...soul is immortal is a sin in itself. Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


jai sitaramjiki, jai radhakrishnajiki, jai veer hanuman!


A person committing suicide, trying to reduce his pain in his/her present birth, suffers far more and more as he has nowhere to go; his soul must wander aimlessly suffering immensely until after a very very long period a womb may be found for his soul to get another birth. Aatmhatya is the biggest crime one can commit; only the one who gave you life can take it away at its ordained time; so don't meddle in his affairs.






Dear Sadaks,The Athuman time span is decided by ones own previous birth Karmas. The Body time span is correlated to Athuman. That is why some die young with disease/accident Etc. But if one suicides, then it is crime (Sin) said in sastras for having NOT completed the mission on earth. Such Athuman hangs in Stratosphere without body but with all desires. Say hunger, that Athuman suffers hungry. Ref: Srimath Bagavath about Gokarn brother life.B.Sathyanarayan-------


To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


you are in a rented house.. you would be in it till you are transfered to another place. is it, or is it not our duty to keep the house in good shape. should ou be punished and condemned or praised if you destro the house because it is not yours. What happens if you destroy the house. If it is provided by the company you work for, the company will deduct from your salary the cost of damages and put a black mark against you and your promotion etc will be adversely affected. If the house is a private property of another, the owner will sue you for damages and inform your company of your misbehaviour which will go against your purse and career. in either case you loose.


Same thing with atma and body


krishna samudrala




Hari OmNothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam



-Shree Hari-Namasre!Contemplating Mahalaksmi dasiji's post straight away put me in mind if the 'Hungry Ghosts', universally known throughout many traditions. I will past in some comments ex Wikipedea :' In Hinduism - In Hindu tradition, hungry ghosts are spirit-beings driven by passion for particular things, objects of their desire. Possibly the worst thing about "Hungry Ghosts" is that they always come back for more. Very detailed information about ghosts is given in Garuda Purana.'The italics indicate why precautions were taken to protect your husband.Such demons /ghosts are powerless in the presence of 'Divine Light', a yogi remarked, "All one has to do is, is send from your heart the love of Baba to the demon, it will go in a flash". (Such things cannot stand discovery from a soul who has no fear, because of her/his trust in the Supreme Lord.)So if the outcome of suicide is to become a ghost, then a time of great anguish awaits. (Explained well in the Tibetan tradition!)People who are in the process of 'waking up from the spiritual sleep that enslaves mankind', can often have battles with demons, horrific nightmares, just as you describe, absolutely no doubt of that!A point, someone will no doubt bring this up, re. 'Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body.' Look! I don't know about you, but I understand that any desire for worldly things, will deny one Moksha. Worth contemplating upon! Om..... Shant....Mike (K).---------

Hari Om. Shree Hari.Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person. What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them. As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person. Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

My dandavat pranams to all.....

As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state..

I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.


Maha laksmi dasi





As a child, I used to wonder about these "bubbles" that floated from one end of the visual field to another.


But, as you are aware, I am sure,

---Sky / ether is odorless, tasteless and "touch-less" and "Smell-less" if there are such words

---Air is the first element with touch--you feel it and can say if it is warm or cold, or fast or slow.

---Fire is the first element that you can "see" and "feel". Is it warm or hot ? Is it saffron yellow, orange, red or black or other colors of Vibgyor ?

---Water is the first element that you can taste, see and feel.

--- Earth is the only element that you can smell, taste, see and feel !!


So you cannot "see" any bubbles in the sky, or air !!


If you stare into the sky with a "concentrated or vacant" look, and bubbles appear in front of your eyes, they are from the microscopic defects in the Aqueous humor of the eye ( the fluid in the eye in front of the lens of the eye ). What you do "see" are the defects in the fluid, which are called "floaters". They are microscopic, since the fluid in the eye gets re-cycled, re-filtered, re-created and re-juvenated every second of every day of our lives.


Just as there are waves in the water, I am sure there are waves in the air, but air by definition ( and so is the sky ) is essentially colorless, and transparent, and we humans cannot visualize any waves or bubbles in either the sky or the air around us.


Whether other animals or birds see them is up to speculation.


Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. Irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death.Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego is suffering.

Basudeb Sen ---------------

Dear Sadhak

Per my understanding, when somebody commits suicide then he goes to heaven or hell as per his or her action s committed during his or her life. S S Bhatt


-Shree Hari-

Namaste!Shri Naga Narayanaji,I took the trouble to print out you comments, and endeavor to follow your line of reasoning, not easy, but by getting a feel of the general gist, I will reflect a few thoughts.I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?I think in the most silent depth of the mind, especially if one contemplate/meditates, one understands that there is a massive illusion, that which we take for real is an illusion, the intellect takes the paints and paints a picture, thinking the picture is real, not understanding all of that which we consider as real is actually the paint, (in this analogy). Scientist probe the universe, and keep coming up with an answer, but then a new question arises from the answer, because they are trying to solve the problem with wrong tool, intellect.Knowledge as I see it, is book learning, useful in the mundane world, one can earn a good living if one is able digest and make use of what is commonly known as facts.(Even with sacred works, one must go beyond the intellect into gnosis). In the western traditions gnosis was a self knowledge, the inner mystical path, often leading a person into the occult world, where the rigid fabric of reality starts to dissolve, a place the ego does not want to go. Indeed the real death is the death of the ego self to the Self, leaving the Self awareness only, there is no I/Me.I see it this way, to kill ones self, kills nothing, but gives more strength to the ego self, thus condemning one to a longer internment in samsara.Around and around, deeper into the kaleidoscope of illusions, deeper into the hell of suicide having to face all those demons once more.Whereas suicide, is like burying gold under tones of slag, turning to 'The Beloved', even if you are suffering deeply, is like washing away the silt to reveal glistening gold. A final reflection re. 'The Essence of Yogavaasishtha', ch. 30 page 315 verse 10-11;The idea-"I am the body", is one that binds (the person) to worldly existence. This idea should never indeed be taken (or resorted to), by seekers after liberation. "I am going to kill myself", long before I came to this divine Forum, I always considered that this was a guaranty that one would not obtain enlightenment, in fact would compound the problems in the next existence.Om... Shanti...Mike (K).------


Shree Paramatmane Namah


Shri Anup Bagriji ! who has put forth this question, "where is your mind wishing to go in which there are thoughts that are coming and going. Shraddhey Swamiji has said, "the mind is not yours at all. Do not consider your mind at all as yours." Then do not worry about it. This is my appeal.

knowledgable sadhaks, from Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwaat etc., if someone can share what is stated regarding suicide, then we can know what happens to one's atma who does suicide. (by a question such as what happens, the answer cannot be complete and what will happen today. Share with me as well. Because Atma (Our Self) has be stated as been complete and perfect, unaffected and taintless in all our activities (Gita 2:24-25), then with suicide what can happen to atma and what affect it can have, then the sme affect will happen on God as well because we are a part of God (Ishvar) (Gita 15:7) . therefore becoming free of all worries, let God's will be your will. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam










Beautifully has the truth been answered by various sadhaks ............... may Blessings of the Buddhas make it our realisation .................................

yet ............................... the following :

Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now if so what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...


.............naga narayana


aum ....................

this is the Ultimate understanding ........... the shortest Way ..........that must seize all the Sadhakas' minds ............ah ! pray to God, dear Sadhakas, to bless you with the awareness and acceptance of where you stand this Moment Now ...and, with seeing the Truth of nagajee's words above as your own 'intellectual' grasp ( for the time being ) ......

work your way, step by step ............ raising the self by the self, higher and higher, .....till the ONE Question of Questions , WHO AM I , recieves an answer from within your own being .............. till Tat Twam Asi and Aham Brahamasmi both disappear in your own Silent Being ............... the Silence Divine, or Nothingness, or Shoonyatta ........

thank you, O blessed of the sages .............. thank you naga jee .......


narinder bhandari





Sat Nam


A most delicate subject. The Soul, as emanation from God, is constant, is perennial, is eternal. The Soul does not suffer. But what brings individuation to that Soul, and what manifests its existence in an incarnation, is the Subtle Body. The Subtle Body carries the mind and all its facets, memories, prejudices and history. It is what gives us the individuality as unique human beings. It is the mind that suffers. But we, in the Subtle Body, are responsible for carrying the Soul in each incarnation.


There is song that says, let your vestment be the protection of God.


The Soul is a constant stream to which our Subtle Bodies attach so that it can manifest the incarnations. To kill an incarnation is to go against the Soul´s current. It brakes a Universal Law of Creation. To commit suicide is as bad and probably even worse than homicide from a Karmic effect. It is worse because it halts the incarnation process of the one who commits suicide, it brings it to a stop, a dense and heavy stop, against the Naad, against the Word. It only guarantees more and more, denser and denser incarnations for that Subtle Body (us as we know us).


The Karma-Dharma balanced is broken.


We are all incarnates by Divine Grace, by Guru's Grace. We should cherish every moment of our incarnation. On every breath we take, we bring in the entire Universe and allow it to manifest through us. And that is our most precious gift.


Pray for those who have left this plane by suicide for they need all our compassion and Love. Pray for them that upon return they become aware.


Sat Nam

Adi Singh


OM SAI. Answers are only with SHRI SAI.Kash--------

Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. As I understand it, irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death. Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego's sufferring.

Basudeb Sen


Hari OmSadhak Sarvottamji. I appreciate your difficulty of expression. If you give message in Hindi , I will translate it into English religiously for benefit of all sadhaks and reply to you in Hindi only with English translation. Henceforth you may please express yourself in Hindi only. You may freely express yourself. Welcome! Other sadhaks may also converse in Hindi. It will be translated.Please don't worry or give much weightage to 'limited knowledge'. To a Bhakta - knowledge is effortlessly received from God Himself. Knowledge becomes the slave of Bhakta. You too shall receive it when and if considered appropriate by Paramatma. Have trust in Paramatma. The very fact that you have Sadhak Sanjeevani at your home is more than enough for guidance to you at all times and in all stages ! Your pious association with Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj will definitely give imperishable results to you. It can never give perishable results. Pranaams!Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam -------

Shree Hari Ram Ram

Digressing a bit, but sadhaks, I thought you may find this revealing - from Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivani - (Gita 7/26 - english pg 931 - hindi pg 534-535). The Lord also declares , "By receiving this boat, in the form of a human body and favorable wind, in the form of My grace, one who does not attain salvation (cross the ocean of life), he is one who commits suicide" (Srimadbha. 11/20/17). Even in the Gita it is declared by Bhagavan, "For he who by seeing the supreme Lord present equally everywhere, in all as one, such a man does not kill (destroy) himself by the self, thereby reaching the supreme state" (Gita 13/28). From this too, it proves that the Lord has bestowed upon human beings, the rights, complete resources and understanding so that they can attain salvation. On receiving this priceless opportunity, if one does not attain salvation, one commits suicide and follows the cycle of birth and death.

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Shri Narottamji, by name I am certainly Sarvottam (name was given by father-mother) but in knowledge I am limited. Due to not knowing English by mistake I wrote that to call suicide, "atmahatya" is wrong, as only the body can be killed, not the atma (Self, Soul, Spirit). Knowing that English "atma" (soul) can also be killed, appears surprising to me. If only this would be in Hindi. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam







What happens to a Soul when one commits suicide?




This question is not different from "What happens to the soul after accidental death or natural death or any other death?" that Nachiketa asked The Death itself,




E'yam prete vichikitsaa manushye asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike |


EtadvidyaamanushishTastvayaaham varaaNaamesha varstriteeyah ||




One could definitely answer this if one could establish what happens to the soul when one is alive?! Have we ever attempted to figure that out?! We dodge from this terrifying question as to 'what I am?'or 'what is this soul?' when we are alive and push the same for a post-mortem so that we can escape from its wrath as of now. After all, living the way we do is not very different from any suicide as such as we try to hush up the very question to investigate our roots when we really can. If we cannot get a resolution to this when we have all the faculties gifted to us while alive, how can we ever imagine to 'understand' the state when we are ripped off all these faculties??!!




There was debate as to whether the soul exists or not then … as well as now … asteetyeke naayamasteeti chaike … As Yama begs the young Nachiketa, even the gods cannot determine the exact nature of The Self that dwells in the creatures in this universe ... Lord Yama begs the kid not to insist for an answer to this! The Death itself confesses its inability to understand the nature of its very locus in spite of being the instrument in recycling the life as we perceive!!




Devairatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyam aNuresha dharmah |


Anyam varam nachiketo vriNeeshva maamopareetseerati maasrijainam ||




Upanishads univocally caution us who are chasing the life being chased by the fear of death at the same time with no intention as well as attention to be ourselves all our lives ... as the true suiciders. After all, one who has no clue of oneself is truly dead. Who is the hurdle for this - oneself! Therefore the upanishads call us the Aatmahanaah - the suiciders - one who never "lived" continuously being churned in the tornedo of contradictions within - crave to live and fear to die. Such suiciders have to die every moment seeking the life every moment to exist ... they exist ... but never live ...




Asuryaa naama te lokaah andhena tamasaavritaah |


Taangste pretyaani gacchhanti ye ke chaatmahano janaah ||




Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out …




Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now … if so … what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...




As Lord Yama reveals frankly, nobody can teach us this … of course, all that the scriptures and the seers can do for us is to point out when we go wrong and when we draw wrong conclusions. Afterall any conclusion sounds wrong inline with Yama's revelation … therefore, the scriptures and the seers help us till we stop entertaining anymore conclusions ... till we stop entertaining any more doubt ... till we attain The Silence that is everything including itself as such.




Therefore, my dear friend, keep interrogating now and here ... question yourself and yourself ... anything else is proved a futile path beyond doubt in our scriptures and by our seers ... if you insist, you can try other paths before converging to this ... but convergence to this fundamental query is essential ... convergence to The Silence eventually is vital ...









Naga Narayana.






… contd




Can anyone commit suicide?




Aatmahana mentioned earlier from the Upanishad means the one who evades oneself. Even in mundane world, it makes sense … one is dead when one cannot acknowledge oneself … the true burning question here is what is this "oneself"? One can come up with zillion 'answers' to this ... the same individual treats this in variant ways circumstantially since this Self (or soul) has a unique quality of becoming anything as perceived! Therefore, an intellect is perpetually left wandering around wondering what it is!! Grossly, the identity of an individual (or soul) oscillates between the world (relations), the body (actions), the mind (emotions) and the silence. The problem is that its four legs are glued into these four apparently distinct dominions so strongly that the fellow cannot shoft into any one dominion completely. Whenever it tries to be in one, the other three legs are so stretched out to accommodate this that they pull the fellow toward different dominions not letting the fellow rest anywhere! How to understand the one who cannot stay anywhere even for a moment?!




Considering that the fellow is 'the world' … the fellow is defined in terms of the relations provided and fascilitated by the world through its objects that the fellow is blessed to perceive. Afterall that is a show … no perception can remain (if it remains, it cannot be any perception but silence!) ... no object can remain (if it remains, it cannot be anymore an object, only a void remains!!) ... no relation can, therefore, remain (if it remains, it cannot relate anything as no relation can exist between a silence and a void!!!) ... therefore, the world is retiring perpetually on its own (Refer to Swamiji's wonderful revelations on this subject in SSS on Sahaja Nivritti) ... how can we 'kill' something that is killing itself perpetually???!!! Therefore, wise one who appreciates the momentary nature of the world would cease to imagine killing the fellow in 'the world' ... no suicide is possible there ...




Vishayaanaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the body' … the fellow is defined by the matter-energy cluster that is undergoing perpetual recycling on its own to remain what it is … and, is acknowledged by the actions that are curned out perpetually in the process. No unique matter-energy-action cluster can ever exist even for a moment ... they loose their presence as soon as they take one! They are born dead in other words (Aja). How can we terminate this fellow who is born dead?! Consider the typical suicides around the world ... can anyone terminate the body without the assistance of the same. Even the ultimate dissolution of the body is in its own hand and is governed by its own terms! Who am I to say that I kill myself when the body quits the way it can and the way it is destined to??!!




Considering the fellow to be 'the mind' … being always absolutely under the spell of the senses governed by the body, it can never have its own presence anyway anytime … it is helpless but to entertain the imagery it receives from the senses. Again, a fellow defined by perpetually discharged pulses of momentary existence cannot be killed ... he is gone before you identify him! Again, a wise one would not entertain the idea of killing the fellow in dominion of thoughts that raise and fall perpetually like sunrise and sunset ...




IndriayaaNaam prithagbhaavamudayaastamayou cha yat |


Prithagutpadyamaanaanaam mattvaa dheero na shachate ||




Considering the fellow to be 'the silence' or 'the void' … the space that accommodates the thoughts, actions as well as relation … it permeates everything … nothing can take any fraction of that away from it … it remains as is irrespective of the presence of objects and thoughts ... objects and thoughts depend on the space for existence and not vice versa! Also, it has nothing specific that can be identified to take away to start with. It has nothing to loose as it needs nothing to gain to be what it is!! Then how can you imagine something that has nothing to loose???!!! Again, 'killing' this fellow is an impossibility!!!




Where is the question of suicide when there is no room for 'killing' in the first place?Therefore, the idea of 'killing' anybody (INCLUDING ONESELF) is a mere myth …




Na jaayate mriyate vaa vipashchit naayam kutashchinna babhoova kashchit |


Ajo nityo shaashvato'yam puraaNo na hanyate hanyamaane shareere ||




No one can demand an unnatural result from anything? Nature is beyond all the demands one could ever putforth. How anyone even with an inkling to such a fact could ever imagine to 'kill' anything including oneself ??? … !!! … I wonder.








Naga Narayana.







2 … contd.


The ONLY SUICIDE that is worth considering … that is possible … and that is needed




As any other thought or notion is ego's perception, 'killing' and 'suicide' is also a notion built in the ego. This notion is rooted deeply in its notions of birth and death. Beneath the notions of birth and death, it retains its identities with the body and mind it is provided with to operate in the game of survival. The core individual identity (soul or Jeeva) remains encapsulated in the identities with the mind and the body and their relation with their respective worlds. Whatever one thinks one is in this world is engraved in the memoirs of that identity. Till that identity remains intact, how can the individual be terminated?




If one truly wants to suicide from the body-mind-world perspective, THE ONLY WAY is to just quit from the body ... just like that ... just like one could walk away from you ... with absolutely no assistance from any external aid ...




Termination of the world, body and mind are of no consequence - one, that is irrelevant and two, one has no authority over them.One cannot manipulate anything that is not under one's authority. All the three - world, body and mind - fall in dominions completely indepndent from the ego. The nature has blessed the ego to have their cooperation in its activities just like it has bound the ego to cooperate with them in return. Therefore, the deaths perceived in association with the world, body and mind are just imaginary chronicles of the ego having no bearing with the associated entities. Again, their deaths are written by themselves and for themselves as per the laws of nature.




One can manipulate only that which is authored by oneself - the ego and its collective ignorance in terms of identities, emotions and relations. Therefore, the only possibility to terminate anything in this universe is one's very ego. Since all the notions are rooted in the ego, its termination is the only way one can really seek the death. All other deaths that are embedded in ego's notion are nothing but supersticious and mythical notions. Since the very notion of "I" also gets mitigated along with the mitigation of the ego, that alone is worthy being considered as true suicide (Aatmahatya - termination of the notion of I-ness).




If you are talking about this death … the ONLY SUICIDE possible … I can vouch that the soul (individual identity) definitely exists before and mitigates after the death. Because, the very termination of the I-ness is the gate-pass for this death. In all other conceived deaths, the I-ness laments at the loss of Mine-ness only ... mine-ness with the mind, body and world in terms of thoughts, actions and relations. Since the I-ness is retained intact, it collects the mine-ness back in some way or the other depending on its capacity and capability ...




Yonimanye prapadyante shareeratvaaya dehinah |


SthhaaNumanye'nusanyanti yathaa karma yathaa shrutam ||




In fact, we are doing that every day and every moment … loosing some identities and acquiring some other depending on our abilities within and opportunities around. Therefore, all conceived deaths are mere recycling of matter-energy-identity clusters … THE ONLY death is self-termination of the ego in totality wherein no more identity (I-ness) is retained to gain relations (mine-ness) anymore.




Therefore, THE ONLY SUICIDE is nothing but attaining eternity as such wherein There won't be any need for the notions of identity; of body, mind and world; and Therefore of the birth, life and death as such …








Naga Narayana




Hari OmWhat mistake? Calling 'suicide' to be 'atmahatya' is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. In Gita - BG 13:28 , God says..... 'Na hinashtyatmanaatmaanam' - means.... do not cause violence to your 'self' (atma)! Now does not God know that 'atma' neither kills nor gets killed? Hence One must worry. This is too funny an argument that since you are immortal hence don't worry. It means- Commit suicide...you will get new body. No....Divine Sadhaks...I heard Swamiji saying that then you don't get human body again for ages and eons. IT IS A LAW - that if you mis-use any thing given to you by God / world/ Nature...by any body....you don't get that again. Because you MIS-USED.If you don't worry regarding as ghastly a sin as 'atmahatya' (suicide) then why the very emotion 'to worry' has been given to you ? Hence you MUST worry and properly utilise whatever has been received by you in human life! One MUST pay care and attention to the unique gift of human body given so benevolently by Paramatma to His children. If 'atma' is immortal that does not mean, the body is also immortal. By that logic- why one should not throw away every thing including own cloths, kith, kin, parents, money ? Why one should at all be worrying about duty and dharma? Where is need for 'discrimination' ? The freedom which a human being has got in human birth, residing in human body is not for mis-utilisation under the garb - I am not body ! It is not some toy. It is the junction through which you can even get Paramatma. You are not body, sure ! But has it not been given to you by Paramatma? Should you torture it? Should you kill it? God has given you a ladoo (sweet) ..should you throw it in dust bin and say : It is not mine, why I should worry ?Let there be a difference between soul and body but not indifference or disrespect to body ...merely because the former is indestructible. Sure, nothing happens to soul but 'embodied soul' has no rights to kill it ! Hence let there be difference between logic and arrogance, gyaan and agyaan. One should never MIS-USE any thing ! NEVER !! Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---



it was in some scripture sometime somewhere ....that narinder read the words

the words that remain etched in narinder's Mind ....the words that keep him from the SIn of suicide ..............

and the words ..........................ah !!!

" Taking another's life is murder , and is punishable with Life

murdering your own Body, O Mortal ................ shall you escape Punishment ???? "

and elsewhere narinder did read .................

" Should despair seize you, should penury taunt you,

should no-one help you, should thoughts of suicide haunt you ............

commit suicide, narinder ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry............ but donot murder your bo

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Shree Hari Ram Ram


Gita Talk Moderators, Thank you all for your partipation. Ram Ram


Please tell me, what happens to a soul when one commits suicide ?

Regards,Anupam Bagri



Generally jeev (embodied soul) commits suicide due to under going deep pain and sorrow, but it's desire remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving, jeev (embodied soul) repents for the act, but is unable to do anything about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving the embodied soul experiences terrible and immense difficulties. If it's inner sentiments are pure, if they it has faith in God, if it desires to remember God, then it will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is because the inner intellect is impure, that jeev (embodied soul) thinks of committing suicide. Therefore the jeev (embodied soul) that commits suicide has a major downfall. Skanda Purana says that such a jeev does not attain salvation for several lives to come. Therefore one must never ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake. From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

When adversities and misfortunes arise, one must never ever think of commiting suicide; because a person incurs deadly sin by committing suicide. It is as much sin as commiting murder of another. Man (embodied soul) thinks that by commiting suicide, his sorrows will come to an end and he will become happy. This is absolute stupidity and blunder, because first the previous sins did not get destroyed, and in addition new sins were incurred ! Those who has attempted to commit suicide and were saved from the clutches of death, have shared that they had to bear a lot of pain while committing suicide and later deeply regret that it would have been better if they had not tried to commit such a crime, but what to do now? Such jeevs (embodied souls) who commit suicide become ghosts and evil spirits and there they remain hungry and thirsty and undergo intense suffering. The point is those that commit suicide meet with grave misfortune and bad circumstances. From "How to Lead a Householder Life" in English pg 68-70 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


-Shree Hari-Namaste!Brother Narottam asked me a question, it would be discourteous of me not to respond see below:'... AS YOU ARE (accept) , SO LOOKS THE WORLD TO YOU. Precisely, therefore, there are as many worlds as are humans. Each human has its own world. ( Brother Mike Keenor- You have referred Yoga Vaashishtha often- Do you agree? ) ! There are worlds inside worlds. World is 'Asat' but since 'Sat' Jeeva accepts it to be 'Sat', hence it appears 'Sat' !! There are as many versions of SAME WORLD as are Jeevas.Absolute agreement, in fact if you track some of my earliest posts I said such, in fact I referred to a multitude of universes, (using analogies, language falls flat here), all occupying the same space, but for want of a better word, at a different frequencies.To get in the frame of my thinking, the whole of Bhagavadgita Chapter 11 is good, but what caught my eye was Verse 13: Then Arjuna, saw unfolded in that Supreme Deity, the whole universe with its many divisions concentrated at one place.Swamiji commented: 'Arjuna with the divine eye, beheld the entire universe.......'Now Verse 53: Neither by the study Vedas nor by penance, nor charity, or ritual could I be viewed in this form, as you have.The salient point of this shloka made by Swamiji, is only by His grace.This I think this supports Brother Narottams, assertion above, in my way of expression, you cannot view the absolute, with the mundane senses and intellect.Om... Shanti....Mike (K).



Dear Friends,

At the outset is said that only cowards commit suicide. God gave us this birth to live to the maximum. gain knowlege and attain salvation. Human birth is the rarest among rarest and we hvae to use it completely. Even as we know our life span of 100 years is not sufficient to realise god fully. Then why to commit suicide and miss the oppurtunity.

Also its siad the even atma when liberated from body cant reach god as it wish. A person by natural death even cant reach god. A person who is about to attan salvation with fix his time of death and goes for samadi. In that case a soul which came out in prematural death will not be either able to go to hell or heaven nor be on earth till it exactly completes its stipulated time of leaving the earth. If a persons age is 60 and if he dies at 40 then for 20 years his atma will be roaming along with the wind.

This is what wil happen.



Hari Om

I am really moved by following request. Let me be at my best. It is a special message to all sadhaks. This message answers much more to sadhaks than any question can ever ask. It is rather a long message, but it is last long message from me. If the following message can change course of even one soul, I will consider myself to be obliged and indebted to all of you, Divine Sadhaks :

Quote"It is my sincere request to those questioning and those responding to please share whether the is soul (all pervading atma, spirit, divinity), is it inseparable from divinity of Paramatma (Paramatmatattva) or not?" Unquote

Answer is: Had it not been separable...how Jeeva would have found himself in this Dukhalayam or in hell or in the bodies of animals etc ? Why would Swamiji advice: Hey Naath Main Apko Bhooloon nahin? Why Scriptures or Gita would be necessary ? Why religions would insist on 'mineness with Paramatma alone' ? Why Mirabaai would re-iterate: Mere to Girdhar Gopaal, Doosaro Na koi ? Why there would remain a difference between "learning" and "experiencing" ? Why there would remain a difference between a parrot (saying Raam..Raam..Raam) and a bhakta (saying Raam..Raam..Raam) ?

Don't tell me whether God also thinks so! I am Jeeva, you are Jeeva, sadhaks are all Jeevas and we are talking on behalf of Jeevas. God may not consider Jeeva to be separate from Him, but Jeeva definitely can consider himself to be separate from Him. What is truth is altogether a different thing. This is also truth that we are loitering from ages and eons.

Pure Soul / Atma/ Self when embodied, has freedom/power of 'acceptance/rejection' ( other words for same thing: Association/ disassociation, Adoption (dharyate) / Renunciation (Tyaag); Connection/disconnection etc)- POWER TO BELIEVE !

Wrong exercise of power only has made SELF bondaged....Jeeva ! A rope if believed to be a snake is as good as snake for the believer. Children run away, trembling with fear, believing a rope to be a snake. Some one may die even due to false fear and shock.

( Hence, for God's sake- don't tell me, Soul is ever liberated. Ever Free. Ever un-tainted. No sorrow can ever touch it. It is all theory. Ask that person who suffers whether suffering is real or assumed . Truth has no value for YOU (Jeeva) unless you have 'accepted'... Absolutely no value- rather it becomes non-sensical at some places. False is as good as truth if you have accepted it to be true. The Truth then remains a mere "Theory" till you "accept" it ! Theory is not false as a law. But unless truth is believed / accepted it is called 'theoritical' ! )

It is all a game of 'acceptance' If you accept even 'inert' starts looking 'sentient' to you and vice versa. Hence Swamiji said: "The word 'sveekruti' (acceptance) appears very special (Vilakshan) to me" !

The entire creation is nothing except the outcome of 'acceptance' by Jeeva ! Precisely, therefore, AS YOU ARE (accept) , SO LOOKS THE WORLD TO YOU. Precisely, therefore, there are as many worlds as are humans. Each human has its own world. ( Brother Mike Keenor- You have referred Yoga Vaashishtha often- Do you agree? ) ! There are worlds inside worlds. World is 'Asat' but since 'Sat' Jeeva accepts it to be 'Sat', hence it appears 'Sat' !! There are as many versions of SAME WORLD as are Jeevas.

'Truth' has no relevance there-except that if your 'acceptance' and 'truth' coincide - you are emancipated.

Thus, Truths (such as Vasudev Sarvam; Soul is immortal ; There is no existence of Asat and no absence of Sat; Na Karoti Na Lipyate ; Jeeva is exclusive part of God, Aham Brahmasmi etc) have no value UNTIL you accept/believe them to be true. ( Learning/knowing is different than believing/ accepting ) God is not yours unless you accept Him to be yours. What is the value of that Truth- for your 'self ' -which is not accepted/believed by you ? (It may be highly valuable for those who believe that to be true) ! Hence it is the duty of Jeeva to use "Power of Belief " correctly ! Till you use that power correctly- God remains as "dis-interested friend" to you ! Light Years away and separated from you !

Precisely therefore, you often see people even calling real religious and knowledgeable people to be 'crazy' ! (Read today's Sadhak message for examples ) Even to a Mahatma like Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj- some people said: "You don't understand, Maharaj" !! Swamiji Himself would laughingly acknowledge such comments/strictures !!! Reason: Non-acceptance of Truth. Remember: Even the most obvious truth fails to impact a Jeeva unless he believes that to be truth.

Hope this helps you. I would urge that Sadhaks should 'accept' more than 'learn' ! We should stress more on acceptance first, than on Truth. Hence Goswami Tulsidasji Said:

HOHI RAAM KO NAAM JAPI( First become of God - Accept Him to be mine- and then chant His name).

In fact I can give you a whole list of Gita verses, which are "theoritical" only- so long as you don't become of God ! They are absolutely impractical to practice, unless you have accepted God to be yours ( not "learnt" please). Gita/Swamiji/ Religions stresses maximum on 'acceptance' than on 'truth'. Gita adjusts its teachings PRESUMING bondage existing for Jeeva ( Karma Yoga/Jnana Yoga) ! Why ? Because identification with body/prakruti is TRUTHFUL for Jeeva. Jeeva is truthfully sufferring. This is world is truthfully 'dukhalayam' !

It is "learning" which is responsible for same sadhak sometime telling 'Vasudev Sarvam' ( What is not God ?) and some time telling mind/body is not ours, why worry about it ? If you 'accept' such contradictions will NEVER arise. Such contradictions arise only when you learn. Obviously, if All is God then how body or mind is not yours? If body/mind is not yours then how God is yours, if there is nothing except God existing ?

Pratapji ! There is no element called 'ignorance/avidya/nescience/maya' existing in the universe. When it does not exist how can that be responsible for sorrows to you ? It is all right/wrong acceptance ! It is wrong choice of Jeeva that makes him sorrowful.

Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu Sukhinah



Dear Ones, Namaste!Sadhakas have answered the question and in general, no one is saying Suicide doesn't matter including myself!We may be reading a bit too much! No one is even implying "nothing happens to soul, so eat drink and be merry".An opportunity presented itself to say few words on Soul, Vasudeva Sarvam, and Immortality and that too after answering question asked!I don't see anything wrong, and so this understandigng gets shared without there being a one who shares! Narottamji has asked :Can you let me know if Self/Soul/Atma by whatever name you call ..has some powers, discretions, prorogatives, responsibilities or not ? Or it is like a stone incapable of anything ? Answer this Q .. You will immediately grasp." Atma remains in its nature which is Awareful Being Just as Sun shines by its nature, and cannot not shine even if it doesn't want to! Power, Equanimity, Responsibility, just emanates w/o Atma doing anything, just as nature and life happens w/o sun doing anything! It is not Atma or soul that is ignorant or bound Ignorance just happens as possibility due to reflecting in and thorugh body-mind-nature as an appearance on the screen of Atma or Aawareness! Identification or affinity with what is perceived through senses and mind-intellect appear to happen to/in Soul but like scenes on the movie Screen which remains pure. Taken it real is ignorance and knowing, it is so is Realization. Ignorance and Enlightenment are concepts arising in Atma as Awareful Being! Teaching of scripture or any sage like Swamiji is a wake up call to that aspect of Jeeva, soul who can understand its True Nature, not to body-mind aspect of Jeeva who will ignore it anyway! We know cases where people are not interested in Truth and some will die for IT! Answer to Audreyji's question: "Who is ignorant, soul or body?" Existence as Awareful Being carries possibility of ignorance in all its cognitions remaining Itself always as Constant Awareness!Being Ignorant implies an entity like soul who is ignorant but soul is not an entity. What happens is ignorance or enlightenment both appear inAwareful Being who blesses both concepts(that is why they appear)! This Awareness is what we call Pure Soul and when present with ignorance we say soul is in bondage etc etc for communications purpose!The language has limitations, but understanding has none! Of course body is what it is, neither ignornt, nor enlightened, has intelligence belonging to no one except God as Laws! Just as movie happens to neither screen, nor to projected light, but appears for sure on screen! Just the same day and night don't happen to Sun, but due to Sun! TO Sarvottamji, I would say as he says, Soul is Paramatmtattavam! See, nothing else has even existence apart from and as Vasudev-God just as they are in our experience! Everything else is superimposed on ONE EXISTENCE THAT IS AWARENESS!The belief "Soul remains in Bondage for long time" keeps bondage going life after life! "We are already free" if pursued vigorously frees us!Finally, This is what undelies the Swamiji's teaching as I read it. He often emphasises including in latest sadhaka posts, that God IS, Else is also GOD, Vedanta tells the same, Gita's essence is also the same that only Atma(God) is! Embodied soul is not ultimate reality, Removal of ignorance will make you see body in mind and mind in the Atman that is GOD! The reason why Krishna could say Vasudeva sarvam!Namaskar............. Pratap Bhatt -----------------As narinder sees it .............................................. Some very relevant and beautiful understanding has emerged from the discussions on this thread ................. relevant to spiritual Life and goals............... Sadhaks must understand that all religions, Scriptures, Saints and Sages etc address the Jeevas ...not pure soul. Jeeva is the target of Satsanga, Gitaji, Lord Krishna and all religions. You can't whisk away every Q under the garb- I am not body or I am not mind..why I should worry? It is insanity. Nothing more than insanity. Sadhaks should note that an entire chapter is devoted in Yoga Vaashishtha on how dangerous concepts like Vasudev Sarvam if inappropriately interpreted or used can become.................................Narottam Shashikala jee too has voiced a similar concern . Very very valid . Yet, " I am not the body, nor the mind, nor the intellect" is an integral and important understanding ( not a worry, narottam jee , for whisking away all the questions, as you have also correctly stated ) that forms the basis of further spiritual movement inwards to free us from attachment to the gross . Ignorance of our real nature is the Cause that leads to all the concepts and conditionings of the mind that further alienate us from our true nature . It becomes , then , a vicious cycle of cause and effect . Whatever the nature of the questions and the answers thereto, certain fundamentals emerge as presence ....................... it is in the interest of the sadhaks to try and grasp the fundamentals so asto make speedy progress in their chosen Path. When ever a question arises in the mind there are two aspects of tackling it ; one, the question itself ; second the root of the question. Scriptures tackle both aspects. Intelligence would clearly indicate that the sadhak must not confine himself/ herself to the immediate answer to the question ( which, no doubt, needs to be tackled ), but also dwell on the second aspect, the deeper aspect .............. the root of the question . At any point of time, a sadhak is what he or she is . Could not have been otherwise. let the sadhaka try to recognise his/ her own point of evolution at the Moment Now, and seek systematic guidance for step by step upward movement in the spiritual evolution. Necessarily, it will have to be from a competent guide or Guru, who has realised the source, the self . Vivekachudamani enumerates clearly the attributes of a true sadhaka , Also it qives the two main qualifications of the guru, One, a subjective experience of the Self ( enlightenment) ; two, a deeper knowledge of scriptures ( to encompasse the knowledge gathered in the 'word' by all the realised sages, and the seers). It is important to weigh oneself. Does one qualify as a true Sadhaka ? The Guru invariably gives more importance to the deeper aspect, the root, at the same time devotes himself to the needs of the individual sadhaka. Blessed is the Sadhaka , whom Krishna makes such a guru available. In the absence of such a guru, satsanga serves a great purpose.BUT.................... it may still leave many questions/ uncertainties hanging in the sadhaks' minds . Perhaps, an answer to this could be a ' live satsanga' of the sadhaks belonging to the group, such as this one. Sadhaks,( and the holy moderators too ) please consider this . Once or twice a year , live self-financed satsangas could be organised at suitable avenues. Just think, how wonderful it would be, to discuss various questions face to face. If acceptable, competent sadhaks could come forward to do the Sewa of organising. narinder is willing. AUM narinder bhandari-----------

Dear Mr. Keenor,

"... the moment I speak of it, write of it, or even contemplate upon it, I create an untruth, the knowing is beyond words/intellect, why read about it? IT is, are we speaking the same language as it were? "

PERFECT!!!! WONDERFUL!!!!!!! YES, we are speaking the same language here. I believe I read, write, contemplate etc. only to purge the associated untruth through the respective media respectfully :). As far as it helps me to purge away the ignorance from within, so far it is useful. That is all. As Narinderji aptly points out, intellectual grasp or knowledge is only the starting point ... the end is and should be always the absence of the same ... the silence. As the end is realized, the beginning as well as the journey also starts revealing the truth of silence all along.


Naga Narayana.--------------------

Whenever any Lifeform on this Planet Earth dies, every cell of the body stops functioning..that is all....may it be any form of death....it is the same...but there is slight difference....some biochemicals are formed in the brain and body, but they remain in the body without any effect. If an animal is killed by cutting the troat (Zatka), the biochemicals formed during the last few seconds are different than if the animals is given a cut in the neck and allowed to die...(Halal), the animal struggles for a few minutes, the biochemicals formed in the body are much different. Therafter the body just stops functioning...it is dead...

... .. . Gee Waman


According to Christian belief the soul of the person who committed suicide will wander as a spirit (good or eil) till the final day of Judgment by Jesus.

yeshu rathenam


Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Sadhak Sarvottamji has asked a Question to us all. Let me reply. : QUOTEShri Anup Bagriji ! who has put forth this question, "where is your mind wishing to go in which there are thoughts that are coming and going. Shraddhey Swamiji has said, "the mind is not yours at all. Do not consider your mind at all as yours." Then do not worry about it. This is my appeal. knowledgable sadhaks, from Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwaat etc., if someone can share what is stated regarding suicide, then we can know what happens to one's atma who does suicide. (by a question such as what happens, the answer cannot be complete and what will happen today. Share with me as well. Because Atma (Our Self) has be stated as been complete and perfect, unaffected and taintless in all our activities (Gita 2:24-25), then with suicide what can happen to atma and what affect it can have, then the sme affect will happen on God as well because we are a part of God (Ishvar) (Gita 15:7) . therefore becoming free of all worries, let God's will be your will. So be it. UNQUOTE Sir ! Swamiji said that mind is not yours, definitely. But where did Swamiji say that DONT WORRY AT ALL ABOUT THE MIND ? Gita says - Put it in Ishwar ! Gita says- Manmana Bhava !! Gita says- Use your mind for service to the world. Gita Says- Mind should be focussed on God. He certainly said _ Body is not yours. But when did He say that do not take care of it? Commit suicide? Gita says- Donot cause violence to Self. Gita says- SELF IS THE ENEMY OF SELF and SELF IS THE FRIEND OF SELF. Gita says- USE SELF TO EMANCIPATE YOURSELF ! YOU YOURSELF SAID IN REPLY TO ANOTHER QUESTION- USE SELF recently. Sir How can you use Self if it is like a stone rock? Gita says- Body belongs to Prakruti and hence put the body into the service of others- Karma Yoga. If you do not worry about it at all, Sir, then how will you put it in the service of others? You wanted SOME ONE to state what is stated in Scriptures regarding Suicide. I am answering: It is SIN OF HIGHEST LEVEL. There CAN NOT BE a greater sin than committing suicide. You loiter body-lessly for eons and kalpas if you commit suicide. You do not get human birth again . How will you emancipate yourself if you do not get human birth? Now please let us know what happens to ATMA? Sure Atma has been stated to be perfect and complete, but are we not ACTUALLY EXPERIENCING deficiency ? Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi

======================================================Hari Om

Frankly we are un-necessarily deliberating and have totally digressed from the Q. First we stated the very word suicide is inapplicable to soul. Then we said 'don't worry .. God's will only prevails' ...as if God wants us to commit suicide. Now we are saying Soul is immortal, no sorrow can ever touch it! Wonderful ..but how does it answer ?

What we are not understanding that here the substance is not the immortality of soul or whether a suicide is ever possible for a soul...not at all ! The Q is regarding 'consequences of committing suicide' ! It is a simple question. This Satsanga Forum is not merely for exhibition of hard core knowledge...it is also for advicing or providing answers to Jeevas. To my little mind..Q is not here of basic nature of soul , or how identification with body/mind creates ignorance and thereby sorrow.. the Q is about committing suicide ...about mis- use of human life, about as ghastly a sin as suicide. Is the answer here that 'soul is immortal ..don't worry' an appropriate answer ?

Pratapji ! Can you let me know if Self/Soul/Atma by whatever name you call ..has some powers, discretions, prorogatives, responsibilities or not ? Or it is like a stone incapable of anything ? Answer this Q .. You will immediately grasp.

Sadhaks must understand that all religions, Scriptures, Saints and Sages etc address the Jeevas ...not pure soul. Jeeva is the target of Satsanga, Gitaji, Lord Krishna and all religions. You can't whisk away every Q under the garb- I am not body or I am not mind..why I should worry? It is insanity. Nothing more than insanity. Sadhaks should note that an entire chapter is devoted in Yoga Vaashishtha on how dangerous concepts like Vasudev Sarvam if inappropriately interpreted or used can become. I myself have goal of realising Vasudev Sarvam. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj actually realised it...but did He ever answer every Q saying ... Soul is immortal, don't worry...everything is God...eat, drink and be merry?

Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

Narottam------------ Once, the great Buddha was asked what he sees during meditation.He said I am like a fish that jumped out of the water, and saw the land.I saw the trees, and houses and I have no words to describe them. Also, even if I use some words, you will not know the meaning of those words. therefore, he said, just follow my instructions---Good thoughts, good speech, good behavior, and avoid hate. That is the story my friend about your question.Do not worry about after life.Worry about this life first and do the right things. If there is no after life, are you going to be happy doing bad things ?And if there is, your Karma will come back to haunt you !! d Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Namaste.From Kathopanisad 4) 1- 2 :The self-existent Spirit worked its way out from within and thus the openings of the mind are directed outwards, viz., the sense organs. Therefore, do men’s thoughts ever tend outwards. But the few, who have true understanding, turn their mind inwards and realize the Self within.Those without understanding, who do not control themselves and pursue external pleasures fall into the widespread net of Birth and Death. Those of steady mind, realizing what is truly lasting, do not turn their thoughts to transient pleasures. The above, and other verses from our scriptures, informs us that we will be liberated from bondage or fall into the cycle of Birth and Death. I haven't seen any specific reference to "Suicide" anywhere in GITA or elsewhere, but there could be. Thus, I can only surmise that suicide is treated as any other death. But, this is merely a hypothesis, not substantiated by any scriptures. Here is one opinion of Hinduism and suicide:"Hinduism and suicide: Hindu view on suicide

Hinduism does not approve suicide. Hindus believe that human life is very precious, which is attained after after hundreds and thousands of births and provides an unique opportunity to each individual to make a quantum jump into higher planes of existence or attain immortality. Even gods and other celestial beings do not have this opportunity unless they come down to earth and take birth as human beings.

It would therefore be a very serious mistake on the part of an individual if he commits suicide. It would seriously hamper his spiritual progress and put him back on the evolutionary scale by a few lives behind. It would also expose him to the risk of redoing in a more arduous way what he wanted to avoid in the first place.

According to Hindu beliefs if a person commits suicide, he neither goes to the hell nor the heaven, but remains in the earth consciousness as a bad spirit and wanders aimlessly till he completes his actual and allotted life time. Thereafter he goes to hell and suffers more severely. In the end he returns to the earth again to complete his previous karma and start from there once again. Suicide puts an individual's spiritual clock in reverse . Hindu scriptures therefore aptly described it as murder of self (atmahatya)."It could be that those who commit suicide are treated harshly, as several esteemed sadhaks seem to suggest. However, there are disturbing aspects to this - what if a sadhak has led an exemplary and divine life, but because of a momentary lapse, succumbed to suicidal tendencies and commits the ghastly deed? Bhagavan assures Arjuna, and us, in GITA 6, that "the doer of good...fallen from Yoga" does not necessarily "come to grief":Arjuna said:

Though possessed of Shraddhâ but unable to control himself, with the mind wandering away from Yoga, what end does one, failing to gain perfection in Yoga, meet, O Krishna?

38. Does he not, fallen from both, perish, without support, like a rent cloud, O mighty-armed, deluded in the path of Brahman?

39. This doubt of mine, O Krishna, Thou shouldst completely dispel; for it is not possible for any but Thee to dispel this doubt.

40. Verily, O son of Prithâ, there is destruction for him, neither here nor hereafter: for, the doer of good, O my son, never comes to grief.

41. Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and dwelling there for everlasting years, one fallen from Yoga reincarnates in the home of the pure and the prosperous.

42. Or else he is born into a family of wise Yogis only; verily, a birth such as that is very rare to obtain in this world. 43. There he is united with the intelligence acquired in his former body, and strives more than before, for perfection, O son of the Kurus.

44. By that previous practice alone, he is borne on in spite of himself. Even the enquirer after Yoga rises superior to the performer of Vedic actions

Unlike some other religions that portray God as angry and vengeful, I want to think, and am confident, that Bhagavan is compassionate, kind, and loving, and His Laws of Karma that govern us, would not treat suicide victims as harshly as we may believe.

It is widely accepted that people of sane minds do not commit suicide; rather, most people who commit suicide are psychologically affected or mentally disturbed, i.e. they are sick, suffering from a real disease; aren't we being a bit harsh on these victims? And, how are the deaths by these suicide victims different from deaths due to other diseases? This is an extract from wikipedia:

"Suicide (Latin suicidium, from sui caedere, to kill oneself) is the intentional killing of oneself. The most common cause is an underlying mental disorder which include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism and drug abuse. Financial difficulties or other undesirable situations play a significant role.

Over one million people commit suicide every year, making it the tenth-leading cause of death worldwide. It is a leading cause of death among teenagers and adults under 35. There are an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year worldwide.

Views on suicide have been influenced by broader cultural views on existential themes such as religion, honor, and the meaning of life. The Abrahamic religions consider suicide an offense towards God due to religious belief in the sanctity of life. In the West it was often regarded as a serious crime."-

While I agree that suicide is the ultimate sin, I am sympathetic towards those sad and tortured people who kill themselves, and maybe they may not be cast away into the proverbial hell and brimstone, but, at best, reincarnate with tons of bad karma that will require additional births and deaths to work through. These are just a few thoughts from me, not supported by any scriptural references.

Ram Ram

Deosaran Bisnath---------------------- Jai Hanuman

Oh ! How simple the world will become if every problem is answered by 'Everything is God' ? Who can rob whom? Everything is God ! Who can rape whom? Everything is God. Who can kill whom ?...soul is immortal !! What prohibitions? What Dharma? What discrimination ?...Everything is God ! Oh ! In that case how many verses will remain in Gitaji ? Where will remain any need for 'tyaag' (renunciation/disconnection) ? How can God define world as 'Dukhalayam'? Where will remain any role for Viveka? To discriminate what and where? Everything is God !!! Where is need for restraint ? Everything is God ! What is wrong in killing innocent animals? Soul is immortal...everything is God!

Oh ! What a mockery we can make of pious concept/goal: Vasudev Sarvam...immortality of soul... I am not body..Mind does not belong to me.. ? Vasudev Sarvam is an individual experience..it is not a subject to be learnt. It is a subject to be understood. Everything in your home belongs to your father and therefore to you ! Should you steal, therefore, stating it is all along your property only ? Mother gives you affectionately a chocolate.. should you throw it in a gutter saying- "It is not mine- Chocolate belongs to Prakruti..I am Purusha. I am not body..I don't need anything" ? Your son has severe headache...should you advice him that ' Hey Son..Head is not yours..it belongs to Prakruti... You are Purusha.. You are not body.. You are immortal soul ...don't worry' or should you take him to a doctor?

Raam! Raam!! Raam!!!

Namaste Jee

Jee JeeShashikala -Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! If soul is EVER FREE from where the word BONDAGE or LIBERATION have emerged? Soul is free ! Who goes to hell or heaven? Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi ---

-Shree Hari-


Shri Naga Narayanaji,

I will get back on your other responses, but will respond if I may regarding : 'I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?'.Well firstly '..or is the answer yes? Respectfully two points, 'Yes' a whimsical remark, but allowing me the choice to to decide , I consider yes fine by me operating within the limitations of the English language.OK reflecting upon you concept explaining of the universe/ silence in an invariant presence, and so on.Let me put my humble and simple thoughts forward. During a long period of meditation, I had a realization, for want of a better word. I have come to the conclusion that the moment I speak of it, write of it, or even contemplate upon it, I create an untruth, the knowing is beyond words/intellect, why read about it? IT is, are we speaking the same language as it were?

Om.... Shant.....

Mike (K).


Shree Paramatmane Namah It is my sincere request to those questioning and those responding to please share whether the is soul (all pervading atma, spirit, divinity), is it inseparable from divinity of Paramatma (Paramatmatattva) or not? Vineet Sarvottam--- Narain ! Narain!! Definitely suicide means destruction of body. Everybody is taking suicide in that sense only. Clearly written in shastras is that SUICIDE SHOULD NEVER BE ATTEMPTED. Your soul then suffers immensely...in a bodyless form...for a long time. YOU LOSE PRECIOUS OPPORTUNITY OF THE EMANCIPATION. One may need to ask that person who suffers and know whether there is a direct personal experience in suffering or not.This is not what Swamiji or Scriptures teach us. If VASUDEV SARVAM is an experience then HOW destruction of body is justified? Is body not Vasudev? If SOUL IS IMMORTAL then how that justifies discarding the body as in case of suicide? Clearly we are digressing and the value to deliberations is diminishing. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharshi-----Namaste Sadhaks I hope these deliberations will impart correct spiritual status with reference to suicide. In Christianity also the suicide has been stated to be a serious crime and sin. I am indeed interested in knowing as to how Santan Dharma views the suicide tendency and attempts. Nagaji I had difficulty understanding your earlier posting. As you sow, so shall you reap "- Recently Vineetjee has quoted this. My Q is who sows? Body or Soul? A Question to Pratapji also. You say sorrows are outcome of ignorance. My Q is who is ignorant? Soul or body? Audrey Rodrigues

Jai Shree Krishna The Q is regarding what happens to soul and impact of suicide over soul. An answer indicating nothing happens to soul, do not worry , let God's will prevail, can ONLY encourage suicide . Note here that suicide now-a days is increasing particularly among students. Afterall we are living in dukhalayam. Correct Answer is that soul remains bondaged for a long long period. To say that the soul is ever free and can never remain bondaged is not PRACTICAL or relevant HERE. Utilisation or mis-utilisation is the option available to SELF/SOUL to exercise. Any mis-use of body granted by God means...You dont get body again. Logical. IN MY VIEW IT IS SINFUL TO SUGGEST THAT SOUL IS IMMORTAL ...WHILE ATTEMPTING TO ANSWER A Q AS TO WHAT HAPPENS TO IT IF ONE COMMITS SUICIDE. Would Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj reply like this? Swami Rupesh Kumar


Dear Ones, Namaste!

I sense apparent differences among sadhakas reg soul, Jeeva, suicide and suffering! I think it may be due to our understanding of soul being somewhat different.One who knows beyond a shadow of doubt, that there is Immortality which is referred to by words like Soul, Atma or SELF, Existence itself, will never commit suicide! For such a one knows experientially he/she is Immortality, not Immortal! SouI, as the understanding that is important, not the word Soul!Can suicide destroy THAT which IS? (Ch 2:16)!Person's suffering or suicide cannot even touch Soul if by Soul we mean Immortality! There can not be any scope of suicide here, let alone it being bad!

On the other hand, if Soul is understood to be body-mind identified person in ignorance, known also as Jeeva or ego, then, it is the Ignorance on the part of soul(thus defined) and hence suffering and in some cases suicide happens! Ignorance is experienced as suffering and cause for suicide! This is prohibited by Gita because such ignorance as suffering continues life after life, even if it is not a suicide. So it is important to Realize on the part of Soul/Self "I am not the body", because body-mind cannot realize it! Such Realization cannot happen if one continues to live as if he/she is body-mind! Finally, such questions come up due to assumed ideas or beliefs about soul on the part of questioners, so, it is important to stress the fact that it is ignorance and ignorance alone that if removed, such questions get answered! Bad as suicide is, still, it is preliminary and simplification if stopping short of adding that only in ignorance suicide can happen!Namaskar....Pratap Bhatt


Dear Mr. Keenor, Thanks for your invaluable interest in the utterings that happened to flow through "me" … Q: I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes? Whatever comes from within would flow out as whatever flows from around would perculate within. Is that a platform of knowledge? Yes! Is that a platform of gnosis?? Yes!! Is that brewed by the pure intellect??? Yes!!! The knowledge, the intellect, the gnosis, and everything else that we can fathom are mere inseperable variants even in a variant perception while remaining in an abyss of silence in an invariant presence. Whatever is told in this universe, whatever is seen in this universe, ... whatever is sensed in this universe is nothing but that invariant silence even in its apparently variant ripples that coexist perpetually and continually with each other, in each other and around each other. Why do bother?! It flows as it comes ... let it flow as it flows ... … or … is the answer yes? How can an "yes" come out without leaving its shadow "no" within, and vice versa?! Why should an "yes" or a "no" come out when they cannot reachout to the object of their intent??!! What good can the "yes-s" and "no-s" blurted out could ever make any difference when their intent itself is illusive, evasive as well as delusive???!!! All the responses of acceptance as well as rejection are nothing but the wastes vomitted from an individual and are of no use to anybody else ... and are even toxic if taken in by mistake! One is bound to hang on to an "yes" only due to the threat of a "no". One would insist for an "yes" to hang on only due to the fear of a "no". That way, "yes" and "no" are inseparable. How can one attain The Absolute that is devoid of all conflicts while nurturing the conflicts of "yes" and "no" within? The tussle between the polarities of "yes" and "no" remains within an individual and hence should be faced by the individual oneself ... again only with an introspection ... any reference from outside would be toxic. Therefore, my suggestion is not to take "my" words for acceptance or rejection ... but to revert the vomiting of the very tendency to accept and reject from within letting them quench themselves as naturally as they can ... When the dilemma that stirrs my core is "not to entertain polarities", how can I answer your question "yes" or "no"? I am helpless but to leave the decision to you :). Regarding the other thoughts from you, let me ponder … Respects. Naga Narayana.


Dear Ones, Namaste!Inspired by Narottamji's posting I have following observations! As he puts it: "FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience." However, how can suffering be real when it is entirely due to ignorance of taking whatever happens to body as happening to me? In other words how can we take ignorance to be "practical direct experience"?Suffering due to Ignorance is not practical nor is direct! such suffering is unnecessary mental obsession! Suffering is conception by mind as happening to "me"! Truth endures only! Endurance is Freedom!

Of course, Soul is said to be in bondage but that is what defines ignorance, and not Reality! In reality it is ever free! If suffering was real, no one can be free ever! There is a temporary forgetfulness out of which actions are carried out until "Nashtaomoha smritirlabhdhwa....18:73! Such striving, if you call it that, is also of Truth! "Jeeva can only think he is doing, he is happy, he is suffering etc. Doesn't make any difference to Reality!If we say until such Realization, soul suffers, then I would say it is unnecessarily suffering! I am not undermining the importance of Realization and saying "I am not body" or Vasudevah sarvam" is enough to be free! I am also saying suicide is bad action but what I am adding is that it is done only in ignorance and cannot touch Soul in its purity even when suicide is committed! Vasudeva sarvam is not a theory, but is the only Reality, only Practical! Else is all bondage!Soul appears to be in Bondage and not in Reality! To a suicidal person, I would say "you are not ending suffering, by ending body, you are ending infinite possibilities of ending ignorance now!Again this is in the spirit of sharing understanding!Namaskar..........Pratap-----Knowledge … Intellect … Gnosis … suicide … ego termination … Dear Mr. Keenor, Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the knowledge, intellect and gnosis shedding light on the limitations of knowledge and intellect and on the importance of gnosis in spiritual progress. I understand your viewpoint regarding the limitations of knowledge, intellect and the world as they do not explicitly remind the perceiver openly regarding the dependence developed in the very perception while the gnosis constantly reminds the seeker in this awareness purging all possible dependence en-core. From this perspective, certain classifications and concepts help us to appreciate The Truth However, I would say nothing can be other than gnosis on its own. Knowledge is gnosis in itself and intellect is also gnosis by itself. As a matter of fact, even the world made of matter, energy and mind (collectively body) is gnosis in itself. It is the dependence we nurture on them that draws the limitations. Again these limitations are drawn on the one who draws it … neither on the knowledge, nor on the intellect, nor on the world. Lord KrishNa calls the knowledge, intellect and gnosis as Gnyaana, Vignyaana and Vibhooti in the Bahagavadgita. The same are referred to as Mahat, Jana, and Tapa in the Gaayatri Samhita from an individual perspective; and, as Jeeva, ViraaT and HiraNyagarbha in the BrihadaaraNyaka from a cosmic perspective. All classifications are based on personal, general and universal nature of existence whether in terms of appearance or in terms of intelligence. But The Truth remains beyond anything that we can ever classify … be it in terms of intellect-knowledge-gnosis or Gnyaana-Vignyaana-Vibhooti or Maha-Jana-Tapa or Jeeva-ViraaT-HiraNyagarbha. The Absolute remains beyond all possible perceptions one could ever make. Yoga VaasishTha considers even the subtle or occult existence also as body only. If the seeker develops dependence on the 'gnosis', an identity is formed there as such, hence a body has taken birth, and the dependence has started spreading its roots! Therefore, the dependence creates the limitations irresepective of what we perceive and understand … call it matter or energy or mind or intellect or knowledge or gnosis. If one is drawn into the shackles of dependence, anything and everything is no more than a body or identity or gross existence. If one is reminded of the absolute independence vested within, anything and everything is gnosis or awareness or consciousness as such. In spite of being identified with the names, is their any real line that distinguishes them completely? Can they ever exist exclusive to each other? Are they not just figments of our variant imaginations about The Same, THE ONE?! You pointed out the massive illusion we safegaurd within. Is it not that massive illusion we safegaurd within that generates the limitations in our perception and makes us believe that the perceived entity is limited rather the very perception emanating from us?! Therefore, I cannot answer your question whether I am coming from the platform of knowledge or intellect or gnosis as no platforms of such kind really exist in my appreciation :). Regarding your comments on the suicide and termination of the ego-self … that is precisely what I attempted to establish … the ego is frozen beyond repair in a suicide … the ego is normally frozen in a regular death. As far as the ego exists, there was no death as such on one hand, and on the other hand, the life we live remains suicidal as such since the ego never lets us to realize our True Nature ... Respects. Naga Narayana. -------Jai Hanuman

Sadhak Sarvottamji !

By the way...Who remains bondaged? Who liberates? Who suffers? Who enjoys? Who goes to heaven or hell? Who remains deprived of birth-right of 'sahaj sukhraasi' ? Who is that who is complete but feels deficiency. Who is that who is basically 'amal' but is thrown into heavens or hells? BODY? Who accepts? Who associates? Who rejects? Who desires? What 'chijjad granthi' is made of? Why God wants 'Self' to be friend of 'Self' and not enemy. Why Swamiji said that a Sadhak is 'unmanifest' ?What is 'EMBODIED SOUL' ? What is 'pukaar' (calling out to Lord) ? From where it emerges?

If soul is unaffected through out (which actually it is) then why it is STILL EMBODIED? Who made the first error of identification with Prakruti? How? Why? How can soul 'make an error' ? Does Soul have no powers or responsibilities?

Namaste Jee

Jee JeeShashikala



In the year 1996 I was in Dhayana (Meditation) on Shirdi Sai. I asked Maharaj Sai to show me the life after death. Maharaj shown me my death and rebirth.

In front of Sai Baba my Atma left the body. Sri Sai Maharaj called the Atma. My Atma was resembling like my body without flesh and bones. Sai Maharaj was holding my left hand in his right hand and asked me to walk along with him. We both crossed a river and reached a mountain. SaiMaharaj was holding my hand and we both were climbing the hill. We reached a castle above the mountain. Sai Maharaj asked me to climb talest tower in the castle, he was holding my hand till we reched the tip of the tower. Sai Maharaj asked me to walk into the sky with faith on him. He told me that he will not accompany me further. He told me not to look down and just walk into the sky and reach God. I kept my right leg in the sky and with curiosity (MAYA) I looked down the hill. My Atma instead of walking in the sky started falling down on the earth. My Atma entered a womb of a lady andthe dream is vanished.

I came out from my dhayana (meditation) and realised the mistake I have done. Sai Maharaj helped me to climb the tower in the castle and asked me to walk with faith on him in the sky and reach the God. I was having faith on Sai but the curiosity (MAYA) made me to look down on earth and myAtma has taken rebirth. Sai Maharaj shown my past four Janmas (births and rebirths) and future Janma. (more if interested)

Ravada Rao


Hari Om

Why as ghastly a sin as suicide ...which sin has been described as a major sin not only in all major Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma (including Gita) but in all religions across the world..is being camouflaged in the garb of - I am not body - in these deliberations ?? Why a stress is being made of the untainted ness of soul? How does it help?

I am now stating few more points. YOUR SOUL (the same soul which again and again is being stated to be immortal) REMAINS BONDAGED for a very very long period if you commit suicide. How your soul then can be said to be un-affected? Sure by nature, it is 'na karoti na lipyate' ( neither does nor gets tainted) ...that is theory. Now take one step forward..come to 'embodied soul'...SELF adopting the world...the JEEVA !! Who suffers ...mind/intellect/body or Jeeva? Answer me? Who remains bondaged? Who strives for freedom?

We are funny and 'learn' more than 'experience' ! There is logic behind everything. Soul is immortal hence don't worry regarding anything...childish ! It is ok that soul is immortal. But is it free as of date (free from wrong assumptions) ? Are you not born bondaged? If you commit suicide will soul attain emancipation? Who suffers ? Who consumes pleasures and pains? Merely by picking on one verse of Gitaji reg immortality of soul...you can't address sins like suicide. FACT IS that SOUL REMAINS BONDAGED; SOUL SUFFERS...this is 'practical direct experience'! It is not theory ...it is experience. Sadhaks should distinguish between "learning" and "experience"....they MUST. Gita verses are very deep.

Sadhaks must understand that 'Soul/Self' although it neither 'DOES' nor gets 'TAINTED' but that pure self / part of Paramatma...remains caged/chained/ BONDAGED due to wrong exercise of powers made by it. Soul/Purusha converts into Jeeva...when it 'associates' (assumes/accepts/forms affinity/connects) with Jagat (inert/prakruti). Self has responsibilities/authorities/discretions and powers. Can any one deny that? Suicide is misuse of that power. Hence SOUL SUFFERS...SOUL ALONE SUFFERS ! Who else can suffer? In this Forum ...Jeevas are deliberating ! Who is telling Self is immortal ? Self itself? How can it? ' It neither does nor gets tainted'- is writing or speaking not 'doing' ..a deed? Then who is telling..? Sadhaks must go into deep rather than keep repeating on every Q like a parrot...Soul is immortal ! Who does not know that amongst us? Is there nothing beyond that? Is that the solution for everything? No ! It is high time we distinguish between 'learning' and 'experiencing' ! Do we not experience sorrows? What is the value there of the sermon - soul is immortal? Where then remains the difference between knowledge and insanity? Concepts like Vasudev Sarvam, Everything is done by God,Karta ahamiti manyate, disconnection by becoming Sadhu, Soul is immortal,etc ..although theoritically true but if understood in a stupid manner can cause havoc...it can even make a person insane. We see it practically happening. There is one word 'fanaticism' ..this is often associated with religion. Why? Because one does not get down to the root/substance level. At substance level soul neither does nor gets tainted. But that is not the end. Self must help Self- Gita says ! Now tell me- if soul is unaffected how can it help itself. How can that soul get bondaged? Who liberates? Body or Self?

Let us move ahead with a purpose. Let us not get stuck funnily on theories. Theories have their value but not like this. Sadhaks must understand that 'acceptance' is such a powerful power that it converts inert to sentient , soul to body , wrong to right. You ASSUME connection with body and then commit suicide. To tell such a person ..don't worry...soul is immortal is a sin in itself.

Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

Narottam --------------

jai sitaramjiki, jai radhakrishnajiki, jai veer hanuman! A person committing suicide, trying to reduce his pain in his/her present birth, suffers far more and more as he has nowhere to go; his soul must wander aimlessly suffering immensely until after a very very long period a womb may be found for his soul to get another birth. Aatmhatya is the biggest crime one can commit; only the one who gave you life can take it away at its ordained time; so don't meddle in his affairs. JAI BHAGWANJI KI. Agrasen----------------------------Dear Sadaks,The Athuman time span is decided by ones own previous birth Karmas. The Body time span is correlated to Athuman. That is why some die young with disease/accident Etc. But if one suicides, then it is crime (Sin) said in sastras for having NOT completed the mission on earth. Such Athuman hangs in Stratosphere without body but with all desires. Say hunger, that Athuman suffers hungry. Ref: Srimath Bagavath about Gokarn brother life.B.Sathyanarayan-------To take life is one of the greatest of sins, more so when that life happens to be one's own. Such a sinner will surely suffer the consequences of his sin in the next life. Also the reason of his birth, which is to attain salvation will be negated.

Hari Shanker Deo


you are in a rented house.. you would be in it till you are transfered to another place. is it, or is it not our duty to keep the house in good shape. should ou be punished and condemned or praised if you destro the house because it is not yours. What happens if you destroy the house. If it is provided by the company you work for, the company will deduct from your salary the cost of damages and put a black mark against you and your promotion etc will be adversely affected. If the house is a private property of another, the owner will sue you for damages and inform your company of your misbehaviour which will go against your purse and career. in either case you loose. Same thing with atma and body krishna samudrala -----------------------------Hari Om

Nothing happens to the soul. But 'embodied soul' viz Jeeva committing suicide... suffers...suffers and suffers !!

Pranaams to all sadhaks.Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah



-Shree Hari-


Contemplating Mahalaksmi dasiji's post straight away put me in mind if the 'Hungry Ghosts', universally known throughout many traditions. I will past in some comments ex Wikipedea :' In Hinduism - In Hindu tradition, hungry ghosts are spirit-beings driven by passion for particular things, objects of their desire. Possibly the worst thing about "Hungry Ghosts" is that they always come back for more. Very detailed information about ghosts is given in Garuda Purana.'The italics indicate why precautions were taken to protect your husband.

Such demons /ghosts are powerless in the presence of 'Divine Light', a yogi remarked, "All one has to do is, is send from your heart the love of Baba to the demon, it will go in a flash". (Such things cannot stand discovery from a soul who has no fear, because of her/his trust in the Supreme Lord.)So if the outcome of suicide is to become a ghost, then a time of great anguish awaits. (Explained well in the Tibetan tradition!)People who are in the process of 'waking up from the spiritual sleep that enslaves mankind', can often have battles with demons, horrific nightmares, just as you describe, absolutely no doubt of that!

A point, someone will no doubt bring this up, re. 'Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body.' Look! I don't know about you, but I understand that any desire for worldly things, will deny one Moksha. Worth contemplating upon!

Om..... Shant....

Mike (K).---------

Hari Om. Shree Hari.

Anupamji, why are you asking this question? Are you thinking of committing suicide? Is there someone you know who is suicidal? Has someone you loved committed suicide?

Please specify more details. Your fate after death is determined by many things - your current life, your past karma etc. There is no single event which determines your fate after death.

It is important to understand that fate after death will vary for each person.

What we all need to understand that it is not desirable to commit suicide or hurt ourselves! If we or person around us has suicidal feelings, then we should help them. In US, use spiritual guidance or call 911 and get them medical help. In India, use spiritual guidance to help them.

As far as destiny after suicide is concerned, no one can give correct answer as it will vary with each person.

Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------

My dandavat pranams to all..... As the revered Ramsukhdasaji has said in the paragraph below, to commit suicide is a terrible crime. I have always heard from my spiritual preceptors that one who does this act is awarded the form of a ghost. Due to not having appreciation for the physical body, and not utilizing this gift for development of God consciousness, those who commit suicide are not allowed to have human body until the designated hours, months, and years of which they were destined to be in the previous body which was killed have been fulfilled. Thus, if one was meant to live 100 years, but commits suicide at age 24, then for 76 years he is destined to carry on as a ghost. Being in a ghost body is very unfortunate, for the desires that we all feel, such as to enjoy nice food, family life, affection.....these things can only be enjoyed with a physical body. Also, generally we see that ghosts are not allowed to stay in one place....they constantly move about in a very unhappy state.. I am sure that there are exceptions to this general rule, but as a standard punishment it is what I have understood. Perhaps just one story, which happened to my husband his first time in India, I shall share.....he told us how he was sleeping in a tent on top of the dharmashala.....in his sleep, he was seeing himself being dragged out of the tent, feet first. There were brahmin raksasa ghosts attempting to take over his body. He has recalled this story many times, telling how he was thrashing around, on the subtle level....his deities were knocked over, his tent was torn down...., he was physically (on the subtle level) trying to fight the beings who were pulling him out. Finally, he managed to call out "Nrsnghadeva"....and woke up....crying, screaming, terrified, dripping with sweat. He woke up everyone else that was sleeping up on the roof, and they came running over. One senior Vaisnava taught him how to place mantras at the different corners of his tent, so that he was not disturbed after that. But an experience such as he had is not one to easily discount. What was the reason they were trying to pull him, in his subtle body, out of the physical body? So they could take over that body.....ghosts WANT to have a physical body again....so the lesson is.....never, never commit suicide.respectfully,Maha laksmi dasi

As a child, I used to wonder about these "bubbles" that floated from one end of the visual field to another. But, as you are aware, I am sure, ---Sky / ether is odorless, tasteless and "touch-less" and "Smell-less" if there are such words---Air is the first element with touch--you feel it and can say if it is warm or cold, or fast or slow.---Fire is the first element that you can "see" and "feel". Is it warm or hot ? Is it saffron yellow, orange, red or black or other colors of Vibgyor ?---Water is the first element that you can taste, see and feel.--- Earth is the only element that you can smell, taste, see and feel !! So you cannot "see" any bubbles in the sky, or air !! If you stare into the sky with a "concentrated or vacant" look, and bubbles appear in front of your eyes, they are from the microscopic defects in the Aqueous humor of the eye ( the fluid in the eye in front of the lens of the eye ). What you do "see" are the defects in the fluid, which are called "floaters". They are microscopic, since the fluid in the eye gets re-cycled, re-filtered, re-created and re-juvenated every second of every day of our lives. Just as there are waves in the water, I am sure there are waves in the air, but air by definition ( and so is the sky ) is essentially colorless, and transparent, and we humans cannot visualize any waves or bubbles in either the sky or the air around us. Whether other animals or birds see them is up to speculation. Durgesh Mankikar,MD--------

Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. Irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death.Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego is suffering.

Basudeb Sen


Dear SadhakPer my understanding, when somebody commits suicide then he goes to heaven or hell as per his or her action s committed during his or her life. S S Bhatt------Shree Hari- Namaste!Shri Naga Narayanaji,I took the trouble to print out you comments, and endeavor to follow your line of reasoning, not easy, but by getting a feel of the general gist, I will reflect a few thoughts.I am interested to know whether, you are writing from the platform of knowledge, gnosis, or pure intellect, or is the answer yes?I think in the most silent depth of the mind, especially if one contemplate/meditates, one understands that there is a massive illusion, that which we take for real is an illusion, the intellect takes the paints and paints a picture, thinking the picture is real, not understanding all of that which we consider as real is actually the paint, (in this analogy). Scientist probe the universe, and keep coming up with an answer, but then a new question arises from the answer, because they are trying to solve the problem with wrong tool, intellect.Knowledge as I see it, is book learning, useful in the mundane world, one can earn a good living if one is able digest and make use of what is commonly known as facts.(Even with sacred works, one must go beyond the intellect into gnosis). In the western traditions gnosis was a self knowledge, the inner mystical path, often leading a person into the occult world, where the rigid fabric of reality starts to dissolve, a place the ego does not want to go. Indeed the real death is the death of the ego self to the Self, leaving the Self awareness only, there is no I/Me.I see it this way, to kill ones self, kills nothing, but gives more strength to the ego self, thus condemning one to a longer internment in samsara.Around and around, deeper into the kaleidoscope of illusions, deeper into the hell of suicide having to face all those demons once more.Whereas suicide, is like burying gold under tones of slag, turning to 'The Beloved', even if you are suffering deeply, is like washing away the silt to reveal glistening gold. A final reflection re. 'The Essence of Yogavaasishtha', ch. 30 page 315 verse 10-11;The idea-"I am the body", is one that binds (the person) to worldly existence. This idea should never indeed be taken (or resorted to), by seekers after liberation. "I am going to kill myself", long before I came to this divine Forum, I always considered that this was a guaranty that one would not obtain enlightenment, in fact would compound the problems in the next existence.

Om... Shanti...

Mike (K).------Shree Paramatmane Namah Shri Anup Bagriji ! who has put forth this question, "where is your mind wishing to go in which there are thoughts that are coming and going. Shraddhey Swamiji has said, "the mind is not yours at all. Do not consider your mind at all as yours." Then do not worry about it. This is my appeal. knowledgable sadhaks, from Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwaat etc., if someone can share what is stated regarding suicide, then we can know what happens to one's atma who does suicide. (by a question such as what happens, the answer cannot be complete and what will happen today. Share with me as well. Because Atma (Our Self) has be stated as been complete and perfect, unaffected and taintless in all our activities (Gita 2:24-25), then with suicide what can happen to atma and what affect it can have, then the sme affect will happen on God as well because we are a part of God (Ishvar) (Gita 15:7) . therefore becoming free of all worries, let God's will be your will. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam ------------ Beautifully has the truth been answered by various sadhaks ............... may Blessings of the Buddhas make it our realisation .................................

yet ............................... the following :

Therefore, one who 'dies' without a resolution to this burning question "Who am I?" verily throwing oneself into the pith of suicide … that pretty much makes up most of the population on this earth as the Upanishad points out … Therefore, my dear friend, let us ask the question whether the soul exists now if so what is it? … seeking the clarity for this ONE AND ONLY QUESTION is the quest for all the Upanishadic studies … that is the only character observed in the podium of the Bhagavadgita throughtout its 700+ verses ... in every verse ... in every word ... in every syllable ... in every utterance ... in the silence beneath and beyond ...

.............naga narayana-------------------------------aum ....................

this is the Ultimate understanding ........... the shortest Way ..........that must seize all the Sadhakas' minds ............ah ! pray to God, dear Sadhakas, to bless you with the awareness and acceptance of where you stand this Moment Now ...and, with seeing the Truth of nagajee's words above as your own 'intellectual' grasp ( for the time being ) ......

work your way, step by step ............ raising the self by the self, higher and higher, .....till the ONE Question of Questions , WHO AM I , recieves an answer from within your own being .............. till Tat Twam Asi and Aham Brahamasmi both disappear in your own Silent Being ............... the Silence Divine, or Nothingness, or Shoonyatta ........

thank you, O blessed of the sages .............. thank you naga jee .......


narinder bhandari




Sat Nam A most delicate subject. The Soul, as emanation from God, is constant, is perennial, is eternal. The Soul does not suffer. But what brings individuation to that Soul, and what manifests its existence in an incarnation, is the Subtle Body. The Subtle Body carries the mind and all its facets, memories, prejudices and history. It is what gives us the individuality as unique human beings. It is the mind that suffers. But we, in the Subtle Body, are responsible for carrying the Soul in each incarnation. There is song that says, let your vestment be the protection of God. The Soul is a constant stream to which our Subtle Bodies attach so that it can manifest the incarnations. To kill an incarnation is to go against the Soul´s current. It brakes a Universal Law of Creation. To commit suicide is as bad and probably even worse than homicide from a Karmic effect. It is worse because it halts the incarnation process of the one who commits suicide, it brings it to a stop, a dense and heavy stop, against the Naad, against the Word. It only guarantees more and more, denser and denser incarnations for that Subtle Body (us as we know us). The Karma-Dharma balanced is broken. We are all incarnates by Divine Grace, by Guru's Grace. We should cherish every moment of our incarnation. On every breath we take, we bring in the entire Universe and allow it to manifest through us. And that is our most precious gift. Pray for those who have left this plane by suicide for they need all our compassion and Love. Pray for them that upon return they become aware. Sat NamAdi Singh


OM SAI. Answers are only with SHRI SAI.Kash--------

Soul is immortal. Soul does not die. Death is meant for the body and its organs. Death can come due to age, disease, accident, murder, legal punishment, or suicide. As I understand it, irrespective of how death occurs, soul is unaffected. Suicide is the result of a disease or accident. Soul is not concerned with such things. Attempt to suicide need not always result in death. Even if it does, the soul is not involved. It is only our illusion that the soul is suferring due to our body. mind and ego's sufferring.Basudeb Sen----------Hari Om

Sadhak Sarvottamji. I appreciate your difficulty of expression. If you give message in Hindi , I will translate it into English religiously for benefit of all sadhaks and reply to you in Hindi only with English translation. Henceforth you may please express yourself in Hindi only. You may freely express yourself. Welcome! Other sadhaks may also converse in Hindi. It will be translated.

Please don't worry or give much weightage to 'limited knowledge'. To a Bhakta - knowledge is effortlessly received from God Himself. Knowledge becomes the slave of Bhakta. You too shall receive it when and if considered appropriate by Paramatma. Have trust in Paramatma. The very fact that you have Sadhak Sanjeevani at your home is more than enough for guidance to you at all times and in all stages ! Your pious association with Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj will definitely give imperishable results to you. It can never give perishable results.

Pranaams!Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

Narottam -------Shree Hari Ram Ram

Digressing a bit, but sadhaks, I thought you may find this revealing - from Swamiji's Sadhak Sanjivani - (Gita 7/26 - english pg 931 - hindi pg 534-535). The Lord also declares , "By receiving this boat, in the form of a human body and favorable wind, in the form of My grace, one who does not attain salvation (cross the ocean of life), he is one who commits suicide" (Srimadbha. 11/20/17). Even in the Gita it is declared by Bhagavan, "For he who by seeing the supreme Lord present equally everywhere, in all as one, such a man does not kill (destroy) himself by the self, thereby reaching the supreme state" (Gita 13/28). From this too, it proves that the Lord has bestowed upon human beings, the rights, complete resources and understanding so that they can attain salvation. On receiving this priceless opportunity, if one does not attain salvation, one commits suicide and follows the cycle of birth and death.

Meera Das, Ram Ram

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