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Does the Supreme have any wish/desire?

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Jai Shri Hari

Dear Saadhaks,

Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete has

any wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would be

good if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.

My God bless us all!

Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Jai Shri Hari

Dear Saadhaks,

Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete has

any wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would be

good if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.

My God bless us all!

Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comes back to HIS home...Komal.Chhabria

-------------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahIf by the english word "The Supreme" if you mean "Paramatmatattva" (the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whetheryou have understood from Swamiji's writing - "experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS" (Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyond description and not the subject of mind/intellect. So be it, Vineet Sarvottam------------------------------ Hari Om. Shree Hari. There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport . I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception of reality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completely independent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perception because we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions are sometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and you want it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product of affinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter, they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in front of us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories and realize the Truth.Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire or wish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scope for a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has every thing in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme has no need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: He contains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everything in the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained in Him and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So the Supreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functions the way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothing remaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire of His own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less than Complete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happens in this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.Basudeb Sen----------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for us is to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearly describes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. "Yo na hrsyati na dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa me priyah. "(Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does not lament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities, such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, in the name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna's desire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service in the form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D -------------------- Dear sir, If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the central reserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpa to become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the true proposer not we humansBadri Narayana Miriyala- Dear Ones, Namaste!Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.In IT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligence manifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beauty emanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetry out-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of these through Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifesting them while hiding in them! It seems that "doing" without desire is Creativity, Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, already fulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack or insufficiency to fulfill through "doing"!In the former possibility for disappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt- Dear Sadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of the Creation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of human brain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman---The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , did Brahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son, You are Brahman ! "In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction of Brahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit ," Lord... Lovingly , you bestow !But Brahman does not understand ! "To the humble Brahman did Brahman then instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift to you...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ... The Knowledge of Brahman ! "Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyes with Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end . But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. The Self " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Gift of Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahman sit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... "Yugas was only a word... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was, was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile on Brahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke " Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates my soul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jai jai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joy indeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow !" Krishna .. You are Brahman indeed !! "In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory of Brahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! The Ten were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which will Keep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman to Brahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to the non willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being ! It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greater Scripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, the Being revelling in that Silence ........... ah !AUM narinder bhandari-----Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shree Hari Ram Ram


We are once again having trouble with mail formatting... We apologize. Gita

Talk Moderators,

Ram Ram



Jai Shri Hari

Dear Saadhaks,

Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete has

any wish/desire (although the word " desire " many not be suitable). It would be

good if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.

My God bless us all!

Niteesh Dubey






The concepts of " desire " , " wishes " , 'wants " are earthly or of this world,

applicable to mere mortals. Humans and animals desire and wish for things they

do not have, or are unable to achieve.


Bhagavan is All-Pervading, that is, absolute, all-comprehending,

all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling,

all-including, and all-inclusive.


Bhagavan is Omniscient, that is, having complete or unlimited knowledge,

awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.


Bhagavan is Omnipotent, that is having unlimited authority or infinite in power.


Everything comes from Bhagavan; He has everything; He can do anything; hence no

need for Him desiring or wishing for anything.


Here are a few scriptural passages to describe the nature of Bhagavan:


" That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east, and west, and

also overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreads

throughout both the material and spiritual skies. "




" The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directing

the wanderings of all living entities. "


~~ GITA 18:61


" Bhagavan is He who possesses without limit the six types of opulence †"

strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation. "




All this world is pervaded by me in My unmanifested form: all beings exist in

Me, but I do not dwell in them.


Nor do beings exist in Me (in reality), behold My Divine Yoga! Bringing forth

and supporting the beings, My Self does not dwell in them.


As the mighty wind, moving always everywhere, rests ever in the Akaasha, know

thou, that even so do all beings rest in Me. GITA 9:4-6



Ram Ram,

Deosaran Bisnath.




Yes, the Super-entity is indeed " complete " . According to one analogy, the

" ultimate reality " is lonely, and creates a world that is " non existent " in

reality, out of its own self, but not separate from itself, and is called as

" Maya-- a reality unto itself, which exists and yet has no independent

existence " . This world is supposed to be a " Leela " ---a play, of " dancing "

figurines at the will of the Super being, like a day dream, which will come to

an end at " pralaya--kaal " , just as dreams come to an end on waking up, and will

be swallowed by the Super being, only to be reassembled at some later time in a

" new " play.Modern analogy is that of a " Black hole " that swallows entire

galaxies, and then the nuclear power inside the black hole cannot contain itself

anymore, becomes " super heated " and leaks out into new galaxies, perhaps with

" new / different lives " , only to be swallowed up again in another " billions " of

human years, into that black hole.That's the best explanation as I

understand.When the galaxies are " sucked up " , will they come back in the same

form when the black hole " spews them out " in future ? Will there be different

life forms ? Will the structure of these new galaxies be different ? This is the

same question as to what will happen to us after death ? Or what will happen to

the bubble in a wave of ocean, after it ruptures ? Will it even be reborn into

another bubble? Will this new bubble be similar or different ? Will it remember

its past life / lives ? Will it attain Moksha ?Does it matter ?While this galaxy

lasts, if it regenerates while it " exists " , what principles will it follow ? Our

Vedantic explanation so far, is past karmas ! Therefore do well unto yourself

and unto others. You will also attain satisfaction that you have done good

honestly, whatever you could and also tried to help others out of their miseries



After that it is upto that Super being !!


Durgesh Mankikar,MD




A pure devotee is neither happy or distressed over material gain and loss, nor

is he anxious on getting a disciple or not getting them. If he loses someone or

something dear to him he does not lament. If he does not get what he desires he

is not distressed. This person is transcendental in the face of all auspicious,

inauspicious and sinful activities. He accepts all risks to satisfy the Supreme

Lord. Nothing impedes devotional service...Such a devotee is dear to Krsna.In

all this statement the fundamental answer is that the desire/wish is for the

devotee to be at one with the Divine.

Om Shanti-


catherine Anderson

Yes Paramatmatatva is beyond description




Nari-Narinder samvaada continues to be par-excellent!! Thank you for the

revelations from the abyss of your presence, Narinderji!




Naga Narayana.


Respected Sadhaka brindam:

In reply to the question raised by Niteeshji I would like to bring the following

references from Vedas and Bhagavadgita so that everyone can draw their own

conclusions as to whether the God as wishes and desires or not. I prefer to

call it as HIS Sankalpa or Will. 1. Nasadiya Suktam from RigVeda has a reference

to this Sankalpa.


Nasadiya Sukta from Rigveda deals with the subject of what was there before the

creation and how the creation started. It is fascinating to see many of the

ideas of scientific thinking of " Black Holes " , " Big Bang Theory " and

" Uncertainty Principle " etc.are all found in this Sukta and is widely quoted by

many scientists in their discussions on cosmology.According to this Sukta, In

the beginning everything is unmanifest as in the expression " Tamaaseet tamasaa

Guudhamagre' meaning 'In the beginning darkness was engulphed in darkness' and

then it continues with the third stanza 'Kaamastadagre samavartatadhi Manaso

rethah prathamam' meaning ' In the beginning that Samkalpa which is the first

seed of the Mind sprouted'.

2. In the Hiranyagarbha Sukta also it is said ' Hiranyagarbhah Samvartatagre

bhutasya jaatah patireka aaseet' meaning ' The Supreme manifested as

Hiranyagarbha first and became the Lord of all creatures'

3. From the Supreme, as per Tittireya Upanishad, " Tadeikshata bahusyam

prajaayeya " meaning " let me be many " sprouted.

4. In Bhagadgita Ch.9 verse 10, the Lord said ' Mayyadhyaksena prakrithih

Suyate Sacharacharam' meaning 'Under my command Prikriti brings forth the

moving and unmoving'.


In conclusion I would like to point out that instead calling a wish/desire of

the Lord a better way saying may be by HIS Will. The creation is referred to as

the Dream of the Lord and we are all the characters in HIS DREAM and do not

really exist as per Yogavasishta. If our dreams are at the will of our mind,

the Creation is the Dream at the Will of the Supreme or Cosmic Mind.


I thank the organizers of this forum to express these thoughts. " Lokaah

Samashtaah Sukhino Bhavantu'


Balrama Murty Vempaty

Dear Sadak,


Bagavan-Supreme- formless- Poornathuvam (All complete)- Not Object (Apprameyam)

Etc little said as God by Upanashids. But in Script of Saint Jayadevar, Garuda

Puran, Gnaneswari of Sant Gnaneswar, Srimath Bagavath Etc says, that when a pure

soul goes to Vaikunt, it crosses Virja River with Pradama Dharshan of Sri Maha

Vishnu, the reaches Vaikunt. Then Bagavan asks that Soul, " Where have you been

all these days. " Means that Bagavan desired each and everyone of us to reach

HIM. Such a wish or desire is called in divine name " Sankalpa " . Example: Sri

Krishna came here to establish Dharma. Sri Krishna in various roop (As said in

Geetha) appears to Bakthas, dwells with them, protects them and ultimately takes

to HIS abode. The word definition of desire is said in Geetha that it is a need

of mind, that need is never ending, and the desire is that which is like Ghee

pored on fire grows multiform but DOES not suppress. The desire that which is

for good of others WITHOUT expecting least out of it is NOT called desire. The

desire to have more and more is called GREED.





Yes the Supreme Reality wants us to know the purpose of Human Birth, assist Thee

in the maintenence of His Grand wondrous Design by following Laws of Nature

(Rta) and performing social work for the welfare of all Thy children i.e. entire

mankind. This divine wish of our Supreme Father is mentioned in great details in

Vedas and partially in Bhagavad Gita where lord tell us if He does not work even

for a shortwhile great harm will be done to the entire Creation.


with regards,


Prem Sabhlok



Jai Shri Hari,Dear All, I thank you all for your responses.


Dear Moderator, I am sorry that this response is little long. This question

came to my mind after reading the responses in the

discussion threads related to " desire " & " SARVABOOTHITERATAAH "

posted few days ago and the word " HITKAAMYAYAA " (i.e. wish/desire

for the benefit/HIT/welfare/KALYAANA) used by the Lord Shri KishNa

in GitaJi-10/1 to indicate that He, the Supreme, does have a wish/

kaamana/desire but that is not because of any incompleteness or lack or affinity

with something else as there is nothing beyond him (MATTAH PARATARM NAANYAT -

GitaJi 7/7) and he is everything (VAASUDEV

SARVAM ITI - GitaJi 7/19). His " wish " is not only for Arjun but for every beings

as he is well wisher for all the beings (SUHRIDAM

SARVABHOOTAANAM - GitaJi -5/29). Similarly, the following lines of GitaJi

indicate that the Supreme, who is ever complete/PURNA/blissful, does not feel

happy/satisfied with respect to his supreme wish when the human beings (who are

eligible for the supreme goal) leave their bodies without getting the real

benefit (i.e. attaining the real goal).APRAAPYA MAAM NIVARTANTE MRITYUSANSAAR



(16/20).In my understanding, this wish (i.e. wish for the welfare of all) is the

eternal supreme wish which has been empowering the Nature


MAHADBRAHM GitaJi-14/3) from eternity to become a place holder

for the Jeevs (embodied souls) so that they can attain their true swaroop/nature

by shedding off the foreign elements (i.e. elements belonging to the Nature)

they have gathered from time immemorial. Infact, this wish is not something that

the Supreme has to do/create/bring it the way normal human beings do. This is

intrinsic/integral/built-in part of his own nature/swaroop.So, if the Supreme

has this wish, then why not the beings (at least the

human beings) as Bhagaan Sri KirshNa says " human beings follow my


PAARTH SARVASHAH - GitaJi 3/23, 4/11). In otherwords, our true

nature/swaroop must also have the same in-built eternal wish (i.e. wish for the

benefit/welfare of all). We might not be feeling it or we might not be trying to

feel it or we might be restricting it just because of the

limitations/bondage/artificiality we have created due to our own ignorance The

word " CHIKIRSHHU " in GitaJi -3/25 does indicate that this supreme wish is

enabled in the realized souls too. TulsidasJi MahaRaaj also says that the

supreme and his true follower/devotee, without any reason, are always engaged


ASURAARI " ). Swami RamSukhdashJi, at some place, mentioned about a divine

shakti/power called as " SARVA BHOOT HITAISHHINI " which is always engaged in

executing the supreme wish of helping all the beings. He says, this is the

shakti/power which helps the great people who are always engaged for the benefit

of many/all.The scriptures do suggest the saadhaks/aspirants to be engaged in


the benefit of all ( SARVA BHOOT HITE RATA - GitaJi 5/25, 12/5)

specially for the the aspirants following the path of the knowledge,

meditation etc. in which they start their spiritual journey by

understanding/focusing on the " self " dwelling in their bodies. There is no need

to emphasize this for the aspirants following the path of devotion and selfless

karmas as, by definition, they must be following their wishes of welfare of all

by serving the God/Viswaroop. In my understanding, this is not a

suggestion/advice but it is a reminder about the intrinsic nature of the true

self. The suggestions by the scriptures are always aligned with the true nature

of the beings.The same supreme wish is also reflected as " dhram-yukta

kaam/desire/wish in all beings " ( DHARMAAVIRUDDHO BHUTESHHU KAAMOSMI -

GitaJi 7/11) " . Here the key is " dharma " which is the carrier of the same

supreme wish (i.e. " benefits/welfare of all " ). The results of the execution of

that supreme wish by the individuals might appear limited due to the various

constraints (e.g. body, place, time, circumstances etc.) but living in that wish

is no different than living in the root of that wish. A very good example of

" dharma-yukta desire " can be seen in the life of King Dasharath when he

approaches the sage Vashishtha with a desire of having son. His desire was not

for himself to be called as a father but to give a noble heir for the

kingdom/subjects which was more dearer than his own life. As long as, the

wish/desire is aligned with the supreme wish, it will help us lead to the root

of the supreme wish. Whether we wish/

desire for the benefit of all or have the wish/desire to attain the root of this

wish (i.e. supreme/God ), it will lead us the same goal. We should note that

there is no difference between the Supreme and his wish. The suggestion to

aspirants of " having desire to attain the supreme " (MAAMIPCHHAPTUM -GitaJi

12/10) by the Supreme is nothing but the same supreme wish told from the

perspective of the aspirant. Closure the aspirant is with the

Supreme/SELF/TRUTH, better he understands the supreme wish and he could be

chosen to be the medium ( " NIMITTA

MAATRAM BHAV SAVYASAACHIN " - GitaJi 11/33) of executing that

supreme wish. Some time, the realized souls (e.g. KAARAK PURUSHHA)

descend to follow that supreme wish and some time the Supreme himself

descend to execute his supreme wish (YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA



Dear VineetJi, The supreme simply means " nothing is beyond that " . He is called


GOD,...). You are correct that his wish can not be sensed by the mind, buddhi

of an unrealized soul but the

question did encourage to reveal the thoughts based upon the

scriptures which are revealed by the supreme self or self-

realized personalities. I did revisit the page 61 of Saadhan-

Sudha-Sindu where " Chup Saadhan " is described. My question was

not about the saadhan for an individual towards his/her

realization but it was about understanding the message/wish

from the Supreme that might include the goals of every beings.Dear


GauravJi, What you mentioned is the general definition of the desire in beings

created out of ignorance/attachment. That desire must

be removed towards realizing the supreme wish/desire. In my

limited understanding, understanding the wish of the master

should be well known by the servant/lover so that he can serve

/love his master better. The mercy of God is not without a

reason. The reason is his intrinsic wish of taking care of all. Dear


PratapJi, His supreme wish is always supported by his Leela (divine play/

celebration) which work without any effort. His Leela is always

blissful but meaningful though the meaning may not be understood



Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supreme

preferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are the


16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supreme

revealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/

Rishhis/Guides/Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23)

at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easily

available teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization can

not go against the scriptures although the realization can not

be fully interpreted in the words.

Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum.

I do not know your answers but in my understanding, I

would say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wish

which takes care of everyone.

May the Supreme bless us all!


Niteesh Dubey




The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comes

back to HIS home...




Shree Paramatmane Namah

If by the english word " The Supreme " if you mean " Paramatmatattva "

(the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whether

you have understood from Swamiji's writing -

" experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS "

(Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyond

description and not the subject of mind/intellect.

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam


Hari Om. Shree Hari.

There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport .

I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception of

reality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completely

independent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perception

because we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions are

sometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and you

want it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product of

affinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter,

they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in front

of us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories and

realize the Truth.




Gaurav Mittal




The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire or

wish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scope

for a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has every

thing in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme has

no need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: He

contains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everything

in the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained in

Him and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So the

Supreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functions

the way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothing

remaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire of

His own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less than

Complete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happens

in this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.


Basudeb Sen



Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.


This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for us

is to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearly

describes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. " Yo na hrsyati

na dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa me

priyah. " (Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does not

lament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities,

such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, in

the name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna's

desire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service in

the form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. Thank

You. Hare Krishna.


Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D




Dear sir,

If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the central

reserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpa

to become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the true

proposer not we humans


Badri Narayana Miriyala



Dear Ones, Namaste!


Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.In

IT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligence

manifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beauty

emanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetry

out-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of these

through Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifesting

them while hiding in them! It seems that " doing " without desire is Creativity,

Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, already

fulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack or

insufficiency to fulfill through " doing " !In the former possibility for

disappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!


Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt



- Dear

Sadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of the

Creation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of human

brain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman



The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , did

Brahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son,

You are Brahman ! " In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction of

Brahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit , " Lord... Lovingly , you

bestow !But Brahman does not understand ! " To the humble Brahman did Brahman

then instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift to

you...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ...

The Knowledge of Brahman ! " Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyes

with Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end

.. But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. The

Self " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Gift

of Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahman

sit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... " Yugas was only a

word... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was,

was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile on

Brahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke "

Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates my

soul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jai

jai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joy

indeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow ! " Krishna ..

You are Brahman indeed !! " In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory of

Brahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! The

Ten were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which will

Keep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman to

Brahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to the

non willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being !

It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holy

scriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greater

Scripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, the

Being revelling in that Silence ........... ah !


AUM narinder bhandari



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Shree Hari Ram RamWe are once again having trouble with mail formatting... We apologize. GitaTalk Moderators,Ram Ram----------------------------Jai Shri HariDear Saadhaks,Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete hasany wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would begood if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.My God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------NEW POSTING

God has created man only for love - "ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Thererfore manifestation of love can only take place in human beings. Of all the species in this world, only human beings are capable of saying "you are mine and I am yours" or "there is you and you alone" (Tu hi Tu). The reason is that God has created this world for all beings, but he has created man for Himself. God has bestowed man with the ability and the power to regard Him as his own and to discard the world. It is only by the ability and power bestowed by God, that man can love God.

From "For Salvation of Mankind" in English pg 195 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

A devotee fulfills God's inner feelings and expressions of "Ekaakine ramate". God has created the world for His devotees, and the devotees forHimself. Therefore a devotees' existence was created only for pleasing God. In reality, the enjoyer of all happiness is only God, not the embodied Soul(jeev). Just like a child is for the mother, similarly the devotee is for God. Besides God, a devotee has no independent existence (no existence of his own).From "Prashnouttermanimala" on Devotee by Swami Ramsukhdasji


Jai Shri Hari, Dear All, I thank you for your responses.It is absolutely true that BhagavaanJi who is everything and all powerful can do anything just by his sankalp/will and he has been doing from eternity but his only weakness is that he can not turn his child (i.e.embodied soul) towards himself unless the child accepts that move. The reason for this is that the Jeev (i.e. embodied soul) itself is holding the self created artificiality/affinity with the lower nature of the Supreme (GitaJi-7/5) and both of the natures (i.e. jeev/higher/PARAA and the lower/APARAA) are empowered by the Supreme and the Supreme, being equal (GitaJi- 5/19), can never do any injustice to any one. It is solely the jeev's responsibility to accept that move. Being SUHRID/friend (GitaJi-5/29), he can only wish and suggest (UDDHARET - GitaJi 6/5) the jeev for that move. Had he ever be capable of turning a jeev for that move without jeev's acceptance, there would not have been the need of this world, Scriptures, Saints, Dharmas etc..All these are available for us just because of his eternel wish of benefit/kalyaan for all his children. My dear brothers & sisters, nothing is meaningless in our father's kingdom. All his wills/sankalps are following his eternal wish of welfare of all. We should note that the will/sankalp to do something always follows a wish and not the other way.Our Supreme father is also known as "SHIVA" which means "KALYAAN/welfare" (i.e. our father's nature/SWAROOP is for the welfare/KALYAAN of all). Shri ShankaraachaaryaJi says in ATMAASTAKAM that "I am CHIT/consciousness , ANAND/bliss and KALYAAN/welfare" ( CHIDAANANDROOPAM SHIVOHAM SHIVOHAM). In other words, living in the the eternal supreme wish of welfare of all is not different from living in the self which is consciousness and bliss.Dear DeosaranJi, Regarding your sentence "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities.- GITA 18:61)", the Supreme/God/Ishwar is NOT directing the wanderings of all living entities, the wandering is happening by the MAAYAA (please note the word "MAAYAYAA" in that shloka) which is empowered by the Supreme. The reason of this wandering is not the MAAYAA/prakriti/nature but the jeev itself which has been trying to enjoy the qualities/products of MAAYAA/prakriti/nature.May the Supreme bless us all.Niteesh Dubey


Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supreme preferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are the authority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi 16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supreme revealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/ Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23) at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words. Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum. I do not know your answers but in my understanding, I would say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wish which takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all! ...........................Niteesh Dubey

dear Niteesh Dubey jee,

thank you for your deep thoughts .............what you say is True.............. there is NO disagreement in narinder.................

the sharing is all Krishna's Play ....................we all have our lines to say ...............


why does narinder answer the questions raised in this forum? his totally honest answer is , " I donot know ! "


and the more questions and answers i become aware of reading or answering ............... the deeper becomes narinder's awareness that he indeed does NOT know !

But ................there is also deep awareness of Stillness, of Silence, of the Ocean that keeps waving for its own Joy ....


and ah, naga narayana jeeo.................why is it so ? how is it so..... and why must it be so ? how can narinder know ?


aum the waves keep rising ....arise only to subside ...first, second and the last are born to die ...and in the embrace of the Ocean lie the ocean smiles ................... smiles and smiles ...............and keeps smiling ........................... Tat Twam Asi , you are the Ocean , narinder, says the Mind Aham Brahamasmi, I know, says the heart ah, how can the wave fathom the Ocean ! ? ! the Ocean smiles and smiles ...and knows the Mind is a lie, but the heart never lies .................... are you the Mind , narinder , or, the heart are you ? both, or , neither ................ the Ocean are you ..................???? the Ocean is the wave the wave is Not the Ocean only the Self knows the self how can the other know ? how can nari or narinder know !

the Ocean smiles .................................


narinder bhandari----------------






Does the Supreme have any wish/desire?





Tasmai sa hovaacha prajaakaamo vai prajaapatih | Sa tapo tapyata | Sa tapastaptvaa | Sa mithunamutpaadayate | Rayim cha praanam chetyetou me bahudhaa prajaah karishyata iti ||





In Prashnopanishat, the teacher tells the aspirant students when asked how this creation started, "If there is creation, there should be a Creator and there should have been a desire to create in The Creator. If there was a desire, He should have contemplated on that desire generating the conjugation along with the conjugants in matter and energy. He should have let this matter-energy cluster to engage in the conjugation eternally to reproduce themselves in variant forms"





Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |



Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||





KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."





The great Achaarya Gowdapada exclaims, "playful people see a player there, spiteful people see a spiteful fellow there, silent people see silence there, noisy people see noise there … etc.". Similarly, desireful people see a desirer there. They cannot see anything other than desire to be the basis for everything that is perceived because the very perception is rooted in a desire! A RiNi believes Him to be a RiNi as well, while a Dhani thinks Him to be a Dhani as well.





The desire always leaves the individual a RiNi, one with negative balance. The desire always point toward a void within reminding the lack of the object of the desire with the individual. The desire is painful for two reasons - (1) it is making the individual to believe an incompleteness within; and (2) it is making the individual to perceive a lack of freedom as the object of desire remains illusive as well as elusive binding the individual to the desire stronger and stronger. Sense of lack of completeness and freedom is the only pain any individual can ever feel irrespective of the apparent reasons, whatsoever. The desireful individual remains RiNi because of the RiNaatmaka Chintana (negative thinking) believing in the perceived incompleteness within and hence experiencing the lack of freedom.





On the other hand, the desire cannot reach a Dhani, one who is overflowing with surplus in everything. The Omniscient who has everything in abundance can only give - (1) nothing more can be taken in being full; (2) there is no need to look for more being satisfied within; and (3) there is none who can offer something because the omniscience includes everything as such. The Completeness within is in full bloom and the constraints from around are non-existent to a Dhani, one who also thinks positively and realizes in excess within having no room for any wants.





The essentials for existence of a desire are: (1) one should lack something within; (2) one should be different from the missing thing; and (3) one should be a subset of a dominion which contains both the desirer as well as the objects of the desire. The Omniscient is ALL-INCLUSIVE ... PoorNamadah poorNamidam poorNaatpoorNam udachyate, poorNasya poorNamaadaaya poorNamevaavashishyate ... incorporates everything manifested, unmanifested and anything else ... how can there be any addition or subtraction THERE? Therefore, how can The Omnipotent accommodate any desire in any form? If He desires, how can He be Omnipotent?










Naga Narayana.



-----------------NamasteThe concepts of "desire", "wishes", 'wants" are earthly or of this world,applicable to mere mortals. Humans and animals desire and wish for things theydo not have, or are unable to achieve.Bhagavan is All-Pervading, that is, absolute, all-comprehending,all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling,all-including, and all-inclusive.Bhagavan is Omniscient, that is, having complete or unlimited knowledge,awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.Bhagavan is Omnipotent, that is having unlimited authority or infinite in power.Everything comes from Bhagavan; He has everything; He can do anything; hence noneed for Him desiring or wishing for anything.Here are a few scriptural passages to describe the nature of Bhagavan:"That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east, and west, andalso overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreadsthroughout both the material and spiritual skies."~~ MUNDAKA UPANISHAD 2.1.1"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directingthe wanderings of all living entities."~~ GITA 18:61"Bhagavan is He who possesses without limit the six types of opulence â€"strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation."~~ VISHNU PURANAAll this world is pervaded by me in My unmanifested form: all beings exist inMe, but I do not dwell in them.Nor do beings exist in Me (in reality), behold My Divine Yoga! Bringing forthand supporting the beings, My Self does not dwell in them.As the mighty wind, moving always everywhere, rests ever in the Akaasha, knowthou, that even so do all beings rest in Me. GITA 9:4-6Ram Ram,Deosaran Bisnath.----------------Yes, the Super-entity is indeed "complete". According to one analogy, the"ultimate reality" is lonely, and creates a world that is "non existent" inreality, out of its own self, but not separate from itself, and is called as"Maya-- a reality unto itself, which exists and yet has no independentexistence". This world is supposed to be a "Leela"---a play, of "dancing"figurines at the will of the Super being, like a day dream, which will come toan end at "pralaya--kaal", just as dreams come to an end on waking up, and willbe swallowed by the Super being, only to be reassembled at some later time in a"new" play.Modern analogy is that of a "Black hole" that swallows entiregalaxies, and then the nuclear power inside the black hole cannot contain itselfanymore, becomes "super heated" and leaks out into new galaxies, perhaps with"new / different lives", only to be swallowed up again in another "billions" ofhuman years, into that black hole.That's the best explanation as Iunderstand.When the galaxies are "sucked up", will they come back in the sameform when the black hole "spews them out" in future ? Will there be differentlife forms ? Will the structure of these new galaxies be different ? This is thesame question as to what will happen to us after death ? Or what will happen tothe bubble in a wave of ocean, after it ruptures ? Will it even be reborn intoanother bubble? Will this new bubble be similar or different ? Will it rememberits past life / lives ? Will it attain Moksha ?Does it matter ?While this galaxylasts, if it regenerates while it "exists", what principles will it follow ? OurVedantic explanation so far, is past karmas ! Therefore do well unto yourselfand unto others. You will also attain satisfaction that you have done goodhonestly, whatever you could and also tried to help others out of their miseries!!After that it is upto that Super being !!dDurgesh Mankikar,MD-------------------A pure devotee is neither happy or distressed over material gain and loss, noris he anxious on getting a disciple or not getting them. If he loses someone orsomething dear to him he does not lament. If he does not get what he desires heis not distressed. This person is transcendental in the face of all auspicious,inauspicious and sinful activities. He accepts all risks to satisfy the SupremeLord. Nothing impedes devotional service...Such a devotee is dear to Krsna.Inall this statement the fundamental answer is that the desire/wish is for thedevotee to be at one with the Divine.Om Shanti-catherine AndersonYes Paramatmatatva is beyond description---------------Nari-Narinder samvaada continues to be par-excellent!! Thank you for therevelations from the abyss of your presence, Narinderji!Regards.Naga Narayana.-------------------Respected Sadhaka brindam:In reply to the question raised by Niteeshji I would like to bring the followingreferences from Vedas and Bhagavadgita so that everyone can draw their ownconclusions as to whether the God as wishes and desires or not. I prefer tocall it as HIS Sankalpa or Will. 1. Nasadiya Suktam from RigVeda has a referenceto this Sankalpa.Nasadiya Sukta from Rigveda deals with the subject of what was there before thecreation and how the creation started. It is fascinating to see many of theideas of scientific thinking of "Black Holes", "Big Bang Theory" and"Uncertainty Principle" etc.are all found in this Sukta and is widely quoted bymany scientists in their discussions on cosmology.According to this Sukta, Inthe beginning everything is unmanifest as in the expression "Tamaaseet tamasaa Guudhamagre' meaning 'In the beginning darkness was engulphed in darkness' andthen it continues with the third stanza 'Kaamastadagre samavartatadhi Manasorethah prathamam' meaning ' In the beginning that Samkalpa which is the firstseed of the Mind sprouted'.2. In the Hiranyagarbha Sukta also it is said ' Hiranyagarbhah Samvartatagrebhutasya jaatah patireka aaseet' meaning ' The Supreme manifested asHiranyagarbha first and became the Lord of all creatures'3. From the Supreme, as per Tittireya Upanishad, "Tadeikshata bahusyamprajaayeya" meaning "let me be many" sprouted.4. In Bhagadgita Ch.9 verse 10, the Lord said ' Mayyadhyaksena prakrithihSuyate Sacharacharam' meaning 'Under my command Prikriti brings forth themoving and unmoving'.In conclusion I would like to point out that instead calling a wish/desire ofthe Lord a better way saying may be by HIS Will. The creation is referred to asthe Dream of the Lord and we are all the characters in HIS DREAM and do notreally exist as per Yogavasishta. If our dreams are at the will of our mind,the Creation is the Dream at the Will of the Supreme or Cosmic Mind.I thank the organizers of this forum to express these thoughts. "LokaahSamashtaah Sukhino Bhavantu'Balrama Murty Vempaty Dear Sadak,Bagavan-Supreme- formless- Poornathuvam (All complete)- Not Object (Apprameyam)Etc little said as God by Upanashids. But in Script of Saint Jayadevar, GarudaPuran, Gnaneswari of Sant Gnaneswar, Srimath Bagavath Etc says, that when a puresoul goes to Vaikunt, it crosses Virja River with Pradama Dharshan of Sri MahaVishnu, the reaches Vaikunt. Then Bagavan asks that Soul, "Where have you beenall these days." Means that Bagavan desired each and everyone of us to reachHIM. Such a wish or desire is called in divine name "Sankalpa". Example: SriKrishna came here to establish Dharma. Sri Krishna in various roop (As said inGeetha) appears to Bakthas, dwells with them, protects them and ultimately takesto HIS abode. The word definition of desire is said in Geetha that it is a needof mind, that need is never ending, and the desire is that which is like Gheepored on fire grows multiform but DOES not suppress. The desire that which isfor good of others WITHOUT expecting least out of it is NOT called desire. Thedesire to have more and more is called GREED.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------Yes the Supreme Reality wants us to know the purpose of Human Birth, assist Theein the maintenence of His Grand wondrous Design by following Laws of Nature(Rta) and performing social work for the welfare of all Thy children i.e. entiremankind. This divine wish of our Supreme Father is mentioned in great details inVedas and partially in Bhagavad Gita where lord tell us if He does not work evenfor a shortwhile great harm will be done to the entire Creation.with regards,Prem Sabhlok-----------------------Jai Shri Hari,Dear All, I thank you all for your responses.Dear Moderator, I am sorry that this response is little long. This questioncame to my mind after reading the responses in thediscussion threads related to "desire" & "SARVABOOTHITERATAAH"posted few days ago and the word "HITKAAMYAYAA" (i.e. wish/desirefor the benefit/HIT/welfare/KALYAANA) used by the Lord Shri KishNain GitaJi-10/1 to indicate that He, the Supreme, does have a wish/kaamana/desire but that is not because of any incompleteness or lack or affinitywith something else as there is nothing beyond him (MATTAH PARATARM NAANYAT -GitaJi 7/7) and he is everything (VAASUDEVSARVAM ITI - GitaJi 7/19). His "wish" is not only for Arjun but for every beingsas he is well wisher for all the beings (SUHRIDAMSARVABHOOTAANAM - GitaJi -5/29). Similarly, the following lines of GitaJiindicate that the Supreme, who is ever complete/PURNA/blissful, does not feelhappy/satisfied with respect to his supreme wish when the human beings (who areeligible for the supreme goal) leave their bodies without getting the realbenefit (i.e. attaining the real goal).APRAAPYA MAAM NIVARTANTE MRITYUSANSAARVARTMANI (9/3)MAAM APRAAPAIVA KAUNTEYA TATO YAANTI ADHAMAAM GATIM(16/20).In my understanding, this wish (i.e. wish for the welfare of all) is theeternal supreme wish which has been empowering the Nature(MAYAA ADYAKSHENA PRAKRITI..-GitaJi 9/10., MAM YONIRMAHADBRAHM GitaJi-14/3) from eternity to become a place holderfor the Jeevs (embodied souls) so that they can attain their true swaroop/natureby shedding off the foreign elements (i.e. elements belonging to the Nature)they have gathered from time immemorial. Infact, this wish is not something thatthe Supreme has to do/create/bring it the way normal human beings do. This isintrinsic/integral/built-in part of his own nature/swaroop.So, if the Supremehas this wish, then why not the beings (at least thehuman beings) as Bhagaan Sri KirshNa says "human beings follow mypaths in every way" (MAM VARTAANUVARATANTE MANUSHYAPAARTH SARVASHAH - GitaJi 3/23, 4/11). In otherwords, our truenature/swaroop must also have the same in-built eternal wish (i.e. wish for thebenefit/welfare of all). We might not be feeling it or we might not be trying tofeel it or we might be restricting it just because of thelimitations/bondage/artificiality we have created due to our own ignorance Theword "CHIKIRSHHU" in GitaJi -3/25 does indicate that this supreme wish isenabled in the realized souls too. TulsidasJi MahaRaaj also says that thesupreme and his true follower/devotee, without any reason, are always engagedfor the benefit of all ("HETU RAHIT JAG YUG UPAKAARII | TUM TUMHAAR SEVAKASURAARI" ). Swami RamSukhdashJi, at some place, mentioned about a divineshakti/power called as "SARVA BHOOT HITAISHHINI" which is always engaged inexecuting the supreme wish of helping all the beings. He says, this is theshakti/power which helps the great people who are always engaged for the benefitof many/all.The scriptures do suggest the saadhaks/aspirants to be engaged inforthe benefit of all ( SARVA BHOOT HITE RATA - GitaJi 5/25, 12/5)specially for the the aspirants following the path of the knowledge,meditation etc. in which they start their spiritual journey byunderstanding/focusing on the "self" dwelling in their bodies. There is no needto emphasize this for the aspirants following the path of devotion and selflesskarmas as, by definition, they must be following their wishes of welfare of allby serving the God/Viswaroop. In my understanding, this is not asuggestion/advice but it is a reminder about the intrinsic nature of the trueself. The suggestions by the scriptures are always aligned with the true natureof the beings.The same supreme wish is also reflected as "dhram-yuktakaam/desire/wish in all beings" ( DHARMAAVIRUDDHO BHUTESHHU KAAMOSMI -GitaJi 7/11)". Here the key is "dharma" which is the carrier of the samesupreme wish (i.e. "benefits/welfare of all"). The results of the execution ofthat supreme wish by the individuals might appear limited due to the variousconstraints (e.g. body, place, time, circumstances etc.) but living in that wishis no different than living in the root of that wish. A very good example of"dharma-yukta desire" can be seen in the life of King Dasharath when heapproaches the sage Vashishtha with a desire of having son. His desire was notfor himself to be called as a father but to give a noble heir for thekingdom/subjects which was more dearer than his own life. As long as, thewish/desire is aligned with the supreme wish, it will help us lead to the rootof the supreme wish. Whether we wish/desire for the benefit of all or have the wish/desire to attain the root of thiswish (i.e. supreme/God ), it will lead us the same goal. We should note thatthere is no difference between the Supreme and his wish. The suggestion toaspirants of "having desire to attain the supreme" (MAAMIPCHHAPTUM -GitaJi12/10) by the Supreme is nothing but the same supreme wish told from theperspective of the aspirant. Closure the aspirant is with theSupreme/SELF/TRUTH, better he understands the supreme wish and he could bechosen to be the medium ( "NIMITTAMAATRAM BHAV SAVYASAACHIN" - GitaJi 11/33) of executing thatsupreme wish. Some time, the realized souls (e.g. KAARAK PURUSHHA)descend to follow that supreme wish and some time the Supreme himselfdescend to execute his supreme wish (YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA...GitaJi-4/7).Dear VineetJi, The supreme simply means "nothing is beyond that". He is calledby infinite names (RAM, KRISHNA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAMAATMA, PURUSHHOTTAM,GOD,...). You are correct that his wish can not be sensed by the mind, buddhiof an unrealized soul but thequestion did encourage to reveal the thoughts based upon thescriptures which are revealed by the supreme self or self-realized personalities. I did revisit the page 61 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindu where "Chup Saadhan" is described. My question wasnot about the saadhan for an individual towards his/herrealization but it was about understanding the message/wishfrom the Supreme that might include the goals of every beings.DearGauravJi, What you mentioned is the general definition of the desire in beingscreated out of ignorance/attachment. That desire mustbe removed towards realizing the supreme wish/desire. In mylimited understanding, understanding the wish of the mastershould be well known by the servant/lover so that he can serve/love his master better. The mercy of God is not without areason. The reason is his intrinsic wish of taking care of all. DearPratapJi, His supreme wish is always supported by his Leela (divine play/celebration) which work without any effort. His Leela is alwaysblissful but meaningful though the meaning may not be understoodeasily.Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supremepreferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are theauthority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supremerevealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23)at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easilyavailable teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization cannot go against the scriptures although the realization can notbe fully interpreted in the words.Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum.I do not know your answers but in my understanding, Iwould say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wishwhich takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all!Niteesh Dubey=======================================================The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comesback to HIS home...Komal.Chhabria-------------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahIf by the english word "The Supreme" if you mean "Paramatmatattva"(the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whetheryou have understood from Swamiji's writing -"experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS"(Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyonddescription and not the subject of mind/intellect.So be it,Vineet Sarvottam------------------------------Hari Om. Shree Hari.There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport .I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception ofreality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completelyindependent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perceptionbecause we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions aresometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and youwant it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product ofaffinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter,they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in frontof us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories andrealize the Truth.Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire orwish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scopefor a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has everything in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme hasno need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: Hecontains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everythingin the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained inHim and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So theSupreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functionsthe way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothingremaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire ofHis own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less thanComplete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happensin this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.Basudeb Sen-------------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for usis to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearlydescribes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. "Yo na hrsyatina dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa mepriyah. "(Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does notlament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities,such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, inthe name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna'sdesire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service inthe form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. ThankYou. Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------Dear sir,If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the centralreserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpato become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the trueproposer not we humansBadri Narayana Miriyala-Dear Ones, Namaste!Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.InIT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligencemanifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beautyemanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetryout-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of thesethrough Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifestingthem while hiding in them! It seems that "doing" without desire is Creativity,Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, alreadyfulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack orinsufficiency to fulfill through "doing"!In the former possibility fordisappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt- DearSadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of theCreation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of humanbrain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman-------------------------The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , didBrahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son,You are Brahman ! "In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction ofBrahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit ," Lord... Lovingly , youbestow !But Brahman does not understand ! "To the humble Brahman did Brahmanthen instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift toyou...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ...The Knowledge of Brahman ! "Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyeswith Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end. But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. TheSelf " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Giftof Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahmansit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... "Yugas was only aword... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was,was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile onBrahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke "Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates mysoul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jaijai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joyindeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow !" Krishna ..You are Brahman indeed !! "In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory ofBrahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! TheTen were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which willKeep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman toBrahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to thenon willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being !It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holyscriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greaterScripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, theBeing revelling in that Silence ........... ah !AUM narinder bhandari-----------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shree Hari Ram RamWe are once again having trouble with mail formatting... We apologize. GitaTalk Moderators,Ram Ram----------------------------Jai Shri HariDear Saadhaks,Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete hasany wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would begood if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.My God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------NEW POSTING

God has created man only for love - "ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Thererfore manifestation of love can only take place in human beings. Of all the species in this world, only human beings are capable of saying "you are mine and I am yours" or "there is you and you alone" (Tu hi Tu). The reason is that God has created this world for all beings, but He has created man for Himself. God has bestowed man with the ability and the power to regard Him as his own and to discard the world. It is only by the ability and power bestowed by God, that man can love God.

From "For Salvation of Mankind" in English pg 195 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


A devotee fulfills God's inner feelings and expressions of "Ekaakine ramate". God has created the world for His devotees, and the devotees forHimself. Therefore a devotees' existence was created only for pleasing God. In reality, the enjoyer of all happiness is only God, not the embodied Soul(jeev). Just like a child is for the mother, similarly the devotee is for God. Besides God, a devotee has no independent existence (no existence of his own).From "Prashnouttermanimala" on Devotee by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Jai Shri Hari,I salute the supreme private and loving word "Ekaaki Na Ramte" of the Supreme which is nothing but the cause/love/power/fuel behind his wish of welfare of all.Dear NarinderJi,----------------------I always love your wordless expressions.You said:.......the Ocean is the wavethe wave is Not the Ocean......You are absolutely correct that the wave is not the ocean. It can never be! The fact is that the wave is nothing but the same water which constitutes the ocean. But again, the water belongs to the ocean and not the ocean belongs to the water. I would let the wave (though it is the water) be the wave which can always beautify the ocean.Dear Nag NarayanJi,----------------------------You mentioned NA KARTITVAM ...(GitaJi 5/14) and said: KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."In my understanding, the shloka 5/14 says that the Supreme/PRABHU does not create/facilitate the doership, action (karma) and association of karma with its result for the men. I do not see any indication about the Supreme not having any wish/desire. This shloka just indicates that the Self/Atma is free from all these (i.e. doership, karma and its results). In my understanding, the Supreme is not only GUNAATEET/MAAYAATEET (i.e free from prakriti/qualities) but he is the GUNAADHEESH/MAAYAADHEESH (i.e. controller of the nature/prakriti) also. That is why he is referred as PURUSHHOTTAM, PARAMAATMA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAM BRHAM,..... (GitaJi -15/17.15/18,10/12,....).If you believe in the word "creation", it itself shows the indication of the wish/desire of the creator/Supreme. The same is clearly indicated at many places in GitaJi.I am the father of the creation. (...TASMIN GARBHAM DADHAAMI AHAM -GitaJi 14/3; AHAM BEEJPRADA PITAA -GitaJi 14/4).In my presidency/control, my own prakriti/nature produces the world (MAYAAADHKSHENA PRAKRITI.. GitaJi 9/10; MAM YONI MAHATBRAHM ...GitaJi 14/3).I manifest myself with my own power (AATMAMAAYAYAA - GitaJI 4/6) to protect/establish the dharma (YADAA YADAA HI ... -GitaJi 4/7)...etc.....I totally agree that the Supreme does not have any obligation otherwise that obligation will be the Supreme. I also agree that he does not have any desire to achieve something for himself as he is totally complete/PURNA but my point is that his wish of "welfare/Kalyaan of all" is not different from his nature. It is just because of his nature, everything is happening (MATTAH SARVAM PRAVARTATE - GitaJi 9/8). Here, I would like to mention that his completeness/PURNATAA is beyond any imagination/concept of the completeness. He is not only complete/PURNA but also referred as the abode of the completeness (BRAHMNO HI PRATISHTHAAHAM - Gitaji 14/27). Everything belonging to him is complete in itself whether it is desire or blessing or ANYTHING. Shri BallabaachaaryaJi calls him (i.e. the Supreme) "PURNAKAAM" in his Nandakumaaraashtakam. In my understanding, only it is only his desire which will always be completed as he only is the independent. He is free in KARTUM (doing), AKARTUM(not-doing) or ANYATHAAKARTUM(doing without any reason).May all be blessed with our father's love!Niteesh Dubey--------



One and only Narinderji, as always the abyss comes out within a droplet :).


Yes! You are the wave as well as the ocean … Yes! You ARE the droplet as well as the Abyss …Indeed! YOU ARE THE ABYSS THAT IS THE DROPLET AS SUCH … Taattvamasi ... so You are … Yo'saavasou so'hamasmi ... and so I am as well as all these ... The Ocean smiles as ever ... the smile pours out from its abyss ... the waves dance in joy being overwhelmed by ITS joy ... the droplets bounce around in absolute harmony with each other in the abundance of The Joy in each as well in all ... THE BLISS IT IS ... THE JOY EVERYTHING IS ...


Tattvam pooshannapaavriNu satyadharmaaya drishTaye ... this droplet wonders ... why doesn't this droplet realize that The Joy around is the same as The Joy within which is THE ABSOLUTE BLISS that is pouring out from The Abyss of THAT that is this within as well as all around as ever??? ... WHY !!! HyraNmayena paatrena satyaasyaapihitam mukham ... the stupid fellow that this is should respond to THE TRUTH around and within ... it is time, it should start shedding its masks that it covets for no reason ... even the creature it is named after does so shedding its sparkling skin again and again ... why can't this fellow do the same?! ... to be just the droplet that it really is ... to be the wave it truly is ... to be The Abyss it indeed is ... to BE the OCEAN it absolutely is ... it IS time ... why don't you teach this fellow Narinderji?! why don't you??!! ... I beg ...



Naga Narayana.










I truly appreciate your concern as well as your zeal to understand our GREAT HOLY SCRIPTURES … I sincerely bow to your reverence in absolute reverence.




But, I am tempted to intercept your queiry to Narinderji on one aspect. You say, "The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone". Yes indeed. But, don't you think that the easiest of all that is available to everyone is oneself … one's very experience?! To me the words that come out of experience are like the seers coming out of a dip in the Holy Ganges to teach me. The words coming out from sincere experience in all sincerity is above everything, even the Vedas. Because, eve the Vedas came out through the revalations coming out from the same sincere experience at once.




You say, "The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words." Again, how true indeed is your appreciation. No words and interpretations can exaplin the scriptures. Also, don't you see this ... no words can explain THAT, not even the scriptures! KaTha says, "Devainatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyamaNuresha dharmah" ... forget you, me and scriptures; even all the cosmic forces put together cannot!!! That is why all the vocubulary and sounds are just some superficial mimicry of something that is in the ABYSS within ... the droplets and waves cannot define the ocean ... but, the ocean can ... and, does :).




How can anyone go in contrary to THAT?! ONLY ONE THING CAN EVER MISLEAD US … INSINCERE APPRECIATION, UNTRUTHFUL UNDERSTANDING, and EGO-CENTRIC OBSERVATION … Devoid of these three ingedients of one's cataract, every eye sees THE TRUTH AND TRUTH ALONE …




Therefore, the worthy question here is "do we have such cataract? and, if so, why are we not doing anything to it??" If we respect scriptures, we HAVE TO RESPECT THIS, in my opinion, since the scriptures respect this above themselves.









Naga Narayana.


Jai Shri Hari, Dear All, I thank you for your responses.It is absolutely true that BhagavaanJi who is everything and all powerful can do anything just by his sankalp/will and he has been doing from eternity but his only weakness is that he can not turn his child (i.e.embodied soul) towards himself unless the child accepts that move. The reason for this is that the Jeev (i.e. embodied soul) itself is holding the self created artificiality/affinity with the lower nature of the Supreme (GitaJi-7/5) and both of the natures (i.e. jeev/higher/PARAA and the lower/APARAA) are empowered by the Supreme and the Supreme, being equal (GitaJi- 5/19), can never do any injustice to any one. It is solely the jeev's responsibility to accept that move. Being SUHRID/friend (GitaJi-5/29), he can only wish and suggest (UDDHARET - GitaJi 6/5) the jeev for that move. Had he ever be capable of turning a jeev for that move without jeev's acceptance, there would not have been the need of this world, Scriptures, Saints, Dharmas etc..All these are available for us just because of his eternel wish of benefit/kalyaan for all his children. My dear brothers & sisters, nothing is meaningless in our father's kingdom. All his wills/sankalps are following his eternal wish of welfare of all. We should note that the will/sankalp to do something always follows a wish and not the other way.Our Supreme father is also known as "SHIVA" which means "KALYAAN/welfare" (i.e. our father's nature/SWAROOP is for the welfare/KALYAAN of all). Shri ShankaraachaaryaJi says in ATMAASTAKAM that "I am CHIT/consciousness , ANAND/bliss and KALYAAN/welfare" ( CHIDAANANDROOPAM SHIVOHAM SHIVOHAM). In other words, living in the the eternal supreme wish of welfare of all is not different from living in the self which is consciousness and bliss.Dear DeosaranJi, Regarding your sentence "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities.- GITA 18:61)", the Supreme/God/Ishwar is NOT directing the wanderings of all living entities, the wandering is happening by the MAAYAA (please note the word "MAAYAYAA" in that shloka) which is empowered by the Supreme. The reason of this wandering is not the MAAYAA/prakriti/nature but the jeev itself which has been trying to enjoy the qualities/products of MAAYAA/prakriti/nature.May the Supreme bless us all.Niteesh Dubey


Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supreme preferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are the authority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi 16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supreme revealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/ Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23) at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words. Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum. I do not know your answers but in my understanding, I would say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wish which takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all! ...........................Niteesh Dubey


dear Niteesh Dubey jee,

thank you for your deep thoughts .............what you say is True.............. there is NO disagreement in narinder.................

the sharing is all Krishna's Play ....................we all have our lines to say ...............


why does narinder answer the questions raised in this forum? his totally honest answer is , " I donot know ! "


and the more questions and answers i become aware of reading or answering ............... the deeper becomes narinder's awareness that he indeed does NOT know !

But ................there is also deep awareness of Stillness, of Silence, of the Ocean that keeps waving for its own Joy ....


and ah, naga narayana jeeo.................why is it so ? how is it so..... and why must it be so ? how can narinder know ?


aum the waves keep rising ....arise only to subside ...first, second and the last are born to die ...and in the embrace of the Ocean lie the ocean smiles ................... smiles and smiles ...............and keeps smiling ........................... Tat Twam Asi , you are the Ocean , narinder, says the Mind Aham Brahamasmi, I know, says the heart ah, how can the wave fathom the Ocean ! ? ! the Ocean smiles and smiles ...and knows the Mind is a lie, but the heart never lies .................... are you the Mind , narinder , or, the heart are you ? both, or , neither ................ the Ocean are you ..................???? the Ocean is the wave the wave is Not the Ocean only the Self knows the self how can the other know ? how can nari or narinder know !

the Ocean smiles .................................


narinder bhandari----------------






Does the Supreme have any wish/desire?





Tasmai sa hovaacha prajaakaamo vai prajaapatih | Sa tapo tapyata | Sa tapastaptvaa | Sa mithunamutpaadayate | Rayim cha praanam chetyetou me bahudhaa prajaah karishyata iti ||





In Prashnopanishat, the teacher tells the aspirant students when asked how this creation started, "If there is creation, there should be a Creator and there should have been a desire to create in The Creator. If there was a desire, He should have contemplated on that desire generating the conjugation along with the conjugants in matter and energy. He should have let this matter-energy cluster to engage in the conjugation eternally to reproduce themselves in variant forms"





Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |



Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||





KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."





The great Achaarya Gowdapada exclaims, "playful people see a player there, spiteful people see a spiteful fellow there, silent people see silence there, noisy people see noise there … etc.". Similarly, desireful people see a desirer there. They cannot see anything other than desire to be the basis for everything that is perceived because the very perception is rooted in a desire! A RiNi believes Him to be a RiNi as well, while a Dhani thinks Him to be a Dhani as well.





The desire always leaves the individual a RiNi, one with negative balance. The desire always point toward a void within reminding the lack of the object of the desire with the individual. The desire is painful for two reasons - (1) it is making the individual to believe an incompleteness within; and (2) it is making the individual to perceive a lack of freedom as the object of desire remains illusive as well as elusive binding the individual to the desire stronger and stronger. Sense of lack of completeness and freedom is the only pain any individual can ever feel irrespective of the apparent reasons, whatsoever. The desireful individual remains RiNi because of the RiNaatmaka Chintana (negative thinking) believing in the perceived incompleteness within and hence experiencing the lack of freedom.





On the other hand, the desire cannot reach a Dhani, one who is overflowing with surplus in everything. The Omniscient who has everything in abundance can only give - (1) nothing more can be taken in being full; (2) there is no need to look for more being satisfied within; and (3) there is none who can offer something because the omniscience includes everything as such. The Completeness within is in full bloom and the constraints from around are non-existent to a Dhani, one who also thinks positively and realizes in excess within having no room for any wants.





The essentials for existence of a desire are: (1) one should lack something within; (2) one should be different from the missing thing; and (3) one should be a subset of a dominion which contains both the desirer as well as the objects of the desire. The Omniscient is ALL-INCLUSIVE ... PoorNamadah poorNamidam poorNaatpoorNam udachyate, poorNasya poorNamaadaaya poorNamevaavashishyate ... incorporates everything manifested, unmanifested and anything else ... how can there be any addition or subtraction THERE? Therefore, how can The Omnipotent accommodate any desire in any form? If He desires, how can He be Omnipotent?










Naga Narayana.



-----------------NamasteThe concepts of "desire", "wishes", 'wants" are earthly or of this world,applicable to mere mortals. Humans and animals desire and wish for things theydo not have, or are unable to achieve.Bhagavan is All-Pervading, that is, absolute, all-comprehending,all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling,all-including, and all-inclusive.Bhagavan is Omniscient, that is, having complete or unlimited knowledge,awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.Bhagavan is Omnipotent, that is having unlimited authority or infinite in power.Everything comes from Bhagavan; He has everything; He can do anything; hence noneed for Him desiring or wishing for anything.Here are a few scriptural passages to describe the nature of Bhagavan:"That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east, and west, andalso overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreadsthroughout both the material and spiritual skies."~~ MUNDAKA UPANISHAD 2.1.1"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directingthe wanderings of all living entities."~~ GITA 18:61"Bhagavan is He who possesses without limit the six types of opulence â€"strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation."~~ VISHNU PURANAAll this world is pervaded by me in My unmanifested form: all beings exist inMe, but I do not dwell in them.Nor do beings exist in Me (in reality), behold My Divine Yoga! Bringing forthand supporting the beings, My Self does not dwell in them.As the mighty wind, moving always everywhere, rests ever in the Akaasha, knowthou, that even so do all beings rest in Me. GITA 9:4-6Ram Ram,Deosaran Bisnath.----------------Yes, the Super-entity is indeed "complete". According to one analogy, the"ultimate reality" is lonely, and creates a world that is "non existent" inreality, out of its own self, but not separate from itself, and is called as"Maya-- a reality unto itself, which exists and yet has no independentexistence". This world is supposed to be a "Leela"---a play, of "dancing"figurines at the will of the Super being, like a day dream, which will come toan end at "pralaya--kaal", just as dreams come to an end on waking up, and willbe swallowed by the Super being, only to be reassembled at some later time in a"new" play.Modern analogy is that of a "Black hole" that swallows entiregalaxies, and then the nuclear power inside the black hole cannot contain itselfanymore, becomes "super heated" and leaks out into new galaxies, perhaps with"new / different lives", only to be swallowed up again in another "billions" ofhuman years, into that black hole.That's the best explanation as Iunderstand.When the galaxies are "sucked up", will they come back in the sameform when the black hole "spews them out" in future ? Will there be differentlife forms ? Will the structure of these new galaxies be different ? This is thesame question as to what will happen to us after death ? Or what will happen tothe bubble in a wave of ocean, after it ruptures ? Will it even be reborn intoanother bubble? Will this new bubble be similar or different ? Will it rememberits past life / lives ? Will it attain Moksha ?Does it matter ?While this galaxylasts, if it regenerates while it "exists", what principles will it follow ? OurVedantic explanation so far, is past karmas ! Therefore do well unto yourselfand unto others. You will also attain satisfaction that you have done goodhonestly, whatever you could and also tried to help others out of their miseries!!After that it is upto that Super being !!dDurgesh Mankikar,MD-------------------A pure devotee is neither happy or distressed over material gain and loss, noris he anxious on getting a disciple or not getting them. If he loses someone orsomething dear to him he does not lament. If he does not get what he desires heis not distressed. This person is transcendental in the face of all auspicious,inauspicious and sinful activities. He accepts all risks to satisfy the SupremeLord. Nothing impedes devotional service...Such a devotee is dear to Krsna.Inall this statement the fundamental answer is that the desire/wish is for thedevotee to be at one with the Divine.Om Shanti-catherine AndersonYes Paramatmatatva is beyond description---------------Nari-Narinder samvaada continues to be par-excellent!! Thank you for therevelations from the abyss of your presence, Narinderji!Regards.Naga Narayana.-------------------Respected Sadhaka brindam:In reply to the question raised by Niteeshji I would like to bring the followingreferences from Vedas and Bhagavadgita so that everyone can draw their ownconclusions as to whether the God as wishes and desires or not. I prefer tocall it as HIS Sankalpa or Will. 1. Nasadiya Suktam from RigVeda has a referenceto this Sankalpa.Nasadiya Sukta from Rigveda deals with the subject of what was there before thecreation and how the creation started. It is fascinating to see many of theideas of scientific thinking of "Black Holes", "Big Bang Theory" and"Uncertainty Principle" etc.are all found in this Sukta and is widely quoted bymany scientists in their discussions on cosmology.According to this Sukta, Inthe beginning everything is unmanifest as in the expression "Tamaaseet tamasaa Guudhamagre' meaning 'In the beginning darkness was engulphed in darkness' andthen it continues with the third stanza 'Kaamastadagre samavartatadhi Manasorethah prathamam' meaning ' In the beginning that Samkalpa which is the firstseed of the Mind sprouted'.2. In the Hiranyagarbha Sukta also it is said ' Hiranyagarbhah Samvartatagrebhutasya jaatah patireka aaseet' meaning ' The Supreme manifested asHiranyagarbha first and became the Lord of all creatures'3. From the Supreme, as per Tittireya Upanishad, "Tadeikshata bahusyamprajaayeya" meaning "let me be many" sprouted.4. In Bhagadgita Ch.9 verse 10, the Lord said ' Mayyadhyaksena prakrithihSuyate Sacharacharam' meaning 'Under my command Prikriti brings forth themoving and unmoving'.In conclusion I would like to point out that instead calling a wish/desire ofthe Lord a better way saying may be by HIS Will. The creation is referred to asthe Dream of the Lord and we are all the characters in HIS DREAM and do notreally exist as per Yogavasishta. If our dreams are at the will of our mind,the Creation is the Dream at the Will of the Supreme or Cosmic Mind.I thank the organizers of this forum to express these thoughts. "LokaahSamashtaah Sukhino Bhavantu'Balrama Murty Vempaty Dear Sadak,Bagavan-Supreme- formless- Poornathuvam (All complete)- Not Object (Apprameyam)Etc little said as God by Upanashids. But in Script of Saint Jayadevar, GarudaPuran, Gnaneswari of Sant Gnaneswar, Srimath Bagavath Etc says, that when a puresoul goes to Vaikunt, it crosses Virja River with Pradama Dharshan of Sri MahaVishnu, the reaches Vaikunt. Then Bagavan asks that Soul, "Where have you beenall these days." Means that Bagavan desired each and everyone of us to reachHIM. Such a wish or desire is called in divine name "Sankalpa". Example: SriKrishna came here to establish Dharma. Sri Krishna in various roop (As said inGeetha) appears to Bakthas, dwells with them, protects them and ultimately takesto HIS abode. The word definition of desire is said in Geetha that it is a needof mind, that need is never ending, and the desire is that which is like Gheepored on fire grows multiform but DOES not suppress. The desire that which isfor good of others WITHOUT expecting least out of it is NOT called desire. Thedesire to have more and more is called GREED.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------Yes the Supreme Reality wants us to know the purpose of Human Birth, assist Theein the maintenence of His Grand wondrous Design by following Laws of Nature(Rta) and performing social work for the welfare of all Thy children i.e. entiremankind. This divine wish of our Supreme Father is mentioned in great details inVedas and partially in Bhagavad Gita where lord tell us if He does not work evenfor a shortwhile great harm will be done to the entire Creation.with regards,Prem Sabhlok-----------------------Jai Shri Hari,Dear All, I thank you all for your responses.Dear Moderator, I am sorry that this response is little long. This questioncame to my mind after reading the responses in thediscussion threads related to "desire" & "SARVABOOTHITERATAAH"posted few days ago and the word "HITKAAMYAYAA" (i.e. wish/desirefor the benefit/HIT/welfare/KALYAANA) used by the Lord Shri KishNain GitaJi-10/1 to indicate that He, the Supreme, does have a wish/kaamana/desire but that is not because of any incompleteness or lack or affinitywith something else as there is nothing beyond him (MATTAH PARATARM NAANYAT -GitaJi 7/7) and he is everything (VAASUDEVSARVAM ITI - GitaJi 7/19). His "wish" is not only for Arjun but for every beingsas he is well wisher for all the beings (SUHRIDAMSARVABHOOTAANAM - GitaJi -5/29). Similarly, the following lines of GitaJiindicate that the Supreme, who is ever complete/PURNA/blissful, does not feelhappy/satisfied with respect to his supreme wish when the human beings (who areeligible for the supreme goal) leave their bodies without getting the realbenefit (i.e. attaining the real goal).APRAAPYA MAAM NIVARTANTE MRITYUSANSAARVARTMANI (9/3)MAAM APRAAPAIVA KAUNTEYA TATO YAANTI ADHAMAAM GATIM(16/20).In my understanding, this wish (i.e. wish for the welfare of all) is theeternal supreme wish which has been empowering the Nature(MAYAA ADYAKSHENA PRAKRITI..-GitaJi 9/10., MAM YONIRMAHADBRAHM GitaJi-14/3) from eternity to become a place holderfor the Jeevs (embodied souls) so that they can attain their true swaroop/natureby shedding off the foreign elements (i.e. elements belonging to the Nature)they have gathered from time immemorial. Infact, this wish is not something thatthe Supreme has to do/create/bring it the way normal human beings do. This isintrinsic/integral/built-in part of his own nature/swaroop.So, if the Supremehas this wish, then why not the beings (at least thehuman beings) as Bhagaan Sri KirshNa says "human beings follow mypaths in every way" (MAM VARTAANUVARATANTE MANUSHYAPAARTH SARVASHAH - GitaJi 3/23, 4/11). In otherwords, our truenature/swaroop must also have the same in-built eternal wish (i.e. wish for thebenefit/welfare of all). We might not be feeling it or we might not be trying tofeel it or we might be restricting it just because of thelimitations/bondage/artificiality we have created due to our own ignorance Theword "CHIKIRSHHU" in GitaJi -3/25 does indicate that this supreme wish isenabled in the realized souls too. TulsidasJi MahaRaaj also says that thesupreme and his true follower/devotee, without any reason, are always engagedfor the benefit of all ("HETU RAHIT JAG YUG UPAKAARII | TUM TUMHAAR SEVAKASURAARI" ). Swami RamSukhdashJi, at some place, mentioned about a divineshakti/power called as "SARVA BHOOT HITAISHHINI" which is always engaged inexecuting the supreme wish of helping all the beings. He says, this is theshakti/power which helps the great people who are always engaged for the benefitof many/all.The scriptures do suggest the saadhaks/aspirants to be engaged inforthe benefit of all ( SARVA BHOOT HITE RATA - GitaJi 5/25, 12/5)specially for the the aspirants following the path of the knowledge,meditation etc. in which they start their spiritual journey byunderstanding/focusing on the "self" dwelling in their bodies. There is no needto emphasize this for the aspirants following the path of devotion and selflesskarmas as, by definition, they must be following their wishes of welfare of allby serving the God/Viswaroop. In my understanding, this is not asuggestion/advice but it is a reminder about the intrinsic nature of the trueself. The suggestions by the scriptures are always aligned with the true natureof the beings.The same supreme wish is also reflected as "dhram-yuktakaam/desire/wish in all beings" ( DHARMAAVIRUDDHO BHUTESHHU KAAMOSMI -GitaJi 7/11)". Here the key is "dharma" which is the carrier of the samesupreme wish (i.e. "benefits/welfare of all"). The results of the execution ofthat supreme wish by the individuals might appear limited due to the variousconstraints (e.g. body, place, time, circumstances etc.) but living in that wishis no different than living in the root of that wish. A very good example of"dharma-yukta desire" can be seen in the life of King Dasharath when heapproaches the sage Vashishtha with a desire of having son. His desire was notfor himself to be called as a father but to give a noble heir for thekingdom/subjects which was more dearer than his own life. As long as, thewish/desire is aligned with the supreme wish, it will help us lead to the rootof the supreme wish. Whether we wish/desire for the benefit of all or have the wish/desire to attain the root of thiswish (i.e. supreme/God ), it will lead us the same goal. We should note thatthere is no difference between the Supreme and his wish. The suggestion toaspirants of "having desire to attain the supreme" (MAAMIPCHHAPTUM -GitaJi12/10) by the Supreme is nothing but the same supreme wish told from theperspective of the aspirant. Closure the aspirant is with theSupreme/SELF/TRUTH, better he understands the supreme wish and he could bechosen to be the medium ( "NIMITTAMAATRAM BHAV SAVYASAACHIN" - GitaJi 11/33) of executing thatsupreme wish. Some time, the realized souls (e.g. KAARAK PURUSHHA)descend to follow that supreme wish and some time the Supreme himselfdescend to execute his supreme wish (YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA...GitaJi-4/7).Dear VineetJi, The supreme simply means "nothing is beyond that". He is calledby infinite names (RAM, KRISHNA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAMAATMA, PURUSHHOTTAM,GOD,...). You are correct that his wish can not be sensed by the mind, buddhiof an unrealized soul but thequestion did encourage to reveal the thoughts based upon thescriptures which are revealed by the supreme self or self-realized personalities. I did revisit the page 61 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindu where "Chup Saadhan" is described. My question wasnot about the saadhan for an individual towards his/herrealization but it was about understanding the message/wishfrom the Supreme that might include the goals of every beings.DearGauravJi, What you mentioned is the general definition of the desire in beingscreated out of ignorance/attachment. That desire mustbe removed towards realizing the supreme wish/desire. In mylimited understanding, understanding the wish of the mastershould be well known by the servant/lover so that he can serve/love his master better. The mercy of God is not without areason. The reason is his intrinsic wish of taking care of all. DearPratapJi, His supreme wish is always supported by his Leela (divine play/celebration) which work without any effort. His Leela is alwaysblissful but meaningful though the meaning may not be understoodeasily.Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supremepreferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are theauthority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supremerevealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23)at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easilyavailable teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization cannot go against the scriptures although the realization can notbe fully interpreted in the words.Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum.I do not know your answers but in my understanding, Iwould say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wishwhich takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all!Niteesh Dubey=======================================================The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comesback to HIS home...Komal.Chhabria-------------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahIf by the english word "The Supreme" if you mean "Paramatmatattva"(the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whetheryou have understood from Swamiji's writing -"experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS"(Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyonddescription and not the subject of mind/intellect.So be it,Vineet Sarvottam------------------------------Hari Om. Shree Hari.There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport .I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception ofreality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completelyindependent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perceptionbecause we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions aresometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and youwant it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product ofaffinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter,they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in frontof us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories andrealize the Truth.Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire orwish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scopefor a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has everything in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme hasno need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: Hecontains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everythingin the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained inHim and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So theSupreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functionsthe way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothingremaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire ofHis own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less thanComplete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happensin this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.Basudeb Sen-------------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for usis to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearlydescribes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. "Yo na hrsyatina dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa mepriyah. "(Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does notlament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities,such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, inthe name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna'sdesire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service inthe form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. ThankYou. Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------Dear sir,If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the centralreserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpato become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the trueproposer not we humansBadri Narayana Miriyala-Dear Ones, Namaste!Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.InIT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligencemanifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beautyemanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetryout-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of thesethrough Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifestingthem while hiding in them! It seems that "doing" without desire is Creativity,Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, alreadyfulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack orinsufficiency to fulfill through "doing"!In the former possibility fordisappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt- DearSadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of theCreation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of humanbrain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman-------------------------The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , didBrahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son,You are Brahman ! "In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction ofBrahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit ," Lord... Lovingly , youbestow !But Brahman does not understand ! "To the humble Brahman did Brahmanthen instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift toyou...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ...The Knowledge of Brahman ! "Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyeswith Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end. But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. TheSelf " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Giftof Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahmansit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... "Yugas was only aword... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was,was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile onBrahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke "Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates mysoul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jaijai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joyindeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow !" Krishna ..You are Brahman indeed !! "In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory ofBrahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! TheTen were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which willKeep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman toBrahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to thenon willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being !It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holyscriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greaterScripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, theBeing revelling in that Silence ........... ah !AUM narinder bhandari-----------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shree Hari Ram RamWe are once again having trouble with mail formatting... We apologize. GitaTalk Moderators,Ram Ram----------------------------Jai Shri HariDear Saadhaks,Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete hasany wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would begood if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.My God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------NEW POSTING

Jai Shri Hari,Dear Nag NarayanJi,I can never think of underestimating the value of the experience. The scriptures themselves are nothing but the revelation of the experiences of the TRUTH by many. My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists).Thanks & Best RegardsNiteesh Dubey


Interesting daily message today @


"Vasudeva Sarvam" - Everything is God. Yet, God has nothing with Him.

May be He desires companionship as earlier stated..

"ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Very Interesting !

Anil K

Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

He wished only ONE thing.... that we depend on Him and Him alone...

He wants us to be like the "chaatak" bird that only looks to the rain clouds for it's source of water. NOTHING ELSE !

"Ek aasaro, ek bal, ek aasviswaas, ek Rama Ghanshyam chaatak Tulasidas."

Only ONE support - only ONE strength - only ONE dependence - belief in only ONE.

Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam !

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Even though , overwhelmed by your love naga jee, narinder sees in your love for narinder-ness , your love true for Krishna .............. your love for the self ....................... Krishna loves only Krishna each word that is supposedly expressed here by naga ................. seems to narinder to be his( narinder's) own expression .............. the arisings of the inner silence that smiles lovingly .................... in expressing your state of being, you have accurately described what narinder would describe as his own ........... why do you steal my words, naga jee ?

Krishna taught us how to steal , is it not ? the Natkhat , Ah! could it be that the non-realisation and realisation of Isavasyam idam sarvam ............ have embraced each other ............ and the one now is the other .............. only the Natkhat knows ! ........... or, that HE always naughtily keeps, and shall continue to keep , something secretly hidden from us in His Leela-being .................. so that , HE can continue to dole out newer and newer expressions of fulfilment .............. calling it the gift of rising into higher and higher Consciousness, higher and yet higher ............ and this expansion of Brahaman, of Consciousness is limitless .................. so ............so, we are doomed to sing and dance , as Krishna would have us dance ............. but what a Gift it is ................... being so doomed !!!

awareness dawns .............. supported by the experiences of all the sages and saints .............. that the Bliss of highest activity/ unactivity is presence ................... being together and sharing silences . Words are not now needed;hence, narinder had suggested that live satsangs could be organised .............. where each sadhak becomes enabled to rise yet higher into Consciousness of Consciousness ...............Love and joy to you, naga jee ..............and all the nagas and narinders, and sushils, and partaps, and niteeshes, and vyases, and narayanas, and shashikalas, and mikes, and sadhnas, yudhvirs, and sarvottams, and narottams , the catherines , the maharishis ....................in fact, to all the waves in the Ocean .........


narinder bhandari


God has created man only for love - "ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Thererfore manifestation of love can only take place in human beings. Of all the species in this world, only human beings are capable of saying "you are mine and I am yours" or "there is you and you alone" (Tu hi Tu). The reason is that God has created this world for all beings, but He has created man for Himself. God has bestowed man with the ability and the power to regard Him as his own and to discard the world. It is only by the ability and power bestowed by God, that man can love God.

From "For Salvation of Mankind" in English pg 195 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


A devotee fulfills God's inner feelings and expressions of "Ekaakine ramate". God has created the world for His devotees, and the devotees forHimself. Therefore a devotees' existence was created only for pleasing God. In reality, the enjoyer of all happiness is only God, not the embodied Soul(jeev). Just like a child is for the mother, similarly the devotee is for God. Besides God, a devotee has no independent existence (no existence of his own).From "Prashnouttermanimala" on Devotee by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Jai Shri Hari,I salute the supreme private and loving word "Ekaaki Na Ramte" of the Supreme which is nothing but the cause/love/power/fuel behind his wish of welfare of all.Dear NarinderJi,----------------------I always love your wordless expressions.You said:.......the Ocean is the wavethe wave is Not the Ocean......You are absolutely correct that the wave is not the ocean. It can never be! The fact is that the wave is nothing but the same water which constitutes the ocean. But again, the water belongs to the ocean and not the ocean belongs to the water. I would let the wave (though it is the water) be the wave which can always beautify the ocean.Dear Nag NarayanJi,----------------------------You mentioned NA KARTITVAM ...(GitaJi 5/14) and said: KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."In my understanding, the shloka 5/14 says that the Supreme/PRABHU does not create/facilitate the doership, action (karma) and association of karma with its result for the men. I do not see any indication about the Supreme not having any wish/desire. This shloka just indicates that the Self/Atma is free from all these (i.e. doership, karma and its results). In my understanding, the Supreme is not only GUNAATEET/MAAYAATEET (i.e free from prakriti/qualities) but he is the GUNAADHEESH/MAAYAADHEESH (i.e. controller of the nature/prakriti) also. That is why he is referred as PURUSHHOTTAM, PARAMAATMA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAM BRHAM,..... (GitaJi -15/17.15/18,10/12,....).If you believe in the word "creation", it itself shows the indication of the wish/desire of the creator/Supreme. The same is clearly indicated at many places in GitaJi.I am the father of the creation. (...TASMIN GARBHAM DADHAAMI AHAM -GitaJi 14/3; AHAM BEEJPRADA PITAA -GitaJi 14/4).In my presidency/control, my own prakriti/nature produces the world (MAYAAADHKSHENA PRAKRITI.. GitaJi 9/10; MAM YONI MAHATBRAHM ...GitaJi 14/3).I manifest myself with my own power (AATMAMAAYAYAA - GitaJI 4/6) to protect/establish the dharma (YADAA YADAA HI ... -GitaJi 4/7)...etc.....I totally agree that the Supreme does not have any obligation otherwise that obligation will be the Supreme. I also agree that he does not have any desire to achieve something for himself as he is totally complete/PURNA but my point is that his wish of "welfare/Kalyaan of all" is not different from his nature. It is just because of his nature, everything is happening (MATTAH SARVAM PRAVARTATE - GitaJi 9/8). Here, I would like to mention that his completeness/PURNATAA is beyond any imagination/concept of the completeness. He is not only complete/PURNA but also referred as the abode of the completeness (BRAHMNO HI PRATISHTHAAHAM - Gitaji 14/27). Everything belonging to him is complete in itself whether it is desire or blessing or ANYTHING. Shri BallabaachaaryaJi calls him (i.e. the Supreme) "PURNAKAAM" in his Nandakumaaraashtakam. In my understanding, only it is only his desire which will always be completed as he only is the independent. He is free in KARTUM (doing), AKARTUM(not-doing) or ANYATHAAKARTUM(doing without any reason).May all be blessed with our father's love!Niteesh Dubey--------



One and only Narinderji, as always the abyss comes out within a droplet :).


Yes! You are the wave as well as the ocean … Yes! You ARE the droplet as well as the Abyss …Indeed! YOU ARE THE ABYSS THAT IS THE DROPLET AS SUCH … Taattvamasi ... so You are … Yo'saavasou so'hamasmi ... and so I am as well as all these ... The Ocean smiles as ever ... the smile pours out from its abyss ... the waves dance in joy being overwhelmed by ITS joy ... the droplets bounce around in absolute harmony with each other in the abundance of The Joy in each as well in all ... THE BLISS IT IS ... THE JOY EVERYTHING IS ...


Tattvam pooshannapaavriNu satyadharmaaya drishTaye ... this droplet wonders ... why doesn't this droplet realize that The Joy around is the same as The Joy within which is THE ABSOLUTE BLISS that is pouring out from The Abyss of THAT that is this within as well as all around as ever??? ... WHY !!! HyraNmayena paatrena satyaasyaapihitam mukham ... the stupid fellow that this is should respond to THE TRUTH around and within ... it is time, it should start shedding its masks that it covets for no reason ... even the creature it is named after does so shedding its sparkling skin again and again ... why can't this fellow do the same?! ... to be just the droplet that it really is ... to be the wave it truly is ... to be The Abyss it indeed is ... to BE the OCEAN it absolutely is ... it IS time ... why don't you teach this fellow Narinderji?! why don't you??!! ... I beg ...



Naga Narayana.










I truly appreciate your concern as well as your zeal to understand our GREAT HOLY SCRIPTURES … I sincerely bow to your reverence in absolute reverence.




But, I am tempted to intercept your queiry to Narinderji on one aspect. You say, "The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone". Yes indeed. But, don't you think that the easiest of all that is available to everyone is oneself … one's very experience?! To me the words that come out of experience are like the seers coming out of a dip in the Holy Ganges to teach me. The words coming out from sincere experience in all sincerity is above everything, even the Vedas. Because, eve the Vedas came out through the revalations coming out from the same sincere experience at once.




You say, "The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words." Again, how true indeed is your appreciation. No words and interpretations can exaplin the scriptures. Also, don't you see this ... no words can explain THAT, not even the scriptures! KaTha says, "Devainatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyamaNuresha dharmah" ... forget you, me and scriptures; even all the cosmic forces put together cannot!!! That is why all the vocubulary and sounds are just some superficial mimicry of something that is in the ABYSS within ... the droplets and waves cannot define the ocean ... but, the ocean can ... and, does :).




How can anyone go in contrary to THAT?! ONLY ONE THING CAN EVER MISLEAD US … INSINCERE APPRECIATION, UNTRUTHFUL UNDERSTANDING, and EGO-CENTRIC OBSERVATION … Devoid of these three ingedients of one's cataract, every eye sees THE TRUTH AND TRUTH ALONE …




Therefore, the worthy question here is "do we have such cataract? and, if so, why are we not doing anything to it??" If we respect scriptures, we HAVE TO RESPECT THIS, in my opinion, since the scriptures respect this above themselves.









Naga Narayana.


Jai Shri Hari, Dear All, I thank you for your responses.It is absolutely true that BhagavaanJi who is everything and all powerful can do anything just by his sankalp/will and he has been doing from eternity but his only weakness is that he can not turn his child (i.e.embodied soul) towards himself unless the child accepts that move. The reason for this is that the Jeev (i.e. embodied soul) itself is holding the self created artificiality/affinity with the lower nature of the Supreme (GitaJi-7/5) and both of the natures (i.e. jeev/higher/PARAA and the lower/APARAA) are empowered by the Supreme and the Supreme, being equal (GitaJi- 5/19), can never do any injustice to any one. It is solely the jeev's responsibility to accept that move. Being SUHRID/friend (GitaJi-5/29), he can only wish and suggest (UDDHARET - GitaJi 6/5) the jeev for that move. Had he ever be capable of turning a jeev for that move without jeev's acceptance, there would not have been the need of this world, Scriptures, Saints, Dharmas etc..All these are available for us just because of his eternel wish of benefit/kalyaan for all his children. My dear brothers & sisters, nothing is meaningless in our father's kingdom. All his wills/sankalps are following his eternal wish of welfare of all. We should note that the will/sankalp to do something always follows a wish and not the other way.Our Supreme father is also known as "SHIVA" which means "KALYAAN/welfare" (i.e. our father's nature/SWAROOP is for the welfare/KALYAAN of all). Shri ShankaraachaaryaJi says in ATMAASTAKAM that "I am CHIT/consciousness , ANAND/bliss and KALYAAN/welfare" ( CHIDAANANDROOPAM SHIVOHAM SHIVOHAM). In other words, living in the the eternal supreme wish of welfare of all is not different from living in the self which is consciousness and bliss.Dear DeosaranJi, Regarding your sentence "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities.- GITA 18:61)", the Supreme/God/Ishwar is NOT directing the wanderings of all living entities, the wandering is happening by the MAAYAA (please note the word "MAAYAYAA" in that shloka) which is empowered by the Supreme. The reason of this wandering is not the MAAYAA/prakriti/nature but the jeev itself which has been trying to enjoy the qualities/products of MAAYAA/prakriti/nature.May the Supreme bless us all.Niteesh Dubey


Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supreme preferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are the authority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi 16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supreme revealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/ Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23) at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words. Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum. I do not know your answers but in my understanding, I would say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wish which takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all! ...........................Niteesh Dubey


dear Niteesh Dubey jee,

thank you for your deep thoughts .............what you say is True.............. there is NO disagreement in narinder.................

the sharing is all Krishna's Play ....................we all have our lines to say ...............


why does narinder answer the questions raised in this forum? his totally honest answer is , " I donot know ! "


and the more questions and answers i become aware of reading or answering ............... the deeper becomes narinder's awareness that he indeed does NOT know !

But ................there is also deep awareness of Stillness, of Silence, of the Ocean that keeps waving for its own Joy ....


and ah, naga narayana jeeo.................why is it so ? how is it so..... and why must it be so ? how can narinder know ?


aum the waves keep rising ....arise only to subside ...first, second and the last are born to die ...and in the embrace of the Ocean lie the ocean smiles ................... smiles and smiles ...............and keeps smiling ........................... Tat Twam Asi , you are the Ocean , narinder, says the Mind Aham Brahamasmi, I know, says the heart ah, how can the wave fathom the Ocean ! ? ! the Ocean smiles and smiles ...and knows the Mind is a lie, but the heart never lies .................... are you the Mind , narinder , or, the heart are you ? both, or , neither ................ the Ocean are you ..................???? the Ocean is the wave the wave is Not the Ocean only the Self knows the self how can the other know ? how can nari or narinder know !

the Ocean smiles .................................


narinder bhandari----------------






Does the Supreme have any wish/desire?





Tasmai sa hovaacha prajaakaamo vai prajaapatih | Sa tapo tapyata | Sa tapastaptvaa | Sa mithunamutpaadayate | Rayim cha praanam chetyetou me bahudhaa prajaah karishyata iti ||





In Prashnopanishat, the teacher tells the aspirant students when asked how this creation started, "If there is creation, there should be a Creator and there should have been a desire to create in The Creator. If there was a desire, He should have contemplated on that desire generating the conjugation along with the conjugants in matter and energy. He should have let this matter-energy cluster to engage in the conjugation eternally to reproduce themselves in variant forms"





Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |



Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||





KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."





The great Achaarya Gowdapada exclaims, "playful people see a player there, spiteful people see a spiteful fellow there, silent people see silence there, noisy people see noise there … etc.". Similarly, desireful people see a desirer there. They cannot see anything other than desire to be the basis for everything that is perceived because the very perception is rooted in a desire! A RiNi believes Him to be a RiNi as well, while a Dhani thinks Him to be a Dhani as well.





The desire always leaves the individual a RiNi, one with negative balance. The desire always point toward a void within reminding the lack of the object of the desire with the individual. The desire is painful for two reasons - (1) it is making the individual to believe an incompleteness within; and (2) it is making the individual to perceive a lack of freedom as the object of desire remains illusive as well as elusive binding the individual to the desire stronger and stronger. Sense of lack of completeness and freedom is the only pain any individual can ever feel irrespective of the apparent reasons, whatsoever. The desireful individual remains RiNi because of the RiNaatmaka Chintana (negative thinking) believing in the perceived incompleteness within and hence experiencing the lack of freedom.





On the other hand, the desire cannot reach a Dhani, one who is overflowing with surplus in everything. The Omniscient who has everything in abundance can only give - (1) nothing more can be taken in being full; (2) there is no need to look for more being satisfied within; and (3) there is none who can offer something because the omniscience includes everything as such. The Completeness within is in full bloom and the constraints from around are non-existent to a Dhani, one who also thinks positively and realizes in excess within having no room for any wants.





The essentials for existence of a desire are: (1) one should lack something within; (2) one should be different from the missing thing; and (3) one should be a subset of a dominion which contains both the desirer as well as the objects of the desire. The Omniscient is ALL-INCLUSIVE ... PoorNamadah poorNamidam poorNaatpoorNam udachyate, poorNasya poorNamaadaaya poorNamevaavashishyate ... incorporates everything manifested, unmanifested and anything else ... how can there be any addition or subtraction THERE? Therefore, how can The Omnipotent accommodate any desire in any form? If He desires, how can He be Omnipotent?










Naga Narayana.



-----------------NamasteThe concepts of "desire", "wishes", 'wants" are earthly or of this world,applicable to mere mortals. Humans and animals desire and wish for things theydo not have, or are unable to achieve.Bhagavan is All-Pervading, that is, absolute, all-comprehending,all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling,all-including, and all-inclusive.Bhagavan is Omniscient, that is, having complete or unlimited knowledge,awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.Bhagavan is Omnipotent, that is having unlimited authority or infinite in power.Everything comes from Bhagavan; He has everything; He can do anything; hence noneed for Him desiring or wishing for anything.Here are a few scriptural passages to describe the nature of Bhagavan:"That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east, and west, andalso overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreadsthroughout both the material and spiritual skies."~~ MUNDAKA UPANISHAD 2.1.1"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directingthe wanderings of all living entities."~~ GITA 18:61"Bhagavan is He who possesses without limit the six types of opulence â€"strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation."~~ VISHNU PURANAAll this world is pervaded by me in My unmanifested form: all beings exist inMe, but I do not dwell in them.Nor do beings exist in Me (in reality), behold My Divine Yoga! Bringing forthand supporting the beings, My Self does not dwell in them.As the mighty wind, moving always everywhere, rests ever in the Akaasha, knowthou, that even so do all beings rest in Me. GITA 9:4-6Ram Ram,Deosaran Bisnath.----------------Yes, the Super-entity is indeed "complete". According to one analogy, the"ultimate reality" is lonely, and creates a world that is "non existent" inreality, out of its own self, but not separate from itself, and is called as"Maya-- a reality unto itself, which exists and yet has no independentexistence". This world is supposed to be a "Leela"---a play, of "dancing"figurines at the will of the Super being, like a day dream, which will come toan end at "pralaya--kaal", just as dreams come to an end on waking up, and willbe swallowed by the Super being, only to be reassembled at some later time in a"new" play.Modern analogy is that of a "Black hole" that swallows entiregalaxies, and then the nuclear power inside the black hole cannot contain itselfanymore, becomes "super heated" and leaks out into new galaxies, perhaps with"new / different lives", only to be swallowed up again in another "billions" ofhuman years, into that black hole.That's the best explanation as Iunderstand.When the galaxies are "sucked up", will they come back in the sameform when the black hole "spews them out" in future ? Will there be differentlife forms ? Will the structure of these new galaxies be different ? This is thesame question as to what will happen to us after death ? Or what will happen tothe bubble in a wave of ocean, after it ruptures ? Will it even be reborn intoanother bubble? Will this new bubble be similar or different ? Will it rememberits past life / lives ? Will it attain Moksha ?Does it matter ?While this galaxylasts, if it regenerates while it "exists", what principles will it follow ? OurVedantic explanation so far, is past karmas ! Therefore do well unto yourselfand unto others. You will also attain satisfaction that you have done goodhonestly, whatever you could and also tried to help others out of their miseries!!After that it is upto that Super being !!dDurgesh Mankikar,MD-------------------A pure devotee is neither happy or distressed over material gain and loss, noris he anxious on getting a disciple or not getting them. If he loses someone orsomething dear to him he does not lament. If he does not get what he desires heis not distressed. This person is transcendental in the face of all auspicious,inauspicious and sinful activities. He accepts all risks to satisfy the SupremeLord. Nothing impedes devotional service...Such a devotee is dear to Krsna.Inall this statement the fundamental answer is that the desire/wish is for thedevotee to be at one with the Divine.Om Shanti-catherine AndersonYes Paramatmatatva is beyond description---------------Nari-Narinder samvaada continues to be par-excellent!! Thank you for therevelations from the abyss of your presence, Narinderji!Regards.Naga Narayana.-------------------Respected Sadhaka brindam:In reply to the question raised by Niteeshji I would like to bring the followingreferences from Vedas and Bhagavadgita so that everyone can draw their ownconclusions as to whether the God as wishes and desires or not. I prefer tocall it as HIS Sankalpa or Will. 1. Nasadiya Suktam from RigVeda has a referenceto this Sankalpa.Nasadiya Sukta from Rigveda deals with the subject of what was there before thecreation and how the creation started. It is fascinating to see many of theideas of scientific thinking of "Black Holes", "Big Bang Theory" and"Uncertainty Principle" etc.are all found in this Sukta and is widely quoted bymany scientists in their discussions on cosmology.According to this Sukta, Inthe beginning everything is unmanifest as in the expression "Tamaaseet tamasaa Guudhamagre' meaning 'In the beginning darkness was engulphed in darkness' andthen it continues with the third stanza 'Kaamastadagre samavartatadhi Manasorethah prathamam' meaning ' In the beginning that Samkalpa which is the firstseed of the Mind sprouted'.2. In the Hiranyagarbha Sukta also it is said ' Hiranyagarbhah Samvartatagrebhutasya jaatah patireka aaseet' meaning ' The Supreme manifested asHiranyagarbha first and became the Lord of all creatures'3. From the Supreme, as per Tittireya Upanishad, "Tadeikshata bahusyamprajaayeya" meaning "let me be many" sprouted.4. In Bhagadgita Ch.9 verse 10, the Lord said ' Mayyadhyaksena prakrithihSuyate Sacharacharam' meaning 'Under my command Prikriti brings forth themoving and unmoving'.In conclusion I would like to point out that instead calling a wish/desire ofthe Lord a better way saying may be by HIS Will. The creation is referred to asthe Dream of the Lord and we are all the characters in HIS DREAM and do notreally exist as per Yogavasishta. If our dreams are at the will of our mind,the Creation is the Dream at the Will of the Supreme or Cosmic Mind.I thank the organizers of this forum to express these thoughts. "LokaahSamashtaah Sukhino Bhavantu'Balrama Murty Vempaty Dear Sadak,Bagavan-Supreme- formless- Poornathuvam (All complete)- Not Object (Apprameyam)Etc little said as God by Upanashids. But in Script of Saint Jayadevar, GarudaPuran, Gnaneswari of Sant Gnaneswar, Srimath Bagavath Etc says, that when a puresoul goes to Vaikunt, it crosses Virja River with Pradama Dharshan of Sri MahaVishnu, the reaches Vaikunt. Then Bagavan asks that Soul, "Where have you beenall these days." Means that Bagavan desired each and everyone of us to reachHIM. Such a wish or desire is called in divine name "Sankalpa". Example: SriKrishna came here to establish Dharma. Sri Krishna in various roop (As said inGeetha) appears to Bakthas, dwells with them, protects them and ultimately takesto HIS abode. The word definition of desire is said in Geetha that it is a needof mind, that need is never ending, and the desire is that which is like Gheepored on fire grows multiform but DOES not suppress. The desire that which isfor good of others WITHOUT expecting least out of it is NOT called desire. Thedesire to have more and more is called GREED.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------Yes the Supreme Reality wants us to know the purpose of Human Birth, assist Theein the maintenence of His Grand wondrous Design by following Laws of Nature(Rta) and performing social work for the welfare of all Thy children i.e. entiremankind. This divine wish of our Supreme Father is mentioned in great details inVedas and partially in Bhagavad Gita where lord tell us if He does not work evenfor a shortwhile great harm will be done to the entire Creation.with regards,Prem Sabhlok-----------------------Jai Shri Hari,Dear All, I thank you all for your responses.Dear Moderator, I am sorry that this response is little long. This questioncame to my mind after reading the responses in thediscussion threads related to "desire" & "SARVABOOTHITERATAAH"posted few days ago and the word "HITKAAMYAYAA" (i.e. wish/desirefor the benefit/HIT/welfare/KALYAANA) used by the Lord Shri KishNain GitaJi-10/1 to indicate that He, the Supreme, does have a wish/kaamana/desire but that is not because of any incompleteness or lack or affinitywith something else as there is nothing beyond him (MATTAH PARATARM NAANYAT -GitaJi 7/7) and he is everything (VAASUDEVSARVAM ITI - GitaJi 7/19). His "wish" is not only for Arjun but for every beingsas he is well wisher for all the beings (SUHRIDAMSARVABHOOTAANAM - GitaJi -5/29). Similarly, the following lines of GitaJiindicate that the Supreme, who is ever complete/PURNA/blissful, does not feelhappy/satisfied with respect to his supreme wish when the human beings (who areeligible for the supreme goal) leave their bodies without getting the realbenefit (i.e. attaining the real goal).APRAAPYA MAAM NIVARTANTE MRITYUSANSAARVARTMANI (9/3)MAAM APRAAPAIVA KAUNTEYA TATO YAANTI ADHAMAAM GATIM(16/20).In my understanding, this wish (i.e. wish for the welfare of all) is theeternal supreme wish which has been empowering the Nature(MAYAA ADYAKSHENA PRAKRITI..-GitaJi 9/10., MAM YONIRMAHADBRAHM GitaJi-14/3) from eternity to become a place holderfor the Jeevs (embodied souls) so that they can attain their true swaroop/natureby shedding off the foreign elements (i.e. elements belonging to the Nature)they have gathered from time immemorial. Infact, this wish is not something thatthe Supreme has to do/create/bring it the way normal human beings do. This isintrinsic/integral/built-in part of his own nature/swaroop.So, if the Supremehas this wish, then why not the beings (at least thehuman beings) as Bhagaan Sri KirshNa says "human beings follow mypaths in every way" (MAM VARTAANUVARATANTE MANUSHYAPAARTH SARVASHAH - GitaJi 3/23, 4/11). In otherwords, our truenature/swaroop must also have the same in-built eternal wish (i.e. wish for thebenefit/welfare of all). We might not be feeling it or we might not be trying tofeel it or we might be restricting it just because of thelimitations/bondage/artificiality we have created due to our own ignorance Theword "CHIKIRSHHU" in GitaJi -3/25 does indicate that this supreme wish isenabled in the realized souls too. TulsidasJi MahaRaaj also says that thesupreme and his true follower/devotee, without any reason, are always engagedfor the benefit of all ("HETU RAHIT JAG YUG UPAKAARII | TUM TUMHAAR SEVAKASURAARI" ). Swami RamSukhdashJi, at some place, mentioned about a divineshakti/power called as "SARVA BHOOT HITAISHHINI" which is always engaged inexecuting the supreme wish of helping all the beings. He says, this is theshakti/power which helps the great people who are always engaged for the benefitof many/all.The scriptures do suggest the saadhaks/aspirants to be engaged inforthe benefit of all ( SARVA BHOOT HITE RATA - GitaJi 5/25, 12/5)specially for the the aspirants following the path of the knowledge,meditation etc. in which they start their spiritual journey byunderstanding/focusing on the "self" dwelling in their bodies. There is no needto emphasize this for the aspirants following the path of devotion and selflesskarmas as, by definition, they must be following their wishes of welfare of allby serving the God/Viswaroop. In my understanding, this is not asuggestion/advice but it is a reminder about the intrinsic nature of the trueself. The suggestions by the scriptures are always aligned with the true natureof the beings.The same supreme wish is also reflected as "dhram-yuktakaam/desire/wish in all beings" ( DHARMAAVIRUDDHO BHUTESHHU KAAMOSMI -GitaJi 7/11)". Here the key is "dharma" which is the carrier of the samesupreme wish (i.e. "benefits/welfare of all"). The results of the execution ofthat supreme wish by the individuals might appear limited due to the variousconstraints (e.g. body, place, time, circumstances etc.) but living in that wishis no different than living in the root of that wish. A very good example of"dharma-yukta desire" can be seen in the life of King Dasharath when heapproaches the sage Vashishtha with a desire of having son. His desire was notfor himself to be called as a father but to give a noble heir for thekingdom/subjects which was more dearer than his own life. As long as, thewish/desire is aligned with the supreme wish, it will help us lead to the rootof the supreme wish. Whether we wish/desire for the benefit of all or have the wish/desire to attain the root of thiswish (i.e. supreme/God ), it will lead us the same goal. We should note thatthere is no difference between the Supreme and his wish. The suggestion toaspirants of "having desire to attain the supreme" (MAAMIPCHHAPTUM -GitaJi12/10) by the Supreme is nothing but the same supreme wish told from theperspective of the aspirant. Closure the aspirant is with theSupreme/SELF/TRUTH, better he understands the supreme wish and he could bechosen to be the medium ( "NIMITTAMAATRAM BHAV SAVYASAACHIN" - GitaJi 11/33) of executing thatsupreme wish. Some time, the realized souls (e.g. KAARAK PURUSHHA)descend to follow that supreme wish and some time the Supreme himselfdescend to execute his supreme wish (YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA...GitaJi-4/7).Dear VineetJi, The supreme simply means "nothing is beyond that". He is calledby infinite names (RAM, KRISHNA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAMAATMA, PURUSHHOTTAM,GOD,...). You are correct that his wish can not be sensed by the mind, buddhiof an unrealized soul but thequestion did encourage to reveal the thoughts based upon thescriptures which are revealed by the supreme self or self-realized personalities. I did revisit the page 61 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindu where "Chup Saadhan" is described. My question wasnot about the saadhan for an individual towards his/herrealization but it was about understanding the message/wishfrom the Supreme that might include the goals of every beings.DearGauravJi, What you mentioned is the general definition of the desire in beingscreated out of ignorance/attachment. That desire mustbe removed towards realizing the supreme wish/desire. In mylimited understanding, understanding the wish of the mastershould be well known by the servant/lover so that he can serve/love his master better. The mercy of God is not without areason. The reason is his intrinsic wish of taking care of all. DearPratapJi, His supreme wish is always supported by his Leela (divine play/celebration) which work without any effort. His Leela is alwaysblissful but meaningful though the meaning may not be understoodeasily.Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supremepreferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are theauthority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supremerevealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23)at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easilyavailable teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization cannot go against the scriptures although the realization can notbe fully interpreted in the words.Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum.I do not know your answers but in my understanding, Iwould say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wishwhich takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all!Niteesh Dubey=======================================================The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comesback to HIS home...Komal.Chhabria-------------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahIf by the english word "The Supreme" if you mean "Paramatmatattva"(the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whetheryou have understood from Swamiji's writing -"experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS"(Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyonddescription and not the subject of mind/intellect.So be it,Vineet Sarvottam------------------------------Hari Om. Shree Hari.There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport .I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception ofreality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completelyindependent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perceptionbecause we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions aresometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and youwant it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product ofaffinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter,they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in frontof us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories andrealize the Truth.Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire orwish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scopefor a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has everything in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme hasno need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: Hecontains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everythingin the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained inHim and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So theSupreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functionsthe way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothingremaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire ofHis own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less thanComplete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happensin this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.Basudeb Sen-------------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for usis to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearlydescribes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. "Yo na hrsyatina dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa mepriyah. "(Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does notlament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities,such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, inthe name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna'sdesire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service inthe form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. ThankYou. Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------Dear sir,If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the centralreserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpato become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the trueproposer not we humansBadri Narayana Miriyala-Dear Ones, Namaste!Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.InIT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligencemanifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beautyemanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetryout-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of thesethrough Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifestingthem while hiding in them! It seems that "doing" without desire is Creativity,Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, alreadyfulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack orinsufficiency to fulfill through "doing"!In the former possibility fordisappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt- DearSadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of theCreation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of humanbrain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman-------------------------The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , didBrahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son,You are Brahman ! "In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction ofBrahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit ," Lord... Lovingly , youbestow !But Brahman does not understand ! "To the humble Brahman did Brahmanthen instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift toyou...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ...The Knowledge of Brahman ! "Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyeswith Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end. But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. TheSelf " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Giftof Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahmansit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... "Yugas was only aword... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was,was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile onBrahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke "Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates mysoul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jaijai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joyindeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow !" Krishna ..You are Brahman indeed !! "In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory ofBrahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! TheTen were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which willKeep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman toBrahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to thenon willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being !It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holyscriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greaterScripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, theBeing revelling in that Silence ........... ah !AUM narinder bhandari-----------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shree Hari Ram RamWe are once again having trouble with mail formatting... We apologize. GitaTalk Moderators,Ram Ram----------------------------Jai Shri HariDear Saadhaks,Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete hasany wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would begood if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.My God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------NEW POSTING

There is one pre-supposition that needs to be cleared-----Yes, the wave is part of Ocean, the whole ! True. But Ocean is part of Water, the Whole. Water is there in Rain,Clouds, Oceans, Rivers, Waves, Our own gastric juice, urine, thirst, luster of skin, intelligence,etc... It is one of the Pancha tattvas, and not the other way around !!

Dave Mankikar


Dear Sadhakas, Namaskar,Bramhan, Iswar, God Allah and the like are not Individuals. Allare the same....Energy. All...are Shaktis and not Vyaktis. If you compare the properties of the Four Fundamental Physical Forces, namely Gravitational force/ield, Electromagnetic force/field, Strong Nuclear Force, which is responsible for the existence of all Atoms and the weak Nuclear force which distributes energy...you will realise that these properties are exactly the same as visualised by the GreatThinkers of the Past (GTPs)regarding Bramhan.GeeWaman---------------------



"My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists)."


EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL FOR ANY SEEKER WHAT YOU SUGGEST IS. NO DOUBTS THERE. Yes, it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that one is not deluding oneself in the name either experience or the scriptures. However, I would add another caution here above the scriptures ...


Tapa, Dama, Karma and Veda are essential to appreciate the experience in the right perspective. Tasyai tapo damah karmeti pratishThaa vedaah sarvaangaani.


However, THE TRUTH SHOULD BE IN THE PEDESTAL to appreciate the appreciation gained from the scriptures ... Satyamaayatanam.


Thank you very much for sharing your concern. The concern is of greatest value for all the fellow Sadhakas.




Naga Narayana



dear sadhaks,


in the 1430 pages of the sikh holy book ........shri Guru Grantha Sahib .............. each page is Purnam , complete Guru ...................... and amongst the hymns of each page , each hymn is the ultimate Wisdom for the seeking heart ........

and also true is the fact ............... that each word too is Purnam

but when narinder was reading the Holy Book 50 years ago...was it so for narinder ???

a word was a word, a page was a page,the Holy Book was the holy book .............. to be bowed to .................... to revere and extol ....................

words were just words .......... at best understood intellectually ...............

The same could be said of the Bhagvada Geetha , which too appeared before narinder , when he was 20........... that was 50 years ago...................Ah !



narinder bhandari


Jai Shri Hari,Dear Nag NarayanJi,I can never think of underestimating the value of the experience. The scriptures themselves are nothing but the revelation of the experiences of the TRUTH by many. My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists).Thanks & Best RegardsNiteesh Dubey


Interesting daily message today @


"Vasudeva Sarvam" - Everything is God. Yet, God has nothing with Him.

May be He desires companionship as earlier stated..

"ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Very Interesting !

Anil K

Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

He wished only ONE thing.... that we depend on Him and Him alone...

He wants us to be like the "chaatak" bird that only looks to the rain clouds for it's source of water. NOTHING ELSE !

"Ek aasaro, ek bal, ek aasviswaas, ek Rama Ghanshyam chaatak Tulasidas."

Only ONE support - only ONE strength - only ONE dependence - belief in only ONE.

Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam !

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Even though , overwhelmed by your love naga jee, narinder sees in your love for narinder-ness , your love true for Krishna .............. your love for the self ....................... Krishna loves only Krishna each word that is supposedly expressed here by naga ................. seems to narinder to be his( narinder's) own expression .............. the arisings of the inner silence that smiles lovingly .................... in expressing your state of being, you have accurately described what narinder would describe as his own ........... why do you steal my words, naga jee ?

Krishna taught us how to steal , is it not ? the Natkhat , Ah! could it be that the non-realisation and realisation of Isavasyam idam sarvam ............ have embraced each other ............ and the one now is the other .............. only the Natkhat knows ! ........... or, that HE always naughtily keeps, and shall continue to keep , something secretly hidden from us in His Leela-being .................. so that , HE can continue to dole out newer and newer expressions of fulfilment .............. calling it the gift of rising into higher and higher Consciousness, higher and yet higher ............ and this expansion of Brahaman, of Consciousness is limitless .................. so ............so, we are doomed to sing and dance , as Krishna would have us dance ............. but what a Gift it is ................... being so doomed !!!

awareness dawns .............. supported by the experiences of all the sages and saints .............. that the Bliss of highest activity/ unactivity is presence ................... being together and sharing silences . Words are not now needed;hence, narinder had suggested that live satsangs could be organised .............. where each sadhak becomes enabled to rise yet higher into Consciousness of Consciousness ...............Love and joy to you, naga jee ..............and all the nagas and narinders, and sushils, and partaps, and niteeshes, and vyases, and narayanas, and shashikalas, and mikes, and sadhnas, yudhvirs, and sarvottams, and narottams , the catherines , the maharishis ....................in fact, to all the waves in the Ocean .........


narinder bhandari


God has created man only for love - "ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Thererfore manifestation of love can only take place in human beings. Of all the species in this world, only human beings are capable of saying "you are mine and I am yours" or "there is you and you alone" (Tu hi Tu). The reason is that God has created this world for all beings, but He has created man for Himself. God has bestowed man with the ability and the power to regard Him as his own and to discard the world. It is only by the ability and power bestowed by God, that man can love God.

From "For Salvation of Mankind" in English pg 195 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


A devotee fulfills God's inner feelings and expressions of "Ekaakine ramate". God has created the world for His devotees, and the devotees forHimself. Therefore a devotees' existence was created only for pleasing God. In reality, the enjoyer of all happiness is only God, not the embodied Soul(jeev). Just like a child is for the mother, similarly the devotee is for God. Besides God, a devotee has no independent existence (no existence of his own).From "Prashnouttermanimala" on Devotee by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Jai Shri Hari,I salute the supreme private and loving word "Ekaaki Na Ramte" of the Supreme which is nothing but the cause/love/power/fuel behind his wish of welfare of all.Dear NarinderJi,----------------------I always love your wordless expressions.You said:.......the Ocean is the wavethe wave is Not the Ocean......You are absolutely correct that the wave is not the ocean. It can never be! The fact is that the wave is nothing but the same water which constitutes the ocean. But again, the water belongs to the ocean and not the ocean belongs to the water. I would let the wave (though it is the water) be the wave which can always beautify the ocean.Dear Nag NarayanJi,----------------------------You mentioned NA KARTITVAM ...(GitaJi 5/14) and said: KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."In my understanding, the shloka 5/14 says that the Supreme/PRABHU does not create/facilitate the doership, action (karma) and association of karma with its result for the men. I do not see any indication about the Supreme not having any wish/desire. This shloka just indicates that the Self/Atma is free from all these (i.e. doership, karma and its results). In my understanding, the Supreme is not only GUNAATEET/MAAYAATEET (i.e free from prakriti/qualities) but he is the GUNAADHEESH/MAAYAADHEESH (i.e. controller of the nature/prakriti) also. That is why he is referred as PURUSHHOTTAM, PARAMAATMA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAM BRHAM,..... (GitaJi -15/17.15/18,10/12,....).If you believe in the word "creation", it itself shows the indication of the wish/desire of the creator/Supreme. The same is clearly indicated at many places in GitaJi.I am the father of the creation. (...TASMIN GARBHAM DADHAAMI AHAM -GitaJi 14/3; AHAM BEEJPRADA PITAA -GitaJi 14/4).In my presidency/control, my own prakriti/nature produces the world (MAYAAADHKSHENA PRAKRITI.. GitaJi 9/10; MAM YONI MAHATBRAHM ...GitaJi 14/3).I manifest myself with my own power (AATMAMAAYAYAA - GitaJI 4/6) to protect/establish the dharma (YADAA YADAA HI ... -GitaJi 4/7)...etc.....I totally agree that the Supreme does not have any obligation otherwise that obligation will be the Supreme. I also agree that he does not have any desire to achieve something for himself as he is totally complete/PURNA but my point is that his wish of "welfare/Kalyaan of all" is not different from his nature. It is just because of his nature, everything is happening (MATTAH SARVAM PRAVARTATE - GitaJi 9/8). Here, I would like to mention that his completeness/PURNATAA is beyond any imagination/concept of the completeness. He is not only complete/PURNA but also referred as the abode of the completeness (BRAHMNO HI PRATISHTHAAHAM - Gitaji 14/27). Everything belonging to him is complete in itself whether it is desire or blessing or ANYTHING. Shri BallabaachaaryaJi calls him (i.e. the Supreme) "PURNAKAAM" in his Nandakumaaraashtakam. In my understanding, only it is only his desire which will always be completed as he only is the independent. He is free in KARTUM (doing), AKARTUM(not-doing) or ANYATHAAKARTUM(doing without any reason).May all be blessed with our father's love!Niteesh Dubey--------



One and only Narinderji, as always the abyss comes out within a droplet :).


Yes! You are the wave as well as the ocean … Yes! You ARE the droplet as well as the Abyss …Indeed! YOU ARE THE ABYSS THAT IS THE DROPLET AS SUCH … Taattvamasi ... so You are … Yo'saavasou so'hamasmi ... and so I am as well as all these ... The Ocean smiles as ever ... the smile pours out from its abyss ... the waves dance in joy being overwhelmed by ITS joy ... the droplets bounce around in absolute harmony with each other in the abundance of The Joy in each as well in all ... THE BLISS IT IS ... THE JOY EVERYTHING IS ...


Tattvam pooshannapaavriNu satyadharmaaya drishTaye ... this droplet wonders ... why doesn't this droplet realize that The Joy around is the same as The Joy within which is THE ABSOLUTE BLISS that is pouring out from The Abyss of THAT that is this within as well as all around as ever??? ... WHY !!! HyraNmayena paatrena satyaasyaapihitam mukham ... the stupid fellow that this is should respond to THE TRUTH around and within ... it is time, it should start shedding its masks that it covets for no reason ... even the creature it is named after does so shedding its sparkling skin again and again ... why can't this fellow do the same?! ... to be just the droplet that it really is ... to be the wave it truly is ... to be The Abyss it indeed is ... to BE the OCEAN it absolutely is ... it IS time ... why don't you teach this fellow Narinderji?! why don't you??!! ... I beg ...



Naga Narayana.










I truly appreciate your concern as well as your zeal to understand our GREAT HOLY SCRIPTURES … I sincerely bow to your reverence in absolute reverence.




But, I am tempted to intercept your queiry to Narinderji on one aspect. You say, "The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone". Yes indeed. But, don't you think that the easiest of all that is available to everyone is oneself … one's very experience?! To me the words that come out of experience are like the seers coming out of a dip in the Holy Ganges to teach me. The words coming out from sincere experience in all sincerity is above everything, even the Vedas. Because, eve the Vedas came out through the revalations coming out from the same sincere experience at once.




You say, "The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words." Again, how true indeed is your appreciation. No words and interpretations can exaplin the scriptures. Also, don't you see this ... no words can explain THAT, not even the scriptures! KaTha says, "Devainatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyamaNuresha dharmah" ... forget you, me and scriptures; even all the cosmic forces put together cannot!!! That is why all the vocubulary and sounds are just some superficial mimicry of something that is in the ABYSS within ... the droplets and waves cannot define the ocean ... but, the ocean can ... and, does :).




How can anyone go in contrary to THAT?! ONLY ONE THING CAN EVER MISLEAD US … INSINCERE APPRECIATION, UNTRUTHFUL UNDERSTANDING, and EGO-CENTRIC OBSERVATION … Devoid of these three ingedients of one's cataract, every eye sees THE TRUTH AND TRUTH ALONE …




Therefore, the worthy question here is "do we have such cataract? and, if so, why are we not doing anything to it??" If we respect scriptures, we HAVE TO RESPECT THIS, in my opinion, since the scriptures respect this above themselves.









Naga Narayana.


Jai Shri Hari, Dear All, I thank you for your responses.It is absolutely true that BhagavaanJi who is everything and all powerful can do anything just by his sankalp/will and he has been doing from eternity but his only weakness is that he can not turn his child (i.e.embodied soul) towards himself unless the child accepts that move. The reason for this is that the Jeev (i.e. embodied soul) itself is holding the self created artificiality/affinity with the lower nature of the Supreme (GitaJi-7/5) and both of the natures (i.e. jeev/higher/PARAA and the lower/APARAA) are empowered by the Supreme and the Supreme, being equal (GitaJi- 5/19), can never do any injustice to any one. It is solely the jeev's responsibility to accept that move. Being SUHRID/friend (GitaJi-5/29), he can only wish and suggest (UDDHARET - GitaJi 6/5) the jeev for that move. Had he ever be capable of turning a jeev for that move without jeev's acceptance, there would not have been the need of this world, Scriptures, Saints, Dharmas etc..All these are available for us just because of his eternel wish of benefit/kalyaan for all his children. My dear brothers & sisters, nothing is meaningless in our father's kingdom. All his wills/sankalps are following his eternal wish of welfare of all. We should note that the will/sankalp to do something always follows a wish and not the other way.Our Supreme father is also known as "SHIVA" which means "KALYAAN/welfare" (i.e. our father's nature/SWAROOP is for the welfare/KALYAAN of all). Shri ShankaraachaaryaJi says in ATMAASTAKAM that "I am CHIT/consciousness , ANAND/bliss and KALYAAN/welfare" ( CHIDAANANDROOPAM SHIVOHAM SHIVOHAM). In other words, living in the the eternal supreme wish of welfare of all is not different from living in the self which is consciousness and bliss.Dear DeosaranJi, Regarding your sentence "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities.- GITA 18:61)", the Supreme/God/Ishwar is NOT directing the wanderings of all living entities, the wandering is happening by the MAAYAA (please note the word "MAAYAYAA" in that shloka) which is empowered by the Supreme. The reason of this wandering is not the MAAYAA/prakriti/nature but the jeev itself which has been trying to enjoy the qualities/products of MAAYAA/prakriti/nature.May the Supreme bless us all.Niteesh Dubey


Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supreme preferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are the authority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi 16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supreme revealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/ Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23) at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words. Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum. I do not know your answers but in my understanding, I would say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wish which takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all! ...........................Niteesh Dubey


dear Niteesh Dubey jee,

thank you for your deep thoughts .............what you say is True.............. there is NO disagreement in narinder.................

the sharing is all Krishna's Play ....................we all have our lines to say ...............


why does narinder answer the questions raised in this forum? his totally honest answer is , " I donot know ! "


and the more questions and answers i become aware of reading or answering ............... the deeper becomes narinder's awareness that he indeed does NOT know !

But ................there is also deep awareness of Stillness, of Silence, of the Ocean that keeps waving for its own Joy ....


and ah, naga narayana jeeo.................why is it so ? how is it so..... and why must it be so ? how can narinder know ?


aum the waves keep rising ....arise only to subside ...first, second and the last are born to die ...and in the embrace of the Ocean lie the ocean smiles ................... smiles and smiles ...............and keeps smiling ........................... Tat Twam Asi , you are the Ocean , narinder, says the Mind Aham Brahamasmi, I know, says the heart ah, how can the wave fathom the Ocean ! ? ! the Ocean smiles and smiles ...and knows the Mind is a lie, but the heart never lies .................... are you the Mind , narinder , or, the heart are you ? both, or , neither ................ the Ocean are you ..................???? the Ocean is the wave the wave is Not the Ocean only the Self knows the self how can the other know ? how can nari or narinder know !

the Ocean smiles .................................


narinder bhandari----------------






Does the Supreme have any wish/desire?





Tasmai sa hovaacha prajaakaamo vai prajaapatih | Sa tapo tapyata | Sa tapastaptvaa | Sa mithunamutpaadayate | Rayim cha praanam chetyetou me bahudhaa prajaah karishyata iti ||





In Prashnopanishat, the teacher tells the aspirant students when asked how this creation started, "If there is creation, there should be a Creator and there should have been a desire to create in The Creator. If there was a desire, He should have contemplated on that desire generating the conjugation along with the conjugants in matter and energy. He should have let this matter-energy cluster to engage in the conjugation eternally to reproduce themselves in variant forms"





Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |



Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||





KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."





The great Achaarya Gowdapada exclaims, "playful people see a player there, spiteful people see a spiteful fellow there, silent people see silence there, noisy people see noise there … etc.". Similarly, desireful people see a desirer there. They cannot see anything other than desire to be the basis for everything that is perceived because the very perception is rooted in a desire! A RiNi believes Him to be a RiNi as well, while a Dhani thinks Him to be a Dhani as well.





The desire always leaves the individual a RiNi, one with negative balance. The desire always point toward a void within reminding the lack of the object of the desire with the individual. The desire is painful for two reasons - (1) it is making the individual to believe an incompleteness within; and (2) it is making the individual to perceive a lack of freedom as the object of desire remains illusive as well as elusive binding the individual to the desire stronger and stronger. Sense of lack of completeness and freedom is the only pain any individual can ever feel irrespective of the apparent reasons, whatsoever. The desireful individual remains RiNi because of the RiNaatmaka Chintana (negative thinking) believing in the perceived incompleteness within and hence experiencing the lack of freedom.





On the other hand, the desire cannot reach a Dhani, one who is overflowing with surplus in everything. The Omniscient who has everything in abundance can only give - (1) nothing more can be taken in being full; (2) there is no need to look for more being satisfied within; and (3) there is none who can offer something because the omniscience includes everything as such. The Completeness within is in full bloom and the constraints from around are non-existent to a Dhani, one who also thinks positively and realizes in excess within having no room for any wants.





The essentials for existence of a desire are: (1) one should lack something within; (2) one should be different from the missing thing; and (3) one should be a subset of a dominion which contains both the desirer as well as the objects of the desire. The Omniscient is ALL-INCLUSIVE ... PoorNamadah poorNamidam poorNaatpoorNam udachyate, poorNasya poorNamaadaaya poorNamevaavashishyate ... incorporates everything manifested, unmanifested and anything else ... how can there be any addition or subtraction THERE? Therefore, how can The Omnipotent accommodate any desire in any form? If He desires, how can He be Omnipotent?










Naga Narayana.



-----------------NamasteThe concepts of "desire", "wishes", 'wants" are earthly or of this world,applicable to mere mortals. Humans and animals desire and wish for things theydo not have, or are unable to achieve.Bhagavan is All-Pervading, that is, absolute, all-comprehending,all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling,all-including, and all-inclusive.Bhagavan is Omniscient, that is, having complete or unlimited knowledge,awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.Bhagavan is Omnipotent, that is having unlimited authority or infinite in power.Everything comes from Bhagavan; He has everything; He can do anything; hence noneed for Him desiring or wishing for anything.Here are a few scriptural passages to describe the nature of Bhagavan:"That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east, and west, andalso overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreadsthroughout both the material and spiritual skies."~~ MUNDAKA UPANISHAD 2.1.1"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directingthe wanderings of all living entities."~~ GITA 18:61"Bhagavan is He who possesses without limit the six types of opulence â€"strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation."~~ VISHNU PURANAAll this world is pervaded by me in My unmanifested form: all beings exist inMe, but I do not dwell in them.Nor do beings exist in Me (in reality), behold My Divine Yoga! Bringing forthand supporting the beings, My Self does not dwell in them.As the mighty wind, moving always everywhere, rests ever in the Akaasha, knowthou, that even so do all beings rest in Me. GITA 9:4-6Ram Ram,Deosaran Bisnath.----------------Yes, the Super-entity is indeed "complete". According to one analogy, the"ultimate reality" is lonely, and creates a world that is "non existent" inreality, out of its own self, but not separate from itself, and is called as"Maya-- a reality unto itself, which exists and yet has no independentexistence". This world is supposed to be a "Leela"---a play, of "dancing"figurines at the will of the Super being, like a day dream, which will come toan end at "pralaya--kaal", just as dreams come to an end on waking up, and willbe swallowed by the Super being, only to be reassembled at some later time in a"new" play.Modern analogy is that of a "Black hole" that swallows entiregalaxies, and then the nuclear power inside the black hole cannot contain itselfanymore, becomes "super heated" and leaks out into new galaxies, perhaps with"new / different lives", only to be swallowed up again in another "billions" ofhuman years, into that black hole.That's the best explanation as Iunderstand.When the galaxies are "sucked up", will they come back in the sameform when the black hole "spews them out" in future ? Will there be differentlife forms ? Will the structure of these new galaxies be different ? This is thesame question as to what will happen to us after death ? Or what will happen tothe bubble in a wave of ocean, after it ruptures ? Will it even be reborn intoanother bubble? Will this new bubble be similar or different ? Will it rememberits past life / lives ? Will it attain Moksha ?Does it matter ?While this galaxylasts, if it regenerates while it "exists", what principles will it follow ? OurVedantic explanation so far, is past karmas ! Therefore do well unto yourselfand unto others. You will also attain satisfaction that you have done goodhonestly, whatever you could and also tried to help others out of their miseries!!After that it is upto that Super being !!dDurgesh Mankikar,MD-------------------A pure devotee is neither happy or distressed over material gain and loss, noris he anxious on getting a disciple or not getting them. If he loses someone orsomething dear to him he does not lament. If he does not get what he desires heis not distressed. This person is transcendental in the face of all auspicious,inauspicious and sinful activities. He accepts all risks to satisfy the SupremeLord. Nothing impedes devotional service...Such a devotee is dear to Krsna.Inall this statement the fundamental answer is that the desire/wish is for thedevotee to be at one with the Divine.Om Shanti-catherine AndersonYes Paramatmatatva is beyond description---------------Nari-Narinder samvaada continues to be par-excellent!! Thank you for therevelations from the abyss of your presence, Narinderji!Regards.Naga Narayana.-------------------Respected Sadhaka brindam:In reply to the question raised by Niteeshji I would like to bring the followingreferences from Vedas and Bhagavadgita so that everyone can draw their ownconclusions as to whether the God as wishes and desires or not. I prefer tocall it as HIS Sankalpa or Will. 1. Nasadiya Suktam from RigVeda has a referenceto this Sankalpa.Nasadiya Sukta from Rigveda deals with the subject of what was there before thecreation and how the creation started. It is fascinating to see many of theideas of scientific thinking of "Black Holes", "Big Bang Theory" and"Uncertainty Principle" etc.are all found in this Sukta and is widely quoted bymany scientists in their discussions on cosmology.According to this Sukta, Inthe beginning everything is unmanifest as in the expression "Tamaaseet tamasaa Guudhamagre' meaning 'In the beginning darkness was engulphed in darkness' andthen it continues with the third stanza 'Kaamastadagre samavartatadhi Manasorethah prathamam' meaning ' In the beginning that Samkalpa which is the firstseed of the Mind sprouted'.2. In the Hiranyagarbha Sukta also it is said ' Hiranyagarbhah Samvartatagrebhutasya jaatah patireka aaseet' meaning ' The Supreme manifested asHiranyagarbha first and became the Lord of all creatures'3. From the Supreme, as per Tittireya Upanishad, "Tadeikshata bahusyamprajaayeya" meaning "let me be many" sprouted.4. In Bhagadgita Ch.9 verse 10, the Lord said ' Mayyadhyaksena prakrithihSuyate Sacharacharam' meaning 'Under my command Prikriti brings forth themoving and unmoving'.In conclusion I would like to point out that instead calling a wish/desire ofthe Lord a better way saying may be by HIS Will. The creation is referred to asthe Dream of the Lord and we are all the characters in HIS DREAM and do notreally exist as per Yogavasishta. If our dreams are at the will of our mind,the Creation is the Dream at the Will of the Supreme or Cosmic Mind.I thank the organizers of this forum to express these thoughts. "LokaahSamashtaah Sukhino Bhavantu'Balrama Murty Vempaty Dear Sadak,Bagavan-Supreme- formless- Poornathuvam (All complete)- Not Object (Apprameyam)Etc little said as God by Upanashids. But in Script of Saint Jayadevar, GarudaPuran, Gnaneswari of Sant Gnaneswar, Srimath Bagavath Etc says, that when a puresoul goes to Vaikunt, it crosses Virja River with Pradama Dharshan of Sri MahaVishnu, the reaches Vaikunt. Then Bagavan asks that Soul, "Where have you beenall these days." Means that Bagavan desired each and everyone of us to reachHIM. Such a wish or desire is called in divine name "Sankalpa". Example: SriKrishna came here to establish Dharma. Sri Krishna in various roop (As said inGeetha) appears to Bakthas, dwells with them, protects them and ultimately takesto HIS abode. The word definition of desire is said in Geetha that it is a needof mind, that need is never ending, and the desire is that which is like Gheepored on fire grows multiform but DOES not suppress. The desire that which isfor good of others WITHOUT expecting least out of it is NOT called desire. Thedesire to have more and more is called GREED.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------Yes the Supreme Reality wants us to know the purpose of Human Birth, assist Theein the maintenence of His Grand wondrous Design by following Laws of Nature(Rta) and performing social work for the welfare of all Thy children i.e. entiremankind. This divine wish of our Supreme Father is mentioned in great details inVedas and partially in Bhagavad Gita where lord tell us if He does not work evenfor a shortwhile great harm will be done to the entire Creation.with regards,Prem Sabhlok-----------------------Jai Shri Hari,Dear All, I thank you all for your responses.Dear Moderator, I am sorry that this response is little long. This questioncame to my mind after reading the responses in thediscussion threads related to "desire" & "SARVABOOTHITERATAAH"posted few days ago and the word "HITKAAMYAYAA" (i.e. wish/desirefor the benefit/HIT/welfare/KALYAANA) used by the Lord Shri KishNain GitaJi-10/1 to indicate that He, the Supreme, does have a wish/kaamana/desire but that is not because of any incompleteness or lack or affinitywith something else as there is nothing beyond him (MATTAH PARATARM NAANYAT -GitaJi 7/7) and he is everything (VAASUDEVSARVAM ITI - GitaJi 7/19). His "wish" is not only for Arjun but for every beingsas he is well wisher for all the beings (SUHRIDAMSARVABHOOTAANAM - GitaJi -5/29). Similarly, the following lines of GitaJiindicate that the Supreme, who is ever complete/PURNA/blissful, does not feelhappy/satisfied with respect to his supreme wish when the human beings (who areeligible for the supreme goal) leave their bodies without getting the realbenefit (i.e. attaining the real goal).APRAAPYA MAAM NIVARTANTE MRITYUSANSAARVARTMANI (9/3)MAAM APRAAPAIVA KAUNTEYA TATO YAANTI ADHAMAAM GATIM(16/20).In my understanding, this wish (i.e. wish for the welfare of all) is theeternal supreme wish which has been empowering the Nature(MAYAA ADYAKSHENA PRAKRITI..-GitaJi 9/10., MAM YONIRMAHADBRAHM GitaJi-14/3) from eternity to become a place holderfor the Jeevs (embodied souls) so that they can attain their true swaroop/natureby shedding off the foreign elements (i.e. elements belonging to the Nature)they have gathered from time immemorial. Infact, this wish is not something thatthe Supreme has to do/create/bring it the way normal human beings do. This isintrinsic/integral/built-in part of his own nature/swaroop.So, if the Supremehas this wish, then why not the beings (at least thehuman beings) as Bhagaan Sri KirshNa says "human beings follow mypaths in every way" (MAM VARTAANUVARATANTE MANUSHYAPAARTH SARVASHAH - GitaJi 3/23, 4/11). In otherwords, our truenature/swaroop must also have the same in-built eternal wish (i.e. wish for thebenefit/welfare of all). We might not be feeling it or we might not be trying tofeel it or we might be restricting it just because of thelimitations/bondage/artificiality we have created due to our own ignorance Theword "CHIKIRSHHU" in GitaJi -3/25 does indicate that this supreme wish isenabled in the realized souls too. TulsidasJi MahaRaaj also says that thesupreme and his true follower/devotee, without any reason, are always engagedfor the benefit of all ("HETU RAHIT JAG YUG UPAKAARII | TUM TUMHAAR SEVAKASURAARI" ). Swami RamSukhdashJi, at some place, mentioned about a divineshakti/power called as "SARVA BHOOT HITAISHHINI" which is always engaged inexecuting the supreme wish of helping all the beings. He says, this is theshakti/power which helps the great people who are always engaged for the benefitof many/all.The scriptures do suggest the saadhaks/aspirants to be engaged inforthe benefit of all ( SARVA BHOOT HITE RATA - GitaJi 5/25, 12/5)specially for the the aspirants following the path of the knowledge,meditation etc. in which they start their spiritual journey byunderstanding/focusing on the "self" dwelling in their bodies. There is no needto emphasize this for the aspirants following the path of devotion and selflesskarmas as, by definition, they must be following their wishes of welfare of allby serving the God/Viswaroop. In my understanding, this is not asuggestion/advice but it is a reminder about the intrinsic nature of the trueself. The suggestions by the scriptures are always aligned with the true natureof the beings.The same supreme wish is also reflected as "dhram-yuktakaam/desire/wish in all beings" ( DHARMAAVIRUDDHO BHUTESHHU KAAMOSMI -GitaJi 7/11)". Here the key is "dharma" which is the carrier of the samesupreme wish (i.e. "benefits/welfare of all"). The results of the execution ofthat supreme wish by the individuals might appear limited due to the variousconstraints (e.g. body, place, time, circumstances etc.) but living in that wishis no different than living in the root of that wish. A very good example of"dharma-yukta desire" can be seen in the life of King Dasharath when heapproaches the sage Vashishtha with a desire of having son. His desire was notfor himself to be called as a father but to give a noble heir for thekingdom/subjects which was more dearer than his own life. As long as, thewish/desire is aligned with the supreme wish, it will help us lead to the rootof the supreme wish. Whether we wish/desire for the benefit of all or have the wish/desire to attain the root of thiswish (i.e. supreme/God ), it will lead us the same goal. We should note thatthere is no difference between the Supreme and his wish. The suggestion toaspirants of "having desire to attain the supreme" (MAAMIPCHHAPTUM -GitaJi12/10) by the Supreme is nothing but the same supreme wish told from theperspective of the aspirant. Closure the aspirant is with theSupreme/SELF/TRUTH, better he understands the supreme wish and he could bechosen to be the medium ( "NIMITTAMAATRAM BHAV SAVYASAACHIN" - GitaJi 11/33) of executing thatsupreme wish. Some time, the realized souls (e.g. KAARAK PURUSHHA)descend to follow that supreme wish and some time the Supreme himselfdescend to execute his supreme wish (YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA...GitaJi-4/7).Dear VineetJi, The supreme simply means "nothing is beyond that". He is calledby infinite names (RAM, KRISHNA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAMAATMA, PURUSHHOTTAM,GOD,...). You are correct that his wish can not be sensed by the mind, buddhiof an unrealized soul but thequestion did encourage to reveal the thoughts based upon thescriptures which are revealed by the supreme self or self-realized personalities. I did revisit the page 61 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindu where "Chup Saadhan" is described. My question wasnot about the saadhan for an individual towards his/herrealization but it was about understanding the message/wishfrom the Supreme that might include the goals of every beings.DearGauravJi, What you mentioned is the general definition of the desire in beingscreated out of ignorance/attachment. That desire mustbe removed towards realizing the supreme wish/desire. In mylimited understanding, understanding the wish of the mastershould be well known by the servant/lover so that he can serve/love his master better. The mercy of God is not without areason. The reason is his intrinsic wish of taking care of all. DearPratapJi, His supreme wish is always supported by his Leela (divine play/celebration) which work without any effort. His Leela is alwaysblissful but meaningful though the meaning may not be understoodeasily.Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supremepreferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are theauthority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supremerevealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23)at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easilyavailable teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization cannot go against the scriptures although the realization can notbe fully interpreted in the words.Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum.I do not know your answers but in my understanding, Iwould say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wishwhich takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all!Niteesh Dubey=======================================================The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comesback to HIS home...Komal.Chhabria-------------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahIf by the english word "The Supreme" if you mean "Paramatmatattva"(the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whetheryou have understood from Swamiji's writing -"experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS"(Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyonddescription and not the subject of mind/intellect.So be it,Vineet Sarvottam------------------------------Hari Om. Shree Hari.There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport .I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception ofreality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completelyindependent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perceptionbecause we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions aresometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and youwant it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product ofaffinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter,they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in frontof us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories andrealize the Truth.Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire orwish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scopefor a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has everything in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme hasno need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: Hecontains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everythingin the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained inHim and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So theSupreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functionsthe way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothingremaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire ofHis own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less thanComplete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happensin this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.Basudeb Sen-------------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for usis to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearlydescribes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. "Yo na hrsyatina dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa mepriyah. "(Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does notlament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities,such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, inthe name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna'sdesire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service inthe form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. ThankYou. Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------Dear sir,If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the centralreserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpato become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the trueproposer not we humansBadri Narayana Miriyala-Dear Ones, Namaste!Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.InIT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligencemanifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beautyemanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetryout-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of thesethrough Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifestingthem while hiding in them! It seems that "doing" without desire is Creativity,Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, alreadyfulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack orinsufficiency to fulfill through "doing"!In the former possibility fordisappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt- DearSadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of theCreation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of humanbrain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman-------------------------The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , didBrahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son,You are Brahman ! "In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction ofBrahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit ," Lord... Lovingly , youbestow !But Brahman does not understand ! "To the humble Brahman did Brahmanthen instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift toyou...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ...The Knowledge of Brahman ! "Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyeswith Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end. But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. TheSelf " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Giftof Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahmansit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... "Yugas was only aword... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was,was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile onBrahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke "Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates mysoul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jaijai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joyindeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow !" Krishna ..You are Brahman indeed !! "In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory ofBrahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! TheTen were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which willKeep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman toBrahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to thenon willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being !It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holyscriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greaterScripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, theBeing revelling in that Silence ........... ah !AUM narinder bhandari-----------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Jai Shri HariDear Saadhaks,Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete hasany wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would begood if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.May God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------NEW POSTING

Ram Ram

Not One - but endless - if we start counting His desires it would take us millions of births to finish even 0.00001 % of His list. Ramkrishna

Ram Ram


Dear Sadaks,After Maha Pralaya it is said that nothing exits and only Bagavan remains. It is clearly said how the whole universe vanishes and created. The creation itself is divided into 2 parts. Samastha Sristi. Vesti Sristi. After Maha Pralaya, Bagavan is Ekaaki for long period. When creation exists Bagavan desires all jeevas upliftment. When Nothing exists, HE has No desire. HE is cause and effect, desire and desire less.B.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Only ONE ! He says... I created the shrishti for you... but I created you for ME. Become MINE ! Become My Friend, or My Lover, or whatever you wish.,,,, SIMPLY BECOME MINE. NO ONE ELSEs !

Meera Das, Ram Ram


There is one pre-supposition that needs to be cleared-----Yes, the wave is part of Ocean, the whole ! True. But Ocean is part of Water, the Whole. Water is there in Rain,Clouds, Oceans, Rivers, Waves, Our own gastric juice, urine, thirst, luster of skin, intelligence,etc... It is one of the Pancha tattvas, and not the other way around !!

Dave Mankikar


Dear Sadhakas, Namaskar,Bramhan, Iswar, God Allah and the like are not Individuals. Allare the same....Energy. All...are Shaktis and not Vyaktis. If you compare the properties of the Four Fundamental Physical Forces, namely Gravitational force/ield, Electromagnetic force/field, Strong Nuclear Force, which is responsible for the existence of all Atoms and the weak Nuclear force which distributes energy...you will realise that these properties are exactly the same as visualised by the GreatThinkers of the Past (GTPs)regarding Bramhan.GeeWaman---------------------



"My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists)."


EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL FOR ANY SEEKER WHAT YOU SUGGEST IS. NO DOUBTS THERE. Yes, it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that one is not deluding oneself in the name either experience or the scriptures. However, I would add another caution here above the scriptures ...


Tapa, Dama, Karma and Veda are essential to appreciate the experience in the right perspective. Tasyai tapo damah karmeti pratishThaa vedaah sarvaangaani.


However, THE TRUTH SHOULD BE IN THE PEDESTAL to appreciate the appreciation gained from the scriptures ... Satyamaayatanam.


Thank you very much for sharing your concern. The concern is of greatest value for all the fellow Sadhakas.




Naga Narayana



dear sadhaks,


in the 1430 pages of the sikh holy book ........shri Guru Grantha Sahib .............. each page is Purnam , complete Guru ...................... and amongst the hymns of each page , each hymn is the ultimate Wisdom for the seeking heart ........

and also true is the fact ............... that each word too is Purnam

but when narinder was reading the Holy Book 50 years ago...was it so for narinder ???

a word was a word, a page was a page,the Holy Book was the holy book .............. to be bowed to .................... to revere and extol ....................

words were just words .......... at best understood intellectually ...............

The same could be said of the Bhagvada Geetha , which too appeared before narinder , when he was 20........... that was 50 years ago...................Ah !



narinder bhandari


Jai Shri Hari,Dear Nag NarayanJi,I can never think of underestimating the value of the experience. The scriptures themselves are nothing but the revelation of the experiences of the TRUTH by many. My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists).Thanks & Best RegardsNiteesh Dubey


Interesting daily message today @


"Vasudeva Sarvam" - Everything is God. Yet, God has nothing with Him.

May be He desires companionship as earlier stated..

"ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Very Interesting !

Anil K

Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

He wished only ONE thing.... that we depend on Him and Him alone...

He wants us to be like the "chaatak" bird that only looks to the rain clouds for it's source of water. NOTHING ELSE !

"Ek aasaro, ek bal, ek aasviswaas, ek Rama Ghanshyam chaatak Tulasidas."

Only ONE support - only ONE strength - only ONE dependence - belief in only ONE.

Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam !

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Even though , overwhelmed by your love naga jee, narinder sees in your love for narinder-ness , your love true for Krishna .............. your love for the self ....................... Krishna loves only Krishna each word that is supposedly expressed here by naga ................. seems to narinder to be his( narinder's) own expression .............. the arisings of the inner silence that smiles lovingly .................... in expressing your state of being, you have accurately described what narinder would describe as his own ........... why do you steal my words, naga jee ?

Krishna taught us how to steal , is it not ? the Natkhat , Ah! could it be that the non-realisation and realisation of Isavasyam idam sarvam ............ have embraced each other ............ and the one now is the other .............. only the Natkhat knows ! ........... or, that HE always naughtily keeps, and shall continue to keep , something secretly hidden from us in His Leela-being .................. so that , HE can continue to dole out newer and newer expressions of fulfilment .............. calling it the gift of rising into higher and higher Consciousness, higher and yet higher ............ and this expansion of Brahaman, of Consciousness is limitless .................. so ............so, we are doomed to sing and dance , as Krishna would have us dance ............. but what a Gift it is ................... being so doomed !!!

awareness dawns .............. supported by the experiences of all the sages and saints .............. that the Bliss of highest activity/ unactivity is presence ................... being together and sharing silences . Words are not now needed;hence, narinder had suggested that live satsangs could be organised .............. where each sadhak becomes enabled to rise yet higher into Consciousness of Consciousness ...............Love and joy to you, naga jee ..............and all the nagas and narinders, and sushils, and partaps, and niteeshes, and vyases, and narayanas, and shashikalas, and mikes, and sadhnas, yudhvirs, and sarvottams, and narottams , the catherines , the maharishis ....................in fact, to all the waves in the Ocean .........


narinder bhandari


God has created man only for love - "ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Thererfore manifestation of love can only take place in human beings. Of all the species in this world, only human beings are capable of saying "you are mine and I am yours" or "there is you and you alone" (Tu hi Tu). The reason is that God has created this world for all beings, but He has created man for Himself. God has bestowed man with the ability and the power to regard Him as his own and to discard the world. It is only by the ability and power bestowed by God, that man can love God.

From "For Salvation of Mankind" in English pg 195 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


A devotee fulfills God's inner feelings and expressions of "Ekaakine ramate". God has created the world for His devotees, and the devotees forHimself. Therefore a devotees' existence was created only for pleasing God. In reality, the enjoyer of all happiness is only God, not the embodied Soul(jeev). Just like a child is for the mother, similarly the devotee is for God. Besides God, a devotee has no independent existence (no existence of his own).From "Prashnouttermanimala" on Devotee by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Jai Shri Hari,I salute the supreme private and loving word "Ekaaki Na Ramte" of the Supreme which is nothing but the cause/love/power/fuel behind his wish of welfare of all.Dear NarinderJi,----------------------I always love your wordless expressions.You said:.......the Ocean is the wavethe wave is Not the Ocean......You are absolutely correct that the wave is not the ocean. It can never be! The fact is that the wave is nothing but the same water which constitutes the ocean. But again, the water belongs to the ocean and not the ocean belongs to the water. I would let the wave (though it is the water) be the wave which can always beautify the ocean.Dear Nag NarayanJi,----------------------------You mentioned NA KARTITVAM ...(GitaJi 5/14) and said: KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."In my understanding, the shloka 5/14 says that the Supreme/PRABHU does not create/facilitate the doership, action (karma) and association of karma with its result for the men. I do not see any indication about the Supreme not having any wish/desire. This shloka just indicates that the Self/Atma is free from all these (i.e. doership, karma and its results). In my understanding, the Supreme is not only GUNAATEET/MAAYAATEET (i.e free from prakriti/qualities) but he is the GUNAADHEESH/MAAYAADHEESH (i.e. controller of the nature/prakriti) also. That is why he is referred as PURUSHHOTTAM, PARAMAATMA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAM BRHAM,..... (GitaJi -15/17.15/18,10/12,....).If you believe in the word "creation", it itself shows the indication of the wish/desire of the creator/Supreme. The same is clearly indicated at many places in GitaJi.I am the father of the creation. (...TASMIN GARBHAM DADHAAMI AHAM -GitaJi 14/3; AHAM BEEJPRADA PITAA -GitaJi 14/4).In my presidency/control, my own prakriti/nature produces the world (MAYAAADHKSHENA PRAKRITI.. GitaJi 9/10; MAM YONI MAHATBRAHM ...GitaJi 14/3).I manifest myself with my own power (AATMAMAAYAYAA - GitaJI 4/6) to protect/establish the dharma (YADAA YADAA HI ... -GitaJi 4/7)...etc.....I totally agree that the Supreme does not have any obligation otherwise that obligation will be the Supreme. I also agree that he does not have any desire to achieve something for himself as he is totally complete/PURNA but my point is that his wish of "welfare/Kalyaan of all" is not different from his nature. It is just because of his nature, everything is happening (MATTAH SARVAM PRAVARTATE - GitaJi 9/8). Here, I would like to mention that his completeness/PURNATAA is beyond any imagination/concept of the completeness. He is not only complete/PURNA but also referred as the abode of the completeness (BRAHMNO HI PRATISHTHAAHAM - Gitaji 14/27). Everything belonging to him is complete in itself whether it is desire or blessing or ANYTHING. Shri BallabaachaaryaJi calls him (i.e. the Supreme) "PURNAKAAM" in his Nandakumaaraashtakam. In my understanding, only it is only his desire which will always be completed as he only is the independent. He is free in KARTUM (doing), AKARTUM(not-doing) or ANYATHAAKARTUM(doing without any reason).May all be blessed with our father's love!Niteesh Dubey--------



One and only Narinderji, as always the abyss comes out within a droplet :).


Yes! You are the wave as well as the ocean … Yes! You ARE the droplet as well as the Abyss …Indeed! YOU ARE THE ABYSS THAT IS THE DROPLET AS SUCH … Taattvamasi ... so You are … Yo'saavasou so'hamasmi ... and so I am as well as all these ... The Ocean smiles as ever ... the smile pours out from its abyss ... the waves dance in joy being overwhelmed by ITS joy ... the droplets bounce around in absolute harmony with each other in the abundance of The Joy in each as well in all ... THE BLISS IT IS ... THE JOY EVERYTHING IS ...


Tattvam pooshannapaavriNu satyadharmaaya drishTaye ... this droplet wonders ... why doesn't this droplet realize that The Joy around is the same as The Joy within which is THE ABSOLUTE BLISS that is pouring out from The Abyss of THAT that is this within as well as all around as ever??? ... WHY !!! HyraNmayena paatrena satyaasyaapihitam mukham ... the stupid fellow that this is should respond to THE TRUTH around and within ... it is time, it should start shedding its masks that it covets for no reason ... even the creature it is named after does so shedding its sparkling skin again and again ... why can't this fellow do the same?! ... to be just the droplet that it really is ... to be the wave it truly is ... to be The Abyss it indeed is ... to BE the OCEAN it absolutely is ... it IS time ... why don't you teach this fellow Narinderji?! why don't you??!! ... I beg ...



Naga Narayana.










I truly appreciate your concern as well as your zeal to understand our GREAT HOLY SCRIPTURES … I sincerely bow to your reverence in absolute reverence.




But, I am tempted to intercept your queiry to Narinderji on one aspect. You say, "The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone". Yes indeed. But, don't you think that the easiest of all that is available to everyone is oneself … one's very experience?! To me the words that come out of experience are like the seers coming out of a dip in the Holy Ganges to teach me. The words coming out from sincere experience in all sincerity is above everything, even the Vedas. Because, eve the Vedas came out through the revalations coming out from the same sincere experience at once.




You say, "The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words." Again, how true indeed is your appreciation. No words and interpretations can exaplin the scriptures. Also, don't you see this ... no words can explain THAT, not even the scriptures! KaTha says, "Devainatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyamaNuresha dharmah" ... forget you, me and scriptures; even all the cosmic forces put together cannot!!! That is why all the vocubulary and sounds are just some superficial mimicry of something that is in the ABYSS within ... the droplets and waves cannot define the ocean ... but, the ocean can ... and, does :).




How can anyone go in contrary to THAT?! ONLY ONE THING CAN EVER MISLEAD US … INSINCERE APPRECIATION, UNTRUTHFUL UNDERSTANDING, and EGO-CENTRIC OBSERVATION … Devoid of these three ingedients of one's cataract, every eye sees THE TRUTH AND TRUTH ALONE …




Therefore, the worthy question here is "do we have such cataract? and, if so, why are we not doing anything to it??" If we respect scriptures, we HAVE TO RESPECT THIS, in my opinion, since the scriptures respect this above themselves.









Naga Narayana.


Jai Shri Hari, Dear All, I thank you for your responses.It is absolutely true that BhagavaanJi who is everything and all powerful can do anything just by his sankalp/will and he has been doing from eternity but his only weakness is that he can not turn his child (i.e.embodied soul) towards himself unless the child accepts that move. The reason for this is that the Jeev (i.e. embodied soul) itself is holding the self created artificiality/affinity with the lower nature of the Supreme (GitaJi-7/5) and both of the natures (i.e. jeev/higher/PARAA and the lower/APARAA) are empowered by the Supreme and the Supreme, being equal (GitaJi- 5/19), can never do any injustice to any one. It is solely the jeev's responsibility to accept that move. Being SUHRID/friend (GitaJi-5/29), he can only wish and suggest (UDDHARET - GitaJi 6/5) the jeev for that move. Had he ever be capable of turning a jeev for that move without jeev's acceptance, there would not have been the need of this world, Scriptures, Saints, Dharmas etc..All these are available for us just because of his eternel wish of benefit/kalyaan for all his children. My dear brothers & sisters, nothing is meaningless in our father's kingdom. All his wills/sankalps are following his eternal wish of welfare of all. We should note that the will/sankalp to do something always follows a wish and not the other way.Our Supreme father is also known as "SHIVA" which means "KALYAAN/welfare" (i.e. our father's nature/SWAROOP is for the welfare/KALYAAN of all). Shri ShankaraachaaryaJi says in ATMAASTAKAM that "I am CHIT/consciousness , ANAND/bliss and KALYAAN/welfare" ( CHIDAANANDROOPAM SHIVOHAM SHIVOHAM). In other words, living in the the eternal supreme wish of welfare of all is not different from living in the self which is consciousness and bliss.Dear DeosaranJi, Regarding your sentence "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities.- GITA 18:61)", the Supreme/God/Ishwar is NOT directing the wanderings of all living entities, the wandering is happening by the MAAYAA (please note the word "MAAYAYAA" in that shloka) which is empowered by the Supreme. The reason of this wandering is not the MAAYAA/prakriti/nature but the jeev itself which has been trying to enjoy the qualities/products of MAAYAA/prakriti/nature.May the Supreme bless us all.Niteesh Dubey


Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supreme preferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are the authority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi 16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supreme revealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/ Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23) at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words. Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum. I do not know your answers but in my understanding, I would say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wish which takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all! ...........................Niteesh Dubey


dear Niteesh Dubey jee,

thank you for your deep thoughts .............what you say is True.............. there is NO disagreement in narinder.................

the sharing is all Krishna's Play ....................we all have our lines to say ...............


why does narinder answer the questions raised in this forum? his totally honest answer is , " I donot know ! "


and the more questions and answers i become aware of reading or answering ............... the deeper becomes narinder's awareness that he indeed does NOT know !

But ................there is also deep awareness of Stillness, of Silence, of the Ocean that keeps waving for its own Joy ....


and ah, naga narayana jeeo.................why is it so ? how is it so..... and why must it be so ? how can narinder know ?


aum the waves keep rising ....arise only to subside ...first, second and the last are born to die ...and in the embrace of the Ocean lie the ocean smiles ................... smiles and smiles ...............and keeps smiling ........................... Tat Twam Asi , you are the Ocean , narinder, says the Mind Aham Brahamasmi, I know, says the heart ah, how can the wave fathom the Ocean ! ? ! the Ocean smiles and smiles ...and knows the Mind is a lie, but the heart never lies .................... are you the Mind , narinder , or, the heart are you ? both, or , neither ................ the Ocean are you ..................???? the Ocean is the wave the wave is Not the Ocean only the Self knows the self how can the other know ? how can nari or narinder know !

the Ocean smiles .................................


narinder bhandari----------------






Does the Supreme have any wish/desire?





Tasmai sa hovaacha prajaakaamo vai prajaapatih | Sa tapo tapyata | Sa tapastaptvaa | Sa mithunamutpaadayate | Rayim cha praanam chetyetou me bahudhaa prajaah karishyata iti ||





In Prashnopanishat, the teacher tells the aspirant students when asked how this creation started, "If there is creation, there should be a Creator and there should have been a desire to create in The Creator. If there was a desire, He should have contemplated on that desire generating the conjugation along with the conjugants in matter and energy. He should have let this matter-energy cluster to engage in the conjugation eternally to reproduce themselves in variant forms"





Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |



Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||





KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."





The great Achaarya Gowdapada exclaims, "playful people see a player there, spiteful people see a spiteful fellow there, silent people see silence there, noisy people see noise there … etc.". Similarly, desireful people see a desirer there. They cannot see anything other than desire to be the basis for everything that is perceived because the very perception is rooted in a desire! A RiNi believes Him to be a RiNi as well, while a Dhani thinks Him to be a Dhani as well.





The desire always leaves the individual a RiNi, one with negative balance. The desire always point toward a void within reminding the lack of the object of the desire with the individual. The desire is painful for two reasons - (1) it is making the individual to believe an incompleteness within; and (2) it is making the individual to perceive a lack of freedom as the object of desire remains illusive as well as elusive binding the individual to the desire stronger and stronger. Sense of lack of completeness and freedom is the only pain any individual can ever feel irrespective of the apparent reasons, whatsoever. The desireful individual remains RiNi because of the RiNaatmaka Chintana (negative thinking) believing in the perceived incompleteness within and hence experiencing the lack of freedom.





On the other hand, the desire cannot reach a Dhani, one who is overflowing with surplus in everything. The Omniscient who has everything in abundance can only give - (1) nothing more can be taken in being full; (2) there is no need to look for more being satisfied within; and (3) there is none who can offer something because the omniscience includes everything as such. The Completeness within is in full bloom and the constraints from around are non-existent to a Dhani, one who also thinks positively and realizes in excess within having no room for any wants.





The essentials for existence of a desire are: (1) one should lack something within; (2) one should be different from the missing thing; and (3) one should be a subset of a dominion which contains both the desirer as well as the objects of the desire. The Omniscient is ALL-INCLUSIVE ... PoorNamadah poorNamidam poorNaatpoorNam udachyate, poorNasya poorNamaadaaya poorNamevaavashishyate ... incorporates everything manifested, unmanifested and anything else ... how can there be any addition or subtraction THERE? Therefore, how can The Omnipotent accommodate any desire in any form? If He desires, how can He be Omnipotent?










Naga Narayana.



-----------------NamasteThe concepts of "desire", "wishes", 'wants" are earthly or of this world,applicable to mere mortals. Humans and animals desire and wish for things theydo not have, or are unable to achieve.Bhagavan is All-Pervading, that is, absolute, all-comprehending,all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling,all-including, and all-inclusive.Bhagavan is Omniscient, that is, having complete or unlimited knowledge,awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.Bhagavan is Omnipotent, that is having unlimited authority or infinite in power.Everything comes from Bhagavan; He has everything; He can do anything; hence noneed for Him desiring or wishing for anything.Here are a few scriptural passages to describe the nature of Bhagavan:"That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east, and west, andalso overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreadsthroughout both the material and spiritual skies."~~ MUNDAKA UPANISHAD 2.1.1"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directingthe wanderings of all living entities."~~ GITA 18:61"Bhagavan is He who possesses without limit the six types of opulence â€"strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation."~~ VISHNU PURANAAll this world is pervaded by me in My unmanifested form: all beings exist inMe, but I do not dwell in them.Nor do beings exist in Me (in reality), behold My Divine Yoga! Bringing forthand supporting the beings, My Self does not dwell in them.As the mighty wind, moving always everywhere, rests ever in the Akaasha, knowthou, that even so do all beings rest in Me. GITA 9:4-6Ram Ram,Deosaran Bisnath.----------------Yes, the Super-entity is indeed "complete". According to one analogy, the"ultimate reality" is lonely, and creates a world that is "non existent" inreality, out of its own self, but not separate from itself, and is called as"Maya-- a reality unto itself, which exists and yet has no independentexistence". This world is supposed to be a "Leela"---a play, of "dancing"figurines at the will of the Super being, like a day dream, which will come toan end at "pralaya--kaal", just as dreams come to an end on waking up, and willbe swallowed by the Super being, only to be reassembled at some later time in a"new" play.Modern analogy is that of a "Black hole" that swallows entiregalaxies, and then the nuclear power inside the black hole cannot contain itselfanymore, becomes "super heated" and leaks out into new galaxies, perhaps with"new / different lives", only to be swallowed up again in another "billions" ofhuman years, into that black hole.That's the best explanation as Iunderstand.When the galaxies are "sucked up", will they come back in the sameform when the black hole "spews them out" in future ? Will there be differentlife forms ? Will the structure of these new galaxies be different ? This is thesame question as to what will happen to us after death ? Or what will happen tothe bubble in a wave of ocean, after it ruptures ? Will it even be reborn intoanother bubble? Will this new bubble be similar or different ? Will it rememberits past life / lives ? Will it attain Moksha ?Does it matter ?While this galaxylasts, if it regenerates while it "exists", what principles will it follow ? OurVedantic explanation so far, is past karmas ! Therefore do well unto yourselfand unto others. You will also attain satisfaction that you have done goodhonestly, whatever you could and also tried to help others out of their miseries!!After that it is upto that Super being !!dDurgesh Mankikar,MD-------------------A pure devotee is neither happy or distressed over material gain and loss, noris he anxious on getting a disciple or not getting them. If he loses someone orsomething dear to him he does not lament. If he does not get what he desires heis not distressed. This person is transcendental in the face of all auspicious,inauspicious and sinful activities. He accepts all risks to satisfy the SupremeLord. Nothing impedes devotional service...Such a devotee is dear to Krsna.Inall this statement the fundamental answer is that the desire/wish is for thedevotee to be at one with the Divine.Om Shanti-catherine AndersonYes Paramatmatatva is beyond description---------------Nari-Narinder samvaada continues to be par-excellent!! Thank you for therevelations from the abyss of your presence, Narinderji!Regards.Naga Narayana.-------------------Respected Sadhaka brindam:In reply to the question raised by Niteeshji I would like to bring the followingreferences from Vedas and Bhagavadgita so that everyone can draw their ownconclusions as to whether the God as wishes and desires or not. I prefer tocall it as HIS Sankalpa or Will. 1. Nasadiya Suktam from RigVeda has a referenceto this Sankalpa.Nasadiya Sukta from Rigveda deals with the subject of what was there before thecreation and how the creation started. It is fascinating to see many of theideas of scientific thinking of "Black Holes", "Big Bang Theory" and"Uncertainty Principle" etc.are all found in this Sukta and is widely quoted bymany scientists in their discussions on cosmology.According to this Sukta, Inthe beginning everything is unmanifest as in the expression "Tamaaseet tamasaa Guudhamagre' meaning 'In the beginning darkness was engulphed in darkness' andthen it continues with the third stanza 'Kaamastadagre samavartatadhi Manasorethah prathamam' meaning ' In the beginning that Samkalpa which is the firstseed of the Mind sprouted'.2. In the Hiranyagarbha Sukta also it is said ' Hiranyagarbhah Samvartatagrebhutasya jaatah patireka aaseet' meaning ' The Supreme manifested asHiranyagarbha first and became the Lord of all creatures'3. From the Supreme, as per Tittireya Upanishad, "Tadeikshata bahusyamprajaayeya" meaning "let me be many" sprouted.4. In Bhagadgita Ch.9 verse 10, the Lord said ' Mayyadhyaksena prakrithihSuyate Sacharacharam' meaning 'Under my command Prikriti brings forth themoving and unmoving'.In conclusion I would like to point out that instead calling a wish/desire ofthe Lord a better way saying may be by HIS Will. The creation is referred to asthe Dream of the Lord and we are all the characters in HIS DREAM and do notreally exist as per Yogavasishta. If our dreams are at the will of our mind,the Creation is the Dream at the Will of the Supreme or Cosmic Mind.I thank the organizers of this forum to express these thoughts. "LokaahSamashtaah Sukhino Bhavantu'Balrama Murty Vempaty Dear Sadak,Bagavan-Supreme- formless- Poornathuvam (All complete)- Not Object (Apprameyam)Etc little said as God by Upanashids. But in Script of Saint Jayadevar, GarudaPuran, Gnaneswari of Sant Gnaneswar, Srimath Bagavath Etc says, that when a puresoul goes to Vaikunt, it crosses Virja River with Pradama Dharshan of Sri MahaVishnu, the reaches Vaikunt. Then Bagavan asks that Soul, "Where have you beenall these days." Means that Bagavan desired each and everyone of us to reachHIM. Such a wish or desire is called in divine name "Sankalpa". Example: SriKrishna came here to establish Dharma. Sri Krishna in various roop (As said inGeetha) appears to Bakthas, dwells with them, protects them and ultimately takesto HIS abode. The word definition of desire is said in Geetha that it is a needof mind, that need is never ending, and the desire is that which is like Gheepored on fire grows multiform but DOES not suppress. The desire that which isfor good of others WITHOUT expecting least out of it is NOT called desire. Thedesire to have more and more is called GREED.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------Yes the Supreme Reality wants us to know the purpose of Human Birth, assist Theein the maintenence of His Grand wondrous Design by following Laws of Nature(Rta) and performing social work for the welfare of all Thy children i.e. entiremankind. This divine wish of our Supreme Father is mentioned in great details inVedas and partially in Bhagavad Gita where lord tell us if He does not work evenfor a shortwhile great harm will be done to the entire Creation.with regards,Prem Sabhlok-----------------------Jai Shri Hari,Dear All, I thank you all for your responses.Dear Moderator, I am sorry that this response is little long. This questioncame to my mind after reading the responses in thediscussion threads related to "desire" & "SARVABOOTHITERATAAH"posted few days ago and the word "HITKAAMYAYAA" (i.e. wish/desirefor the benefit/HIT/welfare/KALYAANA) used by the Lord Shri KishNain GitaJi-10/1 to indicate that He, the Supreme, does have a wish/kaamana/desire but that is not because of any incompleteness or lack or affinitywith something else as there is nothing beyond him (MATTAH PARATARM NAANYAT -GitaJi 7/7) and he is everything (VAASUDEVSARVAM ITI - GitaJi 7/19). His "wish" is not only for Arjun but for every beingsas he is well wisher for all the beings (SUHRIDAMSARVABHOOTAANAM - GitaJi -5/29). Similarly, the following lines of GitaJiindicate that the Supreme, who is ever complete/PURNA/blissful, does not feelhappy/satisfied with respect to his supreme wish when the human beings (who areeligible for the supreme goal) leave their bodies without getting the realbenefit (i.e. attaining the real goal).APRAAPYA MAAM NIVARTANTE MRITYUSANSAARVARTMANI (9/3)MAAM APRAAPAIVA KAUNTEYA TATO YAANTI ADHAMAAM GATIM(16/20).In my understanding, this wish (i.e. wish for the welfare of all) is theeternal supreme wish which has been empowering the Nature(MAYAA ADYAKSHENA PRAKRITI..-GitaJi 9/10., MAM YONIRMAHADBRAHM GitaJi-14/3) from eternity to become a place holderfor the Jeevs (embodied souls) so that they can attain their true swaroop/natureby shedding off the foreign elements (i.e. elements belonging to the Nature)they have gathered from time immemorial. Infact, this wish is not something thatthe Supreme has to do/create/bring it the way normal human beings do. This isintrinsic/integral/built-in part of his own nature/swaroop.So, if the Supremehas this wish, then why not the beings (at least thehuman beings) as Bhagaan Sri KirshNa says "human beings follow mypaths in every way" (MAM VARTAANUVARATANTE MANUSHYAPAARTH SARVASHAH - GitaJi 3/23, 4/11). In otherwords, our truenature/swaroop must also have the same in-built eternal wish (i.e. wish for thebenefit/welfare of all). We might not be feeling it or we might not be trying tofeel it or we might be restricting it just because of thelimitations/bondage/artificiality we have created due to our own ignorance Theword "CHIKIRSHHU" in GitaJi -3/25 does indicate that this supreme wish isenabled in the realized souls too. TulsidasJi MahaRaaj also says that thesupreme and his true follower/devotee, without any reason, are always engagedfor the benefit of all ("HETU RAHIT JAG YUG UPAKAARII | TUM TUMHAAR SEVAKASURAARI" ). Swami RamSukhdashJi, at some place, mentioned about a divineshakti/power called as "SARVA BHOOT HITAISHHINI" which is always engaged inexecuting the supreme wish of helping all the beings. He says, this is theshakti/power which helps the great people who are always engaged for the benefitof many/all.The scriptures do suggest the saadhaks/aspirants to be engaged inforthe benefit of all ( SARVA BHOOT HITE RATA - GitaJi 5/25, 12/5)specially for the the aspirants following the path of the knowledge,meditation etc. in which they start their spiritual journey byunderstanding/focusing on the "self" dwelling in their bodies. There is no needto emphasize this for the aspirants following the path of devotion and selflesskarmas as, by definition, they must be following their wishes of welfare of allby serving the God/Viswaroop. In my understanding, this is not asuggestion/advice but it is a reminder about the intrinsic nature of the trueself. The suggestions by the scriptures are always aligned with the true natureof the beings.The same supreme wish is also reflected as "dhram-yuktakaam/desire/wish in all beings" ( DHARMAAVIRUDDHO BHUTESHHU KAAMOSMI -GitaJi 7/11)". Here the key is "dharma" which is the carrier of the samesupreme wish (i.e. "benefits/welfare of all"). The results of the execution ofthat supreme wish by the individuals might appear limited due to the variousconstraints (e.g. body, place, time, circumstances etc.) but living in that wishis no different than living in the root of that wish. A very good example of"dharma-yukta desire" can be seen in the life of King Dasharath when heapproaches the sage Vashishtha with a desire of having son. His desire was notfor himself to be called as a father but to give a noble heir for thekingdom/subjects which was more dearer than his own life. As long as, thewish/desire is aligned with the supreme wish, it will help us lead to the rootof the supreme wish. Whether we wish/desire for the benefit of all or have the wish/desire to attain the root of thiswish (i.e. supreme/God ), it will lead us the same goal. We should note thatthere is no difference between the Supreme and his wish. The suggestion toaspirants of "having desire to attain the supreme" (MAAMIPCHHAPTUM -GitaJi12/10) by the Supreme is nothing but the same supreme wish told from theperspective of the aspirant. Closure the aspirant is with theSupreme/SELF/TRUTH, better he understands the supreme wish and he could bechosen to be the medium ( "NIMITTAMAATRAM BHAV SAVYASAACHIN" - GitaJi 11/33) of executing thatsupreme wish. Some time, the realized souls (e.g. KAARAK PURUSHHA)descend to follow that supreme wish and some time the Supreme himselfdescend to execute his supreme wish (YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA...GitaJi-4/7).Dear VineetJi, The supreme simply means "nothing is beyond that". He is calledby infinite names (RAM, KRISHNA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAMAATMA, PURUSHHOTTAM,GOD,...). You are correct that his wish can not be sensed by the mind, buddhiof an unrealized soul but thequestion did encourage to reveal the thoughts based upon thescriptures which are revealed by the supreme self or self-realized personalities. I did revisit the page 61 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindu where "Chup Saadhan" is described. My question wasnot about the saadhan for an individual towards his/herrealization but it was about understanding the message/wishfrom the Supreme that might include the goals of every beings.DearGauravJi, What you mentioned is the general definition of the desire in beingscreated out of ignorance/attachment. That desire mustbe removed towards realizing the supreme wish/desire. In mylimited understanding, understanding the wish of the mastershould be well known by the servant/lover so that he can serve/love his master better. The mercy of God is not without areason. The reason is his intrinsic wish of taking care of all. DearPratapJi, His supreme wish is always supported by his Leela (divine play/celebration) which work without any effort. His Leela is alwaysblissful but meaningful though the meaning may not be understoodeasily.Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supremepreferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are theauthority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supremerevealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23)at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easilyavailable teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization cannot go against the scriptures although the realization can notbe fully interpreted in the words.Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum.I do not know your answers but in my understanding, Iwould say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wishwhich takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all!Niteesh Dubey=======================================================The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comesback to HIS home...Komal.Chhabria-------------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahIf by the english word "The Supreme" if you mean "Paramatmatattva"(the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whetheryou have understood from Swamiji's writing -"experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS"(Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyonddescription and not the subject of mind/intellect.So be it,Vineet Sarvottam------------------------------Hari Om. Shree Hari.There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport .I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception ofreality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completelyindependent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perceptionbecause we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions aresometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and youwant it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product ofaffinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter,they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in frontof us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories andrealize the Truth.Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire orwish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scopefor a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has everything in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme hasno need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: Hecontains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everythingin the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained inHim and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So theSupreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functionsthe way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothingremaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire ofHis own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less thanComplete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happensin this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.Basudeb Sen-------------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for usis to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearlydescribes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. "Yo na hrsyatina dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa mepriyah. "(Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does notlament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities,such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, inthe name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna'sdesire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service inthe form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. ThankYou. Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------Dear sir,If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the centralreserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpato become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the trueproposer not we humansBadri Narayana Miriyala-Dear Ones, Namaste!Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.InIT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligencemanifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beautyemanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetryout-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of thesethrough Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifestingthem while hiding in them! It seems that "doing" without desire is Creativity,Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, alreadyfulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack orinsufficiency to fulfill through "doing"!In the former possibility fordisappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt- DearSadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of theCreation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of humanbrain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman-------------------------The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , didBrahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son,You are Brahman ! "In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction ofBrahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit ," Lord... Lovingly , youbestow !But Brahman does not understand ! "To the humble Brahman did Brahmanthen instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift toyou...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ...The Knowledge of Brahman ! "Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyeswith Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end. But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. TheSelf " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Giftof Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahmansit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... "Yugas was only aword... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was,was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile onBrahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke "Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates mysoul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jaijai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joyindeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow !" Krishna ..You are Brahman indeed !! "In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory ofBrahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! TheTen were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which willKeep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman toBrahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to thenon willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being !It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holyscriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greaterScripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, theBeing revelling in that Silence ........... ah !AUM narinder bhandari-----------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Jai Shri HariDear Saadhaks,Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete hasany wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would begood if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.May God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------NEW POSTING

Hari OmBetween reply by our Miraji Dass and by Ramakrishnaji , if I am asked to choose, I will go by reply of Miraji Dass. I would have accepted gleefully the reply of Ramakrishnaji , had here instead of God , the Jeeva was referred.In Gitaji there are many verses which say that God is desireless and has no doership in Him. (Eg 3:22, 9:9 etc) ! Thus on one hand, AS A LAW- When you have any desire , you get bondaged. On other hand what Miraji has stated is a desire. Hence actually God MUST experience bondage !! Gleefully, the ONE desire referred by Miraji Dass, actually, makes God bondaged to the devotee. (Main to Hoon Bhaktan ka Dass , Bhakta Mere Mukut Mani- I am slave to my Devotees, my Devotees are jewels of my crown) BG 9:29, 9:30, 9:31, 10:10, 10:11, entire Chapter 12 (reference of 'sa me priyah') and many other verses confirm categorically what has been stated by Miraji Dass out of sheer love for Prabhu. In fact, basically, this one desire referred by Miraji Dass, is so real and correct, that God due to His this desire only lowers Himself and takes AVATAAR as a human- Paritranaay sadhunaam !! Oh ! Divine Sadhaks !! We are in the Kingdom of Paramatma !!! All merciful, all powerful....ready to dance to our tunes, ready to take 100 steps towards us, if we just take one !!! We have come to know about His weakness !!! Iron is hot, ( We already have human life) Strike, Sir (Say- Mere to Girdhar Gopaal , Doosaro Na Koi- ACCEPT...ACCEPT ) ! Gopis of Braj used to make Lord Krishna dance for a cup of Butter milk. What are we waiting for ? BECOME HIS, O SADHAKS, BECOME HIS.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


The Supreme ! How Can ....?

We are asking as to what the Creator of this shrishtee want from his creation ? His relationship, we seem to consider as that of our wordly relationship of a father/mother with a child....


...Think, lets be realistics.

Kishin Chandiramani



The Supreme has revealed only one desire to his Creation which is for us to observe his laws and get back to him in Moksh. He may have other desires but unless we are blessed into a state of moksh how can we as the creation have any right logically speaking to know his desires?

His laws require us to have desire but with non-attachment to it as beautifully expounded to us by Bhagwan Krishna, and as Swami ji also use the phrase of 'selfless desire' to explain these tricky questions. Desire itself is part of His cosmic law and there is nothing wrong with desire itself as with Karma and indeed desire is a prelude to karma. But for moksh we are guided to perform karma, which we all must - even Bhagwan Krishna said he too - but we must do it through the principles of karma-yoga. Similarly for desire we must have desire as is His law but we must ensure it is with non-attachment, which is another subject altogether.

The Supreme does have desire, in my opinion.

Anil Bhanot

PS- Geewaman ji mentions Allah or Yehwah God are not individuals, but then they cannot be lumped in with the Brahman as they are still personal Gods, not impersonal like Brahman. Brahman never ordered the killings of people anywhere but both those Abrahamic Gods did and killed people, entire villages, so these Gods are personal not like Brahman. Equally the Hindu personal Gods which require animal sacrifice cannot be equated to Brahman. These desires of purposeless killings are of a lower nature with attachment and violate Bhagwan Krishna's doctrine of 'Non-Attachment'.


Anil Bhanot





The messages of Mira Dass and Ramakrishna both are giving contradictory views. In fact both answers are beyond my knowledge I acquired so far. How can DESIRELESS God have infinite desires? How one desire? I read in this Forum only that every desire creates a bondage for one who desires. Does God also get bondaged? What about God being disinterested friend and doershipless all the times. I think I read in Gita translations that in Chapter 3 God says I am doershipless. How can can have even one DESIRE what to speak of infinite desires. Will both of you clarify please.


Audrey Rodrigues--------------------------



There is one pre-supposition that needs to be cleared-----Yes, the wave is part of Ocean, the whole ! True. But Ocean is part of Water, the Whole. Water is there in Rain,Clouds, Oceans, Rivers, Waves, Our own gastric juice, urine, thirst, luster of skin, intelligence, etc... It is one of the Pancha tattvas, and not the other way around !! Dave Mankikar

when the mind is quiet

when all questions cease

One-ness flowers, the not-twoness blossoms,

and all is known .................... the mind laughs ........ the heart rejoices

words are words, similies similies ............... truth remains timelessly the truth

no words are needed


Ah !



Narinder Bhandari


The voice of the wave, always singing ,always seeking answers pining for the source ...BUT

is there a wave ....is there an Ocean.....one are they......or two ?

is the wave in the ocean.....or the Ocean is in the wave ?

and when the wave is no more....is the ocean too no more

or the Ocean remains ?.....and is the wave really no more ?

Will it be nevermore?......Who knows, who knows, who knows!!

When the wave is no more,....Who knows, who knows, who knows!

Was it ever there?... Was it there indeed?

Did it toil and boil?....When the wave is no more,

Who knows, who knows, who knows!...

And is there an Ocean?...The Lord of all, The God of worship,

Who knows, who knows, who knows!....AND YET,

Verily He knows, He knows, He knows!

THIS I now know..He knows, He knows, He knows!

And so will you know it one day, some day,

Only Be Quiet TODAY, narinder ....It is your Silence that knows !!!


narinder bhandari



Ram Ram

Not One - but endless - if we start counting His desires it would take us millions of births to finish even 0.00001 % of His list. Ramkrishna


Ram Ram


Dear Sadaks,After Maha Pralaya it is said that nothing exits and only Bagavan remains. It is clearly said how the whole universe vanishes and created. The creation itself is divided into 2 parts. Samastha Sristi. Vesti Sristi. After Maha Pralaya, Bagavan is Ekaaki for long period. When creation exists Bagavan desires all jeevas upliftment. When Nothing exists, HE has No desire. HE is cause and effect, desire and desire less.B.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Only ONE ! He says... I created the shrishti for you... but I created you for ME. Become MINE ! Become My Friend, or My Lover, or whatever you wish.,,,, SIMPLY BECOME MINE. NO ONE ELSEs !

Meera Das, Ram Ram


There is one pre-supposition that needs to be cleared-----Yes, the wave is part of Ocean, the whole ! True. But Ocean is part of Water, the Whole. Water is there in Rain,Clouds, Oceans, Rivers, Waves, Our own gastric juice, urine, thirst, luster of skin, intelligence,etc... It is one of the Pancha tattvas, and not the other way around !!

Dave Mankikar


Dear Sadhakas, Namaskar,Bramhan, Iswar, God Allah and the like are not Individuals. Allare the same....Energy. All...are Shaktis and not Vyaktis. If you compare the properties of the Four Fundamental Physical Forces, namely Gravitational force/ield, Electromagnetic force/field, Strong Nuclear Force, which is responsible for the existence of all Atoms and the weak Nuclear force which distributes energy...you will realise that these properties are exactly the same as visualised by the GreatThinkers of the Past (GTPs)regarding Bramhan.GeeWaman---------------------



"My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists)."


EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL FOR ANY SEEKER WHAT YOU SUGGEST IS. NO DOUBTS THERE. Yes, it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that one is not deluding oneself in the name either experience or the scriptures. However, I would add another caution here above the scriptures ...


Tapa, Dama, Karma and Veda are essential to appreciate the experience in the right perspective. Tasyai tapo damah karmeti pratishThaa vedaah sarvaangaani.


However, THE TRUTH SHOULD BE IN THE PEDESTAL to appreciate the appreciation gained from the scriptures ... Satyamaayatanam.


Thank you very much for sharing your concern. The concern is of greatest value for all the fellow Sadhakas.




Naga Narayana



dear sadhaks,


in the 1430 pages of the sikh holy book ........shri Guru Grantha Sahib .............. each page is Purnam , complete Guru ...................... and amongst the hymns of each page , each hymn is the ultimate Wisdom for the seeking heart ........

and also true is the fact ............... that each word too is Purnam

but when narinder was reading the Holy Book 50 years ago...was it so for narinder ???

a word was a word, a page was a page,the Holy Book was the holy book .............. to be bowed to .................... to revere and extol ....................

words were just words .......... at best understood intellectually ...............

The same could be said of the Bhagvada Geetha , which too appeared before narinder , when he was 20........... that was 50 years ago...................Ah !



narinder bhandari


Jai Shri Hari,Dear Nag NarayanJi,I can never think of underestimating the value of the experience. The scriptures themselves are nothing but the revelation of the experiences of the TRUTH by many. My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists).Thanks & Best RegardsNiteesh Dubey


Interesting daily message today @


"Vasudeva Sarvam" - Everything is God. Yet, God has nothing with Him.

May be He desires companionship as earlier stated..

"ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Very Interesting !

Anil K

Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

He wished only ONE thing.... that we depend on Him and Him alone...

He wants us to be like the "chaatak" bird that only looks to the rain clouds for it's source of water. NOTHING ELSE !

"Ek aasaro, ek bal, ek aasviswaas, ek Rama Ghanshyam chaatak Tulasidas."

Only ONE support - only ONE strength - only ONE dependence - belief in only ONE.

Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam !

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Even though , overwhelmed by your love naga jee, narinder sees in your love for narinder-ness , your love true for Krishna .............. your love for the self ....................... Krishna loves only Krishna each word that is supposedly expressed here by naga ................. seems to narinder to be his( narinder's) own expression .............. the arisings of the inner silence that smiles lovingly .................... in expressing your state of being, you have accurately described what narinder would describe as his own ........... why do you steal my words, naga jee ?

Krishna taught us how to steal , is it not ? the Natkhat , Ah! could it be that the non-realisation and realisation of Isavasyam idam sarvam ............ have embraced each other ............ and the one now is the other .............. only the Natkhat knows ! ........... or, that HE always naughtily keeps, and shall continue to keep , something secretly hidden from us in His Leela-being .................. so that , HE can continue to dole out newer and newer expressions of fulfilment .............. calling it the gift of rising into higher and higher Consciousness, higher and yet higher ............ and this expansion of Brahaman, of Consciousness is limitless .................. so ............so, we are doomed to sing and dance , as Krishna would have us dance ............. but what a Gift it is ................... being so doomed !!!

awareness dawns .............. supported by the experiences of all the sages and saints .............. that the Bliss of highest activity/ unactivity is presence ................... being together and sharing silences . Words are not now needed;hence, narinder had suggested that live satsangs could be organised .............. where each sadhak becomes enabled to rise yet higher into Consciousness of Consciousness ...............Love and joy to you, naga jee ..............and all the nagas and narinders, and sushils, and partaps, and niteeshes, and vyases, and narayanas, and shashikalas, and mikes, and sadhnas, yudhvirs, and sarvottams, and narottams , the catherines , the maharishis ....................in fact, to all the waves in the Ocean .........


narinder bhandari


God has created man only for love - "ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Thererfore manifestation of love can only take place in human beings. Of all the species in this world, only human beings are capable of saying "you are mine and I am yours" or "there is you and you alone" (Tu hi Tu). The reason is that God has created this world for all beings, but He has created man for Himself. God has bestowed man with the ability and the power to regard Him as his own and to discard the world. It is only by the ability and power bestowed by God, that man can love God.

From "For Salvation of Mankind" in English pg 195 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


A devotee fulfills God's inner feelings and expressions of "Ekaakine ramate". God has created the world for His devotees, and the devotees forHimself. Therefore a devotees' existence was created only for pleasing God. In reality, the enjoyer of all happiness is only God, not the embodied Soul(jeev). Just like a child is for the mother, similarly the devotee is for God. Besides God, a devotee has no independent existence (no existence of his own).From "Prashnouttermanimala" on Devotee by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Jai Shri Hari,I salute the supreme private and loving word "Ekaaki Na Ramte" of the Supreme which is nothing but the cause/love/power/fuel behind his wish of welfare of all.Dear NarinderJi,----------------------I always love your wordless expressions.You said:.......the Ocean is the wavethe wave is Not the Ocean......You are absolutely correct that the wave is not the ocean. It can never be! The fact is that the wave is nothing but the same water which constitutes the ocean. But again, the water belongs to the ocean and not the ocean belongs to the water. I would let the wave (though it is the water) be the wave which can always beautify the ocean.Dear Nag NarayanJi,----------------------------You mentioned NA KARTITVAM ...(GitaJi 5/14) and said: KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."In my understanding, the shloka 5/14 says that the Supreme/PRABHU does not create/facilitate the doership, action (karma) and association of karma with its result for the men. I do not see any indication about the Supreme not having any wish/desire. This shloka just indicates that the Self/Atma is free from all these (i.e. doership, karma and its results). In my understanding, the Supreme is not only GUNAATEET/MAAYAATEET (i.e free from prakriti/qualities) but he is the GUNAADHEESH/MAAYAADHEESH (i.e. controller of the nature/prakriti) also. That is why he is referred as PURUSHHOTTAM, PARAMAATMA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAM BRHAM,..... (GitaJi -15/17.15/18,10/12,....).If you believe in the word "creation", it itself shows the indication of the wish/desire of the creator/Supreme. The same is clearly indicated at many places in GitaJi.I am the father of the creation. (...TASMIN GARBHAM DADHAAMI AHAM -GitaJi 14/3; AHAM BEEJPRADA PITAA -GitaJi 14/4).In my presidency/control, my own prakriti/nature produces the world (MAYAAADHKSHENA PRAKRITI.. GitaJi 9/10; MAM YONI MAHATBRAHM ...GitaJi 14/3).I manifest myself with my own power (AATMAMAAYAYAA - GitaJI 4/6) to protect/establish the dharma (YADAA YADAA HI ... -GitaJi 4/7)...etc.....I totally agree that the Supreme does not have any obligation otherwise that obligation will be the Supreme. I also agree that he does not have any desire to achieve something for himself as he is totally complete/PURNA but my point is that his wish of "welfare/Kalyaan of all" is not different from his nature. It is just because of his nature, everything is happening (MATTAH SARVAM PRAVARTATE - GitaJi 9/8). Here, I would like to mention that his completeness/PURNATAA is beyond any imagination/concept of the completeness. He is not only complete/PURNA but also referred as the abode of the completeness (BRAHMNO HI PRATISHTHAAHAM - Gitaji 14/27). Everything belonging to him is complete in itself whether it is desire or blessing or ANYTHING. Shri BallabaachaaryaJi calls him (i.e. the Supreme) "PURNAKAAM" in his Nandakumaaraashtakam. In my understanding, only it is only his desire which will always be completed as he only is the independent. He is free in KARTUM (doing), AKARTUM(not-doing) or ANYATHAAKARTUM(doing without any reason).May all be blessed with our father's love!Niteesh Dubey--------



One and only Narinderji, as always the abyss comes out within a droplet :).


Yes! You are the wave as well as the ocean … Yes! You ARE the droplet as well as the Abyss …Indeed! YOU ARE THE ABYSS THAT IS THE DROPLET AS SUCH … Taattvamasi ... so You are … Yo'saavasou so'hamasmi ... and so I am as well as all these ... The Ocean smiles as ever ... the smile pours out from its abyss ... the waves dance in joy being overwhelmed by ITS joy ... the droplets bounce around in absolute harmony with each other in the abundance of The Joy in each as well in all ... THE BLISS IT IS ... THE JOY EVERYTHING IS ...


Tattvam pooshannapaavriNu satyadharmaaya drishTaye ... this droplet wonders ... why doesn't this droplet realize that The Joy around is the same as The Joy within which is THE ABSOLUTE BLISS that is pouring out from The Abyss of THAT that is this within as well as all around as ever??? ... WHY !!! HyraNmayena paatrena satyaasyaapihitam mukham ... the stupid fellow that this is should respond to THE TRUTH around and within ... it is time, it should start shedding its masks that it covets for no reason ... even the creature it is named after does so shedding its sparkling skin again and again ... why can't this fellow do the same?! ... to be just the droplet that it really is ... to be the wave it truly is ... to be The Abyss it indeed is ... to BE the OCEAN it absolutely is ... it IS time ... why don't you teach this fellow Narinderji?! why don't you??!! ... I beg ...



Naga Narayana.










I truly appreciate your concern as well as your zeal to understand our GREAT HOLY SCRIPTURES … I sincerely bow to your reverence in absolute reverence.




But, I am tempted to intercept your queiry to Narinderji on one aspect. You say, "The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone". Yes indeed. But, don't you think that the easiest of all that is available to everyone is oneself … one's very experience?! To me the words that come out of experience are like the seers coming out of a dip in the Holy Ganges to teach me. The words coming out from sincere experience in all sincerity is above everything, even the Vedas. Because, eve the Vedas came out through the revalations coming out from the same sincere experience at once.




You say, "The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words." Again, how true indeed is your appreciation. No words and interpretations can exaplin the scriptures. Also, don't you see this ... no words can explain THAT, not even the scriptures! KaTha says, "Devainatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyamaNuresha dharmah" ... forget you, me and scriptures; even all the cosmic forces put together cannot!!! That is why all the vocubulary and sounds are just some superficial mimicry of something that is in the ABYSS within ... the droplets and waves cannot define the ocean ... but, the ocean can ... and, does :).




How can anyone go in contrary to THAT?! ONLY ONE THING CAN EVER MISLEAD US … INSINCERE APPRECIATION, UNTRUTHFUL UNDERSTANDING, and EGO-CENTRIC OBSERVATION … Devoid of these three ingedients of one's cataract, every eye sees THE TRUTH AND TRUTH ALONE …




Therefore, the worthy question here is "do we have such cataract? and, if so, why are we not doing anything to it??" If we respect scriptures, we HAVE TO RESPECT THIS, in my opinion, since the scriptures respect this above themselves.









Naga Narayana.


Jai Shri Hari, Dear All, I thank you for your responses.It is absolutely true that BhagavaanJi who is everything and all powerful can do anything just by his sankalp/will and he has been doing from eternity but his only weakness is that he can not turn his child (i.e.embodied soul) towards himself unless the child accepts that move. The reason for this is that the Jeev (i.e. embodied soul) itself is holding the self created artificiality/affinity with the lower nature of the Supreme (GitaJi-7/5) and both of the natures (i.e. jeev/higher/PARAA and the lower/APARAA) are empowered by the Supreme and the Supreme, being equal (GitaJi- 5/19), can never do any injustice to any one. It is solely the jeev's responsibility to accept that move. Being SUHRID/friend (GitaJi-5/29), he can only wish and suggest (UDDHARET - GitaJi 6/5) the jeev for that move. Had he ever be capable of turning a jeev for that move without jeev's acceptance, there would not have been the need of this world, Scriptures, Saints, Dharmas etc..All these are available for us just because of his eternel wish of benefit/kalyaan for all his children. My dear brothers & sisters, nothing is meaningless in our father's kingdom. All his wills/sankalps are following his eternal wish of welfare of all. We should note that the will/sankalp to do something always follows a wish and not the other way.Our Supreme father is also known as "SHIVA" which means "KALYAAN/welfare" (i.e. our father's nature/SWAROOP is for the welfare/KALYAAN of all). Shri ShankaraachaaryaJi says in ATMAASTAKAM that "I am CHIT/consciousness , ANAND/bliss and KALYAAN/welfare" ( CHIDAANANDROOPAM SHIVOHAM SHIVOHAM). In other words, living in the the eternal supreme wish of welfare of all is not different from living in the self which is consciousness and bliss.Dear DeosaranJi, Regarding your sentence "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities.- GITA 18:61)", the Supreme/God/Ishwar is NOT directing the wanderings of all living entities, the wandering is happening by the MAAYAA (please note the word "MAAYAYAA" in that shloka) which is empowered by the Supreme. The reason of this wandering is not the MAAYAA/prakriti/nature but the jeev itself which has been trying to enjoy the qualities/products of MAAYAA/prakriti/nature.May the Supreme bless us all.Niteesh Dubey


Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supreme preferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are the authority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi 16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supreme revealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/ Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23) at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words. Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum. I do not know your answers but in my understanding, I would say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wish which takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all! ...........................Niteesh Dubey


dear Niteesh Dubey jee,

thank you for your deep thoughts .............what you say is True.............. there is NO disagreement in narinder.................

the sharing is all Krishna's Play ....................we all have our lines to say ...............


why does narinder answer the questions raised in this forum? his totally honest answer is , " I donot know ! "


and the more questions and answers i become aware of reading or answering ............... the deeper becomes narinder's awareness that he indeed does NOT know !

But ................there is also deep awareness of Stillness, of Silence, of the Ocean that keeps waving for its own Joy ....


and ah, naga narayana jeeo.................why is it so ? how is it so..... and why must it be so ? how can narinder know ?


aum the waves keep rising ....arise only to subside ...first, second and the last are born to die ...and in the embrace of the Ocean lie the ocean smiles ................... smiles and smiles ...............and keeps smiling ........................... Tat Twam Asi , you are the Ocean , narinder, says the Mind Aham Brahamasmi, I know, says the heart ah, how can the wave fathom the Ocean ! ? ! the Ocean smiles and smiles ...and knows the Mind is a lie, but the heart never lies .................... are you the Mind , narinder , or, the heart are you ? both, or , neither ................ the Ocean are you ..................???? the Ocean is the wave the wave is Not the Ocean only the Self knows the self how can the other know ? how can nari or narinder know !

the Ocean smiles .................................


narinder bhandari----------------






Does the Supreme have any wish/desire?





Tasmai sa hovaacha prajaakaamo vai prajaapatih | Sa tapo tapyata | Sa tapastaptvaa | Sa mithunamutpaadayate | Rayim cha praanam chetyetou me bahudhaa prajaah karishyata iti ||





In Prashnopanishat, the teacher tells the aspirant students when asked how this creation started, "If there is creation, there should be a Creator and there should have been a desire to create in The Creator. If there was a desire, He should have contemplated on that desire generating the conjugation along with the conjugants in matter and energy. He should have let this matter-energy cluster to engage in the conjugation eternally to reproduce themselves in variant forms"





Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |



Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||





KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."





The great Achaarya Gowdapada exclaims, "playful people see a player there, spiteful people see a spiteful fellow there, silent people see silence there, noisy people see noise there … etc.". Similarly, desireful people see a desirer there. They cannot see anything other than desire to be the basis for everything that is perceived because the very perception is rooted in a desire! A RiNi believes Him to be a RiNi as well, while a Dhani thinks Him to be a Dhani as well.





The desire always leaves the individual a RiNi, one with negative balance. The desire always point toward a void within reminding the lack of the object of the desire with the individual. The desire is painful for two reasons - (1) it is making the individual to believe an incompleteness within; and (2) it is making the individual to perceive a lack of freedom as the object of desire remains illusive as well as elusive binding the individual to the desire stronger and stronger. Sense of lack of completeness and freedom is the only pain any individual can ever feel irrespective of the apparent reasons, whatsoever. The desireful individual remains RiNi because of the RiNaatmaka Chintana (negative thinking) believing in the perceived incompleteness within and hence experiencing the lack of freedom.





On the other hand, the desire cannot reach a Dhani, one who is overflowing with surplus in everything. The Omniscient who has everything in abundance can only give - (1) nothing more can be taken in being full; (2) there is no need to look for more being satisfied within; and (3) there is none who can offer something because the omniscience includes everything as such. The Completeness within is in full bloom and the constraints from around are non-existent to a Dhani, one who also thinks positively and realizes in excess within having no room for any wants.





The essentials for existence of a desire are: (1) one should lack something within; (2) one should be different from the missing thing; and (3) one should be a subset of a dominion which contains both the desirer as well as the objects of the desire. The Omniscient is ALL-INCLUSIVE ... PoorNamadah poorNamidam poorNaatpoorNam udachyate, poorNasya poorNamaadaaya poorNamevaavashishyate ... incorporates everything manifested, unmanifested and anything else ... how can there be any addition or subtraction THERE? Therefore, how can The Omnipotent accommodate any desire in any form? If He desires, how can He be Omnipotent?










Naga Narayana.



-----------------NamasteThe concepts of "desire", "wishes", 'wants" are earthly or of this world,applicable to mere mortals. Humans and animals desire and wish for things theydo not have, or are unable to achieve.Bhagavan is All-Pervading, that is, absolute, all-comprehending,all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling,all-including, and all-inclusive.Bhagavan is Omniscient, that is, having complete or unlimited knowledge,awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.Bhagavan is Omnipotent, that is having unlimited authority or infinite in power.Everything comes from Bhagavan; He has everything; He can do anything; hence noneed for Him desiring or wishing for anything.Here are a few scriptural passages to describe the nature of Bhagavan:"That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east, and west, andalso overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreadsthroughout both the material and spiritual skies."~~ MUNDAKA UPANISHAD 2.1.1"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directingthe wanderings of all living entities."~~ GITA 18:61"Bhagavan is He who possesses without limit the six types of opulence â€"strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation."~~ VISHNU PURANAAll this world is pervaded by me in My unmanifested form: all beings exist inMe, but I do not dwell in them.Nor do beings exist in Me (in reality), behold My Divine Yoga! Bringing forthand supporting the beings, My Self does not dwell in them.As the mighty wind, moving always everywhere, rests ever in the Akaasha, knowthou, that even so do all beings rest in Me. GITA 9:4-6Ram Ram,Deosaran Bisnath.----------------Yes, the Super-entity is indeed "complete". According to one analogy, the"ultimate reality" is lonely, and creates a world that is "non existent" inreality, out of its own self, but not separate from itself, and is called as"Maya-- a reality unto itself, which exists and yet has no independentexistence". This world is supposed to be a "Leela"---a play, of "dancing"figurines at the will of the Super being, like a day dream, which will come toan end at "pralaya--kaal", just as dreams come to an end on waking up, and willbe swallowed by the Super being, only to be reassembled at some later time in a"new" play.Modern analogy is that of a "Black hole" that swallows entiregalaxies, and then the nuclear power inside the black hole cannot contain itselfanymore, becomes "super heated" and leaks out into new galaxies, perhaps with"new / different lives", only to be swallowed up again in another "billions" ofhuman years, into that black hole.That's the best explanation as Iunderstand.When the galaxies are "sucked up", will they come back in the sameform when the black hole "spews them out" in future ? Will there be differentlife forms ? Will the structure of these new galaxies be different ? This is thesame question as to what will happen to us after death ? Or what will happen tothe bubble in a wave of ocean, after it ruptures ? Will it even be reborn intoanother bubble? Will this new bubble be similar or different ? Will it rememberits past life / lives ? Will it attain Moksha ?Does it matter ?While this galaxylasts, if it regenerates while it "exists", what principles will it follow ? OurVedantic explanation so far, is past karmas ! Therefore do well unto yourselfand unto others. You will also attain satisfaction that you have done goodhonestly, whatever you could and also tried to help others out of their miseries!!After that it is upto that Super being !!dDurgesh Mankikar,MD-------------------A pure devotee is neither happy or distressed over material gain and loss, noris he anxious on getting a disciple or not getting them. If he loses someone orsomething dear to him he does not lament. If he does not get what he desires heis not distressed. This person is transcendental in the face of all auspicious,inauspicious and sinful activities. He accepts all risks to satisfy the SupremeLord. Nothing impedes devotional service...Such a devotee is dear to Krsna.Inall this statement the fundamental answer is that the desire/wish is for thedevotee to be at one with the Divine.Om Shanti-catherine AndersonYes Paramatmatatva is beyond description---------------Nari-Narinder samvaada continues to be par-excellent!! Thank you for therevelations from the abyss of your presence, Narinderji!Regards.Naga Narayana.-------------------Respected Sadhaka brindam:In reply to the question raised by Niteeshji I would like to bring the followingreferences from Vedas and Bhagavadgita so that everyone can draw their ownconclusions as to whether the God as wishes and desires or not. I prefer tocall it as HIS Sankalpa or Will. 1. Nasadiya Suktam from RigVeda has a referenceto this Sankalpa.Nasadiya Sukta from Rigveda deals with the subject of what was there before thecreation and how the creation started. It is fascinating to see many of theideas of scientific thinking of "Black Holes", "Big Bang Theory" and"Uncertainty Principle" etc.are all found in this Sukta and is widely quoted bymany scientists in their discussions on cosmology.According to this Sukta, Inthe beginning everything is unmanifest as in the expression "Tamaaseet tamasaa Guudhamagre' meaning 'In the beginning darkness was engulphed in darkness' andthen it continues with the third stanza 'Kaamastadagre samavartatadhi Manasorethah prathamam' meaning ' In the beginning that Samkalpa which is the firstseed of the Mind sprouted'.2. In the Hiranyagarbha Sukta also it is said ' Hiranyagarbhah Samvartatagrebhutasya jaatah patireka aaseet' meaning ' The Supreme manifested asHiranyagarbha first and became the Lord of all creatures'3. From the Supreme, as per Tittireya Upanishad, "Tadeikshata bahusyamprajaayeya" meaning "let me be many" sprouted.4. In Bhagadgita Ch.9 verse 10, the Lord said ' Mayyadhyaksena prakrithihSuyate Sacharacharam' meaning 'Under my command Prikriti brings forth themoving and unmoving'.In conclusion I would like to point out that instead calling a wish/desire ofthe Lord a better way saying may be by HIS Will. The creation is referred to asthe Dream of the Lord and we are all the characters in HIS DREAM and do notreally exist as per Yogavasishta. If our dreams are at the will of our mind,the Creation is the Dream at the Will of the Supreme or Cosmic Mind.I thank the organizers of this forum to express these thoughts. "LokaahSamashtaah Sukhino Bhavantu'Balrama Murty Vempaty Dear Sadak,Bagavan-Supreme- formless- Poornathuvam (All complete)- Not Object (Apprameyam)Etc little said as God by Upanashids. But in Script of Saint Jayadevar, GarudaPuran, Gnaneswari of Sant Gnaneswar, Srimath Bagavath Etc says, that when a puresoul goes to Vaikunt, it crosses Virja River with Pradama Dharshan of Sri MahaVishnu, the reaches Vaikunt. Then Bagavan asks that Soul, "Where have you beenall these days." Means that Bagavan desired each and everyone of us to reachHIM. Such a wish or desire is called in divine name "Sankalpa". Example: SriKrishna came here to establish Dharma. Sri Krishna in various roop (As said inGeetha) appears to Bakthas, dwells with them, protects them and ultimately takesto HIS abode. The word definition of desire is said in Geetha that it is a needof mind, that need is never ending, and the desire is that which is like Gheepored on fire grows multiform but DOES not suppress. The desire that which isfor good of others WITHOUT expecting least out of it is NOT called desire. Thedesire to have more and more is called GREED.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------Yes the Supreme Reality wants us to know the purpose of Human Birth, assist Theein the maintenence of His Grand wondrous Design by following Laws of Nature(Rta) and performing social work for the welfare of all Thy children i.e. entiremankind. This divine wish of our Supreme Father is mentioned in great details inVedas and partially in Bhagavad Gita where lord tell us if He does not work evenfor a shortwhile great harm will be done to the entire Creation.with regards,Prem Sabhlok-----------------------Jai Shri Hari,Dear All, I thank you all for your responses.Dear Moderator, I am sorry that this response is little long. This questioncame to my mind after reading the responses in thediscussion threads related to "desire" & "SARVABOOTHITERATAAH"posted few days ago and the word "HITKAAMYAYAA" (i.e. wish/desirefor the benefit/HIT/welfare/KALYAANA) used by the Lord Shri KishNain GitaJi-10/1 to indicate that He, the Supreme, does have a wish/kaamana/desire but that is not because of any incompleteness or lack or affinitywith something else as there is nothing beyond him (MATTAH PARATARM NAANYAT -GitaJi 7/7) and he is everything (VAASUDEVSARVAM ITI - GitaJi 7/19). His "wish" is not only for Arjun but for every beingsas he is well wisher for all the beings (SUHRIDAMSARVABHOOTAANAM - GitaJi -5/29). Similarly, the following lines of GitaJiindicate that the Supreme, who is ever complete/PURNA/blissful, does not feelhappy/satisfied with respect to his supreme wish when the human beings (who areeligible for the supreme goal) leave their bodies without getting the realbenefit (i.e. attaining the real goal).APRAAPYA MAAM NIVARTANTE MRITYUSANSAARVARTMANI (9/3)MAAM APRAAPAIVA KAUNTEYA TATO YAANTI ADHAMAAM GATIM(16/20).In my understanding, this wish (i.e. wish for the welfare of all) is theeternal supreme wish which has been empowering the Nature(MAYAA ADYAKSHENA PRAKRITI..-GitaJi 9/10., MAM YONIRMAHADBRAHM GitaJi-14/3) from eternity to become a place holderfor the Jeevs (embodied souls) so that they can attain their true swaroop/natureby shedding off the foreign elements (i.e. elements belonging to the Nature)they have gathered from time immemorial. Infact, this wish is not something thatthe Supreme has to do/create/bring it the way normal human beings do. This isintrinsic/integral/built-in part of his own nature/swaroop.So, if the Supremehas this wish, then why not the beings (at least thehuman beings) as Bhagaan Sri KirshNa says "human beings follow mypaths in every way" (MAM VARTAANUVARATANTE MANUSHYAPAARTH SARVASHAH - GitaJi 3/23, 4/11). In otherwords, our truenature/swaroop must also have the same in-built eternal wish (i.e. wish for thebenefit/welfare of all). We might not be feeling it or we might not be trying tofeel it or we might be restricting it just because of thelimitations/bondage/artificiality we have created due to our own ignorance Theword "CHIKIRSHHU" in GitaJi -3/25 does indicate that this supreme wish isenabled in the realized souls too. TulsidasJi MahaRaaj also says that thesupreme and his true follower/devotee, without any reason, are always engagedfor the benefit of all ("HETU RAHIT JAG YUG UPAKAARII | TUM TUMHAAR SEVAKASURAARI" ). Swami RamSukhdashJi, at some place, mentioned about a divineshakti/power called as "SARVA BHOOT HITAISHHINI" which is always engaged inexecuting the supreme wish of helping all the beings. He says, this is theshakti/power which helps the great people who are always engaged for the benefitof many/all.The scriptures do suggest the saadhaks/aspirants to be engaged inforthe benefit of all ( SARVA BHOOT HITE RATA - GitaJi 5/25, 12/5)specially for the the aspirants following the path of the knowledge,meditation etc. in which they start their spiritual journey byunderstanding/focusing on the "self" dwelling in their bodies. There is no needto emphasize this for the aspirants following the path of devotion and selflesskarmas as, by definition, they must be following their wishes of welfare of allby serving the God/Viswaroop. In my understanding, this is not asuggestion/advice but it is a reminder about the intrinsic nature of the trueself. The suggestions by the scriptures are always aligned with the true natureof the beings.The same supreme wish is also reflected as "dhram-yuktakaam/desire/wish in all beings" ( DHARMAAVIRUDDHO BHUTESHHU KAAMOSMI -GitaJi 7/11)". Here the key is "dharma" which is the carrier of the samesupreme wish (i.e. "benefits/welfare of all"). The results of the execution ofthat supreme wish by the individuals might appear limited due to the variousconstraints (e.g. body, place, time, circumstances etc.) but living in that wishis no different than living in the root of that wish. A very good example of"dharma-yukta desire" can be seen in the life of King Dasharath when heapproaches the sage Vashishtha with a desire of having son. His desire was notfor himself to be called as a father but to give a noble heir for thekingdom/subjects which was more dearer than his own life. As long as, thewish/desire is aligned with the supreme wish, it will help us lead to the rootof the supreme wish. Whether we wish/desire for the benefit of all or have the wish/desire to attain the root of thiswish (i.e. supreme/God ), it will lead us the same goal. We should note thatthere is no difference between the Supreme and his wish. The suggestion toaspirants of "having desire to attain the supreme" (MAAMIPCHHAPTUM -GitaJi12/10) by the Supreme is nothing but the same supreme wish told from theperspective of the aspirant. Closure the aspirant is with theSupreme/SELF/TRUTH, better he understands the supreme wish and he could bechosen to be the medium ( "NIMITTAMAATRAM BHAV SAVYASAACHIN" - GitaJi 11/33) of executing thatsupreme wish. Some time, the realized souls (e.g. KAARAK PURUSHHA)descend to follow that supreme wish and some time the Supreme himselfdescend to execute his supreme wish (YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA...GitaJi-4/7).Dear VineetJi, The supreme simply means "nothing is beyond that". He is calledby infinite names (RAM, KRISHNA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAMAATMA, PURUSHHOTTAM,GOD,...). You are correct that his wish can not be sensed by the mind, buddhiof an unrealized soul but thequestion did encourage to reveal the thoughts based upon thescriptures which are revealed by the supreme self or self-realized personalities. I did revisit the page 61 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindu where "Chup Saadhan" is described. My question wasnot about the saadhan for an individual towards his/herrealization but it was about understanding the message/wishfrom the Supreme that might include the goals of every beings.DearGauravJi, What you mentioned is the general definition of the desire in beingscreated out of ignorance/attachment. That desire mustbe removed towards realizing the supreme wish/desire. In mylimited understanding, understanding the wish of the mastershould be well known by the servant/lover so that he can serve/love his master better. The mercy of God is not without areason. The reason is his intrinsic wish of taking care of all. DearPratapJi, His supreme wish is always supported by his Leela (divine play/celebration) which work without any effort. His Leela is alwaysblissful but meaningful though the meaning may not be understoodeasily.Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supremepreferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are theauthority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supremerevealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23)at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easilyavailable teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization cannot go against the scriptures although the realization can notbe fully interpreted in the words.Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum.I do not know your answers but in my understanding, Iwould say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wishwhich takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all!Niteesh Dubey=======================================================The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comesback to HIS home...Komal.Chhabria-------------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahIf by the english word "The Supreme" if you mean "Paramatmatattva"(the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whetheryou have understood from Swamiji's writing -"experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS"(Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyonddescription and not the subject of mind/intellect.So be it,Vineet Sarvottam------------------------------Hari Om. Shree Hari.There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport .I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception ofreality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completelyindependent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perceptionbecause we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions aresometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and youwant it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product ofaffinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter,they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in frontof us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories andrealize the Truth.Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire orwish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scopefor a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has everything in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme hasno need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: Hecontains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everythingin the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained inHim and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So theSupreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functionsthe way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothingremaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire ofHis own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less thanComplete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happensin this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.Basudeb Sen-------------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for usis to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearlydescribes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. "Yo na hrsyatina dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa mepriyah. "(Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does notlament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities,such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, inthe name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna'sdesire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service inthe form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. ThankYou. Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------Dear sir,If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the centralreserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpato become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the trueproposer not we humansBadri Narayana Miriyala-Dear Ones, Namaste!Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.InIT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligencemanifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beautyemanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetryout-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of thesethrough Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifestingthem while hiding in them! It seems that "doing" without desire is Creativity,Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, alreadyfulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack orinsufficiency to fulfill through "doing"!In the former possibility fordisappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt- DearSadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of theCreation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of humanbrain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman-------------------------The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , didBrahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son,You are Brahman ! "In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction ofBrahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit ," Lord... Lovingly , youbestow !But Brahman does not understand ! "To the humble Brahman did Brahmanthen instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift toyou...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ...The Knowledge of Brahman ! "Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyeswith Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end. But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. TheSelf " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Giftof Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahmansit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... "Yugas was only aword... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was,was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile onBrahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke "Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates mysoul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jaijai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joyindeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow !" Krishna ..You are Brahman indeed !! "In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory ofBrahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! TheTen were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which willKeep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman toBrahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to thenon willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being !It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holyscriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greaterScripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, theBeing revelling in that Silence ........... ah !AUM narinder bhandari-----------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Jai Shri HariDear Saadhaks,Please reveal your thoughts about whether the supreme who is ever complete hasany wish/desire (although the word "desire" many not be suitable). It would begood if those thoughts are supported by the holy scriptures.May God bless us all!Niteesh Dubey-----------------------------NEW POSTING

Supreme may have a wish to see his subject world rhymes and synchronises with himSUBHASH CHANDER TEWARI




Namaste Sadhaks


Thank You Mr Vyas ! I am indeed witnessing that sadhaks can also find out weaknesses in Almighty God. So sweet now appear the messages of Miraji Dass. Now if you have reconciled to ONE desire, where is obstacle in reconciling to infinite desires as stated by Ramakrishna.? Just a thought...please continue the divine satsanga.


Audrey Rodrigues-----


but when narinder was reading the Holy Book 50 years ago...was it so for narinder ??? a word was a word, a page was a page,the Holy Book was the holy book ............ .. to be bowed to ............ ........ to revere and extol ............ ........words were just words .......... at best understood intellectually ............ ...

The same could be said of the Bhagvada Geetha, , which too appeared before narinder , when he was 20.......... . that was 50 years ago......... ......... .Ah !


This Moment Now ................... Krishna's words, and Nanak's songs

in narinder's being ,have begun to dance ............... as Love divine ...............

if today ................. the Celestial Song has become the song of songs

to inspire narinder to walk the path ........... and share the moment with you If words have begun to reveal their intelligence true ............... the praise is to Krishna, the Guru, the Satguru Govinda ....................... the Natkhat Himself entering the heart to walk the Path of paths !!!!



narinder bhandari


Hari OmLong discussion has taken place on the waves and oceans...with no conclusion in the end. No one can reach to any conclusions till one forgets both about waves and oceans and concentrates only on element called water. Talking about waves and oceans is mind, talking about only water is sadhak.Sadhak Kishin Chandiramani ! In fact what Miraji Dass has stated is ONLY REALISTIC. There is nothing wrong in relationship of Father and Son/Daughter assumed between Jeeva and Jagdish, The relationship of Father and Son/Daughter in Jagat has roots existing of eternal relationship of Jeeva and Jagdish. It is not a worldly relationship-as a law. In Scriptures it is said: Pitaabhi Jayate Putrah ! A father only takes birth again as son/daughter. That is how one becomes many. When Paramatma was all alone , he being ONE, decided to become MANY. A worldly relationship of Father/Son is a mere continuation of our relationship with Paramatma. THEREFORE, if you do not do any sadhana but if you are merely SERVING your this birth parents , you get emancipated.Hence we are His children. Indeed, He has created this shrishti for us, His children for His Divine Leela and to play with us as His children... As rightly said by Miraji Dass...but God has created we all exclusively for Himself. In Gita at many places (Refer 9:16, 14:3, 14:4 etc) , God has declared Himself to be the Father of all of us. Hence I don't see the slightest of inconsistency with Truth in the statements that We are children of God, He is our father, this Jagat is created by our Father for us to participate in His Leela/Divine Play, and at the end revert to Him as we are His and His only ...not of Jagat but of Jagdish. Unfortunately... We as players have become so engrossed in play that Mother is eagerly waiting for us at home...but foolishly we have forgotten our home and are playing, sufferring, winning, loosing, got ourselves lost...and instead of remembering our relationship with Jagdish , have established relationship with Jagat. A child can forget mother but a mother never forgets child. HENCE father Paramatma desires His sons/daughters...all Jeevas to come home, have nice dinner, take rest ( vishraam) and be fresh again for yet another task of Papa.Audreyji ! As the divine luck would have it, I think you got your answer in the same posting, your query was posted.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas, N B --

Hari OmBetween reply by our Miraji Dass and by Ramakrishnaji , if I am asked to choose, I will go by reply of Miraji Dass. I would have accepted gleefully the reply of Ramakrishnaji , had here instead of God , the Jeeva was referred.In Gitaji there are many verses which say that God is desireless and has no doership in Him. (Eg 3:22, 9:9 etc) ! Thus on one hand, AS A LAW- When you have any desire , you get bondaged. On other hand what Miraji has stated is a desire. Hence actually God MUST experience bondage !! Gleefully, the ONE desire referred by Miraji Dass, actually, makes God bondaged to the devotee. (Main to Hoon Bhaktan ka Dass , Bhakta Mere Mukut Mani- I am slave to my Devotees, my Devotees are jewels of my crown) BG 9:29, 9:30, 9:31, 10:10, 10:11, entire Chapter 12 (reference of 'sa me priyah') and many other verses confirm categorically what has been stated by Miraji Dass out of sheer love for Prabhu. In fact, basically, this one desire referred by Miraji Dass, is so real and correct, that God due to His this desire only lowers Himself and takes AVATAAR as a human- Paritranaay sadhunaam !! Oh ! Divine Sadhaks !! We are in the Kingdom of Paramatma !!! All merciful, all powerful....ready to dance to our tunes, ready to take 100 steps towards us, if we just take one !!! We have come to know about His weakness !!! Iron is hot, ( We already have human life) Strike, Sir (Say- Mere to Girdhar Gopaal , Doosaro Na Koi- ACCEPT...ACCEPT ) ! Gopis of Braj used to make Lord Krishna dance for a cup of Butter milk. What are we waiting for ? BECOME HIS, O SADHAKS, BECOME HIS.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


The Supreme ! How Can ....?

We are asking as to what the Creator of this shrishtee want from his creation ? His relationship, we seem to consider as that of our wordly relationship of a father/mother with a child....


...Think, lets be realistics.

Kishin Chandiramani



The Supreme has revealed only one desire to his Creation which is for us to observe his laws and get back to him in Moksh. He may have other desires but unless we are blessed into a state of moksh how can we as the creation have any right logically speaking to know his desires?

His laws require us to have desire but with non-attachment to it as beautifully expounded to us by Bhagwan Krishna, and as Swami ji also use the phrase of 'selfless desire' to explain these tricky questions. Desire itself is part of His cosmic law and there is nothing wrong with desire itself as with Karma and indeed desire is a prelude to karma. But for moksh we are guided to perform karma, which we all must - even Bhagwan Krishna said he too - but we must do it through the principles of karma-yoga. Similarly for desire we must have desire as is His law but we must ensure it is with non-attachment, which is another subject altogether.

The Supreme does have desire, in my opinion.

Anil Bhanot

PS- Geewaman ji mentions Allah or Yehwah God are not individuals, but then they cannot be lumped in with the Brahman as they are still personal Gods, not impersonal like Brahman. Brahman never ordered the killings of people anywhere but both those Abrahamic Gods did and killed people, entire villages, so these Gods are personal not like Brahman. Equally the Hindu personal Gods which require animal sacrifice cannot be equated to Brahman. These desires of purposeless killings are of a lower nature with attachment and violate Bhagwan Krishna's doctrine of 'Non-Attachment'.


Anil Bhanot





The messages of Mira Dass and Ramakrishna both are giving contradictory views. In fact both answers are beyond my knowledge I acquired so far. How can DESIRELESS God have infinite desires? How one desire? I read in this Forum only that every desire creates a bondage for one who desires. Does God also get bondaged? What about God being disinterested friend and doershipless all the times. I think I read in Gita translations that in Chapter 3 God says I am doershipless. How can can have even one DESIRE what to speak of infinite desires. Will both of you clarify please.


Audrey Rodrigues--------------------------



There is one pre-supposition that needs to be cleared-----Yes, the wave is part of Ocean, the whole ! True. But Ocean is part of Water, the Whole. Water is there in Rain,Clouds, Oceans, Rivers, Waves, Our own gastric juice, urine, thirst, luster of skin, intelligence, etc... It is one of the Pancha tattvas, and not the other way around !! Dave Mankikar

when the mind is quiet

when all questions cease

One-ness flowers, the not-twoness blossoms,

and all is known .................... the mind laughs ........ the heart rejoices

words are words, similies similies ............... truth remains timelessly the truth

no words are needed


Ah !



Narinder Bhandari


The voice of the wave, always singing ,always seeking answers pining for the source ...BUT

is there a wave ....is there an Ocean.....one are they......or two ?

is the wave in the ocean.....or the Ocean is in the wave ?

and when the wave is no more....is the ocean too no more

or the Ocean remains ?.....and is the wave really no more ?

Will it be nevermore?......Who knows, who knows, who knows!!

When the wave is no more,....Who knows, who knows, who knows!

Was it ever there?... Was it there indeed?

Did it toil and boil?....When the wave is no more,

Who knows, who knows, who knows!...

And is there an Ocean?...The Lord of all, The God of worship,

Who knows, who knows, who knows!....AND YET,

Verily He knows, He knows, He knows!

THIS I now know..He knows, He knows, He knows!

And so will you know it one day, some day,

Only Be Quiet TODAY, narinder ....It is your Silence that knows !!!


narinder bhandari



Ram Ram

Not One - but endless - if we start counting His desires it would take us millions of births to finish even 0.00001 % of His list. Ramkrishna


Ram Ram


Dear Sadaks,After Maha Pralaya it is said that nothing exits and only Bagavan remains. It is clearly said how the whole universe vanishes and created. The creation itself is divided into 2 parts. Samastha Sristi. Vesti Sristi. After Maha Pralaya, Bagavan is Ekaaki for long period. When creation exists Bagavan desires all jeevas upliftment. When Nothing exists, HE has No desire. HE is cause and effect, desire and desire less.B.Sathyanarayan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

Only ONE ! He says... I created the shrishti for you... but I created you for ME. Become MINE ! Become My Friend, or My Lover, or whatever you wish.,,,, SIMPLY BECOME MINE. NO ONE ELSEs !

Meera Das, Ram Ram


There is one pre-supposition that needs to be cleared-----Yes, the wave is part of Ocean, the whole ! True. But Ocean is part of Water, the Whole. Water is there in Rain,Clouds, Oceans, Rivers, Waves, Our own gastric juice, urine, thirst, luster of skin, intelligence,etc... It is one of the Pancha tattvas, and not the other way around !!

Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Dear Sadhakas, Namaskar,Bramhan, Iswar, God Allah and the like are not Individuals. Allare the same....Energy. All...are Shaktis and not Vyaktis. If you compare the properties of the Four Fundamental Physical Forces, namely Gravitational force/ield, Electromagnetic force/field, Strong Nuclear Force, which is responsible for the existence of all Atoms and the weak Nuclear force which distributes energy...you will realise that these properties are exactly the same as visualised by the GreatThinkers of the Past (GTPs)regarding Bramhan.GeeWaman---------------------



"My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists)."


EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL FOR ANY SEEKER WHAT YOU SUGGEST IS. NO DOUBTS THERE. Yes, it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that one is not deluding oneself in the name either experience or the scriptures. However, I would add another caution here above the scriptures ...


Tapa, Dama, Karma and Veda are essential to appreciate the experience in the right perspective. Tasyai tapo damah karmeti pratishThaa vedaah sarvaangaani.


However, THE TRUTH SHOULD BE IN THE PEDESTAL to appreciate the appreciation gained from the scriptures ... Satyamaayatanam.


Thank you very much for sharing your concern. The concern is of greatest value for all the fellow Sadhakas.




Naga Narayana



dear sadhaks,


in the 1430 pages of the sikh holy book ........shri Guru Grantha Sahib .............. each page is Purnam , complete Guru ...................... and amongst the hymns of each page , each hymn is the ultimate Wisdom for the seeking heart ........

and also true is the fact ............... that each word too is Purnam

but when narinder was reading the Holy Book 50 years ago...was it so for narinder ???

a word was a word, a page was a page,the Holy Book was the holy book .............. to be bowed to .................... to revere and extol ....................

words were just words .......... at best understood intellectually ...............

The same could be said of the Bhagvada Geetha , which too appeared before narinder , when he was 20........... that was 50 years ago...................Ah !



narinder bhandari


Jai Shri Hari,Dear Nag NarayanJi,I can never think of underestimating the value of the experience. The scriptures themselves are nothing but the revelation of the experiences of the TRUTH by many. My only suggestion is that the misunderstanding/misinterpretation of the experience should always be corrected by the well established experiences of the truths (i.e. scriptures) until there is no need of understanding/interpreting the experience (i.e. aspirant no more exists).Thanks & Best RegardsNiteesh Dubey


Interesting daily message today @


"Vasudeva Sarvam" - Everything is God. Yet, God has nothing with Him.

May be He desires companionship as earlier stated..

"ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Very Interesting !

Anil K

Ram Ram


Shree Hari Ram Ram

He wished only ONE thing.... that we depend on Him and Him alone...

He wants us to be like the "chaatak" bird that only looks to the rain clouds for it's source of water. NOTHING ELSE !

"Ek aasaro, ek bal, ek aasviswaas, ek Rama Ghanshyam chaatak Tulasidas."

Only ONE support - only ONE strength - only ONE dependence - belief in only ONE.

Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam ! Hari Sharanam !

Meera Das, Ram Ram


Even though , overwhelmed by your love naga jee, narinder sees in your love for narinder-ness , your love true for Krishna .............. your love for the self ....................... Krishna loves only Krishna each word that is supposedly expressed here by naga ................. seems to narinder to be his( narinder's) own expression .............. the arisings of the inner silence that smiles lovingly .................... in expressing your state of being, you have accurately described what narinder would describe as his own ........... why do you steal my words, naga jee ?

Krishna taught us how to steal , is it not ? the Natkhat , Ah! could it be that the non-realisation and realisation of Isavasyam idam sarvam ............ have embraced each other ............ and the one now is the other .............. only the Natkhat knows ! ........... or, that HE always naughtily keeps, and shall continue to keep , something secretly hidden from us in His Leela-being .................. so that , HE can continue to dole out newer and newer expressions of fulfilment .............. calling it the gift of rising into higher and higher Consciousness, higher and yet higher ............ and this expansion of Brahaman, of Consciousness is limitless .................. so ............so, we are doomed to sing and dance , as Krishna would have us dance ............. but what a Gift it is ................... being so doomed !!!

awareness dawns .............. supported by the experiences of all the sages and saints .............. that the Bliss of highest activity/ unactivity is presence ................... being together and sharing silences . Words are not now needed;hence, narinder had suggested that live satsangs could be organised .............. where each sadhak becomes enabled to rise yet higher into Consciousness of Consciousness ...............Love and joy to you, naga jee ..............and all the nagas and narinders, and sushils, and partaps, and niteeshes, and vyases, and narayanas, and shashikalas, and mikes, and sadhnas, yudhvirs, and sarvottams, and narottams , the catherines , the maharishis ....................in fact, to all the waves in the Ocean .........


narinder bhandari


God has created man only for love - "ekaaki ne ramate." (Cannot delight being all alone). Thererfore manifestation of love can only take place in human beings. Of all the species in this world, only human beings are capable of saying "you are mine and I am yours" or "there is you and you alone" (Tu hi Tu). The reason is that God has created this world for all beings, but He has created man for Himself. God has bestowed man with the ability and the power to regard Him as his own and to discard the world. It is only by the ability and power bestowed by God, that man can love God.

From "For Salvation of Mankind" in English pg 195 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


A devotee fulfills God's inner feelings and expressions of "Ekaakine ramate". God has created the world for His devotees, and the devotees forHimself. Therefore a devotees' existence was created only for pleasing God. In reality, the enjoyer of all happiness is only God, not the embodied Soul(jeev). Just like a child is for the mother, similarly the devotee is for God. Besides God, a devotee has no independent existence (no existence of his own).From "Prashnouttermanimala" on Devotee by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Jai Shri Hari,I salute the supreme private and loving word "Ekaaki Na Ramte" of the Supreme which is nothing but the cause/love/power/fuel behind his wish of welfare of all.Dear NarinderJi,----------------------I always love your wordless expressions.You said:.......the Ocean is the wavethe wave is Not the Ocean......You are absolutely correct that the wave is not the ocean. It can never be! The fact is that the wave is nothing but the same water which constitutes the ocean. But again, the water belongs to the ocean and not the ocean belongs to the water. I would let the wave (though it is the water) be the wave which can always beautify the ocean.Dear Nag NarayanJi,----------------------------You mentioned NA KARTITVAM ...(GitaJi 5/14) and said: KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."In my understanding, the shloka 5/14 says that the Supreme/PRABHU does not create/facilitate the doership, action (karma) and association of karma with its result for the men. I do not see any indication about the Supreme not having any wish/desire. This shloka just indicates that the Self/Atma is free from all these (i.e. doership, karma and its results). In my understanding, the Supreme is not only GUNAATEET/MAAYAATEET (i.e free from prakriti/qualities) but he is the GUNAADHEESH/MAAYAADHEESH (i.e. controller of the nature/prakriti) also. That is why he is referred as PURUSHHOTTAM, PARAMAATMA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAM BRHAM,..... (GitaJi -15/17.15/18,10/12,....).If you believe in the word "creation", it itself shows the indication of the wish/desire of the creator/Supreme. The same is clearly indicated at many places in GitaJi.I am the father of the creation. (...TASMIN GARBHAM DADHAAMI AHAM -GitaJi 14/3; AHAM BEEJPRADA PITAA -GitaJi 14/4).In my presidency/control, my own prakriti/nature produces the world (MAYAAADHKSHENA PRAKRITI.. GitaJi 9/10; MAM YONI MAHATBRAHM ...GitaJi 14/3).I manifest myself with my own power (AATMAMAAYAYAA - GitaJI 4/6) to protect/establish the dharma (YADAA YADAA HI ... -GitaJi 4/7)...etc.....I totally agree that the Supreme does not have any obligation otherwise that obligation will be the Supreme. I also agree that he does not have any desire to achieve something for himself as he is totally complete/PURNA but my point is that his wish of "welfare/Kalyaan of all" is not different from his nature. It is just because of his nature, everything is happening (MATTAH SARVAM PRAVARTATE - GitaJi 9/8). Here, I would like to mention that his completeness/PURNATAA is beyond any imagination/concept of the completeness. He is not only complete/PURNA but also referred as the abode of the completeness (BRAHMNO HI PRATISHTHAAHAM - Gitaji 14/27). Everything belonging to him is complete in itself whether it is desire or blessing or ANYTHING. Shri BallabaachaaryaJi calls him (i.e. the Supreme) "PURNAKAAM" in his Nandakumaaraashtakam. In my understanding, only it is only his desire which will always be completed as he only is the independent. He is free in KARTUM (doing), AKARTUM(not-doing) or ANYATHAAKARTUM(doing without any reason).May all be blessed with our father's love!Niteesh Dubey--------



One and only Narinderji, as always the abyss comes out within a droplet :).


Yes! You are the wave as well as the ocean … Yes! You ARE the droplet as well as the Abyss …Indeed! YOU ARE THE ABYSS THAT IS THE DROPLET AS SUCH … Taattvamasi ... so You are … Yo'saavasou so'hamasmi ... and so I am as well as all these ... The Ocean smiles as ever ... the smile pours out from its abyss ... the waves dance in joy being overwhelmed by ITS joy ... the droplets bounce around in absolute harmony with each other in the abundance of The Joy in each as well in all ... THE BLISS IT IS ... THE JOY EVERYTHING IS ...


Tattvam pooshannapaavriNu satyadharmaaya drishTaye ... this droplet wonders ... why doesn't this droplet realize that The Joy around is the same as The Joy within which is THE ABSOLUTE BLISS that is pouring out from The Abyss of THAT that is this within as well as all around as ever??? ... WHY !!! HyraNmayena paatrena satyaasyaapihitam mukham ... the stupid fellow that this is should respond to THE TRUTH around and within ... it is time, it should start shedding its masks that it covets for no reason ... even the creature it is named after does so shedding its sparkling skin again and again ... why can't this fellow do the same?! ... to be just the droplet that it really is ... to be the wave it truly is ... to be The Abyss it indeed is ... to BE the OCEAN it absolutely is ... it IS time ... why don't you teach this fellow Narinderji?! why don't you??!! ... I beg ...



Naga Narayana.










I truly appreciate your concern as well as your zeal to understand our GREAT HOLY SCRIPTURES … I sincerely bow to your reverence in absolute reverence.




But, I am tempted to intercept your queiry to Narinderji on one aspect. You say, "The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone". Yes indeed. But, don't you think that the easiest of all that is available to everyone is oneself … one's very experience?! To me the words that come out of experience are like the seers coming out of a dip in the Holy Ganges to teach me. The words coming out from sincere experience in all sincerity is above everything, even the Vedas. Because, eve the Vedas came out through the revalations coming out from the same sincere experience at once.




You say, "The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words." Again, how true indeed is your appreciation. No words and interpretations can exaplin the scriptures. Also, don't you see this ... no words can explain THAT, not even the scriptures! KaTha says, "Devainatraapi vichikitsitam puraa na hi suvignyeyamaNuresha dharmah" ... forget you, me and scriptures; even all the cosmic forces put together cannot!!! That is why all the vocubulary and sounds are just some superficial mimicry of something that is in the ABYSS within ... the droplets and waves cannot define the ocean ... but, the ocean can ... and, does :).




How can anyone go in contrary to THAT?! ONLY ONE THING CAN EVER MISLEAD US … INSINCERE APPRECIATION, UNTRUTHFUL UNDERSTANDING, and EGO-CENTRIC OBSERVATION … Devoid of these three ingedients of one's cataract, every eye sees THE TRUTH AND TRUTH ALONE …




Therefore, the worthy question here is "do we have such cataract? and, if so, why are we not doing anything to it??" If we respect scriptures, we HAVE TO RESPECT THIS, in my opinion, since the scriptures respect this above themselves.









Naga Narayana.


Jai Shri Hari, Dear All, I thank you for your responses.It is absolutely true that BhagavaanJi who is everything and all powerful can do anything just by his sankalp/will and he has been doing from eternity but his only weakness is that he can not turn his child (i.e.embodied soul) towards himself unless the child accepts that move. The reason for this is that the Jeev (i.e. embodied soul) itself is holding the self created artificiality/affinity with the lower nature of the Supreme (GitaJi-7/5) and both of the natures (i.e. jeev/higher/PARAA and the lower/APARAA) are empowered by the Supreme and the Supreme, being equal (GitaJi- 5/19), can never do any injustice to any one. It is solely the jeev's responsibility to accept that move. Being SUHRID/friend (GitaJi-5/29), he can only wish and suggest (UDDHARET - GitaJi 6/5) the jeev for that move. Had he ever be capable of turning a jeev for that move without jeev's acceptance, there would not have been the need of this world, Scriptures, Saints, Dharmas etc..All these are available for us just because of his eternel wish of benefit/kalyaan for all his children. My dear brothers & sisters, nothing is meaningless in our father's kingdom. All his wills/sankalps are following his eternal wish of welfare of all. We should note that the will/sankalp to do something always follows a wish and not the other way.Our Supreme father is also known as "SHIVA" which means "KALYAAN/welfare" (i.e. our father's nature/SWAROOP is for the welfare/KALYAAN of all). Shri ShankaraachaaryaJi says in ATMAASTAKAM that "I am CHIT/consciousness , ANAND/bliss and KALYAAN/welfare" ( CHIDAANANDROOPAM SHIVOHAM SHIVOHAM). In other words, living in the the eternal supreme wish of welfare of all is not different from living in the self which is consciousness and bliss.Dear DeosaranJi, Regarding your sentence "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities.- GITA 18:61)", the Supreme/God/Ishwar is NOT directing the wanderings of all living entities, the wandering is happening by the MAAYAA (please note the word "MAAYAYAA" in that shloka) which is empowered by the Supreme. The reason of this wandering is not the MAAYAA/prakriti/nature but the jeev itself which has been trying to enjoy the qualities/products of MAAYAA/prakriti/nature.May the Supreme bless us all.Niteesh Dubey


Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supreme preferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are the authority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi 16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supreme revealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/ Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23) at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easily available teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization can not go against the scriptures although the realization can not be fully interpreted in the words. Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum. I do not know your answers but in my understanding, I would say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wish which takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all! ...........................Niteesh Dubey


dear Niteesh Dubey jee,

thank you for your deep thoughts .............what you say is True.............. there is NO disagreement in narinder.................

the sharing is all Krishna's Play ....................we all have our lines to say ...............


why does narinder answer the questions raised in this forum? his totally honest answer is , " I donot know ! "


and the more questions and answers i become aware of reading or answering ............... the deeper becomes narinder's awareness that he indeed does NOT know !

But ................there is also deep awareness of Stillness, of Silence, of the Ocean that keeps waving for its own Joy ....


and ah, naga narayana jeeo.................why is it so ? how is it so..... and why must it be so ? how can narinder know ?


aum the waves keep rising ....arise only to subside ...first, second and the last are born to die ...and in the embrace of the Ocean lie the ocean smiles ................... smiles and smiles ...............and keeps smiling ........................... Tat Twam Asi , you are the Ocean , narinder, says the Mind Aham Brahamasmi, I know, says the heart ah, how can the wave fathom the Ocean ! ? ! the Ocean smiles and smiles ...and knows the Mind is a lie, but the heart never lies .................... are you the Mind , narinder , or, the heart are you ? both, or , neither ................ the Ocean are you ..................???? the Ocean is the wave the wave is Not the Ocean only the Self knows the self how can the other know ? how can nari or narinder know !

the Ocean smiles .................................


narinder bhandari----------------






Does the Supreme have any wish/desire?





Tasmai sa hovaacha prajaakaamo vai prajaapatih | Sa tapo tapyata | Sa tapastaptvaa | Sa mithunamutpaadayate | Rayim cha praanam chetyetou me bahudhaa prajaah karishyata iti ||





In Prashnopanishat, the teacher tells the aspirant students when asked how this creation started, "If there is creation, there should be a Creator and there should have been a desire to create in The Creator. If there was a desire, He should have contemplated on that desire generating the conjugation along with the conjugants in matter and energy. He should have let this matter-energy cluster to engage in the conjugation eternally to reproduce themselves in variant forms"





Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |



Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||





KrishNa says in Bhagavadgita, "There is no intention in the creation as The Creator has neither obligations to act nor desire to act in any specific manner. Everything in this creation are merely present as they are and they interact with each other as they do."





The great Achaarya Gowdapada exclaims, "playful people see a player there, spiteful people see a spiteful fellow there, silent people see silence there, noisy people see noise there … etc.". Similarly, desireful people see a desirer there. They cannot see anything other than desire to be the basis for everything that is perceived because the very perception is rooted in a desire! A RiNi believes Him to be a RiNi as well, while a Dhani thinks Him to be a Dhani as well.





The desire always leaves the individual a RiNi, one with negative balance. The desire always point toward a void within reminding the lack of the object of the desire with the individual. The desire is painful for two reasons - (1) it is making the individual to believe an incompleteness within; and (2) it is making the individual to perceive a lack of freedom as the object of desire remains illusive as well as elusive binding the individual to the desire stronger and stronger. Sense of lack of completeness and freedom is the only pain any individual can ever feel irrespective of the apparent reasons, whatsoever. The desireful individual remains RiNi because of the RiNaatmaka Chintana (negative thinking) believing in the perceived incompleteness within and hence experiencing the lack of freedom.





On the other hand, the desire cannot reach a Dhani, one who is overflowing with surplus in everything. The Omniscient who has everything in abundance can only give - (1) nothing more can be taken in being full; (2) there is no need to look for more being satisfied within; and (3) there is none who can offer something because the omniscience includes everything as such. The Completeness within is in full bloom and the constraints from around are non-existent to a Dhani, one who also thinks positively and realizes in excess within having no room for any wants.





The essentials for existence of a desire are: (1) one should lack something within; (2) one should be different from the missing thing; and (3) one should be a subset of a dominion which contains both the desirer as well as the objects of the desire. The Omniscient is ALL-INCLUSIVE ... PoorNamadah poorNamidam poorNaatpoorNam udachyate, poorNasya poorNamaadaaya poorNamevaavashishyate ... incorporates everything manifested, unmanifested and anything else ... how can there be any addition or subtraction THERE? Therefore, how can The Omnipotent accommodate any desire in any form? If He desires, how can He be Omnipotent?










Naga Narayana.



-----------------NamasteThe concepts of "desire", "wishes", 'wants" are earthly or of this world,applicable to mere mortals. Humans and animals desire and wish for things theydo not have, or are unable to achieve.Bhagavan is All-Pervading, that is, absolute, all-comprehending,all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-filling,all-including, and all-inclusive.Bhagavan is Omniscient, that is, having complete or unlimited knowledge,awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.Bhagavan is Omnipotent, that is having unlimited authority or infinite in power.Everything comes from Bhagavan; He has everything; He can do anything; hence noneed for Him desiring or wishing for anything.Here are a few scriptural passages to describe the nature of Bhagavan:"That Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east, and west, andalso overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreadsthroughout both the material and spiritual skies."~~ MUNDAKA UPANISHAD 2.1.1"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart. 0 Arjuna, and is directingthe wanderings of all living entities."~~ GITA 18:61"Bhagavan is He who possesses without limit the six types of opulence â€"strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation."~~ VISHNU PURANAAll this world is pervaded by me in My unmanifested form: all beings exist inMe, but I do not dwell in them.Nor do beings exist in Me (in reality), behold My Divine Yoga! Bringing forthand supporting the beings, My Self does not dwell in them.As the mighty wind, moving always everywhere, rests ever in the Akaasha, knowthou, that even so do all beings rest in Me. GITA 9:4-6Ram Ram,Deosaran Bisnath.----------------Yes, the Super-entity is indeed "complete". According to one analogy, the"ultimate reality" is lonely, and creates a world that is "non existent" inreality, out of its own self, but not separate from itself, and is called as"Maya-- a reality unto itself, which exists and yet has no independentexistence". This world is supposed to be a "Leela"---a play, of "dancing"figurines at the will of the Super being, like a day dream, which will come toan end at "pralaya--kaal", just as dreams come to an end on waking up, and willbe swallowed by the Super being, only to be reassembled at some later time in a"new" play.Modern analogy is that of a "Black hole" that swallows entiregalaxies, and then the nuclear power inside the black hole cannot contain itselfanymore, becomes "super heated" and leaks out into new galaxies, perhaps with"new / different lives", only to be swallowed up again in another "billions" ofhuman years, into that black hole.That's the best explanation as Iunderstand.When the galaxies are "sucked up", will they come back in the sameform when the black hole "spews them out" in future ? Will there be differentlife forms ? Will the structure of these new galaxies be different ? This is thesame question as to what will happen to us after death ? Or what will happen tothe bubble in a wave of ocean, after it ruptures ? Will it even be reborn intoanother bubble? Will this new bubble be similar or different ? Will it rememberits past life / lives ? Will it attain Moksha ?Does it matter ?While this galaxylasts, if it regenerates while it "exists", what principles will it follow ? OurVedantic explanation so far, is past karmas ! Therefore do well unto yourselfand unto others. You will also attain satisfaction that you have done goodhonestly, whatever you could and also tried to help others out of their miseries!!After that it is upto that Super being !!dDurgesh Mankikar,MD-------------------A pure devotee is neither happy or distressed over material gain and loss, noris he anxious on getting a disciple or not getting them. If he loses someone orsomething dear to him he does not lament. If he does not get what he desires heis not distressed. This person is transcendental in the face of all auspicious,inauspicious and sinful activities. He accepts all risks to satisfy the SupremeLord. Nothing impedes devotional service...Such a devotee is dear to Krsna.Inall this statement the fundamental answer is that the desire/wish is for thedevotee to be at one with the Divine.Om Shanti-catherine AndersonYes Paramatmatatva is beyond description---------------Nari-Narinder samvaada continues to be par-excellent!! Thank you for therevelations from the abyss of your presence, Narinderji!Regards.Naga Narayana.-------------------Respected Sadhaka brindam:In reply to the question raised by Niteeshji I would like to bring the followingreferences from Vedas and Bhagavadgita so that everyone can draw their ownconclusions as to whether the God as wishes and desires or not. I prefer tocall it as HIS Sankalpa or Will. 1. Nasadiya Suktam from RigVeda has a referenceto this Sankalpa.Nasadiya Sukta from Rigveda deals with the subject of what was there before thecreation and how the creation started. It is fascinating to see many of theideas of scientific thinking of "Black Holes", "Big Bang Theory" and"Uncertainty Principle" etc.are all found in this Sukta and is widely quoted bymany scientists in their discussions on cosmology.According to this Sukta, Inthe beginning everything is unmanifest as in the expression "Tamaaseet tamasaa Guudhamagre' meaning 'In the beginning darkness was engulphed in darkness' andthen it continues with the third stanza 'Kaamastadagre samavartatadhi Manasorethah prathamam' meaning ' In the beginning that Samkalpa which is the firstseed of the Mind sprouted'.2. In the Hiranyagarbha Sukta also it is said ' Hiranyagarbhah Samvartatagrebhutasya jaatah patireka aaseet' meaning ' The Supreme manifested asHiranyagarbha first and became the Lord of all creatures'3. From the Supreme, as per Tittireya Upanishad, "Tadeikshata bahusyamprajaayeya" meaning "let me be many" sprouted.4. In Bhagadgita Ch.9 verse 10, the Lord said ' Mayyadhyaksena prakrithihSuyate Sacharacharam' meaning 'Under my command Prikriti brings forth themoving and unmoving'.In conclusion I would like to point out that instead calling a wish/desire ofthe Lord a better way saying may be by HIS Will. The creation is referred to asthe Dream of the Lord and we are all the characters in HIS DREAM and do notreally exist as per Yogavasishta. If our dreams are at the will of our mind,the Creation is the Dream at the Will of the Supreme or Cosmic Mind.I thank the organizers of this forum to express these thoughts. "LokaahSamashtaah Sukhino Bhavantu'Balrama Murty Vempaty Dear Sadak,Bagavan-Supreme- formless- Poornathuvam (All complete)- Not Object (Apprameyam)Etc little said as God by Upanashids. But in Script of Saint Jayadevar, GarudaPuran, Gnaneswari of Sant Gnaneswar, Srimath Bagavath Etc says, that when a puresoul goes to Vaikunt, it crosses Virja River with Pradama Dharshan of Sri MahaVishnu, the reaches Vaikunt. Then Bagavan asks that Soul, "Where have you beenall these days." Means that Bagavan desired each and everyone of us to reachHIM. Such a wish or desire is called in divine name "Sankalpa". Example: SriKrishna came here to establish Dharma. Sri Krishna in various roop (As said inGeetha) appears to Bakthas, dwells with them, protects them and ultimately takesto HIS abode. The word definition of desire is said in Geetha that it is a needof mind, that need is never ending, and the desire is that which is like Gheepored on fire grows multiform but DOES not suppress. The desire that which isfor good of others WITHOUT expecting least out of it is NOT called desire. Thedesire to have more and more is called GREED.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------Yes the Supreme Reality wants us to know the purpose of Human Birth, assist Theein the maintenence of His Grand wondrous Design by following Laws of Nature(Rta) and performing social work for the welfare of all Thy children i.e. entiremankind. This divine wish of our Supreme Father is mentioned in great details inVedas and partially in Bhagavad Gita where lord tell us if He does not work evenfor a shortwhile great harm will be done to the entire Creation.with regards,Prem Sabhlok-----------------------Jai Shri Hari,Dear All, I thank you all for your responses.Dear Moderator, I am sorry that this response is little long. This questioncame to my mind after reading the responses in thediscussion threads related to "desire" & "SARVABOOTHITERATAAH"posted few days ago and the word "HITKAAMYAYAA" (i.e. wish/desirefor the benefit/HIT/welfare/KALYAANA) used by the Lord Shri KishNain GitaJi-10/1 to indicate that He, the Supreme, does have a wish/kaamana/desire but that is not because of any incompleteness or lack or affinitywith something else as there is nothing beyond him (MATTAH PARATARM NAANYAT -GitaJi 7/7) and he is everything (VAASUDEVSARVAM ITI - GitaJi 7/19). His "wish" is not only for Arjun but for every beingsas he is well wisher for all the beings (SUHRIDAMSARVABHOOTAANAM - GitaJi -5/29). Similarly, the following lines of GitaJiindicate that the Supreme, who is ever complete/PURNA/blissful, does not feelhappy/satisfied with respect to his supreme wish when the human beings (who areeligible for the supreme goal) leave their bodies without getting the realbenefit (i.e. attaining the real goal).APRAAPYA MAAM NIVARTANTE MRITYUSANSAARVARTMANI (9/3)MAAM APRAAPAIVA KAUNTEYA TATO YAANTI ADHAMAAM GATIM(16/20).In my understanding, this wish (i.e. wish for the welfare of all) is theeternal supreme wish which has been empowering the Nature(MAYAA ADYAKSHENA PRAKRITI..-GitaJi 9/10., MAM YONIRMAHADBRAHM GitaJi-14/3) from eternity to become a place holderfor the Jeevs (embodied souls) so that they can attain their true swaroop/natureby shedding off the foreign elements (i.e. elements belonging to the Nature)they have gathered from time immemorial. Infact, this wish is not something thatthe Supreme has to do/create/bring it the way normal human beings do. This isintrinsic/integral/built-in part of his own nature/swaroop.So, if the Supremehas this wish, then why not the beings (at least thehuman beings) as Bhagaan Sri KirshNa says "human beings follow mypaths in every way" (MAM VARTAANUVARATANTE MANUSHYAPAARTH SARVASHAH - GitaJi 3/23, 4/11). In otherwords, our truenature/swaroop must also have the same in-built eternal wish (i.e. wish for thebenefit/welfare of all). We might not be feeling it or we might not be trying tofeel it or we might be restricting it just because of thelimitations/bondage/artificiality we have created due to our own ignorance Theword "CHIKIRSHHU" in GitaJi -3/25 does indicate that this supreme wish isenabled in the realized souls too. TulsidasJi MahaRaaj also says that thesupreme and his true follower/devotee, without any reason, are always engagedfor the benefit of all ("HETU RAHIT JAG YUG UPAKAARII | TUM TUMHAAR SEVAKASURAARI" ). Swami RamSukhdashJi, at some place, mentioned about a divineshakti/power called as "SARVA BHOOT HITAISHHINI" which is always engaged inexecuting the supreme wish of helping all the beings. He says, this is theshakti/power which helps the great people who are always engaged for the benefitof many/all.The scriptures do suggest the saadhaks/aspirants to be engaged inforthe benefit of all ( SARVA BHOOT HITE RATA - GitaJi 5/25, 12/5)specially for the the aspirants following the path of the knowledge,meditation etc. in which they start their spiritual journey byunderstanding/focusing on the "self" dwelling in their bodies. There is no needto emphasize this for the aspirants following the path of devotion and selflesskarmas as, by definition, they must be following their wishes of welfare of allby serving the God/Viswaroop. In my understanding, this is not asuggestion/advice but it is a reminder about the intrinsic nature of the trueself. The suggestions by the scriptures are always aligned with the true natureof the beings.The same supreme wish is also reflected as "dhram-yuktakaam/desire/wish in all beings" ( DHARMAAVIRUDDHO BHUTESHHU KAAMOSMI -GitaJi 7/11)". Here the key is "dharma" which is the carrier of the samesupreme wish (i.e. "benefits/welfare of all"). The results of the execution ofthat supreme wish by the individuals might appear limited due to the variousconstraints (e.g. body, place, time, circumstances etc.) but living in that wishis no different than living in the root of that wish. A very good example of"dharma-yukta desire" can be seen in the life of King Dasharath when heapproaches the sage Vashishtha with a desire of having son. His desire was notfor himself to be called as a father but to give a noble heir for thekingdom/subjects which was more dearer than his own life. As long as, thewish/desire is aligned with the supreme wish, it will help us lead to the rootof the supreme wish. Whether we wish/desire for the benefit of all or have the wish/desire to attain the root of thiswish (i.e. supreme/God ), it will lead us the same goal. We should note thatthere is no difference between the Supreme and his wish. The suggestion toaspirants of "having desire to attain the supreme" (MAAMIPCHHAPTUM -GitaJi12/10) by the Supreme is nothing but the same supreme wish told from theperspective of the aspirant. Closure the aspirant is with theSupreme/SELF/TRUTH, better he understands the supreme wish and he could bechosen to be the medium ( "NIMITTAMAATRAM BHAV SAVYASAACHIN" - GitaJi 11/33) of executing thatsupreme wish. Some time, the realized souls (e.g. KAARAK PURUSHHA)descend to follow that supreme wish and some time the Supreme himselfdescend to execute his supreme wish (YADAA YADAA HI DHARMASYA...GitaJi-4/7).Dear VineetJi, The supreme simply means "nothing is beyond that". He is calledby infinite names (RAM, KRISHNA, ISHWAR, BHAGAVAAN, PARAMAATMA, PURUSHHOTTAM,GOD,...). You are correct that his wish can not be sensed by the mind, buddhiof an unrealized soul but thequestion did encourage to reveal the thoughts based upon thescriptures which are revealed by the supreme self or self-realized personalities. I did revisit the page 61 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindu where "Chup Saadhan" is described. My question wasnot about the saadhan for an individual towards his/herrealization but it was about understanding the message/wishfrom the Supreme that might include the goals of every beings.DearGauravJi, What you mentioned is the general definition of the desire in beingscreated out of ignorance/attachment. That desire mustbe removed towards realizing the supreme wish/desire. In mylimited understanding, understanding the wish of the mastershould be well known by the servant/lover so that he can serve/love his master better. The mercy of God is not without areason. The reason is his intrinsic wish of taking care of all. DearPratapJi, His supreme wish is always supported by his Leela (divine play/celebration) which work without any effort. His Leela is alwaysblissful but meaningful though the meaning may not be understoodeasily.Dear NarinderJi, The question was about understanding the wish of the supremepreferably based upon the scriptures. Why scriptures? They are theauthority/PRAMAANA (TASMAAT SHAASTRAM PRAMAANAM TE... GitaJi16/34). In my understanding, this was the reason the Supremerevealed the VEDA as an authority apart from creating Brahmins/Rishhis/Guides/Gurus (BHAMHANASYA TEN VEDAASH ... GitaJi 17/23)at the beginning of the creation. The scriptures are easilyavailable teachers/Gurus for everyone. The true realization cannot go against the scriptures although the realization can notbe fully interpreted in the words.Dear All, if you ask yourself why are you answering the questions in this forum.I do not know your answers but in my understanding, Iwould say this is just because of that intrinsic supreme wishwhich takes care of everyone.May the Supreme bless us all!Niteesh Dubey=======================================================The Supreme person desires only one thing that HIS child comesback to HIS home...Komal.Chhabria-------------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahIf by the english word "The Supreme" if you mean "Paramatmatattva"(the Essential Element, Divinity, Truth) , then please share whetheryou have understood from Swamiji's writing -"experientially That Divinity, That Truth is as such already present - IS"(Saadhan, Sudha, Sindhu pg 61) . Because Paramatma is beyonddescription and not the subject of mind/intellect.So be it,Vineet Sarvottam------------------------------Hari Om. Shree Hari.There is one Upanishad mantra that God became many from one for a loving sport .I don't know what it actually means.What I understand is that my perception ofreality is based on inert matter and body. The true reality is completelyindependent of matter and body. Therefore, the truth is beyond our perceptionbecause we can perceive what is beyond matter right now.These questions aresometimes useless. You are asking about somethingwhich is beyond matter and youwant it to be explained in terms of matter.Desires generally are product ofaffinity of self with the matter. As the Self and the Supreme are beyond matter,they are beyond desires.Our of His causeless mercy, the Supreme appears in frontof us in avatars like Ram, Krishna etc so that we can sing His glories andrealize the Truth.Regards,Gaurav Mittal-------------------------------The Supreme who is complete by definition will have no desire or wish. Desire orwish arises from incomopleteness. If there is completeness, there is no scopefor a wish or desire to arise for seeking completeness. The Supreme has everything in Him and never feels inadequate. Without any inadequacy, the Supreme hasno need to wish or desire. The Supreme who is complete has everything: Hecontains everything in the Creation and is in existence in each and everythingin the Creation. All wishes and desires of everything/ everyone are contained inHim and He exists in all wishes and desires possible in all creatures. So theSupreme does not need any desire or wish of his own. That His Creation functionsthe way it has been doing and will continue fully satisfies him. With nothingremaining to be satisfied, the Supreme has no scope for any wish or desire ofHis own. Any thing / any one even a little less than Supreme and less thanComplete can only have a wish or desire.To put it differently, all that happensin this creation is nothing but his wish and desire getting fulfilled.Basudeb Sen-------------------------------Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna.This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka.The wish of the Supreme for usis to advance spiritually and attain Him in the end. Lord Krishna clearlydescribes in Bhagavad Gita as to what and whom He likes the best. "Yo na hrsyatina dvesti,Na socati na kankshati,Subhasubha parityagi,Bhaktiman yah sa mepriyah. "(Gitaji 12,17)Which means,'One who does not rejoice or grieve, does notlament or desire and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious activities,such a devotee is very dear to Me. 'A devotee does everything and anything, inthe name of the Lord, does not get attached to the results. Lord Krishna'sdesire for us is to follow the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. Devotional service inthe form of chanting the Holy Names is clearly the way in this Kali Yuga. ThankYou. Hare Krishna.Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D----------------------------Dear sir,If we all belong to him,then our sankalpas also belong to him.He is the centralreserve of all the sankalpas of jeevas put together.He will allow the sankalpato become manifest basing on the quality of it.Hiranya grbha is the trueproposer not we humansBadri Narayana Miriyala-Dear Ones, Namaste!Supreme is the Completeness, Wholeness, Purnatva, and as such lacks nothing.InIT, not desire, but spontaneity seems to arise: Then, Intelligencemanifests!Big Bang happens!Love blossoms!Bliss as Peace reins!Joy flows!Beautyemanates!Creativity overflows!Empty canvasses get painted!Poetryout-pours!Scriptures speak its glory!Acts of kindness happens!All of thesethrough Intelligence of ONE Being behind all beings, holding them, manifestingthem while hiding in them! It seems that "doing" without desire is Creativity,Celebration, Leela which only can happen when one feels/is complete, alreadyfulfilled even before doing, while doing with desire happens out of lack orinsufficiency to fulfill through "doing"!In the former possibility fordisappointment cannot exist, while the later is filled with disappointments!Namaskar.....Pratap Bhatt- DearSadhakas, Namaskar,To imagine, conceive and understand the purpose of theCreation and Existence of this Cosmos...Vishwa...is beyond the limits of humanbrain...This purpose is the desire or wish of the Creator...Gee Waman-------------------------The Desire of Brahaman The Mystery of Ten Verses and One !Of Brahman , didBrahman ask ... Lord, Teach me Brahman...To Brahman did Brahman say, ... " Son,You are Brahman ! "In Joy did Brahman receive ... The Loving instruction ofBrahman..With folded hands did Brahman again submit ," Lord... Lovingly , youbestow !But Brahman does not understand ! "To the humble Brahman did Brahmanthen instruct.. " Your Humility , dear, is the doorway... My first Gift toyou...Through this doorway, then, will you, one day,Receive the knowledge ...The Knowledge of Brahman ! "Eyes raised to Brahman, the ocean watering the eyeswith Love,Did Brahman , then ask again , " Gifts you bestow... there is no end. But the Gift that Brahman wants .Is the gift of Your Self. Your own Self. TheSelf " To the seeking Self, Lovingly did Brahman then bestow ... The Great Giftof Vision. The Vision that is called Meditation.In this Meditation, did Brahmansit for YugasFor Yugas , did Brahman take asana... Yugas... "Yugas was only aword... Silence the Word's Being .And Lo ! Time was No More,What was,was….Only This Moment Now ... Yugas passed ... and Brahman did smile onBrahman...And Brahman , opened the eyes. Then,to Brahman, lovingly spoke "Lord, May I call you Krishna ?...Krishna is the sound of Music that vibrates mysoul !Lord, may I sing the song that thrills my Being, Krishna .. Krishna ! Jaijai Krishna " Krishna ! Krishna ! Krishna indeed am I, Brahman smiled In Joyindeed, did Brahman smile ! And so ! To Brahman did Brahman Bow !" Krishna ..You are Brahman indeed !! "In Ten verses, Did Krishna sing. Sing of the Glory ofBrahman! In Ten, did Brahman receive, Receive the Song of krishna's Being ! TheTen were only One. The One-ness of Silence of Being. The Silence, which willKeep singing ... In Ten verses,the glory of Being ! The teaching said Brahman toBrahman... Easy it is.This teaching of Mine . Easy as easy can Be ! But to thenon willing, The teaching will ever remain A Mystery... The Mystery of Being !It would be good if those thoughts are supported by the holyscriptures..................Niteesh Dubey ah Beloved, which could be a greaterScripture what could be more Holythan the heart in Silence of Love and, theBeing revelling in that Silence ........... ah !AUM narinder bhandari-----------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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