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How can I become totally restless without God? PLEASE HELP !

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Shri Hari

Ram Ram


How can I become totally restless without God? What should I think/do/accept.


Thanks & Regards

Pawan Kumar Singhal


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Namasteji, One of the things that Swamiji mentioned on number of occassions was to read Bhakt charitra (stories and lifes of other devotees of God). They invoke such sentiments in us.

Also over and over again Swamiji spoke about calling out to Bhagavan ... every few minutes intervals call out.. He Mere Naath ! Mein Bhooloon Nahin. (O'Lord, Let me never forget You). This can do wonders. Try these... as per Swami.


You may also want to listen to all discourses by Swamiji on "Lagan Kaise Lage" from the website


(you will have to DOWNLOAD BY DATE and search under "Vishay" for LAGAN, or words like Utkant Abhilaasha etc.


Here are a couple of sadhaka messages related to this topic, which you can read and then listen to discourse from the above website by searching on date


Deep Desire and Longing For God - ( Dec 15, 1993 at 5 am )


Is There Anyone Out There with Intense Longing for Bhagwaan? ( May 6, 2005 at 5:00 am )


Let me Never Forget You - ( August 18, 2000 at 5 am )



From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

11th February 2010, Thursday, Falgun Krishna Trayodashi, Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

When a spiritual aspirant cannot remain without God, He also cannot remain without the aspirant, as it is God's nature.

In Gitaji, Bhagwaan (God) has said -

"Ye yatha maam prapadyante taanstathaiva bhajaamyaham" (Gita 4/11)

"Howsoever a devotee takes refuge in (approaches) Me, I give him support in the exact same manner." (Gita 4/11)

If we are totally restless without God, then He too will become restless without us. If we cry from longing and abscence of God, then He too will cry due to our abscence.

Suppose a mosquito wants to see an eagle and the eagle also wants to see the mosquito; then would the mosquito reach the eagle first or would the eagle reach the mosquito first? The power of the mosquito cannot be of any use in approaching the eagle. Only the power of the eagle will be useful. Similarly if there is a will to see God, only the power of God would be useful. Our power, our actions, our destiny would not yield anything. On the contrary only our ardent, intense and deep longing would work. There is nothing else that is required except our ardent, deep and intense longing and aspiration.

By saying that we can't reach God, does that mean God also cannot reach us. We can't reach God by whatever power we may use. But God dwells in our hearts verily. God appears to be away from us, because we believe that God is away. When Draupadi invoked God, she addressed Him as Govinda residing in Dwarka, therefore God came to her by first visiting Dwarka. If she addressed God, as the indweller in her heart, He would have appeared immediately !

If we believe that God cannot be attained just now, He will not be attained now, as we ourselves have created a blockage, a bar in His appearance.

If you think that God will be attained today, He will assuredly be attained today. But there should not be even the slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind, that how can God be attained so soon? God is not obstructed by your actions. If God is obstructed by your evil actions, if He is impeded by your sins, how can He shower His grace and blessings, even if he is availed? But God is not impeded by your actions. There is no power at all that can prevent God from being attained. He is neither obstructed by meritorious deeds nor by evil deeds. He is easily accessible to all. Our sins will become mightier than even God if He is obstructed by our sins. If sins are more powerful than God then how can we be blessed even if God is attained? What is the benefit of His being attained, if He is impeded by sins? None else is as mighty as He is, nor anyone has been, nor will there ever be anyone mightier, nor can there ever be anyone mightier than God. If you ardently and intensely long for God, then God will certainly be attained. It does not matter how you are. There is no doubt in it. He will be attained. This human birth has been bestowed on us only to attain Paramatma (God). Otherwise what is the difference between human beings and other species / creatures?

From "All is God" in English pg 111 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org


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Shri HariRam Ram How can I become totally restless without God? What should I think/do/accept. Thanks & RegardsPawan Kumar Singhal--------NEW POSTING Shree Hari Ram Ram We believe Pawanji meant, how can we have intense longing like Mirabai, where we cannot stay without God, like a drowning man gasping for breath of fresh air. As Swamiji says, cannot sleep, cannot eat without meeting the Beloved. That level of intensity, is what we believe was meant by "restless". Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram ---------- Shree Paramatmane Namah "That" lagan (intense longing, to be restless without 'THAT') you your "Self" will have to do that. You only can engage your Self to have that "lagan" or not. So be it. Vineet Sarvottam---------- Your question is not clear as it may mean different things. You only know what you mean. Assuming that you are currently restless in search of / in keen longing to see/ feel or merge in God, you should not be worried about God. Continue to be restless till you get God, for it is only God whom you are seeking - you are not seeking restlessness.On the otherhand, if you are restless because things/ thoughts pther than God, just turn your mind and restlessness from those things and thoughts to only and wholly to the though of God. Oneday when you realize God in you, it is immaterial whether you are currently restless or not. Your objective and goal being only God, do not try to seek restlessness. Restlessness in not your objective - getting God is your objective.Again, if you find you are restless for other things and hence unable to concentrate your thoughts continuously on God, know that without the help of God you cannot reach either God or avoid restlessness for other things. Pray to God continuously for helping you to remove all other thoughts from your mind and concentrate your mind on God.It is possible that you have already achieved resting in God and you want to be without God now and at the same time avoid restlessness. If you have been already able to avoid restlessness with God, why do you want to be without God now? A person who has reached God through self realization would not require the help of others to solve any problem. If you have reached peace and bliss with God, God will tell you what to do next.Basudeb Sen--- Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Humans are restless, with desires. Materialistic desires are responsible for anxiety and unrest. The way out of this, is through devotional service, Bhakti Yoga. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Ananyas cintayanto mam,Ye janah paryupasate,Tesham nityabhiyuktanam,Yoga kshemam vahamy aham."( Gitaji 9,22)Which means,' Those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditate on My divine form, I take care of their welfare, give them what they lack and preserve what they have. 'The way to get rid of our anxiety and unrest is through devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names," Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare,Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna Hare Hare." and be happy. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D --------------------- Dear Sadaks,It is NOT God WHO makes someone restless or at rest. God is neutral to everyone HE loves everyone equally.As said by Swamiji to think or read of Bakthas, makes the MIND desire less. When NO desires there is PEACE. When peace in mind then meditation happens and that in turn puts one in silence. The Silence of knowing nothing is here on earth to claim or disown. The silence paves way to Paramathuma. How I become happy? By seeing so many on road side down trodden, disabled, without meals/cloths, no one to take care Etc. Then I think and thank Bagavan million times I am put in best position. But when one sees pom and show (mere delusion) the mind wants fulfillment of pleasures/riches/fame Etc and then RESTLESS. Now tell me who creates restlessness. What Buddha (king) or Christ or Hindu Bakthas like Puranderdoss (Multimillionaire) knew that REST is in owning nothing.B.Sathyanarayan-------- One is so much entangled and satisfied with day to day routine that question to understand the truth does not arise. Mind moves by the attraction.Truth has no attraction for the mind. It is not like a satisfactory thing or idea.Intensity of pain, fear of death and so on may cause a stir in the mind that it becomes restless to know, what is all this?Mind smothers this stir with securities (possessions, relations) and satisfactory ideas, the intensity does not arise.In any case, it cannot be generated. Going through Gita talks or any other classicals on the subject may cause a stir in one's operating system to know the Truth.The question-'how I can become restless' is itself in the direction of restlessness.Raising the question(what is Truth) and not be satisfied with any answer puts the mind on total alertness.This alertness takes you far.Y V Chawla ------ Shree Hari Ram Ram Namasteji, One of the things that Swamiji mentioned on number of occassions was to read Bhakt charitra (stories and lifes of other devotees of God). They invoke such sentiments in us. Also over and over again Swamiji spoke about calling out to Bhagavan ... every few minutes intervals call out.. He Mere Naath ! Mein Bhooloon Nahin. (O'Lord, Let me never forget You). This can do wonders. Try these... as per Swami. You may also want to listen to all discourses by Swamiji on "Lagan Kaise Lage" from the website http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijicontent/(you will have to DOWNLOAD BY DATE and search under "Vishay" for LAGAN, or words like Utkant Abhilaasha etc. Here are a couple of sadhaka messages related to this topic, which you can read and then listen to discourse from the above website by searching on date Deep Desire and Longing For God - ( Dec 15, 1993 at 5 am )sadhaka/message/1676Is There Anyone Out There with Intense Longing for Bhagwaan? ( May 6, 2005 at 5:00 am )sadhaka/message/2228 Let me Never Forget You - ( August 18, 2000 at 5 am ) sadhaka/message/2553 From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram ---------|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram11th February 2010, Thursday, Falgun Krishna Trayodashi, Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235 When a spiritual aspirant cannot remain without God, He also cannot remain without the aspirant, as it is God's nature. In Gitaji, Bhagwaan (God) has said -"Ye yatha maam prapadyante taanstathaiva bhajaamyaham" (Gita 4/11) "Howsoever a devotee takes refuge in (approaches) Me, I give him support in the exact same manner." (Gita 4/11) If we are totally restless without God, then He too will become restless without us. If we cry from longing and abscence of God, then He too will cry due to our abscence. Suppose a mosquito wants to see an eagle and the eagle also wants to see the mosquito; then would the mosquito reach the eagle first or would the eagle reach the mosquito first? The power of the mosquito cannot be of any use in approaching the eagle. Only the power of the eagle will be useful. Similarly if there is a will to see God, only the power of God would be useful. Our power, our actions, our destiny would not yield anything. On the contrary only our ardent, intense and deep longing would work. There is nothing else that is required except our ardent, deep and intense longing and aspiration. By saying that we can't reach God, does that mean God also cannot reach us. We can't reach God by whatever power we may use. But God dwells in our hearts verily. God appears to be away from us, because we believe that God is away. When Draupadi invoked God, she addressed Him as Govinda residing in Dwarka, therefore God came to her by first visiting Dwarka. If she addressed God, as the indweller in her heart, He would have appeared immediately ! If we believe that God cannot be attained just now, He will not be attained now, as we ourselves have created a blockage, a bar in His appearance. If you think that God will be attained today, He will assuredly be attained today. But there should not be even the slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind, that how can God be attained so soon? God is not obstructed by your actions. If God is obstructed by your evil actions, if He is impeded by your sins, how can He shower His grace and blessings, even if he is availed? But God is not impeded by your actions. There is no power at all that can prevent God from being attained. He is neither obstructed by meritorious deeds nor by evil deeds. He is easily accessible to all. Our sins will become mightier than even God if He is obstructed by our sins. If sins are more powerful than God then how can we be blessed even if God is attained? What is the benefit of His being attained, if He is impeded by sins? None else is as mighty as He is, nor anyone has been, nor will there ever be anyone mightier, nor can there ever be anyone mightier than God. If you ardently and intensely long for God, then God will certainly be attained. It does not matter how you are. There is no doubt in it. He will be attained. This human birth has been bestowed on us only to attain Paramatma (God). Otherwise what is the difference between human beings and other species / creatures? From "All is God" in English pg 111 by Swami Ramsukhdasji For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijicontent/

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Shri Hari

Ram Ram


How can I become totally restless without God? What should I think/do/accept.


Thanks & Regards

Pawan Kumar Singhal




Shree Hari. Ram Ram."If we cry from longing and abscence of God, then He too will cry due to our abscence." Swamiji has emphasized that if you don't have longing for Bhagavan, then pray to Bhagavan to give longing for Him. Continue praying to give ability to be his devotee as you are helpless in attaining that longing.Swamiji says - "If you think that God will be attained today, He will assuredly be attained today. But there should not be even the slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind, that how can God be attained so soon!""The slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind" is very important. Many people start believing that they need external guru etc to become devotee. You don't need anything. Bhagavan is always with you. Don't have any doubt. Accept Swamji's words and accept that Bhagavan loves and accepts you, He is always with you and you are His.Ram Ram.Gaurav Mittal



-Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Pawan,I smiled when I read your post, I have a little quote of Revered Swamiji: ' Don't misuse what you have already 'got'; don't disrespect what you already 'know' ; and don't doubt your belief already in Paramatma !'You appear pretty restless in your post to me, and you do not doubt belief in Paramatma!So relax, you are well on the way, another of his quotes: 'Whatever medicine a Doctor gives is good. Similarly: Whatever has been provided by God (for us) is good.'. You have written to this forum, things are looking good!In light of this, one more quote: ' On one side of Jeeva there is world; and on other side there is God. When Jeeva turns his face towards world demonaic properties manifest in him; and when he turns his face towards God divine properties manifest in him.'.On last point, you can never be without God, as Swamiji said turn your face towards God.Om...Shanti...Mike (K).------------------


Dear Ones, Namaste!"How can I become totally restless without God? What should I think/do/accept?" asks Pawan Kumarji in all its sincerity.Please appreciate the depth in the answer as I see it: When you have such thoughts of longing for God, know that it is not "you" that is longing, God Himself is longing through you, inviting you! At this stage if you say yes to this RSVP, you just long and long and long and............until the day arrives when you disappear! It is like "your own occasion" but "you" wouldn't be there!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt




The only way to reach the state of intense longing for God is to follow the paths of those who had experienced such state and pray to God for His grace. Without His grace, we cannot develop intense longing for Him. We know what Mirabai did or Shree Chaitanya Mahaprbhu did and so many other great Sadhaks did. We have to follow them. When we are able to submit all of our moments only to Him and not use any moment thinking of anything else other than God, we will reach that stage of intense longing for God. If we consider that our current life is nothing but drowning in the deep waters of Maya and sensual desire fulfilment, we will not feel that we are gasping for breadth. Only when we feel that way, we will seek God with the intensity that we need for our liberation.

Basudeb Sen---------------------------


Hari OmYour Q is what you should think/do/accept !!THINK: You have only one goal- God Realisation. No other task or work should be a bigger priority than this. Think- how you can disconnect with Jagat. Think- You are not body. Think- why are you and who are you ? Think: Who is yours and who are 'others'? Think: What are your traits/nature/ characteristics and what are traits etc of the world ? DO: Do Akarmas ! Do Selfless Service ! Do Duty ! Do always for benefit of others ! Do not do anything for yourself. Renounce (Tyaag) ! ACCEPT: Mere to Girdhar Gopal Doosaro na koi. Only God is mine. I am of God. Nothing else is mine. Accept: I am Sadhak (Yogi). Accept: I am not body. Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam --



Yes, you have to find it for yourself, but....

The stage you are in just now, is the most important one....called as Mumukshatva,

one who desires Moksha is known to be in "Mumukshatva".


There is an emotional Mumukshatva as in Mirabai, and

there is an intellectual one--trying to know what God is.


The first one is totally upto you.

It does not come from studying something.

It just happens to some people---just as in love.

You just love someone and cannot stay separate from that person.

You cannot make someone fall in love with somebody else, other than by themselves.


A good guide to understand the second one is Viveka Chudamani.

This book explains to you what God is and Who you are.

And ultimately the great statement----Tat Tvam Asi---You are That !

You were always That in the past. You will always be That in future. And You are That now. The one person you love the most, is the one in the mirror---Yourself.

If you are That, ( and so is everyone else too ), it is easy to fall in love with That--God entity.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD




Shree Hari Ram Ram

We believe Pawanji meant, how can we have intense longing like Mirabai, where we cannot stay without God, like a drowning man gasping for breath of fresh air. As Swamiji says, cannot sleep, cannot eat without meeting the Beloved. That level of intensity, is what we believe was meant by "restless".

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Shree Paramatmane Namah


"That" lagan (intense longing, to be restless without 'THAT') you your "Self" will have to do that. You only can engage your Self to have that "lagan" or not. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam




Your question is not clear as it may mean different things. You only know what you mean. Assuming that you are currently restless in search of / in keen longing to see/ feel or merge in God, you should not be worried about God. Continue to be restless till you get God, for it is only God whom you are seeking - you are not seeking restlessness.

On the otherhand, if you are restless because things/ thoughts pther than God, just turn your mind and restlessness from those things and thoughts to only and wholly to the though of God. Oneday when you realize God in you, it is immaterial whether you are currently restless or not. Your objective and goal being only God, do not try to seek restlessness. Restlessness in not your objective - getting God is your objective.

Again, if you find you are restless for other things and hence unable to concentrate your thoughts continuously on God, know that without the help of God you cannot reach either God or avoid restlessness for other things. Pray to God continuously for helping you to remove all other thoughts from your mind and concentrate your mind on God.

It is possible that you have already achieved resting in God and you want to be without God now and at the same time avoid restlessness. If you have been already able to avoid restlessness with God, why do you want to be without God now? A person who has reached God through self realization would not require the help of others to solve any problem. If you have reached peace and bliss with God, God will tell you what to do next.

Basudeb Sen---


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Humans are restless, with desires. Materialistic desires are responsible for anxiety and unrest. The way out of this, is through devotional service, Bhakti Yoga. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Ananyas cintayanto mam,Ye janah paryupasate,Tesham nityabhiyuktanam,Yoga kshemam vahamy aham."( Gitaji 9,22)Which means,' Those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditate on My divine form, I take care of their welfare, give them what they lack and preserve what they have. 'The way to get rid of our anxiety and unrest is through devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names," Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare,Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna Hare Hare." and be happy. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D ---------------------


Dear Sadaks,It is NOT God WHO makes someone restless or at rest. God is neutral to everyone HE loves everyone equally.As said by Swamiji to think or read of Bakthas, makes the MIND desire less. When NO desires there is PEACE. When peace in mind then meditation happens and that in turn puts one in silence. The Silence of knowing nothing is here on earth to claim or disown. The silence paves way to Paramathuma. How I become happy? By seeing so many on road side down trodden, disabled, without meals/cloths, no one to take care Etc. Then I think and thank Bagavan million times I am put in best position. But when one sees pom and show (mere delusion) the mind wants fulfillment of pleasures/riches/fame Etc and then RESTLESS. Now tell me who creates restlessness. What Buddha (king) or Christ or Hindu Bakthas like Puranderdoss (Multimillionaire) knew that REST is in owning nothing.B.Sathyanarayan




One is so much entangled and satisfied with day to day routine that question to understand the truth does not arise.

Mind moves by the attraction.Truth has no attraction for the mind. It is not like a satisfactory thing or idea.

Intensity of pain, fear of death and so on may cause a stir in the mind that it becomes restless to know, what is all this?

Mind smothers this stir with securities (possessions, relations) and satisfactory ideas, the intensity does not arise.

In any case, it cannot be generated. Going through Gita talks or any other classicals on the subject may cause a stir in one's operating system to know the Truth.

The question-'how I can become restless' is itself in the direction of restlessness.

Raising the question(what is Truth) and not be satisfied with any answer puts the mind on total alertness.

This alertness takes you far.

Y V Chawla ------


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Namasteji, One of the things that Swamiji mentioned on number of occassions was to read Bhakt charitra (stories and lifes of other devotees of God). They invoke such sentiments in us.

Also over and over again Swamiji spoke about calling out to Bhagavan ... every few minutes intervals call out.. He Mere Naath ! Mein Bhooloon Nahin. (O'Lord, Let me never forget You). This can do wonders. Try these... as per Swami.


You may also want to listen to all discourses by Swamiji on "Lagan Kaise Lage" from the website


(you will have to DOWNLOAD BY DATE and search under "Vishay" for LAGAN, or words like Utkant Abhilaasha etc.


Here are a couple of sadhaka messages related to this topic, which you can read and then listen to discourse from the above website by searching on date


Deep Desire and Longing For God - ( Dec 15, 1993 at 5 am )


Is There Anyone Out There with Intense Longing for Bhagwaan? ( May 6, 2005 at 5:00 am )


Let me Never Forget You - ( August 18, 2000 at 5 am )



From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

11th February 2010, Thursday, Falgun Krishna Trayodashi, Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

When a spiritual aspirant cannot remain without God, He also cannot remain without the aspirant, as it is God's nature.

In Gitaji, Bhagwaan (God) has said -

"Ye yatha maam prapadyante taanstathaiva bhajaamyaham" (Gita 4/11)

"Howsoever a devotee takes refuge in (approaches) Me, I give him support in the exact same manner." (Gita 4/11)

If we are totally restless without God, then He too will become restless without us. If we cry from longing and abscence of God, then He too will cry due to our abscence.

Suppose a mosquito wants to see an eagle and the eagle also wants to see the mosquito; then would the mosquito reach the eagle first or would the eagle reach the mosquito first? The power of the mosquito cannot be of any use in approaching the eagle. Only the power of the eagle will be useful. Similarly if there is a will to see God, only the power of God would be useful. Our power, our actions, our destiny would not yield anything. On the contrary only our ardent, intense and deep longing would work. There is nothing else that is required except our ardent, deep and intense longing and aspiration.

By saying that we can't reach God, does that mean God also cannot reach us. We can't reach God by whatever power we may use. But God dwells in our hearts verily. God appears to be away from us, because we believe that God is away. When Draupadi invoked God, she addressed Him as Govinda residing in Dwarka, therefore God came to her by first visiting Dwarka. If she addressed God, as the indweller in her heart, He would have appeared immediately !

If we believe that God cannot be attained just now, He will not be attained now, as we ourselves have created a blockage, a bar in His appearance.

If you think that God will be attained today, He will assuredly be attained today. But there should not be even the slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind, that how can God be attained so soon? God is not obstructed by your actions. If God is obstructed by your evil actions, if He is impeded by your sins, how can He shower His grace and blessings, even if he is availed? But God is not impeded by your actions. There is no power at all that can prevent God from being attained. He is neither obstructed by meritorious deeds nor by evil deeds. He is easily accessible to all. Our sins will become mightier than even God if He is obstructed by our sins. If sins are more powerful than God then how can we be blessed even if God is attained? What is the benefit of His being attained, if He is impeded by sins? None else is as mighty as He is, nor anyone has been, nor will there ever be anyone mightier, nor can there ever be anyone mightier than God. If you ardently and intensely long for God, then God will certainly be attained. It does not matter how you are. There is no doubt in it. He will be attained. This human birth has been bestowed on us only to attain Paramatma (God). Otherwise what is the difference between human beings and other species / creatures?

From "All is God" in English pg 111 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijicontent/

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Shri Hari

Ram Ram


How can I become totally restless without God? What should I think/do/accept.


Thanks & Regards

Pawan Kumar Singhal




Shree Hari Ram RamWe are not the body, this body is not ours.Only God is ours and no one else.We do our duties with no attachments to the duties.Yes Yes Yes Narottam, you are right! This world is Maya...look within...look within...Pranaams to all om...shanti devotee


catherine andersen



If you have some knowledge about God then you will not be restless.Always have deep faith in almighty God and consistently recite His name and offer prayers to Him If you have complete faith in Him then your restlessness will go.Narsinh Mehta had complete faith in God then Lord Krishna has to take care of all problems of Narsinh Mehta a great poet of Gujarat India,

This is my short and sweet message.

My best wishes


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt






How can I become totally restless without God?




The phrase "without God" is an ambiguous expression! On one hand, a notion of 'a god' prevails and on the other hand one has no handle on the same not knowing what exactly 'a god' would be like. Why restlessness? Based on the notion of a god, one would have piled up many gains and advantages in the association with a god, again, notionally. Deluded by the notions, one would start lamenting that without god one is suffering in this life being cheated from the gains and advantages imagined.




If The God is understood correctly, there cannot be any room for a doubt "without God". Also, there cannot be restlessness as there is no room for any expectations to bargain with The God.




Restlessness always raises from an association with something either due to the excess in the association or a perceived threat for loosing the same or an inability to acquire/safegaurd an association.




The Absolute is not something to be associated with … IT IS everything AS IS. Therefore, there is no question of ITS excess or dearth; there is no room for ITS gain or loss; the very notion to acquire and safegaurd as well as repell and reject THAT is an impossibility.




And, on top of all, how can THE EVERPRESENT ABSOLUTE be ever perturbed to loose The Peace thereof? The RESTFULNESS is the very nature THAT IS and restlessness is the behavior we have imbibed in our ignorance of living. Tallying the restlessness that is rooted in our existential ignorance to THE RESTFUL PEACE that The God IS is not a wise idea as I see.




What I understand from the seers and scriptures is that the restlessness is rooted in the notional associations we keep switching with the things that keep switching their loyalty perpetually. We anxiously rush out to reach and hold on to the things that leave us perpetually thanks to the senses that are readily outgoing in their nature:




Paraanchikhaani vyatriNaatsvayambhooh tasmaatparaangpashyati naantaraatman |




In a way, restlessness itself is being "without (the awareness of) God". Swamiji advises to develop restlessness with that existential restlessness itself so that we would start working to move away from the restlessness in our living. The wise ones who understand the rootcause for the restlessness would verily invert the senses that are dragging one into the restlessness around to seek THE RESTFUL within:




Kashchiddheerah pratyagaatmaanamaikshat aavrittachakshuh amritattvamicchhan ||




Then what is the hurdle for many like us? Restlessness of loosing 'grounds' in the world around that is playing hide-and-seek with our existence and rattling us with desires and fears ... If we go 'in', what if the world around reject us when we come 'out'? Untill we do not acknowledge the fact that the world around us is rejecting us perpetually in spite of our notional and ignorant assumptions regarding the same, we are bound to the restlessness (fear of being with God) to break through the worldly restlessness (being without God). Therefore, the resolution is to seek an appreciation of the true nature of the world and our relationship with the same.








Naga Narayana.-------------------------------




Shree Hari. Ram Ram."If we cry from longing and abscence of God, then He too will cry due to our abscence." Swamiji has emphasized that if you don't have longing for Bhagavan, then pray to Bhagavan to give longing for Him. Continue praying to give ability to be his devotee as you are helpless in attaining that longing.Swamiji says - "If you think that God will be attained today, He will assuredly be attained today. But there should not be even the slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind, that how can God be attained so soon!""The slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind" is very important. Many people start believing that they need external guru etc to become devotee. You don't need anything. Bhagavan is always with you. Don't have any doubt. Accept Swamji's words and accept that Bhagavan loves and accepts you, He is always with you and you are His.Ram Ram.Gaurav Mittal



-Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Pawan,I smiled when I read your post, I have a little quote of Revered Swamiji: ' Don't misuse what you have already 'got'; don't disrespect what you already 'know' ; and don't doubt your belief already in Paramatma !'You appear pretty restless in your post to me, and you do not doubt belief in Paramatma!So relax, you are well on the way, another of his quotes: 'Whatever medicine a Doctor gives is good. Similarly: Whatever has been provided by God (for us) is good.'. You have written to this forum, things are looking good!In light of this, one more quote: ' On one side of Jeeva there is world; and on other side there is God. When Jeeva turns his face towards world demonaic properties manifest in him; and when he turns his face towards God divine properties manifest in him.'.On last point, you can never be without God, as Swamiji said turn your face towards God.Om...Shanti...Mike (K).------------------


Dear Ones, Namaste!"How can I become totally restless without God? What should I think/do/accept?" asks Pawan Kumarji in all its sincerity.Please appreciate the depth in the answer as I see it: When you have such thoughts of longing for God, know that it is not "you" that is longing, God Himself is longing through you, inviting you! At this stage if you say yes to this RSVP, you just long and long and long and............until the day arrives when you disappear! It is like "your own occasion" but "you" wouldn't be there!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt




The only way to reach the state of intense longing for God is to follow the paths of those who had experienced such state and pray to God for His grace. Without His grace, we cannot develop intense longing for Him. We know what Mirabai did or Shree Chaitanya Mahaprbhu did and so many other great Sadhaks did. We have to follow them. When we are able to submit all of our moments only to Him and not use any moment thinking of anything else other than God, we will reach that stage of intense longing for God. If we consider that our current life is nothing but drowning in the deep waters of Maya and sensual desire fulfilment, we will not feel that we are gasping for breadth. Only when we feel that way, we will seek God with the intensity that we need for our liberation.

Basudeb Sen---------------------------


Hari OmYour Q is what you should think/do/accept !!THINK: You have only one goal- God Realisation. No other task or work should be a bigger priority than this. Think- how you can disconnect with Jagat. Think- You are not body. Think- why are you and who are you ? Think: Who is yours and who are 'others'? Think: What are your traits/nature/ characteristics and what are traits etc of the world ? DO: Do Akarmas ! Do Selfless Service ! Do Duty ! Do always for benefit of others ! Do not do anything for yourself. Renounce (Tyaag) ! ACCEPT: Mere to Girdhar Gopal Doosaro na koi. Only God is mine. I am of God. Nothing else is mine. Accept: I am Sadhak (Yogi). Accept: I am not body. Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam --



Yes, you have to find it for yourself, but....

The stage you are in just now, is the most important one....called as Mumukshatva,

one who desires Moksha is known to be in "Mumukshatva".


There is an emotional Mumukshatva as in Mirabai, and

there is an intellectual one--trying to know what God is.


The first one is totally upto you.

It does not come from studying something.

It just happens to some people---just as in love.

You just love someone and cannot stay separate from that person.

You cannot make someone fall in love with somebody else, other than by themselves.


A good guide to understand the second one is Viveka Chudamani.

This book explains to you what God is and Who you are.

And ultimately the great statement----Tat Tvam Asi---You are That !

You were always That in the past. You will always be That in future. And You are That now. The one person you love the most, is the one in the mirror---Yourself.

If you are That, ( and so is everyone else too ), it is easy to fall in love with That--God entity.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD




Shree Hari Ram Ram

We believe Pawanji meant, how can we have intense longing like Mirabai, where we cannot stay without God, like a drowning man gasping for breath of fresh air. As Swamiji says, cannot sleep, cannot eat without meeting the Beloved. That level of intensity, is what we believe was meant by "restless".

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Shree Paramatmane Namah


"That" lagan (intense longing, to be restless without 'THAT') you your "Self" will have to do that. You only can engage your Self to have that "lagan" or not. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam




Your question is not clear as it may mean different things. You only know what you mean. Assuming that you are currently restless in search of / in keen longing to see/ feel or merge in God, you should not be worried about God. Continue to be restless till you get God, for it is only God whom you are seeking - you are not seeking restlessness.

On the otherhand, if you are restless because things/ thoughts pther than God, just turn your mind and restlessness from those things and thoughts to only and wholly to the though of God. Oneday when you realize God in you, it is immaterial whether you are currently restless or not. Your objective and goal being only God, do not try to seek restlessness. Restlessness in not your objective - getting God is your objective.

Again, if you find you are restless for other things and hence unable to concentrate your thoughts continuously on God, know that without the help of God you cannot reach either God or avoid restlessness for other things. Pray to God continuously for helping you to remove all other thoughts from your mind and concentrate your mind on God.

It is possible that you have already achieved resting in God and you want to be without God now and at the same time avoid restlessness. If you have been already able to avoid restlessness with God, why do you want to be without God now? A person who has reached God through self realization would not require the help of others to solve any problem. If you have reached peace and bliss with God, God will tell you what to do next.

Basudeb Sen---


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Humans are restless, with desires. Materialistic desires are responsible for anxiety and unrest. The way out of this, is through devotional service, Bhakti Yoga. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Ananyas cintayanto mam,Ye janah paryupasate,Tesham nityabhiyuktanam,Yoga kshemam vahamy aham."( Gitaji 9,22)Which means,' Those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditate on My divine form, I take care of their welfare, give them what they lack and preserve what they have. 'The way to get rid of our anxiety and unrest is through devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names," Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare,Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna Hare Hare." and be happy. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D ---------------------


Dear Sadaks,It is NOT God WHO makes someone restless or at rest. God is neutral to everyone HE loves everyone equally.As said by Swamiji to think or read of Bakthas, makes the MIND desire less. When NO desires there is PEACE. When peace in mind then meditation happens and that in turn puts one in silence. The Silence of knowing nothing is here on earth to claim or disown. The silence paves way to Paramathuma. How I become happy? By seeing so many on road side down trodden, disabled, without meals/cloths, no one to take care Etc. Then I think and thank Bagavan million times I am put in best position. But when one sees pom and show (mere delusion) the mind wants fulfillment of pleasures/riches/fame Etc and then RESTLESS. Now tell me who creates restlessness. What Buddha (king) or Christ or Hindu Bakthas like Puranderdoss (Multimillionaire) knew that REST is in owning nothing.B.Sathyanarayan




One is so much entangled and satisfied with day to day routine that question to understand the truth does not arise.

Mind moves by the attraction.Truth has no attraction for the mind. It is not like a satisfactory thing or idea.

Intensity of pain, fear of death and so on may cause a stir in the mind that it becomes restless to know, what is all this?

Mind smothers this stir with securities (possessions, relations) and satisfactory ideas, the intensity does not arise.

In any case, it cannot be generated. Going through Gita talks or any other classicals on the subject may cause a stir in one's operating system to know the Truth.

The question-'how I can become restless' is itself in the direction of restlessness.

Raising the question(what is Truth) and not be satisfied with any answer puts the mind on total alertness.

This alertness takes you far.

Y V Chawla ------


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Namasteji, One of the things that Swamiji mentioned on number of occassions was to read Bhakt charitra (stories and lifes of other devotees of God). They invoke such sentiments in us.

Also over and over again Swamiji spoke about calling out to Bhagavan ... every few minutes intervals call out.. He Mere Naath ! Mein Bhooloon Nahin. (O'Lord, Let me never forget You). This can do wonders. Try these... as per Swami.


You may also want to listen to all discourses by Swamiji on "Lagan Kaise Lage" from the website


(you will have to DOWNLOAD BY DATE and search under "Vishay" for LAGAN, or words like Utkant Abhilaasha etc.


Here are a couple of sadhaka messages related to this topic, which you can read and then listen to discourse from the above website by searching on date


Deep Desire and Longing For God - ( Dec 15, 1993 at 5 am )


Is There Anyone Out There with Intense Longing for Bhagwaan? ( May 6, 2005 at 5:00 am )


Let me Never Forget You - ( August 18, 2000 at 5 am )



From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

11th February 2010, Thursday, Falgun Krishna Trayodashi, Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

When a spiritual aspirant cannot remain without God, He also cannot remain without the aspirant, as it is God's nature.

In Gitaji, Bhagwaan (God) has said -

"Ye yatha maam prapadyante taanstathaiva bhajaamyaham" (Gita 4/11)

"Howsoever a devotee takes refuge in (approaches) Me, I give him support in the exact same manner." (Gita 4/11)

If we are totally restless without God, then He too will become restless without us. If we cry from longing and abscence of God, then He too will cry due to our abscence.

Suppose a mosquito wants to see an eagle and the eagle also wants to see the mosquito; then would the mosquito reach the eagle first or would the eagle reach the mosquito first? The power of the mosquito cannot be of any use in approaching the eagle. Only the power of the eagle will be useful. Similarly if there is a will to see God, only the power of God would be useful. Our power, our actions, our destiny would not yield anything. On the contrary only our ardent, intense and deep longing would work. There is nothing else that is required except our ardent, deep and intense longing and aspiration.

By saying that we can't reach God, does that mean God also cannot reach us. We can't reach God by whatever power we may use. But God dwells in our hearts verily. God appears to be away from us, because we believe that God is away. When Draupadi invoked God, she addressed Him as Govinda residing in Dwarka, therefore God came to her by first visiting Dwarka. If she addressed God, as the indweller in her heart, He would have appeared immediately !

If we believe that God cannot be attained just now, He will not be attained now, as we ourselves have created a blockage, a bar in His appearance.

If you think that God will be attained today, He will assuredly be attained today. But there should not be even the slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind, that how can God be attained so soon? God is not obstructed by your actions. If God is obstructed by your evil actions, if He is impeded by your sins, how can He shower His grace and blessings, even if he is availed? But God is not impeded by your actions. There is no power at all that can prevent God from being attained. He is neither obstructed by meritorious deeds nor by evil deeds. He is easily accessible to all. Our sins will become mightier than even God if He is obstructed by our sins. If sins are more powerful than God then how can we be blessed even if God is attained? What is the benefit of His being attained, if He is impeded by sins? None else is as mighty as He is, nor anyone has been, nor will there ever be anyone mightier, nor can there ever be anyone mightier than God. If you ardently and intensely long for God, then God will certainly be attained. It does not matter how you are. There is no doubt in it. He will be attained. This human birth has been bestowed on us only to attain Paramatma (God). Otherwise what is the difference between human beings and other species / creatures?

From "All is God" in English pg 111 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijicontent/

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Shri Hari

Ram Ram


How can I become totally restless without God? What should I think/do/accept.


Thanks & Regards

Pawan Kumar Singhal



Radhe Radhe


Vyakul jiya ko chain nahin hai...

Avo darasa dikhaao Murari;

Darasa Bina Giridhari


This longing, troubled, distressed heart is anxious and restless! O' come reveal Yourself to me, O' enemy of the demons; I am without even a glimpse of You, O' the sustainer of Mountain (Giridhar).

A Sadhak, Radhe Radhe>




Dear Ones, Namaste!Pawanji, two possibilities exist as I see this situation:1)You mean that when you forget God, or ignore God, don't even think of Him, you want to be restless so you can get back or remember or think of Him. 2) When you are totally restless for some reasons, you want to be sure it is only due to having forgotten of Him!If it is later- 2, be happy, because then you are already with God! All restlessness for any reasons is only one restlessness which is missing God, feeling incomplete without Him! If so, who can be luckier than you?The beauty is that down the road, God will remove your restlessness totally because He doesn't want you to ever forget "you" is Him only. There was restlessness but never were "you" restless! See, when there is "no-you", the alleged restlessness cannot hold on to anything! Such "you" is Restlessness, when in ignorance! In fact all restlessness are due to not knowing Him only, but we see it as due to lack of something or other outside of ourselves! If you see that it is due to inner incompleteness which cannot be filled without God, You are Home free! Regarding possibility of 1), it is not possible to be restless when you forget God, because when you say "I forgot God", you remembered there and then! It may take a while for restlessness to dissolve in God!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt---------


Hari OmThe 'craving' for God arises when you 'discard/renounce' others. Unless you negate/discard 'others' (inert) you can not have 'exclusive mineness' with Paramatma. Craving/Restlessness for God is natural outcome of LOVE for God. Love arises out of mine-ness with God. Mine-ness with God arises ONLY when you 'accept' - Doosaro Na Koi ! It is a Law- Unless you do not negate, the permission does not get established/proven. When Mirabaai Said- Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro Na Koi ; in this statement 'Doosaro Na Koi' is NEGATION/Renunciation/ Tyaag ! This negation was so powerful that in the end her body became sentient (Vaasudev Sarvam is this, Divine Sadhaks) and merged with vigrah (body) of Paramatma. Reason: After renunciation of inert only sentience remains behind. In LOVE - you can't tolerate 'disconnection' or 'distance' ! When Love for God manifests in you, you become restless with disconnection with the Beloved. More there is intensity of 'Doosaro Na Koi' , more there is establishment of 'Mere to Girdhar Gopal' ! More there is 'Mere to Girdhar Gopal' ..more Love manifests inside you for "Mere" (Mine) Girdhar Gopal. More Love manifests, more restlessness arises in you to meet with Girdhar Gopal. More restless you become, faster you REALISE the Girdhar Gopal.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B



Shree Hari Ram RamWe are not the body, this body is not ours.Only God is ours and no one else.We do our duties with no attachments to the duties.Yes Yes Yes Narottam, you are right! This world is Maya...look within...look within...Pranaams to all om...shanti devotee


catherine andersen



If you have some knowledge about God then you will not be restless.Always have deep faith in almighty God and consistently recite His name and offer prayers to Him If you have complete faith in Him then your restlessness will go.Narsinh Mehta had complete faith in God then Lord Krishna has to take care of all problems of Narsinh Mehta a great poet of Gujarat India,

This is my short and sweet message.

My best wishes


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt






How can I become totally restless without God?




The phrase "without God" is an ambiguous expression! On one hand, a notion of 'a god' prevails and on the other hand one has no handle on the same not knowing what exactly 'a god' would be like. Why restlessness? Based on the notion of a god, one would have piled up many gains and advantages in the association with a god, again, notionally. Deluded by the notions, one would start lamenting that without god one is suffering in this life being cheated from the gains and advantages imagined.




If The God is understood correctly, there cannot be any room for a doubt "without God". Also, there cannot be restlessness as there is no room for any expectations to bargain with The God.




Restlessness always raises from an association with something either due to the excess in the association or a perceived threat for loosing the same or an inability to acquire/safegaurd an association.




The Absolute is not something to be associated with … IT IS everything AS IS. Therefore, there is no question of ITS excess or dearth; there is no room for ITS gain or loss; the very notion to acquire and safegaurd as well as repell and reject THAT is an impossibility.




And, on top of all, how can THE EVERPRESENT ABSOLUTE be ever perturbed to loose The Peace thereof? The RESTFULNESS is the very nature THAT IS and restlessness is the behavior we have imbibed in our ignorance of living. Tallying the restlessness that is rooted in our existential ignorance to THE RESTFUL PEACE that The God IS is not a wise idea as I see.




What I understand from the seers and scriptures is that the restlessness is rooted in the notional associations we keep switching with the things that keep switching their loyalty perpetually. We anxiously rush out to reach and hold on to the things that leave us perpetually thanks to the senses that are readily outgoing in their nature:




Paraanchikhaani vyatriNaatsvayambhooh tasmaatparaangpashyati naantaraatman |




In a way, restlessness itself is being "without (the awareness of) God". Swamiji advises to develop restlessness with that existential restlessness itself so that we would start working to move away from the restlessness in our living. The wise ones who understand the rootcause for the restlessness would verily invert the senses that are dragging one into the restlessness around to seek THE RESTFUL within:




Kashchiddheerah pratyagaatmaanamaikshat aavrittachakshuh amritattvamicchhan ||




Then what is the hurdle for many like us? Restlessness of loosing 'grounds' in the world around that is playing hide-and-seek with our existence and rattling us with desires and fears ... If we go 'in', what if the world around reject us when we come 'out'? Untill we do not acknowledge the fact that the world around us is rejecting us perpetually in spite of our notional and ignorant assumptions regarding the same, we are bound to the restlessness (fear of being with God) to break through the worldly restlessness (being without God). Therefore, the resolution is to seek an appreciation of the true nature of the world and our relationship with the same.








Naga Narayana.-------------------------------




Shree Hari. Ram Ram."If we cry from longing and abscence of God, then He too will cry due to our abscence." Swamiji has emphasized that if you don't have longing for Bhagavan, then pray to Bhagavan to give longing for Him. Continue praying to give ability to be his devotee as you are helpless in attaining that longing.Swamiji says - "If you think that God will be attained today, He will assuredly be attained today. But there should not be even the slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind, that how can God be attained so soon!""The slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind" is very important. Many people start believing that they need external guru etc to become devotee. You don't need anything. Bhagavan is always with you. Don't have any doubt. Accept Swamji's words and accept that Bhagavan loves and accepts you, He is always with you and you are His.Ram Ram.Gaurav Mittal



-Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Pawan,I smiled when I read your post, I have a little quote of Revered Swamiji: ' Don't misuse what you have already 'got'; don't disrespect what you already 'know' ; and don't doubt your belief already in Paramatma !'You appear pretty restless in your post to me, and you do not doubt belief in Paramatma!So relax, you are well on the way, another of his quotes: 'Whatever medicine a Doctor gives is good. Similarly: Whatever has been provided by God (for us) is good.'. You have written to this forum, things are looking good!In light of this, one more quote: ' On one side of Jeeva there is world; and on other side there is God. When Jeeva turns his face towards world demonaic properties manifest in him; and when he turns his face towards God divine properties manifest in him.'.On last point, you can never be without God, as Swamiji said turn your face towards God.Om...Shanti...Mike (K).------------------


Dear Ones, Namaste!"How can I become totally restless without God? What should I think/do/accept?" asks Pawan Kumarji in all its sincerity.Please appreciate the depth in the answer as I see it: When you have such thoughts of longing for God, know that it is not "you" that is longing, God Himself is longing through you, inviting you! At this stage if you say yes to this RSVP, you just long and long and long and............until the day arrives when you disappear! It is like "your own occasion" but "you" wouldn't be there!Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt




The only way to reach the state of intense longing for God is to follow the paths of those who had experienced such state and pray to God for His grace. Without His grace, we cannot develop intense longing for Him. We know what Mirabai did or Shree Chaitanya Mahaprbhu did and so many other great Sadhaks did. We have to follow them. When we are able to submit all of our moments only to Him and not use any moment thinking of anything else other than God, we will reach that stage of intense longing for God. If we consider that our current life is nothing but drowning in the deep waters of Maya and sensual desire fulfilment, we will not feel that we are gasping for breadth. Only when we feel that way, we will seek God with the intensity that we need for our liberation.

Basudeb Sen---------------------------


Hari OmYour Q is what you should think/do/accept !!THINK: You have only one goal- God Realisation. No other task or work should be a bigger priority than this. Think- how you can disconnect with Jagat. Think- You are not body. Think- why are you and who are you ? Think: Who is yours and who are 'others'? Think: What are your traits/nature/ characteristics and what are traits etc of the world ? DO: Do Akarmas ! Do Selfless Service ! Do Duty ! Do always for benefit of others ! Do not do anything for yourself. Renounce (Tyaag) ! ACCEPT: Mere to Girdhar Gopal Doosaro na koi. Only God is mine. I am of God. Nothing else is mine. Accept: I am Sadhak (Yogi). Accept: I am not body. Pranaams to all sadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam --



Yes, you have to find it for yourself, but....

The stage you are in just now, is the most important one....called as Mumukshatva,

one who desires Moksha is known to be in "Mumukshatva".


There is an emotional Mumukshatva as in Mirabai, and

there is an intellectual one--trying to know what God is.


The first one is totally upto you.

It does not come from studying something.

It just happens to some people---just as in love.

You just love someone and cannot stay separate from that person.

You cannot make someone fall in love with somebody else, other than by themselves.


A good guide to understand the second one is Viveka Chudamani.

This book explains to you what God is and Who you are.

And ultimately the great statement----Tat Tvam Asi---You are That !

You were always That in the past. You will always be That in future. And You are That now. The one person you love the most, is the one in the mirror---Yourself.

If you are That, ( and so is everyone else too ), it is easy to fall in love with That--God entity.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD




Shree Hari Ram Ram

We believe Pawanji meant, how can we have intense longing like Mirabai, where we cannot stay without God, like a drowning man gasping for breath of fresh air. As Swamiji says, cannot sleep, cannot eat without meeting the Beloved. That level of intensity, is what we believe was meant by "restless".

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Shree Paramatmane Namah


"That" lagan (intense longing, to be restless without 'THAT') you your "Self" will have to do that. You only can engage your Self to have that "lagan" or not. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam




Your question is not clear as it may mean different things. You only know what you mean. Assuming that you are currently restless in search of / in keen longing to see/ feel or merge in God, you should not be worried about God. Continue to be restless till you get God, for it is only God whom you are seeking - you are not seeking restlessness.

On the otherhand, if you are restless because things/ thoughts pther than God, just turn your mind and restlessness from those things and thoughts to only and wholly to the though of God. Oneday when you realize God in you, it is immaterial whether you are currently restless or not. Your objective and goal being only God, do not try to seek restlessness. Restlessness in not your objective - getting God is your objective.

Again, if you find you are restless for other things and hence unable to concentrate your thoughts continuously on God, know that without the help of God you cannot reach either God or avoid restlessness for other things. Pray to God continuously for helping you to remove all other thoughts from your mind and concentrate your mind on God.

It is possible that you have already achieved resting in God and you want to be without God now and at the same time avoid restlessness. If you have been already able to avoid restlessness with God, why do you want to be without God now? A person who has reached God through self realization would not require the help of others to solve any problem. If you have reached peace and bliss with God, God will tell you what to do next.

Basudeb Sen---


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka. Humans are restless, with desires. Materialistic desires are responsible for anxiety and unrest. The way out of this, is through devotional service, Bhakti Yoga. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Ananyas cintayanto mam,Ye janah paryupasate,Tesham nityabhiyuktanam,Yoga kshemam vahamy aham."( Gitaji 9,22)Which means,' Those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditate on My divine form, I take care of their welfare, give them what they lack and preserve what they have. 'The way to get rid of our anxiety and unrest is through devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names," Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare,Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna Hare Hare." and be happy. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D ---------------------


Dear Sadaks,It is NOT God WHO makes someone restless or at rest. God is neutral to everyone HE loves everyone equally.As said by Swamiji to think or read of Bakthas, makes the MIND desire less. When NO desires there is PEACE. When peace in mind then meditation happens and that in turn puts one in silence. The Silence of knowing nothing is here on earth to claim or disown. The silence paves way to Paramathuma. How I become happy? By seeing so many on road side down trodden, disabled, without meals/cloths, no one to take care Etc. Then I think and thank Bagavan million times I am put in best position. But when one sees pom and show (mere delusion) the mind wants fulfillment of pleasures/riches/fame Etc and then RESTLESS. Now tell me who creates restlessness. What Buddha (king) or Christ or Hindu Bakthas like Puranderdoss (Multimillionaire) knew that REST is in owning nothing.B.Sathyanarayan




One is so much entangled and satisfied with day to day routine that question to understand the truth does not arise.

Mind moves by the attraction.Truth has no attraction for the mind. It is not like a satisfactory thing or idea.

Intensity of pain, fear of death and so on may cause a stir in the mind that it becomes restless to know, what is all this?

Mind smothers this stir with securities (possessions, relations) and satisfactory ideas, the intensity does not arise.

In any case, it cannot be generated. Going through Gita talks or any other classicals on the subject may cause a stir in one's operating system to know the Truth.

The question-'how I can become restless' is itself in the direction of restlessness.

Raising the question(what is Truth) and not be satisfied with any answer puts the mind on total alertness.

This alertness takes you far.

Y V Chawla ------


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Namasteji, One of the things that Swamiji mentioned on number of occassions was to read Bhakt charitra (stories and lifes of other devotees of God). They invoke such sentiments in us.

Also over and over again Swamiji spoke about calling out to Bhagavan ... every few minutes intervals call out.. He Mere Naath ! Mein Bhooloon Nahin. (O'Lord, Let me never forget You). This can do wonders. Try these... as per Swami.


You may also want to listen to all discourses by Swamiji on "Lagan Kaise Lage" from the website


(you will have to DOWNLOAD BY DATE and search under "Vishay" for LAGAN, or words like Utkant Abhilaasha etc.


Here are a couple of sadhaka messages related to this topic, which you can read and then listen to discourse from the above website by searching on date


Deep Desire and Longing For God - ( Dec 15, 1993 at 5 am )


Is There Anyone Out There with Intense Longing for Bhagwaan? ( May 6, 2005 at 5:00 am )


Let me Never Forget You - ( August 18, 2000 at 5 am )



From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

11th February 2010, Thursday, Falgun Krishna Trayodashi, Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235

When a spiritual aspirant cannot remain without God, He also cannot remain without the aspirant, as it is God's nature.

In Gitaji, Bhagwaan (God) has said -

"Ye yatha maam prapadyante taanstathaiva bhajaamyaham" (Gita 4/11)

"Howsoever a devotee takes refuge in (approaches) Me, I give him support in the exact same manner." (Gita 4/11)

If we are totally restless without God, then He too will become restless without us. If we cry from longing and abscence of God, then He too will cry due to our abscence.

Suppose a mosquito wants to see an eagle and the eagle also wants to see the mosquito; then would the mosquito reach the eagle first or would the eagle reach the mosquito first? The power of the mosquito cannot be of any use in approaching the eagle. Only the power of the eagle will be useful. Similarly if there is a will to see God, only the power of God would be useful. Our power, our actions, our destiny would not yield anything. On the contrary only our ardent, intense and deep longing would work. There is nothing else that is required except our ardent, deep and intense longing and aspiration.

By saying that we can't reach God, does that mean God also cannot reach us. We can't reach God by whatever power we may use. But God dwells in our hearts verily. God appears to be away from us, because we believe that God is away. When Draupadi invoked God, she addressed Him as Govinda residing in Dwarka, therefore God came to her by first visiting Dwarka. If she addressed God, as the indweller in her heart, He would have appeared immediately !

If we believe that God cannot be attained just now, He will not be attained now, as we ourselves have created a blockage, a bar in His appearance.

If you think that God will be attained today, He will assuredly be attained today. But there should not be even the slightest shadow of doubt or thought in your mind, that how can God be attained so soon? God is not obstructed by your actions. If God is obstructed by your evil actions, if He is impeded by your sins, how can He shower His grace and blessings, even if he is availed? But God is not impeded by your actions. There is no power at all that can prevent God from being attained. He is neither obstructed by meritorious deeds nor by evil deeds. He is easily accessible to all. Our sins will become mightier than even God if He is obstructed by our sins. If sins are more powerful than God then how can we be blessed even if God is attained? What is the benefit of His being attained, if He is impeded by sins? None else is as mighty as He is, nor anyone has been, nor will there ever be anyone mightier, nor can there ever be anyone mightier than God. If you ardently and intensely long for God, then God will certainly be attained. It does not matter how you are. There is no doubt in it. He will be attained. This human birth has been bestowed on us only to attain Paramatma (God). Otherwise what is the difference between human beings and other species / creatures?

From "All is God" in English pg 111 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijicontent/

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