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Is Law of Karma Applicable for All or only Hindus?

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Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?

Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?

If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?

Just to discuss in depth for better understanding.

Wish all readers can participate for good and progress.


Lots of Love

Agam Sat Chit Anathan






Dear Sadhakas, Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka. Bhagavad Gita is not just for Hindus only, it is for the entire Mankind. Whether we believe it or not, laws of karma apply to every one. When we touch something hot or cold, our hands feel it irrespective of our faith. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Man mana bhava mad bhakto,Mad yaji mam namaskuru,Mam evaisyati satyam te,Pratijane priyo si me. "( Gitaji, 18, 65)Which means,' Always think of Me, be My devotee, worship and offer your obeisances unto Me. Then you come to me certainly. I promise this to you because your are My friend. 'The way to reach His Abode, is through devotional service, with complete surrender unto His Lotus Feet. In Gita Mahatmyam from Varaha Purana, Lord Vishnu assures the Goddess Earth, Bhudevi," Gita artham dhyayate nityam,Krutva karmani bhurishahJivan muktassa vijnayo,Dehante paramam padam. "Which means,' Who ever recites the meaning of Gitaji constantly, eventhough he or she is into karmic actions, gets liberation and reaches Me in the end. 'If we want to move beyond these karmas, there is only one way. That is devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names and advance spiritually. Thank YouHare Krishna. Prasad.A. Iragavarapu, M.D




The Law of Karma is universal and applies to all regardless of religion of course as does the law of Gravity which I understand is also mentioned in the Rig Veda - the ancient Rishis postulated laws which are beyond any religion and therefore they are SANATAN or eternal. The Veda or its metaphysical part is called eternal not out of some dogmatic injunction but through a robust enquiry in the Upanishads.

Jesus also tried to teach the Israelites the law of Karma through his parable, 'you reap what you sow'.anil bhanot



Dear sadaks,Question 1)Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to? Ans: Law of Karma applies to each and every living thing, to all living in 13 other worlds, and to all that is seen in universe like stars, planets Etc.

Question 2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time? Ans: Anybody can undue Karmic effect within 7 hours or 7 days like the king who heard Geetha from Sant Asta Vakra or like King Parikshid who heard Srimath Bagavath from Sant Sukhbhram', like the thief who was also crucified on the side of Christ got his Karmas washed away in minutes by faith, and so many.

Question 3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash? Ans: Conversion to another religion (Religion by itself is only school of thought- Not way to liberate) is itself shows NO basic faith in religion born. Such conversion normally leads to several birth before liberation.This Sadak has said, his/her name as "Agam, Sat, Chit , Aanandam." This itself answers all his question.B.Sathyanarayan





Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

Answers to these questions are simple.


> Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?


It applies to everyone. When you act and live life as an offering to God (Paramatma), then you don't get karma. There is no karma for those souls.

Accept that God is yours and you are God's. Give up affinity to inert matter as your self is beyond it.

You won't get any karma as your actions are dedicated to God.


> Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?


Paramatma (Krishna or God) loves you and you are never doomed. You will get unlimited chances in future births.

Paramatma is within you and always accompanies you out of His causeless mercy. Don't give up that faith and do actions as an offering to Him.

Don't worry about karma so much. God will take care of you.


> If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?


God is in you and that God is independent of any religion. Whatever religion you follow, try to sincerely follow the God within you.

Try to offer your actions to God who is in you and in everyone.

Answer to your question is Yes. As mentioned earlier, anyone can do away with karmic backlash by offering their actions to Krishna or God and accepting that they are God's and God is theirs.


Ram Ram.Anandamukhi Mittal





Raam,Dear brother, You have posted here questions here, and according to my intellect, what I feel is:1) Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?In all the Hindu scriptures, there is no mention for Hindu religion. For simplicity sake, since human body is mentioned as the most fortunate one, so all human beings should be considered Hindu (just assume for the time being). Or, in the absence of any religion, there is no religion, means Hindu religion is only for distinguishing one who have separated themselves from the main ideology of Sanatan Dharma (Eternal religion) to non-eternal religion. Now coming to your question, is Law of Karma applicable to only Hindus or to everyone. So I should ask you, does Hindus only feel hungry or everyone, does Hindus only feel thirsty or everyone. In the same way, every creature has to abide the law of Karma. Although the greatest significance of Human body is that we can create new Karmas here, that's why we are called being independent in Kartavya, but in other species, this is not possible. Even this is not possible for Gods in Heavens. This the reason why, in addition to the Vivek shakti, the Human birth is the most important one.I ponder sometime thinking that if someone is not governed by the law of Karma and someone other is, then why everyone in this World gets happiness at some moment, and misery at another. All these things are common to all humans.

2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?I feel that God has given us a very critical and important path of surrendering ourselves to Him and if are not going to commit the same errors again, then it is sure that God will definitely prevent us from suffering. My strong feeling is that everyone should suffer for the sake of not suffering in the future. I am not praying for everyone to suffer, but I feel that suffering is better than the worldly happiness, since it brings us closer to God.

3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?I feel that it has nothing to do with conversion. If one owes something, he is obliged to pay it back. God has created the World in such way that no one can escape from the clinches of Karma. And, simultaneously, he done a terrible grace. And that is, if someone surrenders to him, or take refuge in God, all his responsibilities will be taken care by God. Such is the benevolence nature of God. I would like to suggest you to kindly read the stories of devotees, and learn from there how God, being the supreme power, never hesitates to serve to the one's who have completed belief in Him and has taken His refuge.Please let me know if you still have any more doubts.RaamKuldeep Chaturvedi



every belief depends on faith.Christians speak about dooms day.They build a grave and allow the corpse lay down till the dooms day.But now-a-days every one is experiencing the results of his karmas in his later part of his life.But if one leads his life in bhagavatha marga, I think he is less prone to the karmik effect.Either he may develop tolerance to the life situations thinking that he is not responsible or his karmic effect gets neutralized due to his satkarmas


Badri Narayana Miriyala




Just see.

Comfort through thought is the illusion, which binds us to its contra.There is echo of every thought, which you are not able to listen. Not listening is convenient for the mind.There is a veil between thought and echo.Thought can not pierce the veil. Veil may be pierced when thought is silenced in awe.

One becomes aware of the trap (of Karma). Awareness of the trap is the end of the trap.

Y V Chawla -------------------------------


Shree Hari Ram Ram


Kindly remember BREVITY, RELAVANCY AND RESPECT FOR ALL for each posting.


Previous discussions related to Law of Karma are at:


Becoming Free from Karma Bondage -



What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?



Not directly related to this topic, but thought sadhaks may want to review this list of Satya Karmas previously posted in Gita-Talk. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Satya Karma at Body, Speech and Mind levelTo conduct oneself per injunctions of Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma)the following Satya Karmas are prescribed at the Body, Speech andMind levels:At the Body levelWorship – Prayers and adoration to God, teacher and the wisePurity – Freedom from bodily impurities, letting go of laziness and lethargyCelibacy - Letting go of the pleasure in worldly sensual objectsAbsence of crookedness – Walking and talking straight and not with prideNon-injury and non-stealingSpirit of Service – Actively engage in doing good to allDevotion to Duty – Doing what is required and should be done as worshipAusterities – Enduring hardships while discharging one's religious obligationsKeeping body fit – Doing yogic postures and pranayam regularlySatsang – Association with saints and holy menFood - Eating foods which promote longevity, purity, strength, health, happiness and cheerfulness, are juicy, oleaginous and substantialCharity – Graciously giving to one from whom no return is expected and due regard to place, time and recipientAt the speech levelNon offensive speech - speech should not hurt anyoneTruthfulness – Spoken precisely in a agreeable languagePleasant – Speech should be sweet, pleasing and beneficialAbsence of Backbiting Spirit – Avoid slandering, it proceeds from jealousySpiritual study and Nama Japa – Study of sacred books, repetition of the Divinenames and recounting the virtues of the Lord and singing His gloriesAt the mind levelPleasant and Gentle disposition - Not wishing bad to happen to anyoneSilence - Speaking only when necessarySelf-discipline – Exercising control over the mindForgiveness – Entertaining no thought of inflicting punishment to one who has done wrong to youCourage – Absence of cowardiceUnselfishness – Not seeking satisfaction of any selfish desire connected with this world or the nextAmmanitva – Not seeking honor, respect or homageHumility – Unassuming and modest natureCompassion – Melting of heart at the sight of suffering of a creatureFreedom from Hypocrisy – Putting up a false show of piety should be avoidedContentment – complete absence of thirst of material objectsSpiritual Wisdom – Discrimination between what is real and which is unrealDispassion – Complete absence of attachment to anything pertaining to this world or the nextEndurance – Capacity to bear heat and cold, and to remain unaffected by pleasure and pain, not get influenced by diverse circumstancesPiety – Absolute faith in scriptures and in the teachings of MahatamasThinking about saints, their life stories and their teachingsAvoiding thinking about bad people and their character(From Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapters 16 and 17 and "What is Dharma"by Jayadyal Goyanka)--Dear Sadhakji,I have been reading your daily articles with interest. With yourwealth of knowledge I am prompted to seek your assistance. One of mygrand daughters lives in Sydney. The Hindu Society there ispromoting the spoken and written Hindi to keep our language alive.One of the ways of promoting spoken language is the OratoryContest.Each child is to speak for five to six minutes on the topic:SATYA KARAM.Your assistance in this matter will be very much appreciated.Ram Dharma Nand JPShree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha Fiji.


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Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?

Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?

If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?

Just to discuss in depth for better understanding.

Wish all readers can participate for good and progress.


Lots of Love

Agam Sat Chit Anathan






Law of Karma is universally applicable to all beings and inanimate objects inthis Creation. If something is on Earth, it cannot escape the Law Gravitation.Similarly, any thing and everything in this creation is subject to Law of Karma.By changing religion, one cannot escape the Law of Karma. The universe at large and the galaxiesare subject to the Law of Karma. the Law of Karma itself is subject to itself.There is no escape. There is no need to feel sorry about getting trapped by theLaw f Karma. Everyone including the Creator, god Almighty is subject to theuivesal Law of Karma. But if one fels sorry,that is also because of theoperation of the Law of Karma. THe only liberation possible is understanding theLaw of Karma including its implications like equanamity. But that liberationcomes only because of the operation of the Law of Karma. But that happens inrare cases.Basudeb Sen



Dear Ones, Namaste!Laws of Karma applies to anybody who thinks he/she is body-mind based organism regardless of beliefs, religions etc. A body has pain, or develops cancer or any such illness, does it have any problem? Physical body doesn't have complexes at all, whatever happens is according to cosmic laws, birth, growth, maturity, deterioration, illness, death! Mind has all complexes! When body has pain, it thinks it has pain. Mind thinks it is separate from all beings and therefore, mind attaches to some it likes and some it doesn't like, so it avoids them. This is the only reason it suffers. This is what is Laws of Karma, really, meaning one lets mind rule life over which it doesn't have any control, so it suffers! Nothing fancy, it itself is ruled by conditioning of society, culture etc called environment in which it grows!Such behaviors are among all mankind! Obviously everyone suffers or has pleasures, though, reasons may be different depending on their being raised in different cultures. This is Laws of Karma! It is the way one reacts rather than acts! Thus, it is Universal in nature, has nothing to do with Hindu or not, but everything to do with ignorance! Laws of Karma is explanation to our being ignorance! Of what? of not knowing who we are!Just remove this ignorance and one is Free from Karma meaning pleasures and pains irrespective of birth and death of body. Laws are applicable even then to body, but suffering is removed. Scripture calls this as burning away of karmas! Nothing else need to be changed!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




Its like asking, if I put money in the Bank, or borrow from the Bank,would different religions get treated differently. Try to borrow $ 5000 against your Master Card, and not pay the interest or the principal, the Bank will be after you to pay the money.


Law of Karma is similar. Regardless of your religion, the Natural law demands that since action and reaction are equal and opposite, you will be required to pay for your Karma !! Of last life, or many lives back.

Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Hari OmThe Law of Karma is applicable not only to Hindus but to all human beings ! It applies not only to all humans but to all creatures ! It applies not only to all creatures but also to Demi Gods say The Sun, Fire, Moon, Air etc ! In fact the first receipient of the knowledge of Karma Yoga was the Sun !! What is this world comprising of? If you get deep ...you will find nothing EXCEPT .."Doing" and "Happenning" ! Deeds and Results thereof. It is contractual obligations that bind a human in this world (BG 15:2) ! Why only human...to all creatures !! World is nothing except "Lenia-Denia" (giving..receiving...giving) ! World therefore has at many places in Scriptures referred as " Karma Bhoomi" ! Rightly so, because you can't remain without doing Karmas even for a fraction of a second. There is a chain of action-reaction going on. Even Akarmas are in the form of Karmas only.Q Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?Ans: No ! Human life is not meant for getting doomed at all! Human life means an opportunity ...very rare opportunity of ...breaking the CHAINS of action/reaction. Here you can do AKARMAS also which do not produce any bondage. A human has also capacity to remain EQUANIMOUS and thus un-impacted by the CHAINS of Karmas ..the Bondage of Karmas !Q If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?Ans: Such a Q does not arise once earlier Qs are answered and understood.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---------



Shree Paramatmane Namah


The Questioner - Agam Sat Chit Anathanji ! Pray I ask you that before the word Hindu came about, wasn't it the principle that - "As you sow, so shall you reap" ? Wasn't it happening so? Whatever one has done, if he himself is able to erase it (wipe it out), then he is not a human being, rather he is Ishvar. A sinful act, will result in bad result / outcome and a virtuous act will result in something good. How can it not? the Lord, gives a man fruits according to his actions -Saadhan, Sudhaa, Sindhu pg 819".

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam





There is but One law.

The Law is One ... The One without the second its author

The One without the second Himself is the Law.

Himself is the self in all, remaining but One

The Self as well as the not-self in the self

The self in narinder is subject to the Immutability of the Law.

Narinder is what he is in accordance with the dictate of the Law...........

Far, or near. How far - or how near - .Only the Law knows ...........

The Law it is that chooses to invoke in narinderness, when it pleases the Law

The desire to die to narinderness.


The time to go , one day, someday, does come !

The time to wind up arrives,time to go beyond the Law ....

Gathering all the strength of all the merits earned in a myriad lives,

nariness invokes the Law to Forgive the doings in Time.

Prays for Grace.

And with One stroke, kills the past.

No past, no future, aha !

The Present ?

The Present ? ¦..Dictate of the Law in answer to narinder's supplications !

Winding up , Time no more is .... Time dies ............

If the Law is what it is and so it is ...........Immutable it is, yes .....

all will be what will be.

Only the law is itself, the Doing and the Reaping

Nariness must let go all. Such is the Law.

The Law itself has placed in the proximity of nariness, beings, which it itself is.

Yet gives the Beings freedom to live the life of paradox, of their own choice and freewill.

Nariness may love, but interfere he must not. ....

Such be the Law ........ if beyond the Law, one wants to rise ...........

Single-mindedly must nari-ness walk the path of surrender..

Alone must narinder walk the Path

the path called Kaivalaya, Alone-ness

The Law itself is the strength and one pointedness that to surrender leads.

Is the Light.........Is the Law.


narinder bhandari


Dear Sadhakas,Namaskar.I read with great interest various comments/explanations on the subject of Karma.There is a book "THE LAWS OF KARMA" written by a great scientist and Vedic scholar Dr. Harish Chandra .You will be enlightened by his work.Dhanyavaadanil ramjattan



Dear Sadhakas, Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka. Bhagavad Gita is not just for Hindus only, it is for the entire Mankind. Whether we believe it or not, laws of karma apply to every one. When we touch something hot or cold, our hands feel it irrespective of our faith. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Man mana bhava mad bhakto,Mad yaji mam namaskuru,Mam evaisyati satyam te,Pratijane priyo si me. "( Gitaji, 18, 65)Which means,' Always think of Me, be My devotee, worship and offer your obeisances unto Me. Then you come to me certainly. I promise this to you because your are My friend. 'The way to reach His Abode, is through devotional service, with complete surrender unto His Lotus Feet. In Gita Mahatmyam from Varaha Purana, Lord Vishnu assures the Goddess Earth, Bhudevi," Gita artham dhyayate nityam,Krutva karmani bhurishahJivan muktassa vijnayo,Dehante paramam padam. "Which means,' Who ever recites the meaning of Gitaji constantly, eventhough he or she is into karmic actions, gets liberation and reaches Me in the end. 'If we want to move beyond these karmas, there is only one way. That is devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names and advance spiritually. Thank YouHare Krishna. Prasad.A. Iragavarapu, M.D




The Law of Karma is universal and applies to all regardless of religion of course as does the law of Gravity which I understand is also mentioned in the Rig Veda - the ancient Rishis postulated laws which are beyond any religion and therefore they are SANATAN or eternal. The Veda or its metaphysical part is called eternal not out of some dogmatic injunction but through a robust enquiry in the Upanishads.

Jesus also tried to teach the Israelites the law of Karma through his parable, 'you reap what you sow'.anil bhanot



Dear sadaks,Question 1)Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to? Ans: Law of Karma applies to each and every living thing, to all living in 13 other worlds, and to all that is seen in universe like stars, planets Etc.

Question 2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time? Ans: Anybody can undue Karmic effect within 7 hours or 7 days like the king who heard Geetha from Sant Asta Vakra or like King Parikshid who heard Srimath Bagavath from Sant Sukhbhram', like the thief who was also crucified on the side of Christ got his Karmas washed away in minutes by faith, and so many.

Question 3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash? Ans: Conversion to another religion (Religion by itself is only school of thought- Not way to liberate) is itself shows NO basic faith in religion born. Such conversion normally leads to several birth before liberation.This Sadak has said, his/her name as "Agam, Sat, Chit , Aanandam." This itself answers all his question.B.Sathyanarayan





Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

Answers to these questions are simple.


> Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?


It applies to everyone. When you act and live life as an offering to God (Paramatma), then you don't get karma. There is no karma for those souls.

Accept that God is yours and you are God's. Give up affinity to inert matter as your self is beyond it.

You won't get any karma as your actions are dedicated to God.


> Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?


Paramatma (Krishna or God) loves you and you are never doomed. You will get unlimited chances in future births.

Paramatma is within you and always accompanies you out of His causeless mercy. Don't give up that faith and do actions as an offering to Him.

Don't worry about karma so much. God will take care of you.


> If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?


God is in you and that God is independent of any religion. Whatever religion you follow, try to sincerely follow the God within you.

Try to offer your actions to God who is in you and in everyone.

Answer to your question is Yes. As mentioned earlier, anyone can do away with karmic backlash by offering their actions to Krishna or God and accepting that they are God's and God is theirs.


Ram Ram.Anandamukhi Mittal





Raam,Dear brother, You have posted here questions here, and according to my intellect, what I feel is:1) Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?In all the Hindu scriptures, there is no mention for Hindu religion. For simplicity sake, since human body is mentioned as the most fortunate one, so all human beings should be considered Hindu (just assume for the time being). Or, in the absence of any religion, there is no religion, means Hindu religion is only for distinguishing one who have separated themselves from the main ideology of Sanatan Dharma (Eternal religion) to non-eternal religion. Now coming to your question, is Law of Karma applicable to only Hindus or to everyone. So I should ask you, does Hindus only feel hungry or everyone, does Hindus only feel thirsty or everyone. In the same way, every creature has to abide the law of Karma. Although the greatest significance of Human body is that we can create new Karmas here, that's why we are called being independent in Kartavya, but in other species, this is not possible. Even this is not possible for Gods in Heavens. This the reason why, in addition to the Vivek shakti, the Human birth is the most important one.I ponder sometime thinking that if someone is not governed by the law of Karma and someone other is, then why everyone in this World gets happiness at some moment, and misery at another. All these things are common to all humans.

2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?I feel that God has given us a very critical and important path of surrendering ourselves to Him and if are not going to commit the same errors again, then it is sure that God will definitely prevent us from suffering. My strong feeling is that everyone should suffer for the sake of not suffering in the future. I am not praying for everyone to suffer, but I feel that suffering is better than the worldly happiness, since it brings us closer to God.

3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?I feel that it has nothing to do with conversion. If one owes something, he is obliged to pay it back. God has created the World in such way that no one can escape from the clinches of Karma. And, simultaneously, he done a terrible grace. And that is, if someone surrenders to him, or take refuge in God, all his responsibilities will be taken care by God. Such is the benevolence nature of God. I would like to suggest you to kindly read the stories of devotees, and learn from there how God, being the supreme power, never hesitates to serve to the one's who have completed belief in Him and has taken His refuge.Please let me know if you still have any more doubts.RaamKuldeep Chaturvedi



every belief depends on faith.Christians speak about dooms day.They build a grave and allow the corpse lay down till the dooms day.But now-a-days every one is experiencing the results of his karmas in his later part of his life.But if one leads his life in bhagavatha marga, I think he is less prone to the karmik effect.Either he may develop tolerance to the life situations thinking that he is not responsible or his karmic effect gets neutralized due to his satkarmas


Badri Narayana Miriyala




Just see.

Comfort through thought is the illusion, which binds us to its contra.There is echo of every thought, which you are not able to listen. Not listening is convenient for the mind.There is a veil between thought and echo.Thought can not pierce the veil. Veil may be pierced when thought is silenced in awe.

One becomes aware of the trap (of Karma). Awareness of the trap is the end of the trap.

Y V Chawla -------------------------------


Shree Hari Ram Ram


Kindly remember BREVITY, RELAVANCY AND RESPECT FOR ALL for each posting.


Previous discussions related to Law of Karma are at:


Becoming Free from Karma Bondage -



What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?



Not directly related to this topic, but thought sadhaks may want to review this list of Satya Karmas previously posted in Gita-Talk. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Satya Karma at Body, Speech and Mind levelTo conduct oneself per injunctions of Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma)the following Satya Karmas are prescribed at the Body, Speech andMind levels:At the Body levelWorship – Prayers and adoration to God, teacher and the wisePurity – Freedom from bodily impurities, letting go of laziness and lethargyCelibacy - Letting go of the pleasure in worldly sensual objectsAbsence of crookedness – Walking and talking straight and not with prideNon-injury and non-stealingSpirit of Service – Actively engage in doing good to allDevotion to Duty – Doing what is required and should be done as worshipAusterities – Enduring hardships while discharging one's religious obligationsKeeping body fit – Doing yogic postures and pranayam regularlySatsang – Association with saints and holy menFood - Eating foods which promote longevity, purity, strength, health, happiness and cheerfulness, are juicy, oleaginous and substantialCharity – Graciously giving to one from whom no return is expected and due regard to place, time and recipientAt the speech levelNon offensive speech - speech should not hurt anyoneTruthfulness – Spoken precisely in a agreeable languagePleasant – Speech should be sweet, pleasing and beneficialAbsence of Backbiting Spirit – Avoid slandering, it proceeds from jealousySpiritual study and Nama Japa – Study of sacred books, repetition of the Divinenames and recounting the virtues of the Lord and singing His gloriesAt the mind levelPleasant and Gentle disposition - Not wishing bad to happen to anyoneSilence - Speaking only when necessarySelf-discipline – Exercising control over the mindForgiveness – Entertaining no thought of inflicting punishment to one who has done wrong to youCourage – Absence of cowardiceUnselfishness – Not seeking satisfaction of any selfish desire connected with this world or the nextAmmanitva – Not seeking honor, respect or homageHumility – Unassuming and modest natureCompassion – Melting of heart at the sight of suffering of a creatureFreedom from Hypocrisy – Putting up a false show of piety should be avoidedContentment – complete absence of thirst of material objectsSpiritual Wisdom – Discrimination between what is real and which is unrealDispassion – Complete absence of attachment to anything pertaining to this world or the nextEndurance – Capacity to bear heat and cold, and to remain unaffected by pleasure and pain, not get influenced by diverse circumstancesPiety – Absolute faith in scriptures and in the teachings of MahatamasThinking about saints, their life stories and their teachingsAvoiding thinking about bad people and their character(From Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapters 16 and 17 and "What is Dharma"by Jayadyal Goyanka)--Dear Sadhakji,I have been reading your daily articles with interest. With yourwealth of knowledge I am prompted to seek your assistance. One of mygrand daughters lives in Sydney. The Hindu Society there ispromoting the spoken and written Hindi to keep our language alive.One of the ways of promoting spoken language is the OratoryContest.Each child is to speak for five to six minutes on the topic:SATYA KARAM.Your assistance in this matter will be very much appreciated.Ram Dharma Nand JPShree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha Fiji.


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Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?

Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?

If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?

Just to discuss in depth for better understanding.

Wish all readers can participate for good and progress.


Lots of Love

Agam Sat Chit Anathan







If we said the law of karma is applicable only to Hindus, it cannot be the law of karma. Our past and future births depend on our karmas, whether we are Hindu or Muslim, human or animal, etc.

Of course we are not trapped in our karmas. We can change the cycle of birth and rebirth by choosing "good" karmas. Finally, the best birth is none - when the jivatma merges with the paramatma.

Dr. Nanditha Krishna


I have read about Sanatan Dharma and still coming to grip with whether Hindu is a Dharma ie Religion in itself ? An offshoot of an origin , ie Hindu is an just offshoot of Sanatan Dharma and therefore it only can be a punth (path) like any other like Sikh, Budhism, Jainis etc etc.


Therefore the Sanatan Dharma established Law Of Karma can apply to one and all !!Kishin Chandiramani



Dear Sadaks,I read many sadaks posting on Law of Karma. Can anyone answer, whether Law of Karma has escape? If yes, please tell examples from Puranas/sastras BUT NOT ones own comment. Please NOTE there is NO Karmic effect to GOD or creator. Also please say in 2 lines ,"How law of Karma Acts on human". According to science known to many Doctors, the brain of Human is used only about 10%. But when used to 90%, human elevates NOT affected by cosmic power. Another sadaks said,'' Borrow money from bank and be defaulter, the bank will be behind you". What if someone pays your loan, the Bank does not bother you. There are examples to this in puranas/HISTORY. The Karmas for JADA Vasthu (Moon-Sun Etc) are fixed. But for humans it changes. B.Sathyanarayan



Dear Sadhakas, Namaskar,The body (Sharir) of all the lifeforms on this Planet Earth is designed to procure food, eat and digest it to produce chemical energy to perform the various actions to grow, exist and reproduce own species. My understanding is that The Karmas required to achieve this objective is the Law of Karma. The daily routines, sleep and sex during the fruitful age to give birth to next generation, are the Karmas expected by the Designer. I also believe that the good and bad Karmas, heaven and hell, Punya and Paap etc are the concepts introduced in religions by the Great Thinkers of the Past (GTPs) so that the human society is moraly rich and stable, well behaved to avoid disorder and chaos...Gee Waman


Respected swamiji,


Namaskar and Jai Shri Bhagwanjiki.


I have a question which has been bothering me ever since I read a story of two wandering Buddhist monks in China in olden times. One of them while walking from village to village, came upon a marriage ceremoney where food was laid on one hundred tables, all sorts of delicacies, mainly non-veg items and the people were enjoying it and merry making. The monk sat down there and started to cry; since he was a famous saint/monk, people asked him why he was crying while everyone was enjoying himself. He said that the grandson is marrying his grandmother and the guests are being cooked in the pots and the animals were enjoying the feast. It appears that the saints and monks have the power to see their previous births of people and animals.


My question is if someone is a meat eater, will he have to become that animal in his next or future birth of whom he/she eats meat and the animal will enjoy his flesh, becoming a human being in his future birth. This theory or fact seems to go with the Hindu thinking and religious belief. If it is true, then what will happen to the people who eat meat everyday or quite often which means this cycle of animal and human birth will never stop and will continue into eternity.

Kindly advise if it is true or near to the truth!






sher singh agrawal





Law of Karma is universally applicable to all beings and inanimate objects inthis Creation. If something is on Earth, it cannot escape the Law Gravitation.Similarly, any thing and everything in this creation is subject to Law of Karma.By changing religion, one cannot escape the Law of Karma. The universe at large and the galaxiesare subject to the Law of Karma. the Law of Karma itself is subject to itself.There is no escape. There is no need to feel sorry about getting trapped by theLaw f Karma. Everyone including the Creator, god Almighty is subject to theuivesal Law of Karma. But if one fels sorry,that is also because of theoperation of the Law of Karma. THe only liberation possible is understanding theLaw of Karma including its implications like equanamity. But that liberationcomes only because of the operation of the Law of Karma. But that happens inrare cases.Basudeb Sen



Dear Ones, Namaste!Laws of Karma applies to anybody who thinks he/she is body-mind based organism regardless of beliefs, religions etc. A body has pain, or develops cancer or any such illness, does it have any problem? Physical body doesn't have complexes at all, whatever happens is according to cosmic laws, birth, growth, maturity, deterioration, illness, death! Mind has all complexes! When body has pain, it thinks it has pain. Mind thinks it is separate from all beings and therefore, mind attaches to some it likes and some it doesn't like, so it avoids them. This is the only reason it suffers. This is what is Laws of Karma, really, meaning one lets mind rule life over which it doesn't have any control, so it suffers! Nothing fancy, it itself is ruled by conditioning of society, culture etc called environment in which it grows!Such behaviors are among all mankind! Obviously everyone suffers or has pleasures, though, reasons may be different depending on their being raised in different cultures. This is Laws of Karma! It is the way one reacts rather than acts! Thus, it is Universal in nature, has nothing to do with Hindu or not, but everything to do with ignorance! Laws of Karma is explanation to our being ignorance! Of what? of not knowing who we are!Just remove this ignorance and one is Free from Karma meaning pleasures and pains irrespective of birth and death of body. Laws are applicable even then to body, but suffering is removed. Scripture calls this as burning away of karmas! Nothing else need to be changed!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




Its like asking, if I put money in the Bank, or borrow from the Bank,would different religions get treated differently. Try to borrow $ 5000 against your Master Card, and not pay the interest or the principal, the Bank will be after you to pay the money.


Law of Karma is similar. Regardless of your religion, the Natural law demands that since action and reaction are equal and opposite, you will be required to pay for your Karma !! Of last life, or many lives back.

Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Hari OmThe Law of Karma is applicable not only to Hindus but to all human beings ! It applies not only to all humans but to all creatures ! It applies not only to all creatures but also to Demi Gods say The Sun, Fire, Moon, Air etc ! In fact the first receipient of the knowledge of Karma Yoga was the Sun !! What is this world comprising of? If you get deep ...you will find nothing EXCEPT .."Doing" and "Happenning" ! Deeds and Results thereof. It is contractual obligations that bind a human in this world (BG 15:2) ! Why only human...to all creatures !! World is nothing except "Lenia-Denia" (giving..receiving...giving) ! World therefore has at many places in Scriptures referred as " Karma Bhoomi" ! Rightly so, because you can't remain without doing Karmas even for a fraction of a second. There is a chain of action-reaction going on. Even Akarmas are in the form of Karmas only.Q Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?Ans: No ! Human life is not meant for getting doomed at all! Human life means an opportunity ...very rare opportunity of ...breaking the CHAINS of action/reaction. Here you can do AKARMAS also which do not produce any bondage. A human has also capacity to remain EQUANIMOUS and thus un-impacted by the CHAINS of Karmas ..the Bondage of Karmas !Q If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?Ans: Such a Q does not arise once earlier Qs are answered and understood.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---------



Shree Paramatmane Namah


The Questioner - Agam Sat Chit Anathanji ! Pray I ask you that before the word Hindu came about, wasn't it the principle that - "As you sow, so shall you reap" ? Wasn't it happening so? Whatever one has done, if he himself is able to erase it (wipe it out), then he is not a human being, rather he is Ishvar. A sinful act, will result in bad result / outcome and a virtuous act will result in something good. How can it not? the Lord, gives a man fruits according to his actions -Saadhan, Sudhaa, Sindhu pg 819".

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam





There is but One law.

The Law is One ... The One without the second its author

The One without the second Himself is the Law.

Himself is the self in all, remaining but One

The Self as well as the not-self in the self

The self in narinder is subject to the Immutability of the Law.

Narinder is what he is in accordance with the dictate of the Law...........

Far, or near. How far - or how near - .Only the Law knows ...........

The Law it is that chooses to invoke in narinderness, when it pleases the Law

The desire to die to narinderness.


The time to go , one day, someday, does come !

The time to wind up arrives,time to go beyond the Law ....

Gathering all the strength of all the merits earned in a myriad lives,

nariness invokes the Law to Forgive the doings in Time.

Prays for Grace.

And with One stroke, kills the past.

No past, no future, aha !

The Present ?

The Present ? ¦..Dictate of the Law in answer to narinder's supplications !

Winding up , Time no more is .... Time dies ............

If the Law is what it is and so it is ...........Immutable it is, yes .....

all will be what will be.

Only the law is itself, the Doing and the Reaping

Nariness must let go all. Such is the Law.

The Law itself has placed in the proximity of nariness, beings, which it itself is.

Yet gives the Beings freedom to live the life of paradox, of their own choice and freewill.

Nariness may love, but interfere he must not. ....

Such be the Law ........ if beyond the Law, one wants to rise ...........

Single-mindedly must nari-ness walk the path of surrender..

Alone must narinder walk the Path

the path called Kaivalaya, Alone-ness

The Law itself is the strength and one pointedness that to surrender leads.

Is the Light.........Is the Law.


narinder bhandari


Dear Sadhakas,Namaskar.I read with great interest various comments/explanations on the subject of Karma.There is a book "THE LAWS OF KARMA" written by a great scientist and Vedic scholar Dr. Harish Chandra .You will be enlightened by his work.Dhanyavaadanil ramjattan



Dear Sadhakas, Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka. Bhagavad Gita is not just for Hindus only, it is for the entire Mankind. Whether we believe it or not, laws of karma apply to every one. When we touch something hot or cold, our hands feel it irrespective of our faith. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Man mana bhava mad bhakto,Mad yaji mam namaskuru,Mam evaisyati satyam te,Pratijane priyo si me. "( Gitaji, 18, 65)Which means,' Always think of Me, be My devotee, worship and offer your obeisances unto Me. Then you come to me certainly. I promise this to you because your are My friend. 'The way to reach His Abode, is through devotional service, with complete surrender unto His Lotus Feet. In Gita Mahatmyam from Varaha Purana, Lord Vishnu assures the Goddess Earth, Bhudevi," Gita artham dhyayate nityam,Krutva karmani bhurishahJivan muktassa vijnayo,Dehante paramam padam. "Which means,' Who ever recites the meaning of Gitaji constantly, eventhough he or she is into karmic actions, gets liberation and reaches Me in the end. 'If we want to move beyond these karmas, there is only one way. That is devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names and advance spiritually. Thank YouHare Krishna. Prasad.A. Iragavarapu, M.D




The Law of Karma is universal and applies to all regardless of religion of course as does the law of Gravity which I understand is also mentioned in the Rig Veda - the ancient Rishis postulated laws which are beyond any religion and therefore they are SANATAN or eternal. The Veda or its metaphysical part is called eternal not out of some dogmatic injunction but through a robust enquiry in the Upanishads.

Jesus also tried to teach the Israelites the law of Karma through his parable, 'you reap what you sow'.anil bhanot



Dear sadaks,Question 1)Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to? Ans: Law of Karma applies to each and every living thing, to all living in 13 other worlds, and to all that is seen in universe like stars, planets Etc.

Question 2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time? Ans: Anybody can undue Karmic effect within 7 hours or 7 days like the king who heard Geetha from Sant Asta Vakra or like King Parikshid who heard Srimath Bagavath from Sant Sukhbhram', like the thief who was also crucified on the side of Christ got his Karmas washed away in minutes by faith, and so many.

Question 3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash? Ans: Conversion to another religion (Religion by itself is only school of thought- Not way to liberate) is itself shows NO basic faith in religion born. Such conversion normally leads to several birth before liberation.This Sadak has said, his/her name as "Agam, Sat, Chit , Aanandam." This itself answers all his question.B.Sathyanarayan





Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

Answers to these questions are simple.


> Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?


It applies to everyone. When you act and live life as an offering to God (Paramatma), then you don't get karma. There is no karma for those souls.

Accept that God is yours and you are God's. Give up affinity to inert matter as your self is beyond it.

You won't get any karma as your actions are dedicated to God.


> Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?


Paramatma (Krishna or God) loves you and you are never doomed. You will get unlimited chances in future births.

Paramatma is within you and always accompanies you out of His causeless mercy. Don't give up that faith and do actions as an offering to Him.

Don't worry about karma so much. God will take care of you.


> If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?


God is in you and that God is independent of any religion. Whatever religion you follow, try to sincerely follow the God within you.

Try to offer your actions to God who is in you and in everyone.

Answer to your question is Yes. As mentioned earlier, anyone can do away with karmic backlash by offering their actions to Krishna or God and accepting that they are God's and God is theirs.


Ram Ram.Anandamukhi Mittal





Raam,Dear brother, You have posted here questions here, and according to my intellect, what I feel is:1) Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?In all the Hindu scriptures, there is no mention for Hindu religion. For simplicity sake, since human body is mentioned as the most fortunate one, so all human beings should be considered Hindu (just assume for the time being). Or, in the absence of any religion, there is no religion, means Hindu religion is only for distinguishing one who have separated themselves from the main ideology of Sanatan Dharma (Eternal religion) to non-eternal religion. Now coming to your question, is Law of Karma applicable to only Hindus or to everyone. So I should ask you, does Hindus only feel hungry or everyone, does Hindus only feel thirsty or everyone. In the same way, every creature has to abide the law of Karma. Although the greatest significance of Human body is that we can create new Karmas here, that's why we are called being independent in Kartavya, but in other species, this is not possible. Even this is not possible for Gods in Heavens. This the reason why, in addition to the Vivek shakti, the Human birth is the most important one.I ponder sometime thinking that if someone is not governed by the law of Karma and someone other is, then why everyone in this World gets happiness at some moment, and misery at another. All these things are common to all humans.

2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?I feel that God has given us a very critical and important path of surrendering ourselves to Him and if are not going to commit the same errors again, then it is sure that God will definitely prevent us from suffering. My strong feeling is that everyone should suffer for the sake of not suffering in the future. I am not praying for everyone to suffer, but I feel that suffering is better than the worldly happiness, since it brings us closer to God.

3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?I feel that it has nothing to do with conversion. If one owes something, he is obliged to pay it back. God has created the World in such way that no one can escape from the clinches of Karma. And, simultaneously, he done a terrible grace. And that is, if someone surrenders to him, or take refuge in God, all his responsibilities will be taken care by God. Such is the benevolence nature of God. I would like to suggest you to kindly read the stories of devotees, and learn from there how God, being the supreme power, never hesitates to serve to the one's who have completed belief in Him and has taken His refuge.Please let me know if you still have any more doubts.RaamKuldeep Chaturvedi



every belief depends on faith.Christians speak about dooms day.They build a grave and allow the corpse lay down till the dooms day.But now-a-days every one is experiencing the results of his karmas in his later part of his life.But if one leads his life in bhagavatha marga, I think he is less prone to the karmik effect.Either he may develop tolerance to the life situations thinking that he is not responsible or his karmic effect gets neutralized due to his satkarmas


Badri Narayana Miriyala




Just see.

Comfort through thought is the illusion, which binds us to its contra.There is echo of every thought, which you are not able to listen. Not listening is convenient for the mind.There is a veil between thought and echo.Thought can not pierce the veil. Veil may be pierced when thought is silenced in awe.

One becomes aware of the trap (of Karma). Awareness of the trap is the end of the trap.

Y V Chawla -------------------------------


Shree Hari Ram Ram


Kindly remember BREVITY, RELAVANCY AND RESPECT FOR ALL for each posting.


Previous discussions related to Law of Karma are at:


Becoming Free from Karma Bondage -



What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?



Not directly related to this topic, but thought sadhaks may want to review this list of Satya Karmas previously posted in Gita-Talk. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Satya Karma at Body, Speech and Mind levelTo conduct oneself per injunctions of Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma)the following Satya Karmas are prescribed at the Body, Speech andMind levels:At the Body levelWorship – Prayers and adoration to God, teacher and the wisePurity – Freedom from bodily impurities, letting go of laziness and lethargyCelibacy - Letting go of the pleasure in worldly sensual objectsAbsence of crookedness – Walking and talking straight and not with prideNon-injury and non-stealingSpirit of Service – Actively engage in doing good to allDevotion to Duty – Doing what is required and should be done as worshipAusterities – Enduring hardships while discharging one's religious obligationsKeeping body fit – Doing yogic postures and pranayam regularlySatsang – Association with saints and holy menFood - Eating foods which promote longevity, purity, strength, health, happiness and cheerfulness, are juicy, oleaginous and substantialCharity – Graciously giving to one from whom no return is expected and due regard to place, time and recipientAt the speech levelNon offensive speech - speech should not hurt anyoneTruthfulness – Spoken precisely in a agreeable languagePleasant – Speech should be sweet, pleasing and beneficialAbsence of Backbiting Spirit – Avoid slandering, it proceeds from jealousySpiritual study and Nama Japa – Study of sacred books, repetition of the Divinenames and recounting the virtues of the Lord and singing His gloriesAt the mind levelPleasant and Gentle disposition - Not wishing bad to happen to anyoneSilence - Speaking only when necessarySelf-discipline – Exercising control over the mindForgiveness – Entertaining no thought of inflicting punishment to one who has done wrong to youCourage – Absence of cowardiceUnselfishness – Not seeking satisfaction of any selfish desire connected with this world or the nextAmmanitva – Not seeking honor, respect or homageHumility – Unassuming and modest natureCompassion – Melting of heart at the sight of suffering of a creatureFreedom from Hypocrisy – Putting up a false show of piety should be avoidedContentment – complete absence of thirst of material objectsSpiritual Wisdom – Discrimination between what is real and which is unrealDispassion – Complete absence of attachment to anything pertaining to this world or the nextEndurance – Capacity to bear heat and cold, and to remain unaffected by pleasure and pain, not get influenced by diverse circumstancesPiety – Absolute faith in scriptures and in the teachings of MahatamasThinking about saints, their life stories and their teachingsAvoiding thinking about bad people and their character(From Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapters 16 and 17 and "What is Dharma"by Jayadyal Goyanka)--Dear Sadhakji,I have been reading your daily articles with interest. With your wealth of knowledge I am prompted to seek your assistance. One of my grand daughters lives in Sydney. The Hindu Society there is promoting the spoken and written Hindi to keep our language alive. One of the ways of promoting spoken language is the Oratory Contest.Each child is to speak for five to six minutes on the topic:SATYA KARAM.Your assistance in this matter will be very much appreciated.Ram Dharma Nand JPShree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha Fiji.


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Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?

Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?

If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?

Just to discuss in depth for better understanding.

Wish all readers can participate for good and progress.


Lots of Love

Agam Sat Chit Anathan







The Law of Karma is the law of Nature. Just like the law of Gravity applies to all, not only who believes in it or to those who can interpret it.

With the law of Karma you are never doomed.

You will always have second chance and third and forth and so on & so on..

You will have as much chances as needed to rectify yourself, that is the main purpose for Reincarnation.

What is happening to you now is the result of your previous Karma but you are also free to do as you will with the choices you have.

You cannot escape your Karma no matter which religion you join.

Only you can save your own self.

Even the Bible said, "As You Sow, That You Shall reap".

God Bless\Kishore




Karma applies to all. Bhagavan is not only a God of Hindus, He is omnipotent and omnipresent, He is all-pervading, there is not another God for non-Hindus:


16. I am the Kratu, I the Yajna, I the Svadhâ, I the Aushadham, I the Mantra, I the Ajyam, I the fire, and I the oblation.



7. I am the Father of this world, the Mother, the Sustainer, the Grandfather; the Purifier, the (one) thing to be known, (the syllable) Om, and also the Rik, Sâman and Yajus.


18. The Goal, the Supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the Refuge, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Substratum, the Storehouse, the Seed immutable.

19. (As sun) I give heat: I withhold and send forth rain; I am immortality and also death; being and non-being am I, O Arjuna! GITA Chapter 9:16-19


EVEN THOSE who worship "other Gods...they too worship Me alone" :



23. Even those devotees, who endued with Shraddhâ, worship other gods, they too worship Me alone, O son of Kunti, (but) by the wrong method.


24. For I alone am the Enjoyer, and Lord of all Yajnas; but because they do not know Me in reality, they return, (to the mortal world). GITA 9:23-24


The above two verses demonstrate that tolerance and catholicity are the very breath of the Hindu creed; intolerance is the creed of those who accept a single Prophet as God. All the people in this world do not worship at the same altar but Bhagavan reassures us that they too worship Him, "but by the wrong method."


Everything Bhagavan gives to Hindus, He gives to others. The Sun does not only shine on Hindus, it does not only rain or snow in Hindu areas, food and shelter is provided to all - not only to Hindus, and Karma and the scriptures do not only apply to Hindus, but to all.


Ram Ram,

Deosaran Bisnath



Law of Karma is applicable to any living being. It is really not much different than the law of action and reaction

B. Vempaty



Hari OmThis refers to Q raised by Sadhak Shersingh. Well, I am not sure whether same animal will enjoy today's meat eaters' flesh in future, but there is no doubt that such non-veg human will become animal and will experience the same degree of pain (as increased multi-fold, just as interest keeps increasing on debt principal) and with same frequency. Swamiji once said: When you see a bullock being taken to slaughter house, have mercy and compassion more for those humans who have sold bullock and will eat its flesh than on the bullock itself. Reason: Bullock is getting cleansed of its sins and is heading upwards (towards human life) but those humans are heading towards animal lives !!Coming to your next Q: If it is true, then what will happen to the people who eat meat everyday or quite often which means this cycle of animal and human birth will never stop and will continue into eternity. Kindly advise if it is true or near to the truth!The cycle ends in human life if you stop doing prohibited karmas and TURN TOWARDS GOD. Your punishment gets over when you are in animal life. When you take birth as human...you can elevate yourself so as NEVER to become animal again. There are ample ways and means in human life available to you, whereby, you can never fall again ( Say BG 9:31) !Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam -----------


Yes, there are such stories.


One such is of Satyavaan and Saavitree that readily comes to mind.


Satyavaan, for example, is supposed to die early in life. But his wife Saavitree's prayers are so strong in her Nishththaa--faith--that Yama himself had to forgive Satyavaan from his predicament.


Yes, somebody else, who is very strong in their "faith" can pay off your loans !!

I am sure there are many other stories like this one.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Law of karma is based on "as you sow, so shall you reap" and it is applicable to all human beings irrespective of religion, caste, creed and sex. As per Rig Veda after death of the gross body, the human soul goes for prurification of its tamasic, rajasic and sattavic gunas effect to various formless devas (Surya, Chandrama, Indra and others).

According to Rig Veda after 12 days of the purification of Gunas rebirth happens in families based on past karma. Highest birth is in the families where Jnan (Knowldege) is the main pursuit. On rebirth religion, country and even continent can change. Thus this law of Karma makes all human beings as spiritual brothers and sisters on this universe.



" In Katha Upanishad Nachi­keta, a nine years old child on the path of knowledge (Jnan marga), tells his highly learned but selfish father," like a corn a man ripens, falls to the ground, like a corn he springs up again in his season." Apart from scriptures metaphysicists like Plato, Pythagorus, ethical metaphysicists like Buddha and Mahavira and many others refer to rebirth in different kinds of families. Garuda Purana CXIII links the rebirth to man's own actions." A frightened mouse runs to its hole, a scared serpent to a well, a terrified elephant to its slake, but where a man can fly from his karma (good or bad ac­tions). Thus man creates his own fate even in his foetal life and can not escape from its past existence."


Yajur Veda 3-54,55 tells us that the purpose behind this concept- rather truth is to create love for the entire mankind and to ensure that the human beings follow righteous path. Rebirth and transmigration of soul continues till there is salvation or what Vedas describe as Moksha. It is the stage of the merging of the soul or nearness of the soul to the Supreme Soul- Parmatma. Lord Buddha did not consider it necessary to include the concept of soul and God and so used the word Nirvana for salvation and liberation against Vedic Moksha. He described this as state of bliss and enlightenment. However, he agreed till Nirvana is achieved, re­birth continues owing to one's Karma of good and bad actions, deeds and desires and also the mighty Flux in Nature. The holy Bible refers to this law of Nature," as you sow, so shall you reap."

There are a large number of recorded and unrecorded cases of small children mostly between the ages of 3 to 5 years remembering their previous births. Dr Ian Stevenson of the Virginia University and a renowned para psychologist is of the firm opinion that rebirth is a serious possibility. Many others having belief in occult, arcane and mysticism agree with such findings. Dr Stevenson studied a few hundred cases out of 2700 brought to his notice. These cases relate to India, Burma, Pakistan, West Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Most of the children who knew their previous births were below six years. His study showed that after six years the memory of previous birth starts fading. In one case researched by an occult scientist, police could solve a murder mystery as the child in his new birth remembered all the events leading to murder and finally the murderer was arrest­ed and punished after a few years of the crime.


For more details this subject is covered comprehensively in Chapte 7 of "Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics" on the Internet.


with regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Karma … Law … Religion …




Karma is action and action is the change perceived by a matter-energy cluster in a specific matter-energy configuration. Therefore, the laws or principles of action are:




(1) Action perpetually morphs the matter-energy constitution in a specific domain.


(2) Matter-energy clusters perpetually seek change to keep the action active without breaks of any sort.


(3) Action, matter and energy work in perfectly harmonious synergy to maintain balance amongst themselves perpetually.


(4) Everything - from an atom to a galaxy - is bound to be in the action with absolutely no rest and hence subjected to perpetual change.


(5) Action cannot exclude anything in the manifestation from its folds even for a fraction of a moment.


(6) The Change (Yagnya) is the only certainty in the synergy amongst the three fundamental elements of life - the action (Karma), the matter (Rayi) and the energy (PraaNa) cluster. The three elements of life revealing this certainty amongst themselves continuously.


… … … etc.




When did any religion took patent on the eternally existing reality in this universe?! What any religion or philosophy can have anything to do with the universal reality except for making some useful observations for one's own good - to be established in the universal synergy as such??!! How anything can claim these principles to be created to benefit only some specific entities and circumstances???!!!




"Is Law of Karma Applicable for All or only Hindus?"




How can we ever imagine that the principles of action are "for" Hindus (or even all)? As if, the principles are there to serve somebody (or even all)!!




Karma bramhodbhavam viddhi bramhaksharasamudbhavam |


Tasmaat sarvagatam bramha nityam yagnye pratishthitam ||




KrishNa says, "Action that encompasses this whole manifestation verily raises from The Eternity being as eternal as The Eternity as such. Everything seeks the action perpetually and hence everything is bound to be within that very eternity. Therefore, know that everything is perpetually established completely in the change which is the only certainty ever."




Again, where is the scope for religion (and even philosophical schools of thoughts) here?! Nothing … not even religions and philosophies … can transcend The Reality, The Truth, The Absolute. Everyhting exists to serve THAT … never imagine THAT to serve any!!!









Naga Narayana.


Zeroing the mind is ultimate aim of any birth. Once that is done there will notbe any comparison. You will not be analising good karmas and less good karmasor more good karmas. once u achieve that state, there will not be any duality. ur chances of attaining salvation is much easier.s.vaidyanathan-------------------------






… contd



Is Law of Karma Applicable for All or only Hindus?




The cosmic action remains unbroken over the domains of space as well as time. In fact, the sense of space and time as well as all the objects manifested thereof is actually generated from the eternally-pervious and all-pervasive action only.




Is it there for you? NO! Because it is what it is, you are what you are. You being a minute subset of the universal phenomenon are completely bound by the phenomenon. There is no question of the phenomenon serving you. Rather, you are serving the phenomenon.




The word Karma has been ill-used over years for what is called the sense of doership, the Kartrittva Bhaava. It is because of the sense of doership, the distinction of good and bad raises ... the desires and fears are born to this distinction … and all the miseries of life are borne in the desires and fears. It is because of the sense of doership actions and reactions are perceived heralding the desires in one's perceptions and infiltrating the frears in the perciever in terms of memory. It is the memory that is engraved in one's genetic level that is passed on from generations. It is the memories that are enseeded in one's ego that spurts out to haunt the individual as well as the objects of the relationship embedded in the same memory. Several names are coined to recollect the possibilities of reactions to one's action in a soceity, in a life as well as lives across e.g. Praarabdha Karma.




Again, are the actions and reactions as well as the miseries thereupon prescribed to only one sect of humans? NO! The cycle of misery - vishaya, dhyaana, sanga, kaama, krodha, sammoha, smritibhramsha, buddhinaasha - is inevitable to everyone who entertains the sense of doership … no exception there. All living beings are subjected to the pains and pleasures of fears and desires as far as the sense of doership is imbibed by them. The intensity of the sense of doership determines the intensity of the miseries perceived.




Therefore, both The Reality (The Action, Karma) as well as the perceived miseries (sense of doership, Kartrittva) pervade all the living beings … not just the so-called Hindus.








Naga Narayana.




once again, narinder is afraid, one witnesses how


one question leads yet to another, and then, another and yet another ...........


and so it carries on, and on, and on .................


while narinder is not against it, for this indeed is Life's Joy,


garnering knowledge to fortify the mind .............. and,


mind indeed is Life, and Life , verily the Mind






for some Narada, calling himself ' the sorrowing self ' ,


time comes to go to the 5 year old unlearned Sanatkumar


for the Knowledge of the Self ..................



"Before I instruct thee in the knowledge of the self ", says sanatkumar, " pray ...


apprise sanatkumar asto what all you know ..............."



ah, dear sadhaka's , know what Narada answers ............... and decide,


whether you shall still keep entertaining the mind , with questions and answers galore


or choose the root question " who am I ??"...........


seek the knowledge of the self that the wise narada did choose


to end his 'sorrow' forever .......................the choice is yours , it is for you to choose ....


and asto Narada's answer to sanatkumars question


" tell me first what you know ....."


Narada had, with deep humility , replied .....................


"Venerable Sir, I know the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda, Atharvana as the fourth(veda), the epic and the ancient lore as the fifth, the Veda of the Vedas( grammar), propitiation of the Fathers, the science of the numbers(mathematics), the science of the portents, the science of time(chronology), logic, ethics, and politics, the science of the gods,the science of the sacred knowledge, the science of the elelmental spirits, the science of the weapons, astronomy, the science of the serpents, and the fine arts .This, Venerable Sir, I know ............."


" BUT, Venerable Sir, I am only one knowing the words, and not a Knower of the Self. Such a sorrowing self am I ..................Do you, Venerable Sir, help me cross over to the other side of sorrow. "


......................................Chandogya Upanishad, Chapter VII, section 1, Sh.1 to 3





narinder bhandari




If we said the law of karma is applicable only to Hindus, it cannot be the law of karma. Our past and future births depend on our karmas, whether we are Hindu or Muslim, human or animal, etc.

Of course we are not trapped in our karmas. We can change the cycle of birth and rebirth by choosing "good" karmas. Finally, the best birth is none - when the jivatma merges with the paramatma.

Dr. Nanditha Krishna


I have read about Sanatan Dharma and still coming to grip with whether Hindu is a Dharma ie Religion in itself ? An offshoot of an origin , ie Hindu is an just offshoot of Sanatan Dharma and therefore it only can be a punth (path) like any other like Sikh, Budhism, Jainis etc etc.


Therefore the Sanatan Dharma established Law Of Karma can apply to one and all !!Kishin Chandiramani



Dear Sadaks,I read many sadaks posting on Law of Karma. Can anyone answer, whether Law of Karma has escape? If yes, please tell examples from Puranas/sastras BUT NOT ones own comment. Please NOTE there is NO Karmic effect to GOD or creator. Also please say in 2 lines ,"How law of Karma Acts on human". According to science known to many Doctors, the brain of Human is used only about 10%. But when used to 90%, human elevates NOT affected by cosmic power. Another sadaks said,'' Borrow money from bank and be defaulter, the bank will be behind you". What if someone pays your loan, the Bank does not bother you. There are examples to this in puranas/HISTORY. The Karmas for JADA Vasthu (Moon-Sun Etc) are fixed. But for humans it changes. B.Sathyanarayan



Dear Sadhakas, Namaskar,The body (Sharir) of all the lifeforms on this Planet Earth is designed to procure food, eat and digest it to produce chemical energy to perform the various actions to grow, exist and reproduce own species. My understanding is that The Karmas required to achieve this objective is the Law of Karma. The daily routines, sleep and sex during the fruitful age to give birth to next generation, are the Karmas expected by the Designer. I also believe that the good and bad Karmas, heaven and hell, Punya and Paap etc are the concepts introduced in religions by the Great Thinkers of the Past (GTPs) so that the human society is moraly rich and stable, well behaved to avoid disorder and chaos...Gee Waman


Respected swamiji,


Namaskar and Jai Shri Bhagwanjiki.


I have a question which has been bothering me ever since I read a story of two wandering Buddhist monks in China in olden times. One of them while walking from village to village, came upon a marriage ceremoney where food was laid on one hundred tables, all sorts of delicacies, mainly non-veg items and the people were enjoying it and merry making. The monk sat down there and started to cry; since he was a famous saint/monk, people asked him why he was crying while everyone was enjoying himself. He said that the grandson is marrying his grandmother and the guests are being cooked in the pots and the animals were enjoying the feast. It appears that the saints and monks have the power to see their previous births of people and animals.


My question is if someone is a meat eater, will he have to become that animal in his next or future birth of whom he/she eats meat and the animal will enjoy his flesh, becoming a human being in his future birth. This theory or fact seems to go with the Hindu thinking and religious belief. If it is true, then what will happen to the people who eat meat everyday or quite often which means this cycle of animal and human birth will never stop and will continue into eternity.

Kindly advise if it is true or near to the truth!






sher singh agrawal





Law of Karma is universally applicable to all beings and inanimate objects inthis Creation. If something is on Earth, it cannot escape the Law Gravitation.Similarly, any thing and everything in this creation is subject to Law of Karma.By changing religion, one cannot escape the Law of Karma. The universe at large and the galaxiesare subject to the Law of Karma. the Law of Karma itself is subject to itself.There is no escape. There is no need to feel sorry about getting trapped by theLaw f Karma. Everyone including the Creator, god Almighty is subject to theuivesal Law of Karma. But if one fels sorry,that is also because of theoperation of the Law of Karma. THe only liberation possible is understanding theLaw of Karma including its implications like equanamity. But that liberationcomes only because of the operation of the Law of Karma. But that happens inrare cases.Basudeb Sen



Dear Ones, Namaste!Laws of Karma applies to anybody who thinks he/she is body-mind based organism regardless of beliefs, religions etc. A body has pain, or develops cancer or any such illness, does it have any problem? Physical body doesn't have complexes at all, whatever happens is according to cosmic laws, birth, growth, maturity, deterioration, illness, death! Mind has all complexes! When body has pain, it thinks it has pain. Mind thinks it is separate from all beings and therefore, mind attaches to some it likes and some it doesn't like, so it avoids them. This is the only reason it suffers. This is what is Laws of Karma, really, meaning one lets mind rule life over which it doesn't have any control, so it suffers! Nothing fancy, it itself is ruled by conditioning of society, culture etc called environment in which it grows!Such behaviors are among all mankind! Obviously everyone suffers or has pleasures, though, reasons may be different depending on their being raised in different cultures. This is Laws of Karma! It is the way one reacts rather than acts! Thus, it is Universal in nature, has nothing to do with Hindu or not, but everything to do with ignorance! Laws of Karma is explanation to our being ignorance! Of what? of not knowing who we are!Just remove this ignorance and one is Free from Karma meaning pleasures and pains irrespective of birth and death of body. Laws are applicable even then to body, but suffering is removed. Scripture calls this as burning away of karmas! Nothing else need to be changed!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




Its like asking, if I put money in the Bank, or borrow from the Bank,would different religions get treated differently. Try to borrow $ 5000 against your Master Card, and not pay the interest or the principal, the Bank will be after you to pay the money.


Law of Karma is similar. Regardless of your religion, the Natural law demands that since action and reaction are equal and opposite, you will be required to pay for your Karma !! Of last life, or many lives back.

Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Hari OmThe Law of Karma is applicable not only to Hindus but to all human beings ! It applies not only to all humans but to all creatures ! It applies not only to all creatures but also to Demi Gods say The Sun, Fire, Moon, Air etc ! In fact the first receipient of the knowledge of Karma Yoga was the Sun !! What is this world comprising of? If you get deep ...you will find nothing EXCEPT .."Doing" and "Happenning" ! Deeds and Results thereof. It is contractual obligations that bind a human in this world (BG 15:2) ! Why only human...to all creatures !! World is nothing except "Lenia-Denia" (giving..receiving...giving) ! World therefore has at many places in Scriptures referred as " Karma Bhoomi" ! Rightly so, because you can't remain without doing Karmas even for a fraction of a second. There is a chain of action-reaction going on. Even Akarmas are in the form of Karmas only.Q Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?Ans: No ! Human life is not meant for getting doomed at all! Human life means an opportunity ...very rare opportunity of ...breaking the CHAINS of action/reaction. Here you can do AKARMAS also which do not produce any bondage. A human has also capacity to remain EQUANIMOUS and thus un-impacted by the CHAINS of Karmas ..the Bondage of Karmas !Q If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?Ans: Such a Q does not arise once earlier Qs are answered and understood.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---------



Shree Paramatmane Namah


The Questioner - Agam Sat Chit Anathanji ! Pray I ask you that before the word Hindu came about, wasn't it the principle that - "As you sow, so shall you reap" ? Wasn't it happening so? Whatever one has done, if he himself is able to erase it (wipe it out), then he is not a human being, rather he is Ishvar. A sinful act, will result in bad result / outcome and a virtuous act will result in something good. How can it not? the Lord, gives a man fruits according to his actions -Saadhan, Sudhaa, Sindhu pg 819".

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam





There is but One law.

The Law is One ... The One without the second its author

The One without the second Himself is the Law.

Himself is the self in all, remaining but One

The Self as well as the not-self in the self

The self in narinder is subject to the Immutability of the Law.

Narinder is what he is in accordance with the dictate of the Law...........

Far, or near. How far - or how near - .Only the Law knows ...........

The Law it is that chooses to invoke in narinderness, when it pleases the Law

The desire to die to narinderness.


The time to go , one day, someday, does come !

The time to wind up arrives,time to go beyond the Law ....

Gathering all the strength of all the merits earned in a myriad lives,

nariness invokes the Law to Forgive the doings in Time.

Prays for Grace.

And with One stroke, kills the past.

No past, no future, aha !

The Present ?

The Present ? ¦..Dictate of the Law in answer to narinder's supplications !

Winding up , Time no more is .... Time dies ............

If the Law is what it is and so it is ...........Immutable it is, yes .....

all will be what will be.

Only the law is itself, the Doing and the Reaping

Nariness must let go all. Such is the Law.

The Law itself has placed in the proximity of nariness, beings, which it itself is.

Yet gives the Beings freedom to live the life of paradox, of their own choice and freewill.

Nariness may love, but interfere he must not. ....

Such be the Law ........ if beyond the Law, one wants to rise ...........

Single-mindedly must nari-ness walk the path of surrender..

Alone must narinder walk the Path

the path called Kaivalaya, Alone-ness

The Law itself is the strength and one pointedness that to surrender leads.

Is the Light.........Is the Law.


narinder bhandari


Dear Sadhakas,Namaskar.I read with great interest various comments/explanations on the subject of Karma.There is a book "THE LAWS OF KARMA" written by a great scientist and Vedic scholar Dr. Harish Chandra .You will be enlightened by his work.Dhanyavaadanil ramjattan



Dear Sadhakas, Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka. Bhagavad Gita is not just for Hindus only, it is for the entire Mankind. Whether we believe it or not, laws of karma apply to every one. When we touch something hot or cold, our hands feel it irrespective of our faith. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Man mana bhava mad bhakto,Mad yaji mam namaskuru,Mam evaisyati satyam te,Pratijane priyo si me. "( Gitaji, 18, 65)Which means,' Always think of Me, be My devotee, worship and offer your obeisances unto Me. Then you come to me certainly. I promise this to you because your are My friend. 'The way to reach His Abode, is through devotional service, with complete surrender unto His Lotus Feet. In Gita Mahatmyam from Varaha Purana, Lord Vishnu assures the Goddess Earth, Bhudevi," Gita artham dhyayate nityam,Krutva karmani bhurishahJivan muktassa vijnayo,Dehante paramam padam. "Which means,' Who ever recites the meaning of Gitaji constantly, eventhough he or she is into karmic actions, gets liberation and reaches Me in the end. 'If we want to move beyond these karmas, there is only one way. That is devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names and advance spiritually. Thank YouHare Krishna. Prasad.A. Iragavarapu, M.D




The Law of Karma is universal and applies to all regardless of religion of course as does the law of Gravity which I understand is also mentioned in the Rig Veda - the ancient Rishis postulated laws which are beyond any religion and therefore they are SANATAN or eternal. The Veda or its metaphysical part is called eternal not out of some dogmatic injunction but through a robust enquiry in the Upanishads.

Jesus also tried to teach the Israelites the law of Karma through his parable, 'you reap what you sow'.anil bhanot



Dear sadaks,Question 1)Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to? Ans: Law of Karma applies to each and every living thing, to all living in 13 other worlds, and to all that is seen in universe like stars, planets Etc.

Question 2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time? Ans: Anybody can undue Karmic effect within 7 hours or 7 days like the king who heard Geetha from Sant Asta Vakra or like King Parikshid who heard Srimath Bagavath from Sant Sukhbhram', like the thief who was also crucified on the side of Christ got his Karmas washed away in minutes by faith, and so many.

Question 3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash? Ans: Conversion to another religion (Religion by itself is only school of thought- Not way to liberate) is itself shows NO basic faith in religion born. Such conversion normally leads to several birth before liberation.This Sadak has said, his/her name as "Agam, Sat, Chit , Aanandam." This itself answers all his question.B.Sathyanarayan





Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

Answers to these questions are simple.


> Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?


It applies to everyone. When you act and live life as an offering to God (Paramatma), then you don't get karma. There is no karma for those souls.

Accept that God is yours and you are God's. Give up affinity to inert matter as your self is beyond it.

You won't get any karma as your actions are dedicated to God.


> Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?


Paramatma (Krishna or God) loves you and you are never doomed. You will get unlimited chances in future births.

Paramatma is within you and always accompanies you out of His causeless mercy. Don't give up that faith and do actions as an offering to Him.

Don't worry about karma so much. God will take care of you.


> If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?


God is in you and that God is independent of any religion. Whatever religion you follow, try to sincerely follow the God within you.

Try to offer your actions to God who is in you and in everyone.

Answer to your question is Yes. As mentioned earlier, anyone can do away with karmic backlash by offering their actions to Krishna or God and accepting that they are God's and God is theirs.


Ram Ram.Anandamukhi Mittal





Raam,Dear brother, You have posted here questions here, and according to my intellect, what I feel is:1) Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?In all the Hindu scriptures, there is no mention for Hindu religion. For simplicity sake, since human body is mentioned as the most fortunate one, so all human beings should be considered Hindu (just assume for the time being). Or, in the absence of any religion, there is no religion, means Hindu religion is only for distinguishing one who have separated themselves from the main ideology of Sanatan Dharma (Eternal religion) to non-eternal religion. Now coming to your question, is Law of Karma applicable to only Hindus or to everyone. So I should ask you, does Hindus only feel hungry or everyone, does Hindus only feel thirsty or everyone. In the same way, every creature has to abide the law of Karma. Although the greatest significance of Human body is that we can create new Karmas here, that's why we are called being independent in Kartavya, but in other species, this is not possible. Even this is not possible for Gods in Heavens. This the reason why, in addition to the Vivek shakti, the Human birth is the most important one.I ponder sometime thinking that if someone is not governed by the law of Karma and someone other is, then why everyone in this World gets happiness at some moment, and misery at another. All these things are common to all humans.

2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?I feel that God has given us a very critical and important path of surrendering ourselves to Him and if are not going to commit the same errors again, then it is sure that God will definitely prevent us from suffering. My strong feeling is that everyone should suffer for the sake of not suffering in the future. I am not praying for everyone to suffer, but I feel that suffering is better than the worldly happiness, since it brings us closer to God.

3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?I feel that it has nothing to do with conversion. If one owes something, he is obliged to pay it back. God has created the World in such way that no one can escape from the clinches of Karma. And, simultaneously, he done a terrible grace. And that is, if someone surrenders to him, or take refuge in God, all his responsibilities will be taken care by God. Such is the benevolence nature of God. I would like to suggest you to kindly read the stories of devotees, and learn from there how God, being the supreme power, never hesitates to serve to the one's who have completed belief in Him and has taken His refuge.Please let me know if you still have any more doubts.RaamKuldeep Chaturvedi



every belief depends on faith.Christians speak about dooms day.They build a grave and allow the corpse lay down till the dooms day.But now-a-days every one is experiencing the results of his karmas in his later part of his life.But if one leads his life in bhagavatha marga, I think he is less prone to the karmik effect.Either he may develop tolerance to the life situations thinking that he is not responsible or his karmic effect gets neutralized due to his satkarmas


Badri Narayana Miriyala




Just see.

Comfort through thought is the illusion, which binds us to its contra.There is echo of every thought, which you are not able to listen. Not listening is convenient for the mind.There is a veil between thought and echo.Thought can not pierce the veil. Veil may be pierced when thought is silenced in awe.

One becomes aware of the trap (of Karma). Awareness of the trap is the end of the trap.

Y V Chawla -------------------------------


Shree Hari Ram Ram


Kindly remember BREVITY, RELAVANCY AND RESPECT FOR ALL for each posting.


Previous discussions related to Law of Karma are at:


Becoming Free from Karma Bondage -



What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?



Not directly related to this topic, but thought sadhaks may want to review this list of Satya Karmas previously posted in Gita-Talk. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Satya Karma at Body, Speech and Mind levelTo conduct oneself per injunctions of Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma)the following Satya Karmas are prescribed at the Body, Speech andMind levels:At the Body levelWorship – Prayers and adoration to God, teacher and the wisePurity – Freedom from bodily impurities, letting go of laziness and lethargyCelibacy - Letting go of the pleasure in worldly sensual objectsAbsence of crookedness – Walking and talking straight and not with prideNon-injury and non-stealingSpirit of Service – Actively engage in doing good to allDevotion to Duty – Doing what is required and should be done as worshipAusterities – Enduring hardships while discharging one's religious obligationsKeeping body fit – Doing yogic postures and pranayam regularlySatsang – Association with saints and holy menFood - Eating foods which promote longevity, purity, strength, health, happiness and cheerfulness, are juicy, oleaginous and substantialCharity – Graciously giving to one from whom no return is expected and due regard to place, time and recipientAt the speech levelNon offensive speech - speech should not hurt anyoneTruthfulness – Spoken precisely in a agreeable languagePleasant – Speech should be sweet, pleasing and beneficialAbsence of Backbiting Spirit – Avoid slandering, it proceeds from jealousySpiritual study and Nama Japa – Study of sacred books, repetition of the Divinenames and recounting the virtues of the Lord and singing His gloriesAt the mind levelPleasant and Gentle disposition - Not wishing bad to happen to anyoneSilence - Speaking only when necessarySelf-discipline – Exercising control over the mindForgiveness – Entertaining no thought of inflicting punishment to one who has done wrong to youCourage – Absence of cowardiceUnselfishness – Not seeking satisfaction of any selfish desire connected with this world or the nextAmmanitva – Not seeking honor, respect or homageHumility – Unassuming and modest natureCompassion – Melting of heart at the sight of suffering of a creatureFreedom from Hypocrisy – Putting up a false show of piety should be avoidedContentment – complete absence of thirst of material objectsSpiritual Wisdom – Discrimination between what is real and which is unrealDispassion – Complete absence of attachment to anything pertaining to this world or the nextEndurance – Capacity to bear heat and cold, and to remain unaffected by pleasure and pain, not get influenced by diverse circumstancesPiety – Absolute faith in scriptures and in the teachings of MahatamasThinking about saints, their life stories and their teachingsAvoiding thinking about bad people and their character(From Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapters 16 and 17 and "What is Dharma"by Jayadyal Goyanka)--Dear Sadhakji,I have been reading your daily articles with interest. With your wealth of knowledge I am prompted to seek your assistance. One of my grand daughters lives in Sydney. The Hindu Society there is promoting the spoken and written Hindi to keep our language alive. One of the ways of promoting spoken language is the Oratory Contest.Each child is to speak for five to six minutes on the topic:SATYA KARAM.Your assistance in this matter will be very much appreciated.Ram Dharma Nand JPShree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha Fiji.


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Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?

Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?

If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?

Just to discuss in depth for better understanding.

Wish all readers can participate for good and progress.


Lots of Love

Agam Sat Chit Anathan







Ram Ram

Only for Hindus – and the definition of a Hindu is one who accepts himself to be a Hindu.


Ram Ram


Dear Sadhak

I am quoting one story of a Sage and the scorpion in which The sage replies that it his Dharma to save life and the scorpion's Dharma to sting. "Karma" literally means "deed" or "act", and more broadly names the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, which Hindus believe governs all consciousness. , Karma is not fate, for man acts with free will creating his own destiny. The Vedas tell us that if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determine our future. The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate reaction. Not all karmas rebound immediately. Some accumulate and return unexpectedly in this or other births. We produce Karma in four ways through thoughts, through words, through actions that we perform ourselves. Through actions others do under our instructions. Everything that we have ever thought, spoken, done or caused is Karma; as is also that which we think, speak or do this very moment. Hindu scriptures divide karma into three kinds Sanchita is the accumulated karma. It would be impossible to experience and endure all Karmas in one life. From this stock of sanchita karma, a handful is taken out to serve one lifetime and this handful of actions, which has begun to bear fruit and which will be exhausted only on their fruit being enjoyed and not otherwise, is known as prarabdha karma. Prarabdha Fruit-bearing karma is the portion of accumulated karma that has "ripened" and appears as a particular problem in the present life. Kriyamana is everything that we produce in current life. All kriyamana karmas flow in to sanchita karma and consequently shape our future. Only in human life we can change our future destiny. After death we loose Kriya Shakti (ability to act) and do (kriyamana) karma until we are born again in human body. This is self quoted and explained the Theory of Karma.

According to Buddhst philosophy and Jain phlosophy this Law of Karma is exlained I will be sending you this philosophy explained by my friend Dr Gndhi


As I understand this law of karma is universal Law


Thanks, Truly yours, Shankerprasad S Bhatt M.Com



The law is certainly for all. It is one humanity. Same rules apply to all. Religions got created much later.


Changing religion may or may not change things....depending on whether your thoughts have changed or not


Knowing truth, being with truth, changes in thoughts certainly change everyone's world, sometimes instantly.... depending on the depth of understanding....


Sushil Jain





Shree Paramatmane Namah

That which man does not understand, man says that this happens by God's will. What need does God have to do anything with anyone? The rules/ principles were established along with creation, that as you sow, so shall you reap. In this where is the issue of Hindu or any other religious group ? The word hindu does not come in the Gita, therefore it is through man that it has been given a name. By changing religions, how can it go away? If you place a hand in fire, it will surely burn. Whether you go from hindu to another group. So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam




The Law of Karma is the law of Nature. Just like the law of Gravity applies to all, not only who believes in it or to those who can interpret it.

With the law of Karma you are never doomed.

You will always have second chance and third and forth and so on & so on..

You will have as much chances as needed to rectify yourself, that is the main purpose for Reincarnation.

What is happening to you now is the result of your previous Karma but you are also free to do as you will with the choices you have.

You cannot escape your Karma no matter which religion you join.

Only you can save your own self.

Even the Bible said, "As You Sow, That You Shall reap".

God Bless\Kishore




Karma applies to all. Bhagavan is not only a God of Hindus, He is omnipotent and omnipresent, He is all-pervading, there is not another God for non-Hindus:


16. I am the Kratu, I the Yajna, I the Svadhâ, I the Aushadham, I the Mantra, I the Ajyam, I the fire, and I the oblation.



7. I am the Father of this world, the Mother, the Sustainer, the Grandfather; the Purifier, the (one) thing to be known, (the syllable) Om, and also the Rik, Sâman and Yajus.


18. The Goal, the Supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the Refuge, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Substratum, the Storehouse, the Seed immutable.

19. (As sun) I give heat: I withhold and send forth rain; I am immortality and also death; being and non-being am I, O Arjuna! GITA Chapter 9:16-19


EVEN THOSE who worship "other Gods...they too worship Me alone" :



23. Even those devotees, who endued with Shraddhâ, worship other gods, they too worship Me alone, O son of Kunti, (but) by the wrong method.


24. For I alone am the Enjoyer, and Lord of all Yajnas; but because they do not know Me in reality, they return, (to the mortal world). GITA 9:23-24


The above two verses demonstrate that tolerance and catholicity are the very breath of the Hindu creed; intolerance is the creed of those who accept a single Prophet as God. All the people in this world do not worship at the same altar but Bhagavan reassures us that they too worship Him, "but by the wrong method."


Everything Bhagavan gives to Hindus, He gives to others. The Sun does not only shine on Hindus, it does not only rain or snow in Hindu areas, food and shelter is provided to all - not only to Hindus, and Karma and the scriptures do not only apply to Hindus, but to all.


Ram Ram,

Deosaran Bisnath



Law of Karma is applicable to any living being. It is really not much different than the law of action and reaction

B. Vempaty



Hari OmThis refers to Q raised by Sadhak Shersingh. Well, I am not sure whether same animal will enjoy today's meat eaters' flesh in future, but there is no doubt that such non-veg human will become animal and will experience the same degree of pain (as increased multi-fold, just as interest keeps increasing on debt principal) and with same frequency. Swamiji once said: When you see a bullock being taken to slaughter house, have mercy and compassion more for those humans who have sold bullock and will eat its flesh than on the bullock itself. Reason: Bullock is getting cleansed of its sins and is heading upwards (towards human life) but those humans are heading towards animal lives !!Coming to your next Q: If it is true, then what will happen to the people who eat meat everyday or quite often which means this cycle of animal and human birth will never stop and will continue into eternity. Kindly advise if it is true or near to the truth!The cycle ends in human life if you stop doing prohibited karmas and TURN TOWARDS GOD. Your punishment gets over when you are in animal life. When you take birth as human...you can elevate yourself so as NEVER to become animal again. There are ample ways and means in human life available to you, whereby, you can never fall again ( Say BG 9:31) !Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinaNarottam -----------


Yes, there are such stories.


One such is of Satyavaan and Saavitree that readily comes to mind.


Satyavaan, for example, is supposed to die early in life. But his wife Saavitree's prayers are so strong in her Nishththaa--faith--that Yama himself had to forgive Satyavaan from his predicament.


Yes, somebody else, who is very strong in their "faith" can pay off your loans !!

I am sure there are many other stories like this one.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Law of karma is based on "as you sow, so shall you reap" and it is applicable to all human beings irrespective of religion, caste, creed and sex. As per Rig Veda after death of the gross body, the human soul goes for prurification of its tamasic, rajasic and sattavic gunas effect to various formless devas (Surya, Chandrama, Indra and others).

According to Rig Veda after 12 days of the purification of Gunas rebirth happens in families based on past karma. Highest birth is in the families where Jnan (Knowldege) is the main pursuit. On rebirth religion, country and even continent can change. Thus this law of Karma makes all human beings as spiritual brothers and sisters on this universe.



" In Katha Upanishad Nachi­keta, a nine years old child on the path of knowledge (Jnan marga), tells his highly learned but selfish father," like a corn a man ripens, falls to the ground, like a corn he springs up again in his season." Apart from scriptures metaphysicists like Plato, Pythagorus, ethical metaphysicists like Buddha and Mahavira and many others refer to rebirth in different kinds of families. Garuda Purana CXIII links the rebirth to man's own actions." A frightened mouse runs to its hole, a scared serpent to a well, a terrified elephant to its slake, but where a man can fly from his karma (good or bad ac­tions). Thus man creates his own fate even in his foetal life and can not escape from its past existence."


Yajur Veda 3-54,55 tells us that the purpose behind this concept- rather truth is to create love for the entire mankind and to ensure that the human beings follow righteous path. Rebirth and transmigration of soul continues till there is salvation or what Vedas describe as Moksha. It is the stage of the merging of the soul or nearness of the soul to the Supreme Soul- Parmatma. Lord Buddha did not consider it necessary to include the concept of soul and God and so used the word Nirvana for salvation and liberation against Vedic Moksha. He described this as state of bliss and enlightenment. However, he agreed till Nirvana is achieved, re­birth continues owing to one's Karma of good and bad actions, deeds and desires and also the mighty Flux in Nature. The holy Bible refers to this law of Nature," as you sow, so shall you reap."

There are a large number of recorded and unrecorded cases of small children mostly between the ages of 3 to 5 years remembering their previous births. Dr Ian Stevenson of the Virginia University and a renowned para psychologist is of the firm opinion that rebirth is a serious possibility. Many others having belief in occult, arcane and mysticism agree with such findings. Dr Stevenson studied a few hundred cases out of 2700 brought to his notice. These cases relate to India, Burma, Pakistan, West Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Most of the children who knew their previous births were below six years. His study showed that after six years the memory of previous birth starts fading. In one case researched by an occult scientist, police could solve a murder mystery as the child in his new birth remembered all the events leading to murder and finally the murderer was arrest­ed and punished after a few years of the crime.


For more details this subject is covered comprehensively in Chapte 7 of "Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics" on the Internet.


with regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Karma … Law … Religion …




Karma is action and action is the change perceived by a matter-energy cluster in a specific matter-energy configuration. Therefore, the laws or principles of action are:




(1) Action perpetually morphs the matter-energy constitution in a specific domain.


(2) Matter-energy clusters perpetually seek change to keep the action active without breaks of any sort.


(3) Action, matter and energy work in perfectly harmonious synergy to maintain balance amongst themselves perpetually.


(4) Everything - from an atom to a galaxy - is bound to be in the action with absolutely no rest and hence subjected to perpetual change.


(5) Action cannot exclude anything in the manifestation from its folds even for a fraction of a moment.


(6) The Change (Yagnya) is the only certainty in the synergy amongst the three fundamental elements of life - the action (Karma), the matter (Rayi) and the energy (PraaNa) cluster. The three elements of life revealing this certainty amongst themselves continuously.


… … … etc.




When did any religion took patent on the eternally existing reality in this universe?! What any religion or philosophy can have anything to do with the universal reality except for making some useful observations for one's own good - to be established in the universal synergy as such??!! How anything can claim these principles to be created to benefit only some specific entities and circumstances???!!!




"Is Law of Karma Applicable for All or only Hindus?"




How can we ever imagine that the principles of action are "for" Hindus (or even all)? As if, the principles are there to serve somebody (or even all)!!




Karma bramhodbhavam viddhi bramhaksharasamudbhavam |


Tasmaat sarvagatam bramha nityam yagnye pratishthitam ||




KrishNa says, "Action that encompasses this whole manifestation verily raises from The Eternity being as eternal as The Eternity as such. Everything seeks the action perpetually and hence everything is bound to be within that very eternity. Therefore, know that everything is perpetually established completely in the change which is the only certainty ever."




Again, where is the scope for religion (and even philosophical schools of thoughts) here?! Nothing … not even religions and philosophies … can transcend The Reality, The Truth, The Absolute. Everyhting exists to serve THAT … never imagine THAT to serve any!!!









Naga Narayana.


Zeroing the mind is ultimate aim of any birth. Once that is done there will notbe any comparison. You will not be analising good karmas and less good karmasor more good karmas. once u achieve that state, there will not be any duality. ur chances of attaining salvation is much easier.s.vaidyanathan-------------------------






… contd



Is Law of Karma Applicable for All or only Hindus?




The cosmic action remains unbroken over the domains of space as well as time. In fact, the sense of space and time as well as all the objects manifested thereof is actually generated from the eternally-pervious and all-pervasive action only.




Is it there for you? NO! Because it is what it is, you are what you are. You being a minute subset of the universal phenomenon are completely bound by the phenomenon. There is no question of the phenomenon serving you. Rather, you are serving the phenomenon.




The word Karma has been ill-used over years for what is called the sense of doership, the Kartrittva Bhaava. It is because of the sense of doership, the distinction of good and bad raises ... the desires and fears are born to this distinction … and all the miseries of life are borne in the desires and fears. It is because of the sense of doership actions and reactions are perceived heralding the desires in one's perceptions and infiltrating the frears in the perciever in terms of memory. It is the memory that is engraved in one's genetic level that is passed on from generations. It is the memories that are enseeded in one's ego that spurts out to haunt the individual as well as the objects of the relationship embedded in the same memory. Several names are coined to recollect the possibilities of reactions to one's action in a soceity, in a life as well as lives across e.g. Praarabdha Karma.




Again, are the actions and reactions as well as the miseries thereupon prescribed to only one sect of humans? NO! The cycle of misery - vishaya, dhyaana, sanga, kaama, krodha, sammoha, smritibhramsha, buddhinaasha - is inevitable to everyone who entertains the sense of doership … no exception there. All living beings are subjected to the pains and pleasures of fears and desires as far as the sense of doership is imbibed by them. The intensity of the sense of doership determines the intensity of the miseries perceived.




Therefore, both The Reality (The Action, Karma) as well as the perceived miseries (sense of doership, Kartrittva) pervade all the living beings … not just the so-called Hindus.








Naga Narayana.





once again, narinder is afraid, one witnesses how


one question leads yet to another, and then, another and yet another ...........


and so it carries on, and on, and on .................


while narinder is not against it, for this indeed is Life's Joy,


garnering knowledge to fortify the mind .............. and,


mind indeed is Life, and Life , verily the Mind






for some Narada, calling himself ' the sorrowing self ' ,


time comes to go to the 5 year old unlearned Sanatkumar


for the Knowledge of the Self ..................



"Before I instruct thee in the knowledge of the self ", says sanatkumar, " pray ...


apprise sanatkumar asto what all you know ..............."



ah, dear sadhaka's , know what Narada answers ............... and decide,


whether you shall still keep entertaining the mind , with questions and answers galore


or choose the root question " who am I ??"...........


seek the knowledge of the self that the wise narada did choose


to end his 'sorrow' forever .......................the choice is yours , it is for you to choose ....


and asto Narada's answer to sanatkumars question


" tell me first what you know ....."


Narada had, with deep humility , replied .....................


"Venerable Sir, I know the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda, Atharvana as the fourth(veda), the epic and the ancient lore as the fifth, the Veda of the Vedas( grammar), propitiation of the Fathers, the science of the numbers(mathematics), the science of the portents, the science of time(chronology), logic, ethics, and politics, the science of the gods,the science of the sacred knowledge, the science of the elelmental spirits, the science of the weapons, astronomy, the science of the serpents, and the fine arts .This, Venerable Sir, I know ............."


" BUT, Venerable Sir, I am only one knowing the words, and not a Knower of the Self. Such a sorrowing self am I ..................Do you, Venerable Sir, help me cross over to the other side of sorrow. "


......................................Chandogya Upanishad, Chapter VII, section 1, Sh.1 to 3





narinder bhandari





If we said the law of karma is applicable only to Hindus, it cannot be the law of karma. Our past and future births depend on our karmas, whether we are Hindu or Muslim, human or animal, etc.

Of course we are not trapped in our karmas. We can change the cycle of birth and rebirth by choosing "good" karmas. Finally, the best birth is none - when the jivatma merges with the paramatma.

Dr. Nanditha Krishna


I have read about Sanatan Dharma and still coming to grip with whether Hindu is a Dharma ie Religion in itself ? An offshoot of an origin , ie Hindu is an just offshoot of Sanatan Dharma and therefore it only can be a punth (path) like any other like Sikh, Budhism, Jainis etc etc.


Therefore the Sanatan Dharma established Law Of Karma can apply to one and all !!Kishin Chandiramani



Dear Sadaks,I read many sadaks posting on Law of Karma. Can anyone answer, whether Law of Karma has escape? If yes, please tell examples from Puranas/sastras BUT NOT ones own comment. Please NOTE there is NO Karmic effect to GOD or creator. Also please say in 2 lines ,"How law of Karma Acts on human". According to science known to many Doctors, the brain of Human is used only about 10%. But when used to 90%, human elevates NOT affected by cosmic power. Another sadaks said,'' Borrow money from bank and be defaulter, the bank will be behind you". What if someone pays your loan, the Bank does not bother you. There are examples to this in puranas/HISTORY. The Karmas for JADA Vasthu (Moon-Sun Etc) are fixed. But for humans it changes. B.Sathyanarayan



Dear Sadhakas, Namaskar,The body (Sharir) of all the lifeforms on this Planet Earth is designed to procure food, eat and digest it to produce chemical energy to perform the various actions to grow, exist and reproduce own species. My understanding is that The Karmas required to achieve this objective is the Law of Karma. The daily routines, sleep and sex during the fruitful age to give birth to next generation, are the Karmas expected by the Designer. I also believe that the good and bad Karmas, heaven and hell, Punya and Paap etc are the concepts introduced in religions by the Great Thinkers of the Past (GTPs) so that the human society is moraly rich and stable, well behaved to avoid disorder and chaos...Gee Waman


Respected swamiji,


Namaskar and Jai Shri Bhagwanjiki.


I have a question which has been bothering me ever since I read a story of two wandering Buddhist monks in China in olden times. One of them while walking from village to village, came upon a marriage ceremoney where food was laid on one hundred tables, all sorts of delicacies, mainly non-veg items and the people were enjoying it and merry making. The monk sat down there and started to cry; since he was a famous saint/monk, people asked him why he was crying while everyone was enjoying himself. He said that the grandson is marrying his grandmother and the guests are being cooked in the pots and the animals were enjoying the feast. It appears that the saints and monks have the power to see their previous births of people and animals.


My question is if someone is a meat eater, will he have to become that animal in his next or future birth of whom he/she eats meat and the animal will enjoy his flesh, becoming a human being in his future birth. This theory or fact seems to go with the Hindu thinking and religious belief. If it is true, then what will happen to the people who eat meat everyday or quite often which means this cycle of animal and human birth will never stop and will continue into eternity.

Kindly advise if it is true or near to the truth!






sher singh agrawal





Law of Karma is universally applicable to all beings and inanimate objects inthis Creation. If something is on Earth, it cannot escape the Law Gravitation.Similarly, any thing and everything in this creation is subject to Law of Karma.By changing religion, one cannot escape the Law of Karma. The universe at large and the galaxiesare subject to the Law of Karma. the Law of Karma itself is subject to itself.There is no escape. There is no need to feel sorry about getting trapped by theLaw f Karma. Everyone including the Creator, god Almighty is subject to theuivesal Law of Karma. But if one fels sorry,that is also because of theoperation of the Law of Karma. THe only liberation possible is understanding theLaw of Karma including its implications like equanamity. But that liberationcomes only because of the operation of the Law of Karma. But that happens inrare cases.Basudeb Sen



Dear Ones, Namaste!Laws of Karma applies to anybody who thinks he/she is body-mind based organism regardless of beliefs, religions etc. A body has pain, or develops cancer or any such illness, does it have any problem? Physical body doesn't have complexes at all, whatever happens is according to cosmic laws, birth, growth, maturity, deterioration, illness, death! Mind has all complexes! When body has pain, it thinks it has pain. Mind thinks it is separate from all beings and therefore, mind attaches to some it likes and some it doesn't like, so it avoids them. This is the only reason it suffers. This is what is Laws of Karma, really, meaning one lets mind rule life over which it doesn't have any control, so it suffers! Nothing fancy, it itself is ruled by conditioning of society, culture etc called environment in which it grows!Such behaviors are among all mankind! Obviously everyone suffers or has pleasures, though, reasons may be different depending on their being raised in different cultures. This is Laws of Karma! It is the way one reacts rather than acts! Thus, it is Universal in nature, has nothing to do with Hindu or not, but everything to do with ignorance! Laws of Karma is explanation to our being ignorance! Of what? of not knowing who we are!Just remove this ignorance and one is Free from Karma meaning pleasures and pains irrespective of birth and death of body. Laws are applicable even then to body, but suffering is removed. Scripture calls this as burning away of karmas! Nothing else need to be changed!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




Its like asking, if I put money in the Bank, or borrow from the Bank,would different religions get treated differently. Try to borrow $ 5000 against your Master Card, and not pay the interest or the principal, the Bank will be after you to pay the money.


Law of Karma is similar. Regardless of your religion, the Natural law demands that since action and reaction are equal and opposite, you will be required to pay for your Karma !! Of last life, or many lives back.

Durgesh Mankikar,MD


Hari OmThe Law of Karma is applicable not only to Hindus but to all human beings ! It applies not only to all humans but to all creatures ! It applies not only to all creatures but also to Demi Gods say The Sun, Fire, Moon, Air etc ! In fact the first receipient of the knowledge of Karma Yoga was the Sun !! What is this world comprising of? If you get deep ...you will find nothing EXCEPT .."Doing" and "Happenning" ! Deeds and Results thereof. It is contractual obligations that bind a human in this world (BG 15:2) ! Why only human...to all creatures !! World is nothing except "Lenia-Denia" (giving..receiving...giving) ! World therefore has at many places in Scriptures referred as " Karma Bhoomi" ! Rightly so, because you can't remain without doing Karmas even for a fraction of a second. There is a chain of action-reaction going on. Even Akarmas are in the form of Karmas only.Q Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?Ans: No ! Human life is not meant for getting doomed at all! Human life means an opportunity ...very rare opportunity of ...breaking the CHAINS of action/reaction. Here you can do AKARMAS also which do not produce any bondage. A human has also capacity to remain EQUANIMOUS and thus un-impacted by the CHAINS of Karmas ..the Bondage of Karmas !Q If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?Ans: Such a Q does not arise once earlier Qs are answered and understood.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam ---------



Shree Paramatmane Namah


The Questioner - Agam Sat Chit Anathanji ! Pray I ask you that before the word Hindu came about, wasn't it the principle that - "As you sow, so shall you reap" ? Wasn't it happening so? Whatever one has done, if he himself is able to erase it (wipe it out), then he is not a human being, rather he is Ishvar. A sinful act, will result in bad result / outcome and a virtuous act will result in something good. How can it not? the Lord, gives a man fruits according to his actions -Saadhan, Sudhaa, Sindhu pg 819".

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam





There is but One law.

The Law is One ... The One without the second its author

The One without the second Himself is the Law.

Himself is the self in all, remaining but One

The Self as well as the not-self in the self

The self in narinder is subject to the Immutability of the Law.

Narinder is what he is in accordance with the dictate of the Law...........

Far, or near. How far - or how near - .Only the Law knows ...........

The Law it is that chooses to invoke in narinderness, when it pleases the Law

The desire to die to narinderness.


The time to go , one day, someday, does come !

The time to wind up arrives,time to go beyond the Law ....

Gathering all the strength of all the merits earned in a myriad lives,

nariness invokes the Law to Forgive the doings in Time.

Prays for Grace.

And with One stroke, kills the past.

No past, no future, aha !

The Present ?

The Present ? ¦..Dictate of the Law in answer to narinder's supplications !

Winding up , Time no more is .... Time dies ............

If the Law is what it is and so it is ...........Immutable it is, yes .....

all will be what will be.

Only the law is itself, the Doing and the Reaping

Nariness must let go all. Such is the Law.

The Law itself has placed in the proximity of nariness, beings, which it itself is.

Yet gives the Beings freedom to live the life of paradox, of their own choice and freewill.

Nariness may love, but interfere he must not. ....

Such be the Law ........ if beyond the Law, one wants to rise ...........

Single-mindedly must nari-ness walk the path of surrender..

Alone must narinder walk the Path

the path called Kaivalaya, Alone-ness

The Law itself is the strength and one pointedness that to surrender leads.

Is the Light.........Is the Law.


narinder bhandari


Dear Sadhakas,Namaskar.I read with great interest various comments/explanations on the subject of Karma.There is a book "THE LAWS OF KARMA" written by a great scientist and Vedic scholar Dr. Harish Chandra .You will be enlightened by his work.Dhanyavaadanil ramjattan



Dear Sadhakas, Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka. Bhagavad Gita is not just for Hindus only, it is for the entire Mankind. Whether we believe it or not, laws of karma apply to every one. When we touch something hot or cold, our hands feel it irrespective of our faith. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Man mana bhava mad bhakto,Mad yaji mam namaskuru,Mam evaisyati satyam te,Pratijane priyo si me. "( Gitaji, 18, 65)Which means,' Always think of Me, be My devotee, worship and offer your obeisances unto Me. Then you come to me certainly. I promise this to you because your are My friend. 'The way to reach His Abode, is through devotional service, with complete surrender unto His Lotus Feet. In Gita Mahatmyam from Varaha Purana, Lord Vishnu assures the Goddess Earth, Bhudevi," Gita artham dhyayate nityam,Krutva karmani bhurishahJivan muktassa vijnayo,Dehante paramam padam. "Which means,' Who ever recites the meaning of Gitaji constantly, eventhough he or she is into karmic actions, gets liberation and reaches Me in the end. 'If we want to move beyond these karmas, there is only one way. That is devotional service. Let us chant the Holy Names and advance spiritually. Thank YouHare Krishna. Prasad.A. Iragavarapu, M.D




The Law of Karma is universal and applies to all regardless of religion of course as does the law of Gravity which I understand is also mentioned in the Rig Veda - the ancient Rishis postulated laws which are beyond any religion and therefore they are SANATAN or eternal. The Veda or its metaphysical part is called eternal not out of some dogmatic injunction but through a robust enquiry in the Upanishads.

Jesus also tried to teach the Israelites the law of Karma through his parable, 'you reap what you sow'.anil bhanot



Dear sadaks,Question 1)Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to? Ans: Law of Karma applies to each and every living thing, to all living in 13 other worlds, and to all that is seen in universe like stars, planets Etc.

Question 2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time? Ans: Anybody can undue Karmic effect within 7 hours or 7 days like the king who heard Geetha from Sant Asta Vakra or like King Parikshid who heard Srimath Bagavath from Sant Sukhbhram', like the thief who was also crucified on the side of Christ got his Karmas washed away in minutes by faith, and so many.

Question 3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash? Ans: Conversion to another religion (Religion by itself is only school of thought- Not way to liberate) is itself shows NO basic faith in religion born. Such conversion normally leads to several birth before liberation.This Sadak has said, his/her name as "Agam, Sat, Chit , Aanandam." This itself answers all his question.B.Sathyanarayan





Shree Hari. Ram Ram.

Answers to these questions are simple.


> Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?


It applies to everyone. When you act and live life as an offering to God (Paramatma), then you don't get karma. There is no karma for those souls.

Accept that God is yours and you are God's. Give up affinity to inert matter as your self is beyond it.

You won't get any karma as your actions are dedicated to God.


> Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?


Paramatma (Krishna or God) loves you and you are never doomed. You will get unlimited chances in future births.

Paramatma is within you and always accompanies you out of His causeless mercy. Don't give up that faith and do actions as an offering to Him.

Don't worry about karma so much. God will take care of you.


> If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?


God is in you and that God is independent of any religion. Whatever religion you follow, try to sincerely follow the God within you.

Try to offer your actions to God who is in you and in everyone.

Answer to your question is Yes. As mentioned earlier, anyone can do away with karmic backlash by offering their actions to Krishna or God and accepting that they are God's and God is theirs.


Ram Ram.Anandamukhi Mittal





Raam,Dear brother, You have posted here questions here, and according to my intellect, what I feel is:1) Is Law of Karma, applies only for Hindus or every souls on earth and the universe, immaterial of what religious path one belongs to?In all the Hindu scriptures, there is no mention for Hindu religion. For simplicity sake, since human body is mentioned as the most fortunate one, so all human beings should be considered Hindu (just assume for the time being). Or, in the absence of any religion, there is no religion, means Hindu religion is only for distinguishing one who have separated themselves from the main ideology of Sanatan Dharma (Eternal religion) to non-eternal religion. Now coming to your question, is Law of Karma applicable to only Hindus or to everyone. So I should ask you, does Hindus only feel hungry or everyone, does Hindus only feel thirsty or everyone. In the same way, every creature has to abide the law of Karma. Although the greatest significance of Human body is that we can create new Karmas here, that's why we are called being independent in Kartavya, but in other species, this is not possible. Even this is not possible for Gods in Heavens. This the reason why, in addition to the Vivek shakti, the Human birth is the most important one.I ponder sometime thinking that if someone is not governed by the law of Karma and someone other is, then why everyone in this World gets happiness at some moment, and misery at another. All these things are common to all humans.

2) Is one doomed to be trapped in his Karma and cannot undo and find penance in this life time?I feel that God has given us a very critical and important path of surrendering ourselves to Him and if are not going to commit the same errors again, then it is sure that God will definitely prevent us from suffering. My strong feeling is that everyone should suffer for the sake of not suffering in the future. I am not praying for everyone to suffer, but I feel that suffering is better than the worldly happiness, since it brings us closer to God.

3) If one convert to another religion from Hindu, can he do away with all this Karmic backlash?I feel that it has nothing to do with conversion. If one owes something, he is obliged to pay it back. God has created the World in such way that no one can escape from the clinches of Karma. And, simultaneously, he done a terrible grace. And that is, if someone surrenders to him, or take refuge in God, all his responsibilities will be taken care by God. Such is the benevolence nature of God. I would like to suggest you to kindly read the stories of devotees, and learn from there how God, being the supreme power, never hesitates to serve to the one's who have completed belief in Him and has taken His refuge.Please let me know if you still have any more doubts.RaamKuldeep Chaturvedi



every belief depends on faith.Christians speak about dooms day.They build a grave and allow the corpse lay down till the dooms day.But now-a-days every one is experiencing the results of his karmas in his later part of his life.But if one leads his life in bhagavatha marga, I think he is less prone to the karmik effect.Either he may develop tolerance to the life situations thinking that he is not responsible or his karmic effect gets neutralized due to his satkarmas


Badri Narayana Miriyala




Just see.

Comfort through thought is the illusion, which binds us to its contra.There is echo of every thought, which you are not able to listen. Not listening is convenient for the mind.There is a veil between thought and echo.Thought can not pierce the veil. Veil may be pierced when thought is silenced in awe.

One becomes aware of the trap (of Karma). Awareness of the trap is the end of the trap.

Y V Chawla -------------------------------


Shree Hari Ram Ram


Kindly remember BREVITY, RELAVANCY AND RESPECT FOR ALL for each posting.


Previous discussions related to Law of Karma are at:


Becoming Free from Karma Bondage -



What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?



Not directly related to this topic, but thought sadhaks may want to review this list of Satya Karmas previously posted in Gita-Talk. Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Satya Karma at Body, Speech and Mind levelTo conduct oneself per injunctions of Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma)the following Satya Karmas are prescribed at the Body, Speech andMind levels:At the Body levelWorship – Prayers and adoration to God, teacher and the wisePurity – Freedom from bodily impurities, letting go of laziness and lethargyCelibacy - Letting go of the pleasure in worldly sensual objectsAbsence of crookedness – Walking and talking straight and not with prideNon-injury and non-stealingSpirit of Service – Actively engage in doing good to allDevotion to Duty – Doing what is required and should be done as worshipAusterities – Enduring hardships while discharging one's religious obligationsKeeping body fit – Doing yogic postures and pranayam regularlySatsang – Association with saints and holy menFood - Eating foods which promote longevity, purity, strength, health, happiness and cheerfulness, are juicy, oleaginous and substantialCharity – Graciously giving to one from whom no return is expected and due regard to place, time and recipientAt the speech levelNon offensive speech - speech should not hurt anyoneTruthfulness – Spoken precisely in a agreeable languagePleasant – Speech should be sweet, pleasing and beneficialAbsence of Backbiting Spirit – Avoid slandering, it proceeds from jealousySpiritual study and Nama Japa – Study of sacred books, repetition of the Divinenames and recounting the virtues of the Lord and singing His gloriesAt the mind levelPleasant and Gentle disposition - Not wishing bad to happen to anyoneSilence - Speaking only when necessarySelf-discipline – Exercising control over the mindForgiveness – Entertaining no thought of inflicting punishment to one who has done wrong to youCourage – Absence of cowardiceUnselfishness – Not seeking satisfaction of any selfish desire connected with this world or the nextAmmanitva – Not seeking honor, respect or homageHumility – Unassuming and modest natureCompassion – Melting of heart at the sight of suffering of a creatureFreedom from Hypocrisy – Putting up a false show of piety should be avoidedContentment – complete absence of thirst of material objectsSpiritual Wisdom – Discrimination between what is real and which is unrealDispassion – Complete absence of attachment to anything pertaining to this world or the nextEndurance – Capacity to bear heat and cold, and to remain unaffected by pleasure and pain, not get influenced by diverse circumstancesPiety – Absolute faith in scriptures and in the teachings of MahatamasThinking about saints, their life stories and their teachingsAvoiding thinking about bad people and their character(From Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapters 16 and 17 and "What is Dharma"by Jayadyal Goyanka)--Dear Sadhakji,I have been reading your daily articles with interest. With your wealth of knowledge I am prompted to seek your assistance. One of my grand daughters lives in Sydney. The Hindu Society there is promoting the spoken and written Hindi to keep our language alive. One of the ways of promoting spoken language is the Oratory Contest.Each child is to speak for five to six minutes on the topic:SATYA KARAM.Your assistance in this matter will be very much appreciated.Ram Dharma Nand JPShree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha Fiji.


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