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Dealing with Physical and Economic Dependencies in later Stages of LIfe

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Shree Hari Ram Ram



Dear Geeta Group Sadhakas, NamaskarSUMMARY QUESTION: HOW TO DEAL WITH PHYSICAL AND ECONOMIC DEPENDENCIES IN LATER STAGES OF HUMAN LIFE SPAN? In the present age, this has become a real problem.

Please share your insights on this topic ?

What are the various stages of a complete human life span? and what

are the responsibilities in each stage?

It is believed that the human life span consists of 4 stages.

1. Bramhacharya

2. Gruhastha

3. Wanprastha

4. Sanyas.

1. The brahmacharya stage is the stage of learning and becoming

qualified to raise a well cultured family.

In ancient times, boys used to go to Gurukuls which were the highest

seats of learning. Girls used to stay at home and the parents used to

train them in all the household matters, so that, after marriage, she

turns out to be an able housewife. Marriage was allowed only after

the successful completion of this education stage and physical


Presently, boys and girls attend schools and colleges to get

qualified to earn an honest money for their family. Till they are

well settled in life they should not marry.

2. Gruhastha (Householder) Stage. Family persons. Should earn livelihood for the

family, educate kids, offer food and shelter for the family, look

after the old parents, propogate the knowledge earned in the

bramhacharya stage to others etc.

3. Wanprastha stage.This is a matured and winding up stage. Children

are grown up, educated, attained maturity and reached a stage to

raise their families. The family man should ensure that they are

married to suitable matches. This is a stage to complete the duties

and responsibilities of a Gruhastha.

4. Sanyas. (Ascetic life) It does not mean you should become a sanyasi. At this

stage you should not have any attachment to wordly pleasures. If both

husband and wife survive in this stage of life, they should call

themselves extremely lucky. In this stage, one should totally devote themselves to


Unfortunately, most of the individuals are dependent, physically and

monetarily, on their kids, in the wanprastha and sanyas stages. In

the present age, this is a real problem.

I humbly feel that Geeta Group Sadhakas should discuss this issue on

this forum to enlighten others...

....Gee Waman===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. 4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only) 5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shree Hari Ram Ram




Moderators, Ram Ram



Dear Geeta Group Sadhakas, Namaskar



LIFE SPAN? In the present age, this has become a real problem. Please share

your insights on this topic ?

....Gee Waman





Yes, with age and retirement from income earning activity, it may be a great

problem to live life in Wanaprastha and Sanyas stage unless of course one and in

most coses, both husband and wife to gether, prepare for that life. The only

preparation that is needed is complete submission to God. Once a person or a

married couple submmits to God, by definition, they no longer rely on their

limbs or income / wealth, they no longer fear ill health, disease, incapcitated

limbs and organs or death, they no longer long for food and drink or clothes or

even bed or shelter. In such a state, the worry that ...Gee Woman asks just does

not arise. On the other hand, persons who reach such a stage find food, drink,

clothing, shelter, help, medicines, assistance, etc just flow to them even from

quaters they had never anticipated earlier. God takes care of those who submits

all worries to God and just become intensely keen to merge with God.

True, such persons are rare. What do the others do. Old age problems are bound

to come and would have to be faced. There is no way out. One can only try to

forget about these problems or bear with these problems by continuous praying to

God for relief, protection and liberation, and by giving up ego, anger, opinion,

expectations, desire and attachment to personal habits. Tolerance is the only

valuable attribute of old age - the greater the tolerance, the better.People do

all these to various degrees and make their living to that extent comfortable.

Those who try to manipulate others - emotionally or otherwise so that they can

live more comfortably almost always fail and suffer all the more.

There was a man whom I knew would not go to a doctor even if had fever for a few

days. When asked, he would reply that he had to bear the discomfort and pain as

these are result of his karma prior. In old age there is no way to do fresh

Karma to avoid sufferring resulting from past Karma. I cannot do anything if I

get lung or other cancer now having been a smoker for over 40 years. I have to

suffer: the only thing that I can do is to prepare myself to tolerate the pain

and sufferring. I can simultaneously pray to God to forgive me, protect me and

liberate me. I can look at diseases, hunger and suffering as God Himself. I can

also stop thinking bad about others, criticise others. If I do these, I hope God

will take care of me through some means. If God does not, even then my

sufferring would reduce because of my higher degree of tolerance and zero degree

disappointment with my situation.

But it would have been easier for me to live Wanaprastha and Sanyas, had I

realized all this when I was in Brahmacharyya and Gruhastha. That was the period

when I should have started building up my capabilities to deal with Wanaprashtha

and Sanyas, that is the period from when I should have learn to give up anger,

disappointment,expectation, desire, greed, manipulating others, learn to pray to

God with all of my heart rather than ritually, learn to avoid smoking, spending

away money, forming habits that would be difficult to give up later. I did not

do much then. Fine, but it is better late than never. I try now and learn to

live with weak / malfunctioning aids like eyes to see, hand and feet to do, ear

to hear, mouth to eat, memory to recall, mind to think, hearts to pump, etc. I

will do now whatever I can do keep these going as long as they can to help.

Maybe one day God will finally take care of me. There are many people who suffer

from birth until death at old age: I am just going to suffer only the last two

phases of life.

Sorry, I cannot preach any solution that I have not experienced as satisfactory.

Basudeb Sen




Shree Paramatmane Namah


Friend, I speak from my experience. The dilemma is (in old age the dependence)

not of children, rather of self. He who undersatnd this that now I have to go

towards God then his desires/impression remaining in the mind (food, sleep,

addictions and various desires) automatically on their own become less frequent

and they become essential (not burden) for the children, thus living happily.

When various desires/impressions are not reduced, then one wants to find some

solution to satisfy these , and the blame is placed on children for



So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam





According to my community experience in the UK, Hindus follow the first 3 stages

quite well and have matured to give equal treatment to both male and female

sexes in the education stage which is the foundation for the next stage. But

Hindus have forgotten what it means to fall into the final stage of renuciation

in terms of Daan or Charity - Hindus don't seem to give as much as they should.

They have forgotten what Karma and Sansaar mean in Hinduism. They hold onto

their material nature in this final stage which they excel in the 2nd stage,

generally. The 3rd stage the Hindus carry out well in discharging their

responsibilites. The problem is really just in the final stage. Apart from not

giving up material wealth - well a %age - they also hold onto positions of Kursi

or perceived power where they do not allow the younger people to come and take

control - they always say that the youth should come but then they block their

rise because they feel only they the elders know best.

In the UK there is little problem of financial independence though extended

family unit is on the way out - even so the childrens do care for their parents

and they do look after them in old age. In fact here the elders like their own

independence since they are financially independent.

Conclusion - Hindus need to learn to give more in the renunciation final stage,

otherwise the community is well praiseworthy.

Anil Bhanot




Hari Om


The message of Shri Gee Waman is divine. He is right fully. Sanyaas actually

means 'mental detachment' from children even body not physically going to some

forest or cave. Q is how to plan old age.


Answer is: Respect your parents when you are young. (Sow seeds) If you want in

old age your children should respect you then the finest method is to respect

your parents when you are young. Donot at young age care only for 'your wife and

your kids' ! Remember at that point that you are also kid of someone. Do not

feel dejected , however, if still your kids don't take care of you in old age.


When you serve your parents at young age, serve as a 'duty' not so that if you

do so, in your old age your kids will serve you. Your kids will grasp you more

by your conduct than by your 'talk' !


Save some money for old age. Do your karma. Whether money remains with you when

you need it is altogether a different thing. But Karma is your right. Hence save

some money when you are young.


Donate freely when you are young. Donate as if it is your duty to do so.

Renounce money. God is benevolent and Law of Karma very equitable. You will get

money in old age. Help others when you are young. Help as if it is your duty to

do so. You will receive help when you really need it in old age.This is 'karma

bhoomi' ! As you sow, so shall you reap.


Do not worry ! Do not carry fears for old age. One who has given you birth, will

provide for you all that you need. But do your Karma diligently.


Pranaams to all Sadhaks

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah





Hari Om. Shree Hari.


I see my current stage as preparation for later stages.

My current goal is to start enjoying meditation on Ram and focus my thoughts

upon Him.

In this way, I can experience happiness from within.


When we experience happiness from within, then we are not dependent on external


That seems to be solution for me.


Ram Ram.

Gaurav Mittal




Dear Geeta Group Sadhakas, Namaskar





What are the various stages of a complete human life span? and what

are the responsibilities in each stage?

It is believed that the human life span consists of 4 stages.

1. Bramhacharya

2. Gruhastha

3. Wanprastha

4. Sanyas.

1. The brahmacharya stage is the stage of learning and becoming

qualified to raise a well cultured family.

In ancient times, boys used to go to Gurukuls which were the highest

seats of learning. Girls used to stay at home and the parents used to

train them in all the household matters, so that, after marriage, she

turns out to be an able housewife. Marriage was allowed only after

the successful completion of this education stage and physical


Presently, boys and girls attend schools and colleges to get

qualified to earn an honest money for their family. Till they are

well settled in life they should not marry.

2. Gruhastha (Householder) Stage. Family persons. Should earn livelihood for the

family, educate kids, offer food and shelter for the family, look

after the old parents, propogate the knowledge earned in the

bramhacharya stage to others etc.

3. Wanprastha stage.This is a matured and winding up stage. Children

are grown up, educated, attained maturity and reached a stage to

raise their families. The family man should ensure that they are

married to suitable matches. This is a stage to complete the duties

and responsibilities of a Gruhastha.

4. Sanyas. (Ascetic life) It does not mean you should become a sanyasi. At this

stage you should not have any attachment to wordly pleasures. If both

husband and wife survive in this stage of life, they should call

themselves extremely lucky. In this stage, one should totally devote themselves



Unfortunately, most of the individuals are dependent, physically and

monetarily, on their kids, in the wanprastha and sanyas stages. In

the present age, this is a real problem.

I humbly feel that Geeta Group Sadhakas should discuss this issue on

this forum to enlighten others...

....Gee Waman






1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.

3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc.

4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)

5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #,

addressetc) or personalize message to particular person

6. All responses may not be posted.

7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience.

Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Shree Hari Ram RamPLEASE READ THE GROUP'S GUIDELINES EACH TIME BEFORE POSTING RESPONSES. RESPONSES MUST BE BRIEF, RELEVANT AND RESPECTFUL. Thank you, Gita TalkModerators, Ram RamDear Geeta Group Sadhakas, NamaskarSUMMARY QUESTION:HOW TO DEAL WITH PHYSICAL AND ECONOMIC DEPENDENCIES IN LATER STAGES OF HUMANLIFE SPAN? In the present age, this has become a real problem. Please shareyour insights on this topic ?...Gee Waman


Priy sadhaks

The question arises out of lack of belief in god. Who was dealing with the stage when one was in womb, or an orphane or so on......

The fact is that only god deals with every situaTION in our life.....

only we think that we are capable of dealing with certain part of life.......

this is the origin of this question that when we wont be capable then who will deal



RAJA Gurdasani



-Shree Hari-Namaste!A good.I will deal this question in two ways, social/spiritual, and practical.One of the things that has come up is doing service to others, may I tell you, do not ease back, and say well it's my time to reap!Actually the older you get frees you up to be of service to the community, as you disconnect in the Vaanaprastha stage of your life, albeit that you have entered the Shanti Vaana your life does not mean you do not have abilities and skills, that cannot be offered to others. And if by the Grace of The Beloved, you remain sharp and and physically active in the stages of Vaanaprastha and Sannyaasin, so how well can you give!I knew an old infirmed lady who took it upon herself to sit in silence with an old priest who suffering from advanced dementia never spoke, she said to me "I think he is very close to God now", I realized she saw in him what was in her! I can only reflect on practical points w.r.t the country I live in.A very good idea is to get someone, a son or daughter, spouse in some cases, to act on your behalf with the power of, 'Enduring Power Attorney', well worth looking into, thus looking after your needs if you no longer remain compos mentis, or become infirm. Hardly need to say, be very wise on this!Prepare to be as independent as possible in your twilight years. Remain active especially helping others.Realize your body may be failing but you can become a spiritual beacon to the world.Om... Shanti....Mike. (K).

Dear Sadaks,The 4 stages said are for one to know them. Many many know that, but their Karma binds them so. It requires Bagavan grace to abandon everything and seek God. Like Buddha when he thought of that POWER known us God leading everything on earth, seeked God left everything behind. Like Purander Doss hundreds of years ago left NINE crore wealth to seek Panduranga. Like Vivekanand left studies and wealth to seek Guru. Like Sidharama of Sholapur threw himself from cliff to seek God. Like Tukaram living in family but totally unattached. Like Baktha Gora living with 2 wives, but totally remained aloof for the sake of promise made on Vittal. That WILL power is given by God HIMSELF at appropriate time. ONE NEEDS BLESSING OF BAGAVAN. Other wise, it is like Jesus calling a man to walk on water, but when the man doubted, he sank. So getting blessing also requires, purity of Mind, intellect and body all alligned in one level of Paramathuma.B.Sathyanarayan--------------------------------

Just a minor correction, in the beginning---

it is not Wanprastha but Vanprastha,

if you want to pronounce the Sanskrit word correctly in English.


In German, the W is pronounced like a V, and the V like an F.

But in English, it is V for Van ( not Wan ), and W for watch.

Vatch and Watch are not pronounced the same way !!!

W is pronounced like when an "Oo-kaar" is followed by an "A-kaar".

It is not a "Va-kaar" in Watch,

It is not a "Wa-kaar", but a "Va-kaar" in Vasant Ritu !!!


That aside, This is a very important question, you have asked, Vaaman-ji ( not Waaman ).

As we live longer, especially our generation that did not expect to live longer,

both these issues have become very important.


Hopefully, clean living, healthy eating, and regular exercise habits are picked up very early in the Brahmacharya stage. Veggie eating does not necessarily mean healthy eating. One sees several vegetarians who are Obese and Hypertensive !!! Also, equally important is knowledge. It has become fashionable to "not study", but just pass the exams somehow.


During Grihasthashrama, all of the above will come to help. Besides the healthy eating, and exercise, etc...., the knowledge gained will lead one to have a good job, or start a good bsuiness. Save as much as you can. Invest safely. Beware of your own greed, which others will take advantage of. Keep a close eye on all the "Harshad Mehtas" of the World, who are out to loot you. If you save enough or invest wisely, your Vanprasthashram and Sannyasashram will be taken care of.


Continue with the exercise and healthy lifestyle throughout your life.


Do not plan on depending on your children, because the way this economy is, they are going to be your dependents for a long time, with long education, sudden unemployment and prolonged joblessness.



Durgesh Mankikar,MD----Yes, with age and retirement from income earning activity, it may be a greatproblem to live life in Wanaprastha and Sanyas stage unless of course one and inmost coses, both husband and wife to gether, prepare for that life. The onlypreparation that is needed is complete submission to God. Once a person or amarried couple submmits to God, by definition, they no longer rely on theirlimbs or income / wealth, they no longer fear ill health, disease, incapcitatedlimbs and organs or death, they no longer long for food and drink or clothes oreven bed or shelter. In such a state, the worry that ...Gee Woman asks just doesnot arise. On the other hand, persons who reach such a stage find food, drink,clothing, shelter, help, medicines, assistance, etc just flow to them even fromquaters they had never anticipated earlier. God takes care of those who submitsall worries to God and just become intensely keen to merge with God.True, such persons are rare. What do the others do. Old age problems are boundto come and would have to be faced. There is no way out. One can only try toforget about these problems or bear with these problems by continuous praying toGod for relief, protection and liberation, and by giving up ego, anger, opinion,expectations, desire and attachment to personal habits. Tolerance is the onlyvaluable attribute of old age - the greater the tolerance, the better.People doall these to various degrees and make their living to that extent comfortable.Those who try to manipulate others - emotionally or otherwise so that they canlive more comfortably almost always fail and suffer all the more.There was a man whom I knew would not go to a doctor even if had fever for a fewdays. When asked, he would reply that he had to bear the discomfort and pain asthese are result of his karma prior. In old age there is no way to do freshKarma to avoid sufferring resulting from past Karma. I cannot do anything if Iget lung or other cancer now having been a smoker for over 40 years. I have tosuffer: the only thing that I can do is to prepare myself to tolerate the painand sufferring. I can simultaneously pray to God to forgive me, protect me andliberate me. I can look at diseases, hunger and suffering as God Himself. I canalso stop thinking bad about others, criticise others. If I do these, I hope Godwill take care of me through some means. If God does not, even then mysufferring would reduce because of my higher degree of tolerance and zero degreedisappointment with my situation.But it would have been easier for me to live Wanaprastha and Sanyas, had Irealized all this when I was in Brahmacharyya and Gruhastha. That was the periodwhen I should have started building up my capabilities to deal with Wanaprashthaand Sanyas, that is the period from when I should have learn to give up anger,disappointment,expectation, desire, greed, manipulating others, learn to pray toGod with all of my heart rather than ritually, learn to avoid smoking, spendingaway money, forming habits that would be difficult to give up later. I did notdo much then. Fine, but it is better late than never. I try now and learn tolive with weak / malfunctioning aids like eyes to see, hand and feet to do, earto hear, mouth to eat, memory to recall, mind to think, hearts to pump, etc. Iwill do now whatever I can do keep these going as long as they can to help.Maybe one day God will finally take care of me. There are many people who sufferfrom birth until death at old age: I am just going to suffer only the last twophases of life.Sorry, I cannot preach any solution that I have not experienced as satisfactory.Basudeb Sen-------------------------Shree Paramatmane NamahFriend, I speak from my experience. The dilemma is (in old age dependence)not of children, rather of self. He who understands this that now I have to gotowards God then his desires/impression remaining in the mind (food, sleep,addictions and various desires) automatically on their own become less frequentand they become essential (not burden) for the children, thus living happily. When various desires/impressions are not reduced, then one wants to find somesolution to satisfy these , and the blame is placed on children for unfulfillment.So be it,Vineet Sarvottam------------------According to my community experience in the UK, Hindus follow the first 3 stagesquite well and have matured to give equal treatment to both male and femalesexes in the education stage which is the foundation for the next stage. ButHindus have forgotten what it means to fall into the final stage of renuciationin terms of Daan or Charity - Hindus don't seem to give as much as they should.They have forgotten what Karma and Sansaar mean in Hinduism. They hold ontotheir material nature in this final stage which they excel in the 2nd stage,generally. The 3rd stage the Hindus carry out well in discharging theirresponsibilites. The problem is really just in the final stage. Apart from notgiving up material wealth - well a %age - they also hold onto positions of Kursior perceived power where they do not allow the younger people to come and takecontrol - they always say that the youth should come but then they block theirrise because they feel only they the elders know best.In the UK there is little problem of financial independence though extendedfamily unit is on the way out - even so the childrens do care for their parentsand they do look after them in old age. In fact here the elders like their ownindependence since they are financially independent.Conclusion - Hindus need to learn to give more in the renunciation final stage,otherwise the community is well praiseworthy.Anil Bhanot-----------------------------Hari OmThe message of Shri Gee Waman is divine. He is right fully. Sanyaas actuallymeans 'mental detachment' from children even body not physically going to someforest or cave. Q is how to plan old age.Answer is: Respect your parents when you are young. (Sow seeds) If you want inold age your children should respect you then the finest method is to respectyour parents when you are young. Donot at young age care only for 'your wife andyour kids' ! Remember at that point that you are also kid of someone. Do notfeel dejected , however, if still your kids don't take care of you in old age.When you serve your parents at young age, serve as a 'duty' not so that if youdo so, in your old age your kids will serve you. Your kids will grasp you moreby your conduct than by your 'talk' !Save some money for old age. Do your karma. Whether money remains with you whenyou need it is altogether a different thing. But Karma is your right. Hence savesome money when you are young.Donate freely when you are young. Donate as if it is your duty to do so.Renounce money. God is benevolent and Law of Karma very equitable. You will getmoney in old age. Help others when you are young. Help as if it is your duty todo so. You will receive help when you really need it in old age.This is 'karmabhoomi' ! As you sow, so shall you reap.Do not worry ! Do not carry fears for old age. One who has given you birth, willprovide for you all that you need. But do your Karma diligently.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam-------------Hari Om. Shree Hari.I see my current stage as preparation for later stages.My current goal is to start enjoying meditation on Ram and focus my thoughtsupon Him.In this way, I can experience happiness from within.When we experience happiness from within, then we are not dependent on externalsituations.That seems to be solution for me.Ram Ram.Gaurav Mittal================================================Dear Geeta Group Sadhakas, NamaskarDETAIL QUESTIONWhat are the various stages of a complete human life span? and whatare the responsibilities in each stage?It is believed that the human life span consists of 4 stages.1. Bramhacharya2. Gruhastha3. Wanprastha4. Sanyas.1. The brahmacharya stage is the stage of learning and becomingqualified to raise a well cultured family.In ancient times, boys used to go to Gurukuls which were the highestseats of learning. Girls used to stay at home and the parents used totrain them in all the household matters, so that, after marriage, sheturns out to be an able housewife. Marriage was allowed only afterthe successful completion of this education stage and physicalmaturity.Presently, boys and girls attend schools and colleges to getqualified to earn an honest money for their family. Till they arewell settled in life they should not marry.2. Gruhastha (Householder) Stage. Family persons. Should earn livelihood for thefamily, educate kids, offer food and shelter for the family, lookafter the old parents, propogate the knowledge earned in thebramhacharya stage to others etc.3. Wanprastha stage.This is a matured and winding up stage. Childrenare grown up, educated, attained maturity and reached a stage toraise their families. The family man should ensure that they aremarried to suitable matches. This is a stage to complete the dutiesand responsibilities of a Gruhastha.4. Sanyas. (Ascetic life) It does not mean you should become a sanyasi. At thisstage you should not have any attachment to wordly pleasures. If bothhusband and wife survive in this stage of life, they should callthemselves extremely lucky. In this stage, one should totally devote themselvestoBhagwan.Unfortunately, most of the individuals are dependent, physically andmonetarily, on their kids, in the wanprastha and sanyas stages. Inthe present age, this is a real problem.I humbly feel that Geeta Group Sadhakas should discuss this issue onthis forum to enlighten others......Gee Waman===========================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. RESPECT all Sadhaks. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc.4. Be BRIEF, RELEVANT (stay with the subject being discussed only)5. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #,addressetc) or personalize message to particular person6. All responses may not be posted.7. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience.Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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