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There is Only Vasudeva - Why the Resistance ? Why not Accept the Truth?

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Shree Hari Ram Ram

Sadhaks, Swamiji placed great emphasis on Vasudeva Sarvam and ultimately ...

there is Only Vasudeva. Gita 7/19 says in the very last of all births (i.e. the

human birth) the enlightened soul worships Me, realizing that all this is God


Sadhaks, those rare exalted souls who realize this, take refuge in God i.e. by

loosing their existence (I-ness), they merge in God (IS-ness). Where the lover

does not remain, only the Beloved, the embodiement of Love remains.


Sadhaks, where is the issue? why the resistence ? why not accept the Truth as

stated in the Gita?


Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Please also see prior discussion on this TOPIC -


Re: All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam) Is this for Everyone? If Rare, why Waste My





Vasudeva Sarvam





Dear Ones, Namaste!


The subject message of Swamiji is his most potent and should be re-read again

and again! Only Vasudeva IS, proclaims He!

Swamiji has indicated in clear terms how important it is to realize this Truth

experientially! Vasudev sarvam is the TRUTH and most practical, no matter at

what stage of Sadhana one comes upon it!

I want to make some observations on points made in another posting on Soul and

suicide where some comments were made reg this point!

If it were dangerous as some sadhakas imply, then entire Vedanta, and Swamiji's

Teaching would be of little help! At the same time it is of no value if it

remains as intellectual knowledge like information! However, if we keep saying

it is not easy, not for everyone, etc., then this TRUTH will never come to us!

Why not allow those of us who have strong feeling for it or have accepted it?

What I don't understand is why so much resistance is shown here regarding

" Vasudeva Sarvam " being the Truth Ultimate! How long someone should wait to dive

into this truth, if not NOW?

Anyway, it is entirely up to sadhakas whether or not to pursue or leave it!


Finally, I want to answer Narottamji, as he says:

Pratapji ! There is no element called 'ignorance/avidya/ nescience/ maya'

existing in the universe. When it does not exist how can that be responsible for

sorrows to you ? It is all right/wrong acceptance! It is wrong choice of Jeeva

that makes him sorrowful.


Narottamji, Ignorance is not knowing the truth of oneself! It means Jeeva is

ignorance itself, not that Jeeva has ignorance! As such Jeeva is equally

non-existence being ignorance itself! Wrong choice of Jeeva is due to ignorance

of not knowing who he truly is! If he knew experientially this, he would not

make wrong choice!


Ignorance is like dream, until it lasts no can tell it is not real, but it is

false as we all know too well.

In the wake of Self-knowledge(Gyan), ignorance is not, and then one can say it

never existed, only then! That is the whole Vedanta's teaching! In case of

rainbow or mirage, their appearances different from their reality is said to be

Maya principle, and upon knowledge they still appear just the same, but truth

renders them ineffective to lure us! It is same with Realization: " Jeeva was

always SHIVA " ! When false is taken as true or vice versa, it is called

ignorance. Similarly Soul remains in bondage for long time as you say, is

equally non-existence and it is due entirely to ignorance of not knowing that it

is already free, not bound. Actually ignorance cannot exist as Real, it can only

be mistaken upon Real. This is the very reason we can be free from Ignorance

without any outward change!

Why would Jeeva make wrong choice? Even if you admit affinity with perishable,

inert, desires, whatever as cause, it is referred to as Ignorance in Vedanta!


Maya is cosmic illusion, ignorance is at jeeva's level! When truth dawns, only

GOD IS, here " IS " is also not different from GOD. Only IS(ness) IS, rest is all

non-existence appearing on IS(ness)!


Namaskar………Pratap Bhatt



|| Shree Hari ||


Ram Ram


19th February 2010, Friday, Falgun Shukla Panchami,

Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235


Remember this at all times, because it is the main principle of the Gita -

Vasudev Sarvam (All is God). If you do not believe in the other, then there is

no " All " , there is only Vasudeva (Paramatma). The All is everything, including

our body, mind, intellect, ego and the World. The All is everything that is not

your Self. The All remains till such time as we give it importance, and we

believe that it exists. As soon as we realise that the Allhas no existence of

its own and it should have no importance, the All merges into Vasudeva (God).

The sarvam becomes Vasudev. Then there is only Vasudev (God). There is nothing

else, there was nothing else, there will be nothing else, there can be nothing



Accept this once and for all - there is only Vasudeva (God). Remain ever

established in Vasudeva (Paramatma). It is because you have given existence to

" asat " (unreal) and thus given it importance that you perceive " All " . Giving

existence and importance to the other (asat) i.e. everthing else besides

Vasudeva, is the main flaw. It simply IS and that is " Existence " . It has only

been believed that it is not realized, but it is already realized. " Nasato

Vidhyate Bhavo, Nabhavo Vidhyate Satah " (Gita 2:16). There is only Vasudeva

(Only God).


There is true and there is false. What is false is false because of the true.

The false gets its existence only because of the existence of the truth. Without

the truth the false has no power whatsoever. It cannot even exist. We say that

'All is God' only till such time as we give the All an existence and importance.

Otherwise, it is just God that exists in everything. God is already there. We do

not have to do anything to attain Him. The mistake that we have made is that we

have given the All importance and given it existence due to our ignorance of the

truth. Therefore the All exists in our mind in opposition to the IS (God). God

IS, and is always there, and is everattained. No matter however hard we try, we

cannot attain what does not exist - i.e. the All. As soon as a person realises

this, his work is over. You attain and understand that God is All and All is



You have to do nothing for your Self. You should do all you can for the world

without wanting anything in return. In Karma Yog, there is nothing to do for the

Self, everything is to be done for the world. Even though you are doing, you

should never think that you are the doer. You are a mere tool in His Hands. If

you startthinking that you are the doer, you will get attached to the fruits of

your action and start enjoying the result of your actions - which will bind you

to this world and give you tensions and worries. Doing for others with a

selfless motive is Karma Yog. This can unite the whole world - all religions

(Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Jews,Parsis, etc.). This is ever attained in any

religions. " Bade bhaagya Manushya Janam pawaa " It has nothing to do with the

body. It is all about discrimination (vivek). " Hai so sunder hai sadaa, nahin so

sunder naahi... hai so dikhe naahi " . We are seeing what is not, and not what IS.

One is a knower and the other is to be known. Give things of nature, back to

nature. We have the ability to know. The intellect to know what is right and

what is wrong is only given to humans. Human beings have the ability to know

this, that we are ever established in " Is-ness " . It is not about simply learned

knowledge, it is realizing this. Not like learning a language, it is divine

knowledge, true knowledge. " Sa sarvavit bhajati maam, sarva bhaaveneh

bhaavitah......Iti guhyatam shaastra " One who realizes this, has nothing

remaining to be done, to beknown, and to be attained. " The one who realizes

this, worships and is devoted to Me. " That One who realizes this, never forgets

Me, and I never forget Him, says Bhagwaan. " Yo maam pachyati sarvatra, sarvamcha

mai pachyati " Bhagwaan is an amazing player. In all is Paramatma (God), and All

are in Paramatma (God). Realize this in solitude.


Bhagwaan IS. Everything is Bhagwaan. We see the world with our eyes. Everything

is happening as part of His divine play, as He is a player. " Ban gaye Aap akele

sab kuch, naam dharaa sansaar " " You alone became everything, and that everything

we call the World, this Body, Mind, Intellect, Ego " . So we will naturally see

only the world and I, and not the power or truth behind it. In fact, we are all

situated in the IS (Parmatma, Vasudeva)), which is always there and will always

remain. The IS (Vasudeva) is in ALL and the ALL is in the IS. The One is in

everything and the Everything is in the One.


Narayana Narayana Narayana


Ram Ram


Summary of the morning discourse of Swami Ramsukhdasji on 16th April, 2004 at

5.20 a.m.




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Shree Hari Ram RamSadhaks, Swamiji placed great emphasis on Vasudeva Sarvam and ultimately ...there is Only Vasudeva. Gita 7/19 says in the very last of all births (i.e. thehuman birth) the enlightened soul worships Me, realizing that all this is God(Vasudeva).Sadhaks, those rare exalted souls who realize this, take refuge in God i.e. byloosing their existence (I-ness), they merge in God (IS-ness). Where the loverdoes not remain, only the Beloved, the embodiement of Love remains.Sadhaks, where is the issue? why the resistence ? why not accept the Truth asstated in the Gita?Please share being BRIEF, RELAVANT AND RESPECTFUL.Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram---------------------Please also see prior discussion on this TOPIC -Re: All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam) Is this for Everyone? If Rare, why Waste MyTime?/message/1777Vasudeva Sarvam/message/647========================================================


God everywhere and in everything and Everything is in God (Basudeb Sarbam inBengali and Vasudeva Sarvam in Sanskrut) is such Truth that is so easy tounderstand and prove. There is no scientific or intellectual resistance toaccept that. The resistance comes from the illusion (Maya) that gives birthto ego (I as distinct from others) and desire and actions to fulfill desire.Yoga (Karma, Gyanand Bhakti) is the only method to overcome this illusion.But it is so difficult to practice Yoga. Even as I write this, my mindsubconsciously says that I am writing this and I am responding to theModerators post, though I have already understood and proved to myself thatI do not exist and hence I do not think or act and hence I am not writingthis out. This composition is destined to take place and has nothing to dowith my belief that I exist or do not exist. It is the habit from Childhoodthat something in this body named Basudeb Sen think, decides and does thingsindependently and response to some impulses from the external environment.This habit is the resistance, this habit is the difficulty. This moment Idecide that I have no existence, the next moment I think that I am doingsomething. Reason: to give up the illusion of my existence, I am under theillusion that I exist at least to give up the thought I exist. This is thecrux of the issue. An alternative is to think myself as merged in GodAlmight (You are that) and witness the fool in the body called Basudeb Senthinking that it is doing something and therefore it exists. Even then thethought of I comes as one merged in God. So, so long as thoughts and actionsfor anything including giving up ego or desire or anger is identified asemanating from some body or force, I remain. The moment there is noidentified source/ cause/ owner of thoughts or action, I vanishes becauseall thoughts and actions lose their identity as well. When boiled rice getscrushed under the teeth, no grain of rice gets distinguished. All identitiesand distictions get lost. When water flows along the river or floodssubmerge land, individual hydrgen molecules are not distinguishable.Individual atoms or cells do not have names: they are there everywhere butno distiction, no identity. Electric power lights all homes but nodistinction which kwh unit powers which home. Nutrinos pass througheverything in this Universe but no particular nutrino is distinguishable.All this is Vasudeva Sarvam.Basudeb Sen-----------

Jai HanumanThe message of Sadhak Pratapji is indeed 'soul touching'. My soul is actually not 'impactless' ! It is sentient , vibrant and throbbing ! It indeed moved and stirred when I read the following by Pratapji :How long someone should wait to dive into this truth, if not NOW ?Now itself , Jee ! Delay of not a second, Jee, not even a kshipram. Don't wait please. Dive, Jee, dive !! But kindly "accept" and not "learn" !! Enough "learning" has already taken place. Remember previous discussions on this topic? I and you both participated in abundance. Jump, jee, Jump. I spent an hour leaving household work to find out that culprit who did not allow you "to accept" this eternal truth, Jee. Does not matter that I could not succeed in finding. Damn care !! But you have a Divine Right- a birth right to DIVE, Jee !! Take a jump , Jee !! Don't worry, Jee ! Great and divine resolution, Jee !! Namaste Jee !Jee JeeShashikala


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Read Gita Verse 7/19 or discuss it all has significance when it's meaning has been imbibed by the Self (atma). After that what remains to worry?

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam








Vasudeva Sarvam - Why the Resistance ? Why not Accept the Truth?




Everyone is trained and even brainwashed to look at the world from a differential microscope highlighting the separation and distinction between objects and ideas. One needs to learn to integrate the fragments of appreciation one has gathered over life to appreciate the oneness in all.




One who cannot fathom who is this Vaasudeva and what Sarvam really means, canot naturally understand what "Vaasudevah Sarvam" truly means! One is helpless but to doubt and reject that one cannot fathom. Therefore, it is natural to face difficulties in appreciating THE ONE in many.




A superficial acceptance of The Truth cannot make the individual truly appreciate the same since the fellow has no clue what it really means! Therefore, the appreciation should arise from within with absolute understanding, appreciation and conviction. Nobody can bring that into the one who is not prepared to recieve the same. Preaching keeps all the Mahaa Vaakyas such as "Aham Brahmaasmi", "Tattvamasi", "Ayam etadBrahmaa", Sarvam Khalu Idam Brahma", "Vasudevah sarvam", etc. as mere slogans rather than an appreciation in depth. No words can help unless an understanding from within is facilitated.









Naga Narayana.


Hari OmVasudev Sarvam is not a subject matter of "learning" , it is a subject matter of "acceptance" ! Swamiji confirms this in Sadhak Sanjeevani - Page No 913.

Coming to 'dangerous' part of Vasudev Sarvam, Shashikalaji gave a brief list of conclusions which may arise if Vasudev Sarvam is stupidly interpreted and is "learnt" ! I too gave a 'live' example of how contradictions arise between "Vasudev Sarvam" on one hand and "I am not body/mind" on other hand. Read also page no 903 of Sadhak Sanjeevani for confirmation of huge contradictions which may arise.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Dear Ones, Namaste!The subject message of Swamiji is his most potent and should be re-read againand again! Only Vasudeva IS, proclaims He!Swamiji has indicated in clear terms how important it is to realize this Truthexperientially! Vasudev sarvam is the TRUTH and most practical, no matter atwhat stage of Sadhana one comes upon it!I want to make some observations on points made in another posting on Soul andsuicide where some comments were made reg this point!If it were dangerous as some sadhakas imply, then entire Vedanta, and Swamiji'sTeaching would be of little help! At the same time it is of no value if itremains as intellectual knowledge like information! However, if we keep sayingit is not easy, not for everyone, etc., then this TRUTH will never come to us!Why not allow those of us who have strong feeling for it or have accepted it?What I don't understand is why so much resistance is shown here regarding"Vasudeva Sarvam" being the Truth Ultimate! How long someone should wait to diveinto this truth, if not NOW?Anyway, it is entirely up to sadhakas whether or not to pursue or leave it!Finally, I want to answer Narottamji, as he says:Pratapji ! There is no element called 'ignorance/avidya/ nescience/ maya'existing in the universe. When it does not exist how can that be responsible forsorrows to you ? It is all right/wrong acceptance! It is wrong choice of Jeevathat makes him sorrowful.Narottamji, Ignorance is not knowing the truth of oneself! It means Jeeva isignorance itself, not that Jeeva has ignorance! As such Jeeva is equallynon-existence being ignorance itself! Wrong choice of Jeeva is due to ignoranceof not knowing who he truly is! If he knew experientially this, he would notmake wrong choice!Ignorance is like dream, until it lasts no can tell it is not real, but it isfalse as we all know too well.In the wake of Self-knowledge(Gyan), ignorance is not, and then one can say itnever existed, only then! That is the whole Vedanta's teaching! In case ofrainbow or mirage, their appearances different from their reality is said to beMaya principle, and upon knowledge they still appear just the same, but truthrenders them ineffective to lure us! It is same with Realization: "Jeeva wasalways SHIVA"! When false is taken as true or vice versa, it is calledignorance. Similarly Soul remains in bondage for long time as you say, isequally non-existence and it is due entirely to ignorance of not knowing that itis already free, not bound. Actually ignorance cannot exist as Real, it can onlybe mistaken upon Real. This is the very reason we can be free from Ignorancewithout any outward change!Why would Jeeva make wrong choice? Even if you admit affinity with perishable,inert, desires, whatever as cause, it is referred to as Ignorance in Vedanta!Maya is cosmic illusion, ignorance is at jeeva's level! When truth dawns, onlyGOD IS, here "IS" is also not different from GOD. Only IS(ness) IS, rest is allnon-existence appearing on IS(ness)!Namaskar………Pratap Bhatt====================================================|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram19th February 2010, Friday, Falgun Shukla Panchami,Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235Remember this at all times, because it is the main principle of the Gita -Vasudev Sarvam (All is God). If you do not believe in the other, then there isno "All", there is only Vasudeva (Paramatma). The All is everything, includingour body, mind, intellect, ego and the World. The All is everything that is notyour Self. The All remains till such time as we give it importance, and webelieve that it exists. As soon as we realise that the Allhas no existence ofits own and it should have no importance, the All merges into Vasudeva (God).The sarvam becomes Vasudev. Then there is only Vasudev (God). There is nothingelse, there was nothing else, there will be nothing else, there can be nothingelse.Accept this once and for all - there is only Vasudeva (God). Remain everestablished in Vasudeva (Paramatma). It is because you have given existence to"asat" (unreal) and thus given it importance that you perceive "All". Givingexistence and importance to the other (asat) i.e. everthing else besidesVasudeva, is the main flaw. It simply IS and that is "Existence". It has onlybeen believed that it is not realized, but it is already realized. "NasatoVidhyate Bhavo, Nabhavo Vidhyate Satah" (Gita 2:16). There is only Vasudeva(Only God).There is true and there is false. What is false is false because of the true.The false gets its existence only because of the existence of the truth. Withoutthe truth the false has no power whatsoever. It cannot even exist. We say that'All is God' only till such time as we give the All an existence and importance.Otherwise, it is just God that exists in everything. God is already there. We donot have to do anything to attain Him. The mistake that we have made is that wehave given the All importance and given it existence due to our ignorance of thetruth. Therefore the All exists in our mind in opposition to the IS (God). GodIS, and is always there, and is everattained. No matter however hard we try, wecannot attain what does not exist - i.e. the All. As soon as a person realisesthis, his work is over. You attain and understand that God is All and All isGod.You have to do nothing for your Self. You should do all you can for the worldwithout wanting anything in return. In Karma Yog, there is nothing to do for theSelf, everything is to be done for the world. Even though you are doing, youshould never think that you are the doer. You are a mere tool in His Hands. Ifyou startthinking that you are the doer, you will get attached to the fruits ofyour action and start enjoying the result of your actions - which will bind youto this world and give you tensions and worries. Doing for others with aselfless motive is Karma Yog. This can unite the whole world - all religions(Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Jews,Parsis, etc.). This is ever attained in anyreligions. "Bade bhaagya Manushya Janam pawaa" It has nothing to do with thebody. It is all about discrimination (vivek). "Hai so sunder hai sadaa, nahin sosunder naahi... hai so dikhe naahi". We are seeing what is not, and not what IS.One is a knower and the other is to be known. Give things of nature, back tonature. We have the ability to know. The intellect to know what is right andwhat is wrong is only given to humans. Human beings have the ability to knowthis, that we are ever established in "Is-ness". It is not about simply learnedknowledge, it is realizing this. Not like learning a language, it is divineknowledge, true knowledge. "Sa sarvavit bhajati maam, sarva bhaavenehbhaavitah......Iti guhyatam shaastra" One who realizes this, has nothingremaining to be done, to beknown, and to be attained. "The one who realizesthis, worships and is devoted to Me." That One who realizes this, never forgetsMe, and I never forget Him, says Bhagwaan. "Yo maam pachyati sarvatra, sarvamchamai pachyati" Bhagwaan is an amazing player. In all is Paramatma (God), and Allare in Paramatma (God). Realize this in solitude.Bhagwaan IS. Everything is Bhagwaan. We see the world with our eyes. Everythingis happening as part of His divine play, as He is a player. "Ban gaye Aap akelesab kuch, naam dharaa sansaarYou alone became everything, and that everythingwe call the World, this Body, Mind, Intellect, Ego". So we will naturally seeonly the world and I, and not the power or truth behind it. In fact, we are allsituated in the IS (Parmatma, Vasudeva)), which is always there and will alwaysremain. The IS (Vasudeva) is in ALL and the ALL is in the IS. The One is ineverything and the Everything is in the One.Narayana Narayana NarayanaRam RamSummary of the morning discourse of Swami Ramsukhdasji on 16th April, 2004 at5.20 a.m.============================================================Post message: Subscribe: -

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Shree Hari Ram RamSadhaks, Swamiji placed great emphasis on Vasudeva Sarvam and ultimately ...there is Only Vasudeva. Gita 7/19 says in the very last of all births (i.e. thehuman birth) the enlightened soul worships Me, realizing that all this is God(Vasudeva).Sadhaks, those rare exalted souls who realize this, take refuge in God i.e. byloosing their existence (I-ness), they merge in God (IS-ness). Where the loverdoes not remain, only the Beloved, the embodiement of Love remains.Sadhaks, where is the issue? why the resistence ? why not accept the Truth asstated in the Gita?Please share being BRIEF, RELAVANT AND RESPECTFUL.Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram---------------------Please also see prior discussion on this TOPIC -Re: All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam) Is this for Everyone? If Rare, why Waste MyTime?/message/1777Vasudeva Sarvam/message/647========================================================



Jai Shri Hari, There is no other way than "ACCEPTANCE" to realize the truth "VAASUDEV SARVAM ITI". This is not only the starting point but it will be the final conclusion too. In the shloka 7/19, we should note the word "PRAPADYATE" (i.e. accept/surrender, taking refuge/shelter) used from the perspective of a GYAANVAAN (i.e. the wise/knowledgeable man) who comes to this final conclusion after many births and then called as "MAHAATMAA" (great soul) by the supreme.May Vaasudev bless us all!Niteesh Dubey----

Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka regarding accepting the truth. That is the mystery of God's creation. Even though we know what is real and what is unreal, we tend to go for the unreal, because of our attachment to the materialism. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Isvarah sarva bhutanam,Hrd dese rjuna tisthati,Bhramayan sarva bhutani,Yantra rudhani mayaya. "( Gitaji 18, 61)Which means,' The supreme Lord is situated in every one's heart. He is directing the movements of all creatures, who are seated as on a machine, which cosists of material energy.'He runs the show. We play to His tune. Lord Krishna says," Vasudevah sarvam iti,Sa mahatma su durlabhah. "( Gitaji 7, 19)Which means,'Knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is a rarity. 'To get out of materialism we need determination and devotion. Devotional service with total surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord is the way out of this bondage. Let us chant the Holy Names ,and cross the ocean of miserable materialism. Thank YouHare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


PranaamsI can 'see' that, as far as 'I' am concerned, mind still takes over as a master most of the time. Going beyond mind is still at knowledge level. Thus struggling with maya...Veena Hassan



Shree Hari Ram Ram

Not directly related, but this response led to a AHA moment for me personally. In a question answer session Swamiji was asked - How to not see the world (inert, temporary), and instead see ONLY

God ? (Sansaar ne dikhkar, kewal Paramatma Kaise dikhey?)

Swamiji's reply: If we see the world, let it be seen, what is the trouble with that? Seeing is limited and restrictive, whereas, the Supreme Spirit, the Essence (tattva) is unlimited. The Sun looks like a round plate, so does that mean it is that? Seeing is a very individual thing. That which is individual and personal, cannot be a reliable doctrine or a demonstrated conclusion. The seer and the object being seen - all will become non-existent and only Supreme

Spirit (Paramatmatattva) will finally remain. Between seeing and the object being seen, is the seperation of the Essence, the Supreme Spirit. Therefore one should not insist on seeing and perceiving. Meera Das Ram Ram


Dear Sadaks,1)where is the issue? The issue is your account of Karma. 2) why the resistence ? The resistance is due to in completion of Karma. 2) why not accept the Truth as stated in the Gita? Not able to accept because of absence of blessings from Guru and NO account of ones own GOOD Karma Pala. Mother Seetha tells Ravana, "You Oh king Ravana, since you were NOT blessed with Sat Sang, you are doing all these wrong things".It is there in Geetha itself.B.Sathyanarayan


God everywhere and in everything and Everything is in God (Basudeb Sarbam inBengali and Vasudeva Sarvam in Sanskrut) is such Truth that is so easy tounderstand and prove. There is no scientific or intellectual resistance toaccept that. The resistance comes from the illusion (Maya) that gives birthto ego (I as distinct from others) and desire and actions to fulfill desire.Yoga (Karma, Gyanand Bhakti) is the only method to overcome this illusion.But it is so difficult to practice Yoga. Even as I write this, my mindsubconsciously says that I am writing this and I am responding to theModerators post, though I have already understood and proved to myself thatI do not exist and hence I do not think or act and hence I am not writingthis out. This composition is destined to take place and has nothing to dowith my belief that I exist or do not exist. It is the habit from Childhoodthat something in this body named Basudeb Sen think, decides and does thingsindependently and response to some impulses from the external environment.This habit is the resistance, this habit is the difficulty. This moment Idecide that I have no existence, the next moment I think that I am doingsomething. Reason: to give up the illusion of my existence, I am under theillusion that I exist at least to give up the thought I exist. This is thecrux of the issue. An alternative is to think myself as merged in GodAlmight (You are that) and witness the fool in the body called Basudeb Senthinking that it is doing something and therefore it exists. Even then thethought of I comes as one merged in God. So, so long as thoughts and actionsfor anything including giving up ego or desire or anger is identified asemanating from some body or force, I remain. The moment there is noidentified source/ cause/ owner of thoughts or action, I vanishes becauseall thoughts and actions lose their identity as well. When boiled rice getscrushed under the teeth, no grain of rice gets distinguished. All identitiesand distictions get lost. When water flows along the river or floodssubmerge land, individual hydrgen molecules are not distinguishable.Individual atoms or cells do not have names: they are there everywhere butno distiction, no identity. Electric power lights all homes but nodistinction which kwh unit powers which home. Nutrinos pass througheverything in this Universe but no particular nutrino is distinguishable.All this is Vasudeva Sarvam.Basudeb Sen-----------

Jai HanumanThe message of Sadhak Pratapji is indeed 'soul touching'. My soul is actually not 'impactless' ! It is sentient , vibrant and throbbing ! It indeed moved and stirred when I read the following by Pratapji :How long someone should wait to dive into this truth, if not NOW ?Now itself , Jee ! Delay of not a second, Jee, not even a kshipram. Don't wait please. Dive, Jee, dive !! But kindly "accept" and not "learn" !! Enough "learning" has already taken place. Remember previous discussions on this topic? I and you both participated in abundance. Jump, jee, Jump. I spent an hour leaving household work to find out that culprit who did not allow you "to accept" this eternal truth, Jee. Does not matter that I could not succeed in finding. Damn care !! But you have a Divine Right- a birth right to DIVE, Jee !! Take a jump , Jee !! Don't worry, Jee ! Great and divine resolution, Jee !! Namaste Jee !Jee JeeShashikala


Shree Paramatmane Namah

Read Gita Verse 7/19 or discuss it all has significance when it's meaning has been imbibed by the Self (atma). After that what remains to worry?

So be it,

Vineet Sarvottam








Vasudeva Sarvam - Why the Resistance ? Why not Accept the Truth?




Everyone is trained and even brainwashed to look at the world from a differential microscope highlighting the separation and distinction between objects and ideas. One needs to learn to integrate the fragments of appreciation one has gathered over life to appreciate the oneness in all.




One who cannot fathom who is this Vaasudeva and what Sarvam really means, canot naturally understand what "Vaasudevah Sarvam" truly means! One is helpless but to doubt and reject that one cannot fathom. Therefore, it is natural to face difficulties in appreciating THE ONE in many.




A superficial acceptance of The Truth cannot make the individual truly appreciate the same since the fellow has no clue what it really means! Therefore, the appreciation should arise from within with absolute understanding, appreciation and conviction. Nobody can bring that into the one who is not prepared to recieve the same. Preaching keeps all the Mahaa Vaakyas such as "Aham Brahmaasmi", "Tattvamasi", "Ayam etadBrahmaa", Sarvam Khalu Idam Brahma", "Vasudevah sarvam", etc. as mere slogans rather than an appreciation in depth. No words can help unless an understanding from within is facilitated.









Naga Narayana.



Hari OmVasudev Sarvam is not a subject matter of "learning" , it is a subject matter of "acceptance" ! Swamiji confirms this in Sadhak Sanjeevani - Page No 913.

Coming to 'dangerous' part of Vasudev Sarvam, Shashikalaji gave a brief list of conclusions which may arise if Vasudev Sarvam is stupidly interpreted and is "learnt" ! I too gave a 'live' example of how contradictions arise between "Vasudev Sarvam" on one hand and "I am not body/mind" on other hand. Read also page no 903 of Sadhak Sanjeevani for confirmation of huge contradictions which may arise.Pranaams to all SadhaksSarve Bhavantu SukhinahNarottam


Dear Ones, Namaste!The subject message of Swamiji is his most potent and should be re-read againand again! Only Vasudeva IS, proclaims He!Swamiji has indicated in clear terms how important it is to realize this Truthexperientially! Vasudev sarvam is the TRUTH and most practical, no matter atwhat stage of Sadhana one comes upon it!I want to make some observations on points made in another posting on Soul andsuicide where some comments were made reg this point!If it were dangerous as some sadhakas imply, then entire Vedanta, and Swamiji'sTeaching would be of little help! At the same time it is of no value if itremains as intellectual knowledge like information! However, if we keep sayingit is not easy, not for everyone, etc., then this TRUTH will never come to us!Why not allow those of us who have strong feeling for it or have accepted it?What I don't understand is why so much resistance is shown here regarding"Vasudeva Sarvam" being the Truth Ultimate! How long someone should wait to diveinto this truth, if not NOW?Anyway, it is entirely up to sadhakas whether or not to pursue or leave it!Finally, I want to answer Narottamji, as he says:Pratapji ! There is no element called 'ignorance/avidya/ nescience/ maya'existing in the universe. When it does not exist how can that be responsible forsorrows to you ? It is all right/wrong acceptance! It is wrong choice of Jeevathat makes him sorrowful.Narottamji, Ignorance is not knowing the truth of oneself! It means Jeeva isignorance itself, not that Jeeva has ignorance! As such Jeeva is equallynon-existence being ignorance itself! Wrong choice of Jeeva is due to ignoranceof not knowing who he truly is! If he knew experientially this, he would notmake wrong choice!Ignorance is like dream, until it lasts no can tell it is not real, but it isfalse as we all know too well.In the wake of Self-knowledge(Gyan), ignorance is not, and then one can say itnever existed, only then! That is the whole Vedanta's teaching! In case ofrainbow or mirage, their appearances different from their reality is said to beMaya principle, and upon knowledge they still appear just the same, but truthrenders them ineffective to lure us! It is same with Realization: "Jeeva wasalways SHIVA"! When false is taken as true or vice versa, it is calledignorance. Similarly Soul remains in bondage for long time as you say, isequally non-existence and it is due entirely to ignorance of not knowing that itis already free, not bound. Actually ignorance cannot exist as Real, it can onlybe mistaken upon Real. This is the very reason we can be free from Ignorancewithout any outward change!Why would Jeeva make wrong choice? Even if you admit affinity with perishable,inert, desires, whatever as cause, it is referred to as Ignorance in Vedanta!Maya is cosmic illusion, ignorance is at jeeva's level! When truth dawns, onlyGOD IS, here "IS" is also not different from GOD. Only IS(ness) IS, rest is allnon-existence appearing on IS(ness)!Namaskar………Pratap Bhatt====================================================|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram19th February 2010, Friday, Falgun Shukla Panchami,Vikram Samvat 2066, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5235Remember this at all times, because it is the main principle of the Gita -Vasudev Sarvam (All is God). If you do not believe in the other, then there isno "All", there is only Vasudeva (Paramatma). The All is everything, includingour body, mind, intellect, ego and the World. The All is everything that is notyour Self. The All remains till such time as we give it importance, and webelieve that it exists. As soon as we realise that the Allhas no existence ofits own and it should have no importance, the All merges into Vasudeva (God).The sarvam becomes Vasudev. Then there is only Vasudev (God). There is nothingelse, there was nothing else, there will be nothing else, there can be nothingelse.Accept this once and for all - there is only Vasudeva (God). Remain everestablished in Vasudeva (Paramatma). It is because you have given existence to"asat" (unreal) and thus given it importance that you perceive "All". Givingexistence and importance to the other (asat) i.e. everthing else besidesVasudeva, is the main flaw. It simply IS and that is "Existence". It has onlybeen believed that it is not realized, but it is already realized. "NasatoVidhyate Bhavo, Nabhavo Vidhyate Satah" (Gita 2:16). There is only Vasudeva(Only God).There is true and there is false. What is false is false because of the true.The false gets its existence only because of the existence of the truth. Withoutthe truth the false has no power whatsoever. It cannot even exist. We say that'All is God' only till such time as we give the All an existence and importance.Otherwise, it is just God that exists in everything. God is already there. We donot have to do anything to attain Him. The mistake that we have made is that wehave given the All importance and given it existence due to our ignorance of thetruth. Therefore the All exists in our mind in opposition to the IS (God). GodIS, and is always there, and is everattained. No matter however hard we try, wecannot attain what does not exist - i.e. the All. As soon as a person realisesthis, his work is over. You attain and understand that God is All and All isGod.You have to do nothing for your Self. You should do all you can for the worldwithout wanting anything in return. In Karma Yog, there is nothing to do for theSelf, everything is to be done for the world. Even though you are doing, youshould never think that you are the doer. You are a mere tool in His Hands. Ifyou startthinking that you are the doer, you will get attached to the fruits ofyour action and start enjoying the result of your actions - which will bind youto this world and give you tensions and worries. Doing for others with aselfless motive is Karma Yog. This can unite the whole world - all religions(Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Jews,Parsis, etc.). This is ever attained in anyreligions. "Bade bhaagya Manushya Janam pawaa" It has nothing to do with thebody. It is all about discrimination (vivek). "Hai so sunder hai sadaa, nahin sosunder naahi... hai so dikhe naahi". We are seeing what is not, and not what IS.One is a knower and the other is to be known. Give things of nature, back tonature. We have the ability to know. The intellect to know what is right andwhat is wrong is only given to humans. Human beings have the ability to knowthis, that we are ever established in "Is-ness". It is not about simply learnedknowledge, it is realizing this. Not like learning a language, it is divineknowledge, true knowledge. "Sa sarvavit bhajati maam, sarva bhaavenehbhaavitah......Iti guhyatam shaastra" One who realizes this, has nothingremaining to be done, to beknown, and to be attained. "The one who realizesthis, worships and is devoted to Me." That One who realizes this, never forgetsMe, and I never forget Him, says Bhagwaan. "Yo maam pachyati sarvatra, sarvamchamai pachyati" Bhagwaan is an amazing player. In all is Paramatma (God), and Allare in Paramatma (God). Realize this in solitude.Bhagwaan IS. Everything is Bhagwaan. We see the world with our eyes. Everythingis happening as part of His divine play, as He is a player. "Ban gaye Aap akelesab kuch, naam dharaa sansaarYou alone became everything, and that everythingwe call the World, this Body, Mind, Intellect, Ego". So we will naturally seeonly the world and I, and not the power or truth behind it. In fact, we are allsituated in the IS (Parmatma, Vasudeva)), which is always there and will alwaysremain. The IS (Vasudeva) is in ALL and the ALL is in the IS. The One is ineverything and the Everything is in the One.Narayana Narayana NarayanaRam RamSummary of the morning discourse of Swami Ramsukhdasji on 16th April, 2004 at5.20 a.m.============================================================Post message: Subscribe: -

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