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Bhagavad Gita - Daily - II CHAPTER 3 - SUMMARY - PRINCIPLES II

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Hari OmOne of the tasks assigned to me by Moderators of this Divine GT Forum is presentation to Sadhaks of the Laws/Principles arising out of each chapter of Shrimad Bhagvadgita (BG) ! Now that Chapter 3 has been completed, here is a compilation on the subject:-PRINCIPLES/LAWS EMERGING OUT OF CHAPTER 3 OF SHRIMAD BHAGVADGITA1 O Lord ! Tell me one decisive principle, by which I may attain the highest good- BG 3 : 2 !!Eke saadhe sab sadhe, sab saadhe sab jaay !! When you focus on one thing...you get everything. If you focus on everything...you get nothing !!2 For, no one under any circumstances can remain even for a moment, without undertaking action- BG 3:5 !No person who assumes his affinity with nature, under any circumstances, can remain even for a moment without undertaking action in any state as wakefulness, sleep, sound sleep, faint, trance, creation-new creation, dissolution and final dissolution etc ! So ? DO AKARMAS !!3 The mankind is bound by actions other than those done for the sake of 'Yagya' (ordained/prescribed duty)- BG 3:9 !Jeeva gets bound by actions done with a selfish motive (for himself) !So? DO Akarmas !! Do your 'duty' ! Perform action for the sake of 'duty' only without attachment. Duty is what you CAN do and what you SHOULD do !! Your duty is prescribed in Gita and scriptures based on your Varna !4 Caring for each other selflessly through your duties, you shall attain to the supreme good - BG 3:11 !5 Those sinful ones who cook food for themselves verily devour sin- BG 3:13Righteous who eat remnants of the 'duty' are released from all sins.6 From food , creatures come into being; from rain, food is produced, from your doing sacrifice (prescribed duty) comes rain and sacrifice is born of action.- BG 3:147 In order to maintain the world order, it is man's responsibility to perform his duty. One who does not do his duty, is sinful and lives in vain- BG 3:16!8 One who does akarmas- means for him in this world, there is no gain whatsoever, in the performance of an action or its non-performance, nor does he have any self interest in other beings- BG 3:18 ! 9 Therefore, perform duty efficiently without attachment, for by actions without attachment, man attains the Supreme- BG 3:1910. Whatsoever an ideal person does, he is followed by others, as well. Whatever standard he sets, the world follows the same.- BG 3:2111 He whose mind is beguiled by egoism thinks, " I am the doer" !- BG 3:2712. Having true knowledge of the respective spheres of modes (gunas) and actions, the knowing soul does not get attached with them, by realising that, it is an interplay of the modes- BG 3:28 !13 Better is one's own duty (dharma) though devoid of merit, than the duty of another well performed. Better is death in one's own duty, than of another, which is fraught with danger- BG 3:35 !14 Knowing that desire is beyond intellect, subduing the self by one's self, destroy this, the tough enemy in the form of desire, which is hard to conquer- BG 3:43Jai Shree KrishnaVyas, N B

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Shree Hari || Ram Ram ||

Thanks to Mr. Vyasji for posting a concise summary of the Chapter III of Gitaji. In summary, brevity is the key important element, it is always a difficult choice to decide what not to include. Hope Mr. Vyasji will bear with me for adding few more points. Apologize for repeating (3-14) - item C). A). A hypocrite is defined in (3/6), is the one, who outwardly restrains the senses of action but mentally dwells on the sense objects.

B). At the beginning of creation, Prajapati created mankind along with the spirit of sacrifice (Yajna) and said" when you perform your rightful duty, gods will provide the required materials, this way you both will prosper (3/10-11). C). God is the basis for the cycle of creation with the respective order - beings are born and sustained with food, food comes from rain, rain comes by performing Yajna, Yajna is born of Karma, Karma is defined in Vedas, Vedas come from Bahmn (3/14-15).

D). When God incarnates as a human being, He shows by His example, how to perform action without any selfish motive (3/22-24). E). All actions should be surrendered to God with mind fixed on Him, without having any desire, attachment and mental fever (3/30). F). The presence of Raag and Dwesh is recognized. Between each sense of perception and its objects, likes and dislikes (attraction and repulsion) are present. They are stumbling blocks in the way of one's spiritual progress. One should not be enslaved by them (3/34).

G). Origin of sin is defined, the desire incites an individual to commit sin, born of Rajas, giving rise to anger when not fulfilled. Know it to be the arch enemy of man (3/36-37). || Ram Ram || Humble regards, Madan Kaura


That was very nice, Mr Vyas-ji.


--Can you send a summary in your words about Chapter 1 and 2 ?

--Also the story about how the Mahabharata got written, in its Chchanda of the birds and the poet ( Maharshi Vyas himself ), and of Ganeshji as its writer, etc....???


dDurgesh Mankikar,MD


Hari OmOne of the tasks assigned to me by Moderators of this Divine GT Forum is presentation to Sadhaks of the Laws/Principles arising out of each chapter of Shrimad Bhagvadgita (BG) ! Now that Chapter 3 has been completed, here is a compilation on the subject:-PRINCIPLES/LAWS EMERGING OUT OF CHAPTER 3 OF SHRIMAD BHAGVADGITA1 O Lord ! Tell me one decisive principle, by which I may attain the highest good- BG 3 : 2 !!Eke saadhe sab sadhe, sab saadhe sab jaay !! When you focus on one thing...you get everything. If you focus on everything...you get nothing !!2 For, no one under any circumstances can remain even for a moment, without undertaking action- BG 3:5 !No person who assumes his affinity with nature, under any circumstances, can remain even for a moment without undertaking action in any state as wakefulness, sleep, sound sleep, faint, trance, creation-new creation, dissolution and final dissolution etc ! So ? DO AKARMAS !!3 The mankind is bound by actions other than those done for the sake of 'Yagya' (ordained/prescribed duty)- BG 3:9 !Jeeva gets bound by actions done with a selfish motive (for himself) !So? DO Akarmas !! Do your 'duty' ! Perform action for the sake of 'duty' only without attachment. Duty is what you CAN do and what you SHOULD do !! Your duty is prescribed in Gita and scriptures based on your Varna !4 Caring for each other selflessly through your duties, you shall attain to the supreme good - BG 3:11 !5 Those sinful ones who cook food for themselves verily devour sin- BG 3:13Righteous who eat remnants of the 'duty' are released from all sins.6 From food , creatures come into being; from rain, food is produced, from your doing sacrifice (prescribed duty) comes rain and sacrifice is born of action.- BG 3:147 In order to maintain the world order, it is man's responsibility to perform his duty. One who does not do his duty, is sinful and lives in vain- BG 3:16!8 One who does akarmas- means for him in this world, there is no gain whatsoever, in the performance of an action or its non-performance, nor does he have any self interest in other beings- BG 3:18 ! 9 Therefore, perform duty efficiently without attachment, for by actions without attachment, man attains the Supreme- BG 3:1910. Whatsoever an ideal person does, he is followed by others, as well. Whatever standard he sets, the world follows the same.- BG 3:2111 He whose mind is beguiled by egoism thinks, " I am the doer" !- BG 3:2712. Having true knowledge of the respective spheres of modes (gunas) and actions, the knowing soul does not get attached with them, by realising that, it is an interplay of the modes- BG 3:28 !13 Better is one's own duty (dharma) though devoid of merit, than the duty of another well performed. Better is death in one's own duty, than of another, which is fraught with danger- BG 3:35 !14 Knowing that desire is beyond intellect, subduing the self by one's self, destroy this, the tough enemy in the form of desire, which is hard to conquer- BG 3:43Jai Shree KrishnaVyas, N B

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Hari OmThanks to Madanji and Durgeshji for compliments though frankly they belong only to Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj ! Reason: Even the selection/order of what I wrote was decided by Him only. I am merely a presenter sometime translator. I never write in contradiction to the views of Swamiji Maharaj. NEVER at least in this GT Forum. If I am not clear, first I make myself clear and then write.But I write ONLY what Swamiji wrote- hence only English words are mine and I am nothing more than a presenter/translator. Sometime decider of order. Here even that I did not do. I wish to make a small change in my summary. Please read as under:11. He whose mind is beguiled by egoism accepts , " I am the doer" !- BG 3:27Instead of11 He whose mind is beguiled by egoism thinks, " I am the doer" !- BG 3:27In fact, I borrowed the word "thinks" straight from "English" version of Sadhak Sanjeevani. But when I pondered again on the sanskrita word "manyate" and on Swamiji's original views, I don't think the word "thinks" does complete justice to what Taat Shree meant in Hindi. The word "accepts" is more appropriate.PranaamsVyas N B


Shree Hari || Ram Ram ||

Thanks to Mr. Vyasji for posting a concise summary of the Chapter III of Gitaji. In summary, brevity is the key important element, it is always a difficult choice to decide what not to include. Hope Mr. Vyasji will bear with me for adding few more points. Apologize for repeating (3-14) - item C). A). A hypocrite is defined in (3/6), is the one, who outwardly restrains the senses of action but mentally dwells on the sense objects.

B). At the beginning of creation, Prajapati created mankind along with the spirit of sacrifice (Yajna) and said" when you perform your rightful duty, gods will provide the required materials, this way you both will prosper (3/10-11). C). God is the basis for the cycle of creation with the respective order - beings are born and sustained with food, food comes from rain, rain comes by performing Yajna, Yajna is born of Karma, Karma is defined in Vedas, Vedas come from Bahmn (3/14-15).

D). When God incarnates as a human being, He shows by His example, how to perform action without any selfish motive (3/22-24). E). All actions should be surrendered to God with mind fixed on Him, without having any desire, attachment and mental fever (3/30). F). The presence of Raag and Dwesh is recognized. Between each sense of perception and its objects, likes and dislikes (attraction and repulsion) are present. They are stumbling blocks in the way of one's spiritual progress. One should not be enslaved by them (3/34).

G). Origin of sin is defined, the desire incites an individual to commit sin, born of Rajas, giving rise to anger when not fulfilled. Know it to be the arch enemy of man (3/36-37). || Ram Ram || Humble regards, Madan Kaura


That was very nice, Mr Vyas-ji.


--Can you send a summary in your words about Chapter 1 and 2 ?

--Also the story about how the Mahabharata got written, in its Chchanda of the birds and the poet ( Maharshi Vyas himself ), and of Ganeshji as its writer, etc....???


dDurgesh Mankikar,MD


Hari OmOne of the tasks assigned to me by Moderators of this Divine GT Forum is presentation to Sadhaks of the Laws/Principles arising out of each chapter of Shrimad Bhagvadgita (BG) ! Now that Chapter 3 has been completed, here is a compilation on the subject:-PRINCIPLES/LAWS EMERGING OUT OF CHAPTER 3 OF SHRIMAD BHAGVADGITA1 O Lord ! Tell me one decisive principle, by which I may attain the highest good- BG 3 : 2 !!Eke saadhe sab sadhe, sab saadhe sab jaay !! When you focus on one thing...you get everything. If you focus on everything...you get nothing !!2 For, no one under any circumstances can remain even for a moment, without undertaking action- BG 3:5 !No person who assumes his affinity with nature, under any circumstances, can remain even for a moment without undertaking action in any state as wakefulness, sleep, sound sleep, faint, trance, creation-new creation, dissolution and final dissolution etc ! So ? DO AKARMAS !!3 The mankind is bound by actions other than those done for the sake of 'Yagya' (ordained/prescribed duty)- BG 3:9 !Jeeva gets bound by actions done with a selfish motive (for himself) !So? DO Akarmas !! Do your 'duty' ! Perform action for the sake of 'duty' only without attachment. Duty is what you CAN do and what you SHOULD do !! Your duty is prescribed in Gita and scriptures based on your Varna !4 Caring for each other selflessly through your duties, you shall attain to the supreme good - BG 3:11 !5 Those sinful ones who cook food for themselves verily devour sin- BG 3:13Righteous who eat remnants of the 'duty' are released from all sins.6 From food , creatures come into being; from rain, food is produced, from your doing sacrifice (prescribed duty) comes rain and sacrifice is born of action.- BG 3:147 In order to maintain the world order, it is man's responsibility to perform his duty. One who does not do his duty, is sinful and lives in vain- BG 3:16!8 One who does akarmas- means for him in this world, there is no gain whatsoever, in the performance of an action or its non-performance, nor does he have any self interest in other beings- BG 3:18 ! 9 Therefore, perform duty efficiently without attachment, for by actions without attachment, man attains the Supreme- BG 3:1910. Whatsoever an ideal person does, he is followed by others, as well. Whatever standard he sets, the world follows the same.- BG 3:2111 He whose mind is beguiled by egoism thinks, " I am the doer" !- BG 3:2712. Having true knowledge of the respective spheres of modes (gunas) and actions, the knowing soul does not get attached with them, by realising that, it is an interplay of the modes- BG 3:28 !13 Better is one's own duty (dharma) though devoid of merit, than the duty of another well performed. Better is death in one's own duty, than of another, which is fraught with danger- BG 3:35 !14 Knowing that desire is beyond intellect, subduing the self by one's self, destroy this, the tough enemy in the form of desire, which is hard to conquer- BG 3:43Jai Shree KrishnaVyas, N B

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