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Bhagavad Gita - Daily - II CHAPTER 4 - 1 II

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Gita 4 - 1


Sribhagavan uvaca


Imam vivasvate yogam proktavaanahamavyayam |

Vivasvaanmanave praaha manuriksvaakave'braveet || (Gita 4-1)


The Blessed Lord said:


" I taught this imperishable Yoga (Karmayoga) to Vivasvaan (Sun-god); who

expounded it to his son Manu and Manu proclaimed it to his son Ikshvaaku. "




Initial part - The eternal is the goal, but how can the method to attain the

goal be eternal?

Final part - The spiritual aspirant becomes (one with) the spiritual discipline

(method), and merges with the goal. Therefore, the aspirant, the method

(discipline) and the goal - all three being one eternal entity; but because of

delusion the three appear to be separate.


From Gita Prabodhani in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji




Chapter 4, Verse 1 is as follows;


Shree Bhagavaana Uvaacha = The Blessed Lord said

Imam = this

Vivasvate = to Vivasvat (the Sun, the Star in our planetary system that radiates


Yogam = Yoga: the act of joining or uniting an individual ego with the Supreme


Proktavaan = taught / imparted / declared

Aham = I (a fully enlightened person / an embodiment of the Brahman)

Avyayam = Imperishable / Immutable / Inexhaustible

Vivasvaan = Vivasvata / the Sun

Manave = to Manu (the son of Vivasvata)

Praaha = taught

ManuH = Manu

Ikshvaakave = to Ikshvaku (the son of Manu)

Abraveet = taught / told


English translation:-


The Blessed Lord said, " I imparted this Immutable and Imperishable Yoga to

Vivasvata (the Sun God). (In turn) Vivasvata taught it to Manu (the creator of

Manu-Smruti, the code of conduct in a society) and Manu taught it to Ikshvaku

(the ancestor of Solar dynasty in which Lord Rama, an earlier incarnation of

Lord Vishnu prior to Lord Krishna, was born). "




This verse refers to the lineage of the Self-realised souls, who imparted this

knowledge (as illustrated by Lord Krishna in the earlier Chapter 2 and Chapter 3

of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta) from the first generation to the next generation and

thereafter in succession.


When an enlightened person uses the Sanskrit language term `Aham' i.e. I, he /

she means the personification of the Supreme Self, the Brahman. All prophets

including but not limited to the likes of Jesus Christ, Mohamed Paigambar and

Gautama Buddha have liberally used the first person singular pronoun `I' in

their sermons. By `I' they meant the Self due to the fact that they had

transcended the trio of body-mind-intellect and not only united but merged with

the Self.


A Guru can impart the knowledge of the Self to the extent that he has unfolded

the Self within. Only a fully enlightened person becomes the real spiritual

master. Lord Krishna was one of the most distinguished Gurus. No wonder we say,

" KrishNam Vande Jagat Guru " i.e. I bow to Lord Krishna, the preceptor of the

entire Universe. "


It reminds me of the famous comment of Aadya Shankaraachaarya, " Namami

Megha-Sundaram " i.e. I bow to the beautiful cloud (Lord Krishna) that has

purified water from the oceans of Vedas and UpaniShadas and added `Maadhurya'

i.e. the Sweetness of its own.


It also reminds me of a famous song in Marathi language as follows;


" Naama Gheta Tujhe Govinda, Manee Vaahe Bharuni Aananda. "


Oh Lord Krishna, by invoking your name, my mind gets filled with utmost pure



" Tu Shabda Ovi Ovita, Tu Artha Madhura Geeteta "


I find you in every word in every verse in the Sweet Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta.


" Tu Taala Bhakti Geetaata, Tu Sura Suraata Sugandha "


Oh Lord Krishna, you are the rhythm in every prayer, you are the sweet fragrance

in every musical rendition, which we term as `Naada – Brahma'.


In Dnyaaneshwaree, Santa Dnyaaneshwara has commented that the revelation of

knowledge in Geeta in Shree Krishna's voice is a bountiful harvest for the ears

and he urged all his listeners in the sermon; to unite the grasping power of

even their eyes and skins and concentrate in the ear drums and enjoy the divine

revelation as if a dream come true. According to Santa Dnyaaneshwara, when we

perceive the sound of Geeta through our ears, we invariably experience a joyous

exuberance that reverberates through our entire body, mind and intellect. As per

my personal experience in daily listening of Geeta, I confirm that, it is indeed

the case.


In Gayatri Mantra, there is a reference to `Savitru' i.e. `Surya' i.e. the Sun

God. `Savitru' is derived from Sanskrit root `Su' i.e. to enliven, to

pro-create. In daily prayer of `Sandhya' there is a verse; " Surya Aatmaa

Jagatastashthushva " i.e. the Sun God is the Aatmaa of our planetary system. In

the vast and ever expanding Universe, there are millions of galaxies with

billions of stars like our Sun and there are trillions of planets like our



`Manu', the creator of `Manu-Smruti' i.e. the code of conduct in a society is

considered to be the `Aadya PuruShaH' i.e. the first person born in the current

Yuga i.e. period of time. Please refer to " Chatvaro Manavastathaa " in the verse

6 in chapter 10 of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta.


The word `Veda' is derived from the Sanskrit root word `Vid' i.e. to know and

therefore `Veda' means `Knowledge'. The knowledge of the Divinity residing in

every living as well as non-living and the technique by which it can be brought

out to full manifestation is the common theme of the Vedic scriptures and the

Truth of this theme is Eternal that transcends the boundaries of Space and Time!


In this chapter 4 of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Lord Krishna is about to divulge,

for the first time, his full Divine Nature of Omnipresence, Omnipotent and

Omniscience in the Aura of a `Yuga – PuruSha' who has descended upon the planet

Earth on a very specific mission to be accomplished with the active cooperation

of his best friend (Sakhaa) and the most beloved disciple (Bhakta) Arjuna. All

this is despite any question being asked by Arjuna. Santa Dnyaaneshwara has

commented, " Je Ganga Jodilee Amrutaachee " i.e. now wait and watch the river

Ganga full of nectar that is going to emerge from the mouth of Lord Krishna.


In this chapter Lord Krishna imparts a Cultural flavor, a Moral dignity and an

Ethical glow to the personality of his disciple Arjuna by rekindling the spirit

of reverence, respect, love and devotion towards the teacher of this Great

Spiritual Knowledge that has been imparted since Time Immemorial, in the `Guru –

ShiShya Paramparaa' i.e. in the time honoured ancient tradition in India; of the

transfer of the knowledge of the Self to the disciple from the revered



Thanks & Best Regards,


Shrikant Joshi




English: www.swamiramsukhdasji.net

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Re: Bhagavad Gita - Daily - II CHAPTER 4 - 1 II

Gita 4 - 1Sribhagavan uvacaImam vivasvate yogam proktavaanahamavyayam |Vivasvaanmanave praaha manuriksvaakave'braveet || (Gita 4-1)The Blessed Lord said:"I taught this imperishable Yoga (Karmayoga) to Vivasvaan (Sun-god); who expounded it to his son Manu and Manu proclaimed it to his son Ikshvaaku."Comment

Comment: —

`Imam vivasvate yogam proktavaanahamavyayam'—The kings, such as Surya, Manu and Ikshvaaku, who have been mentioned by the Lord, were householders and they attained perfection, through the Discipline of Action, leading a householder's life. Therefore, here the words `Imam, avyayaam yogam' (this imperishable Yoga) stand for `Karmayoga', (the Discipline of Action).

Though Karmayoga has been described in the Puranòas (historical records), and Upanishòads (philosophical parts of the Vedas) also, yet it is not as thoroughly detailed, as in the Gita.

The Lord is eternal, His fragment (part), the soul is also eternal and so is the affinity of soul for the Lord. Therefore, all the disciplines (of Action, Knowledge and Devotion) are also eternal.* Here, the term `Avyayam' shows, that Karmayoga is eternal.

The affinity of the soul for God is eternal. Just as a chaste wife does not have to make effort to be loving to her husband, similarly an aspirant does not have to put in any effort to belong to God. But, when he accepts his affinity for perishable actions, objects and incidents etc., he does not realize his eternal affinity for God. Therefore, to renounce his assumed affinity for the world, a Karmayogi utilizes his body, senses, mind and intellect etc., for rendering service to the world, by regarding them as the world's. He thinks, that just as the smallest particle of dust is a part of the earth, so is the body, a part of the vast universe. By accepting this belief, `Karmas' (actions) will be performed for the world, but `Yoga' (Nityayoga or eternal union) will be for himself i.e., he will realize his eternal union with God.

By the terms 'Vivasvate prokavaan', the Lord wants to explain to the aspirant that as the sun in the solar system while performing its action by providing heat and light, remains unengrossed; similarly, all the aspirants should perform actions without attachment according to available circumstances, (Gita 3/19). They should also impart this teaching of Karmayoga to others for the public welfare by remaining unengrossed (without desire for fruit, without a sense of `mine' and without attachment).

The sun-god, was king at the beginning of creation. Lord Krishna taught this imperishable Yoga to the sun-god. It means, that Lord Krishna was the first preceptor in the beginning, and so has Karmayoga come from times immemorial. It seems that the Lord, tells Arjuna, "Whatever teaching about `Karmayoga' I am imparting to you, is not new but eternal."

`Vivasvaanmanave praaha manuriksvaakave'braveet'— Karmayoga, is the main course of action for householders. Out of celibacy, household life, the retired and the renounced, orders—the four stages (orders) of life—household life is most important, because it is a householder that provides for the other stages of life. A householder, by performing his duty, can easily realize God. He need not change the order of life. Lord Krishna in mentioning the names of the kings, such as the sun-god, Manu and Ishvaku, wants to say, that at the beginning of creation, they as householders, having slain desires, realized God. Lord Krishna and Arjuna were also householders. Therefore, Lord Krishna through Arjuna, teaches all householders that they can realize God, being householders by performing their duty, without leading a secluded life like the ascetics.

In spite of being a householder, Arjuna thinks that it is better to live, in this world even by begging than to perform a savage deed, of slaying honoured teachers in war (Gita 2/5) viz., he thinks that the renounced order of life is superior to the household life. Therefore, the Lord says to him that he is a noble householder of the royal family. So performance of actions will lead him to salvation, in the same way, as renunciation leads an ascetic to salvation. Karmayoga, consists in the utilization of available circumstances. So Karmayoga (the Discipline of Action), can be followed by people of every caste, creed, country and order of life.

The Lord, has mentioned the names of noble and influential kings of the past, so that people may draw inspiration from them, in order to perform their duty.


"The Bhagavadgita - Sadhak Sanjivani" in English pg 439 by Swami Ramsukhdasji. -----------------English: www.swamiramsukhdasji.netGita Discussion - Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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