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Why some lead a luxurious life, while other struggle for one time meal?

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Dear Sadhak,


Please let me know why some can leave on luxurious life and some are strugging

for one time meal. We believe that our Heavenly father has no partiality to his




Varghese Mathew



Shree Hari ram Ram

You may want to read all past discussions on Karma


An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?



What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?



What is KARMA and how can it affect our lives?Is there anything we can do to

change our KARMA?


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Karmas, in this context, are acts with desire or

expectations to achieve intended results for oneself.

The key ingredients are intention and doer-ship!

There may or may not be any physical action.

Result of all such karmas performed presently and in

the past, create further pleasant or painful

impressions on the doer's mind, and intellect, and

retained as memory. All of this mind-stuff is called

subtle(sukshma sharira) body which drives the gross

physical body during the life of a person.

Upon death of the body, the subtle body with mind

impressions, memory and feelings of doer-ship-ego

takes on new body and continues its journey until this

ignorance of being a doer drops and karmas are

performed naturally for greater good without a doer.

Thus the tree of Karmas rests on ignorance of assumed

doership, which in turn, due to not knowing the true

identity of this apparant doer.

Upon investigation of validity of such a doer-ship,

doer falls flat on its face and light of consciousness

shines, taking over body-mind as instrument of that

devotee. There reins freedom from karmas and thus

cycle of apparant birth and death of body continues or

halts, but such a person is no longer a person, he/she

is jivan-mukta.

SO to be free, act as if no doer acting. This will

also facilitate acceptance of all results pleasurable

of painful! No-doer, no karma bandhan!

Namaskaras..lovingly Pratap Bhatt




Dear Friends


The question has three parts as under:-


1)What is KARMA

2) how can it affect our lives?

3)Is there anything we can do to change our KARMA?


The answers are as under:-

1) Karma is a matter/substance having physical existence and

which fuses with soul and is carried to next life .Bad karma is

represented by black matter/substance and good karma is white

matter/substance. Karma is a living (alive) matter and attracts

similar matter and resists opposite matter. As such, it is difficult

for persons having black matter/bad karma to listen to good advice

or take action for spiritual development.


2) Persons carrying bad karma (black matter) will be uneasy and

unhappy irrespective of financial or social position. Further,

persons carrying bad karma (black matter) will suffer

physically ,emotionally and mentally to the extent of load of

karma .It creates obstacle in path of happiness.


3)Certainly ,we can do a lot to change our Karma, as under:-


a) The first rule for changing bad karma to good karma is not to

hurt any one ,not to harm any one so that additional bad karma is

not accumulated.

b) The second rule is to practice compassion , kindness and

benevolence. Carrying a thought that everybody should benefit from

me and doing something for everyone daily reduces bad karma and

accumulates good karma.

c) The third rule is patience and tolerance. One must not react

immediately in anger. By suffering silently without reacting

dissolves bad karma.


The understanding of the above and starting to practice in daily

life will produce result immediately. The result will be you will

start singing or dancing or both.




A K Jain




Please read and contemplate on all slokas in Chapter 3 of Gitaji.


In a broader perspective Karma includes any and every action done consciously or

unconsciously to attain any and every goal, known or unknown, impacting one or

many. Action - reaction, reaction and action, all is karma. Breathing to

sustain our life is also a karma. In BG 3:5 Lord indicates that no one can

remain without some karma. Later in the same chapter He says even though I

don't have to attain anything in the 3 worlds, yet I remain engaged in action

(BG 3:22). Understand the difference. He has nothing to attain, yet he engages

Himself into action - this is the height of Yogic state, the selfless karma. So

performing action, as needed, to run our day today life is necessary. Even if

one remains doing nothing is still thinking and breathing and doing nothing is

also a karma. The point is when all these karmas are done in union with God,

surrendering everything to God, done by God (this is the highest stage of

spirituality), when nothing remains for me to do - all is done in its natural

state, it becomes no karma of my own, 'I' - the ego, mind & body. Any way, I

also believe in what Dalmiaji said that every action has its reaction Karmafal

is unavoidable - whether you bear it or someone else (able Guru) bears it for

you, it will come. Not a single action goes wasted in nature. Each and every

action bears fruit. It could be one & /or many fruits, affecting one & /or many

persons resulting sooner & /or later, in this or future lives. I will try to

explain the point by giving an example as I have heard it from Baba.


It is like Bow and arrows. With the arrow 3 things are possible. One arrow

that has already left the bow. Usually you can not return so it is going to

kill a dear to whom it was targeted. Second, the arrow is in your hand ready to

leave the bow, you have choice - shoot or not to shoot, if you are observant,

you can stop your impulse even at last moment. And 3rd situation is, the arrow

is still sitting in the quiver on which you have complete control of not to use.

So our karma's are like this. On some we have no control, whatever is done is

done, we have to bear the fruits - good or bad. Some actions we are about to

perform (in our heart we know it is bad), we can control those impulses and

decide to withdraw those actions even half way in motion. And yet, there are

set of actions that we can completely avoid by engaging ourselves into mediation

and self enquiring and obtaining the knowledge of who is it that is realy

performing all actions? Thus avoid the fruit of actions that have yet to come

our way. When we understand the true doer (self/soul) behind each action, the

course of our life can be changed completely. So wise people say that the

destiny is in our hand is so true!


Even in the 1st situation when you think the arrow is already shot and you can't

do anything, Baba says, if you are smart, you can clap and make the dear run

away before the arrow touches his body. So I would say may be able Guru can

help avoid or minimize the impact of some of our past karmas. The best course

of action for us is to watch our action and not to indulge in such action that

is going to harm others. Obtain the knowledge of self (recognize the breath

within breath that gives life - can our hand perform anything if there is no

desire, can desire exist if there is no mind, can mind function if there is no

breath, can breath - air do anything if there is no praana, what is this praana?

Who is breathing it in this body? How it gets pulled and utilized in this body?

etc.) and slowly empty our bag and not to accumulate any more new karmas and

thus stop the cycle of birth-death.


Hope this helps,

always at Thy Divine Feet

Manjula Patel


Dear Sadhak,


Definition of Karma is " any action - physical or mental - done with an

attachment of " I " in it " . " I " here means the body. In simpler words, Karma means

any action that I say " I have done " . Here it is important to distinguish between

" I " and " Self " . " I " means the body and " Self " means the soul.


There is a universal saying " Every action has a reaction " . Gitaji seems to

accept this. Hence for every action we will get something in return (Karma Phal

- Fruit of Karma), be it good or bad. Obviously the fruit of Karma will be good

for good deeds and bad for bad deeds.


Now, the question arises, how can one live wuthout Karma. At this point of time,

I would like to give an example. I went to a saint and sought her guidance as to

how can we achieve God. She most graciously advised that we need not do anything

to achieve God. I was baffled. I thought that she may not be considering me

worthy to deserve an answer. However, I once again asked the same question at

her lotus feet, as to how can one achieve God without doing anything (Sadhan).

After a little while, she said " after all what do you do any way " . This put me

thinking as to what was the secret hidden in her words of wisdom. I then got an

answer from my inner self that I am the soul and not the body. Hence all actions

done by the body are not done by my true self. This is the crux of Karma. So

long as we will do any activity with an attachment of " I " (the BODY), those

Karmas will invite Karma Phal.


Since as a beginner, it is difficult to differenciate between " I " and " Self " ,

may I suggest that we may start with Good Deeds. Different people can define

good deeds differently. Hence I would like to clarify that there are three

" Gunas " - Sattvik, Rasjasik and Tamasik. Sattvik actions lift us up and bring

peace in our mind. Examples of Sattvik actions are


- Giving something to a needy, who is completly an unknown person. I say

" Unknown " because in his case we will not expect anything in retunn at any time

in life.


- Sit alone and read Gitaji and it's Teeka (Discourse)


Similarly, Rajasik actions are the normal day to day actions that we take,

keeping in mind that we do not take any action with an intention to hurt anyone.

It does not mean that no one should get hurt but the intension should not be

there to hurt.


Lastly the Tamasik actions are those that lead to lethargy, sluggishness etc.

Examples are - Intoxication, Gambling, Killing for pleasure or food etc.


There in nothing that we can do to change our Karma. What we have sowed, we will

have to reap. What we can do is not to have future karmas and also not suffer

from our old Karmas. This is a very advanced stage and may be very difficult for

a beginner to understand. Hence, my strong recommendation to my fellow sadhaks

is to keep on reading commentaries on Gitaji and keep contemplating on same.

After all " Krishnam Vandey Jagatgurum "









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Ram Ram

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Dear Sadhak,Please let me know why some can leave on luxurious life and some are struggingfor one time meal. We believe that our Heavenly father has no partiality to hissons.Regards,Varghese Mathew-------------


Swamijee Pranam,Why is it that Good people suffer & undeserving people enjoy all the luxuries/ have all the luck, just like we say that the reward of Hardwork is more work is it the case with Good People in terms of Problems? i.e. is the reward of solving one problem is always having more unsolved problems?Thanks,Deepa Thakkar -------------



Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a sadhaka. Our present plight may be explained based on our previous and present actions (Karmas) but what is more important is how to prevent the misery of this materialism from happening again. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita," Trividham narakasyedam,Dvaram nasanam atmanah,Kamah krodhas tatha lobhas,Tasmad etat trayam tyajet. "( Gitaji 16,21)Which means,'Lust, anger and greed are the three gates leading to hell. Any sane person should give them up since they lead to the degradation of the soul.'We cannot change our past karmas but we must plan for the future. The way to prevent the degradation is through devotional service. For this Kali Yuga, devotional service through chanting ( Harinama Sankirtanam) is advised. Let us chant the Holy names and advance spiritually, to attain Him in the end. Even the prarabdha karma can be changed through His Divine Grace. Thank You. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D


-Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear Vargheseji,The common conceptions is that if one lives a life of privation it is the resultof past activities, manifestations of Karma.And people may say, "Look at her, dirt poor, never known good luck, must be herbad karma!".At the other end of the spectrum: Some may say, "He knows great wealth, lives,like a rajah, what good karma! He wants for nothing!".I have read Swamiji often implying that austerities can be a blessing.' Whatever medicine a Doctor gives is good. Similarly: Whatever has beenprovided by God (for us) is good. The more adversity comes, more our antahkarana (inner senses) gets purified-this is our direct experience.'See my point!Some in the West see the above Golden Words above of Swamiji's, as reflectionsof 'The Dark Night of the Soul'.Reflecting some years ago upon life's woes I wrote some thoughts down:The Beloved Imperfect.To all my brothers and sisters, all who suffer, all who feel as though they areimperfect all those who believe they stand in the shadows of all the great andconfident people that they feel are all around them. I say do not judge yourself against any one in this world. You are all shining stars. Look past theskin and the flesh, and the words, and realize that those who considerthemselves perfect may never touch their own souls.Understand that your afflictions and your sorrows may be the force that candrive you to your inner glory. Without pain how can you ever seek comfort? Donot hate your anguish, but realize that it can be a blessing, if you can make itso.There is no currency on earth that can purchase true glory. It can however bepurchased by endeavour, by love and forgiveness and compassion, not just forothers, but for yourselves also.Do not judge yourselves; forgive yourselves for not being perfect and oftenfailing. For many of the great heroes of this world have dark places withinthem, which they do not dare to enter, and venture past to the glory withinthemselves that bonds them with all of Creation.M.K.

So it is best to look past the worldly to find anwersOm...Shanti...Mike Keenor

-------Such questions raise very often in our perception as we make attempts to project our polar notions of luxury and misery on The Absolute … expecting that THE ABSOLUTE resides in luxury only … as if there can be a misery there so that HE also would distinguish the speciality of a luxury as against a misery!

HE is absolutely generous. HE cannot be partial. That is the reason people experience life variantly however they percieve and however they can. HE provides everything to everyone. Whoever takes whatever depends on one's capacity, inclination and determination to take what HE gives. HE CANNOT SAY NO TO ANYONE FOR ANYTHING. The life is the most balanced in providing equal opportunity to everyone. If it tries to play a Robin Hood or a Carl Marx attemting to resist a capable and assist an incapable, it is no more impartial. Being compassionate to everyone irrespective of their "achievements" in life is being The Lord of all. You may be seeing a prosperous one with jealousy and throwing disappointment at yourself; or you may be seeing a miserable one and throwing elation at yourself; or you may NOT see any difference between any as such and be equanimous. Eitherway, the All-Pervasive Lord cannot be but compassionate at you. Because of The Absolute Compassion that flows from Him to everything in this universe, everything is given a perception to "be" and "do" what each one percieves, wants and prefers in life.

The perceptions, wants and preferences that one develops, chooses and adapts in one's life determines one's perception regarding what one "has". Only when your perception is locked into what you percieve to "have", you would start becoming judgmental even on THE ONE that transcends all judgments ... I "have" only this much and others "have" that much ... why The Lord is partial? ... we easily blame The Lord to be responsible for an "injustice" here!

HE GIVES the same to everyone and FORGIVES everyone irrespective of the response shown back toward what was blessed to each ... forgives a saint, forgives a rogue, forgives a king, forgives a beggar ... HE IS PERFECTLY IMPARTIAL … HE JUST FORGIVES everyone irrespective of the partial appreciation and lopsided prejudice one would display in life.

We GET the same from Him and yet FORGET that HE actually gave irrespective of whether we truly deserve the compassion He showers on us … we forget Him irrespective of the walk of life we tread upon … and come to a unilateral judgment that "HE IS PARTIAL"! Why?! Because, our appreciation is partial, rather, lopsided!! We just forget ... we forget our pettiness as well as His generosity!

Therefore, we need to pause a moment and ponder …

Why should HE give anything to us at all? What is there in for Him?? What great things we ever do to deserve HIS GRACE???

Who are we to "get" anything at all? Can we ever "have" anything for more than a moment?? What makes us deserving (more than others) to claim rights for HIS favors toward ourselves???





Let us repeat the question … Who is partial here? Who is lopsided here?? Who suffers imbalance in one's wish here??? Us???? Or HIM???!!!








Naga Narayana


It is all our order. Whatever happens with us is our order.

All our prayers are our orders to nature. Every thought of us is a prayer. Everyone of us keeps thinking and without being aware passing orders which nature keeps processing automatically and brings back the results accordingly.


It is not partiality at play. It is a grand play where everything happens as per the set rules....and the rule is that whatever we order....nature starts processing / bringing that to us..... Whatever happens is the result of our orders. If the order is clear and focussed, the results are also as per that. Most times we keep passing orders of various types without being aware and nature brings us good, bad or mixed results......


If we wish to change our situation, we have to be aware...we have to change our prayers/ orders..... If we live with divine thoughts, results are divine too.... Try, experiment, experience..

Sushil Jain





When one sees any situation without any judgment, without any concept, without the support of 'what should be', one touches the zero ground.

There is concentration of total energy.

Now what happens, instead of complaining, blaming, one becomes one with the situation.

This seeing itself is action.

The original energy acts through you to transform what is perceived as not good.

Y V Chawla


Shree Paramatmane Namah

What do you want to know in the response to this question? Be absolutely clear. Whatever incident that happens the reason is beyond man's capacity to know. If it is not so then please tell me that this human birth that you received was for what purpose? Please give correct answer. Whatever is heard or told, studied or taught, do not repeat. It is my sincere prayer that pay less attention to other people's lives and be most attentive to our own life. the life breaths that have been given to you by the Eternal Father, they are priceless. All the wealth in this world will not be able to give you a single breath. By attaining this priceless treasure, who will not walk with an air?

Things of this world, such as food, clothes and house can be acquired by working hard, not by simply sitting around. That one who puts in the effort he alone will acquire those things. So be it,


Vineet Sarvottam


There are big stars like the Sun which burns while other bodies like theearth get light from the Son. Does the Sun complain why should he aloneamong the planets burn? Or, does the earth say why is it that it does nothave its light or why is it not as big as the Jupiter? Doers certain dogs onthe streets complain why is it that God has not given them the chance tolive as pets in rich household? Do rats complain why they can't fly? Whosaid that that the person living in luxurious life is necessarily afortunate human being blessed by the God's favoritism? If we believe thatGod exists and he has indeed decided who should have what experience, thenwhy do we expect that God will tell us why is he doing this discriminatorytreatment to variouis components of His Creation? If we do not believe inGod, then there question of course does not arise. If we believe God isdiscriminatory, what can you do if you believe God exists. If I believe Godexists and so kind, I can always think that he has given me an opprtunitylive a struggling life and go without meals in hunger. Let us assume thatGod creates a society where everyone struggles to have a square meal oreveryone enjoys the same comfort and luvsury, how will that societyfunction, if God gives jealosy and envy as great gunas among the humans? Thesociety will soon see some people living in luxury and some others with outfood. So, we are back to square one.Gita has given a solution which you may accept and be happy or reject and bein perpetual loss of peace. Gita says, the body and mind are not what ahuman being is. The human being is the realized soul that is not reachableby senses and Gunas. But methods of Yoga may help one to reach the realizedsoul that is nothing but God Himself. Once that is reached, you will remainin permanent bliss where food and luxury or their absence would not matter.You may not like this idea that God has to be realized. You have the optionto call God as discriminatory. But God says every component of His creationis equal to Him in His perception. And, there are many who agree with whatGod in what he says in Gita. God does not give everything to every part ofHis Creation. If everything is identical, why should He Create so manyidentical toys God obviously is not a fool. He wants civilization toprogress and His Creation to contnue. So, he created diversity. He createdpoverty and riches: he loves all his toys even if He did not create them asidentical. He has given Gunas of different types and different degrees toeach poor so that some revolt against what they would have to view as unjustsociety and some poor who would continue to meet hunger and yet becontennded with their struggle. Some others just wonder. Toys are toys: theydo what they have been designed for. You will find the answer to yourquestion if you are so designed by God. He does not let any of His toys tocomprehend His entire design. Man knows why he designed the figher planedifferent from normal passanger planes or pure goods transport plane. Theplanes or aircrafts do not know why they have been designed differently. Forman, all airplanes are equally important.Basudeb Sen

Shree Hari ram RamYou may want to read all past discussions on KarmaAn Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/1864What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?/message/1444What is KARMA and how can it affect our lives?Is there anything we can do tochange our KARMA?Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Karmas, in this context, are acts with desire orexpectations to achieve intended results for oneself.The key ingredients are intention and doer-ship!There may or may not be any physical action.Result of all such karmas performed presently and inthe past, create further pleasant or painfulimpressions on the doer's mind, and intellect, andretained as memory. All of this mind-stuff is calledsubtle(sukshma sharira) body which drives the grossphysical body during the life of a person.Upon death of the body, the subtle body with mindimpressions, memory and feelings of doer-ship-egotakes on new body and continues its journey until thisignorance of being a doer drops and karmas areperformed naturally for greater good without a doer.Thus the tree of Karmas rests on ignorance of assumeddoership, which in turn, due to not knowing the trueidentity of this apparant doer.Upon investigation of validity of such a doer-ship,doer falls flat on its face and light of consciousnessshines, taking over body-mind as instrument of thatdevotee. There reins freedom from karmas and thuscycle of apparant birth and death of body continues orhalts, but such a person is no longer a person, he/sheis jivan-mukta.SO to be free, act as if no doer acting. This willalso facilitate acceptance of all results pleasurableof painful! No-doer, no karma bandhan!Namaskaras..lovingly Pratap Bhatt-------Dear FriendsThe question has three parts as under:-1)What is KARMA2) how can it affect our lives?3)Is there anything we can do to change our KARMA?The answers are as under:-1) Karma is a matter/substance having physical existence andwhich fuses with soul and is carried to next life .Bad karma isrepresented by black matter/substance and good karma is whitematter/substance. Karma is a living (alive) matter and attractssimilar matter and resists opposite matter. As such, it is difficultfor persons having black matter/bad karma to listen to good adviceor take action for spiritual development.2) Persons carrying bad karma (black matter) will be uneasy andunhappy irrespective of financial or social position. Further,persons carrying bad karma (black matter) will sufferphysically ,emotionally and mentally to the extent of load ofkarma .It creates obstacle in path of happiness.3)Certainly ,we can do a lot to change our Karma, as under:-a) The first rule for changing bad karma to good karma is not tohurt any one ,not to harm any one so that additional bad karma isnot accumulated.b) The second rule is to practice compassion , kindness andbenevolence. Carrying a thought that everybody should benefit fromme and doing something for everyone daily reduces bad karma andaccumulates good karma.c) The third rule is patience and tolerance. One must not reactimmediately in anger. By suffering silently without reactingdissolves bad karma.The understanding of the above and starting to practice in dailylife will produce result immediately. The result will be you willstart singing or dancing or both.RegardsA K Jain-----------------FROM PAST GITA TALK DISCUSSIONS:Please read and contemplate on all slokas in Chapter 3 of Gitaji.In a broader perspective Karma includes any and every action done consciously orunconsciously to attain any and every goal, known or unknown, impacting one ormany. Action - reaction, reaction and action, all is karma. Breathing tosustain our life is also a karma. In BG 3:5 Lord indicates that no one canremain without some karma. Later in the same chapter He says even though Idon't have to attain anything in the 3 worlds, yet I remain engaged in action(BG 3:22). Understand the difference. He has nothing to attain, yet he engagesHimself into action - this is the height of Yogic state, the selfless karma. Soperforming action, as needed, to run our day today life is necessary. Even ifone remains doing nothing is still thinking and breathing and doing nothing isalso a karma. The point is when all these karmas are done in union with God,surrendering everything to God, done by God (this is the highest stage ofspirituality), when nothing remains for me to do - all is done in its naturalstate, it becomes no karma of my own, 'I' - the ego, mind & body. Any way, Ialso believe in what Dalmiaji said that every action has its reaction Karmafalis unavoidable - whether you bear it or someone else (able Guru) bears it foryou, it will come. Not a single action goes wasted in nature. Each and everyaction bears fruit. It could be one & /or many fruits, affecting one & /or manypersons resulting sooner & /or later, in this or future lives. I will try toexplain the point by giving an example as I have heard it from Baba.It is like Bow and arrows. With the arrow 3 things are possible. One arrowthat has already left the bow. Usually you can not return so it is going tokill a dear to whom it was targeted. Second, the arrow is in your hand ready toleave the bow, you have choice - shoot or not to shoot, if you are observant,you can stop your impulse even at last moment. And 3rd situation is, the arrowis still sitting in the quiver on which you have complete control of not to use.So our karma's are like this. On some we have no control, whatever is done isdone, we have to bear the fruits - good or bad. Some actions we are about toperform (in our heart we know it is bad), we can control those impulses anddecide to withdraw those actions even half way in motion. And yet, there areset of actions that we can completely avoid by engaging ourselves into mediationand self enquiring and obtaining the knowledge of who is it that is realyperforming all actions? Thus avoid the fruit of actions that have yet to comeour way. When we understand the true doer (self/soul) behind each action, thecourse of our life can be changed completely. So wise people say that thedestiny is in our hand is so true!Even in the 1st situation when you think the arrow is already shot and you can'tdo anything, Baba says, if you are smart, you can clap and make the dear runaway before the arrow touches his body. So I would say may be able Guru canhelp avoid or minimize the impact of some of our past karmas. The best courseof action for us is to watch our action and not to indulge in such action thatis going to harm others. Obtain the knowledge of self (recognize the breathwithin breath that gives life - can our hand perform anything if there is nodesire, can desire exist if there is no mind, can mind function if there is nobreath, can breath - air do anything if there is no praana, what is this praana?Who is breathing it in this body? How it gets pulled and utilized in this body?etc.) and slowly empty our bag and not to accumulate any more new karmas andthus stop the cycle of birth-death.Hope this helps,always at Thy Divine FeetManjula Patel-------------Dear Sadhak,Definition of Karma is "any action - physical or mental - done with anattachment of "I" in it". "I" here means the body. In simpler words, Karma meansany action that I say "I have done". Here it is important to distinguish between"I" and "Self". "I" means the body and "Self" means the soul.There is a universal saying "Every action has a reaction". Gitaji seems toaccept this. Hence for every action we will get something in return (Karma Phal- Fruit of Karma), be it good or bad. Obviously the fruit of Karma will be goodfor good deeds and bad for bad deeds.Now, the question arises, how can one live wuthout Karma. At this point of time,I would like to give an example. I went to a saint and sought her guidance as tohow can we achieve God. She most graciously advised that we need not do anythingto achieve God. I was baffled. I thought that she may not be considering meworthy to deserve an answer. However, I once again asked the same question ather lotus feet, as to how can one achieve God without doing anything (Sadhan).After a little while, she said "after all what do you do any way". This put methinking as to what was the secret hidden in her words of wisdom. I then got ananswer from my inner self that I am the soul and not the body. Hence all actionsdone by the body are not done by my true self. This is the crux of Karma. Solong as we will do any activity with an attachment of "I" (the BODY), thoseKarmas will invite Karma Phal.Since as a beginner, it is difficult to differenciate between "I" and "Self",may I suggest that we may start with Good Deeds. Different people can definegood deeds differently. Hence I would like to clarify that there are three"Gunas" - Sattvik, Rasjasik and Tamasik. Sattvik actions lift us up and bringpeace in our mind. Examples of Sattvik actions are- Giving something to a needy, who is completly an unknown person. I say"Unknown" because in his case we will not expect anything in retunn at any timein life.- Sit alone and read Gitaji and it's Teeka (Discourse)Similarly, Rajasik actions are the normal day to day actions that we take,keeping in mind that we do not take any action with an intention to hurt anyone.It does not mean that no one should get hurt but the intension should not bethere to hurt.Lastly the Tamasik actions are those that lead to lethargy, sluggishness etc.Examples are - Intoxication, Gambling, Killing for pleasure or food etc.There in nothing that we can do to change our Karma. What we have sowed, we willhave to reap. What we can do is not to have future karmas and also not sufferfrom our old Karmas. This is a very advanced stage and may be very difficult fora beginner to understand. Hence, my strong recommendation to my fellow sadhaksis to keep on reading commentaries on Gitaji and keep contemplating on same.After all "Krishnam Vandey Jagatgurum"A.H.Dalmia===============================================GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, relevant and respectful of sadhaka'stime.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites.7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).8. Do not personalize message9. All responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.Provide English word bracketed.GITA TALK MODERATORSRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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