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The Cow is the Mother of this World - Need Suggestions on Increasing Awareness

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Shree Hari Ram Ram

We seek your thoughts on how general awareness can be increased regarding "cow protection". Swamiji said - Having the sentiments within each of us - that how will the cow be pleased, how can she be made happy etc. itself can work wonders. Things can be limited, but sentiments can be unlimited. By this service we can attain salvation.

please also read topic:

What should be Our Attitude towards Birds, Animals and Other Creatures ? /message/1671

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


shree hariram ramPlease see Swamiji's message from a lecture (don't know the year). He hasspoken on many occassions about the cow being sacred, however, this lecture ismore on "Killing of Cows" and what we are all capable of doing only due todesire for enjoyment of pleasures and accumulation of wealth (i.e. DESIRE ANDGREED). The two of the three gates to hell - desire, greed, anger.Meera dasRam RamENGLISH TRANSLATION FROM A LECTURE: BY SWAMI RAMSUKHDASJIKilling of CowsIt is a very sad thing that in our Country there is killing of cows going on ina very large scale. In the last 10-12 years, the killing in Calcutta and inKerala, is happening on a very large scale. The minister of Kerala had saidthat in the last twelve months in our state more than 14 lakh cows have beenslaughtered. He said, that we do not kill the cows from our own State; we areslaughtering those cows that are brought here from others States ! In Mumbai,Devanaar slaughter house, bulls are slaughtered. According to the law, only oldbulls can be killed, but in Mumbai, even youthful, young bulls are slaughtered -we have visited that place. There is unrighteouness that is definitely going onin this act, but along with act that unrighteousness that is going on in theentire country.Both food and clothing come from farming. Where farming is done using bulls andcows, it is OK, but where machinery is used, many scholars have said that theresources such as petroleum, gas, diesel etc. will be exhausted in approximatelytwo to three decades. At that time this automation will be of limited use. Right now, coming under the sway of this machinery, you are neglecting the bullsand cows. You are destroying them, but when this equipment will no longer beuseful and there are no more cows and bulls, then what will be the condition ! How will farming be done ? Without farming, how will you get food and clothing? Without food and clothing, how will life be sustained ? In Rajasthan in manyplaces, the bulls are used for drawing water from wells. When these bulls aredestroyed, how will you get water? It is a very great dilemma, but brothers weare not paying attention towards such things. How much thoughtless activity(anarth) is taking place, we are simply not aware of such things.When we tell the younger and older children, to study, but they do not have thesame level of interest and engagement in studying, that they have in playing andhaving fun. In the same way, you too are engaged in playing, not in deep study.It is a grave mistake that right now you are not instrospecting on your future. In the future the mistakes will be so paramount, that it will become verydifficult to put your hands around it. We have seen in the Devanar slaugherhouse in Mumbai, where flocks and flocks of cattle are there at a distance, andfew men are revolting and striking against these hideous acts to not allow thebulls to be slaughtered. The police catch the men and drive them off to otherlocations. The bulls are then taken inside and slaughtered. Now people are notstanding up for the rights of these animals. Like those who are in deepslumber, they too are sleeping. When a young girl becomes a widow, the motherworries, because the mother sees to her future that is unknown to the younggirl. Similar misfortune is happening in our country today. It is a gravemistake. But for earning money and for accumulation of things, and due togreed, men have become blind and are intensely engaged in killing cows. Theyhave no idea what they will do with all that money ? But leaving that moneybehind they will die someday, that you, I and every one else knows. Whatdifference does it make whether we leave 10-20 lakhs or 1 - 2 crores of rupeesbehind or even more behind. When the eyes are permanently shut, there isnothing there. But today, our attention does not go to that, we are not alertas to what the condition of the country will be ? Even the government is notthinking about this. All we are thinking is that simply anyhow we must getmoney. The greed for money has made man so blind - there is no end in sight !In my understanding, just as the dependency on God can lead a man to his salvation, similarly, dependency on wealth, can lead a man to hell and trappedin the birth and death cycles of 8.4 million different wombs. It is not themoney itself, but the dependence on money, reliance on money, greed for money,attachment to money, fondness of money which are all the root causes of one'sdownfall. There is no other mistake, no other fault, no other flaw, no othersin, no other sorrow, no other type of envy or jealousy, no other remorse orsuffering, that is not resulting from the greed for money. All the sorrow thatexists, all is resulting from greed for money only. If one sacrifices thisgreed and utilizes this money for good causes then this wealth of yours will bea success. Your life will be a success and this world will also be relieved ofit's problems. One day, all this wealth will leave you, but that will notbenefit you in your salvation. If salvation is through parting at time ofdeath, then all who were dying would have attained salvation, because theirwealth, their estates, their family, their power, etc. all would separate fromthem. But with that, he does not get released from bondage. Freedom comes fromrenouncing from within. Greed is within and the money is on the outside. Themoney is not at fault. The greed for money, the love and fondness for money,the intense longing for wanting more and more money - these tendencies are thecause of the most senseless and improper acts. Therefore divine souls ! If youbecome alert and careful then it will be a very good thing. Within thirty yearswe would have grown up and become somewhat old but what thoughts and concernshave you had for the upcoming generations ? What will be their state of affairs? It is definitely something to think about. But man simply does not take along term view in these things ! For how long will this Government position(elected chair) that you are holding last ? On the other hand, there is noattention at all to thoughtless acts that will weigh heavy on you later on. Butwho to explain this to? Who to share this with ?Therefore brother, become alert ! Come to your senses and think for yourselfthat what will be the state of affairs of the Country ? A lot of wealth (cowsand other cattle) has already been destroyed. If now you save it, then some canstill be saved.Simply for the greed of money you are trading in leather, meat, cows, bullsetc., as these can generate more income and wealth for you. Separating meat,bones, blood, tongue, intestines, horns, nails, liver, heart, skin, etc so thatyou can get more money. As the cow nears the slaughter house, it's priceincreases ten folds. Simply for the greed of money, this killing of cows istaking place.There are three gates to hell that have been described - desire, anger, andgreed. Of these, the greatest gate to hell is enjoyment of pleasures and greedfor accumulation of wealth. Therefore it is my sincere prayer that simplyawaken ! What can you do ? Do not utilize leather, and one more thing, everyfamily member must daily keep aside a handful of food item for the protectionof the cows and donate it to a gaushala (shed that cares for and protects cows)etc. This point has been expressed by me, contrary to my nature. If you putthis point to use, then it will be very good, and if you don't then the choiceis yours. There are many such points, you all can contemplate more on them.FROM: LECTURE BY SWAMI RAMSUKHDASJIRam Ram--------------------------------

HARI OMThe entire discussion on COW started when a Saadhak Brother askedquestions as to why Cow is sacred when Horse and Dog are more clever!His next observation was as to why we are in favour of Cow when weget milk from Goats, Buffallo and even camel ? The questioner did notremember where did he read but he felt that in one religiousceremony a Bull was slaughtered under the superintendence of LordKrishna himself - he felt that after that the cows have reduced innumber. He also wondered reg the roaming around of Cows on thestreets and eating rubbish.A lot of brothers have since responded to the utility of cow and evenfull text of Swamiji's views on the subject has been given. I hopethe questioner now has no doubts in his mind reg the utility of HolyCow.As regards the cleverness- it is only a negative trait. Why Dog andHorse- fox is also very clever, what about spiders or dolphin orwolves ! How cleverness can be a yardstick of "sacredness"? It hasno co relation of any sort with sacredness!As regards slaughtering of a Bull during a Lord Krishna organisedceremony let me state that I have also been a reader of scriptures, Ican say I am a regular and intense reader. At least I have never readanywhere the instance referred. Even if it is true - how it isrelevant?For God there is no birth or death concepts. Divinity has totallydifferent modus operandi, we mortals have no immediate wisdom todecipher them out as quickly as done here.Sacrifices have beenpractised in the past by all communities including Hindus. Now theywere totally different aspects and methods of Karma. Who was thevehicle of the elder brother of Lord Krishna- the Balraam? Oneshould therefore give basis or reference of any observation! Anything based on mere remembrance should not be thrown for discussion.Where is the shortage of Milk? Had milk been in short supply couldyou and me have survived till date? Could our children havesurvived? The first thing which you taste in life is milk!It is not a question of shortage or abundance- it is a question ofour duty and responsibility towards the cow !Now the last observation. Cows roaming on streets and eating rubbish!That is the challenge thrown by God to the entire humanity. Here isthe animal whose entire life was devoted to the welfare of humanbeings. Here is the animal whose preservation and care even Lordused to do! That animal is found loitering by you. Here you have aduty which is not alone shedding tears. Do whatever best you can doto the cause of protection of cows. Do something. Be confident sheis loitering to attract your attention and to encourage you toproceed towards the divinity. From God's side there is no dearth orshortage. She is teaching you the lessons as to what is your duty!She is not actually as poor as you are considering her to be- fromdivine point of view. All Gods and Demi Gods are residing in her.Goddess Laxmi is residing in her dung! She is playing a role onbehalf of God ! Just as a film star plays the role , she is alsoplaying the role on behalf of God! To see as to how and whoresponds! Therefore We worship her. Therefore we call herto be sacred. Therefor she is given a stature as high as of Mother!Hope the questioner is fully clear now!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


Shree HariRam RamPriya sadhak, prasana ke liye dhanyavad!Swamiji Maharaj has explained "Why cow is so sacred" very beatifullyin Sadhaka Sanjivani (Ref: Gita 18-44, page 1947 in English). Some ofthe points from the commentary are:1. In the materialistic world of today, a cow is very useful. Hermilk, ghee and cow-dung add to the wealth of a nation. India beingprimarily an agricultural country, bullocks are used to plough theland. The land can also be ploughed by male-buffaloes or camels.Buffaloes cannot work so efficiently as bullocks because the bullockshave more sattvic strength, they can work for a longer time in thesun compared to buffaloes. Camels cost lot more than the bullocks.2. The grains produced by cow-dung and urine of the cows as manureare considered pure. Dung and urine of cows make the land morefertile as compared to chemical fertilizers as has been learnt byconducting experiments. Chemical fertilizers destroy the fertility ofland in a few years and make it barren. Cow-dung is being exported toforeign countries so that the lost fertility of the land may berestored3. Cows of India are gentle and sattvic in nature. Their sattvic milksharpens the intellect and makes the nature of the person mild.Foreign cows give more milk but they are angry by nature, their milkmakes one cruel. A she-buffalo gives more milk than a cow but hermilk is of rajasic nature. Those who drink cow's milk are more activethan those who drink a she-buffalo's milk. Once an experiment wasconducted on military horses, it was found that horses fed on cow-milk could cross a river while the horses fed on buffalo-milk couldnot do though the later seemed stronger. The milk of she-camel beingof tamasic nature is not useful and it is not used to curd and butter.4. Cow occupies an important place in performing all religious rites.Her milk, ghee and dung are used in performing rites and ceremoniesat birth, tonsure and sacred thread. Cow-dung purifies the places toowhere these rites are performed. Cow's milk is used in preparingsweet dishes which are offered to Brahmans, in honor of manes. When acow is offered to a Brahman it is considered as a punya or highmerit. Also cow's ghee is used in religious sacrifices which areperformed to satisfy desires.5. The cow is a sacred animal, even the air which touches her bodybecomes pure. Her dung and urine, check epidemics such as plague andcholera. Houses plastered with cow-dung are not so much affected bybombs as the cemented houses. Cow-dung eliminates poison. InVaranasi, there was a case of a saint saving a man who was supposedto be dead by a snake-bite, just by smearing the body with cow-dungtwo times. Urine of cow is very useful in heart diseases. A littlequantity of urine of a she-calf, as a dose everyday cures stomachdiseases. A saint suffering from asthma had a lot of relief bydrinking a little urine of the she-calf. These days several medicinesare prepared from cow-dung and urine of cows. Cooking gas is madefrom cow-dung also.6. Service to the cow without expectation of any reward leads topurification of heart and enables eventually one to achievesalvation. Lord Krishana is known as Gopala because He staged a humanplay as a cowherd with bare feet. In ancient times in India sagesreared cows so that they could have nourishment from the cow's milk & ghee to sharpen their intellect. Because of the sharp intellects,they could create such great and rare classic literature. Cow's milkand butter provided them with longevity, great emperors went to thesesages for expert advice on complex matters related to their kingdoms.7. In Indian historical records, innumerable names are mentioned whosacrifices their lives for the protection of cows. But today, it issad plight that thousands of cows are slaughtered daily, out of greedonly. If this state of affairs continues, cows will totallydisappear. Then of course cow-dung will not be available. Without cow-dung land will go barren and there will not be production of corn,wheat and cotton. People will be deprived of the bare necessities oflife, such as food & clothing and they will have a miserable life.Slaughter of cows is the main cause of increasing number of naturaldisasters such as famine, droughts, volcanoes etc.Ram RamHumble regards,Madan kaura----

Respected friend,

I am most touched by this and I wish we all realised that the mere act ofstroking a cow can cure you. Animal assisted therapy including cows is nowcommon in the West but we have forgotten it in India where it firstdeveloped thousands of years ago.

After a lifetime of helping humans with Her milk, quite often by deprivingthe calf of its share, we treat Her with great disdain. Even during her"productive" years, we inject Her with oxytocin to induce uterinecontractions and increase her milk yield at great expense to the cow'shealth and causing great pain and distress.

I am sure you know what happens when the cow stops giving milk. We abandonHer or sell Her to the butcher. She is transported great distances inoverloaded and crowded conditions with no food and water. She is thencruelly slaughtered and Her skin ripped off.

Every time we drink milk today and wear leather, we desecrate Her.

If we do not eat Her flesh, how come we wear Her skin which is so cruellyobtained?

Cows donated to temples by ignorant "believers" are auctioned to thebutchers.

Even the Rig Veda frowns on milk drinking.

The solution is simple - go vegan and avoid all animal products.

It is good for your health; it is good for the environment and it iscertainly good for Go Mata.

Warm regards.

Dr. S. Chinny Krishna------------


The symbol of spring time, innocence and fertility,

CONDEMN BUNNY MURDER... THAT are specially bred to be killed for FUR


--------------------It is interesting to see how much we care about theHoly Cow.........Some pictures enclosedThis situation can be generalised at least in the cities.Sushil Jain(From moderator - The group does not allow posting of pictures.Sadhaka had enclosed pictures of weak,under nourished cows rummagingthrough garbage cans and trash containers with plastic bags andother hazardous materials)---Cow is a character and this character is source of all conduct. Ifyou find a person who is of noble character, all aspects of his/herwork is undoubtly good. The work and product need not be checked. Isearched / found good people and it never faulted, but when I lookedat exhibition of work by some one who tried to impress me, I did notsuceeed with them. Be a cow man, not milk man.regardsK GKrishna Gopal--------------------------------Cow is holy because the Vedas and the vedic literaure says so.Krishna says: krushi gauraksha vaaNijyam vaishya karama svabhaavajam.It is dharma to keep cows, especially for the merchantile people,for the benefit of the society.The Vedic people need to give higher prices for the cow milk andmilk products in order to encourage farmers to keep cows and makethe business attractive for them. Thus by engaging in cow seva wecan continue to make milk and milk products available.jai sri krishna!-sv(Suresh Vyas)--------------------------------

Ram RamThis topic reminded me of another related important topic of milk.The Lotus Trust charity are running a campaign for Ahimsa Milk, but for this to happen the demand for Organic Milk must increase. This is the first step towards cruelty-free milk. You may look us up on the web. Many thanks.

Varun Anand Ram Ram


Hari Om !Prmit and accept Obesiance at your feet!Your thoughts sir are welcome and valued but what worries me is "WhyCow.",Buffalo,goat,and even camel render milk and are drunk profuselyWhy are we in india ,logically in favour of COW.Horse and Dog in fact are much clever animals.Please donot mind this very simple sounding question.Am not able to locate but have read it some where that at times ofLord Krishna 'Best Bull of the family was sacrificed when anyImportant dignitary of the Country /State visited the locality.Onlywhen thus BEST BREED of the animal began to get extinguished andshortage of milk began taking place did then authorities realise tosave the COW and began propagating it Breed of Cows in India sincethen has not improved After its utility many leave it to roam thestreets eating some times rubbish ,That is a sorry state!Submitted in all humility!RDKBut for that no other logic seems to have been put forthPlease enlighten"RonDev Kohli"----

Cow is just another animal - an animal very very useful to man. Let us stop at that. Don't make it a 'mata'. Hinduism has enough superstitions and myths already. Let us not add to that.

Changarath Vikram


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

31st March 2010, Tuesday, Vaishaka Krishna Pratipada, BudhvarVikram Samvat 2067, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5236

The cow is the Mother of this world. The mother that gives birth to a child feeds milk for the initial years, but the Cow feeds us milk for the rest of our lives. Even at time of death, curd (yoghurt) made of Cow's milk is given. She is the mother, and grand-mother, and great grand-mother from both sides of the family. She gives milk to all. She is the mother of this entire world. She is the protector. At one place some thieves broke into the farm house, a cow in the farm chased them away. Just as mother protects, likewise she protects, she fosters, she loves, she caresses. By remembering "Gau Mata" (Mother Cow), the inner-being (antahkaran) is purified. By petting, stroking a cow, many incurable diseases are cured. If you think it proper, do it and see for yourself. By protecting the cows, we are naturally protected. Nowadays, people have stopped wanting to know about the greatness of cows. By the grace of Cows, both this life and beyond is improved. By Mother Cow's grace, the impossible become possible.

Cows have immense strength. If they are made happy, if they are made pleased, then she provides all kinds of happiness and protection. If one sincerely and honestly takes care of a cow, then for its upkeep and maintenance, there will be no shortage of any resources. With your heart, try it and see for yourself. You keep one-two cows in your backyard, than very easily they will be taken care off. Nowadays, people's sentiments have really diminished regarding cows. Mother Cows bestows all four – Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha. The medicines made from Cow urine, has significant benefits.

He who destroys cows, they will be destroyed. This incident happened during the reign of the Britishers. The hindus and muslims were fighting, when some very strong muslim men were returning after wrangling. They caught hold of a cow, thinking they would kill and cook it. They asked one of the men to hold on to the cow, while they went to get supplies for the feast. The man felt sympathy and released the cow. The five men were later caught and ordered to be hung. All died, except the one who had saved the cow. The cow came and stood under the rope where he was hanging from and by the support of her horns, the man was saved. This is a real incident.

Real incidents were shared in the "Kalyan Prakashit." There was a Brahmin from Hissar who was going to Bikaner. He fell seriously ill on his way in Churu. He wrote a letter to his brother, to come for his aid, as he was in a very bad state. At night he dreamt of a Cow, who said to him that you saved my life, I will do the same to you. He had saved a cow caught in the quick sand. On waking up, the gentleman was completely cured.

Gather up all the greens, vegetable peels/remains, wheat / other flour etc. from your kitchen and serve these to the cows, then there will not be a need to incur additional expenses and the cows will be taken care off. The cows eat with great delight Green grass, long stringy vegetables (guvaar). How will the cows be pleased, how can she be made, these sentiments must remain within each of us. Things can be limited, but sentiments can be unlimited. By this service you will attain salvation. Do not sell your cows, or else it is likely they will end up in the slaughter house. It is difficult to take care of thousands of cows in one place, but if all householders keep one cow each, then easily the cows will be protected.

It is a grave sin to inject a cow for milk. Such milk should not even be consumed. Previously there were 36 crore animals, now in a count there were only 10 crore animals remaining. Do not use plastics. Plastics bags with food thrown in streets are often swallowed by street cows and many unknowingly eat the plastic and die. 12-13 kgs of plastic was found inside the dead cows. Therefore use paper bags and cloth bags. If the cows die from pain and suffering, all these manufacturers of plastic bags and everyone down the chain who is involved will have to share in the sin. Nowadays there is great misfortune for cows and hindus. Do not do family planning. Let the children be born, it is a sin to do family planning. Even in the western countries there is opposition to abortion. Whatever way cows and hindus are protected one must try, or else it will be a great loss. The void caused by family planning and not allowing human beings to be born, can never be filled.

From summary of discourse in hindi on October 28, 1998 at 8:30 a.m. by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram


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Shree Hari Ram Ram

We seek your thoughts on how general awareness can be increased regarding "cow protection". Swamiji said - Having the sentiments within each of us - that how will the cow be pleased, how can she be made happy etc. itself can work wonders. Things can be limited, but sentiments can be unlimited. By this service we can attain salvation.



Study Karnataka Cow Slaughter Ban Bill and see how it can be implemented in other States.

Increase awareness among Farm / Farm House owners, of the benefits of keeping cows on their farm.



please also read topic:

What should be Our Attitude towards Birds, Animals and Other Creatures ? /message/1671

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Dear Sadaks,COW and it `s benefits for humans and environment at large. Cow Aura affects humans to become Satvik and discards Rajo Guna. This can be tested and proved by medical science. Cow urine and waste are very good for killing bacterias. If a man consumes milk from one cow (Without mixing 2 or more cow milk), he becomes very strong in immune system against diseases. Refer from: Sri Krishna Karnamurtham. Spending more time with cow with love and affection and utmost care gives one occult powers (Siddhis) Ex: Sri Krishna, Vasista, Bala Yogi (great saint who appeared to people once in a year on Maha Shiva Rathri day of recent times) and few others. Inhaling Cow breath coming out, cures asthma, eye diseases, tooth problems, skin diseases. But if one causes suffering to cow, he will suffer the said diseases. The cows milk after delivery of calf if processed becomes semi solid like pudding. This if consumed cures Ulcer. There are much more, as moderator said to be brief, this stops herewith. Negative effects of Cow: If cow slaughtered, the man will have to undergo thousands of births as worms, insects that live on grass. After that hundreds of birth as grass to feed cow. If cow NOT taken care with good food like rich vegetables, plantains and plantain leaf with very clean water, not given bath daily, such person undergoes few births as a dweller on side of platform. Sadaks if properly reading this message, will give clear cause and effect. (Karma theory). People not having cow, should atleast say Namaste when seen. This action of Karma leads to knowledge, then to gyan by Sri Mahalakshmi power said to be seated in Cow. One day feeding a cow, gives NO starvation for one whole birth. One time stealing or depriving the food of cow, gives beggars life for 5 jalmas. As these Dharmas are NOT maintained in any country, the country may be rich but will have NO regards for Dharma, Parents love and affection, terrorism Etc. Ex: Muslim Countries from times of Akbar. If we form a very strong team of eminent persons who can face politicians and criminals with iron rod, you may not believe our country will have Ram Raj. A incident from Aanadha Ramayan: In brief:While Sri Rama And Lakshman was crossing a forest, they came across a dog suffering injury with bleeding. As THEY new that speaking knowledge of Animals taught by Sage vasista, Sri Rama asked the dog, "Who beat you". Dog, "The sanyas sitting over there". Sanyas said, "The dog was barking and disturbing and so he hit the dog with log". Sri Ram asked the dog" what punishment to sanyasin will satisfy you (Dog). The dog said, "Give the sanyasin next birth a Kartha managing a good temple". Sri Rama was surprised. The dog answered, " I was the temple manager in earlier birth, ate prasad first before giving to people, drank cow milk before abisek, robbed temple provisions and ended up now as a dog. So if this Sanyasin given same post, he will be born as dog in next birth and I will be as Sanyasin and I (Dog) perform the Karmic (Cause and effect) in beating the dog who will sanyasin then. Only then he will know my pain" said the dog.B.Sathyanarayan--

Dear Sadaks,With Refrance of Swamiji talk. Kerala will face soon drought and people will have boils on skin leading to Skin cancer very soon. In Mumbai the slaughter house cause, will destroy portion of Mumbai by earth going below ground level and water covering before 2012. Cause and effect.B.Sathyanarayan----------

Gita says no one can kill any one. Every one - man, woman or animal- are God's own form and He exists in each of them. Gita says God protects everyone and everyone is same to Him. Gita says that one should try to realize God through giving up ego and desires and by practising equinamity and love. Cow of for that matter any animal is the same God as any Man or woman is. So, I would interpret that Gita says you do not hurt any thing or anyone unless it is part of your Dharma. In the case of Cow, the same principle has to be followed. You get the best of nourishment from a cow through its milk. Cow is an important wealth created by God for the benefit of Man. Man should treat cow in this perspective. Man should keep the cow in absolute comfort and love cow as a friend or mother: cow does not harm man, rather cow gives many useful things to Man. One should consider cow as a giver to man and man should be grateful to Cow for this. One does not have to slaughter cow for one's benefit. Cow is willing to sacrifice her life and body for the benefit of man. That is how God has made cow.

Those who slaughter cows for food or other benefits, also should be grateful to the cow for her sacrifice.

When one is not grateful to the rice grain that one eats, the fruit one eats or the tree that yields the fruit or when onedoes not express sorry to the mosquito that one finishes with the clap of a hand or the fish one cooks on the frying pan, one is a real ignorant. When the ignorance goes, one does not become a killer or find any one else as killer - one and everyone are simply users of the creation of God irrespective of how they use these God-gifted resources including the cow. One then does not have to worry about who gets killed or murdered by whom and how: one then sees everything that is happening or what one oneself is doing as the act of God alone. We do not worship God or offend Him, He is far beyond all this. He is the only one creator, protector and destryer of each and of all beings and non-beings: we are just instruments of toys through which he gets certain things done. To realize his and practice this every moment of life is salvation, irrespective of whether one tries to please or displease a cow or anything else in this World.

Basudeb Sen




Cow slaughter ban bill passed in Karnataka Assembly


Amid uproarious scenes, Karnataka Assembly today passed the controversial cow slaughter ban Bill, which provides for stringent punishment for violaters and makes the offence cognisable and non-bailable. After more than a four-hour debate, the Bill was passed by voice-vote as the entire opposition -- Congress and JDS -- trooped into the well of the House and shouted anti-government slogans, branding the BJP government "communal".Leader of Opposition Siddaramaiah, who termed the legislation "draconian", "anti-secular" and "unconstitutional" tore a copy of the the Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle Bill, 2010 -- and threw it in the air.Earlier, Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa defended the Bill, saying it was aimed at protecting cows and preserve cattle in Karnataka. A number of states, including Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Jammu and Kashmir, already had similar legislation, he added.Cow slaughter ban is in force in Cuba and Iran, Yeddyurappa said, and highlighted the medicinal benefits of cow urine which have been proved by research. The bill prohibits slaughter of cattle, sale, usage and possession of beef, puts restriction on transport of cattle and also prohibits sale, purchase or disposal of cattle for slaughter.The offence is punishable with imprisonment not less than one year which may extend up to seven years or fined between Rs 25,000 to Rs 50,000 or both; second and subsequent offence would attract a fine of not less than Rs 50,000 up to Rs one lakh along with imprisonment penalty.The bill was intended to replace the Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Cattle Preservation Act, 1964, to prohibit the slaughter of cows and calves of she-buffaloes, bull, buffalo male or female.It is also aimed at preservation and improvement of the breeds of cattle and to endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry in terms of Article 48 of the Constitution.The bill provides for stringent punishment for violation of the act, and also provides for powers to search and seizure of any premises including vessel or vehicle.Home Minister V S Acharya said the bill was "in tune with the sentiments of the majority community", as per the election manifesto of the BJP, and the judgements of Supreme Court and High Court.Siddaramaiah said such a bill can be enacted only in "Hitler's regime" and not in democracy. "Is yours a Hitler's regime ?" he asked.The BJP Government, he charged, was thrusting "vegetarian culture" on the people, adding, if the bill was passed, the price of mutton per kg would shoot up to Rs 1,000 from the present Rs 260 or so.By this act, those dependent on the products such as shoes, leather, belts, nail polish, films, buttons and other beef products would lose their jobs. "You are making their life miserable", he said.As several opposition members flayed the bill in the debate that saw sparks fly, Siddaramaiah cautioned it would create "disturbance" in society and have an adverse impact on harmony.Defending the bill, C T Ravi (BJP) said there would be severe shortage of milk in Karnataka in future if the current rate of cow slaughter continued in the State.JDS leader H D Revanna said the BJP brought the bill keeping in view its "vote bank".Roshan Baig (Congress) expressed shock over the provision for a seven-year imprisonment in the act. "Don't try to implement hidden agenda", he told the BJP government, adding, the 1964 act was good enough.Qamarul Islam (Congress) said the bill would create "hatred" among different communities, leading to "law and order problems". Several opposition members argued it poor eat beef as this meat is affordable and inexpensive at around Rs 60 per kg, compared to chicken and mutton. The choice should be left to the people, they said. Thanks & Regards,PrafulKumar




Another argument is: "The concept of ahimsa (non-violence to other living entities) is impractical and unworkable, because even the simplest action can result in the death of millions of other living entities (germs, insects, etc.)."

This is another form of the fallacy known as the "black or white" fallacy, that is, the only solution to the problem are at the opposite ends of the two extremes. In other words, what they are saying is, "Because we cannot prevent the unintentional deaths of other living entities, therefore we should not even try. We should kill other life forms with willful abandon."

This is true demoniac mentality. This type of "philosophy" justifies the killing or exploiting of other life forms for the sake of personal gratification. For example, holding a "pigeon shoot" to raise funds for a charity, destroying a rainforest to clear land for grazing beef cattle, mowing down a meadow to make room for a shopping mall, subjecting animals to cruel testing procedures to ensure the safety of perfumes so that users may enhance their sexual attractiveness, or participating in so-called "sport" hunting so that a father and son may "bond"; all these activities, based on the exploitation of other living beings, deepens our implication in a life separate from our relationship with God and all of His creation.

Yes, there is an inevitable, unavoidable, and unintentional death of millions of life forms as we go about our daily business. But the purpose of ahimsa is to minimize killing, not to stop it. By being a vegetarian, we prevent the unnecessary slaughter of innocent creatures. By refusing to wear leather or fur, we diminish the suffering in this world. By refusing to use cosmetics or other products that have been tested on animals, we send a message to their manufacturers.

But the flesh-eater says, "You vegetarians aren't minimizing killing. You're just transferring it. Instead of killing animals, you're killing plants. In fact, a vegetarian kills more plants than a meat-eater kills animals! How many wheat plants had to be killed just to take the place of a pound of meat, which is just a small fraction of a cow?" This is an interesting point. The person who says this undoubtedly thinks of himself as an intelligent individual, carefully weighing the pros and cons of every argument, and comes to a conclusion by the use of careful logic and deductive reasoning. He also probably sees himself as open-minded, level-headed. .. a practical, yet compassionate person, but doesn't understand that wheat plants are already dried up when they are cut and harvested.

You will soon see, however, that his open-mindedness and his judicial "weighing of the facts" will go right out the window as soon as he sees that his sense gratification is threatened. In other words, his compassion ends where his taste buds begin. Educate him concerning the facts: You have to feed 16 pounds of grain and soybeans to a cow to produce one pound of edible beef. In other words, to produce 500 pounds of meat on a 700 pound cow requires that the cow consume 8,000 pounds of grains and soybeans. And you can feed many, many more people with 8,000 pounds of grains and beans than with the 500 pounds of beef. So, the killing of a cow entails not only the cow's death, but the death of all the plants that the cow ate during her lifetime. Therefore, if this person was truly sincere in his desire to minimize killing, even the killing of plants, he would become a vegetarian!

This "16-to-1" ratio concerning the wastefulness of meat production is a widely accepted fact. No one can deny it. Any beef producer will admit that he buys (or grows) far more pounds of feed for his cattle than what he sells as meat. Meat production is horribly wasteful. Meat feeds a few at the expense of many. Futurists predict that, as the population of the world grows, vegetarian diets will be the norm, since the limited resources of the planet will be unable to supply the demands required to produce meat. This is a major reason why India is able to grow its own food (and even export the excess)... because so many Indians are vegetarians. If they took to the wasteful American meat-centered diet, they would not be able to produce the grains and beans required to feed livestock destined for slaughter.

The above argument (concerning the wasteful 16-to-1 ratio of meat production) is a key argument in the ethical, ecological, and environmental arguments against meat-eating. In environmental matters, for instance, the largest culprit against the environment is the farm industry. Because it takes 16 times more food to feed cattle than what we receive in return, that means we are using 16 times more land than is necessary to produce food. And this land is mostly cleared forests and drained wetlands, which are growing in short supply, and are essential for the biological diversity of nature. While the US condemns Brazil for the destruction of the rainforest (at 60 acres a minute) for pastureland for beef cattle, the US is losing 12 acres of forest a minute, primarily to agriculture. The largest polluter of rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers (for water wells) is not the manufacturing industry, but the agriculture industry, by the runoff from chemical fertilizers, manure and pesticides. If farmland presently engaged in the production of livestock was reduced to 1/16th of the current usage (by switching to a vegetarian diet), everyone would still be fed, and the reduction of pollution would be enormous.

Furthermore, there is the shortage of water. In drought-stricken California, they are concerned about the lack of water. In fact, the mighty Colorado River no longer reaches the ocean... it is used up before it gets there, primarily for irrigation of grains and soybeans... to feed beef cattle. According to the US Department of Agriculture, more than half of the water that is used in the United States is used for livestock production.

This is an era of dwindling natural resources, especially fossil fuels (petroleum). It is such a concern that the US was willing to engage Iraq in war to preserve America's access to the oil in the Persian Gulf region. It is interesting to note the findings of the US Department of Commerce: 33% of all raw materials used in the US are devoted to the production of livestock. Again, this is not just for raising livestock, but includes the growing of grains and beans to feed the livestock. It is estimated that it takes 2 calories of fossil fuels to produce 1 calorie of protein from soybeans. But it takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of protein from beef. If only one fifth of the people in the US were vegetarian, the US would no longer need to depend on imported oil. Although many Christians will say that a vegetarian diet is "un-American" , the fact of the matter is that a person who is sincerely concerned for the United States (in other words, a true patriot) would become a vegetarian!

The powerful meat industry has a feeble "response" to this damning data. Here it is: "The food that is fed to the animals is not fit for human consumption. " This is true, but it is not the whole truth. It is a clever way of misleading the public. It is not fit for human consumption because of the way it is processed after harvesting, with no sanitary measures. Once it is bought for animal feed, it is processed differently. But the crops in the field are certainly fit! 95% of the oats grown in the US are fed to livestock. Are we to naively believe that only 5% "meets the grade" for human consumption?

And then consider the ethical argument: it is estimated that 20,000,000 people per year die of malnutrition throughout the world. Yet if Americans would just reduce their intake of meat by only 10%, the amount of land, water, and energy freed could produce enough vegetarian food to feed 60,000,000 people annually.

Last, but not least, meat is unnecessary. There is no nutrient in meat that is not found in a vegetarian diet. The medical community constantly reminds us to cut down on meat intake. In fact, the only persons encouraging the increase of meat consumption is the American Meat Industry Board. Why do you think that is?

After presenting these arguments, you will soon see how open-minded your debate opponent really is. If meat is 1) wasteful, 2) unethical, 3) hazardous to health, 4) detrimental to the environment, and, most of all, 5) completely unnecessary, how can one justify it's use as a foodstuff? If one engages in such activities, simply to gratify his own senses, and these activities inflict pain on other sentient life forms, one can be sure that this is a prime example of demoniac mentality. "Those persons with the mentality of demons do not know what is to be done, and what is prohibited. They ignore proper behavior as well as truth... these foolish persons engage in useless, unbeneficial activities meant for the pain and destruction of the world." (Bhagavad-Gita 16.7,9)


"Hindus worship the cow."

Again, this is an attempt to judge one culture by the standards of another. But there is no "cow goddess" in any Hindu pantheon. They probably get this idea from seeing travelogues about India, and seeing the cows freely wandering the streets. Hindus have reverence for all forms of life; the cow just stands out in these scenes because of its large size. It is somewhat similar to the American habit of dogs running loose in the cities and parks of the US. What with this, and dog shows, sections of the supermarket devoted to the family dog, and the outrage from the typical American when he learns that some Orientals actually eat dogs... why, you would think that Americans worship the dog!

The cow and bull do have a special place in the hearts of Hindus. Because the cow gives milk, she is considered to be one of the mothers of man (along with the natural mother, the nurse, Mother Earth, etc.). And because the bull (and ox) plow the fields and thereby help produce food grains, he is considered to be one of the fathers of mankind.





The Importance of the Cow in Vedic Culture

By Subramanian Swamy

Our West-influenced intellectuals sneer at the mention of the cow. The sameintellectuals first sneered at yoga. Now it is a fashion to do pranayama atcocktail parties The arguments in the West for cow slaughter are no moreuncontested. They also sneered at our sanyasis as `godmen'. Now they flockto ashrams with their white friends ever since the Beatles. Who knows, theymay soon have a cow in their backyards.

India has 150 million cows, each of them giving an average of less than 200litres of milk per year. If they could be fed and looked after, they cangive 11,000 litres, as Israeli cows do. That would provide milk for thewhole world. The milk we produce today is the cheapest in the world. Withenhanced production we could become the world's largest exporter of milk andit could be India's biggest foreign exchange earner.For those of us who are desi by pedigree and conviction, I place some factsabout the cow in the perspective of modern Hindutva.The cow was elevated to divinity in the Rig Veda. In Book VI, Hymn XXVIIIattributed to Rishi Bhardwaja extols the virtue of the cow. In Atharva Veda(Book X, Hymn X), the cow is formally designated as Vishnu, and `all thatthe Sun surveys'.Indian society has addressed the cow as gow mata. The Churning of the Seaepisode brings to light the story of the creation of the cow. Five divineKamadhenus (wish cows), viz, Nanda, Subhadra, Surabhi, Sushila, Bahulaemerged in the churning.Thousands of names in our country are cow-related: Gauhati, Gorakhpur, Goa,Godhra, Gondiya, Godavari, Goverdhan, Gautam, Gomukh, Gokarna, Goyal, Gocharetc.They signify reverence for the cow, and our abiding faith that the cow isAnnapurna.In 2003, the National Commission on Cattle under Justice G. M. Lodha submittedits recommendations to the NDA government. The report called for stringentlaws to protect the cow and its progeny in the interest of the ruraleconomy, a constitutional requirement under Directive Principles of StatePolicy. Article 48 of the Constitution says: `The State shall endeavour toorganise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines andshall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds,and prohibiting the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draughtcattle'. During the First War of Independence in 1857, when Bahadur Shah`Zafar' was installed as emperor by the Hindus in Delhi for a brief period,his Hindu prime minister, on the emperor's proclamation, made cow killing acapital offence. In Maharaja Ranjit Singh's kingdom, the only crime thatinvited capital punishment was cow slaughter.The cow, according to the Vedas, provides four products for human use: (i)Godugdha (cow milk): As per Ayurveda, cow milk has fat, carbohydrates,minerals and Vitamin B, and even a capacity for body resistance to radiationand for regenerating brain cells. (ii) Goghruta (ghee): The best ghee, itis, as per Ayurveda useful in many disorders. In yajna, it improves theair's oxygen level. (iii) Gomutra (urine): Eight types of urine are used formedicinal purpose nowadays, among which cow urine is held to be the best.The Americans are busy patenting it. It has anti-cancer, anti-bacterial,anti-fungal and antioxidant properties.It has immune-modulator properties, which makes it useful for immunedeficiency diseases. In the classics there are many references to cow urineas a drug of choice. Even the Parsis follow this practice.Lastly, (iv), Gomaya (dung) is considered as valuable as Gomutra and used topurify the environment, as it has radium and checks radiation effects.Ancient Hindu wisdom on the medicinal properties of cow urine is borne outby two patents granted in the US for cow urine distillate (Patent numbers6410059 and 6896907).Even China has granted the distillate a patent as a DNA protector. A globalpatent has been granted for cow urine, neem and garlic as a pest repellentand for fungicidal and growth promoting properties for different crops (WHO2004/ 087618A1). A US patent has been granted for strains from Sahiwal cowmilk for plant growth promoter phytopathogenic fungi controlling activity,abiotic stress tolerating capability, phosphatic solubilisation capability,etc. And CSIR has filed for a US patent for amrit pani, a mixture of cowdung, cow urine and jiggery, for soil health improvement properties.These claims were initially made in the Charaka Samhita, Sushrut, Vaghbhatiand Nighantu, Ratnakar, etc. They prove the utility of cow dung and urinefor sustainable agriculture as well as for disease prevention.The arguments in the West for cow slaughter are no more uncontested. Thereare better sources of protein than beef. Any dietician's chart shows thatbeef with 22 per cent protein ranks below soya-bean (43), groundnut (31) andpulses (24 per cent). One kilogram of beef takes seven kg of crops and 7,000kg of water to produce.Thus cow protection makes economic and ecological sense. Swami DayanandaSaraswati, convenor of the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha, has argued thatnon-vegetarianism indirectly contributes heavily to greenhouse gases andother pollution.He quotes a UN report from 2006 that says, "Raising animals for meat as foodgenerates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the worldcombined". Ten of billions of animals farmed for food release gases such asmethane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide through their massive amounts ofmanure. "The released methane", the report says, "has 23 times the globalwarming potential of CO2". For these animals to graze, virgin forests arecleared. The livestock industry also needs vast stretches of land to raisemono-crops to feed the animals. The CO2 that the trees and plants storeescapes into the air when they are destroyed.Growing fodder implies heavy use of synthetic fertilizers produced withfossil fuels.While this process emits a huge amount of CO2, the fertilizer itselfreleases nitrous oxide (3) -- a greenhouse gas that is 296 times more potentthan CO2. Alarming though these facts are, all that people have to do is toavoid red meat. There will be no need to breed millions of animals for dailyslaughter. The animal population will consequently decline.A single individual by not consuming meat prevents the equivalent of 1.5tonnes of CO2 emissions in a year. This is more than the one tonne of CO 2prevented by switching from a large sedan to a small car.So there are a number of reasons to be a vegetarian. People who eat meatthink a pure vegetarian diet is optional. But now they have no choice ifthey are alive to what is happening to this life-bearing planet. There is nojustification for eating meat, given the devastating consequences for theplanet.A new fervour for a cow renaissance is necessary. It is constitutional (for India) andwe should defend it with all our might. About The Author; Subramanian Swamy is a former Union minister.


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Cow Urine Can Cure Many DiseasesBy Dr. Virender Kumar Jain The cow is a mobile medical dispensary. It is the treasure of medicines.Cow urine therapy is capable of curing many curable and incurable diseases.The holy texts, like Atharva Veda, Charaka Samhita, Rajni Ghuntu,Vridhabhagabhatt, Amritasagar, Bhavaprakash, Sushruta Samhita, etc.,contain beautiful description about the medicinal benefits of cowurine. Cow Urine Treatment and Research Center, Indore has conducted alot of research over the past few years and reached the conclusion thatit is capable of curing diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis,eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, AIDS, piles,prostrate, arthritis, migraine, thyroid, ulcer, acidity, constipation,gynecological problems, ear and nose problems and several otherdiseases.The analysis of cow urine has shown that it contains nitrogen, sulphur,phosphate, sodium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron, silicon, chlorine,magnesium, melci, citric, titric, succinic, calcium salts, Vitamin A,B, C, D, E, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, hormones and gold.A person falls ill when there is deficiency or excess of thesesubstances inside the body. Cow urine contains all of these substances,which are naturally present in the human body. Therefore consumption ofcow urine maintains the balance of these substances and this helps cureincurable diseases.The Indian culture gives special place to the cow. All the 330 million

gods have cow as their prime temple (alldevas reside in the cow). Deva means to give, the strength to give, theability to give more and take the minimum. This is known as Devata. Thecow takes very less from us and gives us more. Therefore the Indianpeople have shown this with the help of strict devotion and dedication.Thus the cow has a prominent place in the Indian life and economy.Wealth, religion, enjoyment and salvation are accomplished with theservice of the cow. The Indian farmer used to be known as king, or thegiver of grains, due to the tradition developed in India thousands ofyears back. Our entire life is dependent on the cow.The whole world takes the cow as their mother. The reason is that thebirth-giving mother gives milk to its child only for one or two years,but the mother cow gives milk throughout its life, which is likenectar. A black cow is tied in the Shiva temple, and when we see theShiva along with the black cow then we are able to overcome the maleficeffects of planets in our natal horoscope. When we see the ankles ofthe cow we protect ourselves from sudden deaths. Circumambulating thecow is equivalent to visiting all of the holy places. As the peepaltree and tulasi plant give oxygen, similarly the cow is the only animalwhich purifies the air. If one spoon of pure ghee is poured on burningcow dung (in homa) then they can produce one-ton of pure air, thereforeghee made with cow milk is used in sacrificial fires and havans. Thereis no better method to remove pollution.Cow milk, butter, ghee and buttermilk are like nectar. The cow dung is not faeces, but apurifier. It helps produce the best quality grains, fruits, andvegetables when used as manure. Cow urine is a divine medicine and is anatural pesticide for crops. Pure ghee made with cow milk poured onburning cow cakes dung, produces a smoke that subsides the effect ofpoisonous gas. Cow urine contains copper, which is converted into goldinside the human body. It removes all toxicity. Drinking cow milk givesstrength and increases the pure qualities in the human mind.The horns and back hump of the cow are like two powerful pyramids. Wereceive the strengths of the stars and sun through the medium of cowdung, milk, curd, ghee, etc. The place where the cow is tied does notproduce any vastu related ill effects. If there is any malefic effectof any planet, serving the cow with chapatti and jaggery calms down themalefic effect.The following are some of my personal experiences treating people with cow urine therapy. A person wassuffering with cancer and had been told that they would not survive forlong; cow therapy was done on many such cases. Out of the manypatients, who were suffering with cancer for the last 4 years, many arenow leading a healthy life. In the same way, a diabetes patient who wastaking insulin and having a sugar level of 488 or 420 did not have thenecessity to take insulin after the treatment of cow urine. In the sameway AIDS, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, blood pressure, heart disease,prostrate, piles, etc., also have been cured with this treatment.

Premchand Rathore was suffering from asthma and isnophilia. He hadpalpitations and cough along with phlegm. He is now enjoying a healthylife after taking cow urine therapy. The cough and phlegm reduced. Mrs.Sharda Jalani was having varicose veins and dysmenorrhea. She used tohave swollen nerves, pain, and swelling as soon as she used to stand upand it was very painful at the time of menses. She was advised toundergo operation for both of these problems. But she went for cowurine therapy and is now healthy. Omprakash Paul suffered a heartattack. He had high levels of cholesterol and chest pain. After takingcow urine therapy he is able to walk up to four kilometers, he does notget chest pain and his cholesterol level is also normal. ChandmalGurjar suffered with cancer of the food pipe four years back, he couldnot take liquids also. Now he is able to eat and drink properly, he ishealthy and working in the rice fields. There are thousands of peoplewho have recovered from serious diseases after taking this therapy.Today many AIDS patients are taking cow urine therapy. People who weresuffering with migraine and headache for the past 15 years haverecovered within six months of taking this therapy. In the past fewyears the Cow Urine Treatment and Research Center, Indore has treated150,000 people. Out of the total patients 85 to 90 percent were alsosuffering from constipation. There is an old saying that if the stomachis clean half of the diseases get cured automatically. The patientstaking cow urine therapy are able to enjoying sound heath within onemonth of this therapy.Sushma Khurana had a thyroid complaint.Before taking this therapy her T3 level was 4, T4 was 15, TSH was 0.2.After six months of this treatment T4 was 9.97, TSH was 1.35 and todayshe is free of this problem. This therapy is also beneficial in thecase of eczema, ringworm, itching and other skin problems. Old eczemapatients have gained a lot from this therapy. Also school and collegeaged children can be free from the menace of pimples and acne with thissimple therapy.Chemical composition of distilled cow urine:Nitrogen (N2, NH2): Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant ofurinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic. Sulphur (S): Supports motion in large intestines. Cleanses blood. Ammonia (NH3): Stabilize bile, mucous and air of body. Stabilizes blood formation. Copper (Cu): Controls built up of unwanted fats. Iron (Fe): Maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells & haemoglobin. Stabilises working power. Urea CO(NH2)2: Affects urine formation and removal. Germicidal. Uric Acid (C5H4N4O3): Removes heart swelling or inflammation. It is diuretic therefore destroys toxins. Phosphate (P): Helps in removing stones from urinary track. Sodium (Na): Purifies blood. Antacid. Potassium (K): Cures hereditary rheumatism. Increases appetite. Removes muscular weakness and laziness. Manganese (Mn): Germicidal, stops growth of germs, protects against decay due to gangrene. Carbolic acid (HCOOH): Germicidal, stops growth of germs and decay due to gangrene. Calcium (Ca): Blood purifier, bone strengthener, germicidal.


Salt (NaCl): Decreases acidic contents of blood, germicidal. VitaminsA, B, C, D, E: Vitamin B is active ingredient for energetic life andsaves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductiveingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst,strengthens bones and reproductive power. Other Minerals: Increase immunity. Lactose (C6H12O6): Gives satisfaction. , strengths heart, removes thirst and nervousness. Enzymes: Make healthy digestive juices, increase immunity. Water (H2O): It is a life giver. Maintains fluidity of blood, maintains body temperature. Hipuric acid (CgNgNox): Removes toxins through urine. Creatinin (C4HgN2O2): Germicide. Aurum Hydroxide (AuOH): It is germicidal and increases immunity power. AuOH is highly antibiotic and anti-toxic.


Namaste~~~India has 30 per cent of the world's cattle. There are 26 distinctive breeds of cow in India. The hump, long ears and bushy tail distinguish the Indian cow.In ancient India, oxen and bulls were sacrificed to the gods and their meat was eaten. But even then the slaughter of milk-producing cows was prohibited. Verses of the Rigveda refer to the cow as Devi (goddess), identified with Aditi (mother of the gods) herself. Some scholars believe the tradition came to Hinduism through the influence of strictly vegetarian Jainism. But the cow continued to be especially revered and protected among the animals of India. The five products (pancagavya) of the cow â€" milk, curds, ghee butter, urine and dung â€" are all used in puja (worship) as well as in rites of extreme penance. The milk of the family cow nourishes children as they grow up, and cow dung (gobar) is a major source of energy for households throughout India. Cow dung is sometimes among the materials used for a tilak - a ritual mark on the forehead.It is said Mahatama Gandhi became a vegetarian because he felt cows were ill-treated.

In the Mahabharath we have Bhishma saying: "Cows represent sacrifice. Without them, there can be no sacrifice…Cows are guileless in their behaviour and from them flow sacrifices…and milk and curds and butter. Hence cows are sacred..."

Bhishma also observes that the cow acts as a surrogate mother by providing milk to human beings for the whole life. So the cow is truly the mother of the world.

aruna singh


shree hariram ramPlease see Swamiji's message from a lecture (don't know the year). He hasspoken on many occassions about the cow being sacred, however, this lecture ismore on "Killing of Cows" and what we are all capable of doing only due todesire for enjoyment of pleasures and accumulation of wealth (i.e. DESIRE ANDGREED). The two of the three gates to hell - desire, greed, anger.Meera dasRam RamENGLISH TRANSLATION FROM A LECTURE: BY SWAMI RAMSUKHDASJIKilling of CowsIt is a very sad thing that in our Country there is killing of cows going on ina very large scale. In the last 10-12 years, the killing in Calcutta and inKerala, is happening on a very large scale. The minister of Kerala had saidthat in the last twelve months in our state more than 14 lakh cows have beenslaughtered. He said, that we do not kill the cows from our own State; we areslaughtering those cows that are brought here from others States ! In Mumbai,Devanaar slaughter house, bulls are slaughtered. According to the law, only oldbulls can be killed, but in Mumbai, even youthful, young bulls are slaughtered -we have visited that place. There is unrighteouness that is definitely going onin this act, but along with act that unrighteousness that is going on in theentire country.Both food and clothing come from farming. Where farming is done using bulls andcows, it is OK, but where machinery is used, many scholars have said that theresources such as petroleum, gas, diesel etc. will be exhausted in approximatelytwo to three decades. At that time this automation will be of limited use. Right now, coming under the sway of this machinery, you are neglecting the bullsand cows. You are destroying them, but when this equipment will no longer beuseful and there are no more cows and bulls, then what will be the condition ! How will farming be done ? Without farming, how will you get food and clothing? Without food and clothing, how will life be sustained ? In Rajasthan in manyplaces, the bulls are used for drawing water from wells. When these bulls aredestroyed, how will you get water? It is a very great dilemma, but brothers weare not paying attention towards such things. How much thoughtless activity(anarth) is taking place, we are simply not aware of such things.When we tell the younger and older children, to study, but they do not have thesame level of interest and engagement in studying, that they have in playing andhaving fun. In the same way, you too are engaged in playing, not in deep study.It is a grave mistake that right now you are not instrospecting on your future. In the future the mistakes will be so paramount, that it will become verydifficult to put your hands around it. We have seen in the Devanar slaugherhouse in Mumbai, where flocks and flocks of cattle are there at a distance, andfew men are revolting and striking against these hideous acts to not allow thebulls to be slaughtered. The police catch the men and drive them off to otherlocations. The bulls are then taken inside and slaughtered. Now people are notstanding up for the rights of these animals. Like those who are in deepslumber, they too are sleeping. When a young girl becomes a widow, the motherworries, because the mother sees to her future that is unknown to the younggirl. Similar misfortune is happening in our country today. It is a gravemistake. But for earning money and for accumulation of things, and due togreed, men have become blind and are intensely engaged in killing cows. Theyhave no idea what they will do with all that money ? But leaving that moneybehind they will die someday, that you, I and every one else knows. Whatdifference does it make whether we leave 10-20 lakhs or 1 - 2 crores of rupeesbehind or even more behind. When the eyes are permanently shut, there isnothing there. But today, our attention does not go to that, we are not alertas to what the condition of the country will be ? Even the government is notthinking about this. All we are thinking is that simply anyhow we must getmoney. The greed for money has made man so blind - there is no end in sight !In my understanding, just as the dependency on God can lead a man to his salvation, similarly, dependency on wealth, can lead a man to hell and trappedin the birth and death cycles of 8.4 million different wombs. It is not themoney itself, but the dependence on money, reliance on money, greed for money,attachment to money, fondness of money which are all the root causes of one'sdownfall. There is no other mistake, no other fault, no other flaw, no othersin, no other sorrow, no other type of envy or jealousy, no other remorse orsuffering, that is not resulting from the greed for money. All the sorrow thatexists, all is resulting from greed for money only. If one sacrifices thisgreed and utilizes this money for good causes then this wealth of yours will bea success. Your life will be a success and this world will also be relieved ofit's problems. One day, all this wealth will leave you, but that will notbenefit you in your salvation. If salvation is through parting at time ofdeath, then all who were dying would have attained salvation, because theirwealth, their estates, their family, their power, etc. all would separate fromthem. But with that, he does not get released from bondage. Freedom comes fromrenouncing from within. Greed is within and the money is on the outside. Themoney is not at fault. The greed for money, the love and fondness for money,the intense longing for wanting more and more money - these tendencies are thecause of the most senseless and improper acts. Therefore divine souls ! If youbecome alert and careful then it will be a very good thing. Within thirty yearswe would have grown up and become somewhat old but what thoughts and concernshave you had for the upcoming generations ? What will be their state of affairs? It is definitely something to think about. But man simply does not take along term view in these things ! For how long will this Government position(elected chair) that you are holding last ? On the other hand, there is noattention at all to thoughtless acts that will weigh heavy on you later on. Butwho to explain this to? Who to share this with ?Therefore brother, become alert ! Come to your senses and think for yourselfthat what will be the state of affairs of the Country ? A lot of wealth (cowsand other cattle) has already been destroyed. If now you save it, then some canstill be saved.Simply for the greed of money you are trading in leather, meat, cows, bullsetc., as these can generate more income and wealth for you. Separating meat,bones, blood, tongue, intestines, horns, nails, liver, heart, skin, etc so thatyou can get more money. As the cow nears the slaughter house, it's priceincreases ten folds. Simply for the greed of money, this killing of cows istaking place.There are three gates to hell that have been described - desire, anger, andgreed. Of these, the greatest gate to hell is enjoyment of pleasures and greedfor accumulation of wealth. Therefore it is my sincere prayer that simplyawaken ! What can you do ? Do not utilize leather, and one more thing, everyfamily member must daily keep aside a handful of food item for the protectionof the cows and donate it to a gaushala (shed that cares for and protects cows)etc. This point has been expressed by me, contrary to my nature. If you putthis point to use, then it will be very good, and if you don't then the choiceis yours. There are many such points, you all can contemplate more on them.FROM: LECTURE BY SWAMI RAMSUKHDASJIRam Ram--------------------------------

HARI OMThe entire discussion on COW started when a Saadhak Brother askedquestions as to why Cow is sacred when Horse and Dog are more clever!His next observation was as to why we are in favour of Cow when weget milk from Goats, Buffallo and even camel ? The questioner did notremember where did he read but he felt that in one religiousceremony a Bull was slaughtered under the superintendence of LordKrishna himself - he felt that after that the cows have reduced innumber. He also wondered reg the roaming around of Cows on thestreets and eating rubbish.A lot of brothers have since responded to the utility of cow and evenfull text of Swamiji's views on the subject has been given. I hopethe questioner now has no doubts in his mind reg the utility of HolyCow.As regards the cleverness- it is only a negative trait. Why Dog andHorse- fox is also very clever, what about spiders or dolphin orwolves ! How cleverness can be a yardstick of "sacredness"? It hasno co relation of any sort with sacredness!As regards slaughtering of a Bull during a Lord Krishna organisedceremony let me state that I have also been a reader of scriptures, Ican say I am a regular and intense reader. At least I have never readanywhere the instance referred. Even if it is true - how it isrelevant?For God there is no birth or death concepts. Divinity has totallydifferent modus operandi, we mortals have no immediate wisdom todecipher them out as quickly as done here.Sacrifices have beenpractised in the past by all communities including Hindus. Now theywere totally different aspects and methods of Karma. Who was thevehicle of the elder brother of Lord Krishna- the Balraam? Oneshould therefore give basis or reference of any observation! Anything based on mere remembrance should not be thrown for discussion.Where is the shortage of Milk? Had milk been in short supply couldyou and me have survived till date? Could our children havesurvived? The first thing which you taste in life is milk!It is not a question of shortage or abundance- it is a question ofour duty and responsibility towards the cow !Now the last observation. Cows roaming on streets and eating rubbish!That is the challenge thrown by God to the entire humanity. Here isthe animal whose entire life was devoted to the welfare of humanbeings. Here is the animal whose preservation and care even Lordused to do! That animal is found loitering by you. Here you have aduty which is not alone shedding tears. Do whatever best you can doto the cause of protection of cows. Do something. Be confident sheis loitering to attract your attention and to encourage you toproceed towards the divinity. From God's side there is no dearth orshortage. She is teaching you the lessons as to what is your duty!She is not actually as poor as you are considering her to be- fromdivine point of view. All Gods and Demi Gods are residing in her.Goddess Laxmi is residing in her dung! She is playing a role onbehalf of God ! Just as a film star plays the role , she is alsoplaying the role on behalf of God! To see as to how and whoresponds! Therefore We worship her. Therefore we call herto be sacred. Therefor she is given a stature as high as of Mother!Hope the questioner is fully clear now!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


Shree HariRam RamPriya sadhak, prasana ke liye dhanyavad!Swamiji Maharaj has explained "Why cow is so sacred" very beatifullyin Sadhaka Sanjivani (Ref: Gita 18-44, page 1947 in English). Some ofthe points from the commentary are:1. In the materialistic world of today, a cow is very useful. Hermilk, ghee and cow-dung add to the wealth of a nation. India beingprimarily an agricultural country, bullocks are used to plough theland. The land can also be ploughed by male-buffaloes or camels.Buffaloes cannot work so efficiently as bullocks because the bullockshave more sattvic strength, they can work for a longer time in thesun compared to buffaloes. Camels cost lot more than the bullocks.2. The grains produced by cow-dung and urine of the cows as manureare considered pure. Dung and urine of cows make the land morefertile as compared to chemical fertilizers as has been learnt byconducting experiments. Chemical fertilizers destroy the fertility ofland in a few years and make it barren. Cow-dung is being exported toforeign countries so that the lost fertility of the land may berestored3. Cows of India are gentle and sattvic in nature. Their sattvic milksharpens the intellect and makes the nature of the person mild.Foreign cows give more milk but they are angry by nature, their milkmakes one cruel. A she-buffalo gives more milk than a cow but hermilk is of rajasic nature. Those who drink cow's milk are more activethan those who drink a she-buffalo's milk. Once an experiment wasconducted on military horses, it was found that horses fed on cow-milk could cross a river while the horses fed on buffalo-milk couldnot do though the later seemed stronger. The milk of she-camel beingof tamasic nature is not useful and it is not used to curd and butter.4. Cow occupies an important place in performing all religious rites.Her milk, ghee and dung are used in performing rites and ceremoniesat birth, tonsure and sacred thread. Cow-dung purifies the places toowhere these rites are performed. Cow's milk is used in preparingsweet dishes which are offered to Brahmans, in honor of manes. When acow is offered to a Brahman it is considered as a punya or highmerit. Also cow's ghee is used in religious sacrifices which areperformed to satisfy desires.5. The cow is a sacred animal, even the air which touches her bodybecomes pure. Her dung and urine, check epidemics such as plague andcholera. Houses plastered with cow-dung are not so much affected bybombs as the cemented houses. Cow-dung eliminates poison. InVaranasi, there was a case of a saint saving a man who was supposedto be dead by a snake-bite, just by smearing the body with cow-dungtwo times. Urine of cow is very useful in heart diseases. A littlequantity of urine of a she-calf, as a dose everyday cures stomachdiseases. A saint suffering from asthma had a lot of relief bydrinking a little urine of the she-calf. These days several medicinesare prepared from cow-dung and urine of cows. Cooking gas is madefrom cow-dung also.6. Service to the cow without expectation of any reward leads topurification of heart and enables eventually one to achievesalvation. Lord Krishana is known as Gopala because He staged a humanplay as a cowherd with bare feet. In ancient times in India sagesreared cows so that they could have nourishment from the cow's milk & ghee to sharpen their intellect. Because of the sharp intellects,they could create such great and rare classic literature. Cow's milkand butter provided them with longevity, great emperors went to thesesages for expert advice on complex matters related to their kingdoms.7. In Indian historical records, innumerable names are mentioned whosacrifices their lives for the protection of cows. But today, it issad plight that thousands of cows are slaughtered daily, out of greedonly. If this state of affairs continues, cows will totallydisappear. Then of course cow-dung will not be available. Without cow-dung land will go barren and there will not be production of corn,wheat and cotton. People will be deprived of the bare necessities oflife, such as food & clothing and they will have a miserable life.Slaughter of cows is the main cause of increasing number of naturaldisasters such as famine, droughts, volcanoes etc.Ram RamHumble regards,Madan kaura----

Respected friend,

I am most touched by this and I wish we all realised that the mere act ofstroking a cow can cure you. Animal assisted therapy including cows is nowcommon in the West but we have forgotten it in India where it firstdeveloped thousands of years ago.

After a lifetime of helping humans with Her milk, quite often by deprivingthe calf of its share, we treat Her with great disdain. Even during her"productive" years, we inject Her with oxytocin to induce uterinecontractions and increase her milk yield at great expense to the cow'shealth and causing great pain and distress.

I am sure you know what happens when the cow stops giving milk. We abandonHer or sell Her to the butcher. She is transported great distances inoverloaded and crowded conditions with no food and water. She is thencruelly slaughtered and Her skin ripped off.

Every time we drink milk today and wear leather, we desecrate Her.

If we do not eat Her flesh, how come we wear Her skin which is so cruellyobtained?

Cows donated to temples by ignorant "believers" are auctioned to thebutchers.

Even the Rig Veda frowns on milk drinking.

The solution is simple - go vegan and avoid all animal products.

It is good for your health; it is good for the environment and it iscertainly good for Go Mata.

Warm regards.

Dr. S. Chinny Krishna------------


The symbol of spring time, innocence and fertility,

CONDEMN BUNNY MURDER... THAT are specially bred to be killed for FUR


--------------------It is interesting to see how much we care about theHoly Cow.........Some pictures enclosedThis situation can be generalised at least in the cities.Sushil Jain(From moderator - The group does not allow posting of pictures.Sadhaka had enclosed pictures of weak,under nourished cows rummagingthrough garbage cans and trash containers with plastic bags andother hazardous materials)---Cow is a character and this character is source of all conduct. Ifyou find a person who is of noble character, all aspects of his/herwork is undoubtly good. The work and product need not be checked. Isearched / found good people and it never faulted, but when I lookedat exhibition of work by some one who tried to impress me, I did notsuceeed with them. Be a cow man, not milk man.regardsK GKrishna Gopal--------------------------------Cow is holy because the Vedas and the vedic literaure says so.Krishna says: krushi gauraksha vaaNijyam vaishya karama svabhaavajam.It is dharma to keep cows, especially for the merchantile people,for the benefit of the society.The Vedic people need to give higher prices for the cow milk andmilk products in order to encourage farmers to keep cows and makethe business attractive for them. Thus by engaging in cow seva wecan continue to make milk and milk products available.jai sri krishna!-sv(Suresh Vyas)--------------------------------

Ram RamThis topic reminded me of another related important topic of milk.The Lotus Trust charity are running a campaign for Ahimsa Milk, but for this to happen the demand for Organic Milk must increase. This is the first step towards cruelty-free milk. You may look us up on the web. Many thanks.

Varun Anand Ram Ram


Hari Om !Prmit and accept Obesiance at your feet!Your thoughts sir are welcome and valued but what worries me is "WhyCow.",Buffalo,goat,and even camel render milk and are drunk profuselyWhy are we in india ,logically in favour of COW.Horse and Dog in fact are much clever animals.Please donot mind this very simple sounding question.Am not able to locate but have read it some where that at times ofLord Krishna 'Best Bull of the family was sacrificed when anyImportant dignitary of the Country /State visited the locality.Onlywhen thus BEST BREED of the animal began to get extinguished andshortage of milk began taking place did then authorities realise tosave the COW and began propagating it Breed of Cows in India sincethen has not improved After its utility many leave it to roam thestreets eating some times rubbish ,That is a sorry state!Submitted in all humility!RDKBut for that no other logic seems to have been put forthPlease enlighten"RonDev Kohli"----

Cow is just another animal - an animal very very useful to man. Let us stop at that. Don't make it a 'mata'. Hinduism has enough superstitions and myths already. Let us not add to that.

Changarath Vikram


|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

31st March 2010, Tuesday, Vaishaka Krishna Pratipada, BudhvarVikram Samvat 2067, Sri Krishna Samvaat 5236

The cow is the Mother of this world. The mother that gives birth to a child feeds milk for the initial years, but the Cow feeds us milk for the rest of our lives. Even at time of death, curd (yoghurt) made of Cow's milk is given. She is the mother, and grand-mother, and great grand-mother from both sides of the family. She gives milk to all. She is the mother of this entire world. She is the protector. At one place some thieves broke into the farm house, a cow in the farm chased them away. Just as mother protects, likewise she protects, she fosters, she loves, she caresses. By remembering "Gau Mata" (Mother Cow), the inner-being (antahkaran) is purified. By petting, stroking a cow, many incurable diseases are cured. If you think it proper, do it and see for yourself. By protecting the cows, we are naturally protected. Nowadays, people have stopped wanting to know about the greatness of cows. By the grace of Cows, both this life and beyond is improved. By Mother Cow's grace, the impossible become possible.

Cows have immense strength. If they are made happy, if they are made pleased, then she provides all kinds of happiness and protection. If one sincerely and honestly takes care of a cow, then for its upkeep and maintenance, there will be no shortage of any resources. With your heart, try it and see for yourself. You keep one-two cows in your backyard, than very easily they will be taken care off. Nowadays, people's sentiments have really diminished regarding cows. Mother Cows bestows all four – Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha. The medicines made from Cow urine, has significant benefits.

He who destroys cows, they will be destroyed. This incident happened during the reign of the Britishers. The hindus and muslims were fighting, when some very strong muslim men were returning after wrangling. They caught hold of a cow, thinking they would kill and cook it. They asked one of the men to hold on to the cow, while they went to get supplies for the feast. The man felt sympathy and released the cow. The five men were later caught and ordered to be hung. All died, except the one who had saved the cow. The cow came and stood under the rope where he was hanging from and by the support of her horns, the man was saved. This is a real incident.

Real incidents were shared in the "Kalyan Prakashit." There was a Brahmin from Hissar who was going to Bikaner. He fell seriously ill on his way in Churu. He wrote a letter to his brother, to come for his aid, as he was in a very bad state. At night he dreamt of a Cow, who said to him that you saved my life, I will do the same to you. He had saved a cow caught in the quick sand. On waking up, the gentleman was completely cured.

Gather up all the greens, vegetable peels/remains, wheat / other flour etc. from your kitchen and serve these to the cows, then there will not be a need to incur additional expenses and the cows will be taken care off. The cows eat with great delight Green grass, long stringy vegetables (guvaar). How will the cows be pleased, how can she be made, these sentiments must remain within each of us. Things can be limited, but sentiments can be unlimited. By this service you will attain salvation. Do not sell your cows, or else it is likely they will end up in the slaughter house. It is difficult to take care of thousands of cows in one place, but if all householders keep one cow each, then easily the cows will be protected.

It is a grave sin to inject a cow for milk. Such milk should not even be consumed. Previously there were 36 crore animals, now in a count there were only 10 crore animals remaining. Do not use plastics. Plastics bags with food thrown in streets are often swallowed by street cows and many unknowingly eat the plastic and die. 12-13 kgs of plastic was found inside the dead cows. Therefore use paper bags and cloth bags. If the cows die from pain and suffering, all these manufacturers of plastic bags and everyone down the chain who is involved will have to share in the sin. Nowadays there is great misfortune for cows and hindus. Do not do family planning. Let the children be born, it is a sin to do family planning. Even in the western countries there is opposition to abortion. Whatever way cows and hindus are protected one must try, or else it will be a great loss. The void caused by family planning and not allowing human beings to be born, can never be filled.

From summary of discourse in hindi on October 28, 1998 at 8:30 a.m. by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram


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