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How to Avoid the Onset of Anger

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Jai Shri Ram!After eagerly going through parts I & II on this subject of 5th & 6th Apr10, I was expecting to be educated on how to avoid the onset of the anger; but I am afraid that I have not been able to get the answer. Could you please elucidate with a suggestive answer? I need your advice: unfortunately, I am one given to anger, in spite of my best intention and efforts not to give in to anger.Maj Ramanujam


Shree Hari Ram Ram

About Attachment, Fear and Anger Some points addressed in book Art of Living are - - attachment to perishable objects gives birth to fear, anger, greed,desire, feeling of "mine" and other vices. If attachment is renounced, all these vices will perish. sadhaka/message/1940

How to overcome Anger

One can solve a problem or question easily by knowing the formula. There is a formula for solving every problem. If you know the formula for that question, you can get the answer very easily.

Now the question is how to overcome anger? First think of how anger sprouts?According to the Gita, anger sprouts forth from desire. Men generally thinkthat desire means wanting to gain money, property, material wealth etc. Thisis also desire, but the real desire is that things/situations should be favorable to me. Ifthings are not favorable to my will, I get angry.

The point being made is that there is no gain in having a desire because others such as your wife, sons,co-workers, friends, etc, cannot always fulfil your desire, as they too havecertain ideas, conceptions, beliefs and desires which are different from yours. If you want them to fulfill your desires, you should also fulfill theirdesires, otherwise what rights do you have to get your desire satisfied by them? Therefore do not insist on getting your desires fulfilled. The reason forwanting to get your desires fulfilled, is your pride, a feeling of superiority.

If you truly want peace, root out your pride because it is at the root of alldemoniac traits. All the other demoniac traits of Kaliyuga such as anger,greed, infatuation, jealousy, fraud and hypocracy etc. depend on pride. Prideis where all of these malicious traits originate. So if you do not renouncepride, how can anger be overcome?

So, what is the method to root out your pride? Simply speaking, those whodisobey you and don't do as you wish, are helping you in rooting out your pride.While those who do as you wish, strengthen your pride. So in earnesty, thosethat disobey you, are actually your well-wishers. Therefore, if you want yourwelfare, it is beneficial for you that others do not do exactly as you wish. These individuals are helpful well-wishers in removing your pride.

Though they intentionally are not wanting to remove your pride and do good toyou, yet their disobedience, is weakening and removing your pride. Do you wantyour welfare and benediction? or do you want a downfall or boost in your eviltendencies?

Gita says "Dambho darpobhmaanacsh krodha." (Gita 16:4). "Pretentious pride,conceit, arrogance, anger, harshness and ignorance arise in one born of demoniacnature." (Gita 16:4). Therefore those who disobey you are bringing forthdivine virtues in you.

When pride subsides, anger will automatically subside.

From "Art of Living" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

--------------------Solution to be Rid of Anger - Part I and II

A question came up that, we cannot leave sins and we cannot accept that everything is Paramatma's (God's). We want to do, but it does not happen. We see faults in us, and further along we continue to incur sins, what should we do?

I am telling you a point. Grab hold of this point, become established (fixed) in it, experience it, and see for yourself. This is useful talk for everyone, listen carefully. What is faults/vices/sinfulness? It has come in the Gitaji, "trividham narkasya dvaaram naakashnamaatmanah | kaamh krodhastathaa lobhastsmaadetattrayam tyajet || (Gita 16/21). There are three types of sins that will lead to one's downfall. These three are the gates to hell. Therefore they must be given up. So we think that we get angry, let us think about how to give up this anger. How to attain victory over it? Even though we do not want, then too it comes, it comes on suddenly. It troubles us a lot. How to give that up? We are unable to bare it.

Therefore it is my sincere prayer to all of you that first inquire on whether you want to give up this anger. On this one bad habit, let us inquire. When one flaw is entirely given up, then other flaws will also diminish significantly, and will go away. Therefore let us think about anger. We see anger in ourselves and in others and others also get angry. Now this anger, how to get rid of it? Become firm on this point and have a goal. There is no anger in us, and there is no anger in others. Accept this with a firm conviction. If I ask you all, whether you are angry right now, you will say not right now. Therefore anger is not in you, it has come. This is the truth, isn't it? Is there any doubt about it, if so ask? This is a very beneficial topic. If someone believes that there is anger in them, they alone get angry. Then why are you accepting such things? You say that I have become angry many times. Therefore you are taking the anger from the past, and accumulating it within yourself. This is a mistake ! You say, for years I have been seeing myself, there is anger within me. This sentiment, that there is anger in me, that sentiment itself is preventing you from destroying the anger.

Time and again you get angry, and without anger too you remain on many occasions. Are you most of the times staying angry or are you free of anger most of the times? It is my belief that most of you will agree that most of the time you are free of anger. Only for a short time you become accompanied by anger. In your entire life has the anger remained continuously for 24 hours? It is our experience that most of the times we are free of anger. Therefore there is no anger in us. Anger comes and goes. By saying that there is anger in us, we are inviting anger. This is the main inertness of anger. Be very attentive to this point. Therefore there is no anger in us - hold on to this with a firm conviction. (to be continued tomorrow)

"I have anger in me," Please give up this point. Considering yourself to be angry based on past event is pointless. Anger is against one's spiritual discipline. It is an obstacle to one's spiritual progress. When anger comes, at that time man's discriminative faculty is destroyed. As soon as anger comes "krodhaadbhavati sammohah sammohaatsmartivibhramah, smritibhramsaad buddhinaaso buddhinaasatpranasyati" (Gita 2/63)! Your memory is destroyed! I am God's; I do His worship and devotion; I associate with holy company / Truth; I am a spiritual aspirant – all these are forgotten. When we forget the main purpose of this birth which is to engage in worship and remembrance and in turn to attain God, what a major loss is encountered! "Sammohaasmritivibrahmah," What Gitaji says is very true. There are two points (1) There is no anger in us and (2) there is destruction from anger, therefore as such we must not get angry.

This desire, anger, greed, attachment, lust, envy, conflict and all the other flaws that exist; they do not exist. Understand them to be not permanent, they come and go. Inquire on their nature. They do not have an independent existence. Understand this third point. How is there no anger in us? Then see – do you get angry with everyone? Do you get angry at all times? Does the anger remain at all times? Is there nothing else in me besides anger? See! I have received these points that are share, from great saints and great souls. You will definitely be benefited by them. That is the truth. You do it and see for yourself.

It is said that - "Ishvar ansh jeev avinashi chetan amal sahaj sukh raashi" We never get destroyed, therefore we have to detach from the flaws. "Amal," - there are no flaws in us. Have faith in Goswamiji's words. Lord's words say "Mamaivaansho jeevaloke", if it is in the father, than it will be in the son! There is no flaw in God. "Krodhopi shatru prathamah naraanaam dehasthito dehvinaashnaai." There is great loss, destruction from anger, for you as well as the other. "Namostute krodhdevaay swaashraya jwaaline visham," O' god of anger, I bow to you. Wherever you come, first you burn off that place. How ungrateful! Others you burn later on, first it burns you. "Jis haandi mein khaave usi ko phode." The plates you eat in, you break the same plates. So vicious! That wood in which there is fire, that itself you burn. Therefore Brother, you must leave this anger! First it burns us and then the other, like fire. Anger even burn blood, it destroys it.

See, there is a very good point. When anger comes understand that it is not in us, then where did it come from? Then there was some tendencies from the past therefore it has come, but now it is gone. It has not come, just some impressions of the past were there on the mind-intellect, but it is gone now. Do not consider it to have come, know it as it is on its way out. Just like a dirty pipe when cleaned smells awful. As such it is not the bad smell that is coming, with cleaning the odor is going away. Gentlemen you will observe that you get angry less frequently, doe not remain for long period, if far less forceful than before. This is the experience that all should experience. From this it is proven that anger is not coming, rather it is on its way out. In the present everyone is flawless.

Ram Ram

From lecture in hindi on "Krodh Naash kaa upaaya" on Feb 04, 1996 at 3 p.m. by Swami Ramsukhdasji

You can also read the message in Hindi titled ""Krodh Naash kaa upaaya" at: http://satcharcha.blogspot.com/

To listen to lecture in Hindi please click on following:


---------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites.7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).8. Do not personalize message9. All responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.Provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -






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Jai Shri Ram!After eagerly going through parts I & II on this subject of 5th & 6th Apr10, I was expecting to be educated on how to avoid the onset of the anger; but I am afraid that I have not been able to get the answer. Could you please elucidate with a suggestive answer? I need your advice: unfortunately, I am one given to anger, in spite of my best intention and efforts not to give in to anger.Maj Ramanujam







How to overcome Anger?




Swamiji makes a remarkable observation here: "One can solve a problem or question easily by knowing the formula. There is a formula for solving every problem. If you know the formula for that question, you can get the answer very easily." WONDERFUL INDEED.




Bhagavadgita is the treatise on this subject matter all along. Well, it provides the formula for qualifying and quantifying the anger as well:




Dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah sangasteshoopajaayate |


Sangaatsanjaayate kaamah kaamaat krodho'bhijaayate ||


Krodhaadbhavati sammohah sammohaatsmritivibhramah |


Smritibhramshaat buddhinaasho buddhinaashaatpraNashyati ||




Association => Attachment => Desire => Anger => Delusion => Ignorance => Lapse in Wisdom => Oblivion




I shall take liberty to make a reversal in the statement to keep a balance as well:




Oblivion => Lapse in Wisdom => Ignorance => Delusion => Anger => Desire => Attachment => Association




The eight-fold formula for the miseries collectively addresses the misery in a very wholistic sense. The indwelling fellow frantically shifts planes to escape the wrath of the misery, but gets more and more entangled as an insect would in a spider's web. But, the useful point here is ... irrespective of where you stand, the rest are automatically networked with you thanks to your affinity to the point wherever you stand. The closer your affinity to any element in the chain is, closer would become the rest to consume you from within. The distant you become from any element, distant would the rest feel to approach you. Therefore, you dilute one, the rest would dilute on their own ... you intensify one, the rest would become automatically intense to the same extent.




The formula is now simple:




1. Understand the eight planes amongst which your miseries traverse at ease


2. Find where you stand in the chain of reactions amongst these planes


3. Find how fast you have anchored yourself to that plane of notion


4. Just try to ease your limbs to feel your independence from the very plane


5. Feel how the plane becomes non-sequential the more and more you lift your limbs off from the same


6. Feel how all other planes start dwindling into their own oblivion as the plane of your action becomes weaker and weaker


7. Feel how the whole existence is monolithic being immune to all these eight planes altogether.


8. Feel how you are THAT EXISTENCE that is AS IS and AS EVER




Just to ensure the surity in the process … try a hide-and-seek by getting closer to any one of these fellows … observe how all other fellows rush to smother you … just stand erect with no sign of purturbance … they all vanish to the oblivion, their origin ...




It is a formula … it is a process … the more you tread uopn, more familiar you would become with your true nature devoid of all these eight fellows. You do not need any of these eight planes to stand ...








Wonderful formula indeed that Bhagavaan Vyaasa has graced the humanity with. Wonderful observation indeed that Swamiji has showered us with His Grace.









Naga Narayana.


To get rid of anger is a good thing. Anger always hurts the person who gets angry both physically and mentally. But how does one get rid of anger?

The source of all anger is disappointment. Disappointment arises because events that one does not like happens or events that one desires or expects or wishes does not happen. If one did not have any likes or dislikes and no wishes or desires, one would not get disappointment and hence will not get angry. But can one easily practice desire-less living and accept all events as equal indifference?

Very difficult. So, one need not get worried and develop a strong desire to get rid of anger. Because that may lead to disappointment for failure to get rid of anger and anger may result from that.

Best would be to practicing getting out of anger as soon as anger comes by reminding oneself that heavens will not fall if things that I do not like happens or things I wish do not get. Also, better to take the help of others by telling them to tell me as soon as I appear to be angry or give me a glass of water or give me a copy of Gita or show me a picture of Lord Krisna or utter the words Jai Sri Krishna or Aum Shanti.


Gettinmg out of anger quickly is to be practiced every day and every now and then. The idea is to minimize the time gap between the development of anger and complete waning of anger. If we can progressively reduce this time gap of the state of anger, one day we will reach a state when anger would die as soon as it occurs. When anger dies as soon as it is born, anger will stop getting born.

I am trying to practice that. Since I am not yet successful, I cannot preach this method : I can only suggest that some one may like to experiement with this method.


Basudeb Sen-



Understanding is the key!

Anger means punishing yourself for the mistakes made by others.....

The person who gets angry suffers the most.....Now who will like to do that!

People lose a lot all the time because of anger..... "I am a short tempered person" is a commonly heard statement. In fact, we program ourselves all the time to get angry by repeating this statement.


one gets angry when one looks outside for happiness....... this should happen this way, this should not happen this way........he should behave like this...or he should not behave like this,.....and so on....... But the outside world is not in our control....


one is best when one is peaceful, happy, ...... and who does not want to be the best...


"Doership" is key belief behind anger..... My doership and others doership.....both build anger...

If you understand and let go the doership.......anger vanishes/dissolves....

It is as simple as that or as difficult as that...


Letting go doership leads to acceptance that things are happening through us....no one is really responsible.... you still plan and do things but with an understanding that things are happening and whatever happens is acceptable......with gratitude....


In short, one has to understand and practice all the above before the next event happens. If you are strongly aware, the anger even if it shows for a moment will dissolve away immediately...... There are tremendous benefits....for all of us .....to live in happiness and joy....

Sushil Jain


Dear Ones, Namaste!Dear Ramanujam ji, Swamiji's message, in essence, is to see clearly by looking into yourself that anger arises in you so you cannot be angry man. What you experience is that you witness unpleasant feelings-emotions, rapid breathing, bodily gestures, etc etc, that's all! By labeling them as "anger", we say "I am angry" or "I have an anger", so you see that is not our real experience! That way we separate "I" and "anger"(which is only fleeting emotions) artificially in the mind. The wholeness of mind is thus divided between "me-thought" and "anger-thoughts". This artificial division breeds conflict between "me", the controller and "anger", the controlled; and perpetuates anger. This is the anatomy of anger! So when you see that the very anger is this false me itself, not separate entity to be conquered or controlled, rather to see it as false division, the me drops off and hence anger too, in absence of "me" the fighter!That is why Swamiji says the Real You - Self - Atman was here just the same before these emotions we call anger arose, It is here while emotions are present and will be here after anger feelings leave us eventually! Why would I say " I am angry" when obviously "I" cannot be anger emotions as they come and go while I, the real Self, always remain? It is non-existent "me" taken as real, fighting with anger-thoughts keeps anger going! In summary, when anger or some such negative emotions arise, there is never "me" separate from such "emotions". Only false division keeps fighting going and going and going...! Another way to look at anger is to see it as desire thwarted(Gita). Ultimately desire is also such arising in true "I", the Atman - Awareness due to ignorance of not knowing "I" being already Complete in Itself, God Himself,. This "Knowing/Understanding" keeps 'desire', the root of anger, away from arising! This is Freedom!Namaskar.........Pratap Bhatt


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to the question of avoiding anger. When you get angry, before you react, count twenty or even better than that is to recite or chant the following Maha Mantra. "Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare,Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. " Devotional chanting cleanses the heart, reduces or eliminates the anger. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita,"Sarva bhuta stham atmanam,Sarva bhutani catmani,Iksate yoga yuktatma,Sarvatra sama darsanah. "(Gitaji 6,29)Which means,'A true yogi sees Me in all beings and sees every being in Me. This self realized person sees Me, the Lord,everywhere. 'Once we learn to see the divinity in fellow human beings , then there is less chance of getting angry. Devotiona service is the key. Thank you. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D


Shree Hari Ram Ram

About Attachment, Fear and Anger Some points addressed in book Art of Living are - - attachment to perishable objects gives birth to fear, anger, greed,desire, feeling of "mine" and other vices. If attachment is renounced, all these vices will perish. sadhaka/message/1940

How to overcome Anger

One can solve a problem or question easily by knowing the formula. There is a formula for solving every problem. If you know the formula for that question, you can get the answer very easily.

Now the question is how to overcome anger? First think of how anger sprouts?According to the Gita, anger sprouts forth from desire. Men generally thinkthat desire means wanting to gain money, property, material wealth etc. Thisis also desire, but the real desire is that things/situations should be favorable to me. Ifthings are not favorable to my will, I get angry.

The point being made is that there is no gain in having a desire because others such as your wife, sons,co-workers, friends, etc, cannot always fulfil your desire, as they too havecertain ideas, conceptions, beliefs and desires which are different from yours. If you want them to fulfill your desires, you should also fulfill theirdesires, otherwise what rights do you have to get your desire satisfied by them? Therefore do not insist on getting your desires fulfilled. The reason forwanting to get your desires fulfilled, is your pride, a feeling of superiority.

If you truly want peace, root out your pride because it is at the root of alldemoniac traits. All the other demoniac traits of Kaliyuga such as anger,greed, infatuation, jealousy, fraud and hypocracy etc. depend on pride. Prideis where all of these malicious traits originate. So if you do not renouncepride, how can anger be overcome?

So, what is the method to root out your pride? Simply speaking, those whodisobey you and don't do as you wish, are helping you in rooting out your pride.While those who do as you wish, strengthen your pride. So in earnesty, thosethat disobey you, are actually your well-wishers. Therefore, if you want yourwelfare, it is beneficial for you that others do not do exactly as you wish. These individuals are helpful well-wishers in removing your pride.

Though they intentionally are not wanting to remove your pride and do good toyou, yet their disobedience, is weakening and removing your pride. Do you wantyour welfare and benediction? or do you want a downfall or boost in your eviltendencies?

Gita says "Dambho darpobhmaanacsh krodha." (Gita 16:4). "Pretentious pride,conceit, arrogance, anger, harshness and ignorance arise in one born of demoniacnature." (Gita 16:4). Therefore those who disobey you are bringing forthdivine virtues in you.

When pride subsides, anger will automatically subside.

From "Art of Living" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

--------------------Solution to be Rid of Anger - Part I and II

A question came up that, we cannot leave sins and we cannot accept that everything is Paramatma's (God's). We want to do, but it does not happen. We see faults in us, and further along we continue to incur sins, what should we do?

I am telling you a point. Grab hold of this point, become established (fixed) in it, experience it, and see for yourself. This is useful talk for everyone, listen carefully. What is faults/vices/sinfulness? It has come in the Gitaji, "trividham narkasya dvaaram naakashnamaatmanah | kaamh krodhastathaa lobhastsmaadetattrayam tyajet || (Gita 16/21). There are three types of sins that will lead to one's downfall. These three are the gates to hell. Therefore they must be given up. So we think that we get angry, let us think about how to give up this anger. How to attain victory over it? Even though we do not want, then too it comes, it comes on suddenly. It troubles us a lot. How to give that up? We are unable to bare it.

Therefore it is my sincere prayer to all of you that first inquire on whether you want to give up this anger. On this one bad habit, let us inquire. When one flaw is entirely given up, then other flaws will also diminish significantly, and will go away. Therefore let us think about anger. We see anger in ourselves and in others and others also get angry. Now this anger, how to get rid of it? Become firm on this point and have a goal. There is no anger in us, and there is no anger in others. Accept this with a firm conviction. If I ask you all, whether you are angry right now, you will say not right now. Therefore anger is not in you, it has come. This is the truth, isn't it? Is there any doubt about it, if so ask? This is a very beneficial topic. If someone believes that there is anger in them, they alone get angry. Then why are you accepting such things? You say that I have become angry many times. Therefore you are taking the anger from the past, and accumulating it within yourself. This is a mistake ! You say, for years I have been seeing myself, there is anger within me. This sentiment, that there is anger in me, that sentiment itself is preventing you from destroying the anger.

Time and again you get angry, and without anger too you remain on many occasions. Are you most of the times staying angry or are you free of anger most of the times? It is my belief that most of you will agree that most of the time you are free of anger. Only for a short time you become accompanied by anger. In your entire life has the anger remained continuously for 24 hours? It is our experience that most of the times we are free of anger. Therefore there is no anger in us. Anger comes and goes. By saying that there is anger in us, we are inviting anger. This is the main inertness of anger. Be very attentive to this point. Therefore there is no anger in us - hold on to this with a firm conviction. (to be continued tomorrow)

"I have anger in me," Please give up this point. Considering yourself to be angry based on past event is pointless. Anger is against one's spiritual discipline. It is an obstacle to one's spiritual progress. When anger comes, at that time man's discriminative faculty is destroyed. As soon as anger comes "krodhaadbhavati sammohah sammohaatsmartivibhramah, smritibhramsaad buddhinaaso buddhinaasatpranasyati" (Gita 2/63)! Your memory is destroyed! I am God's; I do His worship and devotion; I associate with holy company / Truth; I am a spiritual aspirant – all these are forgotten. When we forget the main purpose of this birth which is to engage in worship and remembrance and in turn to attain God, what a major loss is encountered! "Sammohaasmritivibrahmah," What Gitaji says is very true. There are two points (1) There is no anger in us and (2) there is destruction from anger, therefore as such we must not get angry.

This desire, anger, greed, attachment, lust, envy, conflict and all the other flaws that exist; they do not exist. Understand them to be not permanent, they come and go. Inquire on their nature. They do not have an independent existence. Understand this third point. How is there no anger in us? Then see – do you get angry with everyone? Do you get angry at all times? Does the anger remain at all times? Is there nothing else in me besides anger? See! I have received these points that are share, from great saints and great souls. You will definitely be benefited by them. That is the truth. You do it and see for yourself.

It is said that - "Ishvar ansh jeev avinashi chetan amal sahaj sukh raashi" We never get destroyed, therefore we have to detach from the flaws. "Amal," - there are no flaws in us. Have faith in Goswamiji's words. Lord's words say "Mamaivaansho jeevaloke", if it is in the father, than it will be in the son! There is no flaw in God. "Krodhopi shatru prathamah naraanaam dehasthito dehvinaashnaai." There is great loss, destruction from anger, for you as well as the other. "Namostute krodhdevaay swaashraya jwaaline visham," O' god of anger, I bow to you. Wherever you come, first you burn off that place. How ungrateful! Others you burn later on, first it burns you. "Jis haandi mein khaave usi ko phode." The plates you eat in, you break the same plates. So vicious! That wood in which there is fire, that itself you burn. Therefore Brother, you must leave this anger! First it burns us and then the other, like fire. Anger even burn blood, it destroys it.

See, there is a very good point. When anger comes understand that it is not in us, then where did it come from? Then there was some tendencies from the past therefore it has come, but now it is gone. It has not come, just some impressions of the past were there on the mind-intellect, but it is gone now. Do not consider it to have come, know it as it is on its way out. Just like a dirty pipe when cleaned smells awful. As such it is not the bad smell that is coming, with cleaning the odor is going away. Gentlemen you will observe that you get angry less frequently, doe not remain for long period, if far less forceful than before. This is the experience that all should experience. From this it is proven that anger is not coming, rather it is on its way out. In the present everyone is flawless.

Ram Ram

From lecture in hindi on "Krodh Naash kaa upaaya" on Feb 04, 1996 at 3 p.m. by Swami Ramsukhdasji

You can also read the message in Hindi titled ""Krodh Naash kaa upaaya" at: http://satcharcha.blogspot.com/

To listen to lecture in Hindi please click on following:


---------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites.7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).8. Do not personalize message9. All responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.Provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Jai Shri Ram!After eagerly going through parts I & II on this subject of 5th & 6th Apr10, I was expecting to be educated on how to avoid the onset of the anger; but I am afraid that I have not been able to get the answer. Could you please elucidate with a suggestive answer? I need your advice: unfortunately, I am one given to anger, in spite of my best intention and efforts not to give in to anger.Maj Ramanujam



Hari OmRead Again:unfortunately, I am one given to anger, in spite of my best intention and efforts not to give in to anger.Tell me when you wrote this message -were you angry? No ! When you read this posting, are you angry? No ! Then how you are "given to anger" ? A wave comes and you get swayed by it. If you do not accept or respect or recognise that wave...it will 'naturally' go as it came ! Just As: At the time of reading this message, you are not at all angry. UNDERSTAND that your acceptance of anger in you (" I am given to anger") is the seed of your anger and its frequency. It is a "wrong acceptance". IT IS A LAW: Acceptance converts itself into experience. You experience anger ONLY after you accept anger in you. Hence keep believing: I am not angry ! I have no anger in me. It has come into me, and will go away. JUST IGNORE. Neither like it nor dislike.FIRSTLY : Do not believe: I am given to anger.... I can't help it... Oh!.... I am angry man !.... Oh !... How to get rid of it?...Oh ! ...What do I do? ... Oh! . Actually, this is your "attachment" to anger by disliking. Both liking and disliking (Raag and Dvesha) BIND you. SIMPLY: Ignore the waves of anger.SECONDLY: Find out why do you become angry ? Look back. You will find because whatever you DESIRED, did not happen and hence you became angry. Can you give any other reason? Whatever reason you can quote, will get covered in the above reason. So culprit/cause is desire. Renounce that. NOTE HERE: The desire of even the 'Baap' (Father) of Lord Rama was not fulfilled. Will your get fulfilled? When there is no provision made for fulfillment of desires (you can ONLY renounce them) , why do you desire? Is not it a stupidity to persue that which can not be achieved at all ? Hence, renounce desires.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B ---

Hare Krishna

Mr. Naga Narayana has given the perfect formula.

In short, if we have any desire there will be anger. First be desire-less, if we don't expect anything from anybody then there won't be any anger. Behind anger there is a hidden desire. We have to get rid of that desire first. Think, is there any permanent benefit by fulfilling that desire?

Ram Ram

Ashok Goenka


Dear Sadhak ji, It is a very pertinent question and important one in our day to day life. No one, except the blessed sould, can claim they dont feel agitated or anger the only difference is some feel more and some quite less. Once admit that you want to cure this decease the half of it is already under control. The formula given below is quite perfect but I am afraid it works more with the perfect people. If some one has to go back and seperate his desire and ego etc. by that time you will be empowered by anger. I dont disagree with the suggestions but like a student we have to first control initial and than analyse it to understand the very nature. As you might be feeling that everyone repents after the anger and become wiser, the remedy lies in immediate recoganition. In my opinion if you can post pone it first with some deliberate efforts e.g. by taking glass of water or simply taking a oath that whenever I feel anger I will react after 10 minutes. Slowly you try to gain out of it when you postpone most of it by taking steam out of it. When you get the benefit than mind is also more convinced through the practice and ofcourse one has to root out the casue which is attachemnt, desire etc. but that is the cause of all problems and once you become free of these things than you are a liberated soul or known as " Sthityapragya Purush". As a social human being we must feel angry fro common cause and injustice, such anger will not cause harm as some people have to serve society after feeling strongly for it. You cannot avoid evrything in the name of spritualism. As you see that we have wrongly become tolerant society for injustices inflicted on all of us. Hari Om, R.K.Raina


Anger is a negative emotion. Negative emotions cause chemical reactions in our body which releases toxins. These toxins accumulate and cause diseases like cancer later on. The root cause of anger is usually the unfulfilment of desires. As we all know we do not have any control over what happens in our lives. Some pleasant and some unpleasant things are always there. Both are necessary because opposite things are complementary. To control our anger and other negative feelings, we must go deep into our Self through meditation. By this we will realise that the world itself is a product of our imaginations and therefore an illusion. So is it worthwhile getting angry over illusionary things and creating diseases in our body, when the body itself and everything else including this world is going to perish one day?Hari Shanker Deo


Dear Sadak,I am quite sure you are eating spicy and hot foods. First cut them. Eating them sheds Hydrochloric acid in stomach which in turn makes mind out of control.Practice eating plenty of boiled Vegetables without much Salt and chilly powder. You can be prone to Paralytic with hot foods. See people carefully who is getting anger. Observe and contemplate. You will become calm. Another thing, that you may be amidst people who do things against your wish. Avoid them.B.Sathyanarayan




Dear Sadhaks

In one of the personal growth labs I recently attended, anger is seen as one of the essential emotions that is necessary for self defence and there by to lead a complete life. I have experienced the first part ie, whenever I am angry I feel weak and that is how anger comes out as self defence. But I have a question as to whether that is living life completely.

Sri Naga Narayan's response has helped me to understand better.

But Rishi Doorvasa's anger is seen as trigger to something positive to happen......


Veena Hassan






How to overcome Anger?




Swamiji makes a remarkable observation here: "One can solve a problem or question easily by knowing the formula. There is a formula for solving every problem. If you know the formula for that question, you can get the answer very easily." WONDERFUL INDEED.




Bhagavadgita is the treatise on this subject matter all along. Well, it provides the formula for qualifying and quantifying the anger as well:




Dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah sangasteshoopajaayate |


Sangaatsanjaayate kaamah kaamaat krodho'bhijaayate ||


Krodhaadbhavati sammohah sammohaatsmritivibhramah |


Smritibhramshaat buddhinaasho buddhinaashaatpraNashyati ||




Association => Attachment => Desire => Anger => Delusion => Ignorance => Lapse in Wisdom => Oblivion




I shall take liberty to make a reversal in the statement to keep a balance as well:




Oblivion => Lapse in Wisdom => Ignorance => Delusion => Anger => Desire => Attachment => Association




The eight-fold formula for the miseries collectively addresses the misery in a very wholistic sense. The indwelling fellow frantically shifts planes to escape the wrath of the misery, but gets more and more entangled as an insect would in a spider's web. But, the useful point here is ... irrespective of where you stand, the rest are automatically networked with you thanks to your affinity to the point wherever you stand. The closer your affinity to any element in the chain is, closer would become the rest to consume you from within. The distant you become from any element, distant would the rest feel to approach you. Therefore, you dilute one, the rest would dilute on their own ... you intensify one, the rest would become automatically intense to the same extent.




The formula is now simple:




1. Understand the eight planes amongst which your miseries traverse at ease


2. Find where you stand in the chain of reactions amongst these planes


3. Find how fast you have anchored yourself to that plane of notion


4. Just try to ease your limbs to feel your independence from the very plane


5. Feel how the plane becomes non-sequential the more and more you lift your limbs off from the same


6. Feel how all other planes start dwindling into their own oblivion as the plane of your action becomes weaker and weaker


7. Feel how the whole existence is monolithic being immune to all these eight planes altogether.


8. Feel how you are THAT EXISTENCE that is AS IS and AS EVER




Just to ensure the surity in the process … try a hide-and-seek by getting closer to any one of these fellows … observe how all other fellows rush to smother you … just stand erect with no sign of purturbance … they all vanish to the oblivion, their origin ...




It is a formula … it is a process … the more you tread uopn, more familiar you would become with your true nature devoid of all these eight fellows. You do not need any of these eight planes to stand ...








Wonderful formula indeed that Bhagavaan Vyaasa has graced the humanity with. Wonderful observation indeed that Swamiji has showered us with His Grace.









Naga Narayana.


To get rid of anger is a good thing. Anger always hurts the person who gets angry both physically and mentally. But how does one get rid of anger?

The source of all anger is disappointment. Disappointment arises because events that one does not like happens or events that one desires or expects or wishes does not happen. If one did not have any likes or dislikes and no wishes or desires, one would not get disappointment and hence will not get angry. But can one easily practice desire-less living and accept all events as equal indifference?

Very difficult. So, one need not get worried and develop a strong desire to get rid of anger. Because that may lead to disappointment for failure to get rid of anger and anger may result from that.

Best would be to practicing getting out of anger as soon as anger comes by reminding oneself that heavens will not fall if things that I do not like happens or things I wish do not get. Also, better to take the help of others by telling them to tell me as soon as I appear to be angry or give me a glass of water or give me a copy of Gita or show me a picture of Lord Krisna or utter the words Jai Sri Krishna or Aum Shanti.


Gettinmg out of anger quickly is to be practiced every day and every now and then. The idea is to minimize the time gap between the development of anger and complete waning of anger. If we can progressively reduce this time gap of the state of anger, one day we will reach a state when anger would die as soon as it occurs. When anger dies as soon as it is born, anger will stop getting born.

I am trying to practice that. Since I am not yet successful, I cannot preach this method : I can only suggest that some one may like to experiement with this method.


Basudeb Sen-



Understanding is the key!

Anger means punishing yourself for the mistakes made by others.....

The person who gets angry suffers the most.....Now who will like to do that!

People lose a lot all the time because of anger..... "I am a short tempered person" is a commonly heard statement. In fact, we program ourselves all the time to get angry by repeating this statement.


one gets angry when one looks outside for happiness....... this should happen this way, this should not happen this way........he should behave like this...or he should not behave like this,.....and so on....... But the outside world is not in our control....


one is best when one is peaceful, happy, ...... and who does not want to be the best...


"Doership" is key belief behind anger..... My doership and others doership.....both build anger...

If you understand and let go the doership.......anger vanishes/dissolves....

It is as simple as that or as difficult as that...


Letting go doership leads to acceptance that things are happening through us....no one is really responsible.... you still plan and do things but with an understanding that things are happening and whatever happens is acceptable......with gratitude....


In short, one has to understand and practice all the above before the next event happens. If you are strongly aware, the anger even if it shows for a moment will dissolve away immediately...... There are tremendous benefits....for all of us .....to live in happiness and joy....

Sushil Jain


Dear Ones, Namaste!Dear Ramanujam ji, Swamiji's message, in essence, is to see clearly by looking into yourself that anger arises in you so you cannot be angry man. What you experience is that you witness unpleasant feelings-emotions, rapid breathing, bodily gestures, etc etc, that's all! By labeling them as "anger", we say "I am angry" or "I have an anger", so you see that is not our real experience! That way we separate "I" and "anger"(which is only fleeting emotions) artificially in the mind. The wholeness of mind is thus divided between "me-thought" and "anger-thoughts". This artificial division breeds conflict between "me", the controller and "anger", the controlled; and perpetuates anger. This is the anatomy of anger! So when you see that the very anger is this false me itself, not separate entity to be conquered or controlled, rather to see it as false division, the me drops off and hence anger too, in absence of "me" the fighter!That is why Swamiji says the Real You - Self - Atman was here just the same before these emotions we call anger arose, It is here while emotions are present and will be here after anger feelings leave us eventually! Why would I say " I am angry" when obviously "I" cannot be anger emotions as they come and go while I, the real Self, always remain? It is non-existent "me" taken as real, fighting with anger-thoughts keeps anger going! In summary, when anger or some such negative emotions arise, there is never "me" separate from such "emotions". Only false division keeps fighting going and going and going...! Another way to look at anger is to see it as desire thwarted(Gita). Ultimately desire is also such arising in true "I", the Atman - Awareness due to ignorance of not knowing "I" being already Complete in Itself, God Himself,. This "Knowing/Understanding" keeps 'desire', the root of anger, away from arising! This is Freedom!Namaskar.........Pratap Bhatt


Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to the question of avoiding anger. When you get angry, before you react, count twenty or even better than that is to recite or chant the following Maha Mantra. "Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare,Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. " Devotional chanting cleanses the heart, reduces or eliminates the anger. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita,"Sarva bhuta stham atmanam,Sarva bhutani catmani,Iksate yoga yuktatma,Sarvatra sama darsanah. "(Gitaji 6,29)Which means,'A true yogi sees Me in all beings and sees every being in Me. This self realized person sees Me, the Lord,everywhere. 'Once we learn to see the divinity in fellow human beings , then there is less chance of getting angry. Devotiona service is the key. Thank you. Hare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu, M.D



Shree Hari Ram Ram

About Attachment, Fear and Anger Some points addressed in book Art of Living are - - attachment to perishable objects gives birth to fear, anger, greed,desire, feeling of "mine" and other vices. If attachment is renounced, all these vices will perish. sadhaka/message/1940

How to overcome Anger

One can solve a problem or question easily by knowing the formula. There is a formula for solving every problem. If you know the formula for that question, you can get the answer very easily.

Now the question is how to overcome anger? First think of how anger sprouts?According to the Gita, anger sprouts forth from desire. Men generally thinkthat desire means wanting to gain money, property, material wealth etc. Thisis also desire, but the real desire is that things/situations should be favorable to me. Ifthings are not favorable to my will, I get angry.

The point being made is that there is no gain in having a desire because others such as your wife, sons,co-workers, friends, etc, cannot always fulfil your desire, as they too havecertain ideas, conceptions, beliefs and desires which are different from yours. If you want them to fulfill your desires, you should also fulfill theirdesires, otherwise what rights do you have to get your desire satisfied by them? Therefore do not insist on getting your desires fulfilled. The reason forwanting to get your desires fulfilled, is your pride, a feeling of superiority.

If you truly want peace, root out your pride because it is at the root of alldemoniac traits. All the other demoniac traits of Kaliyuga such as anger,greed, infatuation, jealousy, fraud and hypocracy etc. depend on pride. Prideis where all of these malicious traits originate. So if you do not renouncepride, how can anger be overcome?

So, what is the method to root out your pride? Simply speaking, those whodisobey you and don't do as you wish, are helping you in rooting out your pride.While those who do as you wish, strengthen your pride. So in earnesty, thosethat disobey you, are actually your well-wishers. Therefore, if you want yourwelfare, it is beneficial for you that others do not do exactly as you wish. These individuals are helpful well-wishers in removing your pride.

Though they intentionally are not wanting to remove your pride and do good toyou, yet their disobedience, is weakening and removing your pride. Do you wantyour welfare and benediction? or do you want a downfall or boost in your eviltendencies?

Gita says "Dambho darpobhmaanacsh krodha." (Gita 16:4). "Pretentious pride,conceit, arrogance, anger, harshness and ignorance arise in one born of demoniacnature." (Gita 16:4). Therefore those who disobey you are bringing forthdivine virtues in you.

When pride subsides, anger will automatically subside.

From "Art of Living" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

--------------------Solution to be Rid of Anger - Part I and II

A question came up that, we cannot leave sins and we cannot accept that everything is Paramatma's (God's). We want to do, but it does not happen. We see faults in us, and further along we continue to incur sins, what should we do?

I am telling you a point. Grab hold of this point, become established (fixed) in it, experience it, and see for yourself. This is useful talk for everyone, listen carefully. What is faults/vices/sinfulness? It has come in the Gitaji, "trividham narkasya dvaaram naakashnamaatmanah | kaamh krodhastathaa lobhastsmaadetattrayam tyajet || (Gita 16/21). There are three types of sins that will lead to one's downfall. These three are the gates to hell. Therefore they must be given up. So we think that we get angry, let us think about how to give up this anger. How to attain victory over it? Even though we do not want, then too it comes, it comes on suddenly. It troubles us a lot. How to give that up? We are unable to bare it.

Therefore it is my sincere prayer to all of you that first inquire on whether you want to give up this anger. On this one bad habit, let us inquire. When one flaw is entirely given up, then other flaws will also diminish significantly, and will go away. Therefore let us think about anger. We see anger in ourselves and in others and others also get angry. Now this anger, how to get rid of it? Become firm on this point and have a goal. There is no anger in us, and there is no anger in others. Accept this with a firm conviction. If I ask you all, whether you are angry right now, you will say not right now. Therefore anger is not in you, it has come. This is the truth, isn't it? Is there any doubt about it, if so ask? This is a very beneficial topic. If someone believes that there is anger in them, they alone get angry. Then why are you accepting such things? You say that I have become angry many times. Therefore you are taking the anger from the past, and accumulating it within yourself. This is a mistake ! You say, for years I have been seeing myself, there is anger within me. This sentiment, that there is anger in me, that sentiment itself is preventing you from destroying the anger.

Time and again you get angry, and without anger too you remain on many occasions. Are you most of the times staying angry or are you free of anger most of the times? It is my belief that most of you will agree that most of the time you are free of anger. Only for a short time you become accompanied by anger. In your entire life has the anger remained continuously for 24 hours? It is our experience that most of the times we are free of anger. Therefore there is no anger in us. Anger comes and goes. By saying that there is anger in us, we are inviting anger. This is the main inertness of anger. Be very attentive to this point. Therefore there is no anger in us - hold on to this with a firm conviction. (to be continued tomorrow)

"I have anger in me," Please give up this point. Considering yourself to be angry based on past event is pointless. Anger is against one's spiritual discipline. It is an obstacle to one's spiritual progress. When anger comes, at that time man's discriminative faculty is destroyed. As soon as anger comes "krodhaadbhavati sammohah sammohaatsmartivibhramah, smritibhramsaad buddhinaaso buddhinaasatpranasyati" (Gita 2/63)! Your memory is destroyed! I am God's; I do His worship and devotion; I associate with holy company / Truth; I am a spiritual aspirant – all these are forgotten. When we forget the main purpose of this birth which is to engage in worship and remembrance and in turn to attain God, what a major loss is encountered! "Sammohaasmritivibrahmah," What Gitaji says is very true. There are two points (1) There is no anger in us and (2) there is destruction from anger, therefore as such we must not get angry.

This desire, anger, greed, attachment, lust, envy, conflict and all the other flaws that exist; they do not exist. Understand them to be not permanent, they come and go. Inquire on their nature. They do not have an independent existence. Understand this third point. How is there no anger in us? Then see – do you get angry with everyone? Do you get angry at all times? Does the anger remain at all times? Is there nothing else in me besides anger? See! I have received these points that are share, from great saints and great souls. You will definitely be benefited by them. That is the truth. You do it and see for yourself.

It is said that - "Ishvar ansh jeev avinashi chetan amal sahaj sukh raashi" We never get destroyed, therefore we have to detach from the flaws. "Amal," - there are no flaws in us. Have faith in Goswamiji's words. Lord's words say "Mamaivaansho jeevaloke", if it is in the father, than it will be in the son! There is no flaw in God. "Krodhopi shatru prathamah naraanaam dehasthito dehvinaashnaai." There is great loss, destruction from anger, for you as well as the other. "Namostute krodhdevaay swaashraya jwaaline visham," O' god of anger, I bow to you. Wherever you come, first you burn off that place. How ungrateful! Others you burn later on, first it burns you. "Jis haandi mein khaave usi ko phode." The plates you eat in, you break the same plates. So vicious! That wood in which there is fire, that itself you burn. Therefore Brother, you must leave this anger! First it burns us and then the other, like fire. Anger even burn blood, it destroys it.

See, there is a very good point. When anger comes understand that it is not in us, then where did it come from? Then there was some tendencies from the past therefore it has come, but now it is gone. It has not come, just some impressions of the past were there on the mind-intellect, but it is gone now. Do not consider it to have come, know it as it is on its way out. Just like a dirty pipe when cleaned smells awful. As such it is not the bad smell that is coming, with cleaning the odor is going away. Gentlemen you will observe that you get angry less frequently, doe not remain for long period, if far less forceful than before. This is the experience that all should experience. From this it is proven that anger is not coming, rather it is on its way out. In the present everyone is flawless.

Ram Ram

From lecture in hindi on "Krodh Naash kaa upaaya" on Feb 04, 1996 at 3 p.m. by Swami Ramsukhdasji

You can also read the message in Hindi titled ""Krodh Naash kaa upaaya" at: http://satcharcha.blogspot.com/

To listen to lecture in Hindi please click on following:


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