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Today(June 02,2003) - Thirunakshatram of Prakrutham Srimath Srimushnam Andavan]

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[RamanujaMission] Today(June 02,2003) - Thirunakshatram of Prakrutham

Srimath Srimushnam Andavan




Mon, 2 Jun 2003 09:05:47 -0700 (PDT)




Venkat Sreenivasan <vsreeniv








, ,sv-general ,







Dear BhAgavathAs,

Today (June 02, 2003 – VaikAsi ArudrA)

is the

auspicious thirunakshatram day of Prakrutham


Andavan, His Holiness Sri Ranga RamAnuja


dEsikan. Let us all recite this mahAn’s

thanian in

this day and receive his full blessings

and anugraham on this holy occasion.

VEdhAntha lakshmana muneendra krupAtthabOdham

ThadpAdha yugmasaraseeruha brungha


Thraiyantha yugma kruthaboori parisramamtham

Sriranga lakshmana munim saranam prabhadyE

Adiyen is reposting the life history of

Srimath Srimushnam Andavan that appeared in various groups last year.


Prakrutham Srimath Andavan was born in

Srimushnam , a swamyam vyakta KshetrA, in South Arcot district to Sri U.Ve.

SrinivAsAchAriAr and Sri Kumudavalli belonging to the illustrious lineage

of swayamAchArya purushAs. He was born on a vaikAsi –ArudrA day in yuva

varsham (3.6.1935). His parents named him as VarAhan. UpanayAthi samskArams

were performed at the right age to him.

VarAhan swAmi became well qualified in

vEda and divyaprabhandha adhyayanams at a young age. His periappA,Sri.

U.Ve. Srimushnam purAnam NarAyanAchariar taught him kAvyA and nAtaka alankArA

granthAs. SwAmi went to kAkumAni charity pAtasAla (affiliated to Madras

University) in Chennai for his initial education in sAstrAs.

In a quest to learn more about sAmAnya

sAstrAs, swAmi came to Sri perumbudur and learnt fully the nyAya and tharka

sAstrAs and got duly qualified in “Sironmani” from Sri Perumbudur Sanskrit

College. Seeing swAmi’s remarkable knowledge and extreme brilliance, learned

wise men who had interacted with swami at that time predicted that swami

would become a mahA vidwAn and a sampradAya pravarthakA.

For some time swami went to Andhra pradesh

and taught Sanskrit in Sanskrit colleges located in Jeetikal and AlwAl

, close to Hyderabad. Swami came back to Sri Perumbudur and passed meritoriously

in ‘Tamil VidwAn’ exam. It could be said that there are no literature left

out in Tamil that swami is unaware of. Its swAmi’s special quality to quote

Thiruvalluvan,Kamban, IlangO and bharathi in His anugraha bhAshanams as

and when required. Swami underwent grantha chathushtya kAlakshEpams under

His Holiness Srimath Thirukkudanthai Andavan.

Upon Srimath Thirukkudanthai Andavan’s

holy command,

Sri varAchAr swami accepted to take up

sanyAsa and

took ascetic order on 1-6-1989 ( sukla

varsham –

vaikAsi 19th) as Sri Ranga rAmAnuja mahA


Srimushnam Srimath Andavan is an versatile

exponent in various many other sAstrAs suc! h as scu l pture,

sangeetham, alankAra sAstrA, Astrology(Jyothisham),politics,

construction, AyurvEda

to name a few. Swami’s anirasAdhArana

pAndhithyam in

keervAna bhashA ,vEdanthA and vyAkarana

sAstrA is

well known. It is also very well known

that His

Holiness Srimath Andavan talks with slEhA(sleshA)


appropriate moments with amazing timing



Swami once beautifully sculpted a sALagrAmA


(which was a little broken ) to Lakshmi


PerumAL. So many have wondered about His


amazing knowledge in a wide variety of

subjects, be in science or other specific specialty areas.

Srimath Andavan is well versed in Telugu

and Kannada

also and gives anugraha bhAshanams in

telugu itself to sishyAs and abhimAnis whenever an opportunity arises.

Srimath Andavan has undertaken many key

projects, only a few of which are very briefly mentioned here such as,

1. Establishment of Srimath Andavan Arts

and Science

College in 1996 and managed by Sri Ranganatha


Vidyalaya trust.

2. Construction of SakshAth swami Mani

Mandapam at

Vaduvur and a vEda pAtasAlA which was

inaugurated in

2001. Now it has about 20 vidhyArthis

(including 3 whogoing on gAnam – salakshana GanapAtis)

3. A building (abt 3600 sq.feet) construction

is in

progress in Thiruvaheendrapuram to facilitate

conducting classes in prabhandhams and

vEdas. Plan is underway to have this completed latest by Avani


4. Construction of Sri Balaji Mandir(at

about 27000

sq. feet), located in Dombivili, the samprokshanam

of which was performed in August 2001. The project costed around Rs. 1.35

crores and ran for over 3 years.

5. Vajra kavacham for perumAL at Sripuram

Temple in

Bangalore at the cost of Rs. 7. 50 lakhs.

6. A silver lined wooden simhAsanam costing

approximately Rs. 3.50 lakhs was offered

by His

Holiness to Thuppul dEsikan during purattAsi

thiruvOnam in 2001.

7. Construction of Sanidhi for Gopalarya


(1700-1783 -Munithraya Sidhantha SthApakachAryan)


his 301st Birthday at his birth place

Royampettai at a cost of 5 lakhs in sep 2000.

8. Construction Of Kalyana Mandapam at


premises in Kanchipuram for the convenience



9. Installation of new utsava murthis costing


Rs. 1 lakh at our Sri Vaikuntanathji Mandir

in New


10. Starting of a corpus fund for the maintenance


Asramam establishment that includes emoluments

for the kainkaryaparas, life insurances for them and their family etc.

11. Starting of a fund for offering thatheeyArAdhanam

to the devotees visiting the Andavan Asramam at Kanchipuram during BrahmOtsavam. 12.

Starting Veda Patasalas across various parts of South India

And so on.

The philosophy of visishtAdvaitA is very

ancient one

having come down to us through ages as

an unbroken


It has the authority of eternal vEdas,

Upanishads in

Sanskrit and Divya Prabandhams in Tamil,

as well as of the Lord's own words the "PAncharAtrA". It is the true Philosophy

of religion unassailable, dear to Divya Dhampathis, dear to sages and seers,

dear to AlwArs and AchAryAs who have verified it in their spiritual experiences.

In Geetha 7-17, Lord says, "Four type of

devotees of

noble deeds worship me, the seeker after


possession, the afflicted, the seeker

of knowledge and man of wisdom. O, best of bharatha"

"Of these the best is man of wisdom(Jnani)


established in identity with me and possesssed

exclusive devotion for I'm extremely dear

to wise man and he is extremely dear to me."

AchAryAs are JnAnis who are dearer to God.


dispel the darkness of mind and enlighten


knowledge for which even God cannot find

substitute as repayment, as quoted by Desikaa "Yetri manatthu" in Adhikara


Praising AchAryA’s glory, Retaining AchAryA’s

teachings in mind and spreading AchAryA’s


etc., are only very very small when compared

to what

an AchAryA has done to the sishyas.

It is our purva janma punyam that we have

our AchAryAs to guide us in the righteous path and spread the fragrance

of Arulicheyal and Divya sukthi of Alwars and PurvAcharyas and the philosophy

of VishistAdvaitA, traveling far and wide throughout the country.

As periAzhwAr says “pallAndu pallAndu”

to perumAL,

let us pray to the Divya Dhampathis for

blessing our

AchAryA, His Holiness Srimath Srimushnam

Andavan – Sri Ranga rAmAnuja mahA dEsikan for Longevity with Good

health to guide us all in the years to



Srimath Andavan Thiruvadi,


Venk a t Sreenivasan


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