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Launch of www.rangapriya.org

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Respected Bhagawathas,


Humble pranams to you all. Today is 7th Feb 2004 and Thirunakshatram of H H

Rangapriya Swami Ji of Ashtanga Yoga Vigyan Mandiram, Bangalore.It is being

celebrated today at Srimath Srirangam Andavan Ashram situated at Jayanagar,



H H is well known figure among our acharyas and I can say he is a bond between

all acharyas of our Vaishnava Sampradaya , He is present on all occasion let it

be the Thirunakshatram of H H Srimath Andavan Swami of Srimath Srirangam Andavan

Ashram or H H Parakala Swami of Parakala Muttham or H H Azagiasingar of Ahobila



I had heard about this Acharyan but did not have opportunity to meet him until

July last year. As you all know I am the resident representative of Tamil

Religious Magazine Opera Darussalam, I was covering asked by my father in law

that will I be interested in covering an event at my Mother in Laws native in

Kathenahalli in Hassan District in Karnataka. The event was Five Lakh Gayathri

Japam Homam to commemorate the Completion of 50 Lakh Gayathri Japam done by an

Individual Sriman Srinivasa Iyengar of Kathenahalli. And my Joy knew no bound

when I came to know that HH Parakala Jeer and HH Rangapriya Swami are gracing

the occasion.

We travelled in Car and reached Kathenahalli and then immdiately met H H

Parakala Swami and took few snaps of HH doing aradhani to Hyagreeva, then asked

the people for HH Rangapriya Swami. I was told he is not well and yet to arrive.

Then finally he arrived in spite of his ill health. I was drawn towards swami

ji's Divya Tejus, Introduced my self and he blessed me .Both acharyas

participated in Poorna Ahuthi and they gave beautiful Anugruha Bashanam. I was

drawn by his bashnam. Then the event was published in magazine and I wanted to

meet Swami Ji and present him the article written by me. I took my wife's

maternal Uncle Sri Sampath Iyengar of Hanumanth Nagar ( He has a Iyengar's

Bakery ) and is know to Swami, Me,Sampath Mama and his Vedaparayan Guru Sri

Sridharan ( Incidently he is the bother in law of HH Mysore Anadavan and Uncle

of Mr. Sundar Kidambi of Boston USA, Sundar anna is identified by his useful

site www.prapatti.com( where in you can find all Shostrams housed a

nd I can tell this site is a treasure house of Shostarams). Then swami Ji read

the article and blessed me.


Then I visited the ashram frequently. Even though I am a Ahobila Muttham shysya

I am known to Rangapriya Swami as H H KaTandethi Anadavans Ellu Peran.


Then My bhandhu from Singapore Sriman Haresh wanted to get his Panchsamskaram

done and when we broached the subject Swami readily agreed. Then on 24th of

January 2004, He did Panchsamskaram to Haresh. I like his teachings and I can

call him Modern day Ramajua ( Sorry If I have hurt anybody by giving this



Every Muttham has web site and H H Rangapriya Swami did not have dedicated web

site, Then I Haresh and Mr.Mani Varadharajan decided to dedicate a web site for

HH Rangapriya Swami. Then Haresh told me register the domain name only, since I

was leaving for Chennai on official work , I instructed my Service providers for

domain registration and to my surprise they also allotted the web space from my

resellers account. Haresh checked for web space in Singapore and it was costly

and I informed Haresh that web space is also allotted by the company due to

communication gap and Haresh told that it is Perumal and Acharyas thiruullam so

yesterday night Haresh uploaded the site after I sent the password etc.


On the of H H Rangapriya Swami's Thirunakshatram I , Haresh if Singapore and

Mr.Mani Varadharajan of USA dedicate the site www.rangapriya.org.


The site is not fully loaded as time was short and we wanted to launch the site

today it self.


I was supposed to cover this Thirunakshatram for the Gopura Darisanam Magazine,

unfortunately I am still struck at Chennai. I have one appeal any of the Swamis

shysya who is attending the function and has taken Pictures of the celebration ,

I request to lend me the pictures , I will scan and return the pictures. Also

can give the brief description of the function I will be grateful.


As usual your Flowers or Brickbat is welcomed.



Asuri Malakutti Kalyanapuram Lakshminarasimhan Sridhar


Tel +91 80 28475017/28476880 or mobile 9845167815.

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