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Few doubts

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> On Tuesday, October 14, 2003 vikram rao wrote:


> 1.Why should a soul be punished(or rewarded as the case

> may be) for the actions of a material body?


Are you referring to the punishment like svarga/naraka or

moxa Ananda/andhantamas?


In any case, sharira is a jaDa and just like the way a driver

of the vehicle gets punished for an accident, so also the soul

is the one that gets punished.


> 2.It is the material brain that 'directs' us to do things,


Not really -- the 'brain' is jaDa and when the soul leaves the

body this material brain stops working, so there must be something

else that directs this 'material brain' - It is indeed the Lord

who controls everything at all times by giving preraNa [thr' abhimAni

devata-s] according to the svabhAva and anAdi karma of that jIva.


> and how can a soul be held accountable for the actions of our body?

> 3.And moreover soul has no control over our body right?so again

> How is it that soul is being held for the actions of what ever we do?


The jIva, mistakenly identifies with the jaDa body and thinks

that it is doing the action due to its attachment to this

sthUla body, hence it reaps the punishment as well.


> 4. For instance,We can not feel our souls,

> we do not INTERACT with it in any manner...

> our soul does not get hungry...

> so how do we associate ourselves with this soul? I hope i get

> the message accross...for example we can feel our body,similarly how can we

> physically or otherwise identify ourselves with this soul?


What do you mean? 'we' or 'me' is the soul and not the body.

Soul is not a physical entity made of paJNcha bhUta-s. The

soul, due to anAdi karma-s, has attachment to the jaDa body

and identifies itself with the body, hence feels the pain etc.


Without sharIra, soul cannot do its sAdhana to reach its rightful

destination. A satvika soul uses the 'body' to exhaust its karma

and in that process *realizes* that he is not the 'body' and thus

knows itself and the Lord as per its yogyata.




Meera Tadipatri


> Vikram

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Dear Shri Vikram Rao,Vandanam.

Humbly I send these points for your thoughts.

Your quaries semm to take round s around a few centers

as i have understood.

Soul,Its body,Organs,actions and


Basic postulates and cocepts about these if understood

as described in shastras and confirmed by own



would help us to find repliesto our questions.

They can be as under.

Jeevatma has swarupa deha(jnanandamaya or dukhah

ajnamaya or mixed as the case may be according to



yogyata).Linga deha,suxma deha and bhouika deha. These

are the folders of the jeeva.

Through the last cognisible (just like that) last type

of deha we jeevas having been brought to this world



are opportuned to perform in this world according to

swabhava and prabhava. Every performance termed as

karma would


have its Phala,the result.It may cause joy or misery

to us.

Karma and their Gati are very complex.It forms abig

deleberation by itself as Shri krishna put it in



gahana gatih.A discussion on this I remember had taken

place in internet During 9/11 happening and i too


participated in it.

2.In the The Bhoutika or Sthula sharira the Indriyas

golakas look like as if they themselves are

Indriyas.But they


are not.They are only jadas ,exibitive parts.The

active indriyas are successively inside the other

shariras and


finally in the jeevaswarupa.

3.The bhoutika sharira indriyas are inert without them

being activated by the actual indriya s of the

jeeva.If they


are inactivated by the jeva they are just the parts of

the dead body.

So now it becomes clear as to how we cannot put he

blame on the inert bhoutika deha or the jada inriya



Obviously, the chetana becomes responsible for all the

actions of indriyas and the body.

Out of these the Manas plays /forms very important

roll.It contains four compartments Manas(sankalpa



Buddhi(Nishchayatmaka),Chitta And chetana.All these

aspects behave according to the jeeva swabhava.

Thus it becomes obvious that the primary requirment of

a saadhaka is that he should cosolidate thinking that



and the jeeva that is his self are different

entities.Thn he would be lead to Atma saxatkara and




A thorough study of Bhagavdgeeta on the lines of

Acharya Madhwas explanations should greately

contribute to find


oneself comfortable to find solutions for his doubts

in matters of all these such asDEHA, JEEVA, KARMA and

Yoga for



This is what i would humbly submit to my Adhyama




--- vikram rao <vikram_rao_31 wrote:

> Dear All,

> I have one simple doubt.It is a fact that we are all

> souls and not this material body.I agree to this

> 100%.But the doubt that I have is:

> 1.Why should a soul be punished(or rewarded as the

> case may be) for the actions of a material body?

> 2.It is the material brain that 'directs' us to do

> things,and how can a soul be held accountable for

> the actions of our body?

> 3.And moreover soul has no control over our body

> right?so again How is it that soul is being held for

> the actions of what ever we do?

> 4.And more ,though I understand that I am soul on

> paper,but when it comes to practicality of life I

> find it extremely hard to understand it.For

> instance,We can not feel our souls,we do not

> INTERACT with it in any manner...our soul does not

> get hungry...so how do we associate ourselves with

> this soul? I hope i get the message accross...for

> example we can feel our body,similarly how can we

> physically or otherwise identify ourselves with this

> soul?

> I hope elders in this group will be able to guide me

> by answering to my doubts.

> Regards

> Vikram





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  • 8 months later...
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Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha:

Srimathe Nigamantha mahadesikaya Namaha:

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha:


Adiyen has some doubts , can any one clarify


1) What is the difference between Sri lakshmi

hayagreevar and Sri lakshmi hayavadana perumal


2) If samasrayanam ,prapatti is done to a boy, who is

undergoing vedha abhyasam, can he learn and chant

rudram and other things which praises other deity.

will his prapatti will get nullified by doing so.


3) By what means one's papam and punyam are carried to

his subsequent births , beacause we say athma will not

take part in our(body) actions.



Srikrishna dasan






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