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Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam tanians and meanings - Part III (Conclusion)

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Srimathe Ranga Ramanuja Maha Desikaya namaha:




Dear Bhagavathas,


This is the concluding part of the posting on Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam Acharyas' thanian




Kidambi AppullAr (14)


Thanian :


Yasmaath asmabirethath yathipathi kathitha prakthana prakriyothyath,

karma bramhavamarsa prabhava bahupalam sarthamagrahi sasthram,

tham vishvakbetha vidyasthi pathavishayasstheya bhootham prabhutham

vandhe aathreya ramanuja gurumanagam vathiamsambuvaaham.


Meaning: Ancient systems are Vedic treatises which contain karma kandA and brahma kandA discussions, giving various purushArthAs and their meaning. This sAstra, as told by Ramanuja, was received traditionally by Swamy AtrEya Ramanujar (Appullar) and from him it was received by us. Swamy AtrEeya Ramanujar, a great and blemish less preceptor, is the storehouse of different of ways of meditation (32 brahma vidyas and nyAsa vidyas, their content, as described in Brahma mimaamsA). He is like water bearing clouds for swan like debaters. Let me prostrate such a great preceptor Sri AtrEya RamanujA.

(courtesy: Dr. P. Ramanujam Bangalore)


(Swans are legendarily afraid of dark clouds – vAdis are debaters belonging to the other school of thoughts & are artistically referred here as HamsAs-and Appullar is referred here as ambuvAhar-rain bearing clouds)


Kidambi RangarAjAchar (13)




RaamAnujArya Thanayam Ramaniya Vesham Aatreyam Aatma Guna Poornam Anarga Seelam

Sri RangarAjamiva Tadh YathAvatheernam Sri RangarAja Guru varyam Aham Prapadhye


Meaning: I surrender at the feet of AthrEya RangarAcharya, who is verily Lord Rangaraaja reincarnated as the son of Raamaanuja Guru, and with a pleasing personality and like his father, was full of Aatmaguna, and righteousness


Kidambi Ramanuja Pillan (12)




Aatreya GotrAmbadhi Poorna Chandram AachAra Yukthaam Aatma Gunopapannam NathArthi Hridh Desika Ratna Soonum RaamAnujArya Gurum AasrayAmaha


Meaning: Let us seek refuge at AthrEya Ramanuja pillan, son of pranatharthiharacharyA, who is luminous like the poorna chandran, strict in Aachara Anushtanam and who is ornate with benign qualities.


Kidambi Achan - Madappalli Aachaan (11)




Aatreya Gotra Sambhootham Aasraye Aasritha Vatsalam

Yateendra MahA Desikam PranathArthi Haram Gurum


Meaning: I take asylum at the feet of PranathAarthi Hara, a great master, who belonged to Aatreya Gotram and who was kind hearted to those who take refuge at him






PranAmam Lakshmana Muni: Prathi GrihnAthu mAmakam

PrasAdhayathi yat Sookthi: Svadheena PathikAm Sruthim


Meaning: I beseech Sri Ramanuja (Lakshmana Muni) whose Srisookthis adorn the Sruthi and the Upanishads to whom The Lord remain Loyal, to kindly accept my Prostrations.



Mahapoornar (9)




DayAnignam Yatheendrasya Desikam Poornam AasrayE Yena Viswasrujo VishnOr apooryatha Manorathah |


Meaning: I take refuge at PoornA (Mahapoornar-PeriaNambi), Ramanuja’s Guru, who is full of mercy and soft heartedness and by whom the desire of Vishnu, the Lord of the world was accomplished..


Sri YAmunAcharyar – AlavandAr (8)




VighAhe YAmunam Theertham SAdhu BrindAvanE Stitham NirasthaJih Magha SparsE Yatra Krishna: KrithAdhara:


Meaning: I immerse myself in Holy waters of Yamuna (immerse in works of AlavandAr) which protects BrindAvanam, (which protects holy people) who got rid of JihMagas (Kalinga snake, those wicket people who misintepretted Vedas) In which Lord Krishna was most delighted..


Manakkal Nambi - Rama Misrar (7)


Thanian :


Anujjitha Kshamaa Yogam Apunya Jana Bhaadakam Asprushta Madha Raagam Thum Raamam Turyam Upaasmahe


Meaning: We meditate on Rama (ManakkAl Nambi) the fourth Rama in order, (after parasuramar, Dasaratharamar, and Balaramar) who has not abandoned forbearance, (as different from parasuramar) one who has not harmed the rAkshasAs( as different from dasaratha raman) unblemished by love for madas (in contrast to Balarama)


Uyyakkondar - Pundarikakshar –(6)


Thanian :


NamasyAm AravindAksham NAtha BhAve Vyavasthitham Suddha Satva Mayam Soureh AvatAram Iva Aparam



Meaning: I prostrate AravindAkshar (Uyyakkondar) who completely followed thiru Ullam of Naathamuni who is the master of sarva lokas, and who is full of the quality “Sathva gunAs”, and who is re incarnation of lord Souri (Lord Krishna)..


Sriman Naathamunigal (5)




nAthEna muninA tEna bhavEyam nathavAnaham yasya naigamikam tattvam hasthAmalakathAm gatham


Meaning: I have as my mentor, Naathamuni of our SampradhAyam, to whom the profound and difficult meaning of the VedAs was like a nellikkani fruit in the hand


NammAlwar (4)




Yasya SAraswatham Srotho Vakula Modha Vaasitham SruteenAm VisramAya Alam SatArim Thum UpAsmahe


Meaning: We meditate on Satari (Nammalwar) for having blessed us with such glorious compositions which are like flood of nectar with fragrance of vakula flowers and do the job of VedAs in giving benefit to everyone, well enough for the veDas to take rest.


Sri VishvaksEnar (3)




Vandhe Vaikunta SenAnyam Devam Sootravthee Sakham Yad Vetra Sikhara SpandhE Viswam Yetad Vyavasthitham


Meaning: Staying in Vaikunta, VishvaksenAr, the husband of Suthravathi, controls the duties of all. He is the celestial Commander-in-Chief of the Lord. He wields a cane in his hand. The entire world gets controlled by the tip of the cane in his hand. I Pay My salutations to VishvaksenA.


Sri Periya Piraatti (2)




Saha Dharma Chareem Soure Sammantritha Jagad HithAm Anugraha Mayeem Vandhe Nityam AgjnAna NigrahAm


Meaning: I bow to Lakshmi, the co performer of the duties of Lord Vishnu, whose only concern is welfare of the world, who is personification of compassion, who does not know punishing the sinners.


Sriman Narayanan (1)




KamapyAadhyam Gurum Vandhe KamalA Griha Medhinam PravakthAs ChandasAm VakthA Pancha RAtrasya Yaha Swayam

Meaning: I salute the most ancient of Preceptors, who is consort of Kamala and who propagated the Vedas in the beginning and who is himself the author of PancharAtra SastrAs.


Srimath Andavan Thiruvadi,


P.Sreenivasan( Besant Nagar,Chennai)

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