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AcArya rAmAmRtam - sep 05 -02.

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SrImate ra'ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrI ra'nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:

SrI ra'ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSika divya pAdukAbhyAm nama:



AcArya rAmAmRtam - sep 05 -02.

Translation of


SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra'nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI U.Ve. nATTeri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor of SrI

ra'nganAtha pAdukA)


The explanatory footnotes are indicated by " fn " followed by a number.


SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi krshNamAcAri






SrImad vedavatamsa lakshmaNamune: prAptagamAntadvayam

tena SrI raghupu'ngavAnghriyugaLe nyastAtma rakhsAbharam |

SrImad SrInidhi yogivarya kRpayA labdAbja cakrA'nganam

vande SAnti virakti pURNam anagham Srira'nganAtham gurum || [fn1]



en uyir tandaLittavarai SaraNam pukku

yAn aDaivE avar gurukkaL nirai vaNa'ngi

pinnaruLAl perumpUdUr vanda vaLLal

periya nambi AlavandAr maNakkAl nambi

nanneRiyai avarkkuraitta uyyakkoNDAr

nAthamuni SaThakopan SEnai nAthan

innamudat tirumagaL enRu ivarai munniTTu

emperumAn tiruvaDigaL aDaiginREnE.

( sarva AcArya smaraNam )


diSantu me deva sadA tvadIyA:

dayA tara'ngAnucarA: kaTAkshA: |

Srotreshu pumsAm amRtam ksharantIm

sarasvastIm samSrita kAmadhenum ||

(SrI HayagrIva smaraNam )


kamapyanavadhim vande karuNAvaruNAlayam |

vRshaSaila taTasthAnAm svayam vyaktim upAgatam ||

(tiruvenkaTamuDaiyAn smaraNam )


aki'ncananidhim sUtim apavarga trivargayo: |

a'njanAdrISvara dayAm abhishTaumi nira'njanAm ||

(dayAdevI smaraNam)


jIvanam jagatAm jIyAt kimapyapagata-spRham |

svatantram sarva tantreshu ve'nkaTeSAhvyam maha: ||

(svAmi deSikar smaraNam )


kUjantam rAma rAmeti madhuram madhurAksharam |

Aruhya kavitA SAkhAm vande vAlmIki kokilam ||

(VAlmIki smaraNam )


a'njanAnandam vIram jAnakI Soka nASanam |

kapISam akshahantAram vande la'nkA bhaya'nkaram ||


jayatyASrita santrAsa dhvAnta vidhvamsanodaya: |

prabhAvAn sItayA devyA paramavyoma bhAskara: ||

(Hanumat smaraNam )



Our Regional Governor initiated the SrImad rAmAyaNam upanyAsam with a

detailed talk about SrImad rAmAyaNam. When the Governor talked, it

was in the English language, and so I could not understand anything.

I recognized the names when some names of persons were mentioned. I

did not understand anything else. I wish I could say a few words

based on his talk, but I am unable to do that. [fn2]


I am going through an awkward situation like a husband who knows no

language except Tamizh, marrying a girl who knows no language except

English (laughter from audience for a long time). It would be better

if I talk based on understanding what he said. Right! I am just

telling you my position because of not knowing English, that is all.


Everyone thinks of SrImad rAmAyaNam as the best among epics. No

learned person will find any flaws in SrImad rAmAyaNam.


kAvyam ramAyaNam kRtsnam sItAyA: caritam mahat |

poulastya vadhamityeva cakAra bhagavAn Rshi: |(1.4.7)


kAmArtha guNa samyuktam dharmArtha guNa vistaram |

samudramiva ratnADhyam sarva Sruti manoharam || (1.3.8)


These are the words of SrI vAlmIki bhagavAn when he read SrImad

rAmAyaNam once more after he finished composing it. [fn3]



Explanatory Footnotes by SrI NKR svAmin:


fn1: This is the tanian for SrImad tenpiRai ANDavan SrI ra'nganAtha

mahAdeSikan. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan received his formal

instructions on SrImad rahasyatrayasAram and bhagavad vishayam at the

holy feet of SrImad tErazhundUr ANDavan. He got his formal

instructions on SrIbhAshyam and gItA bhAshyam at the holy feet of

SrImad Akkur ANDavan. He performed his prapatti also at the holy feet

of this AcAryan. He received his sanyAsramam from SrImad tenpiRai



The AcArya at any given point in time is the special embodiment of

emperumAn Himself.

When SrImad tenpiRai ANDavan ascended the AcArya peeTham of our

ASramam, chanting his taniyan alone as that of the current AcAryan,

suffices to please all the past AcArya-s as well. In His

purvASramam, SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan considered the reciting of

the taniyan of the present AcAryan as the most important for the

upliftment of the world, and started his upanyAsam-s with the reciting

of his taniyan exclusively. After he assumed the ASramam, he

considered the reciting of the taniyan of the previous AcAryan as the

most important, and started his upanyAsam-s with the exclusive

chanting of SrImad tenpiRai ANDavan's taniyan. All His upanyAsams

were rendered with this tradition.


During the grantha kAlakshepams, all the AcAryas' taniyans are

recited in full, up to emperumAn.


In the current instance, as a collective prostration to all other

AcArya-s, he remembers svAmi deSikar through the Slokam " jIvanam

jagatAm " .


fn2: Humor is abundant in AcArya's upanyAsam. He would present a lot

of things during his upanyAsam in a humorous way. When he says he

does not know English, it is a really for humor. Observe His very next

sentence, where He is giving a humorous example and making the whole

audience laugh. If we look at how He discusses the Governor's

explanation of " dasarathAtmaje jAte " and how He explains the Slokam

" vedavedye " , we will see how SrImad ANDavan clearly understood the

Governor's talk in English.


fn3: The story of SrImad rAmAyaNam starts in bAlakANDam fifth sargam

with the description about ayodhyA. In the preceding four sarga-s,

SrI ValmIki bhagavAn presents four topics by way of explanatory


1. the circumstances that led to the creation of rAmAyaNam as a

result of nArada's upadeSam

2. the blessing from BrahmA, who appeared in person and encouraged

the composing of rAmAyaNam

3. a short briefing of rAmAyaNam kAvyam thus composed

4. The description of vAlmIki teaching rAmAyANam to KuSa and Lava, and

SrI rAma Himself enjoying the kAvyam at the time of asvamedha yAga.


SrImad rAmAyaNam was composed during the time when sItA pirATTi was

separated from SrI cakravartit-tirumagan after Sri rAma

paTTAbhishekam, and was living in SrI valmIki's Asramam. Declaring

" anAgatam ca yatkincid rAmasya vasudhAtale " (1.3.39), VAlmIki bhagavAn

completes SrImad rAmAyaNam by including the description of all that is

yet to happen in the future also.


Having been blessed by BrahmA, SrI VALmIki was able to see all the

future events in SrI rAma's life instantaneously, starting from

rAmAyaNam bAlakANDam 5th sargam till the very end. He included the

four topics listed by aDiyen above as introductory sarga-s and

completed the epic of rAmAyaNa.


In this Sloka that has been quoted by AcArya, the phrase " kAmArtha

guNa samyuktam dharmArtha guNa vistaram " , is of special note - that

in rAmAyaNa, the attainment of materialistic desires is minimally

addressed, whereas the attainment of the goal of dharma or righteous

conduct is covered in great detail.




To be continued………

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