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AcArya rAmAmRtam - Jan 06 - 1

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:

SrI ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSika divya pAdukAbhyAm



AcArya rAmAmRtam - Jan 06 - 1

Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad

tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI U.Ve. nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor

of SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA)


SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri





AcArya rAmAmRtam

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam by SrImad tirukkuDandai



Only if the AcAryan knows how to speak (communicate),

Sishyan’s aj~nAnam will disappear. vAgvidAm varam

– He is the best among those who can express

(thoughts). He (vAlmiki) does not say – vAgminAm

varam; He says vAkvidAm varam. It is difficult to

give meanings for samskRt words. Why suffer doing

this? When there is the beautiful tamizh language,

why do we need upanishad? My AcArya-s have felt very

strongly that it is the best to communicate in tamizh.

There is no better language than tamizh. There are

books that say that when jIvan goes to vaikuNTham,

bhagavAn speaks with jIvan - in what language? Does

He speak in English? Those who speak in English also

go there. They perform bhakti yoga or prapatti, and

then go there. Does He talk in English, samskRtam or



A’njanEyar spoke with sItai; what language did he

speak in? There is a sargam to determine what

language he speaks in.


evam bahuvidAm cintAm cintayitvA mahA kapi: |

samSrave madhuram vAkyam vaidehyA vyAjahAra ha ||


What a nice slokam!!!


A’njanEyar is thinking through one whole sargam.

evam bahuvidAm cintAm - if I speak in samskRtam,

rAvaNam manyamAnA sA sItA bhItA bhavishyati – if a

monkey speaks in samskRtam, what will I do if sItA

thinks rAvaNan (took the form of a monkey, and) is

speaking in samskRtam? What can I do if she does not

understand any other language? She will not understand

anything if I speak in monkey language! How should I

talk? What kind of talk should I resort to? evam

bahuvidAm cintAm cintayitvA – however much he was

thinking, he could not decide. How did he talk then?

Samsrave madhuram vAkyam vaidehyA vyAjahAra ha – he

spoke using the very sweet language. You can decide

for yourself what language he spoke in!


Even I had difficulty in deciding what language he

spoke in. When one goes to vaikuNTham, how does

bhagavAn communicate? - “aparicchEdyamAna

ArAvamudak kaDalilE agastya bhAshaiyAlE anyOnyam

bhOktaAkkaLAna iruvaruam…..†He speaks in agastya

bhAhsai. What is agastya bhAhsai?


vindhyAstambAt avihatagate: vishvak AcAnta sindho:

kumbhI sUno: asura kaVaLagrAsina: svairabhAshA |

nityam jAtA SaTharipu tano: nishpatantI mukhAt te

prAcInAnAm Sruti parishadAm pAduke pUrvagaNyA ||

(pAdukAsahasram 2-9).


He (svAmi deSikan) has declared that the tamizh

language is such a great language.


But, look at how nAradar spoke! This is how he spoke!

vAgvidAm varam – everybody is vAk-vid – knows how

to speak. But, how is he different? Just as upanishad

says “anyA vAco vimu’ncataâ€, among those who

speak nothing else except about bhagavAn, he is the



tad vAg-visargo janatAgha viplava:

yasmin prati Slokam abaddhavatyapi (bhAga. 1.5.11)


says bhAgavatam. If one starts doing upanyAsam about

bhagavAn, and says very wrong meanings for each

Slokam, even then, there is nothing better than that

(listening to the upanyAsam). We all trust only this

Slokam and start doing upanyAsam (laughter in the



Sa vAgvisargo janatAgha viplava: - When the talk is

about bhagavAn, whatever the quality of the talk is,

it goes into the ears of the person who listens to it,

and destroys all his/her sins and makes him pure.


yasmin prati Slokam abaddhavatyapi – In bhAgavatam,

Suka brahmam has enjoyed bhagavAn to such an extent,

that he declares that even if one says wrong meanings

in every poetry, every song, every Slokam, it has the

effect of purifying the listener. There are many who

have talked about bhagavAn; but among those who talk

nothing else other than about bhagavAn, nAradar is the

best - vAgvidAm varam.


There are a lot of meanings for the word tapas. We do

not have to see that now; that is only in kAlakshEpam.

If we continue on that, the number of attendees will

become lesser and lesser (laughter in the audience).


nAradam pariprapaccha vAlmIki: munipungavam. nAradar

is referred to as ‘muni pu’ngavam’ - muni:

manana SIla: - those who have only bhagavAn in their

mind. What are they thinking in their mind?


Sindai maRRonRin tiRattadallAt tanmai dEvapiRan aRiyum

SindaiyinAl Seyva tAn aRiyAdana mAya’ngaL onRumillai

SindaiyinAL SollinAl SeygaiyAl nilattEvar kuzhu


Sindai magizh tiruvARan viLaiyuRai tIrrtanukku aRRa

pinnE (tiruvAi. 7.10.10)


nammAzhvAr says - My mind knows none but that

bhagavAn. “I declare that I do not think about

anything elseâ€. How can we know that? He says that

bhagavAn knows that - “dEva pirAn aRiyum†– He

Himself knows that.


Odilum un pEranRi maRRu OdAL urugum nin tiru uru


kAdanmai peridu kaiyaRa uDaiyaL kayal neDumkaN tuyil


pEdaiyEn pEdai piLLaimai peridu teLLiyaL vallinuN


Edalar munnA en ninai’ndirundAi iDavendai

endaipirAnE ! (periya tiru. 2.7.5)


There is no other work, other than chanting His name,

meditating on His tirumEni, etc.


pandODu kazhal maruvAL pai’nkiLiyum pAlUTTAL pAvai


vandAnO! tiruvara’ngan vArAnO! enRenRE vaLaiyum


SandOkan pouzhiyan ai’ntazhalOmbu taittiriyan


AndO! vandu en magaLaic ceydanagaL ammanai aRigilEnE

(periya tiru. 5.5.9)


[tiruma’ngai AzhvAr is assuming the role of a nAyaki

- parakAla nAyaki in this pASuram. Through the words

of her mother, parakAla nAyaki’s condition is

described here, as one who does not have any interest

in anything other than matters related to emperumAn

– another case of one who thinks of nothing else

other than thoughts of bhagavAn].





To be continued………









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