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AcArya rAmAmRtam - Feb 06 - 3

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:

SrI ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSika divya pAdukAbhyAm



AcArya rAmAmRtam - Feb 06 - 3

Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad

tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI U.Ve. nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor

of SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA)



SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri





AcArya rAmAmRtam

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam by SrImad tirukkuDandai



A big college was started once. The college had to

employ professors, lecturers etc. They were looking

for people with great titles. They advertised in the

papers for the posts. The advertisement said – these

posts are vacant; whoever wants to apply, can do so.

They said the qualification was that the applicants

should have passed M.Sc. One person had M.Sc degree

in Chemistry; he applied for that post. He had a

recommendation from a higher person who said this boy

has passed M.Sc; make him a teacher. The college hired

him as a teacher. They gave him the post of a

Mathematics teacher. Another teacher asked him, “

How are you going to teach?†He said, “The college

is open only five days in the week. That too, (the

classes are) only for 12 periods. In order to teach

the 12 periods, I will learn from another teacher on

Saturdays and Sundays, and then teachâ€. (laughter in

the audience) There are two days – Saturday and

Sunday. He was a very clever person. He will study

for 2 days and teach for the whole week. He taught

surprisingly well. The principal came and saw and was

very surprised. There were some other teachers who

were Brahmins; they complained saying “he studied

chemistry, but is teaching mathematicsâ€. Brahmins

will (always) do their work (of complaining). He

(principal) asked the teacher “You teach Mathematics

very well; how is that possible?†He said, “I

learn from someone else and come and teach†- aham

buddhvA vakshyAmi. Principal said okay. The class

must be taught well (that is the main thing). That is

all that is needed. He learns and comes and teaches.


mune vakshyAmyaham buddhvA – I went to tanjAvUr to

look for an alliance for someone. (I was told) he was

a good boy. The boy was there. I enquired what he has

studied; I asked him for his gotram. He said, “I do

not know, let my father come; I will ask him and tell

you†(audience laughs). After some time, his father

came. I gave the horoscope to him and told him “I

would like to talk about an alliance; what is your

gotram?†He said, “The priest (vAdyAr bRhaspati)

will know; if the priest comes, I will ask him and let

you know†(audience laughs). So, I said, “Okay,

I will talk later†and came out.


mune! = Oh maharishi! aham = I; buddhvA = after I

learn; vakshyAmi = will tell you. Is this the kind

of AcAryan who should be asked such a question?


siddham satsampradAye sthiradhiyam anagham Srotriyam

brahma nishTham

sattvastham satyavAcam samaya niyatayA sAdhuvRtyA

sametam |

DambhAsUyAdi muktam jitavishayigaNam dIrghabandhum


skhAlitye SAsitAram sva parahita param deSikam

bhUshNu: Ipset || (nyAsa vimSati 1)


How should an AcAryan be? “Saramazhai pOl vAzha

ulagil peydiDAi nA’ngaLum mArgazhi nIrADa

magizhndu†ElOr empAvAi – ANDAL says how AcAryar

must be. If an AcAryan says I will ask someone and

come and tell you, what kind of AcAryan is he?

vAlmIki’s rAmAyaNam is so great; and yet there is an

AcAryan like this in his times.


For that, there is an excellent explanation in the

vyAkyAnam for bhagavad vishayam. mune vakshyAmyaham

buddhvA – says nAradar. The characteristics that you

told me are all very intriguing. buddhvA does not mean

‘I will ask someone, learn and come back and tell

you’. Does he have any doubt? No. “Who is the

person who has those 16 guNams? I have to meditate on

him and get moksham. Show me that saguNa brahmamâ€

said vAlmIki. rAman is the one who has those 16

guNams. When vAmIki asked the question, nAradar

remembered cakravartti tirumagan rAman. That brought

him memories of rAma anubhavam; and because of that,

nAradar lost control of his mind, and became involved

in the anubhavam or rAman’s guNam-s. “AhA! What

a great mahA purushan! How great are His guNams! What

a nature!!â€


“What svAmi! You said you will say rAmAyaNa

upanyAsam! So many of us are sitting here. There is

no notes; no paper?†buddhvA vakshyAmi.

vyAkyAnam is ‘ aham nArado bhUtvA vakshyAmi’ – I

will be nAradar and say. What does it mean you will be

nAradar and say? “The guNams that you told me will

give rAma anubhavam; when one is under the influence

of an anubhavam, the mind will be lost and speech will

not occurâ€.


pAl Azhi nI kiDakkum paNbai yAm kETTEyum

kAl Azhum; ne’njazhiyum; kaN Suzhalum - neel Azhic

cOdiyAi! AdiyAi! tolvinai em pAl kaDiyum

nIdiyAi! niRcArndu ninRu (nammAzhvAr’s

periya tiruvantAdi 34)


AzhvAr experiences perumAL in periya tiruvantAdi.

pAlAzhi nI kiDakkum paNbai – As You are reclining in

pARkaDal; When we start enjoying Your beauty; our

legs and the mind become unsteady. kAlAzhum

ne’njazhiyum kaN Suzhalum – legs fail; cannot

stand anymore. The mind melts and dissolves. The eyes


That is why he (nAradar) says he has to say this



Se’ncorkavigAl uyir kAttu ATceymin tirumAlirumcOlai

va’njakkaLvan mAmAyan mAyakkaviyAi vandu

en ne’njum uyirum uL kalandu ninRAr aRiyA vaNNam

en ne’njum uyirum avai uNDu tAnE Agi niRaindAnE

(tiruvAimozhi 10.7.1 )


One cannot talk when one is enjoying perumAL at the

same time. It can be talked about anytime, but one

should talk without enjoying. Should be like vidvAns

and talk (laughter in the sabhai). Cannot talk while

enjoying at the same time (AcAryar also laughs



Because of this anubhavam, “kAlAzhum ne’njazhiyum

kaN Suzhalumâ€.


vAi Or Irai~jjURu tuda’ngaL Arnda

vaLai uDambil azhal nAgam umizhnda SentI

vIyAda malarccenni vidAnamE pOl

mEl mElum miga e’ngum parandadan kIzh

kAyAmpU malarppiRa’ngal annamAlai

kaDiyara’ngattu aravaNaiyil paLLi koLLum

mAyOnai maNattUNE paRRi ninRu

en vAyAra enRu kolO vAzhttum nALE (perumAL

tirumozhi 1.2)


What does kulaSEkharar say? “I have to go to

SrIra’ngam; worship perumAL; when I am enjoying

perumAL, I will not be able to standâ€.


mAyOnai maNattUNE paRRi ninRu en vAyAra enRu kolO

vAzhttum nALE! The legs will falter. Hands will lose

their sensitivity. I will fall down because my head

will be reeling. maNattUNE paRRi ninRu – there are

two pillars in perumAL sannidhi; they are called

‘Amoda stambham’ – they are there so that when

one’s hands and legs fail while enjoying perumAL,

one can hold on to them (the pillars). maNattUNE paRRi



What is being done today? People say, “If we hold

on to the pillar, we will get money†and embrace it.

(audience laughs heartily; AcAryar also laughs

slightly) “mAyOnai maNattUNE paRRi ninRu en vAyAra

enRu kolO vAzhttum nALE! “


bhaTTar enjoys periya perumAL in AdiSesha



“kastUri kalitorddhva puNDra tilakam


mukta smera rasAmrutAdhara talam muktA



ANDAL enjoys Him thus in nAcciyAr tirumozhi – tAm

ugakkum pASuram


“kuzhal azhagar vAi azhagar kaNNazhagar

koppUzhil ezhu kamalap pUvazhagar emmAnAr “


periya tirumozhi 5-6-3 says:

“…………… tannaDiyAr manattenRum

tEnAgi amudAgit tigazhndAnai magizhndu oru kAl

AnAyan AnAnaik kaNDadu tennara’ngattEâ€


Being unable to stand because of the anubhavam

resulting from seeing and enjoying periya perumAL

“maNattUNE paRRi ninRu en vAyAra enRu kolO vAzhttum

nALE! “ - I should stand holding on to that pillar

and pay my salutations and offer my prayers happily

(vAyAra vAzhttaNum).


What does “vAyAra Solludal†mean? The mouth must

get complete gratification; the salutations must be

such that the mouth is totally satisfied. One may not

understand “vAyArac collal†(saying something so

that mouth is happy). But “vayirARa SAppidudalâ€

will be easily understood. That means eating so that

the stomach is totally filled up. Periya tirumozohi

– tiruccErai padikam (7.4.8) says “kaNNArak



kaNNAra - eyes are totally pleased

vAyAra – mouth is completely satisfied

vayirARa – stomach is happily filled up


Like that, AzhvAr says he will hold on to the pillar

when he sees perumAL. That is why, in bhagavad

anubhabam, AzhvAr (nammAzhvAr) says ‘izhivAr

kUTTattoDE izhiya vENum†– one should not go alone

to see perumAL. There should be a big company for

pErinbam. For SiRRinbam, privacy should give

assistance. For enjoying the greatest of pleasures

– emperumAn, we are asked to go accompanied by a

large gathering. “Se’ncorkavigAl uyir kAttu

ATceymin tirumAlirumcOlai va’njakkaLvanâ€-

upanishad calls this ‘nAyam AtmA balahInena labhya:

‘. A weakling cannot enjoy this paramAtmA. perumAL

should be enjoyed by one with good strength. nAradar

says to vAlmIki: “Oh vAlmIki, I thought about

bhagavad guNam; what happened after I thought about

bhagavad guNam? I am lost. I don’t even remember

where I am!†“hey mune buddhvA aham vakshyAmiâ€

– wait a little. I will gather my thoughts and tell





End of Feb. 2006


To be continued………









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