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AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. August 06. Part 1)

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:

SrI ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSika divya pAdukAbhyAm nama:


AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. August 06. Part 1)


Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI U.Ve. nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor of SrI ra’nganAtha



SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri





AcArya rAmAmRtam

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan


dharmaj~nasya mahAtmana: - svAmi, daSaratha cakravartti follows the dhArmic

path, with full understanding of what the appropriate conduct is in all its

aspects. He is knowledgeable about dharmam. He is a great person. He

observes dharmam in practice. Even then, he did not have sons. Why did he not

have sons? What to talk of having sons - If you look at the sons in the

world, we will feel we don’t want any son. Is it possible that daSarathan did

not desire to have sons, and that is why he did not have any?. But he performs

penance for getting a son - sUtArtham tapyamAnasya. He feels miserable that he

does not have a son. Even from ancient times, there have been folks who were

feeling bad for not having a son. pANDu mahArajA sits and cries; he got a

curse from a mahaRshi (when pANDu aimed an arrow at him). He feels bad that he

does not have a son. He looks at those who have sons and having a wonderful

time, and feels sorry that he does not have a son.


aham kim ambA kim abhIshTatApate

taveti mAtur duri tAta! pRcchayA |

pralobha tulyam pravadantam arpakam

mudAhasan jighrati mUrti puNyabhAk || (bhAratam campU)


pANDu says, “A child is born to a couple. It is 2 years old now. Knows how to

talk. Father and mother keep the child on their laps and ask – “do you like

mother? Or, do you like father? Father will have sugar in his hand. Mother

would have coins in her hand. When asked if the child likes mother or father,

the child will say, “I like mother” – mother has kept what the child likes. The

liking is where whoever has what is being liked. So, the child likes mother.

When the father and mother listen to this, they laugh. Because the child says

that the mother is liked, father also likes that. The mother embraces the

child and kisses the child in the face and is happy. He (pANDu) says they are

blessed. He feels so bad not having a son. Very good Slokam in mahAbharatam



It is a matter of sorrow if one does not have a child. daSarathar is feeling

very sad. kulaSEkharap perumAL sings in dEvaki pulambal daSakam – dEvaki is



vaDik koL a’njanam ezhudu SemmalarkkaN

maruvi mEl inidonRinai nOkki

muDakki SevaDi malarc ciru karum tAL

poliyum nIr mugil kuzhaviyE pOla

aDakkiyArac cenciru viralanaittum

ankaiyODaNaindu Anaiyil kiDanta

kiDakkai kaNDiDap peRRilEn andO

kESavA keDuvEn keDuvEnE ! (perumAL tirumozhi 7.2)


A baby left in the bassinet will be sucking its toe. There will be kRshNan

doll hanging from above. The child will be looking at that. I did not have

the blessing to see that.


The child will be playing in the street. After that, the child will come

inside. Mother will sit down to eat. Child will come running to her and take

the food in her plate and eat that; after all, it is a child!


vaNNac ce’nciru kai viral anaittum

vAri vAik koNDa aDiSilin miccil

uNNap peRRilEn Oh koDu vinaiyEn

ennai en Seyyap peRRadu emmoyE (perumAL tirumozhi 7.6)


says devakI. Yashodhai gets all these. The child who is playing in the street

will come and eat the food in her plate and the mother will eat the rest


vaNNac ce’nciru kaiviral anaittum

vAri vAik koNDa aDiSilin miccil


The child would take the food straight from the mother’s leaf, and the mother

would consume the left-over.


Child touches the food without cleaning the hand. Mother does not throw out

the prasAdam with the leaf and eat a different batch of food. YaSodhai got that

blessing. Eating the left-over after the child touches the food is a blessing

that is sought after.


There was a grand old lady in our town. She used to observe EkAdasi vratam and

do dvAdaSi pAraNai [break the fast]. She was observing it as laid down in the

SAstra-s. Even if the dvAdaSi is present only for a short time, she will do

pAraNai in the right time. She will observe extended dvAdaSi-s also. She was

talking with someone one dvAdaSi afternoon; that person asked her, “I searched

all over town. I could not find any leaf. What did you do?” That old lady

said, “ I used plantain leaf”. “ Oh no. The dvAdaSi is completely ruined. You

should not use plaintain leaf for dvAdaSi. You should use only pEtti ilai (a

kind of fig leaf) stitched together. The elderly folks have said so. Have you

heard about it?” “Okay, from next time, I will do so”. Next dvAdaSi came. It

was alpa dvAdaSi - dvAdaSi that lasted for a short time. She finished cooking

very early in the morning – she made SunDaikkAi ( wild berry) , nellip paccaDi

(citrus fruit salad) , agattik kIrai (like collard greens), mOrkkuzhambu

(buttermilk soup), pUSaNikkAi (gourd) etc. She called her grand-daughter

[pEtti in tamizh also means grand-daughter] – her daughter’s daughter, served

food for her first and then ate in that same leaf.


The old lady who asked her to eat in ‘pEtti leaf’ came and asked her what she

did for dvAdaSi. The grandmother said, “You told me to eat in ‘pEtti leaf’;

dvAdaSi was only for a short time. My pEtti (granddaughter) would not even get

up when I tried to wake her up – she started crying. Somehow, I woke her up,

served food for her in the leaf and then I ate in that leaf.


“Oh ignorant woman! ‘pEtti’ means the leaf of the ‘pEtti’ tree; you should

stitch those leaves and use that as a leaf for eating” Because that

grandmother loved her grand-daughter, she remembered only the child when she

heard the word ‘pEtti’! (laughter in the audience).


taNNam tAmaraik kaNNanE kaNNA

tavazhndezhundu taLarndadOr naDaiyAl

maNNil SempoDiyADi vandu endan

mArvil manniDap peRRilEn andO!

vaNNac cenciRu kaiviral anaittum

vAri vAi kONDa aDiSilin miccil

uNNap peRRilEn O koDuvinaiyEn

ennai en Seyyap peRRademmoyE !! (perumAL tirumozhi 7.6)



kulaSEkhara AzhvAr says beautifully. The child plays in the street and with

that dust, comes and embraces the father on his chest. Father gets mad; he

pushes the child away and goes and takes a bath himself. His pOONal (sacred

thread) became dirty. Can you call that anAcAram (when a child does that?) en

tan mArvil manniDap peRRilEn andO! If a child plays and comes and embraces

with dirt, one who is cultured will feel happy. Would one say – “my pOONal

became dirty. It became unclean. It now has the mud from the street. What

kind of child is this? Stupid child. It should have been born in the foreign

land with white people; it has come and born here”.


vaNNac cenciRu kaiviral anaittum

vAri vAi kONDa aDiSilin miccil

uNNap peRRilEn O koDuvinaiyEn

ennai en Seyyap peRRademmoyE !!


maruvum nin tiru neRRiyil SuTTi aSai tara

maNi vAyiDai muttam

tarudalum, un tan tAdaiyaip pOlum

vaDivu kaNDu koNDu uLLam uL kuLira

viralaic cenciRuvAyiDaic cErttu

veguLiyAi ninRuraikkum avvuraiyum

tiruvelEn onRum peRRilEn ellAm

deyva na’ngai yaSOdai peRRALE ! (perumAL tirumozhi 7-5)


Good song. These belong to ‘magapERu’ (blessing of getting a child).

kulasekhara AzhvAr describes the experience of enjoying Him. maruvum nin

tiruneRRiyil SuTTi aSai tara – As the ornament called SuTTi moved from side to

side on Your sacred forehead. The hair of the babies will be braided in small

strands (kottavara’nkAi pinnal). It is a small braid. There used to be an

ornament called “SuTTi” in those days. It is like rAkkuDi (a round ornament for

the hair). That will have a pendant with small pearls. It will dangle on the

forehead from the hair; when the baby crawls, that SuTTi will move sideways on

the face. “She (yaSOdai) would enjoy looking at that. How unfortunate I am that

I didn’t get to enjoy that”, laments devaki. “ muttam tarudalum” – The baby

will give a kiss! I didn’t get that also. “un tan tAdaiyaip pOlum vaDivu kaNDu

koNDu uLLam uL kuLira” - She will look at the baby. The baby will have

father’s facial features. Whose else? Baby will only resemble the father. She

will look at the father’s features in the baby and feel happy.


To be continued..











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