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AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. August 06. Part 2)

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:

SrI ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSika divya pAdukAbhyAm nama:


AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. August 06. Part 2)


Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI U.Ve. nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor of SrI ra’nganAtha



SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri





AcArya rAmAmRtam

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan



“viralaic cenciRu vAyiDaic cErttu veguLiyAi ninRuraikkum avvuraiyum” – small

babies will speak innocently. There will be no concealment. They talk without

any inhibition. She (yaSodai) was fortunate enough to listen to all that! A

child will not know what to conceal and what not to conceal.


A marriage was being conducted in a house. dakshiNai (a gift to brAhmaNa-s)

was all kept ready to honor the svAmi (who conducted the marriage). People

came to the svAmi’s house to invite him to receive the dakshiNA. It was

ekAdaSi that day. svAmi’s child was standing outside the house.. “Where is

your father”, asked the people who had come to invite him. The child said, “He

is inside, eating yesterday’s leftover food” (laughter in the audience). It

was ekAdaSi; the child did not know that he should not reveal that his father

was eating old food inside. “veguLiyAi ninRuraikkum avvuraiyum” – if the child

had been a bit grown up, and if asked where the father is, then he would have

said, “Father is doing japam- meditation” or “tiruvArAdhanam is going on” etc.

Since he was only a child, he did not know all this. “ veguLiyAi ninRuraikkum

avvuraiyum tiruvilEn onRum peRRilEn ellAm deyva na’ngai yaSodai peRRALE !”,

so says dEvaki and laments.


tasya tu evam prapbhAvasya

dharmaj~nasya mahAtmana: |

sutArtham tapyamAnasya

nAsIt vamSakara: suta: || (bAla. 8.1)


sutArtham tapyamAnasya – daSarathan is tortured by the thought of not having a

son. He is praying for a son. dharmaj~nan – he knows dharmam. He follows

dharmam. He is asking for a son. When people seek a son, do you know what they

ask! Son should be very handsome. Should be well educated. He should get over

90 marks. He should be intelligent. He should lead a long life. Everyone in

the world should envy him. If one demands so many things, then such a son will

be born if they have performed enough puNyam (good deeds) to deserve such a

son.. We dream a lot but we do not get such kind of a son. Did daSarathar

wish intensely for such a son? If one thinks that maybe that is why he did

not get a son - “nAsIt vamSakara: suta:” - he did not demand any such thing.

All he wanted was a male child. He is just asking for a son so that his

iskshvAku clan will continue. He did not ask for anything else.


vAlmIki makes a joke here. nAsIt vamSarkara: suta: - that is what daSarathar

wanted – just a male child. When he was like that, it did not happen, because,

his wife wanted a “good son”. So, it took so long.


“kausalyA lOka bhartAram sushuve yam manasvini|

tam mamArthe sukham pRccha SirasA cAbhivAdaya ||” (sundara. 38.57)


In sundara kANDam, pirATTi tells tiruvaDi (hanumAr), “kausalyA lOka bhartAram

sushuve” – kausalyai prayed for a son so that the whole world can benefit from

it. sushuve manasvinI – daSarathar will pray to ra’ngavimAnam everyday for a

male child. When kausalyai is circumambulating, she will pray for a son who

will take care of the whole world, whether he takes care of his wife or not.

She wanted that kind of a good son.


“kausalyA lOka bhartAram sushuve yam manasvini|

tam mamArthe sukham pRccha SirasA cAbhivAdaya ||”


“A’njaneya! Go and tell rAman, SirasA ca abhivAdaya – tell Him that I

prostrate before Him. sukham pRccha – He will not listen if you say I am

prostrating as His wife. He will pay attention only when it comes from His

subjects. So, SirasA ca abhivAdaya – wife does not prostrate before husband

that much. May be for deepAvaLi and kArttigai; only 2 days. Not in other

days. Subjects prostrate to Him with folded hands. SirasA ca abhivAdaya – ask

Him not to consider me as His wife. Ask Him to think of me as His prajai

(subject), because, if He considers me His prajai, He will protect me. Others

who are not His wife are all leading happy lives. Only because I am His wife,

I am suffering. So, ask Him to think of me as His prajai.


tasya tu evam prabhAvasya dharmaj~nasya mahAtmana: |

sutArtham tapyamAnasya nAsIt vamSakara: suta: || (bAla. 8.1)


cintayAnasya tasyeyam buddhirAsIt mahAtmana: |

sutArtham vAjimedhena: kimartham na yajAmyaham || (bAla. 8.2)


suyaj~nam vAmadevam ca jAbAlim atha kASyapam |

purohitam vasishTham ca ye cAnye dvija sattamA: || (bAla. 8.5)


What did daSarathan do next? 60,000 years were gone. There has been no child.

What to do if it is like this? He thought about it. He called his AcAryan –

vasishThar. He called jAbAli mahaRshi. He called all the brAhmaNottamas and

had them all seated. suyaj~nar, vAmadevar, jAbAli, kASyapar – all came. He

told them:


mama lAlapyamAnasya putrArtham nAsti vai sukham |

tadartham hayamedhena yakshyAmIti matir mama || (bAla. 8.8)


svAmi-s! 60,000 years have passed by. All conveniences are there. Nothing

about that, but, I do not have putra purushArtham – putran (son). When I think

about it, everything else feels sad also. Even though I have everything, the

thought that I do not have a son, makes it all sorrowful. putrArtham nAsti vai

sukham – no happiness. I have an idea -


tadartham hayamedhena yakshyAmIti matir mama |


I think I should do aSvamedha yAgam. “Is that so?” “Yes, svAmi, it is very

difficult for me”.


aRupadinAyiram ANDum mANDuRa

uRupagai oDukki ivvugai OmbinEn

piRidu oru kuRai illai – en pin vaiyagam

maRu kuRum enbadu Or maRukkam uNDu arO ! (kamba. tiruavatArap paTalam – 3)


aRupadinAyiram ANDum mANDuRa – I ruled for 60,000 years. No one has lived this

long. I do not have any enemies. If there is an enemy, I will crush him.

uRupagai oDukki ivvugai OmbinEn – sutavat paripAlitA: - I took care of the

kingdom like a son.


pAdukAsahasram says – anupadhi parirakshan ekaputrAbhimAnat bhuvanam idam

Sesham (pAdukAsahasram 890) – pAdukA dEvi is taking care of me in a special way

– how? eka putrAbhimAnAn – She is taking care of me like the parents of their

only son.


daSarathar says, “I do not have any sorrow, except that I do not have a son..

en pin vaiyagam maRuguRum enbadu Or maRukkam uNDu arO – after me, there is no

good man to rule over this earth. That is my sorrow. I do not know what to

do. I am thinking of performing the aSvamedha yAgam.


To be continued…..










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