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AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. January 07. Part 1)

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:

SrI ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSika divya pAdukAbhyAm nama:


AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. January 07. Part 1)


Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI u.ve. nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor of SrI ra’nganAtha



SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri


guNavanto’nurUpASca rucyA proshThapadopamA:

(bAla. 18.16)


The four of them were born and were shining brilliantly. proshThapadA star –

they were like pUraTTAdi and uttaraTTAdi [fn 1] stars. Vedam says,

“proshThapadAso iti yAm vadanti”. They were like that type of star. vAlmIki

bhagavAn says that all the four of them were so radiant.


jagu: kalam ca ghandarvA : nanRtu: ca apsarogaNA: |

devadundubhayo nedu : pushpa vRshTi : ca khAccutA ||

(bAla. 18.17)


gandharva-s sang very happily. apsara-s danced. The dundubhi instruments in

devalokam were blown [in celebration]. Flowers showered from the sky.


utsavaSca mahAn AsIt ayodhyAyAm janAkulah (bAla, 18.18) - it was a great

festival in ayodhyA, with lots of people gathering. Imagine how it will feel

if a child is born after 60,000 years! Normally, even those who do not have

food for the next meal will feel extremely happy if a child is born. He is

cakravarti. The whole earth is his kingdom. Not just for five years; for the

whole life. [Current day situation is] If five years expire, get down (from

your seat); you are not re-elected. So, when it is like that, imagine how much

happiness there will be!


pradeyAnSca dadau rAjA sUta mAgadha vandinAm |

brAhmaNebhyo dadau vittam godhAnAni sahasraSa: ||

(bAla. 18.20)


He (daSarathar) made special donations to everyone. He gave ‘bonus’ to all

servants because of the birth of the children. He made offerings to brahmaNas.

He also gave cows as gifts.


atItyaikAdaSAham tu nAmakarma tathA’karot |

(bAla. 18.20)


jyeshTham rAmam mahAtmAnam bharatam kaikayIsutam ||

saumitrim lakshmaNam iTi SATrughnam aparam tathA |

vasishTha: paramaprIta: nAmAni kRtavAnstadA ||

(bAla. 18-21)


writes vAlmIki. Eleven days later, they spread the rice kernels and did

nAmakaraNam (giving names). AcAryan came to give names. vasishThar came.


In kRshNAvatAram, gargar was the AcAryar. They asked him to give name (for

kRshNa). Normally, graha prIti must be done; rice kernels must be spread and

the given name must be written on it. He gave three names for balarAman. When

he was asked to give a name for kRshNan, he started meditating. They asked him,

“What? You have given name/s for the elder one. What is the matter with giving

a name for the younger brother? You are meditating”.


bahUni santi nAmAni rUPANi ca sutasya te |

(bhAga. 10-8-15)


He said, ‘Your son has thousand names. I am thinking what name to choose’. He

is enjoying kaNNan that much. Like that, vasishThar keeps a beautiful name.


jyeshTham rAmam mahAtmAnam bharatam kaikayIsutam |


He gave the name ‘rAman’ to the eldest one. ‘rAman’ means – ramayatIti rAma: -

‘one who stupefies the people of the land’ says bhagavad vishayam. Whoever sees

Him, they will enjoy seeing Him very much. He will enchant the yogis’ hearts.

If He comes in person, they cannot [concentrate and] see Him in their hearts;

they have to see Him only outside. He (vAlmIki) gave the name ‘rAman’ for the

eldest one. To the one born next, he gave the name ‘bharatan’; why? bharata

iti rAjyasya bharaNAt – because he is going to rule the kingdom very well, he

gave the name ‘bharatan’. Normally, a king would be independent. He did not

have independence, yet he ruled, he put his signatures, he was not the king,

but he was a king also. He ruled over the kingdom like that.


He left the kingdom to the care of the pAdukai-s [rAman’s]. When he was giving

his signatures, he was like the tiruvanantapuram king who signs ‘ananta

padmanAbha dAsa:’ The whole wealth in the kingdom belonged to perumAL. If

the king needs a loan, he will write a promissory note to perumAL, take

perumAL’s golden vessel and get money with the golden vessel as a lien.

Because, it was perumAL’s kingdom. They (those kings) will say “ananta padma

nAbha dAsa:” when they speak of themselves. Like that, bharatan was pAdukA



tadA hi yat kAryam upaiti ki’ncit

upAyanam ca upahRtam mahArham |

sa pAdukAbhyAm prathamam nivedya

cakAra paScAt bharato yathAvat ||

(ayodhyA. 115-27)


Whatever is brought [as a gift] by anyone, he will offer them to the pAdukai-s

- carpets, jewelry, diamonds, precious gems, etc. He will then add them to the

kingdom’s treasury. If fruits are brought as gifts, he will present them to

the pAdukai-s and distribute the fruits as prasAdams to people - Will the

fruits stay (fresh) till rAman comes?


cakAra paScAt bharato yathAvat – because he is going to be a pAdukA dAsan and

would not resort to independence and still would look after the kingdom also,

vasishThar, having divine insight, gave the name – bharatan. He named

sumitrai’s son ‘lakshmaNan’. lakshmaNo lakshmi sampanna: - he is the one who

is going to have lakshmi. The other three are useless. What is lakshmI?

Knowledge about Seshatva j~nAnam is lakshmI. There is no higher lakshmI than

j~nAnam. He (lakshmaNan) has kaimkarya lakshmI. lakshmI means aiSvaryam.

What is wealth? aiSvaryam is what deSikar wrote in his vyAkhyAnam for

ISAvAsya upanishad. He said – everybody earn aiSvaryam; earn a lot of money.


agne naya supathA rAye asmAn,

viSvAni deva vayunAni vidvAn ||

(ISAvAsya. 18)


During aupAsanam (worship of household fire) we say to agni – “hey agne! Lead

me through a good path to money. Make me earn money through good means.” So

the upanishad mantram itself says: Earn money. deSikar says, “Yes”. In his

vyAkhyAnam, he says – you also earn the good money. “When you earn, earn the

good money”. What is good wealth?


ataskara kara grAhyam arAjaka vaSamvadam |

adAyAda vibhAgArham dhanam arjaya susthiram ||


Earn money that cannot be destroyed. Thieves should not be able to steal it.

Even if you take it to the house front and give it, it should be a wealth that

cannot be taken away by thieves. ataskara karagrAhyam. arAjaka vaSamvadam.

There should be no estate duty. Earn money that does not incur estate duty.

He (government) will take away half the money. That is very difficult. The

owners will not have anything left. There is so much “duty”. One should not

be caught in estate duty. Agnates (relatives) should not be able to divide the

wealth. One should earn that kind of money. susthiram dhanam – nI’ngAda

Selvam niRaindu. In one place, in villivAkkam, they gave me a subject (for

discussion) “nI’ngAda Selvam” (SrImad ANDAvan laughs). Everyone has come. [fn

2]. nI’ngAda Selvam means – kaimkarya SrI. lakshmaNo lakshmi sampanna: how is

that kaimkarya SrI? He (lakshmaNan) did kaimkaryam to rAman by foregoing sleep

for 14 years – day and night. Wouldn’t one feel sleepy? He did not feel

sleepy. He kept doing kaimkaryam in the night and during the day. He never

slept. Why didn’t he have sleep? nidrAdevi is the only one who is not partial.

lakshmi shows partiality. sarasvati shows partiality. lakshmI’s sister also

shows partiality.


But nidrA devi (Sleep) does not have partiality. She will be with every one.

One who does not sleep at night will sleep in the day. One who does not sleep

in the day will sleep in the night. Some will sleep during the day and during

the night also. nidrA devi did not come near lakshmaNan. She did not come for

fourteen years. He did kaimkaryam. Why? When indrajit did penance and asked

a boon from brahmA, he asked – only a person who has not slept for fourteen

years can beat me; otherwise I should not die. His thought was - Who is going

to be there without sleeping for fourteen years? I can live forever. So,

lakshmaNan stayed without sleeping for fourteen years. One can say – one

cannot stay without sleep. His wife, UrmILA slept for fourteen years. That is

why she did not even write a letter to her husband! Shouldn’t she have written

at least an inland letter? (AcAryar laughs slightly). At least a simple card -

only fifteen paise. She slept for fourteen years.


ardho vA esha Atmana: yat patnI – vedam says a woman is half of a man’s body.

She slept.


lakshmaNo lakshmi sampanna: - he did kaimkaryam.




fn 1 – pUraTTAdi has two stars; uttaraTTAdi has two stars – total is four. All

the four are equally radiant. These can be seen in the kumbha rASi in the sky.

It means all the four kids were shining as one.


fn 2 – it means those who had listened to that upanyAsam (made by SrImad

ANDavan) in his pUrvASramam are sitting here (to listen to this upanyAsam).



To be continued …..







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