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AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. January 07. Part 2)

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikAya nama:

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:

SrI ra’ngarAmAnuja mahAdeSika divya pAdukAbhyAm nama:


AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. January 07. Part 2)


Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI u.ve. nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor of SrI ra’nganAtha



SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri


Satrughno nitya Satrughna: - he gave the name Satrughnan. Why? He vanquished

all his enemies. One vyAkhyAnam says – he won over his enemies. What enemies?

Satrava: dvividhA: - [Enemy is of two kinds] - the enemy outside and the enemy

inside. We very well know the enemies outside. Whoever causes problems for us

is an enemy. The enemies inside are the indriyas – senses.


uNNilAviya aivarAl kumai tIRRi ennai un pAda pa’nkayam

naNNilA vagaiyE nalivAn innam eNNuginRAi

eNNilAp peru mAyanE imaiyOrgaL Ettum ulagam mUnRuDai

aNNalE amudE appanE ennai AlvAnE !

(tiruvAi. 7.1.1)


uNNilAviya aivarAl – in our body, there are 5 enemies. They do not let us see

bhagavAn. They take us to the outside interests.


tiruvukkum tiruvAgiya SelvA!

deivatttukaraSE! Seyya kaNNA!

uruvac ce’ncuDar AzhivallAnE!

ulaguNDa oruvA! tirumArbA!

oruvarkkARRi uyym vagai anRAl

uDan ninRu aivar ennuL pugundu ozhiyAdu

aruvitinRiDa a’nji ninnaDaindEn

azhundUr mEl tiSai ninRa ammAnE!

(tiruma’ngai., periya tiru. 7.7.1)


It is a pAsuram on tErazhundUr perumAL. In the song, it is called

tiruvazhundUr. People call it ‘tErazhundUr’. You have to get off at kuttAlam

station near mAyavaram. One is not able to answer to even one enemy. One

cannot answer (win over) the eye. [The royal] eye says it is not enough if it

watches cinema (movie) throughout the life. Like this, there are five senses.

oruvarkkARRi uyym vagai anRAl [When I can’t get over the control of me by even

one indriyam]; uDan ninRu – being in my body - there are five of them. They

are all torturing me. I am being held up by five enemies. I am unable to

overcome them.


indriyANi pramAthIni haranti prasabham mana:

(gItai 2.60)


All the senses are pulling away our mind. Man goes in the way the senses go.

He is not able to dominate over them. The senses are ‘nitya Satru’ (eternal



Satrughno nitya Satrughna: - he named him Satrughnan! Which enemy is he going

to conquer? In uttara kANDam, he is going to vanquish lavaNAsuran. Nothing

right now. He conquered the Antara Satru-s – the enemies inside. How is that

known? He is going to do kaimkaryam to bharatan. He will not even look at

rAman. If he looks at rAman, it will pull him to rAman – it will drag him to do

kaimkaryam to rAman. So, without looking at Him, he will do kaimkaryam to

bharatan. So, vasishThar beautifully named him nitya Satrughnan. vAlmIki

beautifully explains how nicely vasishThar has given names.


vasishTha: paramaprIta: nAmAni kRtavAn tadA |

(bAla. 18.22)


He kept the name ‘rAman’ and looked at the baby. Good, good, a very apt name

for the baby; he placed lakshmaNan by rAman’s side; good name.


In Bangalore, a girl came bringing her husband to have pa’nca samskAram done.

They told me they wanted samASrayaNam done. I said okay. It seems that girl

had crooked eyesight. I asked her to look straight. Only if she looks

straight, the cakram will be correctly engraved [on the skin]. She kept

looking somewhere else. I asked her to look straight. She said she was

looking at me. I thought she was looking somewhere else. Anyway, the cakram

and Sa’nku [samASrayaNam] were given. I had to do nAma samskAram. I asked her

what her name was. She said “mIna lOcani”! [one with beautiful eyes like

those of a fish]. There are such things in the world.


A person went to a doctor. Doctor asked him the reason for the visit. He said

that he has a lot of complications and will describe them after everyone left.

Doctor said okay. Then, he [the doctor] asked what the problem was [after

everyone left]. The patient said, “I have had a headache for three years. It

is not leaving me. The stomach is aching. I have other complaints. I get

fever every month. My shoulders are hurting. “ He said all his ailments. He

listed about eighteen ailments. He said all these diseases and asked for

medicine for all of them. The doctor wrote prescription. He asked for the

patient’s name The response was: “ArogyasAmi”! - [a person with excellent

health] (there is laughter in the audience).


vasishThar named the children. He looked at the child. rAma: it is beautiful.

He was very satisfied. vasishTha: paramaprIta: nAmAni kRtavAn tadA !”


This is in bhagavad vishayam – a person was worshipping kuberan. He had a

child. He named him “ailabilan”. Kuberan’s name is “ailabilan” in amara

koSam. He named his child “ailabilan”. That child was great. He became a

king. When poets come to visit the king, they are expected to come with

Slokams praising the king. It is not easy to compose a Slokam incorporating

this name. If you wish, you try to act the role of a poet and try to compose a

Slokam with this name – let us see. It does not rhyme with anything. The

poets wondered aloud why such a name had been to the king.


With the name ‘rAma’, any number of Slokams can be written. A baby was born in

a house. The priest came for puNyAhavAcanam. He said, “I will not be able to

come in the night for the naming ceremony; go ahead and conduct it yourself.”

In the evening, the parents named the child. The priest came four days later

to assist in performing amAvAsai tarpaNam. He asked, “ What name did you give

to the child?”


They said, “SrInivAsa rAmAnuja deSikan”. Why? Because SrInivAsan is their

family God. They belonged to rAmAnuja siddhAntam and deSika sampradAyam. They

combined all the three for the name. The priest said, “I did not come. It is

my fault. You have kept a long name. When the time for writing carama Slokam

[the one written when a person dies] comes, it won’t come out okay; What can I

do? “ (audience bursts into laughter). sa va: ka: kim yat tat padam anuttamam

(vishNu sahasranAmam) - even if the name has only one syllable, it would have

worked. The name rAma: is very beautiful. vasishTha: paramaprIta: nAmAni

kRtavAn tadA – vasishThar was extremely happy.


What happened after that? The four kids became very great students. They did

niyama adhyayanam [practice of the veda as ordained]. sarve veda vidA: SurA;

sarve lokahite ratA: (bAla. 18.24) - they were all well-versed in vedams. They

were all very friendly to all the people. lakshmaNan and rAman were very

friendly with each other. bharatan and Satrughnan were very friendly with each



na ca tena vinA nidrAm labhate purushottama: |

(bAla. 18.29)


One night, baby rAman woke up at 9 and cried profusely. What is this? Is it

stomach pain? They tried to give medicine. Nothing stopped his crying. They

gave sleeping pill. What is this? Is it sprain? [in tamizh, it is termed

‘uram’]. Do you know what ‘uram’ is? It is like a sprain. They will cover

the child around with a blanket and roll the child back and forth. You would

have had it also. You would have been rolled over. You do not know. If they

are rolled over, the sprain will go away and the crying will stop. They tried

it on rAman and still he did not stop crying. You know how many doctors will

come if a king calls for them Nothing helped. Okay, this child was born

after 60,000 years. He does not stop crying. So, they all decided he is going

to die. Everyone starts crying. sumitrai came there asked why they were

crying. They all said that the child was crying, and they did not know what to

do. sumitrai said, “All of you just move away”. They asked, “Are you going to

treat the child without knowing what the problem is?” sumitrai just scooped

the baby and took him to her own palace. She made him sleep in her palace. He

went to sleep in 5 minutes. In the morning, everyone asked, “What is this? How

many medicines were given! How many doctors came!” They even gave homeopathy

medicine (laughter). If this does not work, give that. That is the way to

paramapadam (audience laughing). How did you make him sleep? “


Don’t they know the nature of this child? sumitrai is a great j~nAni; her

intellect is superior. This child used to sleep on AdiSeshan; He is not able

to sleep without His bed. When He was left to lie by lakshmaNan’s side, he

went to sleep. After all, lakshmaNan is AdiSeshan’s amSam.


na ca tena vinA nidrAm labhate purushottama: |


There is a secret in this. I will tell you in the kAlakshepam tomorrow.


mRshTam annam upAnItam aSnAti na hi tam vinA | (bAla. 18.29) If He was given

some tasty food item to eat, He will eat only if it is given to lakshmaNan

first. lakshmaNan will eat only if it is given to rAman. Even in our houses,

we can see this. If you give something to eat, some will say ‘give some to

that person’. If sambandhi (in-law) comes, one will say “give him some

puLiyodarai, give a little cake”. Do you know why they say ‘Give some to that

person’? “There is no salt, let him also have it”! (laughter). Not like that.

mRshTam annam upAnItam aSnAti na hi tam vinA – He will eat any rich, good food

only if it is given to lakshmaNan also.


te cA`pi manuja vyAghrA: vaidikAdhyayane ratA: |

pitR SuSrUshaNa parA dhanurvede ca nishThitA: ||

(bAla. 18.35)


They liked doing adhyayanam [learning] of vedams. They would study vedams with

all its a'ngams [auxiliaries to the veda-s, such as SikshA, chandas, vyAkaraNa,

nirukta, jyotisha, and kalpa]. After that, they would serve their parents.

Even after studying. Some people will not do that after they study. They

learned dhanur vedam also. They were experts in that.



To be continued …..







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