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AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. June 07 Part 1)

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahA deSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahA deSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahA deSikAya nama:

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:


AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. June 07 Part 1)


English Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI u.ve. nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor of SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA)


SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri


Special Note from the editor – SrI NKR svAmin:


“So far, I have been presenting the rare treasure of the nectarine words of our

AcAryar SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan SrImad vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikan as

recorded in audio tapes. I now find that the upanyAsam portions from the start

of “kausalyA suprajA rAma!” till the end of bAla kANDam could not be found in

my collection in spite of a serious search. The parts after that - from

ayodhyA kANDam till the end of SrI rAma paTTAbhishekam are all mostly

available. I had half a mind to just continue with what I have, by leaving out

the missing parts, and continuing from ayodhyA kANDam; however, my mind is not

at peace to leave out the divine SitA-rAma kalyANam in the context of the

complete SrImad rAmAyaNam. At the same time, it is a matter of great sorrow

that our AcAryan’s sweetest of sweet words are not to be found. This is

aDiyEn’s misfortune! What can be done?”


“The most auspicious SrI sItA rAma tirukkalyANam portion must not be left out

of the ancient, holy kAvyam. So, with prayers to the pAdukA-s of our prakRtam

SrImad ANDavan SrI ra’nga rarAmAnuja mahAdeSikan, SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan,

and all the pUrvAcAryArs, aDiyEn will attempt to present a condensed version

of aDiyEn’s own SrImad rAmAyaNa kAlakshepam as recorded in audio tapes for the

rest of bAla kANDam. Without question, this is apacAram, and aDiyEn’s mind is

filled with sorrow. However, aDiyEn constantly prays to all to forgive the

introduction of aDiyEn’s own discourse in the middle here, and accept it just

as elders have accepted maNavALa mAmunigaL’s vyAkhyAnam for the missing parts

of periyavAccAn piLLai’s vyAkhyAnam for periyAzhvAr tirumozhi, or as they have

accepted bANa bhaTTa’s son’s writings for the portions of the gadya kAvyam

titled kAdambarI that had been left unfinished by bANa bhaTTa. When ayodhyA

kANDam starts, aDiyEn will definitely start writing SrImad ANDavan’s actual

words again. aDiyEn is unable to help diminish the heavy disappointment that

will be felt by the devotees as a result of this situation.”


AcArya rAmAmRta satkathAyAm sItA vivAho na na bhavya: eva |

tasmAt prasaktAm likhitim mamaitAm dayAparA: candramayIm khsamantAm ||


“In order that SrI sItArAma tirukkalyANam is not left out of this auspicious

AcArya rAmAmRtam, aDiyEn will be writing the missing parts in my own words; the

readers endowed with mercy should forgive this action just as they accept the

dark spots in the full moon”.


“Since any other title is not appropriate, the series is continued under the

same title as before - AcArya rAmAmRtam”.


- nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjAgOpAla dAsan, Editor.


kausalyA suprajA rAma! pUrvA sandhyA pravartate |

uttishTha naraSArdUla kartavyam daivam Ahnikam ||


[viSvAmitrar thinks aloud]: kausalyA suprajA rAma! What name shall I use to

call rAman when I wake Him up? Can I wake Him up as “daSaratha kumAra!

dASarathe!”? Why should I think about daSarathan now? When I asked him for his

son, he made me boil over in anger in a very short time! But, kausalyai has a

great, generous mind. She is the one who wakes up this child every day. When

He wakes up, He will say “mother” in a sweet voice; today, when He wakes up, He

will see this bearded, fear-inducing Rshi’s face and feel afraid thinking,

“What is this?” and then adjust later. It should not be like that. Even before

He wakes up, I will say – “Your mother is not here, child! Please get up!”

So, he says - kausalyA suprajA rAma! This is one more interpretation.


rAman’s Sayanat tirukkOlam is exquisitely beautiful. Kausalyai cannot enjoy

this beauty anymore. Without realizing that, she sent Him away with a generous

mind. She can’t enjoy this beauty again because this Rshi is going to

transform kausalyA rAman into sItA rAman. He is taking Him away only to get

Him married. From now on, one can only ask - between sItai and rAman, who is

going to wake up the other from their sleep? Will the boy wake up the girl,

or, will the girl wake up the boy? Only sItai will wake Him up! Being a great

pativratai [ideal wife who follows her dharma or code of conduct], she will

wake up earlier, and then sweetly wake up her husband!


“bhAgavata-s would love to see perumAL’s eyes slowly opening up - Se’nkaN Siric

ciridE em mEl vizhiyAvO – this will not be available for kausalyai anymore. I

took away her enjoyment! Alas! Kausalyai will not have this chance from now

on. She gave her child so magnanimously. Now I am going to get Him married,

and she won’t have this chance again!” – so thought viSvAmitrar. kausalyA

suprajA rAma! - viSvAmitrar, who has just enjoyed the Sayanat tirukkOlam for

one day, and who feels that he can never again bear to live without this joy

any more, now feels bad that he is forever going to deprive this anubhavam to

kausalyai who has uninterruptedly enjoyed it for 12 years.


Another interpretation - kausalyA suprajA rAma! Kausalyai is the only one who

got a good child. Only she got a good child who brought auspiciousness to the

whole world.

rAman was a good child only because kausalyai gave birth to Him. orutti

maganAip piRandu Oriravil orutti maganAi oLittu vaLara – the child born to

dEvakI was a very naughty and mischievous one.


Next, viSvAmitrar said ‘rAma’! Couldn’t he call Him ‘dASarathe!’? Instead, he

called Him ‘rAma’. What a name vasishThar has given!


Kuzhal azhagar vAi azhagar kaNNazhagar koppUzhil ezhu kamalap pUvazhagar

-(nAcciyAr tirumozhi, tAm ugakkum-2) – ANDAL kept calling perumAL ‘azhagar’,

‘azhagar’. Only the name ‘rAma’ is very apt for this mUrti.



To be continued ...






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