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AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. Aug 07 Part 1)

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahA deSikAya nama:

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja mahA deSikAya nama:

SrImate vedAnta rAmAnuja mahA deSikAya nama:

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm nama:

AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. Aug 07 Part 1)

English Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan

As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI u.ve. nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor of SrI ra’nganAtha


SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri


Editor’s Note

In the last two issues - the Ani and ADi months {June and July, 2007), we could

not present the SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in the form of the divine words of

SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan SrImad vedAnta rAmAnuja mahAdeSikan. This was

because the tapes for those parts could not be located. For the sake of

continuity, aDiyEn’s upanyAsam was presented in order not to leave a gap.

But, AcArya kaTAksham has not forsaken us. Smt. KalyANi KRshNamAcAri (U.S.A)

noted our predicament and helped us by obtaining a CD of SrImad rAmAyaNa

upanyAsam given by SrImad ANDavan in 1975 in ChembUr SrI ahobhila maTham at

Bombay, from SrImAn SrInivAsan (USA), son of (Late) SrI SrInivAsa RAjagOpAla

Iye’ngAr of the vazhuttUr dIkshitar family. SrImAn SrInivAsan had very

carefully preserved SrImad ANDavan’s upanyAsam that was originally recorded by

his late father, and has been kind enough to provide us this copy in memory of

his late father, for the benefit of all devotees. This is clear demonstration

that our AcAryar’s kaTAksham is continuously being showered on us.

This ChembUr upanyAsam took place for a duration of fifteen days. It is only

one-fourth of the upanyAsam that we were publishing from the1972 Chennai

upanyAsam in duration. Starting with this issue, we will be publishing the

missing portions from the shorter version from the Bombay upanyAsam.

Our sincere thanks to SrI SrinivAsan of USA who provided this great help. Now,

we will continue happily with the nectar of the sacred words from our AcAryar.

- nATTEri kiDAmbi rAjagOpAlA dAsan.


SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan’s SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam

(We are continuing again with AcAryan’s divine words from the place where we

had left off AcAryan’s upanyAsam [two months back] - ViSvAmitra mahaRshi

waking up SrI rAma with ‘kausalyA suprajA rAma’ Slokam).

kausalyA suprajA rAma! pUrvA sandhyA pravartate |

utthishTha naraSArdUla ! kartavyam daivam Ahnikam ||

ViSvAmitrar is waking up perumAL asking Him to do sandhyAvandanam. Why would

perumAL have to perform sandhyAvandavam? kartavyam daivam Ahnikam – “The

Ahnikam which is in the form of devatA upAsanai needs to be performed. Get

upâ€. Why does perumAL have to observe Ahnikam? ViSvAmitrar says, “I am not

waking You up for You to perform sandhyAvandanam. I am waking You up so that

You can accept the sandhyAvandanam that I am performingâ€. When perumAL is

available in person, one should make the offering to Him. When one is doing

evening sandhyAvandanam in KA’ncIpuram in ananta saras [the divine tank of the

temple], do you know how the arghyam should be offered? It is not offered

facing the west direction as it is normally done in the evening. While

performing evening sandhyA in that pushkariNi, arghyam will be given only facing

the east direction! Have you noticed it? Have you performed evening

sandhyAvandanam in ananta saras? (laughter in

the audience). The arghyam will be offered only facing the east direction -

because perumAL [vimAnam] is in that direction. In SrIra’ngam, when

periyANDavan performed sandhyAvandanam in the evenings in the ASramam, he would

offer arghyam facing the ra’nga vimAnam. Here, perumAL is always close by

(nitya sannihitan). perumAL who is in the Sun is so far away. Let the Sun go

west or anywhere - When perumAL is close by, why offer it to perumAL who is so

far away?

So, ViSvAmitrar woke up perumAL. “I would have finished japam, tapam

everything by now; But You are still lying down. So I am waiting. mayA

kartavyam daivam Ahnikam pratigRhNIshva – I have to do Ahnikam. That is why I

am waking You upâ€.

Okay, so they woke up, and finished all the Ahnikam. They prostrated to

ViSvAmitrar. He said: “Let us proceed furtherâ€. They all left. Night

came. “Let us stay in this place for the night. It is called kAmASramam.â€

They asked him, “What is kAmASramam?†“Sivan burnt Manmathan here.

ParameSvaran was doing penanceâ€. KALidAsan writes – kenA’pi kAmena tapa:

cacAra (kumAra sambhavam 1.57). [The deva-s] went to devendran and said,

‘Sivan is going to take your post; you have to obstruct his penance’.

Immediately, indran thought about Manmathan, who appeared instantly in front of

indran - Manmathan came there.

tava prasAdAt kuSumAyudho’pi sahAyam ekam madhum eva labdhvA |

kuryAm harasyA’pi pinAka pANE: dhairyacyutim ke mama dhanvino’nye ||

(kumAra sambhavam 3.10)

says KALidAsan. The Slokam is excellent. “My arrow is not made of bone or

iron or plastic or stainless steel; kusumAyudho’pi – even though it is made

of only flowers, as long as I have your blessing, if I use this flower arrow, I

will disturb the mind of even that pinAka pANI paramaSivan (one who has the

staff or stick in his hand for meditation) – said Manmathan.

Desikan describes in sa’nkalpa sUryodayam:

kuvalaya nayanAnAm kUNIte locanAstre

SaraNayatu viveka: kAm diSam kAndiSIka: (sa’nkalpa. 1.32)

He says that if Manmathan aims his arrow, even the minds of svAmigal and

sanyAsi-s will become perturbed. Manmathan says: ‘Let anyone with brahma

j~nAnam come. I will make all vivekam, all knowledge about SrI bhAshyam etc fly

away’. If he aims an arrow, all the vairAgya bhAvam (firmness of

determination etc.) will disappear.

“Manmathan aimed his arrow. Sivan burned Manmathan in response. So

ana’nga: iti vikhyAta: - Manmathan is called ana’ngan. This is the place

where his body (a’ngam) burned and fell down. So, it is called an’ga deSam.

This is called KAmASramam. There are many Rshi-s here. It is sacred to stay

here. We can stay here for the nightâ€. They woke up in the morning and

continued walking.

They went to the forest area. There was no one in the forest! tad vanam

paripRcchata . rAman asked why there was no one in the forest. ViSvAmitrar

said - “Yes, I will tell you. tATakA nAma bhadram te (bAla.24.25) – there

is a rAkshasi (she-demon) here – a woman; she has a surprising form. If you

ask: “So what?†- she is a ferocious demon. Even animals will not come

here because of her. rAma exclaimed, ‘Is that so?’. ‘Yes, that tATakai

has to be killed; that is why I brought you here’.

pUrvam AsIt mahAyaksha: suketur-nAma vIryavAn |

anapatyah SubhAcAra: sa ca tepe mahat-tapa: || (bAla. 25. 5)

pitAmahastu suprIta: tasya yakshapate: tadA |

kanyAratnam dadau rAma! tATakAm nAma nAmata: || (bAla. 25.6)

“There was a yakshan named suketu; He followed good practices, and was a very

good person. He was very sad that he did not have any children. He did penance

towards brahmA. brahmA came - that old one who is sitting on a lotus came.

“arumaRaik kizhavan†came and asked “Sindai en ena†– “What are you

worried about?†When brahmA came and asked suketu what he wanted, suketu

said, “SiRuvar inmaiyAl†- ‘ I do not have any children; you should bless

me so that I will have a son..’ BrahmA said: “You have done penance with

great effort. But, you will not have a son because of your horoscope; no sons,

but you will have a daughterâ€. Kamba rAmAyaNam says “maindargaL illai, oru

magaL uNDAm enRAnâ€. “I saw your horoscope. You do not have sons. But, you

will have a daughter. Your horoscope does not have a favorable putra sthAnam. A

bad planet is looking at the putra sthAnam. So, you will have a daughter. Ketu

is in that

sthAnam. So, she will be a dark-colored girl.†- “oru magaL uNDAm


kanyA ratnam dadau rAma! tATakAm nAma nAmata: | (bAla. 25.6)

dadau nAga sahasrasya balam cA’syA: pitAmaha: || (bAla. 25.7)

suketu said – ‘I do not have any relatives either on the in-law side or in

my own side to look after the daughter. How can I leave the daughter in the

house alone if I have to go out to earn? This girl will become frightened if

she is alone. How can I bring up this child? Should I leave her in the house


“Do not worry! I will give her the strength of a thousand elephants!†said

BrahmA. If a girl has the strength of a thousand elephants, imagine how that

place will be. That girl grew up to get married. One blessed person married

her. jharjhaputrAya sundAya dadau bhAryAm yaSasvinIm (bAla.25.8); sundan is

jharjha’s son. Suketu gave her in marriage to sundan. A son named mArIcan

was born to them.

Sundan once committed an offense towards agastyar. agastyar cursed him.

Because agastyar cursed her husband, tATakai went to fight with agastyar. He

cursed her also: “You are cursed to become a rAkshasi (demon)! Your son will

also become a rAkshasan.â€

‘mun ulagu aLitta muni tanda uyir ellAm

tan uNavu enakkarudu tanmaiyinan mai’nda

en eni uNarttuvadu ? inic cirudu nALil

mannuyir anaittaiyum vayiRRin iDum’ enRAn. (kambar)

ViSvAmitrar said, ‘If she is left alive for a few more days, she will eat

everyone in the world all by herself. I brought you here only to kill her. You

know what you should do! Take your bow and pluck the chord. tATakai will come

here. When she comes, kill her.

‘Are you asking – Should a woman be killed? Oh, daSaratha’s son! You see

all the jIvans in the world as Your own jIvan! In a few days, there will not be

any jIvans in this world. All will be in her stomach. Do You know how many

Rshi-s she has eaten? Do You now how many Brahmins have been eaten by her?

That is why You should kill her. She has eaten countless number of Brahmins.’

‘Where do you live?’ asked RAman. ViSvAmitrar said he lived close by.

‘Why didn’t she kill you? You are a Brahmin also! How did she leave you?’

‘If my body had some flesh, she would have eaten me. There are only bones.’

kOdu enRu uNDilaL; ittanaiyE kuRai. “Still, can one kill a woman? strI is

called abalA. It is said that they do not have any strength. svAmi, you are

asking me to kill a womanâ€. It is said that if ladies are standing in the

bus, men folk should get up and offer their seats! You don’t have to get up

even for AcAryan! (laughter in the audience). But if ladies come, one should

get up. This is in our tamizh nADu. I don’t know what is required here. I

do not know about this place (Bombay). Women folk are abalai-s. They should be


RAman said, “svAmi! You are asking me to kill a woman! Is this


na hi te strI vadha kRte ghRNA kAryA narottama |

cAturvarNya hitArthAya kartavyam rAjasUnunA || (bAla. 25.19)

‘Do not think of this as killing a woman. You should do this for the

protection of the four castes. vishNu has killed bhRgu’s wife. A lot of

others have killed women also’.


To be continued …..





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