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tAtparya ratnAvaLi - Submission 59, Slokam 22, Conclusion of First pattu.

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SrImate Ra'nga RAmAnuja MahA DeSikAya namaH. tAtparya ratnAvaLi - Submission 59, - Slokam 22, Conclusion of 1st pattu. With this posting, we conclude svAmi deSikan's tAtparya ratnAvaLi Sloka-s for the first 100 pASuram-s - also called mudal pattu

because it consists of ten tiruvAimozhi-s. In conclusion of the first pattu, svAmi deSikan gives us one Slokam that summarizes the contents of the first pattu in which nammAzhvAr has sung BhagavAn's sevyattvam (that BhagavAn has all the guNa-s that point to Him as the object of our worship). Slokam 22: Adau ittham paratvAt (1.1) akhila samatayA (1.2) bhakta saulabhya bhUmnA (1.3) niS-Sesha aghas-sahatvAt (1.4) kRpaNa sughaTanAt (1.5) Sakya samrAdhanatvAt (1.6) | svAdu sva upAsanatvAt (1.7) prakRti RjutayA (1.8) sAtmya bhoga pradAnAt (1.9) avyAja udAra bhAvAt (1.10) amanta Satake mAdhavam sevanIyam

(1st pattu) || Thus, in the first Satakam (100 pASuram-s) of tiruvAimozhi grantham, nammAzhvAr points out that BhagavAn is worthy of our adoration, as established by the following guNa-s of BhagavAn sung in the first ten tiruvAimozhi-s: - paratvAt - sarvasmAt paran -

MAdhavan is the Supreme Deity above all, without exception.(1.1) - akhila samatayA - sarva-saman -. He treats all devotees as equals, without any differentiation. He is accessible for worship by all, and can be worshipped by all with the same ease of access. (1.2) - bhakta saulabhya bhUmnA - ASrita sulabhan - He is

extremely easily accessible to the devotees, to the point that He lets Himself be controlled by His devotees through their devotion (1.3) - niS-Sesha aghas-sahatvAt - sarva aparAdha sahan - He forgives all sins of the devoee who surrenders unconditionally to Him (1.4) - kRpaNa sughaTanAt - (kRpaNa - wretched, helpless; su-ghaTanAt - easily mixing with) -

sauSIlyan - BhagavAn moves with even the lowliest of lowly beings without any differentiation, by getting down to their levels (1.5) - Sakya samrAdhanatvAt - It is extremely easy toworship Him - sukara bhajanatvam (1.6) - svAdu sva-upAsanatvAt - Worship of BhagavAn is sweet - sevanam svAdu, it is supreme delight (bhajanam parama

bhogyam) (1.7) - PrakRti RjutayA - Naturally consistent in thought, word and deed - “nirupadhimRjutAm” –One who is sincere in his associations with His devotees (nirupadhi means ‘without any conceit’; Rju – one who is honest in his dealings, straightforward. Favorable.). Rather than expecting everyone to adjust to His level, He brings Himself down to their levels, with all sincerity. He bends to the way of the bhakta-s, rather than correct them to His level

(1.8) - sAtmya bhoga pradAnAt - He gives Himself to His devotee in small, 'digestible', easy doses at a time so that the devotee gets true enjoyment of Him in completeness (1.9) - avyAja udAra bhAvAt - atyanta udAran - BhagavAn gives Himself without any constraint to His devotees (1.10). With the next posting, we will start the second pattu. I know of some devotees who have been following the write-ups. At this point, if any of you have any suggestions on improvement for future write-ups, kindly let me know (champakam), and if it is within my ability, I will try to take into account the suggestions. -dAsdan kRshNamAcAryan (To be continued)

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