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Om Namo Bhagavathe VasudevayaDear All,Practice of Srivaishnavaite rituals has been changing dramatically as per convenience and also there has been big gap in knowledge transfer from generation to generation. I would be deeply grateful to all of you if you could discuss about how Chaturmasya vritham is followed in sampradaic manner among Srivaishnavaite grihasthas. Though all days are important in spending in bhakthi and in nithya kainkaryams to pray the holy feet of Sriman Narayana, Chaturmasyam for the spiritual seeker is a period of introspection and purification, and develop deep devotion. Thanks and Regards,Jayashree

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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Srimathe Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha


Dear Madam,


As far as my knowledge goes, the Chaturmasya Vritham is observed ONLY

by Sanyasis and not grahasthas. I will stand corrected if I am

wrong.Learned baghavathas may enlighten me.



Srimad Andavan Thiruvadipodi











andavan , Jayashree <jayashree_n_b wrote:


> Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya


> Dear All,


> Practice of Srivaishnavaite rituals has been changing dramatically

as per convenience and also there has been big gap in knowledge

transfer from generation to generation. I would be deeply grateful to

all of you if you could discuss about how Chaturmasya vritham is

followed in sampradaic manner among Srivaishnavaite grihasthas. Though

all days are important in spending in bhakthi and in nithya

kainkaryams to pray the holy feet of Sriman Narayana, Chaturmasyam for

the spiritual seeker is a period of introspection and purification,

and develop deep devotion.


> Thanks and Regards,

> Jayashree



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Om Namo Bhagavathe VasudevayaDear All,Please correct me if I am wrong learned people. All our puranas says that Chathurmasyam has to be observed by all four varnas.Skanda purana, bhagavatham, varaha purana has the ullekyam for it.Skanda purana says: ======================nityaM kAryaM cha sarveShAM etadvratachatuShTayaM |nArIbhiShcha narairvApi cha chathurAshramavartibhiH ||brAhmaNaH xatriyo vaishyaH sthriyaH shUdro vratI tathA |gR^ihI vanasthaH kuTicho bahUdaH paramahaMsakaH ||narakAnna nivartaMte tyaktvA vratachatuShTayaM

||idaM vrataM mahApuNyaM sarvapApaharaM shubhaM |sarvAparAdhashamanaM sarvopadravanAshanaM ||sarvairavashyaM kartavyaM chaturAshramavAsibhiH ||This vrata bestows great merit; it destroys all sin; it is auspicious; it is capable of wiping out all our offences; it is capable of removing all our ills. This vrata has to be observed by people belonging to all four ashramas(brahmachari, gruhasta, vanaprastha & sanyasashrama. Those who do not observe this vrata can never escape hell.Varaha purana says about ChathurmAsa & its speciality:===========================================asti priyatamaH kAlashchAturmAsyAbhido mama |snAnaM vrataM japo homastatrAnaMtaguNaM smR^itaM ||maseShvanyeShu yatkiMchith kriyate mama toShaNaM |tasmAtkoTiguNaM puNyaM mAghe makarage ravau ||tato.api koTiguNitaM

vaiShAkhe mAsi labhyate |tato.apyanaMtaguNitaM chAturmAsye na saMshayaH ||The period of ChathurmAsya is very dear to Sri Hari. Acts like snana, japa, homa done during this period give immeasurable merit. The merit that accrues to acts done during the month of Magha when the sun is in Makararasi is a million times more than the merit that comes to acts done during other times; more than this is the meritthat accrues to acts done during the month of Vaishaka. But the merit that accrues to acts done during chathurmasa period is infinitely more than all those; let there be no doubt regarding this.AshADe dashamiM suklAmArabhya syAttu kArtikI |paurNamAsI tAvadidaM chAturmAsyavratAdikaM ||AdyaH syAt.h shrAvaNo mAso nabhasyo.atha dvitIyakaH |tR^itIyachchAshvino mAsashchaturthaH kArtikaH smR^itaH ||chAturmAsye.atha puNyasya vR^iddhiH syA~ncha dine dine |na kArtikasamAvR^iddiH

puNyasyoktA manIShibhiH ||shrIdharascha hR^ishikeshaH padmanAbhastR^itIyakaH |dAmodaraH kArtikasya chAthumasye tu devatAH ||Sridhara, Hrishikesha, Padmanabha, Damodhara are the presiding forms of the Lord for the four months respectively.Thanks and Regards,Jayashree Badarinathvasan1937 <vasan1937andavan Sent: Tuesday, 17 June, 2008 5:19:06 AM Re: Chaturmasyam

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Srimathe Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Dear Madam,

As far as my knowledge goes, the Chaturmasya Vritham is observed ONLY

by Sanyasis and not grahasthas. I will stand corrected if I am

wrong.Learned baghavathas may enlighten me.


Srimad Andavan Thiruvadipodi



andavan@ .com, Jayashree <jayashree_n_ b wrote:


> Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya


> Dear All,


> Practice of Srivaishnavaite rituals has been changing dramatically

as per convenience and also there has been big gap in knowledge

transfer from generation to generation. I would be deeply grateful to

all of you if you could discuss about how Chaturmasya vritham is

followed in sampradaic manner among Srivaishnavaite grihasthas. Though

all days are important in spending in bhakthi and in nithya

kainkaryams to pray the holy feet of Sriman Narayana, Chaturmasyam for

the spiritual seeker is a period of introspection and purification,

and develop deep devotion.


> Thanks and Regards,

> Jayashree



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Dear Sevarthis,


Adiyen thinks that Ms Jayashree has raised a valid and novel {a correct question} issue - no one has thought of this before in recent times!


U Ve Srinivasachar is correct & is basing his comments on the universal belief that Chaturmaasyam relates only to Yathis {Sanyasis} - adiyen feels otherwise.

Generally this is a 4 month period starting from Aadi Maasam Pournami till Pournami of Kaarthigai,

Gradually these 4 months got reduced to 4 Pakshams {4 x 15 days}.

Generally Chatur Maasya Sankalpam is observed on the Aadi Maasam Pounami day,

But Srutis permit the obsevance of the Chaturmaasya Sankalpam on any day upto the Panchami immediately after that Pournami,

The Punya Bhoomi had millions of noble souls & this caused torrential rains till November,

This would cause all sorts of underground Jeevaraasis to proliferate and move over the or just under the ground.

Any yatra by a Sanyaasi would result in such Jeeva Raasis to get either injured or killed.

That is why the Sanyaasis used to stay put in any one station for this 4 month period to avoid Jeevahimsai.

These criteria apply equally to Grihsathas as well,

Adiyen humbly submits that Chaturmaasyam is open to all to observe {at least the male species of the homosapiens}.

Only caveat is that they should be qualified for that Sankalpam by virtue of their Gnanams, Anushtanams, Vairakyams etc.,

Kalyana Gunams generally associated with Yathis & Acharya Purushas!}.

Further we should be kept under virtual house arrest {!!} not move out of our premises or at least not cross a river etc.,

In these times and age, with 99.9% of the Grihasthas engaged in Business or Profession or Services etc., taking off a 60 days leave period is simply not on.

Even highly qualified Vaideekas cannot afford to remain in their houses for 4 months or 2 months,

Adiyen would submit that these practical considerations are the main reasons why Chatur masasya sankalpams are not associated with Grihasthas,

In theory YES but in practice NO would be adiyen's take on this {sheer coincidence or God's will, this posting has 18 points!!}.


Warmest regards.


Daasan RR.



Shri RS - Please request Shyam & Venkat to post these on all the sites in USA - Regards - Daasan RR


On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 3:49 PM, vasan1937 <vasan1937 wrote:






Srimathe Ramanujaya NamahaSrimathe Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha Dear Madam,As far as my knowledge goes, the Chaturmasya Vritham is observed ONLYby Sanyasis and not grahasthas. I will stand corrected if I am

wrong.Learned baghavathas may enlighten me.RegardsSrimad Andavan ThiruvadipodiDasanR.Srinivasaan.andavan , Jayashree <jayashree_n_b wrote:

>> Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya> > Dear All,> > Practice of Srivaishnavaite rituals has been changing dramaticallyas per convenience and also there has been big gap in knowledge

transfer from generation to generation. I would be deeply grateful toall of you if you could discuss about how Chaturmasya vritham isfollowed in sampradaic manner among Srivaishnavaite grihasthas. Thoughall days are important in spending in bhakthi and in nithya

kainkaryams to pray the holy feet of Sriman Narayana, Chaturmasyam forthe spiritual seeker is a period of introspection and purification,and develop deep devotion. > > Thanks and Regards,> Jayashree

> > > Best Jokes, Best Friends, Best Food and more. Go tohttp://in.promos./groups/bestof/>

-- Warmest Regards

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