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Om Namo Bagavathe Vasudevaya,Dear All,I just wanted to add few more information which I got to know. ChathurmAsya

vrata: (Skanda puraNa)========================================· On Ashada Shukla Dasami (after

finishing the morning bath & deva puja) one has to partake panchagavya

& purify the body. prathame mAsiM kartavyaM nityaM

shAkavrataM shubhaM |dvitIye mAse kartavyaM

dadhivratamanuttamaM || payovratAM tR^itiye tu chathurthe tu

nishAmaya |dvidalaM bahubIjaM cha

varjayechChuddhimichChatA ||nityAnyetAni vipremMdra !

vratAnyAhurmanIshhiNaH || First month (Sravana) - Shaka vratam; Second month (Bhadrapada) Dhadhi vratam; Third

month(Ashvija) Ksheera vratam; Fourth month(Karthikai) Dwitala & bahubeeja vrata. Adhithya puraNa says during first month one should leave the following shakas==============================================================================mUlapatrakarIrAgraphalakAMDAdhirUDhakAH


puShpaM kavachaM cheti shAkaM dashAvidhaM smR^itaM ||The

term Shaka signifies the following ten items- root, leaf, shoot, tip,fruit,

stem, sprout, stalk, flower, skin. (it

means that these ten itemsare

prohibited during the shaka vrata). The following are allowed:atasI

tulasI chaiva dhAtrI chUtaphalaM tathA |grAhyANyetAni

chatvAri viShNunottaM yataH purA ||nAnyat.h

kiMchit.h samashrIyAt.h bhuktvA chAMdrAyaNaM charet.h ||Except

Agasthya, tulasi, gooseberry, mango. Dwidala-Bahubeeja vrata (4th month): (Skanda puraNa)=============================================Plants & seeds which break into two equal parts are known asdvidala. Black gram, green gram, bengal gram, masoor,

horsegram, red gram,tamarind

are considered as dvidala. These

cannot be used.Even

greens which have several seeds are considered as bahubeeja. Suchdwidala

& bahubeeja items are forbidden during the month of karthika.Tapas

& dhana are important duties during any vrata; more so during thechAthurmAsya

period & merit of such tapas & dhana becomes unlimited.Lord

Vishnu is the giver of all desired things and people always desiregetting

the good things of life. So, during the

chathurmaasya period, oneshould

necessarily give up pleasant things. It

means that by the Lord'sgrace,

we will be blessed with even more of the good things of life.Thanks and Regards,JayashreeRR <shrirrandavan Sent: Tuesday, 17 June, 2008 11:44:22 PMRe:

Re: ChaturmasyamDear Sevarthis, Adiyen thinks that Ms Jayashree has raised a valid and novel {a correct question} issue - no one has thought of this before in recent times! U Ve Srinivasachar is correct & is basing his comments on the universal belief that Chaturmaasyam relates only to Yathis {Sanyasis} - adiyen feels otherwise. Generally this is a 4 month period starting from Aadi Maasam Pournami till Pournami of Kaarthigai,Gradually these 4 months got reduced to 4 Pakshams {4 x 15 days}. Generally Chatur Maasya Sankalpam is observed on the Aadi Maasam Pounami day,But Srutis permit the obsevance of the Chaturmaasya Sankalpam on any day upto the Panchami immediately after that Pournami,The Punya Bhoomi had millions of noble souls & this caused torrential rains till November,This would cause all sorts of underground Jeevaraasis to proliferate and move over the or just under the ground. Any yatra by a Sanyaasi would result in such Jeeva Raasis to get either injured or killed. That is why the Sanyaasis used to stay put in any one station for this 4 month period

to avoid Jeevahimsai. These criteria apply equally to Grihsathas as well,Adiyen humbly submits that Chaturmaasyam is open to all to observe {at least the male species of the homosapiens} . Only caveat is that they should be qualified for that Sankalpam by virtue of their Gnanams, Anushtanams, Vairakyams etc.,Kalyana Gunams generally associated with Yathis & Acharya Purushas!}. Further we should be kept under virtual house arrest {!!} not move out of our premises or at least not cross a river etc., In these times and age, with 99.9% of the Grihasthas engaged in Business or Profession or Services etc., taking off a 60 days leave period is simply not on.Even highly qualified Vaideekas

cannot afford to remain in their houses for 4 months or 2 months, Adiyen would submit that these practical considerations are the main reasons why Chatur masasya sankalpams are not associated with Grihasthas,In theory YES but in practice NO would be adiyen's take on this {sheer coincidence or God's will, this posting has 18 points!!}. Warmest regards. Daasan RR.____________ _________ ____ Shri RS - Please request Shyam & Venkat to post these on all the sites in USA - Regards - Daasan

RR____________ _________ _______On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 3:49 PM, vasan1937 <vasan1937 > wrote:Srimathe Ramanujaya NamahaSrimathe Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha Dear Madam,As far as my knowledge goes, the Chaturmasya Vritham is observed ONLYby Sanyasis and not grahasthas. I will stand corrected if I am

wrong.Learned baghavathas may enlighten me.RegardsSrimad Andavan ThiruvadipodiDasanR.Srinivasaan.andavan@ .com, Jayashree <jayashree_n_ b wrote:

>> Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya> > Dear All,> > Practice of Srivaishnavaite rituals has been changing dramaticallyas per convenience and also there has been big gap in knowledge

transfer from generation to generation. I would be deeply grateful toall of you if you could discuss about how Chaturmasya vritham isfollowed in sampradaic manner among Srivaishnavaite grihasthas. Thoughall days are important in spending in bhakthi and in nithya

kainkaryams to pray the holy feet of Sriman Narayana, Chaturmasyam forthe spiritual seeker is a period of introspection and purification,and develop deep devotion. > > Thanks and Regards,> Jayashree

> > > Best Jokes, Best Friends, Best Food and more. Go tohttp://in.promos. / groups/bestofyah oo/> -- Warmest RegardsRR____________ _________ ______R Rajagopal,Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office9144 2249 1971 - Factory

9144 2484 0468 - Fax9193850 50002 - Mobile,9194440 57848 - Mobile ____________ _________ ______Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex. com

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swamins,one important unwritten rule is, it affords an opportunity to the sanyasins to interact with all scholars in the form of continuing vidwat sadas in one place and also much needed rest to the body.

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Srimathe Ramanujaya NamahaSrimathe Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya NamahaDear Madam And Sri. R R SwamyI am very thankful to you both for your enlightend reply to my postings regarding Chathurmasyam Vritham. Indeed it is very educative for all srivaishanavas and Sri. R R Swamy's points explaining why it is not possible for Grahasthas to observe theVritham in the present days is brilliant and shows his great knowledge about our Sampradayam. Vachaga Dosha kshantavyaha. With best RegardsSrimad Andavan ThiruvadipodiDasan SrinivasanJayashree <jayashree_n_bandavan Sent: Wednesday, 18 June, 2008 10:48:03 AMRe: Re: Chaturmasyam


Om Namo Bagavathe Vasudevaya,Dear All,I just wanted to add few more information which I got to know. ChathurmAsya

vrata: (Skanda puraNa)============ ========= ========= ========= =· On Ashada Shukla Dasami (after

finishing the morning bath & deva puja) one has to partake panchagavya

& purify the body. prathame mAsiM kartavyaM nityaM

shAkavrataM shubhaM |dvitIye mAse kartavyaM

dadhivratamanuttama M || payovratAM tR^itiye tu chathurthe tu

nishAmaya |dvidalaM bahubIjaM cha

varjayechChuddhimic hChatA ||nityAnyetAni vipremMdra !

vratAnyAhurmanIshhi NaH || First month (Sravana) - Shaka vratam; Second month (Bhadrapada) Dhadhi vratam; Third

month(Ashvija) Ksheera vratam; Fourth month(Karthikai) Dwitala & bahubeeja vrata. Adhithya puraNa says during first month one should leave the following shakas============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ===mUlapatrakarIrAgrap halakAMDAdhirUDh akAH


puShpaM kavachaM cheti shAkaM dashAvidhaM smR^itaM ||The

term Shaka signifies the following ten items- root, leaf, shoot, tip,fruit,

stem, sprout, stalk, flower, skin. (it

means that these ten itemsare

prohibited during the shaka vrata). The following are allowed:atasI

tulasI chaiva dhAtrI chUtaphalaM tathA |grAhyANyetAni

chatvAri viShNunottaM yataH purA ||nAnyat.h

kiMchit.h samashrIyAt. h bhuktvA chAMdrAyaNaM charet.h ||Except

Agasthya, tulasi, gooseberry, mango. Dwidala-Bahubeeja vrata (4th month): (Skanda puraNa)============ ========= ========= ========= ======Plants & seeds which break into two equal parts are known asdvidala. Black gram, green gram, bengal gram, masoor,

horsegram, red gram,tamarind

are considered as dvidala. These

cannot be used.Even

greens which have several seeds are considered as bahubeeja. Suchdwidala

& bahubeeja items are forbidden during the month of karthika.Tapas

& dhana are important duties during any vrata; more so during thechAthurmAsya

period & merit of such tapas & dhana becomes unlimited.Lord

Vishnu is the giver of all desired things and people always desiregetting

the good things of life. So, during the

chathurmaasya period, oneshould

necessarily give up pleasant things. It

means that by the Lord'sgrace,

we will be blessed with even more of the good things of life.Thanks and Regards,JayashreeRR <shrirr (AT) gmail (DOT) com>andavan@ .comTuesday, 17 June, 2008 11:44:22 PMRe:

Re: ChaturmasyamDear Sevarthis, Adiyen thinks that Ms Jayashree has raised a valid and novel {a correct question} issue - no one has thought of this before in recent times! U Ve Srinivasachar is correct & is basing his comments on the universal belief that Chaturmaasyam relates only to Yathis {Sanyasis} - adiyen feels otherwise. Generally this is a 4 month period starting from Aadi Maasam Pournami till Pournami of Kaarthigai,Gradually these 4 months got reduced to 4 Pakshams {4 x 15 days}. Generally Chatur Maasya Sankalpam is observed on the Aadi Maasam Pounami

day,But Srutis permit the obsevance of the Chaturmaasya Sankalpam on any day upto the Panchami immediately after that Pournami,The Punya Bhoomi had millions of noble souls & this caused torrential rains till November,This would cause all sorts of underground Jeevaraasis to proliferate and move over the or just under the ground. Any yatra by a Sanyaasi would result in such Jeeva Raasis to get either injured or killed. That is why the Sanyaasis used to stay put in any one station for this 4 month period

to avoid Jeevahimsai. These criteria apply equally to Grihsathas as well,Adiyen humbly submits that Chaturmaasyam is open to all to observe {at least the male species of the homosapiens} . Only caveat is that they should be qualified for that Sankalpam by virtue of their Gnanams, Anushtanams, Vairakyams etc.,Kalyana Gunams generally associated with Yathis & Acharya Purushas!}. Further we should be kept under virtual house arrest {!!} not move out of our premises or at least not cross a river etc., In these times and age, with 99.9% of the Grihasthas engaged in Business or Profession or Services etc., taking off a 60 days leave period is simply not on.Even highly qualified Vaideekas

cannot afford to remain in their houses for 4 months or 2 months, Adiyen would submit that these practical considerations are the main reasons why Chatur masasya sankalpams are not associated with Grihasthas,In theory YES but in practice NO would be adiyen's take on this {sheer coincidence or God's will, this posting has 18 points!!}. Warmest regards. Daasan RR.____________ _________ ____ Shri RS - Please request Shyam & Venkat to post these on all the sites in USA - Regards - Daasan

RR____________ _________ _______On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 3:49 PM, vasan1937 <vasan1937 > wrote:Srimathe Ramanujaya NamahaSrimathe Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha Dear Madam,As far as my knowledge goes, the Chaturmasya Vritham is observed ONLYby Sanyasis and not grahasthas. I will stand corrected if I am

wrong.Learned baghavathas may enlighten me.RegardsSrimad Andavan ThiruvadipodiDasanR.Srinivasaan.andavan@ .com, Jayashree <jayashree_n_ b wrote:

>> Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya> > Dear All,> > Practice of Srivaishnavaite rituals has been changing dramaticallyas per convenience and also there has been big gap in knowledge

transfer from generation to generation. I would be deeply grateful toall of you if you could discuss about how Chaturmasya vritham isfollowed in sampradaic manner among Srivaishnavaite grihasthas. Thoughall days are important in spending in bhakthi and in nithya

kainkaryams to pray the holy feet of Sriman Narayana, Chaturmasyam forthe spiritual seeker is a period of introspection and purification,and develop deep devotion. > > Thanks and Regards,> Jayashree

> > > Best Jokes, Best Friends, Best Food and more. Go tohttp://in.promos. / groups/bestofyah oo/> -- Warmest RegardsRR____________ _________ ______R Rajagopal,Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office9144 2249 1971 - Factory

9144 2484 0468 - Fax9193850 50002 - Mobile,9194440 57848 - Mobile ____________ _________ ______Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex. com

Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.


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Apart from that I had read, as stated by the parmacharyal of Kanchi Mutt, that since a lot of insects could be coming out in rainy days, the sanyasi would avoid trampling and killing them of them by remaining in one place. Also, since movements, especially in those rainly ancient days, would give immense hardship to those who move with the sanyasi and also to se who have to arrange to accommodate them in their place. That also was one reason. Besides these there will be serious shastric reasons which pundits might explain.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:58 AM, raman v <sarvendraparamathma wrote:










swamins,one important unwritten rule is, it affords an opportunity to the sanyasins to interact with all scholars in the form of continuing vidwat sadas in one place and also much needed rest to the body.



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