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AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. July 08 Part2)

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja MahA deSikAya namaH

SrImate SrInivAsa rAmAnuja MahA deSikAya namaH

SrImate VedAnta rAmAnuja MahA deSikAya namaH

SrI ra’nganAtha divya maNi pAdukAbhyAm namaH


AcArya rAmAmRtam - (from SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA dt. July 08 Part2)


English Translation of

SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam in tamizh by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan


As published in SrI ra’nganAtha pAdukA by

SrI u.ve. nATTEri KiDAmbi rAjagopAlAcAriyAr (Editor of SrI ra’nganAtha



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SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri


SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan’s SrImad rAmAyaNa upanyAsam


Here was that ParaSurAmar, standing in front of them!


vasishTha pramukhAH sarve japahomaparAyaNAH |(bAla.74.23)

" Danger has come! We have to do SAnti " - so saying, they started meditating.


Sometimes, people will do homam saying SAnti has to be done! If the situation

clears, they will say it was all because of their homam. (slight laughter in the



They started chanting! There is a japa mantram to make the enemies retreat -

chantings for making enemies run.


samIcI nAmAsi prAcI diktasyAste agniradhipatirasito rakshitA yaScAdhipatiryaSca


ojasvinI nAmAsi dakshiNA diktasyAsta indrodhipatiH pRdAkU

rakshitA yaScAdhipatiryaSca goptA….

prAcI nAmAsi pratIcI diktasyAste somo'dhipatissvajo rakshitA yaScAdhipatiryaSca


avasthAvA nAmAsyudIcI diktasyAste varuNodhipatistiraScarAjI rakshitA

yaScAdhipatiryaSca goptA tAbhyAM namastau no mRDayatAM te yaM

dvishmo yaSca no dveshTi taM vAM jambhe dadAmi….

(from udaka SAnti mantra-s)


“Let all dangers that may result from me and all other dangers in the east

direction, west direction, all directions and the direction I am in, vanish.â€

There are veda mantrams to destroy everyone. They all chant those mantrams.

They do homam.


daSaratha is trembling. He says: “ParaSurAmar svAmi! Welcome!â€, and

offers arghyam, pAdyam etc., to him.


" svAmi! Where are you coming from? "


" I am not ready to talk to you " .


rAmam dASarathim rAmaH jAmadagnyo'bhyabhAshata |



He approached rAma and asked Him, " Are you rAma? "


rAma said, " Yes, May I know about svAmi? "



paraSurAma responds:


ulagellAm munivarkku IndEn, uRupagai oDukkip pOndEn

alagu il mAtavangaL Seydu Or aruvara irundEn ANDai

Silaiyai nI iRutta OSai Sevi uRa, CIRi vandEn

malaiguven, vallai Agin, vA'ngudi, tanuvai enRAn

(parasurAmap paTalam-34)


What a song! Tamizh songs are really great!


rAma dASarathe! vIra vIryaM te SrUyate’dbhutam |

dhanusho bhedanaM caiva nikhilena mayA Srutam ||


tadadbhutamacintyaM ca bhedanaM dhanushastvayA |

tatSRutvA'ham anuprApto dhanuH gRhyAparaM Subham ||


tadidaM ghorasa'nkASaM jAmadagnyaM mahaddhanuH |

pUrayasva SareNaiva svabalaM darSayasva ca ||


tadahaM te balaM dRshTvA dhanusho'sya prapUraNe |

dvandvayuddhaM pradAsyAmi vIra SlAghyamidaM tava ||

(bAla. 75.1-4)


tadidaM vaishNavaM rAma pitRpaitAmahaM mahat |

kshatra dharmaM puraskRtya gRhNIshva dhanuruttamam ||


yojayasva dhanuHSreshThe SaraM parapura~njayam |

yadi Saknoshi kAkutstha dvandvaM dAsyAmi te tataH ||

(bAla. 75.32,



ParasurAma asked, " Hey! Are you rAma? "


daSaratha said, " I am here! Why are you talking to my son? I am just taking

them all home after the marriage "


bAlAnAM mama putrANAm abhayam dAtum arhasi |




" These are kids! Young boys! We surrender to you! Save us! Only you can

protect us. I have to take them home for gRhapraveSam " .


ParasurAma said – ‘I am not ready to talk to you.’ He addressed rAma



‘ulagellAm munivarkku IndEn - I won over twenty one generations of kings! I

did not keep this bhUmi. ulagellAm munivarkku IndEn - I gave it all to Sage



‘uRu pagai oDukkip pOndEn - I made sure there were no more enemies. I killed

them all.


‘alagu il mA tavangaL SeydEn - When I donated the bhUmi to kASyapar, he said

that I should not stay in this bhUmi. I threw my axe and won the place called

ParaSurAma kshtram – the State of Kerala, and I was doing penance in mahendra



aruvarai irundEn – I sat in the mountain and was doing penance.


ANDai Silaiyai nI iRutta OSai Sevi uRa, CIRi vandEn - I heard the sound of your

breaking the bow. (AcAryar says at this point - Look! Where is mithilA? Where

is it? Is it within calling distance from Kerala! (Someone in the audience says

'BihAr'). AcAryar says - the sound of the bow broken in Bihar was heard in

Kerala! The sound was heard for such a long distance!) I thought you are such

a great valiant person! Sevi uRa, CIRi vandEn.


malaiguvEn, vallai Agil - Here! I have this bow in my hand. No one can even

lift it. If you string this bow, 'dhvanda yuddham pradAsyAmi' - I will do

wrestling with you one-on-one..


yadi Saknoshi kAkutstha dvandvam dAsyAmi te tataH ||


yadi Saknoshi kAkusttha –‘You cannot even touch this bow; Want to see? Take

this bow.’


cIRi vandEn - He said he came there steaming with anger.


rAja rAja vimardinam - He has killed so many evil kings. He made sure there

were no kshatirya-s left as enemies!


ParaSurAma told rAma, " rAma! You feel proud that you broke Siva’s bow! The

bow that you broke was already a broken one! Don’t think you broke it! nArada

and others wanted to know who was better between Sivan and VishNu and they

created a war between them! Both fought with their own bows!


Hu'nkAreNa mahAdevaH stambhito'tha trilocanaH | (bAla. 75.19)


jRmbhitaM taddhanurdRshTvA SaivaM vishNu parakramaiH |

adhikaM menire vishNuM devAH sarshigaNAstadA ||




‘Sivan's bow was hit and lost its life. The deva-s and asura-s realized then

and there that Lord vishNu was the most Supreme.’


This is sung in raghuvIra gadyam by svAmi deSikan:


devAsura samara samaya samudita nikhila nirjara nirdhArita niravadhika mAhAtmya!

(raghuvIra. 3) – You whose unlimited Supremacy was well established during the

war between the deva-s and the asura-s!


What was supposed to be said later, svAmi deSikan says that in the beginning of

the stotram itself, to convey the parattvam (Supremacy) earlier itself.


ParaSurAma demanded of rAma: “Do you want to grasp this bow?†rAma took

hold of the bow.


daSaratha came and prostrated to paraSurAmar.


bAlAnAM mama putrANAm abhayaM dAtum arhasi |


‘svAmi! You went to meditate after you suppressed all your anger! mama putra

vinASAya - Did you come for the destruction of my sons? Please protect them.’


ParasurAma said, " No, I cannot do. rAma - hold this bow " .


rAma immediately held the bow. He strung it and had the arrow readyand asked,

" What do you say now? "


ParaSurAma said, " I know it all now! "


" What? "


" I thought You will not even hold this bow. I thought You cannot even touch

this. Even Your accepting it was a great wonder. What else can I say? "


akshayaM madhuhantAraM jAnAmi tvAM surottamam |

dhanusho'sya parAmarSAt svasti te'stu parantapa ||




rAmaM dASarathiM rAmaH jAmadagnyaH praSasya ca |

tataH pradakshiNaM kRtvA jagAmAtmagatiM prabhuH ||




ParaSurAma did pradakshiNam (circumambulation) to Rama and started leaving for

his place. rAman said, " I need a target for my arrow. It cannot go to waste.

What can I strike? Show me something. Can I break your leg? Do you have

something for Me to strike? "


ParaSurAma said, " Do not break my leg! I have promised kASyapa that I will not

stay in his bhumi more than a day. I have to go to Kerala. I have earned a lot

of dharmams - a lot of good deeds. You can destroy all that puNyam with this

arrow. "


puNyaM Saravyam abhavat payasAM nidhirvA |

(pAdukA sahasram - 823)


deSikan asks, right! In pAdukAsahasram – is it SubhAshita paddhati? –

‘What can You not do! kim vA na kim bhavati kelividhau vibhUnAm | - What is it

that cannot be accomplished in BhagavAn’s lIlA? Is puNyam something visible?

He struck that with His arrow! He ruled over a kingdom with His pAdukai

(sandals)! Can a pAdukai ever rule over a kingdom!


pRthvIM SaSAsa parimuktapadaM padatraM

kiM vA na kiM bhavati kelividhau vibhUnAm |

(pAdukA sahasram - 823)


Is it subhAshita paddhati? Yes, it is subhAshita paddhati in which he says



paraSurAmar says - " You can strike all the tapas - penance - I have

accumulated. "


lokAstvatpratimA rAma! nirjitAH tapasA mayA |

jahi tAn Saramukhyena mA bhUt kAla viparyayaH ||


‘I have won lots of powers through my penance. You can take control of all of

them with Your arrow without any delay. ‘


akshayaM madhuhantAraM jAnAmi tvAM surottamam |

dhanusho'sya parAmarSAt svasti te'stu parantapa ||

(bAla. 76.18, 19)


‘I know You! You are none other than VishNu, the Slayer of the demon by name

madhu]!’ So saying, paraSurAma circumambulated rAma and left - jagAma Atma

gatim prabhuH.


What had just happened? SrI rAman had vanquished paraSurAman's ego. daSaratha,

who had fainted, got up.


" Father, wake up! ParaSurAma is gone " .


" I almost lost my breath! You are great " , said daSaratha and felt happy about



vasishThar came. He declared: “I did japam and homam. ParaSurAmar flew

away! Did you see what happened! The guy was just blown away!†japahoma



daSaratha said, " Yes, svAmi! It is all because of your blessing " .


A Sishya came to me once. He was deaf and a very rich man. I asked him, " What?

You look very thin! Are you not feeling well? " He said, " It is all because of

your blessings " . (audience laughs)


What can I say? Poor man! He couldn’t hear. He had been instructed by his

family befoe he came to see me: " Say that it is all because of his blessings " ;

so, he says like that.


There is a question here. I have said the answer during kAlakshepam; if I say

again, it will be a second time. So, I do not have to say. I am sure it comes

to your mind.


‘paraSurAman is an avatAram - incarnation. rAman is also an avatAram! Can

one avatAram be defeated by another avatAram? It does not sound right!’


‘They write in papers - paraSurAma garva bha'ngam. Both are vishNu avatArams.

Can this happen? I don't understand anything!' Some people have this doubt -

did one vishNu get defeated by another vishNu.


This is how it is explained! No one was defeated, and no one won! These are

all minute intricacies. paraSurAma avatAram is an AveSa avatAram – an

incarnation in which the Lord enters into a human form for a specific purpose.

These types of incarnations have their own time limit. When the purpose of that

incarnation was completed, ParaSurAma came to submit the bow to the Lord at the

end of that incarnation.


ityuktvA devi vaishNavyA SaktyA tadgatayA saha |

jagrAha vaishNavaM cApaM vinayena ca lIlayA || (pAdmottara purANAm)


tataH paraSurAmasya dehAt nirgatya vaishNavam |

paSyatAM sarva devAnAM tejo rAmam upAviSat || (nRsimha purANam)


When he came to give the bow to rAman, he only pretended to fight; he did not

come for the purpose of fighting.


tataH paraSurAmasya dehAt nirgatya vaishNavam ||

paSyatAM sarva devAnAM tejaH rAmam upAviSat ||


pAdma purANam and SrI nRsimha purANam both say that vaishNava tejas from the

body of paraSurAma entered rAman's tirumeni. pAdmottaram says –

jagrAha vaishNavaM cApaM vinayena ca lIlayA tadgatayA SaktyA saha |

The other one says: paSyatAM sarva devAnAM tejaH rAmam upAviSat ||


avatAra goal was over. He came to give his power and this vaishNava bow. He

could not give it directly and leave. He could not say, " Here! Hold this! You

are VishNu's avatAram " ; then, rAvaNa samhAram could not have taken place. rAma

had to stay as a human being till rAvaNa got killed. That was very hard. He

had to hide His svarUpam till yuddha kANDam! paraSurAma knew that and gave the

bow and power indirectly.

I have already told you a story from my place earlier – there is no need to

repeat it. This is a pretense, and there is nothing else special about it.


Then they all left for ayodhyA, did gRhapraveSam and lived very happily.


tayA sa rAjarshi suto'bhirAmayA

sameyivAn uttama rAjakanyayA |

atIva rAmaH SuSubhe'tikAmayA

vibhuH SriyA vishNurivAmareSvaraH ||

(bAla. 77.38)


Just as mahAvishNu and lakshmI, they lived very happily. Thus, vAlmIki ended

bAla kANDam.


Next is ayodhyA kANDam.

gacchhatA mAtula kulaM bharatena tadA'naghaH |

Satrughno nityaSatrughno nItaH prItipuraskRtaH || (ayodhyA. 1.1.)



Thus ends the English Translation of the bAla kANDam part of SrImad rAmAyaNam

upanyAsam by SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan SrImad VedAnta rAmAnuja mahA deSikan,

the 9th pIThAdhipati of SrIrangam PeriyASramam SrImad ANDavan ASramam,

and reproduced verbatim in print in Tamizh in SrI ranganAtha pAdukA under the

title 'AcArya rAmAmRtam' by SrI nATTEri KiDAmbi rAjagopAla dAsan, pAda rENu

of SrImad ANDavan SrI ranga rAmAnuja mahA deSikan.


SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi -

KalyANi KRshNamAcAri



To be continued …..

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