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Sri Poundarigapuram Asramam--branches

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Dear Swamin/Mathusri


Adiyen likes to bring to your kind perusal the following:--

Our Vaishnavism traces the heirarchy of Acharyas ( preceptors) from Sriman Narayanan and Sri Mahalakshmi

Then Sri Vishwaksenar, then Sri Nammazhvar, then Sriman Nathamunikal, then Sri Alavandhar( Sri Yamunamuni), and the Sri Ramanujar. Then descending down to Swami Desikan( 1268--1369). Swami Desikan did uncomparable service through expositions,as well as numerous literary works. This famous tradition is praised as " munithraya--sampradaya" because of the contributions by Sriman Nathamunigal, Sri Yamuna muni and Sri Ramanuja muni


In this line of Acharyas, a bright acharya came. He was called Sri Thirukkudanthai Desikan

Sri Thirukkudanthai Desikan ( Sri Gopalarya Mahadesikan) was a very bright star in Acharya genealogy. He lived in this world from 1700 to 1782 A.D. He was ,in many respects, similar to Swami Sri Vedantha Desika and called as " apara desika"

He enjoyed the distinction of teaching three sishyas, that too Sanyasis, He commanded such preeminence in qualities characteristic of a preceptor that the three sanyasi-sishyas came to Him, showed the reverence and learnt all vecantha works

Then they carried on the propagation of Sri Desika philosophy in their own way. This tradition came to be known as " Munithraya" which acquired rapid siginificance


In this line of Acharyas, Sri Poundarikapuram Andavan ( 1847--1934) came and in His times , He was the most exponent on scripyures and Sri Vaishnavism, that too Sri Desika Sampradayam. He established an Asramam near Coleroon river( Vada thirukkavei) just on the northern side of Srirangam


Further, in this line, came the great savant Sri Paravakkottai Andavan( Sri Gopala Desika Maha Desikan). Strictly abiding by the highest level of austerity that characterises this line of Acharyas, He confines himself to the Headquarters Asramam, guiding the sishyas, abhimanis, in sastraic knowledge and spiritual works ( grantha-chatushtaya). He administers Pancha-Samskara( Samasrayanam) and Bharanyasa to persons who go to Him and seek them, after ascertaining whether he performs nithya karma such as " Sandhya" etc .

With the anugraha of this great Acharya , the sishyas, abimanis and other asthikas have started the construction of branches of Sri Poundarikapuram Asramam , one at "Bangaluru " and another one at Chennai ( Thiruneermalai)


( Please see attachment)


In Thiruneermalai , this asramam will have ground floor and first floor

Ground floor:--temple for Sri Srinivasan with His Consorts, Goddess Mahalakshmi, SrI Lakshmi Hayagreeva, Sri Sudarsana, besides Azhvars and Acharyas---rest room for Srimath Andavan and visitors with "madappalli". Lecture hall for upanyasam etc


First floor:-- Mini kalyana Mandapam


It is estimated that it will cost Rs 100 lakhs. The appeal says that asthikas can tell their commitment to support this kaimkaryam sothat they get the facility of contribution in instalments sothat they complete their contribution , say, in three years before the end of the year 2010


Contributions are exempted from the Income-tax Act


The contributions may be sent by way of D.D. drawn in favour of" Srimad Andavan Poundarikapuram Swamy Asramam Trust Srirangam", addressed to


Sri Poundarikapuram Asramam

43--A/13, Asramam Road, SRIRANGAM


PH;--0431/ 2436100



Sarvam Sree Hayagreeva preeyathaamDasanUruppattur SoundararajanSrikainkarya

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