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Saligramam upasana

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My Dear Nita,


Thanks for the confidence reposed in me {I am not sure whether i deserve this or am competent to answer such questions!}


Yes, women can certainly observe fast on Ekadasi days,

I don't know where the Pramaanam came from for the 'husband's permission' part.

This was referred to Scholars and they confirm that all, regardless of male/female, children/aged, married/ otherwise etc., can fast on Ekadasi without any reservation.

This 'fasting' depends your age, health condition, whether one is a young mother or old {feeding the baby} etc.,

If you are having a severe Gastric OR Reflex Aesophegitis problem, then you need to keep something going, say a couple of biscuits or a cup of buttermilk once every 2-3 hours.

Subject to these, i do not know of any Dictate that says that women should not fast on Ekadasis OR can do so only for half a day with the permission of her husband.

The husband's permission part {actually 'participation'} arises in other Vrathams.

All other Vrathams have to be done jointly & with the consent of the Husband -

Neither the husband nor the wife can initiate a/ny Vratham on his/her own!!

The Pramaanam for this comes {amongst others} from the Mantraas that the groom chants at the wife after performing the Sapthapathi::

I will give below an english translation - this has already appeared in my serial 'Random Thoughts' in September 2008 - Sri Ranganatha Paduka}



" After taking these seven sacred steps, the groom tells the bride:


"After taking these seven sacred steps you have become my friend … I too have become your friend … Once we have taken these seven sacred steps, we have become equal partners … I take your friendship … I will NOT leave your side forever ….. Neither should you leave me forever … Let us be together always … Let us fulfil our duties together … Let us resolve to do things in life in the same manner and tread the same path … We will live with love & affection for each other … We will live with good intentions and enjoy our life together… We will think alike or be of one mind… We will perform all our Vrathaas {religious duties} together…. Let our wishes be similar… You will be the lyrics of our life & I will be the music thereof… I will be the Saama Vedi & you are the Rg Veda ... You will be the earth & I will be the sky … I will be the mind & you be the voice … Oh, Fair maiden of sweet words & disposition, please walk with me to get good progeny, wealth and all good things in life". "



The concept is " walk with " not " walk after " or " walk before " !! This failure to " walk with " in many cases - due to whatever reason - is the major cause of all disharmony today.


In management, we have the most primary concept " working together works " - the marital management will also be on the basis " walking together works "








On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 9:16 PM, Nita Ranganathan <nita_72 wrote:






Dear SIr,


I would like clarification on one more point. Can women fast on Ekadashi days? I have read contridictory information that women should not be fasting - if at all they want to fast they can do so for haf a day if the husband permits.


Thanks in advance. --- On Tue, 10/14/08, RR <shrirr wrote:


RR <shrirrRe: Saligramam upasananita_72Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 6:35 AM







Dear Mrs Nita,


Thanks - i will check with HH Srimad Andavan.


But - prima facie - the Salagrama Moorthis cannot simply sit idle.

Someone has to perform Perumal Aradhanam - preferably - daily.

If your husband has not performed Samarayanam, he cannot perform Aradhanams,

You may have to engage some Brihaspathi to do it.

Maybe this is difficult and in Mumbai, logistics may be difficult!

Anyway HH is the final authority - i will come back on this.

Best Wishes

Daasan RR




On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Nita Ranganathan <nita_72 wrote:






Dear Sir,

I am a shishya of His Holiness.


Can you please clarify some doubts regarding Saligramam upasana? My grandfather passed away recently. He was worshipping three saligramams and I would like to bring one of them to my home in Bombay. While I have taken samasrayanam and bharanysam from His Holiness, my husband has not done either. Will this be a problem to bring the salagrama moorthy into our home?

Also, what are the rules we will have to follow? Is there some information we can get regarding this? I seek His Holiness' blessing and hope I will be blessed to have the saligrama moorthy installed at my home. Thanking you in advance.

Sincerely,Nivedita Ranganathan-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR___________________________R Rajagopal,

Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office 9144 2249 1971 - Factory 9144 2484 0468 - Fax 9193850 50002 - Mobile,

9194440 57848 - Mobile ___________________________Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex.com


-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR___________________________R Rajagopal,Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,

Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office 9144 2249 1971 - Factory 9144 2484 0468 - Fax 9193850 50002 - Mobile, 9194440 57848 - Mobile ___________________________

Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex.com

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Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Dear Sir,


Once I had posed same question in front of Poundarika mata acharyar in Srirangam after my wedding whether I could continue my Ekadashi fasting (I do follow Ekadashi fasts regularly) and he clearly said the following:

1) If husband is following ekadashi, it is wife's duty also to follow with him compulsarily and help him follow the sanmargam.

2) If husband is not following the vratham/do not want to follow the vratham wife can follow the vratham only by taking husband's permission in doing Ekadashi vratham. In SriVaishnava sampradayam, it is not allowed for wife to be nirpatni (other than Nirjala Ekadashi's), hence she can consume little fruits, juice, milk and curds and non-grains only in very small quantity. And also it is necessary that wife in this case just cook some palahaaram for husband rather than full fledged meal.

3) More than following Ekadashi vratham one should duly break fast on Dwadashi day at the right time.

4) It is very important that we do lot of prayers with bhakthi on all dashami, ekadashi and dwadashi day and go to temples if possible, read/listen to Srimad Bhagavatham and other puranas, sing the glory of Sriman Narayana, not have any pleasures and totally be involved in thought of LakshmiNarayana. I have provided sankalpa mantrams for those who would like to follow it.


Some of the information which I obtained from my grandma and elders about Ekadashi which I would like to share with you all:

1) There is no vratham greater than Ekadashi which is also called dina thrayam (Dashami, Ekadashi, and Dwadashi) / Haridinam.

One should not eat on Dashami and Dwadashi nights too. The central theme of Ekkadasi fast is to feel a profound mystical experience in which the soul feels the nearness of God by various ritual acts.



Na Kaashi na Gaya Ganga na rewa cha Gowthami

Na Chaapi KauravamKshethram, thulyambhoopaHaredrinaath.

- Padma Puraanam


The literal meaning of the word Ekaadasi is one plus ten, where ONE stands for the Lord. Shri Vishnu Sashasra Nama Sthothram calls HIM "Ekasmai Namah" meaning salutations to the ONE. So in the very name of Ekaadasi Shri Hari is present and so it is auspicious day.


2) The moon is not in its full glory during Ekaadasi due to its movements. The food that is, therefore, consumed on these days remains undigested. Moon is the solicitation deity for food. Upavaasam does not mean mere fasting - it means Saameepya Vaasam (dwelling in proximity to the Lord) with archana, japa, kathashravanam, niraahara and jaagarna. So after setting apart sometime to basic necessities the whole day and night is to be spent in thinking about HIS glories. Even if Shraadha falls on this day, it is to be performed on the Dwaadasi day only: By fasting on Ekaadasi day one can earn the unlimited grace of the Lord and attain Vaikuntaa. By fasting and

meditating on God the body becomes pure and worthy to be called the temple of God. Varaaha Puraana says the pregnant woman, mothers of young children and those who are very weak can partake fruits like dates, banana, grapes, coconut, milk, curds and grains which are not cooked. They will not be considered to have broken the vow. All sins indulged in by the body and mind are wiped out by Upavaasam.


3) Fixing of Ekaadasi thithi is different from other thithis. All other thithis are treated as complete from one sun-rise to the next except Ekaadasi thithi. It is determined with reference to Arunodaya. four Ghatikas before sunrise is called Arunodaya. One Ghatia = 24 minutes i.e., 4 x 24 = 96 mts. before sunrise is Arunodaya. If sun-rise for example is 5.36 am for a day - Arunodaya will be 1 hour 36 mts. before that i.e. 5.36 - 1.36 = 4.00 am. If there is a trace of Dasami at the time of Arunodaya that Ekaadasi is called Viddha Ekaadasi and no fasting on such and Ekaadasi is allowed. If no fasting is done on Viddha Ekaadasi, fasting is done on Dwaadasi day and parane on Thrayodasi day. In situations when Dasami, Ekaadasi, Dwaadasi fall on the same day, fasting should not be observed as there is Dasami Viddha. So fasting is done the next day. When Ekaadasi is not touched by Dasami and when there is Dwaadasi thithi on Thrayodasi day also (that means Ekaadasi thithi is there on two consecutive Arunodayas) the fast should be continued and not broken on the first

Dwaadasi. That means two consecutive days of fasting - it is called Athiriktha Ekaadasi and parane on Thrayodasi day. Athirikta means excessive. It can come in any month of the year although rare. There is another occasion for two days of fasting when Dwaadasi has a contact of Shravanam star and reigns during the afternoon. Such a Dwaadasi is called Shravana Dwaadasi. So along with a fast on Ekaadasi it is compulsory to fast on Shravana

Dwaadasi. So along with a fast on Ekaadasi it is compulsory to fast on Shravana Dwaadasi day. Shastras permit some relaxation for the aged and the sick in fasting on the first day but not on the Shravana Dwaadasi. During a year Shravana Dwaadasi fasting generally comes thrice, i.e,., Bhaadrapada Shukla Dwaadasi, Maagha Bahula Dwaadasi and Phaalguna Bahula Dwaadasi.



1. Worship, meditate and think about Lakshmi Narayana

2. Keep awake during the night of Ekaadasi

3. Make a sankalpam for three day vow.

4. Break the fast on the Dwaadasi day as per rules

5. On Ekaadasi take theertham only once no tulasi to be eaten.

6. Tell the greatness of Ekaadasi to others.

7. Perform Ekaadasi shraadha on Dwaadasi day

8. If shraadha falls on sadhana Dwaadasi serve food to the brahmins before Dwaadasi passes off

10. Even while in their periods women have to observe Ekaadasi.





1) No kind of enjoyment or sensual pleasures

2) Do not take meal in another person's house on Dasami and Dwaadasi days.


Sankalpa mantrams


Dashamee divase Parapte Vrathastoham Janaaradan

Thridinam Devadevesha Nirvigham Kuru Keshava

- Brahmavaivartha Puraanam

Janaardana! Today being Dasami I am ready for the three day vow. Oh, Lord! Deva Deva! Keshava! see that no obstacles come in the way of my vow.


Ekaadashyam Niraharaha Sthithvahani Parehyaham

Bhookshyaami Pundareeksha Saranam Me Bhavaachyutha

After fasting on Ekaadasi I will eat on Dwaadasi, I am under ur refuge

Adyashvasheha Niraahaaro Bhootvaaham Dwaadashee Dine

Vidhaasye Paaranam Deva Preetho Bhava Ma maanisham

- Varaahapuraanam

I will be on a fast today and tomorrow and break the fast on Dwaadasi. Lord! may you be pleased!


Ajnaana Thimiraandhasya Vratenaanena Keshava

Praseeda Sumukho Natha jnaanadristi Prado Bhava

Oh Lord! Keshava! I am blinded by the darkness of ignorance. By my undertaking this fast on Ekaadasi may it please you to bless me with the light of knowledge.

Ekaadasyupavaasena Dwaadashee Paarnenacha

Yadaarjitham Mayaa Punyam Thena Preenathu Keshavah

- Brahmavaivartha Puraanam

May Lord Keshava be pleased with the merit that accured to me by fasting on Ekaadasi and breaking the fast on Dwaadasi.


Now that the significance on Ekaadasi vow is elaborated, waste no time in joining that select group of people who undertake shuddha upavaasam on Ekaadasi and rest assured that the Lord will redeem us with His infinite Grace.


Jai Shree Krishna,





RR <shrirrnita_72Cc: andavan Sent: Sunday, 19 October, 2008 2:07:30 AM Re: Saligramam upasana




My Dear Nita,


Thanks for the confidence reposed in me {I am not sure whether i deserve this or am competent to answer such questions!}


Yes, women can certainly observe fast on Ekadasi days,

I don't know where the Pramaanam came from for the 'husband's permission' part.

This was referred to Scholars and they confirm that all, regardless of male/female, children/aged, married/ otherwise etc., can fast on Ekadasi without any reservation.

This 'fasting' depends your age, health condition, whether one is a young mother or old {feeding the baby} etc.,

If you are having a severe Gastric OR Reflex Aesophegitis problem, then you need to keep something going, say a couple of biscuits or a cup of buttermilk once every 2-3 hours.

Subject to these, i do not know of any Dictate that says that women should not fast on Ekadasis OR can do so only for half a day with the permission of her husband.

The husband's permission part {actually 'participation'} arises in other Vrathams.

All other Vrathams have to be done jointly & with the consent of the Husband -

Neither the husband nor the wife can initiate a/ny Vratham on his/her own!!

The Pramaanam for this comes {amongst others} from the Mantraas that the groom chants at the wife after performing the Sapthapathi: :

I will give below an english translation - this has already appeared in my serial 'Random Thoughts' in September 2008 - Sri Ranganatha Paduka}



"After taking these seven sacred steps, the groom tells the bride:


"After taking these seven sacred steps you have become my friend … I too have become your friend … Once we have taken these seven sacred steps, we have become equal partners … I take your friendship … I will NOT leave your side forever ….. Neither should you leave me forever … Let us be together always … Let us fulfil our duties together … Let us resolve to do things in life in the same manner and tread the same path … We will live with love & affection for each other … We will live with good intentions and

enjoy our life together… We will think alike or be of one mind… We will perform all our Vrathaas {religious duties} together…. Let our wishes be similar… You will be the lyrics of our life & I will be the music thereof… I will be the Saama Vedi & you are the Rg Veda ... You will be the earth & I will be the sky … I will be the mind & you be the voice … Oh, Fair maiden of sweet words & disposition, please walk with me to get good progeny, wealth and all good things in life"."

____________ _________ __


The concept is "walk with" not "walk after" or "walk before"!! This failure to "walk with" in many cases - due to whatever reason - is the major cause of all disharmony today.


In management, we have the most primary concept "working together works" - the marital management will also be on the basis "walking together works"







____________ _________ ___

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 9:16 PM, Nita Ranganathan <nita_72 > wrote:






Dear SIr,


I would like clarification on one more point. Can women fast on Ekadashi days? I have read contridictory information that women should not be fasting - if at all they want to fast they can do so for haf a day if the husband permits.


Thanks in advance. --- On Tue, 10/14/08, RR <shrirr (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


RR <shrirr (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: Saligramam upasananita_72 Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 6:35 AM






Dear Mrs Nita,


Thanks - i will check with HH Srimad Andavan.


But - prima facie - the Salagrama Moorthis cannot simply sit idle.

Someone has to perform Perumal Aradhanam - preferably - daily.

If your husband has not performed Samarayanam, he cannot perform Aradhanams,

You may have to engage some Brihaspathi to do it.

Maybe this is difficult and in Mumbai, logistics may be difficult!

Anyway HH is the final authority - i will come back on this.

Best Wishes

Daasan RR

____________ ______



On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Nita Ranganathan <nita_72 > wrote:






Dear Sir,

I am a shishya of His Holiness.


Can you please clarify some doubts regarding Saligramam upasana? My grandfather passed away recently. He was worshipping three saligramams and I would like to bring one of them to my home in Bombay. While I have taken samasrayanam and bharanysam from His Holiness, my husband has not done either. Will this be a problem to bring the salagrama moorthy into our home?

Also, what are the rules we will have to follow? Is there some information we can get regarding this? I seek His Holiness' blessing and hope I will be blessed to have the saligrama moorthy installed at my home. Thanking you in advance.Sincerely,Nivedita Ranganathan-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR____________ _________ ______R Rajagopal,Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office 9144 2249 1971 - Factory 9144 2484 0468 - Fax 9193850 50002 - Mobile, 9194440 57848 - Mobile ____________ _________ ______Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex.


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail. -- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR____________ _________ ______R Rajagopal,Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office 9144 2249 1971 - Factory 9144 2484 0468 - Fax 9193850 50002 - Mobile, 9194440 57848 - Mobile ____________ _________ ______Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex. comSend free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Messenger. Download Now! http://messenger./download.php

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