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Fw: Thirupputkuzhi Swami Thirunakshathram today

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--- On Thu, 10/23/08, Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan wrote:

Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan Thirupputkuzhi Swami Thirunakshathram today , , acharya , nama-singapore , oppiliappan , parakalamatham , , desikasampradaya , bakthi-indonesia Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 1:21 PMSrI:

SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all, Sri PV Satakopa thathachar rightly reminded by sending an email to adiyEn that

today is the thirunakshathram of Thirupputkuzhi Swami.. Sri PV Satakopa mentioned the aaslesha star is lakshmanan &

sathrugnan's birth star as well as Sri Thirupputkuzhi swamy's. He has written a sloka in swamy TN malar

" asleshaa sambhavaat noonam sri krishnE tatadesikE,sathrughnasya cha seshasya swabhavassphuDa EkshatE." means: we see only bhagavat kainkaraym in seshan (lakshmanan) & only

bhagavata kainkaryam in sathrughanan., but we may see both in Sri TPK swamy by

sri Perarulalan kainkaryam & swamy desikan kainkaryam. Read below a briiliant article appeared in the Hindu few years ago written by

Smt Prema Nandakumar ONE OF the highly commended instruments of Vaishnavism has been the Acharya

parampara. These teacher-dynasties have imparted to their disciples a rare

value-based spiritual education. Apart from conveying the philosophy of

Srivaishnavism, they have taught generations how to approach the literature of

Vaishnavism and also the observance of the disciplined life of an ideal

householder of the faith. Among such acharyas in recent times, Sri Krishna Thathayarya Mahadesikan of

Kanchipuram deserves special homage. Popularly known as Tirupputkuzhi Swami, he

was born 180 years ago and was Mudhal Teerthakar at the Devaraja Temple in

Kanchipuram. As a direct disciple of Srimad Periandavan of Srirangam, he

mastered Srivaishnava theology and wrote works on Nyayasastra, Vedanta and

Mimamsa. A doyen among logicians of his time, he worsted Rama Sastri of Mysore

on the theme of the term Narayana denoting the Supreme, by writing

"Paramukha Chapetika". He even wrote a work on music. His unwavering

admiration for Vedanta Desikar led to his detailed commentaries on the

Acharya's Nyaya Parisuddhi and Nyaya Siddhanjana. Nor did he confine himself to mere scholarship. His administrative abilities

led him to renovate the Sri Vedanta Desika shrine at Thooppul in Kanchipuram.

During his time the temple had been closed for quite a few years and was almost

in ruins. As a Srivaishnavite and staunch follower of Vedanta Desika's

writings, the Swami gathered a few devotees and set about clearing the place and

reinstating the worship of the Acharya's image in the temple. This was not relished by some members of the community belonging to the

Tenkalai sect, and a case was filed against the Swami for illegal occupation of

the shrine. The case came up for hearing in the Chingleput Court. There was a

very big crowd of Vadakalai supporters of the Swami, but they were requested not

to come in, by the Swami's lawyer. The other sect filled the room. However,

when the Swami entered the courtroom, all the assembled Vaishnavas got up. When

asked by the English Judge why they were all showing such courtesy to the

accused, the assemblage said that the Swami happened to be their Acharya. The

Judge gave a ruling that since he was himself an eye-witness to the incident, he

was sure the Swami who commanded such an impressive number of disciples should

not be harassed and that he should be allowed to continue the renovation of the

Desikar shrine. Tirupputkuzhi Swami restored the original glory of the Thooppul temple. When he

became the Dharmakartha of Varadarajaswami temple, the Swami renewed the Mangala

Sasanam programmes of Vedanta Desikar, for the presiding deity on the birthday

of the Acharya, as the ritual had been given up for more than six decades. He

was honoured with the first Mahamahopadhyaya title by the Government. Apart from his scholarship, he was revered for his exemplary life of

self-discipline following the rules prescribed for the Srivaishnava. Here is his

timetable for a Srivaishnava to worship in the Kanchipuram temple every morning.

As one comes face to face with the deity at dawn, one must recite slokas like

"Kausalya Supraja Rama" and the Tamil matin hymn of Tondaradippodi

Azhwar as also verses from Andal and Vedanta Desikar. One should then submit

one's requests and pray for the Lord's compassion. After taking in the wondrous image of the Lord ornamented from the crown to the

feet, one is to hail the way He is seen along with Sridevi and Bhoodevi. Then

must one remember the auspicious qualities of those attending on the Supreme and

spend a while praying for the prosperity of the Divya Desas, the temples about

which the Azhwars have sung. After receiving the holy water and Satari, the devotee should invite the Lord

to his house for being worshipped. After receiving permission to perform the

day's duties, it would be time for circumambulating in the prakaram, and at

the conclusion sit in the Mahamandapam and do Nama japam for a while. Then, one

must formally take leave of the Dwarapalakas and come home and start the

day's activities. Tirupputkuzhi Swami was able to be the pathfinder for everyone in the

Kanchipuram temple. The archakas, cooks and other servitors including those who

played the instruments, performed their work faultlessly because the Swami was

regular in attending to the temple in this disciplined manner and also was their

spiritual mentor. Rarely do we have this combination of scholarship, commitment to the religious

path chartered by one's spiritual ancestors, an undying love for the rituals

of temple worship and administrative capacity



Acharyan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

Namo Narayana




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