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Visit to Melkote and Thondnnur - Some additional Info & Pic

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Respected Bhagavathas,


I had an oppurtunity to visit Melkote and Thondannur on 19th october along with

my wife Geetha in Motor Bike.During this trip had darshan of Thirunarayan,Sri &

Bhoo Devi Sametha Shelvapillai,Yadhugiri nachiyar,Bhagvath Ramnuja,Pillai

Lokachariyar and Yoga Narasimha In Hills, As usual Bhattars were very helpful

and Local Sthanikar Sri Shelvapillai Mama gave his share of Prasadam to me. For

a change I did not take picture in Melkote temple this time.


Then I visited Nanjeeyars Avathara Sthalam, It is in Dilaplated condition, Took

Pictures of Nanjeer and his Disciple Nampillai. Here The Aradhakar & Caretaker

of Nanjeer Sannidhi U Ve Rangarajan Swamy opened the Sannidhi and did a small

Pooja and gave the Badam Prasadam. He informed that the they have planned the

renovation and next week the work will start.Those who want to participate

please contact :

Sri U Ve.Rangarajan,

Nanjeer Sannadhi Veedh,




The Link is as under.




Then I visited my dear friend Sri Vasu , Prop. of Sri Yadushaila

Pustakalaya,Raja Street,Melkote:571431. He has ll religious books,deities

Photograph,and other religious Items Like genuine Namam, Sri Churnam,Tulasi

haram etc. I visit him every time i go to Melkote and buy the Sri Choornam and

also i trouble him , whenever he visits Bangalore I ask him to carry a few for

me. He can be reached in 9945738698. Then i asked him something special I wanted

to know about Melkote.Then he told me somethings which are special. Details are




So This time i am going to present a visualtreat which very few visitors would

ave visited and only learned old locals of Melkote will be knowing this fact.

The Sri Rangarajan mama Aradhaka of Nanjeer Sannidhi also told me to visit this

excellent place which is very important to us. That place is Veda Pushkarni and

Dattatheraya Sannidhi. We crossed the Akka Thangi Kalyani, we travlled along the

next road to Sanskrit Accademy and after 1 Km on left side we find a Pushkarni

and on sout east side we find a small Sannidhi, It is the Sannidhi of Lord

Dattathreya ( Another roopa of Maha Vishnu)Then we walk see a small Sannidhi and

a small figure of Lord with four people standing and a small Step and two Padams

are there. It is very dear to us but the same is in pathetic condition. You will

ask why is it dear. Now i will reveal . But one thing no controversies please. I

am thankful to the locals and the Book Melkote and Introduction published by

M/s.Samskriti Foundation Mysore , It

is published in English,Tamil,Kannada ( If I am correct Dr. M A Alwar and his

Illustrious father Dr.Lakshmi Thathachar Swami is connected to this Samskriti

Foundation , Incidently Dr.Lakshmi Thathachar Swamys Chitthappa Late Sri M A

ALWAR , who was a IMP cadre officer was my Fathers Boss in IOC , Barauni )


Melkote is also known as Paridhanashila Kshetra.This Kshetra is in the banks of

Veda Pushkarni Theertha. According to Asmath Acharyan H H Rangapriya Swami ( In

his article Melkote the Yoga Bhoomi in Book " Melkote through ages " published by

Sanskrit Accademy , Melkote) Dattatreya is greatest Yogi , he was son of great

sage Athri and his wife Parama Pativrata and Thejasvi Annusuya and dattatreya

was student of Maitreyi also .


According to the book mentioned in paragraph two . It is said Lord Dattaterya an

incarnation of Lord Vishnu.As already informed it is situated in South east

corner of Veda Pushkarni ( The condition is very shabby , i had to clean the

place up to some extent to take the picture) Then there is a small a small Step

is there , in it is Dattatreya Foot print. It is called " Paridhanashila " It is

known as this name because Our Bhagavath Ramanujar. As we all are aware that

Because of Then Cholla King Lord Ramanuja has to leave Srirangam and before

leaving our Kuranathan took the Safforan robe of Ramanuja and went to Kings

court and Udayavar left the Srirangam in Vellai Vasthram (Vellai Sathupadi) he

reached Mel Nadu ( Karnataka), Saligrama,Thondannur and Melkote. At Melkote at

this spot Ramanuja received the Saffron cloth & Dhandam that were kept in

it.Such a sacred place is place but maintance is not proper. I dont know how to

do it and who is going to bell the cat. I was told any

present day yathivaras visiting Melkote visit this Sacred vedapushkarni's

Dattatreya Sannidhi and place a new Saffron robe on Paridhanashila and take it

and wear it. We all know in the normal circumstanses the Senior Sanyasi will

initiate the junior Sanyasi designate by giving the New Saffron Robe and

thrithandam. But here anyone wishing to take sanyasa could place New Kashaya

vastram on Pradhanashila and recieve it themselves , this is the significance

of this Kshetram. So next time you visit Melkote please do not forget to visit

this Sacred place.


Veda Pushkarni how it got the name. It is said that Lord Maha Vishnu Came to

this world as Lord Dattatreya in Thretha Yuga and He assumed the four vedas as

his students and taught him at this Pushkarni's Bank so it is named as Veda

Pushkarni and near " Paridhanashila Kshetra.


Then we left for Thondannur . we had peaceful darshan of Lord Nambhi Narayan,

Udayavar Paddam,Udayavar,Thondannur Nabhi ( Guru and Shyshya is next to each

other ( Sorry i could not take pictures as it is under maintainance of

Archelogical Survey of India(ASI) and last five years i am trying to get

permission from ASI , i have not succeeded ( But at end i will give a surprise),

I am thankful to Seshadri Bhattar and the status of this temple is same old

condition, even for for Deepam they are struggling. Sheshadri Bhattar can be

reached on : 0 9741819202 or Land line : 08236 215285


Then as usual We met Sri Raghuram Bhattar, a good soul who is more enterprising

and more helping. He took us for darshan of two temple. He is incharge of

Gopalakrishna/Parthasarathi Temple and Yoga Narasimha, These two temples are

little better because of the Raghu Bhattars efforts , but we have to support him

also. He has got the Board errected in Main road directing visitors to All these

three Holy Abhimana Sthalas which are dear to us. Raghuram Bhattars tel No : 0

9449372453 , landline:08236 251795. Then I asked some thing special which people

dont know in Thondannur. Then he took me to Sri Narasimha Theertham and the

Gagendra Moksha Mantapam, from where udayavar used to Address his disciples. I

request you also to visit . Then it became twlight and clouds were dark , we

could not visit The Thondannur Lake which Udayavar built.


I am also forwarding the mail from sister list about the condition of Thondanur

by a Bhagavatha who had visited Thondannur same day, because you should hear

about the pathetic condition from others mouth also, instead me repeating about

Thondannur every time.


Now the Very Good News is I will be able to present you the Pictures of sweet

Chubby Picture of Lord Nabhinarayan shorlty, yes I was granted permission to

take picture of the Nambhinarayan temple on 19th October but the ASI permission

reached me late and I have re applied for fresh permision, I will get it with

your Blessings and good wishes.


Meanwhile please have the blissful darshan of 19th October Pictures.



Lakshminarasimhan Sridhar




IMG_1639.JPG - Lord Dattatreya ( A Vishnu Roopam ) and his four students.


IMG_1642.JPG - Veda Pushkarni Where the above Sannidhi is situated.


IMG_1644.JPG - Top Angle View of Lord Dattatreya Paddam, His Small Idol


IMG_1647.JPG - Padam of Lord Dattatreya


IMG_1649.JPG - Rare Picture of Pettam & Paddam of Our Emperumanar where he sat

and did Kalashepam in Thondnnur Nambhinarayan Temple .


IMG_1650.JPG - Sri Rukmini,Sathyabhama Sametha Sitting Parathasarathi(Moolavar)

and Thirbanghi Natya Uthsavar.


IMG_1653.JPG - Observe the Lords Thribangi Natya The feet is interchanged ( It

is rare )


IMG_1654.JPG - Uthsavar of Ramanuja & Nam Alwar at Gopalakrishna Temple of



IMG_1656.JPG - Swami Vedantha Desikan at Gopalakrishna Temple of Thonndannur


IMG_1660.JPG - Lord Bhagavath Ramanujar at Gopalakrishna Temple of Thonndannur


IMG_1661.JPG - -do-


IMG_1663.JPG - Thondannur Nambhi at Gopalakrishna Temple of Thonndannur


IMG_1665.JPG - Lord Yoga Narasimha at Yoganarasimha Temple of Thonndannur


IMG_1668.JPG - Karunamoorthy Emperumanar in rare Upadesha Mudhra and it is from

here he won over 1000's of Jains in Debate.


IMG_1674.JPG - Sri Narasimha Theertham and Gagendra Moksha Mantapam where

Udayavar used to address the disciples ( It is behind Nambhi Narayan Temple and

near Yoganarasimha Temple


IMG_1672.JPG - Gagendra Moksha MantapamMantapam where Udayavar used to address

the disciples ( It is behind Nambhi Narayan Temple and near Yoganarasimha



IMG_1673.JPG - Another view of above.

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