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Thiruppavai - 6th verse- puLLum silambina kaaNN

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Let us enjoy the sixth verse of ThiruppAvai…


puLLum cilampina kaaN puLLaraiyan kOyilil *

veLLai viLicaNGkin pEraravam kEttilaiyO *

piLLaay ezhun^thiraay pEymulai naNYcuNtu *

kaLLac cakatam kalakkazhiyak kaalOcci *

veLLaththaravil thuyilamarn^tha viththinai *

uLLaththuk koNtu munivarkaLum yOkikaLum *

meLLa ezhun^thu " ari " enRa pEraravam *

uLLam pukun^thu kuLirn^thu ElOr empaavaay. 6.


Andal wishes to worship Bhagavan and experience His glories

by going with many of her friends and others. Why? There is an old

saying, which says, “ One shall not go alone and try to attain

something most desirableâ€. She wanted to make sure that everyone

is an equal recipient of Paraman’s anugraham. Such is the heart of

a mother. It is sweeter to experience Paraman when our near and

dear ones are with us. And so, Andal wakes up one, who has not

joined their group yet, by saying, “It is already morning. Get up and

come with usâ€. “What is the proof?†asked the maid. “We all have

woke up and come here.†Says Andal. “Do you have any other

proof,†asked her maid. “Yes†says Andal. “Don’t you hear the

chirping sounds of the birds? We are also hearing the sound of the

conch that is blown in the temple during the Thirupalliyezhucchi

(awakening) of Paraman, the Lord who has Garudan as his

vahanamâ€. Andal is now thinking of that Lord who heard the plead

of a helpless elephant, when it prayed to Him thus “Come Oh

Narayana! Manivanna! Lord on the serpent bed, free me from this

pain and difficulty†and she is enjoying the beauty of Bhagavan

coming in a flash to save His bhaktas.


“Sages who always contemplate on the Lord and ascetics who

perform meditation and yoga, get up from their bed during the early

hours of the day slowly, without causing any disturbance to the

Lord who resides in the lotus of their hearts, and sing his names

after waking up. After waking up in the morning, one should recite

the name “Hari:†seven times and that shall remove all our sins. In

a calm atmosphere, they sing His name “Hari:†slowly in a way of

performing aradhanam to the Lord. We are able to hear this divine

sound so melodiously. Are you still in doubts?â€, says Andal.

“Is it right to remain asleep yet? Wake up Oh! Child. Let’s go

and have a holy dipâ€. It is said that in ten pasurams starting with

this one, Andal is awakening the ten Azhwars. As per that, this

Pasuram awakes Poygai Azhwar. This Azhwar has sung the

episodes of Putana vadham and Shakatasura vadham beautifully.

Kamsa sent Putana to kill Krishna. She had come in the guise of a

mother who would feed the baby and had applied poison to her

feeding parts, thinking of killing Kannan by feeding Him. She took

Kannan on her lap and pretending to play with Him started feeding

Him with poisoned milk. It seems Kannan found that milk very

tasty. He drank the milk joyfully. But milk needs sugar. It is said

that life is sweet as jaggery. So Kannan drank the milk along with

her life. “Those who think of this strange episode of giving milk to a

baby will not wish to have another life term as a feeding motherâ€,

says Swamy Deshikan. Kannan gave moksham to Putana for

having given Him poisoned milk. “Get up and come Oh child, like

the sages who worship Kannan, who is responsible for the

destruction of the evil and protection of the good and who is the

causal factor for everything. Let us go to the banks of Yamuna and

worship Kannan and achieve eternal blissâ€, says Andal.

Here the birds are acharyan. The two wings are knowledge

(Jnanam) and performance of ordained duties (Karmanushtanam).

The white conch denotes pranavam. The acharyas, who have

jnanam and anushtanam, preach the purport of pranavam and

help their pupils to attain moksham.


These English translations for were written by Sri CG Balaji Swami of Bangalore

on the discourses by asmadhacharyan His Holiness Srimad Paravakottai Andavan

Swami broadcast in AIR, Trichy. Out of Swamy’s infinite mercy, His Holiness

had assented to give a series of concise and succinct lectures on the topic of

the most delectable Thiruppavai of Andal. These lectures were broadcast on Radio

Trichy. The same was later brought out in a printed edition from the illustrious

house of ‘Sri Kanchi Perarulalan’. This tamizh treatise was released during

the occasion of Swamy’s shathabhishekam during Vikrama- Panguni-Rohini, year

2001. Our profound thanks to Sri CG Balaji Swami for his efforts in translations

for the benefit of all of us.


Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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