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Thiruppavai - 21st verse- yERRa kalangaL.... ooRRamudaiyaay! PeriyAy! ulaginil thORRamaay vandha sudarE!

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Today’s verse is the 21st verse. Let us continue to enjoy the wonderful

commentary of His Holiness Srimath Paravakkottai Andavan of Sri Poundarikapuram

Swami ashramam, Srirangam – translated into English by Sri CG Balaji Swami.


ERRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIthaLippa *

maaRRaathE paalcoriyum vaLLal perum pacukkaL *

aaRRap pataiththaan makanE aRivuRaay *

URRam utaiyaay periyaay * ulakinil

thORRamaay ninRa cutarE thuyilezhaay *

maaRRaar unakku valitholain^thu un vaacaR kaN *

aaRRaathu van^thu un ati paNiyumaa pOlE *


When the Gopis continued waking up Nappinnai, she finally

woke up and came out to speak to them. She said, “Oh Gopis, in

enjoying a blissful communion with Kannan, I shall be one

amongst you. So let us all unite together and plead unto Kannan.â€


ERRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIthaLippa *

maaRRaathE paalcoriyum vaLLal – In Ayirpadi, the huge vessels

that were used to receive the milk from the cows, were overflowing.

How many ever vessels be used, the result remained the same. The

cows too had the virtue of munificence and generosity similar to

Kannan. The cowherds would take the fills of milk in vessels, but

even if they did not do that, the cattle out of abundance would

continue to give milk continuously. These cows that give floods of

milk in great opulence are similar to the rivers that give sweet

potable water to the habitats and like the trees that bestow

delicious fruits. Due to the divine touch of Kannan, these cows

looked as gigantic as elephants. Nandagopan was one such

chieftain who had received innumerable cows of such kind free of

cost. Oh Kannan! The son of the noble Nandagopa! if not for

becoming the heir to Nandagopa, how would all this assets and

chattels be inherited by you? Andal says that though the Lord is

the master of the entire universe that is in his possession, yet, the

most befitting thing about Kannan is that He is the master of the

entire chattels of Nandagopan.


maganE ! ARivuRaay – “It is surprising that the all-pervasive and

the all-knowing like you should be made to realise it with such

difficulty. You are perhaps waiting for all those people who are yet

to come and so are enjoying a good sleep. Are you still in your

slumber Oh Lord! Wake upâ€.


Here Andal uses the term “aRivuRaay†instead of “yezhundhiraayâ€.

The inherent virtues of the Lord like compassion, humility,

forbearance was worth nothing at places like Srivaikuntham, the

supreme abode and Ksheerasagaram, the milky ocean. “You

incarnated amongst us just to make sure that you had an

opportunity to exhibit all these noble virtues. If you do not come to

us and exhibit those virtues, then they would be as good as being

absent. Think it over Oh Lord!†says Andal.


OORRamudaiyaay– “Oh Kannan, you are a servant to the

subservient. Out of compassion for all of us, you have taken this

form in this world. All the petals of a lotus are always facing each

other. You know that you are indeed the final purport that is put

forth by the imperial Vedas. You therefore are “__R,_Fâ€, the

supreme one whose limits are not known even by the mighty



OORRamudaiyaay periyaay ! – “Whoever resorts to your lotus feet, have been

assured of your protection.


You dissuaded the likes of Sugriva and others from hindering the granting of

refuge to Vibhishana.


You therefore have the capacity to bring your words to

fruition. Though you bestow everything upon your subjects, you are

yet dissatisfied with it. Your glories are crowned many times when

you bestow on them the fruits of goodness that befit your immense

glories. When the soiled water is made free of mud and dirt, then

what remains below is the pure potable water. Similarly if we

remove the vision of our physical eyes that is replete with the

blemishes of desire, anger, greed, passion, pride and jealousy and

see only through the eyes of our unsullied knowledge, then it is

possible to see you in everyone’s heart in your complete divine and

magnificent form.â€


Ulaginil thORRamaay ninRa sudarE – “You may be grasped by the profound

teachings and esoterical purports put forth by the

imperial Vedas, Itihasas and Puranas. You are also the brightest

light that may be realised by all the sentient orders like the

humans, animals, birds etcâ€.

sudarE – “Your incarnation amidst us resembles a blemish less

jewel stone that lies amidst a heap of cow dung. thuyilezhaay–

If you do not come to us now, will not all those glories be of no value?â€


maaRRaar unakku vali tholiandhu unvaaRkaNN aaRRaadhu vandhu un aDi paNiyumaapOlE

pOtriyaam vandhOm pugazhndhu_: – The adversaries of

your devotees, under the flood of your unfavourable grace, after

finding no other resort, would come to your lotus feet finally. We on

the other hand have resorted to the shadow of your lotus feet

having fully realised your inherent divine attributes like

compassion, mercy and unassuming humble nature. Unlike

Kakasura, who sinned towards Piratti and finding no refuge and

solace even after rounding all the three worlds, resorted to your

lotus feet finally, we have been drawn towards you by the power of

your divine virtues and glories. We came here to sing you a song of

dawn like Periyazhwar, who sang you the famous Thiruppalandu.

Our unwavering faith in you brought us to you with no doubts in

our minds as to the fulfilment of our goals.


A preceptor imparts all the essential purports of the esoterical

knowledge to a true disciple who resorts to his feet and takes up

his servitude. This is the hidden purport of this verse


Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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