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Thiruppavai - 22nd verse- angkaNNmaa jnAlatthu arasar- senkaNN siRusiRidhE emmEl vizhiyaavaO?

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Today’s verse is the 20th verse. Let us continue to enjoy the wonderful

commentary of His Holiness Srimath Paravakkottai Andavan of Sri Poundarikapuram

Swami ashramam, Srirangam – translated into English by Sri CG Balaji Swami.


aNGkaN maaNYaalaththu aracar * apimaana

paNGkamaay van^thu nin paLLik kattiR kIzhE *

caNGkam iruppaar pOl van^thu thalaippeythOm *

kiNGkiNi vaayc ceytha thaamaraip pUp pOlE *

ceNGkaN ciRuc ciRithE emmEl vizhiyaavO *

thiNGkaLum aathiththiyanum ezhun^thaaR pOl *

aNGkaN iraNtum koNtu eNGkaL mEl nOkkuthiyEl *

eNGkaL mEl caapam izhin^thu ElOr empaavaay. 22.


In the previous verse, Andal having spoken of the denial of

self-pride and ownership, reinstates in this pasuram with clarity

that the entire ensemble of Gopis are sub-servients to Kannan

alone and none else.


aNGkaN maaNYaalaththu arasar

abhiimaana baNGkamaay vandhu nin paLLik kattiR keezhE

sanGkam iruppaar pOl vandhu thalaippeythOm – “In this vast

universe, a few picturesque realms were captured by men thinking

high of themselves to be the paramounts on land. In the course of

time, having lost all their possessions, they soon parted with their

pride and lustre. The once kings who, came with a feeling of

‘soham’ now came to you in a state of solitude and with utter

humility and subserviency reflecting the feeling of ‘daasoham’. They

attained a mature state of mind by which they refused to accept the

royal throne if bestowed again. They came and found their final

place of refuge beneath your reclining couch of Adishesha. We,

similarly, after having unshackled all our faculties from their

worldly leanings, have assembled here at the foot of your reclining

couch to surrender them unto your service and to be in your

servitude. The nobles surrendered unto you after having found no

other means. We on the other hand have surrendered unto your

lotus feet after having been drowned in the flood of your inherent

auspicious attributes, similar to Lakshmana, who set out to the

forest accompanying Sri Rama, having been overwhelmed by his

divine auspicious attributesâ€.


To this Kannan asks, “Alright now, what do you seek of me?â€

kiNkiNivaay seydha thaamarai poo pole senkaNN siRiSiRidhE emmEl vizhiyaavO? –

You should grace us with your divine glances.


Your eyes resemble a lotus bud now. During the sunrise, the lotus

buds bloom slowly. Initially, it would bloom a little and would

resemble a pearl. In a similar way, you should open your eyes

slowly. Only then would we be able to experience the vision of your

exquisite beauty. Your lotus like eyes would blossom once they see

the torments that we are going through. It would definitely bloom

seeing the ensemble of devotees waiting. The fields of crop that has

seen enough draught, at a time need to be irrigated in measured

quantities only, taking measures to see that they are not flooded.

Similarly, to us who have broken down completely having been

bitten by the fangs of your separation, your merciful glances filled

with the waters of your grace need to be allowed in slowly. You

should see us first when you wake up. That would delight us just

as how it would delight the crops that have been showered with

munificent rain after a rough draught.


thingaLum Adhityanum yezhundhaaRpOl angaN iraNdum koNdu yengaL mEl

nOkkudhiyEl– One of your eyes is like the blazing Sun, that does not allow the

vicious and the vile to near you, and would turn them down to ashes. The other

eye is like the cool moon, showering its cool glances of mercy and bringing

delight into

everyone’s hearts. Pray see us with both these eyes of yours.


engaL mEl Saapam izhindhu – Your glances of grace on us, who have been craving

for it, would reduce the torments on account of having been bitten by the fangs

of your separation. Just the mere

glances of the accomplished, who own the powers of mantrasiddhi

is said to be sufficient to free one from the effect of poison.

Similarly, we pray unto you, to cast your glances on us and to free

us from the iniquitous influences that impede us from attaining the

bliss of beatitude. You should free us of our torments and should

bring delight to us similar to Nrusimhan, who, with one eye,

showered rage and fury on Hiranyakashipu while with the other

showered munificent and compassionate anugrahams on Prahlada.

Though a lion always battles the elephant, it still feeds its calf with

utmost affection. Similar should be your anugrahams towards us.

A disciple due to the benevolence of his preceptor showered on

him realises that the body is essentially different and distinct from

the soul and prays unto the lotus feet of the Lord to grant him the

eternal bliss of beatitude.


Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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