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Thiruppavai - 25th verse- orutthi maganaay piRandhu oRiravil orutthi maganaay oLitthu vaLara

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Today’s verse is the 25th verse.

Let us continue to enjoy the wonderful commentary of His Holiness Srimath

Paravakkottai Andavan of Sri Poundarikapuram Swami ashramam, Srirangam –

translated into English by Sri CG Balaji Swami.


oruththi makanaayp piRan^thu * Or iravil

oruththi makanaay oLiththu vaLarath *

tharikkilaanaakith thaan thINGku ninain^tha *

karuththaip pizhaippiththuk kaNYcan vayiRRil *

neruppenna ninRa netumaalE! * unnai

aruththiththu van^thOm paRai tharuthiyaakil *

thiruththakka celvamum cEvakamum yaam paati *

varuththamum thIrn^thu makizhn^thu ElOr empaavaay. 25.


Orutthi maganaay piRandhu Oriravil orutthi maganaay oLitthu vaLara–

Kannan was born as the son of Devaki, but was brought up as the

son of Yashoda without the knowledge of the world. Without

making a specific reference, Andal uses the word “orutthiâ€, to refer

collectively to both, the mother who gave birth to Krishna and the

mother who brought Him up. Her devotion was so overwhelming

that she does not refer to Kannan’s name for the fear of Kamsa and

his evil intentions. She addresses Him as Madhusudana, the son of

Devaki. He is extolled by the Vedas themselves as the one who

killed the wicked Madhu and restored the imperial Vedas back to

their pristine glory. He enshrines Himself in all sentient and non-sentient

as the in-dweller and the inner-controller. The sacrificial

oblations of Dasharatha bore fruit and a noble son was born to Him

and Kausalya and also three other sons to his other two wives

making it four in all. Kannan on the other hand was born as the

only son to the foursome Devaki-Vasudeva and Nandagopa-

Yashoda. Devaki asked for a boon to stay away from her son for

fear of Kamsa. Though Krishna was born with a divine and most

beautiful form with four hands adorning the conch, discus and

with a bejewelled attire, the couple could not take delight in such a

wonderful vision long enough due to the fear of Kamsa. Kannan

therefore bestowed the bliss of seeing his incarnation to Devaki-

Vasudeva and the bliss of seeing his playful antics to Yashoda-

Nandagopa who, fed him affectionately with milk, rocked his cradle

and cuddled him with love.


piRandhu – Out of compassion, He took to Himself, all the grief

from us who are destined to face the samasaric gale. He stayed in

the womb of Devaki for twelve months instead of ten.


Oriravil – On a chosen night, that was destined later to be

called as Srijayanthi, for it was the day chosen by the Lord to

incarnate. If he were to be born during the day, then it would not

have been possible for bringing the female child to Mathura in

exchange for Kannan to Gokula.


oLitthu vaLara – He was brought up without the vile glances of the

evil Kamsa from falling on Him.


Oh Kannan! Who is now sitting majestically in the grand hall,

pray fulfil our wishes and protect us.


Dharikkilaanaakith thaan theengu ninaintha

karuththaip pizhaippiththuk kanchan vayiRRil

neruppenna ninRa nedumaalE! – Kamsan made up his mind

to set out and kill the eighth child of Devaki after being told by a

voice from the heaven that the eighth child of Devaki would slay

him. He started killing all the babies in the land, who were born on

the day Kannan was born. The elders lived a life of fear, always

thinking of the possible dangers to Kannan from Kamsa. Kamsa

sent the likes of Putana, Shakatasura and others to kill Kannan.

Krishna however killed them all even when he was just a baby.

Kamsa was struck with terror and fear, as he knew that as the boy

grew older, he would one day come and slay him too. Kannan

brought fear in Kamsa similar to the way he had brought in the

minds of the dwellers of Gokula. Upon His birth, He brought a great

deal of peace to Devaki and blessed her womb similar to a flow of

pure cool water. He blessed Yashoda’s womb similar to a flow of

nectar and milk. At the same time, he kindled fire in Kamsa’s

stomach, punishing him for all his transgressions.


Andal and her maids address Kannan as the divine one who

would dispel all vicious influences and bestow all-round goodness

on them. Kannan then addressed them asking of their wants and

the reason for their nombu observances. The Gopis replied that

they have come seeking Him alone. Kannan again asks them of

their aspirations and to the object of their desire. The Gopis reply


unnai arutthitthu vandhOm paRai tharudhiyaagil– Our aim is to attain

you alone. That is the reason for our nombu ritual. To attain you as

our goal with you as our means is our desire.


Thirutthakka selvamum sEvakamum yaam paadi-

The reason for us having chosen to attain you is because

you have been the object of attainment of Sri, your divine consort.

The devas and the asuras churned the ocean in search of nectar.

It was then that Thirumagal emerged verily as the nectar from the

ocean. She chose you over everyone else and took her lotus throne in the cosmos

of your

heart. It was then that you became the Lord of Sri. Pray you take

us into your fold today and become the Lord of Gopis and the

beloved of Gopis.


Varutthamum theerndhu magizhndhEl_: – We pray you, who is the object of

adulation and desire of Sri, to end all our torments due to

separation from you and to bestow us with the bliss of attaining

your divine communion.


The Lord inflicts punishment on those who commit

transgressions towards Him or towards His devotees. He at the

same time bestows the nectar like bliss on those who seek his lotus

feet as their refuge


Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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