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Thiruppavai - 30th verse- concuding post- vangak kadak kadaindha maadhavanai ... engum thiruvaruL peRRu inbuRuvar

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Today’s verse is the concluding verse – 30th verse.


Let us enjoy the wonderful commentary of His Holiness Srimath Paravakkottai

Andavan of Sri Poundarikapuram Swami ashramam, Srirangam – translated into

English by Sri CG Balaji Swami.


vaNGkak katal katain^tha maathavanai kEcavanaith *

thiNGkaL thirumukaththuc cEy izhaiyaar cenRiRaiNYci *

aNGkap paRai koNtavaaRRai * aNi puthuvaip

paiNGkamalath thaN theriyal pattarpiraan kOthai conna *

caNGkath thamizhmaalai muppathum thappaamE *

iNGkip paricuraippaar IriraNtu maal varaith thOL *

ceNGkaN thirumukaththuc celvath thirumaalaal *

eNGkum thiruvaruL peRRu inpuRuvar empaavaay. 30.


This pasuram signifies that those who learn and recite

Thiruppavai will be the recipients of the choicest benedictions of

the Lord and His consort. They would attain the fruits of all their

desires similar to Andal and the Gopis.

The Ramayanam says that both Sri Rama and Sita spent

delightful days in the forests of Panchavati. Lakshmana, who was

in their servitude, was also in a state of great bliss. Andal

concludes Her Thiruppavai, saying that, by means of being in

Kannan’s servitude, we too would attain a similar state of delight.


Vangak kadalkadaindha maadhavanai kesavanai thingaL

thirumugatthu sEyizhaiyaar senRiRainji - Kannan, who was so far extolled by


is now addressed as Keshavan by Her. Keshavan is the father to

Brahma, Rudra and other celestials. Andal eulogised Kannan, who

is the supreme soul and the Lord of all celestials. Kannan was the

most beautiful from head to toe. As the Azhwars say, avan thaaL

kaNdaar thaaLE kaNdaar. People looking at his lotus feet would

stay captivated seeing His lotus feet forever. Andal addresses

Kannan as Keshavan, having been captivated by the beauty of His

tresses. Keshavan denotes one who has beautiful hair. The female

genre has a liking for beautiful flowing hair and well-polished nails.

Andal enjoys the flowing tresses during the act of churning.

Madhava is the Lord of Lakshmi. How did He beget Lakshmi? It was

during the churning of the great ocean. The milky ocean has many

boats in it. Why? It is to ferry us from the ocean of samsara to the

banks of Srivaikuntham. The Lord is Himself a ferryboat. He is the

ferryboat for those who surrender at His feet. He takes them from

the ocean of sin to the bliss of beatitude. During the churning of

the ocean, the Lord as a tortoise (Kurma) bore the mighty mountain

Mandara steadily on His back. He held on to the tail of Vasuki and

made the churning possible. The poison that arose from this

churning was received by Shiva. The horse, the elephant and the

nectar were received by Indra. Sri Mahalakshmi was received by

Paraman. Because of this, He came to be known as Madhava, the

consort of Lakshmi. Shiva took the poison, celestials the nectar and

you Lord took the hand of Sri. Oh Lord, pray accept me and take

me into your fold as you did before.


thingaL thirumagtthu sEyizhaiyaar senRiRainji angap paNikoNda

aaRRai – The Lord has the most beautiful face, similar to the

full moon. With Andal and Kannan having adorned all their finest

jewellery, the Gopis, sing and extol that they shall remain in the

Lord’s servitude forever even if it meant many more births before

beatitude. Andal remembers the attainment of the kingdom of

kainkaryam thus. Due to the pretext of the nombu ritual followed

by the Gopis and due to the anugrahams of Kannan, the elderly

cowherd folks of Ayirpadi received rains throughout the month and

also a great opportunity for relaxation. The Gopis on the other hand

attained the divine communion with Lord Krishna. Godai in Her

Thiruppavai has indeed told such wonderful a biography.


aNi pudhuvaip paingkamala thaNN theriyal bhattar piraan

kOdhai sonna sangath thamizh maalai muppadhum

– In this world, Srivillipuththur, stands out

majestically as the cental gem in a priceless pendant of nine gems.

Vishnuchitta also known as Bhattar piraan Periyazhwar was born

in this place. He adorned on his self a garland of lotus flowers and

a garland of tulasi beads that are recognised as the traits of a true

Srivaishnava. Everyday, he would present garlands of lotus flowers

to Sri Vatapatrashaayi, the temple deity. His daughter is Godai and

Her song is Thiruppavai. This is a garland of the chastest tamizh. It

is a work that will give us an association with Emperuman. It is a

work that enshrines thirty verses in it and should be enjoyed and

experienced by us.


thappaamE ingu ipparisuraippaar - The loss of a single gem

in a gem studded necklace makes the necklace of no value. The

loss of a single stone in a diamond earring brings its value down.

Similarly all the thirty verses need to be recited without fail.


eeriraNdu maalvarait thOL sengaNN thirumugatthu selva thirumaalaal -

Kannan shone with four hands after the slaying of Kamsa. He had

the most beautiful and benevolent eyes that resembled a lotus

stalk. He is the Lord of ubhayavibhuti and is always in the

company of Sri, His consort, with not even a single moment of

separation. With the benevolence of such a Lord, Kannan,

“engum thiruvaruL peRRu inbuRuvar – the Jeevans would take delight in this

world and the celestial worlds, having been bestowed with the

choicest anugrahams of Piraatti and Her consort Paraman.


Thus concludes the commentary on Thiruppavai rendered by

His Holiness Paravakottai Poundarikapuram Srimath Andavan

Sri Gopala Deshika Maha Deshikan.


kOthai piRan^tha Ur kOvin^than vaazhum Ur *

cOthimaNimaatam thOnRum Ur *

nIthiyaal nalla paththar vaazhumUr naanmaRaikaL OthumUr *

villipuththUr vEthak kOnUr.


paathakaNGkaL thIrkkum paraman ati kaattum *

vEtham anaiththukkum viththaakum * kOthai thamizh

aiyain^thum ain^thum aRiyaatha maanitarai *

vaiyam cumappathu vambu.


thiruvaatip pUraththu cekaththuthiththaaL vaazhiyE *

thiruppaavai muppathum ceppinaaL vaazhiyE *

periyaazhvaar peRRetuththa peN piLLai vaazhiyE *

perumpUthUr maamunikkup pinnaanaaL vaazhiyE *

oru nURRu naaRpaththu mUnRu uraiththaaL vaazhiyE *

uyararaNGkaRkE kaNNi ukan^thaLiththaaL vaazhiyE *

maruvaarum thirumalli vaLa naati vaazhiyE *

vaNputhuvai nakark kOthai malarp pathaNGkaL vaazhiyE.



The translation of this wonderful work has been possible only

due to the divine grace of Poorvaachaaryas and asmad Swamy,

Poundarikapuram Paravakkottai Srimath Andavan Sri Gopala

Deshika Maha Deshikar. This work is presented as a mark of

respect to asmadacharyan Paramahamsetyadi Paravakkottai

Poundarikapuram Srimath Andavan Sri Gopala Deshika Maha

Deshikan, who beams as the manifestation of Bhagavad Ramanuja

and Swamy Deshika.


We, his shishyas can with great pride say that it is indeed our

greatest fortune that we all have been blessed to take birth on this

Earth during the time of Srimath Gopala Deshika Maha Deshikan,

our Achaarya saarvabhouma. To be recipients of his kataaksham

and anugraham and to have the darshana bhagyam of this great

Achaarya saarvabhouma is indeed the fruit of all our penances.

As Swamy Deshikan says in his Subhashita Nivi, “An artist

can paint the picture of the Sun, but can he give it the same

radiance?†Similarly our Swamy has infinite auspicious attributes

like Paraman himself. It would be impossible for any work on this

earth to fully exemplify his kalyaana gunams.


Let us plead at the feet of divya-dampathis for the glories of

our Achaarya Gopala Deshika who is our monarch, to reach

everlastingness. Let us beseech the holy feet of our paramount

saviour Srimath Gopala Deshika Maha Deshikan who is also

glorified as Vasishta and Vamadeva. It is our sincere prayer that he

lives to a Vedic span of one hundred years with good health and

may his benign anugrahams be like the cool waters to yearning

seekers of salvation on the sands of time. It is our heartfelt prayer

that he continues to bless us worldly souls with his benevolent

grace for many years to come. We submit ourselves at his feet to

resign and transcend from this world and to attain the divine bliss

and communion with the Lord. We prostrate at his thiruvadi that

are so sanctified and pray to him to grant the dust from his holy

feet as our lasting refuge.


Srivaasa Ranga Parakaala Munitrayaapta Lakshmaatma

Rakshana Yathitva Yugaagamaantham /

Achaarya Bhakthi Pari pootham Anargha Seelam

Gopaala Desika Munim Gurum Aasrayaamaha //


We seek refuge at the sacred feet of our revered Acharyan, Sri

Gopala Deshika Maha Deshikan, who received the sacred rites of

Samashrayanam, Bhara Samarpanam from the great Acharya, Sri

Srinivasa Maha Deshikan (Srimath Poundarikapuram Andavan),

Thuriyaashramam from Sri Srinivasa Maha Deshikan (Srimath

Vennatrankarai Andavan) and the wealth of Ubhaya Vedaantham from

Srimath Abhinava Ranganatha Brahmatantra-Swatantra Parakaala

Yatindra Maha Deshikan. He shines with illustrious sadaachaaram and is

resplendent with his limitless Acharya Bhakthi. Glory to the great

preceptor Srimath Gopaala Deshika Maha Deshikan


Thanks to Sri CG Balaji Swamy for sharing this wonderful translation attempt

with all of us in the glorious divine month of Maargazhi.


Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

asmadhAchAryan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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