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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.3- Sriman Narayanan and Sri Mahalakshmi - PrathamAchArya

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Our Srivaishnava sampradayam is parama vaideeka and unparalleled sampradhAyam.


Acharyan is the dispeller of all sins. He removes the darkness from our minds

and removes ignorance. He gives us new birth (vidya janmam); He is the Father

and the manthram (which He initiates us with) is the Mother. This birth places

us on the path which leads us to an end to all future births and deaths. He

endows us with divine vision. He has infinite amount of compassion towards us.

He always is interested in our welfare. On account of all of these, He is always

to be worshipped as the Lord Himself. One should never harbour any feeling that

he is doing a good return for what Acharya has done by paying few dollars. It is

only as a token of our gratitude to be offered with all humility.


One should recite his thaniyan at all times..


Our Acharya saarvabhouman Sri Ramanujacharya expounded the philosophical

doctrines of VisishtAdhvaitha following the Sidhditrayam and Aagama PrAmANyam of

Swamy AaLavanthAr and the teachings of His five AchAryAs: Periya Nampi,Goshti

PoorNa, MaalAdhAraa/ThirumAlai AaNDAn, AaLavandhAn AaLvAN and Thirumalai

Nampi/SrI Saila PoorNar.


Such great Acharya vamsa vruksham (lineage of acharyas of srivaishnava

sampraday) begins from Sriman Narayanan (as mentioned in earlier posts)


1. PERIYA PERUMAL (Sriman Narayanan) & PERIYA PIRATTI (Sri Mahalakshmi)

The very first Acharya is the DIVYA DAMPATHI. As the slokas go:


Gurubhyah Tad Gurubhyas Cha Namo Vaaga Madhee Mahe |

Vrinee Mahe Cha Tad Aadhyou Dhampathi Jagadhaam Pathi ||


I salute my Guru, his Guru and his Guru praising them and prostrating before

them right up to the first divine couple who are the first and foremost masters

of the world. (sloka 1 of Yathiraja Saptadhi of Swami Desika)


Kamapi Aadhyam Gurum Vandhe Kamalaa Griha Medhinam |

Pravakthaas Chandasaam Vakthaa Pancha Raatrasya Yaha Swayam ||


(meaning) I salute the most ancient of Acharyas, who is always with Kamala (

Lakshmi) and who in the very beginning taught Vedas and Pancharaatra Sastras

personally thus being very first Acharya. I bow to him in the first place. The

Tirunakshtram of Periya Perumal is Revati while that of Periya Piraatti is

Panguni Uthiram.


2. The sloka relating to Periya Piraatti says: (sloka 2 of Yathiraja Saptadhi

of Swami Desika)


Saha Dharma Chareem Soureh Sammantritha Jagad Hithaam |

Anugraha Mayeem Vandhe Nityam Agjnaana Nigrahaam ||


Next to Emperumaan in the Acharya line is Periya Piraatti. Forever in the

company of Emperumaan, her only concern is the welfare of the world. She is so

much a personification of compassion that is simply ignorant of what is known as

punishing the chetanas, whatever their faults. Thus, she is instrumental in the

performance of the Dharma of the Divya Dhampathi in protecting the Chetanas. I

bow to her, who has this signal distinction.


More on Guru paramparai in subsequent posts


JagadhAchAryan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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